List of Princeton University Graduates

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Prominent Princeton University Graduates By William P. Litynski

Executive Branch of the U.S. Government: James Madison (A.B. 1771)  !resident of the United States (1"#$%1"17)& Secretar' of State (1"#1%1"#$) oodro i*son (A.B. 1"7$)  !resident of the United States (1$1+%1$,1)  Aaron Burr (A.B. 177,)  -ice !res !resident ident of the United States (1"#1%1"#) Geor/e M. 0a**as (A.B. 1"1#)  -ice !resident of the United States (1"%1"$) 2o3ert Smith (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. Secretar' of State (1"#$%1"11)& Secretar' of the 4av' (1"#1%1"#$) Edard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. Secretar' of State (1"+1%1"++) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. Secretar' of State (1"+%1"1) John 6oster 0u**es (A.B. 1$#")  U.S. Secretar' of State (1$+%1$$) Geor/e !. Shu*t (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Secretar' of State (1$",%1$"$)& Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1$7,%1$7)& Secretar' of 5a3or (1$9$%1$7#) James A. Baer ;;; (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Secretar' of State (1$"$%1$$,)& Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1$"%1$"") i**iam Bradford Jr. (A.B. 177,)  U.S. Attorne' Genera* (17$%17$) <har*es 5ee (A.B. 177)  U.S. Attorne' Genera* (17$%1"#1) 2o3ert Smith (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. Attorne' Genera* (1"#) 2ichard 2ush (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Attorne' Genera* (1"1%1"17)& Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1",%1",") John M. Berrien (A.B. 17$9)  U.S. Attorne' Genera* (1",$%1"+1) Ben=amin >. Brester (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. Attorne' Genera* (1""1%1"") 4icho*as ?aten3ach (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Attorne' Genera* (1$9%1$99) 5ucius >. Stocton (A.B. 17"7)  Secretar' of ar (1"#1) Geor/e . <raford (A.B. 1",#)  Secretar' of ar (1"$%1"#) i**iam . Be*na@ (A.B. 1"")  Secretar' of ar (1"9$%1"79) James 0. <ameron (A.B. 1",)  Secretar' of ar (1"79%1"77) Smith 8hom@son (A.B. 17"")  Secretar' of the 4av' (1"1"%1",+) Samue* 5. Southard (A.B. 1"#)  Secretar' of the 4av' (1",+%1",$) Mah*on 0icerson (A.B. 17"$)  Secretar' of the 4av' (1"+%1"+") Geor/e M. 2o3eson (A.B. 1"7)  Secretar' of the 4av' (1"9$%1"77) 6ran <. <ar*ucci (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Secretar' of 0efense (1$"7%1$"$) 0ona*d >. 2umsfe*d (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Secretar' of 0efense (1$7%1$77 ,##1%,##9) Geor/e . <am@3e** (A.B. 17$)  Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1"1) Geor/e M. Bi33 (A.B. 17$,)  Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1"%1") E3eneer >aard (A.B. 179,)  !ostmaster Genera* of the United States (17",%17"$)& Surve'or%Genera* of U.S. !ost ffice (1779%",)  A**en . 0u**es (A.B. (A.B. 1$1)  0irec 0irector tor of the <entra* ;;nte**i/ence nte**i/ence A/enc' (1$+%1$91) i**iam E. <o*3' (A.B. 1$#)  0irector of the <entra* ;nte**i/ence A/enc' (1$7+%1$79) 6ran <. <ar*ucci (A.B. 1$,)  4ationa* Securit' Advisor (1$"9%1$"7) 2o3ert S. Mue**er ;;; (A.B. 1$99)  0irector of 6edera* Bureau of ;nvesti/ation (,##1%,#1+) i**iam Marsha** Bu**itt (B.S. 1"$)  So*icitor Genera* of the United States (1$1,%1$1+) <har*es 6ried (A.B. 1$9)  So*icitor Genera* of the United States (1$"%1$"$) E*ena ?a/an (A.B. 1$"1)  So*icitor Genera* of the United States (,##$%,#1#) 6ran Jr. (A.B. 1$#)  Secretar' the6orce Arm'(1$7%1$$)& (1$#%1$+) 0e@ut' U.S. Secretar' of 0efense (1$$%1$91) James!ace >. 0ou/*as Jr.1$++ (A.B.M.A. 1$,#)  Secretar' of theofAir 0ud*e' <. Shar@ (B.S. 1$,7)  Secretar' of the Air 6orce (1$$%1$91)  A3ram !iatt Andre Andre Jr. (A.B. 1"$+)  0irector of the U.S. Mint (1 (1$#$%1$1#) $#$%1$1#) 8homas >art*e' <raford (A.B. 1"#)  <ommissioner of ;ndian Affairs (1"+"%1") 4athanie* G. 8a'*or (A.B. 1"#)  <ommissioner of ;ndian Affairs (1"97%1"9$)  Andre Jacson Goodin Goodin Jr. (A.B. 1$+ M.B.A. >arvard 1$+9)  <ommis <ommissioner sioner of Securit Securities ies and Exchan Exchan/e /e <ommission (1$+%1$ (1$+%1$)) Bevis 5on/streth (B.S. 1$9)  <ommissioner of Securities and Exchan/e <ommission (1$"1%1$")


U.S. 0i@*omats: Edard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. Minister to 6rance (1"++%1"+) Geor/e . <am@3e** (A.B. 17$)  U.S. Minister to 2ussia (1"1"%1",1) 2ichard 2ush (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Minister to Great Britain (1"17%1",)& U.S. Minister to 6rance (1"7%1"1) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. Minister to S@ain (1"1$%1",+) Jose@h 2. ;n/erso** (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Minister to Great Britain (1",%1"+) <hristo@her >u/hes (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <har/e dCaffaires to Seden (1"1"%1", 1"+#%1"1)& U.S. <har/e dCaffaires to the 4ether*ands (1",9%1"+# 1",%1") Geor/e M. 0a**as (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S. Minister to Great Britain (1"9%1"91)& U.S. Minister to 2ussia (1"+7%1"+$) i**iam 5eis 0a'ton (A.B. 1",)  U.S. Minister to 6rance (1"91%1"9) John 6ors'th Jr. (A.B. 1"+,)  U.S. Minister to Mexico (1"9%1"") Geor/e >. Boer (A.B. 1",)  U.S. Minister to 2ussia (1"7%1"77)& U.S. Minister to the ttoman Em@ire (1"7,%1"7) John !otter Stocton (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. Minister to 2ome (1""%1"91)  A**en 8homas (A.B. (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Minister to -eneue*a eneue*a (1"$%1"$7) i**iam Austin Sea' (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Minister to Bo*ivia (1""%1""7) i**iam 5eis 0a'ton (A.B. 1"")  U.S. Minister to the 4ether*ands (1"",%1"") Samue* 2. Gummere (A.B. 1"7#)  U.S. Minister to Morocco (1$#9%1$#$)& U.S. <onsu* Genera* at 8an/ier (1"$"%1$#) 2ichmond !earson (A.B. 1"7,)  U.S. Minister to !ersia (1$#+%1$#7)& U.S. Minister to Greece (1$#7%1$#$)& U.S. Minister to Montene/ro (1$#7%1$#$) >enr' van 0'e (A.B. 1"7+)  U.S. Minister to the 4ether*ands (1$1+%1$17)& U.S. Minister to 5uxem3our/ (1$1+%1$17) <har*es 0en3' Jr. (A.B. 1"",)  U.S. <onsu* Genera* in Shan/hai <hina (1$#7%1$#$)& U.S. <onsu* Genera* in -ienna (1$#$%1$1)  A*3ert >a*stead (A.B. (A.B. 1""$)  U.S U.S.. <onsu* Genera* in -ienna (1$1%1$17)& U.S. <onsu* Genera* in St Stocho*m ocho*m S Seden eden (Januar' 1$1"%Ma' 1$1$)& U.S. <onsu* Genera* in Montrea* (1$,#%1$,")& U.S. <onsu* Genera* in 5ondon (1$,"%1$+,) !ost hee*er (A.B. 1"$1)  U.S. Minister to !ara/ua' (1$+#%1$++)& U.S. Minister to A*3ania ((1$++%1$+) 1$++%1$+) John . Garrett (B.S. 1"$)  U.S. Am3assador to 6ascist ;ta*' (1$,$%1$++)& U.S. Minister to the 4ether*ands (1$17%1$1$)& U.S. Minister to 5uxem3our/ (1$17%1$1$)& U.S. Minister to -eneue*a (1$11)& U.S. Minister to Ar/entina (1$1,%1$1+) 2o*and S. Morris (A.B. 1"$9)  U.S. Am3assador to Ja@an (1$17%1$,#) Joshua But*er ri/ht (B.S. 1"$$)  U.S. Minister to >un/ar' (1$,7%1$+#)& U.S. Minister to Uru/ua' (1$+1%1$+)& U.S. Minister to <echos*ovaia <echos*ova ia (1$+%1$+7)& U.S. Am3assador to <u3a (1$+7%1$+$) John -an A. MacMurra' (A.B. 1$#, M.A. 1$#7)  U.S. Am3assador to 8ure' (1$+9%1$1)& U.S. Minister to <hina (1$,%1$,$)& U.S. Minister to Estonia (1$+%1$+9)& U.S. Minister to 5atvia (1$++%1$+9)& U.S. Minister to 5ithuania (1$++%1$+9) Brecinrid/e 5on/ (A.B. 1$#)  U.S. Am3assador to 6ascist ;ta*' (1$++%1$+9) Jose@h <. Green (A.B. 1$#")  U.S. Am3assador to Jordan (1$,%1$+) 6erdinand 5. Ma'er (A.B.1$#$)  U.S. Minister to >aiti (1$+7%1$#) 4orman Armour (A.B. 1$#$)  U.S. Minister to >aiti (1$+,%1$+)& U.S. Minister to <anada (1$+%1$+")& U.S. Am3assador to <hi*e (1$+"%1$+$)& U.S. Am3assador to Ar/entina (1$+$%1$)& U.S. Am3assador to S@ain (1$)& U.S. Am3assador to -eneue*a (1$#% 1$1)& U.S. Am3assador to Guatema*a (1$%1$) James Bruce (5itt.B. 1$1)  U.S. Am3assador to Ar/entina (1$7%1$$) (1$7% 1$$) Gi*christ B. Stocton (5itt.B. 1$1)  U.S. Minister to Austria (1$+#%1$++) 4athanie* !. 0avis (A.B. 1$19)  U.S. Am3assador to <osta 2ica (1$"%1$$)& U.S. Minister to >un/ar' (1$$%1$1) i**iam A. Edd' (5itt.B. 1$17 !h.0. 1$,,)  U.S. Minister to Saudi Ara3ia (1$%1$9) Maxe** M. >ami*ton (5itt.B. 1$1")  U.S. Minister to 6in*and (1$9%1$7) Edard S. <rocer (A.B. 1$1")  U.S. Am3assador to ;raD (1$$%1$,) >. 6reeman Matthes (A.B. 1$,1)  U.S. Am3assador to Seden (1$7%1$#)& U.S. Am3assador to the 4ether*ands (1$+%1$7)& (1$+% 1$7)& U.S. Am3assador to Austria (1$7%1$9,) i**iam E. Stevenson (A.B. 1$,,)  U.S. Am3assador to the !hi*i@@ines (1$9,%1$9) Bernard A. Guf*er (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Am3assador to Sri 5ana (1$$%1$91)& U.S. Am3assador to 6in*and (1$91%1$9+) Geor/e 6. ?ennan (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Am3assador to the Soviet Union (1$,)& U.S. Am3assador to u/os*avia (1$91%1$9+) . a*ton Butterorth (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Am3assador to <anada (1$9,%1$9")& U.S. Am3assador to Seden (1$#%1$+) Edard 8. ai*es (B.S. 1$,)  U.S. Am3assador to South Africa (1$%1$9)& U.S. Minister to >un/ar' (1$9%1$7)& U.S.  Am3assador to ;ran ;ran (1$"%1$91)& U.S. A Am3assador m3assador to <echos*ovaia <echos*ovaia (1$91%1$9,) >enr' 2. 5a3ouisse (A.B. 1$,9)  U.S. Am3assador to Greece (1$9,%1$9) 5ivin/ston 8. Merchant (A.B. 1$,9)  U.S. Am3assador to <anada (1$9%1$" 1$91%1$9,)  Ado*@h . Schmidt Schmidt (A.B. 1$,9)  U.S. Am3ass Am3assador ador to <anada (1$9$%1$7) hitin/ i**auer (B.S. 1$,")  U.S. Am3assador to >onduras (1$%1$")& U.S. Am3assador to <osta 2ica (1$"%1$91) <har*es . ost (A.B. 1$,")  U.S. Am3assador to 5aos (1$%1$9)& U.S. Am3assador to S'ria (1$")& U.S. Am3assador to Morocco (1$"%1$91) Jaco3 0. Beam (A.B. 1$,$)  U.S. Am3assador to !o*and (1$7%1$91)& U.S. Am3assador to <echos*ovaia (1$99%1$9$)& U.S.  Am3assador to the the Soviet Union (1$9$ (1$9$%1$7+) %1$7+) She*3' <u**om 0avis (A.B. 1$+#)  U.S. Am3assador to Siter*and (1$9$%1$7) Edin A**an 5i/htner Jr. (A.B. 1$+#)  U.S. Am3assador to 5i3'a (1$9+%1$9)& U.S. <onsu* Genera* in Munich German' (1$+%1$9) 8'*er 8hom@son (A.B. 1$+#)  U.S. Am3assador to ;ce*and (1$9#%1$91)& U.S. Am3assador to 6in*and (1$9%1$9$) i**iam <. 8rim3*e (A.B. 1$+#)  U.S. Am3assador to <am3odia (1$$%1$9,) >oard 8rivers (A.B. 1$+#& !h.0. >arvard 1$1)  U.S. <onsu* Genera* in Furich Siter*and (1$99%1$9$) Geor/e . 2enchard (B.S. 1$+#)  U.S. Am3assador to Burundi (1$9"%1$9$) >oard E*tin/ Jr. (B.S. 1$+#)  0e@ut' <hief of Mission at the U.S. Em3ass' in Sai/on South -ietnam (1$7%1$$) G. Mennen i**iams (A.B. 1$++)  U.S. Am3assador to the !hi*i@@ines (1$9"%1$9$)  Aaron S. Bron (A.B. (A.B. 1$+)  U.S. Am3assador to 4ic 4icara/ua ara/ua (1$91%1$97) 2ichard >a**oc 0avis (A.B. 1$+ M.B.A. >arvard 1$+7)  U.S. Am3assador to 2omania (1$9%1$9$) Edmund A. Gu**ion (A.B. 1$+)  U.S. Am3assador to <on/o ?inshasaH (1$91%1$9) John 4. ;rin ;; (A.B. 1$+7)  U.S. Am3assador to 6rance (1$7+%1$7) 2o3ert Ga'*ord Barnes (A.B. 1$+7)  U.S. Am3assador to Jordan (1$9%1$99)


4icho*as G. 8hacher (A.B. 1$+7)  U.S. Am3assador to Saudi Ara3ia (1$7#%1$7+) 6ind*e' Burns Jr. (A.B. 1$+$)  U.S. Am3assador to Jordan (1$99%1$97)& U.S. Am3assador to Ecuador (1$7#%1$7+) 2ichard 6unhouser (A.B. 1$+$)  U.S. Am3assador to Ga3on (1$9$%1$7#) 2o3ert 6. Goheen (A.B. 1$#& !h.0. 1$")  U.S. Am3assador to ;ndia (1$77%1$"#) 2o3ert >. McBride (A.B. 1$#)  U.S. Am3assador to Faire (1$97%1$9$)& U.S. Am3assador to Mexico (1$9$%1$7) John 6. 2oot (A.B. 1$#)  U.S. Am3assador to ;vor' <oast (1$9$%1$7) i**iam >. Attood (A.B. 1$1)  U.S. Am3assador to Guinea (1$91%1$9+)& U.S. Am3assador to ?en'a (1$9%1$99) John !. >umes (A.B. 1$+)  U.S. Am3assador to Austria (1$9$%1$7)  Andre 5. Stei/man (A.B. 1$7)  U.S. U.S. Am3assador to Ga3on (1$7%1$77)& U.S U.S.. Am3assador to Sao 8ome and ! !rinci@e rinci@e (1$79%1$77)  Arthur 8. 8ienen (A.B. 1$7)  U. U.S. S. Am3assado Am3assadorr to Ga3on (1$7"%1$"1)& U.S. Am3assador to S Sao ao 8ome and !rinc !rinci@e i@e (1$7"%1$"1) 2a'mond 5. Garthoff (A.B. 1$")  U.S. Am3assador to Bu*/aria (1$77%1$7$) en . 2o3erts (A.B. 1$")  U.S. Am3assador to 8o/o (1$"%1$"9) John <. !rit*aff Jr. (A.B. 1$$)  U.S. Am3assador to Ma*ta (1$9$%1$7,) i**iam A. Sto*tfus Jr. (A.B. 1$$)  U.S. Am3assador to ?uait (1$7,%1$79)& U.S. Am3assador to Bahrain (1$7,%1$7)& U.S.  Am3assador to Iatar Iatar (1$7,%1$7)& U.S. A Am3assador m3assador to man (1$7,%1$7)& U.S. Am3assador Am3assador to United Ara3 Emirates (1$7,%1$7 (1$7,%1$7)) 5eon Jerome ei* (A.B. 1$$)  U.S. Am3assador to 4e@a* (1$"%1$"7) 2o3ert -. ?ee*e' (A.B. 1$1)  U.S. Am3assador to Mauritius (1$79%1$7")& U.S. Am3assador to Fim3a3e (1$"#%1$")& U.S.  Am3assador to Greece Greece (1$"%1$"$)& 0e@ut' <hief of Miss Mission ion in <am3odia ?hmer 2e@u3*icH (1$7%1$7) 2o/er ?ir (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Am3assador to Soma*ia (1$7+%1$7)& U.S. Am3assador to 2omania (1$"%1$"$) 6ran <. <ar*ucci (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Am3assador to !ortu/a* (1$7%1$7") Geor/e 2o3erts Andres (A.B. 1$+)  U.S. Am3assador to Mauritius (1$"+%1$"9)& U.S. <onsu* Genera* in Stras3our/ 6rance (1$7#%1$71) >. A**en >o*mes (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Am3assador to !ortu/a* (1$",%1$")& 0e@ut' <hief of Mission in 2ome ;ta*' (1$77%1$7$) 8homas 0avid Bo'att (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Am3assador to Burina 6aso (1$7"%1$"#)& U.S. Am3assador to <o*om3ia (1$"#%1$"+) <har*es . Bra' ;;; (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Am3assador to Sene/a* (1$"1%1$")  Anthon' <.E. Iuainton (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Am3 Am3assador assador to the <en <entra* tra* African 2e@u3*ic (1$79%1$7")& U.S. A Am3assador m3assador to 4icara/ua 4icara/ua (1$",%1$")& U.S. Am3assador to ?uait (1$"%1$"7)& U.S. Am3assador to !eru (1$"$%1$$,) J. Sta@*eton 2o' (A.B. 1$9)  U.S. Am3assador to Sin/a@ore (1$"%1$"9)& U.S. Am3assador to <ommunist <hina (1$$1%1$$)& U.S. Am3assador to ;ndonesia (1$$9%1$$$) !eter Jon 0e -os (A.B. 1$9#)  U.S. Am3assador to Guinea%Bissau (1$"#%1$"+)& U.S. Am3assador to Moam3iDue (1$"+%1$"7)& U.S.  Am3assador to 5i3eria 5i3eria (1$$#%1$$,)& U.S. A Am3assador m3assador to 8an 8anania ania (1$$+%1$$)& U.S. A Am3assador m3assador to <os <osta ta 2ica (1$$%1$$7) 6ran G. isner ;; (A.B. 1$91)  U.S. Am3assador to Fam3ia (1$7$%1$",)& U.S. Am3assador to E/'@t (1$"9%1$$1)& U.S.  Am3assador to the the !hi*i@@ines (1$$1%1$$,)& U.S. Am3as Am3assador sador to ;ndia (1$$%1$$7) <ameron 2. >ume (A.B. 1$9")  U.S. Am3assador to A*/eria (1$$7%,###)& U.S. Am3assador to South Africa (,##1%,##)& U.S. Am3assador to ;ndonesia (,##7%,#1#) 5eis 5uens (A.B.)  U.S. Am3assador to Sene/a* (,#11%@resent)& U.S. Am3assador to Guinea%Bissau (,#11%@resent)& U.S. <onsu* Genera* in -ancouver <anada (,##%,##") 0avid >ue3ner (A.B. 1$",)  U.S. Am3assador to 4e Fea*and (,##$%,#1)  Ad*ai E. Stevenson Stevenson Jr. (A.B (A.B.. 1$,,)  U.S. 2e@resentative to tthe he United 4ations (1$91%1$9 (1$91%1$9) ) <har*es . ost (A.B. 1$,")  U.S. 2e@resentative to the United 4ations (1$9$%1$71) John <. 0anforth (A.B. 1$")  U.S. 2e@resentative to the United 4ations (,##%,##) Geor/e . !erins Jr. (5itt.B. 1$17)  U.S. 2e@resentative to 4A8 (1$%1$7) >ar*an <*eve*and (A.B. 1$+")  U.S. 2e@resentative to 4A8 (1$9%1$9$) . a*ton Butterorth (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. 2e@resentative to the Euro@ean <ommunities (1$91%1$9,) Mem3ers of the <ontinenta* <on/ress: 2ichard Stocton (A.B. 17")  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (1779)& Si/ner of the 0ec*aration of ;nde@endence Ben=amin 2ush (A.B. 179#)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (1779%1777)& Si/ner of the 0ec*aration of ;nde@endence& 8reasurer of the United States Mint at !hi*ade*@hia (17$$%1"1+) Jonathan 0icinson Ser/eant (A.B. 179,)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (6e3ruar' 1 1779%June ,, 1779 4ovem3er +# 1779% Se@tem3er 9 1777) Jonathan Ba'ard Smith (A.B. 179#)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (1777%177") Jose@h 2eed (A.B. 177)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177") 4athanie* Scudder (A.B. 171)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177"%177$) Jesse 2oot (A.B. 179)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177"%17",) 2ichard >utson (A.B. 179)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177"%177$)& Si/ner of the Artic*es of <onfederation& 5ieutenant Governor of South <aro*ina (17",%17"+) *iver E**sorth (A.B. 1799)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177"%17"+)& 0e*e/ate to the <onstitutiona* <onvention in 17"7 John >enr' (A.B. 179$)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177"%17"# 17"%17"9) 6rederic 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 177#)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177$) i**iam <hurchi** >ouston (A.B. 179")  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177$%17"1 17"%17")& 0e*e/ate to the <onstitutiona* <onvention in !hi*ade*@hia in 17"7 i**iam Burnet (A.B. 17$)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (0ecem3er 11 17"#%A@ri* 1 17"1)& sur/eon /enera* of the eastern district of the United States (1779%17"+) Jose@h Mont/omer' (A.B. 17)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"#%17",) Samue* 5ivermore (A.B. 17,)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"#%17", 17"%17"9) James Madison Jr. (A.B. 1771)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"#%17"+ 17"7%17"")& 0e*e/ate to the <onstitutiona* <onvention 0avid 2amsa' (A.B. 179)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17",%17"+ 17"%17"9) 0avid >oe** (A.B. 1779)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17",%17") John Beatt' (A.B. 179$)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"%17") James Mannin/ (A.B. 179,)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"9)& !resident of Bron Universit' (179%17$1) >enr' 5i/ht >orse >arr'K 5ee (A.B. 177+)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"9%17"") 4athanie* 2amse' (A.B. 1797)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"9%17"7)& United States Marsha* for Mar'*and (17$#%17$")


James 2ando*@h 2eid (A.B.)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"7%17"") !ier@ont Edards (A.B. 179")  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"") i**iam !aterson (A.B. 179+)  0e*e/ate to the <onstitutiona* <onvention in 17"7& Si/ner of the <onstitution Jonathan 0a'ton (A.B. 1779)  0e*e/ate to the <onstitutiona* <onvention in 17"7& Si/ner of the <onstitution& 0e*e/ate to the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"7%17"") Su@reme <ourt Justices: i**iam !aterson (A.B. 179+)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (17$+%1"#9) *iver E**sorth (A.B. 1799)  <hief Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (17$9%1"##) i**iam Johnson Jr. (A.B. 17$#)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"#%1"+) >enr' Brocho*st 5ivin/ston (A.B. 177)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"#9%1",+) Smith 8hom@son (A.B. 17"")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1",+%1"+) James Moore a'ne (A.B. 1"#")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"+%1"97) Mah*on !itne' (A.B. 1"7$)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1$1,%1$,,) John Marsha** >ar*an ;; (A.B. 1$,#)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1$%1$71) Samue* A. A*ito Jr. (A.B. 1$7,)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (,##9%@resent) Sonia Sotoma'or (A.B. 1$79)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (,##$%@resent) E*ena ?a/an (A.B. 1$"1)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (,#1#%@resent)

Jud/es of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s: >aro*d 2a'mond Medina (A.B. 1$#$)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit (1$1%1$") John Marsha** >ar*an ;; (A.B. 1$,#)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit (1$%1$) Jon rmond 4eman (A.B. 1$+)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit (1$7$%1$$7) Sonia Sotoma'or (A.B. 1$79)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit (1$$"%,##$) 0e3ra Ann 5ivin/ston (A.B. 1$"#)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit (,##7%@resent) 0enn' <hin (A.B. 1$7)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit (,#1#%@resent) Geor/e Gra' (A.B. 1"$)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit (1"$$%1$1) John Ba'ard Mc!herson (A.B. 1"99)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit (1$1,%1$1$) John Bi//s Jr. (5it.B. 1$1")  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit (1$+7%1$9) 6rancis 5. -an 0usen (A.B. 1$+)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit (1$97%1$77) a*ter ?in/ Sta@*eton (A.B. 1$9)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit (1$"%1$$$) Samue* A. A*ito Jr. (A.B. 1$7,)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit (1$$#%,##9) 2ichard i*de a*er (A.B. 1"77)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 6ifth <ircuit (1$1%1$+#) i**iam 5ochart Garood (A.B. 1$,)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 6ifth <ircuit (1$"1%1$$7) Shace*ford Mi**er Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Sixth <ircuit (1$%1$9) Steven M. <o**oton (A.B. 1$")  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Ei/hth <ircuit (,##+%@resent) i**iam A*3ert 4orris (A.B. 1$1)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 4inth <ircuit (1$"#%1$$) 2ichard 2. <*ifton (A.B. 1$7,)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 4inth <ircuit (,##,%@resent)  Andre 0avid >urit (A.B. 1$9")  J Jud/e ud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 4inth <ircui <ircuitt (,#1,%@resent) 8hurman es*e' Arno*d (A.B. 1$11)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for 0istrict of <o*um3ia <ircuit (1$+%1$)  A*vin Anthon' Scha** Scha** (A.B. 1$99)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 6e 6edera* dera* <ircuit (1$$,%,##$) James 0un*o@ (A.B. 1"11)  <hief Justice of the U.S. <ircuit <ourt f or the 0istrict of <o*um3ia (1"7%1"9+) Shace*ford Mi**er Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Sixth <ircuit (1$91%1$9,) John Bi//s Jr. (5it.B. 1$1")  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit (1$"%1$9) Jon rmond 4eman (A.B. 1$+)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit (1$$+%1$$7) <hief Jud/es of the U.S. 0istrict <ourts: 2o3ert A*exander ;nch (A.B. 1"$)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of 4e or (1$"%1$") James 5evin 5atchum (A.B. 1$#)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 0e*aare (1$7+%1$"+) John 6rancis Gerr' (A.B. 1$#)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$"7%1$$) Maurice B*anchard <ohi** Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt f or the estern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$"%1$$,) a*ter ?in/ Sta@*eton (A.B. 1$9)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 0e*aare (1$"+%1$")  A*an <ooe ?a' (A.B. (A.B. 1$7)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S U.S.. 0istrict <ourt for the 0ist 0istrict rict of >aaii (1$$1%1$$$) 0. Broo Bart*ett (A.B. 1$$)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the  estern estern 0istrict of Missouri (1$$%,###) John ins*o Bisse** (A.B. 1$9,)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (,##1%,##) >arve' Bart*e ;;; (A.B. 1$9,)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (,##9%,#11) i**iam >enr' Bar3our Jr. (A.B. 1$9+)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of Mississi@@i (1$"$%1$$9) 2o3ert >. ha*e'  ha*e' (A.B. 1$9)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of ashin/ton (,##%,##$) Benson Everett 5e// (A.B. 1$7#)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of Mar'*and (,##+%,#1#) Jerome B. Simand*e (B.S.E. 1$71)  <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (,#1,%@resent)


Jud/es of the U.S. 0istrict <ourts: >aro*d 2a'mond Medina (A.B. 1$#$)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$7%1$1) >aro*d 2. 8'*er Jr. (A.B. 1$+)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$9,%1$7) -incent 5'ons Broderic (A.B. 1$1)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$79%1$"") Sonia Sotoma'or (A.B. 1$79)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$$,%1$$") 0enn' <hin (A.B. 1$7)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$$%,#1#) Sidne' >. Stein (A.B. 1$97)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$$%,#1#) <ath' Sei3e* (A.B. 1$",)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (,##"%@resent) John Ba'ard Mc!herson (A.B. 1"99)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1"$$%1$1,) 6rancis 5. -an 0usen (A.B. 1$+)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania !enns'*vania (1$%1$97) i**iam >endrics ohn (A.B. 1$7)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$$1%,##+) >arve' Bart*e ;;; (A.B. 1$9,)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$$1%,#11) 5e/rome 0. 0avis (A.B. 1$7+)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (,##,%@resent) 2ichard Stocton 6ie*d (A.B. 1",1)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1"9+%1"7#) John 8hom@son 4ixon (A.B. 1"1)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1"7#%1""$) Edard 8. Green (A.B. 1")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1"$#%1"$9) Jose@h <ross (A.B. 1"9)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$#%1$1+) Jose@h 5am3 Bodine (A.B. 1$#)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$,#%1$,$) 2ichard >artshorne (5itt.B. 1$#$)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$1%1$91) 2e'nier Jaco3 ortend'e Jr. (A.B. 1$19)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$%1$7#)  Arthur Ste@hen 5ane (A.B. (A.B. 1$+)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0ist 0istrict rict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4 4e e Jerse' (1$9#%1$97) John 6rancis Gerr' (A.B. 1$#)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$7%1$$) John ins*o Bisse** (A.B. 1$9,)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$",%,##) Jose@h Eron ;renas (A.B. 1$9,)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$$,%,##,) Jerome B. Simand*e (B.S.E. 1$71)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$$,%@resent) 0avid >oe** (A.B. 1799)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 2hode ;s*and (1"1,%1",) !ier@ont Edards (A.B. 179")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of <onnecticut (1"#9%1",9) Gunnin/ Bedford Jr. (A.B. 1771)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 0e*aare (17"$%1"1,) Jose@h <*a' Jr. (A.B. 17")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of Geor/ia (17$7%1"#1) >enr' ?ent Mc<a' (A.B. 1"+$)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 4orthern 0istrict of Geor/ia (1"",%1""9) John Ja' Jacson Jr. (A.B. 1")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the estern 0istrict of -ir/inia (1"91%1"9)& Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for est  est -ir/inia (1"9%1$#1)& Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 4orthern 0istrict of  est est -ir/inia (1$#1%1$#) John Mc0oe** Mc?inne' (A.B. 1"")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 6*orida (1"71) 4athanie* Ein/ (A.B. 1"9$)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the estern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$#9%1$#") 2o3ert A*exander ;nch (A.B. 1"$)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of 4e or (1$,%1$") Shace*ford Mi**er Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the estern 0istrict of ?entuc' (1$+$%1$) Edard 0um3au*d (A.B. 1$,9)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the estern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$91%1$79) >oard 6rancis <orcoran (A.B. 1$,")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of <o*um3ia (1$9%1$77) <a*e3 2odne' 5a'ton ;;; (A.B. 1$+#)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 0e*aare (1$7%1$9") 8homas 2o3erts McMi**en (A.B. 1$+")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 4orthern 0istrict of ;**inois (1$71%1$") James 5evin 5atchum (A.B. 1$#)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 0e*aare (1$9"%1$"+) 5unsford 2ichardson !re'er (A.B. 1$1)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Midd*e 0istrict of 4orth <aro*ina (1$9,%1$9+) Maurice B*anchard <ohi** Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the estern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$79%1$$) <har*es B'ron 2enfre (A.B. 1$,)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 4orthern 0istrict of <a*ifornia (1$71%1$"#) Jon rmond 4eman (A.B. 1$+)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of <onnecticut (1$71%1$7$) >oard 0avid >ermansdorfer (A.B. 1$+)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of ?entuc' (1$7,%1$"1) 2udi M. Brester (A.B. 1$)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of <a*ifornia (1$"%1$$") a*ter ?in/ Sta@*eton (A.B. 1$9)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 0e*aare (1$7#%1$")  A*an <ooe ?a' (A.B. (A.B. 1$7)  Jud/ Jud/e e of the U.S. 0 0istrict istrict <ourt ffor or the 0istrict of >aaii (1$"9%,###) 0. Broo Bart*ett (A.B. 1$$)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the estern 0istrict of Missouri (1$"1%,###) 8homas Se*3' E**is ;;; (B.S.E. 1$91)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of -ir/inia (1$"7%,##7) 5'nn S. Ade*man (A.B. 1$91)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of isconsin (1$$7%@resent) 0avid <. Bram*ette (A.B. 1$9,)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of Mississi@@i (1$$1%,##9) i**iam >enr' Bar3our Jr. (A.B. 1$9+)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of Mississi@@i (1$"+%,##9) 2o3ert >. ha*e'  ha*e' (A.B. 1$9)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of ashin/ton (1$$%,##$) Benson Everett 5e// (A.B. 1$7#)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of Mar'*and (1$$1%@resent)  Anthon' John 8ren/a (A.B. 1$71)  Jud/ Jud/e e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0i 0istrict strict of -ir/inia ir/inia (,##"%@resent) vonne Gona*e 2o/ers (A.B. 1$"7)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 4orthern 0istrict of <a*ifornia (,#11%@resent) Brian Jordan 0avis (A.B. 1$7)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt f or the Midd*e 0istrict of 6*orida (0ecem3er ,9 ,#1+%@resent)


U.S. Senators: Samue* 5ivermore (A.B. 17,)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%4e >am@shire 17$+%1"#1)& !resident of the U.S. Senate (17$$%1"##)  A*exander Martin (A.B. (A.B. 179)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro* <aro*ina ina 17$+%17$$) i**iam !aterson (A.B. 179+)  U.S. Senator (!ro%Administrat (!ro%Administration%4e ion%4e Jerse' 17"$%17$#) *iver E**sorth (A.B. 1799)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%<onnecticut 17"$%17$9) John >enr' (A.B. 179$)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%Mar'*and 17"$%17$7) 6rederic 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 177#)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$+%17$9)  Aaron Burr Jr. (A.B. (A.B. 177,)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%4e  or or 17$1%17$7)  Aaron /den (A.B. 177+)  U.S. Sena Senator tor (6edera*ist%4e Jers Jerse' e' 1"#1%1"#+) John Ein/ <o*houn (A.B. 177)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%South <aro*ina 1"#1%1"#,) Jonathan Mason Jr. (A.B. 177)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%Massachus (6edera*ist%Massachusetts etts 1"##%1"#+) ;saac 8ichenor (A.B. 177)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%-ermont 17$9%17$7 1"1%1",1) Jonathan 0a'ton (A.B. 1779)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$$%1"#) John 2utherfurd (A.B. 1779)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$1%17$") 2ichard Stocton (A.B. 177$)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$9%17$$)  A3raham B. -ena3*e (A.B. 17"#)  U.S U.S.. Senator (0emoc (0emocratic ratic 2e@u3*ican%-ir/ini 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia a 1"#+%1"#) i**iam Branch Gi*es (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia 1"#%1"1) Edard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%5ouis (Jacsonian%5ouisiana iana 1",$%1"+1) James A. Ba'ard Sr. (A.B. 17")  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%0e*aare 1"#%1"1+) 2o3ert G. >ar@er (A.B. 17")  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%Mar'*and 1"19) 0avid Stone (A.B. 17"")  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"#1%1"#7 1"1+%1"1) 4icho*as -an 0'e Jr. (A.B. 17"")  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%0e*aare 1"17%1",9) Mah*on 0icerson (A.B. 17"$)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"17%1"++) John 8a'*or (A.B. 17$#)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%South <aro*ina 1"1#%1"19) Jaco3 Burnet (A.B. 17$1)  U.S. Senator (Anti%Jacsonian%hio (Anti%Jacsonian%hio 1","%1"+1) Geor/e M. Bi33 (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%?entuc' (Jacsonian%?entuc' 1"11%1"1 1",$%1"+) Geor/e . <am@3e** (A.B. 17$)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1"11%1"1 1"1%1"1") John Mac@herson Berrien (A.B. 17$9)  U.S. Senator (hi/%Geor/ia 1",%1",$ 1"1%1",) >enr' . Edards (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%<onnectic (Jacsonian%<onnecticut ut 1",+%1",7) Geor/e M. 8rou@ (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"19%1"1" 1",$%1"++) 0anie* E**iott >u/er (A.B. 17$")  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%South <aro*ina 1"+%1") John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1"%1"1$ 1",$%1"+)  A*fred <uth3ert (A.B. (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Geor/ia 1"+%1"+) 8heodore 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Senator (Anti%Jacsonian%4e (Anti%Jacsonian%4e Jerse' 1",$%1"+) Samue* 5. Southard (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Senator (hi/%4e Jerse' 1",1%1",+ 1"++%1",)& !resident of the U.S. Senate (1"1%1",) James ;rede** (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%4orth <aro*ina 1","%1"+1) John i**iams a*er (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%A*a3ama 1"1$%1",,)  Arno*d 4audain (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. Senator Senator (Anti%Jacs (Anti%Jacsonian%0e*aare onian%0e*aare 1"+#%1"+9) Geor/e M. 0a**as (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%!enns'*v (Jacsonian%!enns'*vania ania 1"+1%1"++) John >enderson (A.B. 1"1,)  U.S. Senator (hi/%Mississi@@i 1"+$%1") 2ichard >. Ba'ard (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. Senator (hi/%0e*aare 1"+9%1"+$ 1"1%1")  A*fred ;verson (A.B. (A.B. 1",#)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Geor/ia 1"%1"91) 2ichard Stocton 6ie*d (A.B. 1",1)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"9,%1"9+) James A*fred !earce (A.B. 1",,)  U.S. Senator (hi/L0emocrat%Mar' (hi/L0emocrat%Mar'*and *and 1"+%1"9,) i**iam 5eis 0a'ton (A.B. 1",)  U.S. Senator (hi/%4e Jerse' 1",%1"1) James <hesnut Jr. (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%South <aro*ina 1""%1"9#) John Shar@enstein >a/er (A.B. 1"+9)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%<a*ifornia 1"7+%1"7) James a*ter a** (A.B. 1"+")  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1"9+) James ?. ?e**' (A.B. 1"+$)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%re/on 1"71%1"77) 6rancis !. B*air Jr. (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Missouri 1"71%1"7+) John !otter Stocton (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1"9%1"99 1"9$%1"7)  A*fred >. <o*Duitt (A.B. 1")  U. U.S. S. Senator (0emocrat (0emocrat%Geor/ia %Geor/ia 1""+%1"$) James 0. <ameron (A.B. 1",)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%!enns'* (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania vania 1"77%1"$7) Geor/e Gra' (A.B. 1"$)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%0e*aare 1""%1"$$) B*air 5ee (A.B. 1""#)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Mar'*and 1$1%1$17)  At*ee !omerene (A.B. (A.B. 1"")  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%hi (0emocrat%hio o 1$11%1$,+) Geor/e >oard i**iams  i**iams (A.B. 1"$)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1$,%1$,9) 0avid Aien 2eed (A.B. 1$##)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*v (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania ania 1$,,%1$+) >oard A*exander Smith (A.B. 1$#1)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1$%1$$) 0avid Baird Jr. (A.B. 1$#+)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1$,$%1$+#) James >. 0uff (A.B. 1$#)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*va (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania nia 1$1%1$7) John 6oster 0u**es (A.B. 1$#")  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%4e or 1$$) <*ai3orne !e** (A.B. 1$#)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%2hode ;s*and 1$91%1$$7) 0ee' 6. Bart*ett (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%*ahoma 1$7+%1$7$) !au* Sar3anes (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Mar'*and 1$77%,##7) John <. 0anforth (A.B. 1$")  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1$79%1$$) ?aneaster >od/es Jr. (A.B. 1$9#)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Aransas 1$77%1$7$) <hristo@her S. ?itK Bond (A.B. 1$9#)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1$"7%,#11) Bi** Brad*e' (A.B. 1$9)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1$7$%1$$7) i**iam >. Bi**K 6rist (A.B. 1$7)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1$$%,##7)& Senate Ma=orit' 5eader (,##+%,##7) 2afae* Edard (8ed) <ru (A.B. 1$$,)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%8exas ,#1+%@resent)


Mem3ers of the U.S. >ouse of 2e@resentatives: Samue* 5ivermore (A.B. 17,)  U.S. <on/ressman (!ro%Administrat (!ro%Administration ion 4e >am@shire 17"$%17$+) ;saac Smith (A.B. 17)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$%17$7) Jeremiah -an 2ensse*aer (A.B. 17")  U.S. <on/ressman (4e or 17"$%17$1) John Archer (B.A. 179#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and (2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and 1"#1%1"#7) 8homas >enderson (A.B. 1791)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$%17$7) 8homas 8rede** (A.B. 179)  U.S. <on/ressman (4e or 17$1%17$) John Bacon (A.B. 179)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Massachusetts 1"#1%1"#+) 4athanie* 4i*es (A.B. 1799)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Administration%-ermont 17$1%17$) John Beatt' (A.B. 179$)  U.S. <on/ressman (!ro%Administration%4e Jerse' 17$+%17$) James 5inn (A.B. 179$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 17$$%1"#1) James Madison (A.B. 1771)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia 17"$%17$7) 0avid Bard (A.B. 177+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 17$%17$$ 1"#+%1"1) >enr' 5i/ht >orse >arr'K 5ee ;;; (A.B. 177+)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%-ir/inia 17$$%1"#1) Jonathan Mason Jr. (A.B. 177)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%Massachusetts (6edera*ist%Massachusetts 1"17%1",#) i**iam Ste@hens Smith (A.B. 177)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e or 1"1+%1"1 1"1%1"19) John Anderson Scudder (A.B. 177)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"1#%1"11) 4athanie* A*exander (A.B. 1779)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"#+%1"#) Jonathan 0a'ton (A.B. 1779)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$1%17$$)& S@eaer of the U.S. >ouse (17$%17$$) John . ?ittera (A.B. 1779)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%!enns'*vania (6edera*ist%!enns'*vania 17$1%1"#1) 2ichard Stocton (A.B. 177$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 1"1+%1"1) i**iam <raford (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns' (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania *vania 1"#$%1"17) John 2hea (A.B. 17"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1"#+%1"1 1"17%1",+)  A3raham B. -ena3*e (A.B. 17"#)  U.S U.S.. <on/ressman (0em (0emocratic ocratic 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia 17$1%17$$) i**iam Branch Gi*es (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia 17$#%17$" 1"#1%1"#+) Edard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (4e or 17$%1"#,)& U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%5ouisiana 1",+%1",$) 5ucas <onrad E*mendorf (A.B. 17",)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or 17$7%1"#+) John A. >anna (A.B. 17",)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 17$7%1"#) James A. Ba'ard Sr. (A.B. 17")  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%0e*aare 17$7%1"#+) 2o3ert G. >ar@er (A.B. 17")  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%South <aro*ina 17$%1"#1) James . i*in (A.B. 17")  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or 1"1%1"1$) James >enderson ;m*a' (A.B. 17"9)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$7%1"#1) Evan She*3' A*exander (A.B. 17"7)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"#9%1"#$) 4athanie* . >oe** (A.B. 17"")  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e or 1"1+%1"1) i**iam ?ir@atric (A.B. 17"")  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or 1"#7%1"#$) 0avid Stone (A.B. 17"")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 17$$%1"#1) 4icho*as -an 0'e Jr. (A.B. 17"")  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%0e*aare 1"#7%1"11) ;saac !ierson (A.B. 17"$)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%4e Jerse' 1",7%1"+1) Si*as ood (A.B. 17"$)  U.S. <on/ressman (4e or 1"1$%1",$) John 8a'*or (A.B. 17$#)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%South <aro*ina 1"#7%1"1# 1"17%1",1) E@hraim ?in/ i*son (A.B. 17$#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%Mar'*and (Jacsonian%Mar'*and 1",7%1"+1) i**iam <hetood (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e Jerse' 1"+9%1"+7) !eter Ear*' (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"#+%1"#7) Geor/e <*ifford Maxe** (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"11%1"1+) 8homas M. Ba'*' (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%-ir/inia 1"1+%1"1) James M. Broom (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%0e*aare 1"#%1"#7) Geor/e . <am@3e** (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1"#+%1"#$) John Ser/eant (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%!enns' (6edera*istLhi/%!enns'*vania *vania 1"1%1",+ 1",7%1",$ 1"+7%1"1) Si*as <ondit (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacson (Anti%Jacsonian%4e ian%4e Jerse' 1"+1%1"++) i**iam Gaston (A.B. 17$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4orth <aro*ina 1"1+%1"17) 8homas Ba'*' (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%Mar'*and 1"17%1",+) James . <*ar (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"1%1"17) >enr' . Edards (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (<onnecticut 1"1$%1",+) <har*es 6enton Mercer (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%-ir/inia 1"17%1"+$) Geor/e M. 8rou@ (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"#7%1"1) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1+%1"1" 1",+%1",7)  A*fred <uth3ert (A.B. (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%G (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia eor/ia 1"1+%1"19 1",1%1",7) 8homas ard (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"1+%1"17) Geor/e <ham3ers (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Masonic%!enns'*vania 1"++%1"+7) 8homas >art*e' <raford (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%!enns'* (Jacsonian%!enns'*vania vania 1",$%1"++) Jose@h 2. ;n/erso** (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%JacsonianL (Anti%JacsonianLhi/%!enns'*vania hi/%!enns'*vania 1"+%1"+7 1"1%1"$) Stevenson Archer (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and 1"11%1"17 1"1$%1",1) Geor/e i**iam <rum@ (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%-ir/inia (Jacsonian%-ir/inia 1",9%1",7) John A. <uth3ert (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1$%1",1) 2ichard . >a3ersham (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%Geor/ia 1"+$%1",) Geor/e >o*com3e (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%4e Jerse' (1",1%1",") John Scott (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. 0e*e/ate (8erritor' of Missouri 1"19%1"17 1"17%1",1)& U.S. <on/ressman (Adams%<*a' 2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1",1%1",7) 8homas 8e*fair (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1+%1"17) Edard <o*ston (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%-ir/inia 1"17%1"1$)  A*em Marr (A.B. 1"#7)  U.S. <on/res <on/ressman sman (Jacsonian%!enns'*vani (Jacsonian%!enns'*vania a 1",$%1"+1) i**iam >. >a'ard Jr. (A.B. 1"#")  U.S. <on/ressman (<raford 2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and 1",+%1",)


i**iam Mont/omer' (A.B. 1"#")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4orth <aro*ina 1"+%1"1) James Moore a'ne (A.B. 1"#")  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%Geor/ia 1",$%1"+) Samue* atins Ea/er (A.B. 1"#$)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%4e or 1"+#%1"+1) Ben=amin <. >oard (A.B. 1"#$)  U.S. <on/ressman (JacsonianL0emocrat%Ma (JacsonianL0emocrat%Mar'*and r'*and 1",$%1"++ 1"+%1"+$)  Andre 0eitt Bru'n Bru'n (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S U.S.. <on/ressman (0emo (0emocrat%4e crat%4e or 1"+7%1"+") ?ense' Johns Jr. (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%0e*aare (Anti%Jacsonian%0e*aare 1",7%1"+1) John 8. Stoddert (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%Mar'*and (Jacsonian%Mar'*and 1"++%1"+) i**iam >a*stead (A.B. 1"1,)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e ( hi/%4e Jerse' 1"+7%1"+$ 1"1%1"+) Samue* J. i*in (A.B. 1"1,)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%4e (Anti%Jacsonian%4e or 1"+1%1"++) i**iam !ennin/ton (A.B. 1"1+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1"91)& S@eaer of the U.S. >ouse (1"9#%1"91) John urts (A.B. 1"1+)  U.S. <on/ressman (!enns'*vania 1",%1",7) John J. Mi**i/an (A.B. 1"1 honorar'H)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%JacsonianLhi/%0e*aare (Anti%JacsonianLhi/%0e*aare 1"+1%1"+$) 5itt*eton ?ir@atric (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1"+%1") James Mc0oe** (A.B. 1"19)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%-ir/inia 1"9%1"1) Geor/e ashin/ton 8o*and (A.B. 1"19)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*vania (hi/%!enns'*vania 1"+7%1"+) <hester !. But*er (A.B. 1"17)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*v (hi/%!enns'*vania ania 1"7%1"#)  A3raham . -ena3*e (A.B. 1"1$)  U.S. U.S. <on/ressman (0emoc (0emocrat%4orth rat%4orth <aro*ina 1"7%1"+) Geor/e . <raford (A.B. 1",#)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%Geor/ia 1"+) James >. Gho*son (A.B. 1",#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%(Anti%Jacsonian%-ir/inia ir/inia 1"++%1"+)  A*fred ;verson (A.B. (A.B. 1",#)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat (0emocrat%Geor/ia %Geor/ia 1"7%1"$) Geor/e Br'd/es 2odne' (A.B. 1",#)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%0e*aare 1"1%1") i**iam Se'mour (A.B. 1",1)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%4e or 1"+%1"+7) John ;nsee@ -anmeter (A.B. 1",1)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%hio 1"+%1") James A*fred !earce (A.B. 1",,)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%Mar'*and 1"+%1"+$ 1"1%1"+) John !.B. Maxe** (A.B. 1",+)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e Jerse' 1"+7%1"+$ 1"1%1"+) 8homas 2o3inson Jr. (A.B. 1",+)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%0e*aare 1"+$%1"1) 8homas 2oss (A.B. 1",)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%!enns'*vania 1"$%1"+) Geor/e >. Bron (A.B. 1",")  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e Jerse' 1"1%1"+) 2ichard B. <armichae* (A.B. 1",")  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%Mar'*and (Jacsonian%Mar'*and 1"++%1"+) James !o**oc (A.B. 1"+1)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*vania 1"%1"$) 0avid S. ?aufman (A.B. 1"++)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%8exas 1"9%1"1)  A*exander 2o3inson Bote*er Bote*er (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. <on/ressm <on/ressman an (@@osition !art' !art'%-ir/inia %-ir/inia 1"$%1"91) James G. >am@ton (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e Jerse' 1"%1"$) John 8homson Mason (A.B. 1"+9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Mar' (0emocrat%Mar'*and *and 1"1%1"+) John 5.4. Stratton (A.B. 1"+9)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1"9+)  A*exander >ami*ton Bai*e' Bai*e' (A.B. 1"+7)  U.S. <on/ress <on/ressman man (2e@u3*ican%4e or 1"97%1"71) <har*es John Bidd*e (A.B. 1"+7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%!enns'*vania (0emocrat%!enns'*vania 1"91%1"9+) 5arence . Branch (A.B. 1"+")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4orth <aro*ina 1"%1"91) i**iam G. hite*e' (A.B. 1"+")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%0e*aare 1"7%1"91) i**iam 5eis 0eart (A.B. 1"+$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%!enns'*vania (0emocrat%!enns'*vania 1"7%1"$) >enr' M. 6u**er (A.B. 1"+$)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*vania 1"1%1"+ 1"%1"7) 2o3ert Mc?ni/ht (A.B. 1"+$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 1"$%1"9+) ;saiah 0unn <*ason (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"%1"$) 8homas 5aurens Jones (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%?entuc' (0emocrat%?entuc' 1"97%1"71 1"7%1"77) 4athanie* G. 8a'*or (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/LUnionist%8ennessee (hi/LUnionist%8ennessee 1"%1" 1"99%1"97) 6rancis !. B*air Jr. (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1"7%1"$ 1"9# 1"91%1"9, 1"9+%1"9) John 8hom@son 4ixon (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1"9+) James B. Everhart (A.B. 1",)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 1""+%1""7) 6rederic >. 8eese (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1"7%1"77)  A*fred >. <o*Duitt (A.B. 1")  U. U.S. S. <on/ressman (0e (0emocrat%Geor/ia mocrat%Geor/ia 1"+%1") James 0. Stra3rid/e (A.B. 1")  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 1"7+%1"7)  Addison hite (A.B. (A.B. 1")  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%?ent (hi/%?entuc' uc' 1"1%1"+) James Monroe Jacson (A.B. 1")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%est -ir/inia 1""$%1"$#) Stevenson Archer (A.B. 1"9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Mar'*and 1"97%1"7) i**iam >. Armstron/ (A.B. 1"7)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican !enns'*vania 1"9$%1"71) >iester <*'mer (A.B. 1"7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%!enns' (0emocrat%!enns'*vania *vania 1"7+%1""1) Geor/e M. 2o3eson (A.B. 1"7)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"7$%1""+) John Au/ustus So@e (A.B. 1"7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%!enns'*vania (0emocrat%!enns'*vania 1""%1"" 1""%1""7) 2o3ert Stocton Green (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1""%1""7) Barnes <om@ton (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Mar'*and (0emocrat%Mar'*and 1""%1"$# 1"$1%1"$) James 8a'*or Jones (A.B. 1",)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%A*a3ama 1"77%1"7$ 1""+%1""$) <har*es Edard !he*@s (A.B. 1",)  U.S. <on/ressman (<onservative%Mar'*and (<onservative%Mar'*and 1"9%1"9$) >arr' hite (A.B. 1")  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns' (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania *vania 1"77%1""1) Edard verton Jr. (A.B. 1"9)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 1"77%1""1) <har*es >ai/ht (A.B. 1"7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1"97%1"71) John -an 5ear 6ind*a' (A.B. 1"")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Mar'*and 1""+%1""7) <hristo@her A. Ber/en (A.B. 1"9+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1""$%1"$+) John ?. <oen (A.B. 1"99)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Mar'*and 1"$%1"$7) 2ichard a'ne !arer (A.B. 1"97)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1$11 1$1%1$1$ 1$,1%1$,+) >enr' S. >arris (A.B. 1"7#)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1""1%1""+) e*t' Mc<u**o/h (A.B. 1"7#)  U.S. <on/ressman ((2e@u3*ican%!enns' 2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania *vania 1""7%1""$) 2ichmond !earson (A.B. 1"7,)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"$%1"$$ 1$##%1$#1)


0ud*e' Gooda** ooten (A.B. 1"7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%8exas (0emocrat%8exas 1$#1%1$#+) ;ra e**s ood (A.B. 1"77)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1$#%1$1+) Mah*on !itne' (A.B. 1"7$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1"$$) <har*es Andre 8a*cott (A.B. 1"7$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e or 1$11%1$1) Geor/e B. Mc<*e**an Jr. (A.B. 1""9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e or 1"$%1$#+) Jose@h >o*t Gaines (A.B. 1""9)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%est -ir/inia 1$#1%1$11)  A3ram !iatt Andre Andre Jr. (A.B. 1"$+)  U.S. <on/re <on/ressman ssman (2e@u3*ican%Mas (2e@u3*ican%Massachusetts sachusetts 1$,1%1$+9) 8homas S@encer <ra/o (A.B. 1"$+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 1$11%1$1+ 1$1%1$,1 1$,1%1$,+) Geor/e hite (A.B. 1"$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%hio 1$11%1$1 1$17%1$1$) <har*es Brone (A.B. 1"$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1$,+%1$,) E*mer >endricson Geran (A.B. 1"$$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1$,+%1$,) 6ran*in i**iam 6ort (A.B. 1$#1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1$,%1$+1) 5aurence >a*e' atres (A.B. 1$#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 1$,+%1$+1) 2a*@h A3erneth' Gam3*e (A.B. 1$#$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or 1$+7%1$7) i**iam Emanue* 2ichardson (A.B. 1$1#)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%!enns'*vania 1$++%1$+7) Jose@h e*don Bai*e' Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%8exas 1$++%1$+) John <ar* i**iams  i**iams >insha (A.B. 1$19)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%<a*ifornia 1$+$%1$9) Michae* A*o'sius 6ei/han (A.B. 1$,7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%hio 1$+%1$71) 2o/er <a*de** S*au/hter (A.B. 1$,")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Missouri 1$+%1$7)  Arthur G*enn Andres Andres (A.B. 1$+1)  U.S. U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3* (2e@u3*ican%A*a3ama ican%A*a3ama 1$9%1$97)  A*fred 0ennis Sieminsi Sieminsi (A.B. 1$+)  U.S. <on/res <on/ressman sman (0emocrat%4e Jerse' Jerse' 1$1%1$$) !eter >.B. 6re*in/hu'sen Jr. (A.B. 1$+")  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1$+%1$7) James Mc<*ure <*are (A.B. 1$+$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4orth <aro*ina 1$"+%1$" 1$"7%1$$1) Bruce 2e'no*ds A*/er (A.B. 1$#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%8exas 1$%1$9) 5unsford 2ichardson !re'er (A.B. 1$1)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4orth <aro*ina 1$9$%1$"1) tis Gre' !ie (A.B. 1$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e or 1$91%1$7$) i**iam 6itts 2'an (A.B. 1$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e or 1$91%1$7,) 0ona*d >. 2umsfe*d (A.B. 1$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%;**inois 1$9+%1$9$) !au* Sar3anes (A.B. 1$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Mar'*an (0emocrat%Mar'*and d 1$71%1$77) i**iam >er3ert >udnut ;;; (A.B. 1$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%;ndiana 1$7+%1$7) Michae* 5athro@ Stran/ (A.B. 1$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%<o*orado 1$"%1$"7) <*eve*and ?eith Benedict (A.B. 1$$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%est -ir/inia 1$"1%1$"+) Edin -an 'c Fschau (A.B. 1$91)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%<a*ifornia 1$"+%1$"7) James A.S. 5each (A.B. 1$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%;oa 1$77%,##7) !eter !. Smith (A.B. 1$9")  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%-ermont 1$"$%1$$1) Jim Marsha** (A.B. 1$7,)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Geor/ia ,##+%,#11) 4an >a'orth (A.B. 1$"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or ,#11%,#1+) John Sar3anes (A.B. 1$")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Mar'*and ,##7%@resent) 8erri See** (A.B. 1$"9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%A*a3ama ,#11%@resent) Jared !o*is (A.B. 1$$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%<o*orado ,##$%@resent) 0ere ?i*mer (A.B. 1$$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%ashin/ton ,#1+%@resent) U.S. Attorne's: i**iam >a*stead (A.B. 1"1,)  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1"$%1"+) Jose@h 5am3 Bodine (A.B. 1$# 55.B. >arvard 1$#")  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$1$%1$,#) E*mer >endricson Geran (A.B. 1"$$)  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$,#%1$,1) 2o3ert J. 0e* 8ufo (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$77%1$"#) Samue* A. A*ito Jr. (A.B. 1$7,)  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$"7%1$$#) !au* J. 6ishman (A.B. 1$7")  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (,##$%@resent) 8itus >utchinson (A.B. 17$)  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of -ermont (1"1+%1",+) John urts (A.B. 1"1+)  U.S. Attorne' for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1",7%1"+1) !hi*i@ 2ichard 6enda** (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of <o*um3ia (1"1%1" 1"$%1"+)  Andre 8odd Mc?inne' (A.B. 1"")  U. U.S. S. Attorne' ffor or the 0istrict of 8exas (1"71%1"7+) Jose@h i*3erforce Martin (A.B. 1")  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of Aransas (1"7%1"79) <har*es >enr' 5uen3er/ (A.B. 1"7)  U.S. Attorne' for the 6irst 0istrict of 5ouisiana (1"99%1"7,) 6urman She@@ard (A.B. 1")  U.S. Attorne' for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1"9"%1"71) 6rancis 6isher ?ane (A.B. 1""9)  U.S. Attorne' for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$1+%1$,#) hitne' 4orth Se'mour Jr. (A.B. 1$7)  U.S. Attorne' for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$7#%1$7+) . 5aird Sta3*er Jr. (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of 0e*aare (1$7%1$77) Jon rmond 4eman (A.B. 1$+)  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of <onnecticut (1$9%1$9$) 2o3ert S. Mue**er ;;; (A.B. 1$99)  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of Massachusetts Massachusetts (cto3er 1# 1$"9%A@ri* 9 1$"7)& U.S. Attorne' for the 4orthern 0istrict of <a*ifornia (1$$"%,##1)


Governors: i**iam !aterson (A.B. 179+)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (17$#%17$+)  Aaron /den (A.B. 177+)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"1,%1"1+) Mah*on 0icerson (A.B. 17"$)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"1%1"17) Samue* 5eis Southard (A.B. 1"#)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"+,%1"++) i**iam !ennin/ton (A.B. 1"1+)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"+7%1"+) 0anie* >aines (A.B. 1",#)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"+%1" 1""%1"1) Joe* !arer (A.B. 1"+$)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"9+%1"99 1"7,%1"7) 2o3ert Stocton Green (A.B. 1"#)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1""7%1"$#) oodro i*son (A.B. 1"7$)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1$11%1$1+) Brendan B'rne (A.B. 1$$)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1$7%1$",) 8homas ?ean (A.B. 1$7)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1$",%1$$#) John >enr' (A.B. 179$)  Governor of Mar'*and (17$7%17$") Samue* S@ri// (A.B. 1"#9)  Governor of Mar'*and (1"1$%1",,) B*air 5ee ;;; (A.B. 1$+")  Governor of Mar'*and (1$77%1$7$) 2o3ert 5. Bo3K Ehr*ich (A.B. 1$7$)  Governor of Mar'*and (,##+%,##7) >enr' 5i/ht >orse >arr'K 5ee ;;; (A.B. 177+)  Governor of -ir/inia (17$1%17$) i**iam Branch Gi*es (A.B. 17"1)  Governor of -ir/inia (1",7%1"+#) John 2utherfoord (A.B. 1"1#)  Governor of -ir/inia (1"1%1",) James Mc0oe** (A.B. 1"19)  Governor of -ir/inia (1"+%1"9)  A*exander Martin (A.B. (A.B. 179)  Governor o off 4orth <aro*ina (17"1%17" 17 17"$%17$,) "$%17$,) i**iam 2ichardson 0avie (A.B. 1779)  Governor of 4orth <aro*ina (17$"%17$$) 4athanie* A*exander (A.B. 1779)  Governor of 4orth <aro*ina (1"#%1"#7) 0avid Stone (A.B. 17"")  Governor of 4orth <aro*ina (1"#"%1"1#) James ;rede** (A.B. 1"#9)  Governor of 4orth <aro*ina (1",7%1",") 0anie* G. 6o*e (A.B. 1"1)  Governor of 4orth <aro*ina (1"""%1"$1) John 8a'*or (A.B. 17$#)  Governor of South <aro*ina (1",9%1",") !atric 4o3*e (A.B. 1"#9)  Governor of South <aro*ina (1"+"%1"#) Ben=amin . Sea3roo (A.B. 1"1,)  Governor of South <aro*ina (1""%1"#) !eter Ear*' (A.B. 17$,)  Governor of Geor/ia (1"1%1"1) Geor/e M. 8rou@ (A.B. 17$7)  Governor of Geor/ia (1",+%1",7) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  Governor of Geor/ia (1",7%1",$) Geor/e . <raford (A.B. 1",#)  Governor of Geor/ia (1"+%1"7)  A*fred >. <o*Duitt (A.B. 1")  Go Governor vernor of Geor/ia (1"77%1"",) Mor/an 5eis (A.B. 177+)  Governor of 4e or (1"#%1"#7) ;saac 8ichenor (A.B. 177)  Governor of -ermont (17$7%1"#$) >enr' . Edards (A.B. 17$7)  Governor of <onnecticut (1"++%1"+ 1"+%1"+") James !o**oc (A.B. 1"+1)  Governor of !enns'*vania (1"%1"") Geor/e hite (A.B. 1"$)  Governor of hio (1$+1%1$+) James >. 0uff (A.B. 1$#)  Governor of !enns'*vania (1$7%1$1) ;n/ram M. Stain3ac (A.B. 1$#7)  Governor of the 8erritor' of >aaii (1$,%1$1)  Ad*ai E. Stevenson Stevenson (A.B. 1$,, 1$,,))  Governor of ;**in ;**inois ois (1$$%1$+) G. Mennen i**iams (A.B. 1$++)  Governor of Michi/an (1$$%1$91) 0ee' 6. Bart*ett (A.B. 1$,)  Governor of *ahoma (1$97%1$71) <hristo@her S. ?itK Bond (A.B. 1$9#)  Governor of Missouri (1$7+%1$77 1$"1%1$") Mitch 0anie*s (A.B. 1$71)  Governor of ;ndiana (,##%,#1+) E*iot S@iter (A.B. 1$"1)  Governor of 4e or (,##7%,##") ther State Government fficia*s: 2ichard >utson (A.B. 179)  5ieutenant Governor of South <aro*ina (17",%17"+) Jeremiah -an 2ensse*aer (A.B. 17")  5ieutenant Governor of 4e or (1"#1%1"#) !eter !. Smith (A.B. 1$9")  5ieutenant Governor of -ermont (1$"+%1$"9) Samue* . Stocton (A.B. 1797)  Secretar' of State of 4e Jerse' (17$%17$) John Beatt' (A.B. 179$)  Secretar' of State of 4e Jerse' (17$%1"#) James 5inn (A.B. 179$)  Secretar' of State of 4e Jerse' (1"#$%1",1) Micah 8onsend (A.B. 1799)  Secretar' of State of -ermont (17"1%17" 17"9%17"") 2ichard <. >o**ida' (A.B. 1",$)  Secretar' of State of Mar'*and (1""%1"$) i**iam ates Gho*son (A.B. 1",)  Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of hio (1"$%1"9+) 0anie* G. 6o*e (A.B. 1"1)  Jud/e of the Su@reme <ourt of 4orth <aro*ina (1"9%1"97) 8homas i*es <o*eman (A.B. 1"+)  Jud/e of the Su@reme <ourt of A*a3ama (1"$#%1$##)


Ma'ors: Edard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)  Ma'or of 4e or <it' (1"#1%1"#+) Jaco3 2adc*iff (A.B. 17"+)  Ma'or of 4e or <it' (1"1#%1"11 1"1%1"1") Geor/e B. Mc<*e**an Jr. (A.B. 1""9)  Ma'or of 4e or <it' (1$#%1$#$) Geor/e M. 0a**as (A.B. 1"1#)  Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1","%1",$) Ben=amin . 2ichards (A.B. 1"1)  Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1"+#%1"+1) John M. Scott (A.B. 1"#)  Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1"1%1") !eter Mc<a** (A.B. 1",9)  Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1"%1")  A*exander >enr' (A.B. (A.B. 1"#)  Ma'or Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1""%1"99) 2ichard 2iordan (A.B. 1$,)  Ma'or of 5os An/e*es (1$$+%,##1)  Aaron 0icinson oodruff oodruff (A.B. 177 177$) $)  Ma'or of 8rento 8renton n 4e Jerse' (17$ (17$%17$7) %17$7) Samue* 2. >ami*ton (A.B. 1"#")  Ma'or of 8renton 4e Jerse' (1""%1"$) 6ran S. ?aten3ach Jr. (A.B. 1""$)  Ma'or of 8renton 4e Jerse' (1$#1%1$#7) 8heodore 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 1"#)  Ma'or of 4ear 4e Jerse' (1"+7%1"+") *iver S@encer >a*sted (A.B. 1"1#)  Ma'or of 4ear 4e Jerse' (1"#) 5ero' >ammond Anderson (A.B. 1"91)  Ma'or of !rinceton 4e Jerse' (1"7+%1"7) <har*es Brone (A.B. 1"$9)  Ma'or of !rinceton 4e Jerse' (1$1%1$,+) 2ichard 0ennis Arno*d (A.B. 1",9)  Ma'or of Savannah Geor/ia (1"$%1"9# 1"9+%1"9) <har*es <. Jones Jr. (A.B. 1",)  Ma'or of Savannah Geor/ia (1"9#%1"91) Jim Marsha** (A.B. 1$7,)  Ma'or of Macon Geor/ia (1$$%1$$$) i**iam G. hite*e' (A.B. 1"+")  Ma'or of i*min/ton 0e*aare (1"7%1"7") i**iam 6ran*in >enne' (A.B. 1"7)  Ma'or of >artford <onnecticut (1$#%1$#")& <or@oration <ounse* of >artford (1"$#%1"$) John Bo'd 8hacher ;; (A.B. 1$#)  Ma'or of A*3an' 4e or (1$,9%1$#) 4evi**e Mi**er (A.B. 1$19)  Ma'or of 5ouisvi**e ?entuc' (1$++%1$+7) i**iam >er3ert >udnut ;;; (A.B. 1$)  Ma'or of ;ndiana@o*is (1$79%1$$1)& Ma'or of <hev' <hase Mar'*and (,##%@resent) State and 5oca* Schoo* Board Mem3ers: Samue* >a'es !ennin/ton (A.B. 1",)  Mem3er (1"%1"9,) and !resident (1"%1"9,) of the Board of Education of 4ear 4e Jerse' Geor/e Anderson Mercer (A.B. 1"9)  !resident of <hatham <ount' (Savannah Geor/ia) Board of Education (1""+%1$#7) Samue* Baird >ue' (A.B. 1"9+)  !resident of !hi*ade*@hia Board of Education (1"""%1$#1) John ood3rid/e !atton (A.B. 1"9+)  Mem3er of !hi*ade*@hia Board of Education (1$#) i**iam 2eed Barric*o (A.B. 1"7")  Mem3er of 4e Jerse' State Board of Education (1"$#%) John 5ee 8i*ds*e' (A.B. 1"$+ !h.0. >a**e German'H 1"$")  Associate (1$19%1$,#) and Assistant (1$,#%1$+7) Su@erintendent of Schoo*s of 4e or <it' 2a'mond B. 6osdic (A.B. 1$#)  Mem3er of 4e or <it' Board of Education (1$1%1$19) <'rus >a** Adams ;;; (A.B. 1$+1)  Mem3er of <hica/o Board of Education (0ec. 1$9+%Ma' 1$9") ?riner <ash (A.B. 1$77)  Su@erintendent of Schoo*s of Mem@his 8ennessee (,##"%@resent) <hief Justices of State Su@reme <ourts  Andre ?ir@atric (A.B. 177)  < <hief hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1"# (1"#%1",) %1",) <har*es Ein/ (A.B. 17$")  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1",%1"+,) >enr' oodhu** Green (A.B. 1",#)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1"9%1"9#) Edard i**iam he*@*e' (A.B. 1"+)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1"91%1"9) i**iam Ja' Ma/ie (A.B. 1",)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1"$7%1$##) 0avid A. 0e@ue (A.B. 1"9)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1$##%1$#1) i**iam S. Gummere (A.B. 1"7#)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1$#1%1$++) Stuart 2a3ner (A.B. 1$",)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (,##7%@resent) Mor/an 5eis (A.B. 177+)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e or (17$+) Smith 8hom@son (A.B. 17"")  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e or (1"1%1"1") Jesse 2oot (A.B. 179)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of <onnecticut (17$9%1"#7) 8a@@in/ 2eeve (A.B. 179+)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of <onnecticut (1"1%1"1) ;saac 8ichenor (A.B. 177)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of -ermont (17$%17$9) 8itus >utchinson (A.B. 17$)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of -ermont (1"+#%1"++) 2ichard >enr' Ba'ard (A.B. 1"1)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 0e*aare (1"+$%1"1) James Booth Jr. (A.B. 1"#")  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 0e*aare (1"1%1") John Bacon (A.B. 179)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of Massachusetts (1"#$) Ben=amin 2o*ands Jones (A.B. 1$,7)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of !enns'*vania (1$7,%1$77) Samue* 5ivermore (A.B. 17,)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e >am@shire (17",%17$#) Geor/e M. Bi33 (A.B. 17$,)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of ?entuc' (1"#"%1"#$ 1",7%1",") 8homas 2uffin (A.B. 1"#)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4orth <aro*ina (1"++%1"$) Jose@h >enr' 5um@in (A.B. 1"1$)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of Geor/ia (1"9%1"97) James ?err ?e**' (A.B. 1"+$)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of re/on (1"7"%1""#) John 6*emin/ Main (A.B. 1"$1)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of ashin/ton (1$,+%1$,)


State Attorne' Genera*s  Aaron 0icinson oodruff oodruff (A.B. 177 177$) $)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (17$,%1"17) 8heodore 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 1"#)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"17%1",$) Samue* 5eis Southard (A.B. 1"#)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1",$%1"++) 2ichard Stocton 6ie*d (A.B. 1",1)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"+"%1"1) Geor/e !. Mo**eson (A.B. 1",)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"1%1") i**iam 5eis 0a'ton (A.B. 1",)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"7%1"91) Geor/e M. 2o3eson (A.B. 1"7)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"97%1"9$) Joe* !arer (A.B. 1"+$)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"7) John !otter Stocton (A.B. 1"+)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"77%1"$7) 8homas 4. Mc<arter (A.B. 1""")  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1$#,%1$#+) 2o3ert >. Mc<arter (A.B. 1"7$)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1$#+%1$#") Edmund i*son Sr. (A.B. 1"")  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1$#"%1$1) Edard 5. ?aten3ach (A.B. 1$##)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1$,%1$,$) 8heodore 0. !arsons (A.B. 1$1)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1$$%1$) 2o3ert J. 0e* 8ufo (A.B. 1$)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1$$#%1$$+) Stuart 2a3ner (A.B. 1$",)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (,##9%,##7) Jose@h 2eed (A.B. 177)  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (177"%17"#) i**iam Bradford Jr. (A.B. 177,)  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (17"#%17$1) Mah*on 0icerson (A.B. 17"$)  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (1"#"%1"#$) Jose@h 2eed Jr. (A.B. 17$,)  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (1"1#%1"11) 2ichard 2ush (A.B. 17$7)  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (1"11)  Amos E**maer E**maer (A.B. 1"#)  A Attorne' ttorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (1"19%1"1$ 1","%1",$) 8homas Ser/eant (A.B. 17$")  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (1"1$%1",#) Geor/e M. 0a**as (A.B. 1"1#)  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (1"++%1"+) Ben=amin >. Brester (A.B. 1"+)  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (1"97%1"9$) 5uther Martin (A.B. 1799)  Attorne' Genera* of Mar'*and (177"%1"# 1"1"%1",,) Geor/e 2. 2ichardson (A.B. 1",, 1",,))  Attorne' Genera* of Mar'*and (1"%1"1) <har*es John Morris Ginn (A.B. 1"#)  Attorne' Genera* of Mar'*and (1"7%1""+) John !rentiss !oe (A.B. 1")  Attorne' Genera* of Mar'*and (1"$1%1"$) Geor/e 2i//s Gaither (A.B. 1"7")  Attorne' Genera* of Mar'*and (1"$$) Ed/ar A**an !oe (A.B. 1"$1)  Attorne' Genera* of Mar'*and (1$11%1$1)  Aaron Burr Jr. (A.B. (A.B. 177,)  Atto Attorne' rne' Genera* of 4e  or or (17"$%17$1) Mor/an 5eis (A.B. 177+)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e or (17$1%17$,) 4athanie* 5arence (A.B. 17"+)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e or (17$,%17$) Samue* 5ivermore (A.B. 17,)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e >am@shire (1779%17"#) ai/htsti** Aver' (A.B. 1799)  Attorne' Genera* of 4orth <aro*ina (1777%17"1) 0avid >oe** (A.B. 1799)  Attorne' Genera* of 2hode ;s*and (17"$) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  Attorne' Genera* of Geor/ia (1"#"%1"11) Geor/e . <raford (A.B. 1",#)  Attorne' Genera* of Geor/ia (1",7%1"+1) Gunnin/ Bedford Jr. (A.B. 1771)  Attorne' Genera* of 0e*aare (17"%17"$) Geor/e Gra' (A.B. 1"$)  Attorne' Genera* of 0e*aare (1"7$%1"")  Andre <a*de** Gra' (A.B. (A.B. 1"$,)  At Attorne' torne' Genera* of 0e*a 0e*aare are (1$#$%1$1+) . 5aird Sta3*er Jr. (A.B. 1$,)  Attorne' Genera* of 0e*aare (1$71%1$7) <har*es Beatt' Moore (A.B. 1"7)  Attorne' Genera* of Aransas (1""1%1"")  Andre !icens Mi**er Mi**er (A.B. 1$ 1$))  Attorne' Gene Genera* ra* of -ir/inia (1$7#%1$77) John <. 0anforth (A.B. 1$")  Attorne' Genera* of Missouri (1$9$%1$77) ;n/ram M. Stain3ac (A.B. 1$#7)  Attorne' Genera* of the 8erritor' of >aaii (1$1%1$17)

<hurch 5eaders: 8homas John <*a//et (A.B. 179)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of Mar'*and (17$,%1"19) John >enr' >o3art (A.B. 17$+)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of 4e or (1"19%1"+#) i**iam Meade (A.B. 1"#")  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of -ir/inia (1"1%1"9,) John Johns (A.B. 1"1)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of -ir/inia (1"9,%1"79) <har*es !. Mc;*vaine (A.B. 1"19)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of hio (1"+,%1"7+) 6ran*in S@encer S@a*din/ (A.B. 1""7)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of Utah (1$#%1$1) !au* Matthes (A.B. 1""7)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of 4e Jerse' (1$1%1$+7) Edard 2ando*@h e**es (A.B. 1$,")  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of est Missouri (1$#%1$7,)


6edera* 2eserve: !au* A. -o*cer (A.B. 1$$)  <hairman of the 6edera* 2eserve (1$7$%1$"7)& !resident of the 6edera* 2eserve Ban of 4e or (1$7%1$7$)  A*an S. B*inder (A.B. (A.B. 1$97)  -i -ice ce <hairman of the 6edera* 2eserve (1$$%1$$9) Jerome >. !oe** (A.B. 1$7)  Mem3er of the 6edera* 2eserve Board (,#1,%@resent) Jerem' <. Stein (A.B. 1$"+& !h.0. M;8 1$"9)  Mem3er of the 6edera* 2eserve Board (,#1,%,#1) Everett 4. <ase (A.B. 1$,,)  <hairman of the 6edera* 2eserve Ban of 4e or (1$99%1$9") i**iam >. 6ran*in (A.B. 1$+1)  <hairman of the 6edera* 2eserve Ban of <hica/o (1$7+%1$7) >enr' Bur*in/ 8hom@son (B.S. 1"77)  0e@ut' <hairman of the 6edera* 2eserve Ban of !hi*ade*@hia (1$19%1$,) James M. >ester (A.B. 1$)  0e@ut' <hairman of the 6edera* 2eserve Ban of 4e or (1$9$%1$7#) Bruce ?. Mac5aur' (A.B. 1$+)  !resident of the 6edera* 2eserve Ban of Minnea@o*is (1$71%1$77) 4ara'ana 2. ?ocher*aota (A.B. 1$"+)  !resident of the 6edera* 2eserve Ban of Minnea@o*is (,##$%@resent) Baners: 4icho*as Bidd*e (A.B. 1"#1)  !resident of the Second Ban of the United States (1",+%1"+9) John 5. ein3er/ (A.B. 1$7)  !artner of Go*dman Sachs N <o. (1$9%1$$#)& Senior <hairman of Go*dman Sachs N <o. (1$$#%,##1) 6ran <. <ar*ucci (A.B. 1$,)  <hairman of 8he <ar*'*e Grou@ (1$$+%,##+) John !. Bire*und (A.B. 1$,)  <hairman and <E of 0i**on 2ead N <o. (1$""%1$$+) John 6. McGi**icudd' (A.B. 1$,)  <hairman of Manufacturers >anover 8rust <o. (1$7$%1$$1) Gordon S. 2entsch*er (A.B. 1$#7)  <hairman of the 3oard of 4ationa* <it' Ban of 4e or (1$#%1$") >aro*d >. >e*m (A.B. 1$,#)  <hairman of the 3oard of <hemica* Ban (1$%1$99) 6rederic >. ?in/s3ur' Jr. (A.B. 1$,$)  !artner of Bron Brothers >arriman N <o. (1$$%1$"$) !err' E. >a** (5itt.B. 1$17)  6oundin/ !artner of Mor/an Stan*e' N <o.& -ice !resident of Mor/an Stan*e' N <o. (1$+%1$1) >aro*d <har*es 2ichard (A.B. 1$#9)  !resident of State Ban N 8rust <o. 3an in 4e or <it'H (1$1$%1$,$) Businessmen: John ?. <oen (A.B. 1"99)  Genera* <ounse* (1"79%1"$9) and !resident (1"$9%1$#1) of Ba*timore N hio 2ai*road <o. Ju*ian Esse*st'n McGiffert (A.B. 1$#9)  !resident of 0ixie <u@ <o. (1$+%1$7) >enr' Ear*e Mu' (A.B. 1$1,)  !resident of Iuaer ats <o. (1$+) James >. McGra Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  <hairman of the 3oard of McGra%>i** !u3*ishin/ <o. (1$+%1$#) >arve' S. 6irestone Jr. (A.B. 1$,#)  <hairman and <E of 6irestone 8ire N 2u33er <o. (1$"%1$9+) 0ona*d Bradford 5ourie (A.B. 1$,,)  <hairman (1$9,%1$7#) and <E (1$9%1$99) of Iuaer ats <o. 2a*@h Gin 6o**is (B.S. 1$,)  <hairman of the 3oard of Standard i* <o. of <a*ifornia <hevronH (1$#%1$99) Gi*3ert . 6ithu/h (B.S. 1$+#)  <hairman and <E of Metro@o*itan 5ife ;nsurance <o. (1$99%1$7+) i**iam >. 6ran*in (A.B. 1$+1)  !resident of <ater@i**ar 8ractor <o. (1$99%1$7,)& <hairman of <ater@i**ar 8ractor <o. (1$7,%1$7) 5aurence S. 2ocefe**er (A.B. 1$+,)  <hairman of 2ocefe**er <enter ;nc. (1$+%1$9 1$"%1$99) James <. 0onne** ;; (A.B. 1$+,)  !resident of Marathon i* <o. (1$"%1$7,)& <hairman of Marathon i* <o. (1$7,%1$7) 6ran !ace Jr. (A.B. 1$++ M.A. 1$#)  <hairman of the 3oard of Genera* 0'namics <or@. (1$$%1$9,)  A*fred J. Stoe*' Stoe*' (A.B. 1$ 1$+") +")  <hairman (1$7"%1$"1) !res !res.. (1$9#%1$7") and <E (1$9%1$"1) of Stoe*' -an <am@ ;nc. food com@an' com@an'HH James 8. Au3re' Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  !resident of <BS (1$$%1$9)& !resident of MGM studios (1$9$%1$7+) John 8. 0orrance Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  <hairman of the 3oard of <am@3e** Sou@ <o. (1$9,%1$") 2a*ei/h arner Jr. (A.B. 1$+)  <hairman and <E of Mo3i* i* <or@. (1$9$%1$"9) 2a*@h 0. 0enunio (A.B. 1$+)  <E of ?idder !ea3od' N <o. ;nc. (1$"#%1$"7) 0ona*d 2umsfe*d (A.B. 1$)  <hairman and <E of Gi*ead Sciences ;nc. (1$$7%,##1) James A. >enderson (A.B. 1$9)  <hairman and <E of <ummins En/ine (1$$%1$$$) 4orman 2. Au/ustine (B.S. 1$7)  <hairman and <E of 5ocheed Martin (1$$%1$$7) John 6. Mc0onne** (B.S. 1$9#)  <hairman and <E of Mc0onne**%0ou/*as (1$""%1$$) ;rvine . >ocada' Jr. (A.B. 1$")  !resident and <E of >a**mar <ards ;nc. (1$"9%,##1) 6ran J. Biondi Jr. (A.B. 1$99)  !resident and <E of -iacom ;nc. (1$"7%1$$9)& <hairman and <E of Universa* Studios ;nc. (1$$9%1$$")& <hairman and <E of >ome Box ffice (1$") Eric Schmidt (B.S. 1$79)  <hairman and <E of Goo/*e ;nc. (,##1%@resent) ( ,##1%@resent) Me/ hitman (A.B. 1$77)  !resident and <E of >e*ett%!acard (,#11%@resent)& !resident and <E of eBa' (1$$"%,##") Jeffre' !. Beos (B.S. 1$"9)  6ounder and <hairman of Ama ;nc. (1$$%@resent) <hrist' !a'ne (A.B. 1"$)  -ice !resident and 8reasurer of Standard i* <o. of 4e Jerse' *ater ExxonH (1$++%1$+) Journa*ists: >ami*ton 6ish Armstron/ (A.B. 1$19)  Editor of Foreign Affairs ma/aine Affairs ma/aine (1$,"%1$7,) <.0. Jacson (A.B. 1$,)  !u3*isher of Life Life ma/aine  ma/aine (1$9#%1$9) John B. aes (A.B. 1$+)  Editoria* !a/e Editor of The New York Times (1$91%1$77) Times (1$91%1$77) <har*es 0. (<har*ie) Gi3son (A.B. 1$9)  Anchor of ABC of  ABC World News Tonight  (,##9%,##$)  (,##9%,##$) Steve 6or3es (A.B. 1$7#)  !u3*isher of Forbes Forbes ma/aine  ma/aine 0avid 5arence (A.B. 1$1#)  !resident and Editor of United States News nes@a@er News nes@a@er in ashin/ton 0.<.H (1$++%1$")& 6ounder and !resident of The U.S. Dail  ashin/ton  ashin/ton 0.<.H (1$,9%1$++)& 6ounder and !resident of World !e"ort (1$9%1$")& !resident and Editor of U.S. News # World !e"ort  ma/aineH  ma/aineH (1$"%1$$)& <hairman of the 3oard and Editor of U.S. News # World !e"ort  (1$$%1$7+)  (1$$%1$7+) r/aniation Executives: 2a'mond B. 6osdic (A.B. 1$#& M.A. 1$#9)  !resident of 8he 2ocefe**er 6oundation (1$+9%1$") <har*es S. >ami*ton Jr. (A.B. !rinceton 1$+,& 55.B. a*e 1$+)  !resident of Andre . Me**on 6oundation (1$91%1$71) Everett 4. <ase (A.B. 1$,,)  !resident of A*fred !. S*oan 6oundation (1$9,%1$9") John 0. 2ocefe**er ;;; (B.S. 1$,$)  !resident of 2ocefe**er Brothers 6und (1$#%1$9) Broos Emen' (A.B. 1$,)  !resident of <ounci* on or*d Affairs (1$+%1$7)& !resident of 6orei/n !o*ic' Association (1$7%1$+) i**iam <hurch s3orn (A.B. 1""+)  <hairman of 8he Economic <*u3 of 4e or (1$,,%1$,) Geor/e hite (A.B. 1"$)  <hairman of the 0emocratic 4ationa* <ommittee (1$,#%1$,1)


<o**e/e !residents: Samue* Stanho@e Smith (A.B. 179$ sa*utatorian)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (17$%1"1,)& inau/ura* !resident 2ectorH of >am@den% S'dne' <o**e/e (177%177$)  Ash3e* Green (A.B. 17"+ va*edictorian)  !resident of ! !rinceton rinceton Universit' (1"1,%1",,) James <arnahan (A.B. 1"##)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1",+%1") John Mac*ean Jr. (A.B. 1"19)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1"%1"9") oodro i*son (A.B. 1"7$)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1$#,%1$1#) John G. >i33en (A.B. 1"", va*edictorian)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1$1,%1$+,) 2o3ert 6. Goheen (A.B. 1$#& !h.0. 1$")  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1$7%1$7,) <hristo@her 5. Eis/ru3er (A.B. 1$"+)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (,#1+%@resent)& !rovost of !rinceton Universit' (,##%,#1+) John Ein/ (A.B. 17)  !rovost of the Universit' of !enns'*vania (177$%1"#,) James Mannin/ (A.B. 179,)  inau/ura* !resident of Bron Universit' (179%17$1) Jonathan Edards Jr. (A.B. 179)  !resident of Union <o**e/e (17$$%1"#1) i**iam 5inn (A.B. 177,)  !resident of 2ut/ers <o**e/e (17$1%17$) James 0un*a@ (A.B. 177+)  !resident of ashin/ton and Jefferson <o**e/e (1"#+%1"1,) i**iam Graham (A.B. 177+)  !resident of ashin/ton and 5ee Universit' (17",%17$9) John Mc?ni/ht (A.B. 177+)  !resident of 0icinson <o**e/e (1"1%1"19) John B*air Smith (A.B. 177+ va*edictorian)  !resident of >am@den S'dne' <o**e/e (177$%17"$)& inau/ura* !resident of Union <o**e/e (17$% 17$$)& 3rother of Samue* Stanho@e Smith 2o3ert >. <ha@man (A.B. 17"$)  !resident of Universit' of 4orth <aro*ina (1"1+%1"19) Jose@h <a*de** (A.B. 17$1)  !resident of Universit' of 4orth <aro*ina (1"#%1"1, 1"19%1"+) Jaco3 5ind*e' (A.B. 1"##)  inau/ura* !resident of hio Universit' (1"#$%1",,) i**iam 4ei** (A.B. 1"#+)  !resident of 0icinson <o**e/e (1",%1",$) 8heodore 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 1"#)  !resident of 2ut/ers <o**e/e (1"#%1"9,)& <hance**or of 4e or Universit' (1"+$%1"#) 0anie* Baer (A.B. 1"1)  !resident of Austin <o**e/e 8exasH (1"+%1"7) John Johns (A.B. 1"1)  !resident of <o**e/e of i**iam N Mar' (1"$%1") <har*es !. Mc;*vaine (A.B. 1"19)  !resident of ?en'on <o**e/e (1"+,%1"#) Geor/e Burroes (A.B. 1"+,)  inau/ura* !resident of Universit' <it' <o**e/e in San 6rancisco <a*ifornia (1"$%1"9) James <*are e**in/ (A.B. 1")  !resident of Geor/e ashin/ton Universit' (1"71%1"$)& !resident of St. JohnCs <o**e/e Anna@o*is Mar'*andH (1"97%1"7#) <har*es A*exander 2ichmond (A.B. 1""+)  !resident of Union <o**e/e (1$#$%1$,") 5ivin/ston 6arrand (A.B. 1""")  !resident of <orne** Universit' (1$,1%1$+7)& !resident of Universit' of <o*orado (1$1%1$1$) ( 1$1%1$1$) i**iam >a**oc Johnson (A.B. 1""")  !resident of 5inco*n Universit' !enns'*vaniaH !enns'*vaniaH (1$,9%1$+9) Everett 4. <ase (A.B. 1$,,)  !resident of <o*/ate Universit' (1$,%1$9,) i**iam E. Stevenson (A.B. 1$,,)  !resident of 3er*in <o**e/e (1$9%1$$) <a*e3 6ran Gates Jr. (A.B. 1$,9)  <hance**or of the Universit' of 0enver (1$1%1$+ 1$9%1$7) James ;s3e** Armstron/ (A.B. 1$1 !h.0. 1$$)  !resident of Midd*e3ur' <o**e/e (1$9+%1$7) James M. >ester (A.B. 1$)  !resident of 4e or Universit' (1$9,%1$7) John Geor/e ?emen' (A.B. 1$7& !h.0. 1$$)  !resident of 0artmouth <o**e/e (1$7#%1$"1) >oard 2. Searer (A.B. 1$)  !resident of Bron Universit' (1$77%1$"") 4ei* 5. 2udenstine (A.B. 1$9)  !resident of >arvard Universit' (1$$1%,##1) John <. Sahi** (A.B. 1$")  !resident of 4e or Universit' (1$7%1$7$) Ste@hen J. 6riedman (A.B. 1$$)  !resident of !ace Universit' (,##7%@resent) 0on Michae* 2ande* (A.B. 1$9,& !h.0. 1$97)  !resident of Universit' of <hica/o (,###%,##9) Geor/e E. 2u@@ (A.B. 1$9)  !resident of <o*um3ia Universit' (1$$+%,##,) . 8a'*or 2eve*e' ;;; (A.B. 1$9)  !resident of 8he <o**e/e of i**iam N Mar' (,##"%@resent) Mitch 0anie*s (A.B. 1$71)  !resident of !urdue Universit' (,#1+%@resent) Steven G. !osaner (A.B. 1$"#)  !resident of <ar*eton <o**e/e (,#1#%@resent)& !resident of State Universit' of 4e or (SU4) at 4e !a*t (,##1%,#1#) Jeffre' ;. >er3st (A.B. 1$"+ !h.0. a*e 1$"7)  !resident of <o*/ate Universit' (,#1#%@resent)& !rovost of Miami <o**e/e hioH (,##%,#1#) <o**e/e 0eans: James M. 5andis (A.B. 1$,1)  0ean of >arvard 5a Schoo* (1$+7%1$9) Edard . Barrett (A.B. 1$+,)  0ean of Graduate Schoo* of Journa*ism at <o*um3ia Universit' (1$9%1$9") Edmund A. Gu**ion (A.B. 1$+)  0ean of 6*etcher Schoo* of 5a 5a  and 0i@*omac' at 8ufts Universit' (1$9%1$7$) Geor/e !. Shu*t (A.B. 1$,)  0ean of Graduate Schoo* of Business at Universit' of <hica/o (1$9,%1$9") >arrison Shu** (A.B. 1$+)  0ean of the Graduate Schoo* at ;ndiana Universit' (1$9%1$7,) 2o3ert Bernard e//e (A.B. 1$9)  0ean of Universit' of 0enver <o**e/e of 5a (1$9%1$77) Jose@h S. 4'e Jr. (A.B. 1$")  0ean of John 6. ?enned' Schoo* of Government at >arvard Universit' (1$$%,##)  A. Michae* S@ence S@ence (A.B. 1$99)  0ean of 6acu*t' of Arts and S Sciences ciences at >a >arvard rvard Universit' (1$" (1$"%1$$#)& %1$$#)& 0ean of Stanford Business Sc Schoo* hoo* (1$$#%1$$$) . 8a'*or 2eve*e' ;;; (A.B. 1$9)  0ean of the i**iam N Mar' 5a Schoo* (1$$"%,##") 0avison M. 0ou/*as (A.B. 1$7")  0ean of the i**iam N Mar' 5a Schoo* (,##$%!resent)  Anne%Marie S*au/hter (A.B. (A.B. 1$"#)  0ean of oodro i*son Sc Schoo* hoo* at !rinceto !rinceton n Universit' (,##,%,##$) Michae* >. Schi** (A.B. 1$"#)  0ean of Universit' of <hica/o 5a Schoo* (,#1#%@resent) E*ena ?a/an (A.B. 1$"1)  0ean of >arvard 5a Schoo* (,##+%,##$)


Prominent Princeton University Undergraduates and Graduates  Aaron Burr Jr. 4icho*as Bidd*e oodro i*son i**iam <hurch s3orn 5ivin/ston 6arrand  A3ram !iatt Andre Jr. 4e*son Burr Gasi** 2o*and S. Morris  A*3ert G. Mi*3an Mi*3an Jo John hn -an -an A A.. M Mac acMu Murr rra' a' Brecinrid/e 5on/

A.B. 177, A.B. 1"#1 A.B. 1"7$ A.B. 1""+ A.B. 1""" A.B. 1"$+ A.B. 1"$9 A.B. 1"$9 A.B. 1"$9 A.B. A.B. 1$ 1$#, #, M M.A .A.. 1 1$# $#7 7 A.B. 1$#

-ice !resident of the United St States ates (1"#1%1"#) !resident of the Second Ban of the United States (1",+%1"+9) !resident of the United States (1$1+%1$,1) <hairman of 8he Economic <*u3 of 4e or (1$,,%1$,) !resident of <orne** Universit' (1$,1%1$+7) U.S. <on/ress <on/ressman man (1$,1%1$+9)& 0irector of the U.S. Mint (1$#$%1$1#) Mem3er of the 6edera* 8rade <ommission (1$,#%1$,) U.S. Am3assador to Ja@an (1$17%1$,#) Mem3er of Mi*3an Mi*3an 8eed >ad*e' N Mc<*o' *a ffirm irm in 4e or <it'H U.S. U.S. Am Am3a 3ass ssad ador or to 8u 8ur re' e' (1 (1$+ $+9% 9%1$ 1$1 1)& )& U.S. U.S. Mi Mini nist ster er to <hin <hina a ((1$ 1$, ,%1 %1$, $,$) $) U.S. Am3assador to 6ascist ;ta*' (1$++%1$+9)

2o ar'm maonndMB .6 om sdaics 4 .8 ho Gordon S. 2entsch*er John 6oster 0u**es 4orman Armour  A**en . 0u**es James >. McGra Jr. >ami*ton 6ish Armstron/ John Marsha** >ar*an >aro*d >. >e*m >arve' S. 6irestone Jr. James >. 0ou/*as Jr. James M. 5andis Everett 4. <ase  Ad*ai E. Stevenson Stevenson Jr. i**iam E. Stevenson 2a*@h Gin 6o**is <har*es 0ou/*as Jacson Geor/e 6. ?ennan . a a**ton Butterorth >enr' 2. 5a3ouisse Jaco3 0. Beam 6rederic >. ?in/s3ur' Jr. John 0. 2ocefe**er ;;; Gi*3ert . 6ithu/h <har*es S. >ami*ton Jr. 5aurence S. 2ocefe**er Edard . Barrett James <. 0onne** ;; 6ran !ace Jr. John B. aes 2a*@h Mannin/ Bron Jr. Geor/e !o**oc Jenins >ar*an <*eve*and i**iam E. <o*3' 2o3ert 6. Goheen 2o3ert >. McBride >aro*d . McGra Jr. <*ai3orne !e** 0ona*d <. !*atten James 8. Au3re' Jr. John 8. 0orrance Jr. Ma*co*m S. 6or3es Geor/e !. Shu*t 2a*ei/h arner Jr. 4icho*as deB. ?aten3ach James M. >ester John Geor/e ?emen' John 5. ein3er/ 2a'mond 5. Garthoff !au* A. -o*cer James >. Bi**in/ton James A. Baer ;;; 6ran <. <ar*ucci John !. Bire*und

A..B B.. 1 1$ $# # & M.A. 1$#9 A A.B. 1$#7 A.B. 1$#" A.B. 1$#$ A.B. 1$1 A.B. 1$1 A.B. 1$19 A.B. 1$,# A.B. 1$,# A.B. 1$,# A.B. 1$,# A.B. 1$,1 A.B. 1$,, A.B. 1$,, A.B. 1$,, B.S. 1$, A.B. 1$, A.B. 1$, A.B. 1$, A.B. 1$,9 A.B. 1$,$ A.B. 1$,$ B.S. 1$,$ B.S. 1$+# A.B. 1$+, A.B. 1$+, A.B. 1$+, A.B. 1$+, A.B. 1$++ M.A. 1$# A.B. 1$+ A.B. 1$+9 A.B. 1$+9 A.B. 1$+" A.B. 1$# A.B. 1$ 1$#& ! !h h.0. 1$ 1$" A.B. 1$# A.B. 1$# A.B. 1$# A.B. 1$# A.B. 1$1 A.B. 1$1 A.B. 1$1 A.B. 1$, A.B. 1$+ A.B. 1$ A.B. 1$ A.B. 1$7& !h.0. 1$$ A.B. 1$7 A.B. 1$" A.B. 1$$ A.B. 1$# A.B. 1$, A.B. 1$, A.B. 1$,

!o recsiaid*iesn n etfiea***ecra6noduidnadta %1$") S t t!oafrt8'h@ere2soidce etion (1$+9%1$ <hairman of the 3oard of 4ationa* <it' Ban of 4e or (1$#%1$") U.S. Secretar' of State (1$+%1$$) U.S. Am3assador to Ar/entina (1$+$%1$) 0irector of the <e <entra* ntra* ;nte**i/ence A A/enc' /enc' (1$+%1$91) <hairman of the 3oard of McGra%>i** !u3*ishin/ <o. Editor of Foreign Affairs ma/aine Affairs ma/aine Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1$%1$71) <hairman of the 3oard of <hemica* Ban (1$%1$99) <hairman and <E of 6irestone 8ire N 2u33er <o. (1$"%1$9+) Secretar' of the Air 6orce (1$7%1$$) 0ean of >arvard 5a Schoo* (1$+7%1$9) !resident of A*fred !. S*oan 6oundation (1$9,%1$9") U.S. 2e@resentat 2e@resentative ive to the United 4ations (1$91%1$9) !resident of 3er*in <o**e/e (1$9%1$$)& U.S. Am3assador to the !hi*i@@ines <hairman of the 3oard of Standard i* <o. of <a*ifornia <hevronH (1$#%1$99) !u3*isher of Life Life ma/aine  ma/aine (1$9#%1$9) U.S. Am3assador to the Soviet Union (1$,) U.S. Am3assador to <anada (1$9,%1$9")& U.S. Am3assador to Seden Executive 0irector of U4;<E6 (1$9%1$7$) U.S. Am3assador to the Soviet Union (1$9$%1$7+) !artner of Bron Brothers >arriman N <o. (1$$%1$"$) <hairman of 8he 2ocefe**er 6oundation (1$,%1$71) <hairman and <E of Metro@o*itan 5ife ;nsurance <o. (1$99%1$7+) !resident of Andre . Me**on 6oundation (1$91%1$71) <hairman of 2ocefe**er <enter ;nc. (1$+%1$9 1$"%1$99) 0ean of Graduate Schoo* of Journa*ism at <o*um3ia Universit' (1$9%1$9") <hairman of Marathon i* <o. (1$7,%1$7) <hairman of the 3oard of Genera* 0'namics <or@. (1$$%1$9,) Editoria* !a/e Editor of The New York Times (1$91%1$77) Times (1$91%1$77) <hairman of the 3oard of 4e or 5ife ;nsurance <o. (1$7,%1$"1) <hairman of the 3oard of Metro@o*itan 5ife ;nsurance <o. (1$7+%1$"#) U.S. 2e@resentative to 4A8 (1$9%1$9$) 0irector of the <entra* ;nte**i/ence A/enc' (1$7+%1$79) !resident of of ! !rrinceton U Un niversit' ((1 1$7%1$7,) U.S. Am3assador to Faire (1$97%1$9$)& U.S. Am3assador to Mexico (1$9$%1$7) <hairman of the 3oard of McGra%>i** ;nc. (1$79%1$"") U.S. Senator (1$91%1$$7) <hairman of the 3oard of <hemica* Ban (1$7%1$"+) !resident of <BS (1$$%1$9)& !resident of MGM studios (1$9$%1$7+) <hairman of the 3oard of <am@3e** Sou@ <o. (1$9,%1$") !u3*isher and Editor%in%<hief of 6or3es Ma/aine (1$7%1$$#) U.S. Secretar' of State (1$",%1$"$)& Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1$7,%1$7) <hairman and <E of Mo3i* i* (1$9$%1$"9) U.S. Attorne' Genera* (1$9%1$99) !resident of 4e or Universit' (1$9,%1$7) !resident of 0artmouth <o**e/e (1$7#%1$ %1$"1) Senior <hairman of Go*dman Sachs U.S. Am3assador to Bu*/aria (1$77%1$7$) <hairman of the 6edera* 2eserve (1$7$%1$"7) 5i3rarian of <on/ress (1$"7%@resent) U.S. Secretar' of State (1$"$%1$$,)& Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1$"%1$"") U.S. Secretar' of 0efense (1$"7%1$"$) <hairman and <E of 0i**on 2ead N <o. (1$""%1$$+)


John 6. McGi**icudd' 2ichard 2iordan <har*es >er3ert Barro i**iam >er3ert >udnut ;;; 0ona*d >. 2umsfe*d Martin 2ichard >offmann !au* Sar3anes >oard 2. Searer 2a*@h 4ader 4ei* 5. 2udenstine <har*es 6ried J. Sta@*eton 2o' James A. >enderson 4 .a Anu/ustine 8hoorm maans 2 ?e i**iam 0. 2uce*shaus Edard . Said John <. 0anforth Jose@h S. 4'e Jr. John <. Sahi** Ste@hen J. 6riedman John 6. Mc0onne** 6ran G. isner ;; 0on M Miichae* 2 2a ande* Geor/e E. 2u@@ James A.S. 5each Bi** Brad*e' . 8a'*or 2eve*e' ;;; <har*ie Gi3son 2o3ert S. Mue**er ;;; 6ran J. Biondi Jr.  A. Michae* S@ence S@ence  A*an S. B*inder B*inder Steve 6or3es Samue* A. A*ito Jr. Iueen 4oor 5isa >a*a3'H i**iam >. (Bi**) 6rist Jerome >. !oe** Sonia Sotoma'or Eric Schmidt Me/ hitman Scott G. A*vare 0avison M. 0ou/*as  Andres -. Gi* Jeffre' <. 6uhrer  Anne%Marie S*au/hter E*ena ?a/an E*iot S@iter Brad Smith 0avid >ue3ner Jerem' <. Stein <hristo@her 5. Eis/ru3er Miche**e 2o3inson 3ama S'n/man 2hee James A. !erins 0ona*d B. Easum . Michae* B*umentha* i**iam G. Boen >aro*d 8. Sha@iro >unter 2. 2a*in/s ;;; Jessica !. Einhorn Gen. 0avid >. !etraeus

A.B. 1$, A.B. 1$, A.B. 1$, A.B. 1$ A.B. 1$ A.B. 1$ A.B. 1$ A.B. 1$ A.B. 1$ A.B. 1$9 A.B. 1$9 A.B. 1$9 A.B. 1$9

<hairman of Manufacturers >anover 8rust <o. (1$7$%1$$1) Ma'or of 5os An/e*es (1$$+%,##1) !resident of !*anned !arenthood Association of <hica/o (1$7,%1$7+) Ma'or of ;ndiana@o*is (1$79%1$$1) U.S. Secretar' of 0efense (1$7%1$77 ,##1%,##9) Secretar' of the Arm' (1$7%1$77) U.S. Senator (1$77%,##7) !resident of Bron Universit' (1$77%1$"") Green !art' @residentia* candidate !resident of >arvard Universit' (1$$1%,##1) So*icitor Genera* of the United States (1$"%1$"$) U.S. Am3assador to <ommunist <hina (1$$1%1$$) <hairman and <E of <ummins En/ine (1$$%1$$$)

B..B S.. 1 1$ $ 7 7 A A.B. 1$7 A.B. 1$7 A.B. 1$" A.B. 1$" A.B. 1$" A.B. 1$$ B.S. 1$9# A.B. 1$91 A.B. 1 1$ $9,& ! !h h.0. 1 1$ $97 A.B. 1$9 A.B. 1$9 A.B. 1$9 A.B. 1$9 A.B. 1$9 A.B. 1$99 A.B. 1$99 A.B. 1$99 A.B. 1$97 A.B. 1$7# A.B. 1$7, A.B. 1$7 A.B. 1$7 A.B. 1$7 A.B. 1$79 B.S. 1$79 A.B. 1$77 A.B. 1$77 A.B. 1$7" A.B. 1$7" A.B. 1$7$ A.B. 1$"# A.B. 1$"1 A.B. 1$"1 A.B. 1$"1 A.B. 1$", A.B. 1$"+ A.B. 1$"+ A.B. 1$" !h.0. 1$1# !h.0. 1$+7 !h.0. 1$+ !h.0. 1$9 !h.0. 1$" !h.0. 1$9 !h.0. 1$7# !h.0. 1$7 !h.0. 1$"7

<h ha aiirrm ma <1E fm 5oiscsihoene& dGM ino(r1o$f$4 e %1$$ 7r)se' (1$",%1$$#) < an na on fd $L1 <oom ovaerrtn Je Administrator of Environmenta* !rotection A/enc' (1$7#%1$7+ 1$"+%1$") !rofessor of En/*ish and >umanities at <o*um3ia Universit' (1$7#%,##+) U.S. 2e@resentative to the United 4ations (,##%,##) 0ean of John 6. ?enned' Schoo* of Government at >arvard Univ. (1$$%,##) !resident of 4e or Universit' (1$7%1$7$) <ommissioner of Securities and Exchan/e <ommission (1$"#%1$"1) <hairman and <E of Mc0onne**%0ou/*as (1$""%1$$) U.S. Am3assador to E/'@t (1$"9%1$$1)& U.S. Am3assador to ;ndia (1$$%1$$7) !resident o off U Un niversit' o off < <h hica/o ((, ,###%,##9) !resident of <o*um3ia Universit' (1$$+%,##,) Mem3er of the U.S. >ouse of 2e@resentatives (1$77%,##7) U.S. Senator (1$7$%1$$7) !resident of 8he <o**e/e of i**iam N Mar' (,##"%@resent) Anchor of ABC World News Tonight   (,##9%,##$) Tonight  (,##9%,##$) 0irector of 6edera* Bureau of ;nvesti/ation (,##1%,#1+) !resident and <E of -iacom ;nc. (1$"7%1$$9) 0ean of Stanford B Business usiness Schoo* (1$$#%1$$$) -ice <hairman of the 6edera* 2eserve (1$$%1$$9) !u3*isher of Forbes Forbes ma/aine  ma/aine Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (,##9%@resent) Iueen of 8he >ashemite ?in/dom of Jordan U.S. Senator (1$$%,##7)& U.S. Senate Ma=orit' 5eader (,##+%,##7) Mem3er of the 6edera* 2eserve Board (,#1,%@resent) Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (,##$%@resent) <hairman and <E of Goo/*e ;nc. (,##1%@resent) !resident and <E of >e*ett%!acard (,#11%@resent) Genera* <ounse* of the 6edera* 2eserve (,##%@resent) 0ean of the i**iam N Mar' 5a Schoo* (,##$%!resent) !artner of 0avis !o* N arde* arde*** *a firmH (1$$#%@res (1$$#%@resent) ent) Executive -ice !resident of 6edera* 2eserve Ban of Boston (,##9%@resent) 0ean of oodro i*son Schoo* at !rince !rinceton ton Universit' (,##,%,##$) Justice of U.S. Su@reme <ourt (,#1#%@res.)& 0ean >arvard 5a Schoo* (,##+%#$) Governor of 4e or (,##7%,##") Genera* <ounse* of Microsoft <or@. (,##,%@resent) U.S. Am3assador to 4e Fea*and (,##$%,#1) Mem3er of the 6edera* 2eserve Board (,#1,%,#1) !resident of !rinceton Universit' (,#1+%@resent) 6irst 5ad' of the United States (,##$%@resent) !resident of the 2e@u3*ic of ?orea South ?oreaH (1$"%1$9#) !resident of <orne** Universit' (1$9+%1$9$) U.S. Am3assador to 4i/eria (1$7%1$7$) Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1$77%1$7$) !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1$7,%1$"") !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1$""%,##1) !resident of <orne** Universit' (1$$%,##+) 0ean of SA;S at Johns >o@ins Universit' (,##,%,#1,) <ommander of U.S. <entra* <ommand (,##"%,#1#)


Princeton University Graduates and Their Occupations during Major vents in !merican and World "istory !rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the 2evo*utionar' ar  ar (177%17"1) Government fficia*s:  A*exander Martin (A.B. (A.B. 179)  Governor o off 4orth <aro*ina (17"1%17" 17 17"$%17$,) "$%17$,) Jose@h 2eed (A.B. 177)  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (177"%17"#) i**iam Bradford Jr. (A.B. 177,)  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (17"#%17$1) ai/htsti** Aver' (A.B. 1799)  Attorne' Genera* of 4orth <aro*ina (1777%17"1) 5uther Martin (A.B. 1799)  Attorne' Genera* of Mar'*and (177"%1"# 1"1"%1",,) Samue* 5ivermore (A.B. 17,)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e >am@shire (1779%17"#) 4athanie* 4i*es (A.B. 1799) Mem3er of <onnecticut State 5e/is*ature (177$%17"1)& Jud/e of the -ermont Su@reme <ourt (17"%17"") 0avid 2amsa' (A.B. 179)  Mem3er of the South <aro*ina State 5e/is*ature (1779%17"# 17"1%17", 17"%17$#)& !resident of the South <aro*ina State Senate (17$1%17$7) <o**e/e !residents and <hurch fficia*s: John Ein/ (A.B. 17)  !rovost of the Universit' of !enns'*vania (177$%1"#,) James Mannin/ (A.B. 179,)  inau/ura* !resident of Bron Universit' 2hode ;s*andH (179%17$1) Samue* Stanho@e Smith (A.B. 179$ sa*utatorian)  inau/ura* !resident 2ectorH of >am@den%S'dne' <o**e/e -ir/iniaH (177%177$) John B*air Smith (A.B. 177+ va*edictorian)  !resident of >am@den%S'dne' <o**e/e (177$%17"$) ;saac Si**man (A.B. 1799)  !astor of Second Ba@tist <hurch of Boston (177+%17"7) 4athanie* hitaer (A.B. 17,)  Minister of the 8hird <hurch in Sa*em Massachuset Massachusetts ts (179$%17") Samue* S@rin/ (A.B. 1771)  !astor of 4orth <on/re/ationa* <hurch in 4e3ur'@ort Massachusetts Massachusetts (1777%1"1$) Mem3ers of the <ontinenta* <on/ress: 2ichard Stocton (A.B. 17")  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (1779)& Si/ner of the 0ec*aration of ;nde@endence Ben=amin 2ush (A.B. 179#)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (1779%1777)& Si/ner of the 0ec*aration of ;nde@endence& 8reasurer of the United States Mint at !hi*ade*@hia (17$$%1"1+) Jonathan 0icinson Ser/eant (A.B. 179,)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (6e3ruar' 1 1779%June ,, 1779 4ovem3er +# 1779% Se@tem3er 9 1777) Jonathan Ba'ard Smith (A.B. 179#)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (1777%177") Jose@h 2eed (A.B. 177)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177") 4athanie* Scudder (A.B. 171)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177"%177$) Jesse 2oot (A.B. 179)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177"%17",) 2ichard >utson (A.B. 179)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177"%177$)& Si/ner of the Artic*es of <onfederation& 5ieutenant Governor of South <aro*ina (17",%17"+) *iver E**sorth (A.B. 1799)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177"%17"+)& 0e*e/ate to the <onstitutiona* <onvention in 17"7 John >enr' (A.B. 179$)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177"%17"# 17"%17"9) 6rederic 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 177#)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177$) i**iam <hurchi** >ouston (A.B. 179")  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (177$%17"1 17"%17")& 0e*e/ate to the <onstitutiona* <onvention in !hi*ade*@hia in 17"7 i**iam Burnet (A.B. 17$)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (0ecem3er 11 17"#%A@ri* 1 17"1)& sur/eon /enera* of the eastern district of the United States (1779%17"+) Jose@h Mont/omer' (A.B. 17)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"#%17",) Samue* 5ivermore (A.B. 17,)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"#%17", 17"%17"9) James Madison Jr. (A.B. 1771)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"#%17"+ 17"7%17"")& 0e*e/ate to the <onstitutiona* <onvention 0avid 2amsa' (A.B. 179)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17",%17"+ 17"%17"9) 0avid >oe** (A.B. 1779)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17",%17") John Beatt' (A.B. 179$)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"%17") James Mannin/ (A.B. 179,)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"9)& !resident of Bron Universit' (179%17$1) >enr' 5i/ht >orse >arr'K 5ee (A.B. 177+)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"9%17"") 4athanie* 2amse' (A.B. 1797)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"9%17"7)& United States Marsha* for Mar'*and (17$#%17$") James 2ando*@h 2eid (A.B.)  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"7%17"") !ier@ont Edards (A.B. 179")  Mem3er of the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"") i**iam !aterson (A.B. 179+)  0e*e/ate to the <onstitutiona* <onvention in 17"7& Si/ner of the <onstitution Jonathan 0a'ton (A.B. 1779)  0e*e/ate to the <onstitutiona* <onvention in 17"7& Si/ner of the <onstitution& 0e*e/ate to the <ontinenta* <on/ress (17"7%17"")


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the 6irst Bar3ar'  ar (1"#1%1"#) Government fficia*s: James Madison (A.B. 1771)  U.S. Secretar' of State (1"#1%1"#$) James 5inn (A.B. 179$)  U.S. Su@ervisor of 2evenue (1"#1%1"#$) i**iam !aterson (A.B. 179+)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (17$+%1"#9) i**iam Johnson Jr. (A.B. 17$#)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"#%1"+) Gunnin/ Bedford Jr. (A.B. 1771)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 0e*aare (17"$%1"1,)  Aaron /den (A.B. 177+)  U.S. Sena Senator tor (6edera*ist%4e Jers Jerse' e' 1"#1%1"#+) John Ein/ <o*houn (A.B. 177)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%South <aro*ina 1"#1%1"#,) Jonathan Mason Jr. (A.B. 177)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%Massachus (6edera*ist%Massachusetts etts 1"##%1"#+) Jonathan 0a'ton (A.B. 1779)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$$%1"#)  A3raham B. -ena3*e (A.B. 17"#)  U.S U.S.. Senator (0emoc (0emocratic ratic 2e@u3*ican%-ir/ini 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia a 1"#+%1"#) i**iam Branch Gi*es (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia 1"#%1"1)& U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican% -ir/inia 17$#%17$" 1"#1%1"#+) James A. Ba'ard Sr. (A.B. 17")  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%0e*aare 1"#%1"1+)& U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%0e*aare 17$7%1"#+) 0avid Stone (A.B. 17"")  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"#1%1"#7 1"1+%1"1) John Archer (B.A. 179#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and (2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and 1"#1%1"#7) John Bacon (A.B. 179)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Massachusetts 1"#1%1"#+) 0avid Bard (A.B. 177+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 17$%17$$ 1"#+%1"1) 4athanie* A*exander (A.B. 1779)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"#+%1"#) John 2hea (A.B. 17"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1"#+%1"1 1"17%1",+) Edard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (4e or 17$%1"#,) 5ucas <onrad E*mendorf (A.B. 17",)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or 17$7%1"#+) John A. >anna (A.B. 17",)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 17$7%1"#) !eter Ear*' (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"#+%1"#7) Geor/e . <am@3e** (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1"#+%1"#$) Mor/an 5eis (A.B. 177+)  Governor of 4e or (1"#%1"#7) ;saac 8ichenor (A.B. 177)  Governor of -ermont (17$7%1"#$) Jeremiah -an 2ensse*aer (A.B. 17")  5ieutenant Governor of 4e or (1"#1%1"#) Edard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)  Ma'or of 4e or <it' (1"#1%1"#+)  Aaron 0icinson oodruff oodruff (A.B. 177 177$) $)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (17$,%1"17) 5uther Martin (A.B. 1799)  Attorne' Genera* of Mar'*and (177"%1"# 1"1"%1",,) John Beatt' (A.B. 179$)  Secretar' of State of 4e Jerse' (17$%1"#)  Andre ?ir@atric (A.B. 177)  < <hief hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1"# (1"#%1",) %1",) >enr' Brocho*st 5ivin/ston (A.B. 177)  Justice of the 4e 4e  or Su@reme <ourt (1"#,%1"#7) Jaco3 2adc*iff (A.B. 17"+)  Justice of the 4e or Su@reme <ourt (17$"%1"#) *iver E**sorth (A.B. 1799)  Mem3er of <onnecticut GovernorCs <ounci* (1"#1%1"#7) 4athanie* 4i*es (A.B. 1799)  Mem3er of -ermont State >ouse of 2e@resentatives (17" 1"##%1"#+ 1"1,%1"1)& 8rustee of 0artmouth <o**e/e (17$+%1",#) <o**e/e !residents: Samue* Stanho@e Smith (A.B. 179$ sa*utatorian)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (17$%1"1,) John Ein/ (A.B. 17)  !rovost of the Universit' of !enns'*vania (177$%1"#,) James 0un*a@ (A.B. 177+)  !resident of ashin/ton and Jefferson <o**e/e (1"#+%1"1,) Jose@h <a*de** (A.B. 17$1)  !resident of Universit' of 4orth <aro*ina (1"#%1"1, 1"19%1"+)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the ar of 1"1, (1"1,%1"1) and Second Bar3ar' ar (1"1) James Madison (A.B. 1771)  !resident of the United States (1"#$%1"17) i**iam Branch Gi*es (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia 1"#%1"1) James A. Ba'ard Sr. (A.B. 17")  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%0e*aare 1"#%1"1+) 0avid Stone (A.B. 17"")  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"#1%1"#7 1"1+%1"1) John 8a'*or (A.B. 17$#)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%South <aro*ina 1"1#%1"19) Geor/e M. Bi33 (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%?entuc' (Jacsonian%?entuc' 1"11%1"1 1",$%1"+) Geor/e . <am@3e** (A.B. 17$)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1"11%1"1 1"1%1"1") 0avid Bard (A.B. 177+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 17$%17$$ 1"#+%1"1) i**iam Ste@hens Smith (A.B. 177)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e or 1"1+%1"1 1"1%1"19) 2ichard Stocton (A.B. 177$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 1"1+%1"1) i**iam <raford (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns' (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania *vania 1"#$%1"17) John 2hea (A.B. 17"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1"#+%1"1 1"17%1",+) 4athanie* . >oe** (A.B. 17"")  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e or 1"1+%1"1) Geor/e <*ifford Maxe** (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"11%1"1+) 8homas M. Ba'*' (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%-ir/inia 1"1+%1"1) i**iam Gaston (A.B. 17$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4orth <aro*ina 1"1+%1"17) Geor/e M. 8rou@ (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"#7%1"1) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1+%1"1" 1",+%1",7)  A*fred <uth3ert (A.B. (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%G (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia eor/ia 1"1+%1"19 1",1%1",7) 8homas ard (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"1+%1"17) Stevenson Archer (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and 1"11%1"17 1"1$%1",1) 8homas 8e*fair (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1+%1"17) i**iam Johnson Jr. (A.B. 17$#)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"#%1"+) >enr' Brocho*st 5ivin/ston (A.B. 177)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"#9%1",+) !ier@ont Edards (A.B. 179")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt of <onnecticut (1"#9%1",9) Gunnin/ Bedford Jr. (A.B. 1771)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt of 0e*aare (17"$%1"1,) 0avid >oe** (A.B. 1799)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for 2hode ;s*and (1"1,%1",) Smith 8hom@son (A.B. 17"")  Jud/e of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e or (1"#1%1"1) !eter Ear*' (A.B. 17$,)  Jud/e of the Su@reme <ourt of Geor/ia (1"#7%1"1+)  Aaron /den (A.B. 177+)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"1,%1"1+)  Aaron 0icinson oodruff oodruff (A.B. 177 177$) $)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (17$,%1"17) James 5inn (A.B. 179$)  Secretar' of State of 4e Jerse' (1"#$%1",1)  Andre ?ir@atric (A.B. 177)  < <hief hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1"# (1"#%1",) %1",) 5ucas <onrad E*mendorf (A.B. 17",)  4e or State Senator (1"1%1"17) 8homas John <*a//et (A.B. 179)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of Mar'*and (17$,%1"19) John >enr' >o3art (A.B. 17$+)  Assistant !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of 4e or (1"11%1"19)  Ash3e* Green (A.B. 17"+ va*edictorian)  !resident of ! !rinceton rinceton Universit' (1"1,%1",,) Samue* Ba'ard (A.B. 17")  8reasurer of !rinceton Universit' (1"1#%1",") Jaco3 5ind*e' (A.B. 1"##)  inau/ura* !resident of hio Universit' (1"#$%1",,) Ben=amin 2ush (A.B. 179#)  8reasurer of the United States Mint at !hi*ade*@hia (17$$%1"1+) <har*es Ein/ (A.B. 17$")  2ecorder of the <it' of 8renton 4e Jerse' (1"1,%1"1) Jaco3 2adc*iff (A.B. 17"+)  Ma'or of 4e or <it' (1"1#%1"11 1"1%1"1")& 8rustee of <o*um3ia Universit' (1"#%1"17) John 2ead (A.B. 17"7)  Mem3er of the !hi*ade*@hia <it' <ounci* (1"#$%1"1)& Mem3er of !enns'*vania State Senate (1"17%1"1") 4athanie* 4i*es (A.B. 1799)  Mem3er of -ermont State >ouse of 2e@resentatives (17" 1"##%1"#+ 1"1,%1"1)& 8rustee of 0artmouth <o**e/e (17$+%1",#) !rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the 1"1%1"17 Session of <on/ress James Madison (A.B. 1771)  !resident of the United States (1"#$%1"17) 2ichard 2ush (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Attorne' Genera* (1"1%1"17) ;saac 8ichenor (A.B. 177)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%-ermont 17$9%17$7 1"1%1",1) 2o3ert G. >ar@er (A.B. 17")  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%Mar'*and 1"19) John 8a'*or (A.B. 17$#)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%South <aro*ina 1"1#%1"19) Geor/e . <am@3e** (A.B. 17$)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1"11%1"1 1"1%1"1") Geor/e M. 8rou@ (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"19%1"1" 1",$%1"++) i**iam Ste@hens Smith (A.B. 177)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e or 1"1+%1"1 1"1%1"19) i**iam <raford (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns' (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania *vania 1"#$%1"17) James . i*in (A.B. 17")  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or 1"1%1"1$) John Ser/eant (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%!enns' (6edera*istLhi/%!enns'*vania *vania 1"1%1",+ 1",7%1",$ 1"+7%1"1) i**iam Gaston (A.B. 17$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4orth <aro*ina 1"1+%1"17) James . <*ar (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"1%1"17) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1+%1"1" 1",+%1",7)  A*fred <uth3ert (A.B. (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%G (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia eor/ia 1"1+%1"19 1",1%1",7) 8homas ard (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"1+%1"17) Stevenson Archer (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and 1"11%1"17 1"1$%1",1) 8homas 8e*fair (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1+%1"17)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the !anic of 1"1$ 6edera* Government fficia*s: Smith 8hom@son (A.B. 17"")  Secretar' of the 4av' (1"1"%1",+) 2ichard 2ush (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Minister to Great Britain (1"17%1",) Geor/e . <am@3e** (A.B. 17$)  U.S. Minister to 2ussia (1"1"%1",1) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. Minister to S@ain (1"1$%1",+) <hristo@her >u/hes (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <har/e dCaffaires to Seden (1"1"%1", 1"+#%1"1) ;saac 8ichenor (A.B. 177)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%-ermont 17$9%17$7 1"1%1",1) 4icho*as -an 0'e Jr. (A.B. 17"")  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%0e*aare 1"17%1",9) Mah*on 0icerson (A.B. 17"$)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"17%1"++) John i**iams a*er (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%A*a3ama 1"1$%1",,) Jonathan Mason Jr. (A.B. 177)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%Massachusetts (6edera*ist%Massachusetts 1"17%1",#) John 2hea (A.B. 17"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1"#+%1"1 1"17%1",+) Si*as ood (A.B. 17"$)  U.S. <on/ressman (4e or 1"1$%1",$) John 8a'*or (A.B. 17$#)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%South <aro*ina 1"#7%1"1# 1"17%1",1) John Ser/eant (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%!enns' (6edera*istLhi/%!enns'*vania *vania 1"1%1",+ 1",7%1",$ 1"+7%1"1) 8homas Ba'*' (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%Mar'*and 1"17%1",+) >enr' . Edards (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (<onnecticut 1"1$%1",+) <har*es 6enton Mercer (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%-ir/inia 1"17%1"+$) Stevenson Archer (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and 1"11%1"17 1"1$%1",1) John A. <uth3ert (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1$%1",1) i**iam Johnson Jr. (A.B. 17$#)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"#%1"+) >enr' Brocho*st 5ivin/ston (A.B. 177)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"#9%1",+) !ier@ont Edards (A.B. 179")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt of <onnecticut (1"#9%1",9) thers: Samue* S@ri// (A.B. 1"#9)  Governor of Mar'*and (1"1$%1",,) 8homas Ser/eant (A.B. 17$")  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (1"1$%1",#) 5uther Martin (A.B. 1799)  Attorne' Genera* of Mar'*and (177" 1"1"%1",#)  Andre ?ir@atric (A.B. 177)  < <hief hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1"# (1"#%1",) %1",) James 5inn (A.B. 179$)  Secretar' of State of 4e Jerse' (1"#$%1",1) John 8a'*or (A.B. 17$#)  South <aro*ina State Senator (1"1"%1",9)  Ash3e* Green (A.B. 17"+ va*edictorian)  !resident of ! !rinceton rinceton Universit' (1"1,%1",,) Samue* Ba'ard (A.B. 17")  8reasurer of !rinceton Universit' (1"1#%1",") Jose@h <a*de** (A.B. 17$1)  !resident of Universit' of 4orth <aro*ina (1"#%1"1, 1"19%1"+) Jaco3 5ind*e' (A.B. 1"##)  inau/ura* !resident of hio Universit' (1"#$%1",,) John >enr' >o3art (A.B. 17$+)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of 4e or (1"19%1"+#) i**iam 4ei** (A.B. 1"#+)  !astor of 9th <hurch in !hi*ade*@hia (1"19%1",)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the Gree ar of ;nde@endence (1",1%1"+,) 6edera* Government fficia*s: 2ichard 2ush (A.B. 17$7)  Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1",%1",")& U.S. Minister to Great Britain (1"17%1",) John M. Berrien (A.B. 17$9)  U.S. Attorne' Genera* (1",$%1"+1)& U.S. Senator (hi/%Geor/ia 1",%1",$ 1"1%1",) Smith 8hom@son (A.B. 17"")  Secretar' of the 4av' (1"1"%1",+) Samue* 5. Southard (A.B. 1"#)  Secretar' of the 4av' (1",+%1",$) <hristo@her >u/hes (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <har/e dCaffaires to Seden (1"1"%1", 1"+#%1"1)& U.S. <har/e dCaffaires to the 4ether*ands (1",9%1"+# 1",%1") Edard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%5ouis (Jacsonian%5ouisiana iana 1",$%1"+1)& U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%5ouisiana 1",+%1",$) 4icho*as -an 0'e Jr. (A.B. 17"")  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%0e*aare 1"17%1",9) Mah*on 0icerson (A.B. 17"$)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"17%1"++) Jaco3 Burnet (A.B. 17$1)  U.S. Senator (Anti%Jacsonian%hio (Anti%Jacsonian%hio 1","%1"+1) Geor/e M. Bi33 (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%?entuc' (Jacsonian%?entuc' 1"11%1"1 1",$%1"+) >enr' . Edards (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%<onnectic (Jacsonian%<onnecticut ut 1",+%1",7) Geor/e M. 8rou@ (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"19%1"1" 1",$%1"++)& Governor of Geor/ia (1",+%1",7) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. Senator (02%Geor/ia 1"1"%1$ 1",$%1"+)& U.S. Minister to S@ain (1"1$%1",+)& Gov. of Geor/ia (1",7%1",$) 8heodore 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Senator (Anti%Jacsonian%4e (Anti%Jacsonian%4e Jerse' 1",$%1"+)& Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"17%1",$) Samue* 5. Southard (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Senator (hi/%4e Jerse' 1",1%1",+ 1"++%1",) James ;rede** (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%4orth <aro*ina 1","%1"+1) John i**iams a*er (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%A*a3ama 1"1$%1",,)  Arno*d 4audain (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. Senator Senator (Anti%Jacs (Anti%Jacsonian%0e*aare onian%0e*aare 1"+#%1"+9)& Mem Mem3er 3er 0e*aare State >ous >ouse e of 2e@. (1",+%1",7) Geor/e M. 0a**as (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%!enns'*v (Jacsonian%!enns'*vania ania 1"+1%1"++)& Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1","%1",$) ;saac !ierson (A.B. 17"$)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%4e Jerse' 1",7%1"+1) Si*as ood (A.B. 17"$)  U.S. <on/ressman (4e or 1"1$%1",$) E@hraim ?in/ i*son (A.B. 17$#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%Mar'*and (Jacsonian%Mar'*and 1",7%1"+1) Si*as <ondit (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacson (Anti%Jacsonian%4e ian%4e Jerse' 1"+1%1"++) John Ser/eant (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%!enns' (6edera*istLhi/%!enns'*vania *vania 1"1%1",+ 1",7%1",$ 1"+7%1"1) 8homas Ba'*' (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%Mar'*and 1"17%1",+) >enr' . Edards (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (<onnecticut 1"1$%1",+) <har*es 6enton Mercer (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%-ir/inia 1"17%1"+$) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1+%1"1" 1",+%1",7)  A*fred <uth3ert (A.B. (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%G (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia eor/ia 1"1+%1"19 1",1%1",7) 8homas >art*e' <raford (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%!enns'* (Jacsonian%!enns'*vania vania 1",$%1"++) Geor/e i**iam <rum@ (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%-ir/inia (Jacsonian%-ir/inia 1",9%1",7) Geor/e >o*com3e (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%4e Jerse' (1",1%1",") John Scott (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Adams%<*a' 2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1",1%1",7)  A*em Marr (A.B. 1"#7)  U.S. <on/res <on/ressman sman (Jacsonian%!enns'*vani (Jacsonian%!enns'*vania a 1",$%1"+1) i**iam >. >a'ard Jr. (A.B. 1"#")  U.S. <on/ressman (<raford 2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and 1",+%1",) James Moore a'ne (A.B. 1"#")  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%Geor/ia 1",$%1"+) Samue* atins Ea/er (A.B. 1"#$)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%4e or 1"+#%1"+1) Ben=amin <. >oard (A.B. 1"#$)  U.S. <on/ressman (JacsonianL0emocrat%Ma (JacsonianL0emocrat%Mar'*and r'*and 1",$%1"++ 1"+%1"+$) ?ense' Johns Jr. (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%0e*aare (Anti%Jacsonian%0e*aare 1",7%1"+1) Samue* J. i*in (A.B. 1"1,)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%4e (Anti%Jacsonian%4e or 1"+1%1"++) John urts (A.B. 1"1+)  U.S. <on/ressman (!enns'*vania 1",%1",7)& U.S. Attorne' for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1",7%1"+1) >enr' Brocho*st 5ivin/ston (A.B. 177)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"#9%1",+) i**iam Johnson Jr. (A.B. 17$#)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"#%1"+) Smith 8hom@son (A.B. 17"")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1",+%1"+) 0avid >oe** (A.B. 1799)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 2hode ;s*and (1"1,%1",) !ier@ont Edards (A.B. 179")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of <onnecticut (1"#9%1",9) State and 5oca* Government fficia*s: i**iam Branch Gi*es (A.B. 17"1)  Governor of -ir/inia (1",7%1"+#) James ;rede** (A.B. 1"#9)  Governor of 4orth <aro*ina (1",7%1",")& S@eaer of the 4orth <aro*ina State >ouse of <ommons (1"17%1",") John 8a'*or (A.B. 17$#)  Governor of South <aro*ina (1",9%1",")& South <aro*ina State Senator (1"1"%1",9) Samue* 5eis Southard (A.B. 1"#)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1",$%1"++)  Amos E**maer E**maer (A.B. 1"#)  A Attorne' ttorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (1"19%1"1$ 1","%1",$) Geor/e . <raford (A.B. 1",#)  Attorne' Genera* of Geor/ia (1",7%1"+1) <har*es Ein/ (A.B. 17$")  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1",%1"+,) Ben=amin . 2ichards (A.B. 1"1)  Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1",$%1"+,) thers: 4icho*as Bidd*e (A.B. 1"#1)  !resident of the Second Ban of the United States (1",+%1"+9) i**iam Mc;*vaine (A.B. 1"#,)  <hief <ashier of the Ban of the United States (1",9%1"+,) James <arnahan (A.B. 1"##)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1",+%1") i**iam 4ei** (A.B. 1"#+)  !resident of 0icinson <o**e/e !enns'*vaniaH (1",%1",$)& !astor of 9 th <hurch in !hi*ade*@hia (1"19%1",) Jose@h <a*de** (A.B. 17$1)  !resident of Universit' of 4orth <aro*ina (1"#%1"1, 1"19%1"+) Samue* Ba'ard (A.B. 17")  8reasurer of !rinceton Universit' (1"1#%1",") John >enr' >o3art (A.B. 17$+)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of 4e or (1"19%1"+#)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the 1"+1%1"++ Session of <on/ress 4icho*as Bidd*e (A.B. 1"#1)  !resident of the Second Ban of the United States (1",+%1"+9) i**iam Mc;*vaine (A.B. 1"#,)  <hief <ashier of the Ban of the United States (1",9%1"+,) Ben=amin . 2ichards (A.B. 1"1)  Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1",$%1"+,) Mah*on 0icerson (A.B. 17"$)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"17%1"++) Geor/e M. Bi33 (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%?entuc' (Jacsonian%?entuc' 1"11%1"1 1",$%1"+) Geor/e M. 8rou@ (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"19%1"1" 1",$%1"++) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1"%1"1$ 1",$%1"+) 8heodore 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Senator (Anti%Jacsonian%4e (Anti%Jacsonian%4e Jerse' 1",$%1"+)  Arno*d 4audain (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. Senator Senator (Anti%Jacs (Anti%Jacsonian%0e*aare onian%0e*aare 1"+#%1"+9) Geor/e M. 0a**as (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%!enns'*v (Jacsonian%!enns'*vania ania 1"+1%1"++) Si*as <ondit (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacson (Anti%Jacsonian%4e ian%4e Jerse' 1"+1%1"++) <har*es 6enton Mercer (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%-ir/inia 1"17%1"+$) 8homas >art*e' <raford (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%!enns'* (Jacsonian%!enns'*vania vania 1",$%1"++) James Moore a'ne (A.B. 1"#")  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%Geor/ia 1",$%1"+) Ben=amin <. >oard (A.B. 1"#$)  U.S. <on/ressman (JacsonianL0emocrat%Ma (JacsonianL0emocrat%Mar'*and r'*and 1",$%1"++ 1"+%1"+$) Samue* J. i*in (A.B. 1"1,)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%4e (Anti%Jacsonian%4e or 1"+1%1"++) John J. Mi**i/an (A.B. 1"1 honorar'H)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%JacsonianLhi/%0e*aare (Anti%JacsonianLhi/%0e*aare 1"+1%1"+$) 4ote: A 3i** extendin/ the charter of the SecondH Ban of the United States as @assed 3' <on/ress in 1"+,& !resident Andre Jacson vetoed the 3i** in Ju*' 1"+,.

!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the !anic of 1"+7 6edera* Government fficia*s: John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. Secretar' of State (1"+%1"1) Smith 8hom@son (A.B. 17"")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1",+%1"+) James Moore a'ne (A.B. 1"#")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"+%1"97)  A*fred <uth3ert (A.B. (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Geor/ia 1"+%1"+) Samue* 5. Southard (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Senator (hi/%4e Jerse' 1",1%1",+ 1"++%1",)& !resident of the U.S. Senate (1"1%1",) 2ichard >. Ba'ard (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. Senator (hi/%0e*aare 1"+9%1"+$ 1"1%1") John Ser/eant (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%!enns' (6edera*istLhi/%!enns'*vania *vania 1"1%1",+ 1",7%1",$ 1"+7%1"1) <har*es 6enton Mercer (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%-ir/inia 1"17%1"+$) i**iam Mont/omer' (A.B. 1"#")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4orth <aro*ina 1"+%1"1) Ben=amin <. >oard (A.B. 1"#$)  U.S. <on/ressman (JacsonianL0emocrat%Ma (JacsonianL0emocrat%Mar'*and r'*and 1",$%1"++ 1"+%1"+$)  Andre 0eitt Bru'n Bru'n (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S U.S.. <on/ressman (0emo (0emocrat%4e crat%4e or 1"+7%1"+") i**iam >a*stead (A.B. 1"1,)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e ( hi/%4e Jerse' 1"+7%1"+$ 1"1%1"+) John J. Mi**i/an (A.B. 1"1 honorar'H)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%JacsonianLhi/%0e*aare (Anti%JacsonianLhi/%0e*aare 1"+1%1"+$) Geor/e ashin/ton 8o*and (A.B. 1"19)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*vania (hi/%!enns'*vania 1"+7%1"+) James A*fred !earce (A.B. 1",,)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%Mar'*and 1"+%1"+$ 1"1%1"+) John !.B. Maxe** (A.B. 1",+)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e Jerse' 1"+7%1"+$ 1"1%1"+) thers: 4icho*as Bidd*e (A.B. 1"#1)  !resident of the Second Ban of the United States (1",+%1"+9) James <arnahan (A.B. 1"##)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1",+%1") 8homas 2uffin (A.B. 1"#)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4orth <aro*ina (1"++%1"$) <har*es !. Mc;*vaine (A.B. 1"19)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of hio (1"+,%1"7+)& !resident of ?en'on <o**e/e (1"+,%1"#) >enr' . Edards (A.B. 17$7)  Governor of <onnecticut (1"++%1"+ 1"+%1"+") i**iam !ennin/ton (A.B. 1"1+)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"+7%1"+) 8heodore 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 1"#)  Ma'or of 4ear 4e Jerse' (1"+7%1"+")


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the @ium  ar (1"+$%1",) and Second Semino*e  ar (1"+%1",) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. Secretar' of State (1"+%1"1) 8homas >art*e' <raford (A.B. 1"#)  <ommissioner of ;ndian Affairs (1"+"%1") Smith 8hom@son (A.B. 17"")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1",+%1"+) James Moore a'ne (A.B. 1"#")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"+%1"97)  A*fred <uth3ert (A.B. (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Geor/ia 1"+%1"+) Samue* 5. Southard (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Senator (hi/%4e Jerse' 1",1%1",+ 1"++%1",)& !resident of the U.S. Senate (1"1%1",) John >enderson (A.B. 1"1,)  U.S. Senator (hi/%Mississi@@i 1"+$%1") John Ser/eant (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%!enns' (6edera*istLhi/%!enns'*vania *vania 1"1%1",+ 1",7%1",$ 1"+7%1"1) 2ichard . >a3ersham (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%Geor/ia 1"+$%1",) i**iam Mont/omer' (A.B. 1"#")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4orth <aro*ina 1"+%1"1) Geor/e ashin/ton 8o*and (A.B. 1"19)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*vania (hi/%!enns'*vania 1"+7%1"+) 8homas 2o3inson Jr. (A.B. 1",+)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%0e*aare 1"+$%1"1) i**iam !ennin/ton (A.B. 1"1+)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"+7%1"+) !atric 4o3*e (A.B. 1"#9)  Governor of South <aro*ina (1"+"%1"#) John 2utherfoord (A.B. 1"1#)  Governor of -ir/inia (1"1%1",) John M. Scott (A.B. 1"#)  Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1"1%1"+) *iver S@encer >a*sted (A.B. 1"1#)  Ma'or of 4ear 4e Jerse' (1"#) 2ichard Stocton 6ie*d (A.B. 1",1)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"+"%1"1) Geor/e !. Mo**eson (A.B. 1",)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"1%1") 2ichard >enr' Ba'ard (A.B. 1"1)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 0e*aare (1"+$%1"1) James Booth Jr. (A.B. 1"#")  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 0e*aare (1"1%1") 8homas 2uffin (A.B. 1"#)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4orth <aro*ina (1"++%1"$) ?ense' Johns Jr. (A.B. 1"1#)  <hance**or of 0e*aare head of eDuit' courtH (1"+,%1"7) James <arnahan (A.B. 1"##)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1",+%1") 8heodore 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 1"#)  <hance**or of 4e or Universit' (1"+$%1"#) <har*es !. Mc;*vaine (A.B. 1"19)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of hio (1"+,%1"7+)& !resident of ?en'on <o**e/e (1"+,%1"#)  Arno*d 4audain (A.B. 1"#9)  <o**ector of the !ort of i*m i*min/ton in/ton 0e*aare (1"1%1")& 0e*aare State Senator Senator (1"+9%1"+$) John 2ead (A.B. 17"7)  !resident of !hi*ade*@hia Ban (1"1$%1"1) !rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the Mexican ar (1"9%1"") John Mac@herson Berrien (A.B. 17$9)  U.S. Senator (hi/%Geor/ia 1",%1",$ 1"1%1",) James A*fred !earce (A.B. 1",,)  U.S. Senator (hi/L0emocrat%Mar' (hi/L0emocrat%Mar'*and *and 1"+%1"9,) i**iam 5eis 0a'ton (A.B. 1",)  U.S. Senator (hi/%4e Jerse' 1",%1"1) Jose@h 2. ;n/erso** (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%JacsonianL (Anti%JacsonianLhi/%!enns'*vania hi/%!enns'*vania 1"+%1"+7 1"1%1"$) James Mc0oe** (A.B. 1"19)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%-ir/inia 1"9%1"1) <hester !. But*er (A.B. 1"17)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*v (hi/%!enns'*vania ania 1"7%1"#)  A3raham . -ena3*e (A.B. 1"1$)  U.S. U.S. <on/ressman (0emoc (0emocrat%4orth rat%4orth <aro*ina 1"7%1"+)  A*fred ;verson (A.B. (A.B. 1",#)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat (0emocrat%Geor/ia %Geor/ia 1"7%1"$) James !o**oc (A.B. 1"+1)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*vania 1"%1"$) 0avid S. ?aufman (A.B. 1"++)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%8exas 1"9%1"1) James G. >am@ton (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e Jerse' 1"%1"$) James Moore a'ne (A.B. 1"#")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"+%1"97) 8homas 2uffin (A.B. 1"#)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4orth <aro*ina (1"++%1"$) James Booth Jr. (A.B. 1"#")  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 0e*aare (1"1%1") Jose@h >enr' 5um@in (A.B. 1"1$)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of Geor/ia (1"9%1"97) >enr' oodhu** Green (A.B. 1",#)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1"9%1"9#) ?ense' Johns Jr. (A.B. 1"1#)  <hance**or of 0e*aare head of eDuit' courtH (1"+,%1"7) James <arnahan (A.B. 1"##)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1",+%1") 8heodore 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 1"#)  <hance**or of 4e or Universit' (1"+$%1"#)& !resident of American Bi3*e Societ' (1"9%1"9,) Samue* ?enned' 8a*ma/e (A.B. 1",#)  !resident of /*ethor@e Universit' At*anta Geor/iaH (1"1%1"9) Geor/e . <raford (A.B. 1",#)  Governor of Geor/ia (1"+%1"7) i**iam Meade (A.B. 1"#")  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of -ir/inia (1"1%1"9,) <har*es !. Mc;*vaine (A.B. 1"19)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of hio (1"+,%1"7+)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the American <ivi*  ar (1"91%1"9) <onfederate: John ;. Midd*eton (A.B. 1"1$)  Si/ner of the South <aro*ina rdinance of Secession (1"9#) i**iam !. 6in*e' (A.B. 1",#)  Si/ner of the South <aro*ina rdinance of Secession (1"9#)  A*exander Ma'c Ma'c (A.B. 1",#)  Si/ner of the Sou South th <aro*ina rdinance o off Secession (1"9#)  A3raham . -ena3*e (A.B. 1"1$)  Mem3er Mem3er of the <onfederat <onfederate e <on/ress (4orth <aro*ina 1"9,%1"9)  A*exander 2. Bote*er Bote*er (A.B. 1"+)  M Mem3er em3er of the <onfederat <onfederate e <on/ress (-ir/inia 1"9,%1"9)& U.S. <on/ressman <on/ressman (-ir/inia 1"$%1"91) 1"$%1"91) 0avid 6unsten (A.B. 1"+")  Mem3er of the <onfederate <on/ress (-ir/inia 1"9%1"9) a*ter !reston (A.B. 1"+$)  Mem3er of the <onfederate <on/ress (-ir/inia 1"9,%1"9) >enr' <ousins <ham3ers (A.B. 1")  Mem3er of the <onfederate <on/ress (Mississi@@i 1"9,%1"9) 2ichard i*de a*er (A.B. 1"1)  <onfederate Senator (A*a3ama 1"9%1"9)  A*fred >. <o*Duitt (A.B. 1")  M Mem3er em3er of the Geor/ia S Secession ecession <onven <onvention tion (1"91)& Ma=or Genera* o off the <onfederate Ar Arm' m' (1"91%1"9) a*ter 5. ?eirn (A.B. 1"")  Mem3er of the Mississi@@i Seces Secession sion <onvention (1"91) 2o3ert <rai/ ?ent (A.B. 1"$)  Mem3er of the -ir/inia Secession <onvention (1"91) James <hesnut Jr. (A.B. 1"+)  Si/ner of the <onfederate <onstitution James Ja' Archer (A.B. 1"+)  Bri/adier Genera* of the <onfederate Arm' (1"9,%1"9) Brad*e' 8'*er Johnson (A.B. 1"$)  Bri/adier Genera* of the <onfederate Arm' (1"9%1"9)  A**en 8homas (A.B. (A.B. 1"#)  Bri/adier G Genera* enera* of the <onfederate <onfederate Arm' (1"9+%1"9) i**iams Stevenson a*er (A.B. 1"1)  Bri/adier Genera* of the <onfederate Arm' (1"9,%1"9) Union: i**iam 5eis 0a'ton (A.B. 1",)  U.S. Am3assador to 6rance (1"91%1"9) James Moore a'ne (A.B. 1"#")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"+%1"97)& Ma'or of Savannah Geor/ia (1"17%1"1$) John Ja' Jacson Jr. (A.B. 1")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the estern 0istrict of -ir/inia (1"91%1"9) James 0un*o@ (A.B. 1"11)  <hief Justice of the U.S. <ircuit <ourt f or the 0istrict of <o*um3ia (1"7%1"9+) 2ichard Stocton 6ie*d (A.B. 1",1)  U.S. Senator (2%4e Jerse' 1"9,%1"9+)& Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for 4e Jerse' (1"9+%1"7#) James A*fred !earce (A.B. 1",,)  U.S. Senator (hi/L0emocrat%Mar' (hi/L0emocrat%Mar'*and *and 1"+%1"9,) James a*ter a** (A.B. 1"+")  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1"9+) i**iam !ennin/ton (A.B. 1"1+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1"91)& S@eaer of the U.S. >ouse (1"9#%1"91) John 5.4. Stratton (A.B. 1"+9)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1"9+) <har*es John Bidd*e (A.B. 1"+7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%!enns'*vania (0emocrat%!enns'*vania 1"91%1"9+) 2o3ert Mc?ni/ht (A.B. 1"+$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 1"$%1"9+) John 8hom@son 4ixon (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1"9+) 6rancis !. B*air Jr. (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1"7%1"$ 1"9# 1"91%1"9, 1"9+%1"9)& Ma=or Genera* of the United States -o*unteers (1"9,%1"9)  A*exander >enr' (A.B. (A.B. 1"#)  Ma'or Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1""%1"99) Edard i**iam he*@*e' (A.B. 1"+)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1"91%1"9) i**iam . Be*na@ (A.B. 1"")  Bri/adier Genera* of the United States -o*unteers (1"9%1"9) i**iam Mumford Baer (A.B. 1"9)  !astor of 6irst !res3'terian <hurch in Austin 8exas (1"#%1"9)& Unionist durin/ the <ivi* ar  John Mac*ean Jr. (A.B. 1"19)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1"%1"9") !rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ 2econstruction (1"9%1"77) i**iam . Be*na@ (A.B. 1"")  Secretar' of ar (1"9$%1"79) James 0. <ameron (A.B. 1",)  Secretar' of ar (1"79%1"77) Geor/e M. 2o3eson (A.B. 1"7)  Secretar' of the 4av' (1"9$%1"77)& Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"97%1"9$) 4athanie* G. 8a'*or (A.B. 1"#)  <ommissioner of ;ndian Affairs (1"97%1"9$) James Moore a'ne (A.B. 1"#")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"+%1"97) Geor/e >. Boer (A.B. 1",)  U.S. Minister to 8ure' ttoman Em@ireH (1"71%1"7)& U.S. Minister to 2ussia (1"7%1"77) John Shar@enstein >a/er (A.B. 1"+9)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%<a*ifornia 1"7+%1"7) James ?. ?e**' (A.B. 1"+$)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%re/on 1"71%1"77) 6rancis !. B*air Jr. (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Missouri 1"71%1"7+) John !otter Stocton (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1"9%1"99 1"9$%1"7)  A*exander >ami*ton Bai*e' Bai*e' (A.B. 1"+7)  U.S. <on/ress <on/ressman man (2e@u3*ican%4e or 1"97%1"71) 8homas 5aurens Jones (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%?entuc' (0emocrat%?entuc' 1"97%1"71 1"7%1"77) 4athanie* G. 8a'*or (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/LUnionist%8ennessee (hi/LUnionist%8ennessee 1"%1" 1"99%1"97) 6rederic >. 8eese (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1"7%1"77) James 0. Stra3rid/e (A.B. 1")  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 1"7+%1"7) Stevenson Archer (A.B. 1"9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Mar'*and 1"97%1"7) i**iam >. Armstron/ (A.B. 1"7)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican !enns'*vania 1"9$%1"71) >iester <*'mer (A.B. 1"7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%!enns' (0emocrat%!enns'*vania *vania 1"7+%1""1) <har*es Edard !he*@s (A.B. 1",)  U.S. <on/ressman (<onservative%Mar'*and (<onservative%Mar'*and 1"9%1"9$) <har*es >ai/ht (A.B. 1"7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1"97%1"71) John Ja' Jacson Jr. (A.B. 1")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for est -ir/inia (1"9%1$#1)  Andre 8odd Mc?inne' (A.B. 1"")  U. U.S. S. Attorne' ffor or 8exas (1"71%1"7+) Jose@h i*3erforce Martin (A.B. 1")  U.S. Attorne' for Aransas (1"7%1"79) <har*es >enr' 5uen3er/ (A.B. 1"7)  U.S. Attorne' for the 6irst 0istrict of 5ouisiana (1"99%1"7,) 6urman She@@ard (A.B. 1")  U.S. Attorne' for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1"9"%1"71) John <a*vin 2eed (A.B. 1")  Grand Giant of the ?u ?*ux ?*an in /*ethor@e <ount' Geor/ia (1"9"%1"71) John Mac*ean Jr. (A.B. 1"19)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1"%1"9") James <*are e**in/ (A.B. 1")  !resident of Geor/e ashin/ton Universit' (1"71%1"$)& !resident of St. JohnCs <o**e/e Anna@o*is Mar'*andH (1"97%1"7#) E*ihu S@encer Mi**er (A.B. 1"+9)  !rofessor of 5a at Universit' of !enns'*vania (1",%1"7,)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the <rimean ar (1"+%1"9) and !anic of 1"7 Government fficia*s: Geor/e M. 0a**as (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S. Minister to Great Britain (1"9%1"91) John 6ors'th Jr. (A.B. 1"+,)  U.S. Minister to Mexico (1"9%1"") James Moore a'ne (A.B. 1"#")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"+%1"97)  A*fred ;verson (A.B. (A.B. 1",#)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Geor/ia 1"%1"91) James A*fred !earce (A.B. 1",,)  U.S. Senator (hi/L0emocrat%Mar' (hi/L0emocrat%Mar'*and *and 1"+%1"9,) 5arence . Branch (A.B. 1"+")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4orth <aro*ina 1"%1"91) i**iam G. hite*e' (A.B. 1"+")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%0e*aare 1"7%1"91) i**iam 5eis 0eart (A.B. 1"+$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%!enns'*vania (0emocrat%!enns'*vania 1"7%1"$) >enr' M. 6u**er (A.B. 1"+$)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*vania 1"1%1"+ 1"%1"7) ;saiah 0unn <*ason (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"%1"$) 4athanie* G. 8a'*or (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/LUnionist%8ennessee (hi/LUnionist%8ennessee 1"%1" 1"99%1"97)  A*fred >. <o*Duitt (A.B. 1")  U. U.S. S. <on/ressman (0e (0emocrat%Geor/ia mocrat%Geor/ia 1"+%1") James !o**oc (A.B. 1"+1)  Governor of !enns'*vania (1"%1"") James Booth Jr. (A.B. 1"#")  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 0e*aare (1"1%1") Jose@h >enr' 5um@in (A.B. 1"1$)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of Geor/ia (1"9%1"97) 8homas 2uffin (A.B. 1"#)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4orth <aro*ina (1"++%1"$) i**iam Barc*a' 4a@ton (A.B. 1",9)  Jud/e of the Su@reme <ourt of Missouri (1"+$%1"7) ?ense' Johns Jr. (A.B. 1"1#)  <hance**or of 0e*aare head of eDuit' courtH (1"+,%1"7) 6rancis !. B*air Jr. (A.B. 1"1)  Mem3er of Missouri State >ouse of 2e@resentatives (1",%1"9) John ;. Midd*eton (A.B. 1"1$)  Mem3er of South <aro*ina Assem3*' (1"+$%1"7)& Mem3er of South <aro*ina Senate (1"7%1"")  A*exander Ma'c Ma'c (A.B. 1",#)  Mem3er of the S South outh <aro*ina Senate (1""%1"9 (1""%1"9) ) James <hesnut Jr. (A.B. 1"+)  Mem3er of South <aro*ina Senate (1",%1"") thers: James <arnahan (A.B. 1"##)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1",+%1") John Mac*ean Jr. (A.B. 1"19)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1"%1"9") 8heodore 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 1"#)  !resident of 2ut/ers <o**e/e (1"#%1"9,) Samue* ?enned' 8a*ma/e (A.B. 1",#)  !resident of /*ethor@e Universit' At*anta Geor/iaH (1"1%1"9) i**iam !. 6in*e' (A.B. 1",#)  !resident of <har*eston <o**e/e (1"%1"7) 0anie* Baer (A.B. 1"1)  !resident of Austin <o**e/e 8exasH (1"+%1"7) John Johns (A.B. 1"1)  !resident of <o**e/e of i**iam N Mar' (1"$%1") i**iam Meade (A.B. 1"#")  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of -ir/inia (1"1%1"9,)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the S@anish%American ar (1"$") <hinese Boxer 2e3e**ion (1"$$%1$#1) and Boer ar (1"$$%1$#,) Government fficia*s: Geor/e Gra' (A.B. 1"$)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%0e*aare 1""%1"$$) 2ichard a'ne !arer (A.B. 1"97)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1$11 1$1%1$1$ 1$,1%1$,+) 2ichmond !earson (A.B. 1"7,)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"$%1"$$ 1$##%1$#1) Mah*on !itne' (A.B. 1"7$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1"$$) Geor/e B. Mc<*e**an Jr. (A.B. 1""9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e or 1"$%1$#+) Samue* 2. Gummere (A.B. 1"7#)  U.S. <onsu* Genera* at 8an/ier MoroccoH (1"$"%1$#) John Ja' Jacson Jr. (A.B. 1")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for est -ir/inia (1"9%1$#1) i**iam Ja' Ma/ie (A.B. 1",)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1"$7%1$##) 8homas i*es <o*eman (A.B. 1"+)  Jud/e of the Su@reme <ourt of A*a3ama (1"$#%1$##) thers: John ?. <oen (A.B. 1"99)  !resident of the Ba*timore N hio 2ai*road <o. (1"$9%1$#1) oodro i*son (A.B. 1"7$)  !rofessor of Juris@rudence and !o*itics at !rinceton Universit' (1"$7%1$1#) Geor/e Anderson Mercer (A.B. 1"9)  !resident of Savannah (Geor/ia) Board of Education (1""+%1$#7) i**iam James Mc?ittric (A.B. 1"79)  !astor of <a*var' <hurch in Buffa*o 4e or (1"$%1"$$) i*ton Mer*e%Smith (A.B. 1"77)  !astor of <entra* <hurch in 4e or <it' (1""$%1$,#) Samue* Baird >ue' (A.B. 1"9+)  !resident of !hi*ade*@hia Board of Education (1"""%1$#1)

!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the 2usso%Ja@anese ar (1$#%1$#) Government fficia*s: 2ichard a'ne !arer (A.B. 1"97)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1$11 1$1%1$1$ 1$,1%1$,+) ;ra e**s ood (A.B. 1"77)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1$#%1$1+) Jose@h >o*t Gaines (A.B. 1""9)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%est -ir/inia 1$#1%1$11) 2ichmond !earson (A.B. 1"7,)  U.S. Minister to !ersia (1$#+%1$#7) Samue* 2. Gummere (A.B. 1"7#)  U.S. <onsu* Genera* at 8an/ier MoroccoH (1"$"%1$#) Geor/e Gra' (A.B. 1"$)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit !hi*ade*@hiaH (1"$$%1$1) John Ba'ard Mc!herson (A.B. 1"99)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1"$$%1$1,) John Ja' Jacson Jr. (A.B. 1")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 4orthern 0istrict of  est est -ir/inia (1$#1%1$#) Jose@h <ross (A.B. 1"9)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (March 17 1$#%cto3er ,$ 1$1+)& Mem3er of 4e Jerse' State Senate (1"$$%1$#) Geor/e B. Mc<*e**an Jr. (A.B. 1""9)  Ma'or of 4e or <it' (Januar' 1 1$#%0ecem3er +1 1$#$) 6ran S. ?aten3ach Jr. (A.B. 1""$)  Ma'or of 8renton 4e Jerse' (1$#1%1$#7) i**iam 6ran*in >enne' (A.B. 1"7)  Ma'or of >artford <onnecticut (1$#%1$#") <har*es Andre 8a*cott (A.B. 1"7$)  Ma'or of Utica 4e or (1$#,%1$#9) i**iam S. Gummere (A.B. 1"7#)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1$#1%1$++) Mah*on !itne' (A.B. 1"7$)  Jud/e of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1$#1%1$#") 2o3ert >. Mc<arter (A.B. 1"7$)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1$#+%1$#") thers: oodro i*son (A.B. 1"7$)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1$#,%1$1#) inthro@ More 0anie*s (A.B. 1""")  !rofessor of !o*itica* Econom' at !rinceton Universit' (1"$,%1$11)& !rofessor of 8rans@ortation at a*e Universit' (1$,+%1$#) i**iam Mc?i33in (A.B. 1"9$)  !resident of 5ane 8heo*o/ica* Seminar' in <incinnati hio (1$#%1$,) 6ran*in S@encer S@a*din/ (A.B. 1""7)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of Utah (1$#%1$1) i**iam James Mc?ittric (A.B. 1"79)  !astor of 6irst <hurch in St. 5ouis Missouri (1"$$%1$19) i**iam James 2eid Jr. (A.B. 1"$+)  !astor of 6irst <hurch in !itts3ur/h !enns' !enns'*vania *vania (1$#,%1$+) i*ton Mer*e%Smith (A.B. 1"77)  !astor of <entra* <hurch in 4e or <it' (1""$%1$,#) Graham 5ee (A.B. 1""$)  <hristian Missionar' in !'on/'an/ ?orea (1"$,%1$1,)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ or*d  ar ; (1$1%1$1") and Bo*shevi 2evo*ution (1$17%1$1$) Government fficia*s: oodro i*son (A.B. 1"7$)  !resident of the United States (1$1+%1$,1) Mah*on !itne' (A.B. 1"7$)  Justice of the United States Su@reme <ourt (1$1,%1$,,) <har*es Andre 8a*cott (A.B. 1"7$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic !art'%4e or 1$11%1$1) !eter Jose@h >ami*ton (A.B. 1"7$)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of !uerto 2ico (1$1+%1$,1)  A*fred Sa*em 4i*es (A.B. 1"7$)  Mem3er of the Board of !o*ice <om <ommissioners missioners of B Ba*timore a*timore (1$1,%1$19) <*eve*and >. 0od/e (A.B. 1"7$)  8rustee of <arne/ie Endoment for ;nternationa* !eace (1$1#%1$1$) Geor/e Gra' (A.B. 1"$)  8rustee of <arne/ie Endoment for ;nternationa* !eace (1$1%1$,) >enr' Bur*in/ 8hom@son (B.S. 1"77)  0e@ut' <hairman of the 6edera* 2eserve Ban of !hi*ade*@hia (1$19%1$,) Edard E**iott (A.B. 1"$7)  <*ass < 0irector of the 6edera* 2eserve Ban of San 6rancisco (1$17%1$,#) 2o*and S. Morris (A.B. 1"$9)  U.S. Am3assador to Ja@an (1$17%1$,#) !ost hee*er (A.B. 1"$1)  Secretar' (1$1%1$19) and <ounse*or (1$19%1$17) of the U.S. Em3ass' in 8o'o Ja@an John . Garrett (B.S. 1"$)  U.S. Minister to the 4ether*ands (1$17%1$1$)& U.S. Minister to 5uxem3our/ (1$17%1$1$) <har*es 0en3' Jr. (A.B. 1"",)  U.S. <onsu* Genera* in -ienna (1$#$%1$1)& 0irector Bureau of 6orei/n A/ents ar 8rade Board (1$17)  A*3ert >a*stead (A.B. (A.B. 1""$)  U.S. <onsu* Genera* in -ienna (1$1%1$17)& U.S. <onsu* <onsu* Genera* in Stoc Stocho*m ho*m Seden (Jan. (Jan. 1$1"%Ma' 1$1$) B*air 5ee (A.B. 1""#)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic !art'%Mar'*and 1$1%1$17)  At*ee !omerene (A.B. (A.B. 1"")  U.S. Senator (0emocratic !art'%hio 1$11%1$,+) 2ichard a'ne !arer (A.B. 1"97)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican !art'%4e Jerse' 1"$%1$11 1$1%1$1$ 1$,1%1$,+) 8homas S@encer <ra/o (A.B. 1"$+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican !art'%!enns'*vania !art'%!enns'*vania 1$11%1$1+ 1$1%1$,1 1$,1%1$,+) Geor/e hite (A.B. 1"$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic !art'%hio 1$11%1$1 1$17%1$1$) John Ba'ard Mc!herson (A.B. 1"99)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit !hi*ade*@hiaH (1$1,%1$1$) 2ichard i*de a*er (A.B. 1"77)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 6ifth <ircuit 4e r*eansH (1$1%1$+#) 6rancis 6isher ?ane (A.B. 1""9)  U.S. Attorne' for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$1+%1$,#) i**iam S. Gummere (A.B. 1"7#)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1$#1%1$++) <har*es o*cott !arer (A.B. 1"",)  Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e 4e  Jerse' (1$#7%1$7) John 6*emin/ Main (A.B. 1"$1)  Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of ashin/ton (1$1,%1$,) ;n/ram M. Stain3ac (A.B. 1$#7)  Attorne' Genera* of the 8erritor' of >aaii (1$1%1$17) <har*es Brone (A.B. 1"$9)  Ma'or of !rinceton 4e Jerse' (1$1%1$,+) i**iam 6ran*in >enne' (A.B. 1"7)  Mem3er of the Board of <onnecticut State !o*ice <ommissioners (1$1,%1$,1) inthro@ More 0anie*s (A.B. 1""")  Mem3er of ;nterstate <ommerce <ommission (1$1%1$,+) <o**e/e !rofessors: <har*es A*exander 2ichmond (A.B. 1""+)  !resident of Union <o**e/e (1$#$%1$,") 5ivin/ston 6arrand (A.B. 1""")  !resident of Universit' of <o*orado (1$1%1$1$) Max 6arrand (A.B. 1"$, !h.0. 1"$9)  !rofessor of >istor' at a*e Universit' (1$#"%1$,) >oard <ros3' arren (A.B. 1""$ !h.0. Johns >o@ins 1$17)  !rofessor of !s'cho*o/' at !rinceton Universit' (1$#,%1$+)& Stuart !rofessor of !s'cho*o/' at !rinceton Universit' (1$1%1$+) James 5ee ?auffman (A.B. 1$#")  !rofessor of En/*ish and American 5a at ;m@eria* Universit' in 8o'o Ja@an (1$1+%1$1$) John !reston >osins (A.B. 1"$1)  !rofessor of Germanic 5an/ua/es and 5iterature at !rinceton Universit' (1$1,%1$+)& 0irector of !ro@a/anda 0ivision Bureau of ;nvesti/ation U.S. 0e@t. of Justice (Se@t. 1$1"%Se@t. 1$1$) thers: !au* Matthes (A.B. 1""7)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of 4e Jerse' (1$1%1$+7) i*ton Mer*e%Smith (A.B. 1"77)  !astor of <entra* <hurch in 4e or <it' (1""$%1$,#)  A3ram !iatt Andre Andre Jr. (A.B. 1"$+)  So*dier in the 6rench Arm' and U.S. Arm' Arm' estern 6ront 6 6ranceH ranceH (0ecem3er 1$1%Ma' 1$1$) 2a'mond B. 6osdic (A.B. 1$#)  Mem3er Bureau of Socia* >'/iene (1$1+%1$1)& Mem3er 4e or <it' Board of Education (1$1%1$19) 8imoth' 4ee** !feiffer (A.B. 1$#")  <ounse* of American Socia* >'/iene Association (1$1%1$17) John 6oster 0u**es (A.B. 1$#")  Mem3er of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$11%1$$) Stac' Barcroft 5*o'd (A.B. 1"$")  Assistant Genera* <ounse* of !enns'*van !enns'*vania ia 2ai*road (1$#9%1$,1) John 5ee 8i*ds*e' (A.B. 1"$+ !h.0. >a**e German'H 1"$")  Associate (1$19%1$,#) and Assistant (1$,#%1$+7) Su@erintendent of Schoo*s of 4e or <it'


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ or*d ar  ar ;; (1$+$%1$) Government fficia*s: John . Garrett (B.S. 1"$)  U.S. Am3assador to 6ascist ;ta*' (1$,$%1$++) Brecinrid/e 5on/ (A.B. 1$#)  U.S. Am3assador to 6ascist ;ta*' (1$++%1$+9) John -an A. MacMurra' (A.B. 1$#, M.A. 1$#7)  U.S. Am3assador to 8ure' (1$+9%1$1)& U.S. Minister to <hina (1$,%1$,$) 4orman Armour (A.B. 1$#$)  U.S. Am3assador to Ar/entina (1$+$%1$) i**iam A. Edd' (5itt.B. 1$17 !h.0. 1$,,)  U.S. Minister to Saudi Ara3ia (1$%1$9) James rr 0en3' (A.B. 1$1$)  U.S. <onsu* in <a@e 8on South Africa (1$+9%1$+) >oard A*exander Smith (A.B. 1$#1)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1$%1$$) 2a*@h A3erneth' Gam3*e (A.B. 1$#$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or 1$+7%1$7) John <ar* i**iams  i**iams >insha (A.B. 1$19)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%<a*ifornia 1$+$%1$9) Michae* A*o'sius 6ei/han (A.B. 1$,7& 55.B. >arvard 1$+1)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%hio 1$+%1$71) 2o/er <a*de** S*au/hter (A.B. 1$,")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Missouri 1$+%1$7) ;n/ram M. Stain3ac (A.B. 1$#7)  Governor of the 8erritor' of >aaii (1$,%1$1) 8hurman es*e' Arno*d (A.B. 1$11)  Assistant U.S. Attorne' Genera* (1$+"%1$+)& Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 0istrict of <o*um3ia <ircuit (1$+%1$) 2o3ert A*exander ;nch (A.B. 1"$)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of 4e or (1$,%1$") Shace*ford Mi**er Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the estern 0istrict of ?entuc' (1$+$%1$) <har*es o*cott !arer (A.B. 1"",)  Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e 4e  Jerse' (1$#7%1$7) Baners: Gordon S. 2entsch*er (A.B. 1$#7)  <hairman of the 3oard of 4ationa* <it' Ban of 4e or (1$#%1$") >aro*d >. >e*m (A.B. 1$,#)  -ice !resident of <hemica* Ban (1$,$%1$9) !err' E. >a** (5itt.B. 1$17)  6oundin/ !artner of Mor/an Stan*e' N <o.& -ice !resident of Mor/an Stan*e' N <o. (1$+%1$1) Maurice Me'er Jr. (A.B. 1$+1)  !artner of >irsch N <o. investment 3an in 4e or <it'H (1$+"%1$9$) Businessmen: 6rederic B. 2entsch*er (B.S. 1$#$)  former <hairman of United Aircraft <or@.& 3rother of Gordon S. 2entsch*er  >arve' S. 6irestone Jr. (A.B. 1$,#)  !resident of 6irestone 8ire N 2u33er <o. (1$1%1$") 2a*@h Gin 6o**is (B.S. 1$,)  -ice !resident of Standard i* <o. of <a*ifornia <hevronH (1$,%1$) James <. 0onne** ;; (A.B. 1$+,)  -ice !resident of Marathon i* <o. (1$+7%1$") a*ter 5athro@ Johnson (A.B. 1"$7)  Governor of 4e or Stoc Exchan/e (1$,1%1$+")& !artner of Shearson >ammi** N <o. 3roers (1$#7%1$99) Geor/e . !erins Jr. (5itt.B. 1$17)  Executive -ice !resident and 8reasurer of Merc N <o. (1$,7%1$") 2o/er i**iams Straus (5itt.B. 1$1+)  !resident of American Sme*tin/ N 2efinin/ <o. (1$1%1$7) 5a'ers:  A**en . 0u**es (A.B. (A.B. 1$1)  Me Mem3er m3er of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it' <it'HH (1$,9%1$1 1$9,%1$9$)& 0irecto 0irectorr of the <ounci* on 6orei/n 2e*ations (1$,7%1$9$)& SS a/ent durin/ or*d ar ;; John 6oster 0u**es (A.B. 1$#")  Mem3er of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$11%1$$) 0avid 2. >ains (5itt.B. 1$1& 55.B. >arvard 1$,1)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$,7%1$9)  A*3ert G. Mi*3an Mi*3an (A.B. 1"$9)  Mem3er of Mi*3an 8eed >ad*e' N Mc<*o' *a fi firm rm in 4e or <it <it'H 'H durin/ or*d ar ;; i**iam 0ason Gai**ard Jr. (A.B. 1$,9 55.B. >arvard 1$,$)  !artner of Mi*3an 8eed >ad*e' N Mc<*o' (1$+"%1$7) 0ona*d <. Sat*and (A.B. 1$19)  !artner of <ravath Saine N Moore *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$,9%1$, 1$%1$9,)  Au/ustine 5eftich 5eftich >umes (A.B. 1"$9& 55.B. >arvard 1" 1"$$) $$)  Mem3er of >ume >umes s Smith N Andres *a fir firm m in 4e or <it'H <it'H (1$1$%1$,) John Marsha** >ar*an ;; (A.B. 1$,#)  Mem3er of 2oot Ba**antine >ar*an Bush3' N !a*mer *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$+1%1$) i**iam <ochran 6itts Jr. (A.B. 1$,7& 55.B. a*e 1$,$)  So*icitor of 8ennessee -a**e' Authorit' (1$+7%1$+$)& Genera* <ounse* and Secretar' of 8ennessee -a**e' Authorit' (1$+$%1$) Journa*ists: 0avid 5arence (A.B. 1$1#)  !resident and Editor of United States News nes@a@er News nes@a@er in ashin/ton  ashin/ton 0.<.H (1$++%1$") James >. McGra Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  <hairman of the 3oard of McGra%>i** !u3*ishin/ <o. (1$+%1$#) >ami*ton 6ish Armstron/ (A.B. 1$19)  Editor of Foreign Affairs ma/aine Affairs ma/aine (1$,"%1$7,) <har*es 0ou/*as Jacson (A.B. 1$,)  Genera* Mana/er Life Life ma/aine  ma/aine (1$+7%)& 0e@ut' <hief of !s'cho*o/ica* arfare S>AE6 (1$%) !rofessors and r/aniation Executives: Everett 4. <ase (A.B. 1$,,)  !resident of <o*/ate Universit' (1$,%1$9,) James M. 5andis (A.B. 1$,1)  0ean of >arvard 5a Schoo* (1$+7%1$9) Jose@h 2. Stra'er (A.B. 1$, !h.0. >arvard 1$+#)  !rofessor of >istor' at !rinceton Universit' (1$,%1$7+) 2a'mond B. 6osdic (A.B. 1$#& M.A. 1$#9)  !resident of 8he 2ocefe**er 6oundation (1$+9%1$") John 0. 2ocefe**er ;;; (B.S. 1$,$)  !resident of 2ocefe**er Brothers 6und (1$#%1$9) Broos Emen' (A.B. 1$,)  !resident of <ounci* on or*d Affairs (1$+%1$7) 2o3ertson 0i/ht ard (B.S. 1$,9)  8reasurer of <arne/ie <or@oration of 4e or (1$+%1$,)& Assistant to the !resident of 6ree@ort% Su*@hur <o. (1$,%1$7)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the ;srae*i ar  ar of ;nde@endence (1$"%1$$) ?orean ar (1$#%1$+) Second <hinese <ivi* ar (1$%1$$) and 6rench ;ndochina ar (1$%1$) Government fficia*s: 0r. S'n/man 2hee (!h.0. 1$1#)  !resident of the 2e@u3*ic of ?orea South ?oreaH (1$"%1$9#) John 6oster 0u**es (A.B. 1$#")  U.S. Secretar' of State (1$+%1$$)& <hairman of 8he 2ocefe**er 6oundation (1$#%1$,)  A**en . 0u**es (A.B. (A.B. 1$1)  0e@ut 0e@ut' ' 0irector of <ent <entra* ra* ;nte**i/ence A/ A/enc' enc' (1$1%1$+)& 0irector of <entra* ;nte**i/ence ;nte**i/ence A/enc' (1$+%1$91) 5'man Bicford ?ir@atric Jr. (A.B. 1$+")  0ivision <hief of <entra* ;nte**i/ence A/enc' (1$7%1$#)& Assistant 0irector of <entra* ;nte**i/ence A/enc' (1$#%1$+) 6ran !ace Jr. (A.B. 1$++ M.A. 1$#)  Secretar' of the Arm' (1$#%1$+) Geor/e 6. ?ennan (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Am3assador to the Soviet Union (Ma' 1 1$,%Se@tem3er 1$ 1$,) . a*ton Butterorth (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Am3assador to Seden (1$#%1$+) Jose@h <. Green (A.B. 1$#")  U.S. Am3assador to Jordan (1$,%1$+) Edard S. <rocer (A.B. 1$1")  U.S. Am3assador to ;raD (1$$%1$,) Edin A**an 5i/htner Jr. (A.B. 1$+#)  0e@ut' <hief of Mission and <ounse*or of American Em3ass' in South ?orea (1$1%1$+) <har*es 0ou/*as <.0.H Jacson (A.B. 1$,)  S@ecia* Assistant to the !resident of the United States (1$,%1$+) >. 6reeman Matthes (A.B. 1$,1)  0e@ut' Under U.S. Secretar' of State (1$#%1$+) Geor/e . !erins Jr. (5itt.B. 1$17)  Assistant U.S. Secretar' of State for Euro@ean Affairs (1$$%1$+) Edard . Barrett (A.B. 1$+,)  Assistant U.S. Secretar' of State for !u3*ic Affairs (1$#%1$,) >oard A*exander Smith (A.B. 1$#1)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1$%1$$) 2a*@h A3erneth' Gam3*e (A.B. 1$#$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or 1$+7%1$7) John <ar* i**iams  i**iams >insha (A.B. 1$19)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%<a*ifornia 1$+$%1$9) Michae* A*o'sius 6ei/han (A.B. 1$,7& 55.B. >arvard 1$+1)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%hio 1$+%1$71) Baners and Businessmen: 6rederic >. ?in/s3ur' Jr. (A.B. 1$,$)  !artner of Bron Brothers >arriman N <o. 3an in 4e or <it'H (1$$%1$"$) >aro*d >. >e*m (A.B. 1$,#)  !resident of <hemica* Ban 3an in 4e or <it'H (1$7%1$) >arve' S. 6irestone Jr. (A.B. 1$,#)  <hairman and <E of 6irestone 8ire N 2u33er <o. (1$"%1$9+) 2a*@h Gin 6o**is (B.S. 1$,)  <hairman of the 3oard of Standard i* <o. of <a*ifornia <hevronH (1$#%1$99) James <. 0onne** ;; (A.B. 1$+,)  !resident of Marathon i* <o. (1$"%1$7,) 2o3ertson 0i/ht ard (B.S. 1$,9)  8reasurer of J.>.  hitne' N <o. 4e or <it'H (1$7%1$,)& !artner of J.>. hitne' N <o. 4e or <it'H (1$+%1$97) scar S. Straus ;; (A.B. 1$+9)  0irector of American Sme*tin/ N 2efinin/ <o. (1$%1$$) 2o/er i**iams Straus (5itt.B. 1$1+)  <hairman of the 3oard of American Sme*tin/ N 2efinin/ <o. (1$7%1$7) a*ter 5athro@ Johnson (A.B. 1"$7)  !artner of Shearson >ammi** N <o. 3roers (1$#7%1$99) 5a'ers: 0avid 2. >ains (5itt.B. 1$1& 55.B. >arvard 1$,1)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$,7%1$9) i**iam !ie* Jr. (A.B. 1$+,& 55.B. >arvard 1$+)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$%1$"#) 0ou/*as B. Steim*e (A.B. 1$,)  !artner of Shearman N Ster*in/ *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$%c.1$"#) i**iam 0ason Gai**ard Jr. (A.B. 1$,9 55.B. >arvard 1$,$)  !artner of Mi*3an 8eed >ad*e' N Mc<*o' *a firmH (1$+"%1$7) 0ona*d <. Sat*and (A.B. 1$19)  !artner of <ravath Saine N Moore *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$,9%1$, 1$%1$9,) John Marsha** >ar*an ;; (A.B. 1$,#)  Mem3er of 2oot Ba**antine >ar*an Bush3' N !a*mer *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$+1%1$)  Au/ustine 5eftich 5eftich >umes (A.B. 1"$9& 55.B. >arvard 1" 1"$$) $$)  Mem3er of >ume >umes s Smith N Andres *a fir firm m in 4e or <it'H <it'H (1$1$%1$,) thers: i**iam E. Stevenson (A.B. 1$,,)  !resident of 3er*in <o**e/e (1$9%1$$) Jose@h 2. Stra'er (A.B. 1$, !h.0. >arvard 1$+#)  !rofessor of >istor' at !rinceton Universit' (1$,%1$7+) 0avid 5arence (A.B. 1$1#)  !resident and Editor of U.S. News # World !e"ort  ma/aineH  ma/aineH (1$"%1$$) >ami*ton 6ish Armstron/ (A.B. 1$19)  Editor of Foreign Affairs ma/aine Affairs ma/aine (1$,"%1$7,) Broos Emen' (A.B. 1$,)  !resident of 6orei/n !o*ic' Association (1$7%1$+) John 0. 2ocefe**er ;;; (B.S. 1$,$)  !resident of 2ocefe**er Brothers 6und (1$#%1$9) Edard 2ando*@h e**es (A.B. 1$,")  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of est Missouri (1$#%1$7,) 6rederic G. eir (A.B. 1$,")  Mem3er of !itts3ur/h <it' <ounci* (1$7%1$$)& 0e@ut' Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (1$+%1$+")


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the -ietnam ar  ar (1$9%1$7+) Government fficia*s: 4icho*as deB. ?aten3ach (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Attorne' Genera* (1$9%1$99)& Under U.S. Secretar' of State (1$99%1$9$) i**iam E. <o*3' (A.B. 1$#)  <entra* ;nte**i/ence A/enc' (<;A) <hief of 6ar East 0ivision (1$9,%1$97) 5'man Bicford ?ir@atric Jr. (A.B. 1$+")  ;ns@ector Genera* of <entra* ;nte**i/ence A/enc' (1$+%1$91)& Executive 0irector of <entra* ;nte**i/ence A/enc' (1$9,%1$9)& !rofessor of !o*itica* Science at Bron Universit' (1$9%c.1$"#) Geor/e !. Shu*t (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Secretar' of 5a3or (1$9$%1$7#)& Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1$7,%1$7)& 0irector of ffice of Mana/ement and Bud/et (1$7#%1$7,)& 0ean of the Graduate Schoo* of Business at Universit' of <hica/o (1$9,%1$9") !au* A. -o*cer (A.B. 1$$)  Under Secretar' of the 8reasur' for Monetar' Affairs (1$9$%1$7)& -ice !resident of <hase Manhattan Ban (1$9%1$9") 6red Burton Smith (A.B. 1$+7)  Assistant Genera* <ounse* of the 8reasur' 0e@artment (1$$%1$9,)& 0e@ut' Genera* <ounse* of the 8reasur' 0e@artment (1$9,%1$99)& Genera* <ounse* of the 8reasur' 0e@artment (1$99%1$9$) Martin 2ichard >offmann (A.B. 1$)  Genera* <ounse* of Atomic Ener/' <ommission (1$71%1$7+)& Genera* <ounse* of U.S. 0e@artment of 0efense (1$7%1$7)  Arthur E. >ess (A.B. 1$+")  0e@ut 0e@ut' ' <ommissioner of Socia* Sec Securit' urit' Administ Administration ration (1$97%1$7)  Arthur S'*vester S'*vester (A.B. 1$,+)  A Assistant ssistant U. U.S. S. Secretar' o off 0efense for ! !u3*ic u3*ic Affairs (1$91%1$97) >ar*an <*eve*and (A.B. 1$+")  U.S. 2e@resentative to 4A8 (1$9%1$9$) Jaco3 0. Beam (A.B. 1$,$)  U.S. Am3assador to <echos*ovaia (1$99%1$9$)& U.S. Am3assador to the Soviet Union (1$9$%1$7+) . a*ton Butterorth (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Am3assador to <anada (1$9,%1$9")  Ado*@h . Schmidt Schmidt (A.B. 1$,9)  U.S. Am3ass Am3assador ador to <anada (1$9$%1$7) She*3' <u**om 0avis (A.B. 1$+#)  U.S. Am3assador to Siter*and (1$9$%1$7) 8'*er 8hom@son (A.B. 1$+#)  U.S. Am3assador to 6in*and (1$9%1$9$) G. Mennen i**iams (A.B. 1$++)  U.S. Am3assador to the !hi*i@@ines (1$9"%1$9$)  Aaron S. Bron (A.B. (A.B. 1$+)  U.S. Am3assador to 4ic 4icara/ua ara/ua (1$91%1$97) 2ichard >a**oc 0avis (A.B. 1$+ M.B.A. >arvard 1$+7)  U.S. Am3assador to 2omania (1$9%1$9$) 4icho*as G. 8hacher (A.B. 1$+7)  U.S. Am3assador to Saudi Ara3ia (1$7#%1$7+) 6ind*e' Burns Jr. (A.B. 1$+$)  U.S. Am3assador to Jordan (1$99%1$97)& U.S. Am3assador to Ecuador (1$7#%1$7+) 2o3ert >. McBride (A.B. 1$#)  U.S. Am3assador to Faire (1$97%1$9$)& U.S. Am3assador to Mexico (1$9$%1$7) >oard 8rivers (A.B. 1$+#& !h.0. >arvard 1$1)  U.S. <onsu* Genera* in Furich Siter*and (1$99%1$9$) <*ai3orne !e** (A.B. 1$#)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%2hode ;s*and 1$91%1$$7) Michae* A*o'sius 6ei/han (A.B. 1$,7)  Mem3er of the U.S. >ouse of 2e@resentatives (0emocrat%hi (0emocrat%hio o 1$+%1$71) !eter >.B. 6re*in/hu'sen Jr. (A.B. 1$+")  Mem3er of the U.S. >ouse of 2e@resentatives (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' Jerse' 1$+%1$7) tis Gre' !ie (A.B. 1$9)  Mem3er of the U.S. >ouse of 2e@resentatives (0emocrat%4e or 1$91%1$7$) i**iam 6itts 2'an (A.B. 1$7)  Mem3er of the U.S. >ouse of 2e@resentatives (0emocrat%4e or 1$91%1$7,) 0ona*d >. 2umsfe*d (A.B. 1$)  Mem3er of the U.S. >ouse of 2e@resentatives (2e@u3*ican%;**inois 1$9+%1$9$) 5unsford 2ichardson !re'er (A.B. 1$1)  Mem3er of the U.S. >ouse of 2e@resentatives (0emocrat%4orth <aro*ina 1$9$%1$"1) !au* Sar3anes (A.B. 1$)  Mem3er of the U.S. >ouse of 2e@resentatives (0emocrat%Mar' (0emocrat%Mar'*and *and 1$71%1$77)  Arthur G*enn Andres Andres (A.B. 1$+1)  Mem3er Mem3er of the U.S. >ouse of 2e@resent 2e@resentatives atives (2e@u3*ican%A (2e@u3*ican%A*a3ama *a3ama 1$9%1$97) John Marsha** >ar*an (A.B. 1$,#)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1$%1$71) 6rancis 5. -an 0usen (A.B. 1$+)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit !hi*ade*@hiaH (1$97%1$77) >aro*d 2. 8'*er Jr. (A.B. 1$+)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or 4e or <it'H (1$9,%1$7) hitne' 4orth Se'mour Jr. (A.B. 1$7)  U.S. Attorne' for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$7#%1$7+) Jon rmond 4eman (A.B. 1$+)  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of <onnecticut (1$9%1$9$) 0ee' 6. Bart*ett (A.B. 1$,)  Governor of *ahoma (1$97%1$71) Ben=amin 2o*ands Jones (A.B. 1$,7)  Justice of the !enns'*vania Su@reme <ourt (1$7%1$7,) Baners: John 5. ein3er/ (A.B. 1$7)  !artner of Go*dman Sachs N <o. (1$9%1$$#) 6rederic >. ?in/s3ur' Jr. (A.B. 1$,$)  !artner of Bron Brothers >arriman N <o. (1$$%1$"$) scar S. Straus ;; (A.B. 1$+9)  !artner of Gu//enheim Brothers (1$$%1$"+) 0ona*d <. !*atten (A.B. 1$#)  Executive -ice !resident of <hemica* Ban (1$97%1$7#) 2ichard ?ni/ht 5eB*ond ;; (A.B. 1$)  Executive -ice !resident (1$9"%1$7+) and -ice <hairman (1$7+%1$") of <hemica* Ban Gi*3ert . 6ithu/h (B.S. 1$+#)  <hairman and <E of Metro@o*itan 5ife ;nsurance <o. (1$99%1$7+) . 2anin 6ure' (A.B. 1$,,)  !resident of Bershire 5ife ;nsurance <o. MassachusettsH (1$%1$97) Ed/ar Geor/e Gordon (A.B. 1$7 J.0. >arvard 1$#)  -ice !resident of <it' 4ationa* Ban in 0etroit (1$9$%c.1$",) i**iam Green 6ou*e (A.B. 1$+)  <hairman (1$9$%1$7) and !resident (1$9%1$9$) of !rovident 4ationa* Ban !hi*ade*@hiaH >enr' <har*es Barhorn (A.B. 1$+9)  8reasurer of Mutua* 5ife ;nsurance <om@an' of 4e or (1$9+%1$7+)& -ice !resident for securities investment at Mutua* 5ife ;nsurance <om@an' of 4e or (1$9+%1$7+)& -ice !resident of <hase Manhattan Ban (1$7%1$7$) Maurice Me'er Jr. (A.B. 1$+1)  !artner of >irsch N <o. investment 3an in 4e or <it'H (1$+"%1$9$) ?enneth <had3ourne >eitt (A.B. 1$+)  Senior -ice !resident of Me**on 4ationa* Ban N 8rust <o. (1$9%1$7,) Businessmen: 2a*@h Mannin/ Bron Jr. (A.B. 1$+9)  <hairman of the 3oard and <E of 4e or 5ife ;nsurance <o. (1$7,%1$"1)& !resident of 4e or 5ife ;nsurance <o. (1$9$%1$7,)& Executive -ice !resident of 4e or 5ife ;nsurance <o. (1$9,%1$9$) Geor/e !o**oc Jenins (A.B. 1$+9 M.B.A. >arvard 1$+") <hairman of the 3oard of Metro@o*itan 5ife ;nsurance <o. 4e or <it'H (1$7+% 1$"#)& -ice <hairman of Metro@o*itan 5ife ;nsurance <o. 4e or <it'H (1$9$%1$7+) 2a*ei/h arner Jr. (A.B. 1$+)  !resident (1$9%1$9$) and <hairman and <E (1$9$%1$"9) of Mo3i* i* <or@. 2a*@h Gin 6o**is (B.S. 1$,)  <hairman of the 3oard of Standard i* <o. of <a*ifornia <hevronH (1$#%1$99)


James <. 0onne** ;; (A.B. 1$+,)  !resident of Marathon i* <o. (1$"%1$7,) 6ran !ace Jr. (A.B. 1$++ M.A. 1$#)  <hairman of the !u3*ic Broadcastin/ <or@oration (1$9"%1$7,) John 8. 0orrance Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  <hairman of the 3oard of <am@3e** Sou@ <o. (1$9,%1$")  A*fred J. Stoe*' Stoe*' (A.B. 1$ 1$+") +")  !resident (1$9#%1$7") a and nd <E (1$9%1$"1) of Stoe*' Stoe*' -an <am@ ;nc. food c com@an'H om@an'H Ben=amin >udson Mi*ner (A.B. 1$+")  !resident of 5ouisvi**e Gas N E*ectric <o. 5ouisvi**e ?entuc'H (1$9+%1$7") i**iam >. 6ran*in (A.B. 1$+1)  !resident of <ater@i**ar 8ractor <o. (1$99%1$7,)& <hairman of the 3oard of <ater@i**ar 8ractor <o. (1$7,% 1$7)& 0e@ut' <hairman (1$7#%1$7,) and <hairman (1$7+%1$7) of the 6edera* 2eserve Ban of <hica/o 6arish A*ston Jenins (A.B. 1$+")  -ice !resident of <ommunications at 4a3isco ;nc. (1$9%1$9$) i**ard 2o3ert i/*e' (A.B. 1$,) !artner of E.6. >utton N <o. ;nc. 0a**as 8exasH (1$+%c.1$"9) >enr' <*a' Moses (A.B. 1$+"& 55.B. >arvard 1$1)  Genera* <ounse* of Mo3i* i* <o. (1$$%1$9,)& -ice !resident of Socon' Mo3i* i* <o. (1$9+%1$7+) S'*vanus Arno*d Fimmerman (A.B. 1$,& 55.B. >arvard 1$")  -ice !resident and Secretar' of Avon !roducts ;nc. cosmetic com@an' in 4e or <it'H (1$7%1$7+)& -ice !resident and Genera* <ounse* of Avon !roducts ;nc. (1$7+%c.1$",) 2ona*d 5. Marschin/ (A.B. 1$#)  Genera* <ounse* of 8imex <or@. (1$97%1$"9) 2o/er <ar*'*e Smith (A.B. 1$#& M.B.A. >arvard 1$,)  8reasurer of Motoro*a ;nc. (1$9%1$71) 5a'ers:  A**en . 0u**es (A.B. (A.B. 1$1)  Me Mem3er m3er of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it' <it'HH (1$,9%1$1 1$9,%1$9$)& 0irecto 0irectorr of the <ounci* on 6orei/n 2e*ations (1$,7%1$9$) John 2. Stevenson (A.B. 1$,)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$9%1$9$ 1$7%1$"7) i**iam !ie* Jr. (A.B. 1$+,& 55.B. >arvard 1$+)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$%1$"#) Stuart i*son a*er 8ha'er (A.B. 1$7& 55.B. a*e 1$1)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$9#%1$$,) 0ou/*as B. Steim*e (A.B. 1$,)  !artner of Shearman N Ster*in/ *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$%c.1$"#) i**iam 0ason Gai**ard Jr. (A.B. 1$,9 55.B. >arvard 1$,$)  !artner of Mi*3an 8eed >ad*e' N Mc<*o' *a firm in 4<H (1$+"%1$7) John 4. ;rin ;; (A.B. 1$+7)  !artner of !atterson Be*na@ N e33 *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$#%1$7 1$91%1$7# 1$7%1$77)& 0e@ut' U.S. Secretar' of State (1$7,%1$7+) 2ichard G. Mc<*un/ (A.B. 1$+& 55.B. a*e 1$+$)  !artner of <arter 5ed'ard N Mi*3urn *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$"%c. 1$"#) Marsha** Simonds (A.B. 1$,)  !artner of Goodin !rocter N >oar *a firm in BostonH (1$9%c.1$$$) <o**e/e !residents and !rofessors: 2o3ert 6. Goheen (A.B. 1$#& !h.0. 1$")  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1$7%1$7,) James ;s3e** Armstron/ (A.B. 1$1 !h.0. 1$$)  !resident of Midd*e3ur' <o**e/e (1$9+%1$7) James M. >ester (A.B. 1$)  !resident of 4e or Univ. (1$9,%1$7)& <*ass < 0irector 6edera* 2eserve Ban of 4e or (1$9%1$7#) Jose@h A*exander ?ersha (A.B. 1$+& !h.0. <o*um3ia 1$7)  !rovost of i**iams <o**e/e (1$9+%1$9") Edard . Barrett (A.B. 1$+,)  0ean of Graduate Schoo* of Journa*ism at <o*um3ia Universit' (1$9%1$9") Edmund A. Gu**ion (A.B. 1$+)  0ean of 6*etcher Schoo* of 5a 5a  and 0i@*omac' at 8ufts Universit' (1$9%1$7$) >arrison Shu** (A.B. 1$+)  0ean of the Graduate Schoo* at ;ndiana Universit' (1$9%1$7,) 2o3ert Bernard e//e (A.B. 1$9)  0ean of Universit' of 0enver <o**e/e of 5a (1$9%1$77) Jose@h 2. Stra'er (A.B. 1$, !h.0. >arvard 1$+#)  !rofessor of >istor' at !rinceton Universit' (1$,%1$7+) Edard 0ud*e' >ume Johnson (A.B. 1$+)  !rofessor of En/*ish at !rinceton Universit' (1$91%1$77) James ard Smith (A.B. 1$+"& !h.0. 1$,)  !rofessor of !hi*oso@h' at !rinceton Universit' (1$9+%c.1$79) tto Ecstein (A.B. 1$1 !h.0. >arvard 1$)  !rofessor of Economics at >arvard Universit' (1$9+%1$")& Mem3er of the <ounci* of Economic Advisers (1$9%1$99) r/aniation Executives: >ami*ton 6ish Armstron/ (A.B. 1$19)  0irector of the <ounci* on 6orei/n 2e*ations (1$,"%1$7,) Geor/e 6. ?ennan (A.B. 1$,)  Mem3er of the <ounci* on 6orei/n 2e*ations& E*der statesman Everett 4. <ase (A.B. 1$,,)  !resident of A*fred !. S*oan 6oundation (1$9,%1$9") i**iam E. Stevenson (A.B. 1$,,)  !resident of As@en ;nstitute of >umanistic StudiesH (1$97%1$7#) >enr' 2. 5a3ouisse (A.B. 1$,9)  Executive 0irector of U4;<E6 (1$9%1$7$) John 0. 2ocefe**er ;;; (B.S. 1$,$)  <hairman of 8he 2ocefe**er 6oundation (1$,%1$71) 5aurence S. 2ocefe**er (A.B. 1$+,)  <hairman of 2ocefe**er <enter ;nc. (1$+%1$9 1$"%1$99) Jose@h Ma'one St'cos (A.B. 1$7 !h.0. <o*um3ia 1$)  Mem3er of the executive committee of ;nternationa* !*anned !arenthood 6ederation estern >emis@hereH (1$9%1$71)& !rofessor of Socio*o/' at <orne** Universit' (1$9+%c.1$$,) <har*es >er3ert Barro (A.B. 1$,)  8reasurer (1$9"%1$71) and !resident (1$7,%1$7+) of !*anned !arenthood Associati Association on of <hica/o& Senior -ice !resident of 4orthern 8rust <o. 3anin/ firm in <hica/oH (1$9"%) thers: John B. aes (A.B. 1$+)  Editoria* !a/e Editor of The New York Times (1$91%1$77) Times (1$91%1$77) i**iam A**en 2usher (A.B. 1$+)  !u3*isher of National !e$iew  ma/aine  ma/aine (1$7%1$"") 0avid 5arence (A.B. 1$1#)  <hairman of the 3oard and Editor of U.S. News # World !e"ort  (1$$%1$7+)  (1$$%1$7+) 6ran <. 4orris (A.B. 1$,$)  Senior Editor of Newsweek  ma/aine  ma/aine (1$%1$97) 2icardo An/e*o Mestres (A.B. 1$+1)  8reasurer of !rinceton Universit' (1$+%1$7,) <'rus >a** Adams ;;; (A.B. 1$+1)  Mem3er of <hica/o Board of Education (0ec. 1$9+%Ma' 1$9") Edard 2ando*@h e**es (A.B. 1$,")  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of the 0iocese of est Missouri (1$#%1$7,) >enr' ees 8rim3*e Jr. (A.B. 1$,)  Genera* <ounse* and Secretar' of ;nternationa* Business Machines (;BM) (1$9%1$7#)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the Soviet%Af/han ar (1$7$%1$"$) ;ran%;raD ar (1$"#%1$"") and 4icara/uan <ivi* ar (1$7$%1$$#) Government fficia*s: Geor/e !. Shu*t (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Secretar' of State (1$",%1$"$) James A. Baer ;;; (A.B. 1$,)  Secretar' of the 8reasur' (1$"%1$"")& hite >ouse <hief of Staff (1$"1%1$" 1$$,%1$$+) 6ran <. <ar*ucci (A.B. 1$,)  0e@ut' 0irector of <entra* ;nte**i/ence A/enc' (1$7"%1$"1)& 0e@ut' Secretar' of 0efense (1$"1%1$"+)& 4ationa* Securit' Advisor (1$"9%1$"7)& U.S. Secretar' of 0efense (1$"7%1$"$) <har*es 6ried (A.B. 1$9)  So*icitor Genera* of the United States (1$"%1$"$) i**iam 0. 2uce*shaus (A.B. 1$7)  Administrator of Environmenta* !rotection A/enc' (1$7#%1$7+ 1$"+%1$") Bevis 5on/streth (B.S. 1$9)  <ommissioner of Securities and Exchan/e <ommission (1$"1%1$") en . 2o3erts (A.B. 1$")  U.S. Am3assador to 8o/o (1$"%1$"9) 5eon Jerome ei* (A.B. 1$$)  U.S. Am3assador to 4e@a* (1$"%1$"7) 2o3ert -. ?ee*e' (A.B. 1$1)  U.S. Am3assador to Fim3a3e (1$"#%1$")& U.S. Am3assador to Greece (1$"%1$"$) 2o/er ?ir (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Am3assador to Soma*ia (1$7+%1$7)& U.S. Am3assador to 2omania (1$"%1$"$) >. A**en >o*mes (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Am3assador to !ortu/a* (1$",%1$")& Assistant Secretar' of State for !o*itica*%Mi*itar' Affairs (1$"%1$"$) 8homas 0avid Bo'att (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Am3assador to Burina 6aso (1$7"%1$"#)& U.S. Am3assador to <o*om3ia (1$"#%1$"+) <har*es . Bra' ;;; (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Am3assador to Sene/a* (1$"1%1$")  Anthon' <.E. Iuainton (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Am3assador to 4icara/ua (1$",%1$")& U.S. Am3assador to ?uait (1$"%1$"7) J. Sta@*eton 2o' (A.B. 1$9)  U.S. Am3assador to Sin/a@ore (1$"%1$"9) !eter Jon 0e -os (A.B. 1$9#)  U.S. Am3assador to Guinea%Bissau (1$"#%1$"+)& U.S. Am3assador to Moam3iDue (1$"+%1$"7) 6ran G. isner ;; (A.B. 1$91)  U.S. Am3assador to Fam3ia (1$7$%1$",)& U.S. Am3assador to E/'@t (1$"9%1$$1) <*ai3orne !e** (A.B. 1$#)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%2hode ;s*and 1$91%1$$7) !au* Sar3anes (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Mar'*and 1$77%,##7) John <. 0anforth (A.B. 1$")  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1$79%1$$) <hristo@her S. ?itK Bond (A.B. 1$9#)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1$"7%,#11)& Governor of Missouri (1$7+%1$77 1$"1%1$") Bi** Brad*e' (A.B. 1$9)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1$7$%1$$7) James Mc<*ure <*are (A.B. 1$+$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4orth <aro*ina 1$"+%1$" 1$"7%1$$1) Michae* 5athro@ Stran/ (A.B. 1$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%<o*orado 1$"%1$"7) <*eve*and ?eith Benedict (A.B. 1$$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%est -ir/inia 1$"1%1$"+) Edin -an 'c Fschau (A.B. 1$91)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%<a*ifornia 1$"+%1$"7) James A.S. 5each (A.B. 1$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%;oa 1$77%,##7) 8homas ?ean (A.B. 4e Jerse' (1$",%1$$#) !eter !. Smith (A.B. 1$7) 1$9")  Governor 5ieutenantofGovernor of -ermont (1$"+%1$"9) i**iam >er3ert >udnut ;;; (A.B. 1$)  Ma'or of ;ndiana@o*is ;ndiana (1$79%1$$1) Iueen 4oor of Jordan 5isa >a*a3'H (A.B. 1$7)  Iueen of 8he >ashemite ?in/dom of Jordan i**iam A*3ert 4orris (A.B. 1$1)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 4inth <ircuit (1$"#%1$$) i**iam 5ochart Garood (A.B. 1$,)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 6ifth <ircuit (1$"1%1$$7) Jon rmond 4eman (A.B. 1$+)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit 4e or <it'H (1$7$%1$$7) a*ter ?in/ Sta@*eton (A.B. 1$9)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit !hi*ade*@hiaH (1$"%1$$$)& <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 0e*aare (1$"+%1$") 8homas 2o3erts McMi**en (A.B. 1$+")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 4orthern 0istrict of ;**inois <hica/oH (1$71%1$") James 5evin 5atchum (A.B. 1$#)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 0e*aare (1$9"%1$"+) -incent 5'ons Broderic (A.B. 1$1)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$79%1$"") John 6rancis Gerr' (A.B. 1$#)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$7%1$$)& <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$"7%1$$) Maurice B*anchard <ohi** Jr. (A.B. 1$1)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the estern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$79%1$$)& <hief Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the estern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$"%1$$,) 2udi M. Brester (A.B. 1$)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of <a*ifornia (1$"%1$$")  A*an <ooe ?a' (A.B. 0ist rict of0istrict >aaiiof (1$"9%,###) 0. Broo Bart*ett (A.B. 1$7) 1$$)  Jud/e Jud/e of of the the U.S. U.S. 0istrict 0istrict <ourt <ourt for for the the 0istrict estern Missouri (1$"1%,###) 8homas Se*3' E**is ;;; (B.S.E. 1$91)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of -ir/inia (1$"7%,##7) John ins*o Bisse** (A.B. 1$9,)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (1$",%,##) i**iam >enr' Bar3our Jr. (A.B. 1$9+)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of Mississi@@i (1$"+%,##9) Baners and Businessmen and !rofessors: !au* A. -o*cer (A.B. 1$$)  <hairman of the 6edera* 2eserve (1$7$%1$"7) John 5. ein3er/ (A.B. 1$7)  !artner of Go*dman Sachs N <o. 3an in 4e or <it'H (1$9%1$$#) 6rederic >. ?in/s3ur' Jr. (A.B. 1$,$)  !artner of Bron Brothers >arriman N <o. 3an in 4e or <it'H (1$$%1$"$) 0ona*d <. !*atten (A.B. 1$#)  <hairman of the 3oard of <hemica* Ban 3an in 4e or <it'H (1$7%1$"+) John 6. McGi**icudd' (A.B. 1$,)  <hairman of Manufacturers >anover 8rust <o. 3an in 4e or <it'H (1$7$%1$$1) John 6rancis <ur*e' Jr. (A.B. 1$9#)  !resident of !aine e33er Jacson N <urtis ;nc. 3an in 4e or <it'H (1$77%1$"#) 2a*ei/h arner Jr. (A.B. 1$+)  <hairman and <E of Mo3i* i* <or@. (1$9$%1$"9) 2a*@h 0. 0enunio (A.B. 1$+)  <E of ?idder !ea3od' N <o. ;nc. (1$"#%1$"7) >aro*d . McGra Jr. (A.B. 1$#)  <hairman of the 3oard of McGra%>i** ;nc. (1$79%1$"") John 6. Mc0onne** (B.S. 1$9#)  <hairman and <E of Mc0onne**%0ou/*as M c0onne**%0ou/*as (1$""%1$$) Ma*co*m S. 6or3es (A.B. 1$1)  !u3*isher and Editor%in%<hief of 6or3es Ma/aine M a/aine (1$7%1$$#) i**iam A**en 2usher (A.B. 1$+)  !u3*isher of National !e$iew  ma/aine  ma/aine (1$7%1$"") 0ona*d >. 2umsfe*d (A.B. 1$)  3usinessman and envo'& met ith ;raDi dictator Saddam >ussein in Ba/hdad ;raD in 1$"+ >oard 2. Searer (A.B. 1$)  !resident of Bron Universit' (1$77%1$"") 4ei* 5. 2udenstine (A.B. 1$9)  !rovost of !rinceton Universit' (1$77%1$"7)  A. Michae* S@ence (A.B. 1$99)  0ean of 6acu*t' of Arts and Sciences at >arvard Universit' (1$"%1$$#) Edard . Said (A.B. 1$7)  !rofessor of En/*ish and >umanities at <o*um3ia Universit' (1$7#%,##+)& Ara3%American @o*itica* activist John 2. Stevenson (A.B. 1$,)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$9%1$9$ 1$7%1$"7)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the !ersian Gu*f ar (1$$1) Bosnian ar (1$$,%1$$) and ?osovo ar (1$$"%1$$$) Government fficia*s: James A. Baer ;;; (A.B. 1$,)  U.S. Secretar' of State (1$"$%1$$,)& hite >ouse <hief of Staff (1$"1%1$" 1$$,%1$$+)  Anthon' <.E. Iuainton Iuainton (A.B. 1$ 1$) )  U.S. Am3as Am3assador sador to ?uait (1$"%1$"7)& U.S. Am Am3assador 3assador to !eru (1$"$%1$$, (1$"$%1$$,)& )& Assistant Secretar' of State for 0i@*omatic Securit' (1$$,%1$$) J. Sta@*eton 2o' (A.B. 1$9)  U.S. Am3assador to <ommunist <hina (1$$1%1$$)& U.S. Am3assador to ;ndonesia (1$$9%1$$$) !eter Jon 0e -os (A.B. 1$9#)  U.S. Am3assador to 5i3eria (1$$#%1$$,)& U.S. Am3assador to 8anania (1$$+%1$$) 6ran G. isner ;; (A.B. 1$91)  U.S. Am3assador to E/'@t (1$"9%1$$1)& U.S. Am3assador to the !hi*i@@ines (1$$1%1$$,)& U.S. Am3assador to ;ndia (1$$%1$$7) <ameron 2. >ume (A.B. 1$9")  U.S. Am3assador to A*/eria (1$$7%,###) 6rederic !. >it (A.B. 1$91)  ;ns@ector Genera* of <entra* ;nte**i/ence A/enc' (1$$#%1$$") <*ai3orne !e** (A.B. 1$#)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%2hode ;s*and 1$91%1$$7) !au* Sar3anes (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Mar'*and 1$77%,##7) John <. 0anforth (A.B. 1$")  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1$79%1$$) <hristo@her S. ?itK Bond (A.B. 1$9#)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1$"7%,#11) Bi** Brad*e' (A.B. 1$9)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1$7$%1$$7) i**iam >. Bi**K 6rist (A.B. 1$7)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1$$%,##7)& Senate Ma=orit' 5eader (,##+%,##7) James A.S. 5each (A.B. 1$9)  Mem3er of the U.S. >ouse of 2e@resentatives 2e@u3*ican%;o 2e@u3*ican%;oa a 1$77%,##7) Jon rmond 4eman (A.B. 1$+)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit 4e or <it'H (1$7$%1$$7) Sonia Sotoma'or (A.B. 1$79)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit 4e or <it'H (1$$"%,##$)& Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$$,%1$$") a*ter ?in/ Sta@*eton (A.B. 1$9)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit !hi*ade*@hiaH (1$"%1$$$) Samue* A. A*ito Jr. (A.B. 1$7,)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit !hi*ade*@hiaH (1$$#%,##9) i**iam 5ochart Garood (A.B. 1$,)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 6ifth <ircuit (1$"1%1$$7) i**iam A*3ert 4orris (A.B. 1$1)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 4inth <ircuit (1$"#%1$$)  A*vin Anthon' Scha** Scha** (A.B. 1$99)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 6e 6edera* dera* <ircuit (1$$,%,##$) 0enn' <hin (A.B. 1$7)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$$%,#1#) Sidne' >. Stein (A.B. 1$97)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$$%,#1#) i**iam >endrics ohn (A.B. 1$7)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$$1%,##+) >arve' Bart*e ;;; (A.B. 1$9,)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$$1%,#11) 2ichard 2iordan (A.B. 1$,)  Ma'or of 5os An/e*es <a*ifornia (1$$+%,##1) Iueen 4oor of Jordan 5isa >a*a3'H (A.B. 1$7)  Iueen of 8he >ashemite ?in/dom of Jordan Baners: John 5. ein3er/ (A.B. 1$7)  Senior <hairman of Go*dman Sachs N <o. (1$$#%,##1) John !. Bire*und (A.B. 1$,)  <hairman and <E of 0i**on 2ead N <o. (1$""%1$$+) John 6. McGi**icudd' (A.B. 1$,)  <hairman of Manufacturers >anover 8rust <o. (1$7$%1$$1)  A*an S. B*inder (A.B. (A.B. 1$97)  -i -ice ce <hairman of the 6edera* 2eserve (1$$%1$$9) Businessmen: 6ran <. <ar*ucci (A.B. 1$,)  <hairman of 8he <ar*'*e Grou@ (1$$+%,##+) 0ona*d 2umsfe*d (A.B. 1$)  <hairman and <E of Gi*ead Sciences ;nc. (1$$7%,##1) James A. >enderson (A.B. 1$9)  <hairman and <E of <ummins En/ine (1$$%1$$$) 4orman 2. Au/ustine (B.S. 1$7)  <hairman and <E of 5ocheed Martin (1$$%1$$7) John 6. Mc0onne** (B.S. 1$9#)  <hairman and <E of Mc0onne**%0ou/*as (1$""%1$$) 5a'ers: Bevis 5on/streth (B.S. 1$9)  !artner of 0e3evoise N !*im@ton *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$7#%1$"1 1$"%1$$7) 0ona*d S. Bernstein (A.B. 1$7)  !artner of 0avis !o* N arde**  arde** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$"9% (1$"9%@resent) @resent) Jeffre' M. aes (A.B. 1$7)  !artner of 0avis !o* N arde** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$$"%@resent)  Andres -. Gi* (A.B. (A.B. 1$7")  !art !artner ner of 0avis !o* N arde** *a *a firm in 4e  or or <it'H (1$$#%@resent (1$$#%@resent)) Marsha** Simonds (A.B. 1$,)  !artner of Goodin !rocter N >oar *a firm in BostonH (1$9%c.1$$$) Barr' !hi*i@ Simon (A.B. 1$9& 55.B. a*e 1$97)  Genera* <ounse* of <ontinenta* Air*ines (1$",%1$"9 1$$#%1$$,) <o**e/e Administrators: 4ei* 5. 2udenstine (A.B. 1$9)  !resident of >arvard Universit' (1$$1%,##1) Geor/e E. 2u@@ (A.B. 1$9)  !resident of <o*um3ia Universit' (1$$+%,##,) >aro*d 8. Sha@iro !h.0. 1$9)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (1$""%,##1) >unter 2. 2a*in/s ;;; (!h.0. 1$7#)  !resident of <orne** Universit' (1$$%,##+) Jose@h S. 4'e Jr. (A.B. 1$")  0ean of John 6. ?enned' Schoo* of Government at >arvard Universit' (1$$%,##)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and 8heir ccu@ation durin/ the G*o3a* ar on 8errorism (,##1%@resent) and Second !ersian Gu*f ar (,##+%,#11) Government fficia*s: 0ona*d >. 2umsfe*d (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Secretar' of 0efense (1$7%1$77 ,##1%,##9) 2o3ert S. Mue**er ;;; (A.B. 1$99)  0irector of 6edera* Bureau of ;nvesti/ation (Se@tem3er  ,##1%,#1+) John <. 0anforth (A.B. 1$")  U.S. 2e@resentative to the United 4ations (,##%,##) <ameron 2. >ume (A.B. 1$9")  U.S. Am3assador to South Africa (,##1%,##)& U.S. Am3assador to ;ndonesia (,##7%,#1#) 0avid >ue3ner (A.B. 1$",)  U.S. Am3assador to 4e Fea*and (,##$%,#1) 5eis 5uens (A.B.)  U.S. Am3assador to Sene/a* (,#11%@resent)& U.S. Am3assador to Guinea%Bissau (,#11%@resent)& U.S. <onsu* Genera* in -ancouver <anada (,##%,##") !au* Sar3anes (A.B. 1$)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Mar'*and 1$77%,##7) <hristo@her S. ?itK Bond (A.B. 1$9#)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1$"7%,#11) Bi** 6rist (A.B. 1$7)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1$$%,##7)& U.S. Senate Ma=orit' 5eader (,##+%,##7) James A.S. 5each (A.B. 1$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%;oa 1$77%,##7) Jim Marsha** (A.B. 1$7,)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Geor/ia ,##+%,#11) 4an >a'orth (A.B. 1$"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or ,#11%,#1+) John Sar3anes (A.B. 1$")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Mar'*and ,##7%@resent) 8erri See** (A.B. 1$"9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%A*a3ama ,#11%@resent) Jared !o*is (A.B. 1$$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%<o*orado ,##$%@resent) Samue* A. A*ito Jr. (A.B. 1$7,)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (,##9%@resent)& Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 8hird <ircuit !hi*ade*@hiaH (1$$#%,##9) Sonia Sotoma'or (A.B. 1$79)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (,##$%@resent)& Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit 4e or <it'H (1$$"%,##$) E*ena ?a/an (A.B. 1$"1)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (,#1#%@resent)& U.S. So*icitor Genera* (,##$%,#1#)& 0ean of >arvard 5a Schoo* (,##+%,##$) 0e3ra Ann 5ivin/ston (A.B. 1$"#)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit 4e or <it'H (,##7%@resent) 0enn' <hin (A.B. 1$7)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Second <ircuit 4e or <it'H (,#1#%@resent) Steven M. <o**oton (A.B. 1$")  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the Ei/hth <ircuit (,##+%@resent) 2ichard 2. <*ifton (A.B. 1$7,)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 4inth <ircuit (,##,%@resent)  Andre 0avid >urit (A.B. 1$9")  J Jud/e ud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 4inth <ircui <ircuitt (,#1,%@resent)  A*vin Anthon' Scha** Scha** (A.B. 1$99)  Jud/e of the U.S. <ourt of A@@ea*s for the 6e 6edera* dera* <ircuit (1$$,%,##$) 0enn' <hin (A.B. 1$7)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$$%,#1#) Sidne' >. Stein (A.B. 1$97)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (1$$%,#1#) <ath' Sei3e* (A.B. 1$",)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of 4e or (,##"%@resent) >arve' Bart*e ;;; (A.B. 1$9,)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (1$$1%,#11) 5e/rome 0. 0avis (A.B. 1$7+)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of !enns'*vania (,##,%@resent) 8homas Se*3' E**is ;;; (B.S.E. 1$91)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of -ir/inia (1$"7%,##7) 5'nn S. Ade*man (A.B. 1$91)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of isconsin (1$$7%@resent) 0avid <. Bram*ette (A.B. 1$9,)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of Mississi@@i (1$$1%,##9) i**iam >enr' Bar3our Jr. (A.B. 1$9+)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Southern 0istrict of Mississi@@i (1$"+%,##9) 2o3ert >. ha*e'  ha*e' (A.B. 1$9)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0istrict of ashin/ton (1$$%,##$) Benson Everett 5e// (A.B. 1$7#)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of Mar'*and (1$$1%@resent)  Anthon' John 8ren/a (A.B. 1$71)  Jud/ Jud/e e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the Eastern 0i 0istrict strict of -ir/inia ir/inia (,##"%@resent) vonne Gona*e 2o/ers (A.B. 1$"7)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 4orthern 0istrict of <a*ifornia (,#11%@resent) !au* J. 6ishman (A.B. 1$7")  U.S. Attorne' for the 0istrict of 4e Jerse' (,##$%@resent) Mitch 0anie*s (A.B. 1$71)  Governor of ;ndiana (,##%,#1+)& 0irector of the ffice of Mana/ement and Bud/et (,##1%,##+) 2o3ert 5. Bo3K Ehr*ich (A.B. 1$7$)  Governor of Mar'*and (,##+%,##7) E*iot S@iter (A.B. 1$"1)  Governor of 4e or (,##7%,##") Stuart 2a3ner (A.B. 1$",)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (,##7%@resent)& Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (,##9%,##7) i**iam >er3ert >udnut ;;; (A.B. 1$)  Ma'or of <hev' <hase Mar'*and (,##%@resent) 5a'ers: Brad Smith (A.B. 1$"1 J.0. <o*um3ia 1$")  Genera* <ounse* of Microsoft <or@. (,##,%@resent) Ste@hen Massad (A.B. 1$7, J.0. >arvard 1$7)  !artner of Baer Botts *a firm in >ouston 8exasH (%@resent) John E. Baum/ardner Jr. (A.B. 1$7+ J.0. <o*um3ia 1$7)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (%@resent) 6rederic <. 2ich (A.B. 1$77)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (%@resent) 2o3ert J. Giuffra Jr. (A.B. 1$"+ J.0. a*e 1$"7)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (%@resent) Marc 8revino (A.B. 1$$# J.0. a*e 1$$+)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (%@resent) 0arre** S. <afasso (A.B. 1$$$ J.0. <o*um3ia ,##,)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (%@resent) ?rishna -eerara/havan (A.B. 1$$$ J.0. <o*um3ia ,##,)  !artner of Su**ivan N <rome** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (%@resent) 0ona*d S. Bernstein (A.B. 1$7)  !artner of 0avis !o* N arde**  arde** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$"9% (1$"9%@resent) @resent) Jeffre' M. aes (A.B. 1$7)  !artner of 0avis !o* N arde** *a firm in 4e or <it'H (1$$"%@resent)  Andres -. Gi* (A.B. (A.B. 1$7")  !art !artner ner of 0avis !o* N arde** *a *a firm in 4e  or or <it'H (1$$#%@resent (1$$#%@resent))


Baners and Businessmen: Eric Schmidt (B.S. 1$79)  <hairman and <E of Goo/*e ;nc. (,##1%@resent) ( ,##1%@resent) Jeffre' <. 6uhrer (A.B. 1$7$)  Executive -ice !resident of 6edera* 2eserve Ban of Boston (,##9%@resent) 4ara'ana 2. ?ocher*aota (A.B. 1$"+)  !resident of the 6edera* 2eserve Ban of Minnea@o*is (,##$%@resent) <o**e/e Administrators and thers: <hristo@her 5. Eis/ru3er (A.B. 1$"+)  !resident of !rinceton Universit' (,#1+%@resent)& !rovost of !rinceton Universit' (,##%,#1+) . 8a'*or 2eve*e' ;;; (A.B. 1$9)  !resident of 8he <o**e/e of i**iam N Mar' (,##"%@resent)& 0ean i**iam  i**iam N Mar' 5a Schoo* (1$$"%,##") 0on Michae* 2ande* (A.B. 1$9,& !h.0. 1$97)  !resident of Universit' of <hica/o (,###%,##9) Ste@hen J. 6riedman (A.B. 1$$)  !resident of !ace Universit' (,##7%@resent) Steven G. !osaner (A.B. 1$"#)  !resident of <ar*eton <o**e/e (,#1#%@resent) Jeffre' ;. >er3st (A.B. 1$"+ !h.0. a*e 1$"7)  !resident of <o*/ate Universit' (,#1#%@resent)& !rovost of Miami <o**e/e hioH (,##%,#1#) Jose@h S. 4'e Jr. (A.B. 1$")  0ean of John 6. ?enned' Schoo* of Government at >arvard Universit' (1$$%,##)  Anne%Marie S*au/hter (A.B. (A.B. 1$"#)  0ean of oodro i*son Sc Schoo* hoo* at !rinceto !rinceton n Universit' (,##,%,##$) Michae* >. Schi** (A.B. 1$"#)  0ean of Universit' of <hica/o 5a Schoo* (,#1#%@resent) 0avison M. 0ou/*as (A.B. 1$7"& J.0. a*e 1$"+& !h.0. a*e 1$$,)  0ean of the i**iam N Mar' 5a Schoo* at the <o**e/e of i**iam N Mar'H (,##$%@resent)& Arthur B. >anson !rofessor of 5a at the i**iam N Mar' 5a Schoo* (,##1%@resent) Jessica !. Einhorn (!h.0. 1$7)  0ean of Schoo* of Advanced ;nternationa* Studies at Johns >o@ins Universit' (,##,%,#1,) thers: 2a*@h 4ader (A.B. 1$)  Green !art' @residentia* candidate 8homas ?ean (A.B. 1$7)  <hairman of $L11 <ommission& Governor of 4e Jerse' (1$",%1$$#) <har*es 0. (<har*ie) Gi3son (A.B. 1$9)  Anchor of ABC of  ABC World News Tonight  (,##9%,##$)  (,##9%,##$) Steve 6or3es (A.B. 1$7#)  !u3*isher of Forbes Forbes ma/aine  ma/aine Gen. 0avid >. !etraeus (!h.0. 1$"7)  <ommander of U.S. <entra* <ommand (cto3er +1 ,##"June +# ,#1#)& <ommander U.S. 6orces  Af/hanistan (June ,+ ,#1#Ju*' 1" ,#11)& 0irector of <entra* ;n ;nte**i/ence te**i/ence A/enc' (Se@t. 9 ,#114ovem3er $ ,#1,)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and Ante3e**um South John 8a'*or (A.B. 17$#)  Governor of South <aro*ina (1",9%1",") !atric 4o3*e (A.B. 1"#9)  Governor of South <aro*ina (1"+"%1"#)& 5ieutenant Governor of South <aro*ina (1"+#%1"+,) hitemarsh Ben=amin Sea3roo (A.B. 1"1,)  Governor of South <aro*ina (1""%1"#)& 5ieutenant Governor of South <aro*ina (1"+%1"+9) >enr' 5i/ht >orse >arr'K 5ee ;;; (A.B. 177+)  Governor of -ir/inia (17$1%17$) i**iam Branch Gi*es (A.B. 17"1)  Governor of -ir/inia (1",9%1",$) John 2utherfoord (A.B. 1"1#)  Governor of -ir/inia (1"1%1",) James Mc0oe** (A.B. 1"19)  Governor of -ir/inia (1"+%1"9) !eter Ear*' (A.B. 17$,)  Governor of Geor/ia (1"1%1"1) Geor/e M. 8rou@ (A.B. 17$7)  Governor of Geor/ia (1",+%1",7) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  Governor of Geor/ia (1",7%1",$)& Secretar' of State (1"+%1"1) Geor/e . <raford (A.B. 1",#)  Governor of Geor/ia (1"+%1"7)& Secretar' of ar (1"$%1"#)  A*exander Martin (A.B. (A.B. 179)  Governor o off 4orth <aro*ina (17"1%17" 17 17"$%17$,) "$%17$,) i**iam 2ichardson 0avie (A.B. 1779)  Governor of 4orth <aro*ina (17$"%17$$) 4athanie* A*exander (A.B. 1779)  Governor of 4orth <aro*ina (1"#%1"#7) 0avid Stone (A.B. 17"")  Governor of 4orth <aro*ina (1"#"%1"1#) James ;rede** (A.B. 1"#9)  Governor of 4orth <aro*ina (1",7%1",") John >enr' (A.B. 179$)  Governor of Mar'*and (17$7%17$") Samue* S@ri// (A.B. 1"#9)  Governor of Mar'*and (1"1$%1",,) John 8a'*or (A.B. 17$#)  Mem3er of the South <aro*ina Senate (1"1"%1",9) 0anie* E**iott >u/er (A.B. 17$")  Mem3er of the South <aro*ina Assem3*' (1"#%1"#$ 1"1"%1"1$ 1"+#%1"+,) John Midd*eton (A.B. 1"#,)  Mem3er of the South <aro*ina Assem3*' (1",%1",9) !atric 4o3*e (A.B. 1"#9)  Mem3er of the South <aro*ina Assem3*' (1"1%1", 1"+,%1"+9)& Mem3er of South <aro*ina Senate (1"+9%1"+") hitemarsh B. Sea3roo (A.B. 1"1,)  Mem3er of South <aro*ina Assem3*' (1"1%1",$)& Mem3er of South <aro*ina Senate (1",9%1"+) John ;. Midd*eton (A.B. 1"1$)  Mem3er of South <aro*ina Assem3*' (1"+$%1"7)& Mem3er of South <aro*ina Senate (1"7%1"") i**iam !. 6in*e' (A.B. 1",#)  Mem3er of the South <aro*ina Assem3*' (1"+,%1"+9)& !resident of <har*eston <o**e/e (1"%1"7)  A*exander Ma'c Ma'c (A.B. 1",#)  Mem3er of the S South outh <aro*ina Senate (1""%1"9 (1""%1"9) ) James <hesnut Jr. (A.B. 1"+)  Mem3er of South <aro*ina Senate (1",%1"")& Mem3er of South <aro*ina Assem3*' (1"#%1"9 1"#%,) John Aver' Ben3ur' (A.B. 1"7)  Mem3er of the South <aro*ina Assem3*' (1"$%1"91) 8homas 2uffin (A.B. 1"#)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4orth <aro*ina (1"++%1"$) Jose@h >enr' 5um@in (A.B. 1"1$)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of Geor/ia (1"9%1"97) i**iam Gaston (A.B. 17$9)  Jud/e of the Su@reme <ourt of 4orth <aro*ina (1"+%1") 6rederic 4ash (A.B. 17$$)  Jud/e of the Su@reme <ourt of 4orth <aro*ina (1"%1"") 2ichard i*de a*er (A.B. 1"1)  Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of A*a3ama (1""%1"9+) i**iam Barc*a' 4a@ton (A.B. 1",9)  Jud/e of the Su@reme <ourt of Missouri (1"+$%1"7) 0anie* E**iott >u/er (A.B. 17$")  Jud/e of the Su@reme <ourt of South <aro*ina (1"1$%1",") Geor/e Stra3rid/e (A.B. 1"#,)  Jud/e of the Su@reme <ourt of 5ouisiana (1"+$) <har*es <. Jones Jr. (A.B. 1",)  Ma'or of Savannah Geor/ia (1"9#%1"91) 2ichard 0ennis Arno*d (A.B. 1",9)  Ma'or of Savannah Geor/ia (1"$%1"9# 1"9+%1"9) Geor/e 2. 2ichardson (A.B. 1",, 1",,))  Attorne' Genera* of Mar'*and (1"%1"1) Jose@h Branch (A.B. 1"+7)  Attorne' Genera* of 6*orida (1"%1"9) i**iam Meade (A.B. 1"#")  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of -ir/inia (1"1%1"9,) John Johns (A.B. 1"1)  !resident of <o**e/e of  i**iam N Mar' (1"$%1")& !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of -ir/inia (1"9,%1"79) Jose@h <a*de** (A.B. 17$1)  !resident of Universit' of 4orth <aro*ina (1"#%1"1, 1"19%1"+) Samue* ?enned' 8a*ma/e (A.B. 1",#)  !resident of /*ethor@e Universit' At*anta Geor/iaH (1"1%1"9)  A*exander Martin (A.B. (A.B. 179)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro* <aro*ina ina 17$+%17$$) John >enr' (A.B. 179$)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%Mar'*and 17"$%17$7) John Ein/ <o*houn (A.B. 177)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%South <aro*ina 1"#1%1"#,)  A3raham B. -ena3*e (A.B. 17"#)  U.S U.S.. Senator (0emoc (0emocratic ratic 2e@u3*ican%-ir/ini 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia a 1"#+%1"#) i**iam Branch Gi*es (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia 1"#%1"1) Edard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%5ouis (Jacsonian%5ouisiana iana 1",$%1"+1) James A. Ba'ard Sr. (A.B. 17")  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%0e*aare 1"#%1"1+) 2o3ert G. >ar@er (A.B. 17")  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%Mar'*and 1"19) 0avid Stone (A.B. 17"")  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"#1%1"#7 1"1+%1"1) 4icho*as -an 0'e Jr. (A.B. 17"")  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%0e*aare 1"17%1",9) John 8a'*or (A.B. 17$#)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%South <aro*ina 1"1#%1"19) Geor/e M. Bi33 (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%?entuc' (Jacsonian%?entuc' 1"11%1"1 1",$%1"+) Geor/e . <am@3e** (A.B. 17$)  U.S. Senator (0em. 2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1"11%1"1 1"1%1"1")& U.S. Minister to 2ussia (1"1"%1",1) John Mac@herson Berrien (A.B. 17$9)  U.S. Senator (hi/%Geor/ia 1",%1",$ 1"1%1",)& U.S. Attorne' Genera* (1",$%1"+1) Geor/e M. 8rou@ (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"19%1"1" 1",$%1"++) 0anie* E**iott >u/er (A.B. 17$")  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%South <aro*ina 1"+%1") John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1"%1"1$ 1",$%1"+)  A*fred <uth3ert (A.B. (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%Geor/ia 1"+%1"+) James ;rede** (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%4orth <aro*ina 1","%1"+1) John i**iams a*er (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%A*a3ama 1"1$%1",,)  Arno*d 4audain (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. Senator Senator (Anti%Jacs (Anti%Jacsonian%0e*aare onian%0e*aare 1"+#%1"+9) John >enderson (A.B. 1"1,)  U.S. Senator (hi/%Mississi@@i 1"+$%1") 2ichard >. Ba'ard (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. Senator (hi/%0e*aare 1"+9%1"+$ 1"1%1")

 A*fred ;verson (A.B. (A.B. 1",#)

U.S. Senator (0emocrat Geor/ia 1" 1"91)


James A*fred !earce (A.B. 1",,)  U.S. Senator (hi/L0emocrat%Mar' (hi/L0emocrat%Mar'*and *and 1"+%1"9,) James <hesnut Jr. (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. Senator (0emocrat%South <aro*ina 1""%1"9#) John Archer (B.A. 179#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and (2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and 1"#1%1"#7) James Madison (A.B. 1771)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia 17"$%17$7)& !resident of the United States (1"#$%1"17) >enr' 5i/ht >orse >arr'K 5ee ;;; (A.B. 177+)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%-ir/inia 17$$%1"#1) 4athanie* A*exander (A.B. 1779)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"#+%1"#) John 2hea (A.B. 17"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1"#+%1"1 1"17%1",+)  A3raham B. -ena3*e (A.B. 17"#)  U.S U.S.. <on/ressman (0em (0emocratic ocratic 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia 17$1%17$$) i**iam Branch Gi*es (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%-ir/inia 17$#%17$" 1"#1%1"#+) Edard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (4e or 17$%1"#,)& U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%5ouisiana 1",+%1",$) James A. Ba'ard Sr. (A.B. 17")  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%0e*aare 17$7%1"#+) 2o3ert G. >ar@er (A.B. 17")  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%South <aro*ina 17$%1"#1) Evan She*3' A*exander (A.B. 17"7)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"#9%1"#$) 0avid Stone (A.B. 17"")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 17$$%1"#1) 4icho*as -an 0'e Jr. (A.B. 17"")  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%0e*aare 1"#7%1"11) John 8a'*or (A.B. 17$#)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%South <aro*ina 1"#7%1"1# 1"17%1",1) E@hraim ?in/ i*son (A.B. 17$#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%Mar'*and (Jacsonian%Mar'*and 1",7%1"+1) !eter Ear*' (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"#+%1"#7) 8homas M. Ba'*' (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%-ir/inia 1"1+%1"1) James M. Broom (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%0e*aare 1"#%1"#7) Geor/e . <am@3e** (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%8ennessee 1"#+%1"#$) i**iam Gaston (A.B. 17$9)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4orth <aro*ina 1"1+%1"17) 8homas Ba'*' (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%Mar'*and 1"17%1",+) James . <*ar (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4orth <aro*ina 1"1%1"17) <har*es 6enton Mercer (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%-ir/inia 1"17%1"+$) Geor/e M. 8rou@ (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"#7%1"1) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1+%1"1" 1",+%1",7)  A*fred <uth3ert (A.B. (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%G (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia eor/ia 1"1+%1"19 1",1%1",7) Stevenson Archer (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and 1"11%1"17 1"1$%1",1) Geor/e i**iam <rum@ (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%-ir/inia (Jacsonian%-ir/inia 1",9%1",7) John A. <uth3ert (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1$%1",1) 2ichard . >a3ersham (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%Geor/ia 1"+$%1",) John Scott (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Adams%<*a' 2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1",1%1",7) 8homas 8e*fair (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Geor/ia 1"1+%1"17) Edard <o*ston (A.B. 1"#9)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%-ir/inia 1"17%1"1$) i**iam >. >a'ard Jr. (A.B. 1"#")  U.S. <on/ressman (<raford 2e@u3*ican%Mar'*and 1",+%1",) i**iam Mont/omer' (A.B. 1"#")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4orth <aro*ina 1"+%1"1) James Moore a'ne (A.B. 1"#")  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%Geor/ia 1",$%1"+)& Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"+%1"97) Ben=amin <. >oard (A.B. 1"#$)  U.S. <on/ressman (JacsonianL0emocrat%Ma (JacsonianL0emocrat%Mar'*and r'*and 1",$%1"++ 1"+%1"+$) ?ense' Johns Jr. (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%0e*aare (Anti%Jacsonian%0e*aare 1",7%1"+1) John 8. Stoddert (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%Mar'*and (Jacsonian%Mar'*and 1"++%1"+) John J. Mi**i/an (A.B. 1"1 honorar'H)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%JacsonianLhi/%0e*aare (Anti%JacsonianLhi/%0e*aare 1"+1%1"+$) James Mc0oe** (A.B. 1"19)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%-ir/inia 1"9%1"1)  A3raham . -ena3*e (A.B. 1"1$)  U.S. U.S. <on/ressman (0emoc (0emocrat%4orth rat%4orth <aro*ina 1"7%1"+) Geor/e . <raford (A.B. 1",#)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%Geor/ia 1"+) James >. Gho*son (A.B. 1",#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%(Anti%Jacsonian%-ir/inia ir/inia 1"++%1"+)  A*fred ;verson (A.B. (A.B. 1",#)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat (0emocrat%Geor/ia %Geor/ia 1"7%1"$) Geor/e Br'd/es 2odne' (A.B. 1",#)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%0e*aare 1"1%1") James A*fred !earce (A.B. 1",,)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%Mar'*and 1"+%1"+$ 1"1%1"+) 8homas 2o3inson Jr. (A.B. 1",+)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%0e*aare 1"+$%1"1) 2ichard B. <armichae* (A.B. 1",")  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%Mar'*and (Jacsonian%Mar'*and 1"++%1"+) 0avid S. ?aufman (A.B. 1"++)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%8exas 1"9%1"1)  A*exander 2o3inson Bote*er Bote*er (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. <on/ressm <on/ressman an (@@osition !art' !art'%-ir/inia %-ir/inia 1"$%1"91) John 8homson Mason (A.B. 1"+9)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%Mar' (0emocrat%Mar'*and *and 1"1%1"+) 5arence . Branch (A.B. 1"+")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4orth <aro*ina 1"%1"91) i**iam G. hite*e' (A.B. 1"+")  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%0e*aare 1"7%1"91) 4athanie* G. 8a'*or (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/LUnionist%8ennessee (hi/LUnionist%8ennessee 1"%1" 1"99%1"97) 6rancis !. B*air Jr. (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Missouri 1"7%1"$ 1"9# 1"91%1"9, 1"9+%1"9)  A*fred >. <o*Duitt (A.B. 1")  U. U.S. S. <on/ressman (0e (0emocrat%Geor/ia mocrat%Geor/ia 1"+%1")  Addison hite (A.B. (A.B. 1")  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%?ent (hi/%?entuc' uc' 1"1%1"+) Gunnin/ Bedford Jr. (A.B. 1771)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of 0e*aare (17"$%1"1,) Jose@h <*a' Jr. (A.B. 17")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of Geor/ia (17$7%1"#1)


!rinceton Universit' Graduates and the Ante3e**um 4orth (4e Jerse' !enns'*vania and 4e or) i**iam !aterson (A.B. 179+)  U.S. Senator (!ro%Administrat (!ro%Administration%4e ion%4e Jerse' 17"$%17$#) 6rederic 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 177#)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$+%17$9)  Aaron /den (A.B. 177+)  U.S. Sena Senator tor (6edera*ist%4e Jers Jerse' e' 1"#1%1"#+) Jonathan 0a'ton (A.B. 1779)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$$%1"#) John 2utherfurd (A.B. 1779)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$1%17$") 2ichard Stocton (A.B. 177$)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$9%17$$) Mah*on 0icerson (A.B. 17"$)  U.S. Senator (0emocratic 2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"17%1"++)& Secretar' of the 4av' (1"+%1"+") 8heodore 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Senator (Anti%Jacsonian%4e (Anti%Jacsonian%4e Jerse' 1",$%1"+) Samue* 5. Southard (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Senator (hi/%4e Jerse' 1",1%1",+ 1"++%1",)& !resident of the U.S. Senate (1"1%1",) 2ichard Stocton 6ie*d (A.B. 1",1)  U.S. Senator (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"9,%1"9+) i**iam 5eis 0a'ton (A.B. 1",)  U.S. Senator (hi/%4e Jerse' 1",%1"1) ;saac Smith (A.B. 17)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$%17$7) 8homas >enderson (A.B. 1791)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$%17$7) John Beatt' (A.B. 179$)  U.S. <on/ressman (!ro%Administration%4e Jerse' 17$+%17$) James 5inn (A.B. 179$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 17$$%1"#1) John Anderson Scudder (A.B. 177)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"1#%1"11) Jonathan 0a'ton (A.B. 1779)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$1%17$$)& S@eaer of the U.S. >ouse (17$%17$$) 2ichard Stocton (A.B. 177$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 1"1+%1"1) James >enderson ;m*a' (A.B. 17"9)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e Jerse' 17$7%1"#1) ;saac !ierson (A.B. 17"$)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%4e Jerse' 1",7%1"+1) i**iam <hetood (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e Jerse' 1"+9%1"+7) Geor/e <*ifford Maxe** (A.B. 17$,)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"11%1"1+) Si*as <ondit (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacson (Anti%Jacsonian%4e ian%4e Jerse' 1"+1%1"++) 8homas ard (A.B. 1"#+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"1+%1"17) Geor/e >o*com3e (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%4e Jerse' (1",1%1",") i**iam >a*stead (A.B. 1"1,)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e ( hi/%4e Jerse' 1"+7%1"+$ 1"1%1"+) i**iam !ennin/ton (A.B. 1"1+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1"91)& S@eaer of the U.S. >ouse (1"9#%1"91) 5itt*eton ?ir@atric (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%4e Jerse' 1"+%1") John !.B. Maxe** (A.B. 1",+)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e Jerse' 1"+7%1"+$ 1"1%1"+) Geor/e >. Bron (A.B. 1",")  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e Jerse' 1"1%1"+) James G. >am@ton (A.B. 1"+)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%4e Jerse' 1"%1"$) John 5.4. Stratton (A.B. 1"+9)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1"9+) ;saiah 0unn <*ason (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"%1"$) John 8hom@son 4ixon (A.B. 1"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e Jerse' 1"$%1"9+) 0avid Bard (A.B. 177+)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 17$%17$$ 1"#+%1"1) John . ?ittera (A.B. 1779)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%!enns'*vania (6edera*ist%!enns'*vania 17$1%1"#1) i**iam <raford (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns' (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania *vania 1"#$%1"17) John A. >anna (A.B. 17",)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 17$7%1"#) John Ser/eant (A.B. 17$)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*istLhi/%!enns' (6edera*istLhi/%!enns'*vania *vania 1"1%1",+ 1",7%1",$ 1"+7%1"1) Geor/e <ham3ers (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Masonic%!enns'*vania 1"++%1"+7) 8homas >art*e' <raford (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%!enns'* (Jacsonian%!enns'*vania vania 1",$%1"++) Jose@h 2. ;n/erso** (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%JacsonianL (Anti%JacsonianLhi/%!enns'*vania hi/%!enns'*vania 1"+%1"+7 1"1%1"$)  A*em Marr (A.B. 1"#7)  U.S. <on/res <on/ressman sman (Jacsonian%!enns'*vani (Jacsonian%!enns'*vania a 1",$%1"+1) John urts (A.B. 1"1+)  U.S. <on/ressman (!enns'*vania 1",%1",7) Geor/e ashin/ton 8o*and (A.B. 1"19)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*vania (hi/%!enns'*vania 1"+7%1"+) <hester !. But*er (A.B. 1"17)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*v (hi/%!enns'*vania ania 1"7%1"#) 8homas 2oss (A.B. 1",)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%!enns'*vania 1"$%1"+) James !o**oc (A.B. 1"+1)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*vania 1"%1"$) i**iam 5eis 0eart (A.B. 1"+$)  U.S. <on/ressman (0emocrat%!enns'*vania (0emocrat%!enns'*vania 1"7%1"$) >enr' M. 6u**er (A.B. 1"+$)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%!enns'*vania 1"1%1"+ 1"%1"7) 2o3ert Mc?ni/ht (A.B. 1"+$)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%!enns'*vania 1"$%1"9+) Jeremiah -an 2ensse*aer (A.B. 17")  U.S. <on/ressman (4e or 17"$%17$1) 8homas 8rede** (A.B. 179)  U.S. <on/ressman (4e or 17$1%17$) i**iam Ste@hens Smith (A.B. 177)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e or 1"1+%1"1 1"1%1"19) Edard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. <on/ressman (4e or 17$%1"#,)& Ma'or of 4e or <it' (1"#1%1"#+) 5ucas <onrad E*mendorf (A.B. 17",)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or 17$7%1"#+) James . i*in (A.B. 17")  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or 1"1%1"1$) 4athanie* . >oe** (A.B. 17"")  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%4e or 1"1+%1"1) i**iam ?ir@atric (A.B. 17"")  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%4e or 1"#7%1"#$) Si*as ood (A.B. 17"$)  U.S. <on/ressman (4e or 1"1$%1",$) Samue* atins Ea/er (A.B. 1"#$)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%4e or 1"+#%1"+1)  Andre 0eitt Bru'n Bru'n (A.B. 1"1#)  U.S U.S.. <on/ressman (0emo (0emocrat%4e crat%4e or 1"+7%1"+") Samue* J. i*in (A.B. 1"1,)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Jacsonian%4e (Anti%Jacsonian%4e or 1"+1%1"++) i**iam Se'mour (A.B. 1",1)  U.S. <on/ressman (Jacsonian%4e or 1"+%1"+7) Samue* 5ivermore (A.B. 17,)  U.S. <on/ressman (!ro%Administrat (!ro%Administration ion 4e >am@shire 17"$%17$+) John Bacon (A.B. 179)  U.S. <on/ressman (2e@u3*ican%Massachusetts 1"#1%1"#+)

4athanie* 4i*es (A.B. 1799)  U.S. <on/ressman (Anti%Administration%-ermont 17$1%17$)


Jonathan Mason Jr. (A.B. 177)  U.S. <on/ressman (6edera*ist%Massachusetts (6edera*ist%Massachusetts 1"17%1",#) >enr' . Edards (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. <on/ressman (<onnecticut 1"1$%1",+) John ;nsee@ -anmeter (A.B. 1",1)  U.S. <on/ressman (hi/%hio 1"+%1") Samue* 5ivermore (A.B. 17,)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%4e >am@shire 17$+%1"#1)& !resident of the U.S. Senate (17$$%1"##) *iver E**sorth (A.B. 1799)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%<onnecticut 17"$%17$9) Jonathan Mason Jr. (A.B. 177)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%Massachus (6edera*ist%Massachusetts etts 1"##%1"#+) ;saac 8ichenor (A.B. 177)  U.S. Senator (6edera*ist%-ermont 17$9%17$7 1"1%1",1)& Governor of -ermont (17$7%1"#$) Jaco3 Burnet (A.B. 17$1)  U.S. Senator (Anti%Jacsonian%hio (Anti%Jacsonian%hio 1","%1"+1) >enr' . Edards (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%<onnectic (Jacsonian%<onnecticut ut 1",+%1",7)& Governor of <onnecticut (1"++%1"+ 1"+%1"+") Edard 5ivin/ston (A.B. 17"1)  U.S. Secretar' of State (1"+1%1"++)& U.S. Minister to 6rance (1"++%1"+) 2ichard 2ush (A.B. 17$7)  U.S. Minister to Great Britain (1"17%1",)& Sec. of the 8reasur' (1",%1",")& U.S. Minister to 6rance (1"7%1"1) Geor/e . <am@3e** (A.B. 17$)  U.S. Minister to 2ussia (1"1"%1",1) John 6ors'th (A.B. 17$$)  U.S. Minister to S@ain (1"1$%1",+)& U.S. Secretar' of State (1"+%1"1) Jose@h 2. ;n/erso** (A.B. 1"#)  U.S. Minister to Great Britain (1",%1"+) John 6ors'th Jr. (A.B. 1"+,)  U.S. Minister to Mexico (1"9%1"") Geor/e M. 0a**as (A.B. 1"1#)  -ice !resident of the United States (1"%1"$)& U.S. Minister to 2ussia (1"+7%1"+$)& U.S. Minister to Great Britain (1"9%1"91)& U.S. Senator (Jacsonian%!enns' (Jacsonian%!enns'*vania *vania 1"+1%1"++) i**iam Johnson Jr. (A.B. 17$#)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"#%1"+) >enr' Brocho*st 5ivin/ston (A.B. 177)  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"#9%1",+) Smith 8hom@son (A.B. 17"")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1",+%1"+)& Secretar' of the 4av' (1"1"%1",+) James Moore a'ne (A.B. 1"#")  Justice of the U.S. Su@reme <ourt (1"+%1"97) i**iam !aterson (A.B. 179+)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (17$#%17$+)  Aaron /den (A.B. 177+)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"1,%1"1+) Mah*on 0icerson (A.B. 17"$)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"1%1"17) Samue* 5eis Southard (A.B. 1"#)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"+,%1"++)& Secretar' of the 4av' (1",+%1",$) i**iam !ennin/ton (A.B. 1"1+)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"+7%1"+) 0anie* >aines (A.B. 1",#)  Governor of 4e Jerse' (1"+%1" 1""%1"1) James !o**oc (A.B. 1"+1)  Governor of !enns'*vania (1"%1"") Mor/an 5eis (A.B. 177+)  Governor of 4e or (1"#%1"#7)& Grand Master 6reemasons of the U.S. (1",1) Jaco3 2adc*iff (A.B. 17"+)  Ma'or of 4e or <it' (1"1#%1"11 1"1%1"1") Geor/e M. 0a**as (A.B. 1"1#)  Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1","%1",$)& Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (1"++%1"+) Ben=amin . 2ichards (A.B. 1"1)  Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1",$%1"+,) John M. Scott (A.B. 1"#)  Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1"1%1"+) !eter Mc<a** (A.B. 1",9)  Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1"%1")  A*exander >enr' (A.B. (A.B. 1"#)  Ma'or Ma'or of !hi*ade*@hia (1""%1"99) Samue* 2. >ami*ton (A.B. 1"#")  Ma'or of 8renton 4e Jerse' (1""%1"$) 8heodore 6re*in/hu'sen (A.B. 1"#)  Ma'or of 4ear 4e Jerse' (1"+7%1"+") *iver S@encer >a*sted (A.B. 1"1#)  Ma'or of 4ear 4e Jerse' (1"#)  Andre ?ir@atric (A.B. 177)  < <hief hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1"# (1"#%1",) %1",) <har*es Ein/ (A.B. 17$")  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1",%1"+,) >enr' oodhu** Green (A.B. 1",#)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e Jerse' (1"9%1"9#) 8a@@in/ 2eeve (A.B. 179+)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of <onnecticut (1"1%1"1) Smith 8hom@son (A.B. 17"")  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 4e or (1"1%1"1") 8itus >utchinson (A.B. 17$)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of -ermont (1"+#%1"++) 2ichard >enr' Ba'ard (A.B. 1"1)  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 0e*aare (1"+$%1"1) James Booth Jr. (A.B. 1"#")  <hief Justice of the Su@reme <ourt of 0e*aare (1"1%1")  Aaron 0icinson oodruff oodruff (A.B. 177 177$) $)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (17$,%1"17) Samue* 5eis Southard (A.B. 1"#)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1",$%1"++) 2ichard Stocton 6ie*d (A.B. 1",1)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"+"%1"1) Geor/e !. Mo**eson (A.B. 1",)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"1%1") i**iam 5eis 0a'ton (A.B. 1",)  Attorne' Genera* of 4e Jerse' (1"7%1"91)  Amos S. E**maer E**maer (A.B. 1"#)  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'* !enns'*vania vania (1"19%1"1$ 1","%1",$) 8homas Ser/eant (A.B. 17$")  Attorne' Genera* of !enns'*vania (1"1$%1",#) James 5inn (A.B. 179$)  Secretar' of State of 4e Jerse' (1"#$%1",1) John >enr' >o3art (A.B. 17$+)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of 4e or (1"19%1"+#) <har*es !. Mc;*vaine (A.B. 1"19)  !rotestant E@isco@a* Bisho@ of hio (1"+,%1"7+)& !resident of ?en'on <o**e/e (1"+,%1"#) !ier@ont Edards (A.B. 179")  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for the 0istrict of <onnecticut (1"#9%1",9) 0avid >oe** (A.B. 1799)  Jud/e of the U.S. 0istrict <ourt for 2hode ;s*and (1"1,%1",) 4icho*as Bidd*e (A.B. 1"#1)  !resident of the Second Ban of the United States (1",+%1"+9) i**iam Mc;*vaine (A.B. 1"#,)  <hief <ashier of the Ban of the United States (1",9%1"+,)  Aaron Burr Jr. (A.B. (A.B. 177,)  -ice !resident of the United States (1"#1%1"#)& U.S. Senat Senator or (2e@u3*ican%4e or 17$1%17$7)& i**ed  A*exander >ami*ton in a due* in 1"#& died in 1"+9


!residents of !rinceton Universit' 4ame Jonathan 0icinson  Aaron Burr Sr. Jonathan Edards Samue* 0avies Samue* 6in*e' John ithers@oon Samue* S. Smith  Ash3e* Green James <arnahan John Mac*ean Jr. James Mc<osh 6rancis 5. !atton oodro i*son John G. >i33en >aro*d . 0odds 2o3ert 6. Goheen i**iam G. Boen >aro*d 8. Sha@iro Shir*e' M. 8i*/hman <hristo@her 5. 5. Ei Eis/ru3er

ear 177 17"%177 17" 17$%1791 1791%1799 179"%17$ 17$%1"1, 1"1,%1",, 1",+%1" 1"%1"9" 1"9"%1"""

0e/ree B.A. a*e 17#9 B.A. a*e 17+ 17+  B.A. a*e 17,# 0.0. Universit' of G*as/o Universit' of Edin3ur/h A.B. !rinceton 179$ (sa*utatorian) A.B. !rincet !rinceton on 17"+ (va*edictoria (va*edictorian) n) A.B. !rinceton 1"## A.B. !rinceton 1"19 Universit' of G*as/o

1"""%1$#, 1$#,%1$1# 1$1,%1$+, 1$++%1$7 1$7%1$7, 1$7,%1$"" 1$""%,##1 ,##1%,#1+ ,#1+%@resent

Universit' of 8oronto A.B. !rinceton 1"7$& !h.0. Johns >o@ins Universit' 1""9 A.B. !rinceton 1"", (va*edictorian) !h.0. Universit' of !enns'*vania 1$17 A.B. !rinceton 1$#& !h.0. !rinceton 1$" !h.0. !rinceton 1$" !h.0. !rinceton 1$9 !h.0. 8em@*e Universit' 1$7 A.B. !r !rinceton 1 1$ $"+& J.0. Un Universit' of of <h <hica/o 1 1$ $""

!rinceton Extra:

President o# the U.$. %ames Madison &!.B. '((') &'*+,-'*'() Woodro Wilson &!.B. '*(,) &','/-',0')

1ice President o# the U.$. !aron Burr &!.B. '((0) &'*+'-'*+2) George M. 3allas &!.B. '*'+) &'*42-'*4,)

$ecretary o# 3e#ense 5rank 6. 6arlucci &',*(-',*,) 3onald ". 7ums#eld &',(2-',((8 0++'-

$ecretary o# $tate %ames Madison &'*+'-'*+,) 7o:ert $mith &'*+,-'*'') dard Livingston &'*/'-'*//) %ohn 5orsyth &!.B. '(,,) &'*/4-'*4') %ohn 5oster 3ulles &',2/-',2,) George P. $hult; &',*0-',*,) %ames !. Baker <<< &',*,-',,0)

$ecretary o# the Treasury George W. 6amp:ell &!.B. '(,4) &'*'4) 7ichard 7ush &!.B. '(,() &'*02-'*0*) George M. Bi:: &!.B. '(,0) &'*44-'*42) George P. $hult; &',(0-',(4) %ames !. Baker <<< &',*2-',**)

0++9) U.$. !ttorney General William Brad#ord %r. &!.B. '((0) &'(,4'(,2) 6harles Lee &!.B. '((2) &'(,2-'*+') 7o:ert $mith !.B. '(*' &'*+2) 7ichard 7ush &!.B. '(,() &'*'4-'*'() %ohn M. Berrien &!.B. '(,9) &'*0,-'*/') Benjamin ". Brester &!.B. '*/4) &'**''**2)  =icholas >at;en:ach >at;en:ach &!.B. ',42) ',42) &',94',99)

$ecretary o# War  Lucius ". $tockton &!.B. '(*() &'*+') George W. 6ra#ord &!.B. '*0+) &'*4,'*2+) William W. Belknap &!.B. '*4*) &'*9,'*(9) %ames 3. 6ameron &!.B. '*20) &'*(9-'*(() U.$. !m:assador to Great Britain 7ichard 7ush &'*'(-'*02) %oseph 7. <ngersoll &!.B. '*+4) &'*20-'*2/) George M. 3allas &'*29-'*9')

$ecretary o# the =avy 7o:ert $mith &'*+'-'*+,) $mith Thompson &!.B. '(**) &'*'*-'*0/) $amuel L. $outhard &!.B. '*+4)&'*0/-'*0,) Mahlon 3ickerson &'*/4-'*/*) George M. 7o:eson &'*9,-'*(() U.$. !m:assador to 5rance dard Livingston &'*//-'*/2) 7ichard 7ush &'*4(-'*2') William L. 3ayton &!.B. '*02) &'*9'-'*94)

U.$. !m:assador to 7ussia George W. 6amp:ell &'*'*-'*0') George M. 3allas &'*/(-'*/,) George ". Boker &!.B. '*40) &'*(2-'*(()

?tra@ %ohn 6alvin 7eed &!.B. '*24) A Grand Giant o# the >u >lu? >lan in Oglethorpe 6ounty8 Georgia8 '*9*-'*(') Mem:er o# the 6ity 6ouncil o# !tlanta8 Georgia &',+'-',+0) %oseph !lston &attended Princeton8 '(,4) A Governor o# $outh 6arolina &'*'0-'*'4) married !aron Burr %r.Cs daughter Theodosia Burr in '*+' %ohn 7ensha Thomson &attended Princeton) A U.$. 6onsul at 6anton8 6hina &'*0/-'*02) U.$. $enator &3emocrat-=e %ersey8 '*2/-'*90)

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