Legal Employment Weekly - September 7, 2010

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Up-to-Date Listings of Jobs in the Legal Profession  V  Volume olume 12, No. 36

A Special Supplement to the Chica Chicago go Daily Law Bulletin

 Week  W eek of S Sept ept.. 66-10 10,, 20 2010 10

 Attorney Positions — Law Firms, Government, Corporate, Non-Profit Staff Positions — Paralegals, Legal Secretaries, Law Clerks, Word Processors, Mail Room Staff, Receptionists and much more! 


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Experienced Tort & Labor Attorneys


Litigation Paralegal

The Chicago Transit Authority has immediate openings in its Torts & Labor groups for experienced attorneys with excellent analytical, analytical, written and communication skills.

A mid-size defense litigation firm with with a nat national ional practice seeks a full time attorney with a minimum of 6 years of legal experience. Skill set required includes established research, writ writing, ing, deposition deposition and trial skills along with the ability to work independently as well as in a team setting. Product liability experience experience prefer preferred. red. Applicants must be organized, self-motivated and able to handle files with little supervision. Please send resume and writing sample to the following:

Chicago practi Chicago practice ce has an immediate opening for an experienced defense litigation paralegal with trial experience. The successful successful cand candidate idate will h av av e a mi mi n nii m mu u m of 3 to to 5 years experience and trial experience perien ce includin including g sitting at counsel table. In this position you must be available for travel while cases are being t ried. ried. St ron rong g client liaison liaison skills, a good sense of humor and the ability to deal with stress stres s and deadlines are key for success in this position. Word and E-filing E-filing experience experience is highly preferred. 4 year degree and or ABA paralega paralegall certificate are preferred. Salary is commensurate with experience and firm offers a competitive benefit package E-mail resume to [email protected]

Tort 7+ years experience in torts and personal injury matters required. require d. Must be able able to immediately assume a full case load of significant injury lawsuits. Labor 3 - 7 years experience experience in labor labor arbitrations, administrative proceedings, procee dings, federal federal employemployment lit igat igat ion and client counseling couns eling on employment employment and labor issues. The Chicago Transit Authority offers a competiti competitive ve salary and excellent benefits. For more information on the positions and to apply online go to The Chicago Transit Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY Busy Downtown Chicago-Loop Chicago-Loop Plaintiff’s P.I. Practice with a satellite office in the Fox Valley area seeks seeks an Assoc. Assoc. with at least 3 yrs. experience who is also capable of trying jury cases. The ideal candidate should shou ld hav have e a minimum minimum of five jury trials trials to verd verdict ict and is capable of presenting Motions, attending Mandatory Arbitration Hearings and taking and presenting clients for depositions. The position requires access to a car for frequent travel to Du Page, Kane, Will and Cook County Suburban Courtrooms. Salary commensu comm ensurat rate e wit h experiexperience and includes an incentive program. E-Mail your Resume, Jury Verdict History History and Salary requirements to [email protected].

FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY Established Establis hed Law Offi Office ce seeks Hard Working, Honest, Client/Court/Computer Savvy, Career Oriented, Oriented, Happy, Family Law Associate for our Oak Park and Lombard Offices. FAX 708-358-0887

Box LB58

Law Bulletin 415 N. State St, Chicago, IL 60654 E-mail: [email protected]

Claims Attorney Top ten surety company is seeking a senior claims attorney in the Chicago, Illinois area to head its Southern Claims Division. Successful candidates should should have a minimu minimum m of three (3) years of surety claims experience involving both contract and commercial bonds, excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work with a high degree of independence. Some travel will be required. Possession of Texas and Florida Claims Adjuster Licenses a plus. Position will report directly to the Senior Vice President & Chief Claims Officer. Excellent salary and benefits. Please send cover letter, resume and salary requirements to [email protected].

PARALEGALS Product liability defense litigation firm firm seeks parale paralegals gals with 6-8 years of litigation experience. perie nce. The position position involves assisting w/discovery process, managing complex case files and assisting at trial. Candidates must be selfstarters with strong communication and organizational skills, ability to prioritize and work well as part of a trial team. Salary is commensurate with experience. The Firm provides an excellent work environment environment and and benefits package. Please send resume to:


Legal Assistant


Plaintiff’s Medical Malpractice Firm seeks experienced paralegal with a minimum of 5 years significant significant trial trial experience, including but not limited to experience with trial director and power point. Candidate must be proficient in litigation and case management software, software, transcript transcription ion of medical terminology, terminology, medical record organization, deposition scheduling, scheduling, discovery discovery and related materials. This position requires excellent organizational skills. Send resume, references and salary requirements to

A boutique law firm is seeking an experienced legal assistant. The right individual must possess the following traits and skills: Professional appearance and demeanor. demeanor. Pro Proff ic icienc iency y with MicroSoft Word and Excel. Exceptional Exceptional organizational skills and great attention to details. Experience in preparing documents for court filings, retain tainer er agreement agreements s and revisions to complaints and motions. Excellent Excellent oral and writt en communica communicatt ion skills. skills. Out Outlook look e-mail e-mail and calendar calendar maintenance. Extensive file maintena main tenance. nce. Overall str strong ong work ethics. Please e-mail resumes to [email protected]

General practice firm is seeking a part time bi-lingual receptionist (Mon - Friday 1:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m. and occasional Saturdays.) Saturda ys.) to to answer answer calls and facilitate facilitate client inquiries. inquiries. Ability to read and write Spanish a plus. Please call Nancy 312-861-0800

Box LB65

Law Bulletin 415 N. State St, Chicago, IL 60654 E-mail: [email protected]

Legal Secretary

Trial Paralegal

Medium sized Plaintiff per-

Litigation fir Litigation firm m has an immediate opening available for an experience exper ienced d t rial lit igat igat iion on paralegal with 4+ years of experience. The successful candidate must be able to travel for 4 to 6 weeks for trials. These attorneys would also prefer some trial exhibit soft ware experience. experience. You must be detail oriented and have good interpersonal communication skills. You must be proficient with Microsoft Microsoft Office Office Suites and have strong communicacommunication skills. 4 year degree and/or an ABA approved paralegal cert cert if ificat icate. e. Salary Salary is commensu comm ensurat rate e wit h experiexperience and firm offers a competitive benefit package. E-mail resume to [email protected]

Box LB66

Law Bulletin 415 N. State St, Chicago, IL 60654 E-mail: [email protected]

Family Law Attorney Small Loop-based family law practice seeking experienced family famil y law attorney. attorney. Must be motivated, client oriented and experienced exper ienced in all aspects aspects of family law. Must be willing

PARALEGAL Midsize litigation firm seeks paralegal with trial experience and strong computer skills. Paralegal certifi certificate cate preferred. Send resume to: [email protected]

sonal firm seeks injury bright, litigation bright, self-s self-sufficie ufficient, nt, experienced, bi-lingual secretary. Must have good typing skills, experience in WordPerfect and Windows, and be able to handle a busy litigation desk. MUST have Plaintiff personal injury litigation experience. perien ce. Salary commensucommensurate with experience and ability. FAX resume to Kathi Deahl at (312) 641-3370 or call (312) 641-5944

LEGAL SECRETARY Wheaton law firm has an immediate opening for an experienced legal secretary skilled in Microsoft Microsoft Word and Excel. Excellent Excell ent grammar and spelling skills required. 30 - 35 hour per week position. Send resume and salary requirements via e-mail to maryedickson, or via facsimile to (630) 690-3108.

Legal Assistant Established Joliet litigat Established litigation ion firm seeks experienced full time legal assistant. Experience in Plaintiff’s Plaintiff’s personal personal injury work is required. Must be knowledgeable in Word, Excel, and Outlook and possess exceptional communication and organizational organizational skills. Submit resume with salary requirements via email to [email protected].

and able immediately assume file to responsibility. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. All resumes will be kept confidential. Please send resume to

Box LB69

Law Bulletin 415 N. State St, Chicago, IL 60654 E-mail: [email protected]

 Attorney listings continued on page 2

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 Paralegal  Para legal listings continued on page 3

Legal Secretary listings continued on page 3



1000  Attorney


1000  Attorney

1010 Positions Available

Positions Available ATTORNEYS

The area’s top Law Firms and Corporations are searching the Law Bulletin’s Resume Center daily for their hiring needs. You need to be signed up and post your resume and profile how else will they find you? You can keep your search confidential and exclude your choice of employers from viewing your resume and information. The Resume Center is the best way to get the exposure you want, on your terms, while looking for your next position. It’s fast, easy and free to sign up! Go to and sign up today!

LABOR & EMPLOYMENT ASSOCIATE Milwaukee, WI  - Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. is a full-service

business-oriented law firm with a national client base. We have an immediate opening for a highly motivated candidate with at least two years of experience in labor and employment law to join our Milwaukee office. Superior academic credentials required. Our Labor and Employment Department attorneys provide advice in every aspect of law concerning employer-employee relations, including traditional labor law. Our attorneys practice proactively to minimize occurrence of lawsuits but are also experienced in litigating before all federal and state courts and agencies. Please submit resume, cover letter and copy of law school transcript in confidence to: Sandra W. Faull Manager, Attorney Recruiting Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. 1000 North Water Street P.O.Box 2965 Milwaukee, WI 53201-2965 [email protected]

Environmental Claims Specialist III Schaumburg, IL

1000  Attorney

1000  Attorney

1010 Positions Available

1010 Positions Available

1010 Practice Mergers

Family Law



Sellers Wanted

Sophisticated fourteen attorSophisticated attorney North Shore firm specializing in Wealth Succession, Real Estate, Corporate, Tax and Litigation seeks qualified senior associate and partner level attorneys attorneys with portable portable business (would also consider accepting a small firm merger). Please e-mail resumes to Tracy A. Weber, [email protected]

Cassiday Schade seeks additional attorney with up to one year experience experience for for its Rockford office. Candidate should apply directly to [email protected]. No phone calls please.

Solo or small law practice. Robert Banzuly, 312-953-4268 The Lawyer’s Broker.

INSURANCE DEFENSE Mid-size Loop law firm seeks a motivated motivated associate associate attor attor-ney with 2 years of litigation experience. experi ence. Practice Practice areas include premises liability, construction, medical mal., and auto. Excellent Excellent benefit benefits. s. Send resume and salary requirements to

LINDER LEGAL STAFFING Contract assignments and direct-hire positions at law fir rm ms and cor rp por ra a t iio ons s.. Please email resume to [email protected] and visit

Box LB71

Box LB61

Trial Attorney

Box LB68

The selected candidate will investigate, review and settle complex claims involving contamination of soil, air and water. This includes both litigated and non-litigated bodily injury and property damage claims and will often include the selection and direction of defense counsel, as well as active participation in litigation and case strategy development. This is an excellent opportunity to put your degree and experience to work in an innovative and important way. To qualify, you should have at least 4 years’ related experience handling liability and/or environmental sciences claims/cases. You should be knowledgeable of related laws and statutes for the entire U.S. and have experience and expertise in environmental claims and/or insurance coverage. A bachelor’s degree is preferred and a JD degree is highly desirable. We provide a world-class, forward-thinking team environment. For immediate consideration, visit the Career Center at and search for Position ID: 23179. Please include salary history with resume/CV submission. EEO/AA Employer, in North America, Zurich supports a diverse workforce.


Southwest subu Southwest suburban rban law firm seeks a full time REAL ESTATE attorne attorney y with a minimum of 3 to 5 years Residential Real Estate Closing experience. Experience in a high volume closing environment and a strong title background background is necessary. REO / Relocation experience a plus. Full benefit package available. Interested candidates should email resumes including salary requirements to [email protected]

Attorney Southwest subu Southwest suburban rban law firm seeks a full time REAL ESTATE attorne attorney y with a minimum of 3 to 5 years Residential Real Estate Closing experience. Experience in a high volume closing environment and a strong title background background is necessary. REO / Relocation experience a plus. Full benefit package available. Interested candidates should email resumes including salary requirements to [email protected]

Associate/Property But ler lerCraig, Pappa Pappas s Weih Weihmulle muller r Katz LLP recently opened its Chicago Chicago Office. Office. We are looking for an associate with 2-4 years of first party propert prope rt y in insura surance nce expe experirience. This This is an excellen excellentt opportunity to join the new office of an established civil defense firm. Please submit resume to Hiring Partner, Butler Pappas Weihmuller Weihmu ller Katz Craig, Craig, LLP, 115 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 3200, Chicago, Chicago, IL 606 60603 03 or fax to (312) 456-0909.

TRIAL ATTORNEY Loop plaintiff’s negligence litigation firm seeks an atty with 1-3 years exp. in all phases of pre-trial pre-t rial discover discovery y and trial trial.. Send resume, references and salary requirements to:

Box LB62

Law Bulletin 415 N. State St, Chicago, IL 60654 E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright © 2010 by Law Bulletin Company 415 N.Publishing State Street Chicago, Illinois 60654 (312) 644-7800 Fax (312) 644-0542  www.LawBul

Family Law Attorney Smallpractice loop family law Lake firm with in Cook, and Du Page counties needs associate with 2-3 years domestic mesti c relations experie experience. nce. Full or part time considered.

Box LB67

Law Bulletin 415 N. State St, Chicago, IL 60654 E-mail: [email protected]

1000 1030

Retired attorney, Retired attorney, 36 yrs. exp. seeks work work to ghost write write appellat pellat e brief briefs, s, mot ions, ions, responses. My research, my w r it it iin n g Appellate , you ur r brief s i gn gn a ttu ure e.. $100/hr. examp l e a v a i l ab ab l e. e. 7 0 8 8-- 2 0 04 4 - 20 20 6 4 [email protected]


415 N. State St, Chicago, IL 60654 E-mail: [email protected]

Small Loop Plaintiff’s P/I and W.C. practice practice urgently seeks Assoc. Must have 1+ yrs. exp. in all aspects of a P.I. case. including deps, court calls, motion calls, written discovery. Jury trial experience and W.C. case handling preferred. Please include include a resume, cover letter, and writing sample.

Situation Wanted


Downtown firm seeks experienced attorney for general practice. Send resume to:

Law Bulletin


Law Bulletin 415 N. State St, Chicago, IL 60654 E-mail: [email protected]

Wanted Disbarred lawyer wanted for mortgage Loan Company, present position Palatine, IL. This will give you some income while you put your life back in order. American Home Finance 847-705-1940 J.R.

 Jobs Jobs Jobs on Follow us to quickly receive all the latest attorney job postings and other legal employment information. Email: [email protected]

Law Bulletin

Environmentall Claims Specialist III Environmenta


Well known Firm is accepting resumes resume s from accomp accomplished lished associates with 3+ years of solid Family Law experience and a demonstrated demonstrated belief belief in the importance of helping clients make a significant difference in their lives. You will be challenged challen ged by the divers diverse e and demanding demand ing cases at the the Firm but you will enjoy an excellent excellent salary and benefits package at a Firm where your career career can thrive. For immediate consideration please submit your resume with with salary history history and salary requirements (must be included to be considered) to [email protected]

415 N. State St, Chicago, IL 60654 E-mail: [email protected]

Zurich North America is a world leader in insurance and financial services. Key to our success is the ability to encourage peak performance in our professionals and to create tailor-made solutions for our customers. We have an excellent opportunity for an experienced claims professional at our Schaumburg, IL, U.S. headquarters.


Attorneys in Transition cordially invites you to a seminar discussing:

Managing  Your Finances  After A Layoff With our featured guest of  the month: Erica A. Burgland Morgan St Stanley anley Smith Barney Join us Wednesday, Sept. 22 3:30 - 5 to learn how to rollover your 401k to an IRA, properly assess your finances and other helpful financial tips to get you through a career transition. If you, or someone you know, are interested in attending this free event, plea please se RSVP RSVP to to jobs  jobs@lbp m by Sept. 21 and give us your year of graduation from law school and what your practice area is .


The Job Postings Below are brought to you by: Attorney Positions Available

1000 1010

Trusts & Estates Associate  A prominent Chicago law firm has an immediate need for a well-credentialed associate with a minimum of 3 years experience for its Trusts & Estates Group. This is a great opportunity to be part of a well-respected practice group. Chicago, Illinois Apply for Job #370

Corporate Associate Junior To SeniorLevel The Ann Arbor, Arbor, MI office of our  well-respected law firm is seeking a well-credentialed corporate transactional/M&A associate with, ideally, 2-6 years of experience. This attorney should have demonstrable ties to Michigan. This is a great opportunity to be an integral part of small, collegial office (under 15 attorneys) and assume significant responsibility on deals.  Ann Arbor, Arbor, Michigan

Attorney Positions Available

1000 1010

Chief Legal Counsel Our national, non-profit organization, located north of  the Loop, is seeking an attorney with a minimum of 10 years of nonprofit, antitrust, corporate governance, regulatory, health and insurance law, and related litigation experience with a major corporation or law firm. This attorney will provide legal and business advice regarding the organization’s policies, programs, decisions and activities. This hands-on position involves supervising legal staff, managing relationships with outside counsel, developing reports and managing litigation. The ideal candidate will have experience or familiarity with non-profit organizations (501c3 and 501c6). This organization offers a closeknit, collegial environment and business casual workplace. Apply for Job #916

Counsel - Trademarks & Copyrights

Apply for Job #918

Corporate Associate Mid-Level The Corporate & Securities Practice Group of our national firm is seeking an associate with significant corporate M&A exp experi erienc ence. e. The idea ideall attorney will have 3-4 years of  corporate transactional experience gained at a wellregarded law firm. Experience in shared deals, asset deals, sales, drafting, negotiation and due diligence is preferred. This associate should feel comfortable working in teams and independently managing components of  transactions. This is a great opportunity to be part of collegial, team-oriented and sophisticated corporate practice group. Apply for Job #385

Our international company, located in Northeast Wisconsin, is seeking an attorney with a minimum of  eight years experience, of  which whic h 4-6 4-6 years years MUS MUST T be working in-house for a corporation. This attorney will serve as an advisor to executives, key business clients and the company’s global marketing organization. This position involves managing the company’s global trademark and copyright portfolio, as well as providing strategic counsel regarding all aspects of the protection and licensing of the company’s trademarks, trade dress, copyrights and domain names. Experience working with consumer brands is strongly preferred. If you are seeking an in-house opportunity with a fast-paced, wellknown global company where you will be able to use your  business acumen and legal experience, this would be the ideal position.

Apply for Job #915

Attorneys Positions Available

1010 1010

Construction Associate (Junior To Mid-Level) Our national law firm client is seeking an associate with two to four years experience (ideally, Class of of ’05-’07) for  its construction practice group. Any construction background, previous clerkship or  Law Review experience is considered a plus. The position will include a variety of litigation and transactional matters involving purchasing/procurement contract review; project controls advice and services to energy/utility companies; and dispute resolution services regarding claims involving professional liability, delay, impact and acceleration, mechanic's lien foreclosures, and construction defects. Significant travel (possibly 3-4 days/week out of the office) is involved. You have the option of practicing out of any one of the firm’s following offices other than Chicago: Lake Forest, IL;  Atlan ta; Boston ; New York City; San Francisco; or  Washington, D.C. This is a great opportunity to be part of  a nationally respected construction law practice group whose partners have been recognized by the American College of Construction Lawyers. Apply for Job #870

Real Estate Associate The small, growing real estate practice group of our entrepreneurial law firm client (under 50 attorneys) is seeking a 2nd-3rd year level (preferably, Class of 2007 or  2008; possibly, Class of 2006) associate. The ideal candidate will have acquisition, disposition, commercial finance and condominium experience. Associates, which are expected to bill 1,800 hours, are delegated significant responsibility and work closely with clients. This is a great opportunity to be group. part of a close-knit practice Apply for Job #350



Help Wanted General 1300

Positions Available


Positions Available

Patent and Trademark Paralegal Our client, a global corporation, is seeking a patent and trademark paralegal with 4+ years of foreign and domestic experience.. Docketing experiexperience ence is also helpful. Bachelors degree and/or Paralegal Certificate preferred. Comprehensive benefits package. Salary commensurate with experienc experience. e. Apply for Job #3231


Accounting Specialist Large, prestigious loop law firm is seeking an accounting specialist with 4+ years of  experience to coordinate the daily accounting operations and activities for the Chicago Office. Associate’s degree preferred; Bachelor’s degree in Accounting is a plus. Strong working knowledge os Microsoft Office and Outlook is required. Salary up to the mid $50’s with comprehensive benefits. Apply for Job #3232

Help Wanted General 1300 Positions Available


Litigation Technology Analyst Mid-size loop law firm is seeking a legal technology analyst with 2+ years of experience. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, assisting the Legal Technology Manager in firm-wide implementation and support of legal/litigation technology; liason between the legal staff staff an the IT staff and and will provide a blend of services from both the legal and the technical areas; provide technical support for Summation iBlaze, TrialDirector, CaseMap, TimeMap, NoteMap, LAW PreDiscovery v5.0 or higher and iPro 8.6 Suite. An indepth understanding of the entire litigation support process is required. be available through Must telephone and/or wireless connectivity, providing 24/7 support when required. Salary commensurate with experience. Salary up to $80K. Apply for Job #3220

CLS Legal Staffing 180 North LaSalle Street Suite 3525 Chicago, Chic ago, IL 60601 312-251-2588

Marketing Chicago, IL Our client, an Am Law 100 national law firm, is seeking a Practice Management Department Manager. This position is responsible for  managing the financial and administrative functions of the Labor & Employment Department and its Practice Groups in order to assist in achieving the Department’s goals and objectives. Qualifications are as follows: Undergraduate degree in business or related field Three to five years experience in a professional services environment. Law firm or  management consulting experience preferred. Exceptional managerial and facilitation skills, interpersonal skills and organizational skills Exhibit high degree of initiative and independent judgment with excellent troubleshooting and followthrough skills in order to manage multiple projects simultaneously in a fast-paced, dynamic environment Exhibit high degree of business analysis and possess the ability to discuss and brainstorm about the results and recommend the possible direction the Department or Office should take based on the data Apply for Job #3226

[email protected]







Keep your eyes on the prize Tiffany Farber is a solo practitioner who has been practicing law since 2008. As someone who has been through transition in her career, she understands the challenges lawyers in this situation face.

When I was a law student, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my law license — advocate for people people with disabilities. So, I made sure I always kept that in mind. As a student, I did everything I co could uld to learn about disability rights law, special education law and any other area of law that encompassed advocating for people with disabilities. I never stopped stopped making connections and and learning the ropes and I’m still going strong strong to this day day.. I have come a long way from that wide-eyed law student, but I owe my success to that persistence. Being patient is super hard, but but it pays off. When I was a third-year student, I interviewed for a job that would have been perfect for me. I was so excited about it. In the end, ano another ther qualified attorney beat beat me out for the position. I got to know him and kept in touch with him and, wouldn’t you know it, when he decided to move and take a position outside of Chicago, he suggested my name for his replacement. Sometimes the stars align, but the st stars ars can usually use a little nudging. If you interview for a job and you d don’t on’t get it, don’t get bitter. Instead, make it a point to keep in touch with people at that firm or organization. If you are unwilling to compromise your your passion, it will be evident. If you have your heart set on a particular position, don’t give up on it just because someone tells you no. Of course, be courteous and and don’t be overbearing when it comes comes to keeping in touch. Instead, give that person little reminders that you you are still around and interested. One tip I really like is to let that person know about timely and relevant news stories or cases that you’ve read to show you are up on the law. The thing you have to remember remember is to keep your eye on the prize. If you want a  job in a certain area of law, you need to keep your sights on that goal. There are enough attorneys in Chicago to lead you there. It’s hard to wait it out sometimes, but I am telling you that it’s often often worth it. Along the way there will be twists in the road, but if you know your ultimate destination, you are sure to get there eventually. eventually. You need to make a valiant effort to strategically place yourself in front of the right people. Call your law school alumni association association and ask them to help y you. ou. Or, ask some attorney friends to help you make a roadmap. It helps when you chart your path, so draw something out, even if that sounds silly. silly. I have heard numerous stories about successful people, and one thing always remains a common thread between between them: all of them have a plan. Some of these people use visualization techniques and pump themselves up by picturing their goals coming to fruition; others write detailed plans so they know when they are hitting key points on their journey. journey. Whichever way you go, commit to taking active steps toward keeping your ultimate goal in mind. [blog on the Internet]. Chicago: Law Bulletin Publishing Company 2010 August 27 - [cited 2010 September 6]. Available from:


1000 Office Space

Situation Wanted

Contract attorney available for covering court appearances and other assignments, in state and federal court, at great great rates. Please call Jason at (312) 550-918 550-9181, 1, or send an ema email il to [email protected]. For more information about Jas on on , y yo ou ca ca n al al so so v iis s iitt w ww. cou r tc all References Referenc es available upon request. Professional liability insurance

Of Counsel or Contract work FOR SERIOUS TAX PROBLEMS Business Clients with large tax liens; imminent or on-going seizures by IRS, IDOR, or any taxing authoritie authorities s and administrative agencies. Convert liens into value. Stop seizures. Maximize Maximize advant advantages ages in dissolutions or sales of assets. NON-Bankruptcy solutions. Article 9/Secured party solutions. Please contact Mark Rudis at 219 805 2259 or at [email protected]

La Law/ w/Do Docke ckett Clerks Clerks 1150 1150 1155

IP Docket Assistant Chicago law firm is looking to add an experienced Patent Docket professional. You need to have at least 2+ years experience preparing & maintaining a law firm’s IP docket. You will will handle handle trademark, trademark, patent, copyright and otherThe IP docketing procedures. ideal candidate candidate will posses possess s st rong rong organiza organizatt ion ional al skills skills with an eye for detail. Candidat e must must have experien experience ce with IP docketi docketing ng software, software, CPI a plus. plus. Colle College ge degree degree preferred. Salary is commensurate with experience and firm offers offers a competitive competitive benefit package. E-mail resume to [email protected].

DEPUTY CLERK I llinois Appellat e Court Clerk’s office seeks a deputy clerk to perform general office duties, duties, which which include assisting the public and maintaining the court files. Applicant s must have good interpersonal interper sonal and organizational skills. Send resumes to: Thomas Palella Palella,, Clerk’ Clerk’s s Office - Illinois Appellate Appellate Court, Court, 160 N. LaSalle St., Suite S1400, Chicago, IL 60601.

Office Space For Rent

1500 1510

SPACE AVAILABLE FOR SUBLET 160 Square feet of office space available plus separate area available for secretary or receptionist in common area. Located in Sky Harbor, Northbrook at 3605 Woodhead Drive. We are a 3 person law firm looking to sublet an available office. The office has a kitchen and conference room. Utilities Utilities and internet included. Call 847-790-7625 if interested. Rent is negotiable.

CHICAGO TEMPLE BUILDING 77 W. WASHINGTON Across street from - Daley Center - City Hall - County Bldg. Best location in Chicago. Immediate Occupancy. Conference Room. Space available from 342 sf. - 2,940 sf. G.O. CAMERON, INC., AGENT 312-236-5050

Office Available

Law office available with other criminal attorneys adjacent to 26th & Cal— All inclusive & with high speed internet $800 per mo inquire 773-869-9800 Monthly parking available.



1510 For Rent

Three First National Plaza


Positions Available

1500 Office Space

1030 For Rent

Stunning 50th floor high rise offic office e share in downtown downtown Chicago Class A building, across from Courthouse. Courthouse. 3 fully furnished exterior exterior and and 2 1/2 interior offices with spectacular views ranging from $900 to $2,500 and approximately approximately 120 sq. ft. to 340 sq. ft. Reception area, kitchen, kitchen, 2 large large conferconference rooms with sweeping views, fax, copy machines. Call Cortney at (312) 558-6444.

1500 1510

100 W. MONROE Free month’s rent when signing 1 year lease Great location! Copier, Fax, Phone and potential referrals. Quiet office in a congenial office suite on the penthouse floor. Office is 14 1/2 feet by 11 and has sunny south side exposure. Secretarial space also available. Call Victor at 312-781-1855



Positions Available


PARALEGALS The area’s top Law Firms and Corporations are searching the Law Bulletin’s Resume Center daily for their hiring needs. You need to be signed up and post your resume and profile how else will they find you? You can keep your search confidential and exclude your choice of employers from viewing your resume and information. The Resume Center is the best way to get the exposure you want, on your terms, while looking for your next position. It’s fast, easy and free to sign up! Go to and sign up today!

 Jobs Jobs Jobs on paralegal job  job postings Follow us to quickly receive all the latest paralegal and other legal employment information. lbparajobs Email: [email protected]

Legal Secretaries


Positions Available


LEGAL SECRETARIES The area’s top Law Firms and Corporations are searching the Law Bulletin’s Resume Center daily for their hiring needs. You need to be signed up and post your resume and profile how else will they find you? You can keep your search confidential and exclude your choice of employers from viewing your resume and information. The Resume Center is the best way to get the exposure you want, on your terms, while looking for your next position. It’s fast, easy and free to sign up! Go to and sign up today!

 Jobs Jobs Jobs on Follow us to quickly receive all the latest legal secretary job postings and other legal employment information. http://twitter .com/lblegalsecjobs obs Email: [email protected]

Attention Legal Secretaries Paralegals & Receptionists! Personal injury/worker’s comp firm seeking candidates for legal secretary, paralegal and receptionist positions. Ideal secretary and paralegal applicants should have 3-5 years solid legal experience, positive attitude and demonstrated ability to work independently. Reception candidates should have solid prior experience in customer service or high volume switchboard operation. Bilingual a plus. Nice benefits package, great Loop location and beautiful office space. Confidential replies to:

Box LB70

Law Bulletin 415 N. State St, Chicago, IL 60654 E-mail: [email protected]

Illinois Paralegal Association Getting the Right Things Done When Your World Is Crazy Busy

By Vicki Voisin, ACP It’s no secret that we live in a crazy busy world. No matter how much you do, your “to do” list is still a mile long and  you always run out of day before you run out of list. You’re forever scrambling just trying to just keep up. It’s probably safe to say that  you’ve probably given up on staying ahead.  And that’ s just at  work...add your personal and social obligations and it’s no  wonder you’d like to just hide under the covers some mornings and skip the rat race. So how  do  do  you get things done? And not just any old “things” but the right things? First, clear your mental desk. Take 10-15 minutes and

 write down everythi ng that  you need t o do. Th is is everything that pops into your head, from the trial brief to  your friend’s baby gift to your mother-in-law’s birthday card to getting a plumber in to fix  that leak. These are just examples — you get the idea.

Second, grab a blank piece of paper or spiral notebook.

my calendar for each day  when nothing’s p lanned. This time is used for whatever comes up and, if nothing comes up, I choose whether to do something else from my list, take a long walk, write an article or, if I’m really ambitious, make a really nice dinner for The Don. . .whatever I’m inspired to do. The above makes three

assumptions: You have written goals and objectives AND are determined to achieve them. You understand that perfection and procrastination may derail your ‘To Do’ list and you avoid them as much as possible You delegate anything that isn’t in your best interest. Time Management is a hot

topic. This article gives you the simplest system for managing your time: write it down and do the things you’ve written down. Everything else is  just noise that clutters your brain.  Your  Your challenge is simple:

Try the 5 steps above. As written. Give it three weeks and see how much more you’re getting done every day.

©2010 Vicki Voisin, Inc. Vicki Voisin, “The Paralegal Mentor”, delivers simple strategies for paralegals and other professionals to create success and satisfaction by achieving goals and determining the direction they will take their careers. Vicki spotlights resources, organizational tips, ethics issues, and other areas of con-


Post Office Box 452

New Lenox IL 60451-0452





tinuing education to help paralegals and others reach their full potential. She publishes a weekly ezine titled  Paralegal Strategies and cohosts The Paralegal Voice, a monthly podcast produced by Legal Talk Network. More information is available at  www.



Fax 815/462-4696


is open to any person who is: (1) an Illinois resident employed as a paralegal on a full-time basis in the State of Illinois; or (2) a non-Illinois re resident sident employed as a paralegal on a full-time basis in the State of Illinois; or (3) an Illinois resident employ employed ed as a paralegal on a full-time basis in any State contiguous to Illinois. Regular Membership is $65.00

 STUDENT  membership is open to (1) any Illinois resident who is enrolled in a formal course of paralegal study from an accredited institution in pursuit of a certificate or degree and is not working as a paralegal; or (2) to any non-Illinois resident residing in a state contiguous to Illinois, and who is also enrolled in a formal course of paralegal study from an accredited institution in Illinois in pursuit of a certificate or degree and is not working as a paralegal. Student Membership is $40.00   (Please list name of School) ________________________________  ________________________________   ASSOCIATE  membership

is open to (1) any person employed as a p paralegal aralegal on a part part-time -time basis in the State of Illinois; or (2) any person formerly employed as a paralegal; or (3) any graduate of a formal course of paralegal study from an accredited institution who is seeking a paralegal position.  Associate Membership is $55.00   SUSTAINING  membership

the purposes of the Association.

is open to any person, law firm, business, educational institution or other organization interested in furthering Sustaining Membership is $95.00

Definition: A paralegal is a person qualified through education, training, or work experience to perform substantive legal work that requires knowledge of legal concepts and that is customarily, but not exclusively, exclusively, performed by an attorney. This person is retained/employed by an attorney, law office, governmental agency, agency, or other entity under the supervisory authority of an attorney; or is authorized by governmental administrative agency or statutory or court authority to perform this work.

First Name ______________________________

Middle Initial _______________

Last _______________________________ _______________________________________ ________

Pick 7 important things from  your “everything” list. Write them down...and actually  write them, don’t typ e them.

Work Street Address _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Home City, State, Zip ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Third, do those 7 things in the order you listed. When

Work City, State, Zip _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Home Telephone # _____________________________________ _____________________________________

 you finish with one, mo ve on to the next, and then the next,  working through all 7 one by one.

Employer ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________ Home Address _______________________________ ________________________________________ _________

Work Telephone Telephone # ________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________ E-mail Address Address  ADDRESS INFORMATION

Fourth, do the same thing tomorrow.  And the day after

and the day after that. If you don’t finish something today, it can be moved to tomorrow’s list if you still think it’s important. If its importance has changed, forget it. Just because it’s on the list one day doesn’t guarantee it a place on tomorrow’s list. Fifth, use a timer. Once  you get this approach down pat, add a timer to your routine. For example, this newsletter is always on my “To Do” list so that it gets done in parts and doesn’t end up being an all day project. I allow 30 minutes for each part. So when “write newsletter” shows up on my list each day, I set my timer for 30 minutes and work on it for that chunk of time. This keeps me totally focused and I often get the newsletter done in less time. One more thing: to tame the always present email, I check it at set times each day or between tasks (from above) if I’m expecting something important. I also ‘book’ an hour into


For mailings For online membership listing

Business  

Residence  




In the Mail   AREAS

 Renewal 

  I have at least five years of paralegal experience.   The board of directors occasionally approves the release of IPA’s mailing

(If you wish to be listed online, ONE   box must be checked)  checked) 

I want to receive/view the  Association Publications


list to outside vendors. NFPA also releases the mailing list to outside vendors. Please indicate if you would like your name withheld from such distributions.  

Via Email  



Bankruptcy   Estates and Trusts   Commercial Finance   Family    Corporate   Freelance   Employee Benefits   General   Health    Environmental


Immigration   Information Technology    Insurance   Intellectual Property   Labor/Employment

(check applicable areas)  

Litigation Medical Malpractice    Real Estate   Securities   Tax  


Workers Comp Other ____________   Other ____________   Other ____________   Other ____________  

I hereby certify that I meet the criteria of the membership class and the definition of a paralegal. I affirm that I am not a disbarred or suspended attorney, and that I have not been found to have engaged in the unauthorized practice of law. Further, I understand that once approved as a member of IPA, I am subject to all of the provisions contained in the IPA’s Illinois Code of Paralegal Ethics. 

Signature ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _______

Date _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____________

Dues are assessed on a calendar year basis. Membership of those joining after November 1 shall extend through the end of the next calendar year. IPA is a 501(c)(6) tax-exempt organization. Contributions or gifts to IPA are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Dues payments may be deductible as a business expense. Illinois Paralegal Association members are also members of NFPA; a portion of your dues is forwarded to NFPA on your behalf.

 Mail a check or money order to the Post Office box. Or, for credit card payment, complete portion below and, fax your application to 815/462-4696.  Visa

 MasterCard

 Discover

 American


 Name on Card _______________________________ Billing Address, City, State, Zip________________________________________________________ Card Number _____________________________________________ ___________________ Expiration ____________ Security Code _______________ Signature ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________  REFERRED BY: ________________________



Office Space

1500 Office Space

For Rent

1510 For Rent

1500 1510

19 S. LaSalle Street Office Available!

Steps from Daley Center

Three offices available in 2-floor suite. Furnished or unfurnished. Includes Inclu des secre secretari tarial al stat stations. ions. Amenities include: 3 conference rooms, full reception services, loop messenger messenger service, service, daily court messenger service, library, filing cabinets, fax, scanner color copiers, 2 kitchens, shower and sauna. Available immediately. Ask for Perri or Susie at 312-641-2233.

Loop Law firm office and secret retaria ariall space space imme immediat diately ely available. Steps from Daley Center, gorgeous shared reception and conference rooms overlooking the river. Your clients will be impressed. Competitive prices. Call Maura @ 312 545 3995.

208 S. LaSalle One to four offices offices available available now in congenial suite at newly remodeled 208 S. LaSalle St. Includes receptionist, conference/library, photocopy/scanner r,, k i t c h he e n , s e cr cr e ta ta r ia ia l space, wireless DSL. Space for services also available. On-line research research negotiable. negotiable. Contact: Philip Bernstein 312-372-3121 ex. 119 Or email: [email protected] Scott Beller 312-782-4800 ex. 113

35 EAST WACKER DRIVE Furnished, river view office in new space; Secretary Secretary station, station, reception services, conference room, kitchen, fax & copier a va va i la la bl bl e 6 //1 1 /2 /2 01 01 0; 0; C al al l 312.368.0550 for additional information.

134 N. LaSalle 9 x 12 furnished window window office office & enclosed work work statio station n (for attorney or assistant) in 5 office suite on top floor. Includes phone usage usage (lo (local cal and long distance), phone answering, internet & fax. Conference room, copier, copier, and all services services available. Use our secretary or bring your own. Real estate closings and other other referrals referrals possible. Call 312-726-8770.

PROFESSIONAL OFFICE TO SUBLEASE Furnished office, new carpet, ideal for sole practitioner; free copier and fax use; answering service; 24-7 access to suite. Landmark bldg, 333 N Michigan Ave. Call 312-641-5754 to see.

Office Space


For Rent


Avenue Business Center provides fully furnished, individual office spaces on Chicago's Magnificent Mile.

Move in today! Our offices come complete with: •

Phones, phone lines, voicemail Internet (Wireless)

Receptionists to greet your clients and answer your calls

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