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&PlayXX=Play& &OptionsXX=Options& &CreditsXX=Credits& &QuitXX=Quit& &ChangePlayerXX=Change Player& &ProfileXX=Profile& &HighScoresXX=Legends& &SweeEndingButtonXX=Swee Ending& &MainMenuXX=Main Menu& &ContinueXX=Continue& &FullscreenXX=Fullscreen& &TotalScoreXX=Total Score=& &EveryLastSweeXX=Every last Swee has been set free!& &WindowedXX=Windowed& &VolumeXX=Volume& &SoundsXX=Sounds& &ScoreWordXX=Score& &MusicXX=Music& &VoicesXX=Voices& &DeleteXX=Delete& &DeleteAllDataXX=Delete All Data& &PlayMoviesXX=Play Movies& &PlayAllXX=Play All& &HereXX=here& &OffXX=Off& &OnXX=On& &HardXX=Hard& &NormalXX=Normal& &PersonalHSXX=Best Level Score=& &AllStarsCollectedXX=All Stars Collected!&

&NewPersonalHSXX=New Best Level Score=& &LevelWordXX=Level& &PickNewNameXX=That name has been used. Please enter a different name.& &HardDescXX=More enemies, fewer powerups and your progress slowly drains.& &NormalDescXX=Play in Normal Mode.& &BackXX=Back& &StarPointsSpendXX=Star points to spend.& &AgilityXX=Agility& &HealthXX=Health& &StrengthXX=Strength& &MagicXX=Magic& &Bonus2XX=Deposit X2& &AllSweeSavedXX== All Swee saved.& &SweeXX=swee& &LivesXX=lives& &SelectPlayerXX=Select a Player& &SweeAllFreeXX=You have saved all of the Swee& &NewPlayerXX=New Player& &EnterNameXX=Enter your name& &CreatNewPlayerXX=Create a new Player& &SelectLevelXX=Select a Level& &LevelFailedDescXX=Your people need your help! Don't quit on them now!& &StarPointsDescriptionXX=Use the + and - buttons to assign your star points!& Determines how fast you fly around.& &AgilityDescriptionXX=Agility: Determines how much damage you &HealthDescriptionXX=Health: can take.& Affects your Ancient Fire power &StrengthDescriptionXX=Strength:and Deposit bonus.& Chance of getting a powerup &MagicDescriptionXX=Magic: when enemies are destroyed.& &TooManyPlayersXX=You need to remove a player before adding a new one!& Upgrade your abilities by spending Star &StarPointsDescriptionXX=Star Points: Points.& &EldersConjouredXX=The Elders have conjured:&

&Wing1NameXX=Birth Wings& &Wing2NameXX=Wings of Strength& &Wing3NameXX=Wings of Revenge& &Wing4NameXX=Wings of Luck& &Wing5NameXX=Wings of the Wind& &Wing6NameXX=Wings of Life& &Wing7NameXX=Wings of Wisdom& &Wing8NameXX=Dragon Soul Wings& &Wing9NameXX=Wings of the Undead& &Wing10NameXX=Soulfire Wings& &Wing11NameXX=Wings of the Elders& &PollenBackXX=Now the Transient Star sends the much needed Pollen back to the Gr eat Tree....& &Wing1DescXX=Along your journey you will discover new sets of wings with special powers.& &Wing2DescXX=+1 Star Point is added to your existing Strength.& &Wing3DescXX=You still take damage, however the offending creature will perish.& &Wing4DescXX=1 in 3 chance to dodge any creature attack.& &Wing5DescXX=+1 Star Point is added to your existing Agility.& &Wing6DescXX=Slowly recharges your health.& &Wing7DescXX=+1 Star Point is added to your existing Magic.& &Wing8DescXX=Creates a radial spell each time you get hit by a creature.& &Wing9DescXX=Refills 1/2 of your health when you get down to 1.& &Wing10DescXX=Creates a radial spell each time you deposit pollen to the Transie nt Star.& &Wing11DescXX=+1 Star Point is added to each of your existing Agility, Strength and Magic.& &DeleteDataXX=Delete Data& All progress will be you sure you want to permanently delete your data files? &DeleteDataTextXX=Arelost.& &YesXX=Yes& &NoXX=No& &DeletePlayerXX=DeletePlayer&

All of the player's progress will be lost.& &DeletePlayerTextXX=Are you sure you want to permanently delete this player? &ReallyQuitXX=Do You Really Want to Quit?& &RetryXX=Retry& &LevelFailedXX=Level Failed& &LostLifeXX=You have lost a life...& &LivesLeftXX=Lives Left:& &PausedXX=Paused& &RestartXX=Restart& &ResumeXX=Resume& &LevelCompleteXX=Level Complete& &EarnedStarPointXX=You have earned a Star Point!& &SpendPointsXX=Spend Points& &ProfileDesXX=Here you can adjust your attributes, spend your Star Points, and s elect your wings.& &TotalStarPointsXX=Total Star Points:& &SweeFreedLevelXX=Swee Freed on Level:& &TotalSweeFreedXX=Swee Saved& &NextStarSweeXX=Swee needed for& &LevelXX=Level& &IntroductionXX=Introduction& &chapter00XX=The Beginning...& &chapter01XX=Chapter 1& &chapter02XX=Chapter 2& &chapter03XX=Chapter 3& &chapter04XX=Chapter 4& &chapter05XX=Chapter 5& &chapter06XX=Chapter 6& &chapter07XX=Chapter 7& &chapter08XX=Chapter 8& &chapter09XX=Chapter 9& &chapter10XX=Chapter 10&

&LevelTitle01zz=Ancient Castle Wall& &LevelTitle02zz=Broken Giant& &LevelTitle03zz=Stillness of the Serpent& &LevelTitle04zz=Frozen Mermaiden& &LevelTitle05zz=Petrified Goblin& &LevelTitle06zz=Slumbering Fungus& &LevelTitle07zz=The Looking Branch& &LevelTitle08zz=Guarded on High& &LevelTitle09zz=Lycan's Den& &LevelTitle01bzz=Return to the Ancient Castle Wall& &LevelTitle02bzz=Return to the Broken Giant& &LevelTitle03bzz=Return to the Stillness of the Serpent& &LevelTitle04bzz=Return to the Frozen Mermaiden& &LevelTitle05bzz=Return to the Petrified Goblin& &LevelTitle06bzz=Return to the Slumbering Fungus& &LevelTitle07bzz=Return to the Looking Branch& &LevelTitle08bzz=Return to Guarded on High& &LevelTitle09bzz=Return to the Lycan's Den& &LevelTitle10zz=Ixie Lair& &Story01Title="Ancient Castle Wall"& &Story02Title="Broken Giant"& &Story03Title="Stillness of the Serpent"& &Story04Title="Frozen Mermaiden"& &Story05Title="Petrified Goblin"& &Story06Title="Slumbering Fungus"& &Story07Title="The Looking Branch"& &Story08Title="Guarded on High"& &Story09Title="Lycan's Den"& &Story10Title="Ixie Lair"& &TutorialText01aXX=Attach the Pollen to your ponytail by flying over them.&

Now take the Pollen to the &TutorialText01bXX=GREAT Transient Star.& When the Transient Star is full, you may proceed to the next area.& &TutorialText01cXX=GOOD JOB! &TutorialText02aXX=These are Entranced Swee.& "Liberatis Spiral" from &TutorialText02bXX=Take the Globuloks.& Now fly over the Swee to &TutorialText02cXX=GREAT!set them free!& When you free the Swee JOB! &TutorialText02dXX=GOODthey will sometimes leave you a powerup.& fill up the Transient Star &TutorialText02eXX=REMEMBERto move to the next area.& to unleash BUTTON LEFT -MOUSEthe "Ancient Fire" Power.& &TutorialText03aXX=Fill your ponytail and press the &TutorialText03bXX=The Ancient Fire will eliminate all enemies within an area of the blast.& &TutorialText03cXX=Depositing your Full ponytail is worth 2X the pollen.& Depositting a full ponytail, or killing any enemy &TutorialText04aXX=This is your Score Multiplier. will increase it by 1.& &TutorialText04bXX=It will slowly decrease over time until you deposit another f ull chain, or kill another enemy.& &TutorialText04cXX=If you get hit, your Score Multiplier will drop to 0.& &SweeSavedThisLevelXX=Swee saved this level:& &AllStarsCollectedXX=All Stars Collected!& &SweeAllFreeXX=You have saved all of the Swee!& &AuraShieldXX=Aura Shield& &AncientFireXX=Ancient Fire& &MysticAttractionXX=Mystic Attraction& &FreeLifeXX=Free Life& &FreezeXX=Deep Freeze& &HealthHeartXX=Health Heart& &LightningStrikeXX=Lightning Storm& &MegaPollenXX=Mega Pollen& &StarBurstXX=Star Burst& &lvlTip01XX=TIP: When your ponytail is full, use the LEFT MOUSE button to unleas h your Ancient Fire attack.& &lvlTip02XX=TIP: You are invincible to bugs when they are frozen.& &lvlTip03XX=TIP: You can adjust your player attributes and or wings at anytime a t the Profile menu.&

&lvlTip04XX=TIP: Depositting a full ponytail is worth 2X as much pollen in your pollen meter.& &lvlTip05XX=TIP: Freeing a Swee will usually give you a Powerup.& &lvlTip06XX=TIP: Killing enemies and freeing Swee are the only ways to obtain po werups.& &lvlTip07XX=TIP: Your Ancient Fire attack size is based on your strength attribu te.& &lvlTip08XX=TIP: Your Magic attribute will make Powerups show up more frequently when enemies are destroyed.& &lvlTip09XX=TIP: If you are having trouble with a level, you can adjust your cha racter attributes to give you the edge you need to win.& &lvlTip10XX=TIP: After using the Ancient Fire attack, you must deposit your poll en and rebuild your ponytail to recieve another Ancient Fire.& &lvlTip11XX=TIP: Your score multiplier will decrease over time unless you deposi t a full ponytail or kill an enemy.& &lvlTip12XX=TIP: You can destroy enemies when protected by the Aura Shield. You are also invulnerable to the special enemies.& &lvlTip13XX=TIP: Your score multiplier will decrease over time unless you deposi t a full ponytail or kill an enemy.& &lvlTip14XX=TIP: Watch for enemy groups and use your Ancient Fire at just the ri ght time for maximum damage.& &lvlTip15XX=TIP: The Mystic Attraction powerup will bring all of the pollen on t he screen to you.& &lvlTip16XX=TIP: You can use the right mouse button OR press the "Escape" key to pause the game.& &IntroMovieXX=We are the people of the forest. We are known by many names...Spr ites, Pixies - some call us faeries. We've lived in this forest for an eternity; In this forest we includingthere is cannot remember any other home.magic. Our li even the elders, live in, myself, a Great Tree, a tree with much ves are tied to this Great Tree. It is the source. Without it, we could not exis t here. But this tree requires special care. Everyday the tree must be replenish ed with pollen from only the most special types of flowers, at least until the G rand Descent, when it is prophesized that the roots of the Great Tree plunge the mselves deep into the ground where they can finally mature. At this time the tre e will be self sustaining and live on its own for an eternity more and our peopl Until then, this special pollen must be collected and brought back to the tree, e's future will be assured. but collecting this pollen is filled with much peril. The flowers attract many This task of collecting pollen used to belong kill "Swee" - beautiful creature creatures that could cause us great harm, evento theus. s filled with light. They possess a special gift that protects them from being h armed by such peril. It's a gift we ourselves do not own. It is written that t hey were brought here by the ancients to do this very task. But they are not s laves. As they forage for the sweet nectar of the flowers, they inadvertently c ollect the vital pollen and carry it back to the Great Tree where they nest. On ce there, the Great Tree breathes in the pollen’s energy and exhales the life. It Dark workedhave befallen us. longSweeIhave remember. That is, untilhave taken th has times like this for as The as can been disappearing. What now... eir place are mindless shadows, lost in a veil of darkness. They have been bewit ched! And the Great Tree is growing weak. The elders have called out to all of o

ur kin. There is a need for courage... a need for the bravest of our kind to ste p forward and shoulder the responsibility of collecting the much-needed pollen. This dangerous task has fallen on the shoulders of our children. Barely a thousa nd years old, they are the ones that must bear this burden for us all. For the t ime of the Grand Descent is coming close and if our people fail to sustain the t We and it more so too will our people. reeare muchfades,vulnerable than the Swee as we collect the pollen. Aside from t he obvious dangers of the forest creatures, there are whispers of something else , something much more sinister. The elders believe that the changing of the Swe e might be an attempt to stop the Grand Descent by the Ixies. What else could ha It has been and entranced the noble Swee came to this land they were divided.. ve corruptedwritten that when the ancientsbut the darkest of magic! . those that believed we should live in harmony with the new world, that we shou ld adapt to it... and the others who believed that the new world should be turn Half went to the The clan split...forest and planted the sapling, the genesis of the Great Tree w ed and bent to accommodate them. here they learned to live in peace with our new world... We are called the Wren. The other half went in search of magic... a magic they could use to help them ch ange the forest. But the magic they found was black and their plan went wrong. T hey were able to live without the Great Tree, but they paid a terrible price. Yo u see, the magic that they found didn't change the forest... it changed them, in a most horrifying way. They were bent, twisted, and their hearts turned. And as large and as powerful as they became, their torment was everlasting. They harbo red a great hatred for the Wren. They convinced themselves we were the cause of But this is a legend... old tales. Something the little ones use their condition and swore revenge. They are known as the Ixies. to frighten ea At least that is what I hope, for one of the chosen collectors is you, my own ch ch other on stormy nights. ild.& &Chapter01MovieTextXX=One of the other collectors has returned tonight...It’s Lill y! It looks like she has been viciously attacked by something...something with claws and teeth. We don’t know if she’ll make it through the night. She says nothin This is "They’re attack in a moon over, We knew coming". I’m so scared for you.… g exceptthe third coming", over andcycle. "They’recollecting pollen was dangerou s for us, but these attacks do not appear to be done by the creatures of the for The great council gathered to Ixie our next est.…We fear the rumors of thedecideare real.…action. Tensions are high; it’s bee n a very long time since we have feared like this. Not since before we came to these new lands have we had such turmoil in our midst, or so it was written. So it isn’t surprising to see such fear, even among the elders. The only one of us t hat doesn’t seem to be affected by the fear is Brakken, but he has always been the strongest among us. We debated all night; some of the elders didn’t want to ackno wledge the idea of the Ixie even existing. Brakken laughed at the notion. I on t he other hand, believe the rumors. But there is nothing we can do but stay the c ourse. We have no choice but to keep putting our children, you chosen few, in h arms way. Otherwise, like our young Lilly, we are all doomed. Please be careful ...& &Chapter02MovieTextXX=As the Grand Descent approaches, it gives our people hope to know that soon we will no longer have to face the dangerous peril of the coll ection. However, until that time comes, our lives - especially yours and the ot There is something else that has troubled me since our last child was taken. Ho her chosen ones - will be fraught with danger. w do the Ixie know where we travel to collect the special pollen? How long have they been watching us? And how are they capable of capturing the Swee? The Swee are very powerful creatures - it would take great magic to entrance one, let al one all of them. If the Ixie are this powerful we are truly in desperate times. Brakken has been reassuring our people that he has a way of fighting off this ne w threat, Ixie or not. His magic is very strong...he has always been gifted wit h the craft. As a youngling he studied harder than all of the others and still h e studies the ancient books to this day. Knowing he is here gives all of us cour age and most importantly, hope.& &Chapter03MovieTextXX=Two more collectors have disappeared. Their mothers have l ost all connection with them. The counsel is in a panic. I admit that I have bee n paralyzed with fear myself. It seems we are powerless to protect our children . We send you and the others out for all of our sakes, but I fear we are just s

ending you to your death. Forgive me for sounding so bleak. I cannot help feeli ng lost. Brakken says there is a way! He believes he can find the lost ones but he needs the help of the elders. We were surprised at his statement - we asked h im how it was possible? Brakken said he knew of a spell that would enable him to find the children. Once he found them we could transport them home, but he woul d need the rest of the elders to transfer a little of our magic. It seems the sp ell is too powerful for him to do by himself. This has never been done before, as our magic is the source of who we are - without it not only would it be impos sible to perform the craft but we would not have life eternal. We are in desper It times He found them! Oh want to too anymore they children. We agreed.… ateworked!and we surely do notno, they loselook likeof ourhave been attacked by some vicious creature. I don’t think they’ll ever fly again, but thanks to Brakken t hey will survive. I’m so happy that we were able to get them back. Brakken’s new fou nd magic gives me hope that you will return home safely.& &Chapter04MovieTextXX=We now know for certain what the dark menace is...IXIES! Brakken has caught one! It is the first time I’ve seen an Ixie. They are monstrous creatures, as twisted and bent as a tree branch. It's hard to imagine that onc e upon a time they were like us. Brakken tells us that there is a spell he can use to probe the mind of the Ixie he has captured. He hopes to reveal their plan s. But he will need a little more of the elders help, for it is a powerful spel I We you were will do safe with takes l.wishof course,back herewhatever itme.…& to put a stop to this. &Chapter05MovieTextXX=Brakken has ventured into the mind of the captured Ixie. The Ixie calls himself "Zerrix". Brakken discovered their motives; the Ixies wa nt revenge! They blame the Wren for forcing them out of the clan so many ages a go and driving them to the dark magic. "This is not true but it’s what they believ e," says Brakken. I believe this event will put a glimmer of hope in our people' s eyes. We now have the ability to learn more about our enemy. The people believ e Brakken is going to save us from the dark menace of the Ixies. They look towa But I’m troubled. I posed rd him now for guidance. a question to the counsel pondering why the Ixie have wa ited ages to take their revenge. Why now? Brakken ignored my question and when I asked again the other elders, who seem to be blinded by Brakken’s influence, sho wed visible contempt on their faces. I felt a dark mood come over the room, so Something just isn’t right.…& I decided not to press any further. &Chapter06MovieTextXX=The Ixie have attacked the Great Tree! They caught us by s urprise and as you know we do not have many defenses. Our home has never been at tacked before but we defended as best we could. It was a fierce battle and we lo st many. I didn’t think we would survive. Luckily Brakken was able to save us, t hough it took a lot of help from the elders. We transferred much magic to him s I’m could cast spell left look tired as the It’s calm now...a other big enough but tend well.invading and o heso weary. Thenothingeldersto doto destroyto theIwoundedIxie.bury ourthese will suppose times like dead. wear on us all. The Grand Descent is almost here and things should be better s Be safe...& oon. &Chapter07MovieTextXX=I went to see Brakken yesterday to see if he found out any thing more from our prisoner Zerrix. But before I entered the room, I heard them speaking to each other in a strange tongue...one I’ve never heard before. Brakke n noticed me in the doorway. He was startled and explained it was part of a spel l. But communication spells are done telepathically! I didn’t let on that I knew that and left the room, but as I was leaving I could swear the vile creature had a smile on its face. Something is amiss!& &Chapter08MovieTextXX=There’s been another attack! The elders were so terrified o f the Ixie that they offered their remaining power to Brakken. That is, all of t Brakken did it! The he elders but me. Ixie attack was stopped. Thankfully no one was killed this time, but there were casualties. The elders are very weak and powerless now. The y gave all of their magic to Brakken. Now his power is that of almost the entire council. I am the only one. The only one with any magic left.& &Chapter09MovieTextXX=My dearest, I fear this is our darkest hour. I’ve discovere

d something... something so terrible I tremble just thinking of it. Brakken ha Long ago Brakken was s betrayed us all! not happy with what he felt were limitations to our people’s magic, so he searched for a greater source. He found his answer in the ancient scripts of our people...the dreaded Ixie! Though their magic has twisted and de formed them, it is very powerful. He searched them out with the "all seer", a po werful but very dangerous relic that enables one to see the hidden things but of ten at a terrible cost. Brakken must have found a magic to control it and event So desperate and blinded by his lust ually he found the evil creatures. for power, he made a bargain. He offered i nformation about the Swee and the location of the special pollen the Great Tree so desperately needs. This is valuable information to the Ixie for they wanted t o keep the balance by preventing the Grand Descent. They agreed, but they were a fter much more. Perhaps Brakken thought that once he knew their magic he would be able to stop them. But Brakken was a fool. He should have realized that the Ixies, with their black hearts, would have deceit on their minds. Unbeknown to B rakken, the Ixie would be able to control him without his knowledge. They creat ed the fear needed to trick the elders out of their magic. You see, the elders' magic can not be taken; it must be given. So the deceitful Ixie used the informa tion obtained from Brakken to entrance the Swee. Soon after, they started murder ing the chosen ones that so bravely faced the dangers of collecting pollen. When that wasn’t enough, they brazenly attacked the Great Tree until they had scared u s all in to giving up our power to Brakken willingly. But the power wasn’t going t o Brakken. It was going to that monster, Zerrix our prisoner! I believe he is th e leader of the Ixie. There is no doubt in my mind that getting captured by Brak The Ixie already have enough ken was part of their plan. power to destroy us, but I believe Zerrix’s greed is the only reason they are continuing with this charade. Zerrix wants my remaining There is one chance your life. people. I’ve discovered an ancient script that tel power and he wants to save our ls of a way we might be able to stop the Ixie and return the magic back to the e lders. It’s very dangerous and you will have to travel to the pit of darkness its You see, Ixie is a source to the Ixie magic; the head of a demon, severed ages elf...thethere lair... ago in a great battle of the giants. The evil in this demon is so formidable tha t the severed head perseveres to this day. The Ixies draw their strength from th The flowers are grow near the demon give off pollen that Great Tree. e head. Theythat all bound to it, like we are bound to theis so robust it will c ause a reaction in the Great Tree. This reaction will give me the strength to ca st a spell powerful enough to destroy the source of the Ixie...the demon head it self! This is very dangerous, as I’m sure you know. The Ixie will defend their hom e zealously. I wouldn’t ask this of you, but it is our only hope. We will all pe Be strong my dearest, rish should you fail. my heart is with you.& &Chapter10MovieTextXX=You’ve done it! Renewed by the power, I cast the spell. And in one great moment all of the Ixie exploded into a seething dark mass, and fade Now, what we’ve d into oblivion.been waiting for isto comeThe Grandwas you, is finallywho saved It will be written for generations here. that it Descent my child, upon us. our world.&

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