May 7, 2015 Edition

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This newspaper is your voice to the county and all city or state employees, or whomever it may concern. Have something to say? Good or bad? Let’s hear it!! Don’t hesitate to make suggestions or send in your comments to us anytime on any subject. Did you ever want to be a writer? Here’s your chance to be recognized. Send any and all inquiries to the address listed below. We are an equal opportunity employer.



Emerald Star News

Volume: 8

Issue: 10

May 7, 2015

bi-weekly Edition

Coming from Freeport Florida the ‘good life’
Welcome to all you visiting our little slice of heaven... Thanks for reading……..enjoy :)

For every copy picked up, a business gathers a new customer base of readership.

Since ‘2008


Made possible by your local
advertising businesses in this edition.

Inside this EDITION:
Check our website for more News

The Wolfe’s Den, an editorial
from an unique perspective ..PG 2
Plenty of Land for sale pg. 6,8&12
The patent application, originally filed in September 2014 but published last week by the US Patent and
Trademark Office, details an elaborate system for “aerial delivery of items.” Amazon’s drone aspirations won’t be nearly as simple as “take off from the warehouse and drop off the package.” The drones
will talk to each other, receiving information on the delivery environment (presumably weather, traffic,
obstacles, etc.) from other drones to update their routes in real time, determining if their flight paths and
proposed landing areas are safe and free of obstacles (like people or dogs).

Real Estate listings inside:

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LC’s coupon for that awesome Lunch
or Dinner, use them coupons! Page 3

Healthmark Health Matters
Living with juvenile diabetes…..PG 6
Alaqua’s Pet of the 10
We accept mail in donations, thx
SMILE, someone’s watching

offered ‘free’ …….from our business Advertisers inside this week
A style of it’s own — a community Based Newspaper

Page 2



The Wolfe’s Den
Hello everybody. I hope each of you are feeling good. Let’s hit with
a couple topics I recently experienced myself as of late. For those of
you who read the past 4 editions will clearly know how I am talking
about. My scoundrelous, stalking, peeping Tom, trouble causing neighbor. Yes,
you with good neighbors, it must be a treat. For nearly every day for the past 6 yrs. I was on a
mission. To combine with the residents who live own our road a format of understanding what
they didn’t understand.
My problem is clearly, the Law, the cops who choose which Laws to enforce and to whatever
degree they can. But, once again my faith in the system has been forever scared.
Follow me for a second. I and my Family have been stalked, harassed, spied on, peeped in on and
continuosly this man antagonizes any guests that I have stop by. Even sexually exposed to my
girls when they were only 7-8...check the books at the Advocacy center. If they have the courage
to tell you what they told us. Mr. Shriff Adtkinson, instructs my family, if he does anything out of
line to make that call to them. We have video, we have pics, yet this man smerks into the face of
this Lawless land, I see we now live. We Must catch him in the ACT? Video? No good, not acceptable. They must catch you in the Act themselves in order to charge and arrest you.
For every (11)year we endured tires, slashed to roof tacks, rocks thrown in my yard. As I stated
last week, I have a detailed specialist working on my survailance recoop footage off my hard
drive. This man has been pulling stakes marked for water, road width’s for over 10 yrs.
Please follow along, this has a wild ending, and I demand answers. One way or another.
I catch him Tresspass my land, he denies. We have witnesses, he has no one. Cops show up, take
45min of my daughters time asking for what she saw. They take up another 30 min with my other
daughter who witnessed all the years of abuse. This man affected our yard, our drainage, our
driveway. But that ain’t enough. He’s also the man that knowing expanded his garage just last year
5’…’s in clear violation of the STATE’s set-backs Law for FLORIDA. This legal nonconmfornity better include a major fine. Still no word from them, but 100’s have been contacted as
For one man trying so hard to be a ‘greeby ass’ and dare to try and run ‘us out’ for his is always
playing games with the Laws in place, (Yard Sales in residential for starters) but yet? He has yet to
be even fined? Legal non-conformity, look it up. Read what follows. His time has come to set
We on Waterside Ln. have not been thrilled to say the least that you have broken nearly every
ordinance and several Laws thus far, Yet you continue on stalking and preying upon teenage girls
in School. You will be BUSTED. Your lies and BS!
Remember folks all I have told you will come to show in court shortly. I will say this, amongst
slanderous comments in this town from him and his friends, the jobs we lost due to him racing
there to talk lies of us. Detremental to one’s future.
Now to the point. As you know I made a valiant effort to you as the reader informed with my
findings and I seemed to turn up more loopholes for those who made the Law, they can back out
of easier now. A thief is a Thief, the same untrusting scoundrel is a small man.
My case, I must say I write this as 100% factual, stop me. I’ll show you the number of calls to
police for him harassing and stalking us. Single dad– 2 teen girls? What makes me think I should
TRUST you AT ALL? You have been caught by so many different people, lucky for you 3 of
them died last year. Just cause you have numbers, I have THE FACTS!
So, Monday work my tail off get home to a lovely chicken dinner, green beans and taters, I cut
one bite, the phone shows restricted. I assume it’s a cop so I answer. They were at my locked gate
and said they wanted to ask of few questions of what’s going on here. The man has made 17
charges that were dropped due to lack of any evidence, but still. Is me or my Family forced to live
like this? OF COURSE NOT. So, sheriff says to call, every time they come out it’s a waste of
time, as if he denies what we know are to fact. Cops believe who they want. It 100% obvious, they
all do NOT know the LAWS.
I go to the locked gate and noticed 3 officers, 2 were ‘punked’ to fight, takedown. I’m not stupid. But I’m still wondering why? I grow even more skeptical. Instead of just saying as a man to a
man. Say hey, there’s a warrant we need you to have you see the judge. They sly cop says I have
papers and pictures to show you on my car computer. So I need you to come outside your gate and
look at…...nothing, no pics, they corner me in my driveway in front of my crying daughters, hand
cuff me on the hood of car, like a criminal and for a Judge (to be named later) took a false statement from people who said they are neighbors of mine? Breached the Peace based on all. False
statements! The statements proved they don’t live here. I hollered about a trespasser the cops let
off. We have 5 families on our road...He uses our right of Way as a dump-all. It shortens the width
and it’s nothing near the full 30’ allocated by survey to also include a drain. I’ve asked for that
over 7 yrs ago, ask Randy Langerfield. It’s still not done. His home faces Hwy 331, steel containers he told the county they were moving (April 1st) who’s lyin’ NOW?? I saw it in writing and yet
there they sit and he sells like ever before. There should have been an enforced setback so the road
can be paved. Are you serious Mr. County Man? Your allowing a breech of setbacks that limits us
to getting our road like our sister road across the bayou? I think you have told me 8yrs of ly and
stories about grading the road 3’ NORTH OF EXISTING CENTER. Been told that for 12, he
moved 2 yrs later and makes these changes himself. Come on, county step-up, make right, right
and quit letting little pion’ people mess with your work or pull those markers. Use your power to
do the road as designed to be yet Simple fix, yr. I pay my taxes and I know you can do it. Take
Down tree, widen and black top with 2 yellow lines…...AFTER 12yrs, is it really that much of a
deal? YES! It’s the never ending excuse. They been laying plenty back top in the south side.
Why? Because you have rules and those rule breakers. Rule breakers like him they’ll get theirs.
Taking advantage of another person, then laugh in they face? I can guarantee you this will not take
long. But it’s the classless, backwoods, bunions that need to adhere to the upcoming changes in
the way we live need to do so now. Notice these changes, they are coming fast at every direction…………………….So America who’s THE MAN? VOTE HIM IN…...GET USA BACK!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Views expressed in The EMERALD STAR NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the
publisher. The staff of The EMERALD STAR NEWS pride ourselves in our efforts to ensure accuracy of the publication contents. However, there is no guarantee of the accuracy of all
the Information nor the absence of errors and omissions (especially when sent through a third
party); therefore, no responsibility can or will be assumed. 2500 copies printed bi-weekly.

This newspaper is your voice to the county and all city or state employees, or
whomever it may concern. Have something to say? Good or bad? Let’s hear
it!! Don’t hesitate to make suggestions or send in your comments to us anytime
on any subject. Did you ever want to be a writer? Have an investigative mind?
Here’s your chance to be recognized. Or you can help anonymously.
Send any and all inquiries to the address listed below.

We are an equal opportunity employer.
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Mail invoices and other information to:

P.O. Box 1133
Freeport, Florida 32439
Quote of
the week :
We cast away
priceless time in
dreams, born of
imagination, fed
upon illusion, and
put to death by reality.
Judy Garland


Frank Wolfe Jr.

(850) 585-0262
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E-mail info. to:
[email protected]
Main Office/Sales - 850-585-0262
Web Designer – Lee Cox
Contributing Writer/reporter - Rian Lyday

Special “Thanks” to our advertisers, show support.
It’s never too late to ‘get involved’. As a society we will gather in time of need
for others, that is what community is all about. Enforce property lines…..
Just as we saw abuse from our government officials all over our nation, watch
where your tax dollars are going and see how it is being spent. If you don’t
agree with it, go to a meeting and speak up….let’s work together!
Changes only come when enough people call to order of descent standards for
which we all can live by. Therefore there are Laws / rules to follow or be jailed.
**If it isn’t on your property it is on someone else’s….county, then state. Keep
you and your stuff on your own property line with setbacks properly integrated.
Or else we all can grandfather anything? ‘wrong! Stop the crap. We want to be
proud of our surroundings. Let’s weed out the problem, deal with it, head on!


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Page 3

Talk of the Town
By Sara Bowers
DeFuniak Springs City Manager

On Thursday April 23 at the regular bi-monthly council
meeting, Freeport Mayor Russ Barley presented a certificate of valor to City of Freeport employee Addison
Parker. On April 8, 2015 during work hours, Parker
came opon a severe automobile accident on US 331 at
Bay Grove Road. He immediately responded with a fire
extinguisher to the burning vehicle, pulled the occupant
out to safety and then continued fighting the blaze until
help arrived. Mayor Barley commended Parker on his
heroic actions stating "Addison Parker saved a life that

“free”-HOW?? From the businesses advertising in this
issue. Please Thank each one as you go to their store
Yes it’s true. The rising demand for this newspaper made our delivering needs
so high, we could not keep up. We have numerous locations all throughout
Freeport, south Walton and DeFuniak Springs to pick up a copy today.
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The Emerald Star News is published every other week!
Donations of all kinds appreciated. $$ to print

We are locally owned and operated in Freeport
P.O. Box 1133 Freeport, Florida 32439

The DeFuniak Springs City Council welcomed its newest member on April 27. Janie Griffith was sworn in to
begin her first term in office as a Council member. Two
other Council members also returned to office to begin
their second terms. Kermit Wright and Ron Kelley took
their oaths of office at the Monday night meeting along
with Mark Weeks for the position of city marshal.
The Council also launched a number of initiatives that directly involves the
public. For instance, the Council decided to take a new look at the city’s current
sign ordinance and agreed to name a 12-member committee of Walton County
citizens and business owners to craft an updated ordinance. The ordinance will
then be reviewed by the DeFuniak Springs Planning Board and then presented
to the City Council. The idea is to have citizens directly involved in the process,
which reflects the Council’s continuing desire for a strong, active partnership
with the public.
The Council also approved a citywide survey to poll local residents about
what kinds of new businesses and services they would like to have in DeFuniak
Springs. The five-question survey will be included in citizen’s utility bills. The
survey can be mailed back or dropped off in the drop box behind City Hall. The
results of the survey, which will be compiled and made public, will assist the
City Council, the city Economic Development Committee, as well as prospective
business owners and developers.
Another initiative involving citizens was the Council’s new appointments of
private citizens to the city Planning Board, Airport Advisory Committee, Economic Development Committee, Special Events Committee and the Cemetery
Board. The City Council wishes to express its thanks and appreciation to the citizens who have served and those who will now begin to serve on these important
boards and committees. Government works best when citizens are directly involved in the process and the Council is grateful to all those willing to serve their
community in this way.
The City Council also voted to update the city’s website to add additional content and make it easier to navigate and use. Once the update is concluded several
months from now, the website should also be easier to access using mobile technology such as Smartphones and other hand-held devices. In the meantime, the
city website can be accessed at
For more information on these and other items, contact the DeFuniak Springs
City Hall at (850) 892-8500.

At approximately 5:30 AM on Saturday morning, Officers with the DeFuniak Springs
Police, along with Walton Fire Rescue, and the Walton County Sheriff’s Office responded to Oakdale Garden Apartments in reference to an unresponsive 6 month old
female. A Deputy Sheriff was the first to arrive and was approached by a family member holding the baby. The Deputy Sheriff immediately began CPR and continued until
EMS arrived. Walton Fire Rescue continued CPR while transporting the infant to
Healthmark Regional Medical Center. Despite life saving efforts, the baby passed
away at approximately 6 AM while still at the hospital.
The Crime Scene Unit with the Walton County
Sheriff’s Office responded and processed the
apartment, as is routine in cases like this. The
case is still under investigation; however, foul
play is not believed to be involved. Chief Mark
Weeks said “Dealing with the death of a baby
is unimaginable. Our deepest sympathies and
condolences go out to the family and friends of
this precious little one.”

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Page 4


Health Post
George Roll P.A.-C
Seagrove Medical Clinic
Call # 850-231-6200
Walk-ins and Appt.s
Send health questions or
comments to: P.O.Box 1133
Freeport, Florida 32439

Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
Announces Withlacoochee Council
Ombudsman of the Year

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“High Bacteria Count at Morrison Springs”
WALTON COUNTY – The Health Advisory is issued April 22,
2015 for Morrison Springs. The Advisory is issued based on the
criteria for fecal indicator bacteria.
This should be considered a potential health risk to the bathing
public and swimming is not recommended. Samples taken are
above the public health threshold for fecal indicator bacteria. Water quality exceedances are based upon the US Environmental
Protection Agency’s (EPA) recommended standard of no more
than 61 Enterococci CFU/100mL, or 235 E. coli CFU/100mL in
any single sample. Sample results for April 21, 2015 indicate 192
Enterococci CFU/100ml and 140 Enterococci CFU/100ml.
The water will be re-sampled April 27, 2015. When re-sampling
indicates that the water is within the satisfactory range, the advisory will be lifted.
The Florida Department of Health in Walton County monitors
monthly water samples submitted by public bathing places during
their operation season. The water samples are being analyzed for
enteric bacteria (fecal coliform enterococci or E. coli) that normally inhabit the intestinal tract of humans and warm- blooded
animals, and indicate the presence of pathogens which may
cause swimming related diseases including gastrointestinal disease, ear and eye ailments, and skin rashes and infections. The
presence of fecal indicator bacteria is an indication of fecal pollution, which may come from storm water runoff, domestic pets,
wildlife, and human waste (sewage).

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Have you got something to say?
Let’s hear it! Time to VOTE! Say?
Don’t hold back, you see a way to
improve something? Tell us. Say?
Got ideas? Think of something that
would be beneficial to Walton
E-mail anytime…..check page 2

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ON FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015 AT 11am
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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, State Ombudsman
Leigh Davis has announced Frank Charles as the
Withlacoochee Council Ombudsman of the Year.
“Our volunteers are the cornerstone of this program,
serving as advocates for the long-term care facility
residents we assist every day. This population needs
these caring individuals to be their voice,” said Leigh
Davis, State Ombudsman.
Mr. Charles joined the program as a volunteer in
2009 and has served as an ombudsman for more than
five years. He was selected by his peers for his dedication to the program through numerous volunteer
hours, commitment to residents, and training of new
volunteers. Prior to joining the program, he served in
the Ombudsman Program of Albany, New York.
“Frank purposely spends a lot of time in the facility.
His approach is that he tries to make a connection
with people so they find confidence in him. He views
residents as one of his relatives, someone close to him
that he cares about. He wants to be involved to the
level that he can help them and so he can be able to
respond to whatever they need,” said Adele Evans,
North Central District Ombudsman Manager.
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program advocates for the health, safety, welfare, and rights of individuals residing in long-term care settings. Ombudsman volunteers work with residents, family members,
administrators, and other parties to resolve complaints
or issues brought by or on behalf of long-term care
For more information on the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, please visit: http://

331 Lazy Dayz RV Park Accident

Sampling is also conducted by other county health departments
at marine beaches and results can be found at Department of
Health's Beach Water Quality website at
For more information, contact the Florida Department of Health
in Walton County at (850) 892-8021.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

‘SinCe 1989’
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Water Heater sizes are
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Wednesday afternoon, on 331 south at Waterside, a
2001 Hyundai Accent, driven by 40-year-old Claudia Almonte-Mercado, of Freeport, was traveling
south on US Highway 331, approaching stopped
traffic. S Mini Cooper, driven by 49-year-old Judith
Ann Vender, of Freeport, and Freightliner box
truck, driven by 41-year-old David Stanford, of
Pensacola, were traveling north on US Highway
331. Vehicle-2 was ahead of Vehicle-3.According
to the FHP, the driver of Vehicle-1 failed to notice
traffic stopping on southbound US Highway 331.
As the Hyundai approached stopped traffic, the
driver attempted to take evasive action by swerving
to the left (east), and entering into the northbound
lane occupied by the Mini Cooper. The two struck
and the Hyundai then struck the truck. The force of
the impact with the truck caused the Hyundai to flip
over and onto its driver side in the northbound
lane.A 6-year-old passenger in the hyundai is listed
with critical injuries and was taken to the trauma
center. The driver of the Hyundai is listed with serious injuries. The two other drivers were not injured.
We appreciate our readers. Don’t forget to let them
know you saw their Ad here in The Emerald Star
News. That’s all we ask in return for your time.
It’s been 7 long years of news.
Thank you.

The Emerald Star News, Inc.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Page 5

Do you have a business?
Lowest Ad Rates in Walton county!
We’d like to see you advertise with us!
Call today: 850-585-0262

South Walton Sports Park Design – We
Want to Hear from You
Last night, Lose & Associates, Walton
County’s contracted design firm for the South
Walton Sports Park, held their first of several
planned public design meetings.
During this meeting, the presenters addressed
the upcoming planning and design process,
potential amenities and took input from the
If you weren't able to attend, we still want to
hear from you. Please take a few minutes to
send us your thoughts and ideas via a newly
added online survey.
The survey will be active until Friday, May
15th and a link to the survey can be found from
At this time, there has not been any official
dates set, however, the next meeting should be
held sometime in June 2015 and will focus on
the initial design of the facility. Please monitor the county's News section.

The Mayors Post
Russ Barley Freeport Mayor
Please send any and all comments
to The [email protected]

Greetings from the Mayor’s Office
I think summer is a little early this year but what a beautiful time of
Frank, federal testing standards
the year for us to enjoy.
need to go.
The Recreation Department is gearing up for the opening of the
City Pool on May 29th, so mark your calendars and come and enjoy
Common Core must be destroyed to save our
the only public pool in Walton County and it will be open until Lacountry’s future. And we need to make sure that
bor Day- Closed on Wednesdays. Anxiously awaiting next month
the federal government never dictates education
when the construction begins on the new Publix Supermarket and
standards again. A child’s education should be
picture and updates will be presented as they go along. I was hondetermined at the local level, between parents
ored to present a Certificate of Valor to Mr. Addison Parker of the
and teachers. It shouldn’t be dictated by some
Freeport Sewer Department at our last council meeting- Addison
bureaucrat in DC.
helped save a life from an accident that took place on Hwy 331 and
Bay Grove Road on April 8, 2015, congratulations on a job well
You know federal standards need to end. And
done. The city council voted to pay the Walton County Fire Assessyou know the government needs to get out of
ment Fee for this next year to the county and will revisit it next year
local schools. That means Republican Senators
after the budget has been addressed. Bids are being collected for the
need to stand up to Obama, and propose a real
renovation of the community center and hopefully as selection will
conservative solution to education. We need a
be made soon and progress can begin. The utility department has
solution that puts parents in charge of their chilbeen hard at work pressure washing the city hall and will be paintdren’s education. And we need a solution that
Achievement of your happiness is the only
ing the fountain in the center of town to make it more eye appealing.
gets DC out of America’s schools for good.
moral purpose of your life, and that happiHere is our line in the sand: any education
ness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is A ribbon cutting took place for a new boutique- “All Dressed Up”,
located across from city hall and they would like to invite everyone
reform passed by Congress needs to get DC out
the proof of your moral integrity, since it is
of local schools. Period. End of story.
the proof and the result of your loyalty to the to stop in and see what they have to offer, this is their second location with the first one being in Destin. Additional workshops are
achievement of your values.
Send a message to your senators right now,
being planned for the council to discuss matters that will help the
and tell them to support real legislation that
city function better in the future and allow them to be able to make
will get DC bureaucrats out of your schools!
Ayn Rand
important decisions in a council meeting. Congratulations to Katie
Education freedom will work. Together, we can
Dier of Freeport as she was recently crowned Teen Miss Chocmake it a reality.
tawhatchee 2015 at a pageant held in Chipley over this past weekI’ve noticed so many newsend and also, congratulations to Megan and Katie O’Neal as they
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Bill paper disappearing so fast.
were both selected to the all -state girls basketball list. Katie was
We like that we have to be
Passes House and Senate
also recently named the Sunshine State’s 1-A Player of the Year and
ready wed. afternoon.
the Daily News Small School Player of the Year. Meetings will begin
I have extensive family
next week for the upcoming city Festival “Bayfest” to be held on
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, the Long-Term Care Ombudsnorth side of the county out
September 19th and meetings have begun for the annual Mayor’s
man Program has announced the passage of Senate Bill 7018 in
near Paxton too. So, thanks
Charity Ball sponsored by the Town Planters Society of Freeport
both the House and Senate. The bill will now be sent to Governor
for sending us extras, so we
which will be held on October 24th. Entertainment for both events
Scott for his final action. This legislation modernizes the operatcan keep in touch with the
are in place and we look forward to both events being successful
ing structure to bring standardization and efficiencies to the prorest of the county.
again. Thank you for your calls and emails as well as dropping by
gram, retargets resources to complaint investigations and training
Not the Fluff, I want the Real my office to let me know how we are doing, remember I am just a
that emphasizes the dignity and quality of life of residents, and
Deal and frank delivers. He
phone call away- 850-835-2822.
conforms the program statute to the federal Older Americans Act.
keeps you thinking about
“I would like to thank the members of the House and Senate, the things that most may have
Department of Elder Affairs, and my staff for all of their hard
never thought of.
Stop and smell the Roses they say, calming odor to the senses… flowers!
work regarding this important legislation,” said Leigh Davis,
State Ombudsman.
Summer coming,
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program advocates for the
hopefully you’ll
health, safety, welfare, and rights of individuals residing in longget those few new
term care settings. Ombudsman volunteers work with residents,
deals to add 4 more
family members, administrators, and other parties to resolve com- pages. We are
NOW across from City Hall, Freeport, Florida 32439
plaints or issues brought by or on behalf of long-term care resiproud of what you
do for many of us.
For more information on the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Pro- Thanks
gram, please visit:
Ed, Jim, kim

Emerald Coast Flowers & Gifts

FREEPORT Presbyterian CHURCH, located on Hwy 20. Next to Frank’s Cash &
Carry. We are extending an open invitation to come to our quaint little church to give
thanks and praise to God. Small town feel and children’s services available too.
Sundays at 9am Bible study….10am church service. Come meet Pastor Gene.


Full Service Florist- Worldwide Delivery


Page 6


Thursday, May 7, 2015

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AWESOME BAY VIEWS IN CHOCTAW BEACH!! Florida Cottage with BAY VIEWS only minutes to
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vent, TWO refrigerators, dishwasher, and built in front loading washer and dryer. The three bedroom home has two bedrooms,
den, kitchen, dining room, and Florida room down and a huge master bedroom suite upstairs with two walk in closets.

Commercial Property on 331, MLS # 538545,
The live, work business, building is right in the center of busy Highway 331 coming right into
South Walton. 1.064 acres on the property. zoned commercial with a minor development
order. Retail business downstairs with apartment upstairs. Apartment is 576 Sq. ft., Main level
for business is 1380 sq. ft. It is zoned VMU.
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Other Properties - North Walton County
MLS # 607005 - .21 acres - Black Creek Lodge Rd - $25,000
MLS - 524271 - 1.2 acres - Stanley Dr. $25,000
MLS - 607740 - 1.28 - Campground Pt. Defuniak Springs - $11,900
MLS 481585 - 3.86 acres - on Lake Holley and King Lake -Bell Dr/Holland Dr.-$65,000 for 2 parcels / split and buy one parcel for $34,500/ea
MLS 599565 - 2.1 acres - Dvorak Drive, Waterfront on Juniper Lake $45,000
MLS - 612885 - Lot on Juniper Lake - Wilderness Trace - $29,500
MLS - 552802 - White Creek Rd - 8.44 acres - $26,000

MLS # 724417 - Swanee Rd, $9,900 - .37 acre

The 35th Annual Country Showdown coming to

DeFuniak Springs. The “35th Annual Country
Showdown” (America’s largest country music talent search
presented by WZEP AM 1460 is coming to DeFuniak Springs,
The Florida Forest Service is in the process of restoring a historical, native Longleaf Pine (Pinus PalusSaturday, May 30th at 3:30 PM at the Amphitheater. Approxitris) ecosystem within Point Washington State Forest. Initially, this will involve the complete removal of mately $200,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded nationwide
off-site Sand Pine (Pinus Clausa) on 85 acres. A timber harvest operation will serve to accomplish this
including the Grand Prize of $100,000 cash to the National Winobjective.
ner. Designed to find the most promising country music talent in
Due to fire suppression and harvesting of the longleaf legacy canopy prior to the creation of Point Wash- the United States for the past thirty years, the Country Showdown
ington State Forest, the area has been invaded by Sand Pine. With minimal sunlight reaching the forest
gives aspiring artists a chance to launch their professional cafloor, this has created an unfavorable environment for the rich diversity of ground cover species that sup- reers. Thousands of performers compete annually for the Country
port most of our native wildlife species.
Showdown title.
Local winners advance to over forty state contests where the
In its current state, it poses few positive characteristics that support the immense number of native speprizes include $1,000 in cash and the opportunity to compete at
cies that would typically be found in one of our ecologically correct plant communities. This step is the
one of the five regional contests in the fall. The five regional winfirst of many in an attempt to restore Point Washington State Forest for the benefit of our native species
ners receive an all expense paid trip to the National Final in
and the many users of the state forest.
Nashville to compete for $100,000 and the coveted National TiThe Forest Service’s goals with this timber harvest are to remove the dense Sand Pine over-story from
the current plant community and replant the area with Longleaf Pine. Historically, this plant community's tle. Open to vocal and/or instrumental performers, the Country
Showdown welcomes individual acts or groups with up to seven
over-story was composed primarily of Longleaf Pine and typically more open which allowed sunlight
members. A $20.00 entry fee is required of all contestants enterbetter opportunity to reach the forest floor.
This process is not a development, but rather a restoring of the forest to its native ecosystem. The Florida ing the Country Showdown competitions.
Entry forms and rules are available on line at
Forestry Service follows best management practices with primary zones based on Outstanding Florida or by calling WZEP at 850-892-3158.
Waters as found in the Florida Service Manual, Silviculture Best Management Practices. The Florida
Forest Service is dedicated to restoring our unique and highly sensitive ecosystem and improving the
overall health of these ecosystems.
Road Reopening: CR 3280
The Florida Forestry Service is currently bidding out this project and the bidding will close on May
CR 3280 construction has been completed and the road is now
12th. Once the winning bid is accepted, the contractor will have one year to complete the timber haropen. Please be advised that CR 3280 has been reopened followvest. Forestry has begun working on improving the road to accommodate the contractor. During the pro- ing the installation of 60” cross culverts.
ject, the contractor will enter and exit on Hwy 83, and will not be using Hwy 30-A.
During the shutdown period, no traffic was allowed to cross at
A mapof the restoration area has been included.
the site of the installation of 60” culverts approximately 1100’
east of Magnolia Lodge Road.Please contact Jim Harman with
Shoul you have any questions, please contact the local Florida Forest Office at 850-267-8325.
Walton County Public Works at 850-892-8108 questions.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Page 7

‘Happenings’ in DeFuniak Springs
Students Help Restore Habitat Along Choctawhatchee
Bay Local third and fifth graders complete the Grasses in Classes
program by planting shoreline grasses
As the school year begins to draw to an end, students across Okaloosa
and Walton County are also wrapping up a year-long restoration project. Throughout the 2014-2015 school year, around 2,100 students at
20 elementary schools participated in Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance’s Grasses in Classes Program.
Grasses in Classes encourages students to develop an interest in the
local environment by growing shoreline grasses at their school.
Throughout May, these students will see the hands-on, science program full circle by taking a field trip to Choctawhatchee Bay. Rotating through stations, students will not only explore the habitat they
learned about all year, but will also plant their smooth cordgrass at a
restoration site.
“The field trips provide a perfect opportunity for students to connect
their science education to their local environment,” comments Brittany
Tate, Education Coordinator for CBA, “The experience students’ gain
encourages them to become an active part of the Choctawhatchee Bay
CBA provided teachers the equipment and materials required to grow
shoreline grasses at their schools. In addition to maintaining salt marsh
nurseries, students participated in monthly activities administered by
an educational teamed staffed through an AmeriCorps partnership.
Each lesson was correlated to meet
Florida’s science standards, and
Nell Myers obituary
focused on the relationship between shoreline grasses and the
Amazing Grace: “I once was lost but now I’m
health of the Choctawhatchee Bay.
found, was blind but now I see.” A native of
Throughout May, CBA will host 22
Niceville, Florida and resident of Freeport,
field trips at 8 different restoration
Florida, Nell Willingham Cheatham Myers, 79,
sites along the bay. The students
passed away May 3, 2015, with her family and
will plant close to 25000 shoreline
friends by her side.
grasses by the end of the month,
which in return, will help to slow
Nell loved to fish, travel and eat out. She was always ready to take a ride when erosion and provide a critical, intertidal habitat.
you pulled up at her house. Nell had a great spirit and lived life to the fullest.
CBA is an entirely grant and donor
She has made many memories with all members of her family.
Nell Willingham Cheatham Myers was born June 9, 1935, in Niceville, Florida -funded, 501(c)3 non-profit wa-

Healthmark Health Matters
Living with juvenile diabetes

Type 1 diabetes in children is a condition in
which a child's pancreas no longer produces the
insulin the child needs to survive. Type 1 diabetes
in children is sometimes called juvenile diabetes or
insulin-dependent diabetes.
The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown.
Scientists do know that in most people with type 1
diabetes, the body's own immune system — which
normally fights harmful bacteria and viruses —
mistakenly destroys the insulin-producing islet
cells in the pancreas. Genetics may play a role in
this process.
The diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children can
be overwhelming at first. Suddenly, a parent and
child must learn how to give injections, count carbohydrates and monitor blood sugar. Type 1 diabetes in children requires consistent care but fortunately, advances in blood sugar monitoring and
insulin delivery have improved the daily management of the condition.
The signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes in
children usually develop quickly, over a period of
weeks. Parents should watch for sudden increased
thirst and frequent urination and extreme hunger.
Without enough insulin to move sugar into your
child's cells, your child's muscles and organs become energy depleted. This triggers intense hunger.
tershed organization whose
to Pasco and Mattie Lee Willingham.
Inexplicable weight loss is another warning sign.
She was preceded in death by her father and mother, brother and sister-in-law
Despite eating more than usual to relieve hunger, a
(Mutt Willingham and wife Ruby), daughter (Evelyn Cheatham) and two husand sustainability of local wa- child may lose weight — sometimes rapidly. Withbands (Robert Cheatham and Frankie Myers).
terways, through monitoring,
She is survived by her two sisters (Helen Roberson and Angie Alford); five
out the energy sugar supplies, muscle tissues and
research, restoration and educachildren (Bobby Cheatham and wife Sherry, Roger Cheatham, Brenda Sue
fat stores simply shrink. Unexplained weight loss is
Crum and husband Herald, Howard Cheatham and wife Djuna); twelve grand- tion.
often the first sign to be noticed.
children (Kellie Jackson and husband Joey, Kimberly Cheatham and husband
Craig Cole, Kurtis Cheatham, Jennifer Cosson and husband Jeffrey, Jeremy
Cheatham, Crystal Cheatham, Jessica Cheatham, Jake Cheatham, Tyler
Cheatham, Clint Crum, Shane Crum and Miranda Cheatham); nine greatgrandchildren (Haven Jackson, Jaden Jackson, Sydney Brown, Kaden Jackson,
Devon Cosson, Jalen Jackson, Shelby Cosson, Joey Jackson and Briar
Cheatham); and one great-great-granddaughter (Preslee Grace Stanley).
Her grandsons will be serving as pallbearers (Kurtis Cheatham, Jeremy
Cheatham, Jake Cheatham, Tyler Cheatham, Clint Crum and Shane Crum).
Honorary pallbearers are Herald Crum, Craig Cole, Joey Jackson, Jeffrey Cosson and Devon Cosson.
A time of visitation will be held from 6:00~8:00 PM, Wednesday, May 6, 2015
at Clary-Glenn Funeral Home Freeport Chapel, 150 Hwy 20 East, Freeport, FL
32439. Graveside services will be Thursday, May 7, 2015 11:00 at Erwin
Cemetery, Crestview, FL
Flowers are being accepted.
You may go online to view obituaries, offer condolences and sign guest book
Clary-Glenn Freeport Chapel Funeral Home is entrusted with the arrangements.

Page 8


3BR/3BA , renovated Bayfront Home! 1,536 sf of living
area. Open floor plan with modern kitchen, wood flooring
throughout and a view that never ends! Boat house with
lift on canal and a dock on the Bay to watch the sunrises
and sunsets. Call for more information!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

2 BR/1.5 BA, two-story bungalow directly on Black Creek. Dock with
electric. One ac of land w/78’ on water. Dbl carport, 12’x24’ metal
storage building, laundry & half bath on first level. Bedrooms, kitchen
and family room on second level. Don’t miss the great screen porch!
ID# P247137
$ 149,900

Almost 10 acres of wooded property w/662
ft on the Creek. Located on JW Hollington,
a paved road. NWFL Water Management
property is nearby.
ID# T1189969

1.6+ Acre Homesite w/LaGrange Bayou
waterviews. Easy access to Highway 331. Not
many larger-sized homesites available south
of Hwy 20! Adjoins the Bayou Bend S/D.
Owner may consider Owner Financing!
ID# T11902799

Great views across Choctawhatchee Bay!
This lot has city water & a septic tank in
place, plus seawall. Good elevation. Build
your dream bayfront home here! $179,900

.5 ac. lot in a quiet end-of-cul-de-sac location.
City W&S available. Nature preserve, trails,
tennis court, boarwalk to the Bay & more.
ID# T11821818

Totally remodeled 2BR/1BA, @ 924 sq. ft. weekend get-away!
Fishing & boating for fresh & saltwater lovers! Laminate wood
& tile flooring. Sheetrock walls w/crown moulding & some chair
railing. New refrigerator, HVAC & more! Boathouse on the canal
for protection for your boat. Screened porch overlooking the
water and the fish jumping!


Ph: 850-835-4153

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Help…..Spread the word about this
newspaper to everyone you know!

Page 9

Letter to the :

Advertising specials going on NOW!!
The 14 day Overview
1/20 – 2/18
2/19 – 3/20
3/21 – 4/19
4/20 – 5/20
5/21 – 6/21
6/22 – 7/22
7/23 – 8/22
8/23 – 9/22
9/23 – 10/22

Please thank those advertisers in this issue,
because of them -we can continue to promote
business in Walton county. Thank you

You and your partner might overdo it on household spending this week. If, for example, you're in the middle of a home decorating project and need furniture, you're more likely to go for the extra expensive set
rather than anything in between. Although there's every indication that you'll both love whatever you purchase for the home this week, at the same time, you might break the bank
Love is in the air! On Thursday, Venus will enter your 5th House of Romance and Pleasure, remaining
there until June 5. During this time, if you're single you'll have extraordinary prospects to meet someone
special and fall head-over-heels in love. If you're in a relationship you can anticipate a beautiful phase of
harmony where you and your lover feel sparks
You may be wise to remember this week that money can't buy you love, no matter how hard you try. Although you may feel the urge to shower your sweetheart with gifts, before you break the bank, consider
what your motivation truly is. Are you feeling insecure about your relationship? If so, address it with
communication, not cash.
Expect solid improvement in communication with your mate after Thursday. In fact, until June 5 the two
of you may spend more time than usual discussing your relationship and/or a financial matter that affects
the two of you. If you live together, this will be a good time to create a household budget that works for
both of your needs
You and your partner will have an easy time sharing the most intimate details of your lives on Wednesday. You may decide that it's time to reveal a bit more about your personal history -- along with any past
betrayals or traumas you've endured. Know that your decision to be so forthcoming with your lover can
only draw you closer. In fact, you may realize that this relationship has all the necessary ingredients
If you and your partner are looking to spice up your social life, be sure to make plans on Wednesday to
attend a party or other event. You'll feel like a true "power couple" amidst the company you keep that day
and that feeling of solidarity will translate into an intensification of your desire for one another.
You may start to fantasize more than usual about a special someone you know you can't be in a relationship with. If this happens, you may want to consider why you spend so much time pining away for an
unobtainable love connection. Sure, you might be right -- you could be star crossed lovers. Even so, don't
you deserve a real relationship with a person who can give you physical presence
Your social life will become more harmonious this week which will certainly be an assist in your love
life. If you're single, you might want to consider trying Tinder or another dating app. Even if you don't
meet the next great love of your life, you'll expand your social circle considerably. Make an effort to attend more parties, nights out with pals
Be careful not to take things too far with a friend this week. You might misinterpret friendly vibes for an
invitation into more intimate terrain. Whether there's mutual chemistry or not you might want to hold off
before you go too far too fast with this person. There's a good chance you'll both be optimistic about the


Your partner may be instrumental in helping to inflate your ego on Monday so that you build up enough
nerve to demonstrate to your boss just how awesome you truly are. In other news, after Thursday the two
10/23 –11/21 of you might decide to take a vacation together overseas or to pay more attention to your spirituality. If
single, you might meet someone who has a background quite unusual from yours.
11/22 – 12/2
12/22 – 1/19

Funny. Look
the ‘Editor is

Are you married or in a committed relationship? If so, you might hear wonderful news this week pertaining to your partner's income. He or she might receive a raise and if so, it'll affect you in a positive way as
well. Now, you might realize you have the income to make an investment that you've always wanted to
make. This can be anything from your dream home to a long-awaited vacation.
You're likely to feel completely bound to your lover -- for better or worse. Lucky for you, this week it
looks as if everything is definitely made better in your life -- thanks to love. First, a gorgeous connection
between the Sun and Pluto will help strengthen the romantic bond you share. Then, Venus will enter your
partnership sector on Thursday adding even more harmony to your love life. Overall you'll be in a good
place until June 5. Make it count

Advertise with us!!

Guaranteed the lowest price .. Call today: 850.585.0262

We Thank you Lord for giving us this day. For all our friends, family and community. Please help us guide
FREEPORT in the best direction we can grow to become all we can, for our future and of our children. Amen!

Dear Mr. Editor,
I want to say that your work has in detailed
pointed out a problem from long ago. It was
wrong, but it was what we did.
Mainly for kinfolk and such. But I do agree
after seeing so many city people here they do
need to be able to live as they know too.
Neighborhoods may have adversity but it’s to
what level of tolerance crosses the line with
someone’s feelings.
We are emotional creatures. The Laws should
n’t stop us from handling things as we once did.
Southerners need to learn to accepting and
more kind to these Yankee’s. Several of them I
know of are top quality, prominent people in the
area. An asset to the area. It’s the right time to
make the change from presidency to decency
again in America.
One last comment, your story last week does
happen to people who are neighbors. People and
judges have no clue to the extent of the harassment, stalking, perverdism continued. Just as
with any crook, he feels only stronger each time
he has gotten over on the Law. It is now outta
Walton county keeping up to the judges are
really out of tune with what the justice system
and policeman’s duties to including keeping the
peace, crossing boundary lines are NOT accepted ,anywhere but here, cause they would
rather grandfather it in, instead of enforcing a
code quality safety building. Encroachments!
The statement about code enforcement is so true.
When they responded with that non sense lingo
garbage you should take that to the court house
and file a complaint. They are wasted tax dollars
going to waste. If you look at what the police do
and don’t do, do you think they make more than
they should get? Not from what I’ve seen. RB

Page 10
PROUDLY Helping Alaqua Animal Refuge
located in FREEPORT, for over 6yrs. adoptable
pets of all kinds. Go visit them today!

This newspaper is owned and operated here in :
Let’s keep this going by advertising with us!
Best prices around. Any and all support of this
newspaper is deeply appreciated. Your making
history with each edition we complete. Find news,
make news. Tell it. Got something to say? Let us
hear it! I’ll print it.... Don’t like it? I’ll print it too.

Thursday , May 7, 2015

Healthmark Health Matters
Living with juvenile diabetes

Type 1 diabetes in children is a condition
in which a child's pancreas no longer produces the insulin the child needs to survive.
Type 1 diabetes in children is sometimes
Freedom of the press!
called juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent
Drivers will encounter alternating
lane closures on State Road (S.R.)
The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is un20, between the Okaloosa County
Our Pet of The Week is a
known. Scientists do know that in most peoline and County Road 83A in
very special mamma
ple with type 1 diabetes, the body's own imWalton County, Monday, May 4
named Zebbles. If you
mune system — which normally fights
through Saturday, May 9 from 7
are able to feature her
harmful bacteria and viruses — mistakenly
story & photo (attached)
destroys the insulin-producing islet cells in
in print, we would
the pancreas. Genetics may play a role in this
greatly appreciate it.
In addition, crews will perform
sidewalk work on S.R. 20, between
The diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in chilthe Rocky Bayou Bridge and White
can be overwhelming at first. Suddenly,
"My name is Zebbles, I'm a hound dog, and I'm just two years old. I was born Point Road in Okaloosa County,
and child must learn how to give
Tuesday, May 5 and Wednesday,
with a handicap, my front legs never developed properly. Alaqua has shared
injections, count carbohydrates and monitor
May 6. Lane closures will be in
my story of being rescued, along with my 8 puppies. I'm thankful that we are
blood sugar. Type 1 diabetes in children resafe and in the loving care at Alaqua Animal Refuge, they saved our lives. I'm
so happy here!
quires consistent care but fortunately, addirect traffic through the construcvances in blood sugar monitoring and insulin
I've had a hard life, but I've managed to survive. I'm able to get about, by using tion work zone.
delivery have improved the daily managemy back legs. I am thankful for the strength they provide me, as I'm now able
ment of the condition.
to sit erect and nurse my precious puppies. Please do not pity me, for I am truly All planned construction activities
The signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes
are weather dependent and may be
blessed. Rejoice for me, as my family and I have a warm bed, safe shelter,
children usually develop quickly, over a
rescheduled in the event of inclemgood food, and an excellent quality of care. A mother's strength comes from
within, and I'm strong, despite my handicap. I can't run and play, but I can love ent weather. Drivers are reminded
period of weeks. Parents should watch for
to use caution and obey the posted
and comfort my family. That strength comes from the heart, and my heart is
sudden increased thirst and frequent urinastrong. Alaqua believed in me, and they have given me a second chance in life. speed limit when traveling through
tion and extreme hunger. Without enough
the work zone.
insulin to move sugar into your child's cells,
Mother's Day is next Sunday. It'll be a joyful day at Alaqua, as we have several
your child's muscles and organs become enMothers living safely here. Rather than feeling sorry for me, I would respectNOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING
ergy depleted. This triggers intense hunger.
fully request that you donate to this worthy organization. Through your generFOR EXECUTIVE SESSION
ous donations, Alaqua can continue its mission of saving the homeless, hungry
Inexplicable weight loss is another warning
and helpless pets in our community. Remember, Mothers have a natural abilsign.
Despite eating more than usual to reTake notice that the Walton County Board
ity to care. It would be a wonderful way to honor your beloved Mother, by
of County Commissioners will hold a SPE- lieve hunger, a child may lose weight —
donating in her name. Through your generosity, Alaqua's mission can conCIAL MEETING and a closed EXECU- sometimes rapidly. Without the energy sugar
tinue. It's very easy to do, just visit our website
TIVE SESSION on May 12, 2015, [email protected]. A gift your Mother will love, is just a click
ning at 3:00 p.m., or as soon as possible to supplies, muscle tissues and fat stores simply
away. Donate now, tell them Zebbles sent you!" -Gaye Patton
that time, at the South Walton Courthouse shrink. Unexplained weight loss is often the
Annex located at 36 Coastal Centre Blvd., first sign to be noticed.
Santa Rosa Beach, Florida to discuss the
Children with undiagnosed type 1 diabetes
Let’s all work together to make this city, FREEPORT a place to proudly call following:
may suddenly seem moody and tired. They
home. We have systems moving in right directions for growth already in
Walton County, Florida, vs. Choc- may suddenly suffer from blurred vision,
Help support your city Newspaper by advertising with us. We will grow too! tawhatchee Beach, Corporation, Case No.: too.
Talk to your child's doctor if you notice
any of the signs or symptoms of type 1 dia2.
Lionel and Tammy Alford, as CoTrustees of the Lionel D. Alford, Jr. and betes — increased thirst, too-frequent urinaTammy Nix Alford Revocable Trust, tion, extreme hunger, weight loss, blurred
vs. Walton County Board of County Com- vision, or fatigue. For more information
missioners, Case No.: 3:15-cv-00162-MCR
about diabetes screenings, contact Dr. Mark
-CJK; and Walton County, Florida, vs.
Choctawhatchee Beach, Corporation, Hash at Healthmark Regional Medical Center in DeFuniak Springs.
Case No.: 2014-CA-422.

For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today
were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. Steve Jobs

Thursday, May 7, 2015


per issue

Ms. Rian Lyday will be back next
Edition with another good story.

Paying it Forward
By Rian Lyday

Page 11

Only $10

ClasHelp Wanted
Experienced Condo Cleaners
needed. Piece work Pay-paid
weekly. Must have a car and
Valid Drivers License,
weekends and Holidays
850-835-4237, 850-582-0183,

As many of you already know, my beautiful niece was diagnosed with
brain cancer a few weeks ago….needless to say, my family has been turned
up-side-down since then. While times have been trying, I have been privileged to see the power of paying it forward over the past week. My students, 5th graders, saw me break down last week when we were given a
large donation for my niece. I am a naturally happy person so they were
very distressed by my tears. I decided to share my family situation with
them. I have only been teaching these sweet children since February so our
bond is relatively new. Today, I had a student walk in and hand me $100
cash. He said, “I took this out of my piggy bank to donate to your niece.” I
was dumbfounded. I didn’t have adequate words to express what was on
my mind. Naturally I called his grandma to make sure this money was truly
for my niece and she told me he came home every day concerned about my
family and wondering how he could help. I have another student who has
started selling jewelry, she calls it “Beads for Brains”. Her goal is to raise
$60 to donate to my niece’s treatment. These are 5th graders…10 year olds.
I have seen the power of paying it forward before but never been put in my
place by such giving children. The whole point in my column this week is
that if you have a second, an extra dollar or leftovers from your dinner,
share what you have. My heart has never been so broken and mended all at
the same time. My students have shown me what true heroes are and my
niece has become a beacon of hope for everything good in this world.
Thank you for all your support for cancer research and wear GREY in
MAY. May is brain cancer awareness month because YOUR GREY MATTERS.

Local (Handyman)
25yrs.+ Exp.
All phases of home repair./remodel
Free estimates. Honest Great work
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Call: 850.585.0262

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For Sale
All sizes of Men’s & Ladies clothes
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Call 399-0984

4 – 20” Michelin Tires –used, Good
tread only $200 call: 850-428-2271
King size mattress & Box spgs. w/rail
stand -$50, 8’ X 10’ custom made
shag area rug in color blocks of blue/
orange/tan/gold -$100, 2- natural
color wicker bar stools upholstered
seats 26” height - $50 for both, 1white wicker pedestal elephant stand $30, 1- Rattan off white two tier cart
on wheels $35, 1 –Ottoman green
upholstery 21” X 31” X 18” $25, Collection of hammered aluminum serving pieces, Other Misc. items. Call
850-835-4454 for details and appointment to come see.


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My wife's jealousy is getting ridiculous. The other day she looked at my calendar and
wanted to know who May was.

Explore nature in and around

Rodney Dangerfield
At twenty a man is full of fight and hope. He wants to reform the world. When he is seventy he still wants to reform the world, but he know he can't.

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information, go to: http://

NEED AVON? Call Dottie…
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I want you!

Exp. Local workers are ready………..FREE estimates
Let us build, or design you a nice wood shop, (up to 6 outlets), door and custom
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Perfect pricing for a small cottage to live in.
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The way you want it done, right! SAVE $$$
We have time to get started as soon as you may need…….
(We prefer to use 2x4”T walls and 2x8T floor, 2x6 roof.)
contact 850-585-0262 (completed as weather allows)

‘HOA’ Approved workers

The reader to become a part of this
newspaper as we grow with
FREEPORT and the surrounding
areas. Send in your comments
anytime! E-mail to:
[email protected]

We appreciate our advertisers
to the fullest. Ask yourself

how can we help you
get the word out about
you??? Call us today

Make yourself a name in this
county, write a column for us?
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Page 12


Beautiful 3BR/2BA @ 2,100 sf. brick home on 3.6 acres. Great
Room w/open floor plan for great views of the water.. Tile & new
carpet throughout. Over 700 sf of deck on backside of the
home. Wrap-around waterfrontage on two sides with 4 docks,
makes fishing great! Large barn and storage shed on property.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Beautiful 3BR/2BA @ 1,700 sf waterfront home on large 3/4 ac.
Lot w’ 117’ on the water. Open floor plan, Big kitchen & Florida
Room for great views of the Bayou. Unique inter-locking Floating
Dock makes it easy to launch jet skis, YOLO boards or kayaks.


10 Acres - approx. 20 minutes north of DeFuniak Springs.
Property is livestock ready. Well maintained home is 2BR/2BA,
w/1,092sf. Two detached garages, one w/full bath, addtn'l metal
workshop + two portable storage buildings. Country setting with
Inviting covered porches.
ID# P226547

3 BR/2BA
2,172 sq. ft.
Split BR Plan
9 and 10 Ft Ceilings
Granite Countertops
S/S Appliances

ID# T1548069

Living + Family Rooms
Covered Deck
Ample Storage
Private Boat Launch
Dock on Alaqua Creek
Paved Access off Hwy 20



Ph: 850-835-4153

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