MBA Brochure

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Welcome to the GUC Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program

In a world of intense global competition and constant change, the need arises for strong business leaders that can deliver results. These leaders must not only master technical skills but also enjoy conceptual and interpersonal competencies. The GUC MBA program is designed and executed to prepare students to assume managerial positions of increasing complexity and challenge. This is done through a curriculum and staff that emphasize leadership, strategic thinking, global awareness and ethics.

I. GUC MBA Program Majors
The GUC Masters of Business Administration is a management education program that provides a general knowledge in all business functional areas with an in-depth study of topics selected by the students according to their personal development prospects from the following majors: • • • Strategic Management Finance Human Resources and Organization Behavior • Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation • Information Systems • International Business • Accounting and Financial Control • Marketing • Operations Management

Each major includes five courses: 3 major courses + 1 elective + 1 seminar Every student has to prepare a thesis in order to deeply explore a management issue in which s/he integrates theory and practice.

II. Students’ Categorization
Students are categorized according to their background: Business background students: graduates of the Faculty of Commerce or Business Administration Non-business background students: graduates of all other disciplines ► Non-business students have to take a set of 8 general management courses in the first two semesters in order to qualify for the majors. They will choose two majors to specialize in. See Program Details (Section VI). ► Business students choose three 3 majors to specialize in.


MBA Admission

A- Admission Requirements:
1) B.Sc. or B.A from an accredited university (overall grade must be at least “good”) 2) Minimum 2 years experience 3) Proficiency in the English language (tested through the GUC English Admission Test) 4) Satisfactory GMAT score* *Note: The student should forward the GMAT score maximum by the end of the first semester. However, submitting the GMAT score with the admission documents gives the applicant a competitive edge. B- Admission Steps:

1. Application to be filled online Winter Semester: Admission in May/June – the semester start date is in October Spring Semester: Admission in November – the semester start date is in February

2. Application will be prescreened and if the applicant fulfills the

admission requirements, s/he will be requested to attend the GUC MBA English Admission Test via e-mail.

3. If the applicant passes the English Exam, s/he will reach the final
admission stage. S/he will be invited via e-mail to an interview at GUC premises. The applicant must bring all documents mentioned below: a. Curriculum vitae b. Certified copy of university transcript (with grades of each subject) c. Two passport-sized photos d. 2 letters of recommendation (references – see application form) e. Original birth certificate (computerized accepted) f. Official and valid GMAT score – if available during admission period (for more information visit:

4. The applicants who pass the interview stage are sent an e-mail to
attend a preliminary orientation session. C- GUC Policy concerning the GMAT


►Students who submit a satisfactory GMAT score report with their admission credentials are fully accepted. ►Students who choose to submit their GMAT score by the end of the first semester are conditionally accepted. At the time of submission, their GMAT scores will be dealt with as follows:

1- Category M (Mainstream): students who obtain a satisfactory score 2in GMAT according to GUC criteria will be transformed from conditional to full acceptance Category G (GMAT Conditional): students who obtain nonsatisfactory score in GMAT according to GUC criteria will have to take a skills enhancement course that is tailored to the students’ needs. Therefore the course might vary in orientation (verbal vs. quantitative) and in the number of hours.

B- In order to avoid delay, students are urged to log on to the website ( to reserve an exam slot 3 months in advance, because Synergy (institute at which the students take the exam) has very limited spaces available for registration. Accordingly an official document with reservation confirmation has to be submitted to the MBA office. C- As the status of admission will be conditional for all students with nonsatisfactory scores (category G), GUC Admission Committee re-evaluates all conditional cases after the first semester. The student’s performance in the Academic Business Skills course along with the student’s accumulated GPA are the factors upon which the GUC Admission Committee bases its decision of whether or not the student can further continue his/her study at GUC’s MBA program.

IV. Tuition & Fees
►Admission Fees: 450 EGP ►Tuition Fees for MBA Courses: 2,300 EGP per course (subject to increase); to be paid in full prior to the beginning of each semester depending on the number courses the student registers for (2-5 courses per semester). It is not required to pay the whole sum at the beginning of your enrollment. A thesis fee of 7,000 EGP is to be paid after completion of the MBA course requirements. Business background students take a total of 16 courses + thesis Non-business background students take a total of 20 courses + thesis

V. Attendance and Schedule
1- Attendance is mandatory. As a general rule each course meets once per week. 2- Classes are held either from 6:15 pm to 8:15 pm or from 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm depending on the class schedule each semester. 3- The schedule spans from Saturday to Wednesday. 4- The minimum amount of courses a student can register for per semester is two while the maximum is five. 5- The MBA program requires a minimum of two and a half years and a maximum of five years to get finished.

VI. Program Details
Business students are required to specialize in three majors whereas non-business students can specialize in only 2 majors (see table below). Requirements Business Students Non-business Students Fundamental courses N/A 8 Mandatory courses 2 2 Number of Majors 3 (4-5 courses per major) 2 (5 courses per major) Thesis 1 1 Total 16 +Thesis 21 + Thesis In case the student has obtained a non-satisfactory score in the GMAT, s/he has to take a skills enhancement course. The course might vary in orientation and number of hours depending on the analysis of the score submitted.

A- Mandatory Courses for all MBA Students: The mandatory courses for all MBA students: ▪ In the first semester: Academic Business Skills Course- Part I ▪ In the second semester: Academic Business Skills Course – Part II ► From the second semester onwards: Research Methodology (RSMD 901). It is a prerequisite for seminars and thesis. B- Fundamental Courses for Non- business Students: Before declaring their majors, the non-business students have to complete 4 of the 8 general management foundation courses found below to start registering for the courses of the 2 majors of their choice. The 8 general management courses for non-business students are:

First semester (you should select min. 2 of the courses below): 1. Math and statistics for business (MATH 901) 2. Advanced accounting (CTRL 901) 3. Human resources management (HROB 901) 4. Introduction to business economics (ECON 901) 5. Marketing management (MRKT 901) Second semester (you can start taking any of the courses below): 6. Operations management (OPER 901) 7. Corporate finance (FINC 901) 8. Entrepreneurship (INNO 901) (CTRL 901 is a prerequisite)

C- Major’s MBA Courses for all MBA Students: Note: Strategic Management Major: For non-business students: If you do choose the strategic management major, then you can choose your electives from any of the MBA majors. If strategic


management is not chosen as 1 of the 2 majors, your electives for the 2 majors will have to be STRA 703 and 1 of the following: STRA 702 or STRA 704. (see below for course names) For business students: If you choose the strategic management major, then you can choose your electives from any MBA major. If strategic management is not chosen as 1 of the 3 majors, your electives for 2 majors will have to be STRA 703 and 1 of the following: STRA 702 or STRA 704. (See below for course names). The Academic Business Skills course can replace the third elective. Courses per Major To complete a major, 4 courses and a seminar must be taken. One of the four is an elective course, i.e. can be taken from the major or replaced by any other course from any major. The seminar is mandatory for each major and aims to prepare the students for their Masters Thesis.

Strategic Management o Corporate Renewal/Change Management (STRA 701) / Organizational Change (HROB 703) o Business Dynamics (STRA 702) o Strategic Management (STRA 703) o Strategic Analysis(STRA 704) o Strategic Management Seminar (STRA 705) Finance o Portfolio management and Investment Analysis (FINC 702) o Advanced Corporate Finance (FINC 704) Alternatively: Bank management and Credit Analysis (FINC 706) o BOSS Bank Management (FINC 707)/ Simulation Crash Course o International Finance (FINC 802) o Finance Seminar (FINC 705) Human Resources and Organization Behavior o Leadership and Motivation (HROB 701) o Compensation Management (HROB 706) o Organizational Change (HROB 703) / Corporate Renewal (STRA 701) o Staffing and Development (HROB 702) o Seminar in Human Resources (HROB 705) Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation o Technology Strategy (INNO 702) o Managing the Innovation Process (INNO 701) o Innovation Project Management (INNO 706) o Product and Process Innovation (INNO 704)



Seminar in Innovation and Technology Management (INNO 705)

Information Systems o Information Management (INSY 701) o Electronic Business (INSY 702) o Business Intelligence (INSY 703) o IS Project Management (INSY 706) o Seminar in IS (INSY 705) International Business o International Trade and Trade Policy (ECON 701) o International Business (IBUS 701) o Economic Development and Development Economics (IBUS 702) o Transnational Management (IBUS 703) o Seminar in International Business (IBUS 705) Accounting and Financial Control o Planning and Budgeting (CTRL 703) o Performance Measurement and Company Evaluation (CTRL 704) o Internal Auditing and Risk Management II (CTRL 706) o Internal Auditing and Risk Management I (CTRL 707) o Seminar in Management Control (CTRL 705)

Marketing o Buyer Behavior (MRKT 701) o Market Research (MRKT 709) o Strategic Marketing (MRKT 801) o International Marketing (MRKT 704) o Seminar in Marketing (MRKT 705) Operations Management o Supply Chain Management (OPER 706) o Manufacturing Strategy (OPER 702) o Service Engineering and Production (OPER 703) o Advanced Manufacturing (OPER 704) o Seminar in Operations Management (OPER 705)


Contact data MBA Program – German University in Cairo Fifth Settlement - New Cairo City – EGYPT Email: [email protected] Tel: +20-2-27589990-8


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