IP Internet Telephony

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Presented By:
Rajashri [4SH06IS030] Information Science & Eng. 8th semester Shree Devi Institute Of technology

1. What is IP Telephony 2. How IP Telephony works 3. Different types of IP Telephony 4. How IP Telephony is different over PSTN 5. Different types of IP protocols 6. H.323 Components 7. Protocols Specified by H.323 8. Advantage of IP Telephony 9. Disadvantages 10. Conclusion 11. References

What is IP Telephony:
• IP telephony is point to point packetswitched network. • There are two main subsets. a. Internet Telephony b. Voice over IP (VoIP)
• IP Telephony: Why ?

How IP Telephony works:
• Requirements :
 Computer system or special IP phones with IP Telephony software.  Analog Telephony Adapters (ATA)  Broadband connection .

IP Phones:

IP Telephony: PBX Replacement:
Corporate/Campus Another campus 8151

External line 7041 PBX 7042 7043

PBX 8154

8152 8153




Working of IP Telephony:

Analog Telephone Adaptor (ATA): Analog to digital converter Internet Protocols Packets Gateway

Features of IP Telephony:
    Automatic use of network-based directories. Conference calls. Call transfer and hold. Storing user name/number in systems facilitated by different service providers. Weather report analysis. Live news. Voice Messaging Faxing, Fax Services, Fax Broadcast Speech Recognition Text to Speech

     

Different Types Of IP Telephony:

PC to PC:

Phone to Phone Over IP:
There are two methods:

a. Phone-to-phone over IP using Gateways.
b. Phone-to-phone overIP using Adapter Boxes .

Phone-to-phone overIP using Gateways:

Phone-to-phone over IP using Adapter Boxes:

PC-to-Phone or Phone-to-PC:

How IP Telephony is different over PSTN: • Switching architectures. • Intelligence • Circuit switched network and Packet switched network. • Comparable components of Internet telephony and the PSTN Internet Telephony PSTN
End system Gateway Signaling server Router CPE & PBX Signaling gateway SCP & SSP STP

• Comparable addressing concepts in Internet telephony and the PSTN: Internet Telephony
MAC address IP address SIP URL, H.323 alias

Circuit identifier Routing number (E.164) Telephone no, including 800/900 no.

Different type of IP telephony Protocols
• H.323 standard • Session initiation protocol (SIP) • Media gateway to media controller protocol (MGCP)
Protocol Stack:

What is H.323:
• The H.323 standard for the transmission of realtime audio, video, and data communications over packet-based networks based on IP telephony.

• H.323 is a standard produced by the ITU-T Study Group 16. • Currently the most widely-supported IP telephony signaling protocol.

What is SIP:
• SIP works in client/server relationships as well as in peer-to-peer relationships. • SIP uses requests and responses .
 Manual and automatic forwarding.

Basic methods in SIP:

SIP-based Voicemail Architecture:
INVITE [email protected] INVITE [email protected] REGISTER [email protected] phone1.office.com

INVITE [email protected] vm.office.com

•The voice mail server registers with the SIP proxy, sipd •Alice calls [email protected] through SIP proxy. •SIP proxy forks the request to Bob’s phone as well as to a voicemail server.

Voicemail Architecture:


200 OK RTP/RTCP vm.office.com;

•After 10 seconds vm contacts the RTSP server for recording. •VM accepts the call. •Sipd cancels the other branch and ... ...accepts the call from Alice. •Now user message gets recorded

v-mail SETUP


H.323 Components:
• Terminals

• Gateways
• Gatekeepers • Multipoint Control Units (MCUs)

1.Terminals :
H.323 terminal can either be a personal computer or a stand-alone device.

2.Gateways :
• A gateway connects two dissimilar networks.

• Bridge between Internet and PSTN

3. Gatekeepers:
• Controller of an H.323 network

Gatekeeper functions:
• • • • • • • Address Translation Admission Control Bandwidth Control Zone Management Call-Control Signaling Call Authorization Call Management

4. Multipoint Control Units:
• MCUs provide support for conferences of three or more H.323 terminals

The Protocols specified by H.323:
1. Audio CODECs 2. Video CODECs 3. H.225 registration, admission, and status (RAS) 4. H .225 call signaling a. Gatekeeper-Routed Call Signaling
b. Direct Call Signaling

5. H.245 control signaling 6. Real-time transfer protocol (RTP) 7. Real-time control protocol (RTCP)

Advantage of IP Telephony:
• • • • • • • • COST Saving Reduced Initial Investment Easy management Mobility Improved Voice Quality Software oriented nature Packet switched network Scalable

• Limited or no use in the absence of a dedicated internet access. • Total dependency on separate electric connectivity. • IP telephony are easily get attacks from viruses and hacking. • Exposure to Denial of Service attacks. • Much depends on the processor

• IP telephony is cost savings and integrating new services.

• It is much cheaper than traditional long
distance services. Keeping this rising demand of Internet telephony in mind, many software companies have entered this field in order to take a share of this growing market segment.

• The availability of free IP telephony software has helped in increasing the market for IP Telephone services, which is evident from the number of new users that have subscribed to these services in recent years. This holds good for the future of IP telephony services. • IP Telephony is a revolutionary technology that has the potential to completely rework the world's phone systems. • In Future Integration with Web and long-term replacement for current telephone systems

[1] Book on “IP Telephony” Olivier Hersent, David Gurle & Jean-Pierre Petit. [2] www.iec.org/online/tutorials/ [3] www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~jain/cis78897/internet_telephony/index.htm [4] www.cs.columbia.edu/~coms6181/ [5]www.terena.nl/library/IPTELEPHONYCOOKBOOK/chap ters/Chapter4.pdf [6] www.cisco.com/ [7] www.tmcnet.com/ [8] IP telephony client software <http://www.von.com/teleph.html> <http://itel.mit.edu/itel/software.html>

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