15-21 months, full-time
London experience. World impact.
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By now you are probably some way towards understanding what you need, and want, out of your MBA. You recognise that success in today’s business environment relies on the ability to thrive in an increasingly complex world. You know that reputation matters and that learning from world-class professors and an exceptional peer group is critical. You realise the very real advantages of belonging to a global student body and alumni network. You also know that doing an MBA will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience so you need a programme that’s right for you. Make your MBA count. London Business School has the only MBA programme that combines a truly flexible curriculum with a truly international community in a truly global business centre. Add to this an outstanding faculty, a reputation for academic excellence and leadership…we believe there is simply no better place to study.
Watch the London Business School film:
Why London Business School?
We choose the very best, and make them better. Join our global classroom for a life-changing experience.
It’s a big decision. An MBA is a significant investment that demands substantial return. Choose London Business School, and make sure your investment pays off. London Business School is a leader in the field of business education. We choose the very best, and make them better. Our MBA is consistently ranked amongst the best in the world and offers a unique combination of benefits to help you develop the capabilities and connections you need to succeed in global business today. Join our global classroom for a life changing experience. Be inspired, achieve excellence and make your dream become your future.
We’re flexible, we’re global and we’re in London
“The London MBA overloads you – with readings, classes, commitments, social events and more. But it’s only by operating at what you think are your limits that you understand you can go beyond them.”
Aurelio de Carolis (Italy, MBA2000) Executive Assistant to the Chief of the Navy, Italian Navy
Watch Dana as she explains why she chose the London Business School MBA:
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We’re flexible
Everybody has different learning styles, different needs, different goals, and different pressures whilst studying. That’s why our MBA is one of the most flexible in the world. With exit points at 15, 18 and 21 months, our intensely practical programme provides a unique structure for learning. Core courses offer grounding in the key skills and frameworks of general management, after which you can experiment with wide-ranging elective options offered in a distinctively flexible format. We don’t expect you to know which route you will take before you start; you can make the decision on how to structure your MBA during your first year, once you’ve explored the opportunities available. Summer options, international exchange, waivers, languages, plus the ability to flex programme length and tailor the number of electives you take – from the word go you can customise our programme to suit your requirements.
We’re global
Fact: 1,700+ degree students from 130 countries Fact: 30,000+ alumni across 130 countries Fact: 59 languages spoken in a single MBA class Fact: 91% international students in MBA2010 Fact: 140+ faculty from more than 30 countries. The international mix of students and faculty at London Business School is astonishing, a truly global network which is a real benefit in today’s competitive marketplace. And of course, the world-class professors and visiting business speakers on campus include the very best thought-leaders from around the globe today. Our MBA plugs you in to a phenomenal network of global business contacts, expanding your personal network, and ensuring you maximise your investment. With the right connections you can create, and take, the opportunities life throws at you. At London Business School, when we say we’re global, we mean it.
“Teaching at London Business School is intensely stimulating. Students come from many different countries and have a wide variety of backgrounds – something that is reflected in their interventions and questions. Financial regulations and methods differ from country to country, and the global nature of the London Business School classroom means that instead of accepting one unique way to do things, students get to discuss the pros and cons of different approaches based on the real-life experiences of their peers.”
Francesca Cornelli BA (Bocconi) PhD (Harvard) Professor of Finance, London Business School
“I wanted to attend a business school where I would have great opportunities to succeed and the chance to work in a truly international environment.” Edouard Jozan (France, MBA2008) Account Manager, PIMCO
We’re global
Regional background (MBA2010)
Ready for a new challenge? Throw together a Norwegian Senior Associate from PricewaterhouseCoopers, a Peruvian Manager from Citigroup, an American Associate Director from AT&T, a British Business Development Manager from Corus, a German Consultant from McKinsey and a Filipino Financial Planner from Kraft Foods, then ask them to work together to produce 50% of their first year grade. Tough? Yes. Life-changing? Yes. A typical London Business School study group? Yes. Meet Study Group D4, class of MBA2009. It’s no longer enough just to be business-savvy on your home turf – to succeed in today’s environment you need to be able to eat, sleep and think globally. You must be able to differentiate yourself by your ability to create success, either independently, or as part of a multi-cultural team, anywhere on the planet. Our MBA gives you the global business capabilities to achieve this success and provides you with a life-changing learning experience along the way.
It’s not just our student body that’s international. Our entire community – including faculty, alumni, staff and corporate partners – is truly global. London Business School is a mix of smart and talented people from all over the world, from astonishingly different backgrounds, with markedly differing opinions and who speak numerous languages. The numbers say it all. Make the diversity of our MBA work for you. Go global.
Meet a typical study group:
And we’re in London
London is one of the best cities in the world in which to study business. Doing your MBA at London Business School enables you to use one of the most powerful business centres in the world to your advantage. With direct flights to 530 destinations worldwide from London’s five international airports and high-speed rail services to Paris and Brussels, your travel opportunities are endless. Every leading financial institution on the planet is represented in London, a third of the world’s largest companies are headquartered in London and a quarter of businesses here are foreign-owned. In addition, 175 of the UN’s 191 member countries have embassies in London and it is the gateway to the European Union’s 27 member states; the biggest single market in the world. Then there’s the fact that London is one of the most exciting, vibrant and entertaining cities in the world in which to live. Our MBA is a lot of hard work, but it’s also a lot of fun. So, whether you want to take advantage of the 75% of Fortune 500 companies located here, or enjoy the abundance of culture, sport, nightlife and parks, or whether you simply want the opportunity for your spouse to work, London is the place to be. The London Business School MBA. It all starts here.
Europe (Excluding UK) Asia USA/Canada Latin America UK Africa/Middle East Australasia
25% 22% 20% 13% 9% 8% 3%
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“I came to the MBA from a very structured consulting career with Booz Allen Hamilton, in Vienna, after studying law. I decided that the world of consulting was not for me, and I saw that my generalism wasn’t good for my career. I eventually want to have my own company and I knew that advancing a specialisation through an MBA would help with that. I wanted to stay in Europe, and after searching around, realised that I needed a career in a business city, so London Business School was a simple choice, especially as I also wanted a two-year experience. Most of my consulting work had been in media and telecoms, and I was interested in media and the online world, so I focused fairly early on what I wanted to do afterwards. I applied to Google for an internship, and I did a lot of homework before the interviews – and I got the job. This is an industry that has a future, it’s built to last, and it’s intellectually stimulating because there’s a lot of change in it. It was during the internship that my bosses called me in and offered me a position afterwards. That was a good day! Now I’m Associate Partner Manager for Google in London. My job is to manage advertising partnerships between Google and various online portals and e-commerce sites. I’m getting exactly what I wanted from my MBA.” Michal Bohanes (Austria/Czech Republic, MBA2009) Associate Partner Manager, Google UK Ltd
Industry prior to MBA (MBA2010)
Read the thoughts of our students as they experience the programme via our MBA blog.
Learn more about who does an MBA at:
Finance 26% Consulting 24% Manufacturing/ 8% Engineering Technology 7% FMCG/Retail 7% Healthcare/Pharma 5% Energy 4% Marketing/ 3% Publishing/Media Public Sector/ 3% Not-for-profit Law/Legal Services 3% Defence/Military 3% Automotive/ 2% Aerospace Other 5%
“My London Business School MBA (or MSc as it was then) gave me the confidence to see new possibilities, and was a great springboard for my entrepreneurial interests. The curriculum gave me a sound grounding in business fundamentals, both at a theoretical and a practical level, and I’m delighted to see that as the School has continued to grow, a focus on entrepreneurship remains key. I graduated from the School in 1985, and co-founded Capital One Financial Services in 1994. The company has grown very quickly since then, from an industry fledgling to a highly successful business. Sales in 2004 reached $10 billion, with more than $19 billion in market capitalization – earnings growth rate and return on equity has exceeded 20 percent each year since 1995. The company is also heavily involved in
corporate philanthropy and has received several awards in this area, including the prestigious National Outstanding Corporate Community Involvement Award from the Points of Light Foundation. The strong sense of community at London Business School has ensured that I’ve stayed involved with my alma mater. As well as being a School Governor, I visit campus regularly for guest lectures, and am also a member of the North American Regional Advisory Board. If you are interested in starting your own business, and want a really global MBA to help you do it, then this is the place for you.” Nigel Morris (UK, MSc19 – 1985) Co-founder, Capital One Financial Services
Who does our MBA?
“London Business School was an obvious choice for me. I wanted a top ranked school with high international exposure and strong alumni links. London Business School provides both, giving me opportunities that previously I would never have had access to.” Dan Saunders (UK, MBA2009)
You aren’t progressing up the promotional ladder quite as fast as you want to. You have a once in a lifetime business idea which won’t let you sleep at night, and a burning desire to know how to put it into practice. You love your job, but think you could do it better armed with a more strategic perspective. You hate your job, and the thought of staying in that same industry until you retire is driving you crazy. You’re destined to take over the family business but aren’t quite convinced you have the necessary skill set. You’ve enjoyed a career in the armed forces but now want to make a shift into business. You work for a multinational that is sponsoring its fast-track high achievers to graduate school. You have a start-up already, but want to understand how you can grow your business more successfully. The reasons for doing an MBA are many and varied. Whatever your motivation and wherever your aspirations take you, make sure that the reputation and global reach of the London Business School MBA is behind you.
“Life at London Business School was awesome, absolutely fantastic. It was a very intense, life-changing experience, and I would recommend it to anybody. My second-year project was writing the business plan, together with three fellow students, for a not-for-profit organisation to make the world a greener place. I was also co-president of the Entrepreneurship Club. We aimed to be ambassadors for entrepreneurship, bringing interesting, inspiring people to speak at events and showing students all the resources the School has for them. The first thing we did was to have a ‘good idea competition’ two weeks before new students actually started the MBA, so that when they first arrived they had lots to talk about. Two businesses now in operation started from that competition!
The School also has a network of business ‘angels’, who were very happy to mentor starting entrepreneurs. I took two tenweek internships while I was on the MBA. The first one was with Bain & Co. I really enjoyed it, I learned a huge amount, and I got an offer of full-time employment at the end of it. I’m starting with them as a strategy consultant, and I’ll be working on a wide range of projects in a wide range of industries. The second internship was with Google. It was also a very interesting experience and a huge opportunity to see how things are done at Google.” Emmanuel Coucke (Belgium, MBA2009) Strategy Consultant, Bain & Company
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“Your individual success in the first year of your MBA depends equally on the other five or six people in your study group. The relationship that you develop with them is crucial.”
Martha Vasquez (Mexico, MBA2008), Associate, Booz & Company
Our flexible curriculum
Year one
Year two
Your first year
A successful MBA is academically outstanding. It challenges its students throughout, and provides practical opportunities to implement classroom learning. It provides easy access to a first-class recruiter base, both through its location and its business connections. It utilises its alumni network fully, as part of a strong and energetic community and it is flexible enough to fulfil your personal requirements in the most effective way possible. The London Business School MBA is all these things. Our curriculum supports individual development needs through increased choice, flexibility and speed. With three exit points to choose from – at 15, 18 or 21 months – you can frontload your study, waive out of a core course, take advantage of flexible credit options, keep your curriculum choices broad or choose a concentration, complete as early as December in your second year or take advantage of the full two year programme. Whatever your specific study needs, we enable you to tailor your MBA by putting our truly versatile and hugely practical programme to work for you. Leadership is at the core of everything we do. At Orientation, the popular Global Leadership Assessment for Managers (GLAM) kicks off the early Leadership Module. This course helps you bridge the gap between understanding new countries and cultures and the ability to lead others in culturally sensitive ways. GLAM identifies key interpersonal and teamwork skills needed in successful global business management, and enables you to develop a personalised MBA action plan. The remainder of the first year develops core knowledge and skills. The Core Courses are designed to give a thorough grounding in business frameworks and general management concepts and to help you begin to make connections between and across the subjects that you study. They are academically rigorous, stimulating and practical. In addition to larger lectures, students work very closely in small and carefully selected Study Groups, with peers who are internationally diverse and from a wide variety of professional backgrounds. Achieving around 50% of your first year grade together means a steep learning curve, but one that is invaluable in today’s global workplace. Discovering Entrepreneurial Opportunities In addition to more established core courses, we also offer the groundbreaking and extremely popular course Discovering Entrepreneurial Opportunities. This class builds the mindsets, tools, and frameworks to discover new and previously latent opportunities for innovation. This is often a central challenge for newly graduated MBAs as they are thrown into a troubled or stagnant division, a new initiative, or an uncertain market. This course places students in decision-making case settings that require a whole-firm perspective, but at the relatively accessible level afforded in start-ups. Field trips Field trips are an essential part of our Operations and Technology Management core course, giving students the opportunity to gain an awareness of operational issues in real-life situations. Visits to date have included the Ducati factory in Italy, the Porsche and BMW factories in Germany, and the Aalsmeer Flower Auction Market in the Netherlands.
Learn more about our flexible curriculum:
Get details on all our core courses here:
We believe the experience of learning a second language is a vital part of becoming a truly global business leader and managers who are fluent in one or more languages are an increasingly important asset to their companies. Our MBA Language Programme requires every London Business School MBA graduate to achieve competency in one language other than English by graduation.
Find out more about our language requirement, including what languages you can learn on campus:
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“I went on exchange to the University of Hong Kong. It was eye-opening to be on the ground in Hong Kong; an excellent opportunity to expand my networks, but it also challenged my frame of mind. Making friends with local students there, visiting businesses, factories and banks; these were all invaluable experiences and defined a large part of my second year – I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” Eva Einarsdóttir Gustavsson (Iceland, MBA2009)
The Second Year Project
The Second Year Project is the culmination of your degree, giving you the opportunity to apply in practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom. Offering valuable commercial experience, students work in pairs on a paid consulting basis. Projects are extremely wide-ranging, but all participating organisations must have a tangible business issue.
“The whole experience of my second-year project was amazing. With my accounting background, I worked with a girl who was president of the Marketing Club, so we learned a lot from each other and offered a wide variety of skills to our client – a start up IT company with lots of issues. At the time, I was taking the elective Managing the Growing Business, so the timing was excellent. I found I was taking concepts verbatim out of the class, and showing the client! One of the professors became our mentor on the project, the company implemented our ideas, and we could see the results! Everything was happening live, as we were learning, and we had a real impact on the company.” Claire Gorman (USA, MBA2009)
Learn more about the Second Year Project:
Year two
Your summer break
There are three ways in which you can choose to spend your summer break. Most students do a Summer Internship, many with the aim of securing a postgraduation job offer before they return to campus. The 8-12 week paid placement gives you the chance to try out a new industry or job function, or to pursue a specialist interest. Six students each year are selected to work as a team for the London Business School Summer Consulting Programme, while others learn what it takes to turn a great idea into a fundable business as part of the Entrepreneurship Summer School. “When I came to London Business School, I was eager to try different things, and because I wanted to develop a managerial role within finance, I had a look at the Barclays Global Leaders Programme, a rotational programme in different countries sponsored by Barclays’ CEO. Barclays is expanding internationally and has been investing in MBAs with an international profile, with a view to making them their Senior Managers of the future. My internship involved working in Barclays’ Strategic Investments Unit, which was very interesting. The person running the unit I was to work for was away, so I didn’t have anyone to learn from directly, but I had a very challenging, interesting opportunity to assume further responsibilities and put my learnings from the MBA into practice. I was able to look at all the bank’s portfolio and investment opportunities before the global crisis occurred, focusing on its expansion programmes. Then, after the crisis, I started looking at the other side of the picture, restructuring and the cost savings. Not only did Barclays offer me the place on the Global Leaders Programme, but I also had part-time work there until the end of the year!” Arturo Silva-Santisteban (Peru, MBA2009) Strategic Investments Manager, Barclays Bank Plc
Your second year
In Year Two the flexibility of our MBA really comes into its own. You can choose a minimum of nine and a maximum of 12 electives from a large and varied portfolio. You can study electives that run for a full term, or load up on courses taught in our demanding block week format. You can also choose elective streams that run in the mornings, afternoons or evenings. This versatility gives you the ability to plan your second year around one of three completion dates – particularly useful if you have a job offer with the potential for an early start. Students are also able to take advantage of science, technology and real estate electives at University College London. You can keep your subject study broad, or specialise in an area of particular interest – current concentrations include Entrepreneurial Management, Finance, Marketing, Strategy, Technology Management, International Business, Private Equity and Change Management.
Investigate your summer options:
Read more about our varied and flexible elective portfolio:
The Shadowing Project
The Shadowing Project is a unique elective that gives you an opportunity to source and ‘shadow’ a manager for a week. The deliverable report is read by the manager, and graded by London Business School Faculty. In one of the most unusual projects to date Nick Wai (MBA2007) crossed the Atacama Desert in Chile whilst shadowing Mary Gadams, London Business School alumna and founder and CEO of RacingThePlanet. Nick combined his Summer Internship at Reuters in London with his week-long expedition on the Atacama crossing – a seven-day, 250-kilometer footrace across the driest place on Earth.
(Photo courtesy of RacingThePlanet)
MBA2009 Summer Internship (Geography)
Median weekly salary: £1,016
UK 68% Europe 14% (excluding UK) Asia 8% USA/Canada 4% Latin America 4% Africa/Middle East 2%
This type of elective flexibility is excellent if you are one of the many students who choose to study a term abroad on our International Exchange Programme. Over one third of our MBA class take advantage of this superb opportunity each year, travelling as far afield as China, India, South Africa and Australia. With over 30 institutions to choose from we offer one of the biggest exchange programmes in the world. Your choice of location may depend on anything from elective availability at the exchange school, a specific second language immersion experience, or a desire to move your career to a particular country post-graduation.
See how our hugely popular International Exchange Programme could work for you:
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Previous speakers include:
Eric Nicoli Chairman, EMI Group John Sunderland Chairman, Cadbury Schweppes Jack Welch former CEO, General Electric (GE) Barbara Cassani Chair, London 2012 Honorable Al Gore Former US Vice-President Ken Chenault Chairman and CEO, American Express
Rose Marie Bravo Chief Executive, Burberry Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown Chancellor of the Exchequer, UK Arun Sarin CEO, Vodafone Group Plc Phil Kent CEO, Turner Broadcasting Systems Rt. Hon. Tony Blair Prime Minister, UK Niall Fitzgerald Chairman, Unilever Greg Dyke Director General, BBC
Douglas Daft CEO, The Coca-Cola Co. Peter Brabeck CEO, Nestlé Vivienne Cox CEO, BP Alternative Energy Tim Koogle CEO, Yahoo Bill Gates CEO, Microsoft Jeff Taylor CEO, Sir Richard Branson Founder, Virgin Group Ltd.
Jim Donald CEO, Starbucks Keith Edelman Managing Director, Arsenal Football Club Helen Alexander Chief Executive, The Economist Group Baroness Hogg Chairman, 3i Timothy Richards CEO and President, Vue Entertainment Bill Clinton Former US President
Rob Routs CEO and President, Shell Oil Products, USA Mr S Pabari Director of Media, Manchester United Football Club Rt. Hon. Alistair Darling Chancellor of the Exchequer, UK NB: Speaker titles reflect positions at the time of their London Business School visit.
Learning from leaders
“I love new challenges. I love taking on big established players in big established sectors.”
Sir Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group Ltd
London Business School is abuzz with opportunities to be inspired. It’s a place where exciting things happen. Conferences, forums, lectures, summits, speaker series – the list of events on campus is endless. Our reputation and location bring some of the most inspirational and thought-provoking leaders in the world through our doors. Our students and alumni listen to, learn from and are challenged by speakers from industry, government, finance, and media. They forge global business contacts which will last them for life. And nowhere is the dynamism and energy of our School community more evident than in the passion with which our students initiate, run, and participate in more than 70 professional, cultural and sporting clubs. Esprit de corps. A pride in belonging to something. Belong to one of the most vibrant and pro-active business school communities in the world.
And speaking on campus recently
Muhtar Kent CEO, The Coca-Cola Company John Connolly Global Chairman, Deloitte Sir Ronald Cohen Founder, Apax Partners Sir Martin Sorrell Chairman, WPP Steve Ballmer CEO, Microsoft Boris Johnson MP Mayor of London Alain de Botton Writer and Producer Carlos Ghosn CEO, Nissan and Renault Jeroen van der Veer CEO, Shell Jeff Immelt Chairman and CEO, General Electric Lord Davies of Abersoch UK Minister for Trade, Investment and Business Charles Hodson CNN presenter Stephen Hester CEO, Royal Bank of Scotland Anshu Jain Head of Global Markets, Deutsche Bank Paul Polman CEO, Unilever Paul Walsh CEO, Diageo Mark Thompson Director General, BBC Bill Roedy Chairman, MTV Jon Snow Channel 4 News presenter
Hear Richard Branson speak on campus:
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London Business School. Get the London advantage.
“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.”
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
million visitors each year.
233 155 92 80
major carnivals and festivals.
of Fortune 500 companies.
75% 53
different country cuisine styles.
non-British population.
40% 17
international airports.
5 4 1
global share in ‘over the counter’ derivatives market.
public parks.
free national museums and galleries.
World Heritage sites.
foreign banks.
languages spoken.
of the global foreign equity market.
professional football teams.
global MBA.
local markets.
16 17
Job sector breakdown (MBA2008)
Finance 44% Global Industry 27% Management Consulting 29%
Investment 25% Banking Asset Management 7% Venture Capital/ 7% Private Equity Corporate or 2% Commercial Banking Retail or Private 2% Banking Insurance/ 1% Real Estate
Technology/ Telecommunications Energy Healthcare/ Pharma Manufacturing FMCG Industry – Financial Services Media Consumer Products Operations/Logistics Internet Other
4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1%
Generalist Specialist
28% 1%
Return on investment
A reputation for excellence. A global learning environment. A curriculum that adapts to your individual requirements. An unrivalled location that puts one of the largest recruiter bases in the world at our doorstep. It’s no wonder our graduates are sought after. They are flexible, adaptable risk-takers. London Business School MBAs seek, and find, careers that take them around the world. Your MBA is a time of self-exploration – we provide a team of dedicated and experienced sector recruitment specialists to help you make the most of this opportunity. We offer you close links with traditional MBA recruiters in finance and consulting, excellent relationships with over 50 private equity firms and connections with more than 100 major corporations in other sectors.
Download our latest Employment Report here:
Salary Information (MBA2008)
Median base salary £61,000 Median sign-on bonus £15,300 Median year-end bonus £15,400 Job location post-MBA by region (MBA2008) “Given the specificity of my career goals, I knew that I would need all the support I could get. London Business School offered the right mix of skills training, attracted the right calibre of recruiters and supported me through the recruitment process. Career coaching sessions with the team helped me recognise my priorities and the right industries to focus on. Networking skills that I developed at the School helped in making the best contact with people at Johnson & Johnson which started conversations that led to identifying the right opportunity for me.” Gbenga Olatunji (Nigeria, MBA2007) Market Development Manager, Johnson & Johnson Professional Export “London Business School students are top calibre – they bring varied backgrounds and experiences which we find a fantastic fit with our entrepreneurial culture in General Mills International. They possess a unique world view. They understand the global marketplace and how they can succeed by leveraging the many skills they have developed to date.” Lynsey Wherry Human Resources Manager, General Mills International “Experience has shown that London Business School MBA graduates are particularly diverse and cosmopolitan. Their broad range of skills, experiences and fresh perspective complement the importance we place on diversity and individual contribution. Working closely with Career Services has been key in attracting the best talent into our organisation.” Yasmine Curpen, MBA Recruitment Coordinator, UBS “London Business School has always been a deep pool of talent for our offices world-wide and we consider it one of our top priority MBA programmes. The diversity and high calibre of students combined with their experiences at School provide them with an excellent background and skill set for a successful career in consulting. They come with strong analytical and problem-solving skills and fit easily into BCG and into our clients’ teams. This enables us to integrate them easily and provide them with an exciting and enriching career.” Sukand Ramachandran (India, MBA99) Principal, London office, BCG
Our aim is to be the top global provider of business school talent. Learn more from Diane Morgan, Director of Career Services:
Major recruiters in 2008
Financial Services Credit Suisse Barclays Group Deutsche Bank Morgan Stanley UBS Fidelity Goldman Sachs Citigroup HSBC Nomura J.P. Morgan Merrill Lynch Bank of America Macquarie Mubadala Development Company Standard Chartered Bank Tishman Speyer Global Industry American Express BT BP Shell Johnson & Johnson EMI Music PepsiCo Samsung Corporation Management Consulting McKinsey & Company The Boston Consulting Group Booz & Company Bain & Company A.T. Kearney Deloitte Accenture L.E.K. Consulting Monitor Trinsum
UK 62% Europe 14% (excluding UK) Asia 9% USA/Canada 8% Africa/Middle East 4% Australasia 2% Latin America 1%
In spite of a challenging economy, recruitment of our talented MBA graduates in 2008 remained strong with 90% of students accepting offers of employment within three months of graduating.
“We have a very strong relationship “BP’s Global MBA team has been with London Business School, and working with London Business have successfully hired a number School for several years and has of candidates into both internship found it a rewarding experience. and permanent roles across all We have recruited a number of key business functions. We have MBAs who are doing well in our been very impressed with the high organisation and whose skill base calibre, professional experience meets our needs. We look forward and business acumen of the to continuing and deepening the students, all of which will contribute relationship as we move forward.” to driving further growth of Pepsico.” Heather Bowley, Global MBA Ben Lamont Programme Team, BP Talent Acquisition Manager, Pepsico
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Learn more online Learn more in person Meet us at one of our many global events, or here on campus. Learn more by telephone Speak with a Client Services Officer to learn more: Telephone: +44 (0)20 7000 7500 Email:
[email protected] Apply
Course details and other information provided in this brochure are correct at time of going to print. London Business School reserves the right to make changes at any time.
What our graduating class has to say
“As soon as I visited London Business School, I knew it was the place for me, I visited seven or eight schools in all, but this was by far the most positive experience – everyone I met was very open and welcoming, and eager to know me – students, staff and faculty. There are two highlights of my experience at the School. The first is the people you meet – you can’t put a price on that. Business school is an amazing bonding experience, and the friends you make are friends for life. The second is that you really gain confidence to take any job in a new career in a new industry with a new job description. I can take a big leap and do something different from what I had done before.” Stella Harman (USA, MBA2009) “The greatest highlight of my experience was the people I met and the friends I made – even if I’d had the same course content elsewhere, I wouldn’t have had this incredible international network, and that’s the most valuable asset to take out of the School.” Silvio Junqueira Filho (Brazil, MBA2009) “If you choose to go to London Business School, you will earn a top notch MBA… and that’s just one part of your experience. You will develop an international network that will challenge and open your mind in ways you could never predict. The professors introduce concepts in class that are then interpreted in different ways by students from all over the world. It’s an incredible experience to be in this type of learning environment.” Claire Gorman (USA, MBA2009) “I have never in my life been surrounded by such a high concentration of talented, smart and genuinely nice individuals, as during my time at London Business School. Classes are amazing, but some of my most significant learning experiences have been arguing history at 3am during a School trip to Berlin, discussing international economics on a yacht on the coast of Italy during spring break and learning traditional Indian dancing at Tattoo. My best friends are from Germany, Italy, UK, Poland, Brazil, Korea, Iceland and Morocco – it doesn’t get more international than that.” Adi Heinhorn (Israel, MBA2009)
What should I do now?
Take action
We are looking for talented achievers seeking to immerse themselves in a rigorous and challenging MBA. We expect our applicants to demonstrate first-class intellectual capacity, a track record of success, leadership potential, energy and integrity, and a global outlook. In return we offer a top-ranked academic programme with a world-class reputation, a truly international community and curriculum, superb links to recruiters and an extraordinary business school experience in one of the finest cities in the world.
Loans and scholarships
Tour of the London Business School campus with Dana:
Remember – an MBA is a big financial investment, so we advise you to research all avenues of funding as early as possible. The London Business School Scholarship portfolio has some outstanding scholarships available to help offset fees. In order to be considered for these awards, we strongly encourage you to apply in Stages 1, 2 or 3. Current donor-funded scholarships include large awards from Deutsche Bank, Citi, Style Research, Vodafone, Santander Abbey, Old Mutual, Bank of America and Merrill Lynch. We have a number of regional scholarships, including awards for British, North American, Latin American, Indian, Israeli, German, Chinese, Australian/New Zealand, sub-Saharan African, Arab, Swedish, Thai and Japanese students. Specific awards are available for students with military or engineering backgrounds, and a number of awards exist for women. London Business School also offers a number of Financial Needs Bursaries of up to £20,000 each to deserving students who would not otherwise be able to participate in the programme.
In addition to our Scholarship portfolio there are some excellent loan schemes available. Students accepted to the London Business School MBA programme are eligible to apply for the HSBC-London Business School Loan Scheme, which allows borrowing of up to £50,000. Please note that this is not a guaranteed loan, and the bank will expect to see some personal financial contribution to your study costs. US citizens and residents have access to the Stafford loan system, and can also apply for private MBA top-up loans. There are a number of other external country specific loans and scholarships listed on our website, but students should investigate all possibilities in their country of origin.
For a complete list of London Business School scholarships and more information on loans, please see our website:
Regent’s Park London NW1 4SA United Kingdom Tel +44 (0)20 7000 7000 Fax +44 (0)20 7000 7001 A Graduate School of the University of London
S 2009
S 2008
M B I N E D,
London Business School