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PROBLEM SOLVING AT 3OTH AND FRANKLIN On the southwest corner of 30th and Franklin Avenue are four residences including 420 and 422 South 30th Street, and 2995 and 2999 Franklin Avenue, both two-story duplexes. The two duplexes are joined by a common yard and a small patio sits behind 420 and 422 South 30th. Early in 1988, Patrol Officers Swanger and Ammon assisted with the eviction of a tenant who lived a block away from Franklin Avenue. The owner of that property informed the officers of drug activity occurring at the corner of 30th and Franklin Avenue. When the officers went to the corner to investigate they found dozens of people selling and using drugs on the property. With the assistance of other patrol officers, Swanger and Ammon began to apply selective enforcement to 30th and Franklin, resulting in over 100 arrests during April and May, th and the execution of a search warrant at 420 South 30 Street by the Narcotics Street Team. Initially, this address appeared to be the focal point of drug activity, but when the tenant, Maddie King (55 years old), was arrested and jailed, the activity increased. Field interrogation and arrests revealed that relatives, friends, and transients inhabited the 420 duplex using it as a haven for selling and using illegal drugs. During July officers made over 100 narcotics arrests from the property surrounding both structures. During a records check in July, Officer Swanger located the 80 year old property owner, Mr. Watkins, who lived in Perris, about 85 miles north of San Diego. Swanger called and left a message with Mrs. Watkins explaining what problems were occurring and suggesting that the owners visit the site. The Watkins did not respond for three weeks, but during that time other officers contacted the City Zoning and Building Inspection Departments and arranged for inspectors to look at the property. The day after the inspection occurred, Mr. Watkins drove to San Diego to meet with Swanger and Ammon, Watkins showed them the 30 day eviction notices that he had served the tenantsPROBLEM SOLVING AT 30TH AND FRANKLIN of 420 S. 30th and 2995 Franklin Avenue, and said that he had been "chased" off the property. Three days later, four uniformed officers accompanied Swanger, Arnmon and Mr. Watkins to the property. Maddie King residing at 420 S. 30th said she needed a few more days to move. Juanita Freelan at 2995 Franklin was reported to be avoiding Watkins, but was finally contacted a week after she was served with the eviction notice. She told Watkins that Section 8 (a federally subsidized housing program) had extended her rental agreement for a week. When the officers visited the Housing Commission's Section 8 office they were told that Section 8 could not assist in evicting the tenants. Two weeks after MaddieKing was served, Watkins and the officers talked her into moving and the residence was boarded. Watkins asked Swanger and Ammon to accompany him to the Marshall's Office, where the supervisor informed them that Watkins had to sue Freelan to get her out of the residence and the process could take from 60-90 days. The supervisor gave them the necessary paperwork to include summons, petitions and other legal documents. Upon reading the documents it became clear to the officers and Mr. Watkins that legal counsel would be required to continue the eviction process. Meanwhile, drug activity increased on the property, as Freelan did not leave and the residents of 420 S. 30th moved into 422 S. 30th where other crimessuch as burglaries and purse snatching began to occur. Swanger and Ammon didnot want to abate the property as the owner had been very cooperative, even driving 85 miles one way on a daily basis in an effort to evict the problem tenants. In September, Officers Swanger, Ammon and their sergeant arranged a meeting with two supervisors from the Section 8 division of the Housing Commission, and the Special Assistant to the City Councilman representing the Franklin area. During an exchange of information, the officers discovered that the Section 8 program policies are directed toward the property owners with thePROBLEM SOLVING AT 30TH AND FRANKLIN Lawrence evicted. Swanger personally took copies of Lawrence's arrest report to the City Attorney's Office. Swanger met with the Issuing City Attorney' to have Lawrence's court dates expedited. The City Attorney assured the officer hat she would help him as much as she could in getting Lawrence out of the property. The officers also convinced Watkins not to move any new tenants into 420 S. 30th or 2995 Franklin until Lawrence had been evicted. Public, private, and community resource people received POP training during the progression of events at 30th and Franklin. The media became involved when an editor from the San Diego Tribune, who completed POP training asked for a specific example of problem oriented policing by San Diego police officers. Joe Holley, the editor subsequently wrote two articles on the problems that Swanger and Ammon faced while trying to eliminate neighboring narcotics problems using the criminal justice system. On November 29, 1988, five days before he was to be physically removed from the property by County Marshalls, Lawrence moved out. Juanita Freelan found a new home in the area of 800 West Street. She also continued to receive federal subsidies at this new location because she had not violated the terms of

her Section 8 agreement while she resided at 2995 Franklin. During the process of the tenant evictions, monthly meetings between Housing Commission representatives and officers from the San Diego Police Department were initiated. The officers learned that the Housing Commission staff was equally frustrated with a system that permitted subsidization of housing benefits for criminals. Together the two agencies formed strategies for legally attacking the problem using existing regulations. The Housing Commission also drafted a letter to the regional officer, of HUD recommending specific changes in the laws that govern the certification of Section 8 recipients. The Commission instituted a vigorous training policy to inform landlords of their areas of responsibility in tenant selection and maintaining control of their properties. The Police Department trained the Commission'sPROBLEM SOLVING AT 30TH AND FRANKLIN staff, from inspectors to administrators, to identify drug problems in apartment complexes and in housing units. The Housing Commission provided training for police officers on the Commission's organizational structure, policies, and how police observations and documentation could assist the Commission in disqualifying tenants who engaged in illegal narcotic activity. In January, 1989, Swanger received a narcotics complaint of drug activity at 844 West Street, the new residence of Juanita Freelan. Ammon met with the owners of this residence who were reluctant to evict the tenants without evidence that Freelan was dealing drugs. During a probation search of the residence, over three ounces of cocaine were found. Using interviews with people inside 844 West Street, Swanger documented the number of people living with Freelan. Armed with this information, the Housing Commission disqualified Freelan from the Section 8 program. When the owner of the property was notified that Freelan would no longer be receiving subsidies, he served Freelan with an eviction notice.

TAMPA POLICE DEPARTMENT Case Study 2 College Hill Street Lights As the police officers who are assigned to the College Hill Homes Community patrol the area, it becomes readily apparent that many areas within the community are in total darkness. Officers have complained about the need for better street lighting in the area for a long time. The areas hidden in total darkness serve as havens for criminal activity; the most noticeable being the illicit narcotic activity that occurs in these dark holes on a daily basis. Many of the residents of College Hill are fearful of these areas and as a result do not venture out of their homes after dark. Police officers in the past have documented the existence of street lights that were not working. They have documented whether the street lights appeared to have burnt out by themselves or wheather they were shot out by drug dealers. The reports generated by the street officers eventually made it to the Tampa Electric Company who repaired or replaced the street lights. However, in many instances the officers noted that many of the street lights that had been recently replaced were once again inoperative, many of which appeared to have been shot out by the drug dealers. The repair and replacement of broken street lights in the College Hill Homes community in the past has not been consistent and as a result is a continuous problem. The problems associated with the street lights in the College Hill community were brought to the attention of the Problem Oriented Policing Management Team. During a meeting which was held in January 1989, the Management Team agreed that the problems with the lighting conditions in College Hill needed to

be addressed. Officer John Quicci with assistance from officers, Fred Gennille, Bill Davidson, and Mike Niemi began looking into the problems associated with the street lights in College Hill. Initially, the Problem Oriented Policing Unit conducted a survey of the current lighting conditions within and surrounding the College Hill Homes community. A representative from the Tampa Electric Company assisted in the survey. The Tampa Electric Company provided technical information and assistance that would be required for future change. Maps designed as part of Tampa's Problem Oriented Policing project data base (The Drug Problem Inventory) were used to plot the locations of every street light and pole in the area. Each light pole and street light were recorded by their specific pole number as well as street location. The maps also indicated the current wattage of all existing lights and those that were inoperative.Once the survey was completed. Officer John Quicci contacted the Tampa Electric Company and the Tampa Housing Authority to begin the process of addressing the lighting problems. During discussions with the Tampa Electric Company and the Tampa Housing Authority, Officer Quicci quickly learned that the Tampa Electric Company owns and operates all street lights within the City of Tampa. The Tampa Housing Authority however, pays for the use of the street lights within each of their low-income housing projects. At this point a distinction needed to be made as to which lights were paid for by the City of Tampa and which were paid for by the Tampa Housing Authority. Once proper ownership and responsibility of the street lights was determined. Officer Quicci found both agencies to be very cooperative. Officer Quicci kept well informed of the issues involving the street lights and as a result negotiations between the Tampa Electric Company and the Tampa Housing Authority went

smoothly. Initially, the Tampa Housing Authority wasn't going to commit to having the street lights within College Hill upgraded, replaced or additional lighting installed until the City of Tampa did their part. Fortunately, the City of Tampa began the initial action. From the information learned in conducting the survey of current lighting conditions in the College Hill Homes area a proposal was drawn up. Officer Quicci assisted the Tampa Electric Company in drawing up the proposal. The proposal called for the replacement and upgrading of all existing street lights in the College Hill Homes area. The upgrading would consist of replacing all existing 100 watt street lights with 400 watt street lights. The proposal also called for the installation of an additional fifty light poles and lights of the same wattage after the initial upgrading. Locations of the additional light poles and lights would be determined by conducting another survey after the upgrading. For purposes of presenting the proposal to the Tampa City Council, a figure of fifty additional poles and lights were arrived at during the initial survey. This figure is being utilized as a maximum requirement. The final survey may not indicate a need for all fifty additional poles and lights. Only those areas that show a need for additional lighting will receive it. The proposal was completed and submitted to the Tampa City Council for the first of two readings. The proposal was read on two different occasions and on March 15, 1989 it was approved by the City Council. As a result, the Tampa Housing Authority immediately approved their portion of the agreement.The Problem Oriented Policing Unit continued negotiations with the Tampa Electric Company. A work order for the replacement and

upgrading of all street lights in the College Hill Homes area were drawn up and a two week period was set aside for the upgrading and replacement of the street lights. An existing policy was reaffirmed between the Tampa Police Department and the Tampa Electric Company that would provide for replacement of any street light that became inoperative within a 48 hour period after they were notified of the problem. The upgrading and replacement of all existing street lights in the College Hill Homes area was completed in a timely and efficient manner. During the upgrading and replacement of the street lights Officers from the Problem Oriented Policing Unit were in the College Hill Homes area assuring the safety of the Tampa Electric workers. As a result, the upgrading and replacement of all street lights in the area went smoothly. To date, only a few street lights have become inoperable and in each case was the direct result of a drug dealer shooting the light out. The lights that became inoperative were replaced immediately and are still working. A final survey to determine the need for additional street lights has not yet been conducted. However, a College Hill Resident Satisfaction survey is currently being conducted to determine the residents perceptions and feelings about the improvements being made in their community. Of the 161 College Hill residents who have been surveyed, 94% are either satisfied or very satisfied with the improved lighting conditions in their community. The residents who felt dissatisfied with the improved lighting conditions in their community (6%) indicated they had difficulty sleeping because the street lights were too bright.

2701 IMPERIAL AVENUE The structure at 2701 Imperial Avenue is a three story commercial-residential building located on one of the busiest streets in the southeast area of San Diego. Each of the three floors possess small self-contained apartments. The bottom floor has a converted illegal gambling room on the west side and a Mexican fast food restaurant on the east side. None of the rooms contains any cooking facilities and a bathroom and shower is shared by each floor. In September of 1988, the Walking Enforcement Campaign Against Narcotics (WECAN) detail, which is assigned daily to the busiest drug infested areas in the city, began working the area of 2700 Imperial Avenue. Sergeant Robert O'Donnell had received a steady flow of complaints about the drug activity surrounding this property. When WECAN initiated enforcement measures at this address, the officers immediately realized that selective drug enforcement would not be sufficient in eliminating long-standing criminal activities. The problem was more than narcotic activity occurring at 2701 Imperial. Illegal gambling took place downstairs, a murder had been committed in the building six months prior, and there was no on-site manager. It was difficult for officers to determine whether the structure was a commercially managed property, even though there was a Mexican food restaurant, a hotel and an apartment building. They could find no one on the premises to take responsibility for the condition of the property. Officer Bobby Wight of the WECAN detail assumed the lead role in searching for answers to the questions at 2701 Imperial Avenue. When Officer Wight attempted to locate the owner, he discovered that the owner had been brutally murdered two years prior. He spoke with the gas and electric company's security department and located the person who was listed on the monthly billing. Her name was Sadie Craft, the sister of the slain owner. When Wight spoke with Craft over the telephone, she was uncooperative. She gave Officer Wight the phone number of an attorney who was handling the estate matters.2701 Imperial Avenue Page 2

Officer Wight telephoned the attorney and learned that the property, as well as the rest of the estate, was insolvent and no money was available for repairs. Wight discovered the property at 2701 Imperial was for sale. He also learned there was an on-site manager at the address whose name was James Harris. Wight had the Fire Marshall and Housing Inspector compile a formal investigative report regarding the condition of the property. A problem arose when the inspectors could not locate anyone to serve with the violations as James Harris could not be found. A month later Wight learned that Harris has been arrested in a major crack cocaine ring. As Officer Wight facilitated communication between the estate, lawyers, the housing and fire inspectors, and the narcotics and vice units that were interested in the illegal activity at this address, he received a telephone call from the Great American Bank. The previous owner had defaulted on a $400,000 loan and the bank was in the process of securing the deceased owner's assets. The estate had no money to repair the property, the on-site manager was a major drug dealer, a large banking institution was attempting to seize the building, and drug dealing continued to thrive at the address. While Officer Wight continued corresponding and communicating with the Fire Marshall, the Building Inspector, the bank representative, and the estate lawyer, he waited tor the court decision. Between September of 1988 and January of 1989, over 134 drug related arrests were made at 2701 Imperial Avenue. Wight kept all of the interested parties informed of the ongoing activities. On April 21, 1989, Hallmark Management Association was named receiver of the estate. They immediately began serving eviction notices, removed the pay telephone from in front of the building as it attracted drug dealers and immediately installed full-time security officers at the property. Officer2701 Imperial Avenue Page 3 Wight discovered that the bank has initiated foreclosure proceedings against

the property. For the present the illegal activity has ended at 2701 Imperial Avenue. Although Officer Wight has been transferred to a different area command, he continues to monitor the activities at this location.

TAMPA POLICE DEPARTMENT PROBLEM ORIENTED POLICING DRUGS IN LOW-INCOME HOUSING The Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Police Executive Research Forum and the Tampa Police Department entered into an agreement to create a controlled substance abuse assessment mechanism that incorporates the views of Line Officers, Department Support Personnel, and Citizens in guiding policy and resource allocation to effect a coordinated response to the illicit drug problems in the City of Tampa. The Tampa Police Department project, known as the Problem Oriented Approach to Drug Enforcement began in early 1988 and is targeting the College Hill Homes Community. This community, in the past, has been home to several disturbances and was saturated with illicit narcotics use and sales. The community was one of Tampa worst in terms of its illicit narcotics problems. At the onset of the project; a Problem Oriented Policing Management Team was established. The Management Team was tasked with the responsibility of overseeing, guiding and assisting the Tampa Police Department in its efforts to address the problems in College Hill. The Team is comprised of representatives from the Mayor's Office, the Tampa Police Department, the Tampa Housing Authority, the Tampa Housing Authority Commission, the Judiciary, and the State Attorney's Office. All Team Members received training in the methodology and concept of Problem Oriented Policing shortly after being established. The Team was instrumental in assisting the Tampa Police

Officers in their problem solving efforts. Summary of Project Highlights: A tremendous amount of data collection and analyses resulting in the creation of Tampa's Drug Problem Inventory report. This report, created by the police officers assigned to the POP project with the guidance and assistance from the POP Management team, is basically an anatomy of drug problems in the College Hill Homes community. The document contains information on City, County, and in some cases State-wide drug problems. The document formed the basis from which informed responses were made in addressing the illicit drug problems in the College Hill Homes community. Responses to the Drug Problems Identified in the College Hill Homes Community through the use of Tampa's Drug Problem Inventory:Page 2. 1. Adoption of a Parking Program in the community. The program consists of the issuance of parking decals for legal residents only and visitor passes for family and friends of residents. This response has resulted in a reduction of non-resident vehicular traffic in the community and removal of all unauthorized, abandoned or disabled vehicles from the property. The Parking Program is making the community an undesirable place for the drug dealers to ply their trade. 2. Installation of Traffic Diverters or Speed Bumps. This response has resulted in a reduction of vehicular drive-by traffic for the purpose of purchasing illicit narcotics and has made the streets safer for the children of the community. This response was accomplished as a

result of a joint effort by the City of Tampa Public Works Dept. and the Tampa Police Dept. 3. Upgrading of all existing street lights from 100 watts to 400 watts and an additional 50 street lights and poles. This response has eliminated all of the darkened areas where drug usage and sales were most prevalent. This response was accomplished as a result of a joint effort by the City of Tampa Commission, the Tampa Electric Company, Tampa's Public Safety Commissioner, and the Tampa Police Department. 4. Additionally, the Tampa Police Dept. hosted a College Hill neighborhood clean-up event that has resulted in a better police/community relationship. Future Responses: 1. The Tampa Police Dept., G.T.E., and the Tampa Housing Authority are working together on a proposal to have general use telephone systems hardwired into every apartment unit in the College Hill Homes Community. The telephone system will be programmed for local calling only and will have a long distance lockout. The system will enable the residents to call family and friends locally and most importantly emergency services. The cost associated with the telephone system will be minimal and will be passed onto the resident. The residents will still be able to obtain private telephone service if they opt not to have the provided service or in addition to it. Details are being worked out at this time. All the goals of the project have not been met, but great strides have been achieved. Officers describe their relationship with the residents as being much improved

than in the past. Residents are working harder to stop the flow of drugs into their community and have showed anIgoal ha ss begun

Tampa Police Department Case Study 4 College Hill Neighborhood Cleanup The officers from the POP project saw a need for community involvement in solving the drug problems in College Hill. The officers were looking for something that they could use that would serve this purpose. Upon entering the College Hill Homes community, trash and debris could be seen lining the sidewalks, and littering the courtyards and playground areas. As part of an overall effort to make the College Hill Homes community a better place to live and to fulfill their desire to get the community involved, the Problem Oriented Policing officers decided to host a College Hill Neighborhood Cleanup Day. The officers wanted to have a series of cleanups days. The first cleanup day would be planned totally by the officers with the community participating. The second cleanup day would be planned by the citizens in the community with direct and constant assistance by the officers while the third and any subsequent cleanup days would be totally planned by the community with the officers merely showing up to participate. The first cleanup day was held on Saturday, April 29, 1989. The event was planned and coordinated by Officers Julie Prouty and Mike Niemi. They contacted many organization, public and private, to solicit donations and participation in the College Hill Neighborhood Cleanup Day. The Tampa Housing Authority and the College Hill Homes Management were contacted for their support and participation in the cleanup event. Mr. Audley Evans, Executive Director of the Tampa Housing Authority and Mr. James Harrell, Manager of College Hill Homes were present during the neighborhood cleanup event. Mr. Harrell

provided rakes, brooms, shovels, hedge trimmers and a tractor mower to assist in the cleanup. Mr. Harrell also assisted the Problem Oriented Policing officers in the selection of the areas to be cleaned.Local businesses were contacted for donations of food and beverages for the cleanup day. The following list represents those individuals and businesses who contributed to the College Hill Neighborhood Cleanup Day: Chicken - Churches Fried Chicken - Mr. Charles Chapman & The Tampa Police Pistol and Rifle Club Chicken - Baxlays Restaurant Hotdogs - Mr. John Paltz of Lykes Brothers Meats Sodas - Mr. Perry Harvey of College Hill Pharmacy Water, Ketchup and Mustard - Mr. Ferrukh Quraishi of McDonald's Wash tubs and ice - Mr. Perry Harvey of College Hill College Hill Pharmacy Hotdog buns - Wonder Bread - Mr. Bill Brown of Wonder Bread Plastic Bags - Mr. Hohn Ziegler of Winn Dixie Supermarket and the Tampa Police Pistol and Rifle Club Dumpster - Mr. Bruce Adams of Waste Management WTMP - Mr. Paul Major & Ms. Eleanor Harris Tampa Police Department K-9 Unit, Officers Kevin Ellis and John Mendez provided a police K-9 demonstration. WTMP Radio provided a mobile diskjockey who played music throughout the days activities and gave away the prizes to the children who participated in the event. Prizes consisted of: 45 records and albums, radios, an autographed football, and misc. other prizes. Each participant was given a ticket for each trash bag they filled with debris. After the cleanup was completed a drawing was held for the prizes. The prizes were those solicited

from and donated by various local businesses. Approximately 150 College Hill residents attended the neighborhood cleanup. Mr. Dale Green from WARM 107 FM Radio was present conducting interviews for his Sunday morning radio program on April 30th. Reporters from some of the local print and electronic media were present interviewing and photographing individuals participating in the event. Areas targeted for cleanup: Area between E. Lake Avenue and 32nd Avenue and between 24th Street and 26th Street. The cleanup encompassed the College Hill Homes Office and Nursery building, basketball courts, a playground and a vacant field. The vacant field is the subject of an additional project by the officers. As a result of hosting the College Hill Neighborhood Cleanup Day, the Problem Oriented Policing Officers have improved police community relations. The children of the community gather around and follow the Problem Oriented Policing Officers when there working in the neighborhood.

VOWS (SUMMARY) The following is a brief summary of VOWS:Vehicular Obstruction Warden Strategy This POP was run by Traffic Wardens stationed at Burnley Police Station. The problem to be addressed was residents parking inconsiderately or thoughtlessly on the older type, terraced streets of Burnley. Causing problems for emergency and other utility vehicles. The problem was brought to our attention by a resident, this was the first evidence of the problem; further evidence being provided by the Fire Brigade themselves. Also Burnley Borough Council provided statistics regarding number of houses and density of population plus car ownership in the area. The area itself was chosen by the Fire Brigade for the trial run of the POP. Three areas in total being considered as potential problem areas. After discussions with both the Fire Brigade and the Ambulance Service at both operational and supervisory levels it was decided the preferred response in both services' view was one of education of the local population as opposed to enforcement in the first instance. The reason for this was both the Fire Brigade and the Ambulance Service had suffered in the past from attacks from some of the local populace, in their view enforcement as a first option could possibly have made the situations worse, to this end it was decided to try an educational approach. This being achieved by posters, leaflets, video footage being filmed and Neighbourhood Watch Meetings. To run in conjunction with our POP, the Fire Brigade launched their own fire preventions initiative, and report a definite decline in both fires and parking problems.vows VOWS:- VEHICULAR OBSTRUCTION WARDEN STRATEGY A group of Traffic Warden's problem solving approach to the ever present problem of residents or visiting drivers leaving their vehicles (thoughtlessly in most cases, carelessly in others) parked in such as way that it causes emergency response vehicles to be delayed on their way to emergency calls. In Burnley, the place we are stationed, in common with many other northern towns, we

have a large amount of the narrow, terraced house type streets built long before the car became the normal mode of transport. The POP itself was borne of a remark made by a resident to myself about the fact that his own front street was so heavily congested that he couldn't have his bin emptied by the local dustmen. This in turn led to the logical thought that this was an inconvenience what about the emergency services? Following a subsequent visit to the area by myself and a colleague to see the problem first hand, an appointment was made to meet Station Commander John Phidean at Burnley Fire Station. Mr Phidean's first reaction was one of surprise at our offer of help, he stated that in 23 years in the Fire Service he had never experienced any offer of help like this from another agency. However he confirmed that the problem did exist for the Fire Service and this was later confirmed by the Ambulance Service who also use back streets as well as front streets for access. In addition to Mr Phidean, the watch on duty that day were also spoken to. As if fiirther evidence was then needed, Burnley Fire Brigade provided two tenders, complete with fire crews the next day to tour three potential problem areas they had identified.Video evidence was filmed by ourselves whilst on the tour, the tour itself giving us first hand experience of the problems the Fire Brigade came across on narrow streets where no formal parking regulations are in force. Further discussions with Mr Phidean identified Burnley Wood as the area chosen by the Fire Brigade as their most difficult area for the type of problem this POP was concerned with. Further research with Burnley Borough Council's Community Tax Department gave this profile of the area concerned Size:- Approx V* mile square Population:- Just under 6000 Car ownership:- 42% of the population 1 car per household 9% of the population 2 cars per household. All this added to the fact that Burnley Wood now consists, to a large extent of houses being rented by absentee landlords to what is a largely transient population where community spirit is perhaps not uppermost in their minds. The response the Fire Brigade asked us to adopt was one of educating the local

population, as opposed to one of enforcement. The reason being, in the past the brigade has had personnel attacked and stoned, theft from appliances and general hindrance from some members of that community. The brigade said they did not wish to make the situation any worse by antagonising any of the 'friendly' locals. The method to achieve this was decided as being First:- Press publicity Second:- A poster campaign Third:- Leaflet drop Finally:- Visits to community groups.Initially permission had to be gained from Burnley Borough Council with regards to poster size, print size, minimum height when positioned on lampposts and the time limit on posters being displayed. In due course 30 posters (one included) were displayed throughout the target area. This being followed 10 days later by 500 leaflets, one of which being delivered to each household and premises throughout the area. A week later each household and premises received another similar leaflet to reinforce the message. This in conjunction with Police and Community Forums being attended where video footage was shown to local residents. The success of this POP was difficult to quantify for the trial period because our POP ran as the Fire Brigade's computer system was in the process of being changed. The Fire Brigade did however launch their own initiative to run in conjunction with our POP. Two fire officers visiting houses in Burnley Wood to explain escape routes - fire alarms - smoke detectors etc. and report in the last three months 9 fires and no parking problems. Last year in a similar period 17 fires were reported. We feel the criteria VOWS has satisfied are public safety and public tranquillity. TW 7105 TW 7037 Burnley Police Station Phone 01282 472127

TWO DECADES IS LONG ENOUGH 5081 LA PAZ "I can remember back in 1971, when I was in patrol, we would take rocks, bottles, and gunfire from that address. We tried everything to shut that place down. I can't believe it is still a problem." These words were spoken recently by a SDPD detective at a meeting that focused on a nuisance on the 5000 block of La Paz Street in Southeast San Diego. This nuisance has resulted in numerous police confrontations with the inhabitants of this address and their acquaintances. Records indicate that the residents of 5081 La Paz and their associates have engaged in illegal activities for over two decades. Police officers have used traditional responses such as selective enforcement, and executing search warrants in an unsuccessful attempt to halt the criminal activity on this street. In January of 1988, the arrest of the suspected murderer of San Diego Police Officer Oerry Hartless was made at 5081 La Paz. This event resulted in a commitment from Southeast patrol officers to devise a strategy to finally close down the criminal activity at this address. The officers were Darby Darrow, David Williams, and Steven Kingkade. The three officers had worked in the southeast area of the city for a few years and had personally witnessed the destruction of life and other criminal activity that emanated from this address. Using their past experiences with the occupants of 5081 La Paz and their discussions with other police officers, the three officers identified the problem as illegal narcotic activities of the occupants of 5081 and their associates. Officers Darrow, Williams, and Kingkade began collecting information relating to the address and its inhabitants. On their personal time, the officers went to the home and spoke with the elderly owner, a 71 year oldTWO DECADES IS LONG ENOUGH 5081 LA PAZ Page 2

woman who owned the home using her monthly social security checks to support herself. The officers discovered that the only persons living in the house with the owner were her son, two grandsons, and one daughter. The officers knew from reviewing past arrest records and their own interactions with the residents, that dozens of people frequented the house at all hours of the day and night. The owner told the officers that she was willing to assist the police , but she would not evict her relatives and she would not move out of the house. She allowed Darrow, Williams, and Kingkade to take photographs of the interior and exterior of the house which revealed the poor condition of the residence. The officers found difficulty in believing the owner's statements that she was oblivious to the drug dealing and use that occurred inside and outside of her home. They phoned the owner's private physician to ensure that she was not mentally and physically incompetent. Although reluctant to reveal any patient information, the physician assured the officers that the owner was mentally competent during her last visit with him. Officers Darrow and Williams spoke with the owner's granddaughter who told the officers that she had previously attempted to move her grandmother out and board the residence, but was unsuccessful in convincing her grandmother to move. When the officers explained their intent to eliminate the illegal activity at this home using drug abatement or asset forfeiture to confiscate the property, the granddaughter promised to try again to move her grandmother from the residence. As the officers gathered more information, arrests and drug seizures continued to mount at 5081. Also during this time, the owner's son was arrested for parole violation and sent back to state prison. All arrests and field interview records were collected by the officers who divided duties of data collection among themselves. To correctly calculate the number of radio calls at the property, the officers decided that theyTWO DECADES IS LONG ENOUGH 5081 LA PAZ

Page 3 needed information that the Communications Division had access to, but did not make available to area commands. With the assistance of their commanding officer, they submitted a formal request to Communications asking that Division to formulate a case every time an officer contacted someone on the 5000 block of La Paz Street. The new information from Communications permitted one officer to locate all radio calls and criminal histories associated with the property. Darrow and Williams returned to the neighborhood to learn more from the area residents about the problems at 5081 La Paz. They conducted a brief survey of the neighbors which revealed that the area residents were willing to assist the officers in ridding their neighborhood of the ongoing problems at 5081, but feared retaliation from the occupants of the house. The officers spoke with the Narcotics Street Team to identify the numbers of search warrants executed at 5081 and were told that they would need a court order to obtain this information. To address the question of whether the elderly resident was a victim or a willing participant in a family drug business, the officers sought the assistance of a senior citizen group that focused on protecting the welfare and rights of the elderly. While illegal activity continued at 5081 La Paz, the officers were successful in placing this property on the joint San Diego Abatement Task Force target list. The task force is comprised of representatives of the City Attorney's Office - Civil Division, The Fire Marshall, Building Code Inspectors, the Narcotics Street Team, the City Manager's Office, and patrol. An inspection by representatives of the housing, fire, and zoning offices has been scheduled. The officers also went to the County Narcotics Task Force for assistance on seizing the home through the federal or state asset forfeiture programs. The officers continue to apply selective enforcement at this address to assure neighbors that the Police Department is available to provide forTWO DECADES IS LONG ENOUGH

5081 LA PAZ Page 4 neighborhood safety while the other assisting agencies complete their work. In utilizing resources from many arenas, Officers Darrow, Williams, and Kingkade plan to reach their goal of providing a long term solution to a twenty year old community problem.

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