Management System of Library

Published on February 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 35 | Comments: 0 | Views: 179
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Library Management System SYNOPSIS:



The project entitled LIBRARY MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is dee deeloped loped as

part o! the "I Semester R#BMS pac$age project !or the partial !%l!illment o!  the BE &'omp%ter Science( degree)



LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a so!t*are application to maintain

th the e reco record rds s rela relate ted d to Bo Boo$ o$ +% +%rc rcha hase se,, Stoc Stoc$ $ Ma Main inte tena nanc nce, e, Bo Boo$ o$ Se Sear arch ch,, 'ata 'a talo log, g, Bo Boo$ o$ Iss% Iss%e, e, Bo Boo$ o$ Ret%r et%rns ns,, -ine -ine 'o 'oll llec ecti tion on,, an and d all all ne nece cess ssar ary y re.%irements !or the Library to manage day to day operations)

OBJECTIVE: The main objectie o! the application is to a%tomate the e/isting system o! man%ally maintain the records o! the Boo$ Iss%e, Boo$ Ret%rn !rom the st%dent, Stoc$ Maintenance, 'atalog and Boo$ Search to be comp%teri0ed) So the Boo$ Iss%e, Ret%rn, Searching *ill be !aster !aster))



This application application can be %sed by any Library to a%tomate the process o! 

man%ally maintaining the records related to the s%bject o! maintaining the stoc$ and Boo$ Iss%es)  




The transactions related to Boo$ +%rchase, Boo$ Iss%e and Boo$

Ret et%r %rns ns ar are e ma main inta tain ined ed ma man% n%al ally ly at pres presen entt alon along g *i *ith th ma main inta tain inin ing g the the acco%nts o! the St%dents and the Lect%rers)   All these are to be a%tomated and an application is re.%ired to relate all o! them relatiely and logically so that the c%rrent system can be replaced and accepted *itho%t major changes and problems)


The application sho%ld proide .%ic$ access to the records maintained

and m%st reeal the impor important tant reie*s abo%t the b%sine b%siness ss so that the gro*th can be easily compared and sho%ld proide *ith the ario%s reports sho*ing the related details so that the important decisions co%ld be ta$en easily)


Hardware and Software req!re"ent#

Hardware Req!re"ent#



+enti%m I" 2G30 and Aboe






456 'olor Monitor

7eyboard Mo%se

Software Req!re"ent#

8perating System)


9indo*s :+

#eeloping Tool


"is%al Basic ;)<



MS Access


The !rontend o! this project is "is%al Basic ;)< and Bac$end is MSAccess) This project is readily aailable, to b%y this project send yo%r postal address by SMS &Mobi &Mobile le No $%&'()(&%* $%&'()(&%*(( or email &ra+#,a!nfote-,./"a!01-o" & ra+#,a!nfote-,./"a!01-o"(, (, *e *ill send yo% this project by postal "++ yo% can pay to the postman and collect the '#)

I! yo% are loo$ing !or di!!erent bac$end please email the details) 9e *ill gie this project in di!!erent bac$end *ith additional cost along *ith ideo ho* to change the bac$end, and ho* to %se the project)

I! yo% *ish to *rite the *hole project yo%rsel!, the option is open *e can help yo% to design and *rite the project) 9e *ill ma$e a ideo ho* to *rite the *hole project and *e *ill send to yo%, by *atching that ideo yo% can able to *rite the project yo%rsel!) -or more details please contact %s)

9e also %nderta$e ne* projects, i! yo% need a ne* project then please contact %s)

Ra+#,a Infote-, No) =2;, >th Main, 3ampinagar 3ampinagar,, "ijayanagar II Stage, Bangalore ? 5;<4<@) Near 3ampinagar Main B%s Stop) +hone 1 <=< 22<;=45) >2@4<4@2= eMail 1 ra$shain!otechgmail)com *ebsite 1 ***)ra$shain!otech)com

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