Interview Ques

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Interview Ques



LUN Creation: 1. Create a Raid Group (if not existing) 2. Bind LUN

Creating a Raid Group: 1. Select the nu !er of dis"s to !e !ound in a single Raid Group. 2. Select the Raid group #d $. Select the dis"s to !e !ound in the RG !% either anual (or) auto atic selection.

Binding a LUN: 1. 2. $. -. ). Select the Raid t%pe (ie Raid &' 1' 1(&' $' )) Select the Raid Group fro *hich the space has to !e ata"en. Select the LUN #d' Re!uld +riorit%' ,erif% +riorit% Select the .efault o*ner of the LUN ( S+/(S+B (or) /uto atic) Select the LUN si0e (ie in 1B(GB(2B)

What is need for SAN & NAS? Where do we use SAN & where do we use NAS? 1. What are the types of RAID supported in Clariion? Ans : 0 1 1!0 " # ". What are the steps in$ol$ed in %reatin& a '(N Ans: 1.Create a R) *.+ind a '(N

,. What are the para-eters that need to .e defined while %reatin& a R)? #. What is .indin& a '(N and what are the para-eters that are defined while +indin& a
'(N? /. What is 0onin&? Need for 0onin&? 1ypes 2Soft & 3ard4? 5ros ! Cons of 0onin&? 6. Whi%h 0onin& %an .e i-ple-ented in a real ti-e en$iron-ent? 7. What are the %o-ponents of a Soft 8one? Ans: 3+A WWN of host Swit%h WWN Stora&e De$i%e WWN

9. What are the fun%tionalities of S5 in a %larion? 10. What is '(N -as:in&? 11. 3ow is '(N -as:in& i-ple-ented in Clariion?
Ans: A%%esslo&i; 1*. What if the default owner of a '(N? Ans: 1here<s no spe%ified owner. It %an either .e S5A or S5+ whi%h is de%ided .y the ='AR> ?S when the '(N owner is %hosen as @auto-ati%A. If the owner is %hosen -anually we %an define it e;pli%itly 1". 3ow does the '(N trespass o%%ur? Ans: '(N trespass should happen auto-ati%ally. 3owe$er we %an trespass -anually when auto-ati% trespass doesn<t happen. 1,. Why is -irror$iew used in %lariion ? Ans: =or re-ote data repli%ationBe&:DR s%enario 1#. 3ow is the '(N -ade $isi.le to the host? Ans: +y addin& the host & '(N to the S)

1/. What are the %o-ponents while definin& the s%hedule ie Start ti-e no of s%hedules to
run type of .a%:up 2 in%r full et%4B.

Questions... 1. Backups -- storage back up ...what all you know about back up ? 2. What are the main types of back up you have in storage ? 3. !"#$.... %. What are rai&s' types of rai&s. What are the &ifferences between rai& ( an& rai& ) . ).What are the &ifferences between rai& 3 an& rai& ) . *. What are +,-$ an& meta+,-$... .. /ow +,-$ are create&. 0. /ow can you monitor an clariion array. 1. /ow can $2 collects help to monitor clariion. 1(. /ow to run $2 collects ? 3omman&s . 11. 4irrorview5 $napviews. #ifferences. 12. What are 3lones. 13. 2owerpaths - What is the role as a 6ailover software ? 1%. When you power up the storage system' each $2 boots an& e7ecutes 6+! 8 software. What are the steps involve& ..? !-$W8 9

a: 6+! 8 performs provisioning an& resource allocation b: 4emory bu&gets for caching an& for snap sessions' mirrors' clones' copies c: 2rocess $che&uling &: Boot 4anagement 1) : What is !ccess +ogi7 software ? 1* : What is +,- masking ? 1.: ;ypes of switches use& ? 10: #ifference between switches an& &irectors ? 11: What are file systems . 2(: What are &ifference between $!-' -!$' 3!$ ? What &o you know. 87plain ..

21: What $3$". 87plain.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Lun concatenation 3 S*itches all topics in and out3 differnece !(* Lun as"ing and 4oning 3 Raid ) !eing uni5ersal' !ut *h% don6t *e use raid 7 3 .ifference S/N and N/S 3 Connectrix 8a il% 9 Co plete 3 :hat are the different t%rpes of S/N protocols 3 SCS# t%pes 3; SCS# 1 ultra scsi *ide scsi 3 8re<uenc% of :ide SCS# 3 :hen S/N is there *h% do *e need to go for S*itch technolog% 3 :hat is 1atrix Raid3 +ort configuration co e under *hich 4oning 3 (1ixed 4oning 9 =ard and Soft) :hat are different steps in if *e need assign Luns to the =ost 3 =ost una!le to access the data' *hat all the steps that a end user should perfor to a"e it possi!le 3 *hat is Buffer to Buffer credit in 8C 3 .ifference !et*enn /2/ and 8i!er channel 3 Gi5e the fre<unc% cloc" speed rate ho* the data transfers co paring /2/3 *hat is latest data transfer spped and ,ersion of Brocade and 1.S series 3 :hat is a difference !et*een Channel director and .is" director in s% 3 *here does rule 1> pla% a 5ital role 3
1. What is $3$" ? What is $!$" 2. What are the a&vantages of $3$" compare& to !;! or "#8 ? 3. 87plain $3$" "# usage < its usage in narrow $3$" ? %. =ive $3$" 8volution > 4ention &ifferent types of $3$" : ). What is 3#B ? *. What are &ifferent $3$" comman& phases ? .. 4ention &evice types in $3$"-3 ? 0. What is the &ifference between +?# < /?# ? 0. What is the &ifference between $8 < #ifferential >/?#: $3$" ? 1. What is a +,- ? 1(.4ention &ifferences between $3$-1'2 an& 3 ? 11. What is a terminator ? 12.What are the &ifferences between synchronous < asynchronous $3$" ? 13.What is the &efault "# of $3$" /B! ? 1%./ow you will install &evice &rivers for /B! &uring @$ installation ? 1).What is parallel $3$" &aisy chaining ? 1*.87plain arbitration < $election process ? 1.. What are the ma7imum no. of &evices supporte& in $3$-1'2 an& 3 ? 10. What is the ma7imum length of cable supporte& in $3$-1'2 an& 3 ? 11. What is the &ifference between a $3$" /B! < $3$" !"# 3ontroller car& ? 2(. What is the #isk spee& of &ifferent $3$" &rives ? 1. What is 63 ? 2. What are the a&vantages of 63 ? 3. 4ention the &ifferences between 63 < $3$" ? %. 87plain the layers in 63 2rotocol ? ). What are the functions of layer2 an& layer3 in 63 ? *. What are &ifferent 63 topologies ? .. What is the &ifference between point to point < $witche& in 63 ?


0. 87plain 63-!+ ? 1. 87plain the process of initialiAation in 63 ? 1(.87plain these terms 9 +"6!'+"2!'+"/!'+"$! 11.What is a 6abric an& what are its components ? 12.What are the &ifferent 63 ports ? 13.87plain &ifferent types of flow controls ? 1%.What is the &ifference between buffer to buffer an& 8n& to 8n& flow control ? 1).What are the &ifferent classes of $ervices an& e7plain them ? 1*.87plain a&&ressing in 63 ? 1..87plain 63 login process ? 10.What is transmission character an& transmission wor& ? 11.What is a frame' seBuence an& e7change ? 2(.87plain 63 frame composition ? 21.Why &o we nee& login in 63 ? 22./ow many connections are possible in 63 ? 23.What are the ma7imum &evices supporte& in each topologies of 63 ? 2%.What is the &ifference between 63 < i$3$" ? 2).4ention the 63 3ontroller car& manufacturers you know ? 3. 1: What is the &ifference between !"# (' !"# 1 an& !"# )? !"# ( CD 2lain striping typically with 2%kb' )%kb or 120kb stripe siAe !"# 1 CD 4irroring !"# ) CD $tripping with parity 2: #escribe in brief the composition of 63 6rame? $tart of the 6rame locator 6rame hea&er >inclu&es &estination i& an& source i&' 2% bytes5* wor&s: #ata 2ayloa& >encapsulate $3$" instruction can be (-2112 bytes in length: 3 3 >error checking' % bytes: 8n& of 6rame >1 byte: 3: What is storage virtualiAation? $torage virtualiAation is amalgamation of multiple n5w storage &evices into single storage unit. %: What are the protocols use& in physical5&atalink an& network layer of $!-? a: 8thernet b: $3$" c: 6ibre 3hannel ): What are the types of &isk array use& in $!-? a: EB@# b: !"# *: What are &ifferent types of protocols use& in transportation an& session layers of $!-? a: 6ibre 3hannel 2rotocol >632: b: "nternet $3$" >i$3$": c: 6ibre 3hannel "2 >63"2: .: What is the type of 8nco&ing use& in 6ibre 3hannel? 0b51(b' as the enco&ing techniBue is able to &etect all most all the bit errors

0: /ow many classes of service are available in 6ibre 3hannel? . 3lasses of service 1: What are the main constrains of $3$" in storage networking? a: #eployment &istance >ma7. of 2) mts: b: -umber of &evices that can be interconnecte& >1*: 1(: What is a 6abric? "nterconnection of 6ibre 3hannel $witches 11: What are the services provi&e& by 6abric to all the no&es? a: 6abric +ogin b: $-$ c: 6abric !&&ress -otification &: egistere& state change notification e: Broa&cast $ervers 12: What is the &ifference between +,- an& WW-? +,-9 uniBue number that is assigne& to each storage &evice or partition of the storage that the storage can support. WW-9 *%bit a&&ress that is har& co&e& into a fibre channel /B! an& this is use& to i&entify in&ivi&ual port >-F2ort or 6F2ort: in the fabric. 13: What are the &ifferent topologies in 6ibre 3hannel? a: 2oint-to-2oint b: !rbitrary +oop c: $witche& 6abric +oop 1%: What are the layers of 6ibre 3hannel 2rotocol? a: 63 2hysical 4e&ia b: 63 8nco&er an& #eco&er c: 63 6raming an& 6low control &: 63 3ommon $ervices e: 63 ,pper +evel 2rotocol 4apping 1): What is Aoning? 6abric management service that can be use& to create logical subsets of &evices within a $!-. ;his enables portioning of resources for management an& access control purpose. 1*: What are the two maGor classification of Aoning? ;wo types of Aoning are a: $oftware Honing b: /ar&ware Honing 1.: What are &ifferent levels of Aoning? a: 2ort +evel Aoning b: WW- +evel Aoning c: #evice +evel Aoning &: 2rotocol +evel Aoning e: +,- +evel Aoning -. 10: What are the 3 prominent characteristics of $!$ 2rotocol? a: -ative 3omman& Queuing >-3Q:

b: 2ort 4ultiplier c: 2ort $elector 11: What are the ) states of !rbitrary +oop in 63? a: +oop "nitialiAation b: +oop 4onitoring c: +oop arbitration &: @pen +oop e: 3lose +oop 2(: /ow &oes 63 $witch maintain the a&&resses? 63 $witch uses simple name server to maintain the mapping table 31: What are tow types of recor&ing techniBues on the tapes? a: +inear ecor&ing b: /elical $can ecor&ing. 32: What is snap shot? ! snapshot of &ata obGect contains an image of &ata at a particular point of time. 33: What is /$4? /ierarchical storage management' an application that attempts to match the priority of &ata with the cost of storage. 3%: What is hot-swapping? #evices are allowe& to be remove& an& inserte& into a system without turning off the system. 3): What is /ot-$paring? ! spare &evice is available to be inserte& into the subsystem operation without having to remove an& replace a &evice. 3*: What are &ifferent types of backup system? a: @ffline b: @nline c: -ear +ine 3.: What is the &ifferent between mirroring' outing an& multipathing?

e&un&ancy 6unctions elationships ole 4irroring =enerates 2 i5os to 2 storage targets 3reates 2 copies of &ata outing #etermine& by switches in&epen&ent of $3$" ecreates n5w route after a failure 4ultipathing ;wo initiator to one target $elects the +,- initiator pair to use 30: -ame few types of ;ape storage? a: #igital +inear ;ape b: !&vance& "ntelligent ;ape c: +inear ;ape @pen 31: What is a seBuence in 63? =roup of one or more frames that encompasses one or more Iinformation unitsJ of a upper layer protocol. 87ample9 "t reBuires i: @ne seBuence to transfer the comman&

ii: @ne or more seBuence to transfer the &ata iii: @nce seBuence to transfer the status. %(: What is 87change in 63? 87change is to establish a relationship between 2 -F2@ ;s an& then these two ports transfer &ata via one or more seBuence within this relationship. 87ample9 87change e7ist to transfer the comman&' &ata an& the status of one $3$" task 31: What are tow types of recor&ing techniBues on the tapes? a: +inear ecor&ing b: /elical $can ecor&ing. 32: What is snap shot? ! snapshot of &ata obGect contains an image of &ata at a particular point of time. 33: What is /$4? /ierarchical storage management' an application that attempts to match the priority of &ata with the cost of storage. 3%: What is hot-swapping? #evices are allowe& to be remove& an& inserte& into a system without turning off the system. 3): What is /ot-$paring? ! spare &evice is available to be inserte& into the subsystem operation without having to remove an& replace a &evice. 3*: What are &ifferent types of backup system? a: @ffline b: @nline c: -ear +ine 3.: What is the &ifferent between mirroring' outing an& multipathing?

e&un&ancy 6unctions elationships ole 4irroring =enerates 2 i5os to 2 storage targets 3reates 2 copies of &ata outing #etermine& by switches in&epen&ent of $3$" ecreates n5w route after a failure 4ultipathing ;wo initiator to one target $elects the +,- initiator pair to use 30: -ame few types of ;ape storage? a: #igital +inear ;ape b: !&vance& "ntelligent ;ape c: +inear ;ape @pen 31: What is a seBuence in 63? =roup of one or more frames that encompasses one or more Iinformation unitsJ of a upper layer protocol. 87ample9 "t reBuires i: @ne seBuence to transfer the comman& ii: @ne or more seBuence to transfer the &ata iii: @nce seBuence to transfer the status. %(: What is 87change in 63?

87change is to establish a relationship between 2 -F2@ ;s an& then these two ports transfer &ata via one or more seBuence within this relationship. 87ample9 87change e7ist to transfer the comman&' &ata an& the status of one $3$" task

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