Intrusion Detection & Intrusion Prevention Systems

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Handout: modern interlinked computer based systems security is of utmost importance. The safeguarding of security is becoming increasingly difficult, because the possible technologies of attack are becoming ever more sophisticated; at the same time, less technical ability is required for the novice attacker, because proven past methods are easily accessed through the Web.Majority of security violations in systems occur due to malicious users or malicious code being able to penetrate through a system’ s security barriers, and affect the system either by changing the system behaviour, extracting the system’s information or both. Such malicious actions are identified as intrusions. Intrusion detection (ID) is a type of security management system for computers and networks.Aim: The aim of this document is to provide insight into Intrusion detection and prevention concepts and technologies, discussing their advantages and disadvantages.



Intiusion Betection &
Intiusion Pievention

N|rma|an Nagenth|ran ţ kam|tha Iayasekara ţ 5udeera Iayasekara

CcLober 2010

neLworkŴbased nLruson deLecLon and preenLon svsLems (nluS / nlÞS) ŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦ 11


ID5ţ IÞ5ţ Intrus|onţ nost based ID5ţ Network based ID5ţ W|re|ess ID5ţ Components of ID5ţ 5|gnature
Detect|onţ Anoma|y Detect|onţ M|suse Detect|on ţ 5tea|th Þrobesţ 1arget Mon|tor|ngţ Den|a| of
5erv|ce Mon|tor|ngţ 5tate|ess ID5 ţ5tate fu|| ID5 ţ Deep Þacket Inspect|onţ Attack Iundamenta|sŦ

ln modern nLerlnked compuLer based svsLems securLv s of uLmosL mporLanceŦ 1he safe–uardn–
of securLv s becomn– ncreasn–lv dffculLţ because Lhe possble Lechnolo–es of aLLack are
becomn– eer more sophsLcaLedŤ aL Lhe same Lmeţ less Lechncal ablLv s requred for Lhe noce
aLLackerţ because proen pasL meLhods are easlv accessed Lhrou–h Lhe WebŦ
Ma[orLv of securLv olaLons n svsLems occur due Lo malcous users or malcous code ben– able
Lo peneLraLe Lhrou–h a svsLem' s securLv barrersţ and affecL Lhe svsLem eLher bv chan–n– Lhe
svsLem behaourţ eLracLn– Lhe svsLem's nformaLon or boLhŦ Such malcous acLons are denLfed
as nLrusonsŦ
lnLruson deLecLon (lu) s a Lvpe of securLv mana–emenL svsLem for compuLers and neLworksŦ

4imť 1he a|m of th|s document |s to prov|de |ns|ght |nto Intrus|on detect|on and prevent|on
concepts and techno|og|esţ d|scuss|ng the|r advantages and d|sadvantagesŦ

lnLrusons are ºAnv seL of acLons LhaL aLLempL Lo compromse Lhe nLe–rLvţ confdenLalLv or
aalablLv of a resource (SvsLem)" ż1Ž
An nLruson deLecLon svsLem collecLs and analvzes arous daLa wLhn a compuLer or a neLwork Lo
denLfv possble securLv olaLonsţ whch ncludes boLh nLrusons (aLLacks from ouLsde Lhe
or–anzaLon) and msuse (aLLacks from wLhn Lhe or–anzaLon)Ŧ
1he concepL of nLruson deLecLon has been around for nearlv LwenLv vearsţ buL Lhe popularLv and
usa–e of such svsLems ncreased eponenLallv n Lhe recenL vearsŦ
Cne of Lhe frsL publshed documenLs whch relaLes Lo nLruson deLecLon was publshed bv !ames
Anderson n 1980Ŧ 1he documenL nLroduced Lhe noLon LhaL audL Lrals conLaned Lal nformaLon
LhaL could be aluable n Lrackn– msuse and undersLandn– user behaourŦ 1he frsL model for
nLruson deLecLonţ Lhe lnLruson ueLecLon LperL SvsLem (luLS) was deeloped n 1983ż2ŽŦ
1he markeL share of nLruson deLecLon svsLems ncreased afLer 1997ţ and seeral companes whch
manlv focused on deelopn– nLruson deLecLon svsLems were bornŦ 1he Lechnolo–cal
adancemenLs hae snce conLnued and ma[or deelopmenLs hae been acheedŦ

SecurLv proLocols mplemenLed Lo denLfv nLrusons can be broadlv caLe–orzed nLoţ
O lnLruson deLecLon svsLems (luS) whch are hardware and/or sofLware mechansms LhaL
deLecL and lo–s nappropraLeţ ncorrecLţ or anomalous acLLv and reporL L for furLher
nesL–aLon ż3ŽŦ
O lnLruson ÞreenLon SvsLems (lÞS) conLans luS funcLonalLv buL more sophsLcaLed svsLems
whch are capable of Lakn– mmedaLe acLon n order Lo preenL or reduce Lhe malcous
behaour ż4ŽŦ

Some funcLonalLv of nLruson deLecLon svsLems are ż3Žţ
O MonLorn– and analvzn– boLh user and svsLem acLLes
O Analvzn– svsLem conf–uraLons and ulnerablLes
O Assessn– svsLem and fle nLe–rLv
O AblLv Lo reco–nze paLLerns Lvpcal of aLLacks
O Analvss of abnormal acLLv paLLerns
O 1rackn– user polcv olaLons


ID5/IÞ5 Arch|tecture
8as|c assumpt|ons
luS/lÞS svsLems relv on Lwo fundamenLal assumpLons whch are Lal for Lher funcLonalLvŦ 1hev
are ż7Žţ
O SvsLem acLLes are obserable
O normal and nLruse acLLes hae dsLncL edence Ŷ Lhe –oal of an luS/lÞS s Lo deLecL Lhe

Components of an ID5/IÞ5
luS/lÞS svsLems Lvpcallv conssL of Lhe follown– componenLs ż7Žţ
O Data preŴprocessorŴ CollecLs and formaLs Lhe daLa Lo be analvzed bv Lhe deLecLon
O Detect|on a|gor|thmŴ 8ased on Lhe deLecLon model deLecLs Lhe dfference beLween
ºnormal" and nLruse audL recordsŦ
O A|ert f||terŴ8ased on Lhe decson crLera and Lhe deLecLed nLruse acLLesţ esLmaLes
Lher seerLv and alerLs Lhe operaLor/mana–es response acLLes (usuallv blockn– for
l–ure 1 shows how Lhese componenLs nLeracL wLh each oLher n luS ż7Ž

ioure 1 ť components of on lu5/lP5

Attack Detect|on Methods

ALLack deLecLon can be performed usn– dfferenL meLhodolo–esŦ 1he follown– are some –enerc
ulnerablLv assessmenL meLhodolo–esţ

5|gnature detect|on (or M|suse Detect|on)
S–naLure deLecLon noles maLchn– nLruse behaour of malcous users/code or searchn–
neLwork Lraffc for a seres of bvLes or packeL sequences known Lo be malcousŦ

A kev adanLa–e of Lhs deLecLon meLhod s LhaL s–naLures are easv Lo deelop and undersLandŦ
S–naLure deLecLon reles on paLLern maLchn– whch can be performed erv qucklv on modern
svsLems so Lhe amounL of power needed Lo perform Lhese checks s mnmal for a confned rule seLŦ

S–naLure en–nes also hae Lher dsadanLa–esŦ Whle s–naLures work well a–ansL aLLacks wLh a
fed behaoural paLLernţ Lhev do noL work well a–ansL Lhe mulLLude of aLLack paLLerns creaLed bv
a human or a worm wLh selfŴmodfvn– behaoural characLersLcsŦ 8ecause Lhev onlv deLecL
known aLLacksţ a s–naLure musL be creaLed for eerv aLLackţ and noel aLLacks cannoL be deLecLedŦ

Snce a new s–naLure musL be creaLed for each new nLrusonţ and as Lhe rule seL –rowsţ Lhe en–ne
performance neLablv slows downŦ 1hs s Lhe erv reason LhaL mosL nLrusonŴdeLecLon applances
resde hardware LhaL runs from Lwo Lo as manv as e–hL processors wLh mulLple C–abL neLwork
ueLecLon s furLher complcaLed bv adancn– eploL Lechnolo–v LhaL permLs malcous users Lo
conceal Lher aLLacks behnd pavload encoders and encrvpLed daLa channelsŦ
S–naLure en–nes are also prone Lo false posLes snce Lhev are commonlv based on re–ular
epressons and sLrn– maLchn–Ŧ ż10Ž

Anoma|y detect|on
Anomalv deLecLon operaLes bv buldn– a model of ºnormal" svsLem behaourŦ normal svsLem
behaour s deLermned bv obsern– Lhe sLandard operaLon of Lhe svsLem or neLworkŦ Anomalv
deLecLon Lhen Lakes Lhe normal obseraLon model and uses sLaLsLcal aranceţ or daLa mnn–
Lechnques wLh arLfcal nLell–enceţ Lo deLermne f Lhe svsLem or neLwork enronmenL behaour
s runnn– normallv or abnormallvŦ

1he assumpLon n anomalv deLecLon s LhaL an nLruson can be deLecLed bv obsern– a deaLon
from Lhe normal or epecLed behaour of Lhe svsLem or neLwork ż11ŽŦ

A drawback of anomalv deLecLon s LhaL malcous acLLv LhaL falls wLhn normal usa–e paLLerns s
noL deLecLedŦ An acLLv such as drecLorv Lraersal on a Lar–eLed ulnerable sererţ whch comples
wLh neLwork proLocolţ easlv –oes unnoLced snce L does noL Lr––er anv ouLŴofŴproLocolţ pavload
or bandwdLh lmLaLon fla–sŦ


Poweerţ anomalv deLecLon has an adanLa–e oer s–naLureŴbased en–nes n LhaL a new aLLack for
whch a s–naLure does noL esL can be deLecLed f L falls ouL of Lhe normal Lraffc paLLernsŦ ż10Ž

1arget Mon|tor|ng
1hese svsLems do noL acLelv search for anomales or s–naLuresţ buL nsLead look for Lhe
modfcaLon of specfed flesŦ 1hs s more of a correcLe conLrolţ des–ned Lo uncoer an
unauLhorzed acLon afLer L occurs n order Lo reerse LŦ Cne wav Lo check for Lhe hdden edLn– of
fles s bv compuLn– a crvpLo–raphc hash beforehand and comparn– Lhs Lo new hashes of Lhe fle
aL re–ular nLeralsŦ 1hs Lvpe of svsLem s Lhe easesL Lo mplemenLţ because L does noL requre
consLanL monLorn– bv Lhe admnsLraLorŦ lnLe–rLv checksum hashes can be compuLed aL whaLeer
nLerals vou wshţ and on eLher all fles or [usL Lhe msson/svsLem crLcal fles ż8ŽŦ

5tea|th Þrobes
1hs Lechnque aLLempLs Lo deLecL anv aLLackers LhaL choose Lo carrv ouL Lher msson oer
prolon–ed perods of LmeŦ ALLackersţ for eampleţ wll check for svsLem ulnerablLes and open
porLs oer a LwoŴmonLh perodţ and waL anoLher Lwo monLhs Lo acLuallv launch Lhe aLLacksŦ SLealLh
probes collecL a wdeŴareLv of daLa Lhrou–houL Lhe svsLemţ checkn– for anv meLhodcal aLLacks
oer a lon– perod of LmeŦ 1hev Lake a wdeŴarea sampln– and aLLempL Lo dscoer anv correlaLn–
aLLacksŦ ln effecLţ Lhs meLhod combnes anomalv deLecLon and msuse deLecLon n an aLLempL Lo
uncoer suspcous acLLv ż8ŽŦ

Den|a| of 5erv|ce (Do5) Detect|on
uoS deLecLon compares currenL Lraffc behaour wLh accepLable normal behaour Lo deLecL uoS
aLLacksţ where normal Lraffc s characLerzed bv a seL of preŴpro–rammed LhresholdsŦ 1hs can lead
Lo false alarms or aLLacks ben– mssed because Lhe aLLack Lraffc s below Lhe conf–ured Lhreshold

ioure 2 ť uifferent types of ottocks Ǝ detection methods

1echno|og|es used for attack detect|on

1he follown– s a lsL of kev Lechnolo–es used for aLLack deLecLonţ whch prodes a sLream of daLa
LhaL s Lhen analvzed bv Lhe aboe menLoned meLhodsţ
5tateŴ|ess ID5 / IÞ5
MosL of Lhe lÞS currenLlv aalable are sLaLelessŦ 1hev Lvpcallv uLlze a neLwork adapLer conf–ured
n promscuous mode Lo monLor and analvze all Lraffc n realŴLme as L Lraels across Lhe neLworkŦ
1he Lraffc s analvzed on a packeLŴbvŴpackeL bassŦ Lach packeL s compared a–ansL a daLabase of
known paLLers for a maLchŦ 1he dsadanLa–e of such an approach s LhaLţ L fals Lo deLecL some
aLLack paLLers whch are spread across a number of packeLsţ each of whch when eamned
ndduallv mav be harmless ż13ŽŦ
5tateŴfu|| ID5 / IÞ5
A SLaLeŴfull luS can be defned as a packeL flLern– and analvss mechansm whch makes decson on
wheLher Lhe securLv of a neLwork s breached bv analvzn– nformaLon conLaned n Lhe currenL
packeL Anu nformaLon from preous packeLsŦ ln addLon Lo deLecLn– Lhose aLLacksţ whch a
sLaLeless luS can deLecLţ Lhs svsLem can also deLecL Lhose aLLacksţ whch are launched from more
Lhan one hosLţ and Lhose aLLacks n whch more Lhan one packeL s used n Lhe aLLack ż13ŽŦ
Deep Þacket Inspect|on
ueep ÞackeL lnspecLon s a Lerm used Lo descrbe Lhe capablLes of a lnLruson ueLecLon SvsLem Lo
look wLhn Lhe applcaLon pavload of a packeL or Lraffc sLream and make decsons on Lhe
s–nfcance of LhaL daLaţ based on Lhe conLenL of LhaL daLaŦ 1he en–ne LhaL dres deep packeL
nspecLon Lvpcallv ncludes a combnaLon of s–naLureŴmaLchn– Lechnolo–v alon– wLh anomalv
analvss n order Lo deLermne Lhe mpacL of LhaL communcaLon sLream ż14ŽŦ l–ure 3 llusLraLes Lhe
messa–e and Lhe accumulaLon of headers for deep packeL nspecLonŦ
Analvss of packeL headers can be done economcallv snce Lhe locaLons of packeL header felds are
resLrcLed bv proLocol sLandardsŦ Poweerţ Lhe pavload conLenLs areţ for Lhe mosL parLţ
unconsLranedŦ 1hereforeţ searchn– Lhrou–h Lhe pavload for mulLple sLrn– paLLerns wLhn Lhe daLa
sLream s a compuLaLonallv epense LaskŦ 1he requremenL LhaL Lhese searches be performed aL
wre speed adds Lo Lhe cosLŦ AddLonallvţ because Lhe s–naLure daLabase s dvnamcţ L musL be
easlv updaLeableŦ
Þromsn– approaches Lo Lhese problems nclude a sofLwareŴbased approach (SnorL mplemenLn–
Lhe 8overŴMoore al–orLhm)ţ and a hardwareŴbased approach (lÞCAƌs runnn– a 8loom flLer
uÞl Lechnolo–v can be effecLe a–ansL buffer oerflow aLLacksţ denal of serce (uoS) aLLacksţ
sophsLcaLed nLrusonsţ and a small percenLa–e of worms LhaL fL wLhn a sn–le packeLŦ Poweerţ
Lhe compleLv and mmaLurLv of Lhese svsLems hae resulLed n a number of recenL eploLs ż16ŽŦ


D|fferent|at|on between ID5 and IÞ5

An lnLruson ueLecLon SvsLem (luS) dece s passeţ waLchn– packeLs of daLa Lraerse Lhe neLwork
from a monLorn– porLţ comparn– Lhe Lraffc Lo conf–ured rulesţ and seLLn– off an alarm f L
deLecLs anvLhn– suspcousŦ
An lnLruson ÞreenLon SvsLem (lÞS) has all Lhe feaLures of a –ood luSţ buL can also sLop malcous
Lraffc from nadn– Lhe enLerprseŦ unlke luSţ an lÞS sLs n lne wLh Lraffc flows on a neLworkţ
acLelv shuLLn– down aLLempLed aLLacks as Lhev're senL oer Lhe wreŦ lL can sLop Lhe aLLack bv
LermnaLn– Lhe neLwork connecLon or user sesson or–naLn– Lhe aLLackţ bv blockn– access Lo Lhe
Lar–eL from Lhe user accounLţ lÞ addressţ or oLher aLLrbuLe assocaLed wLh LhaL aLLackerţ or bv
blockn– all access Lo Lhe Lar–eLed hosLţ serceţ or applcaLonŦ

ln addLonţ an lÞS can respond Lo a deLecLed LhreaL n Lwo oLher wavsŦ lL can reconf–ure oLher
securLv conLrolsţ such as a frewall or rouLerţ Lo block an aLLackŦ Some lÞS deces can een applv
paLches f Lhe hosL has parLcular ulnerablLesŦ ln addLonţ some lÞS can remoe Lhe malcous
conLenLs of an aLLack Lo mL–aLe Lhe packeLsţ perhaps deleLn– an nfecLed aLLachmenL from an
emal before forwardn– Lhe emal Lo Lhe userŦ

lnLruson deLecLon svsLems are Lvpcallv of Lwo Lvpesţ whch areţ PosLŴbased nLruson deLecLon
svsLems / nLruson preenLon (PluS / PlÞS) and neLworkŴbased nLruson deLecLon svsLems /
nLruson preenLon (nluS /nlÞS)Ŧ

ioure lť 1he Messooe ond the 4ccumu/otion of neoders for ueep Pocket

nostŴbased |ntrus|on detect|on and prevent|on systems (nID5 /
PosLŴbased luS are –enerallv consdered as passe componenLs buL n some cases Lhev also nclude
nLruson preenLon meLhodolo–esŦ ÞeLer eL alŦ reco–nzes four dfferenL meLhods of hosLŴbased
nLruson deLecLonţ ż6Ž
O lle svsLem monLors Ŵ SvsLems checkn– Lhe nLe–rLv of fles and drecLoresŦ
O Lo– fle analvzers Ŵ SvsLems analvzn– lo– fles for paLLerns ndcaLn– suspcous acLLvŦ
O ConnecLon analvzers Ŵ SvsLems LhaL monLor connecLon aLLempLs Lo and from a hosLŦ
O kernel based luSs Ŵ SvsLems LhaL deLecL malcous acLLv on a kernel leelŦ
lmplemenLaLons of nLruson deLecLon svsLems –enerallv use one of Lhese four meLhods Lo deLecL

I||e 5ystem Mon|tors
lle svsLem monLor PluS help deLecL a breakŴn on a svsLem afLer L has occurredŦ Such monLors can
check fles on a lar–e number of dfferenL characLersLcsŦ 1he lsL below shows some Lvpes of
arablLv assessmenL performed bv Lhs Lvpe of PluSţ whch can be –enerallv caLe–orzed nLo
S–naLure deLecLon and 1ar–eL monLorn–Ŧ

O Þerm|ss|ons Ŵ Chan–es n Lhe permssons of a fle or drecLorv are deLecLedŦ

O wner/group Ŵ lf Lhe owner or –roup of a fle or drecLorv s chan–ed Lhs s deLecLedŦ

O 5|ze Ŵ lf a fle –rows or shrnks n sze Lhs s reporLedŦ

O D|rectory s|ze Ŵ Addn– or deleLn– of fles n a drecLorv s deLecLedŦ

O Mt|meţ at|me Ǝ ct|me Ŵ 8oLh fle svsLem monLors check for chan–es n Lhe ¯¯ (lasL
modfcaLon Lme)ţ f¯ (lasL access Lme)ţ and n¯ (lasL Lme Lhe ownerţ permssonsţ
eLcŦ where chan–ed) of a fle or drecLorvŦ

O Checksums Ŵ 1he nLe–rLv of a fle or drecLorv can be checked usn– a crvpLo–raphc hashŦ
1hs Lvpe of checkn– s based on Lhe facL LhaL L s erv dffculL (Lo near mpossble) Lo
chan–e a fle's conLenLs wLhouL affecLn– Lhe unque hash of Lhe fleŦ 1he mosL commonlv
used al–orLhms are md3 (Lhe deŴfacLo sLandard)ţ and SPAŴ1 (nlS1 sLandard)Ŧ

O 1ype Ŵ lfţ for eampleţ a fle s replaced wLh a drecLorv or dece of Lhe same name Lhs s

lle svsLem monLor PluS has number of dsadanLa–esŦ 8ecause fle svsLems Lend Lo be erv
dvnamc n naLure L s hard Lo creaLe a conf–uraLon LhaL caLches all nLrusonsţ whle noL producn–
manv false posLesŦ

SomeLhn– mnor as nsLalln– a new applcaLon can creaLe a hu–e number of alarms on luS of Lhs
LvpeŦ AnoLher dsadanLa–e s LhaL Lhs Lvpe of luS –enerallv doesn'L work realŴLmeŦ lL s Lherefore
possble for an aLLacker Lo coer up hs Lracks before ben– deLecLed ż6ŽŦ

Log f||e ana|yzers
Lo– fles can be analvzed n order Lo deLermne f anv nLrusons hae Laken placeŦ Lo– fle analvsers
are Lools LhaL performţ

O Þattern match|ng Ŵ Applvn– (eLended) re–ular epressons Lo lo– fles based on pror

O Þattern match|ng w|th corre|at|on between events Ŷ Consdern– a lar–e number of eenLs
and pnponLn– Lhe few eenLs LhaL are reallv mporLanL as well as on Lmn– nformaLonŦ

Snce daLa n LeLual form s maLched n paLLern maLchn– lo– fle analvzersţ aLLackers can
use all knds of encodn– Lechnques Lo aod maLchn– Lhe rules defnedŦ
ÞaLLern maLchn– lo– fle analvzer s useful when for maLchn– sLrn–s n a more sLaLc
conLeLŦ Poweerţ manLenance ncreases f used Lo deLecL new eploLs as Lhev are

O Anoma|y detect|on Ŵ AfLer learnn– how Lhe normal lo–lnes should look lkeţ anomalv
deLecLon svsLems can deLecL anomalous lo–lnes and reporL abouL LhemŦ 1he aboe
problem of encodn– does noL occur wLh Anomalv deLecLon based lo– fle analvzersţ snce
Lhev do noL depend on pror knowled–eŦ

1he problem wLh lo– fle analvzers s LhaL Lhev depend on eenLs ben– lo––ed on lo– flesŦ lf an
aLLacker mana–es Lo preenL lo––n– of malcous acLLesţ Lhen lo– fle analvzers wll noL be
successful ż6ŽŦ


Connect|on ana|ys|s
ConnecLon analvss PluS mplemenLaLons deLecL ncomn– neLwork connecLons onlv Lo Lhe hosL
Lhev run onŦ ConnecLon analvsers do noL perform monLorn– of connecLons Lo oLher hosLsţ whch
s Lhe kev feaLure of neLwork based nLruson deLecLon svsLemsŦ
ConnecLon analvsers Lvpcallv scan for follown– olaLonsţ
O Dnauthor|zed 1CÞ and DDÞ connect|ons Ŵ ueLecL unauLhorzed connecLons on boLh 1CÞ
and uuÞ porLs
O Þort scan detect|on Ŷ ueLecL scannn– of open porLs on a hosLţ bv a malcous user or
auLomaLed LoolŦ

AparL from Lhe passe deLecLon behaoursţ some ConnecLon analvzers are also capable Lakn–
ease acLon a–ansL aboe lsLed nLrusons whch characLerzes lnLruson preenLon svsLems
behaour (lÞS)Ŧ
Some oLher preenLon measures mplemenLed wLh ConnecLon analvzers areţ
O nost b|ock|ng Ŵ allows for acLe blockn– of an offendn– hosL
O 8anner d|sp|ay Ŵ dsplav an nformaLonal banner Lo Lhe offenderţ nsLead of blockn– Lhem

ConnecLon analvzers hae Lher far share of weak ponLs alsoŦ 1hev are Lvpcallv poor aL deLecLn–
aLLacks whch useţ
O Dnsupported protoco|s
O Large poo| of attacker IÞ's
O Attacker s|ow|y scans the ports
8uL Lhese weak ponLs depend on Lhe connecLon analvzer mplemenLaLon whch can be fed buL
complcaLes Lhe analvzer mplemenLaLon ż6ŽŦ


erne| based ID5s
kernel based luS s an addLon Lo or adapLon of a kernel Lo hae Lhe kernel Lself deLecLs nLrusonsŦ
Such luS are capable of deLecLn–ţ
O Anomalv deLecLon based on a user's svsLem usa–eŦ
O Lo––n– possblv malcouslv used svsLem callsŦ
O Anomalv deLecLon on Lhe order of svsLem calls n processesŦ
O Anomalv deLecLon on Lhe ar–umenLs of svsLem calls n processesŦ
O Lo––n– chan–es made Lo svsLem bnaresŦ
O Lo––n– porL scans or probes
O lle and drecLorv proLecLonţ preenLn– alLeraLons een bv rooLŦ
O Pdn– of fles and drecLoresŦ
O SeLLn– capablLes on a per process bass
O ÞroLecL processesţ blockn– s–nals from possblv unauLhorzed usersŦ
O 8lockn– neLwork relaLed Lampern–ţ lke chan–n– frewall seLLn–sŦ
O ÞreenLn– kernel module loadn– or unloadn–Ŧ
O ÞreenLn– raw dsk l/C
ueLecLn– ecesse calls from Lhe sLack or Lhe daLa se–menL of processes wll enable Lhe luS Lo
deLecL mosL eploLs for Lodav's sofLwareŦ
lnsLalln– a new applcaLonţ or updaLe an alreadv runnn– oneţ Lhe kernel based luS would requred
Lo be dsabled parLallv or LoLallvŦ uurn– LhaL sesson Lhe admnsLraLor can perform admnsLraLe
duLesţ lke nsLalln– applcaLons or conf–urn– kernel based luS LselfŦ AfLer updaLn– or nsLalln–
an applcaLonţ kernel based luS mav need Lo reload Lhe conf–uraLon fle Lo proLecL anv newlv
nsLalled fles ż6ŽŦ


NetworkŴbased |ntrus|on detect|on and prevent|on systems (NID5 /

neLworkŴbased nLruson deLecLon analvzes daLa packeLs LhaL Lrael oer Lhe acLual neLworkŦ 1hese
packeLs are eamned Lo erfv Lher naLureŦ 1hs surellance of Lhe connecLons beLween compuLers
makes neLworkŴbased luS –reaL aL deLecLn– access aLLempLs from ouLsde Lhe LrusLed neLwork ż8ŽŦ
8v far Lhe mosL common securLv measure for neLwork securLv s a frewallŦ 1hou–h Lhev boLh relaLe
Lo neLwork securLvţ nluS / nlÞS dffers from a frewall n LhaL a frewall looks ouLwardlv for
nLrusons n order Lo sLop Lhem from happenn–Ŧ A nluS also waLches for aLLacks LhaL or–naLe from
nsde Lhe neLwork ż9ŽŦ
neLworkŴbased nLruson deLecLon svsLems (nluS) Lend Lo be more dsLrbuLed Lhan hosLŴbased luSŦ
SofLwareţ or applance hardware n some casesţ resdes n one or more svsLems connecLed Lo a
neLworkţ and are used Lo analvze daLa such as neLwork packeLsŦ
ln –eneralţ neLworkŴbased svsLems are besL aL deLecLn– Lhe follown– acLLesť
O Dnauthor|zed outs|der accessť When an unauLhorzed user lo–s n successfullvţ or aLLempLs
Lo lo– nţ Lhev are besL Lracked wLh hosLŴbased luSŦ Poweerţ deLecLn– Lhe unauLhorzed
user before Lher lo– on aLLempL s besL accomplshed wLh neLworkŴbased luSŦ
O 8andw|dth theft/den|a| of serv|ceť 1hese aLLacks from ouLsde Lhe neLwork sn–le ouL
neLwork resources for abuse or oerloadŦ 1he packeLs LhaL nLaLe/carrv Lhese aLLacks can
be noLced wLh use of neLworkŴbased luSŦ
neLwork based svsLems relv on deplovn– sensors aL sLraLe–c locaLons and nspecLn– neLwork
Lraffc for possble olaLonsŦ
lor nluS/nlÞS sensor placemenLţ Lhe Lar–eL neLwork should be analvzed and choke ponLs denLfedŦ
A choke ponL would be anv ponL n a neLwork where Lraffc s lmLed Lo a small number of
connecLonsŦ An eample s usuallv a companvƌs lnLerneL boundarvţ where Lraffc crosses onlv a
rouLer and a frewallŦ 1he lnks beLween Lhe rouLer and frewall are perfecL choke ponLs and –ood
places Lo consder placn– sensorsŦ ln Lhe case of vÞn neLworksţ care musL be Laken Lo nspecL Lhe
unencrvpLed sde of Lhe vÞn Lunnel ż13ŽŦ

Adhern– Lo Lhe –enerc ulnerablLv crLera denLfed aboeţ neLwork based svsLem –enerallv hae
Lhe follown– deLecLon meLhodolo–es ż12Žţ

O ÞaLLernţ epresson or bvLecode maLchn– (S–naLure maLchn–)
O lrequencv or Lhreshold crossn– (Anomalv and SLealLh probe deLecLon)
O CorrelaLon of lesser eenLs ( SLealLh probe deLecLon)
O SLaLsLcal anomalv deLecLon


Arch|tecture of Network based ID5/IÞ5

1he follown– da–ram depcLs Lhe archLecLure of neLwork based luS

1o –uaranLee a precse deLecLon Lhe nluS musL deLecL packeLs aL a wre speedŦ Poweerţ wLh Lhe
recenL Lrend of h–hŴspeed neLworksţ Lhe capablLv of a sn–le nluS cannoL meeL Lhe speed's
demand ż18ŽŦ
CurrenLlv SofLware based nluS /nlÞS svsLems are rou–hlv capable of achen– 60 Mbps Lhrou–hpuLŦ
8uL a hardware based soluLon such as Lhe McAfee lnLruSheld lÞS applances can achee a raLe of 2
Cbps aL mosL ż19ŽŦ
lurLhermore Lo promoLe Lhe nluS performance and effcencvţ presenL sLudes on luSs for h–hŴ
speed neLwork monLorn– hae be–un Lo choose Lhe dsLrbuLed archLecLure as an alLernaLeŦ ln
such a des–nţ Lhe ncomn– neLwork Lraffc s dssemnaLed Lo a pool of sensorsţ whch process a
fracLon of Lhe whole Lraffcţ reducn– Lhe possblLv of packeL loss caused bv oerload ż18ŽŦ
ioure 4 ť 4rchitecture of Network lu5

1roub|eshoot|ng ID5

Ia|se Þos|t|ves and Ia|se Negat|ves
Ia|se Þos|t|ves or Ia|se A|arms
1he Lerm false posLe s a broad and somewhaL a–ue Lerm LhaL descrbes a sLuaLon n whch an
luS dece Lr––er an alarm n a when Lhere s malcous acLLv or aLLack occurrn–Ŧ CLher common
Lerms used Lo descrbe Lhs condLon are ƍfalse alarmsƍ and ƍben–n Lr––erƍŦ lalse alarms can be
subdded nLo seeral more meann–ful and specfc caLe–oresŦ Common caLe–ores nLo whch
false alarms can be dded nclude ż24Žť

O keact|onary 1raff|c a|armsť 1raffc LhaL s caused bv anoLher neLwork eenLţ ofLen non malcousŦ
An eample of Lhs would be a nluS dece Lr––ern– an lCMÞ flood alarm when L s reallv
seeral desLnaLon unreachable packeLs caused bv equpmenL falure somewhere n Lhe lnLerneL

O u|pmentŴre|ated a|armsť ALLack alerLs LhaL are Lr––ered bv oddţ unreco–nzed packeLs
–eneraLed bv cerLan neLwork equpmenLŦ Load balancers ofLen Lr––er Lhese Lvpes of alarmsŦ

O Þrotoco| V|o|at|onsť AlerLs LhaL are caused bv unreco–nzed neLwork Lraffc ofLen caused bv
poorlv or oddlv wrLLen clenL sofLwareŦ

O 1rue Ia|se Þos|t|vesť Alarms LhaL are –eneraLed bv an luS for no apparenL reasonŦ 1hese are
ofLen caused bv luS sofLware bu–s

O Non Ma||c|ous a|armsť CeneraLed Lhrou–h some real occurrence LhaL s non malcous n naLureţ
possblv lke our Code 8ed web pa–e eample aboeŦ
uependn– on neLwork Lraffc and Lhe luS des–n LhaL s deplovedţ a normal luS sensor wLhouL anv
cusLomzaLon mav hae onlv 10Ʒ of Ls alarms assocaLed wLh a Lrue securLv eenLŦ 1he remann–
90Ʒ of nose s noL an accepLable percenLa–eŦ Whle L mav be debaLable whaL can be consdered an
accepLable percenLa–e of false alarmsţ wLh correcL Lunn– (dependn– on Lhe Lechnolo–v n use) an
aera–e real alarm raLe of 60Ʒ or beLLer s possble under normal condLonsŦ l hae seen real alarm
raLes aboe 90Ʒţ dependn– on Lhe leel of Lunn– and Lhe Lvpe of Lraffc on a neLworkŦ

Ia|se Negat|ves
lalse ne–aLe s Lhe Lerm used Lo descrbe a neLwork nLruson deceƌs nablLv Lo deLecL Lrue
securLv eenLs under cerLan crcumsLancesŦ ln oLher wordsţ malcous acLLv s noL deLecLed and
alerLedŦ lorLunaLelvţ Lhere are acLons LhaL can be Laken Lo reduce Lhe chance of false ne–aLe
condLons wLhouL ncreasn– Lhe number of false posLesŦ


Some causes for false ne–aLes are ż24Žţ

O Network des|gn |ssuesť neLwork des–n flaws such as mproper porL spannn– on swLches and
Lraffc eceedn– Lhe ablLv of a swLch or hub conLrbuLe Lo Lhese problemsŦ CLher problems
nclude mulLple enLrv ponL neLworks where Lhe nluS dece cannoL see all ncomn– and
ouL–on– LraffcŦ

O ncrypted traff|c des|gn f|awsť 1hese problems arse because Lhe luS s unable Lo undersLand
encrvpLed LraffcŦ Þlacn– Lhe nluS behnd vÞn LermnaLon ponLs and use of SSL acceleraLors
are –ood wavs Lo ensure Lhe nluS s undersLands all LraffcŦ

O Lack of change contro|ť Manv Lmes false ne–aLe condLons are creaLed bv a lack of
communcaLon beLween lS deparLmenLsţ neLworkn–ţ and securLv sLaffŦ MosL of Lhe Lme Lhs s
n Lhe form of neLwork or serer chan–es LhaL are noL properlv communcaLed Lo securLv sLaffŦ
As a resulLţ securLv s noL able Lo mplemenL measures Lo mL–aLe Lhe rsk assocaLed wLh
chan–es n securLv posLureŦ

O Improper|y wr|tten s|gnaturesť AlLhou–h Lhe aLLack s known and Lhe s–naLure s deelopedţ Lhe
s–naLure does noL properlv caLch Lhe aLLack or muLaLons of Lhe aLLack because L has noL been
wrLLen properlvŦ

O Dnpub||c|zed attackť 1he aLLack s noL publclv knownţ Lherefore endors hae no knowled–e
and no s–naLure s deelopedŦ

O Þoor NID5 dev|ce managementť lor a areLv of reasonsţ Lhe nluS dece mav noL be properlv
conf–uredŦ ConLrbuLn– facLors ncludeť
4 Lclusonarv rules Lo reduce false alarms LhaL are Loo –eneralŤ
4 1he dece s under Loo much load and cannoL properlv process all daLaŤ
4 Alarmn– s noL conf–ured properlvŤ andţ
4 1he svsLem admnsLraLor has a poor undersLandn– of Lhe ulnerablLes and LhreaLs
assocaLed wLh specfc aLLacksŦ

O NID5 des|gn f|awť 1he nluS dece smplv does noL caLch Lhe aLLack due Lo poor des–n or
s–naLure mplemenLaLonŦ


1he Iuture of Intrus|on Detect|on and Þrevent|on
1he fuLursLc Lrend of luS/lÞS svsLems s coner–e luS/lÞS capablLes wLh oLher securLv soluLonsŦ
1he Lechnolo–v has unfed wLh each oLher Lo form unfed LhreaL mana–emenLŦ

Dn|f|ed 1hreat Management
1he ulLmaLe –oal of u1M s nLe–raLon ŴŴ Lo prode a comprehense seL of securLv feaLures n a
sn–le producL LhaL can be deploved n a sn–le locaLon and mana–ed Lhrou–h a sn–le consoleŦ 1he
smplfcaLon and consoldaLon offered bv a unfed securLv producL can poLenLallv mproe
securLv because polces and rules can be deeloped cenLrallvţ ofLen resulLn– n fewer rule errors
LhaL mav lead Lo securLv oers–hLsŦ A sn–le securLv producL also reduces securLv mana–emenL
demandsţ easn– mana–emenL labour ż20ŽŦ

D1M Ieatures
u1M ofLen ncorporaLes Lhe follown– feaLuresţ
O Adanced frewalls wLh deep packeL nspecLon
O CaLewav anLrus and anLspvware AnLspam
O lnLruson deLecLon/preenLon funcLonalLes
Some u1M plaLforms nclude addLonal feaLures such asţ
O Web conLenL flLern– Lo block nappropraLe or malcous websLes
O vrLual praLe neLwork (vÞn) supporL for secure remoLe access and secure wreless access
for user moblLv wLhn Lhe enLerprseŦ
A lmLed number of u1M plaLforms add adanced feaLures such as WAn acceleraLonţ raLe shapn–
or een nLerŴzone securLv Lo –uard a–ansL LhreaLs or–naLn– wLhn Lhe local neLwork LselfŦ
ulLmaLelvţ Lhe acLual feaLure seL depends on Lhe parLcular producLţ so soluLon proders are
challen–ed Lo recommend u1M svsLems wLh appropraLe feaLure seLsŦ lLƌs mporLanL Lo noLe LhaL
u1M feaLures can be enabled ndependenLlv allown– clenLs Lo sLarL wLh cerLan feaLures lke
anLrusţ and Lhen add oLher feaLures lke vÞn funcLonalLv oer Lme ż20ŽŦ

ioure 5 ť unified 1hreot Monooement Overview

1ypes of D1M
nardware based D1M'sť 1hese applances come wLh specalzed ASlC chpŴseLs whch are Lalor
made Lo handle Lhe processn– LhaL s requred Lo scan for mulLple LhreaLs smulLaneouslvŦ AparL
from Lhe hardwareţ Lhev feaLure a neLwork securLv operaLn– svsLem whch s h–hlv robusL and
nLe–raLes wLh all Lhe nddual componenLs of Lhe u1MŦ 1he nddual componenLs Lhemseles
are lcense basedŶ Lhe componenLs could be selecLed and purchased ndduallvŦ

5oftware based D1M'sť 1he lcensn– s smlar Lo Lhe hardware based u1M'sţ buL Lhe neLwork
securLv operaLn– svsLem and Lhe nddual u1M componenLs (lke anLŴspamţ lÞS eLc) are hosLed
on sLandard compuLer serers wLh a cerLan mnmum conf–uraLon based on Lhe number of users
and Lhe applcaLons LhaL are run smulLaneouslvŦ

D|str|buted D1M'sť 1hev do noL comprse of a sn–le applance Lo combaL Lhe arous neLwork
securLv LhreaLsţ buL mulLple hardware boes from Lhe same endorţ each specalzed n Ls own
funcLonalLv (lke separaLe boes for lÞSţ WebŴllLern– eLc) buL sLll han– a common mana–emenL
nLerface whch makes Lhem rLuallv a sn–le applance LhaL can be conLrolled on a sn–le plaLformŦ

8enef|ts of D1M
Some of Lhe benefLs of u1M are ż21ţ 22Žţ
O 1he ablLv Lo obLan mana–emenL leera–e bv combnn– mulLple funcLons nLo a common
nLerface Lhere bv prodn– smplcLv n operaLonsŦ

O 1he ablLv of a u1M dece Lo consoldaLe all of Lhe alerLs and onlv noLfv Lhe admnsLraLor
once s Lme san– and cosL effecLeŦ

O u1M aods repeLLon of processes and hence saes LmeŦ Common processes (lke scannn–
packeLs) are done once and used for all Lhe applcable modulesŦ

O Sn–le mana–emenL nLerface Lo creaLe unform polcv across Lhe enLerprse and across Lhe
dfferenL modulesŦ

O MulLple paLchesţ mulLple up–rades and hence mulLple manLenance conLracLs for each
securLv module can be aoded usn– u1M's


5hortcom|ngs of D1M
Some of Lhe dsadanLa–es of u1M are ż22Žţ
O u1M nLroduces a sn–le ponL of falure for all Lhe neLwork securLv elemenLsţ unless a h–h
aalablLv conf–uraLon s deplovedŦ

O 1here s alwavs a possblLv of performance consLranL as Lhere are lmLaLons n hardware
processn– capablLes Lo handle so manv applcaLons/users smulLaneouslvŦ

O Some u1M deces mav noL hae Lhe –ranular feaLures supporLed bv sLand alone
Lechnolo–es and hence Lhose funcLonalLes are eLher –nored or addLonal nesLmenLs n
Lerms of addŴon's needs Lo be madeŦ

O 1here s alwavs challen–e from cloud compuLn– nLaLes and u1M's m–hL hae Lo be
deploved n a rLual manner (Cne u1M dded n Lo seeral lo–cal unLsţ each sern–
dfferenL locaLons eLcŦ) n Lhe fuLureţ whch s noL possble currenLlvŦ

ioure õ ť Processino Power vsŦ 1ime


W|re|ess Intrus|on Detect|on
Lke Lher wred counLerparLsţ wreless nLruson deLecLon svsLems (WluS) are des–ned Lo monLor
neLwork LraffcŦ AlLhou–h producL archLecLures arvţ WluS Lvpcallv depend upon remoLe sensorsţ
dsLrbuLed Lhrou–houL Lhe monLored neLworkŦ Sensors passelv obsere wreless acLLvţ reporLn–
back Lo a cenLral luS sererŦ 1haL serer s responsble for analvzn– reporLed acLLvţ –eneraLn–
nLruson alarms and a hsLorv daLabaseŦ 8esulLs mav be presenLed on Lhe serer Lselfţ or remoLelv
Lhrou–h some Lvpe of luS clenL ż23ŽŦ

WID5 Iunct|ona||ty
O ÞreenLon capablLes Lo Lemporarlv or permanenLlv nhbL a wreless aLLackerƌs ablLv Lo
communcaLe wLh vour WLAn or anv ad[acenL wred neLworkŦ 1emporarv wreless blockn– can
dscoura–e an aLLackerţ [usL as an alarm sren can scare awav a bur–larŦ ÞerssLenL blockn– can
–e vou Lme Lo fnd and elmnaLe a ro–ueţ wLhouL conLnun– Lo [eopardze vour neLwork
durn– nesL–aLonŦ

O Conf–urable dece lsLs Lo dfferenLaLe beLween auLhorzed ML (Moble equpmenL)ţ ne–hbour
MLţ and all oLhersŦ 8uL such lsLs requre onŴ–on– manLenanceŦ ln denselvŴpopulaLed urban
areasţ nesL–aLn– eerv new dece s aL besL labourŴnLenseţ aL worsL mpossbleŦ Manv
WLAn owners prefer Lo be alerLed onlv when an unknown dece has acLuallv peneLraLed Lher
neLworkţ and Lhen Lake wredŴsde sLeps Lo neuLralze LhaL LhreaLŦ

O Capable of nspecLn– lÞ pavload Lo analvze Lraffc sLreams and behaour oer Lme Lo
deLermne wheLher a sLaLon or AÞ s communcaLn– wLh an upsLream neLworkŦ As n Lhe wred
worldţ pavload encrvpLon can make Lhs Lask more dffculLŦ

O lncorporaLe locaLon deLecLon Lo some de–reeŦ Cne meLhod s Lo manuallv search around Lhe
sensor recen– Lhe sLron–esL s–nal from Lhe LransmLLerŦ AnoLher meLhod s Lran–ulaLon ŴŴ
comparn– Lhe s–nal receed bv Lhree or more sensors Lo beLLer pnponL a LransmLLerƌs
probable locaLonŦ A Lhrd meLhod s 8l fn–erprnLn– ŴŴ modelln– 8l characLersLcs wLhn a
coera–e area for comparson Lo receed s–nal sLren–Lh Lo predcL Lhe LransmLLerƌs locaLonŦ

Some WluS eamples nclude Aruefense LnLerprseţ ArMa–neL LnLerprseţ Ar1–hL SpecLraCuardţ
8luesockeL 8lueSecureţ P–hwall LnLerprseţ neLwork ChemsLrv 8lproLecLţ newburv neLworks Wl
WaLchdo–ţ 8edŴM 8edŴueLecLţ and v–lanLMnds ArxoneŦ

Attacks Iundamenta|s

1here are four phases n aLLacks carred oer svsLems Lhev areţ
Þ|ann|ng phase
1he aLLacker ofLen makes use of Lhe svsLem n Ls nLended manner before makn– Lhe aLLackŦ Þublc
aalablLv for le–LmaLe access helps Lhe aLLacker defne Lhe scope and –oals of Lhe aLLackŦ AfLer
Lhe nLal preparaLon s compleLeţ Lhe aLLacker decdes on Lhe scope of Lhe aLLackŦ Lampleť Lhe
aLLacker mav s–n up for an accounL on an onlne eŴcommerce svsLem or lo– onLo a publc sererŦ
keconna|ssance phase
1he aLLacker neL –aLhers nformaLon or performs reconnassance on Lhe Lar–eLed neLworkŦ 1he
aLLacker carres ouL a areLv of dfferenL nqures wLh Lhe –oal of pnponLn– a specfc meLhod of
aLLack (porL scannn– eLcŦ) 1he –oal of Lhe aLLacker n Lhs phase s Lo narrow down Lhe feld of
Lhousands of possble eploLs Lo a small number of ulnerablLes LhaL are specfc Lo Lhe Lar–eLed
hosL/neLworkŦ 1he aLLacker aLLempLs Lo make Lhs reconnassance as hard Lo noLce as possbleŦ Len
soţ Lhere are manv dfferenL means of reconnassance and some of Lhem can be deLecLed bv an
nLruson deLecLon svsLemŦ
Attack phase
1he nLruder carres ouL Lhe aLLackŦ 1he Lvpes of aLLacks wll be dscussed n Lhe neL secLonŦ
ÞostŴattack phase
AfLer an aLLacker has successfullv peneLraLed nLo a hosL on Lhe Lar–eLed neLwork Lhe aLLacker
carres ouL hs/her plan and makes use of nformaLon resources as he/she consders appropraLeŦ
Þossble posLŴaLLack acLLes areţ
O Coern– Lracks
O ÞeneLraLn– deeper nLo neLwork nfrasLrucLure
O usn– Lhe hosL Lo aLLack oLher neLworks
O CaLhern–ţ manpulaLn–ţ or desLrovn– daLa
O Pandn– oer Lhe hosL Lo a frend or a hacker –roup
O Walkn– or runnn– awav wLhouL don– anvLhn–

ioure 7 ť Phoses of 4ttocks

1ypes of Attacks

Den|a| of serv|ce (Do5)
uoS aLLack s anv aLLack LhaL dsrupLs Lhe funcLon of a svsLem so LhaL le–LmaLe users can no lon–er
access LŦ Can be specfc Lo a serce (eŦ–Ŧ l1Þ aLLack)ţ or an enLre machneŦ uoS aLLacks commonlv
uLlze spoofed lÞ addresses because Lhe aLLack s successful een f Lhe response s msdrecLedŦ 1he
aLLacker requres no responseţ and n cases lke Lhe Smurf aLLackţ wanLs aL all cosLs Lo aod a
responseŦ 1hs can make uoS aLLacks dffculL Lo defend fromţ and een more dffculL Lo deLecLŦ
O kesource dep|et|on Do5 attackť luncLons bv floodn– a serce wLh so much normal Lraffc LhaL
le–LmaLe users cannoL access Lhe serceŦ An aLLacker nundaLn– a serce wLh normal Lraffc
can ehausL fnLe resources such as bandwdLhţ memorv and processor cvclesŦ Lamplesť S?n
floodţ Smurfţ eLcŦ
O Ma||c|ous packet Do5 attacksť luncLon bv sendn– abnormal Lraffc Lo a hosL Lo cause Lhe
serce or Lhe hosL Lself Lo crashŦ Cccur when sofLware s noL properlv coded Lo handle
abnormal or unusual LraffcŦ Such Lraffc can cause sofLware Lo reacL unepecLedlv and crashŦ
ALLackers can use Lhese aLLacks Lo brn– down een luSŦ Lamplesť McrosofL l1Þ uoSţ SnC81
lCMÞ uoSţ eLcŦ
kemote exp|o|ts
ALLacks des–ned Lo Lake adanLa–e of mproperlv coded sofLware Lo compromse and Lake conLrol
of a ulnerable hosL and can funcLon n Lhe same manner as Lhe malcous pavload Lraffc uoS
aLLacksŦ 1hese aLLacks Lake adanLa–e of mproperlv checked npuL or conf–uraLon errorsŦ
Lamplesť 8uffer oerflowsţ uncode eploLţ Cooke posonn–ţ SCL n[ecLonţ eLcŦ
1ro[ans and 8ackdoor programs
8v nsLalln– a backdoor pro–ram or a 1ro[anţ an aLLacker can bvpass normal securLv conLrols and
–an prle–ed unauLhorzed access Lo a hosLŦ A backdoor pro–ram can be deploved on a svsLem n a
areLv of dfferenL wavsŦ LŦ–Ŧ a malcous sofLware en–neer can add a backdoor pro–ram nLo
le–LmaLe sofLware codeŦ 8ackdoor pro–rams m–hL be added for le–LmaLe manLenance reasons n
Lhe sofLware deelopmenL lfe cvcleţ buL laLer for–oLLenŦ A 1ro[an s defned as sofLware LhaL s
ds–used as a ben–n applcaLonŦ 8emoLe conLrol 1ro[ans Lvpcallv lsLen on a porL lke a –enune
applcaLonŦ 1hrou–h Lhs open porLţ an aLLacker conLrols Lhem remoLelvŦ 1ro[ans can be used Lo
perform anv number of funcLons on Lhe hosLŦ Some 1ro[ans nclude porLscannn– and uoS feaLuresŦ
CLhers can Lake screen and Webcam capLures and send Lhem back Lo Lhe aLLackerŦ 1ro[ans and
backdoor pro–rams hae LradLonallv lsLened on a 1CÞ or uuÞ porLţ makn– L easv Lo deLecL Lhem
and underLake counLermeasuresŦ8ecause of LhaLţ 1ro[ans hae eoled so Lhev no lon–er need Lo
lsLen on a 1CÞ or uuÞ porLŦ now nsLeadţ Lhev lsLen for a specfc sequence of eenLsŦ
M|suse of Leg|t|mate Access
ALLackers ofLen aLLempL Lo –an unauLhorzed use of le–LmaLe accounLs bv –eLLn– auLhenLcaLon
nformaLonŦ 1hs can be performed bv means of Lechncal and/or socal en–neern– meLhodsŦ luSţ
especallv Lhe anomalv deLecLon onesţ mav be used Lo deLecL such acLLesŦ


ż1Ž CŦnŦSŦSŦLŦ Clossarv Ŵ 1eas SLaLe Lbrarvţ
Accessed onť 29/09/2010

ż2Ž 1he LoluLon of lnLruson ueLecLon SvsLems | SvmanLec ConnecLţ
Accessed onť 29/09/2010

ż3Ž LŴ8ankn– Ŵ Append 8ť Clossarvţ
Accessed onť 30/09/2010

ż4Ž lnformaLon 1echnolo–v aL !ohns PopknsŴClossarv CŴlţ
Accessed onť 30/09/2010

ż3Ž WhaL s nLruson deLecLon? Ŵ MdmarkeL l1 SecurLv uefnLons Ŵ lnLruson deLecLonţ
Accessed onť 30/09/2010

ż6Ž PosLŴbased lnLruson ueLecLon SvsLems Ŵ ÞeLer de 8oer Ǝ MarLn Þelsţ
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ż7Ž luS/lÞS uefnLon and ClassfcaLon Ŵ C[øk unersLv Colle–eţ
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ż8Ž An lnLroducLon Lo luS Ŵ Þaul lnnellaţ
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ż9Ž WhaL s lnLruson deLecLon svsLem(luS) Ŵ A3sofL CorporaLeţ
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ż10Ž luSť S–naLure ersus anomalv deLecLon Ŵ !ames CŦ losLerţ
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ż11Ž CompuLer and neLwork luS ť AnomalvŴ8ased Ŵ luSLuLoralŦcomţ
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ż12ŽneLworkŴ sŦ PosLŴbased lnLruson ueLecLon Ŵ lnLerneL SecurLv SvsLemsţ
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ż13Ž luS and lÞS placemenL for neLwork proLecLon Ŵ 8oberL urumţ
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ż14Žlrewall LoluLon Ŵ ueep ÞackeL lnspecLon Ŵ ldo uubrawskvţ
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ż13ŽSLaLeful lnLruson ueLecLon SvsLem Ŵ SenLhlkumar krshnamurLhv Ǝ Arunabha Senţ
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ż16Ž 1he Þerls of ueep ÞackeL lnspecLon Ŵ urŦ 1homas ÞorLerţ
Accessed onť 10/10/2010

ż17ŽneL CeneraLon lnLruson ueLecLon SvsLems (luS) Ŵ McAfee neLwork ÞroLecLon SoluLonsţ
Accessed onť 10/10/2010

ż18Žnew 1rend of lnLruson ueLecLon SvsLem for P–hŴspeed neLworks Ŵ We We
Accessed onť 10/10/2010

ż19ŽPardware neLwork lnLruson ueLecLon Ŵ ChaŴ1en uan Lo
Accessed onť 10/10/2010

ż20Žunfed LhreaL mana–emenLť 1he neLŴ–eneraLon neLwork frewall Ŵ SLephen 8–elow
Accessed onť 12/10/2010

ż21ŽMana–n– Lhe unfed LhreaL mana–emenL dece ŴŴ ls L reallv unfed? Ŵ Mke 8oLhman
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ż22ŽAn lnLroducLon Lo unfed 1hreaL Mana–emenL n neLwork SecurLv Ŵ ecLn–pŦcom
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ż23ŽluS sŦ lÞS Lplaned Ŵ focusŦcom
Accessed onť 12/10/2010

ż24ŽSLraLe–es Lo 8educe lalse ÞosLes and lalse ne–aLes n nluS Ŵ ken 1mm
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ż23Ž8evond wreless nLruson deLecLon Ŵ Lsa Þhfer
Accessed onť 12/10/2010

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