This summary concludes on the web pages that we have already designed. This web page is designed
to promote our product to the customer via online.
The business that had been developed by Triple A Printing Solution is about har!are
"o#puter. Triple A Printing Solution was established on 10 February 2014, at 3.00 pm. As we now
Triple A Printing Solution was organi!ed by three partners, which is A!am "ha##ar, A!ri and $ur
Abidah. %e had decided to open a small o# hardware computer business.
As we now, the name o# Triple A &rinting 'olution occurs due the combination o# three
partners name A!am, A!ri and Abidah. The company(s organi!ation consists o# three managers. )ur
company is located 'unway *ayangan 'elangor, +alaysia. %e had choose this places because our
company are located at 'hah Alam main road &unca ,tama. From that, it can attract many people to
come and visit our company.
'o, to attract more customers now about the e-istence o# Triple A Printing Solution, we
had use t!o tool$ o% online pu&li" relation, O%%i"ial !e&$ite and $o"ial net!or', which is
Faceboo. This is because by using online public relation it can create the way the organi!ation
communicated with the media. )ther than that, it also can maintain goodwills and mutual
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
Figure 1.1 : Logo
Figure 1.2 : Location our
understanding between organi!ation and public. 1astly, it also strategic communication process that
build up mutual bene#it between our )rgani!ation 7ompany and public.
)ne o# the medium that we are using to promote our product is O%%i"ial +e&$ite. 8y using
o##icial website, we can promoting the product which is hardware computer that had create
phenomenal around the globe. )ur company will give the ma-imum satis#action to our customer
through this web page. )ur customers also can see variety o# each o# edition0latest design3 that has
been promoted in the web page through http9::a!am02;<=>
'econd is via #amous $o"ial net!or' such as Faceboo. This advertising is used to attract the
customers #rom all over +alaysia. This reason why we use the advertising via social networ is we
can eep in touch anytime and anywhere in +alaysia. 8y using Faceboo, we can always update our
product to our customer and also promote our product. There are no boundaries when using these
tools via social networ. .n Faceboo there is ?+entions@ that can using to direct contact our
company. Thus, it will create the two way communication between our company and customers. .t can
gain trust to purchase #rom our customers via this tool.
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
Figure 1.3 : Our Vintage
Figure1.4: Our Vintage
$owadays, the printer is very important in our lives. This is because with the printer, people
can print a document to a personal best interest. For e-ample print photos, te-t and combination o#
te-t and pictures. 8esides #unctioning to print a document, the printer also has other #unctions that
have been adopted #rom other technologies. For e-ample 0#unction o# the photocopy machine3,
#unctional scans 0scanning3, as well as #unctions to send data 0#a- machines3.
As we now, our company sells variety types o# printer with late$t e$ign such Ap /nvy
4500 e4Aio priter,Ap &hotosmart 5520 e4All4in )ne &rinter, Ap &hotosmart <5204e4All4in )ne
&rinter, Ap 1aserBet &ro 100 colour +F& +1>5nw, Ap )##iceCet &ro ==00 &lus eAio and Ap
&hotosmart >520 e4All4in4)ne &rinter. The printer was made by using plastic material and hardy. .t
has 34in41 #unctionality such as &rints documents and photos, copies and scans #or multi#unction use.
)ther than that, this printer can save paper with automatic 24sided printing. 8esides, our company
also sell supplies such as Ap 3<4 D1, )riginal Ap 12 A Eual &ac and Ap21Dl high yield. This type
o# product and material gives a com#ortable #eeling #or the person who are using.
The price o# the printer and supplies was stated as a##ordable prices. This is because our
company wants customers to have the ability on having the printer and supplies without any worry
about the e-pensive price. 2elate with case study, here we can see our o##icial website have provide
the printer that customer love. This is because the #eatures o# and usage is easier and not complicated.
)ther than that, no need to install driver. .t Cust plugs and play only. 1astly, by using this printer, it can
install in many types o# laptop and that can be used.
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
Figure 1.5 :
According to the website 02oger *erin, 20123, pro#otional tool$ are used to increase sales, build
brand value and recognition, strengthen maret positioning, and launch new products. 8ased on my
understanding, be#ore start up the business, we should have the suitable promotional tools. This is
because by using promotional tools it is the way to introduce our business to the public. There are
many types o# method by doing promotion using a lot o# promotional tools. Triple A printing
$olution had used two online public relations to promote company towards the public. An online
&ublic relation that Triple A printing $olution use #or introducing and promotes printer and supplies
is O%%i"ial !e&$ite and So"ial net!or' such as Faceboo. This is because by using this online public
relation many people can now about the latest product which is printer and supplies and at the same
time they can search #or now more detail about product such as about price.
Furthermore, to attract more customers having a great e-periences when searching product such as
printer and supplies, Triple A printing $olution should have a strategy to be carry out e##ectively to
promote business organi!ation. This is because to attract more customers having a great e-periences
when searching product such as printer and supplies. )ther than that, to mae customer eep on
dealing with the business. Thus, the promotional techniFue to be used should mae the customers
want to return visiting and mae repeat purchase #rom business in the #uture.
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
Figure 1.6 :
As we now, our o##icial website which is Triple A Printing Solution had provided a good content
video review #or his customer. This video review is all about the printer that are available on our
o##icial website and Faceboo page. According to .nvodo, 52G o# consumers agree that watching
videos maes them
more con#ident
o# maing
'o here, our
this video
because to
attract many
people or customer
to mae a
purchase o# printers and supplies #rom Triple A Printing Solution. Furthermore, with the video
review, customer can believe and trust and now about our product and at the same time, customer
#eel so e-cited to buy our product such as printer and supplies. )ther than that, by providing the video
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
Figure 1.!: Vi"eo #e$ie%
review it can enable customers to get the tips o# uses about our product and at the same time enable
customer to leave our o##icial website happily. 8esides, by using this medium, it also can promote our
product and company. Aere we can see, by using video review, it can attract and encourages many
people or customer always to visit our o##icial website Triple A Printing Solution.
As we now, the Fa"e&oo' $hare
&utton which is already placed at the
bottom o# the post made by the business
was a big help #or Triple A Printing Solution. This is because, the Faceboo share button allowed the
customer who viewed the post to share Triple A Printing Solution post with their #riends on the
Faceboo. From here, the customer indirectly had helped Triple A Printing Solution to promote their
product to his or her #riends. .n conclusion, we could say that by using the Faceboo share button on
the o##icial website, it brings bene#its towards the business.
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
Figure 1.& : Face'oo( S)are
According to 0Eave 7ha##ey, 200<3 Banner a-erti$e#ent is typically paid #or according to the
number o# web users who view the web pages and the advertisement on it. 8ased on my
understanding banner advertisement is an online advertising to promote brand, services or product. As
we now, banner advertisement can build the relationship because it is one way o# attraction customer.
8anner advertisement plays an important role in promoting a business organi!ation. ,sually banner
advertisement was created very well lie using an image and animation o# the product that the
business sells and also the company name.
From that, this will mae it easy #or potential customers to remember and recogni!e the brand and
business. )ther than that, through the banner advertisement, customers may #ind the product that they
want to buy more easier. Aere we can see banner advertisement can increase brand and product
awareness online. 2elate with case study, Triple A Printing Solution Sn. Bh had used banner
advertisement in their Faceboo page so that when the customer see it, they will de#initely now what
the business product is and where to purchase the product. From that, it also can increase our website
lin popularity. Furthermore, when there is user view the Faceboo page, their eyes will #irst spot at
the banner and acnowledge about Triple A Printing Solution Sn. Bh and its products.
As we now, #rom the banner advertisement it can create a##iliate mareting. Aere we can see Triple
A Printing Solution Sn. Bh also used its banner advertisement as an a##iliate program with other
business. This is called as a##iliate mareting where the banner o# one business was placed on another
business website. According to website 08ergen, 200=3 a##iliate mareting is basically selling
someone elseHs products or services and then in return, you receiving a commission #or doing so.
8ased on my understanding, A##iliate program means our company mae a deal with another
company and at the same time can get a commission #rom them #or that service where they need to
put their company banner ads inside o# our website to let the visitor who visit our website able to visit
their website.
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
Figure 1.+ : *anner a" ,riple - Printing
As we now, to generate our company revenue, our company also choose Pa/ Per Cli"'. &ay &er
7liced means that when customer clic the Glo&alte"hnologie$ they need to paid us as their
a##iliate. )ther than that, our company also choose pa/ per a"tion. Aere we can see, Triple A
Printing Solution$ ha placed its banner advertisement in the other business website so that the
business will help in promoting Triple A Printing Solution #rom their website. Aere we can see,
Triple A Printing Solution$ had mae an a##iliation with the business which sales the product
hardware computer. Triple A Printing Solution$ had a##iliated with Glo&alte"hnologie$, a website
that sell hardware computer. Through this action, both business will get their own bene#it. This
a##iliate mareting was nown as pa/ per a"tion where when the banner o# Triple A Printing
Solution$ which was placed in got cliced by Glo&alte"hnologie$ customer and then there are
transaction happen where the customer then purchase Triple A Printing Solution$ product,
Glo&alte"hnologie$, will get the commission right a#ter the purchase was made and con#irmed.
%e could say that customers o# Glo&alte"hnologies can match the product that they had purchase
with the hardware computer that sell by Triple A Printing Solution$. As we now, by doing this
a##iliate mareting, both business and the customers can get the bene#its and mae easier #or them to
#ind product that can be match o## with the product that they had purchase. 8elow is the Triple A
Printing Solution$ that placed in Glo&alte"hnologie$ as an a##iliate program. The web pages is
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
Figure 1.1. : a/liate %it)
"ain pro#it #rom selling the product.
8oth internet and traditional mareting are providing a product to be sell
)pen #or 24 hours > days a wee.
no need to pay #or any rent #or premise
%ide access.
)pen up only to 12 hours a day
and 5 days a wee.
$eed to pay #or sta## salary
Target speci#ic area only.
As we now, now that everyone who did business are more liely to use the online method instead o#
traditional ones. Aere we can see .nternet mareting have become popular nowadays because, many
agreed that online mareting are better plat#orm comparable to traditional. According to sources
0+iniwatts +areting "roup, 20123, with over 2 billion internet users in the world as o# the end o#
2011, itHs no wonder that the internet is becoming the main go4to #or mareters worldwide. 8ased on
my understanding, internet users in Asia is very high compared others. 'o here, we can use internet to
promote our company and brand product.
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
,a'le 1.1 : Similaritie an"
Figure 1.1. : 3nternet 4er in t)e 5orl" 1itri'ution *y 5orl"
#egion6 2.12
There are many similarities and di##erences between the internet and traditional mareting.
The $i#ilaritie$ are a&out &oth internet #ar'eting an traitional #ar'eting gain pro%it %ro#
$elling the prou"t. %e now that every business was run to gain and mae pro#it. .t is does not
matter what business it is, whether the online one or the traditional ones. 'ame goes to Triple A
Printing Solution where the o##icial website, Faceboo, and shop that they develop was all have the
same purpose to gain the pro#it by selling their product. The importance is that both internet and
traditional mareting are gain the pro#it #rom selling their product.
Se"on $i#ilaritie$ are both internet mareting and traditional mareting are pro-iing
prou"t to &e $ol. As we now, every business organi!ation is built to mae a transaction o# cash
and product between the business and its customers by selling variety o# product. 2elate to Triple A
Printing Solution, this business had been built up through online business which is )##icial %ebsite
and Faceboo page and also by traditional way by opening a shop to sell the printer and supplies.
%hen there are products to be sell, it will called out as a transaction o# cash and product. Thus, the
similarity between the internet and traditional mareting are selling the product and mae transaction
o# cash and product lie Triple A Printing Solution did.
There are many i%%eren"e$ &et!een (nternet #ar'eting an Traitional Mar'eting. As
we now, &/ u$ing internet #ar'eting, online &u$ine$$ !ill &e open 01 hour$ an 2 a/$ a !ee'
this business will continue to have customer order day and night. For e-ample, Triple A printing
'olution )##icial %ebsite and Faceboo page are continue to receive the orders #rom many customers
at day and night without stop even a day. Co#pare to traitional #ar'eting, it will not open all day
as it need to be close until its time. ,sually, these traditional mareting shops will open up to 30
hour$ a a/ an onl/ operating %or 4 a/$ a !ee'. Aere we can see Triple A Printing Solution
shop in 'elangor only open #rom 10 a.m and closed at 10 pm. Aere we can see, it will have less
customers and order compare to online business.
For the internet #ar'eting, the business are no nee to pa/ %or an/ rent %or pre#i$e as
they will only use online plat#orm which is internet as their method o# running their business. As we
now, the )##icial %ebsite and Faceboo page o# Triple A Printing Solution was developed with
!ero value o# cash. There are no cash used to mae the )##icial %ebsite and #aceboo page. But in
traitional #ar'eting, where Triple A Printing Solution owner nee to loo' o-er the pre#i$e an
either rent the pre#i$e$ or &u/ it. This will include a large o# cost to be use and it will de#initely a
big burden to the owner. Aere we can see, Triple A Printing Solution had opened shop printer in
'unway *ayangan by renting it. Thus, the rent #or the premises was Fuit e-pensive and the business
might use hal# o# its pro#it to pay #or the rent. Aence, #or the businessmen who do not want to use a
large o# cost, they should use internet mareting as their plat#orm to start up their business
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
1astly5 (nternet #ar'eting is a !ie a""e$$ compare to traditional ones. As we can see
internet can be access anywhere around the world over a million people wherever they are. They may
access the internet even in urban and rural area. Aere we can see, customer can have access to Triple
A Printing Solution )##icial %ebsite and Faceboo at anytime and anywhere they want as long as
there are internet connection. The target customer o# Triple A Printing Solution #or the internet
mareting are wider as it covered wide area without limit access to the business. Unli'e traitional
#ar'eting5 the target "u$to#er$ are li#ite !here the prou"t !a$ onl/ $ell in a $pe"i%i" area.
For e-ample, the shop o# Triple A Printing Solution in 'unway *ayangan 'elangor will target the
customers at the location. Thus, the target customer o# traditional mareting would be less compare to
the target customer o# internet mareting where the customers are highly demand #or using an online
plat#orm to purchase a product.
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
As we now, re#lection customerHs #eedbac can be described as the answer #rom us with the
customers wants to now about our products or us. .n easy words, it showed the concern #rom us to
our customers. %e also now that, customer #eedbac is important to our business. This is because we
need to now whether our business provide the product or services and meet the needs and wants o#
its customer. 7ustomers satis#action are commonly usable as the business need to identi#y whether
they need to improve their services or provide a better product than be#ore. For e-ample, here we can
see #rom the Faceboo that we have created, there is #eedbac or comment #rom the customer about
our product and us.
There are customers who are
surprised and happy with the video
review o# printer that provided by
Triple A Printing Solution$. From
Fitri $aFieuddin comment, he said
that he was #eeling great to mae purchase #rom Triple A Printing Solution$ as he get to now the tip
o# uses printer. From here, Triple A Printing Solution$ can be said to use an e##ective promotional
techniFue by providing the video review #or their customer to uses o# printer.
As we can see, the above was a message between the owner o# Triple A Printing Solution$ and its
customers #rom the comment in Triple
A Printing Solution$ Faceboo page.
From the comment, $urul are happy
with the printer that she had purchased
#rom Triple A Printing Solution$ #or
its beauti#ul design which had
impressed her. 'he then intended to
mae repeat order in the #uture. From
here, it can be conclude that Triple A Printing Solution$ had success#ully use their great promotional
techniFue by providing understandable descriptions o# their product that attract the customer to buy
the printer and supplies #rom the business by providing the attractive design o# printer #rom their
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
Figure 1.11 : cutomer
Figure 1.12 : Cutomer
.n conclusion, to 'tart up a business organi!ation using internet and traditional mareting have many
bene#its. %hat is important is we need to introduced about our company bacground, the location, the
product that provided, material that had been used #or the product, price and so on. This is because to
tell the customer about our company sell the product.
Aere we can , by using the online public relation to introduce the company lie )##icial %ebsite and
Faceboo, Triple A Printing Solution$ now has been a popular )##icial %ebsite that visited by many
o# the internet user who pre#er to shop online looing #or the latest design o# printer at a##ordable
.n order to archive that, our company promoted the product by using various o# promotional
techniFues that help the company to be well nown #or public people outside there. .# more
promotional techniFues were used, it is better #or the company. Aere we can see Triple A Printing
Solution$ use video review in )##icial website and Faceboo share 8utton has helped the business
organi!ation to thrive #rom time to time
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(
. would recommend to Triple A Printing Solution should mae a##iliate mareting program with
more company which sell product that can be match with Triple A Printing Solution prou"t. This is
because, Triple A Printing Solution can be promote more widely than be#ore and the company might
be as well as popular lie other branded product all over the world.
$e-t, . would lie Triple A &rinting 'olution to deal with the supplier that provide the printer and
supplies with high Fuality material and a great design so that customer are satis#ied with their product
and will eep on supporting the business by returning to purchase #rom them by repeating the order at
Triple A &rinting 'olution.
. would lie to recommend to to vary their online promotional techniFues #or more improvement and
#or the business to e-pand more better. For e-ample Triple A Printing Solution$ should create the
contest. This is because by mae a contest, it will attract more people to visit our website and at the
same time it also can build relationship between Triple A Printing Solution$ and people.
A''."$+/$T .+0)$1.$/ 'T)2/34220556 |NUR AB(DAH BT )U*K(F*(