JASON DORN, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC., et al., Defendants and Respondents.

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JASON DORN, Plaintiff and Appellant, v.COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC., et al., Defendants and Respondents.



Filed 10/15/13 Dorn v. Countrywide Home Loans CA2/4
California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for
publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion has not been certified for publication
or ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.
I !H" C#$%! #F A&&"AL #F !H" '!A!" #F CALIF#%IA
'"C#D A&&"LLA!" DI'!%IC!
DI(I'I# F#$%
)A'# D#%*
&lainti++ and A,,ellant*
C#$!%-.ID" H#/" L#A'* IC.*
et al.*
De+endants and %es,ondents.
1Los An2eles County
'u,er. Ct. o. 3C0425445
A&&"AL +rom a 6ud2ment o+ t7e 'u,erior Court o+ Los An2eles County*
%o8ert A. Du9es* )ud2e. A++irmed.
)ason Dorn* in ,ro. ,er.* +or &lainti++ and A,,ellant.
/:;uirewoods* Leslie /. .erlin* and Lila -. Al</ar7oon +or De+endants and
&lainti++ )ason Dorn a,,eals +rom a 6ud2ment dismissin2 7is a:tion a2ainst
de+endants Ameri:a=s .7olesale Lender* Countrywide 0an9* 0an9 o+ Ameri:a Home
Loan 'ervi:es* /"%'* and %e:on!rust.
0e:ause we :on:lude t7at t7e trial :ourt did not
a8use its dis:retion in dismissin2 t7e a:tion* we a++irm.
&lainti++ )ason Dorn +iled t7e ,resent a:tion a2ainst de+endants on ovem8er 1>*
2011* alle2in2 seven :auses o+ a:tion arisin2 out o+ t7e alle2ed wron2+ul +ore:losure o+
,lainti++=s 7ome. De+endants demurred to all :auses o+ a:tion* and t7e trial :ourt
sustained t7e demurrer wit7 leave to amend.
&lainti++ +iled a +irst amended :om,laint on Fe8ruary 23* 2012. It asserted :auses
o+ a:tion +or? 115 de:laratory relie+? +raud in t7e e@e:ution 1+irst :ause o+ a:tion* +irst
:ount5A 125 de:laratory relie+? +ailure o+ :onsideration 1+irst :ause o+ a:tion* se:ond
:ount5A 135 de:laratory relie+? e@isten:e o+ an o8li2ation B no :reation o+ ri27ts 1+irst
:ause o+ a:tion* t7ird :ount5A 145 de:laratory relie+? e@isten:e o+ an o8li2ation B no
:reation o+ ri27ts 1+irst :ause o+ a:tion* +ourt7 :ount5A 155 in6un:tive relie+ 1se:ond :ause
o+ a:tion5A 145 a::ountin2 1t7ird :ause o+ a:tion5.
De+endants demurred to all :auses o+ a:tion. #n /ay 10* 2012* t7e :ourt
sustained t7e demurrer and 2ranted ,lainti++ 10 days leave to amend 7is +irst and se:ond
:auses o+ a:tion. !7e :ourt denied ,lainti++ leave to amend t7e t7ird :ause o+ a:tion
8e:ause it :on:luded t7at an a::ountin2 was not Can a,,ro,riate :ause o+ a:tion in t7is
A::ordin2 to de+endants* t7e ,ro,er ,arties are CCountrywide Home Loans* In:.*
erroneously sued as Ameri:a=s .7olesale Lender 1EC.L=5* 0an9 o+ Ameri:a* .A. as
su::essor to Countrywide 0an9* F'0 and 0an9 o+ Ameri:a Home Loans 'ervi:in2* L&*
erroneously sued as Countrywide 0an9 and 0an9 o+ Ameri:a Home Loans 1E0AA=5*
/ort2a2e "le:troni: %e2istration 'ystems* In:.* erroneously sued as /"%' 1E/"%'=5
and %e:on!rust Com,any* .A.* erroneously sued as %e:on!rust 1E%e:on!rust=5.D
&lainti++ did not +ile a se:ond amended :om,laint. Instead* on /ay 21* 2012* 7e
+iled a motion +or re:onsideration* ur2in2 t7at t7e demurrer s7ould not 7ave 8een 2ranted
8e:ause 7is :laims were not time<8arred* a tender was not re;uired under t7e +a:ts o+ t7e
:ase* and 7e 7ad stated a valid :ause o+ a:tion +or an a::ountin2.
#n )une >* 2012* de+endants moved to dismiss ,lainti++=s a:tion +or +ailure to +ile a
se:ond amended :om,laint. &lainti++ o,,osed t7e motion and sou27t additional time to
+ile an amended :om,laint. #n Au2ust 10* 2012* t7e :ourt dismissed t7e matter wit7
,re6udi:e and entered 6ud2ment +or de+endants on all :auses o+ a:tion. &lainti++ timely
&lainti++ :ontends on a,,eal t7at t7e trial :ourt erred in sustainin2 demurrers to t7e
t7ird and +ourt7 :ounts o+ t7e +irst :ause o+ a:tion 1+or de:laratory relie+5 and to t7e t7ird
:ause o+ a:tion 1+or an a::ountin25. For reasons t7at +ollow* we :on:lude t7at t7ere was
no a8use o+ dis:retion.
I. Standard of Revie
CA demurrer tests t7e le2al su++i:ien:y o+ +a:tual alle2ations in a :om,laint. 1Title
Ins. Co. v. Comerica Bank—California 11FF45 2G Cal.A,,.4t7 >00* >0G.5 In reviewin2
t7e su++i:ien:y o+ a :om,laint a2ainst a 2eneral demurrer* t7is :ourt treats t7e demurrer as
admittin2 all material +a:ts ,ro,erly ,leaded* 8ut not :ontentions* dedu:tions* or
:on:lusions o+ +a:t or law. !7is :ourt also :onsiders matters t7at may 8e 6udi:ially
noti:ed. .7en a demurrer is sustained* t7is :ourt determines w7et7er t7e :om,laint
states +a:ts su++i:ient to :onstitute a :ause o+ a:tion. 1Blank v. Kirwan 11F>55 3F Cal.3d
311* 31>.5
C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C.7en a demurrer is sustained wit7out leave to amend* t7is :ourt de:ides w7et7er
a reasona8le ,ossi8ility e@ists t7at amendment may :ure t7e de+e:tA i+ it :an we reverse*
8ut i+ not we a++irm. !7e ,lainti++ 8ears t7e 8urden o+ ,rovin2 t7ere is a reasona8le
,ossi8ility o+ amendment. 1Blank v. Kirwan* supra* 3F Cal.3d at ,. 31>.5 !7e ,lainti++
may ma9e t7is s7owin2 +or t7e +irst time on a,,eal. 1Schultz v. Harney 11FF45 2G
Cal.A,,.4t7 1411* 1423A Careau & Co. v. Security acific Business Cre!it" Inc. 11FF05
222 Cal.A,,.3d 13G1* 13>4<13>>.5
C!o satis+y t7at 8urden on a,,eal* a ,lainti++ Emust s7ow in w7at manner 7e :an
amend 7is :om,laint and 7ow t7at amendment will :7an2e t7e le2al e++e:t o+ 7is
,leadin2.= 1#oo!man v. Kenne!y 11FG45 1> Cal.3d 335* 34F.5 !7e assertion o+ an
a8stra:t ri27t to amend does not satis+y t7is 8urden. 1$cKelvey v. Boein% &orth
'merican" Inc. 11FFF5 G4 Cal.A,,.4t7 151* 141.5 !7e ,lainti++ must :learly and
s,e:i+i:ally set +ort7 t7e Ea,,li:a8le su8stantive law= 1Community Cause v. Boatwri%ht
11F>15 124 Cal.A,,.3d >>>* >FG5 and t7e le2al 8asis +or amendment* i.e.* t7e elements o+
t7e :ause o+ a:tion and aut7ority +or it. Furt7er* t7e ,lainti++ must set +ort7 +a:tual
alle2ations t7at su++i:iently state all re;uired elements o+ t7at :ause o+ a:tion. 1$c$artin
v. Chil!ren(s Institute International 11F>F5 212 Cal.A,,.3d 13F3* 140>A $c#etti%an v.
Bay 'rea )api! Transit *ist. 11FFG5 5G Cal.A,,.4t7 1011* 1024.5 Alle2ations must 8e
+a:tual and s,e:i+i:* not va2ue or :on:lusionary. 1Cooper v. +,uity #en. Insurance
11FF05 21F Cal.A,,.3d 1252* 1243<1244.5
C!7e 8urden o+ s7owin2 t7at a reasona8le ,ossi8ility e@ists t7at amendment :an
:ure t7e de+e:ts remains wit7 t7e ,lainti++A neit7er t7e trial :ourt nor t7is :ourt will
rewrite a :om,laint. 1#oul! v. $arylan! Soun! In!ustries" Inc. 11FF55 31 Cal.A,,.4t7
113G* 1153.5 .7ere t7e a,,ellant o++ers no alle2ations to su,,ort t7e ,ossi8ility o+
amendment and no le2al aut7ority s7owin2 t7e via8ility o+ new :auses o+ a:tion* t7ere is
no 8asis +or +indin2 t7e trial :ourt a8used its dis:retion w7en it sustained t7e demurrer
wit7out leave to amend. 1&ew lum-in% Contractors" Inc. v. &ationwi!e $utual Ins. Co.
11FF25 G Cal.A,,.4t7 10>>* 10F>A H.H" /t!. v. Superior Court 11FG55 15 Cal.3d 50>*
513* +n. 3.5D 1)akestraw v. California hysicians( Service 120005 >1 Cal.A,,.4t7 3F* 42<
II. De!"arator# Re"ief
&lainti++ :ontends 7e s7ould 7ave 8een 2ranted leave to amend 7is +irst :ause o+
a:tion +or de:laratory relie+ to over:ome t7e de+i:ien:ies identi+ied 8y t7e trial :ourt.
',e:i+i:ally* ,lainti++ says* t7e trial :ourt Cerroneously denied &lainti++ leave to amend +or
+ailure to ,rovide tenderD 8e:ause* i+ 2iven t7e o,,ortunity to do so* 7e :ould 7ave
amended 7is :om,laint to alle2e +a:ts su,,ortin2 one o+ t7e e@:e,tions to t7e tender rule.
!7e a,,ellate re:ord desi2nated 8y t7e ,lainti++ does not in:lude t7e trial :ourt=s
/ay 10 order sustainin2 de+endants= demurrer to t7e +irst amended :om,laint. However*
t7e re,orter=s trans:ri,t o+ t7e /ay 10 7earin2 demonstrates t7at t7e trial :ourt 2ranted
t7e very relie+ ,lainti++ now see9s? leave to amend t7e +irst :ause o+ a:tion +or
de:laratory relie+. 'in:e t7e trial :ourt 2ranted ,lainti++ t7e relie+ 7e :laims to 7ave 8een
entitled* t7ere was no error. 1".2.* Scott v. 0$or%an Chase Bank" &.'. 120135 214
Cal.A,,.4t7 G43* G52 HCIn order to ,revail on a,,eal +rom an order sustainin2 a demurrer*
t7e a,,ellant must a++irmatively demonstrate error.DI.5
III. A!!o%ntin&
&lainti++ :ontends 7e s7ould 7ave 8een 2ranted leave to amend 7is t7ird :ause o+
a:tion +or an a::ountin2. In su,,ort* 7e ur2es as +ollows? C!7e trial :ourt determined
t7at &lainti++ :ould not amend 7is ,leadin2s to alle2e t7at De+endants owed 7im money.
However* &lainti++ :ould 7ave amended 7is :om,laint to alle2e su++i:ient +a:ts to s7ow
t7at t7e lender De+endants owe 7im a sum o+ money. . . . &lainti++=s :laim +or a::ountin2
was :learly :a,a8le o+ 8ein2 amended* and t7e trial :ourt a8used its dis:retion 8y
re+usin2 to allow &lainti++ t7e o,,ortunity to do so.D
As we 7ave said* to satis+y 7is a,,ellate 8urden* ,lainti++ must s7ow CEin w7at
manner 7e :an amend 7is :om,laint and 7ow t7at amendment will :7an2e t7e le2al e++e:t
o+ 7is ,leadin2.=D 1)akestraw v. California hysicians( Service* supra* >1 Cal.A,,.4t7 at
CAs a 2eneral rule* a ,lainti++ may not :7allen2e t7e ,ro,riety o+ a +ore:losure on
7is or 7er ,ro,erty wit7out o++erin2 to re,ay w7at 7e or s7e 8orrowed a2ainst t7e
,ro,erty.D 1Inten%an v. B'C Home /oans Servicin% / 120135 214 Cal.A,,.4t7 104G*
,. 43.5 !o do so* ,lainti++ must :learly and s,e:i+i:ally set +ort7 t7e a,,li:a8le
su8stantive law and +a:tual alle2ations t7at su++i:iently state all re;uired elements o+ t7at
:ause o+ a:tion in a manner t7at is C+a:tual and s,e:i+i:* not va2ue or :on:lusionary.D 1I!.
at ,. 44.5 Here* ,lainti++ 7as not done so. He 7as neit7er identi+ied t7e elements o+ a
:ause o+ a:tion +or an a::ountin2* nor stated wit7 any s,e:i+i:ity w7at +a:ts 7e :ould
alle2e to satis+y t7e elements o+ 7is :ause o+ a:tion.
In s7ort* alt7ou27 ,lainti++ asserts
t7at 7e :ould 7ave amended 7is :om,laint Cto alle2e su++i:ient +a:ts to s7ow t7at t7e
lender De+endants owe 7im a sum o+ money*D 7e 7as not told us w7at t7ose +a:ts are or
7ow t7ey 2ive rise to a :ause o+ a:tion +or an a::ountin2. !7us* 7e 7as not satis+ied 7is
a,,ellate 8urden to s7ow t7at t7e trial :ourt a8used its dis:retion 8y denyin2 7im leave to
amend t7e t7ird :ause o+ a:tion.
As to t7e remainin2 :auses o+ a:tion set +ort7 in t7e +irst amended :om,laint*
,lainti++ 7as +or+eited any :laims o+ error 8y +ailin2 to assert t7em or ma9e reasoned
ar2ument in su,,ort. 1".2.* $ultani v. 1itkin & &eal 120135 215 Cal.A,,.4t7 142>* 145G
HCEHIIt is a,,ellant=s 8urden to a++irmatively s7ow error. HCitation.I !o demonstrate error*
a,,ellant must ,resent meanin2+ul le2al analysis su,,orted 8y :itations to aut7ority and
:itations to +a:ts in t7e re:ord t7at su,,ort t7e :laim o+ error.=DIA Browne v. County of
Tehama 120135 213 Cal.A,,.4t7 G04* G14 HCE.7en an a,,ellant +ails to raise a ,oint* or
asserts it 8ut +ails to su,,ort it wit7 reasoned ar2ument and :itations to aut7ority* we treat
t7e ,oint as waived.=DI.5
CA :ause o+ a:tion +or an a::ountin2 re;uires a s7owin2 t7at a relations7i, e@ists
8etween t7e ,lainti++ and de+endant t7at re;uires an a::ountin2* and t7at some 8alan:e is
due t7e ,lainti++ t7at :an only 8e as:ertained 8y an a::ountin2. 1Brea v. $c#lashan
11F345 3 Cal.A,,.2d 454* 440A 5 .it9in* Cal. &ro:edure H15t7 ed. 200>5I &leadin2* J >1F*
,. 234.5 HKI An a:tion +or a::ountin2 is not availa8le w7ere t7e ,lainti++ alle2es t7e ri27t
to re:over a sum :ertain or a sum t7at :an 8e made :ertain 8y :al:ulation. 1St. 0ames
Church of Christ Holiness v. Superior Court 11F555 135 Cal.A,,.2d 352* 35F.5D 1Teselle
v. $c/ou%hlin 1200F5 1G3 Cal.A,,.4t7 154* 1GF.5
!7e 6ud2ment is a++irmed. De+endants s7all re:over t7eir :osts on a,,eal.
'$L$3A.A* ).
.e :on:ur?
.ILLHI!"* A:tin2 &. ).
/A"LLA* ).

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