internet marketing

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internet marketing



According to the (Bradmore, 2012) order processing can be defined as “all of the activities related to
filling a customer's order such as checking the order, prices, terms, customer credit and stock levels,
producing an invoice, picking the goods from the arehouse, packing and shipping them, and
collecting pa!ment"#
Based on the definition above, order processing can be described as the process or procedure
that customer have to make the business ith the supplier" $he process ma! include man! activities,
such as the make or place the order, checking the order, pa!ment, and deliver!" As e kno, the
purchase of products can be made a variet! of a!s, such as through online and traditional offline
hich is making purchases at the shop" $his is because follo the ill of the customers" %ometimes
the customer ants to bu! a product immediatel! from the shop and make pa!ment to take it home"
&ompared through purchase online, the customer does not need to go the shop, but customer need to
make an order first the thing the! ant to bu! before proceed ith the purchase" $here are a fe steps
of ordering process through online ebsites"
$he first step that involved in the order processing is choosing a supplier" $his is because before a
customer bu!s an! product that the! ant, the! need to find out the ebsite that sells the product" %o
that, b! using the online ebsite the! can purchase the an! product through search engines such as
'oogle &hrome and (o)illa *irefo+" ,elate to the case stud!, customer ants to bu! a book through
online ebsites" %o, the! need to search online ebsites that sell the variet! of books through the
search engines" $hen after a fe second several online book ebsite ill be appearing on the list"
After the list variet! of online bookstore is appears in search engine customer can choose the
attractive ebsite online bookstore and at the same time, customer can click the online bookstore
ebsite before proceeding ith e+ploring the ebsite" $his is because the customer ants to kno the
detail and ant to e+plore more b! looking for the product the! ant such as book and the services
that the business provided" ,elate to the case stud!, hen list variet! of online bookstore is appears, a
customer had decided to click the Bookoutlet"com"m!" $his is because Bookoutlet"com"m! has
attractive features and at the same time this ebsite had attracted more customers" %o, customer can
e+plore more about the Bookoutlet"com"m! hich is the product such as book that the! sold"
*or the second step, that is selecting the product" -n this ebsite hich is Bookoutlet"com"m! are
provided a lot of variet! of books b! dividing into man! categories like ne arrivals, children fiction,
cooking, art, gardening, cooking and others" %o, that customer can select the book that the! ant to
bu! from the online business hich is bookoutlet"com" .ormall! customer had decided after the! had
found the product that meets their need and ants" ,elate to the case stud!, customer that had go to
the ebsite bookoutlet"com had found out the variet! of book that the! ant to bu!" Before customer
ant to purchase a book, the! need to login first" $his customer is ver! satisfied ith the product such
as book that is provided b! bookoutlet"com" $hen, this customer has made a confirmation and decides
to bu! a book in this ebsite bookoutlet"com hich is A separate peace (please refer to the appendices
figure /)" 0hen this customer is confirmed to purchase the book, this customer need to clicked on the
image of the selected book hich is A separate peace (please refer to the appendices figure /) so from
that, it ill help the customer to choose the product that the! ant to bu!"
$he third step is acknoledgement of the product" As e kno, before customer proceed to bu! a
book, customer need to kno the description of the product, the author, the prices and others" $his is
because b! providing all the description about product it can attract customer to read the s!nopsis of
the book and at the same time the! also can make an order" ,elate to the case stud!, hen customer
had chosen the book the! ant to bu!, the! should kno all the description about book and price" %o,
that customer ill decide hether to bu! or choose the other books before proceed to the ne+t step"
(1lease refer to the appendices figure 2)
$he forth step is placing order" As e kno, placing order is happen after customer had confirmed to
bu! the product that the! ant" ,elate to the case stud!, hen the customer had choose the book, the!
can click the image of book that the! ant to bu!" After that, customer ill proceed to make a details
order like fill in their personal details that are re3uired b! the Bookoutlet"com"m!" 0hen the customer
had completed the order form, the! must click checkout button to send their order to the
Bookoutlet"com"m!" *rom that, it ill give the benefit to the customer such as the! no need to fill in
the same information such as name, address, phone number, email" $his is because
Bookoutlet"com"m! ill keep their database" %o, if the customer come back to make an order again,
customer ill onl! have to enter the email and passord to make an order of book" (1lease refer to the
appendices figure 4)
$he fifth step is about order checkout of ship" After customer click the checkout button, order
checkout of ship ill appear" -t contains billing address, shipping address and shipping method" *rom
that, customer can also edit the address if the! ant"
$he si+th step is about order checkout of pa! (please refer to the appendices figure 5)" -n online eb
form order checkout of pa!, it contain appl! gift card" -f customer has a gift card, the! 6ust fill card
number and passord" 7ther than that, in this online form also have order total and credit card
information" After done ith the ordering process and get confirmation from the Bookoutlet"com"m!",
customer must make pa!ment before their order can be process b! the business" *or the pa!ment,
customer must select one method of pa!ment provided b! the business hen filling in the order
form "&ustomer needs to fill all the credit card information then click proceed the order button
verification" *or e+ample, Bookoutlet"com"m! informed that the! receive pa!ment from the American
8+press, and (aster&ard" $hus, customer can choose an! method or bank to make a pa!ment" $he
information about the pa!ment is important as to inform the customer of Bookoutlet"com"m! the bank
that the business uses for the customer to make pa!ment"
$he seventh step is about online form order checkout of verif!" -n online order checkout of verif!, it
contain the item, 3uantit!, price, total, billing summar!, shipping address and shipping method" *rom
that, customer ill kno about the detail of 3uantit! the book that the! ant bu!, the price of book
and others" (1lease refer to the appendices figure 9)"
:astl! it about the receipt" ,eceipt is important to Bookoutlet"com"m! because hen the product had
arrived at customer place, the business should provide the receipt of good for the customer record"
$his is because hen the customer make a complain telling that the! did not receive their ordered
item !et, the Bookoutlet"com"m! can track the posted item through the receipt of good and get to
kno here the item is and here it as sent apart from the real address" *rom that,
Bookoutlet"com"m! can call back the item and re;send it to the customer" 7ther than, the receipt of
goods also bring benefit toards Bookoutlet"com"m! here through it the customer can inform
Bookoutlet"com"m! that the item had been safel! arrive and received b! the customer"
0eb form can be described as the form that is built using a eb based scripting language as html and
is reachable via eb broser" 0eb form also can be defined as hite form hich contains html form
on a ebpage that allo user to enter the data that is sent to server for processing" %o from the both
definition above, eb form can be described as the form that had been created using the html
language via eb broser that having the data from the user that ill sent to the server for processing"
As e kno, eb forms are important for online business" $his is because eb form is a medium for
the customer to make an order" 7ther than that, people noada!s does not like filling out form in the
real orld" $his is because form are complicated, distracting and take control aa! from the user" %o,
here b! providing eb form it can attract man! people or user to fill the eb form through online and
it also sho the effectiveness of filling online form"
0ithout this eb form, an order ma! be difficult to process as eb forms are taking the personal
details of customer that make an order" <ere e can see, if there are no eb forms used, the both
customer and business ma! have difficulties to make the transaction" ,elate to the case stud!,
Bookoutlet"com had use a eb form to gain the information about their customer personal details after
the! had confirmed to make a purchase" -nformation such as name, address, email, phone number,
item order, 3uantit! of item order and others is needed because it is important for bookoutlek"com to
kno about their customer"
*or e+ample, here e can see Bookoutlet"com"m! have provided a eb form that contain name" $his
is because it is important for the Bookoutlet"com"m! to kno ho their customers are" $hen,
customers address also important and as compulsor! as Bookoutlet"com"m! needs the details for
them to send purchase statement deliver! the item ordered b! the customer" 7ther than that, the phone
number also important as Bookoutlet"com can contact their customer if an! problems regarding their
order arise" Aside from that, Bookoutlet"com also provide the billing form for their customer as to
kno hat method of pa!ment the customer used so that the! can track it right aa! before
proceeding to process the &ustomer order" :astl!, the information such as the customer email can be
used b! Bookoutlet"com to send an update like the business promotion and an! important nes to
their customers" 7ther than that, Bookoutlet"&om re3uired customer email so that e communicate
ith customer regarding an! 3uestions or concerns about customer order"
$he important of eb form Bookoutlet"com"m! can keep all their customer personal details as
database for future use hen the customer come back to make a purchase again" $hus, hen there are
customers ho ant to make a repeat purchase, he 6ust needs to login b! using his 8mail and
passord and then select the item and the 3uantit! he ant" <e do no need to fill in the eb form
again as customer can go through make an order" $his is because, right after the customer login, the
Bookoutlet"com"m! ebsite ill track them b! their email and passord so that the customer personal
details ill automaticall! appear as the business had keep it in their s!stem from the customer
previous order" <oever, the customers ho ish to change an! information like address ma! do so
b! editing it at the eb form that had been filled before"
$he effectiveness of using this eb form is it alloed a 3uick response from the customer and at the
same time not difficult to user to fill man! form" *or e+ample, hen the customer of
Bookoutlet"com"m! had e+plored the ebsite and he decided to bu! a book, he can immediatel! make
an order through the eb form provided b! Bookoutlet"com"m!" <ere, the 3uick response from
customer to make an order ill make the business process eas! and fast and also can built the
relationship user ith business" (eanhile, b! providing the eb form, Bookoutlet"com"m! had
helped their customer to save their time and cost" $his means that, using the eb forms it ill make
the customer of Bookoutlet"com"m! save time and mone! because through the eb form the customer
does not need to go the outlet or shop" -t 6ust needs to revie the product and make the purchase
through online" %o from that, it ill minimi)e the cost of transportation and can also save the time to
going the outlet or shop"
.e+t, the eb form that had been provided from Bookoutlet"com"m! also can make the data
are secured" Based on that, the information that had been filled out from the customer ill be recorded
and stored" %o ith that, the data information customer can keep ith save" $he high securit! such as
fireall can be installed in the Bookoutlet"com"m! so it ill make the data information is safe from
hacking" $he customer does not need to orr! that the information ill be lost or fall to another
people" Another advantage that eb form that had been provided from Bookoutlet"com"m! is eb
form is can be more efficient and effective because the data that get from the customer is reliable,
hardl! to missing and secured" $he information that ill get is alread! ill be stored automaticall!
into the Bookoutlet"com"m! account"
Based on the Bookoutlet"com"m! the eb forms that this compan! is created are to ensure
that the customer is eas! to having the business ith them" -n other ords it can be simpl!, to make
sure the customer is eas! to place the order directl! from the ebsite and purchase it" =sing the eb
form, the customer can revie the item that the! ants, after satisfied ith hat that the! ill choose,
the can directl! make the order from this compan! and purchase the item that the! ant"
:astl!, using the eb forms, Bookoutlet"com"m! ill eliminate mailing and also ill
eliminate disposal of paper" 0ith that, it can make the Bookoutlet"com"m! are one of the compan!
that implied the eco;green environmental in their compan!" &ompare ith the traditional a!s, this
also ill save the cost to provide the lot of papers to create the forms to give to their customers"
According to the ebsite (>avid -ngram, 2012), interactive order processing is “form that a person
can interact ith and complete electronicall! in online an order processing s!stem captures order data
from customer service emplo!ees or from customers directl!, stores the data in a central database and
sends order information to the accounting and shipping departments, if applicable" 7rder processing
s!stems provide tracking data on orders and inventor! for ever! step of the a!#
As e kno, interactive means there are to a!s communication" 7ther than that, it also
knon as a communication beteen user and business" -t also alloed the user to interact ith the
business" <ere e can see interactive eb form is the a! to attract the customer to fill in the order
eb form" $his is because people noada!s like to t!pe a short ord in the order form to place their
order and make them feel easier to understand ith the information and make it fast" %o, b! having
the interactive order form, the entire problem faced b! customer can be solved easil! and 3uickl!
hen the! ant make an order"
,elate to the case stud!, Bookoutlet"com"m! have an interactive order processing" $his is because
Book7utlet"&om"m! had provided a user friendl! order form" <ere e can see, this ebsite has order
form that contains te+t bo+, list bo+, checked bo+ and coupon code (please refer to the appendices
figure 1, figure 2 and figure ?)" B! using the interactive order processing it can attract the customer to
fill in the form ithout have an! problem and at the same time it also e+pediting the customer"
Bookoutlet"com"m! had provided the te+t bo+ because it allos users to fill their name, address,
phone number and email" 7ther than that, this ebsite also provided list bo+ because it present
customers an option to enter in state, countr! and others" &heckbo+ are provided because it present
customer ith option and choice to order form" :astl! is about coupon code" Bookoutlet"com"m! had
provided coupon code because to appl! either a fi+ed discount or a percent discount off of the order
total if the user correctl! t!pes in a discount code"
*or e+ample, after deciding the book to bu!, customer need to click image book the! ant to bu! and
the ne+t step button ill be appear such as add to cart, vie to cart, add to ishlist and alert me about
more like this" But in this ebsite, it gives the option to the customer hether the! ant to bu! or not"
-f the! ant to bu! the! need to click the add cart" $hen if the! ant to vie hat book the! ant to
bu!, the! 6ust need to click the button vie to cart" <ere e can see, b! having interactive button
processing it ill give the opportunit! to the customer to make their choose" As e kno, this step
make friendl! to the customer hether the! ant to bu! or to save b! click button add to ishlist"
$hen, Bookoutlet"com"m! order form ill bring the customer to another step hich is shopping
cart( please refer to the appendices figure 4) <ere e can see, after customer had click button add to
cart, all detail about shopping cart ill appears" -n this online order form it contain about item,
3uantit!, price and total so that customer ill no about hat the book the! are choose to bu!, about
the 3uantit!, price and the total" &ustomer also can edit in 3uantit! if the! ant to remove the book
that the! do not ant to bu!" <ere e can see, customer does not to repeat the purchase of the same
book and also can save time to the customer" %o, customer ill satisfied their purchase b! using online
order form Bookoutlet"com"m!" $hen, customer need to click button checkout, it ill appear order
checkout of ship (please refer to the appendices figure @)" -n order checkout of ship, it contains billing
address, shipping address and shipping method" &ustomer can also edit the address if the! ant" $hen
at the bottom page customer 6ust click the button proceed to pa!ment"
-t ill appear order checkout of pa! (please refer to the appendices figure 5)" -n online eb form
order checkout of pa!, it contain appl! gift card" -f customer has a gift card, the! 6ust fill card number
and passord" $hen, customer need to click the button appl! to order" 7ther than that, in this online
form also have order total and credit card information" &ustomer needs to fill all the credit card
information then click proceed the order button verification" After click the proceed the order button
verification it ill appear the order checkout of verif!" -n online order checkout of verif!, it contain
the item, 3uantit!, price, total, billing summar!, shipping address and shipping method" $hen, in
bottom page of the order checkout of verif! have a button place order" &ustomer need to click button
place order and the lastl! it ill give the receipt" (1lease refer to the appendices figure 9)"
$he effectiveness from providing the interactive eb form can give the business run smoothl!" $his is
because it provides the guidance such as step b! step for user to complete the order" 7ther than that,
customer ill repeat the purchase to bu! a book" $his is because Bookoutlet"com"m! provides order
form as the eb form attractive and makes it fast to customer fill their information and choose the
book that the! ant to bu!"
According to the ebsite (&ustomermanagementi3"com, 201?), customer concern can be defined as
“&ustomer &are also called as &ustomer %ervice is the provision of service to customers before,
during and after a purchase" -t is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer
satisfaction A that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer e+pectation" &ustomer
service ma! be provided b! a person (e"g", sales and service representative), or b! automated means
called self;service (internet sites)"#
Based on the definition above, it can be described that the customer concern is ho to the
customer care about the service that provided from the compan! to make the business ith them" As
e kno, b! provide a secure ebsite it can avoid the problem such as hacking and at the same time it
also gives benefit toards the business such as the business can run smoothl!" $his is because to
ensure the customer satisfaction for the compan!" $here a several a!s that provided to overcome this
,elate to the case stud!, Bookoutlet"com"m! also provided securit!" $here are customer login, privac!
and securit!" As e kno, Bookoutlet"com"m! had provided customer login because it allo the right
customer or user to login and access the data about themselves" =suall!, customers hich create a
ne account can have a customer login" Before to login, customer need to fill the email and passord
before to access toards ebsite to purchase a book" $his is because to avoid the customer personal
data from being stealing b! other people that might misuse the information for themselves" %o, if
customer ants to purchase a book in Bookoutlet"com, the! need to fill the right email and passord
to access the data" *or e+ample, customer ants to make an order to bu! a book in online bookstore
hich is Bookoutlet"com" $he! need to enter their email and passord to access their account and
their personal information before proceed to make an order" $his is because to avoid rong people to
access other people account" <ere e can see customer login is important as a securit! because it can
attract customer trust toards the business so that customer ill keep on dealing ith
Bookoutlet"com"m! in the future"
According to the ebsite (businessdictionar!"com, 2010) 1rivac! polic! is %tatement that declares a
firm's or ebsite's polic! on collecting and releasing information about a visitor" -t usuall! declares
hat specific information is collected and hether it is kept confidential or shared ith or sold to
other firms, researchers or sellers" Based on m! understanding, privac! polic! is a document that
e+plains ho an organi)ation handles an! customer, client or emplo!ee information gathered in its
operations" As e kno, most ebsites make their privac! policies available to site visitors" ,elate to
the case stud!, privac! polic! is important in Bookletoutlet"com because hen a customer had entered
the email and passord the! can access personal information" $hus, b! having a privac! polic!, this
ebsite alread! protect all the personal information and also responsible for keep all the information
about customer" <ere e can see Bookoutlet"com"m! receive customer personal data through a secure,
encr!pted area hich cannot b! outsider" 7ther than that, customer information is stored in a
protected database that onl! Bookoutlet"com"m! can access"
$he securit! that e can see in online bookstore Bookletoulet"com"m! is “http# in the in front of the
ebsite link (please refer to the appendices figure 10)" According to the ebsite techterms"com, it
states that “http# is stands for <!perte+t $ransport 1rotocol %ecure As e kno, b! using “http# as a
ebsite securit!, it does not allo people to disturb on the data being transferred beteen customers
and the eb server of Bookoutlet"com"m!" $his is because, all the data beteen the server and the
customerBs computer is encr!pted" $his is means it allos all the sensitive data such as credit card,
bank details, passord and others sensitive data to be transmitted" $hus, the customer kno the
ebsite online is secure b! looking at the “http# and at the same time this is can make
Bookletoutlet"com can attract customer trust and their business can run smoothl!"
According to the ebsite (,ouse, 200@) A securit! polic! is often considered to be a Cliving
documentC, meaning that the document is never finished, but is continuousl! updated as technolog!
and emplo!ee re3uirements change" Based on m! understanding, securit! polic! is a document that
state about compan! plans to protect the compan!Bs ph!sical and information" <ere e can see,
Bookoutlet"com"m! use a securit! polic! because ant to protect all onsite transaction are secured
encr!pted" 7ther than, Bookoutlet"com also does not keep customer credit card information on file"
$his is because hen customer places an order, the bank ill authori)e the total amount to be charged
on customer credit card" <oever, customer credit card is not charged until customer order is read!
for shipment"
As the conclusion, the online business hich is Bookoutlet"com"m! can be seen to appl! a good order
processing and interesting for the customer to deal ith them through online" $his ebsite is ver!
simple and easier to understand b! folloing the step to make an order" $he ell organi)e eb order
form make things become easier for the customer to make an order smoothl! ithout an! trouble
happen" 7n the other hand, the business also provide interactive order processing here a eb form
user friendl! interface become a guidance for the customer to complete the order form step b! step
ithout having an! difficulties" $his is because customer can modif! the information in the eb form"
As e kno, Bookoutlet"com"m! also provides the securit! such as customer login, privac! polic!,
and h!perte+t transport protocol and securit! polic!" *rom that, customer can trust toards the
business" 7ther than that, customer also confident to bu! a book in this ebsite because
Bookoutlet"com"m! is official ebsite and the! ill feel safe hen having a deal ith the business"
<ere e can see this ebsite is ver! good in terms of their order processing"
- ould like to recommend to the Bookoutlet"com"m! to provide more interactive order processing
button such as option button in pa!ment" Bookotlet"com"m! should provide the variet! of pa!ment
method to continue the transaction" .oada!s, customers are attracting to do simple things, so
customers ill choose the compan! that provides a simple a! to make the transaction" $he compan!
should use interactive order processing to attract the customers bu! the products from their compan!"
&ustomers ill choose hich compan! provides eas! transaction to make the purchase" *rom that, it
can give the customer eas! to choose the option button pa!ment method to continue the transaction"
<ere e can see, it can give this ebsite is user friendl!" $his is because b! provide the variet! of
pa!ment, customer can choose an! pa!ment that the! ant"
7ther than that, - ould like to recommend about upgrade or updates the level of securit! such as
internet securit! or antivirus" 0ith the higher securit!, it can make the customer are trust the ebsite
that the! have visited" %o from that, it can make sure the customer are continuousl! visit the ebsites
and having the business ith them

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