Marilyn Monroe Death- Newspaper article Aug 6 1962

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Fairfield County's Morning Newspaper 20 Pages



Published Daily ai 410 Flnte Si.. nridBeiwri. Conn.

Reds Fire A-Blast Injhe Atmosphere

U. S. Tax Cut by Jan. 1 Predicted by H o d g e s
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5— (AP) Secretary of Commerce Luiher H. Hodges predicted that "all of us—corporations and individuals — should be able to count on a tax cut effective not later than Jan. 1." Interviewed on a television program (ABC-TV's "Issues and Answers"), Hodges said he doubted there would be an immediate tax cut. But in response lo a question, he said: "If you didn't have a tax cut in the next few months. I ihink lhat the President probably . . . would stick lo whal he said. Mainly, that there will be a tax cut effective Jan. I," As for the passage of what he termed a "meaningful" lax reform bill, Hodges asked that Ihe people "keep in mind that these things do take a tremendous time."


Swedes Estimate Power of Explosion at 40 Megatons
U f ' I ' S A I . A . Swerlcn. A n - . 5 (AP) — The Soviet l.'iiion exploded a big nuclear Ijonib lii^h in (he aliLiGr.phcrc today. Estimates Differ Swedish scientists estimated it to bo in Ihe 40-megaton range, second only to (he Soviet 50met-a tonner set off last fall. A Norwegian scientist said his REPORTED SOVIET NUCLEAR BLAST SITE " Instruments showed only that it pates Soviet atomic testing ground on island of Novaj'a Zcmlya was smaller than that one. and in Siberia where Russia exploded a big nuclear bomb high in U.S. officials would say only lhat Ihe atmosphere yesterday according to Uppsala university's it was "in ine megaton range." Sclsmologicat Institute in Uppsata, Sweden. Swedish scientists The Japanese meteorological estimated it to be in the 40-megaton range, second only to the agency estimated the blast to be Soviet 50-mcgaton set off last year. in the 20-mcpaton range. Whatever the size, the blast carried out Premier Khrushchev's threat to resume testing in retaliation for U.S. Pacific tests. Uppsala university's Seismologies! inslitute. which classed the blast as in the range of 41) million tons of TNT. said it occurred at a higher altitude than the SoH I R O S H I M A , j a p a n , (Monday.) Au S . f, ( A P > — viet scries of 1961, which w a s ' .Shocked l>v the Soviet Union's r e s u m p t i o n of n u c l e a r climaxed by the superbomb. Recordings at the institute in- testing, tliis city ]>r;iye<l today for its iliotisanrh dicated the lest was carried out t h e U. S. a t o m i c bomb a t t a c k 17 vears at; at the Soviet atomic testing "What Irony!" pround on the island of Novaya Tens of thousands of Japanese Zemlya, in Siberia about 1.350 crowded into Hiroshima's Memmiles east of Uppsala. orial park at dawn for a mass U. S. Deplores Blast pr yer meeting, as they do ever}' In Washington, the Stale deyear on Aug. 6. Most had just parlment deplored Soviet relearned the U.S.S.R. had resumed sumption of atmospheric testing l"ting. as a "somber episode." In Japan Dean Palfrey of Columbia "What irony," said Mayor Shinonly nalion to feel the wrath zo Hamai, "for us to receive such of an atomic bomb in wartime and James T. Ramey to news on the anniversary of the a government spokesman said very day the first atomic bomb Be Nominated the new Soviet testing "is rewas used over this city." grettable for world peace." PORT, The big blast appeared to have 5 1IYANNISPresident Mass., Aug. Kiyoshi Yoshikawa, who sur(AP) — Kennedy is vived the atomic attack, declared, kicked off a new round of So- naming John O. Palfrey of New "the Russian tests represent viet military maneuvers in the York and James T. Ramey to Ihe whipping the dead." far north, designed among other Atomic Energy commission, fill-1 Yoshikawa was among ., the things to test new nuclear wea- ing two vacancies, the crowd that released hundreds of pons. White House announced today. The Soviet Foreign ministry (Continued on Page Two) refused to comment on the re-"* Palfrey has been dean of Colport of a ne\v lest, and tight umbia college, the men's undergraduate liberal arts college of security blanketed (he military maneuvers in the Arctic circle. Columbia university since 1958. 15 Tons of TNT Seen The Soviet government announc- He is 43. a Democrat, a Harvard Hanging A b o v e You ed two weeks ago. however, that graduate as is Kennedy, and his land, sea and air maneuvers wife is (lie granddaughter of the TOKYO, (Monday,) Aug. 6— late President Theodore Roose- (AP) The newspaper Asahi would begin today. velt. He will succeed Loren said today every man, woman New Series Ordered The announcement followed a Keith Olson on (he AKC. for a and child in the world has Ihe Soviet government's statement term running until June 30, 19G7. equivalent of 15 tons of TNT that it had ordered a new ser- Ramey now is executive direc- in nuclear explosive power ies of nuclear weapons tests. tor of the Joint Committee on hanging over his head. The Soviet defense ministry Atomic Energy. He is being apCommenting said the troops would "conduct pointed to succeed John S. Gra- niversary of theon the 17th anatomic bombmaneuvers with the actual use ham for a term ending June 30. ing of Hiroshima, Asahi deof various types of modern wea- 19W. clared: pons." The "If the thin string holding Western military experts said bers issalary of commission mem522.000. of Damocles breaks new tactical weapons would pro- Ramey, 47. was born in Eddy- this sword somewhere due to someday, bably be tried out under battle- ville, Ky.. is a graduate of Am- accident or miscalculation, it field conditions during the 11week period, as well as a series herst, Mass., college and of Col- will be Ihe end." school. The paper estimated the of experimental nuclear blasts. umbia University Law from law United Stales has 30.000 megaAfter graduation They said the Soviet Union is school. Ramey held a number of tons of nuclear weapons and believed to have trailed the Unit- jobs with the Tennessee Valley the Soviet Union an arsenal of ed States in the development of compact nuclear weapons for its authority and in 1947 joined the 15.000 megatons. The total is equivalent to 45 ground forces. Such weapons Al-X. He is married to and the Iiave probably been perfected by father of two children. His wife billion tons of TNT. Since the is associate professor of physiolo- world's population is about now and are ready for training exercises in the field, they said. gy at Georgetown University three billion, "it means t h a t 15 Further tests of the Russians' Medical school. They live in De- Ions of TNT hangs over the head of every man and wonewly developed counterpart to thesda, Md. man, the U. S. Polaris missile also Palfrey was a lieutenant in mil- said. old and young," Asahi itary intelligence during, World are expected. Soviet Nuclear subThe (wo great powers' estimarines equipped with underwamated total nuclear arsenal is (Continued on Page Two) ter rocket launching devices

Marilyn Monroe Dies After Pill Overdose
Police Regard Case As Apparent Suicide
By JOSEPH FINNIGAN HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 5 ( L T f ) — Actress Marilyn Monroe, blonde sex symbol of the modern generation, was found dead in her home at an early hour today after taking an overdose of sleeping pills — her nude body face down on her bed ami her hand clutching a telephone. Police listed the .56-year-old star, who had been depressed about her skidding tnovic career, as an apparent suicide, but said they were not certain. An autopsy was performed today with inconclusive result;. Officers .said a bottle which contained -If) lo 50 pills was found empty by Miss Monroe's bed when they arrived at her small, Mexican-styled home. No notes "were discovered.
(Other stories and pictures , on Marilyn Monroe's death I about 10 miles from Hollywood. will be found on Page Four). I got the pills two or three days ~Tlic body was found by th~e~a7-iag° ,aft,er Complaining she was tress' psychiatrist. Dr Ralph " nable to slce P' Grcenson. who broke a side_win- Her body, covered by a pale doiv of the bedroom after being blue blanket and strapped to a summoned by a housekeeper who stretcher, was taken from the noticed a light under Miss Mon- two-bedroom home to Westwood Village mortuary at 7:30 a.m. roe's door at 3 a.m. PDT. The housekeeper, Mrs. Eunice PDT, and later transferred to the Murray, who also was the actress' morgue. companion, had noticed the light Former baseball star Joe Diburning at midnight and decided Maggio. the second of Ihe actress' to check again at 3 a.m. When three husbands, notified the local she was unable to rouse her. she mortuary in Westwood that he looked through the window from was flying here from San Franthe outside and saw her lying in cisco, .where he took part in an bed. Oldlimers' game yesterday. He Greenson, who had spoken with arrived late this morning. the actress yesterday, found her Miss Monroe's first husband dead, her body covered with a was James Dougherty, a Los Ansheet and a champagne-colored geles policeman, who declined (o blanket. He immediately summon- comment on her death; her third ed Dr. Hyman Engleberg. who was playwright Arthur Miller, aupronounced Miss Monroe dead at thor of the stage classic, "Death 3:50 a.m. PDT (6:50 a.m. EOT). of a Salesman." Complained o! Insomnia Pat Newcomb, Miss Monroe's Detective Sgt. R. E. Byron said press agent, rushed to the star's Misj Monroe, who lived in the star-studded Brenlwood area (Continued on Page Two)

Foreign G u e s t s Include! 'Princess Margaret, Lyndon Johnson Cabinet Upholds Refusal KIX'GSTOX, J a 111 a i c a, to Let El Al Fly Spy From Ant;. 5 ( A P ) — J a m a i c a became the Western HemisBritain to U. S. phere's newest n a t i o n at

JERUSALEM. Aug. 5 (AP)- m i d n i g h t when it broke nit" The cabinet stood firm today 307-year-old tics as a B r i t i s h against permitting an Israeli air- possession. liner to fjy Dr. Robert Soblen Rains Threaten ! from Britain to the United States. His lawyer said the convicted In ceremonies at the national stadium, the union jack was spy may be back by Thursday lowered and Jamaica's new to be gold, to begin a legal battle to remain green and black emblem hoisted, in Israel. symbolizing the emergence of the A communique Issued after a hemisphere's first new indepencabinet meeting declared that an dent nation since Panama in 1903. Israeli plane would carry the, Heavy tropical rains threaten61-year-old psychiatrist "back (o ed to dampen the proceedings, Israel only and under no cir- to be attended by several Eurocumstances to the U n i t e d pean dignitaries, including BriStates." tain's Princess Margaret and U.S. The cabinet stand reiterated an Vice President Lyndon Johnson. earlier reply to Britain, which Before his arrival. Johnson anhas given the Israel's El Al air- nounced the gift of a 575,000 U. S. line until Wednesday midnight government scholarship for Jato get the fugitive out of Bri- maican students. tain. Under life sentence in the At an afternoon rally, several United States for spying for the hundred Jamaicans cheered Johnhe KenSoviet Union, Soblen is in Lon- son when himsaid Presidentfriendnedy sent "because of don's Brixton prison. ship which will grow and prosper The Lithuanian-born fugitive with your independence." The skipped $100,000 ball in June and vice president said he will spend fl«d to Israel. Israel ejected him at least three days in Jamaica. July I aboard an El Al plane. Cheer Unionists Just before the plane landed in The crowd also reacted enthuLondon he stabSed himself in siastically to remarks by William the stomach and slashed his wrists, and has been there since (Continued on Page Two) fighting to stay out of the United Stales. I Britain's position is that El All brought Soblen 10 London and should complete the trip. Israel says Britain has no right to tell El Al what to do. In London, informed sources said Britain intends to hold to Y o u t h Flees in Trumbull its position and will not hand After Knife Fear Ride over Soblen to El Al unless the From Waterbury airline agrees to fly him to the United States. TRUMBULL, Aug. 5 — A 41The communique said the cabi- year-old Waterbury man said he net agreed that: car 1. The original order to eject was held at knife point in hishour this Soblen from Israel still stands. by aafternoon for nearly anforced youthful bandit who 2. In view of Ihe fact that it his wav into the auto in Waterwas an Israeli plane which took bury. At the intersection of Route Soblen to Britain, the Israel gov- S and the Merritt Parkway Ihe ernment feels obliged to take bandit fled, 'aking the driver's him out again if Britain insists watch and money, State Police on this. said. 3. An Israeli plane will lake The victim. Felhy Dessner of Soblen to Israel onry, and under Waterbury. told, police the bandit no circumstances to the United jumped into his car at 12:15 p.m. States. at a traffic light in the south end The unanimous cabinet decision of Waterbury. Mr. Dessner was was reached after hearing a re- on his way to New York city. port by Foreign Minister Mrs. He said the youth, armed wilh Golda Meir. It was relayed to a knife, told him to "get going". British Ambassador Patrick Han- During Ihe netriy one-hour trip cock. from Waterbury to the intersecSoblen's Tel Aviv lawyer. Dr. tion of Route 8 and the parkway, Ari Ankorion, welcomed the Is- the bandit took Mr. Dessnc-r's rael government's "decision to watch and wallet containing S5D right the wrong which it did to in cash. Soblen and not to extradite him After the youth left the car. Mr. to the United States." Dessner said, he drove to a gas Saying Soblen may return by station on the parkway in Fairequivalent to 2.250,000 bombs Thursday, Ankorion announced he field and called Slate Police. first will ask Israel authorities State Police, along wilh Trunv size dropped on (Continued on Page Two) MOREHEAD PATTERSON of the in 1945, the paper Hirohull and Fairfield police, searchshima said. ed the area for Ihe youth with no (Continued og Paj;e Two) AMF CHAIRMAN, D I E S success. Official Weather The voulh was described as .s. «„«,,, n.r«u WASHINGTON. Aug. 5-(AP), about 20 years old, six feet tall, v.s. nrpi oi roinnirrrr Morchcad Patterson, 64, chairman, Swedish Crowd Sympathetic— 200 pounds, curly blond hair and BRIDGEPORT AND VICINITY of the board of American' Ma"very well tanned." —Becoming partly sunny and chine & Foundry Co., died unexLI. Walter Foley of Troop G, warm today; high around 80. Ipecledly today in his home of a Westport barracks, led the Moslly fair and mild again to- heart ailment. search. Trooper Donald F. Dainight; low in the «0s. Becoming) American Machine & Foundry ton is investigating. partly cloudy and continued;Co.. and its subsidiary, American Police said Mr. Dessner was warm tomorrow; high around 80 Machine & Foundry Pinspoiters, Inc., were among several firms STOCKHOLM, Aug 5 0UPI)— fants have been reported by not harmed by the youth. TEMPERATURE Highest yesterday 83 which the government recently Mrs. Sherri Finkbine flew into mothers who took the sedative Lowest yesterday 59 charged had cooperated in limit- Stockholm today hoping that un- duriflg pregnancy. Features for Everybody Highest year ago yesterday .. 75 ing the establishment of new der Swedish law she will be able Mrs. Finkbine's schoolteacher In Telegram Every Day Lowest year ago yesterday .. 61 bowling facilities and expansion legally to abort the life of a baby husband, Robert, supported her of existing ones. PRECIPITATION she fears will be born deformed. with one arm while she walked Burton H. Fern, M. D. Page .. 9 Yesterday O.UO Patterson was appointed U. S. A crowd of several hundred For Month 08 representatives to the Interna- Swedes at Arlanda airport ap- slowly down the steps of an SAS Classified Ads T5-19 polar flight to begin her race Barometer (8 p.m. reading) 30.07 tional Atomic Energy agency in peared sympathetic to the plight Comics 12 against time. Humidity (8 p.m. reading) 75% 1954, holding the rank of ambas8 If Ihe State Medical board in Constantine Brown sador. He also was depuly rep- of the 30-year-old television acTHE TIDE 12 Today Tomorrow resentative to the United Nations tress from Phoenix, Ariz., who the next few days authorizes the Crossword Puzzle 8 3:4} a.m. .. High .. 4:30 a.m. Committee on Disarmament the was denied an abortion in her end of her pregnancy on the Editorials home country. grounds of "grievous mental suf- Fashions 4:10 p.m. .. .. 4:58 p.m. same year. 9 Pallerson, whose official resi- Pale except for dark rings un- fering," Mrs. Finkbine will not Jacoby on Bridge fl:54 a.m. .. Low .. 10:38 a.m. 9 10:27 p.m. .. .. 11:18 p.m. dence was in New York, held de- der her eyes, Mrs. Finkbine hur- require major surgery. Obituaries 19 grees from Yate and Harvard and ried to her hole! to arrange for But if she must wait much be- TV and Radio ALMANAC 13 also had attended Oxford. Admit- psychiatric examination t h a t yond next week, Mrs. Finkbine, Monday, August ft 6-7 Two hundred and eighteenth ted (o the Massachusetts Bar in alone can win her a quick oper- who is in her J2th week of preg- Sports . 8 day of the year. Forly seventh 1924, he Joined American Ma- ation here and allay the anxiety nancy, may have to undergo an Sylvia Porter day of summer. The sun rises at chine St Foundry in 1926 as as- caused by the drug thalidomide. Theater News 10 5:33 a.m. and sets at 8:04 p.m. sistant counsel. The birth of scores of maimed in(Continued on P«ge Two) Women's News 9

Russia A-Test Shocks Hiroshima on Pray Day


RECENT PHOTO OF MARILYN — Actress Marilyn Monroe, 36, whose body was found yesterday in bedroom ot her home in Brontwood, a suburb of Los Angeles, is shown in one of her most recent photos, made two months ago.

Associated Press


Movie Colony Stunned By Blonde Beauty's Death
HOLLYWOOD, Aiiff. 5 (UP!) — The movie colony awoke in disbelief today nt tlic ne\vs Marilyn Monroe is dead. Gable's Widow Prays Clark Gable's widow was one of the first to learn of the blonde beauty's death. "I heard the flash over the air at 7 a.m. (PDT). I went to Mass this morning and prayed for her. Gable and Miss Monroe worked together in "The Misfits," Suicide Team Will S e e k adapted from playwright Arthur Further Information for Miller's story. Miller was Miss Monroe's last husband. Coroner's Office The picture was the last ever LOS ANGELES. Aug. 5 (AP)made by either star. Two of Marilyn's closest An autopsy was performed today friends on the West Coast were on Marilyn Monroe, but Countv Theodore Curphey aclor Peter Lawford and his Coroner were inconclusive. saiil wife. Pat, sister of President results "We do know it was not a natKennedy. "Pat and myself loved her ural death," he said, "but further tests will have to be made." dearly," said Lawford. "She was He said take several a marvelous, warm human be- days beforeitit might be determincould ing." ed how she died. Dean Martin, who was to have Curphey said co-starred with Marilyn in the (earn, including a aspecial suicide psychiatrist, ill-fated film "Something's Got will try to determine whether to Give," was one of those most Marilyn's death was accidental stunned by the news of Ihe 30- or intentional. year-old star's death. "From information supplied to "I just can't believe it ... I us we feel we can make a pre-


MARILYN'S BEDSIDE TABLE — A^pofice officer points to an assortment of medicine hollies on the nightstand beside the bed (right) at Marilyn Monroe's home where she was found dead yesterday. Police said a sleeping pill boltle was empty.

(Continued on Page Two)

(Continued on Page Two)

Sherri Awaits Mental Test, Needed for Quick Abortion

Rule to Beach Was Advised—

Marilyn Phoned Psychiatrist Only Hours Before Death
By JAMES BACON i said, lhat she had been dead six HOLLYWOOD, Ang. 5 (AP) to eight hours by lhat time. Marilyn Monroe, no stranger to Byron said Miss Monroe spent psychiatric treatment, called her most of the day at home Saturpsychiatrist last night—only hours day. before she died. The last person she spoke to Det. Sgt. R. E. Byron, first po- was Mrs. Eunice Murray, her lice officer on the scene, added housekeeper. that Dr. Ralph Greenson had ad- Byron said Mrs. Murray said vised the glamorous movie queen that Marilyn talked about her conto take a ride, to the beach. versation, with the psychiatrist. "Dr. Greenson said Marilyn had "She said she didn't think she called him about 5:15 p.m. and would take a ride to the beach told him she was having trouble but might lake a ride nearby if sleeping," Byron said. she couldn't sleep," Byron said. Police estimated that Marilyn Then she went into her room cheerful "Good night, died shortly after she retired for wilh the night at 8 p.m. The police honey," lo Mrs. Murray. The housekeeper said she notiewere notified of her death at 4:20 a.m. by Dr. Hyman Engelberg. (Cootlnued on Page Four) The doctors estimated, Byron

FILM BEAUTY'S BODY REMOVED — Coroner's attendants remove Ihe body of film star Marilyn Monroe from a Los Angeles mortuary yesterday, on the way lo the Los Angeles County Morgue.


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