Lotus Hospital

Published on June 2016 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 32 | Comments: 0 | Views: 307
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Accessible, Affordable and Assured Healthcare
Social Entrepreneur: Dr. Niranjan C. Shah, MD; DNB (OB & GY)

Enterprise Model
 Model: For Profit

Region of Impact: Kolhapur, Maharashtra India Annual Revenue: INR 1.32 cr ($ 285,000) Staff Strength: 70 successfully leverages existing medical resources extended by private providers and government to form private-public initiatives to provide several high-impact interventions
pregnant women, a tie-up with National Health Insurance Scheme, direct-to-home contact through mobile clinics.

 Lotus offers a low-margin, high-volume model which

 These interventions include a unique enrolment scheme for

Impact – Kolhapur, Maharashtra
 Carried out corrective surgeries on 3000 children
 Immunized 2500 new born babies

 4 Lakh families are part of the hospital schemes.
 Helped approximately 2500 mothers during child


 Carried out more than 500 high risk obstetrics, gynecological & pediatric surgeries.

 Year 1998 : First corporate multispecialty hospital in

Kolhapur. Patients as share holders.
 Year 2000 : First intrauterine fetal blood transfusion.
 Year 2002 : Smile train corrective surgery centre –

Carried out 2000 free surgeries.

 Year 2003

: First kidney transplant.

 Year 2010 : First low cost delivery centre, in a private-

public partnership with state government.

The Theory Of Change
 If women and children who are under served by government hospitals & cannot afford private healthcare and as a result have higher infant

rate and maternal mortality, then by leveraging existing resources extended by private providers and the government , to form private public initiatives with low cost, high quality healthcare will reduce infant and maternal mortality.

Growth plan & the financials

Funding Requirement & Investment Recommendations
 An INR 65 Lakhs ($1,40,000) debt or equity funding required per year for 3 years.  Lotus hospitals provides a balanced & attractive solution that is less costly than the traditional

private hospitals but better quality care than the govt. and babies they provide a solution to a basic social problem in a sustainable manner.

 By making healthcare accessible for all mothers


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