MBA Syllabus

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Semester ±I Paper 1: Principles of Business Management SECTION A Unit I: Introduction Nature, function, definition and importance of management, Definition, nature, purpos e and scope of management, Functions of a manager, an overview of planning, organizing and controlling, Is management a science or art? Unit II: Development of Management Thought Scientific management; Contribution of Taylor, Fayol, Mary Follet, Elton Mayo; Hawthorne experiments, Contingency approach, Indian heritage in production and consumption. U n i t I I I : M a na g e me nt a n d A d mi ni s t r a t i o n M a na g e me nt a n d a d mi ni s t r a t i o n, M a na g e me nt a s a profession, Professionalism of management in India, Management ethics and management culture, Skills required of manager, Classification of skills, Methods of skills development. Unit IV: Management Planning Concept of planning, objectives, Nature, Types of plan, Stages involved in planning, Charact eristics of a good plan, Importance, Limitations of planning, Making planning effective, Strategic planning in Indian Industry. Unit V: Decision Making Concept , charact eristics of decisions, Types of decisions, Steps Involved indecision making, Importance of decision making, Methods of decision making, Committee Decision-making. SECTION B Unit VI: Organization Concepts, Principle of organization, Importance, Features of good organization structure, Types of Organization structure. Unit VII: Authority and Responsibility Authority, Responsibilities and Accountability, Delegation of Authority Barriers to effective delegation, Span of control. Unit VIII: Coordination & Direction Concept Importance and need for coordination, Principles of c o or d i na t i o n, M et h o ds of a c hi e v i n g ef f ec t i v e c o or di na t i o n; M ea ni n g of di r e c t i o n, I mp or t a n c e a n d Principles of direction, Characteristics of good directives. Unit IX: Cont rol Concept, planning-control relations hip, process of control -s etting objectives, es t a b l i s hi n g s t a n da r ds , mea s u r i n g p er f or ma nc e, c or r e c t i n g d e v i a t i o ns . Br i ef r e vi e w of T r a di t i o na l Techniques & Moder n Techniques of Control; Human r espons e to control; Dimensions or Types of C o nt r o l - ( a ) F e e d f or w a r d c o nt r ol ( b ) C o n c u r r e nt C o nt r ol ( R ea l T i me I nf or ma t i o n & C o nt r o l ) , ( c )Feedback Control v) Techniques of Control. Unit X: Comparative study Comparative study of main features of Japanese Management and Z culture of American Companies. Suggested Readings: 1. Essentials of Management, Harold Koontz & Heinz, Weihrich, 5th Tata McGraw Hill2.Management Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert Jr. ,6th ,Prentice Hall3.Management (A Global Perspective), Heinz Weihrich &Harnold Koontz, 10th Tata McGraw Hill4.A Dictionary of Business 3ed. By Elizabeth Martin ± Oxford5.Fundamentals of Management, Robins ,3rd Pearson Education Asia

Paper 2: Foundation Course in Marketing Management SECTION A Unit-I: Concepts & Application Cor e Concepts of Marketing, Company Orientation towards Marketplace, New Concepts ± E Business, Relations hip Market ing; Database Marketing, Functional areas of Marketing. U n i t - I I I : A na l yz i n g t h e M a r k et Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning and Repositioning; Analyzing Buying Behaviors, Analyzing Competition. Unit-IV: Product Management Meaning of product, product classification, product levels, product policies, Product life cycle and new product development, Branding & packaging. Unit-V: Pricing Strategies Pricing objectives, methods and pricing policies; adopting the price; Initiating and responding to price changes. SECTION B Unit - VI: Mar ket i ng C ommu ni cat i on U n d er s t a n di n g t h e c o m mu ni c a t i o n pr o c es s , M a na g i n g advertising; Sales promotion, Public relations and direct marketing. Unit-VII: Distribution Strat egy Channel design and management, Channel dynamics and market logistics, Channels of distribution, Types of channels, Importance of Retailing and wholesaling. Unit-VIII: Marketing of Services Nature, Charact eristics and Classification of services, Strategies inservice marketing, Importance and future of service marketing. Unit-IX: Relations hip Marketing & E-business New issues ± E-Business, Relationship marketing; Globalization, Consumerism, Legal issues and ethics. Unit-X: Monitoring and Controlling Marketing Efforts Evaluating r esults of marketing strategies implementation and plans, Need and importance of Marketing control, Types of controlling- Operating control, Strategic control, Marketing audit. Suggested Readings 1.Marketing Management ± Planning, Implementation and Control ± V. S. Ramaswamy and S. Namakumari ± McMillan 2. M a r k et i n g M a na g e me nt - P . K ot l er - P r e nt i c e H a l l I n c 3.Marketing Management ± Rajan Saxena - Tata McGraw-Hill 4.Introduction to Marketing Management by Adrian Palmer ± Oxford Universit y Press.

Paper 3: Foundation Course in Human Resource Management U n i t I : T h e S t r a t e gi c R ol e of H R M Nature, scope, objectives, importance and functions, Human resource as an asset in organization, Evolution of the concept of HRM, Human resource management in India; human resource management in dynamic environment ± External & Internal Environment Systems approach to HRM, Strategic HRM, Strategic roles of HR manager, Qualities of HR Manager. Unit II: Job Analysis & Design Job Analysis ± Meaning, Uses, Process and methods of collecting data f or j ob a na l ys i s , C o mp et e n c y a p p r oa c h t o j o b a na l ys i s , J ob D es c r i pt i o n, J o b S p ec i f i c a t i o ns & R ol e Analysis, Factors affecting Job Design, Techniques of Job Design, Cases and Exercises in understanding Job Analysis. Unit III: Human Res ources Planning & Recruit ment Policy Human Res ources Planning; Need for Human Resources Planning; Process of Human Resources Planning; Human Resource Planning System; Responsibility for Human Resource Planning. Framework for Procurement; Recruitment Policy; Factors Affecting Recruitment; Sources of Recruitment; Recruitment Practice in India; The Problem of The µSonsof The Soil¶; Assess ment of The Recruit ment Programme, Global Staffing ± Expatriation, Inpatri ation ,Flexpatriation. Unit IV: Selection, Induction & Placement Selection Process, New tools /Met hods of selection ±Interviews, Tests and ass ess ment of effectiveness of selection tools. Induction Programme, Problems in Induction, Requisites of effective Induction, Typical Induction Programme ± Do¶s & Don¶ts, Placement ±Internal Mobility, Transfers, Employee Separations. U n i t V : E mp l o y e e G r o w t h & D e v e l op m e nt T r a i ni n g I nt r o d u c t i o n of T r a i ni n g; O b j ec t i v es a n d Importance of Training; Training Needs Identification. Organization Analysis ; Task Analysis; Man Analysis; Training Areas Identified by Trainers; Responsibility for Training; Training Organization; Lead Time Planning; Types and Techniques of Training and Development ; Objectives of Training Methods; C l a s s i f i c a t i o n of T r a i ni n g M et h o ds / T e c h ni q u es ; T r a i ni n g b y S u p e r vi s or s ; N e e d a n d I mp or t a nc e of Management Development; Evaluation of Training; Reasons of Training Failure; Improving Effectiveness of Training. SECTION B Unit VI: Perfor mance Appraisal N a t ur e, O b j e c t i v es , l i mi t a t i o ns ± va r i ou s met h o d s ± M o d er n &T r a di t i o na l , M u l t i p l e P er s o n E va l u a t i o n M et h o ds ; P er f or ma n c e T es t s & F i el d R e vi e w T ec h n i qu e s ; Appraisal, Praise and Recognition; Rewards and Incentives; Promotions. HR Records, MIS HR Reports, HR Formats ± Personnel Files, Attendance, Leave, Medical Records. Unit VII: Compensation Management Wage & Salary Administration-Introduction; Wage & Salary Administration; Theories to Determine the Wages; Classification of Wages; Machinery for Fixing Wages; Job Satisfaction, Job Evaluation; Objectives of Job Evaluation; Job Evaluation Methods; Advantages and Limitations of Job Evaluation. Unit VIII: Employee Benefits & Incentives -

Employee Benefits: Meaning, Types of Benefits & Services, P r i n c i p l es of F r i n g e s , G u i d e l i n es t o ma k e b e n ef i t pr o gr a mm e mor e ef f ec t i v e; I n c e nt i v e P a y me nt s : Incentive Plans, Individual Incentives, Group Base Incentive Plan, Organization wide Incentive Plans, Other Incentive schemes, Guidelines for PFP( pay for performance) systems. Unit IX: Employee Welfare & Social S ecurity Employee Welfare: Importance, Agencies, Types &s t a t ut or y p r o vi s i o ns ; S oc i a l S ec u r i t y: I nt r o d u c t i o n, T yp es , S o c i a l s e c u r i t y mea s u r es / l a b ou r l a w provisions in India; Healt h & Saf ety: Legal provisions regarding Health & safety, Measures to promot e Health & Safety, Employee Assistance Programmes, Effective safety management. Unit X: HR Recor ds & R es ear ch & Issu es H R R ec or ds K e ep i n g ± P r o c es s , M et h o d s ( M a nu a l / Computerized), Types & Importance. HR Research ± Areas of research, Methods of conducting Research ,Us es and Importance HR Issues ± Causes & Impact of : Employee Turnover, Abs enteeis m, Attrition &Retention, Talent Management. Suggested Readings 1.A Text book of Human Res ource Management ± C. B. Mamoria & S. V. Gankar. Publication - Himalaya Publishing Hous e 2.Personnel and human Res ource management - Text & cases, P Subba Rao, Publication - Himalaya Publishing Hous e 3.Human res ource Management ± P. Jyothi, Publication ± Oxfor d Universit y Press. 4.Human Res ource Management , Ninth Edition, R.Wayne Mondy, Robert M, Noe, Publication- P earson Education 5.Human Res ource and Personnel Management ± Text and cases, K. As wathappa, Publi

Paper 4: Foundation Course in Information Technology Management SECTION-A Unit I: Introduction to Computers Generation of Comput ers, Block Diagram, Working of Computer, H a r d w a r e a n d S of t w a r e, P r o gr a m mi n g a n d F l o w C ha r t s c o n c e p t s , O p er a t i n g s ys t e ms ( M S D O S , Windows, UNIX, Linux), Networking concepts. U n i t I I : W or ki n g w i t h C o mp u t er s I nt r o d u c t i o n t o W or d, E x c el , P o w er P oi nt , I nt er n et a n d W eb (Working with Google, Yahoo, Rediff, Amazon, e-bay etc.) Unit III: Multimedia Introduction, Components of Multimedia: Graphics, Audio & Animation, Using Multimedia at Home, Business, Education and Entertainment, Applications in Games and Animation Industry. Unit IV: Introduction to HTML Basics, Text, Lists, Images, Links, Backgrounds, Tables, Frames, Forms, Meta-tags and Hexa-colors, Preparing simple web pages. U n i t V : I T C o ns u l t i n g ± B a s i c c o nc e p t s of b u s i n es s , s t r a t e g y a n d op er a t i o n; B u s i n es s / S t r a t e g i c Consulting: Reengineering, BPR; Operations Consulting: domain knowledge concept, domain- consulting; Cases: McKinsey, AT Kearney etc. SECTION-B Unit VI: IT Enabled Services (ITES) ± Process es, Outsourcing Function, Call Centers; BPO¶s: CaptiveBPO¶s (GE and Dell) and Third Party BPO¶s (Infos ys BPO, Wipro BOP, Mphasis, Progeon, WNS, Daks hand EXL etc); KPO¶s: Processes and Domain Expertise. Unit VII: Software Engineering: SDLC: Concepts and Life Cycle, Soft ware Testing: fundamentals and terminology; Software Quality fundamentals, Software Project Management. U n i t V I I I : E nt er pr i s e R es ou r c e P l a n ni n g ± C o n c ep t , H i s t or y, E R P P a c ka g es , A d va nt a g es a n d Limitations. Unit IX: Infor mation S ecurity Importance, Malicious Programs: Virus, Trojans, Wor m, Logic Bomb, A nt i vi r u s : N or t o n, C A - e T r us t , S y ma nt e c , M c A f e e; C r yp t o gr a p h y a n d D a t a E n cr yp t i o n, F i r e w a l l , Hacking, Cyber Law¶s Basics. Unit X: Trends in IT ± Definitions, Conceptual Understandings and Applications of Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Knowledge Management, e-Commerce, e-Learning, e-Business and eGovernance. Note: Students are expected to attain Working knowledge of relevant topics in Unit ±II, III, IV and IX through livelaboratory sessions. Suggested Readings: 1.Management Infor mation systems. By M. Jais wal ± (Oxford)2.Oz- Management Infor mation Syst ems 3rd Edn. ( Thoms on Lear ning Books)3.Harry ± Infor mation

& Management S ystems (A.H. Wheeler)4.A.K. Gupta - Management Infor mation System (S. Chand & Col)5. D . Y ea t s ± S ys t e m A na l ys i s a n d D es i g n ( M a c mi l l a n) Paper 5: Foundation Course in Accounting SECTION ±AUnit ±I: Introduction Meaning, Scope and importance of Financial Accounting. Financial Accounting -concepts and conventions, classification of accounts, Rules and principles governing Double Entry Book-keeping system. Unit ±II: Accounting Books & Record Meaning, Preparation of Journal, Ledger & Trial balance. Unit III Final Account of Joint Stock Companies Final Accounts of Joint Stock Companies ± contents, and preparation of Trading and Manufacturing, Profit and Loss Account, Profit and Loss Appropriation Account and Balance sheet with adjustment. U n i t I V : A na l ys i s a n d I nt er pr et a t i o n of F i na nc i a l S t a t e m e nt s Meaning of financial stat ements, objective, utility and limitations of financial analysis, Types of financial analysis, tools and techniques of analysis, Funds Flow Analysis and Cash Flow Analysis:-concept, Simple problems on pr eparation of funds flow statement and cash flow statement. Unit V: Ratio Analysis Ratio Analysis - classification of various ratios, Reading the balance sheet and other financial data to comment on the financial soundness of the firm. Section ±B Unit ±VI: Decision Making Techniques Management Accounting for Decision Making and Control ;Cost Volume Profit Analysis; EVA and Performance Measurement. Unit ±VII: Perfor mance Evaluation Techniques Introduction to Budgeting and Budgetary Control; Classification of Budget; Problems on Flexible and Cash Budgets; Responsibility Accounting. U n i t ± V I I I : C os t A c c o u nt i n g Objectives, Classification of Cost, Preparation of stat ement of cost, Quotations, Reconciliation of Cost & Financial accounts, Process costing, Marginal Costing, Operating /Service Costing, Contract Costing Unit IX: New Approaches for Planning and Implementation of Control Syst ems Over view, The nature and scope, Factors affecting MCS, Strategic Planning and Controls for differentiated situations Unit X: Applications Over view of Control in Banking and Non banking finance, Service Industry, Transnational Companies, Project management and PSE. Suggested Readings 1.Financial, Cost and Management Accounting, Dr.P.Periasamy,2ndEdition, Himalaya Publishing House 2. M a na g e me nt C o nt r ol S ys t e m b y S e k h a r , T M H , N e w D el hi 3.Advanced Accounts Volume II By M.C. Shukla, T.S. Grewal, S.C. Gupta S. Chand and company, New Delhi 4.Management Accounting, Principles& Practice by S har ma R.K & Gupta S.K.5.Management control System by Robert N.Anthony, TMH, New Delhi

Paper 6: Quantitative Decision Making SECTION A Unit I: Measures of Central Tendency Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Comparison of Mean, Median and Mode. Unit II: Measures of Dispersion Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Relative Dispersion: Coefficient of Variance. Unit III: Regression and Correlation Analysis Regression: Method of Least Squar es, Regression Coefficient, Standard Errors of Estimate. Correlation: Types, Graphical and Algebraic Method, Coefficient of Determination, Rank Correlation. Unit IV: Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Components of Time Series, Trend, seasonal variation, cyclic variation and irregular variation, Forecasting. U n i t V : M a t r i c es a n d M a r k o v C ha i ns Matrices: Concepts, Laws, Addition, Multiplication using Matrices, Inverse of Matrix, Markov Chains and its application. SECTION B U n i t V I : I nt r o d u c t i o n t o O p er a t i o ns R e s ea r c h Definition, Charact eristics, Model, Phas es, Indian Companies using Operations Res earch Techniques, Future Scope of Operations Research Industry, Quantitative Approach to Decision Making. Unit VII: LPP - Graphical Method Assumptions, For mulation and Solution by Graphical Method: Feasibility Region, Unboundedness, Infeasibility, Multiple Optimum Solutions. Unit VIII: LPP - Simplex Method For mulation and Construction of Initial Basic Table by Simplex Method and its interpretation, Theoretical Concept of Duality and Sensitivity. Unit IX: LPP ± Transportation Formulation and Solution by North West Corner Rule (NWC), Least Cost Method (LCM) and Vogel¶s Approximation Method (VAM); Optimization by Modified Distribution Method (MODI). Unit X: LPP ± Assignment Formulation and Solution. Suggested Readings:1. B u s i n es s S t a t i s t i c s , G . C . B er i ( T M H ) 2.Quantitative Techniques in Management, N. D. Vohra (TMH)3.Quantitative Methods For Business, Anderson ( Thoms on Learning Books) 4 . S t a t i s t i c a l met h o ds , S . P . G u p t a ( S C ha n d) 5.Levin Richard & Rubin David ± Statistics for Management (Prentice Hall of India)

Paper 7: Business Legislation SECTION A Unit I: Administration of law & legal system in India Introduction to legal aspects of Business in general; Freedom of Trade, Profession and Occupation (Constitutional Provisions). Unit II: The Companies Act (1956) Definition & characteristics of a company, Company distinguished from partnership, Kinds of Companies, Provisions relating to incorporation, lifting the Corporate Veil. Unit III: Memorandum of Association, Doctrine of ultra-vires, Articles of Association, Doctrine of indoor management & constructive notice, Concept of Prospectus. Unit IV: Role & duties of promoter, Shares and Debentures ± natures, kinds, transfer and transmission; Directors ± Powers, position and duties. Unit V: Winding Up of the Company Types of Winding up- Winding up by Court, Voluntary windingup , Winding up under the supervision of court and Conduct of winding up. SECTION B Unit VI: The Income Tax Act, 1961 Introduction to Income tax act ±Definition of assess e, Residential status of assesse; Definition of Deduction, Rebate, Relief & Exemption; Heads of Chargeable Income for salaried. Unit VII: Indian Contract Act (1872) a) Definition (Sec.2) b) Essential elements of a valid contract c)Compet ency to ent er in contracts (Sec. 11 & 12).d) Cons ent ± Free cons ent, Coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation, mistake (sec 13-23).Void Agreement (sec 24-30) f) Consequences of breach of contract (sec73-75). Unit VIII Intellectual Property Act Scope, Provisions & overview. Unit IX: Infor mation Technology Act 2000 & Cyber Law Scope, Provisions & overview; Right toInformation Act 2005. Unit X: Consumer Protection Act Scope, Provisions & overview. Suggested Readings 1. B a r e A c t s - G o vt . or P r i va t e p u b l i c a t i o n 2.Mercantile Law ± Shukla ± 30th Ed. ± S. Chand & Co.3. B u s i n es s L a w - N . D . K a p o or ± S . C ha n d & C o. 4.Company Law ± Singh Avtar, 11th Ed., Estern Book Co., Lukhnow

Paper ± 8: Financial Management SECTION ± A Unit I: Introduction Concept of business finance, finance function, scope, organization, Responsibilities of finance executive, Goals & objectives of financial management, Functional areas; Concept of time value of money, Compounding & discounting; Future value of single amount & annuity, present value of single amount & annuity; Practical application of time value technique. Unit II: Sources of financing LONG TERM: shares, debentures, ter m loans, lease & hire purchase, retained earnings, public deposits, bonds (Types, features & utility)(a)SHORT TERM: bank finance, commercial paper & trade credit & bills discounting(b)INTERNAL: Retained earnings, Depr eciation policies. Unit III: Capital structure Concept, meaning, principles & import ance. Introduction to Trading onequity, Capital gearing & leveraging, Cost of capital, Cost of differ ent sources of finance, Weightedaverage cost of capital, Theories of capital structure, concept of optimal capital structure, Computation ofleverages, Cost of capital and EBIT-EPS analysis. Unit IV: Capitalization - C o n c e p t , T h e or i es , O v er ca p i t a l i s a t i o n ± C o n c ep t , S y mp t o ms , c a u s es , Consequences & remedies, Under capitalisation - Concept, causes, Consequences & remedies, WateredStock, Watered stock Vs Over capitalisation. Unit V: Dividend policies - Concept, deter minants and factors affecting, relevance and irrelevancec o n c ep t , di v i d e n d va l u a t i o n mo d e l s ± G or d o n, W a l t er a n d M o di g l i a ni - M i l l er mo d e l s S t a b i l i t y of dividends ± concept and significance. SECTION ± BUnit VI: Working capital Concept, significance, types. Adequacy of working capital, Factors affectingworking capital needs, Financing approaches for working capital, Methods of forecasting working capital requirements. Unit ± VII: Capital budgeting - Nature and significance, techniques of capital budgeting ±Pay BackMethod, Accounting rate of return, Net Present Value and profitability index. Unit ± VIII: Financial institutions Need, structure, policies, norms & schemes; Financing procedures, changing role of project appraisal; Overview of operations of NBFC¶s & Financial Institutions. Unit ± IX: Financing of s mall scale industry Meaning, importance, growth of SSIs, Special financingneeds and sources, issues & implications. U n i t ± X : C or p or a t e r es t r u c t ur i n g Reasons & drivers of restructuring, Methods of restructuring-mergers, takeovers, acquisitions, divesting, spin-off, split ups, privatization, buyback & joint ventures. Suggested Readings: 1.Financial Management by Ravi Kishore, Taxmann¶s. 2.Financial Management by S. M. Inamdar, Everest Publishing house, 12th Edition 2004. 3Financial Management by Sharma & Gupta , Kalyani Publishers. 4.Financial Management by R.M. Srivastav, Kalyani Publishers. 5.Financial Accounting for Management by P. Shah- Pub, by Oxford

Semester ±II Paper 1: Organisation Behavior & Development SECTION AU n i t I : O r g a n i z a t i o n a l B e h a v i o u r T h e n a t u r e o f o r g a n i s a t i o n s : W h y d o o r g a n i s a t i o n s exist ? C o mp o n e n t s of or ga ni s a t i o ns ; O r ga ni s a t i o ns a s op e n s ys t e ms , M a na g er s i n or ga ni s a t i o ns , P r o du c t i vi t y a n d ma na g er i a l p er f or ma n c e, V a l u e - a d d e d ma na g er s , T h e ma na g er ' s c ha l l e n g e, Organisational behaviour and t he new workplace, Managing the globalisation of work, Managing hu ma n r i g ht s i n t h e w or kp l a c e, M a na gi n g d e v e l op me nt s i n i nf or ma t i o n t e c h n ol o g i es , M a na gi n g organisational transitions, Managing new forms of Organisation. Unit II: Foundations of Individual Behaviour biographical characteristics, ability, and learning Unit III: Perception : Introduction, Halo effect, Stereotyping, pigeonholing and compart mentalisation; Self-fulfilling prophecy; Perceptual mythology; other influences on perception. Unit IV: Attitudes and values Attitudes, Components of attitudes, Attitudes and behaviour, At titudesand cognitive consistency, J ob satisfaction as an attitude; development Values, Sources and types ofvalues, Patterns and trends in values, Managing values and attitudes. Unit V: Motivation - Concepts, Theories of Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, Port er & Lawler Model,Application of Motivation concept, Individual motivation and motivation in the organization, Cultural Differences in Motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Social Motivation, Motivation and Health,Role of motivation in human behaviour. SECTION BUnit VI: Foundations of group behaviour - T h e na t ur e of gr o u p s : gr ou p s a n d t ea ms , i nf or ma l a n d formal groups, purpose of teams, Teams and team building: selecting team members, team roles, stagesin team development, team building, team identity , team loyalty, commit ment to shared beliefs, multi-disciplinary t eams, Team Dynamics: group nor ms, decision making behaviour, dysfunctional teams, Cohesiveness. Unit VII: C onflict S u b s t a nt i v e a n d e mot i o na l c o nf l i c t s , L e v e l s of c o nf l i c t , S ou r c es of c o nf l i c t i n organisations, Symptoms of conflict Causes of conflict, Strategies for the management of conflict. Unit VIII: Organizational Change Nature, levels and dilemmas of change, Pressures for change, TheD o mi n o ef f e c t , R es p o ns es t o c ha n g e, F or c e f i el d a na l y s i s , C ha n g e pr o c es s , R es i s t a nc e t o c ha n g e, Dynamics of change. Unit IX : Organizational Development Goals of organisational development: Principles underlying organisational development, Ethical aspects of organisational development, The process of organisationald e v e l o p m e n t : A c t i o n r e s e a r c h a n d o r g a n i s a t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t , O r g a n i s a t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t i nt er v e nt i o ns : O r ga ni s a t i o n - w i d e i nt er v e nt i o ns , S ma l l er gr ou p a n d i nt er - gr ou p i nt er v e nt i o ns , Individual interventions.

Unit X: OD Techniques Traditional: Grid Training, Survey Method; Modern: Process Consultation Method, Third Party, Team Building, Transactional Analysis. Learning and Teaching Strategy Although the 'lecture' will provide a formal framework for each topic area, debate, discussion and participation shallbe encouraged together with case study work and group activities. Suggested Readings: 1. Organisation Behaviour, Luthans 8th Tata McGraw Hill 2. Organisation Behaviour, Robbins, 9th Pearson Education Asia 3. Principal of Organizational Behaviour 4th Ed. By R. Fincham ±Oxford

Paper 2: Managerial Economics SECTION AUnit I: Nature and fundamental concepts and basis techniques of managerial economics Analysis ofDemand, Significance, estimation of demand; Elasticity of Demand, Techniques and Importance of D e ma n d f or e c a s t i n g; B a s i c M a t h e ma t i c a l P r ob l e ms r el a t e d t o d e ma n d es t i ma t i o n a n d el a s t i c i t y of demand. Unit II: Production & Cost Analysis Production & Production Function: Concept, Forms of productionfunction, Law of variable Proportions, Returns to scale. Cost concept, Short ter m and long ter m cost output relationship, Cost curves, Economies of scale. Unit III: Objectives & Equilibrium of the Firm Market Structures- Perfect Competition, Monopoly,Monopolistic Competition & Oligopoly - kinked demand curve and cartels, Mathematical Problems on profit maximization and Price & Output determination under various market structures. Unit I V: Pr ici ng i n practice C os t p l u s pr i c i n g, i nc r e me nt a l pr i c i n g, t r a ns f er pr i c i n g a n d pr i c e discrimination. Unit V: Market failure Concept, Symptoms and Reasons, Concept of Asymmetric Information; Marketintervention by Government-Rationale for Intervention. SECTION BU n i t V I : N a t i o na l I nc o me A c c ou nt i n g - C o n c e p t & mea s ur e me nt ; D et er mi na t i o n of I n c o m e & Employment; Concept of multiplier; Inflation and Deflation, types, causes and control of inflation. Unit VII: Macr o economic policy Monetary and fiscal - objectives and Instruments; Effectiveness ofMonetary & Fiscal Policy with respect to Indian Economy. Unit VIII: Business cycles Concept, Causes & Impact, Measures to control Business cycles. Unit IX: External Sector Dynamics Justification for International Trade, Foreign Capital flows & Balanceof Payment-Methods top correct Disequilibria; Exchange Rate: Fixed & Flexible; Convertibility of Rupee(Current & Capital Account). Unit X: Economic Environment of Business Factors determining Economic environment of Business,Present scenario of Indian Economy. Suggested Readings: 1.Managerial Economics, P. L. Mehta, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi2 . M a na g er i a l E c o n o mi c s , D w i d e v i , T M H 3.Managerial economics in a Global economy, Dominick Salvatore, 2006, Thoms on learning Press4.Managerial Economics, Suma Damodran, 2006, Oxford University Press, New Delhi5.Indian Economy, Mishra & Puri, 2007, Himalaya Publishing Hous e

Paper 3: Environment Management SECTION ± AUnit I: Introduction t o Environment Management Definition, Scope & importance, Need for public awareness- institution in environment, People in environment, Fundamentals± sustainable development,Unsustainable to sustainable development. Unit II: Natural resources Renewable and non renewable resources, and associated problems, Role ofan individual in conservation of natural resources; equitable use of resources for sustainable life cycles;Preserving resources for future generation, the rights of animals. Unit III: Ecos yst em Concept of an Ecosystem , understanding ecos ys t ems, ecos ystem degradation,res ource utilization; Structure & functions of an ecosystem producers, consumers and decompos ers; Ecological succession; food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids; Ecosystem types ± characteristicsfeatures, structure and functions of forest, grassland, desert and aquatic ecosystems, Industrial Ecologyand Recycling Industry. Unit IV: Environment legislation Environmental (protection) Act, The water (prevention and control ofPollution); The wild life protection Act; For est cons ervation Act; Issues involved in enforcement ofenvironmental legislations; Envir onment Impact Assess ment; Environmental Auditing; Clearance / Permission for establishing Industry. Unit V: Human population & enviro nment Global population growt h, variations among nations. Population explosion, Family welfare Programmes-methods of sterilization; Urbanization, Environment& human healthclimate and human health, infectious dis eases, water related dis eases, risk due toc h e mi c a l s i n f o o d, C a nc er a n d e n v i r o n m e nt . H u ma n r i g ht s ± E qu i t y, N u t r i t i o n a n d h ea l t h r i g ht s , i nt e l l e c t ua l pr op er t y r i g ht s ( I P R S ) , C o m mu n i t y b i o d i v er s i t y r e gi s t er s ( C B R s ) ; V a l u e e du c a t i o n ± environmental values, valuing nature, valuing cultures, social justice, human heritage, equitable use ofresources, common property resources, ecological degradation; HIV/AIDS; Women and children Welfare;Information technology in environment and human health. SECTION ± BUnit VI: Air Pollution:Definition Air pollution, causes, effects & control, Green house effect, pollution:Vehicles, Industry households, Global war ming, Ozone layer depletion, effects & remedies, Role ofindividual and institution in preventions of Air pollution; Soil Pollution:Definition soil pollution, causes, effects & control, Surface condition, texture, contents. Forest, Afforestation, Plantations, pollutiondue agricultural patterns, chemical fertilizers & Pesticides; Run-off, grazing desertification; Waste landManagement : - caus es, effects and control measures of urban and industrial waste; Role of individual and institution in preventions of Soil pollution. Un i t VII: W at er a n d ma r i n e P o l l u t i o n D ef i ni t i o n w a t er p ol l u t i o n, c a u s es , ef f e c t s & c o nt r ol ; Management of water: Hard & Soft water, contaminants, Acid Rains; Pollution by s ewerage, industryrunoff degradation due to biological changes; Sea water pollution & degradation of Marine; Role of individual and institution in preventions of water & marine pollution.

Unit VII: Noise, Thermal & Nuclear Pollution Definition of Noise pollution : Sources or Causes effectsand control. Definition of ther mal pollution; Caus es, effects & control; Definition of nuclear pollution; Radiation; Causes, effects & control, Nuclear accidents; Role of individual and institution in preventionsof Noise, thermal and nuclear pollution. Unit IX: Biodiversity Introduction- biodiversity at genetic, species and ecosystem levels; Biogeographicclassification of India; Value of diversity± Consumption use value, Productive use value, Social, Ethical,Moral, aesthetic and optional value if diversity; India as mega-diversity nation, Hotspots of biodiversity;Threats to bio-diversity±habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wild life conflicts; Common endangeredand endemic plant and animal species of India; Insitu and Exsitu conservation of Biodiversity. Unit X: Social issues and environment Construction of dams: problems and concerns of resettlement,rehabilitation of affected people; Cons ervation: energy, water, forest, soil, strat egies for cons ervation; E n vi r o n me nt a l et hi c s ± i s s u es a n d p os s i b l e s ol u t i o ns , r es o ur c e c o ns u mp t i o n p a t t er ns a n d n e e d f or equitable utilization; Equity disparity in western and eastern countr ies; Urban and rural equity issues; Need for gender equity; Public awareness±Using an environmental calendar of activities, Self initiation. Students be expos ed to at least one local field visit to document on the Ecos yst em Structur e, Pollution sites,Decertified areas, Environmental Research Institute such as NEERI etc. The field notebook maintained by the student would be evaluated as a part of internal assessment at the end of the session. Suggested Readings 1.A text book of environmental by K M Agrawal, P K Sikdar, S C Deb´, published by Macmillan2.Environment management by N K Uberoi´, publis hed by Excel Books3.Environment management by Dr. Swapan Deb´, published by Jaico Publishing Hous e.4.Environmental Management by S K Agrawal´, published by A.P.H. publ ishing Corporation.5.Environmental Studies by Rajagopalan - Pub. By Oxford.

Paper 4: Business Research SECTION AUnit I: Introduction Meaning, Objectives and Types of research, Research Approach, Research Process,Relevance & scope of research in management. Unit II: Res earch Design Features of good Design, Types of Res earch Design, Basic principles of experimental Design, Use of advanced technology in Research Design, Role of Research analyst. Unit III: Sampling Design Steps in sample Design, Characteristics of a good sample Design, Probability& Non Probability sampling. Unit IV: Measur ement & scaling t echniques Errors in measurement. Test of s ound measurement, Scaling and scale construction technique. Unit V: Methods of data collection Primary data ± questionnair e and interviews ; Collection of secondary data; Use of computer and Information technology in data collection. SECTION BU n i t V I : C ol l e c t i o n a n d P r oc es s i n g da t a F i el d w or k, S ur v e y E r r or s , D a t a c o di n g; E di t i n g a n d Tabulation. Unit VII: Analysis of data Analysis of Variance; Advanced Data Analysis Techniques- Factor Analysis,Cluster Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Multi Dimensional Scaling. Unit VIII: Testing of hypothesis Procedur e for hypothesis t esting; Us e of statistical techniques fortesting of hypothesis. Unit IX: Interpretation of data Techniques of Interpretation, Report writing, Layout of a project report,preparing research reports. Unit X: Res earch in management General management, S mall business innovation res earch (SBIR),Research in functional areas ± marketing, finance, HR and Production, Software Application in SPSS. A S ur v e y b a s e d mi ni - p r o j ec t s h o u l d b e u n d er t a k e n b y t h e s t u d e nt s t o or i e nt t h e m a b o u t ba s i c s of research. Suggested Readings: 1.Zikmund : Business Res earch Methods, (Thoms on Learning Books)2.Marketing Res earch, G C Beri thir d edition (McGraw Hill)3.Dwivedi ± Res earch Methods in Behaviourial Science (Macmillan) 4. B e n n et , R o g er : M a na g e me nt R es ea r c h, I L O , 1 9 9 3 5.Salkind, Neil J. : Exploring Res earch, (Prentice ± Hall, 1997)

Paper 5: Specialisation ± I: Paper- I Paper 6: Specialisation ± I: Paper- II Paper 7: Specialisation ± II: Paper ±I Paper 8: Specialisation ±II: Paper- II

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