Interior Designs

Published on January 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 30 | Comments: 0 | Views: 333
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Written by Kerry McLaughlin

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EXT. UPSCALE NEIGHBORHOOD - NIGHT PATTI, 48, waits in a white PT Cruiser with KENDRA, 17. Patti watches a house across the street intently. Kendra files her nails. KENDRA Kayla’s mom’ll be there, so... there’s adult supervision. PATTI That’s what you said last time. KENDRA We’re just gonna watch the Mars landing! God! You never trust me! A MAN and WOMAN exit the house across the street, talking. Get down! PATTI

Patti slumps down. Kendra ducks, still filing her nails. The man and woman unlock a Lexus SUV, enter and drive away. Patti watches as their tail lights disappear in the distance. OK. Move! PATTI (CONT’D)

Patti and Kendra put up their hoodies and exit the car. They head directly to the front door, where Patti knows to pick up a key under the mat. KENDRA Do they have an alarm? PATTI Let’s say no. Patti unlocks the door. Nothing. She gives the thumbs up. INT. UPSCALE HOME In the foyer, Patti brings Kendra in close for instruction. PATTI Now, Kendra, I need you to look for Granada tile in the kitchen. KENDRA (pulling away) Ugh, your breath!

2. PATTI Hush! Cheryl said they have a wedding cake chandelier that’s to die for...that’s gotta be in the dining room...oooh, look! Steamer trunks! Patti snaps pictures of the trunks with her phone. PATTI (CONT’D) Those must be vintage! They’re gorgeous! KENDRA (bored) Yeah, ‘20s probably. PATTI OK, scoot. Meet you back here in 10. Cheryl said they’re quick eaters. Patti zips down a hallway. Kendra gets sidetracked by photos on a wall. Montage of photos: The Man stands next to a Mars Rover. The Woman sits at JPL Mission Control with a headset on. The Man and Woman hug in celebration in Mission Control. The man and woman hold champagne glasses with their team, a banner reads “Mars Opportunity Landing, January 25, 2004.” KENDRA No fucking way! She runs to find Patti, who is taking photos of a chandelier. KENDRA (CONT’D) Mom! These people do Mars stuff! Like at NASA! PATTI Did you find the tile? Kendra says “shit,” runs off to the kitchen. Patti looks at her watch. PATTI (CONT’D) (calling out) Three minutes! She takes more photos of the chandelier. PATTI (CONT’D) The Wilsons are definitely gonna want one of these bad boys! Moments later, Kendra and Patti meet up in the foyer. Kendra is holding a bottle of Scope.

3. KENDRA Here Mom, I found this for you in the bathroom. PATTI We do not take from these homes, Kendra. Put that back! KENDRA Well, you need it. Patti glares as Kendra runs back to the bathroom. EXT. UPSCALE HOME Patti slips the key back under the mat and they walk back to the car. As Patti reviews photos on her phone, Kendra hops over and slips her arm into hers. KENDRA Can I please go watch the Mars landing at Kayla’s tomorrow? Pleeaaase? It’s gonna be so sick! PATTI I’ll have to call Mrs. Fritz to make sure that they’ll be there. Kendra makes a frustrated noise as they separate to go to their respective sides of the car. PATTI (CONT’D) Don’t make that noise at me! Remember who held your hair while you were puking from the last time you went to something at Kayla’s with “adult supervision.” They enter the car, but we just see the back. It reads: PATTI TURPIN FOR YOUR INTERIOR DESIGN NEEDS, 213-555-3030. PATTI (V.O.) You need to show a little responsibility before I can trust you again. Mom! The car pulls away. BLACK. KENDRA (V.O.)

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