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29th Edition 31st Year
Towards Progress

2013 - 2014


College with Potential for Excellence
Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC-CGPA 3.6 out of 4.0 Affiliated to Bharathidasan University


In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful Praise be to Allah, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Master of the day of Judgement thee alone we worship, Thee alone we ask for help Show us the straight path, The path those whom thou hast bestwed thy grace Not the way of those who earned your Anger Nor of those who go astray; Aameen!
(Al Qur’ an : 1: 1-7)

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Editor in Chief Assistant Editors Editors Wrapper Design Contributing Editors : : : : : Noorul Ameen .M Mohamed Anasdeen .S Misthahul Hutha .M Noorul Ameen .F Mohamed Subhan .A Jareeth .P Hameed Mohamed Riswan .A Abdul Raseeth .K Abdul Basith .M Mohamed Arsaath .A Mohamed Fehath .J Suhail .M Pre-Press Specialist Reviewer Printers : : : Mohamed Rasim Raja .M Mohamed Navasudeen .K Noorul Ameen .M Printing House, Trichy.

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Messages Office Bearers Leo in Media Secretary Report Blood Report Tamil Articles English Articles Other Language Articles Arts .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 6 25 26 30 34 35 65 80 89

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Editor’s Message
In the name of Almighty, the most beneficent, the merciful
We feel very proud as the Editors of 29 th edition of Sangamam of this prestigious Leo Club of Jamal Mohamed College. An annual Magazine of Sangamam 2014 is a pleasant record of the multifarious activities of the club in the year just gone and also it showcase the literacy works of its members. At this juncture we express our sincere gratitude to Almighty for helping us in every step and providing this opportunity We are very grateful to our Leo's and all inmates who have helped us in the publication of the Sangamam Magazine in its Present form

With regards
Leo M. Noorul Ameen Leo S. Mohamed Anasdeen Leo M. Misthahul Hutha
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Janab. Dr. A.K. Khaja Nazeemudeen Secreatary & Correspondent

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Hajee. Dr. A. M. Mohamed Sindhasha Principal

Principal’s Message
I am delighted to learn that Leos of Jamal Mohamed College are bringing out the 29th edition of “SANGAMAM”, an annual feature marking the culmination of activities of the club for the academic year 2013-2014. The office-bearers of the club make the hostel and college campus vibrant and bristling with activities throughout the year. The office-bearers and members of the club have imbibed a campus culture of service. Blood donation to the needy people is the hallmark of their service. Worthy contributions of the students in this edition of Sangamam are appreciable. I congratulate the office-bearers and members of the Leo Club for their splendid performance of various activities in this academic year and excellent piece of service to the institution and also to the society.

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Dr. S. Mohamed Salique Vice Principal

Vice Principal’s
I wish to convey my appreciation to the members of Leo Club of Jamal Mohamed College for their enhancing service towards the well-being of the society I feel proud in being a part of Leo Club and I congratulate the editorial board of "SANGAMAM" and its team of members who had taken laudable efforts in bringing out this souvenir Hearty congratulations to the leading team and the upcoming team for reshaping our society with their efficient services Keep up the spirit & achieve the great

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Dr. S. Ahamed John Co-ordinator, Part V Activities

Co-ordinator’s Message
I am delighted to note that Leo Club of Jamal Mohamed College has down the ages endeared itself to the public by its active involvement in social and charitable activities and physical help. The Leo Club was implementing an ambitious plan of carrying out projects such as distributing of medicines, uniforms, and study materials to the cause of education of the public regarding health care and dictatory habits protection of environment awareness of the endowment of classical language status on Tamil etc. Sangamam- 2014 is a pleasant record of the multifarious activities of the club in the year just gone by. Also its showcases the literacy works of its members. My sincere appreciation to all the office bearers, members and staff who are associated with the club and offers my sincere prayer for their continued service.

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Hajee. Dr. P.N.P. Mohamed Sahaputheen Director of Hostels

Director's Message
I am happy to note that the Leo Club of Jamal Mohamed College is bringing out a souvenir “SANGAMAM” I whole heartedly congratulate every individual office bearers, student contributors and staff motivators for bringing out this souvenir. The amount of time, interest, teamwork and creativity that has gone into these pages would certainly be etched in your memories forever. When you go through this souvenir after few years, you will know how much you were matured over the years or how smart and pro-active you were even as a student. My best wishes to all of you in your present and future endeavors.

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Prof. A. Mohamed Saleem Hostel Co-ordinator

Hostel Co-ordinator's Message
I am happy to learn that the Leo Club of Jamal Mohamed College is releasing the “Sangamam” its official magazine With my long association with the club as its staff advisor earlier, I can say without hesitation that our Leo Club is in the forefront of activities in the cause of the society. Even this year, I am proud to learn that our members successfully conducted an awareness programme on the adverse effects of junk foods for the general public on a very large scale This and other programmes and achievements of the club as well as the creativity of its members are recorded in this magazine for posterity I wish the Club more successes in the coming years

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Lion A. SusainathaPillai Leo Club Advisor

Leo Club Advisor's Message
Greetings and Best Wishes The Leo Club of Jamal Mohamed College in the forefront of academic activities which makes me proud as a member of the Lions Club of Tiruchirappalli Mid-Town and advisor for Leo Club of Jamal Mohamed College The members of this club have been becoming a light that lead the way for youth in particular and society at large I place a record the excellent service rendered by the members of the Leo club with their contribution to “Sangamam” through articles, drawings and innovative information I felicitate the members and wish them that this activity of "Sangamam" be continued and serve as the fountain head of current knowledge I wish Leo A. Hameed Mohamed Riswan, President, Leo K. Rasheeth, Secretary and all the office bearers and members of the Leo Club All the best for the activities in the future

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Dr. M. Syed Ali Padusha Leo Faculty Advisor

Leo Faculty Advisor’s Message
I am happy to learn that Leo Club of Jamal Mohamed College is releasing a magazine Sangamam, a Compilation of activities of the club for the year 2013 - 2014. This magzine expresses the hidden talants, innovative thoughts and ideas of inmates of Khajamian Hostel. The young budding star’s relentless effort has paid them off. I appreciate the team of cubs and I wish them all the best I whole heartly thank the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Members of the Blood donation incharge and Editoral board and other office bearers for their earnest support and cooperation for effective functioning of the club during this academic year

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Leo. A. Hameed Mohamed Riswan President

President's Message
In the name of Almighty, the most beneficent, the merciful
It gives me great pleasure to be the president of this historic Leo Club, by almighty grace, I hope this beautiful souvenir to encourage students to extract their knowledge. "A little sparks beginning of a huge forest fire" The club made a spark in the student's hearts which will breakout a tremendous service revolutionary fire among our youngsters to abolish all evil practices and to make our country, the supreme powerful secular nation in the world. I take this golden opportunity to congratulate editorial committee friends for bringing out this 29th Edition of SANGAMAM Souvenir as successful one after their hard work. I am also indebted to congratulate my team members for this enthusiastic performance and extra ordinary activities in this academic year under the shadow of Leo Club of Jamal Mohamed College. I also extend my words to express my gratitude to all those who gave their valuable minutes and support for us.

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Leo. K. Abdul Raseeth Secretary

Secretary's Message
In the name of Almighty, the most beneficent, the merciful
Jamal Mohamed College, a college with name and fame. I thank the Almighty for making me the 31st Secretary of our honorable Leo Club. I am proud to serve as its Secretary. At the end of my service I would like to thank my club members who served as my kith and kin, to their maximum extent. By serving this club I have gained a lot of experience. Some incidents of joy and sad have helped me a lot to learn about the true facts of life. Through this club I have met people of high cadre and of higher society.

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Leo. A. Mohamed Arsaath Treasurer

Treasurer's Message
In the name of Almighty
I feel delighted to be a part of this esteemed Leo Club of Jamal Mohamed College SANGAMAM is a pleasant recollection of this academic club activities as well as a compendium of the creative works of its young lions We are extremely thankful to Almighty for helping us in every step and providing this opportunity to serve the Leo Club and involve us in all club activities. My hearty congratulations to the editorial team and the office bearers for their painstaking efforts in bringing out this souvenir "SANGAMAM 2k13 - 2k14" "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door!"

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Leo. M. Mohamed Rasim Raja Region Co-ordinator

Region Co-ordinator's Message
In the name of Allah, The most gracious, most merciful

"If you scatter thorns, don’t go barefoot" It gives me great pleasure to be the Region Co-ordinator of this prestigious Leo Club by almighty's grace. This "SANGAMAM" souvenir 29th edition has brought out innovative thinking of the Youth’s I congratulate all the members for their involvement and sincere efforts in bringing out this souvenir. "Success will never lower its standards to accommodates, we have to raise our standards to achieve it"

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Leo. K. Mohamed Navasudeen Council Member Chief Blood Donation Organizer

Council Member's Message
In the name of Allah, The most beneficent and most merciful,

I'm proud to be the part of Jamalian Leo. It gives me great pleasure to be the Leo Council Member of District 324-A2 and I also feel delighted to be a member of Leo Club of Jamal Mohamed College. The Sangamam magazine which is released year by year coordinates the creativity of all, who thinks to touch the sky above through their pleasant thoughts. My best wishes to all of you in your present and future endeavors

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Rtr. M. Basheer Ahamed Rotaract President

Rotaract's Message
In the name of Almighty, the most beneficent, the merciful

Dear Jamalians, I am really happy to congratulate Leo members, as a President of Rotaract Club. I am sure that the magazine will be a source of information and motivation. I hope it will be more inspiration to other Leo Clubs also, Once again I congratulate the whole team of Editorial board for their effort to bringout this magazine.

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ADA P. Ahamed Abdulla ADA President

ADA's Message
"Cheerful and cantonment are great purifiers and are famous preserves of youthful looks" "Everything physical has limit but the thoughts of a man are let free" This "SANGAMAM" is a great reflection of the thoughts of the Jamalians and the remarkable services of LEO Club of Jamal Mohamed College. I take this opportunity to congratulate the President, Secretary, Treasurer, BDO and fellow members of my brotherhood club for their valuable services. My hearty congratulation to the Editors to bring out the magazine in a short period. May Almighty bless well! "JOIN US TO ABOLISH DOWRY"

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OFFICE BEARERS (2013 - 2014)
PRESIDENT Leo A. Hameed Mohamed Riswan SECRETARY Leo K. Abdul Raseeth TREASURER Leo A. Mohamed Arsaath VICE PRESIDENTS Leo M. Abdul Basith Leo M. Suhail Leo K. Salman Khan JOINT SECRETARIES Leo S. Ushman Leo M. Mohamed Rasim Raja Leo S. Mohamed Yasin JOINT TREASURERS Leo S. Thameem Ansari Leo J. Mohamed Fehath Leo K. S. Jahir Ushen GMT Leo A. Mohamed Hisham GLT Leo F. H. Khalifa Jumma PUBLIC RELATION OFFICERS Leo H. Mohamed Riyas Leo J. Mohamed Faizal Leo S. Silambarasan Leo A. A. Mohamed Rafeek E. REPORTS & IT Leo K. Mohammed Safick Leo L. Mohamed Ali Jinna Leo S. Anadaraj BLOOD DONTION ORGANIZERS Leo P.M. Peer Mohamed Leo K. Mohamed Navasudeen Leo S. Adil - Al - Quraishi Leo S. Mohamed Jamil EDITORS Leo M. Noorul Ameen Leo S. Mohamed Anasudeen Leo M. Misthahul Hutha Leo F. Noorul Ameen Leo A. Mohamed Subhan TAIL TWISTER Leo S. Fizul Ahamed TAMER Leo P. Sukumar BOARD OF DIRECTORS Leo N. Abdul Azeez Leo K. Ajmal Kurshith Leo H. S. Abdul Rahman Leo K. Dinesh Kumar Leo R. Mohamed Siddiq Leo K. Mohamed Ismail Leo A. Mohamed Yousuf Leo M. Mohamed Mustaq Leo I. Mohamed Farook Leo M. Mohamed Imran Leo M. Magdoom Leo H. Mohamed Asiq Leo H. Syed Ibrahim Leo P. Surendar Leo J. Sheik Thoufik Mohamed Leo S. M. D. Yasar Arafath

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Leo in Media

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tho;f [khypad;
tho;fNt gy;yhz;L tho;fNt ekJ [khy; tho;fNt Xahj njd;wy; Nghy tw;whj fliyg; Nghy mopah fy;tp jUk; vq;fs; [khy; tho;fNt! (tho;fNt) Egpfshhpd; tho;Tjid ehis ehKk; njhlq;fplNt ePjp Neh;ik fw;Wj;jUk; vq;fs; [khy; tho;fNt (tho;fNt) Vw;wj;jho;T ,y;iynad;W cyfpy; ahtUk; xd;nwd;W ey;y topfs; fhl;bLk; moF [khy; tho;fNt! (tho;fNt) fy;tp xd;Nw fliknad;W flik xd;Nw fz;nzd;W mwpT nry;tk; toq;fptUk; md;G [khy; tho;fNt (tho;fNt)

epUgh; : M.K. ~hFy; ÇkPJ, M.Sc., M.Phil.
khtl;l nra;jpahsh;> kzpr;Rlh; ehspjo; Casual Reporter, All India Radio, Trichy.

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Club Activities Secreatary Report 2013 - 2014
JULY: • 31st INSTALLATION FUNCTION of our new team of office Bearers held at our hostel auditorium. • Donated study Materials to the students of Majlis Ul Ulama Orphanage, Kajamalai, Tiruchirappalli. • Assisted the aspirants of TNPSC to apply for TNPSC GROUP-IV through on line at our Hostel Browsing centre. • Orientation programme for our club members held at hostel auditorium, Kazzali Mohamed.DC- Club Excellence Process was the Resource person • Conducted Blood Screening camp for fresher’s. Two Thousand Five Hundred (2,500) Students were benefited by this programme. • Our club members participated in Thanjavur Thendral installation and received “KURUTHI SIGARAM” award from our past district governor PMGF Mohamed Rafi for the maximum units of blood donated among the LEO Club • Participated in the parent club installation held at PLA Krishna. • Training programme for new board of members was conducted • Pamphlet issued to the public to explain the ill effects of drug usage at Olaiyur village people in the presence of Lion Inbavalli Annamalai DC for ‘Kiramangal Milirnthida’. • Hosted dinner for the inmates of Karimiyya Orphanage at Kattur. • Participated in the Lions Cabinet Installation at VSM IBRAHEEM HALL. AUGUST: • Participated in the Independence Day celebration held at K.Sathanur village along with our parent club. • Participated in the parent club Board meeting held at K.Sathanur. • Participated in the COUNCIL INSTALLATION held at Hussainudeen hall. • First bulletin of our club released at council Installation. • Calendar of Events of our club released at council installation. • Blood donation awareness sticker pasted at the doors of every room in our Hostel. ĺï\D 2013‡2014

To avoid direct fall of light Black doom stickers were pasted on the head light of two and four wheelers at T.V.S.Tollgate. SEPTEMBER: • Our Club conducted Governor’s week project named INDIA 66 based on ‘VALLAMAI THARAYO’ • Mime against dowry held at K.Sathanur. • Thirukural competition was conducted for school students at K. Sathanur. • Elocution Competition was conducted for school students at K.Sathanur. • Tree maintaining camp held at K.Sathanur. • Information and Computer Technology training for school students was organised at K.Sathanur. • “Tips for yoga” was conducted for our members at Khajamian hostel.. • Group Discussion on “current burning issues” for leo members held at KMH Auditorium. • A conference on “Cybercrimes against women” was organized at Hussainudeen hall. • A seminar on “Conserve the earth” held at Hussainudeen Hall. • Nutrition Dietetics awareness pamphlets issued to the public at the Sathiram bus stand. • “Save Water”- awareness created among the inmates of KMH by distributing Pamphlets • Tree Plantation programme was held at KMH. • Evil effects of smoking was explained to the public at railway junction. • An awareness on Prose and Cause of Cell phone usage to the College Students held at jmc. • Stickers pasted on “Save Electricity” to create awareness among the public to reduce the usage of Electricity held at KMH campus. • Anti Plastic- awareness created among the public at Sethuraman Pillai colony, Trichy. • “Save water for future generation” an awareness Programme conducted to the school students of K. Sathanur. • Don’t warm earth – awareness created about Environment among the public at K. Sathanur. ĺï\D 2013‡2014

Environment awareness pamphlet issued to vegetable vendors of Gandhi Market. • HIV Awareneness programme was held at slums near Airport. • Distributed Leo T-shirt’s to our club members at out hostel. • First aid kit donated to Mannarpuram blind school, Trichy. • Provided Blanket for roadside dwellers at railway station. • Placed flex about Road safety at T.V.S Tollgate. • One day experience with farming land held at K. Sathanur. • How to create E.Mail? a demo was conucted to inmates of KMH. • Needy things supplied to Old age home at Kajamalai. • Sports Competitions were organized for the students of Dollar’s Deaf School at Ponmalai. • Poetry competition for the students of Annai school,Trichy, organized by our club • Notes and stationary materials supplied to school students at Ponmalai. • To create hygiene awareness among the School students a demo on the importance of Hand wash a demo was conducted at K. Sathanur. • Paper bundles distributed Dollars Deaf and Dumb school at Ponmalai. OCTOBER: • “Need of Blood donation” pamphlet issued to the public on the eve world blood donation day. • Our members assisted the applicants of Railway Examination to apply through online in our Hostel Browsing centre. • Leadership seminar held at hostel auditorium. The resource person of this programme was Lion .Kazzali Mohamed • Personalty development programme was held at hostel auditorium. The resource person of this programme was Lion .Kazzali Mohamed NOVEMBER: • Dengue fever-How it causes? Preventive measures pamphlet issued to the public of Poonambalayam village. • Cancer Awareness program organized at hostel auditorium in association with Harsamithra Super Specialty Cancer and research center, Trichy. ĺï\D 2013‡2014

• Participated in the Governor Visit programme held at P.L.A. Krishna. • Participated in the Lion R.NAGARAJAN R.C Meet - III held at Roshan Mahal. DECEMBER: • Aids awareness pamphlet issued on the eve of “WORLD AIDS DAY”. • Disabled motive pamphlet issued on the eve of “WORLD DISABLED DAY”at Mannarpuram • First aid Awareness to the public was explained in association with the parent club at Vayalur. • Soft skills programme for the members held at Hostel Auditorium. The resource person of this programme was Dr.Syed Ali Padusha faculty advisor, Leo club. • Er.Abdul Rahman, Additional Divisional Railway Manager, Trichy gave a lecture on How to achieve goal? held at KMH auditorium. • A Coaching class for competitive examinations was held at Hostel Auditorium. 1. Mrs.Hema, Trainer for competitive examination - Spoke on logical Reason 2. Prof.Arif, Department of Mathematics - Raja Serfoji Govt. Arts college,Tanjore spoke on Mathmatical JANUARY: • Rally was organised on EVIL EFFECTS OF JUNK FOOD to create awareness among the public on ill effects of junk food among public. Dr. Aleem, Vice principal, KAPV Medical College, Flagged off the rally at the end of the rally Dr R. Ramakrishnan, Designated officer, Health Department, Trichy. Delivered special address on junk food • Stickers were pasted on SAFE JOURNEY at City buses to create awareness among public. • Hosted Leo Region Coordinator Meet, Region V at our college campus. • Participated in the Republic day celebration held at our college.

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Blood June Aug Sep Group July O+ OB+ BA+ AA1+ A2+ A1B+ A2B+ AB+ ABTotal 58 9 28 3 18 4 6 2 8 3 16 2 157 42 4 37 1 21 2 3 1 4 2 12 0 125 45 11 42 2 24 8 14 8 12 6 22 3 191 55 6 41 7 17 7 11 5 11 5 11 1 177 28 2 13 2 8 1 3 4 2 0 12 0 75 53 4 38 6 25 9 12 7 9 8 18 4 193 40 2 23 1 5 2 4 3 2 1 13 0 96 321 38 222 22 118 33 53 30 48 25 94 10 1014 Oct Nov Dec Jan Total

So far we have donated "1014" units of blood till the month of January 2014
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ĺï\D 2013‡2014

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ÖM, æç\ ïò¼ké \«ºïçá EªD ØïVõ| ¶a©¼ÃVD.
Leo. P. Surander
I. B.Sc., Physics

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


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Room No : 357

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


còÂzçéBV> ïV>_ ¼kõ|D
ïõ¼ðV| ¼>V[¤ ïõ¼ðV| \çÅ¥D ïõðVD ¯ßE ïV>_ ïõ¼ð ¨ªÂz ¼kõ¦VD...!!! ïV¼>V«D ¼ÃE ïVéÝç> Tð½ÂzD ïVu¼ÅV| ¼ÃVFs|D ïV>_ ¨ªÂz ¼kõ¦VD...!!! þÓ þÓ©AÂz ¼>V[®D þðu® >kçá ïV>_ þ¦©¸_ þ¦Ím s|D þâ½B Äͼ>VÄ ïV>KD ¼kõ¦VD...!!! z|DÃÝ]_ ¸áçk¥D zéÝm¼ï ØÃVòÍ>V> z|Dà ÄßÄ«çk °uÃ|ÝmD z#ïé ïV>KD ¼kõ¦VD...!!! c^áÝç> cl«VÂþ c¦çé¼B c^á\VÂþ cl¼« kç>Ãâ¦VKD còÂzçéBV> ïV>_ ¼kõ|D...!!!
S. Abdul Rahman

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


>Íç>l[ ïõ§ì
À ¸ÅÍ>mD ÖÅÍ>V^ ¨[ >V«D cªÂïVï kVw WçªÝ¼>[ ¨ÍåVÓD Îò ¼kçá cõ| cçwݼ>[ À J[® ¼kçá¥D cõð! gç¦ þaÍ>VKD ¶B«Vm cçwÝm AÝ>Vç¦ ¶èsÝm \þµÍ¼>[ cªÂz c[ \ªD ïõ| ¯öݼ>[ ¨[ ¼Ã«Â zwÍç>çB \½l_ mléV⽦ WçªÝ¼>[ gªV_ À¼BV ¨ªÂz c[ ÃöçÄ ¶¹Ý>VF x]¼BVì Ö_éÝ]_ x½BV>kªVF!....
N. Vijay
III - B.Sc., (Chemistry) (Room No : 276)

¨]ìÝm W[ÅVKD mèÍØ>]ì ØïV^¼kVD \çélçª >ïìÝm æ¤ß ØÄ_¼kVD Øku¤Â ØïV½lçª sõèKD å|¼kVD ¨>uzD ¶ÞÄV> Û\VoB[ åVºï^
U. Dhoufeeq
II. B.Sc., Physics (Room No : 193)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


\VB céþ_ ¨º¼ï ¶kìï^?
ïò©A ÄVBD ØkÓÂïÝmkºþB ¼å«D ïVçé ÃM Ø\_é séþ¦ ïõ¼¦[ ïVïD ïç«Í]¦ zl_ ïVªD ÃV½¦ ïVçé ÃM Ø\_é séþ¦ ïõ¼¦[ Öáç\BVª ÖÍ> ïVçé©ØÃV¿m Ö¿Ýmß ØÄ[Åm Ö>\VF Öç\ïÓÂz^ Öç\ï^ J¦ Öòâç¦ cðìͼ>[ Ö[®D \ÅÂïV> ¶Í> åVâï¹[ Øk¹ßÄÝç> m^¹ {½B Ø>òÂï^ ¨º¼ï? m^ÓD *[ï¹òÍ> záºï^ ¨º¼ï? #ºþB \«Ý>½ï^; ç\>Vªºï^ ¨º¼ï? #ºzþ[Ū¼kV ¶çk ï⽦ºïÓÂz ¶½l_! ïV_ klu®Â ïÞE >V[ 說^ ØïV|Ý> k«D ïÞElKD ïVïÝ]uz úz çkÝ> ïV_ cç¦ ¶èÍ> \M>[ ¨º¼ï? >V[ ØÃuÅ ¸^çáï^ >[çª >Mç\l_ sâ¦VKD >[çª ·u¤¥^á ¸^çáïçá >[ ¸^çáï^ ¨[Å þws ¨º¼ï ¼ÃVluÅV^

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


¶½Ã⦠zòsçB Ø\_é ¨|Ým ¶>uz \òÍ]â| cðk¹Ým ¶m zð\Vª¡¦[ ØïVÞEÝ >¿s ¶wïVF ÃÅÂï s⦠¶k[ ¨º¼ï? xuÅÝ]_ ¼Ã·D ØÃõï^ xõ½B½Ým {|D zwÍç>ï^ xªºþ þ¦ÂzD ØÃöBkìï^ x¿km\VF Ø>VçéÍ]⦪¼«V? ÃéïVFlâ| Äç\Ý> cðçk s¦ ÃßçÄ táïV¥¦[ í½B ïÞE ÃVÄÝm¦[ WçªÂþÅm ¨[ åVÂz ÃV쩼ÃV\V ¶Í> Øk^çá \ªm ïV«çª ¨[® »w_ ØÃòþBm kVµÂçïl_ cð¡Âz °ÂïD ØïVõ¦m kl® céïD kVµk>uz °uÅ>V cõç\l_ Äͼ>ï¼\ åD¸ÂçïBuÅkìïÓÂz Øk¤ß¼ÄV½lòÍ> \òÝmk\çªï^ ØÃòº¼ïV½ïÓÂz ØÄVÍ>ºïáVþ[Ū ØïVçé ØÄFB©Ãâ¦V[ skÄVl ØïVçéBV¹ WßÄB\VF \«D Økâ|Ãk¼ª
A. Hameed Mohamed Riswan
III B.Sc., (C.S) (Room No : 388)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


cjpUk; G+f;fspd; cr;rhpg;G f;fs;
fy;Y}hp vDk; $z;Lf;Fs; milgl;Lf; fple;Njhk; ,j;jid ehl;fsha; - Mdhy; mJ rpiwahfj; Njhd;wtpy;iy ,d;W fpilj;j tpLjiyjhd; rpiwahfj; Njhd;WfpwJ. ek;kplkpUe;J khzth;fs; vDk; gl;lk; gwpf;fg; gLfpwJ. Nguhrphpah;fs; ek;ik xJf;fpitj;Jtpl;lhh;fs; ek; cwTfs; ek;ikg;ghh;j;J Nfypnra;a Muk;gpj;J tpl;ld! xU tre;j fhyk; Kbtile;J tpl;lJ Gjpa tpbaiy vjph;ghh;j;J epw;fpd;wJ ek; fz;fs;. fz;zPh; epiwe;j fz;fNshL ifairj;Jf; nfhs;fpNwhk;. fhyk; ek;ik ifFYf;fg; ghh;f;fj; jahuhfp tpl;lJ. epiwe;j kdKk; epiyahd tho;Tk; fiwtpyhr; nry;tKk; ngUfptho vk; tho;j;Jf;fs;! kwe;Jtpl Ntz;lhk; cjph;e;J Nghd tre;j fhyg; G+f;fis.

M.K. -Vz_ Ç*m, M.Sc., M.Phil. khtl;l nra;jpahsh;> kzpr;Rlh; ehspjo; Casual Reporter, All India Radio, Trichy.

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


A«õ| Ã|Ým #ºzD ØÃV¿m ÖÅÍm ¼ÃV¼kV¼\V ¨[® ïòs_ ÖòÍ> å\ÂïVï #ÂïÝç>Â í¦ Ø>VçéÝm sâ| Ö«s_ saÝ]òÍ> óöB[ ¶D\V
M. Ijaz Mohamed Thaha
I MBA., (Room No : 230)

c[ª>\Vª ïV>_ ¨m?
ØÃõï¹[ ïV>_ ¯sK^á ÃMÝm¹ ¼ÃVé ¶wïVªm, gõï¹[ ïV>_ ¼kö_ c^á Àç«© ¼ÃVé gw\Vªm....

ØÄá. ÄVz_ Ç*m
I - B.Sc., (IT) (Room No : 7)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


g¥âïVéD ¶]ïöÂï ¨¹B kaxçÅï^
ÖMç\BVª ÃBðÝ]uz Ö¦AÅD ØÄ_ï! kVµÂçïl_ xÍmºï^ kçá¡ï¹_ xÍ> ¼kõ¦VD! Öò ÄÂï« kVïªÝ]_ Jkì ÃBðD Öç¦l_ x½¥D kVµçï ÃBðD! å«ïÝ]uz ØÄ_é ¨¹B ka z½Ýmsâ| kVïªD {â|km! {â|åì cö\D Ö_éV ÃBðD ¶çwÝmß ØÄ[¤|D ïVk_ WçéBÝ]u¼ï! ¶]¼kï© ÃBðD ¶çwÝmß ØÄ[®s|D \òÝmk\çªÂ¼ï! »ªxu¼ÅVì åÃì cºï^ Tâ½_ ¼kõ¦VD {â|ºï^ kVïªÝç> cöB ¼kïÝ]_ s]ïçá \]©Ãkì s]çB¥D Øk_kVì! ýÂïâ| ÃBðD çï, ïV_, x¤¡Âz cÝ>«kV>D \þµßEBVª kVµÂçïÂz \]©¼ÃVD ÄVçé s]ïçá
M. Misthahul Hutha
III B.Sc., (C.S.) (Room No : 418)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


kVµÂçï© ¼ÃV«Vâ¦D
ko¼BV| ¼ÃV«V½ªV_ >V[ ØÃõ >VBVï x½¥D. Ö«¼kV| ¼ÃV«V½ªV_ >V[ A¿ kõðÝm© ¯ßEBVï x½¥D..... \õ¼ðV| ¼ÃV«V½ªV_ >V[ sç> \«\Vï x½¥D..... kVµÂçï¼BV| ¼ÃV«V½ªV_ >V[ À k«éV® Ãç¦Âï x½¥D.....
M. Mohamed Imthath
II B.Com., (Room No : MH - 15)

kVìÝç>ï^ Ö_éV\_ ¼ÃE¼ª[ ïõï^ Ö_éV\_ «Eݼ>[ ïVu® Ö_éV\_ ·kVEݼ>[ ïkçéï^ Ö_éV\_ kVµÍ¼>[ ¨[ >VF ïòkçÅl_

\çÅÂï©Ã⦠¨[ Ö>BÝ]_ ØÄmÂï©Ã⦠Euúï^ >V[ Îò Eéö[ W窡ï^
M. Jahir Usen
II B.Com., (Room No : 422)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


\çwl[ «ïEBD
>Vk«ºï¹[ ÎuçÅÂïV_ >kÝ]uz kVªD ¶¹ÂzD k«D! ïVFÍ> \«ºï¹[ Eкï_ïÓÂz þç¦Ý> xÝ>D! ¯tl[ >VïD yìÂzD ¶BéV> ¶òs! zl_ï¹[ ÖçÄÂz þç¦ÂzD ΩÃuÅ k«¼kuA! >kçál[ ¶çw©¸çª °u® kòD ‡ kVª ¼>kç>! Ø>[ÅKÂzD ¼\ïÝ]uzD ¸ÅÂzD ‡ ÃMÂzwÍç>ï^! kV½B ÃlìïÓÂz clì ØïV|ÂzD skÄVlï¹[ 說^! Î[®í|D ¼\ï í⦺ïçá© ÃVìÝm ‡ gªÍ> \þµßElªV_ clìØÃÅ çkÂþÅm ‡ ÖÍ> céþçª!...

C. Manivannan
II. M.Sc., Chemistry

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ØÃõ ¶[¸_ Îò >VF ØÃõ ¶wþ_ Îò ¼>kç> ØÃõ ¶¤s_ Îò \Í]ö ØÃõ g>«s_ Îò cÅ¡ ØÃõ Øk®©¸_ Îò Øåò©A ØÃõ Øku¤Âz Îò \çé ØÃõ ¼>V_sÂz Îò Ã^áD ØÃõ åâ¸_ Îò ¼åìç\ ØÃõ ïõ½©¸_ Îò gEöBì ÖòÍ>VKD ØÃõ Îò AöBV> A]ì
F. Noorul Ameen
II. B.Sc., (C.S) Aided, (Room No : MH - 14)

\«D káì¼ÃVD
ÖÅÍ>kM[ Ö®] ¼kõ|¼ïV^ ÖÅÍ> ¨[ c¦çé Aç>Ý> Ö¦Ý][ *m Îò clç« çk¥ºï^!
G. Vignesh
II. B.C.A., (Room No : 104)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ØÃBì \VuÅ©Ã⦠åV|ï^
1. ¦ß· ïBVªV ‡ 2. ¶¸æMBV ‡ 3. k¦Ø«VÏ´BV ‡ 4. ¼ïV_|¼ïVüâ ‡ 5. Ø>[¼\uz g©öÂïV ‡ 6. ¦Vºï[ïV\, Ä[LÃVì ‡ 7. Ãì\V ‡ 8. ÄVlì ‡ 9. þwÂz ÃVÂþü>V[ ‡ 10. ïD¯ßEBV ‡ 11. Ø\v\¼¦VtBV ‡ 12. ÃVì¼\Vv ‡ 13. Ø>[Ø«VÏ´BV ‡ 14. ¼ÄVsBÝ RMB[ ‡ 15. E¼éV[ ‡ 16. ÃV«æïD, ØÃì´BV ‡ 17. ÄBVD ‡ 18. ÇVéÍm ‡ 19. \éVkVF ‡ 20. \éïVL ‡ 21. ÃVéüyªD ‡ 22. ¦ß~üâ ÖõÏü ‡ 23. ¶©Ãì ØÃò ‡ 24. ÄVõâsßy¡ï^ ‡ ·öªD ¨Ý]¼BV©¸BV ÛVD¸BV ïVªV å*¸BV >V[ÄVMBV tBV[\ì ïVº¼ïV úïáV¼>i ïD¼ÃV½BV ~«V ç>kV[ ÷DÃV¼Ã «iBV Öéºçï ~«V[ >VFéVÍm Øå>ìéVÍm WREéVÍm \¦ïVüïì Öü¼«_ Öͼ>V¼ªEBV ØÃVoBV ÇkVF
S. Mohamed Yahya
III B.Sc., Zoology, (Room No : 263)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


¶ßEâ| gõ|ï^ Ãé glÐD gl«D ÔÃVF ¼åVâ|ï^ ¶¿ÂïVïV\_ Öò©Ã>uz ïV«ðD ío Ø>VaéV¹l[ çïïÓÂz^ ¶m kÍm ¼ÃVkm Ö_çé...!
T. Mohamed Idrish
III B.Sc., (C.S) (Room No : 392)

1. \Vu® Öò>B EþßçÄ x>[ x>o_ ØÄF>kì BVì? þ¤ü\[ ÃìªVì| 2. x>[ x>o_ céçï ·u¤ kÍ> s\VM ‡ þºü ¼ÃVì|ütÝ 3. ÖÍ]BVs¼é¼B x>[ x>o_ \Vu®Ý ]ŪV¹Âz ¼>EB sçáBVâ| ¼ÃVâ½ åç¦ØÃuÅ Ö¦D ‡ ØÄ[çª ÛkÇìéV_ ¼åò ç\>VªD 4. ½_o åïö[ ÃçwB ØÃBì ¨[ª? ÖÍ]«¸«ü>V 5. üBV ئªVé÷çB còkVÂþBkì ‡ þ«õ t>Vì´ 6. ÖÍ]BVs¼é¼B ¶]ï Äâ¦Äçà Ø>Vz]çB¥D ÃV«VÓ\[Å Ø>Vz]ïçá¥D ØïVõ¦ \VWéD ¨m ‡ cÝ]« ¸«¼>ÄD 7. >tµåVâ½_ ¶]ï\Vï «©Ãì sçá¥D \VWéD ‡ ï[MBVz\ö 8. x>_ \VÍ>[ ¼>V[¤B Ö¦D ‡ z\öÂïõ¦D 9. ÖÍ]BVs[ ¶]ï \çwBV_ \Âï^ kV¿D \VWéD ‡ cÝ]«©¸«¼>ÄD 10. güïì sòm ØÃuÅ x>_ å½ïì ‡ ¨t_ ¼ÛMºü
V. Rajkumar
III B.Sc., Botany (Room No : 417)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


¨º¼ï kVµÂçï Ø>V¦ºzD? ¶m ¨º¼ï ¨Ës>D x½¥D? Öm >V[ ÃVç> Öm >V[ ÃBðD ¨[Ãm BVòÂzD Ø>öBVm ÃVç>ØB_éVD \V¤s|D ÃBðD x½Ím s|D \V®kç> AöÍm ØïVõ¦V_ \BÂïD Ø>¹Ím s|D...

¶¤xïD Ö_éV\_ kͼ>VD ¶½Âï½ ¼ÃEÂØïVõ¼¦VD cÅ¡ïÓÂz ¼\¼é clì g¼ªVD ïVéºï^ ï¦Ím ØÄ[ÅVKD ïç¦E kç« Ø>V¦« ¼kõ|D °.gì. ¶©m_ ï¯ì
I. BA.,

(¶«¸Â) ¶çÅ ¨õ : 7

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ØÃV®©ÃuÅ \ï[
\ïçª ·\Í> ïò¡uÅ >VF kòÝ>©Ãâ¦V^ Tâ½oòÍm \òÝmk\çª Ø>Vçés_ c^á¼> ¨[®...! ØÃöBkªVï káìÍm ]ò\ð\Vª \ï[ kòÝ>©Ãâ¦V[ >VF >ºþ ÖòÂzD x]¼BVì Ö_éD Tâ½[ ¶òïVç\l_ c^á¼> ¨[®...!
P. Udhayarajan
II B.Sc., (Chemistry) (Room No : 157)

åD åâA
åD åâA ¨]ì ÃV«V\_ ÃVìÝm ¨ç> ¨ç>¼BV ¼ÃE ïV«ðt_éV\_ ï«D Ø>Vâ| åVD Øk¹©Ãç¦BVï cð«V\_ åD \ª>V_ cðìÍ> åD åâA Ö[¼ÅV| x½B© ¼ÃVþÅm ¨[® ïõ ïéºïV¼>..... ÖM¼\_ >V[ Ø>V¦«© ¼ÃVþÅm åD W窡ïáVï...?

s¼ªi ÃkáD

III B.Sc., (ïè>sB_)

¶çÅ ¨õ : 397
ĺï\D 2013‡2014

>Vl[ >s©A
#ÂïÝ]_ c[窩 Ãu¤ W窩Ãk^ ïV>o ....! #ºïV\_ c[窩 Ãu¤ W窩Ãk^ ¶D\V....! Ö[® cªÂz åV[ ¼kõ¦VD ¨[Ã>V_ åV[ x]¼BVì Ö_éÝ]_ ‡ ¶[® åV[ c[çª ¼kõ¦VD ¨[® WçªÝ]òÍ>V_ À¼BV Ö[® ¶ªVç> Ö_éÝ]_
Rtr. A. Mohamed Harris
II B.Sc., (IT) (Room No : 182)

å_é \çw >òk>VFß ØÄV_o °\Vu®D kVªD... å_é sçé >òk>VF ØÄV_o °\Vu®D ¶«EB_kV]ï^...! Ö«õ½uzD Ö禼B åV[...! ‡ °çw skÄVl
M. Fayasudeen
III B.Com., (Room No : 271)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


xÂþB ¼>EB Øå|ÞÄVçéï^
NH - 1 NH - 2 NH - 3 NH - 4 NH - 7 NH - 8 NH - 9 NH - 12 NH - 21 NH - 27 NH - 45 NH - 47 NH - 48 -

ئ_o to ¶tì>Ä«ü ¼>EB Øå|ÞÄVçé ئ_o to ØïV_ïÝ>V ¼>EB Øå|ÞÄVçé g«V to xDçà Øå|ÞÄVçé >V¼ª to ØÄ[çª Øå|ÞÄVçé kV«ðVE to ï[MBVz\ö Øå|ÞÄVçé ئ_o to xDçà Øå|ÞÄVçé ¯ªV to sÛBkV¦V Øå|ÞÄVçé ÛÃ_¯ì to ØÛF©¯ì Øå|ÞÄVçé Ä[½ïì to \ðo Øå|ÞÄVçé ¶éïVÃVÝ to kV«ðVE Øå|ÞÄVçé ØÄ[çª to ]õ|Âï_ Øå|ÞÄVçé ¼ÄéD to ï[MBVz\ö Øå|ÞÄVçé Øúïjì to \ºïjì Øå|ÞÄVçé
A. Syed Peer Mohamed

II - B.Sc., (Bot)
(Room No : MH - 14)

sa ÖwÍ>k[ \â|\_é zò¦[ °çwïçá ïVðV>kÐD zò¦¼ª! ØÄs ÖwÍ>k[ \â|\_é ØÄs¦[ å_¼éVì ¶¤¡ç«ïçá ¼ïáV>kÐD ØÄs¦¼ª! ïV_ïçá ÖwÍ>k[ \â|\_é x¦k[ ï_sß ÄVçéçB t]ÂïV>kÐD x¦k¼ª!
Rtr. M. Faizal Ameen
II B.Sc., (C.S.) (Room No : 103)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ïVéÝç> TðVÂïV¼>!
ÖÅÍ>ïVé Wﵡïçá ¨õè WïµïVé Wﵡïçá TðVÂïV¼>! ¨]ìïVéÝç> À ÖwÍms¦V¼>!!!
Thoufik Asthoba
II M.Sc., (Maths)

\VЦ¼\! \ÅkV¼>!
¨õèBç> x½Ýms| °\Vuźïçá >sìÝms| ïVétòÂzD ¨ªØBõè >k® ØÄFkç> W®Ý] s|
M. Mohamed Musthak
II - BCA., ‘C’ (Room No : 104)

¨_¼éVòD #ºzD Ö«¡ ¼kçál_ í¦ ¨¿] ØïVõ½òÂþÅV[ #ºþ ØïVõ½òÂzD Äx>VBÝç> #Âþs¦
A. Arivalagan
III B.A., (English)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ï½ ¼ÛVÂ


* * * *

Îò ï_BVð ¼ÛV½ å¦Ím kòDØÃV¿m \çw ØÃF>m, ØÃVõb \â|D åçªB¼k Ö_çé °[ Ø>ö¥\V? sç¦ : °ªV, ØÃVõb íç«©A¦çk ïâ½lòÍ>m©ÃV Îòkì : ÃV«VÓ\[Å c®©¸ªì gï ¼ÃVâ½l|D ¶Í> ·¼BâçÄ ¼kâÃVáì \ÐçkÝ>V[ °ÝmÂþâ¦Vºï¼á, ¸[ °[ kòÝ>\V ÖòÂïVì? \uÅkì : ¶kì ¶½Âï½ ïâE \V¤B>V_ Ökì ¼ï⦠E[ªÝ]uz© Ã]éV z«ºzß E[ªD ÎmÂþâ¦VºïáVD ¶>V[.... yBV ¼kçé ØÄF>mÂïV c[çª ¼kçéçB sâ| WòÝ]â¦Vò? g\V åV[ ¼kçé ÃVìÝ>m ÃÞ· ïç¦lé... cºï \çªs #ºï g«D¸Ý>mD, °[ ¶kºï çïçB ïâ|Sºï, ïðk[ : ¶kÓÂz #ÂïÝmé ¶½ÂþÅ sBV] ÖòÂ¼ï ¶>V[ Îòkì : gü«Ä[ ÃõèªV ¸çwÂï x½¥\V ¦V¦ì? ¦V¦ì : gü«Ä[ ÃõèÝ >V¼ª åV[ ¸çwÂþ¼Å[. Ø>Võ¦ì : >çékç« ÎòÝ>[ °\VÝ]sâ¦VªVD, ¨©Ã½? \uØÅVòkì : í¦ºzáÝ]_ *[ ¸½ÂþÅ ïVõâ«VÂâ kVºþ >V¼«Ð!
M. Bakudhul Alim II - B.sc (IT) (Room No : 168)

1. ¨½Ä[ ÖòÓÂz >Í> Ø\½ÄM[ sçá¡ Øk¹ßÄD ‡ t[ sáÂz 2. 21‡gD ±uÅVõ½_ \M>¼«V| \«ðt_éV\_ cÅkV|D ØÄBuçï c®©A? ‡ Ø\VçÃ_
S.M. Sheik Imran
I - B.Com.,

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ÖÍ]BVs_ ¼åVÃ_ Ãö· ØÃuÅkìï^
* * * * * * *

1913 ‡ gD gõ| ÖéÂþBÝ]uïVï «¸Í>«åVÝ >Víì ØÃuÅVì. 1930 ‡ gD gõ| ÖBu¸BKÂïVï ÄÍ]« ¼Äï« Økºïâ «V\[ ØÃuÅVì. 1968 ‡ gD gõ| \òÝmkÝ]uïVï ¦V¦ì. ÇVìÃ[⠼Ǽ«V[ ØÃuÅVì. 1979 ‡ gD gõ| ¶ç\]ÂïVª ¼åVÃ_ ÃöçÄ \>ì Ø>«ÄV ØÃuÅVì 1983 ‡ gD gõ| ÖBu¸BKÂïVï ¦V¦ì. ·©«\èB[ ÄÍ]«¼Äïì ØÃuÅVì. 1998 ‡ gD gõ| ØÃVòáV>V«Ý]uïVï ¦V¦ì. ¶\ì]B ØÄ[ ØÃuÅVì. 2009 ‡ gD gõ| ¼k]BKÂïVï Økºïâ«V\[ «V\þòið[ ØÃuÅVì. Öm ÖÍ]BVs[ ØÃòç\.
S. Gopal Krishanan
II - B.Sc., (C.S.) (Room No : 166)

åVD ÃwþB åVâï^ “¼\ïÝç>” ¼ÃVé ïçéÍm ØÄ[ÅVKD c[ W窡ï^ ¨[®D “kVªÝç>” ¼ÃVé WçéÝm WuzD
A. Mohamed Sikanthar Bathisha
III B.Sc., (Chemistry) (Room No : 53)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


¶wþB Ø\VçÃ_ ïVéD
* ¶m Îò ¶wþB Ø\VçÃ_ ïVéD....! * Îò kV«D gªVKD ÄVìë yòD ¨[þÅ ïkçé ÖòÍ>¼> Ö_çé! * ïV¼kö gu¤_ Jµþ ¨|ÝmD, ]òßE ü¼¦Ä[ >õ¦kVáÝ]_ >k¤
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A. Ranjith
B.Sc., (C.S.) (Room No : 200)

* * * * *

cçwÂï Ø>öþ[Å »ª\uÅ gbÂz, ØÃõ, ¨[Ãk^ ØïV|ÂzD ¸ßçÄl[ ØÃBì>V[ æ>ªD!

R. Zameer, B.Ed., ĺï\D 2013‡2014

ÖÍ]B x>[ç\ ØÃõ\èï^
x>_ ØÃõ z½B«·Ý >çékì ‡ x>_ ØÃõ ¸«>\ì ‡ x>_ ØÃõ gÓåì ‡ x>_ ØÃõ À]Ã] ‡ x>_ ØÃõ x>éç\ßÄì ‡ x>_ ØÃõ n.¸.¨ü ‡ x>_ ØÃõ ÖÍ]B sõØk¹ T«Vºïçª ‡ x>_ ØÃõ s\Vª {â½ ‡ x>_ ØÃõ ¼ÃòÍm {â|åì (>tµåV|) ‡ x>_ ØÃõ ¦V¦ì (ÖÍ]BV) ‡ ¨kØ«üâ Eï«Ýç> 2 xçÅ °¤B x>_ ÖÍ]B ØÃõ ‡ ¸«yÃV ÃâÏ_ ÖÍ]«V ïVÍ] ļ«V÷M åV¥| ÃVÝ]\V ¬s ·¼>ÄV þòÃVáM þ«õ ¼Ã½ ï_êV ÄVËéV mìïV ÃVªì÷ kÄÍ> z\Vö gªÍ] ¼ïVÃV_ ¼ÛV´ ½Âþ ¼¦V_\V (kBm 59)

I. Yasar Arafath,
III - BCA., (Room No : 284)

ïç¦El_ ¨_éVD ÄöBVzD ¨[® åDA! ÄöBVïs_çé ¨[ÅV_, Öm ïç¦E Ö_çé ¨[® åDA!
Svs. Saravanan
II B.B.A., (Room No : 32)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ØÃVm ¶¤¡
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\VWéD - ¶òðVÄé ¸«¼>ÄD

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\uÅkòÂz 1818 gD gõ| >V[ ØÄKÝ>©Ãâ¦m.

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* oDÃV ¨[Å \éì 14 gõ|ïÓÂz ÎòxçÅ \éòD. * þ[ªü AÝ>ïD Øk¹l|D ¶KkéïD éõ¦M_ c^ám. * x>[ x>o_ Øk^çáBìï^ sBVÃV«Ý]uïVï kÍm ÖźþB Ö¦D

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Wt¦ºï¹_ å¦Ím ÄV>çª AöÍm^áVì.

F. Mohamed Khan II B.A., (English) (Room No : 108)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


\çwl_ åçªÍm ØïVõ| 妡å|D ¶D\V ïkçé©Ã|þÅV^, Ã^¹Âz zç¦ ¨|Ýmß ØÄ_éV> zwÍç>çB ¨õè, Ø\¿zkìÝ]çB ÃVìÂzD ¼ÃVØ>_éVD c[ còkD>V[ ¨[ Wçªs_ kòD °Øª[ÅV_ >[ªé\u® ¨ªÂïVï còþBk^ ÀB_ékV ¶D\V!
S. Boobalan
III B.A., (English)

g® ¶½ \M>çª g® Ö[ß EïØ«â ¶aÂzD! ±® kBm kVw ¼kõ½Bkçª ±® t_o \m ¶aÂzD!
R. Mansoor Ali Khan
II B.Sc., (C.S) (Room No : 41)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ØÃVm ¶¤¡
* ÖÍ]BVs_ ¶]¼kï «l_ ¨m? ‡ Ä>V©] ¨Âü¸«ü * Ö«s_ \éòD ¯ ¨m? ‡ Ã[Ì쩯 * 檩 ØÃòÞ·kç« ïâ½Bkì ‡ R ‡ kVº * ÖÍ]BVs_ ¨Ý>çª c^åVâ| s\Vª WçéBºï^ c^᪠‡ 84 * ÖÍ]B z½B«· >çékö[ \V> »]BD ‡ 1,50,000 ÔÃVF * Îò åV¹_ Ö>BD ¨Ý>çª xçÅ m½ÂzD ‡ 1,00,000 xçÅ * ÖÍ]BVs[ ¼>EB E[ªD ‡ ¶¼ÄVï ÄÂï«D * Ö>B m½©çà ØÄF¥D ¼k]©ØÃò^ ‡ ¶Eâ½_ ¼ÄVçé[
R. Zameer, B.Ed.,

WÛºï^ gl«D ÖòÍ>VKD... W窡ï^ Î[çÅ\â|D ¼åE©Ã¼> WÛ\Vª kVµÂçï

Svs. Saravanan
II -B.B.A., (Room No : 32)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


åV[ ¼kõ|kª!!!
ÃE c^á Ö¦Ý]_ ¶[çÃ¥D >k® c^á Ö¦Ý]_ \[M©çÃ¥D ¸á¡ c^á Ö¦Ý]_ Îu®ç\çB¥D ¸çw c^á Ö¦Ý]_ ]òÝ>Ýç>¥D nBD c^á Ö¦Ý]_ Ãu®>çé¥D s«Â] c^á Ö¦Ý]_ ÄVÍ]çB¥D Öò^ c^á Ö¦Ý]_ ιçB¥D åV[ kwºþ¦ mçð ØÄF¥D... ¸Åö¦D åV[ g®>_ >Í]¦¡D ¸Åì ¨[窩 AöÍm ØïV^á¡D ¶|Ý>kì *m ¶[çé ØÃVaB¡D ¸Åì ¨[Ð^ ¶[A ØÄKÝ>¡D ¶ò^ AöT«Vï!
S. Adil - Al - Qureishi
II B.Sc., (Physics) - Room No : 28

ïõbÂzD ïõ§òÂzD sÝ]BVÄD cõ| ïõbÂz céïD \â|¼\ Ø>ö¥D ïõ§òÂz c^áD Ø>ö¥D
S.M. Yosuf Naveen,
III -B.Sc., (Chemistry) Room No : 389

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


kVµÂçïl_ Øku¤
EöÂï ¼å«D ÎmÂzºï^ ¶m Ö>BÝ][ ÖçÄ EÍ]Âï ¼å«D ÎmÂzºï^ ¶m ÄÂ]l[ ¸Å©¸¦D sçáBV¦ ¼å«D ÎmÂzºï^ ¶m Öáç\l[ Ö«ïEBD ýÂï ¼å«D ÎmÂzºï^ ¶m ¶¤s[ »u® åâAÂz ¼å«D ÎmÂzºï^ ¶m \þµßEÂz ka ]BVªÝ]uz ¼å«D ÎmÂzºï^ ¶m ¶ç\]Âz ka cçw©¸uz ¼å«D ÎmÂzºï^ ¶m Øku¤Âz ka....
N.H. Mohamed Halith
II BCA., (Room No : 44)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ĺï\D 2013‡2014


Friendship is like standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder to leave and you can never go without leaving a foot print on it.

A.Mohammed Subhan II BSccs ‘B’ Room No: 173

• Nepal is a land locked country • It is a Switzerland of Asia • There is tallest peak called Mount Everest • Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal • The total area is 1417181k.m • The currency of Nepal is called Rupaiya • It is the second richest country in water resources • It is the birth place of lord Buddha • The Annapurna region which is situated in Nepal was voted on of the 10 best trekking place on earth.
Nejam Ansari II B.B.A’A’ ĺï\D 2013‡2014

37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 x 3 = 111 x 6 = 222 x 9 = 333 x 12 = 444 x 15 = 555 x 18 = 666 x 21 = 777 x 24 = 888 x 27 = 999
R. Zameer B.Ed, Room No: 346

Intelligent animal Fastest animal Tallest animal Largest bird Fastest bird Smallest bird Tallest building Largest mosque Largest airport chimpanzee Peregrine Falcon Giraffe Ostrich Swift Humming Bird Burj Khalifa, Dubai Jama Masjid, Delhi king Abdul Khalid international airport Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
S. Al Ameen II B.Com, Room No:40 ĺï\D 2013‡2014

Dragon fly’s eye contains 30,000 lens An earthworm’s body is covered with CHEMORECEPTORS Flies taste using 3,000 sensory hairs on their feet Frogs hae ear drums behind the eye outside their bodies The diameter of the giant squid eye is 40 cm
Rtr. H. Asraf I.B.C.A.’A’ - Room No: 90

It is easy to set the aim, But hard to Achieve… It is easy to hurt someone, But hard to Accept… It is easy to get a good name, But hard to Preserve… It is easy to give a promise But hard to Alive… It is easy to advice these things, But hard to Pursue…
S. Mohamed Jamil II BCA ‘B’ Room no: 103

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


I. Ø Ø Ø Ø II. Ø Ø Ø Ø III. Ø Ø Ø Ø IV . Ø Ø Ø Ø V . Ø Ø Ø Ø FERRARI Founded : 1947 Founder : Enzo Ferrari Headquarters : Maranello, Italy Parent Company : Fiat BMW – Bavarian Motor Works Founded : 7 march, 1916 Founder : Franz Josef Popp Headquarters : Munich, Germany Parent Company : Rolls Royce Mercedes Benz Founded : 18 June, 1926 Founder : Karl Benz Headquarters : Stuttgart, Germany Parent Company : Daimler Chrysler AUDI – Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt Founded : 29 June, 1932 Founder : Jorgen Skafte Rasmussen Headquarters : Ingolstadt, Germany Parent Company : Ducatti Motors LAMBORGHINI Founded : 30 October, 1963 Founder : Ferruccio Lamborghini Headquarters : Sant Agate, Bolognese, Italy Parent Company : AUDI
A.M. Azizul Hamdan III B.Com ‘A’ - Room no: 399 ĺï\D 2013‡2014

Fake Friends – Call your parents Mr. /Mrs. Real Friends – Call your parents dad / mom Fake Friends – Have never seen you cry Real Friends – Cry with you Fake Friends – Borrow your stuffs and give back in a few days Real Friends – Keep your stuffs so long and forget its yours Fake Friends – Know about you Real Friends – Could write a book about you Fake Friends – Would knock on your front door Real Friends – Walk right in and say I’m home Fake Friends – Are around for a while Real Friends – Are with us in life
J. Mohammed Faizal II B.Com - Room no: 186

Live, as if you were To die tomorrow Learn, as if you were To live forever
M. Suhail II BSc Maths - Room no: 93

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your body, a roof over your head and a place for sleep you are richer than 75% of the entire world If you have money in your wallet, a little change and can go anywhere you want you are among the top 18% of the world’s wealthy people If you are alive today with better health than illness, you are more blessed than the one million people who will not survive this week and die Life is not about complaining pain and success It is about a thousand other reasons to Thank our creator
LMA. Jinna II B.Com ‘B’ - Room no: MH-12

If everyone is happy with you, then surely you have made many Compromises in your life If you are happy with everyone, then surely you have ignored many Faults of others
A. Mohamed Arsaath III BSc cs ‘B’ - Room no: 388

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


Life is not an mp3 Where you can Play what you want But, life is a radio Where you have to enjoy What’s being played
Rtr K. Yasir Ali III BSc cs - Room no: 388

LOGO VIRUS INTEL WAP LCD LED COBOL – – – – – – – Logical Oriented graphical Oriented Vital Information Resource Under Siege Integrated Electronics Wireless Application Protocol Liquid Crystal Display Light Emitting Diode Common Business Oriented Language Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education and Research Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Extensible Mark-up Language Optical Mark Reader Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator


M. Eashak Ali II BSc cs ‘A’ Room no: MH-14 ĺï\D 2013‡2014

For my friend, across the miles You touched my life, opened my eyes and Filled my empty heart. Strangers, yet friends Our spirits reach out, always touching Never apart You in the west, me in the east Never together, never apart
ADA. P. Ahamed Abdulla III BSc cs - Room no: 257

According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty and they die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth No. of children in the world – 2.2 billion No. of children in poverty – 1 billion (1 in 3) 640 million children are without shelter (1 in 5) 400 million with no safe water 270 million with no health services (1 in 7) 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age 5 2.2 million die each year as they are not immunized

K. Mohammed Safick III BSc cs - Room no: 388

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


Life begins Just outside Your comfort zone
A. Mohamed Arsaath III BSc cs - Room no: 388

Pain always sharpens you! Everything you do leaves a mark!! What’s inside you is useful, not what’s outside!!!
M. Noorul Ameen III BSc cs ‘B’ - Room no: 259

The adventure of life is to learn The purpose of life is to grow The nature of life is to change The challenge of life is to overcome The essence of life is to care The opportunity of life is to serve The secret of life is to be friend The beauty of life is to give
S. Mohamed Anasdeen III BSc cs - Room no: 259 ĺï\D 2013‡2014


Success & Rest don’t sleep together Defeat the defeat before the defeat defeats you…
R.Mansoor Ali Khan II.B.Sc CS, Room no: 41

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Code 0 1 2 3 5 6 0 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 6 0 1 2 4 5 6 0 2 Year 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 Code 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 5 6 0 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 6 0 1 2 4 5 Year 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 Code 6 0 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 5 6 0 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 6 0 1 Year 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 Code 2 4 5 6 0 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 5 6 0 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

This code is 0 to 6 i.e., 2000 last 0 is year code 0. 2004 is leaf year(year one adds) 4+1 year code is 5 Leaf year 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016,………..., 2096

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


Month Code Mnemonic: January 6* W-I-N-T-E-R has 6 letters. February 2*February is the 2nd month of the year. March 2March 2 the beat of the drum! April 5A-P-R-I-L and F-O-O-L-S have 5 letters. May0 May I have a sandwich? Hold the May-0! June3 June B-U-G has 3 letters. July 5 Watching FIVER-works and FIVER-crackers! August1 August begins with A, the 1st letter. September4September is the beginning of F-A-L-L. October 6Halloween T-R-I-C-K-S and T-R-E-A-T-S. November 2 I'll have 2 servings of Turkey, please! December 4December is the L-A-S-T month,or X-M-A-S. *In a leap year,the code for January is 5 and the code for February is 1. Number Day 1 -Monday 2 -Tuesday 3 -Wednesday 4 -Thursday 5 -Friday 6 -Saturday7 or 0 - Sunday DAY CODE IS 0, 7,14,21,28,35,42….. TOTAL CODE =DATE+MONTH CODE+YEAR CODE DAY= TOTAL CODE - DAY CODE EX: 2000-99 YEAR CODE NO CHANGE (0-99,400-99,800-99,1200-99,1600-99,2000-99,2400-99,………………) 1. 05MAR2074 5+2+1=8-7 =1 2. 23FEB2000 =3 23+1+0=24-21 [DAY CODE ONE] MONDAY (7,14,21,………………) (leaf year month code calculate) [DAY CODE THREE] WEDNESDAY

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


1900-99 YEAR CODE ONE ADDITION (300-99,700-99,1100-99,1500-99,1900-99,2300-99,2700-99,……….) 3. 23MAR1994(year code 0 to 6 add 1) 23+2+6(5+1)=31-28=3 [DAY CODE THREE] WEDNESDAY 1800-99 YEAR CODE THREE ADDITION (200-99,600-99,1000-99,1400-99,1800-99,2200-99,2600-99,………..) 4. 12FEB1809(year code 0 to 6 add 3) 12+2+0(4+3)=14-14=0 [DAY CODE ZERO] SUNDAY 1700-99 YEAR CODE TWO SUBRACT (100-99,500-99,900-99,1300-99,1700-99,2100-99,2500-99,…………..) 5. 14SEP1752(year code 0 to 6 sub 2) 14+4+0(2-2)=18-14=4 [DAY CODE FOUR] THURSDAY 6. 19FEB2112(leaf year month code calculate) 19+1+6(1-2)=26-21=5[DAY CODE FIVE] FRIDAY Determine the days of the week for the following dates: 1. January 19,2007 4.September 1,1983 7. July 4,1776 10. January 1,2358 Ans 1.Friday 5.Wednesday 2.Tuesday 6. Thursday 3.Sunday 7.Thursday 4.Thursday 8.Friday 2. February 14,2012 8.February 22,2222 3. June 20,1993 9. June 31,2468 5. September 8,1954 6. November 19,1863

9. June 31,2468,doesn't exist (only 30 days in June)! But June 30,2468,is Saturday,so the next day would be Sunday. 10.Wednesday? K.Abdul Raseeth Roll No: 1, III B.Sc Maths Room No:277

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


25. AMAZING FACTS ABOUT INDIA 1. India has the most number of mosques. It has 300,000 mosques which is much more than the Muslim world. 2. There are currently 22 recognized languages in India, with Hindi and English being the standard languages. 3. India was one of the richest countries on earth until the British arrival in the early 17th century. 4. India invented the number system and Aryabhatta was the scientist who invented the digit zero. 5. Chess was invented in India. 6. India is one of the largest exporter of computer software products. 7. The Pentium chip and Hotmail were created by Indians-Vinod Dahm and Sabeer Bhatia respectively. The Indian IT population is growing and is highly sought after all over the world. 8. Before 1986, India was the only place in the world where Diamonds could be found. 9. The biggest and the largest employer in the world is Indian railways employing over a million people. 10. India has the most number of post offices in the world.

M.ABDUL BASITH, III B.Sc[CS]-'A'. - Room No : 388 ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ĺï\D 2013‡2014


Lors du moment de la pluie, d'une soirée tenir les doigts avec son père marche la petite avec son père sous le parapluie. Sans le dire à son père elle se mouille en étalant son autre main elle joue avec la pluie elle accompagne son père avec une joie-de-vivre, remplie dans le cœur Lords du moment du crépuscule vient vers la direction de la petite, la pluie, qui pleut petit à petit sur la petite, les cieux se réunissent ensemble les cieux blairs bougent, avec la pluie de la journée. LMA Jinna II B.Com Room no: MH-12

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


les mains de mon père, me frappent commue un fouet, les mains tendres de mon père m'inscrivent à l'école maternelle, les relations, le rapport filial et paternel est éternel pour moi, les mains qui m'enseigne à nager tient mon coups fort, les mains de mon père m'enseignent à apprendre à conduire le vélo, comme un sportif les mains de mon père m'enseignent à faire la prière, les mains de mon père m'enseignent à lutter dans la vie comme un guerrier mon père est mon roi chaque semaine, il me ramène pour la paroi pour me conduire sur le bon chemin de la vie Ainsi, c'est la vie! Je me souviens chaque jour de ma vie, Mon père, ce Héros, il vit en moi avec ma foi!! F. NoorulAmeen
II BSc cs Room No: MH-14

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J. Mani Raja (Room No : 211)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


¼«VÛV ¯¡Âz^ Îò E[ª ¼«VÛV ¯ !!!

S. Nowran II - M.Sc., (Chemistry)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ĺï\D 2013‡2014 S. Haja Sarbudeen II - B.Sc., (C.S)


|D > ª k V ¼ B ç k Å Ã ç\ Åç c õ c

A. ¶©m_ \Vo II - BBA., ‘A’ - Room No - 39

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


M. Idimalai II - BCA., (Computer Application) Room No : 171

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ĺï\D 2013‡2014 R. Rajkumar II - B.Sc., Maths (Room No : 60)


A.G. Abdullah I - B.Com., (Room No : 152)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


""ÖBuçïß ów_

WçÅÍ> ¶wïVª kVµs¦D''

J. Alagu II - M.Sc., (Chemistry)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


R. Sarath Kumar II - B.Sc., (Mathematics) Room No : 177

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ĺï\D 2013‡2014


MD. Lukman Hakkim S.M II - B.Sc., (Botany) Room No : 33

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


N. Abdul Azeez I - B.Com., ‘A’ (Room No : 426)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


ĺï\D 2013‡2014


N. Vijay III - B.Sc., ‘A’ (Room No : 276)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


V. Ajith Kumar III - B.A., English - (Room No : 34)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


Lma. Jinna. II - B.Com., (Room No : MH - 12)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


Janab. N.M. Khajamian Rowther

M. Irfan Irfu I - B.A., (Room No : 117)

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


Øku¤ ¨[Ãm >VªVï kòk]_çé ¶m sBìçkÝ m¹l[ sçáßÄ_. x¦ºþ þ¦Í>V_ EéÍ]¥D c[çªß EçÅ© ¸½ÂzD. ¨¿Ím å¦Í>V_ ¨ö\çé¥D cªÂz ka ØïV|ÂzD.

ĺï\D 2013‡2014


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