Management Consultant

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KENNETH J. WOOD 602 Stanwich Terrace * Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20774 (516) 589-4199 * (301) 430-0116 Dear Sir/Dear Madam: Having contributed to the profitability and success of my current organization b y providing strong IT leadership in a global environment, I am seeking the oppor tunity to join your company in an IT Management position. With an exemplary work history of networking achievement, effective client service even in high-pressu re environments, and proven team leadership, I feel confident in my abilities to generate positive results. I've spent the majority of my career at Credit Suisse, where I most recently ser ved as Assistant Vice President, Data Center Cable Management Hardware & Facilit ies. A sample of career highlights includes: * Drove development and implementation of business continuity and disaster recov ery plans for all corporate data center sites and branch offices. * Directed design, development and launch of 2 internationally-based data center s. * Provided IT leadership to successfully meet day-to-day operating system requir ements mandated by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) floor. Please accept this letter and enclosed resume as an introduction to my skills an d background. For a more detailed presentation of my offerings, feel free to con tact me at your earliest convenience to schedule a conference. Thank you in adva nce for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Kenneth J. Wood IT SENIOR MANAGEMENT Accomplished IT professional with 20+ years experience driving supporting infras tructure and coordinating network planning installations to align with corporate objectives. Proven track record of effective communication and team leadership to manage global projects; ensures policies remain consistent with goals, provid es engineering specifications and assigns resources to meet workflow needs. Exce ls in identifying creative, high-impact solutions to resolve complex hardware an d infrastructure challenges. Performs well in high-pressure environments. Areas of expertise: IT Problem-Solving * IT Networking * Data Center Management and Establishment Facilities Planning * Disaster Recovery and Planning * Global Network Planning a nd Installations Complex Hardware Implementation * Infrastructure * Policy Development * Network Security Floor Plan Design * IT Support * Multi-Site Coordination * Low Voltage Cabling Team Leadership * Project Management * Strategic Relationship Building * Client Relations


NOTE: Recently relocated to Maryland. CREDIT SUISSE, New York, New York * 1986-2008 International banking product and services provider with ~48,000 global employee s. Assistant Vice President, Data Center Cable Management Hardware & Facilities Spearheaded new infrastructure for Cisco routers, servers and network cabinet in stallations, including utilizing CAD Systems to develop floor plans; equipped en gineers with hardware and system specifications and scheduled teams to expeditio usly achieve objectives. Enhanced data center operations and delivered regulator y compliance by authoring procedures and security policies. Ensured resolution o f client hardware problems by coordinating support services nationwide. Orchestr ated branch office network planning installations at home and abroad. Supervised low voltage cabling installations for all data storage units. Maintained securi ty access to domestic data centers and branch offices. Managed data center disas ter recovery support. Key Contributions: * Drove development and implementation of business continuity and disaster recov ery plans for all corporate data center sites and branch offices. * Directed design, development and launch of 2 internationally-based data center s. * Provided IT leadership to successfully meet day-to-day operating system requir ements mandated by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) floor. ADDITIONAL POSITIONS include serving as Data Center Hardware Technician Speciali st for Smith Barney. Oversaw data center hardware installations, documented netw ork installations and coordinated maintenance of hardware and network backups. F urther details upon request.


CERTIFICATIONS SNS Data Flow and Design IBM Training Center, New York City CICS, CICS/CL, VTAM COBOL II, TSO/ISPF, VSAM, VISIO 2000 Programming Systems Institute, New York City Telecommunications Networking AT&T Training Center, Cincinnati, Ohio Data Storage Units Codex Storage Training Center


UNIX (Solaris, HP-UX), Sun SPARC, HP 9000, 3000, NT Servers, Windows NT2000/XP/VISTA, Linux, LAN/WAN, DB2, TCP/IP, Novell, Banyan, ISO/OSI, IPX/SPX, SNA, SMS/SOL Ethernet, Token Ring, VPN, Secure ID, LAN Manager, MS Office Suite, MS Access, Project FrontPage, Norton Firewall

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