MBA Finance

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Finance Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Financial Derivatives Income Tax Banking Services and Management Mergers Acquisition and Corporate Restructuring Economic Indicators and Global Capital Market Life Insurance and Risk Management Financial Market and Resource Management Financial Risk and Derivatives Financial Market Financial Services International Finance Corporate Financial Strategies and Decision General Insurance and Risk Management Financial Modeling Using Excel Entrepreneurship Rural Banking and Microfinance Foreign Exchange Management Financial Product and Services International Financial Management

1. Introduction: Concept of Investment, Investment V/S Speculation, Financial and Economic Aspect of Investment, Types, Characteristics And Objectives Of Investment. 2. Risk Return: Concept of Risk and Return, Systematic and Unsystematic Risk, Valuation of securities, Concept of Beta, Capital Assets Pricing Model, SML and CML Valuations. 3. Valuation of Bonds: PV Model, Bonds Yield, Measures Duration, Modified Duration, Immunization Conversity, Bond Value Theorem. 4. Valuation Of Equity: Constant Growth Model, Multi-Stage Growth Model, P/E Ratio and Earnings Multiplier Models. Valuation Of Preference Shares, Valuation of Warrants, Rights Issued. 5. Security Analysis: Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis, Dow Theory, Elliott Wave Theory, Efficient Market Theories and Testing. 6. Portfolio Concepts: Portfolio and Security Returns, Diversification, Markowitz Model, Sharp Index Model. 7. Factor Models and Arbitrage Pricing Theory. 8. Portfolio Investment Process. 9. Portfolio Evaluation: Measures of Returns, Formula, Plans, Sharpe and Treynor Measures.

Text Readings 1. V.K.Bhalla, “Investment Management: Security Analysis And Portfolio Management”, S. Chand And Sons, New Delhi, sixth edition 1999. 2. Donald E. Fisher and Ronald J. Jordan, “Security Analysis And Portfolio Management”, PHI Publication, New Delhi, 1998. 3. V.A. Avadhani, “Investment and Security Markets In India”, Himalaya Publication, Bombay, 1998. Suggested Readings 1. Edwin J. Elton and Martin J. Gruber, “Modern Portfolio Theory And Investment”, John Wiley and Sons, Singapore, 1996. 2. Preeti Singh, “Investment Management”, Himalaya Publications, 9th Edition, 2000.

1. Introduction to Derivatives: Concepts, Types of Derivative: Forwards, Future, Options and Swaps, Participants in Derivative Market, Uses of Derivatives, Basic Derivatives Terminologies Types of Orders. 2. Futures and Forwards: Meaning, Types and Specification of Futures and Forward Contracts, Trading of Futures Contract, Interest Rate Futures, Currency Futures, Foreign Exchange Futures, and Stock Index Futures, Operations of Margin, Clearing Process, Clearing House and Clearing Margins, Hedging using Futures Contract, Difference between Forward and Futures Contract. 3. Options: Meaning, Types and Specifications of Options, Option Premium, Payoffs from Options, Trading Strategies involving Options: Bull-Bear, Butter Fly, Calendar and Diagonal Spread, Straddles, Strips and Straps and Strangles. Suggested Schedule: 10 4. Option Pricing: Black Schole’s Model, Concept of Delta, Theta, Gamma Vega, Exchange Traded Option- Stock Index Options, Foreign Currency Option, Over the Counter Exchange Options. 5. SWAPS: Meaning of Swaps, Types of Swaps, Interest Rate and Currency Rate Swaps, Mechanics of Swaps Transactions. Text Reading 1. John.C.Hull, “Options, Futures and Others Derivatives”, 4th Edition,Pearson Education Asia 2001. 2. Robert A. Strong, “Derivatives, An Introduction”, Thompson Publications, New Delhi, 2000. 3. Rene M. Stulz, “Risk Management and Derivatives”. Thompson Publications, New Delhi, 2007. Suggested Readings 1. Kolb, “Understanding Future”, PHI Publications, New Delhi, 2000 2. Kolb, “Understanding Options”, PHI Publications, New Delhi, 2000 3. Redhead, “Futures”, Pearson education Asia Publication,1999.

1. Introduction to Income Tax. 2. Important Provision of Income Tax Act: Basic Concepts, Assessment Years, Previous Years, Person, Income, Gross Total Income, Capital and Revenue Receipts and Expenditure, Residential Status and Incidence of Tax, Tax Free Income. 3. Income from Salary: Meaning, Taxability of Allowances and Perquisites, Permissible Education, Treatment of PF, Gratuity. 4. Income from Business and Profession: Basis of Charge, Scheme of Provisions, Deductions Expressly Allowed, and Expenses Allowed Under Restriction, Depreciation. 5. Income from House Property: 6. Income From Capital Gains and other Sources: 7. Deduction: Deduction Allowed From Total Income, Rebates and Relief. 8. TDS: Tax Deduction at Source, Advance Payment of Tax, Filling of Returns. Text Readings 1. H.C. Meherotra, “Income Tax”, Sahitya Bhawan, Agra 2. K. Chaturvedi & M.K. Chaturvedi, “Central Sales Tax Act”, Nagpur Suggested Readings 1. Sukumar Battacharya, “Indian Income Tax: Law & Practice”, New Delhi, Indian Law House, 18th Ed., 1996. 2. V.K. Singania, “Student Guide To Income Tax”, New Delhi, Taxman Publications. 3. V.K. Singania, “Direct Tax Law”, New Delhi, Taxman Publications. 4. Shripal Saklecha, “Income Tax”, Indore, Satish Printers.

1. Overview of Banking Industry: Banking Structure in India, Changing Nature of Banking, Major Activities of Modern and Retail Bank, Reasons for Boom in Retail Banking, Role and Significance of Commercial Bank, SLR, CRR, PLR, CAR. 2. Banking Products and Channels: Traditional Banking, Branch Banking, Technology Based Channels, Retail Banking and its Products-Saving Avenues, Payment Facility, Annuities, Mutual Funds, Loans, Consumer Credits, Auto Loans, Home loans, Education and Personal Loans, Plastic Money, Meaning and Operation of Credit Card, Demat services. 3. Retail Banking and Recent Trends: Customer Relationship Management, Customer Interaction Management, Regulatory Aspects of Foreign Banks in India. 4. Evaluation of Banking Performance: Banking Financial Statements, Relationship Between Income and Balance Sheet, Return of Equity Model, CAMELS Rating, Alternative Models of Bank Performance, Managing Interest

Income and Non Interest Expenses. 5. Payment and Settlement Systems: ECS, RTGS and Clearing House, Multi Channel Operations, The Regulatory Framework. 6. Service Quality and Productivity: Technical Quality, Functional Quality, Concept of Customer Satisfaction, Managing Service Delivery, Improvement in Productivity and Performance, Importance of Six Sigma in Banking, ISO 9000 certification in Banking Services. 7. Credit and Risk Management: Types of Risk in banking, How Banks are affected by Risk, Risk Measurement and Product Price, Risks Management Strategies, Credit Policies, Evaluations of Loan Proposal, Credit Analysis, Bank Capital and Liquidity, Cost of Fund, Managing Liabilities. Basel II and Its Impact. 8. IT in Banking: Bank Technology Overview, Online Environment, New IT based Services, Customer Relationship through Portals, Core Banking Solutions, Universal Banking. 9. Product Design and Sales Promotion Management: Concept of Product Management, Innovation in Product Design, Branding Promotions Schemes, Marketing Strategies, Relationship Management, Customer Satisfaction, DMA, DSA. 10. Personal Banking: Private Banking in India, NRIs and their Accounts, Wealth Management, Financial Planning, Advisory and Responsibilities. 11. Regulatory Environment: Need for Regulation in Banking, RBI and its Function, Concept of Know Your Customers (KYC), Capital Allocation and Risk assignments Norms. 12. Case Studies: HDFC Bank Model, ICICI Bank Model, SBI, etc. Text Readings 1. Justin Paul and Padmalatha Suresh, “Management of Banking and Financial Services”, Pearson Education. 2. Timothy W. Koch and MacDonald, “Bank Management”, The Dryden Press, Harcourt College Publishers. Reference Books: 1. Vijayaragavan Iyengar, “Introduction to Banking”, Excel Book 2. Raghu Palat , “Retail Banking”, Indian Book Distributors.

1. Business Alliances: Introduction and Types: Merger, Acquisition, Takeover; Acquisitions versus Greenfield Investment, and "Brownfield"; Strategic Choice of Type of Business Alliance: Introduction and overview; Merger and Acquisition and Take-over: Factors and Drivers; Defining and Selecting Target. 2. Pricing and Valuation of Mergers: Pricing the Competitive Bid for Take-over; Negotiation for Merger, Acquisition and Take-over; Contracting. 3. Implementation of Merger and Acquisition: Managing Post-Merger Issues; Legalities Involved in Merger, Acquisition and Take-over; Ethical Issues of Merger and Take-over. 4. Taxes and Accounting for Mergers and Acquisition: Financing the Mergers

and Take-Overs; Corporate Restructuring,; Divestment and Abandonment. 5. Stock Market Implications of Merger and Acquisitions: The Future of Merger and Acquisitions; New Cases in Merger and Acquisition including detailed analysis;

Text Readings
1. Weston,

J.F., K.S. Chung and J.A. Siu (1998): Takeovers, restructuring, and corporate governance (2nd edition of Mergers, acquisitions, and corporate control, 1990). Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J. 2. Scharf, C.A., E.E. Shea and G.C. Beck (1991): Acquisitions, mergers, sales, buyouts & takeovers (4th edition). Prentice Hall, Paramus, N.J. 3. Gaughan. P.A. (1996): Mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructurings. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Suggested Readings 1. Shea, E.E. (1999): The McGraw-Hill guide to acquiring and divesting business. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2. Haspeslagh, P.C. and D.B. Jemison (1991): Managing acquisitions: creating value through corporate renewal. Free Press, New York. 3. Feldmann, M.L. and M. F. Spratt (1999): Five frogs on a log – A CEO’s field guide to accelerating the transition in mergers, acquisitions and gut wrenching change. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England. 4. Krogh, G. von, A. Sinatra and H. Singh (eds.) (1994): The management of corporate acquisitions – International perspectives. Macmillan, London, England 5. Wasserstein, B. (1998): Big deal – the battle for control of America’s leading corporations. Warner Books, New York, N.Y. 6. Buono, A.F., and J.L. Bowditch (1989): The Human Side of Mergers and Acquisitions – Managing Collisions Between People, Cultures and Organizations. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, London.

1. Major Economic Indicators: Leading Indicators ( GDP, Inflation rate, Balance of payments, Forex Reserves, Foreign Investment inflows, Gross fiscal deficit). Money supply, stock prices, vendor performance. Industrial production, personal income, trade volumes. 2. Estimation and Comparison of National Progress: The origins of GDP and its current uses, Forecasting issues, International comparison. 3. Prices, Wages and Inflation: Introduction to various CPIs and WPIs, Estimation of price indices and inflation, Benefits from using an alternative measure of inflation, Forecasting inflation, The Labour Market: Employment, Earnings and Productivity Figures, Definitions of Employment, unemployment. 4. Short and Long Term Interest Rate: drivers of the short-term interest rates, Determination of long term interest rates, Forecast of interest rates, Money supply, fiscal deficit and regulatory changes, Forecasting interest rates from the yield curve. 5. Key International Indicators and Balance of Payments: Components and

description, Exchange rates, Rupees relationship with US $, Yen, Pound sterling, etc., Estimation of composite exchange rates, REER and NEER, Major Indicators and Correlation between Different Markets and Forecasting business cycles and future state of the economy. 6. Evolution of Global Financial Markets: Concept of circular flow – role of the Government Savings and Investment, Globalization of the Financial markets and Classification of Global markets, Role and types of Financial intermediaries, Primary and Secondary market. 7. Structure of Global Financial Markets: Money Markets, Advantages of money markets, Understanding of bond markets, Advantages and types; Types of bond markets instruments players in bond markets- Government bond issues and agency debt, The need for MBS market- process of securitization. 8. The American Markets: Introduction to Us money markets- instruments of money markets, Eurodollar market- Money market mutual fund – the US bond market- instruments in bonds markets-types of corporate bonds, The US equity markets- banking regulations- three major exchanges in US. 9. Japanese Markets: General background of Japanese market-Japanese banking structure- financial sector reforms in Japan- major funding avenues- export finance in Japan- Credit rating in Japan. 10. Swiss Capital Markets: General Scenario- The Swiss banking industryregulations of the Swiss Banking industry, Performance of the Swiss economy, Swiss fixed income markets- The Swiss bond market, The Swiss equity marketsexchange rates/Interest rates, Export Finance in Switzerland. Text Readings 1. Bernard Baumohl, “The Secrets Of Economic Indicators”, Publisher: Wharton School Publishing, ISBN: 8129707896 2. Mankiw, “Principles of Macro Economics”, fourth Edition, Thomson Publications 3. Stanley L. Blue and Campbell R. Mcconnell, “Essentials of Economics”, Tata Mc Graw – Hill Suggested Readings 1. L. M. Bhole, “Financial Institutions and Markets”, Tata Mc Graw – Hill 2. P R Joshi, “Global Capital Markets” Tata Mc Graw – Hill 3. Ian Giddy, “Global Financial Markets”, Houghton Mifflin Co.

1. Risk Management: Defining Risk, Nature and Classification of Risk, Risk Management Process, Objectives of Risk Management, Selection of Risk, Risk and its Relation with Insurance. 2. Principles of Insurance: Concept and Significance of Insurance, Classification of Insurance – Life and Non life, Principle o Insurable Interest, Principal of Subrogation, Principal of Utmost Good Faith. 3. Principal of Life Insurance: Modern concepts of Life Insurance, Three basic principals of life insurance- Economic, Legal, and Actuarial of Life Insurance.

Different Economic uses of Life Insurance. 4. Personal Financial Planning and Life Insurance: Types of Financial Planning of an individuals, Different components of Life Cycle, Factors affecting the financial Planning of an individual, Point to be considered for making Financial Plan. 5. Product and Practice of Life Insurance: The Basic Elements of the life Products. Features of Term Insurance, Features of Endowment. Role of Term Insurance and Endowment Assurance in Product Designing. Different Types of Life Insurance Products in Indian and Overseas Market. 6. Annuities and Pensions: Meaning of Annuities and Pensions, Need for an annuity, Types of Annuities, Obligations of the Insurer regarding the payment of annuity. 7. Life Insurance Premium Setting: Factors to be considered for setting the Premiums, Investigations regarding the mortality. Concept of Surrenders and Foreclosure. 8. Underwriting: Concept of Underwriting, Different Classes of Lives, Important Factors to Assess the Insurability of individuals, Sources of Information for Underwriting, Classification of the Underwriting Process. 9. Claim Management: Operative Clauses of the Policy, maturity Claims, Death Claims, Nominations/Assignment, Accident and Disability Benefit. 10. Tax Planning: Various tax Benefits under LIC Policies. 11. Product development: Concept for Product, Origin of a New Product, New Product Development Process. Life Insurance Products Reinsurance, Need for reinsurance, Classification of Reinsurance. 12. IRDA: Functions and Importance, Recent Developments in Insurance. 13. Analysis of Balance Sheet of Life insurance Co.: Understanding Financial Statements, Cases of Life Insurance companies. Text Readings 1. M.N.Mishra, S.B. Mishra, “Insurance Principles and Practice”, S.Chand. 2. Kutty, “Managing life Insurance”, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books: 1. Life and Health Insurance: Herald Skipper Jr and Kenneth Black Jr., Pheipe. 2. Life insurance: ICFAI PRESS 3. Life Insurance: IRDA Study Material.

1. Introduction to Indian and Global Financial System: Structure and Characteristics. 2. Regulatory Institutions: SEBI (Security Exchange Board of India) and RBI (Reserve Bank of India), Insurance Regulation and Development Authority (IRDA), Forward Market Commission (FMC). 3. Capital Markets: Primary and Secondary Market, Structure, Nature, Significance and Players, Nature, characteristics and types of shares, debenture & warrants. 4. Capital Market Operations: Trading and Settlement mechanism of stock exchange, IPO, Introduction in market – by prospectus, private placement, bought out deals &

book building. 5. Introduction to Money Market: Structure, Operations, Players – Call money, Treasury Bills, Commercial Papers, Certificate of Deposit, Gilt Edged Securities and REPO’s. 6. Working Capital Financing Management: Bank and Institutional Financing, management of cash, receivables and inventories. 7. Introduction to Financial Institutions: SFC’s & DFI’s, their importance & scope (IDBI, IFCI, SIDBI). Text Readings 1. H. R. Machiraju, “Indian Financial System”, Vikas Publication.New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2002. 2. M. Y. Khan, “Indian Financial System”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1st Edition 2001. 3. I.M.Pandey, “Financial Management”, 8th Edition, Vikas Publication, New Delhi 2001. Suggested Readings: 1. H.R.Machraju, “The Working of Stock Exchanges in India”, 2nd Edition, New Age Publication.2001. 2. Vasant Desai, “The Indian Financial System” , Himalaya Publication, New Delhi, 4th Edition, June 2001.

1. Introduction to Derivatives: Concepts, Types of Derivative: Forwards, Future, Options and Swaps, Participants in Derivative Market, Uses of Derivatives, Basic Derivatives Terminologies Types of Orders. 2. Futures and Forwards: Meaning, Types and Specification of Futures and Forward Contracts, Trading of Futures Contract, Interest Rate Futures, Currency Futures, Foreign Exchange Futures, and Stock Index Futures, Operations of Margin, Clearing Process, Clearing House and Clearing Margins, Hedging using Futures Contract, Difference between Forward and Futures Contract. 3. Options: Meaning, Types and Specifications of Options, Option Premium, Payoffs from Options, Trading Strategies involving Options: Bull-Bear, Butter Fly, Calendar and Diagonal Spread, Straddles, Strips and Straps and Strangles 4. Option Pricing: Black Schole’s Model, Concept of Delta, Theta, Gamma Vega, Exchange Traded Option- Stock Index Options, Foreign Currency Option, Over the Counter Exchange Options. 5. SWAPS: Meaning of Swaps, Types of Swaps, Interest Rate and Currency Rate Swaps, Mechanics of Swaps Transactions. Text Reading 1. John.C.Hull, “Options, Futures and Others Derivatives”, 4th Edition,Pearson Education Asia 2001. 2. Robert A. Strong, “Derivatives, An Introduction”, Thompson Publications, New Delhi, 2000. 3. Rene M. Stulz, “Risk Management and Derivatives”. Thompson Publications,

New Delhi, 2007. Suggested Readings 1. Kolb, “Understanding Future”, PHI Publications, New Delhi, 2000 2. Kolb, “Understanding Options”, PHI Publications, New Delhi, 2000 3. Redhead, “Futures”, Pearson education Asia Publication,1999.

1. Introduction to Indian and Global Financial System: Structure and Characteristics. 2. Regulatory Institutions: SEBI (Security Exchange Board of India) and RBI (Reserve Bank of India), Insurance Regulation and Development Authority (IRDA), Forward Market Commission (FMC). 3. Capital Markets: Primary and Secondary Market, Structure, Nature, Significance and Players, Nature, characteristics and types of shares, debenture & warrants. 4. Capital Market Operations: Trading and Settlement mechanism of stock exchange, IPO, Introduction in market – by prospectus, private placement, bought out deals & book building. 5. Introduction to Money Market: Structure, Operations, Players – Call money, Treasury Bills, Commercial Papers, Certificate of Deposit, Gilt Edged Securities and REPO’s. 6. Working Capital Financing Management: Bank and Institutional Financing, management of cash, receivables and inventories. 7. Introduction to Financial Institutions: SFC’s & DFI’s, their importance & scope (IDBI, IFCI, SIDBI). Text Readings 1. H. R. Machiraju, “Indian Financial System”, Vikas Publication.New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2002. 2. M. Y. Khan, “Indian Financial System”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1st Edition 2001. 3. I.M.Pandey, “Financial Management”, 8th Edition, Vikas Publication, New Delhi 2001. Suggested Readings: 1. H.R.Machraju, “The Working of Stock Exchanges in India”, 2nd Edition, New Age Publication.2001. 2. Vasant Desai, “The Indian Financial System” , Himalaya Publication, New Delhi, 4th Edition, June 2001. FINANCIAL SERVICES 1. Financial Services: Nature, Scope and Types of Financial Services, Institutions Providing Financial Services, Types of Financial Services, Introduction and Type of Non-Banking Financial Services. 2. Mutual funds: Introduction to mutual funds, Types of Mutual Fund Schemes, Policy

Guidelines, Procedure to Issue Mutual Fund Scheme, NAV Calculations, Entry & Exit Load, Advantages of Mutual Fund and Fundamentals to choose a Mutual Fund. Case Study of New Mutual Fund Schemes in India 3. Leasing and Hire Purchase: Meaning and Types of Leasing and Hire Purchase, Evaluation of Lease or Buy Decision in Leasing, Evaluation of Hire Purchase, Tax aspects of Leasing and Hire Purchase, Advantages and disadvantages of Leasing and Hire Purchase. 4. Factoring and Forfeiting: Meaning, Types of Factoring, Mechanism of Factoring and Forfeiting, Evaluation of Factoring, Advantages and Disadvantages of Factoring, Forfeiting and Bill Discounting. 5. Venture Capital Finance: Meaning and Nature of Venture Capital Finance, Stages in Venture Capital Financing. 6. Credit Rating Services: Credit Rating Agencies in India, Credit Rating Process. Mandatory Provisions for Credit Rating, Credit Rating Methodology, and Benefits of Credit Rating. 7. Consumer Credit: Categories of Installment credit, Introduction, Meaning, Types of Credit and Debit Cards, Mechanism of Credit Card and Debit Card and Advantages and Disadvantages of Debit and Credit Cards. Text Readings 1. M.Y. Khan, “Financial Services”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2000. 2. B.S.Bhatia, G.S.Batra, “Management of Capital Markets, Financial Services and Institutions”, Deep and Deep Publications, 2000. 3. Verma J.C., “Credit Rating:Practice and Procedure”,Delhi:Bharat Law House Pvt. Ltd, 2000 Suggested Readings 1. Machiraju,H.R.,“Merchant Banking”, New Age International Pub.Ltd.,Wiley Estern Ltd., 2000 2. J.C.Verma, “Venture Capital Finance In India”, Response Books, 1997. 3. Dr.Brahmaiah, “Lease Financing”, Himalaya Publication. 4. B.S. Bhatia,G.S.Batra, “Management of Financial Services”, Deep and Deep Publications, 1990.

1. Introduction: International Trade, Its Importance, Theories of International Trade, Theory Comparative Costs, Classical Theory, Absolute Advantage, Hecksher-Ohlin Theory, Free Trade V/S Protection- Barriers To Foreign Trade, Tariff And Non-Tariff Barriers. 2. Balance of Payment: Meaning Of BOP, Components Of BOP, Importance Of BOP, Meaning Of Deficit And Surplus, Equilibrium, Disequilibrium And Adjustments, Methods Of Correcting Disequilibrium, Accounting Principles In BOP. 3. Foreign Exchange Markets: Defining Foreign Exchange Market, Its Structure, Settlement System, Exchange Rate, Participants, Understanding SPOT And Forward Rates, Foreign Exchange Quotations, Premium And Discount In Forward Market, Cross Rates, Inverse Rates And Arbitrage. 4. Exchange Rate Determination: Determination Under Gold Standard and Paper,

Standard, Factors Affecting Exchange Rates, Purchasing Power Parity Theory, Demand And Supply Theory, Equilibrium Rate Of Exchange, Fluctuating V/S Fixed Exchange Rates, Exchange Control, Objectives Of Exchange Control. 5. Multinational Working Capital Management: Concept And Techniques, International Cash Management, Accounts Receivable Management, Inventory Management. 6. Financing Foreign Trade: Payment Terms, Documents, Export Credit Insurance, Financing Techniques in International Trade. 7. Instruments: ADR, GDR, Euro Currencies, International Commercial Papers. 8. International Financial Institutions: Introduction To IMF, Its Importance, Functions and Significance. Text Readings 1. Alan Shapiro, “Multinational Financial Management”, 4th Edition, PHI, New Delhi, 2002 2. V.A.Avadhani, “International Finance”, 4th Edition, Himalaya Publication, 2000. 3. P.G.Apte, “International Financial Market”, 2nd Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1999. 4. A.K.Seth, “International Financial Management”, Galgotia Publications, 2000. Suggested Readings 1. V.K.Bhalla, “International Financial Management”, 2nd Edition, Anmol Publications, 2001. 2. Maurice D. Levi, “International Finance”, New York, McGraw Hill, 3rd Ed., 1996. 3. Ian. H. Giddy, “Global Financial Markets”, Delhi, AITBS Publication, 1997. 4. John Holland, “International Finance Management”, Oxford, Blackwell Publication, 1998. CORPORATE FINANCIAL STRATEGIES AND DECISIONS 1. Financial Statement Analysis: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Changes In Financial Position, Ratio Analysis, Cost Volume Profit Analysis. 2. Valuation Concepts and Investment: Risk Return Analysis (Capital Assets Pricing Model), Capital Budgeting, Capital Rationing Decisions, Cost of Capital, Valuation of Funds. 3. Finance and Dividend Decisions: Leverages, Capital Structure, Strategies and Dividend Policies. 4. Working Capital Decisions: Cash, Receivables, Inventory Strategies. 5. Long Term Financing Decisions: Shares, Debentures, Warrants, Rights, Lease and Hire Purchase Decisions, Leverage Buy Outs, Securitization and Initial Public Offer. 6. Corporate Restructuring Strategies: Mergers, Acquisitions and Amalgamations, Takeovers and Reverse Merger Strategies. Text Readings 1. I.M.Pandey, “Financial Management” 8th Edition, Vikas Publications, 2001. 2. Ashwath Damodaran, “Corporate Finance”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,

2000 Suggested Readings 1. Weston, Chung, Hoag “ Merger restructuring and Corporate Control”, PHI Publication, 2000. 2. Van Horne, “Financial Management and Policies”, PHI Publications, Nineth Edition, 1996 3. M.Y. Khan and P.K. Jain, “Financial Management”, 4th ed. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000. 4. P.Mohan.Rao, “Mergers Acquisitions of Companies”, Deep and Deep Publications, 2000.

1. Risk and Principles in General Insurance: Defining Risk, Nature and Classification of Risk, Risk Management Process, Objectives of Risk Management, Selection of Risk, Risk and its Relation with Insurance. Classification of Insurance – Life and Non life, Principle of Insurable Interest, Principal of Subrogation, Principal of Utmost Good Faith. 2. Personal and Health Policies: Family Risk Management, Identifying areas of Potential Losses, Measurement of Losses in personal Accident and Health Insurance, Mediclaim Policy, Overseas Mediclaim policy, Cancer Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance. 3. Motor Insurance: Types of Motor Vehicles Policies, Tariffs and Premiums, Underwriting, Claim Management. 4. Marine Insurance: Indian and International Scenario, Applications and Principles, Classifications of Marine Insurance, Cargo Clauses, War Clauses, Strike Clauses, Contract and Policy of Marine Insurance. 5. Fire insurance: Application and Basic Principles of Fire Insurance, Standard Fire Policy, Fire Insurance Pricing, Underwriting, Fire Insurance Claims Settlement, Role and functions of risk management in fire insurance. 6. Property and Liability Insurance: Basic Principles, Nature and Scope, Proposal Form, Risk Assessment Form, Classification of Risk, Rating, Claims, Completion of Proposal Form, Issue of Policy, Exceptions and Conditions, Tariff Rules, Claim Payments and Management, Investigation and Procedure for Claim Under Workmen’s Compensation Policy, Methods of Re-insurance. 7. Product Design and Development: Role of Regulation, Various Factors in Product Development, Design New Products and Problems in Product Development. 8. Marketing and Services: Risk Management Technique, Factors that affect Marketing of Insurance, Distribution Methods of Insurance, Market Research – Sources of primary and Secondary Sources Information. Text Readings 1. M.N.Mishra, S.B. Mishra,, “Insurance Principles and Practice” S.Chand. 2. Tripathy & Pal , “Insurance – Theory and Practice”, Prentice Hall of India.

Reference Books: 1. Herald Skipper Jr and Kenneth Black Jr., “Life and Health Insurance”, Pheipe 2. General Insurance: ICFAI

1. Understanding the basic features of excel: Introduction to Modeling, Introduction to Excel 2. Understanding advanced features of excel: Database functions in excel, Creating charts, Using forms and control toolbox, Understanding finance functions present in excel, Creating dynamic models 3. Sensitivity analysis using Excel: Scenario Manager, Other sensitivity analysis features, 4. Simulation using Excel: Different statistical distributions used in simulation, Generating random numbers that follow a particular distribution, Building models in finance using simulation 5. Excel in Accounting: Preparing common size statements directly from trial balance, Forecasting financial statements using excel, Analyzing financial statements by using spreadsheet model 6. Excel in Project Appraisal: Determining Project Viability, Risk Analysis in project Appraisal, Simulation in project Appraisal 7. Excel in Valuation: Determination of Value Drivers, DCF Valuation, Risk Analysis in Valuation 8. Excel in Portfolio Theory: Determining efficient portfolio, Creating dynamic portfolios, Portfolio Insurance, Fixed Income Portfolio Management Using Excel 9. Excel in Derivatives: Black and Scholes Model in Excel, Greeks in Excel, Real Options Valuation,

Text Readings
1. Hrishikes Bhattacharya “Total Management by Ratios”, Sage Publication 2. R.L.Gupta,V.K.Gupta, “Principles of Accountancy”,Sultan Chand & Sons 3. I.M.Pandey, “Financial Management” ,New Delhi :Vikas Publication House,8th ed 2001 4 Weston,Chung,Hoag “Merger restructuring and Corporate Control” PHI Publication,1996 5. Budhawala, “Understanding and Analyzing Balance Sheets Using Excel”, Prentice Hall of India Suggested Readings 1. P.Mohan Rao, “Mergers Acquisition of Companies” DEEP and DEEP Publications,2000 2. Punithvathy Pundaian, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”,Vikas Publishing House 3. John H Hull, “Options,Futures and Other Derivatives” 4th Edition .PEARSON Education,New Delhi 2000

1. The Entrepreneurial Development Perspective: Concept of Entrepreneurship Development, Evolution of the concept of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur Vrs. Intrapreneur, Entrepreneur Vrs. Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Vrs. Manager, Attributes and characteristics of a successful entrepreneur, Role of Entrepreneur in Indian economy and developing economies with reference to self-employment development, Entrepreneurial Culture 2. Creating Entrepreneurial Venture: Business Planning process, Environmental Analysis – Search and Scanning, Identifying problems and Opportunities, Defining Business Idea, Basic Government Procedures to be complied with 3. Project Funding and Management: Technical, Financial, Marketing and Management Feasibility, Estimating and Financing Funds requirement – Schemes offered by various commercial banks and financial institutions like IDBI, ICICI, SIDBI, SFCs, Venture Capital Funding, Angel Financing 4. Entrepreneurship Development and Government: Role of Central Government and the State Governments in promoting Entrepreneurship – Introduction to various incentives, subsidies and grants – Export oriented Units – Fiscal and Tax Concessions available, Role of following agencies in the Entrepreneurship development – District Industries Centres (DIC), Small Industries Service Institute (SISI), Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), National Institute of Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development (NIESBUD), National Entrepreneurship Development Board (NEDB), Entrepreneurship Development Cells (EDCs), Technology Business Incubator Units (TBIUs) 5. Intellectual Property: Definitions of Intellectual Property, The importance of Intellectual Property, Patent Basics, Trademarks and Copyrights, Defining, executing and protecting IP, How to identify and work with patent attorneys Text Readings 1. Vasant Desai (2000), Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai 2. Colombo Plan Staff College for Technical Education, Manila (CRISP, Bhopal)(1998), Entrepreneurship Development, Tata McGrawHill, New Delhi [ISBN 0-07-463329-5] 3. Donald F. Kuratko, Richard M. Hodgetts (2007), Entrepreneurship Theory, Process and Practice, South Western, Delhi [ISBN 81-315-0380-1] Suggested Readings 1. Dr. Aruna Kaulgud, Entrepreneurship Management, Thompson Publishing 2. Prof. Satish Taneja, Dr. S.L. Gupta (2001), Entrepreneurship Development – New Venture Creation, Galgotia Publishing Co., New Delhi {ISBN 81-8598959-1] 3. S S Khanka (2006), Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi [ISBN 81-219-1801-4]

1. Rural Banking: Definition of rural areas spread of population in India, Rural economy, Rural employment, Rural poverty, Agriculture reforms and rural credit. 2. Panchayat Raj System and Rural Infrastructure: The concept and structure of panchayat raj, Role of panchayat raj in rural development. Importance of rural infrastructure and its benefits. 3. Government Initiatives and rural development: Banking reforms and rural credit, Agricultural credit, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), The District Industries Center (DIC), Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), Lead Bank Scheme, Government Schemes for Rural Development, Self Employment and Entrepreneurship Development. 4. Agriculture Activities: Agriculture finance in India, Credit sources to agriculture and allied activities, Agriculture credit in post economic reforms era, Agricultural advances, National agricultural insurance scheme, Recovery and NPAs in agricultural sector. 5. Farm Development Loans: Agricultural term loan, Land development loan, Loans for minor irrigation, Dugwell scheme, Procedure for availment of refinance, Development loans for plantation and horticulture. 6. Allied Activities in Agriculture: Allied activities, Poultry farming, Dairy farming, Pisciculture, Acquaculture, Horticulture, Cold storage, High tech agriculture, Agro processing. 7. Small Scale Industry (SSI): Role of small scale industries, Structure of small scale industries, Credit support for SSI/ Tiny Sector, Agro rural industries, Major problem and challenges faced by SSI, SFCs and its role in development of SSI. 8. Green Revolution: Scope of green revolution, Key inputs, Generation problems, Role of technology in green revolution, Green revolution and rural development. 9. Information System in Rural Banking: Rural informatics and information system application, Geographical information system, Networking applications, Multi media applications, E-Governance for rural masses, Basic statistical returns. 10. Overview of Microfinance: Experiences of poverty initiatives in India, Overview of Indian poverty alleviation programs of seventies and eighties, Microcredit and Microfinance, Conventional models, Direct method, Indirect method, Types of products in microfinance, Objectives of microfinance, Securitization, Need for securitization in India. Text Readings 1. Vasant Desai, “Rural Development in India”, Hemalaya Publishing House. 2. K.Siva Subrahmanyam and R.C. Choudhury, “A Challenges in the Crises Functional and Financial Development on Panchayats in India” NIRD Suggested Readings 1. “Rural Banking”, ICFAI University 2. “Impact of Liberalisation & Globalisation on Rural Livelihoods”, Edited by A.V.S. Reddy and B.K.Thapliyal, NIRD 3. “Microfinance”, ICFAI University

FOREIGN EXCHANGE MANAGEMENT 1. Introduction to of Foreign Exchange Markets: Introduction to of Foreign Exchange Markets and Transactions (Spot-Forward), Quoting Foreign Exchange Rates, Spread, Official and Free Market Rates, Direct, Indirect and Cross Rates, Forward Rates, Quoting Forward Rates, Forward exchange rates versus expected future spot rate, Structure of Forward Markets, Outright Forwards versus Swaps. 2. Currency Futures and Options Markets: Currency Futures, Marking to Market, Futures contract versus Forward contract, The link between the future and the forward market, Currency options, Exchange traded Options, Quotation conventions and market organization, Determining market value of options, Overthecounter (OTC) options 3. Determination of Exchange Rates: The Balance of Payment Accounts, The net international investment position, Supply and Demand view of Exchange Rates, Modern Theories of Exchange Rates – Stock versus flow theory, monetary theory, asset approach and the portfolio balance approach to exchange rates, Alternative systems of exchange rates – the classical gold standard system, the bretton woods and dollar standards, Hybrid system, target zone arrangement 4. Foreign exchange exposure and risk: The nature of exchange rate risk and exposure, exposure, risk and the parity relationships, Types of Foreign exchange exposure - Translation, Transaction and Economic, Alternative Strategies for Exposure Management, Exposure Management Techniques, Hedging risk and exposure 5. International Taxation: Different forms of Taxes – Corporate Taxes, Value Added Tax (VAT), Import Duties, Withholding Taxes, Branch versus subsidiary Taxes, Organisational structures for reducing taxes – Internal Pricing, Tax Havens, Double Tax Avoidance Aggrements (DTAs), Tax Reliefs – Unilateral, Bilateral, Tax Treatment of Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses 6. Additional Topics: Foreign Exchange Market in India, Introduction to Carbon Credits, Numericals related to Foreign Exchange Market Quotations, derivatives and exposure management, Case Studies Text Readings 1. Shapiro A.C., Multinational Financial Management, PHI, New Delhi 2. Levi, Maurice D., International Finance, McGrawHill, New Delhi, 1996 3. Sharan, V., International Financial Management, PHI, New Delhi. Suggested Readings 1. Rajwade A V, Foreign Exchange, International Finance and Risk Management, Academy of Business Studies, Mumbai 2. Madura Jeff, International Financial Management, ITP. 3. Apte P.G., International Financial Management, Tata McGraw-Hill , New Delhi. 4. Bhalla V.K., International Financial Management, Anmol, N. Delhi, 2nd Edn., 2001. FINANCIAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 1. Financial Services: Nature, Scope and Types of Financial Services, Institutions

Providing Financial Services, Types of Financial Services, Introduction and Type of Non-Banking Financial Services. 2. Mutual funds: Introduction to mutual funds, Types of Mutual Fund Schemes, Policy Guidelines, Procedure to Issue Mutual Fund Scheme, NAV Calculations, Entry & Exit Load, Advantages of Mutual Fund and Fundamentals to choose a Mutual Fund. Case Study of New Mutual Fund Schemes in India 3. Leasing and Hire Purchase: Meaning and Types of Leasing and Hire Purchase, Evaluation of Lease or Buy Decision in Leasing, Evaluation of Hire Purchase, Tax aspects of Leasing and Hire Purchase, Advantages and disadvantages of Leasing and Hire Purchase. 4. Factoring and Forfeiting: Meaning, Types of Factoring, Mechanism of Factoring and Forfeiting, Evaluation of Factoring, Advantages and Disadvantages of Factoring, Forfeiting and Bill Discounting. 5. Venture Capital Finance: Meaning and Nature of Venture Capital Finance, Stages in Venture Capital Financing. 6. Credit Rating Services: Credit Rating Agencies in India, Credit Rating Process. Mandatory Provisions for Credit Rating, Credit Rating Methodology, and Benefits of Credit Rating. 7. Consumer Credit: Categories of Installment credit, Introduction, Meaning, Types of Credit and Debit Cards, Mechanism of Credit Card and Debit Card and Advantages and Disadvantages of Debit and Credit Cards. Text Readings 1. M.Y. Khan, “Financial Services”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2000. 2. B.S.Bhatia, G.S.Batra, “Management of Capital Markets, Financial Services and Institutions”, Deep and Deep Publications, 2000. 3. Verma J.C., “Credit Rating:Practice and Procedure”,Delhi:Bharat Law House Pvt. Ltd, 2000 Suggested Readings 1. Machiraju,H.R.,“Merchant Banking”, New Age International Pub.Ltd.,Wiley Estern Ltd., 2000 2. J.C.Verma, “Venture Capital Finance In India”, Response Books, 1997. 3. Dr.Brahmaiah, “Lease Financing”, Himalaya Publication. 4. B.S. Bhatia,G.S.Batra, “Management of Financial Services”, Deep and Deep Publications, 1990.

1. Introduction: International Trade, Its Importance, Theories of International Trade, Theory Comparative Costs, Classical Theory, Absolute Advantage, Hecksher-Ohlin Theory, Free Trade V/S Protection- Barriers To Foreign Trade, Tariff And Non-Tariff Barriers. 2. Balance of Payment: Meaning Of BOP, Components Of BOP, Importance Of BOP, Meaning Of Deficit And Surplus, Equilibrium, Disequilibrium And Adjustments, Methods Of Correcting Disequilibrium, Accounting Principles In BOP. 3. Foreign Exchange Markets: Defining Foreign Exchange Market, Its Structure,

4. Settlement System, Exchange Rate, Participants, Understanding SPOT And Forward Rates, Foreign Exchange Quotations, Premium And Discount In Forward Market, Cross Rates, Inverse Rates And Arbitrage. 5. Exchange Rate Determination: Determination Under Gold Standard and Paper, Standard, Factors Affecting Exchange Rates, Purchasing Power Parity Theory, Demand And Supply Theory, Equilibrium Rate Of Exchange, Fluctuating V/S Fixed Exchange Rates, Exchange Control, Objectives Of Exchange Control. 6. Multinational Working Capital Management: Concept And Techniques, International Cash Management, Accounts Receivable Management, Inventory Management. 7. Financing Foreign Trade: Payment Terms, Documents, Export Credit Insurance, Financing Techniques in International Trade. 8. Instruments: ADR, GDR, Euro Currencies, International Commercial Papers. 9. International Financial Institutions: Introduction To IMF, Its Importance, Functions and Significance. Text Readings 1. Alan Shapiro, “Multinational Financial Management”, 4th Edition, PHI, New Delhi, 2002 2. V.A.Avadhani, “International Finance”, 4th Edition, Himalaya Publication, 2000. 3. P.G.Apte, “International Financial Market”, 2nd Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1999. 4. A.K.Seth, “International Financial Management”, Galgotia Publications, 2000. Suggested Readings 1. V.K.Bhalla, “International Financial Management”, 2nd Edition, Anmol Publications, 2001. 2. Maurice D. Levi, “International Finance”, New York, McGraw Hill, 3rd Ed., 1996. 3. Ian. H. Giddy, “Global Financial Markets”, Delhi, AITBS Publication, 1997. 4. John Holland, “International Finance Management”, Oxford, Blackwell Publication, 1998.

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