IP Telephony

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IP Telephony
Course Overview IP Telephony is the most requested new course offering within the Academy community. To meet the demand, Cisco has created an R&D course built on suggestions from Academy Instructors. Course content will focus on lab activities surrounding voice and data convergence, but does NOT include traditional online curriculum or assessment. IP Telephony will focus on entry level skills required to implement IP Telephony in a SOHO environment. Course Description The Cisco IP Telephony version 1.0 course provides an introduction to converged voice and data networks as well as the challenges faced by its various technologies. The course presents Cisco solutions and implementation considerations to address those challenges. In this course, students will learn about Cisco CallManager Express (CME) architecture, components, functionality and features. They will also learn some Voice over IP (VoIP) and Quality of Service (QoS) technologies and apply them to Cisco CME environment. The focus of the course is: o Call Manager Express (Windows-based call manager is not taught at this time) o Connecting to a PSTN network o Connecting from one router across a WAN to another router running CME o Connecting from one CME enabled router to another CME enabled router Course Objectives Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives: o Determine the relevant critical business and technical needs in order to develop a Cisco IP Telephony design framework in a SOHO environment, including the choice of signaling type and encoding methods. o Select the appropriate hardware and software components to support a proposed SOHO IP telephony design o Determine which high availability issues would influence the selection of network hardware and software for an SOHO environment. o Design the appropriate dial plan to support SOHO design requirements o Describe the similarities and differences between PSTN and VoIP including call transport, call signaling and bandwidth requirements o Describe the technologies used in Voice over IP and how they differ from PSTN technologies. Determine how PSTN connectivity issues influence SOHO hardware and software selection.

Understand and be able to configure various connection types to the PSTN. Explain the benefits of hierarchical and scalable dial and numbering plans Install an IP Telephony solution in a SOHO environment using CME Configure Cisco Call Manager Express to support IP Phones Secure an IP Communications network – Describe effective troubleshooting methods to resolve issues in SOHO IP Telephony networks Use appropriate troubleshooting methods to determine and solve QoS issues in an SOHO IP Telephony networks Target Audience The target audience is individuals desiring to continue their post-CCNA preparation in designing, maintaining and troubleshooting an SMB IP telephony network. Prerequisites Prior to taking this course, students should have completed CCNA 1 through 4 or the equivalent. The following prerequisites are beneficial, but not required: CCNA certification Work experience Certification Information IP Telephony version 1.0 does not align to any one Cisco certification. Course Duration The course is designed to be delivered in a 40 contact hour time frame. Approximately 30 hours will be devoted to lab activities and a hands-on skills exam and 10 hours will be spent on curriculum content. Case studies on IP telephony are recommended, but format and timing are to be determined by the Local Academy.

IP Telephony v1.0 Outlines
IP Telephony Lab Outlines
Introduction to Packet Voice Technologies o There is no lab in this module. Introduction to VoIP o Basic Setup for the CME Router with Switch Module o Basic Setup for the CME Router and Switch Installing Cisco CME Software o Connecting the IP Phone to a Switch o Resetting a 7900 Series Cisco IP Phone to Factory Defaults Configuring Cisco CallManager o Express CME Automated Phone Setup o CME Manual Phone Setup o CME Partially Automated Phone Setup Voice Dial Plans, Configuring Voice Interfaces and Dial Peers o Configuring a FXS Port o Configuring a FXO Port o Configuring PRI Interface and DID o Configuring VoIP Dial-Peers Across a WAN Link o Configuring Class of Restriction Configuring CME Additional Features o Configure GUI for System Administrator o Configure GUI for Customer Administrator o Configure GUI for Phone User o Configuring Call Transfer and Call Forwarding o Configuring Call Park o Customize the IP Phone Display o Configure the Intercom Feature o Configuring a Dialable Intercom o Configure Paging Group VoIP Signaling and Call Control o There is no lab in this module. Improving and Maintaining Voice Quality o Configuring AutoQoS

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