School School of of Engineering Engineering and and Technology Technology
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• • • • Overview of IP Telephony Components of IP Telephone system VoIP Quality of Service VoIP Si nalin Protocols
! SIP ! "#$2$ protocol
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• VoIP delivers voice !%and telephony with the &uality of telephone networ'# • (im is delivery of media streams with hi hest possi%le &uality# • IP Telephones are used to ma'e telephone calls over IP networ' • VoIP uses pac'et switched networ' to carry voice traffic and data traffic# • )edia transmission over IP ! (udio ! Ima e Slide $ ! Video
IP Telephony
IP Telephony Architecture
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Components of IP Telephony
• IP Telephones,laptop -servers etc./connects to networ' throu h wired 0wireless networ' • Internet Backbone • Signaling Systems/ same as CP1 responsi%le for coordination %etween IP Phones
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• Issues Involved3
VoIP Quality of Ser ice
! Latency,the time ta'en for a pac'et to arrive at its destination. ! Jitter,delay e4perienced in receivin a pac'et when a pac'et is e4pected to arrive at the end point at a certain time. ! Band idth,delay e4perienced in receivin a pac'et when a pac'et is e4pected to arrive at the end point at a certain time. ! Packet loss ,should %e minimum in voice communication. ! !eliability ! Scalability,(%ility to add more telephony e&uipment as the company rows. ! Sec"rity,as it uses internet possi%ility of "ac'in - 5enial of service6avesdroppin . ! #eat"res,e call waitin - conferencin etc. ! Interoperability$IP telephony e&uipment manufactured %y different vendors must %e a%le to tal' to each other- std protocols should %e used% ! S itch o&er cost Slide
Quality of ser ice
• 8actors for VoIP Connection3
! Pac'et loss
• Solution3
! Priority Queuin ! 9ei hted 8air Queuin ! Class %ased 9ei hted 8air Queuin
! Pac'et 5elay
• Solution3
! Custom Queuin
! :itter
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VoIP Si!nalin! Protocol
VoIP networ' wor's is operated throu h two sets of protocols3 • Signaling Protocols',handles the call setup and are controlled %y si nalin server.
! SIP ,Session Initiation Protocol. ! "#$2$Protocol<TP
• !IP $!eal Time packet Transport Protocol% / once the connection is set up- <TP transfer voice data in <eal Time 8ashion to destination#
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"# SIP $Session Initiation Protocol%
• Operates in application layer • Can perform %oth unicast and multicast ,conferencin . • SIP handles si nals and identifies user location call setup call termination and %usy call#
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• SIP consists of + servers3
! ! ! ! ! 5?S Server Pro4y Server @ocaliAed Server <edirect Server <e istrar Server
O er ie& of SIP
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Session Initiation Protocol
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H#'(' Protocol
Provide ideal telephone communication • Providin phone no# to IP adress mappin • "andlin 5i itiAed audio streamin in IP telephony • Providin si nalin function for call set up and call mana ement
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Components of H#'(' Protocol
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A) anta!es of IP Telephony
• • • • (ecreased costs Long distance sa&ings Mobility $mo&es) adds) changes% Increase in ser&ice options
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• @imited or no use in the a%sence of a dedicated internet access# • 6asy con estion • latency and pac'et/loss# • unrelia%ility
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• VoIP is one of many hi her/level communications capa%ilities amon devices connected to the Internet# • VoIP is not an application# • VoIP is a capa%ility that is part of many applications# • VoIP capa%ilities are already pervasive#
! )icrosoft 9indows )essen er ,part of BP. ! (O@ Instant )essen er ! B%o4 and Sony Playstation
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