Jedi Training Manual
The combined Sacred (secret) Geometric atrs of
Vortex, Medicine Wheels, Labyrinths, eather
rods, !osing, Ga"ing and Mer#aba
$y !arrell%Wayne& 'ughes
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Before one can see an irrational vortex with the naked eye, or learn how to spin a rational vortex
and set one into motion, we first need to gain some perspective, by examining some basic facts
about the definition of the word GOD as used in this book.
1. GOD is defined as that which is above and beyond !
dimensional conceptuali"ing, yet is
provider of the single sovereign source that emanates all life through the unified mono
polar gravitational standing waves, that manifest down across the threshold of light#s
speed, into space time of the !
dimension, through the platonic solids, creating the
$niverse and its entire content.
%. GOD& universe has an observable and measurable established harmonic order to the
patterns of it#s cycles of life giving and taking habits.
's stated by (ythagoras every )thing in the universe e*uates with numbers+. (ythagoras
also stated that )the planets are singing+.
's stated originally by Hermes Trismegistus, )as above so below, as in the micro so in
the macro+
As previously known by Pythagoras, In 1627 Kepler rediscovered the elliptical paths of the
planets, and calculated the velocity of all known planets invalidating the traditional circular
orbits! and the scientific evidence of the relationship between the "usical ratios and the
planetary "otion# $his is also known as %usic of the &pheres#
As a "usician I a" personally interested in the healing aspect of sound# Planetary
"anifestation happens by propagation of standing wave sound resonance# $his knowledge is
rooted in "any ancient indigenous cultures and in 'riental %edicine and (estern %usic
$heory# that is based on Pythagorean "usic theory that was later corrupted by the )o"an
*hurch during the great in+uisition! &pecific solfegio or universal resonant har"onic
fre+uencies and "usical Intervals that heal, are often in tune with the "ass proportions and
orbital properties of the ,arth, %oon, &un, Planets, and other heavenly bodies of "otion
which have effects of force upon our state of being# -y applying these principles on
acupuncture and acupressure spherical.*hakra grid "eridian /unction points, in &anskrit
cuneifor" 0chakra1 "eans wheel! both of our bodies and celestial bodies like %other ,arth
2aia# -y har"oni3ing our selves with the cycles of 2'4& nature, we can connect "ore
deeply with the universe, leading to greater love, health, awareness, co"passion, peace and
5or e6a"ple, co"bining the fre+uency of the ,arth traveling around the sun, and the
fre+uency of the ,arth traveling through the 7odiac a 26,8889year cycle! has been shown
in so"e healing syste"s to be e6cellent for reducing pain and scar tissue# %ars and :enus
co"bined can be an e6cellent co"bination for chakra balancing# $here are various tools and
syste"s for achieving these results, fro" "agic sulfegio! flutes and dru"s, to tuning forks,
$ibetan -owls, crystals and other sound, light ; energy healing tools# (e will also e6plore
other fre+uencies, such as those used in )ife "achines, and even the fre+uencies of thought
and consciousness itself#
%y goal for usage of universal and Planetary <ar"onics is to help people 9 and the ,arth =
is to rehar"oni3e and align body 4>A!, psyche, and soul# I want to e6plore the opportunity
to reconnect ourselves with the natural rhyth"s, pulses, cycles, and flows of our ?
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di"ensional and higher di"ensional aspects of balancing, the inner and outer universes@ the
"icrocos" and the "acrocos"#
did you know that -'&' scientists have recently reported a .mysterious. force on the moon that is apparently
controlling the operation of a scientific station set up by 'pollo astronauts/ Or that -'&' and the $.&. -aval
Observatory have ascertained that not only are (hobos and Deimos, the moons of mars, artificially orbited, but that
0 other .moons. of our solar system, are now suspected of also being something other than natural satellites1 2hese
things never made (age One or 23.
2his same principal holds true for what should be everyday knowledge...that which we learned in school is often
forgotten through disuse. 4et.s take an example. 5atter and the 'tom. (hysics has taught that matter cannot be
destroyed. 6t.s form can be changed, but matter itself is indistructable...because it consists of atoms. 'toms, once
thought to be minute particles of solid matter were, in actuallity, discovered to be composed of tiny amounts of pure
energy...waves of energy...solidified or .fro"en. into the non movement we recogni"e as matter. 'nd
because energy can.t be destroyed, and matter is made of energy, matter can.t possibly be destroyed. &o far, so good.
5atter is a form of energy in very slow or stopped motion 7or fre*uency.
8nergy moves in pulses. ' pulse...pause...pulse...pause...pulse. 6magine it as a wave. 2he crest is the pulse of energy,
the trough is the pause. 9ow close together the waves are, is called their fre*uency 7how fre*uently they occur. One
wave every %: or !: years is a reality....a very low fre*uency. 6n order to appear as a solid, the wave must be long
enough 7 distance from crest to crest to appear motionless or as if standing still. 13 's the fre*uency of waves
increases, as they become more often and closer together, they are observed in different forms. 2his range of
fre*uencies is known as the electromagnetic spectrum. ;hile the fre*uency is still on the low end of the spectrum,
we observe infra red...when it progresses to very high fre*uency rates, we discover ultra violet. 6n between, are all
the known cycles of fre*uency we live with everyday. 3isible light is a fre*uency of matter.... radio waves are a
fre*uency of matter.... so is television...heat...<=rays. 'll the same energy, vibrating at different fre*uencies1 But
even this range of fre*uencies is only a tiny part of the entire electromagnetic spectrum1 2he part we can
see...feel...experience materially. Beyond the range of what science can now measure, lies the largest part of the
spectrum, as yet unmeasurable and undetectable. 2here...lies the fre*uency rates of gravity
...magnetism...telepathy...thought itself1 7&ee illustration, 2hanks to Dr. 'lbert 8instein, we are faced with the
reali"ation that matter and energy are one and the same. One, can easily be changed into the other1 6t means that
your body and brain are made up of electromagnetic radiations, vibrating at a given fre*uency within this
gravitational field we .live. in. 2o prove this is so...if the fre*uency of a gravitational field modifies our own bodily
fre*uency to stabili"e our atoms, then the lack of gravity should have some sort of detrimental effect on our bodies,
right/ &uch was found to actually be the case in studies conducted by -'&' on astronauts returning from prolonged
flights in a orbit1 Basically too, because of lack of .interference. by the fre*uency of gravity, telepathic
communication should also be clearer and much easier in space. 'stronaut 8dgar 5itchell 7who later founded a
psionic research organi"ation, discovered this to be exactly the case, when he was asked to conduct a telepathic
experiment with a psychic on earth during his moon flight1 &o 8instein was possibly proven is composed
of and surrounded by nothing but pure energy1
2his fact, that thought is a fre*uency, is perhaps easier to assimilate if you consider some of the mystifying
demonstrations put on by famous psychics such as >reskin or $ri Geller. 6.m sure all familiar with the mystic
who handles a ring or watch someone has worn or touched, and reveals surprising knowledge of that person. 2his is
due to the sympathetic fre*uency of the owners 4 field with the molecules of the ring. 'll matter has this ability but
metal seems to have the property of making the affinity more easily apparent. 2his is an important fact to remember
when learning how to take .time. photos with the machine. 2he light sensitive emulsion of photographic film is
composed mainly of silver 1
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-ow, perhaps, we begin to get some insight into the connection between man, 8&( abilities, and the source. ;hat is
the source/ 'gain, think of the brain. 6t controls the functions of the body... responds to stimuli such as pain and
pleasure,,, responds to the senses...and to thought1 4ike the automatic pilot in the airplane, it does as it is
programmed to do. Aour body .works. function is performed conciously or deliberatly.
.&omething., keeps it going...keeps giving the silent commands that hold your material body within it.s shape.
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2ry to control any of the maBor functions of your body right now. &low your heartbeat...respiration...blood pressure.
6mpossible/ &ome yogis do it regularly and awed. ;9A/ ;8 '44 (O&&8&& 298 &'58 'B6462A or we
wouldn.t exist at this very moment. ;e simply don.t practice it enough to be able to take it for granted1
;ere you aware that science is now convinced that every single cell within your body and brain, is duplicated and
replaced every six months/ 6t.s a well known medical fact now, ask any doctor. Over a period of years, depending
upon your age, your entire brain has been replaced between C and %C times1 Aou didn.t do that conciously1 Aou aren.t
even aware of it. Aet, you retain thoughts and memories from one brain to the next. Aou remember your younger
years,despite the fact that it was another brain altogether that formed those memories1 ;hat.s even more
extraordinary, is that you can still recogni"e yourself in the mirror. 2hink about it. 6f every single solitary cell in your
body is different now from the ones that formed it, say, D months ago, how is it that they retain the exact same shape
and configuration/ 2he same fingerprints/ 2he very same features that enable others to recogni"e you .on sight.,
although you are not really the same person you were then1 2he brain may consider itself in control, but something
on a much higher order gives the actual commands that form even the brain itself. Eor want of a better name,
called it the source. 6f you can comprehend the power of the source, then you have to reali"e that it encompassess
everything in the known universe and beyond1 8verything1 &ome would probably call this GOD, but it is not, as we
will see in a moment, 2he source is the force God created and used to form the material world and all that.s in it. 2he
&ource. 2hink for a moment, of all that could be accomplished by some one able to .tap into. this fantastically
potential power. 6t would make mere 8&( look like child#s play 1
4et.s have a brief recap to see what we.ll be talking about in the remainder of this book. 'll matter is nothing more
than energy in one of it.s many forms. 'll manifestations of the electromagnetic spectrum are different fre*uencies
of energy. (sychic powers are energy transmitted at varying fre*uencies. 2hought is energy. Gravity is energy.
8nergy creates matter...matter can be returned to energy form. 8nergy is the source. 2apping the source can enable
you to manipulate energy... to change it into cause material create or manipulate emotion.
&cientific proof of this is close, if not already here. &uprisingly, it rests in the .aura. that surrounds every living thing.
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(sychic teachers have mentioned thousands of times, that the human aura is seen only by those psychically gifted,
and even then, by very few. 6f you didn.t seem to have this gift, you were forced to take the word of those who did.
Baloney1 'nyone, even those not specially gifted, can accomplish this, and do it through scientific means1 By
simply devising a light filter made from coal tar, the human aura becomes something anyone can see, if they take the
trouble. 'nd this great development was achieved over fifty years ago1 -owadays of course, the aura is seen *uite
regularly by doctors and scientists with much more sophisticated electronic e*uipment. But even this advance isn.t
that recent. 's a matter of fact, scientific advance has progressed so far, that anyone with about F!: can purchase
Bust such a device from a hobby supply house1 7&hould you want the address, it.s listed in the back of the book.
Aou, as a human being, are both a sending and receiving station of fre*uency, much like a radio, whether you choose
to believe it or not. 6t.s necessary to understand this though, and the principals behind psychic communication, in
order to eventually leave behind your dependance on physical machines such as ours.
4ife fields....more commonly becoming known as 4 fields, 9ave been researched for the past C: years by the
eminent Dr. 9arold &axton Burr, at the prestigious Aale $niversity &chool of 5edicine. 9e has discovered that the
aura or 4 fields are -O2 produced by living beings, as formerly thought. 2he famous 7or infamous aura seen by
psychics, is not something that a living body possesses. ?ather, it.s now believed that it is the source of energy that
makes that very body, and it.s .life. possible1 6nstead of the body giving off an aura, it.s now accepted that the aura
produces the body1
2his discovery, which borders dangerously on the field of religion, explains many things. Eor instance, the psychic
body formed of pure energy often seen by mediums and psychics, known previously as ectoplasm, and seen as a
ghostly image, is the real body...the real mind behind the physical manifestation of solid matter we live
in and call our body1 'nd because matter cannot be destroyed...because the real you is an energy form surrounding
the physical atomic structure you operate in, .death. is obviously not the end1 &ure, the body, that energy form of
matter created by the mind, destroyed, changed into dust or whatever,..but the source of energy...the
mind...thought, that is really you, that forms and retains the memories and cellular structure of the physical
body...that still exists1 ;hy shouldn.t it/ 6f you were to discard a spacesuit by throwing it into a furnace, it .dies. in as
much as it ceases to function, but seeing as it only functioned while you were in it, does that mean that you die when
it is burned/ OE @O$?&8 -O21 8ven if you still don.t agree with this truth, keep it in mind while reading the
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manner of operation of the psionic will at least make the device more comprehensible and give a reason
for the fact that it works.
6t not only does all the .earthly. things claimed, it is capable of contacting those who have .died. as well as the
$niversal 5ind...because it is simply a transmitter1 (erhaps, all of this will be easier to swallow if you get some
confirmation of 4 fields.
' recent publication, and by far the most comprehensive on the Eields of 4ife, is that written by Dr. Burr himself.
But, 6.ll try to bring you up to date on the progress made in researching this fascinating field.
2he discovery of 4 fields shatters some pretty pat theories about genetics and evolution, and provides for the first
time, a rational and demonstrable explanation of the energy that motivates genetics 1 2he invisible electrodynamic
4 fields surround every organism as an aura. 6t.s the matrix, or mold, that shapes and controls your body...and may
be the biological energy connecting all life in the universe1 's Goeseph Goodavage said in his book H5agicI&cience
of the EutureH...H2he 4 field is inside and outside, above, below and completely surrounding every chromosome and
gene, every molecule, atom and particle of your body as well as every other organism in, on or under the
8arth...including the 8arth itself, the solar system, the galaxy and the universeH. 9e went on to say,
H2he presently detectable segment of the 4 field is probably a reflection or component of a supersentient force ... a
great concious awareness, whose facets are time and timelessness...all energy...all matter...all we can know or
imagine or dream...all that is imaginableH1 H8lectrodynamic fields are invisible and intangible and it.s hard to
visuali"e themH, so said Dr. Burr, Hbut a crude analogy may help to show what the fields do and why so
important. 5ost people have taken high school science and will remember that if iron filings are scattered on a card
held over a magnet, they will arrange themselves in a pattern of the .lines of force. of the magnetic field. 'nd if the
filings are thrown away, and fresh ones scattered on the card, the new filings will assume the same pattern as the old.
&omething like this, though much more complicated, happens in the human body. 6t.s molecules and cells are
constantly being torn apart and rebuilt with fresh material from the food we eat. But, thanks to the 4 field, the new
molecules and cells are rebuilt as before, and arrange themselves in the same pattern as the old oneH1 Before
modern, ultra sensitive instruments were developed, the 4 fields were a mystery. -ow, however, discovered
the secret...the electrodynamic field of the body serves as a matrix or mold which preserves the .shape. of any
material poured into it, no matter how often the material is changed 1 5an, in fact all forms of matter, are ordered
and controlled by electrodynamic fields which can be measured and mapped with precision 1 ;hen a baker looks at
a cake mold, he knows the exact shape the cake will take when finished. 6n much the same way, inspection of 4
fields in their initial stages can reveal the .future shape. of the material it will mold1 ;hen the 4 field of a frog.s egg
is examined, for instance, it.s possibile to locate the .future. nervous system of the .future. frog, because the frog.s 4
field is the mold that will determine the shape which will develope from the egg1
4 fields are detected and measured by examining the difference in voltage between two points on, or close to, the
surface of the living form. 2hese voltage measurements have nothing to do with the alternating electrical current
doctors find in the heart and brain. 2hey are pure voltage potentials that can yield only tiny amounts of direct
current,..and that.s why 4 fields couldn.t be detected before the discovery of instruments sensitive enough to measure
the fields without obliterating them, and burying them in outside electrical readings. 2o return to the baker. ;hen he
uses a battered cake pan, he knows or expects to get, a cake with bumps and dents. 6n the same way, the discovery of
a battered 4 field, one with abnormal voltage patterns, can give a warning of something .out of shape. in the body,
sometimes in advance of actual physical symptoms1 2his new science is now being used in the possible detection of
cancer and other future illnesses of a patient1 4 fields remember, are part of every single thing in creation...trees,
plants, dirt, people etc. 'fter thousands of experiments it has been learned that 4 fields vary and are effected by
outside radiation and forces such as light, darkness, cycles of the moon, magnetic storms, sunspots and cosmic
radiation. 6t.s also been discovered that the 4 fields of healthy people vary in steady rhythms over a period of weeks.
Erom plotting over C:,::: measurements found that the rhythms show how the subBect feels ...when
on top of the world, their voltage is high. ;hen feeling low, their readings are low. 7&omething similar to
this, and related, is called .Bio rhythms... By charting your past rhythms and grafting a pattern, your future .good.
days and .bad. days can be reasonably determined.
;hat is, perhaps even more intriguing is that 4 fields can measure subBective states of conciousness such as
hypnosis, deep meditation, affection, love, hatred and even more transcendental forms of energy. 'ccording to
;ilhelm ?eich of .Orgone 8nergy. fame, orgasm itself is essentially a psychic experience. One of the main points 6
want you to remember is that 4 fields can measure emotion. ' point that will later be very important in our
discussion of telepathy. -ot only does emotion alter and intensify the 4 field, but coupled with the proven fact that
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one 4 field interacts with an adBacent field, explains why some people experience .love at first sight. or extreme
dislike of someone at first meeting1 2he word propin*uity, as commonly used to mean affection through
nearness...or togetherness, now seems to have a scientific basis1 &o does reference to good and bad .vibes..
's Goeseph Goodavage stated...H(sionics couldn.t be fully explained until the recent discovery of these 4 fields of
$niversal 4ife. &cientists are learning about differences in energy potential between the brain and non physical
mind. building psychotronic generators and psionic machines that amplify human telepathic abilities and
influence living things...from a great distance.H. 9e went on to say, H (sionic machines are a totally new concept of
natural law, it makes 56-D itself the controlling force of the 4 fields 1
's -obel pri"e winning physicist (ascal Gordan reported.....Gravity has certain characteristics in common with the
energy that transmits telepathyH1 5orris >. Gessup, 'stronomer, (hysicist, 'rcheologist and psionic expert, has
worked on this theory for years. 9e has investigated the great ancient stoneworks and engineering marvels of 8gypt,
@entral and &outh 'merica. 9is conclusion... H-o heavy trucks, earth moving e*uipment or crane ever built is
capable of transporting %:,::: 2O- slabs of rock across hundreds of miles of rough terrain, then lifting them high
into the air and grinding them back and forth in place, to form a perfect fit. 2he builders of Baalbeck did it
thousands of years ago1H 6n his learned estimation...Hthey were levitators who had mastered the secret of anti=
gravityH1 Because 6 believe in the authenticity of the 4 fields and their importance, 6 needn.t cover up other possible
evidence of anti=gravity, for the sake of helping you to belive. Eor, it matters not if there are other ways to overcome
a gravitational field....or if the following theory is also correct simply because of the fre*uency rate within the 4
field, but additional enlightenment on levitation was provided by 4awrence Blair in .?hythms of 3ision.. 9e stated, H
6n 5exico and (eru there are ancient teachings that tell of the ancient people who were scientists of sound. 2hey
could split massive stone slabs along precise harmonic lines with sound alone, and then .resonate. them into position.
2hus the vast and precisely laid temples of $xmal and 5achu (ichu were raised and patterened in .&ymphonies of
&ound..H 6t must be remembered that fre*uency is also described as vibration or oscillation in scientific as well as
occult circles, making the following statement easier to understand and apply. 9e stated, HOf the vibrationary
rhythms which permeate us and which '?8 us, some so small that they must be measured in tiny fractions of a
cycle per second, the longest...and most recently discovered...traverse the abyss of outer space, originating beyond
our galaxy, and have a fre*uency of 56446O-& OE 5648& between troughs1 2hey are very weak and of low
fre*uency, but they are almost indistinguishable from the patterns recorded in the human brainH1 'nother example of
the universal 4 fields within the cosmos.
;hile speaking of 5r. Blair.s book 6 must pass along an experiment he out lines, that while it doesn.t have anything
to do with our psionic machine, does apparently serve to authenticate the presence of 4 fields or psychic awareness
in the experimenter. 9e describes it thusI H?adionics 7psionics begins with the premise that all matter radiates
energy. 6n the case of man, he radiates an entire field of interrelated forces of different fre*uencies. ;ith a
pendulum, preferably a pear or pyramid shaped semi precious stone on a four or five inch length of thread, we can
learn to detect these energiesH. 2he semi precious stone isn.t Bust a bit of added .color.. 6t seems the stones
composition...perhaps the carbon within it.s makeup... has a great deal to do with the resonant or fre*uency rate of
the stone. 't least experiments and observations of fre*uency rates of diamonds would seem to indicate this. Blair
continued, HOne way to begin is by holding the pendulum slightly away from the end of the index finger of the left
hand 7if your right handed, which is where >irlian photography shows energy spraying from the ends of the fingers,
and to observe the swing which the pendulum developsH. 9e went on to say, H2he pendulums response to
positive...negative...and neutral energies will differ with each individual, since our natures vary as widely as blood
groups. 2he index finger of most men, but not all, has a positive radiation, and in my own case the pendulum
respondsto this with an anti clockwise swing.H 9e explained that in most woman the situation is exactly reversed,
and their energies seem to be the mirror image of man.s. But regardless of this, every ones fingers are alternatly
polarised, except for the thumb which is considered neutral. Blair, a (h. D. holder from 4ancaster $niversity, went
on to explain, H5y own pendulum responds to this in a backwards and forwards swing...although your .swing
language....though responding to the same energies...may be *uite differentH. ' very intriguing note is that for over
the past 1: years, the highly industriali"ed Gapanese chicken farming industry has used people trained in the
subtleties of pendulum sexing and sorting of fertili"ed eggs1 Other experiments with a pendulum can prove
beneficial as well as interesting. 6f you hold one over a garden weed, such as a dandelion, a strong positive swing
will develope in response to the plants 4 field1 6f you gently dig the plant loose and then rotate it slowly, you.ll find
the pendulum swing becomes less energetic until it finally stops altogether. 'fter revolving in a complete circle,
back to the position it originally grew in, the swing will once again be vigorous. 2his area of most intense swing
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denotes the plants happiest angle of growth. 's 5r. Blair puts it, H2he most desirable angle, which is relative to the
geo magnetic force of the earth, differs with each species and individual plant. 5any people are
reorienting their indoor plants in this manner, finding that certain plants aren.t necessarily happiest when oriented to
the strongest source of sunlight, but rather in relation to the subtle force fields 7 4 fields in which we liveH.
6t.s reported that the merchants in 4ondon.s (ortobello ?oad are becoming
*uite used to seeing customers swinging their pendants over their fruit and
vegetables. ' lot of people are using it for choosing food in=as=much as the
pendant resonds to the degree of .life force. remaining in the fruit or
vegetable, denoting it.s freshness1 's Blair tells it, HOne merchant remarked
to me while 6 was shopping, that the best .spiritual1 lettuce had Bust gone, but
there were two more good .swingers. which he had kept aside for himselfH1
Eor those of you who are seriously interested in ?hythms and their effect and
relationship on man, Blair.s .?hythms of 3ision. by &chocken books, %::
've. -ew Aork is an excellent and highly enlightening book. (ie"oelectric or
electrically conductive crystals...and diamonds...often emit radiation when
stimulated. 2his very property has been found very useful to science. 2he
strangest phenomenon is that the infamous .9ope. diamond, long believed
cursed, is the only blue white stone that glows blood red when radiated with
ultra violet light1 ' >irlian photo of it would prove interesting. 'lthough the
swing of a pendulum will not be in the same direction for every one, and
differs between men and women, the alternate finger swing remains a
constant factor. 's shown in the illustration each finger causes a particular
swing in relation to the other fingers. Aou can also demonstrate this by
making a tiny tinfoil .boat. and setting it in a saucer of water, making sure there
are no drafts or vibrations disturbing it. @arefully point your finger at it, as close
as you can without touching it. 6t will move nearer or away, depending upon
which finger is used1
2here.s been a lot of advertising and many books written on the subBect of
enriching your life... all attainable through some form of inner peace. -ow, 6.m
not going to knock that, for basically it.s true. But 6 do think, that the one thing
most people look for in .enrichment. is either something material or, the ability to
bend others to their way of thinking. 6deas are like children... our own are always
the best1 2o convince others that exceptional or, in some other way,
influence them to like or approve of us, is one of the strongest of human desires.
2o most people, the ac*uiring of money is the way to attain this end. -ow,
maybe 6 can or can.t show you how to make a lot of money, but 6 can show you a
different method to assist with aspects of the same goals, and have a lot of fun
doing it.
4earn to keep an open mind to the most incredulous possibilities and soon you
may find yourself with more ability than ever imagined. 2his book will
provide you with the mechanical means to start on the path of psychic awareness,
but, it.s hoped that before long, the machine will be discarded and you will find
yourself well on the highway of psychic accomplishment. 9ere is a book written
so you can rationally understand, and thus apply your psychic abilities. -o
matter how much of a novice you may be Aou can put psychic laws into
immediate action to test your present levels of awareness. 2hrough subse*uent
practice , you will strengthen those abilities, only if you honestly keep a mind
open enough to concede the possibility. 's they teach in 2ranscendental
5editation, thought flows. 6t is also an impulse. 2here for it must have energy. 6n
addition, with every thought there is a choice or direction the mind chooses to
take. 2his ability to choose direction is known as intelligence. ' thought than,
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because it is possessed of energy, and chooses a direction because it expresses intelligence. 2his ama"ing .intelligent
energy. must logically have a source. Erom somewhere, must come all this wonderful ability or creative force that
through unending emanation creates thought and action, as well as maintaining the complexity of the human body
day in and day out for years at a time. &omewhere there exists an unlimited source of energy and intelligence . 2his
book will teach you how to tap that source1 But, even more important, it will show that through practice, the source
can be reached easily and continually. ?emember when you first learned to ride a bicycle, and how difficult it was to
learn to balance/ Eor those who were convinced they were going to fall, it was almost impossible. But, fall or not,
you tried it again and again, until it was second nature , and it became hard to understand why you couldn.t do it in
the first place. 7 But now try to explain how to balance... even through demonstration, and you.ll have some idea of
what a psychic teacher is up against1
'll known matter in the universe, whether it.s a table, rock, tree or you, consists of atoms. 'toms are tiny particles of
energy... superimposed waves and charges of energy. 8verything in the universe therefor, being made up of energy,
is part of what is known as the 8lectromagnetic &pectrum. 's you probably know, a light spectrum is a band of
colors running from blue to red. 2he electromagnetic spectrum is a band of E?8J$8-@68& running from below D
cycles per second to well over C: billion cycles per second. 8verything we
re familiar with registers somewhere in that spectrum. ?adio, for example, takes up those fre*uencies from CC:
cycles to 1DC: cycles. 2elevision is slightly higher. 'bove that there are micro waves, the visible light we couldn.t
live without, ultra violet waves, the <=ray fre*uency and so on up to cosmic rays. Below radio we have long wave
radio not normally received on home sets, high power electric lines which give off very low fre*uencies, and below
even that, the alpha, beta and theta waves of the human brain. ' basic law of science is that energy forms mass... that
is, energy forms matter. 2he exact point at which energy is turned into physical matter is, as yet, unproven, but it is
now believed to be around the fre*uency of K @A@48&1 2hat.s astonishing only if you reali"e that the average
human brain, while asleep, transmits at about D@A@48& or lower1 2hink about that. AO$? brain, every night while
your asleep, is actually operating below the fre*uency of matter, and upon awakening tunes itself through this
fre*uency to it.s normal thinking range of around !C=C: cycles. ?emember now, talking about B?'6- ;'38
('228?-& 8lectrical patterns of the brain vary when in different states of awareness. 2he wave fre*uency between
wide awake and drowsy shows these variations clearly. -ote that the drowsy period, when the mind is most at ease,
is the best time for any sort of 8&( response. ?85 7 rapid eye movement periods usually occur during light sleep
periods, and dreams that are remembered, during medium sleep periods. 3ery deep sleep is the time when the
subconcious contacts the 6d or source. 'stral proBection occurs during this period. Aou will also notice how the
body.s automatic regulators react to outside stimulus during deep sleep, as when your name is called. the fre*uency
range of the brain.... not 29O$G92 itself. 4et me explain that a little more. ;hen the brain conceives a thought, it
is acting much like a computer, in that it involves an electrical process. 2his electrical brain power is what is
operating at low fre*uencies, not the actual thought itself. 5uch like a light bulb that uses electrical energy to
stimulate the filament to whiteness. 6t gives off heat. 9ow much heat it gives off has no relation to how much light talking about. ;e don.t care about the heat, but rather the actual light itself. 2he brain therefor, emits waves of
low fre*uency while it.s operating, and which are monitored everyday by modern science with, what is known as an
electroencephlograph or 88G machine. 6t.s so common nowadays that you can even buy a .hobby. si"ed one for
around F%:1 7&ee last chapter of the book. 'll it is really, is a very sensitive receiver much like a radio. 6n some
ways it.s even simpler than a radio, for it picks up your brain waves directly from the brain through the use of
electrodes, or actual connections to the head. ' radio receiver, on the other hand, depends on an antenna that picks
up waves passing all around you, but with which it has no real .contact.. 9ave you ever really thought about that/
;hen your radio.s not turned on, the radio waves sent out by the radio station don.t stop. 2hey keep right on passing
all around and 29?O$G9 AO$, without your even being aware of them1 &ame thing with 23 waves and ultra
violet and cosmic and so on. there all the time, but without a receiver you don.t even think about them.
5an made radio and 23 transmitters aren.t the only things that emit waves. &unspot activity creates all sorts of
problems in our everyday lives through radiation. &o do cosmic rays. ?adiations, therefore, are a part of our
everyday lives, whether we acknowledge them or not. &ome of them, learned to take for granted with a
disinterested shrug and a Hwhat.ll they think of nextH. 2ake the carbon 1L tests for example. ; had it for many
years and it.s accepted by everyone as a common fact. But, what is it really/ 6.ll tell you. 6t.s radiation of carbon
atom fre*uencies. @arbon atoms, like everything else, radiate their own fre*uencies as long as they exist. 'nd that.s
exactly where the famous @arbon 1L tests come in. 2his material .exists. for thousands of years. 's it decays though,
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it radiates weaker and weaker or less and less, and it.s the strength of this radiation that tells us how much it has
decayed, and therefor, how old it is. &eeing as @arbon 1L falls from the atmosphere, it is absorbed by everything on
earth and therefor, everything can be dated by the use of this test. &imple, right/ 8veryone accepts it as common
fact. 2hen reali"e this too.... everything else in the universe also 9'& 62.& O;- ?'D6'26O- '-D
E?8J$8-@A1 2he mind has a fre*uency 7in the old days they called it vibrations and atoms have a fre*uency.
'nd like so many other things familiar with, there.s often interference. One fre*uency affects another. 4ike the
interference on your 23 for example. probably heard one of your 23 tubes being called an ?E tube. 2he ?E
stands for random fre*uency. 6t.s a big headache for all radio and television broadcasting. &o, if one fre*uency can
affect another, and the mind is a fre*uency emitter as well as an atom, then how come we can.t affect or influence an
atom with Bust our minds/ ;8 @'-1 done it in a laboratory1 6n an account published in 1KDM, (rofessor
?emy @hauvin of &trasbourg $niversity, described how he and his laboratory technicians experimented with an
atom of uranium, to see if they could influence the rate of disintegration, with mind power alone. Despite their
purpose for the experiment, the (rofessor and his men were astounded to discover when they checked the rate, that
they had actually succeeded1 2he rate of atomic disintegration had been slowed1 2hey repeated the experiment for
1C days with different personnal....the result was always the same, regardless of who was doing the .thinking.1 2he
tests were then done all over again, by other physicists. 2his time they used more modern and intricate
36 e*uipment and a more complicated strontium atom. 2he results were still the same and they were forced to
concede that the human mind actually controlled atomic processes1 Okay, so everyhting radiates a fre*uency, and
these radiating forces are common occurances that have been going on for thousands of millions of years, whether aware of it or not. But there.s a little more to it than that. ;e mentioned earlier that everything has a radiation
of fre*uency, even you. 2his brings us into the realm of what is known as Biological ?adiation. 'nother accepted
everyday science. Aou radiate. -ot Bust your brain waves, but every single atom in your body...also emotionally,
intellectualy and physically as well. 2oday, these .radiations. are undergoing a new fad. Bio ?hythms. &omething
discovered many years ago, but never really taken to heart by the public until recently. Bio ?hythms then, are Bust
one way of measuring your own radiant fre*uency. Brain waves are another. But remember that the very atoms of
your body are transmitting too. 8very tiny cell of your body has a fre*uency that belongs to only you. -o other is
like it, Bust as in the analogy about the grains of sand or the snowflake, no one in the universe is like you in
Biological radiation has been known for many years, but with each researcher, was given a different name. 6t.s been
called Odic Eorce, 8loptic ?adiation, 9eloidic ?ays, mitogenic ?adiation and God knows what else. 9owever,
a rose by any other name..................... it.s still biological radiation. 2he work of people like 2. Galen 9ieronymus,
George De 4a ;arr and ?uth Drown is all based on how people respond to the bio magnetics of those around them,
the geo magnetic field of the earth and even the cosmic forces that assail us everyday. H8very living thing radiates an
Odic forceH, wrote Baron 3on ?eichenbach. 9e was so impressed with the work that early radionic researcher like
Dr. 9enry 'brams and Dr. E.'.5esmer accomplished, that he devoted his entire life to investigating this field. 2he
inventor of another ?adionic receiverNtransmitter, ?uth Drown said, H-o matter how small or diluted it may be,
there is a resonance between the whole human body and each of it.s partsH. But she also discovered that there is no
affinity between blood samples or other parts of different people, no matter how closely typed or classified1
6n Oxford 8ngland, George De 4a ;arr set up a laboratory to study radionics, or psionics as it was later called. 9e
perfected an adaption of existing psychotronic machines, that would allow photographs to be taken through use of
these radiations. 6n the course of his experiments, he found that plants could be directly influenced by color
irradiation1 6t.s a little known fact that a plant kept in a totally dark place would still thrive and flourish if sunlight
were .led. to it via electrical type wires, but De 4a ;arr went even further. 4angston Day, in his book H-ew ;orlds
Beyond 2he 'tomH, stated, H'fter discovering that an ordinary photographic plates emulsion is linked to that person,
we found that the same rule applies to plants1 H By allowing light to strike ' (4'-2& (6@2$?8 through a color
scope, they found the plant could be stimulated1
(erhaps George De 4a ;arr summed it up best. 9e said,H8ach molecule of matter carries an electrical charge which
is specific for that molecule. 2his charge acts as an extremely tiny radio transmitterN receiver which is tuned to it.s
own signals. ;hen all these molecules are broadcasting they build up a generic pattern, which is the means whereby
form and shape appear in the material worldH. 9e went on to say, H 2he combined signal from a plant or human, a
signal composed of the seperate broadcasts of billions of charged molecules which compose it, is uni*ue. 2he
cabbage in your kitchen is not *uite the same as any other cabbage. 5r. Brown is not *uite the same as anyone else.
6n the same way, the signals broadcast by this cabbage, or this 5r. Brown, are not *uite the same as any other
signals. EurthermoreH, he went on, H8ach tiny molecule is also a receiving station, and this is where the photograph
comes in. 2he emulsion retains the generic pattern of the thing which is photographed, and there for it acts as a sort
of tuned transmitter. 6f a radionic broadcast is proBected through it, the generic pattern will transmit exactly the
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pattern of radiation suitable for affecting the plant or human, at a distance1H 2he research into psionics, spanned
many years and involved some of the best known names in science. 2hey arrived at all the conclusions so far
outlined in this book. 't @olumbia $niversity, three men, 6.6.?abi, (.
>usch, and &. 5illman developed an apparatus that detected the emanation or ray that passed between one molecule
and another. ;hat.s more, they discovered these tiny transmitters radiated signals that ranged all over the entire
electromagnetic spectrum, and even beyond1 2hey found that a single molecule gives off rays of a 56446O-
different wavelengths, but, only on one fre*uency at a time1
2hus, we have two kinds of radiation to be concerned with. Biological radiation Bust discussed. 2he radiation
of everything else in the electromagnetic spectrum, from atmospheric pressure to cosmic rays penetrating the
atmosphere from outer space, can then be loosely termed .cosmic energy.. ?emember that difference. Biological
radiation versus cosmic force. 6t.ll be important later.
2wenty five years ago in @"echoslovakia, a Dr. >irlian and his wife, were experimenting with a related device, *uite
by accident. 2he Dr. discovered, that by putting his hand into a very high intensity electrical field, miraculous things
seemed to happen. 98 @O$4D &88 298 848@2?6@'4 E684D OE 298 '2O5& 6- 96& 9'-D1 Aears of
experiments followed with government interest, finally the ultimate discovery. 2he actual viewing of the 'stral
Body within a human being1 2he discovery that there really was an energy force in the exact shape of the physical
body1 2hat.s right1 2he controversial, poo pooed, ridiculed theory of an astral or soul or light body had been proven1
6t could be &88- with a >irlian device and '@2$'44A (9O2OG?'(98D1 2he spiritualists and mediums had
been right. ;e do posses an astral body, identical in every way to our physical body, that is composed of primarily
pure energy1 6t was the astral body that was radiating the most energy, but at a much different fre*uency than those
of biological radiations. 2hough they haven.t been measured as yet, it.s believed that the fre*uencies of the astral
body and pure thought, are one and the same... somewhere in the ultra high cosmic range. 6n other words, these are
the radiant energies from which springs the electromagnetic spectrum we mentioned earlier. 2hey are the source of
the spectrum. 9ence, all fre*uencies in the spectrum, radio, light, ultra violet and even matter, are Bust lower values
of pure thought11 7;e are what we think/ 6f you accept this to be true, then you must reali"e that everything in
creation is Bust another form of thought1 Or, to put it another way, as we learned in school, matter cannot be
destroyed. 6t can only be changed into another form of energy. ;ell then, matter itself is only another form of
thought energy1 76f the astral body as well as conscious thought it self are forms of energy that cannot be destroyed,
does that not confirm .life. after .death./ Does a .living. fire die when it.s molecular structure is changed into smoke
and ashes/ Or does it simply exist in another form/ 2his of course, then explains, what for centuries has been
referred to as .mind over matter.. 2elekinesis, teleportation, levitation, etc. would all fit neatly into the pu""le.
?ight about now, somebody is saying, HBaloney1 tried moving things with my mind and it doesn.t workH1 ?ight
you are. But that.s only because you didn.t really want to, badly enough. -ow, before you argue about it more, let me
go into this a little more deeply.
85O26O- 6& 298 @'??68? ;'38 OE 29O$G921 ;ithout an intense emotion behind it, your mental message
will dribble away and poop out within a few inches. Aou must have the intense inner desire to communicate 7or
move obBects, etc. in order to get your set transmitting strongly enough. 2hat.s why 6 said, you didn.t want to really
move an obBect badly enough. But remember, with the 5achine, you.ll be able to accomplish this much more easily.
to explain or illustrate the fact that intense emotion is the main key to this ability 6.d like to relate an incident that
took place not too long ago.
(owerful electrical and magnetic fields have generally become accepted as necessary for psychic experience and
development. 7?emember >irlian (hotography/ But the common point to all such experiences is the fact that
radiation or emanation of any given obBect or person is the main carrier link between one event and another.
Illustration of the Milky Way Galaxy, showing the location
of the white sphere or white hole referred to by the
ancients as the entral !un
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Orbital characteristics
8poch G%:::.:
Onote 1P
Aphelion 1C%,:KM,M:1 km
Ocitation neededP
1.:1DM1:!!!C '$
Perihelion 1LM,:K0,:ML km
Ocitation neededP
:.K0!%0K0K1% '$
Semima!or a"is 1LK,CKM,00M.C km
Ocitation neededP
1.::::::11%L '$
Eccentricit# :.:1DM1:%%
Orbital perio$ !DC.%CD!D!::L days
1.::::1ML%1 yr
A%era&e orbital spee$ %K.M0 kmNs
1:M,%:: kmNh
Inclination 1.CM0DKQ
to invariable plane
'on&it($e of ascen$in& no$e !L0.M!K!DQ
O%POnote %P
Ar&(ment of perihelion 11L.%:M0!Q
O%POnote !P
Ph#sical characteristics
)ean ra$i(s D,!M1.: km
E*(atorial ra$i(s D,!M0.1 km
Polar ra$i(s D,!CD.0 km
+lattenin& :.::!!C%0
,irc(mference L:,:MC.1D km 7e*uatorial
L:,::0.:: km 7meridional
S(rface area C1:,:M%,::: km
%OKPO1:POnote LP
1L0,KL:,::: km
land 7%K.% R
!D1,1!%,::: km
water 7M:.0 R
-ol(me 1.:0!%1 S 1:
)ass C.KM!D S 1:
)ean $ensit# C.C1C gNcm
E*(atorial s(rface &ra%it# K.M0:!%M mNs
:.KKM!% g
Escape %elocit# 11.10D kmNs
Si$ereal rotation :.KKM%DKD0 d
perio$ %!
E*(atorial rotation %elocit# 1,DML.L kmNh 7LDC.1 mNs
A"ial tilt %!Q%D.%1H.L11K
Albe$o :.!DM
S(rface press(re 1:1.!%C k(a 75&4
,omposition M0.:0R nitrogen 7-%
%:.KCR oxygen 7O%
:.K!R argon
:.:!0R carbon dioxide
'bout 1R water vapor 7varies with climate
8arth, along with the &olar &ystem, is situated in the 5ilky ;ay galaxy, orbiting about
%0,::: light years from the center of the galaxy. 6t is currently about %: light years above the
galaxy.s e*uatorial plane in the Orion spiral arm.
It is located at a distance of "#$$%&#$' kpc ()*+,&&&%,,&&& ly- from the .arth
Gravitational 8nergy fields birthing out of the central sphere, makes its
Bourney across space to the sun of our solar
system. 2he &un of our solar system receives
the energy message, digests interprets and
reeminates it#s transmission to the
planets of our solar system. Our planet
receives the re interpreted central sphere
energy message, re phases the currents
that eminate through the toroidal polar
fields of the 'nk tube. ;hich in turn
vibrate up the spine and pulse into the
sacred chamber of the heart muscle emanating life.
Basic Earth +acts .astral Biolo&#/
;ritten by Eraser @ain and Darrell=;ayneI 9ughes
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0stronomy symbol for
!ign of the !outhern
1ou are
2he circumference of the 8arth in kilometers is L:,:MC
km, and the circumference of the 8arth in miles is
%L,K:1.C 6n other words, if you could drive your car
around the e*uator of the 8arth 7yes, even over the
oceans, you.d put on an extra L:,:MC km on the
odometer. 6t would take you almost 1M days driving at
1:: kmNhour, %L hours a day to complete that Bourney.
6f you like, you can calculate the circumference of the
8arth yourself. 2he formula for calculating the
circumference of a sphere is % x pi x radius. &o, the
radius of the 8arth is D!M1 km. (lug that into the formula,
and you get % x !.1L1C x D!M0.1 T L:,:ML. 6t would be
more accurate if you use more digits for pi.
Aou might be interested to know that the circumference of the 8arth is different depending on
how you measure it. 6f you measure the circumference around the 8arth.s e*uator, you get the
L:,:MC km figure 6 mentioned. But if you measure it from pole to pole through the 'unk tube,
you get L:,::M km. 2his is because the 8arth isn.t a perfect sphere, it bulges around the e*uator
because it.s rotating on its axis. 2he 8arth is a flattened sphere, and so the distance around the
e*uator is further than the circumference around the poles.
;ant some comparison/ 2he circumference of the 5oon is 1:,K%1 km, and the circumference of
Gupiter is C::,::: km.
;e have written many articles about the 8arth for $niverse 2oday. 9ere are some photos of the
8arth and 5oon together, and here are the 1: most impressive impact craters on 8arth.
;ant more resources on the 8arth/ 9ere.s a link to -'&'.s 9uman &paceflight page, and here.s
-'&'.s 3isible 8arth.
;e have also recorded an episode of 'stronomy @ast about 8arth, as part of our tour through the
&olar &ystem U 8pisode C1I (art
Main article: Earth's rotation
.arth2s axial tilt (or obli3uity- and its relation to
the rotation axis and plane of orbit#
8arth.s rotation period relative to the &unVits mean solar
dayVis 0D,L:: seconds of mean solar time. 8ach second
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is slightly longer than an &6 second because 8arth.s solar day is now slightly longer than it was
during the 1Kth century because of tidal acceleration.
8arth.s rotation period relative to the fixed stars, called its stellar day by the 6nternational 8arth
?otation and ?eference &ystems &ervice 768?&, is 0D1DL.:K0K:!DK1 seconds of mean solar
time 7$21, or %!
O!POnote 1DP
8arth.s rotation period relative to the precessing or
moving mean vernal e*uinox, misnamed its sidereal day, is 0D1DL.:K:C!:0!%00 seconds of
mean solar time 7$21 7%!
2hus the sidereal day is shorter than the
stellar day by about 0.L ms.
2he length of the mean solar day in &6 seconds is available from
the 68?& for the periods 1D%!U%::C
and 1KD%U%::C.
'part from meteors within the atmosphere and low=orbiting satellites, the main apparent motion
of celestial bodies in the 8arth.s sky is to the west at a rate of 1CQNh T 1C.Nmin. Eor bodies near
the celestial e*uator, this is e*uivalent to an apparent diameter of the &un or 5oon every two
minutes, from the planet.s surface, the apparent si"es of the &un and the 5oon are approximately
the same.
Main article: Earth's orbit
8arth orbits the &un at an average distance of about 1C: million kilometers every
!DC.%CDL mean solar days, or one sidereal year. Erom 8arth, this gives an apparent movement of
the &un eastward with respect to the stars at a rate of about 1QNday, or a &un or 5oon diameter
every 1% hours. Because of this motion, on average it takes %L hoursVa solar dayVfor 8arth to
complete a full rotation about its axis so that the &un returns to the meridian. 2he orbital speed of
the 8arth averages about !: kmNs 71:0,::: kmNh, which is fast enough to cover the planet.s
diameter 7about 1%,D:: km in seven minutes, and the distance to the 5oon 7!0L,::: km in four
2he 5oon revolves with the 8arth around a common barycenter every %M.!% days relative to the
background stars. ;hen combined with the 8arthU5oon system.s common revolution around the
&un, the period of the synodic month, from new moon to new moon, is %K.C! days. 3iewed from
the celestial north pole, the motion of 8arth, the 5oon and their axial rotations are all counter=
clockwise. 3iewed from a vantage point above the north poles of both the &un and the 8arth, the
8arth appears to revolve in a counterclockwise direction about the &un. 2he orbital and axial
planes are not precisely alignedI 8arth.s axis is tilted some %!.C degrees from the perpendicular
to the 8arthU&un plane, and the 8arthU5oon plane is tilted about C degrees against the 8arth=&un
plane. ;ithout this tilt, there would be an eclipse every two weeks, alternating between lunar
eclipses and solar eclipses.
2he 9ill sphere, or gravitational sphere of influence, of the 8arth is about 1.C Gm 7or 1,C::,:::
kilometers in radius.
O1%CPOnote 1MP
2his is maximum distance at which the 8arth.s gravitational
influence is stronger than the more distant &un and planets. ObBects must orbit the 8arth within
this radius, or they can become unbound by the gravitational perturbation of the &un.
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4xial tilt and seasons
Main article: Axial tilt
Because of the axial tilt of the 8arth, the amount of sunlight reaching any given point on the
surface varies over the course of the year. 2his results in seasonal change in climate, with
summer in the northern hemisphere occurring when the -orth (ole is pointing toward the &un,
and winter taking place when the pole is pointed away. During the summer, the day lasts longer
and the &un climbs higher in the sky. 6n winter, the climate becomes generally cooler and the
days shorter. 'bove the 'rctic @ircle, an extreme case is reached where there is no daylight at all
for part of the yearVa polar night. 6n the southern hemisphere the situation is exactly reversed,
with the &outh (ole oriented opposite the direction of the -orth (ole.
.arth and Moon from Mars, imaged by Mars
4econnaissance 5rbiter# 6rom space, the .arth can be
seen to go through phases similar to the phases of the
By astronomical convention, the four seasons are determined by
the solsticesVthe point in the orbit of maximum axial tilt
toward or away from the &unVand the e*uinoxes, when the
direction of the tilt and the direction to the &un are
perpendicular. ;inter solstice occurs on about December %1,
summer solstice is near Gune %1, spring e*uinox is around
5arch %: and autumnal e*uinox is about &eptember %!.
2he angle of the 8arth.s tilt is relatively stable over long periods of time. 9owever, the tilt does
undergo nutation, a slight, irregular motion with a main period of 10.D years.
2he orientation
7rather than the angle of the 8arth.s axis also changes over time, precessing around in a
complete circle over each %C,0:: year cycle, this precession is the reason for the difference
between a sidereal year and a tropical year. Both of these motions are caused by the varying
attraction of the &un and 5oon on the 8arth.s e*uatorial bulge. Erom the perspective of the
8arth, the poles also migrate a few meters across the surface. 2his polar motion has multiple,
cyclical components, which collectively are termed *uasiperiodic motion. 6n addition to an
annual component to this motion, there is a 1L=month cycle called the @handler wobble. 2he
rotational velocity of the 8arth also varies in a phenomenon known as length of day variation.
6n modern times, 8arth.s perihelion occurs around Ganuary !, and the aphelion around Guly L.
9owever, these dates change over time due to precession and other orbital factors, which follow
cyclical patterns known as 5ilankovitch cycles. 2he changing 8arth=&un distance results in an
increase of about D.KR
in solar energy reaching the 8arth at perihelion relative to aphelion.
&ince the southern hemisphere is tilted toward the &un at about the same time that the 8arth
reaches the closest approach to the &un, the southern hemisphere receives slightly more energy
from the &un than does the northern over the course of a year. 9owever, this effect is much less
significant than the total energy change due to the axial tilt, and most of the excess energy is
absorbed by the higher proportion of water in the southern hemisphere.
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$,8+8#" km
*,,'9#* mi
+#$89 : ,&
"#, : ,&
$"8,8&& km
*$",+&& mi
*+ d + h 8$#+ m
2he 5oon is a relatively large, terrestrial, planet=like satellite, with a diameter about one=*uarter
of the 8arth.s. 6t is the largest moon in the &olar &ystem relative to the si"e of its planet, although
@haron is larger relative to the dwarf planet (luto. 2he natural satellites orbiting other planets are
called HmoonsH after 8arth.s 5oon.
2he gravitational attraction between the 8arth and 5oon causes tides on 8arth. 2he same effect
on the 5oon has led to its tidal lockingI its rotation period is the same as the time it takes to orbit
the 8arth. 's a result, it always presents the same face to the planet. 's the 5oon orbits 8arth,
different parts of its face are illuminated by the &un, leading to the lunar phases, the dark part of
the face is separated from the light part by the solar terminator.
Because of their tidal interaction, the 5oon
recedes from 8arth at the rate of approximately
!0 mm a year. Over millions of years, these tiny
modificationsVand the lengthening of 8arth.s day
by about %! Ws a yearVadd up to significant
During the Devonian period, for
example, 7approximately L1: million years ago
there were L:: days in a year, with each day lasting
%1.0 hours.
7etails of the .arth;Moon system# =esides the radius of each ob<ect, the radius to
the .arth;Moon barycenter is shown# Photos from >0!0# 7ata from >0!0# The
Moon2s axis is located by assini2s third law#
2he 5oon may have dramatically affected the development of life by moderating the planet.s
climate. (aleontological evidence and computer simulations show that 8arth.s axial tilt is
stabili"ed by tidal interactions with the 5oon.
&ome theorists believe that without this
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stabili"ation against the tor*ues applied by the &un and planets to the 8arth.s e*uatorial bulge,
the rotational axis might be chaotically unstable, exhibiting chaotic changes over millions of
years, as appears to be the case for 5ars.
6f 8arth.s axis of rotation were to approach the plane
of the ecliptic, extremely severe weather could result from the resulting extreme seasonal
differences. One pole would be pointed directly toward the &un during summer and directly away
during winter. (lanetary scientists who have studied the effect claim that this might kill all large
animal and higher plant life.
9owever, this is a controversial subBect, and further studies of
5arsVwhose rotation period and axial tilt are similar to those of 8arth, but which lacks a large
moon or li*uid coreVmay settle the matter.
3iewed from 8arth, the 5oon is Bust far enough away to have very nearly the same apparent=
si"ed disk as the &un. 2he angular si"e 7or solid angle of these two bodies match because,
although the &un.s diameter is about L:: times as large as the 5oon.s, it is also L:: times more
2his allows total and annular solar eclipses to occur on 8arth.
2he most widely accepted theory of the 5oon.s origin, the giant impact theory, states that it
formed from the collision of a 5ars=si"e protoplanet called 2heia wit the early 8arth. 2his
hypothesis explains 7among other things the 5oon.s relative lack of iron and volatile elements,
and the fact that its composition is nearly identical to that of the 8arth.s crust.
8arth has at least two co=orbital asteroids, !MC! @ruithne and %::% ''%K.
8arth.s poles are mostly covered with solid ice 7'ntarctic ice sheet or sea ice 7'rctic ice cap.
2he planet.s interior remains active, with a thick layer of relatively solid mantle, a li*uid outer
core that generates a magnetic field, and a solid iron inner core.
8arth interacts with other obBects in space, especially the &un and the 5oon. 't present, 8arth
orbits the &un once for every roughly !DD.%D times it rotates about its axis. 2his is a sidereal
year, which is e*ual to !DC.%D solar days.
Onote KP
2he 8arth.s axis of rotation is tilted %!.LQ away
from the perpendicular to its orbital plane,
producing seasonal variations on the planet.s
surface with a period of one tropical year 7!DC.%L solar days. 8arth.s only known natural
satellite, the 5oon, which began orbiting it about L.C! billion years ago, provides ocean tides,
stabili"es the axial tilt and gradually slows the planet.s rotation. Between approximately !.0
billion and L.1 billion years ago, numerous asteroid impacts during the 4ate 9eavy
Bombardment caused significant changes to the greater surface environment.
Both the mineral resources of the planet, as well as the products of the biosphere, contribute
resources that are used to support a global human population. 2hese inhabitants are grouped into
about %:: independent sovereign states, which interact through diplomacy, travel, trade, and
military action. 9uman cultures have developed many views of the planet, including
personification as a deity, a belief in a flat 8arth or in 8arth as the center of the universe, and a
modern perspective of the world as an integrated environment that re*uires stewardship.
1. 0 'll astronomical *uantities vary, both secularly and periodically. 2he *uantities given are the
values at the instant G%:::.: of the secular variation, ignoring all periodic variations.
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%. 0 2he reference lists the longitude of the ascending node as =11.%D:DLQ, which is e*uivalent to
!L0.M!K!DQ by the fact that any angle is e*ual to itself plus !D:Q.
!. 0 2he reference lists the longitude of perihelion, which is the sum of the longitude of the
ascending node and the argument of perihelion. 2hat is, 11L.%:M0!Q X 7=11.%D:DLQ T 1:%.KLM1KQ.
L. 0 Due to natural fluctuations, ambiguities surrounding ice shelves, and mapping conventions for
vertical datums, exact values for land and ocean coverage are not meaningful. Based on data from
the 3ector 5ap and Global 4andcover datasets, extreme values for coverage of lakes and streams
are :.DR and 1.:R of the earth.s surface. 2he ice shields of 'ntarctica and Greenland are counted
as land, even though much of the rock which supports them lies below sea level.
C. 0 2he number of solar days is one less than the number of sidereal days because the orbital
motion of the 8arth about the &un results in one additional revolution of the planet about its axis.
D. 0 2he total volume of the 8arth.s oceans isI 1.L S 1:
. 2he total surface area of the 8arth is
C.1 S 1:
. &o, to first approximation, the average depth would be the ratio of the two, or
%.M km.
M. 0 'oki, the ultimate source of these figures, uses the term Hseconds of $21H instead of Hseconds
of mean solar timeH.V'oki, &. 71K0%. H2he new definition of universal timeH. Astronomy and
Astrophysics 123 7%I !CKU!D1. httpINNadsabs.harvard.eduNabsN1K0%'Y'...1:C..!CK'. ?etrieved
0. 0 Eor the 8arth, the 9ill radius is
where m is the mass of the 8arth, a is an 'stronomical $nit, and M is the mass of the &un. &o the
radius in '.$. is aboutI .
)e$icine 4heels, sacred hoops, were constructed by
laying stones in a particular pattern on the ground. 2hey
share a connection of similarities to 5agic circles. 5ost
medicine wheels follow the basic pattern of having a
center of stone7s, and surrounding that is an outer ring of
stones with HspokesH, or lines of rocks radiating from the
center. &ome ancient types of sacred architecture were
built by laying stones on the surface of the ground in
particular patterns common to aboriginal peoples.
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Originally, and still today, medicine wheels are stone structures constructed by certain
indigenous peoples of -orth 'merica for various astronomical, ritual, healing, and teaching
purposes. 5edicine wheels are still .opened. or inaugurated in -ative 'merican spirituality where
they are more often referred to as Hsacred hoopsH, which is the favored 8nglish rendering by
some. 2here are various native words to describe the ancient forms and types of rock alignments.
One teaching involves the description of the four directions. 5ore recently, syncretic, hybridi"ed
uses of medicine wheels, magic circles, and 5andela sacred technology are employed in -ew
'ge, ;iccan, (agan and other spiritual discourse throughout the ;orld. 2he rite of the sacred
hoop and medicine wheel differed and differs amongst indigenous traditions, as it now does
between non=indigenous peoples, and between traditional and modernist variations. 2he essential
nature of the rite common to these divergent traditions deserves further anthropological
exploration as does an exegesis of their valence.
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8ven the Devils advocate 7'.>.'. (ope needs GOD& healing
energies through the medicine wheel.
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$his photo of the <eli6 >ebula is the work of the Aesuit9led
:atican 'bservatory, an organi3ation with roots that stretch
back to the si6teenth century and Pope 2regory BIII# <e
relied on Aesuit "athe"atician and astrono"er *hristopher
*lavius for the calculations that went into the develop"ent
of the 2regorian *alendar#
&ubse+uent popes relied on other Aesuit astrono"ers, and
it was in 1CD1 that Pope Eeo BIII established the :atican
'bservatory at the papal palace at *astel 2andolfo, the
popeFs su""er palace, and put Aesuits at its head#
4abyrinths can be located Bust about anywhere, including sloping ground. 2he paths can be
diverted to go around trees, which are incorporated into the line, between the paths. 2he main
consideration is compatibility between site, design, and intended use. 6f you want wheelchair
access, for example, then a grass hillside wouldn.t work very well. On level ground or in low
areas, drainage is a necessary design feature. 5any people believe that the location of the
labyrinth can affect its energy and effectiveness. 2here is a strong tradition among dowsers to
determine a certain amount of information during the sitting process by asking the earth itself
certain *uestions, and receiving answers via their dowsing implements. -on=dowsers can use
prayer, intuition or any other process that allows you to tap into that deeper knowing that is
available to all of us when we ask. 'lthough the features of the site may necessarily determine
many of the details, here is some of the information a dowser would determine.
1 ;hether or not a labyrinth should be located there.
% ;hich labyrinth design would be most efficacious/
! ;here the center of the labyrinth should be located.
L ;hat si"e the labyrinth should be.
C ;hat direction the labyrinth should face.
Of course these answers may also be determined through a rational or intellectual approach. Aou
can also ask regarding construction materials, volunteers, and many other aspects of building the
labyrinth. 6t reminds me of reading the -eo=(latonist writer Boethius, who comments, HOf
course, any practical person would first invite the help of the gods before commencing a
proBect.H Of course.
' different approach is often taken by churches, because they hold that the power of the labyrinth
comes not from the earth so much as from the spiritual practice of those who walk it. 2hat is, it is
by using the labyrinth as a form of pilgrimage that we go deep inside and find meaning. 2his
comes from ourselves, not from the labyrinth. 6n Gothic churches, labyrinths always had the
entrance opening to the west, so that when you entered the labyrinth you were facing east,
towards the altar and the rising son 7risen &on. 2he @hartres labyrinth, in particular, incorporates
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important symbolism which is represented through intent of design, not from dowsing. &o, these
are two different traditions and possibilities.
4abyrinths are clocking circuits of the
brain, and exist all over the world. 2he
oldest and most common design is the
classical M=circuit labyrinth 7top illustration. During the
5iddle 'ges, this design was enhanced through the
addition of symbolic elements, resulting in the pattern
often found in cathedrals. 2he most elegant of these is in
@hartres @athedral 7lower illustration, in Erance. Besides
these two patterns, there are many variations and custom
designs. 2he &anta ?osa 4abyrinth, for example, is a
copyrighted design that incorporates features of both the
M=circuit and the @hartres patterns. Our (etite @hartres
labyrinth is also new. 72hese designs can be found in the
portable labyrinth section. 4abyrinths can be circular,
octagonal, rectangular, or any other shape.
Besides the cost of the labyrinth itself, on=going maintenance is an important factor. 6n
&candinavia, for example, many M=circuit labyrinths are made of stone, placed on the ground in
the appropriate pattern. 2his is a very easy way to lay out a labyrinth. $nless the ground is
treated and covered with mulch, grass will grow between the rocks and fre*uent trimming will be
necessary. 2he same is true for landscaping a labyrinth. 6n Zurich there is a public labyrinth
garden, re*uiring careful maintenance by a large group of local citi"ens. &ome kinds of plants
need little care, while others need constant attention. (ublic labyrinths are generally built to be
low maintenance, durable, and to withstand plenty of use.
5aterials and labor determine the cost of construction. 5anual labor performed by volunteers
can greatly reduce the cost. Eor public and institutional labyrinth, wheelchair accessibility is an
important consideration. Below is a brief summary of a few common labyrinth media.
Stones or Bric5
6f stones are simply placed on the earth, grass or weeds will grow around them, re*uiring
maintenance. 4aying down a material that allows the earth to breathe but acts as a growth barrier
eliminates grow=through. 6n the case of large labyrinths, such material can amount to hundreds of
dollars in cost. Aou can draw the design right on the materials and lay out the pattern with stone
or brick. Eill the paths with sand or mulch or other material. 2otal cost of materials should be in
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the F1,::: = F1,C:: range. 'n alternative is to use brick for the lines, burying it in the ground so
that it is flush with the surface. 2he paths remain grass. 4awn mowers can drive over the
labyrinth without difficulty.
4abyrinths can be built with no expense for materials by Bust mowing the pattern into the grass,
leaving the space between the paths uncut. 'nother possibility is to dig out the paths with a sod
cutter. 2hus, the paths are simply dirt. ;eeds could become a problem, so it is recommended to
cover the paths with earth cloth and fill them with mulch, gravel, or other material. ;e once
received from a municipality a free load of gravel 7%: tons or so which was actually asphalt road
surface removed by a machine before repaving the street. 2his gravel became hard and formed
an all=weather surface. 7'gain, the mowers could drive right over it. ;e left an expanse of grass
two feet wide between the paths. 2he ultimate earthworks labyrinth is made by forming a henge.
2his is done by digging out the path and piling the dirt beside it, forming a mound. 2he mound
can be planted with grass or wildflowers, and the path can be paved if necessary with gravel or
brick. 8ven the sides of the henge can be dressed up with stone or brick. &uch labyrinths are
highly labor intensive, but have existed for centuries in 8ngland.
(avement labyrinths are all=weather and long=lasting. 4abyrinths have been constructed from
granite, terra""o and brick pavers, all of which is beautiful but costly 7ranging from F!:,::: to
F%::,:::, depending on the skill of the workers and si"e of the labyrinth. 'n alternative is to
pour a concrete slab and put the labyrinth pattern on the surface. 2he concrete can be stained or
painted. 6t can also be cut, engraved, sand blasted and otherwise treated. ;e have developed
some proprietary concrete techni*ues.7&ee concrete and polymer and granite.
Temporar# 'ab#rinths
2emporary labyrinths may be installed to build interest and to raise funds for a subse*uent
permanent labyrinth. 2emporary labyrinths can be made from a host of different materials, from
painting the grass to laying out obBects 7stone, wood blocks to using rope or surveyor.s flags.
&ome permanent labyrinths are made by first painting the pattern on the ground. 2hat first step
indicates that a permanent labyrinth will hopefully follow. 7;e have a FC booklet describing how
to make temporary labyrinths. 2he same instructions are included on this website. &ee
Other +eat(res
;atching people walk the labyrinth is calming and *uite fascinating. (lacing benches or other
seating around the labyrinth is a nice touch. ' pole could be installed in the center to hold a gas
lantern for walking the labyrinth at night. &ignage describing how to walk the labyrinth is
helpful. (roviding a guest book for people to write down their comments will allow you to know
how some of the people experienced the labyrinth.
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2hese instructions show you how to lay out a @hartres labyrinth with masking tape. 9owever,
you can Bust as easily use stones or other materials. 6f you want to draw a @hartres labyrinth on
canvas, you will need to know additional techni*ues which are available in our manual,
Constructing the Chartres Labyrinth 7see products.
5asking tape labyrinths will be irregular and rustic in appearance, which is part of their charm. 6
think you will find when you are finished, you will be impressed by the work of art you have
created. ;ith a few volunteers, a flat surface and a generous supply of masking tape, it is
possible to construct a labyrinth in under two hours. 2he best floor surface is concrete. 3inyl or
ceramic tile, terra""o, or short=nap commercial=grade carpeting are also generally acceptable.
;ooden floors are not usually suitable, as the tape can damage the finish. 9owever, there are
special kinds of tape that don.t harm wooden floors, although they are more expensive.
&i"e is a consideration only with regards to the available space and the amount of tape. 6 use D:=
yard rolls of three=inch=wide masking tape. Eor small labyrinths, two=inch=wide tape may be
sufficient. ' large labyrinth could use 1C to %: rolls of tape, at a cost of five dollars each 7totalI
FMC=F1::. Gaffer.s tape is probably more suitable, since it doesn.t leave any residue, but it is
very expensive, three times the cost of masking tape. 3inyl tapes have the advantage of being
able to stretch, which is helpful when making circles. But when all is said and done, 6 have
always used masking tape.
2he photograph shows a 1:L=foot=wide masking tape
labyrinth made for Eirst -ight &t. 4ouis, on -ew Aear.s
8ve, 1KK0. ;e used %C rolls of tape. 6 suggest buying
plenty of tape, open them as you need them, and return
what you don.t use. 6t is frustrating to run out of tape in
the middle of making the labyrinth, leaving volunteers
standing around idle.
Besides masking tape, you will need a measuring rope 7or tape measure that is three or four feet
longer than the radius of your labyrinth, and a ruler or yardstick. 2he surface of the floor needs to
be dry and clean or the tape won.t stick. Aou may wish to supply kneepads to your volunteers, as
they will spend a lot of time crawling around on the floor.
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Before beginning, you must determine the si"e of your labyrinth and make a guide rope that will
be essential in laying out the pattern. 2here are 1% concentric circles in the labyrinth, enclosing
11 paths, or circuits. 6f you were to measure the labyrinth from edge to edge, directly through the
center, you would first encounter 11 circuits 7paths, then the center, and then 11 circuits again on
the other side. Eor calculating the diameter, then, you have the center plus %% circuits.
2he center is one=fourth the diameter of the entire labyrinth 7not counting the lunation#s, which
are the little circular shapes around the perimeter. 2he paths, therefore, occupy three=fourths of
the diameter. &uppose, for example, that you are considering having the circuits three feet wide.
Eirst you multiplyI %% x ! T DD. 2hat represents the diameter of the paths, which comprises three=
fourths of the diameter. 2o find the value of the center, the remaining one=fourth, you simply
divide the three=fourths measurement by three, which gives you one=fourth. 6n this instance,
three=fourths e*uals DD feet, so dividing by three will yield the answer of %% feet for the center.
2hus, the diameter of a labyrinth with three=foot=wide paths e*uals DD feet 7the paths plus %%
feet 7the center for a total of 00 feet. ;ith the lunation#s, the total will be over K: feet.
Aou can also calculate backwards. &uppose your space is L: feet across, and you want to leave a
little room around the edge of the labyrinth so people.s shoulders don.t hit the wall. &tart with 1:
percent less than the total diameter 7in this case, !D feet as your intended diameter. Divide by
four, finding that one=fourth e*uals nine feet. 2hat will be the si"e of the center. 2he remaining
%M feet 7!D feet minus K feet will be the total width of the %% circuits. By dividing, you find that
one circuit e*uals approximately 1L and !NL inches. 'dding the lunations, the total diameter
comes out to approximately !0 [ feet.
;hile 6 am calling this measurement the path width, it is actually incorporates both the path and
the line. ;e are really determining the spacing for the center of the masking tape lines.
Once you know the spacing and the diameter of the center, you are ready to make your
measuring rope. Or, you could use a standard metal tape measure if you prefer. 2he tape measure
isn.t likely to stretch, as the rope might. ;hichever you use, we.ll Bust call it the guide. 2he guide
will extend from the center of the labyrinth to the perimeter, plus a few feet. On the guide you
mark off the location of the 1% lines that form the labyrinth. 6n the case of the !D=foot labyrinth,
remember that although the center is nine feet in diameter 7all the way across you are measuring
the radius 7starting at the center of the circle, which is half the diameter. 2herefore, the
measurement from the center to the first circle would be four and one=half feet. 2hat.s CL inches.
2he first mark will be e*ual to the radius of the circle. Eor our example, we are making a !D=foot
circle with a nine foot center, the radius of which is CL. On rope, you can make a mark with a
felt=tipped pen or magic marker. On a metal measuring tape 7or on a rope you can make the
mark by wrapping a piece of tape at the designated point. 76 like to number each one. 2hen each
additional path will be spaced according to the appropriate calculation that you made at the
beginning. Eor our example, that is 1L and !NL inches apart. 6n such case, the second mark will be
CL inches plus 1L and !NL inches, or D0 and !NL inches. 2he third mark will be D0 and !NL inches
plus 1L and !NL inches, and so forth, until all of the marks are completed.
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2he guide needs to be securely fastened to the center of the labyrinth. Aou could have someone
hold a broomstick in the center, but they would get very bored and would likely move. 6 suggest
a board with a nail in it, which you can tape to the floor so that it doesn.t move. 2he guide must
have !D:=degree movement. &ince 6 make labyrinths fre*uently, 6 have constructed a round
board with a one=inch hole in the middle. Over that hole 6 have placed a floor flange for a one=
inch pipe 7found in the plumbing department of any hardware store. &crew the flange to the
piece of wood, over the hole. 6 mark the center of the labyrinth with an H<.H 4ooking through the
hole in the board 7through the flange 6 line up the board on the center H<.H 2hen 6 screw a four=
inch piece of pipe into the flange and place a %:=kilo 7LL=pound barbell weight over the pipe, to
keep the board from moving. 2he pipe is long enough so that it sticks up above the weight. 6
attach the guide to the pipe by making a loop in the rope or tying a loop to the end of the tape
Aou will need to consult a drawing of the labyrinth so that you can remind yourself as to the
location of the various components. ;e sell accurate drawings on the products page 7products.
Or you can click here to download a drawing, which will take about half a minute to open
7@hartres drawing. -otice there are two straight parallel entry paths, one to get into the labyrinth
and the other leading into the center. 2he latter path is on the right, and is centered on the center
axis of the labyrinth.
By first laying down the three straight lines that form the two parallel entry paths, you will avoid
making circles where they don.t need to be. Of course, if you make a mistake, with masking tape
it.s easy to correct.
&tretch out the guide to mark the vertical axis of the labyrinth. 2he
entry path that leads into the center 7the one on the right, as you look
inward from the perimeter of the labyrinth straddles this axis. 5easure
outward from the guide a distance e*ual to one=half the path width. 6n
our example, the path is 1L and !NL inches, so you measure outward M
and !N0 inches on either side of the guide. 5ark these measurements in
several places with small bits of tape. 4ay out these two straight lines
by unrolling a long piece of masking tape 7this re*uires two people
and then putting it in place, lined up with the bits of tape. ;hen the
tape is all lined up, have a third person push it down onto the floor. 76
hope you get it straighter than my drawing.
'fter the first two lines are done, measure over one path width to the left and install the third
straight line, thereby completing the layout of the entry paths. 2hese lines will undergo a little
modification later. Eor now, Bust extend the tape the entire distance from the first circle out to the
twelfth circle.
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-ow comes the step that is the most fun, laying out the circles. 9ave
volunteers line up on either side of the guide, prepared to put a small bit
of tape at one of the marks on the guide as it moves around the circle.
Begin at the entrance lines, and move around the labyrinth. 2ug on the
guide rope so that it is in a straight line, and then let go of it, so that it
lies on the floor with no tension on it. 9ave each of the volunteers put a
bit of tape on the floor next to their assigned mark on the guide. 5ove
the guide a couple of feet and have everyone put another bit of tape by
their marks.
@ontinue this all the way around the circle. 8ach time you lay down the
guide on the floor, volunteers put a little piece of tape onto the floor
next to each line measurement on the rope. 6t takes a moment to tear off
the next piece of tape. 6f you have plenty of volunteers, you can have a
second person behind the one by the guide, tearing tape and handing it
to them. 2his goes surprisingly fast, taking around 1C minutes or so.
5ake the concentric circles by laying down the masking tape directly over all of the little tape
markers. 6f you have long continuous pieces of tape, it will be easier to pull up when it comes
time to remove the labyrinth. &ince you are making a curved line, the tape doesn.t lie flat.
2hrough practice you will develop some ways of tucking it or turning it. 6f you are using a tape
machine, it makes curves *uite easily. 6n fact, you can make a straight line between two bits of
tape 7if you have spaced them fairly regularly, make a slight tuck, then make a straight line to
the next bit, make a tuck, etc.
2o convert a group of concentric circles into a labyrinth you must
install the turns. 2raditionally, these back=to=back turns are shaped like
bow ties, also called labryses. 7' labrys is a double=headed ax in
5inoan mythology. Aou can Bust use a straight line, or you can get
fancier and make them rounded. 6f you want to really make it fancy, use
a ra"or or knife to trim the tape into a smooth circular shape 7see
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2o make a turn from one circuit to another you must remove a piece of tape from the line that
separates the two paths involved. $se the drawing and count circles to locate the turns in their
proper places. 2he same is true for the line arrangement around the entrance.
't this point you have a labyrinth. 6t isn.t necessary to make petals or lunations, although they
add a lot, visually, if you have the time to do it.
2he center of the labyrinth has six flower petals. ;here the petals
meet, the merged lines are decorated with a little cross=like
pattern. 2he tip of these petal crosses are exactly half way
between the outer edge of the first circle and the center point of
the labyrinth. 6n other words, on the mid=point of the radius. Eor
example, in the !D=foot labyrinth, the center is nine feet, which
means the radius, from the center to the first circle, is four and
one=half feet, or CL inches. 2he tip of the petal cross is midway on
the radius, or %M inches from both the center and the inner circle
7see right.
2he straight lines on either side of the entrance path have one=armed crosses so that nothing
sticks out into the path. 2hese can be located easily. Opposite the entrance, at the HtopH of the
labyrinth, the petal cross is on the center axis of the labyrinth. 2his also can be easily located and
put into place.
2here remain two petal crosses on each side of the center. By eye or by measurement, locate the
tips of these crosses on the midpoint of their respective radii, spaced evenly between the top
cross and the entrance crosses. Once you have these laid out, then you have an easy Bob of
making the petal circles. &ince you have marked the ends of the circles, Bust connect adBacent
ones with a circle. 6n fact, the circle touches three pointsI the circle that forms the center and the
tips of two adBacent petal crosses. 4ine these up, draw the petal circles, and the result will be
2he circles forming the halo around the outside of the labyrinth are sometimes called lunations
because they are believed to comprise a lunar calendar. ;ith such a calendar, one can determine
the date for 8aster 7the first &unday after the first full moon after the spring e*uinox.
;hen making a labyrinth, the lunations take as much time as the rest of the labyrinth combined.
&uch small circles are almost impossible to make with tape. 9owever, if you are energetic, you
can make little lines that look like rays coming out of the labyrinth. 2he distance between the
rays may be calculated by dividing the diameter of the labyrinth by !D. &o, in our !D=foot
example, the diameter is !D feet which, divided by !D, yields one foot. 9ence, the rays are
spaced one foot apart, from center of ray to center of ray. 'lternatively, you can calculate the
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circumference of the labyrinth and divide by 11L. 2he circumference e*uals the diameter time#s
pi 7!.1L1D. &o here.s the calculation for our exampleI !D x !.1L1D T slightly more than 11!.
Divided by 11L it e*uals 11 and %KN!% inches. (retty close to a foot. Aou don.t actually have 11L
rays. One was removed for the entrance, leaving 11!. 2he top=most ray lies right on the central
axis. 2he rays on the left side of the labyrinth are fractionally closer together than the rays on the
right side.
2he length of the rays is the same as the distance apart, which in this case is 1% inches. 9owever,
that includes the thickness of the line. &o, if you are using three=inch tape, the rays actually
extend nine inches 71% minus ! beyond the outer circle.
&imilarly, in spacing the rays, they are one foot apart, less the thickness of the tape. &o, if you are
using two=inch=wide tape, the open space between the pieces of tape will be 1: inches wide.
5ake a little marker out of cardboard to help you easily set this spacing.
2he distance from the labyrinth entrance to the first ray on either side of the entrance is e*ual to
one=half the distance between the rays. 6f the rays are one foot apart, the first rays would be six
inches on either side of the entrance.
3oila, you have made a @hartres=pattern masking tape labyrinth
Before you remove the tape, take a photo of your labyrinth. ;hile at it, send me a copy.
Be sure to provide for volunteers to help you remove the tape, which will take almost as long to
pull up as it took to put down. ' putty knife is helpful for getting under the edges.
2he beauty of using masking tape is that the labyrinth can be altered to go around obstructions,
such as pillars. 6f there are pillars in the space where you are installing the labyrinth, you can do
several things. One is to put a pillar in the center of the labyrinth and si"e your labyrinth to fit
within the next row of pillars. ' second possibility is to incorporate the pillars within the
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6f there is a pillar in the center, there will be no place to attach the
measuring guide. 9ere.s a solution. 5easure the dimensions of
the pillar and draw them on a piece of poster board. 2hen use a
compass to draw a circle that goes around the shape of the pillar,
Bust touching the corners. @ut out the segments bordered by the
circle and the pillar 7shaded area in illustration to the right and
tape them on the floor next to the pillar, forming a circle. (roceed
as before, this time having someone hold the guide to the edge of
the circle, moving it slightly each time you reposition the rope
7rather than having a center post. 2he person at the other end of
the guide can be sure that it lines up with the center of the pillar.
2his will be accurate enough to get a usable result.
Eor pillars towards the outer edge of the labyrinth, Bust route the
circuits around them as necessary. ;ith tape, anything is possible.
&ee drawing to the right.
2he basic techni*ue for making a classical M=circuit masking tape
labyrinth is the same as for the @hartres labyrinth. Aou use a
measuring guide to put down bits of tape, later connecting them
with the wide masking tape to produce the labyrinth. Only the
pattern and the geometry are different. 2o the right is the pattern 6
usually make, which has an expanded center. 6t works well for
&ee our instructions to make your own tape machine, or to buy one
of our stand=up taping machines. ;e also have instruction manuals
that are more detailed, in our products section.
Easten the measuring rope in the center and mark on it the width of the paths V eight marks for
the eight circles that enclose the seven circuits. 6n the traditional design, the center is small, Bust
Page )0 of ))(
the si"e of the path, as if the path Bust came to an end there. &ince the width is that of the path,
the first mark on the guide rope, being the radius, is e*ual to half the width of the path. 'll
subse*uent marks are one path width apart. 6 usually double the diameter of the center, making it
two path=widths across. 2his also makes the marks on the guide rope easy, as even the first mark
is one path=width from the stake.
6n expanding the center, the location of the first mark on the guide determines the si"e of the
center. 6t could be 1: path=widths for example, so that you could put a fire pit in the center, or
some benches for sitting. 2he remaining paths are e*ually spaced.
2he following instructions will be for the labyrinth shown above. ?emember that the @hartres
labyrinth had eleven paths on either side of the center/ ;ell, in the classic labyrinth you have
seven paths on either side. 2he entire hori"ontal diameter, therefore, consists of 1L paths plus the
center. 6n this case the center is two paths wide, so the entire hori"ontal diameter is 1D (;. 2hus,
if the paths were three feet wide, the labyrinth would be L0 feet wide. 2wo=foot=wide paths give
a diameter of !% feet, whereas one=foot=wide paths make a labyrinth 1D feet across.
Aou will note that the labyrinth is not completely round. 2he height to width ratio is something
like 1L to 1D. 's before, you can work backwards to determine your path=widths. 6f your space is
%L feet wide, then you divide by 1D and find that the paths should be 10 inches wide.
;ith the @hartres pattern, we drew concentric circles.
2he classic labyrinth, however, is not round, it is sort of
mushroom shaped. 2hat.s because there isn.t a single
center for the circles, such as for round labyrinths.
?ather, there are five different centers for *uarter or half
circles which comprise the labyrinth. 2he illustration to
the right shows the five different center points from
which the labyrinth emerges.
;e begin by drawing half=circles, which become the top of the labyrinth. (icture a
hori"ontal line that passes through the center of the labyrinth where your measuring guide
is attached. &tart from a hori"ontal position and swing the guide rope across the top of the
labyrinth until it again reaches hori"ontal. On the guide rope are the marks for the spacing
of the paths, which determine the si"e of the labyrinth.
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's you swing the guide from hori"ontal back to
hori"ontal, stop every couple of feet to allow volunteers
to put bits of masking tape 7or, if you are doing this
outdoors, they can be putting down rocks at each of the
line marks on the guide. 6t.s *uite ama"ing that in front
of you is nothing, and behind you are eight circles.
Aou can wait until the end to connect the dots, or do it with each segment. 4et.s go ahead and
connect the half circles. -ow we have completed the top part of the labyrinth.
2he remainder of the pattern is made mostly of *uarter
circles which emanate from four different points. Aou need
to move your center post to each new location in
succession. Eirst, go to the upper marks, to the left and
right of center. Eor a left=handed labyrinth 7first turn to the
left the upper left point is at the end of the third half=
circle. 2he upper right point is at the end of the second
half=circle 7counting from the center outward. ?everse
them for a right=handed pattern.
5ove the device that holds your guide to each of these
points. 's shown in the illustration to the right, the first
line, closest to the center point, will be a half=circle. 2he
rest will be *uarter=circles. 5ake only as many as are
needed to connect to the half=circles.
Before completing the circles, make the cross. 2his helps
to see where the final circles will be located. 2he diagram
to the right should clearly show the location of the vertical
and hori"ontal arms of the cross.
2he center points for the lower circles are located at the
ends of the second lines below the hori"ontal arm of the
cross. On the left there is a half=circle. On the right, a half=
circle and then a *uarter=circle connecting the outer line to
the bottom of the cross. 3oila, you have made a classical M=
circuit labyrinth. ;ith a little practice, you will find that
you can do this very *uickly.
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Aou can make the center as large as you would like 7to hold a fire pit, for example by making
the mark for the first circle further out on the guide rope. 'll of the other circles remain e*ually
spaced the desired distance for the path width. ;hen the top circles are made larger, a
compensation of e*ual magnitude must be made in the lower *uadrant opposite from the
entrance. 6n this case, it would be the lower right *uadrant.
;hen the center point is at the top right, at the end of the
second half=circle, the first line is a half circle and the others
are *uarter=circles. Aou will immediately see that there is a
considerable gap between the end of those *uarter=circles
and the vertical arm of the cross. 2hat gap is filled by
hori"ontal straight lines, e*ual in length to the amount the
center was expanded beyond the normal classical design.
2hese are shown in the diagram as dotted lines. 2he turns on
either side of the vertical arm of the cross remain in the
same place as before.
-ow that you understand about expanded centers, you will see that my illustrations above are
actually of a slightly expanded center. 6n such case, the hori"ontal lines aren.t very apparent. But
if the center is large, then the labyrinth gets much more mushroom=like.
&ee 'nnette ?eynolds in action, drawing a classical labyrinth on the 'labama Gulf @oastI (hotos
-ow that you have the basics, make a few labyrinths on your own and it will soon become
second nature. Eor other designs, see patterns. &end me some photos.
Three Circuit Classical Labyrinth
2o make a left turning three circuit @lassical 4abyrinth...
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Seven Circuit Classical Labyrinth
2o make a left turning seven circuit @lassical 4abyrinth...
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To ma5e ri&ht t(rnin& three or se%en circ(it ,lassical 'ab#rinths...
...Bust reverse the following step and the lines thereafter
+lo4er of life
+(ll spectr(m Harmonic transformation
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-itr(%io(s an$ the (ni%ersal meas(res of a man
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-itr(%ian man in the Harmonic 'attice
6n a fascinating article titled )Building a ?eligion+
?ichard 5errick introduces a new theory named
interference theory, where he found a way to show
how harmonics play a common role in both sound and
the structure of our anatomy. Drawing from an array
of scientific research in music cognition,
neurophysiology, genetics, acoustics, *uantum
physics, 5errick proposes that life grows as a balance
between resonance and damping Bust like a vibrating
string, and that music perception is a built=in pattern
matching between the harmonic geometry of sound
and identical structures in the ear and brain.
2he resulting conclusions that he postulates are built on a revolutionary new perspective of
reality. Once you accept the possibility that harmonics really could account for our body
structure, then the far reaches of understanding of our connection with the universe and the
forces that act upon our bodies, down to the molecules and sub=atomic particles becomes a factor
of a new theory of harmonic resonance and dampening, where space actually interacts with our
bodies to create the human form.
6o$ an$ )e7 )e an$ 6o$7 Are One7
2he ama"ing part of this theory is that the harmonic lattice he proposes fits seamlessly with
many of the natural sensory findings based in the practices of ancient shamanic and esoteric
fraternities, as well as being echoed by ancient religious icons, sacred geometrical patterns and
the mysterious symbols used by various esoteric groups. )6 also noticed that the 9ebrew 2ree of
4ife fit within this musical lattice, aligning with the seven points of the 9indu chakra system,+
says 5errick.
2he article goes on to examine why such an seemingly self=evident pattern would be )so
completely absent from general public awareness+, citing the @atholic churches campaign to
demoni"e harmonic philosophy, which was associated with (aganism 7the belief of God in
6et in to(ch 4ith #o(r inner archet#pe8 .arc an&el/
2he last part of the posting includes some very interesting reader comments on the article, which
re*uire at least as much attention as the original theory itself\ But in wrapping up too short of
an dip into the subBect U which we feel would be certainly valid of further explanation and study
in book form U 5errick throws out a few humorous hypothetical scenarios, 9if: this view of a
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musical, and nature=based theory of life were to magically grab hold of human consciousness,
and affect the scientific and religious world with its revolutionary implications.
2he beauty of the theory is what many practicing meditation probably already know about
harmonics and mantras, is that it confirms how music can affect the body and the change the
world around us, simply by repetition of a sound at a specific vibration. 2he mantra may be
old\ But the changes it can affect are infinite and universal. 5errick#s theory of the harmonic
lattice brings us all a simple explanation why mantra and meditation have their universal impact
and from where they arise.
5athematical lay out for my method of circleNwheel establishment. 6 named it, )2he harmonic
flower wheel formula+.
2he earth trough the center poles of the 'unk tube is T L:,::0
this is the $ori flow fro" above###### fiobonacci anyoneG
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$he 7 Planetary *hakras and the
12 2ates of the Planetary >ew Aerusale"
really notice the locations of these points####
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Secret Worlds: The Universe Within
View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth.
Then move through space towards the Earth in successive
orders of magnitude until you reach a tall oak tree just
outside the uildings of the !ational "igh Magnetic #ield
$aoratory in Tallahassee% #lorida. &fter that% egin to move
from the actual si'e of a leaf into a microscopic world that
reveals leaf cell walls% the cell nucleus% chromatin% (!& and
finally% into the suatomic universe of electrons and protons.
!otice how each picture is actually an image of something
that is 10 times igger or smaller than the one preceding or
following it. The numer that appears on the lower right just elow
each image is the si'e of the oject in the picture. )n the lower left
is the same numer written in powers of ten% or e*ponential
notation. E*ponential notation is a convenient way for scientists to
write very large or very small numers. #or e*ample% compare the
si'e of the Earth to the si'e of a plant cell% which is a trillion times
Earth = 12.76 x 10
= 12,760,000 meters wide
12.76 million meters!
"lant #ell = 12.76 x 10
= 0.00001276 meters wide
12.76 millionths o$ a meter!
,cientists e*amine things in particular ways using a
comination of very sophisticated e-uipment% everyday
instruments% and many unlikely tools. ,ome phenomena that
scientists want to oserve are so tiny that they need a
magnifying glass% or even a microscope. )ther things are so far
away that a powerful telescope must e used in order to see
them. .t is important to understand and e ale to compare the
si'e of things we are studying. To learn more aout the relative
si'es of things% visit our /erspectives+ /owers of 10 activity site.
<u"an Population of the ,arthH 6,668,888,888 6#66 billion! as of April 288C
Page *0 of ))(
(orld Population 2rowthH 1#1IJ 9 2886 esti"ate this "eans at the current rate of growth, the earthKs population will double in
61#I years!
*ountries of the (orldH 1DL
,arthKs *ircu"ference at the ,+uatorH 2I,D81#LL "iles I8,87L#16 k"!
,arthKs *ircu"ference -etween the >orth and &outh PolesH 2I,CLD#C2 "iles I8,88C k"!
,arthKs 4ia"eter at the ,+uatorH 7,D26#2C "iles 12,7L6#1 k"!
,arthKs 4ia"eter at the PolesH 7,CDD#C8 "iles 12,71?#L k"!
Average 4istance fro" the ,arth to the &unH D?,828,888 "iles 1ID,66D,1C8 k"!
Average 4istance fro" the ,arth to the %oonH 2?C,CL7 "iles ?CI,I8?#1 k"!
<ighest ,levation on ,arth 9 %t# ,verest, AsiaH 2D,8?L feet CCL8 "!
$allest %ountain on ,arth fro" -ase to Peak 9 %auna Kea, <awaiiH ??,IC8 feet rising to 1?,7D6 feet above sea level! 1828I "@
I28L "!
Point 5arthest 5ro" the *enter of the ,arth 9 $he peak of the volcano *hi"bora3o in ,cuador at 28,L61 feet 6267 "! is farthest
fro" the center of the earth due to its location near the e+uator and the oblateness of the ,arth#
Eowest ,levation on Eand 9 4ead &eaH 1?6D feet below sea level I17#27 "!
4eepest Point in the 'cean 9 *hallenger 4eep, %ariana $rench, (estern Pacific 'ceanH ?L,CI8 feet 18D2I "!
<ighest $e"perature )ecordedH 1?L#CM5 9 Al A3i3iyah, Eibya, &epte"ber 1?, 1D22 L7#7M*!
Eowest $e"perature )ecordedH 912C#LM5 9 :ostok, Antarctica, Auly 21, 1DC? 9CD#2M*!
(ater vs# EandH 78#CJ (ater, 2D#2J Eand
Age of the ,arthH I#L to I#6 billion years
At"osphere *ontentH 77J nitrogen, 21J o6ygen, and traces of argon, carbon dio6ide and water
)otation on A6isH 2? hours and L6 "inutes and 8I#8D8L? seconds# -ut, it takes an additional four "inutes for the earth to revolve
to the sa"e position as the day before relative to the sun i#e# 2I hours!#
)evolution around &unH ?6L#2I2L days
*he"ical *o"position of the ,arthH ?I#6J Iron, 2D#LJ '6ygen, 1L#2J &ilicon, 12#7J %agnesiu", 2#IJ >ickel, 1#DJ &ulfur, and
8#8LJ $itaniu"
E;e5iel's ,it#<
5alculating the 5ircumference of the 6arth
by $ob 7ic#le
5odern science tells us that the circumference of the earth about the e*uator is %L,K:%.L mi.
7L:,:MD.C km, and that the circumference about the poles is %L,0D:.% mi. 7L:,::0.D km. $sing
data from the biblical books of 8"ekiel and ?evelation, we can easily arrive at a number between
these two figures.
-ineteenth century visionary 8llen G. ;hite described seeing a temple on a 5ount Zion in the
new earth at a distance from the -ew Gerusalem 7Early Writings 1K. @oncerning the -ew
Gerusalem, the book of ?evelation saysI
'nd 6 saw no temple thereinI for the 4ord God 'lmighty and the 4amb are the temple of it. 7?ev.
Gohn in ?evelation said there would be no temple inside the city, but he never said there would
be no temple outside the city. 6s there any biblical evidence to support the idea of a temple
outside the -ew Gerusalem/ 2he author found the evidence he was looking for in 8"ekiel, and in
the process ended up calculating from the Bible the the precise circumference of the earth.
The T4o ,ities
Page +1 of ))(
?evelation describes the -ew Gerusalem as a s*uare city with twelve gates, three to a side. 8ach
gate has one of the names of the twelve tribes over it, though we don.t know which name is over
which gate 7?ev. %1I1:=1D. God is described as dwelling there 7?ev. %%I!.
6nterestingly, 8"ekiel describes a very similar city where God shall dwell. 6t too is s*uare, with
three gates to a side. Going further than the book of ?evelation, 8"ekiel even tells us which
tribe.s name is over which gate. 78"ek. L0I!:=!C.
Our present Gerusalem has never been s*uare during its long and eventful history. 6t never has
had three gates to a side.
One additional detail 8"ekiel adds concerns the dividing up of the promised land. 8ven non=Gews
could get a portion 78"ek. LMI%%I%!1 ;hile this might be true in the new earth with its -ew
Gerusalem, the precise arrangement 8"ekiel describes has never yet transpired.
SmallScale Representation of =e4 >er(salem
;hile the -ew Gerusalem is 1%,::: furlongs in circumference, !,::: furlongs to a side, 8"ekiel.s
city is but L,C:: cubits to a side, *uite a bit smaller. &ince ?evelation.s city is roughly %!: times
the si"e of 8"ekiel.s city, we might say that 8"ekiel.s city is intended to be a small=scale
representation of the -ew Gerusalem.
'ctually, this would not be unusual in the Bible. ' careful reading of 9ebrews 0IC and KI%!
suggests that the sanctuary that 5oses constructed in the wilderness was but a small=scale
representation of the temple in heaven.
2he heavenly temple is referred to often in ?evelation. 6n ?evelation CI11, Gohn beholds millions
of angels standing before God.s throne in the 9oly (lace 7cf. ?ev. LIC. Obviously, the heavenly
temple has to be massive to accommodate so many worshippers.
2he sanctuary 5oses made contained a 9oly (lace about fifteen feet by thirty feet, and a 5ost
9oly (lace fifteen feet s*uare. 2he temple &olomon constructed doubled these dimensions,
producing places with four times the s*uare footage. &ince 5oses. sanctuary and &olomon.s
temple were obviously too small for millions of worshippers to assemble within their premises at
the same time, the earthly must have been merely a small=scale representation of the heavenly
A Temple +ar A4a# from the ,it#
Ear beyond the walls of 8"ekiel.s city stood 8"ekiel.s temple complex.
9ow far/ ?egardless of how you interpret the description 8"ekiel gives,
it was a minimum of C,::: cubits away to the north. &ince the temple has
never been at a distance from Gerusalem, we must be reading a
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description of what things will be like in the new earth.
'fter the 6sraelites returned from their captivity in Babylon in the sixth
century B.@., Zechariah plainly statedI
2herefore thus saith the 4O?D, 6 am returned to Gerusalem with merciesI
my house shall be built in it, saith the 4O?D of hosts, and a line shall be
stretched forth upon Gerusalem. 7Zec. 1I1D
&o the temple was to be rebuilt within Gerusalem, not without. 'nd thus it
has always been. 2hough there is talk in some sectors about rebuilding
the Gewish temple, none have called for its rebuilding a mile and a half
from the city. 'nd Gerusalem itself today would not fit within the area of
8"ekiel.s city. 8"ekiel must be depicting a small=scale representation of
things in the new earth.
T4o )o(ntains an$ the )o(nt of Oli%es
;e would need a rather large plain for the -ew Gerusalem to land upon
when it comes from heaven as ?evelation %1 describes, since it is roughly
!C: miles to a side. 2his is hinted at in the following versesI
6n the visions of God brought he me into the land of 6srael, and set me
upon a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the
south. 'nd he brought me thither, and, behold, there was a man, whose
appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his
hand, and a measuring reed, and he stood in the gate. 78"ekiel L:I%, !
8"ekiel then accompanies the HmanH as he measures the temple complex
which from afar looked like a city.
?evelation gives a similar descriptionI
'nd he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and
shewed me that great city, the holy Gerusalem, descending out of heaven
from God. 7?evelation %1I1:
Gohn then accompanies the angel as he goes about the city and measures
;hile 8"ekiel was on a mountain Bust to the north of the the temple,
which itself was a ways to the north of the city, it appears that Gohn was
on a mountain near to where the city descended. ;here did these
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mountains come from/
2hen shall the 4O?D go forth, and fight against those nations, as when
he fought in the day of battle. 'nd his feet shall stand in that day upon the
mount of Olives, which is before Gerusalem on the east, and the mount of
Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the
west, and there shall be a very great valley, and half of the mountain shall
remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. . . . 'll the land
shall be turned as a plain from Geba to ?immon south of GerusalemI and
it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from BenBamin#s gate unto
the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of
9ananeel unto the king#s winepresses. 7Zechariah 1LI!, L, 1:
;hile 8"ekiel was likely on the northern half of the former 5ount of
Olives, it would appear that Gohn was likely on the southern half.
The )ap of the Promise$ 'an$
8"ekiel provides an overall map of the promised land 78"ek. L0I1=%K.
2his map is the key to our calculation. Erom east to west we have thirteen
strips of land, twelve being for the twelve tribes. 2hese thirteen strips lie
against one another from north to south. 2he eighth strip is exactly
%C,::: cubits wide, with a %C,:::=cubit=wide s*uare in its center. Eor the
purposes of our calculations, we shall assume that all thirteen strips are
the same width, though the overall map 8"ekiel describes suggests strips
larger than this. $sing this one assumption, we end up with a map
looking something like thisI
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2he %C,::: cubit s*uare between Gudah and BenBamin looks something
like this, with the temple positioned C,::: cubits away from the cityI
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Or maybe the description 8"ekiel gives is of the temple being in the first
1:,::: cubit strip, and thus 1C,::: cubits away from the cityI
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&mall=&cale ?epresentation of -ew 8arth
6f 8"ekiel.s city is a small scale representation of the -ew Gerusalem,
what would the entire map of 8"ekiel be, but a small scale representation
of the entire earth/ 'fter all, the inheritance God promised 'braham was
not Bust the land of (alestineI
Eor the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to
'braham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness
of faith. 7?omans LI1!
But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the
abundance of peace. 7(salms !MI11
Blessed are the meekI for they shall inherit the earth. 75atthew CIC
2he Basic 6dea
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'ssuming that all thirteen strips of land are the same width, or rather,
assuming that 8"ekiel.s small=scale representation was intended to
represent thirteen strips of land of the same width, we have a map that
from top to bottom isI
1! x %C,::: cubits T !%C,::: cubits.
-ow we are ready for our calculations.
(erhaps the simplest way to put it is thisI 6f we enlarge 8"ekiel.s map till
8"ekiel.s city is the si"e of ?evelation.s -ew Gerusalem, then 8"ekiel.s
map encircles the globe.
2he proportion of 8"ekiel.s city to ?evelation.s -ew Gerusalem is the
same as that of 8"ekiel.s map to the earth.s circumferenceI
8"ekiel.s 5ap N 8"ekiel.s @ity ] ?evelation.s @ity T 8arth.s
@alculations a Bit Off
4et.s first use the furlong that most references tend to use, the 8nglish
furlong of DD: feet. &ince the -ew Gerusalem is !,::: furlongs to a side,
DD: ft. x !,::: furlongs N 7C,%0: feet N mi. T !MC mi. 7D:!.LK km
-ow we plug in the L,C::=cubit length of 8"ekiel.s city and the
theoretical !%C,:::=cubit length of 8"ekiel.s mapI
!%C,::: cu. N L,C:: cu. ] !MC mi. T %M,:0! mi. 7L!,C0C km
2his amounts to an error of Bust under XKR, which is close enough to be
@alculations ?ight On
&ince the apostle Gohn didn.t live in 8ngland, he never heard of the
8nglish furlong. 6nstead, he used the ?oman furlong. 2he author has
found three different measurements for the ?oman furlongI D:D.%C feet,
D:D.C feet, and D:D.0L feet.
Page +. of ))(
$sing a furlong of D:D.%C feetI
D:D.%C ft. x !,::: furlongs N 7C,%0: feet N mi. T !LL.LD mi. 7CCL.!L km
!%C,::: N L,C:: ] !LL.LD mi. T %L,0M0 mi. 7L:,:!D km
2his result is .:M1R more than the polar circumference and .:K0R less
than the e*uatorial circumference.
$sing a furlong of D:D.C feetI
D:D.C ft. x !,::: furlongs N 7C,%0: feet N mi. T !LL.D mi. 7CCL.CD km
!%C,::: N L,C:: ] !LL.D mi. T %L,000 mi. 7L:,:C% km
2his result is .11%R more than the polar circumference and .:CMR less
than the e*uatorial circumference.
$sing a furlong of D:D.0L feetI
D:D.0L ft. x !,::: furlongs N 7C,%0: feet N mi. T !LL.0: mi. 7CCL.0K
!%C,::: N L,C:: ] !LL.0: mi. T %L,K:% mi. 7L:,:MC km
2his result is .1M:R more than the polar circumference and .:::1R more
than the e*uatorial circumference.
2hese extremely small margins of error make the subBect more than Bust
2he &i"e of the 2emple
;e can use the same ratios to calculate the si"e of the 9oly (lace and
5ost 9oly (lace. 8"ekiel.s 9oly (lace was %: by L: cubits, and his 5ost
9oly (lace was %: by %: cubits 78"ek. L1I%, L.
&ince exact precision isn.t all that important, we.ll Bust use the furlong of
D:D.C ft. ;e must make two calculations, one for %: cubits and the other
for L: cubitsI
%: N L,C:: ] !LL.D mi. T 1.C! mi.
Page +/ of ))(
L: N L,C:: ] !LL.D mi. T !.:D mi.
6t is *uite possible, therefore, that the heavenly temple which will be
outside the -ew Gerusalem will have a 9oly (lace about ! by 1.C miles,
and a 5ost 9oly (lace about 1.C miles s*uare. -o wonder the structure
can accommodate millions of worshippers.
Page +0 of ))(
2he basic thought is that the new earth will be divided up into thirteen strips of land of e*ual
area, and all the redeemed will get their inheritance in one of those thirteen strips. 'nother
way to look at it would be for the globe to be divided up into thirteen wedges. 'll the
wedges would meet at the e*uator.
;e should remember that in the new earth we will not have the vast oceans we have today
7?evelation %1I1. ;e also would not have the polar ice caps. 8ven evolutionary geologists,
with their fanciful speculations of a four=and=a half=billion=year=old earth, tell us that for
most of that conBectural period, there was no ice at the poles. &o thirteen wedges could
conceivably consist of e*ual portions of habitable land, all basking in a moderate climate, a
climate much like what the earth must have had before -oah.s flood.
6n this little study, we have evidence of a God who knows all about our planet, and who
inspired holy men of old to write the words of &cripture.
=e4 Earth ' biblical concept. 'fter the end of sin and sinners, God creates a new heaven
and a new earth in which there is no more death or pain or sorrow. 3ivid descriptions are
contained in 6saiah DC, DD, and ?evelation %1, %%.
=e4 >er(salem ;here God dwells now in heaven. 2his city is to descend to earth at the
end of the millennium. Described in ?evelation %1, %%, and referred to in 9ebrews 11.
Who Was .ratosthenes?
.ratosthenes (*+@ =;,98 =- was a Greek mathematician, geographer and
astronomer# He was born in yrene (now Aibya- and died in Ptolemaic
0lexandria# He is noted for deBising a system of latitude and longitude and
computing the siCe of the .arth#
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emblem of royal power, usually made of precious metal and jewe! and consisting of a sphere surmounted by a cross. 2he ball as a symbol of the
cosmos, or of the universe as a harmonious whole, is derived from the ancient ?omans, who associated it with Gupiter and, hence, with the
emperor as his earthly representative.
C"#$!%$a&! adapted the symbol by setting a cross above the ball to signify the world dominated by @hristianity. ?ulers were often depicted with
the orb, but the first to hold it in hand at his coronation was the 9oly ?oman emperor 9enry 66 in 1:1L, thereafter the )imperial apple+ became an
important emblem of the royal power invested in the monarch. 2his is the gold ball that sits over the flag.
R'$&! () A&%$(*"+ (&*e a ,#('- R(.a& *$%/ w"e#e %"e ,#$.$%$0e
*"'#*" wa! )$#!% *ae- 1C"#$!%$a&12 A we#e Sa33a%a#$a&!2
Page ,( of ))(
This sacred relic is revered in Viet Nam
as a symbol of the Holy Heart, the
Buddhist version of the Catholic's
Sagrado Corazón, or Sacred Heart of
' %orte" 7plural: vortices is a spinning, often
turbulent, flow of fluid. 'ny spiral motion with
closed streamlines is vortex flow. 2he motion of the
fluid swirling rapidly around a center is called a
vortex. 2he speed and rate of rotation of the fluid in
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a free 7irrotational vortex are greatest at the center, and decrease progressively with distance
from the center, whereas the speed of a forced 7rotational vortex is "ero at the center and
increases proportional to the distance from the center. Both types of vortices exhibit a pressure
minimum at the center, though the pressure minimum in a free vortex is much lower.
• , Properties
• * 7ynamics
• $ Two types of Bortex
o $#, 6ree (irrotational- Bortex
o $#* 6orced (rotational- Bortex
• 8 Dortices in magnets
• ' 5bserBations
o '#, Instances
• @ !ee also
• + 4eferences and further reading
• " .xternal links
row Instability contrail demonstrates Bortex
3ortices display some special propertiesI
• The Euid pressure in a Bortex is lowest in
the center and rises progressiBely with
distance from the center# This is in
accordance with =ernoulli2s Principle# The
core of a Bortex in air is sometimes
Bisible because of a plume of water
Bapor caused by condensation in the low
pressure of the core# The spout of a
tornado is a classic and frightening example of the Bisible core of a Bortex# 0
dust deBil is also the core of a Bortex, made Bisible by the dust drawn
upwards by the turbulent Eow of air from ground leBel into the low pressure
• The core of eBery Bortex can be considered to contain a Bortex line, and
eBery particle in the Bortex can be considered to be circulating around the
Bortex line# Dortex lines can start and end at the boundary of the Euid or form
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closed loops# They cannot start or end in the Euid# (!ee HelmholtC2s
theorems#- Dortices readily deEect and attach themselBes to a solid surface#
6or example, a Bortex usually forms ahead of the propeller disk or <et engine
of a slow;moBing airplane# 5ne end of the Bortex line is attached to the
propeller disk or <et engine, but when the airplane is taxiing the other end of
the Bortex line readily attaches itself to the ground rather than end in midair#
The Bortex can suck water and small stones into the core and then into the
propeller disk or <et engine#
• Two or more Bortices that are approximately parallel and circulating in the
same direction will merge to form a single Bortex# The circulation of the
merged Bortex will e3ual the sum of the circulations of the constituent
Bortices# 6or example, a sheet of small Bortices Eows from the trailing edge of
the wing or propeller of an airplane when the wing is deBeloping lift or the
propeller is deBeloping thrust# In less than one wing chord downstream of the
trailing edge of the wing these small Bortices merge to form a single Bortex# If
Biewed from the tail of the airplane, looking forward in the direction of Eight,
there is one wingtip Bortex trailing from the left;hand wing and circulating
clockwise, and another wingtip Bortex trailing from the right;hand wing and
circulating anti;clockwise# The result is a region of downwash behind the
wing, between the pair of wingtip Bortices# These two wingtip Bortices do not
merge because they are circulating in opposite directions#
• Dortices contain a lot of energy in the circular motion of the Euid# In an ideal
Euid this energy can neBer be dissipated and the Bortex would persist foreBer#
HoweBer, real Euids exhibit Biscosity and this dissipates energy Bery slowly
from the core of the Bortex# (!ee 4ankine Bortex-# It is only through
dissipation of a Bortex due to Biscosity that a Bortex line can end in the Euid,
rather than at the boundary of the Euid# 6or example, the wingtip Bortices
from an airplane dissipate slowly and linger in the atmosphere long after the
airplane has passed# This is a haCard to other aircraft and is known as wake
' vortex can be any circular or rotary flow. (erhaps unexpectedly, not all vortices possess
orticity. 3orticity is a mathematical concept used in fluid dynamics. 6t can be related to the
amount of HcirculationH or HrotationH in a fluid. 6n fluid dynamics, vorticity is the circulation per
unit area at a point in the flow field. 6t is a vector *uantity, whose direction is 7roughly speaking
along the axis of the swirl. 2he vorticity of a free vortex is "ero everywhere except at the center,
whereas the vorticity of a forced vortex is non="ero. 3orticity is an approximately conserved
*uantity, meaning that it is not readily created or destroyed in a flow. 2herefore, flows that start
with minimal vorticity, such as water in a basin, create vortices with minimal vorticity, such as
the characteristic swirling and approximately free vortex structure when it drains. By contrast,
fluids that initially have vorticity, such as water in a rotating bowl, form vortices with vorticity,
exhibited by the much less pronounced low pressure region at the center of this flow. 'lso in
fluid dynamics, the movement of a fluid can be said to be ortical if the fluid moves around in a
circle, or in a helix, or if it tends to spin around some axis. &uch motion can also be called
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solenoidal. 6n the atmospheric sciences, vorticity is a property that characteri"es large=scale
rotation of air masses. &ince the atmospheric circulation is nearly hori"ontal, the 7! dimensional
vorticity is nearly vertical, and it is common to use the vertical component as a scalar vorticity.
5athematically, vorticity is defined as the curl of the fluid elocity I
T4o t#pes of %orte"
6n fluid mechanics, a distinction is often made between two limiting vortex cases. One is called
the free 7irrotational vortex, and the other is the forced 7rotational vortex. 2hese are considered
as belowI
Two autumn leaBes in a
counter;clockwise Bortex
(reference position-#
Two autumn leaBes in a
rotational Bortex rotate
with the counter;clockwise
Two autumn leaBes in an
irrotational Bortex preserBe
their original orientation
while moBing counter;
8ree (irrotational) 9ortex
;hen fluid is drawn down a plug=hole, one can observe the phenomenon of a free %orte" or line
%orte". 2he tangential velocity varies inversely as the distance r from the center of rotation, so
the angular momentum, r, is constant, the vorticity is "ero everywhere 7except for a singularity
at the center=line and the circulation about a contour containing r T : has the same value
everywhere. 2he free surface 7if present dips sharply 7as r
as the center line is approached.
2he tangential velocity is given byI
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where _ is the circulation and r is the radial distance from the center of the vortex.
6n non=technical terms, the fluid near the center of the vortex circulates faster than the fluid far
from the center. 2he speed along the circular path of flow is held constant or decreases as you
move out from the center. 't the same time the inner streamlines have a shorter distance to travel
to complete a ring. 6f you were running a race on a circular track would you rather be on the
inside or outside, assuming the goal was to complete a circle/ 6magine a leaf floating in a free
vortex. 2he leaf.s tip points to the center and the blade straddles multiple streamlines. 2he outer
flow is slow in terms of angle traversed and it exerts a backwards tug on the base of the leaf
while the faster inner flow pulls the tip forwards. 2he drag force opposes rotation of the leaf as it
moves around the circle.
8orced (rotational) 9ortex
6n a force$ %orte" the fluid essentially rotates as a solid body 7there is no shear. 2he motion can
be reali"ed by placing a dish of fluid on a turntable rotating at ` radiansNsec, the fluid has
vorticity of %` everywhere, and the free surface 7if present is a parabola.
2he tangential velocity is given byI
where ` is the angular velocity and r is the radial distance from the center of the vortex.
-ortices in ma&nets
Different classes of vortex waves also exist in magnets. 2here are exact solutions to classical
nonlinear magnetic e*uations e.g. 4andau=4ifshit" e*uation, continuum 9eisenberg model,
6shimori e*uation, nonlinear &chradinger e*uation and so on.
' vortex can be seen in the spiraling motion of air or li*uid around a center of rotation. 2he
circular current of water of conflicting tides often form vortex shapes. 2urbulent flow makes
many vortices. ' good example of a vortex is the atmospheric phenomenon of a whirlwind or a
tornado or dust devil. 2his whirling air mass mostly takes the form of a helix, column, or spiral.
2ornadoes develop from severe thunderstorms, usually spawned from s*uall lines and supercell
thunderstorms, though they sometimes happen as a result of a hurricane.
6n atmospheric physics, a mesoorte! is on the scale of a few miles 7smaller than a hurricane but
larger than a tornado. O%P On a much smaller scale, a vortex is usually formed as water goes down
a drain, as in a sink or a toilet. 2his occurs in water as the revolving mass forms a whirlpool. 2his
whirlpool is caused by water flowing out of a small opening in the bottom of a basin or reservoir.
2his swirling flow structure within a region of fluid flow opens downward from the water
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• In the hydrodynamic interpretation of the behaBiour of electromagnetic Felds,
the acceleration of electric Euid in a particular direction creates a positiBe
Bortex of magnetic Euid# This in turn creates around itself a corresponding
negatiBe Bortex of electric Euid#
• !moke ring G 0 ring of smoke which persists for a surprisingly long time,
illustrating the slow rate at which Biscosity dissipates the energy of a Bortex#
• Aift;induced drag of a wing on an aircraft#
• The primary cause of drag in the sail of a sloop#
• WhirlpoolG a swirling body of water produced by ocean tides or by a hole
underneath the Bortex where the water would drain out, such as a bathtub# 0
large, powerful whirlpool is known as a maelstrom# In popular imagination,
but only rarely in reality, they can haBe the dangerous eHect of destroying
boats# .xamples are !cylla and harybdis of classical mythology in the !traits
of Messina, ItalyI the >aruto whirlpools of >ankaido, JapanI the Maelstrom,
Aofoten, >orway#
• Tornado G a Biolent windstorm characteriCed by a twisting, funnel;shaped
cloud# 0 less Biolent Bersion of a tornado, oBer water, is called a waterspout#
• Hurricane G a much larger, swirling body of clouds produced by eBaporating
warm ocean water and inEuenced by the .arth2s rotation# !imilar, but far
greater, Bortices are also seen on other planets, such as the permanent Great
4ed !pot on Jupiter and the intermittent Great 7ark !pot on >eptune#
• Polar Bortex G a persistent, large;scale cyclone centered near the .arth2s
poles, in the middle and upper troposphere and the stratosphere#
• !unspot G dark region on the !un2s surface (photosphere- marked by a lower
temperature than its surroundings, and intense magnetic actiBity#
• The accretion disk of a black hole or other massiBe graBitational source#
• !piral galaxy G a type of galaxy in the Hubble se3uence which is characteriCed
by a thin, rotating disk# .arth2s galaxy, the Milky Way, is of this type#
3ortices appear to be points of power or energy on the 8arth, and ley lines are the relationships
between those points. 'n analogy might be that the vortices are accupressure points. and the ley
lines between them are meridians on the skin of the body of 5other 8arth.
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9owever, reality is likely not so simple. 5y theory is that there is a template for this physical
reality in a world existing concomitant with this one, and that template is geometric, or
mathematical in organi"ation. 5atter is here, then not here, moving back and forth between
implicate and explicate reality, as described in the theories of David Bohm, a contemporary and
colleague of 8instein. 2his template for matter as we experience it in this explicate reality 7the
physical world is in implicate reality, as also described in the Hmorphogenetic fieldsH of ?upert
&heldrake, a biologist at @ambridge in the 1KD:.s.
Goel Goldsmith, a metaphysical healer, often
alludes to the same kind of system in his books, Gane ?oberts mentions 6t in the ð books, and
&wedenborg ;rote of the correspondence between this world and that of the spiritual in 9eaven
and 9ell, paragraph K:.
6f this is what is, then it.s possible that the template for our 8arth .in that unseen reality is
crystalline .in organi"ation. Eurthermore, that crystalline matrix seems to be similar to a geodesic
dome==a series of triangular shapes fit together to form the skin of a sphere. 2he Boining on the
surface of the 8arth at the apexes of these triangles are points of energy focus, the vortices of the
8arth. &ome of the principal lines of force Goin =mg these vortices, called Hley lines, H form
triangular shapes between vortices.
't these foci of energy 8arth, as it forms .in explicate reality 7our world as we sense it, reveals
the presence of these foci, or vortices, by =nations of geologic significanceI 2hese formations are
volcanoes, high mountains, hot springs, mineral deposits, ends of sand spits near the ocean, sea
mounts, forks of rivers, river mouths, large falls, deep gorges, rock outcroppings, and possibly
others. &ome dams are located on vortices, and often mineral deposits, especially gold, denote a
vortex. 2here is a whole swirl of vortices around and near the Golden Gate Bridge, and these
might be the coming together of several faults==many ley lines follow the great faults and
waterways on the surface of our earth.
2his system of vortices and ley lines is not a new idea. &acred temples of the ancient world
around the 5editerranean are located at powerful vortices, and drawing lines between them will
bring out patterns of triangles. 2he 6ndians in the 'merican &outhwest as well as those in (eru
and other parts of &outh 'merica located their cities and the roads between them on vortices and
ley lines, which look 4ike so many spokes and hubs. 2he @hinese practice the ancient science of
geomancy. H2he Olde &traite (athesH of 8ngland,
the location of &tonehenge and it.s
relationship to the Great (yramid, Glastonbury and the myth of 'valon correlate to vortices. 6.m
sure there are many more examples throughout the world.
8dgar @ayce spoke of gigantic earth*uakes in &outhern @alifornia after 5ount 8tna in 6taly and
5ount (elee on the 6sland of 5artini*ue exploded. 5aybe they#re all on the same ley line. 6
believe that these maBor lines HcrackH the 8arth in a regular, mathematical pattern. a function of
pi. ' geological graduate student in 5ontana proposed such a theory in the late sixties. 6 suspect
that earth*uakes that occur close to each other in time often represent earth movement along the
same ley line. 5any times 6 have found this to be so. Eor instance, &heep (eak, near 4as 3egas,
and ;innemucca also, is connected to 5t. ?ainier and the (oint occupied by (ort 2ownsend in
the (uget &ound. 8arth*uakes have happened on the same day along this ley line.
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2he @hinese have practiced geomancy for thousands of years, and the cathedrals of 8urope are
located on powerful vortices. 6 suspect that many of the old &panish missions are located on
sacred ground here in our 'merican ;est. 2o me, some of the cities on the ;est @oast seem to
be located in really the wrong spotsI &eattle, (ortland, &an Erancisco and 4os 'ngeles are
situated in areas of confused Bumbles of ley lines crossing every which way. 4iving might be
more pleasant and secure if we would take the time to find a harmonious spot for the location of
buildings and towns. 6f your house is crossed ley a ley line, and you don.t like it, consult .with an
old=time dowser as to ways of putting rebar in the ground connected by copper wire to pass the
force around rather than through. your property.
Eurthermore, 6 believe that the discomfort of HBet lagH felt after a long trip is our bodies
complaining about crossing so many electromagnetic lines. 2his strips off our outer bodies ==
astral, etheric, and mental == which are susceptible to electronic forces. 6 usually feel terrible after
driving the 1=C freeway from &outhern Oregon to &outhern @alifornia because it crosses, rather
than follows, some powerful lines between maBor vortices. 'fter such a trip, 6 feel that 6 have to
get myself Hback togetherH again. 6f our highways, railroad tracks and airways were laid out
Eollowing ley lines rather than crossing them, we would move harmonious= with the earth, and
our bodies would not suffer as they do now.
Erom an imaginary viewpoint out in space. large vortices appear to be the hubs of wheels, and
the spokes emanating from them are ley lines. &ome of these HspokesH are more powerful than
others, Bust as there seems to be different degrees of strength to the vortices. 2hese spokes are
like gears. in that the spokes are fixed, but energy whirls about. to and from the vortices, moving
from spoke to spoke in whirls o different and changing fre*uencies. $ntil we devise instruments
to monitor and measure these lines of force, this idea will be only conBecture.
's viewed from space, some of these ley lines will cross each other, three or more of them, at
exactly the same spot. 2hese points of crossings are often in uninhabited places, wastelands or
mountain areas so avoided that there is often no mountain or place name nearby to name them.
2hese points of crossings 6 call Derived 3ortices. &ome of these Derived vortices are obviously
*uite powerful, because 6 found them by noticing the intersection of principal ley, lines 7lines
from known important vortices. 2hese derived vortices and their relationships, or ley lines,
between each other also meet three or more at exact points, forming further derivations. Often,
near derived vortices, the aeronautical charts note areas of magnetic disturbance.
8xcept for the lines that end at &anta Barbara, the Oregon 3ortex and the trench off the coast of
&outhern Oregon, almost all of these principal lines continue on to other countries and
continents. 6 have limited myself to the 'merican ;est because that is the area that 6 know. 6n
years past. 6 have flown over 7in a light plane, driven by, and hiked or camped on or near many
of these sacred places.
&O??A... check back for updates1
Eor an excellent exposition on vortices and ley lines, read "iew #er Atlantis by Gohn 5ichell
7-ew AorkI Ballantine, 1KM!.P
Page ,0 of ))(
&o how is a 3ortex created and sustained/ 2o begin
&edona is rich in Ee%o!. H6ron OxideH. 6t is the
element that is responsible for the red rocks, soil, and
even the red color of the inner bark of trees.
5agnetite may also exist in large *uantities.
@oncentrations of iron oxide and other metalNminerals
have the effect of focusing the earth.s natural
Geomagnetism, a product of this planet.s molten outer
core. 's the outer core churns a magnetic north and
south pole are created. But in the process another
form of magnetism is produced. 6t is non=dipole in
nature. -on dipole meaning no north or south. Gust
pure magnetic energy. 5ost of this energy is absorbed by the primary dipole, 7northNsouth field but a portion of it
Page -1 of ))(
may reach and penetrate the surface of our planet. ;ithin the earth non=dipole magnetism assumes the form of a
H3ortex 4ikeH shape, 7&piral, 7@ircular, that exhibits upwards and downwards motion. &ince metalsNminerals have
the tendency to align the earth.s natural magnetism, this fact is the basis for many forms of metalNmineral detection
systems. 2he crystalline like structure of the metalNmineral is such that it allows the earth.s magnetic field to be
focused 7concentrated through the metalNmineral deposit. ' proton precession magnetometer can be used to detect a
magnetic field concentrated in this manner and has been used for metalNmineral exploration. ;ithout getting too
carried away with all the science let.s move forward.
But first one more scientific fact. Geese fly north in the springtime. 9ow do they know which way north is/ 2hey
have concentrations of magnetite in their inner ear fluid. 2he magnetite acts as part of a biological compass for the
geese. Of course other birds, mammals, etc. also have this ability due to magnetite but what about we humans/
&tudies have shown women typically have higher concentrations of magnetite in their inner ear fluid then men.
2herefore they are more receptive to subtle electromagnetic energies. 2his fact known it does not mean men will not
experience vortex energy. 6t simply means they may need to be more aware and alert to subtle changes while
exposed to the energy.
2here have been many books and speculations with regards to the special energy found in &edona. &ome say it can
not be measured while others claim it to be electromagnetic in origin. 'fter 1: years of research using Eluxgate
5agnetometers and large 6nduction @oils 6 can definitively state intense electromagnetic activity abounds in &edona.
2he $&G&, 7$nited &tates Geological &urvey, has confirmed my findings. (lease see their report further down this
page. 6n my opinion this magnetic activity can be correlated with 3ortex energy but it does not necessarily mean it
is the only factor at work. 6 have recorded many intense magnetic in and outflows of energy in &edona and it is my
belief this energy is sensed by the magnetite in our inner ear fluid. $nlike the process of hearing which relies on
mechanical vibration 7the ear drum , to produce electrical impulses to the brain, the magnetite, as a
receptor produces the impulses that through additional processes stimulate the temporal lobes of the brain. &ee Dr.
5ichael (ersingers. work on temporal lobe stimulation using rotating magnetic fields. 6t is also possible magnetic in
and outflows directly stimulate the temporal lobes depending on their intensity at the time, but personal experience
supports the magnetite as the primary receptor.
8inding the
Dortex phenomena happens at all diHerent sorts of
locations# Most of the time Bortex wells are out going on
hills and mountains, and in going in Balleys# Juniper trees
respond to the Bortex energy in a
physical way that reBeals where this energy is strongest#
The stronger the energy, the more of an axial twist Juniper
trees haBe in their trunks and branches, Instead of going
straight down the branch, the lines of growth follow a slow
helical spiral along the length of the branch# This spiraling
eHect can sometimes eBen bend the branch itself# 0lso
grass or other geometric patterning in the architecture of
the landscape can proBide clues# Kairns, spires, 0lso you
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may notice spirals in the cloud formations and other natural signs#
Make sure to pay close attention to the birds and other animals,
god gaBe aspects to there physical senses that are more sensitiBe
then that of a human# 0lways keep your senseLs keen as many
kinds of unusual phenomena (paranormal, M65, ect#- happen in
and around the Bortex# When you plan your trip you may wish to
look for some M!G! magnetic Euctuation maps for the area
intended for exploration# The M!G! has mapped the entire planet from space, and
has many data oBerlay maps aBailable# 1ou may also want to say a prayer and use a
pendulum to dowse the map before exploration#
Solfeggio fre;uencies
MT N $9@ HC N Aiberating Guilt and 6ear
4. N 8,+ HC N Mndoing !ituations and 6acilitating hange
MI N '*" HC N Transformation and Miracles (7>0 4epair-
60 N @$9 HC N onnectingO4elationships
!5A N +8, HC N 0wakening Intuition
A0 N "'* HC N 4eturning to !piritual 5rder
+re*(encies for e*(altempere$ scale
Page -) of ))(
This table created using 08 P 88& HC
!peed of sound P $8' mOs P ,,$& ftOs P ++& milesOhr
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Page -0 of ))(
• H( w % ( * (& 0 e # % .' ! $ * a & ( % e ! % ( * ( ( # 2
• M' ! $ * a & ( % e ! a& - % " e $ # * ( # # e ! , ( & - $ & B * ( ( # ! (& a Ke /3 ( a # - 2
• T" e Me a ! ' # e .e & % () L$ B " % + M' ! $ * a * (., ( ! $ % $ (& C C a - j ' ! % $ & B a .'! $ * a
! * a e % ( % " e ) # e D ' e & * $ e ! () Ea # % " a & - Ve& ' ! 2
• P a & e % a # / Ha # .(& $ * ! $ & $ B " % + * ( ( # + a & - ! ( ' & - ) ( # " ea $ &B 2
• Na % ' # a 0 e # ! e ! .a& .a - e ) # e D ' e & * $ e ! 2
• A& e E % e & ! $ 0 e ' , - a % e * a # $ ) /$ & B % " e S* "' .a & & Re ! ( & a & * e ! 2
Page .1 of ))(
5on9erting 4udio Tones to the Visible S=ectrum of Light % 5olor
Before getting into (lanetary 9armonics and Bio=harmonic resonances, let us first explore the
octave of visible light, that which the human eye sees, and its relation to sound. 2he octave of
visible light, extending from the color red to the color violet, is forty octaves higher than middle
audio octave, that which you would hear on a piano keyboard. 4ight, however, is measured by its
wavelength, whereas sound in measured by its fre*uency.
Ere*uency is a measure of how many waves occur in a given moment of time. 2he most common
unit of measure for fre*uency is the 9ert". One 9ert" T one cycle per second. ' fre*uency of D:
9ert" means that there are D: cycles occurring in one second.
6f we were to raise the middle @, which has a fre*uency of bC%! 9ert", by forty octaves 7C%!
times % forty times, we would have a very high fre*uency of C.MC:LLC01 x 1:
9ert". 2hat is
CMC trillion cycles per second. Because of these unweilding numbers, light is measured by the
length of wave 7space rather than how many waves are occurring in a second. ' higher
fre*uency means that there are more waves occurring in a given amount of time, thus the waves
become shorter as the fre*uency becomes higher. 2hus, Ere*uency and wavelength have an
inverse relationship.
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;aves of light are *uite short. Eor example, the center fre*uency of the color green has a
wavelength that is :.::::::C1!% meters long 7:.C1!% x 1:
meters. 2o make this easy, we
measure visible light in a unit called the cngstrom 7c 7that is a capital ' with a little circle on
top. One cngstrom T 1 x 1:
meters 7that is one nanometer. 2he colors of the visible spectrum
are measured in thousands of cngstroms. 's show in the above char, the visible spectrum of
light extends from about M::: c 7red to about L::: c 7violet. 'lso shown in the above chart
are the center wavelengths for each of the seven basic colors, their corresponding audio
fre*uencies, and the location of the musical notes of an audio octave translated to the the visible
5on9erting 8re;uency to Wa9elength
2o convert a fre*uency to wavelength, we divide the Hspeed of lightH by the fre*uency.
@onversly, to convert a wavelength to fre*uency, we divide the Hspeed of lightH by the fre*uency.
2o convert the middle audio octave to light 7wavelength we must first raise the note 7fre*uency
forty octaves 7fre*uency times %, forty times.
EE a ., e F T( * ( & 0 e # % .$ - - e C 8 4 5 3 H7 9 $ % ! * ( # # e ! , ( & - $ &B wa 0 e e & B % " $ & % " e 0 $ ! $ 3 e ! , e * % # ' .2
Eirst we must raise C%! 9" forty octaves 7C%! times %, forty times
2hat T CMC:LLC01!%D0L0 cyclesNsec.
2hen we convert that fre*uency to wavelength 7using the formula above
2hus, we divide the speed of light by that fre*uency.
$sing %KK,M%M,M!0 mNsec 7the speed of light at 8arth.s surfaceI
%KKM%MM!0 metersNsec divided by CMC:LLC01!%D0L0 cyclesNsec T C.%1%%C%1K%0!M1MMe=:M
meters Td C%1% cngstroms, which lies in the green band of the visible light spectrum.
2hus, when we raise each note in middle audio octave by forty octaves we find its corresponding
color harmonic. 's shown in the chart below, the note HGH lies in the red area of the color
spectrum. 2he note H'H raised forty octaves lies in the orange part of the spectrum. 2he note HBH
lies in the lemon 7yellow=green part of the spectrum. 2he note H@H in the green band, the note
HDH in the tur*uoise=blue band, and the note H8H lies in the violet band. -otice that the note HEH
lies in the far violet area of the visible spectrum. 2his is near where the human eye range of color
perception begins to drop off 7although uni*ue to each person. 'lso notice that the note Ee lies
even further from violet, in the near=$3 7ultra=violet area of the spectrum. 2hus, it also 7when
raised !K octaves rather than forty octaves it resides in the far=red 7or near infra=red. Because of
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this, the note Ee embrace the visible spectrum, and thus has some red and some violet, a
combination that produce the more of a purple color.
P$ a & ( Ke / B( a # - a & - G'$ % a # G# e % 3 ( a # - $ & C( ( #
N( % e F T# a & ! a % $ & B % " e * ( ( # ! ( ) 0 $ ! $ 3 e $ B " % % ( a
* ( .,' % e # ! * # e e & ( # % ( , # $ & % e - - ( * '.e & % $ ! a &
a , , # ( E $ .a % $ ( & 2 Ke e , % " $ ! $ & .$ & - $ ) / ( ' a # e
' ! $ & B ( # , # $ & % $ & B % " e a 3 ( 0 e * " a # % ) ( # /( ' #
, e # ! ( & a ' ! e 2
ED'a Te.,e#a.e&%+ S%a&-a#- P$%*" A?::= H7
M$--e A'-$( H:= O*%a0e! Wa0ee&B%" $& I&B!%#(.!
GJ 36;2;;4 H7 :=661354:;6316>25 H7 8H3;9 >36>26;6: I 8,'#,e @ #e-C0$(e%9
G 3;12;;6 H7 :31==:16==:166=2; H7 8H:=9 6;4:21>5> I 8#e- 9
GJ :1423=4 H7 :466356>64>34112> H7 6463266;> I 8 #e-C(#a&Be9
Page .* of ))(
A ::=2=== H7 :63>64116551::= H7 61;42:>54 I 8(#a&Be9
AJ :66216: 415445>36:4=4>125 H7 46:>2>::3 I 8/e(w 9
B :;32663 H7 4:3=3=1=156=6;:25 H7 441;24:1; I 8e.(& 9
C 4532541 H7 4>4=::4613566:6 H7 451525455 I 8B#ee&9
CJ 44:2364 H7 6=;43=>63435=:525 H7 :;1>23451 I 8 B#ee&C%'D'($!e9
D 46>233= H7 6:4>>616:3:16>621 H7 :6:123464 I 83'e 9
DJ 655254: 66:1>44=6:3=15>21 :36=266=: I 8 3'eC$&-$B(9
E 64;2544 H7 >5:64643616;:662; :13:2;654 I 8 0$(e%9
G 6;62:4> H7 >6>;614;3==14:126 3;=52;==1 I 8 )a# 0$(e%9
GJ >3;2;6; 6136564=;;5633:24 H7 8H:=9 366326:;5 I 8,'#,e @ #e-C0$(e%9
7lanetary 'armonics
2he astrophysical parameters of a planet are, in part, that which create its
astrological characteristic 7psychophysiological resonance. 'n example
chart of 8arth.s 9armonic &pectrum is presented below. 8arth.s
astrophysical parameters are shown translated to their corresponding alpha
brain wave fre*uencies, audio fre*uencies, and corresponding light 7color
2he fundamental fre*uencies of a planet are derived from the planet.s
astrophysical parameters such as diameter, circumference, rotational
velocity, orbital period, etc. 2hese fre*uencies generally have very long
wavelengths, thus they lie in the very low fre*uency 784E and ultra=low
fre*uency 7$4E range. (lanetary harmonics govern natural long=term
biological growth patterns, monthly and yearly biological processes, and
daily brain and psychophysiological function.
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4ike audible sound, brainwaves are measured in fre*uency, were as light is
measured by its wavelength. 2he mid=audio octave is six octaves up from
the alpha brain wave octave, and, as presented above, the visible octave of
light 7color is L: octaves up from the mid=audio octave.
;hen we think of a color of light, generally we are visuali"ing a narrow
band of many fre*uencies 7wavelengths that comprise a single color or
shade of color. 6n the chart shown above, the center fre*uency 7wavelength
of each of the basic colors is shown, as well as their corresponding audio
and brain wave fre*uencies. 'lso shown is the conventional musical scale,
which reveals where each note lies with respect to the colors in the light
2he following chart shows the fundamental 8arth harmonics in light,
sound, and brain wave fre*uencies. 'll of these fre*uencies 7and many
more create 8arth.s uni*ue H9armonic &ignature.H
H&pacialH astronomical parameters, such as the distance of a planet form the
&un or 8arth, its diameter and circumference, to name a few, have
harmonics resonances Bust like Htime=relatedH parameters, like the orbital
period of planet 7its year, or its rotational period 7its day. 'll of these
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parameters create a planet.s complex Hharmonic signature.H 2hat is why it
make little sense to say a planet resonates with one specific fre*uency. 2he
harmonic signatures of all of the planets in our solar system, as well as a
myriad of ever=changing resonances occurring between the planets, as well
as those created by their ever=changing cycles with each other, create s
Grand 8volutionary &ymphony in which life evolves in our entire solar
system. 2his is the Hharmonic environmentH in which every biological
rhythm breathes.
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The Schumann 2esonances
2he M.0! 9". &chumann ?esonance figure that many people hear about is a
number made popular by researcher ?obert Beck whose work on 84E
signals, 8arth resonances, and their affect on brain wave fre*uencies was
presented at a $.&. (sychotronic conference and published in late 1KM:.s.
9e reported that M.0! 9" is a brainwave fre*uency often detected when
psychics are in their intuiting mode. Others following his work proclaimed
the &chumann ?esonance to be M.0! 9"., although this has led to some
confusion as to the true nature of the &chumann ?esonances 7yes plural,
and to the assumption that 8arth herself resonates at this one fre*uency,
which it does not.
6n actuality, there are several fre*uencies between M and C: 9ert" that
compose the &chumann ?esonances. 2hese fre*uencies start at M.0 9" and
progress by approximately C.K 9". 7M.0, 1!.M, 1K.D, %C.C, !1.L, !M.!, and
L!.% 9".. 2hese resonances are -O2 composed of fixed or specific
fre*uencies any more than the collective mood of human surface
consciousness is fixed. @hanges occurring in these fre*uencies are *uite
normal and do not indicate anything out of the ordinary. 'll of these
fre*uencies fluctuate around their nominal values. Eor example, the
fundamental &chumann fre*uency fluctuates between M.: 9". to 0.C 9".
2hese fre*uencies vary from geological location to location, and they can
even have naturally occurring interruptions.
2hese fre*uencies were first calculated by &chumann in 1KC%, he reporting
the lowest in the group to be about 1: 9". 2hey were later measured by the
-ational Bureau of &tandards at Boulder @olorado in the 1KD:.s where the
M.0 9" nominal figure was discovered along with the C.K 9" progressing
2he &chumann ?esonances are the result of cosmic energy build=up within
the cavity that exists between 8arth.s highly conductive surface and the
conducting layer in the upper atmosphere called the ionosphere.] 2his
creates a world=wide lightning display of broadband electromagnetic
impulses that fill this cavity and that act as the stimulus for the cavity to
resonate. 72his is another example of spatially created harmonic
K A , a # % ( ) Ea # % " < ! ' , , e # a % .( ! , " e # e $ ! $ ( & $ 7 e- , a ! .a * a ' ! e - 3 / % " e
! ' & < ! ' % # a 0 $ ( e % # a - $ a % $ (& 2
T" $ ! a /e # + % " e $ ( & ( ! , " e # e + * (' , e ! Ea # % " < ! ( ' % e # .aB & e % ( ! , " e # e w$ % "
Ea # % " < ! $ & & e # & e ' % # a a % .( ! , " e # e 2
2he &chumann ?esonances, thus, are also a part of the many
fre*uencies that create 8arth.s H9armonic &ignature.H
Page .. of ))(
2he M.0 9". &chumann fundamental fre*uency is *uite close to
8arth.s M.C 9". circumference harmonic 7calculated using the speed
of light at 8arth.s surface. 6t is also close to 0 9"., an ideal number
from a mathematical perspective. Because of all of these factors, the
M.0! 9". fre*uency, the M.0 &chumann ?esonance or an 0 9".
fre*uency, had been proclaimed by some to be an ideal fre*uency to
attune to, and that to electronically generate a fre*uency in this
range may even protect us from unwanted harmful fre*uencies==a
point upon which 6, any many others, tend to differ and which 6
elucidate upon in the H4ight and &ound for 9ealingH section below.
2o support our greatest well being, and to make possible our
evolution and spiritual awakening, we must allow ourselves 7and
our brainwave patterns to breath in concert with mother 8arth and
with her natural cycles moment=to=moment. 2he 8arth is a spherical
receiver of cosmic energy 7evolutionary intelligence which directs
our biological process and spiritual evolutionary unfoldment. 2he
8arth re=radiates the cosmic information it receives from its core
outward in complex long=wave signals. ;e receive these signals via
our spinal columns and cranial structures 7a vertical antenna
system. 2he cranial cavity, the capstone to this antenna captures
this information and re=focuses it to the pineal gland, a neuro=
endocrine transducer in the center of the brain, where it is then
transmitted 7via the hypothalamus as signals that direct the pituitary
gland, the master control center of the brain. 2hese signals are
further distributed via the rest of the neurological sytem.
&ignals in nature breath and meander. Only man=made signals are
well=defined sign=wave fre*uencies. 6t is possible to entrain the
brain with artificially generated signals in a matter of seconds==and
at a cost. ;e are not intended to function at one specific fre*uency.
8ntraining ourselves with artificially generated fre*uencies for
extended periods, whether 0 9" or by the C: and D: 9" power fields
we live in, can be debilitating and is dangerous. 6t can create
degeneration, disease, and mental, emotional, and physical
disharmony and imbalance. 5ost importantly, it can keep us from
receiving and integrating the cosmic intelligence provided by
mother 8arth in a harmonious way. 2hat intelligence is responsible
for our evolutionary awakening. 6t is more important now than ever
to be attuned to 8arth.s core, and the natural cycles of nature, our
entire astronomical harmonic environment, for our
psychophysiological stability and spiritual awakening.
2here has also been rumor circulating in some esoteric circles about
the M.0 9". &chumann fre*uency increasing and that this implies a
raising of the awareness or spirituality of human consciousness. 6n
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my opinion, both points are nonsense built upon misunderstandings
about the fluctuating and multi=fre*uency nature of the &chumann
?esonances and about the nature of fre*uencies in general. 8ven if
it were true 7which would re*uire a significant change in the
physical si"e of the 8arth or in her surrounding atmosphere, an
increase in fre*uency does not imply an increase in awareness==on
the contrary if anything. Erom a philosophical perspective, if one
were to extend their field of perception out to embrace more space,
one would be relaxing their brainwave patterns toward a longer
wavelength, toward "ero, not increasing their brainwave
fre*uencies. ;hen people say, they are increasing in fre*uency, or
increasing their vibrational rate, and they are referring to shifting
from a material form to a light form, or to a more transcendent
dimensional form, these terms 7used to describe fre*uencies in the
electromagnetic spectrum are really inappropriately applied. 2hey
are implying general concepts of thought only and should be
understood as such.
7lanetary 'armonic
'lthough there are many other parameters creating each planet.s
Hharmonic signature,H the following chart is a comparison of the
four basic parameters of each of the primary planetsI rotation and
sidereal period 7time, and circumference and diameter 7space.
@orresponding brain wave fre*uencies, middle octave audio
fre*uencies, and light wavelengths are shown for each planetary
Page .0 of ))(
-otice the close resonance between Gupiter.s circumference
harmonic and (luto.s circumference harmonic, and between Gupiter.s
diameter harmonic and (luto.s diameter harmonic. 'strologically,
Gupiter and (luto work well together, this being one indicator of
why this is so. 2he same holds true for (luto and 5ercury. 5any
interesting correspondences can be found when exploring planetary
harmonics. 'nother example is the close resonance between
5ercury.s rotation harmonic, and -eptune.s sidereal period
harmonic. 'n in=depth presentation of this ressearch and work
which 6 began in the mid=1K0:s, 6 may publish in the future.
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4 8un 6x=loration for
Musicians and Sound 'ealers
2he following material reveals how to adBust the pitch of the
conventional musical scale so it resonates to different planetary
harmonics==in this case, 8arth or 3enus. @omposing music in a pitch
resonant to 3enus, for example, can bring out an entirely new
expression and an entirely new response from the listener.
2he following two charts show musical octaves adBusted to the
planetary harmonics of 8arth and 3enus. 2he first chart is more
educational in nature. 6t shows the conventional musical scale, the
(ythagorean musical scale, and a musical scale shifted to resonate
with 8arth.s mean circumference.
2he (ythagorean musical scale is simply based on whole number
progression of 0 9ert" as the fundamental fre*uency to create the
[email protected] 2hat is, 0 9". raised D octaves is C1% 9". 2his drops the
pitch of the conventional musical scale==from middle @ being C%!
9". to middle @ being C1% 9". 8ight hert" is very close to the
&chumann ?esonance of M.0 9".
2he musical scale based on 8arth.s circumference drops middle @
yet further, down to LMK.1:L 9".
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In Tune to Denus
2here are five scales in the chart below. 2he first one shows the
conventional musical scale. 8ach of the other four are shifted in
pitch to resonate with four different harmonic parameters of 3enus.
2he scale based on the circumference of 3enus has the note H@H
adBusted to this harmonic. 2he scale based on the diameter of 3enus
has the note HGH adBusted to this harmonic. 2he scale based on the
rotation of 3enus also has the note HGH adBusted to this harmonic.
2he scale based on the sidereal 7orbital period of 3enus has the
note H'H adBusted to this harmonic.
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2his last scale may be the easiest for musicians to explore for
reasons discussed below. 2his scale raises the note H'H from the
conventional LL: 9". to LL%.!0 9". 2o compose music in this
slightly higher pitch can provide a *uite interesting experience.
Because H'H is the note in this scale that is resonant to the 3enus
sidereal period, it may be of interest to explore composition in the
key of '.
hanging the Pitch of a Musical Instrument
Obviously it is not possible to change the pitch on all musical
instruments, but the pitch can be changed slightly on some reed and
string instruments, and on some synthesi"ers. Because the pitch is
shifted the least amount based upon the 3enus &idereal (eriod, it
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may be the easiest one for most musical instruments to easily
5ore sophisticated synthesi"ers may provide the capacity to vary
the pitch to accommodate the other scales, and some may even offer
the ability to program the fre*uency of each note individually
7which provides a means to create non=conventional scales with the
planetary harmonics. 8ither way, there is the need to have a
fre*uency readout of at least one note to adBust the pitch control of
the synthesi"er. 6f a synth does not have this feature, it is simple to
connect a Hdigital fre*uency counterH for this purpose. 7'sk your
local electronics. wi" to help. 2o adBust an acoustic instrument,
simply use a microphone 7and amp if re*uired fed into a Hdigital
fre*uency counter.H
2here are many ways to explore the use of (lanetary 9armonics.
'pplying them in musical composition is a safe approach. 9owever,
caution should be exercised if using any electronically generated
fre*uency for a sustained period.
7lanetary 'armonics in Light
and Sound for 'ealing
5y exploratory research in the 1K0:.s using specific colors, sound,
and geometry tuned to the planetary harmonics was extremely
affective at stimulating mental, emotional, and physical response for
healing purposes. 2he different harmonic parameters of one planet
also have different effects as well 7too involved to discuss in this
introductory presentation. 2he use of specific fre*uencies in this
more focused way should be explored only by those who have a
thorough understanding of bio=energy medicine, light=sound
technologies, mental, emotional, and physiological
correspondences, and the Hhealing crisisH process.
Because of the entraining capacity of single electronically generated
fre*uencies 7as described under H&chumann ?esonancesH, if they
are used for sustained periods, they can trigger and hold a person in
any number of psycho=emotional states. Eor example, specific
fre*uencies can trigger or accentuate any Hcondition of weakness.H
6f a person has a thyroid condition and suppressed anger, certain
fre*uencies may trigger this condition and enrage the person. 6f a
person has a thymus 7heart chakra immune weakness and
suppressed fear, sustained man=made fre*uencies can trigger and
hold that person in extreme paranoia. 72his type of entrainment
already occurs due to the C: and D: 9ert" electromagnetic fields
people live in daily and the electronic devices they live with==
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including 23.s and computers. Eor this reason, and when using
fre*uencies for healing purposes, specific fre*uencies 7especially in
coordinated color and sound, should be used in se*uences or
progressions designed to bring a person completely through a
healing crisis rather than simply trigger the condition, or worse yet,
sustain it.
Whole brain and body
'lthough the use of individual fre*uencies might be used for
healing, brain and body coaching, etc. the healthy brain and body
functions in wide bandwidth of naturally occurring resonances, not
at some ideali"ed fre*uency. ?emember, living in a pure and
unadulterated environment free of entraining fre*uencies, attuned to
8arth, the lunar rhythms, and to the other natural astronomical
cycles of life, is one of the healthiest things a person can do.
Planet =ame of =ote Pitch
>ronos 7&aturn, (hainon, Hshining oneH hypate 7highest up 8
Zeus 7Gupiter, (haethon, Hbrilliant oneH parhypate E
'res 75ars, (yroeis, Hfiery oneH lichanos or hypermese G
9elios 7&un mese 7middle '
9ermes 75ercury, &tilbon, Hgleaming oneH paramese or trite B flat
'phrodite 73enus, (hosphoros, Hlight bearerH paranete @
&elene 75oon nete 7lowest D
Page /, of ))(
Pythagorean birth number harmonic (tonic note) number
The 12 Tone Scale
There are many "eo"le no#$a$days tal%ing about Harmonic Healing and Sound
Healing! &ost notable are the Tomitis teachers and associates, and this organization
#e highly recommend for "eo"le #ith hearing and learning difficulties!
Ho#ever, there are many other "eo"le 'out there' #ho s"ea% only of the 'C' scale in
their #ritings, #eb "ages and boo%s! (n our o"inion, and according to the teachings of
)ythagoras, any system that does not include the *+,, -. T/N0 structure is
essentially fla#ed!
(f you see any chart that says things li%e, 'The Note C is connect to the Base Cha%ra'
etc! then you can also consider that the "erson is not #ell versed in Harmonic
The reality is this: Your body will 'hum' to the Harmonic Music that suits it.
1ou are already 'singing the Harmonic' of your body, at a s"iritual level, and at a
molecular level! 1ou can hear this tone in 2uiet moments! Have you heard that high
"itched buzz in our around your ears3 4t Number Harmonics #e can #or% out 1/+5
tone mathematically through the analysis of your name and birth details! 1our
Harmonic Chart is based on a series of 'Tones' that are 2uite S)0C(*(C to 1/+!
6hy is this im"ortant3 4 "erson #ho vibrates to the Note 'B' #ill have a com"letely
different res"onse to the note 'C' than the "erson naturally vibrates to 'C'! (n fact, if
you are a natural 'B' harmonic, listening to 'C' all the time can ma%e you lethargic!
7This is very im"ortant to understand if you are buying a crystal Bo#l, or similar8
/nce more !!! 6hy is this im"ortant3 Sim"ly "ut9 If any system does not incorporate
A 12 !"T#S then TH$"% IT A%AY! (t is ne:t to useless, and #orse, it C/+,; be
causing you obstruction! )lease note9 There is a ,/T of #rong information out there
regarding Harmonic Healing
The &urse of Sharps and 'lats
4 lot of misinformation comes about because of the use of Shar"s and *lats! &any
"eo"le believe that the 'C' scale is the most im"ortant, but really, #hile it is the %ey
note for )lanet 0arth, it is <ust one of -. scales, #hich all relate to -== other scales,
#hich relate to ->.? other scales, and so on!
How did we get stuck with this "Sharp" and "Flat nonsense in Music? How on Earth did
we end up with the "Black Notes" on the piano?? You can blame the Catholic Church
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6e need to %no# a little about the history of ho# the -. Note scale #as thro#n to
one side and 6H1 the 'C' scale #as used for almost one thousand years to the
e:clusion of all other scales! To understand ho# the 'C' scale came about as the
'"rimary' scale in music #e need to loo% at the Catholic Church!
;uring the @th Century, during the "eriod of the (conoclasts 7and immediately "rior to
this8 a ram"ant angst against anything that #as not ')ure' Christian belief became a
driving force for all Church doctrine! It was in this period that the &ourt of the Holy
In(uisition was first set up.
4t this "oint in time, the Catholic Church actively destroyed and denigrated all other
'o""osition' faiths! They considered the &+S(C of these faiths to be degenerate and
';evil &usic'! 0ven the universities dedicated to )ythagoras and )lato had to close
do#n! /nly the Catholic +niversities remained, and only Catholic thought held s#ay!
So why did we end up with the )&) scale as the important one*
The Catholic Belief #as sim"le!!! Certain combinations of notes could form ';evil
Chords'! 7These are the same chords you hear in Horror &ovies8 (f these Chords #ere
"layed, it #ould release ;evil's to #al% u"on the 0arth! &usic #as seen as a "o#erful
door#ay to the ;ivinity, but it could also be used as a door#ay to the hordes of hell!
So music had to be constrained and confined to #hat #as 'safe'!
These so$called ';evil Chords' are the same chords you hear in the mystery and horror
movies !!! To the su"erstitious medieval mind, it really could sound li%e you #ere
releasing ;evils!
The short and the long of it is sim"ly this !!! The Seven Notes that could not form any
';evil Chords' are #hat #e call the 'C' Scale! (t is as sim"le as this, and so the 'C'
scale became the only one that could be "layed! (n fact, if you "layed a note from
any other scale, you could be burned at the Sta%e for Heresy!
)rior to this, music #as numbered from one to t#elve!!! /ne #as #hat #e no# call
'4', . is 'Bb', A is 'B' and so on until #e get to -. #hich is BbC4b! The -Ath note
became the start of the ne:t octave, and so -A D - or '4'!
(n the ;ar% 4ges, if you got caught "laying that 'evil' Bb note !!! 1ou could get burned
at the sta%e! No one #as 4,,/60; to "lay #hat are no# the Shar"s and flats, or the
Blac% Eeys on the "iano! ;id you ever #onder #hy the early s"inets had only the
#hite %eys3 The net result is that music theory at that time evolved to Seven notes,
#hich became the letters 4 to B!
;uring the 5eformation the 'missing' notes #ere included bac% into the &usical
4l"habet, but by this time the > note system #as entrenched, and so #e got the
'blac%' notes stuffed bet#een their former "osition in the -. note se2uence !!! (t
caused concerns about #here these 'ne#' notes could be "laced on the %eyboard!
Page /. of ))(
(t #as resolved by "utting the 'Blac% notes' bet#een the #hite notes at the
a""ro"riate "laces! Then, to to" off this lunacy, to try and ma%e sense out of this
nonsense these 'Blac% notes' #ere called Sharp #hen above the #hite note, and flat
#hen belo# it! 7But in the meantime Bb and 4A are the same noteF8
This led to some of the "retty ridiculous logic inversions in modern theory and this, of
itself, is #hat made learning music much harder than it needed to be!
Safe to say, #e have a -. Note Scale! 6e have /N0 )4TT05N that selects a scale, and
everything in theory is sim"le a V45(4T(/N of the /ne )attern! (t is a little li%e ,ord of
the 5ings !!! the /ne 5ing to <oin them all!!!
/f course !!! 6e are not here to teach you music theory, but ho# to 4)),1 the
mathematical information of a date of birth or a name to a &usic Scale!
The 8irst Ste=s
• (n understanding Harmonic Healing #e need to realize that there is nothing mystical or
"sychic in the "rocess of com"iling a chart for an individual! (t is a set "rocess that is
sim"le, and only re2uires a moderate degree of musical %no#ledge, and a basic
%no#ledge of the )ythagorean Number )atterns!
How it works: .Beryone has a >ame and a 7ate of =irth# We resolBe these down
to >umbers, and >umber Patterns# .ach >umber and >umber Pattern has a Musical
>ote or progression assigned to them# The speciFc relationship these >umbers haBe
to each other resolBes into harmonic progressions we can play back to a person#
The Principle is based on the Pythagorean =elief that all is >umber, and that we are
a !ong# Pythagoras held that all is >umber, and that these >umbers described
MniBersal Tones he called Sthe Music of the !pheresT# If you consider that this
phrase has lasted some *,8&& years and is known in most Western Aanguages, then
by sheer weight of tradition it indicates there must be something in this term#
Mnderstanding exactly UwhatL it means is part of why we are here today# AetLs look
at the basic graphs we use in determining H5W we resolBe >ames and =irth 7ates
into Harmonic Patterns#
8irstly, e loo# at the !ate of $irth> the ) July (0,- resol9es don to&
)?.?(?0?,?- @ *1 *1 is *?1 @ T'266>
Three is the $:2T' <AM$62 for this date>
Page // of ))(
Then we go to the Graph below that associates the =irth >umber with a Musical
>ote# In this case, a TH4.. =irth 7ate resonates with the >ote Q=Q
Basic Musical Alphabet Number Pattern! Numbering the Notes "Fig #$%&
0 =b = 7b 7 .b . 6 Gb G 0b
, * $ 8 ' @ + " 9 ,& ,, ,*
He#e we *a& !ee "(w %"e 1M'!$*a A,"a3e%1 )((w! a !$.,e+ (B$*a ,#(B#e!!$(&2 S%a#%$&B w$%"
%"e &(%e 1A1 %"e A&*$e&% G#eeL! !$.,/ *ae- %"e .'!$*a &(%e! 3/ N'.3e#+ (&e %( %we0e2
Next we find the DIATONIC !e"en n#te$ !CA%& that relates t# the Birth
0 =b = 7b 7 .b . 6 Gb G 0b
, * $ 8 ' @ + " 9 ,& ,, ,*
b((( ((( (V V bV( V(
Please note that I am using 6lats, not !harps, simply to saBe space# The >umber
Three is associated to the >umber se3uence in the order aboBe# It is Bery important
that the 7b in the se3uence in this key is the !.5>7 note of the scale, etc# the
P5!ITI5> of the note in the !cale is Bery important#
&xample #f N#tes in the 'ey #f (&) ! Finding the 'iatonic Scale "Fig #B%&
0 =b = 7b 7 .b . 6 Gb G 0b
, * $ 8 ' @ + " 9 ,& ,, ,*
.ach !0A. has a set of notes that go with it# The M0J54, or 7iatonic !cale is a
!.D.> note !cale, and it has TH4.. basic Minor positions, or modes# When you play
the MI>54 note, you drop out the Ma<or note that it deriBes from### In other words, if
you play the Minor $rd, you drop out the $rd note from the scale#
The aboBe describes simply how we Fnd out what basic !0A. goes with the =I4TH
>MM=.4 in someone2s Harmonic hart# >ext we look at how to create a pattern of
>umber from a >ame#
Page /0 of ))(
Basic Alphabet Number Pattern! (esol)ing *etter in Number "Fig #C%&
4 $ 5 ! 6 8 G ' :
J B L M < 3 7 C 2
( ) * + , - . / 0
6hen is comes to finding out #hat numbers are associated #ith ,etters, again #e
follo# a sim"le "rogression! '4' D /ne, 'B' D T#o, and so on! /bviously, '' D -G but #e
add do#n the -G to 7- H G D8 /N0
The 'irst Step in compilin, a Harmonic &hart is to determine the -I$TH !umber.
and from this resol/e the 0IAT"!I& S&A#. Then we associate a number /alue to
each letter in the name.
'rom here we will learn how to apply these pieces of information into a way to
construct Harmonic Se(uences that are specific and uni(ue to each indi/idual.
3ohn Smith is born on 12 March 1425.
6lease resol/e the details of his name to !umbers. and wor7 out the -irth !ote
Session "ne Homewor7
ohn Smith is born on -. &arch -I.A! He has the follo#ing Number 4ssociations to his
- @ ? J - = I . ?
/ H N S & ( T H
-irth 0ate2
Page 01 of ))(
-. &45CH -I.A D 7-H.HAH-HIH.HA D 8 .- 7.H- D 8 Three
Three e2uates to the ,etter 'B' and has the follo#ing harmonic values associated #ith
' Bb B @ Db D 8b 8 E Gb G 'b
1 % ! L C D M 0 K 1: 11 1%
b366 366 ( (( b((( ((( (V V bV( V(
Second Ste=& Let’s See How It Works in Practice:
5alculating the Matrix&
<ame Values&
6rom this QcodeQ on the preBious page we see how a number can be seen as the
S>ameT for a letter# In truth all we are talking about is a way to describe a cycle of
eBents, which we determine as a T5>0A !.VM.>.#
4 $ 5 ! 6 8 G ' :
J B L M < 3 7 C 2
( ) * + , - . / 0
Thus9 ohn Smith has the follo#ing Number 4ssociations to his name9
- @ ? J - = I . ?
/ H N S & ( T H
6e no# need to ma%e sense out of these a""arently random numbers, and the #ay
#e do this is to "lace the numbers from the name into #hat is called a &4T5(K
The &4T5(K is a Brid "attern that loo%s li%e a Noughts and Crosses, or Tic Tac Toe,
"attern! (n this grid of nine s2uares, each s2uare has a Number 4ssociation!
Six <ine At left is the simple concept called the
Page 0( of ))(
“Matrix” !his constr"ction is a wa# of
lookin$ at the PA!!%&' of '"m(ers in a
chart in a wa# that is )"ick to record and
eas# to "nderstand !he Matrix is like a *rid
and we "se it all the time in "nderstandin$
the principle of Harmonic Mappin$
8our Se9en
In the >0M. John !mith we haBe the following >umbers represented as !T45K.! in
the appropriate QboxQ I.G Two strokes in the 5>. =ox, because he has two 5ne2s in
his name, etc#
Three Si: Nine
C C CC T#o *ive 0ight
CC C /ne *our Seven
3ohn Smith Matri8
0ate +alues2
#ach 0AT# also has a Matri82
Here we can see how a 0ate of -irth also resol/es into a Matri8 6attern
Page 0) of ))(
-elow are further e8amples of the Matri8 that e/ol/es from the 0ate underneath
-?CG?C-I@@ .AC--C.G-. -=C-GC-I.. A-CGAC.G@@
!ote2 The 0ate can be an important date in someone's life. a -irthdate. a
marria,e. a new 9ob. startin, a new company... Any or all of these can be used to
resol/e 0ates to a 6ATT#$!.
Soon we will loo7 at how to ta7e the 6ATT#$! and con/ert it into Harmonic
Wor# out the Matrix details for the folloing !ates and <ames
Session 'our Homewor7
3ohn Smith is -orn on the 25 April 14:;
This is a 'our 0ay. and so relates to )&).
%or7 out the 1ey !ote from his 0ate of -irth
%rite out the Matri8 for his !ame and his date of -irth
0escribe what !"T#S and &H"$0S affect the !ame and the 0ate of -irth
ohn Smith has the follo#ing Number 4ssociations to his name9
- @ ? J - = I . ?
/ H N S & ( T H
Page 0* of ))(
His &atri: is9
< <
< <
<< <
iN 4 B(5TH ;4T0 TH4T 4;;S T/ */+59 */+5 D TH0 N/T0 C
< <
# A 0
< < << 0 = &
<< < & ' -
!otes2 &. 0. '. =. A
+A&A!T2 # and -
Stated9 Cma<, ;min, *ma<, Bma<, 4min, ;Ith
Vacant9 0min, Bdim /5 Bb&a<
H(S ;4T0 /* B(5TH 50S/,V0S T/ TH0 */,,/6(NB &4T5(K9
< <
# A 0
< < 0 = &
< < < & ' -
25 < >? < 14:;
!otes2 &. 0. #. '. =. -
+A&A!T2 A and &
Stated9 Cma<, ;min, 0min, *ma<, Bma<, Bdin /5 Bbma<, ;Ith
Vacant9 4min, Cma<
Page 0+ of ))(
.A /ct -I?> )eter ones -= Nov -?@. &ichael Blac%
The Third Step
The Third Ste" in constructing a Harmonic Chart is to associate a Scale of N/T0S from
the information #e receive in a ;4T0
Music works on a =ase ,* !ystem### In other words, it goes to TW.AD. before it
starts again at 5>.# HoweBer, in the !0A. there is !eBen >otes# The 7iatonic !cale
is a =0!. !.D.> !ystem# =ut it gets more complex, because we haBe and added
TH4.. basic Minor Dariations to eBery 7iatonic !cale, which giBes an option of a
=0!. T.>, or 7ecimal system, in the basic Modal forms
It sounds more complicated than it is#
The TwelBe Tone !cale is something that is perfectly natural and harmonic# The
pattern of frets on a fretted instrument is the same ratio that is formed when ripples
expand from a pond, and so we are talking about a progression of STone !e3uenceT
that is a natural occurrence#
0s the pattern of ycles unfold from one 7ate to 0nother, so too does a harmonic
cycle unfold# There is a trick in understanding how we resolBe a 7ecimal !ystem
into a =ase TwelBe !ystem, but if you can <ust bear with us and follow the details as
they unfold, it won2t be too great an issue#
0 person born on the ,* 6eb ,9$8 has the numbers ,*#*#,9$8 in their chart# 0dd
these together W ,X*X*X,X9X$X8 P **# Then add this result down to *X* P 8
0 =b = 7b 7 .b . 6 Gb G 0b
, * $ 8 ' @ + " 9 ,& ,, ,*
>ow we look at the hart that relates this number to a Musical >oteG 5n the chart
proBided, 65M4 e3uates to the note ST W 0nd so this persons SKey >oteT is ST
Page 0, of ))(
!imple# >ow all we do is to work out the QQ !cale, which is easy if you haBe a piano
or keyboard### The notes in the QQ !cale are the WHIT. notes on the keyboard#
Then we work out the 7I0T5>I (Ma<or !cale- >5T.! that go with this Key (It is the
easy oneW 0ll the White >otes on the Piano are ST- We do this by a==lying the
sim=le =rinci=le of& ))()))( to the Musical 4l=habet>
This can sound complex, but it isn2t# =y this we mean, you start at the ST note and
go up two steps, then another two steps, then 5ne !tep, then Two, then Two, then
TwoW 0nd the last S5neT step brings you back to the Tonic or Key >ote#
We can see the same pattern with the Minor Dariations included as followsG >=G We
always use 45M0> >umerals to describe the InterBal !tructure of a !cale (To saBe
0 =b = 7b 7 .b . 6 Gb G 0b
, * $ 8 ' @ + " 9 ,& ,, ,*
2 2
2 2 1 2
To understand this simple practiceW ST is the 6irst note of the ST !caleW S0T is the
!ixth >ote of the ST !cale# How do we put this into a >umerical Dalue when
compiling a chart? !imply, wheneBer someone a birth date that indicates ST as the
Tonic of Key >ote of the hart has a S!ixT represented, it indicates the note S0T
0gain, it may look and sound a little complicated, but it truth it is Bery Bery simple#
0 person has a QnoteQ selected from the day they were born# This 7ate is simply a
Page 0- of ))(
representation of a series of cycles from the 1ear 5ne, and we compile this into a
simple cycle denoted by the Q=irth >umberQ
4s #e began to loo% at in the last session, #hen #e loo% at #hat #e call the L&atri:M of the
)ythagorean Tradition #e #ill 2uic%ly see ho# im"ortant it is to be able to identify a note to
a Number, and then associate that number to a series of Notes in a Scale!!
!ow we ASS"&IAT# the 0etails of the 0AT# to a MAT$I@2
# A 0
<< 0 = &
<<< < & ' -
12 < >2 < 145? !otes relatin, to !umber in )&)
NB9 The Nine "osition e2uates to the Ninth in &usic, #hich is the same as the Second
Note, one octave higher! The 0ight )osition is the same as the Tonic, or base note,
only one octave higher!
(n this chart, the N/T0S determined from the numbers in the ;ate of Birth are C, ;
and *! )laying these notes to a "erson born on this date #ill have a s"ecific effect
u"on them, based on the Numerical )rinci"les #ithin the -!.!=, -!.!I, .!=!I and
-!=!I Trines 7Covered in the Numerology Course8
6e can also convert these notes to CH/5;S, and this is sim"ly to associate the note to
either a &a<or or &inor Chord! The )attern for this is -D &a<or, . D &inor, A D &inor, =
D &a<or, J D &a<or, @ D &inor, > D ;iminished /5 *lattened to a &a<or!
So in the above e:am"le, the chords C, ;m and * can also be "layed to the "erson,
and in general, these chords #ill have an effect associated #ith the -!.!=, -!.!I,
.!=!I and -!=!I Trines
H"%#+#$... The +A&A!T positions. or the places where the !umber is !"T
defined. these are also /ery important. In this instance. the 5. :. A. ; and Bth
positions are +A&A!T. This indicates a connection between the 5rd. :th. Ath. ;th.
and Bth notes of the )&) scale.
Betting over#helmed3 (f you go through it all ste" by ste", and go slo#ly, it #ill start
to ma%e sense to you!
Hold on ti,ht. because shortly we will be loo7in, at how we disco/er the 6ATT#$!S
of !otes in a Matri8
Page 0. of ))(
The 'orth Step
The 6raph 4e (se to resol%e the basic Ae# or Tonic =ote is as follo4s<
The "rocess is given in this e:am"le9 4 "erson born of the AG &ay 7J8 -I@. has the
birth number of AHGHJH-HIH@H. D .@ #hich adds to .H@ D 0(BHT! 0ight is the birth
number! *ollo#ing the very sim"le universal series of notes that has remained
unchanged since the time of )ythagoras, #e find the numeral ? e2uates to the note
The !"T#S that relate to the 1ey of C#D are2
' Bb B @ Db D 8b 8 E Gb G 'b
1 % ! L C D M 0 K 1: 11 1%
63 3 36 366 6 66 666
6hat #e are doing is L"luc%ing outM the )ersonal Tones that relate to an individuals
;ate of Birth from the +niversal Tone Scale N This is, in a sense, identifying #hich
Seven 0nergies out of the T#elve available relate to the )erson!
Note that this is called the L(nterval StructureM and is sho#n as 5/&4N N+&054,S to
ma%e sure #e do not confuse these #ith the sim"le - to -. notes of the com"lete
&usical Scale! 4gain, the 5oman Numerals are the 6ersonal !otes relating to an
individuals 0ate of -irth! The - to -. numbers in the charts above relate to the
+niversal Scale!
6e can describe a Harmonic &atri: for the N4&0 as #ell, but the Harmonic Value is
based on the ;ate of Birth! This is the E01 N/T0 of the individual!
The basic idea is to resolve9
-! The ;ate do#n to a Eey Number, #hich relates to9
.! 4 &usical Note, and then9
A! 6e relate this Eey Note to a Scale, or se2uence of Notes! *inally #e come to9
Page 0/ of ))(
' Bb B @ Db D 8b 8 E Gb G 'b
1 % ! L C D M 0 K 1: 11 1%
=! 4 Se2uence that relates to the Numbers #e can no# #or% #ith in order to
move onto the ne:t stage of the Harmonic Chart #here #e discover #hat
)4TT05NS are at #or%! This is the area #e call The &atri:!
This is the most important area. and it re(uires a basic understandin, of
6ytha,orean !umerolo,y to ,rasp it. 6lease try and rela8. and understand that this
can ta7e a little time to ,et in char,e ofE -ut once you C,et itD it is li7e ridin, a
bi7eE It is so easy. (uic7 and simple you will be amaFed at how fast you will ,et at
resol/in, a Harmonic 6attern in any ,i/en &hart.
The 'ifth Step
Gnderstandin, the Matri82
The &atri: comes to us from a long history of &antic Studies! (t loo%s li%e a traditional
Noughts and Crosses or Tic Tac Toe )attern, and some #ould say this is an e:am"le of
ho# arcane #isdom has been "reserved throughout the ;ar% 4ges!
Six <ine
At left is the simple concept called the
“Matrix” !his constr"ction is a wa# of
lookin$ at the PA!!%&' of '"m(ers in a
chart in a wa# that is )"ick to record and
eas# to "nderstand !he Matrix is like a *rid
and we "se it all the time in "nderstandin$
the principle of Harmonic Mappin$
8our Se9en
0boBe is an example of the Matrix# Please note where the position of the Numbers
are giBen from 5ne to >ine# !his is the +asis of m"ch that follows,
!he stor# so far: A person born of the 30 May (5) 1!" has the birth number of
3#0#5#1##!#" $ "! %hich a&&s to "#! $ E'()*+ *he Number Ei,ht relates to
the note -E. an& so the person is in the /ey of -E.+
Now we look at a Birth date "+r a name, as a Name can be resol)ed into Numbers and a
Matri- as well& and look at the numbers represented in this .e gi)e a stroke to
represent the #weight% o/ the number in an0 particular area 1wo Se)en2s gi)e two
strokes in the Se)en bo-, etc For the birth date 34
Ma0 5678 the /ollowing
representation is o//ered9
Page 00 of ))(
-./01234 Please note that there are
'5 6o"r’s7 Se8en’s or %i$ht’s
represented7 so these (oxes remain
(lank !he rest of the '"m(ers ha8e a
“wei$ht” of “one” each7 and so $ain
5'% S!&59% to represent them in the
If we see that the 8, + and " are D00>T (I.G >ot there-# This means they all share
the !0M. W.IGHT and so we see there is a special relationship between these
notes# They form a T4I>. or Harmonic 4elationship between the 6ourth, !eBenth
and .ighth (Tonic- >ote
This is Bery important# The QweightQ of each number is the degree to which it is
represented in a >ame or 7ate of =irth# It is the W.IGHT more than anything else
that helps us to determine if a Pattern or 0spect is Balid and actiBe in any giBen
Harmonic hart
6V62E <AM$62 that has an 6CA4L Weight (6ither Vacant, a eight of 3ne
Stro#es, or To, etc) has a relationshi= beteen all other notes ith the
S4M6 eight> :n the abo9e 5hart the 3ne, To, Three, 8i9e, Six, and <ine
share the same GeightH thus there is a relationshi= in this 5hart beteen
the Tonic, Second, Third, 8ifth, Sixth and <inth>
'armonically S=ea#ing, the Matrix re=resents the <3T6S of the !iatonic
Scale as follos&
5rd Ath 4th
2nd :th Bth HtonicI
1st ?th ;th
4s "reviously discussed, from here #e can #or% out Notes and Chord Se2uences that relate to
these notes! The Chord Se2uence can vary according to the &ode or 4s"ect the Chart is
"layed in, but the basic chord se2uence is as follo#s9
1st 2nd 5rd ?th :th Ath ;th Bth 4th
Ma9or Minor Minor
Ma9or Ma9or Minor
Ma9or Ma9or 4th
Page (11 of ))(
Let’s look at more di:c"lt date: ,* July ,988
*his a&&s to: ,X*X+X,X9X8X8 P *" )?/ @ (1 and (1 @ (?1
@ 3<6
!en can (e either 5ne 5& !en ;0<. = 0> !his is the ?rst ma@or 8ariation to
the simple Pattern of '"m(ers7 (eca"se with the 0.7 00 and 03 as +irth
'"m(ers we ha8e eAecti8el# !W5 9%BS at work in a chart !he 'otes that
relate to the !en are:
NB9 6e
can also loo% at e:tra"olating this scale and seeing #hat other numbers relate to
these notes as in the e:am"le given belo#9
A -b - & 0b 0 #b # ' =b = Ab A
1 2 5 ? : A ; B 4 1> 11 12 15
It should be noted that the increasingOdecreasing Pitch of the Music will cycle on
foreBer e9en beyond audible hearing ranges>
<ext e Ind out ho the harmonic notes of both of these Scales ((1 and
() e9ol9e from this =oint through the instrument of the MatrixJ
Page (1( of ))(
0 =b = 7b 7 .b . 6 Gb G 0b
, * $ 8 ' @ + " 9 ,& ,, ,*
With the n"m(ers in the +irth Cate 03D01EE we $et the followin$ Pattern
in the Matrix:
O ,*#+#,988W Note that there are no 30 50
! or 1 numbers present in this 2irth&ate0
an& so the areas representin, these
numbers are left blan3+
*his essentially means that there is a
relationship bet%een the 2irth Number
an& the inter4als of the 3
0 5
0 !
an& 1
(tonic) notes+
:t is easier to or# out the <umber%<ote relationshi=s if e use a table of
• The
, '
, @
and "
(the "
is really the 5ctaBe or ,
- >otes in the SGbT !cale areG
=b, 7b, .b and Gb W 0ny combination of Three or more of these >otes haBe a
speciFc Harmonic .nergy that relate to a person with this =irth 7ate#
• The $
, '
, @
and "
>otes in the S0T !cale areG 7b, ., Gb and 0 W 0nd so any
combination of Three or more of these >otes has a speciFc Harmonic .nergy that
relate to the person with this =irth 7ate#
It is worth noting that Gb and 7b are common to both !cales#
Naturally, #e follo# the same "rinci"le of evolving Chords from Notes!
Ne:t #e need to loo% at ho# #e form )4TT05NS from the &atri:
6atterns in the Matri82
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4 $b $ 5 !b ! 6b 6 8 Gb G 4b
( ) * + , - . / 0 (1 (( ()
III I+ + +I +II I II
I II III I+ + +I +II
%or7in, out 6atterns in the Matri8 is really /ery easy when you ,et used to it. and
(uite difficult until you do.
#ssentially. we loo7 for basic connections. The first connection we loo7 for is the
ine or the Trine.
4 Trine is defined as any three numbers in the &atri: that share 0O+4, 60(BHT
7Stated or Vacant8! This creates a T5(4NB,0 of Notes according to the Eey Note of the
Birth ;ate! Naturally this is #hat #e record, and generally there are a number of
Trines in any given chart! These then all become )5/B50SS(/NS, or Harmonic
Se2uences, of the Eey Note!
Some e8amples are in the date2 14 May 1425
< <<
< < < < <
<< < <
14 < >: < 1425 2.5.: Trine +acant ?.;.B Trine
< <
< < < <
+acant ?.A.; Trine +acant ?.A.B Trine +acant A.;.B Trine
6e also have ,(N0S in the &atri:! (n the same date #e have the B504T0ST 60(BHT of
Number re"resented on the -!J!I ,ine! This then becomes a -!J!I ,ine of *orce!
< << <<
< < <
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<< <<
14 < >: < 1425 1.:.4 ine of 'orce
6e can loo% at a variation9 (f the ;ate #as the Ith &ay -I.A it #ould be slightly
< <<
< < < <
< < <
4 < >: < 1425 1.:.4 ine of 'orce 1.2.5 ine of -alance
(n the above ;ate, #e find a N06 ,ine emerging!!! 4 line #here all the number share
the S4&0 60(BHT! This is called a ,ine of Balance
6e have another condition in ,ines called the V4C4NT ,(N0! This is #hen there is N/
number re"resentation at all in the matri: along a s"ecific line, as in the ;ate9 -A
Se"t -I?.! This date has a number of )atterns in it as #ell, #hich #e loo% at ne:t!
< ! <<
! J !
! ! !
< ! < ! J ! ! ! !
<< ! < ! J ! ! ! !
15 < >; < 14B2 ?.:.A +acant ine !
6ith the date I &ay -I.A9 4 )4TT05N is formed #ith T#o ,ines to *orm a 'V' Sha"e!
This denotes a relationshi" bet#een all these numbers, and a s"ecific meaning is
added to the nature of the Harmonic Chart as a result!
< << < <<
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< < < <
< <
4 < >: < 1425 1.2.5
The prior e8ample of the date2 15 Sept 14B2 shows interestin, 6atterns2
< <<
< < J <
<< < J <<
15 < >; < 14B2 ?.:.A +acant ine 1.2.5 ine of 'orce
< J
J <
< < J J <
< << J J <<
;.B.4 ine of 'orce 1.2.5 < ?.:.A 6arallel ?.:.A < ;.B.4 6arallel
Because this is an introductory course, #e #ill not be going into all the fine details of
#hat every little things means, but if you see a "attern forming in a chart, be sure
that it is significant to some degree!
H"M#%"$12 Show me the Trines. and 6atterns. in the date2 25 "ct 14B;
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.A /ct -I?>
< <
< <
<< <
2> < 1> < 14B;
< <
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6eather rods
&ome 'merican 6ndians like some 8uropeans had rituals which they believed could induce rain.
2he Einnish people, on the other hand, were believed by others to be able to control weather. 's
a result, 3ikings refused to take Einns on their oceangoing raids. ?emnants of this superstition
lasted into the twentieth century, with some ship crews being reluctant to accept Einnish sailors.
2he early modern era saw people observe that during battles the firing of cannons and other
firearms often initiated precipitation. 5agical and religious practices to control the weather are
attested in a variety of cultures. 6n Greek mythology, 6phigenia was offered as a human sacrifice
to appease the wrath of the goddess 'rtemis, who had becalmed the 'chaean fleet at 'ulis at the
beginning of the 2roBan ;ar. 6n 9omer.s #dyssey, 'eolus, keeper of the winds, bestowed
Odysseus and his crew with a gift of the four winds in a bag. 9owever, the sailors opened the
bag while Odysseus slept, looking for booty, and as a result were blown off course by the
resulting gale.
6n ancient ?ome, the lapis manalis was a sacred stone kept outside the walls of
?ome in a temple of 5ars. ;hen ?ome suffered from drought, the stone was dragged into the
2he Berwick witches of &cotland were found guilty of using black magic to summon
storms to murder >ing Games 36 of &cotland by seeking to sink the ship upon which he travelled.
&candinavian witches allegedly claimed to sell the wind in bags or magically confined into
wooden staves, they sold the bags to seamen who could release them when becalmed.
various towns of -avarre, prayers petitioned &aint (eter to grant rain in time of drought. 6f the
rain was not forthcoming, the statue of &t (eter was removed from the church and tossed into a
(erhaps the first example of practical weather control is the lightning rod. 6n the 1KC:s, computer
scientist Gohn von -eumann, an early theori"er on weather control, surmi"ed that if 8arth were to
enter another ice age, a preventative solution would be to dump dirt 7or spray soot from
cropdusting planes on the surface of the planet.s glaciers. 9e noted that this would significantly
change their reflectivity 7albedo, and thus increase the solar energy retained by the planet. &uch
a strategy would re*uire repeated applications, as storms would cover some portion of the soot
with new snow until their fre*uency and range abated. 2he theoretical efficacy of von -eumann.s
proposal remains to be examined. ;ilhelm ?eich performed cloudbusting experiments in the
1KC:s to 1KD:s, the results of which are controversial and not widely accepted by mainstream
science. Dr ;alter ?ussell wrote of weather control in 'tomic &uicide 1KCD. Gack 2oyer in the
1KM:s built a rainmaker on (almers 6sland near Grafton using a solar mirror, electromagnetic
static charge, and infra red fre*uencies of light to induce weather in regional areas within
'ustralia. 9is work was continued by his successor, (eter &tevens. 'nd lets not forget the
9.'.?.(. 'rray in Gakona 'laska.
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,lo($ see$in& for rain
@loud seeding is a common techni*ue to enhance
precipitation, and evidence on its effectiveness and
safety is strong.
ODPOdubious $ discussP
Because of the
public#s ever=growing need for more water,
there has also been a rapid development of water
and hydropower utilities that devote resources to cloud seeding.
Ocitation neededP
@ritics generally contend that
claimed successes occur in conditions which
were going to rain anyway. 6t is used in a variety of drought=prone countries, including the
$nited &tates, the (eople.s ?epublic of @hina, 6ndia, and ?ussia. 6n the (eople.s ?epublic of
@hina there is a perceived dependency upon it in dry regions. 6n the $nited &tates, dry ice or
silver iodide may be inBected into a cloud by aircraft, or from the ground. 6n mountainous areas
of the $nited &tates such as the ?ocky 5ountains and &ierra -evada,
it has been employed for
several decades.
(roBect &tormfury
Storm pre%ention
9ail cannons at an international congress on hail
shooting held in 1K:1
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(roBect &tormfury was an attempt to weaken tropical cyclones by flying aircraft into storms and
seeding the eyewall with silver iodide. 2he proBect was run by the $nited &tates Government
from 1KD% to 1K0!. ' similar proBect using soot was run in 1KC0, with inconclusive results.
3arious methods have been proposed to reduce the harmful effects of hurricanes. 5oshe
'lamaro of the 5assachusetts 6nstitute of 2echnology
proposed using barges with upward=
pointing Bet engines to trigger smaller storms to disrupt the progress of an incoming hurricane,
critics doubt the Bets would be powerful enough to make any noticeable difference.
'lexandre @horin of the $niversity of @alifornia, Berkeley proposed dropping large amounts of
environmentally friendly oils on the sea surface to prevent droplet formation.
8xperiments by
>erry 8manuel
of 562 in %::% suggested that hurricane=force winds would disrupt the oil
slick, making it ineffective.
Other scientists disputed the factual basis of the theoretical
mechanism assumed by this approach.
2he Elorida company Dyn=O=5at proposes the use of a
product it has developed, called Dyn=O=Gel, to reduce the strength of hurricanes. 2he substance
is a polymer in powder form which reportedly has the ability to absorb 1,C:: times its own
weight in water. 2he theory is that the polymer is dropped into clouds to remove their moisture
and force the storm to use more energy to move the heavier water drops, thus helping to dissipate
the storm. ;hen the gel reaches the ocean surface, it is reportedly dissolved. 2he company has
tested the substance on a thunderstorm, but there has not been any scientific consensus
established as to its effectiveness.
9ail cannons are used by some farmers in an attempt to ward off hail, but there is no reliable
scientific evidence to confirm their effectiveness. 'nother new anti=hurricane technology
is a
method for the reduction of tropical cyclones# destructive force = pumping sea water into and
diffusing it in the wind at the bottom of such tropical cyclone in its eyewall.
H(rricane mo$ification
3arious ideas for manipulating hurricanes have been suggested. One 23 show
various ideas such asI
• $sing lasers to discharge lightning in storms which are likely to become hurricanes
• (ouring li*uid nitrogen onto the sea to deprive the hurricane of heat energy.
• @reating soot to absorb sunlight and change air temperature and hence convection
currents in the outer wall.
' simple li&htnin& ro$ is nothing more than a conductive piece of metal about ! feet in length that sits atop the
highest point on a house. 'ttached to this piece of metal is a thick copper wire that runs down the side of the house
and attaches to a pipe which is driven several feet into the earth. 2hat#s it.
' lightning bolt is far more complex and the kind of lightning we are worried about is called a cloud=to=ground
strike which starts high in the clouds. On average a cloud=to=ground lightning bolt produces about 1,:::,::: k; or
about C:,::: amps, which is a lot1 &o much that it instantly vapori"es any moisture and creates a steam explosion
that#s capable of exploding concrete, blowing out a chunk of wall, or melting Bust about anything. 2he interesting
thing about lightning is it doesn#t know what it#s going to strike when it first starts to form. 's more and more
positive charge builds on the ground beneath the storm, more and more negative charge builds in the lower part of
the cloud. 's the charge continues to build, so does the attraction between the positively and negatively charged
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particles. 2he only thing stopping the electric current from flowing is air, which happens to be a very good insulator.
2his allows an immense amount of charge to build up.
's the charge builds, the air between the cloud and the ground starts to ioni"e 7this part is invisible. 2his is done in
small little paths, step=by=step, "ig="agging all about 7this is why lightning looks the way it does and isn#t a straight
line. Once it gets to within 1::f of the ground something weird happens. ObBects on the ground begin throwing up
)streamers+. 2hese are like little fingers that shoot upwards about C: feet. 2he first streamer to touch a step leader
coming down from the cloud above will complete the circuit and a huge surge of electricity will flow 7this is the part
we see as lightning. $nderstanding that lightning doesn#t know at C:,::: feet what it#s going to strike is key. Gust
because you have a lightning rod, doesn#t mean it will attract lightning. 6t only improves your odds if a lightning
bolt is going to strike within a1:: feet or so of your house.
/rgonite clo#d busters
The Golden $oughKThe Magical 5ontrol of the Weather
17 The P(blic )a&ician
THE READER may remember that we were led to plunge into the labyrinth of magic by a
consideration of two different types of man=god. 2his is the clue which has guided our devious
steps through the ma"e, and brought us out at last on higher ground, whence, resting a little by
the way, we can look back over the path we have already traversed and forward to the longer and
steeper road we have still to climb.
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's a result of the foregoing discussion, the two types of human gods may conveniently be
distinguished as the religious and the magical man=god respectively. 6n the former, a being of an
order different from and superior to man is supposed to become incarnate, for a longer or a
shorter time, in a human body, manifesting his super=human power and knowledge by miracles
wrought and prophecies uttered through the medium of the fleshly tabernacle in which he has
deigned to take up his abode. 2his may also appropriately be called the inspired or incarnate type
of man=god. 6n it the human body is merely a frail earthly vessel filled with a divine and
immortal spirit. On the other hand, a man=god of the magical sort is nothing but a man who
possesses in an unusually high degree powers which most of his fellows arrogate to themselves
on a smaller scale, for in rude society there is hardly a person who does not dabble in magic.
2hus, whereas a man=god of the former or inspired type derives his divinity from a deity who has
stooped to hide his heavenly radiance behind a dull mask of earthly mould, a man=god of the
latter type draws his extraordinary power from a certain physical sympathy with nature. 9e is not
merely the receptacle of a divine spirit. 9is whole being, body and soul, is so delicately attuned
to the harmony of the world that a touch of his hand or a turn of his head may send a thrill
vibrating through the universal framework of things, and conversely his divine organism is
acutely sensitive to such slight changes of environment as would leave ordinary mortals wholly
unaffected. But the line between these two types of man=god, however sharply we may draw it in
theory, is seldom to be traced with precision in practice, and in what follows 6 shall not insist on
;e have seen that in practice the magic art may be employed for the benefit either of individuals
or of the whole community, and that according as it is directed to one or other of these two
obBects it may be called private or public magic. Eurther, 6 pointed out that the public magician
occupies a position of great influence, from which, if he is a prudent and able man, he may
advance step by step to the rank of a chief or king. 2hus an examination of public magic
conduces to an understanding of the early kingship, since in savage and barbarous society many
chiefs and kings appear to owe their authority in great measure to their reputation as magicians.
'mong the obBects of public utility which magic may be employed to secure, the most essential
is an ade*uate supply of food. 2he examples cited in preceding pages prove that the purveyors of
food==the hunter, the fisher, the farmer==all resort to magical practices in the pursuit of their
various callings, but they do so as private individuals for the benefit of themselves and their
families, rather than as public functionaries acting in the interest of the whole people. 6t is
otherwise when the rites are performed, not by the hunters, the fishers, the farmers themselves,
but by professional magicians on their behalf. 6n primitive society, where uniformity of
occupation is the rule, and the distribution of the community into various classes of workers has
hardly begun, every man is more or less his own magician, he practises charms and incantations
for his own good and the inBury of his enemies. But a great step in advance has been taken when
a special class of magicians has been instituted, when, in other words, a number of men have
been set apart for the express purpose of benefiting the whole community by their skill, whether
that skill be directed to the healing of diseases, the forecasting of the future, the regulation of the
weather, or any other obBect of general utility. 2he impotence of the means adopted by most of
these practitioners to accomplish their ends ought not to blind us to the immense importance of
the institution itself. 9ere is a body of men relieved, at least in the higher stages of savagery,
from the need of earning their livelihood by hard manual toil, and allowed, nay, expected and
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encouraged, to prosecute researches into the secret ways of nature. 6t was at once their duty and
their interest to know more than their fellows, to ac*uaint themselves with everything that could
aid man in his arduous struggle with nature, everything that could mitigate his sufferings and
prolong his life. 2he properties of drugs and minerals, the causes of rain and drought, of thunder
and lightning, the changes of the seasons, the phases of the moon, the daily and yearly Bourneys
of the sun, the motions of the stars, the mystery of life, and the mystery of death, all these things
must have excited the wonder of these early philosophers, and stimulated them to find solutions
of problems that were doubtless often thrust on their attention in the most practical form by the
importunate demands of their clients, who expected them not merely to understand but to
regulate the great processes of nature for the good of man. 2hat their first shots fell very far wide
of the mark could hardly be helped. 2he slow, the never=ending approach to truth consists in
perpetually forming and testing hypotheses, accepting those which at the time seem to fit the
facts and reBecting the others. 2he views of natural causation embraced by the savage magician
no doubt appear to us manifestly false and absurd, yet in their day they were legitimate
hypotheses, though they have not stood the test of experience. ?idicule and blame are the Bust
meed, not of those who devised these crude theories, but of those who obstinately adhered to
them after better had been propounded. @ertainly no men ever had stronger incentives in the
pursuit of truth than these savage sorcerers. 2o maintain at least a show of knowledge was
absolutely necessary, a single mistake detected might cost them their life. 2his no doubt led them
to practise imposture for the purpose of concealing their ignorance, but it also supplied them
with the most powerful motive for substituting a real for a sham knowledge, since, if you would
appear to know anything, by far the best way is actually to know it. 2hus, however Bustly we may
reBect the extravagant pretensions of magicians and condemn the deceptions which they have
practised on mankind, the original institution of this class of men has, take it all in all, been
productive of incalculable good to humanity. 2hey were the direct predecessors, not merely of
our physicians and surgeons, but of our investigators and discoverers in every branch of natural
science. 2hey began the work which has since been carried to such glorious and beneficent
issues by their successors in after ages, and if the beginning was poor and feeble, this is to be
imputed to the inevitable difficulties which beset the path of knowledge rather than to the natural
incapacity or wilful fraud of the men themselves.
B7 The )a&ical ,ontrol of Rain
O+ THE THI=6S which the public magician sets himself to do for the good of the tribe, one of
the chief is to control the weather and especially to ensure an ade*uate fall of rain. ;ater is an
essential of life, and in most countries the supply of it depends upon showers. ;ithout rain
vegetation withers, animals and men languish and die. 9ence in savage communities the rain=
maker is a very important personage, and often a special class of magicians exists for the purpose
of regulating the heavenly water=supply. 2he methods by which they attempt to discharge the
duties of their office are commonly, though not always, based on the principle of homoeopathic
or imitative magic. 6f they wish to make rain they simulate it by sprinkling water or mimicking
cloudsI if their obBect is to stop rain and cause drought, they avoid water and resort to warmth
and fire for the sake of drying up the too abundant moisture. &uch attempts are by no means
confined, as the cultivated reader might imagine, to the naked inhabitants of those sultry lands
like @entral 'ustralia and some parts of 8astern and &outhern 'frica, where often for months
together the pitiless sun beats down out of a blue and cloudless sky on the parched and gaping
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earth. 2hey are, or used to be, common enough among outwardly civilised folk in the moister
climate of 8urope. 6 will now illustrate them by instances drawn from the practice both of public
and private magic.
2hus, for example, in a village near Dorpat, in ?ussia, when rain was much wanted, three men
used to climb up the fir=trees of an old sacred grove. One of them drummed with a hammer on a
kettle or small cask to imitate thunder, the second knocked two fire=brands together and made
the sparks fly, to imitate lightning, and the third, who was called Hthe rain=maker,H had a bunch
of twigs with which he sprinkled water from a vessel on all sides. 2o put an end to drought and
bring down rain, women and girls of the village of (loska are wont to go naked by night to the
boundaries of the village and there pour water on the ground. 6n 9almahera, or Gilolo, a large
island to the west of -ew Guinea, a wi"ard makes rain by dipping a branch of a particular kind
of tree in water and then scattering the moisture from the dripping bough over the ground. 6n
-ew Britain the rain=maker wraps some leaves of a red and green striped creeper in a banana=
leaf, moistens the bundle with water, and buries it in the ground, then he imitates with his mouth
the plashing of rain. 'mongst the Omaha 6ndians of -orth 'merica, when the corn is withering
for want of rain, the members of the sacred Buffalo &ociety fill a large vessel with water and
dance four times round it. One of them drinks some of the water and spirts it into the air, making
a fine spray in imitation of a mist or dri""ling rain. 2hen he upsets the vessel, spilling the water
on the ground, whereupon the dancers fall down and drink up the water, getting mud all over
their faces. 4astly, they s*uirt the water into the air, making a fine mist. 2his saves the corn. 6n
spring=time the -atche" of -orth 'merica used to club together to purchase favourable weather
for their crops from the wi"ards. 6f rain was needed, the wi"ards fasted and danced with pipes
full of water in their mouths. 2he pipes were perforated like the no""le of a watering=can, and
through the holes the rain=maker blew the water towards that part of the sky where the clouds
hung heaviest. But if fine weather was wanted, he mounted the roof of his hut, and with extended
arms, blowing with all his might, he beckoned to the clouds to pass by. ;hen the rains do not
come in due season the people of @entral 'ngoniland repair to what is called the rain=temple.
9ere they clear away the grass, and the leader pours beer into a pot which is buried in the
ground, while he says, H5aster g@hauta,g you have hardened your heart towards us, what would
you have us do/ ;e must perish indeed. Give your children the rains, there is the beer we have
given you.H 2hen they all partake of the beer that is left over, even the children being made to sip
it. -ext they take branches of trees and dance and sing for rain. ;hen they return to the village
they find a vessel of water set at the doorway by an old woman, so they dip their branches in it
and wave them aloft, so as to scatter the drops. 'fter that the rain is sure to come driving up in
heavy clouds. 6n these practices we see a combination of religion with magic, for while the
scattering of the water=drops by means of branches is a purely magical ceremony, the prayer for
rain and the offering of beer are purely religious rites. 6n the 5ara tribe of -orthern 'ustralia the
rain=maker goes to a pool and sings over it his magic song. 2hen he takes some of the water in
his hands, drinks it, and spits it out in various directions. 'fter that he throws water all over
himself, scatters it about, and returns *uietly to the camp. ?ain is supposed to follow. 2he 'rab
historian 5akri"i describes a method of stopping rain which is said to have been resorted to by a
tribe of nomads called 'l*amar in 9adramaut. 2hey cut a branch from a certain tree in the desert,
set it on fire, and then sprinkled the burning brand with water. 'fter that the vehemence of the
rain abated, Bust as the water vanished when it fell on the glowing brand. &ome of the 8astern
'ngamis of 5anipur are said to perform a some=what similar ceremony for the opposite purpose,
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in order, namely, to produce rain. 2he head of the village puts a burning brand on the grave of a
man who has died of burns, and *uenches the brand with water, while he prays that rain may fall.
9ere the putting out the fire with water, which is an imitation of rain, is reinforced by the
influence of the dead man, who, having been burnt to death, will naturally be anxious for the
descent of rain to cool his scorched body and assuage his pangs.
Other people besides the 'rabs have used fire as a means of stopping rain. 2hus the &ulka of
-ew Britain heat stones red hot in the fire and then put them out in the rain, or they throw hot
ashes in the air. 2hey think that the rain will soon cease to fall, for it does not like to be burned
by the hot stones or ashes. 2he 2elugus send a little girl out naked into the rain with a burning
piece of wood in her hand, which she has to show to the rain. 2hat is supposed to stop the
downpour. 't (ort &tevens in -ew &outh ;ales the medicine=men used to drive away rain by
throwing fire=sticks into the air, while at the same time they puffed and shouted. 'ny man of the
'nula tribe in -orthern 'ustralia can stop rain by simply warming a green stick in the fire, and
then striking it against the wind.
6n time of severe drought the Dieri of @entral 'ustralia, loudly lamenting the impoverished state
of the country and their own half=starved condition, call upon the spirits of their remote
predecessors, whom they call 5ura=muras, to grant them power to make a heavy rain=fall. Eor
they believe that the clouds are bodies in which rain is generated by their own ceremonies or
those of neighbouring tribes, through the influence of the 5ura=muras. 2he way in which they
set about drawing rain from the clouds is this. ' hole is dug about twelve feet long and eight or
ten broad, and over this hole a conical hut of logs and branches is made. 2wo wi"ards, supposed
to have received a special inspiration from the 5ura=muras, are bled by an old and influential
man with a sharp flint, and the blood, drawn from their arms below the elbow, is made to flow on
the other men of the tribe, who sit huddled together in the hut. 't the same time the two bleeding
men throw handfuls of down about, some of which adheres to the blood=stained bodies of their
comrades, while the rest floats in the air. 2he blood is thought to represent the rain, and the down
the clouds. During the ceremony two large stones are placed in the middle of the hut, they stand
for gathering clouds and presage rain. 2hen the wi"ards who were bled carry away the two stones
for about ten or fifteen miles, and place them as high as they can in the tallest tree. 5eanwhile
the other men gather gypsum, pound it fine, and throw it into a water=hole. 2his the 5ura=muras
see, and at once they cause clouds to appear in the sky. 4astly, the men, young and old, surround
the hut, and, stooping down, butt at it with their heads, like so many rams. 2hus they force their
way through it and reappear on the other side, repeating the process till the hut is wrecked. 6n
doing this they are forbidden to use their hands or arms, but when the heavy logs alone remain,
they are allowed to pull them out with their hands. H2he piercing of the hut with their heads
symbolises the piercing of the clouds, the fall of the hut, the fall of the rain.H Obviously, too, the
act of placing high up in trees the two stones, which stand for clouds, is a way of making the real
clouds to mount up in the sky. 2he Dieri also imagine that the foreskins taken from lads at
circumcision have a great power of producing rain. 9ence the Great @ouncil of the tribe always
keeps a small stock of foreskins ready for use. 2hey are carefully concealed, being wrapt up in
feathers with the fat of the wild dog and of the carpet snake. ' woman may not see such a parcel
opened on any account. ;hen the ceremony is over, the foreskin is buried, its virtue being
exhausted. 'fter the rains have fallen, some of the tribe always undergo a surgical operation,
which consists in cutting the skin of their chest and arms with a sharp flint. 2he wound is then
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tapped with a flat stick to increase the flow of blood, and red ochre is rubbed into it. ?aised scars
are thus produced. 2he reason alleged by the natives for this practice is that they are pleased with
the rain, and that there is a connexion between the rain and the scars. 'pparently the operation is
not very painful, for the patient laughs and Bokes while it is going on. 6ndeed, little children have
been seen to crowd round the operator and patiently take their turn, then after being operated on,
they ran away, expanding their little chests and singing for the rain to beat upon them. 9owever,
they were not so well pleased next day, when they felt their wounds stiff and sore. 6n Gava, when
rain is wanted, two men will sometimes thrash each other with supple rods till the blood flows
down their backs, the streaming blood represents the rain, and no doubt is supposed to make it
fall on the ground. 2he people of 8gghiou, a district of 'byssinia, used to engage in sanguinary
conflicts with each other, village against village, for a week together every Ganuary for the
purpose of procuring rain. &ome years ago the emperor 5enelik forbade the custom. 9owever,
the following year the rain was deficient, and the popular outcry so great that the emperor
yielded to it, and allowed the murderous fights to be resumed, but for two days a year only. 2he
writer who mentions the custom regards the blood shed on these occasions as a propitiatory
sacrifice offered to spirits who control the showers, but perhaps, as in the 'ustralian and
Gavanese ceremonies, it is an imitation of rain. 2he prophets of Baal, who sought to procure rain
by cutting themselves with knives till the blood gushed out, may have acted on the same
2here is a widespread belief that twin children possess magical powers over nature, especially
over rain and the weather. 2his curious superstition prevails among some of the 6ndian tribes of
British @olumbia, and has led them often to impose certain singular restrictions or taboos on the
parents of twins, though the exact meaning of these restrictions is generally obscure. 2hus the
2simshian 6ndians of British @olumbia believe that twins control the weather, therefore they pray
to wind and rain, H@alm down, breath of the twins.H Eurther, they think that the wishes of twins
are always fulfilled, hence twins are feared, because they can harm the man they hate. 2hey can
also call the salmon and the olachen or candle=fish, and so they are known by a name which
means Hmaking plentiful.H 6n the opinion of the >wakiutl 6ndians of British @olumbia twins are
transformed salmon, hence they may not go near water, lest they should be changed back again
into the fish. 6n their childhood they can summon any wind by motions of their hands, and they
can make fair or foul weather, and also cure diseases by swinging a large wooden rattle. 2he
-ootka 6ndians of British @olumbia also believe that twins are somehow related to salmon.
9ence among them twins may not catch salmon, and they may not eat or even handle the fresh
fish. 2hey can make fair or foul weather, and can cause rain to fall by painting their faces black
and then washing them, which may represent the rain dripping from the dark clouds. 2he
&huswap 6ndians, like the 2hompson 6ndians, associate twins with the gri""ly bear, for they call
them Hyoung gri""ly bears.H 'ccording to them, twins remain throughout life endowed with
supernatural powers. 6n particular they can make good or bad weather. 2hey produce rain by
spilling water from a basket in the air, they make fine weather by shaking a small flat piece of
wood attached to a stick by a string, they raise storms by strewing down on the ends of spruce
2he same power of influencing the weather is attributed to twins by the Baronga, a tribe of Bantu
negroes who, inhabit the shores of Delagoa Bay in &outh=eastern 'frica. 2hey bestow the name
of g2ilog==that is, the sky==on a woman who has given birth to twins, and the infants themselves
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are called the children of the sky. -ow when the storms which generally burst in the months of
&eptember and October have been looked for in vain, when a drought with its prospect of famine
is threatening, and all nature, scorched and burnt up by a sun that has shone for six months from
a cloudless sky, is panting for the beneficent showers of the &outh 'frican spring, the women
perform ceremonies to bring down the longed=for rain on the parched earth. &tripping themselves
of all their garments, they assume in their stead girdles and head=dresses of grass, or short
petticoats made of the leaves of a particular sort of creeper. 2hus attired, uttering peculiar cries
and singing ribald songs, they go about from well to well, cleansing them of the mud and
impurities which have accumulated in them. 2he wells, it may be said, are merely holes in the
sand where a little turbid unwholesome water stagnates. Eurther, the women must repair to the
house of one of their gossips who has given birth to twins, and must drench her with water,
which they carry in little pitchers. 9aving done so they go on their way, shrieking out their loose
songs and dancing immodest dances. -o man may see these leaf=clad women going their rounds.
6f they meet a man, they maul him and thrust him aside. ;hen they have cleansed the wells, they
must go and pour water on the graves of their ancestors in the sacred grove. 6t often happens, too,
that at the bidding of the wi"ard they go and pour water on the graves of twins. Eor they think
that the grave of a twin ought always to be moist, for which reason twins are regularly buried
near a lake. 6f all their efforts to procure rain prove abortive, they will remember that such and
such a twin was buried in a dry place on the side of a hill. H-o wonder,H says the wi"ard in such a
case, Hthat the sky is fiery. 2ake up his body and dig him a grave on the shore of the lake.H 9is
orders are at once obeyed, for this is supposed to be the only means of bringing down the rain.
&ome of the foregoing facts strongly support an interpretation which (rofessor Oldenberg has
given of the rules to be observed by a Brahman who would learn a particular hymn of the ancient
6ndian collection known as the &amaveda. 2he hymn, which bears the name of the &akvarih
song, was believed to embody the might of 6ndra.s weapon, the thunderbolt, and hence, on
account of the dreadful and dangerous potency with which it was thus charged, the bold student
who essayed to master it had to be isolated from his fellow=men, and to retire from the village
into the forest. 9ere for a space of time, which might vary, according to different doctors of the
law, from one to twelve years, he had to observe certain rules of life, among which were the
following. 2hrice a day he had to touch water, he must wear black garments and eat black food,
when it rained, he might not seek the shelter of a roof, but had to sit in the rain and say, H;ater is
the &akvarih songH, when the lightning flashed, he said, H2hat is like the &akvarih songH, when
the thunder pealed, he said, H2he Great One is making a great noise.H 9e might never cross a
running stream without touching water, he might never set foot on a ship unless his life were in
danger, and even then he must be sure to touch water when he went on board, Hfor in water,H so
ran the saying, Hlies the virtue of the &akvarih song.H ;hen at last he was allowed to learn the
song itself, he had to dip his hands in a vessel of water in which plants of all sorts had been
placed. 6f a man walked in the way of all these precepts, the rain=god (arBanya, it was said,
would send rain at the wish of that man. 6t is clear, as (rofessor Oldenberg well points out, that
Hall these rules are intended to bring the Brahman into union with water, to make him, as it were,
an ally of the water powers, and to guard him against their hostility. 2he black garments and the
black food have the same significance, no one will doubt that they refer to the rain=clouds when
he remembers that a black victim is sacrificed to procure rain, .it is black, for such is the nature
of rain.. 6n respect of another rain=charm it is said plainly, .9e puts on a black garment edged
with black, for such is the nature of rain.. ;e may therefore assume that here in the circle of
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ideas and ordinances of the 3edic schools there have been preserved magical practices of the
most remote anti*uity, which were intended to prepare the rain=maker for his office and dedicate
him to it.H
6t is interesting to observe that where an opposite result is desired, primitive logic enBoins the
weather=doctor to observe precisely opposite rules of conduct. 6n the tropical island of Gava,
where the rich vegetation attests the abundance of the rainfall, ceremonies for the making of rain
are rare, but ceremonies for the prevention of it are not uncommon. ;hen a man is about to give
a great feast in the rainy season and has invited many people, he goes to a weather=doctor and
asks him to Hprop up the clouds that may be lowering.H 6f the doctor consents to exert his
professional powers, he begins to regulate his behaviour by certain rules as soon as his customer
has departed. 9e must observe a fast, and may neither drink nor bathe, what little he eats must be
eaten dry, and in no case may he touch water. 2he host, on his side, and his servants, both male
and female, must neither wash clothes nor bathe so long as the feast lasts, and they have all
during its continuance to observe strict chastity. 2he doctor seats himself on a new mat in his
bedroom, and before a small oil=lamp he murmurs, shortly before the feast takes place, the
following prayer or incantationI HGrandfather and Grandmother &roekoelH 7the name seems to be
taken at random, others are sometimes used, Hreturn to your country. 'kkemat is your country.
(ut down your water=cask, close it properly, that not a drop may fall out.H ;hile he utters this
prayer the sorcerer looks upwards, burning incense the while. &o among the 2oradBas the rain=
doctor, whose special business it is to drive away rain, takes care not to touch water before,
during, or after the discharge of his professional duties. 9e does not bathe, he eats with
unwashed hands, he drinks nothing but palm wine, and if he has to cross a stream he is careful
not to step in the water. 9aving thus prepared himself for his task he has a small hut built for
himself outside of the village in a rice=field, and in this hut he keeps up a little fire, which on no
account may be suffered to go out. 6n the fire he burns various kinds of wood, which are
supposed to possess the property of driving off rain, and he puffs in the direction from which the
rain threatens to come, holding in his hand a packet of leaves and bark which derive a similar
cloud=compelling virtue, not from their chemical composition, but from their names, which
happen to signify something dry or volatile. 6f clouds should appear in the sky while he is at
work, he takes lime in the hollow of his hand and blows it towards them. 2he lime, being so very
dry, is obviously well adapted to disperse the damp clouds. &hould rain afterwards be wanted, he
has only to pour water on his fire, and immediately the rain will descend in sheets.
2he reader will observe how exactly the Gavanese and 2oradBa observances, which are intended
to prevent rain, form the antithesis of the 6ndian observances, which aim at producing it. 2he
6ndian sage is commanded to touch water thrice a day regularly as well as on various special
occasions, the Gavanese and 2oradBa wi"ards may not touch it at all. 2he 6ndian lives out in the
forest, and even when it rains he may not take shelter, the Gavanese and the 2oradBa sit in a house
or a hut. 2he one signifies his sympathy with water by receiving the rain on his person and
speaking of it respectfully, the others light a lamp or a fire and do their best to drive the rain
away. Aet the principle on which all three act is the same, each of them, by a sort of childish
make=believe, identifies himself with the phenomenon which he desires to produce. 6t is the old
fallacy that the effect resembles its causeI if you would make wet weather, you must be wet, if
you would make dry weather, you must be dry.
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6n &outh=eastern 8urope at the present day ceremonies are observed for the purpose of making
rain which not only rest on the same general train of thought as the preceding, but even in their
details resemble the ceremonies practised with the same intention by the Baronga of Delagoa
Bay. 'mong the Greeks of 2hessaly and 5acedonia, when a drought has lasted a long time, it is
customary to send a procession of children round to all the wells and springs of the
neighbourhood. 't the head of the procession walks a girl adorned with flowers, whom her
companions drench with water at every halting=place, while they sing an invocation, of which the
following is partI
"Perperia all fresh bedewed,
Freshen all the neighbourhood;
By the woods, on the highway,
As thou goest, to God now pray:
O my God, upon the plain,
Send thou us a still, small rain;
hat the fields may fruitful be,
And !ines in blossom we may see;
hat the grain be full and sound,
And wealthy grow the fol"s around#"
6n time of drought the &erbians strip a girl to her skin and clothe her from head to foot in grass,
herbs, and flowers, even her face being hidden behind a veil of living green. 2hus disguised she
is called the Dodola, and goes through the village with a troop of girls. 2hey stop before every
house, the Dodola keeps turning herself round and dancing, while the other girls form a ring
about her singing one of the Dodola songs, and the housewife pours a pail of water over her. One
of the songs they sing runs thusI
"$e go through the !illage;
he %louds go in the s"y;
$e go faster, Faster go the %louds;
hey ha!e o!erta"en us, And wetted the %orn and the !ine#"
't (oona in 6ndia, when rain is needed, the boys dress up one of their number in nothing but
leaves and call him >ing of ?ain. 2hen they go round to every house in the village, where the
house=holder or his wife sprinkles the ?ain >ing with water, and gives the party food of various
kinds. ;hen they have thus visited all the houses, they strip the ?ain >ing of his leafy robes and
feast upon what they have gathered.
Bathing is practised as a rain=charm in some parts of &outhern and ;estern ?ussia. &ometimes
after service in church the priest in his robes has been thrown down on the ground and drenched
with water by his parishioners. &ometimes it is the women who, without stripping off their
clothes, bathe in crowds on the day of &t. Gohn the Baptist, while they dip in the water a figure
made of branches, grass, and herbs, which is supposed to represent the saint. 6n >ursk, a
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province of &outhern ?ussia, when rain is much wanted, the women sei"e a passing stranger and
throw him into the river, or souse him from head to foot. 4ater on we shall see that a passing
stranger is often taken for a deity or the personification of some natural power. 6t is recorded in
official documents that during a drought in 1MK: the peasants of &cherout" and ;erbout"
collected all the women and compelled them to bathe, in order that rain might fall. 'n 'rmenian
rain=charm is to throw the wife of a priest into the water and drench her. 2he 'rabs of -orth
'frica fling a holy man, willy=nilly, into a spring as a remedy for drought. 6n 5inahassa, a
province of -orth @elebes, the priest bathes as a rain=charm. 6n @entral @elebes when there has
been no rain for a long time and the rice=stalks begin to shrivel up, many of the villagers,
especially the young folk, go to a neighbouring brook and splash each other with water, shouting
noisily, or s*uirt water on one another through bamboo tubes. &ometimes they imitate the plump
of rain by smacking the surface of the water with their hands, or by placing an inverted gourd on
it and drumming on the gourd with their fingers.
;omen are sometimes supposed to be able to make rain by ploughing, or pretending to plough.
2hus the (shaws and @hewsurs of the @aucasus have a ceremony called Hploughing the rain,H
which they observe in time of drought. Girls yoke themselves to a plough and drag it into a river,
wading in the water up to their girdles. 6n the same circumstances 'rmenian girls and women do
the same. 2he oldest woman, or the priest.s wife, wears the priest.s dress, while the others,
dressed as men, drag the plough through the water against the stream. 6n the @aucasian province
of Georgia, when a drought has lasted long, marriageable girls are yoked in couples with an ox=
yoke on their shoulders, a priest holds the reins, and thus harnessed they wade through rivers,
puddles, and marshes, praying, screaming, weeping, and laughing. 6n a district of 2ransylvania
when the ground is parched with drought, some girls strip themselves naked, and, led by an older
woman, who is also naked, they steal a harrow and carry it across the fields to a brook, where
they set it afloat. -ext they sit on the harrow and keep a tiny flame burning on each corner of it
for an hour. 2hen they leave the harrow in the water and go home. ' similar rain=charm is
resorted to in some parts of 6ndia, naked women drag a plough across a field by night, while the
men keep carefully out of the way, for their presence would break the spell.
&ometimes the rain=charm operates through the dead. 2hus in -ew @aledonia the rain=makers
blackened themselves all over, dug up a dead body, took the bones to a cave, Bointed them, and
hung the skeleton over some taro leaves. ;ater was poured over the skeleton to run down on the
leaves. 2hey believed that the soul of the deceased took up the water, converted it into rain, and
showered it down again. 6n ?ussia, if common report may be believed, it is not long since the
peasants of any district that chanced to be afflicted with drought used to dig up the corpse of
some one who had drunk himself to death and sink it in the nearest swamp or lake, fully
persuaded that this would ensure the fall of the needed rain. 6n 10D0 the prospect of a bad
harvest, caused by a prolonged drought, induced the inhabitants of a village in the 2arashchansk
district to dig up the body of a ?askolnik, or Dissenter, who had died in the preceding December.
&ome of the party beat the corpse, or what was left of it, about the head, exclaiming, HGive us
rain1H while others poured water on it through a sieve. 9ere the pouring of water through a sieve
seems plainly an imitation of a shower, and reminds us of the manner in which &trepsiades in
'ristophanes imagined that rain was made by Zeus. &ometimes, in order to procure rain, the
2oradBas make an appeal to the pity of the dead. 2hus, in the village of >alingooa, there is the
grave of a famous chief, the grandfather of the present ruler. ;hen the land suffers from
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unseasonable drought, the people go to this grave, pour water on it, and say, HO grandfather, have
pity on us, if it is your will that this year we should eat, then give rain.H 'fter that they hang a
bamboo full of water over the grave, there is a small hole in the lower end of the bamboo, so that
the water drips from it continually. 2he bamboo is always refilled with water until rain drenches
the ground. 9ere, as in -ew @aledonia, we find religion blent with magic, for the prayer to the
dead chief, which is purely religious, is eked out with a magical imitation of rain at his grave. ;e
have seen that the Baronga of Delagoa Bay drench the tombs of their ancestors, especially the
tombs of twins, as a raincharm. 'mong some of the 6ndian tribes in the region of the Orinoco it
was customary for the relations of a deceased person to disinter his bones a year after burial,
burn them, and scatter the ashes to the winds, because they believed that the ashes were changed
into rain, which the dead man sent in return for his obse*uies. 2he @hinese are convinced that
when human bodies remain unburied, the souls of their late owners feel the discomfort of rain,
Bust as living men would do if they were exposed without shelter to the inclemency of the
weather. 2hese wretched souls, therefore, do all in their power to prevent the rain from falling,
and often their efforts are only too successful. 2hen drought ensues, the most dreaded of all
calamities in @hina, because bad harvests, dearth, and famine follow in its train. 9ence it has
been a common practice of the @hinese authorities in time of drought to inter the dry bones of
the unburied dead for the purpose of putting an end to the scourge and conBuring down the rain.
'nimals, again, often play an important part in these weather=charms. 2he 'nula tribe of
-orthern 'ustralia associate the dollar=bird with rain, and call it the rain=bird. ' man who has the
bird for his totem can make rain at a certain pool. 9e catches a snake, puts it alive into the pool,
and after holding it under water for a time takes it out, kills it, and lays it down by the side of the
creek. 2hen he makes an arched bundle of grass stalks in imitation of a rainbow, and sets it up
over the snake. 'fter that all he does is to sing over the snake and the mimic rainbow, sooner or
later the rain will fall. 2hey explain this procedure by saying that long ago the dollar=bird had as
a mate at this spot a snake, who lived in the pool and used to make rain by spitting up into the
sky till a rainbow and clouds appeared and rain fell. ' common way of making rain in many
parts of Gava is to bathe a cat or two cats, a male and a female, sometimes the animals are carried
in procession with music. 8ven in Batavia you may from time to time see children going about
with a cat for this purpose, when they have ducked it in a pool, they let it go.
'mong the ;ambugwe of 8ast 'frica, when the sorcerer desires to make rain, he takes a black
sheep and a black calf in bright sunshine, and has them placed on the roof of the common hut in
which the people live together. 2hen he slits the stomachs of the animals and scatters their
contents in all directions. 'fter that he pours water and medicine into a vessel, if the charm has
succeeded, the water boils up and rain follows. On the other hand, if the sorcerer wishes to
prevent rain from falling, he withdraws into the interior of the hut, and there heats a rock=crystal
in a calabash. 6n order to procure rain the ;agogo sacrifice black fowls, black sheep, and black
cattle at the graves of dead ancestors, and the rain=maker wears black clothes during the rainy
season. 'mong the 5atabele the rain=charm employed by sorcerers was made from the blood
and gall of a black ox. 6n a district of &umatra, in order to procure rain, all the women of the
village, scantily clad, go to the river, wade into it, and splash each other with the water. ' black
cat is thrown into the stream and made to swim about for a while, then allowed to escape to the
bank, pursued by the splashing of the women. 2he Garos of 'ssam offer a black goat on the top
of a very high mountain in time of drought. 6n all these cases the colour of the animal is part of
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the charm, being black, it will darken the sky with rain=clouds. &o the Bechuanas burn the
stomach of an ox at evening, because they say, H2he black smoke will gather the clouds and
cause the rain to come.H 2he 2imorese sacrifice a black pig to the 8arth=goddess for rain, a white
or red one to the &un=god for sunshine. 2he 'ngoni sacrifice a black ox for rain and a white one
for fine weather. 'mong the high mountains of Gapan there is a district in which, if rain has not
fallen for a long time, a party of villagers goes in procession to the bed of a mountain torrent,
headed by a priest, who leads a black dog. 't the chosen spot they tether the beast to a stone, and
make it a target for their bullets and arrows. ;hen its life=blood bespatters the rocks, the
peasants throw down their weapons and lift up their voices in supplication to the dragon divinity
of the stream, exhorting him to send down forthwith a shower to cleanse the spot from its
defilement. @ustom has prescribed that on these occasions the colour of the victim shall be black,
as an emblem of the wished=for rain=clouds. But if fine weather is wanted, the victim must be
white, without a spot.
2he intimate association of frogs and toads with water has earned for these creatures a
widespread reputation as custodians of rain, and hence they often play a part in charms designed
to draw needed showers from the sky. &ome of the 6ndians of the Orinoco held the toad to be the
god or lord of the waters, and for that reason feared to kill the creature. 2hey have been known to
keep frogs under a pot and to beat them with rods when there was a drought. 6t is said that the
'ymara 6ndians often make little images of frogs and other a*uatic animals and place them on
the tops of the hills as a means of bringing down rain. 2he 2hompson 6ndians of British
@olumbia and some people in 8urope think that to kill a frog will cause rain to fall. 6n order to
procure rain people of low caste in the @entral (rovinces of 6ndia will tie a frog to a rod covered
with green leaves and branches of the gnimg tree 7g'"adirachta 6ndicag and carry it from door
to door singingI
"Send soon, O frog, the &ewel of water'
And ripen the wheat and millet in the field#"
2he >apus or ?eddis are a large caste of cultivators and landowners in the 5adras (residency.
;hen rain fails, women of the caste will catch a frog and tie it alive to a new winnowing fan
made of bamboo. On this fan they spread a few margosa leaves and go from door to door
singing, H4ady frog must have her bath. Oh1 rain=god, give a little water for her at least.H ;hile
the >apu women sing this song, the woman of the house pours water over the frog and gives an
alms, convinced that by so doing she will soon bring rain down in torrents.
&ometimes, when a drought has lasted a long time, people drop the usual hocus=pocus of
imitative magic altogether, and being far too angry to waste their breath in prayer they seek by
threats and curses or even downright physical force to extort the waters of heaven from the
supernatural being who has, so to say, cut them off at the main. 6n a Gapanese village, when the
guardian divinity had long been deaf to the peasants. prayers for rain, they at last threw down his
image and, with curses loud and long, hurled it head foremost into a stinking rice=field. H2here,H
they said, Hyou may stay yourself for a while, to see how gyoug will feel after a few days.
scorching in this broiling sun that is burning the life from our cracking fields.H 6n the like
circumstances the Eeloupes of &enegambia cast down their fetishes and drag them about the
fields, cursing them till rain falls.
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2he @hinese are adepts in the art of taking the kingdom of heaven by storm. 2hus, when rain is
wanted they make a huge dragon of paper or wood to represent the rain=god, and carry it about in
procession, but if no rain follows, the mock=dragon is execrated and torn to pieces. 't other
times they threaten and beat the god if he does not give rain, sometimes they publicly depose
him from the rank of deity. On the other hand, if the wished=for rain falls, the god is promoted to
a higher rank by an imperial decree. 6n 'pril 1000 the mandarins of @anton prayed to the god
4ung=wong to stop the incessant downpour of rain, and when he turned a deaf ear to their
petitions they put him in a lock=up for five days. 2his had a salutary effect. 2he rain ceased and
the god was restored to liberty. &ome years before, in time of drought, the same deity had been
chained and exposed to the sun for days in the courtyard of his temple in order that he might feel
for himself the urgent need of rain. &o when the &iamese need rain, they set out their idols in the
bla"ing sun, but if they want dry weather, they unroof the temples and let the rain pour down on
the idols. 2hey think that the inconvenience to which the gods are thus subBected will induce
them to grant the wishes of their worshippers.
2he reader may smile at the meteorology of the Ear 8ast, but precisely similar modes of
procuring rain have been resorted to in @hristian 8urope within our own lifetime. By the end of
'pril 10K! there was great distress in &icily for lack of water. 2he drought had lasted six months.
8very day the sun rose and set in a sky of cloudless blue. 2he gardens of the @onca d.Oro, which
surround (alermo with a magnificent belt of verdure, were withering. Eood was becoming
scarce. 2he people were in great alarm. 'll the most approved methods of procuring rain had
been tried without effect. (rocessions had traversed the streets and the fields. 5en, women, and
children, telling their beads, had lain whole nights before the holy images. @onsecrated candles
had burned day and night in the churches. (alm branches, blessed on (alm &unday, had been
hung on the trees. 't &olaparuta, in accordance with a very old custom, the dust swept from the
churches on (alm &unday had been spread on the fields. 6n ordinary years these holy sweepings
preserve the crops, but that year, if you will believe me, they had no effect whatever. 't -icosia
the inhabitants, bare=headed and bare=foot, carried the crucifixes through all the wards of the
town and scourged each other with iron whips. 6t was all in vain. 8ven the great &t. Erancis of
(aolo himself, who annually performs the miracle of rain and is carried every spring through the
market=gardens, either could not or would not help. 5asses, vespers, concerts, illuminations,
fire=works==nothing could move him. 't last the peasants began to lose patience. 5ost of the
saints were banished. 't (alermo they dumped &t. Goseph in a garden to see the state of things
for himself, and they swore to leave him there in the sun till rain fell. Other saints were turned,
like naughty children, with their faces to the wall. Others again, stripped of their beautiful robes,
were exiled far from their parishes, threatened, grossly insulted, ducked in horse=ponds. 't
@altanisetta the golden wings of &t. 5ichael the 'rchangel were torn from his shoulders and
replaced with wings of pasteboard, his purple mantle was taken away and a clout wrapt about
him instead. 't 4icata the patron saint, &t. 'ngelo, fared even worse, for he was left without any
garments at all, he was reviled, he was put in irons, he was threatened with drowning or hanging.
H?ain or the rope1H roared the angry people at him, as they shook their fists in his face.
&ometimes an appeal is made to the pity of the gods. ;hen their corn is being burnt up by the
sun, the Zulus look out for a Hheaven bird,H kill it, and throw it into a pool. 2hen the heaven
melts with tenderness for the death of the bird, Hit wails for it by raining, wailing a funeral wail.H
6n Zululand women sometimes bury their children up to the neck in the ground, and then retiring
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to a distance keep up a dismal howl for a long time. 2he sky is supposed to melt with pity at the
sight. 2hen the women dig the children out and feel sure that rain will soon follow. 2hey say that
they call to Hthe lord aboveH and ask him to send rain. 6f it comes they declare that H$sondo
rains.H 6n times of drought the Guanches of 2eneriffe led their sheep to sacred ground, and there
they separated the lambs from their dams, that their plaintive bleating might touch the heart of
the god. 6n >umaon a way of stopping rain is to pour hot oil in the left ear of a dog. 2he animal
howls with pain, his howls are heard by 6ndra, and out of pity for the beast.s sufferings the god
stops the rain. &ometimes the 2oradBas attempt to procure rain as follows. 2hey place the stalks
of certain plants in water, saying, HGo and ask for rain, and so long as no rain falls 6 will not
plant you again, but there shall you die.H 'lso they string some fresh=water snails on a cord, and
hang the cord on a tree, and say to the snails, HGo and ask for rain, and so long as no rain comes,
6 will not take you back to the water.H 2hen the snails go and weep, and the gods take pity and
send rain. 9owever, the foregoing ceremonies are religious rather than magical, since they
involve an appeal to the compassion of higher powers.
&tones are often supposed to possess the property of bringing on rain, provided they be dipped in
water or sprinkled with it, or treated in some other appropriate manner. 6n a &amoan village a
certain stone was carefully housed as the representative of the rain=making god, and in time of
drought his priests carried the stone in procession and dipped it in a stream. 'mong the 2a=ta=thi
tribe of -ew &outh ;ales, the rain=maker breaks off a piece of *uart"=crystal and spits it towards
the sky, the rest of the crystal he wraps in emu feathers, soaks both crystal and feathers in water,
and carefully hides them. 6n the >eramin tribe of -ew &outh ;ales the wi"ard retires to the bed
of a creek, drops water on a round flat stone, then covers up and conceals it. 'mong some tribes
of -orth=western 'ustralia the rain=maker repairs to a piece of ground which is set apart for the
purpose of rain=making. 2here he builds a heap of stones or sand, places on the top of it his
magic stone, and walks or dances round the pile chanting his incantations for hours, till sheer
exhaustion obliges him to desist, when his place is taken by his assistant. ;ater is sprinkled on
the stone and huge fires are kindled. -o layman may approach the sacred spot while the mystic
ceremony is being performed. ;hen the &ulka of -ew Britain wish to procure rain they blacken
stones with the ashes of certain fruits and set them out, along with certain other plants and buds,
in the sun. 2hen a handful of twigs is dipped in water and weighted with stones, while a spell is
chanted. 'fter that rain should follow. 6n 5anipur, on a lofty hill to the east of the capital, there
is a stone which the popular imagination likens to an umbrella. ;hen rain is wanted, the raBah
fetches water from a spring below and sprinkles it on the stone. 't &agami in Gapan there is a
stone which draws down rain whenever water is poured on it. ;hen the ;akondyo, a tribe of
@entral 'frica, desire rain, they send to the ;awamba, who dwell at the foot of snowy
mountains, and are the happy possessors of a Hrain=stone.H 6n consideration of a proper payment,
the ;awamba wash the precious stone, anoint it with oil, and put it in a pot full of water. 'fter
that the rain cannot fail to come. 6n the arid wastes of 'ri"ona and -ew 5exico the 'paches
sought to make rain by carrying water from a certain spring and throwing it on a particular point
high up on a rock, after that they imagined that the clouds would soon gather, and that rain would
begin to fall.
But customs of this sort are not confined to the wilds of 'frica and 'sia or the torrid deserts of
'ustralia and the -ew ;orld. 2hey have been practised in the cool air and under the grey skies
of 8urope. 2here is a fountain called Barenton, of romantic fame, in those Hwild woods of
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Broceliande,H where, if legend be true, the wi"ard 5erlin still sleeps his magic slumber in the
hawthorn shade. 2hither the Breton peasants used to resort when they needed rain. 2hey caught
some of the water in a tankard and threw it on a slab near the spring. On &nowdon there is a
lonely tarn called Dulyn, or the Black 4ake, lying Hin a dismal dingle surrounded by high and
dangerous rocks.H ' row of stepping=stones runs out into the lake, and if any one steps on the
stones and throws water so as to wet the farthest stone, which is called the ?ed 'ltar, Hit is but a
chance that you do not get rain before night, even when it is hot weather.H 6n these cases it
appears probable that, as in &amoa, the stone is regarded as more or less divine. 2his appears
from the custom sometimes observed of dipping a cross in the Eountain of Barenton to procure
rain, for this is plainly a @hristian substitute for the old pagan way of throwing water on the
stone. 't various places in Erance it is, or used till lately to be, the practice to dip the image of a
saint in water as a means of procuring rain. 2hus, beside the old priory of @ommagny, there is a
spring of &t. Gervais, whither the inhabitants go in procession to obtain rain or fine weather
according to the needs of the crops. 6n times of great drought they throw into the basin of the
fountain an ancient stone image of the saint that stands in a sort of niche from which the fountain
flows. 't @ollobrijres and @arpentras a similar practice was observed with the images of &t.
(ons and &t. Gens respectively. 6n several villages of -avarre prayers for rain used to be offered
to &t. (eter, and by way of enforcing them the villagers carried the image of the saint in
procession to the river, where they thrice invited him to reconsider his resolution and to grant
their prayers, then, if he was still obstinate, they plunged him in the water, despite the
remonstrances of the clergy, who pleaded with as much truth as piety that a simple caution or
admonition administered to the image would produce an e*ually good effect. 'fter this the rain
was sure to fall within twenty=four hours. @atholic countries do not enBoy a monopoly of making
rain by ducking holy images in water. 6n 5ingrelia, when the crops are suffering from want of
rain, they take a particularly holy image and dip it in water every day till a shower falls, and in
the Ear 8ast the &hans drench the images of Buddha with water when the rice is perishing of
drought. 6n all such cases the practice is probably at bottom a sympathetic charm, however it
may be disguised under the appearance of a punishment or a threat.
4ike other peoples, the Greeks and ?omans sought to obtain rain by magic, when prayers and
processions had proved ineffectual. Eor example, in 'rcadia, when the corn and trees were
parched with drought, the priest of Zeus dipped an oak branch into a certain spring on 5ount
4ycaeus. 2hus troubled, the water sent up a misty cloud, from which rain soon fell upon the land.
' similar mode of making rain is still practised, as we have seen, in 9almahera near -ew
Guinea. 2he people of @rannon in 2hessaly had a bron"e chariot which they kept in a temple.
;hen they desired a shower they shook the chariot and the shower fell. (robably the rattling of
the chariot was meant to imitate thunder, we have already seen that mock thunder and lightning
form part of a rain=charm in ?ussia and Gapan. 2he legendary &almoneus, >ing of 8lis, made
mock thunder by dragging bron"e kettles behind his chariot, or by driving over a bron"e bridge,
while he hurled bla"ing torches in imitation of lightning. 6t was his impious wish to mimic the
thundering car of Zeus as it rolled across the vault of heaven. 6ndeed he declared that he was
actually Zeus, and caused sacrifices to be offered to himself as such. -ear a temple of 5ars,
outside the walls of ?ome, there was kept a certain stone known as the glapis manalis.g 6n time
of drought the stone was dragged into ?ome, and this was supposed to bring down rain
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C7 The )a&ical ,ontrol of the S(n
AS THE )A6I,IA= thinks he can make rain, so he fancies he can cause the sun to shine, and
can hasten or stay its going down. 't an eclipse the OBebways used to imagine that the sun was
being extinguished. &o they shot fire=tipped arrows in the air, hoping thus to rekindle his expiring
light. 2he &encis of (eru also shot burning arrows at the sun during an eclipse, but apparently
they did this not so much to relight his lamp as to drive away a savage beast with which they
supposed him to be struggling. @onversely during an eclipse of the moon some tribes of the
Orinoco used to bury lighted brands in the ground, because, said they, if the moon were to be
extinguished, all fire on earth would be extinguished with her, except such as was hidden from
her sight. During an eclipse of the sun the >amtchatkans were wont to bring out fire from their
huts and pray the great luminary to shine as before. But the prayer addressed to the sun shows
that this ceremony was religious rather than magical. (urely magical, on the other hand, was the
ceremony observed on similar occasions by the @hilcotin 6ndians. 5en and women tucked up
their robes, as they do in travelling, and then leaning on staves, as if they were heavy laden, they
continued to walk in a circle till the eclipse was over. 'pparently they thought thus to support the
failing steps of the sun as he trod his weary round in the sky. &imilarly in ancient 8gypt the king,
as the representative of the sun, walked solemnly round the walls of a temple in order to ensure
that the sun should perform his daily Bourney round the sky without the interruption of an eclipse
or other mishap. 'nd after the autumnal e*uinox the ancient 8gyptians held a festival called Hthe
nativity of the sun.s walking=stick,H because, as the luminary declined daily in the sky, and his
light and heat diminished, he was supposed to need a staff on which to lean. 6n -ew @aledonia
when a wi"ard desires to make sunshine, he takes some plants and corals to the burial=ground,
and fashions them into a bundle, adding two locks of hair cut from a living child of his family,
also two teeth or an entire Bawbone from the skeleton of an ancestor. 9e then climbs a mountain
whose top catches the first rays of the morning sun. 9ere he deposits three sorts of plants on a
flat stone, places a branch of dry coral beside them, and hangs the bundle of charms over the
stone. -ext morning he returns to the spot and sets fire to the bundle at the moment when the sun
rises from the sea. 's the smoke curls up, he rubs the stone with the dry coral, invokes his
ancestors and saysI H&un1 6 do this that you may be burning hot, and eat up all the clouds in the
sky.H 2he same ceremony is repeated at sunset. 2he -ew @aledonians also make a drought by
means of a disc=shaped stone with a hole in it. 't the moment when the sun rises, the wi"ard
holds the stone in his hand and passes a burning brand repeatedly into the hole, while he saysI H6
kindle the sun, in order that he may eat up the clouds and dry up our land, so that it may produce
nothing.H 2he Banks 6slanders make sunshine by means of a mock sun. 2hey take a very round
stone, called a gvat loag or sunstone, wind red braid about it, and stick it with owls. feathers to
represent rays, singing the proper spell in a low voice. 2hen they hang it on some high tree, such
as a banyan or a casuarina, in a sacred place.
2he offering made by the Brahman in the morning is supposed to produce the sun, and we are
told that Hassuredly it would not rise, were he not to make that offering.H 2he ancient 5exicans
conceived the sun as the source of all vital force, hence they named him 6palnemohuani, H9e by
whom men live.H But if he bestowed life on the world, he needed also to receive life from it. 'nd
as the heart is the seat and symbol of life, bleeding hearts of men and animals were presented to
the sun to maintain him in vigour and enable him to run his course across the sky. 2hus the
5exican sacrifices to the sun were magical rather than religious, being designed, not so much to
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please and propitiate him, as physically to renew his energies of heat, light, and motion. 2he
constant demand for human victims to feed the solar fire was met by waging war every year on
the neighbouring tribes and bringing back troops of captives to be sacrificed on the altar. 2hus
the ceaseless wars of the 5exicans and their cruel system of human sacrifices, the most
monstrous on record, sprang in great measure from a mistaken theory of the solar system. -o
more striking illustration could be given of the disastrous conse*uences that may flow in practice
from a purely speculative error. 2he ancient Greeks believed that the sun drove in a chariot
across the sky, hence the ?hodians, who worshipped the sun as their chief deity, annually
dedicated a chariot and four horses to him, and flung them into the sea for his use. Doubtless
they thought that after a year.s work his old horses and chariot would be worn out. Erom a like
motive, probably, the idolatrous kings of Gudah dedicated chariots and horses to the sun, and the
&partans, (ersians, and 5assagetae sacrificed horses to him. 2he &partans performed the
sacrifice on the top of 5ount 2aygetus, the beautiful range behind which they saw the great
luminary set every night. 6t was as natural for the inhabitants of the valley of &parta to do this as
it was for the islanders of ?hodes to throw the chariot and horses into the sea, into which the sun
seemed to them to sink at evening. Eor thus, whether on the mountain or in the sea, the fresh
horses stood ready for the weary god where they would be most welcome, at the end of his day.s
's some people think they can light up the sun or speed him on his way, so others fancy they can
retard or stop him. 6n a pass of the (eruvian 'ndes stand two ruined towers on opposite hills.
6ron hooks are clamped into their walls for the purpose of stretching a net from one tower to the
other. 2he net is intended to catch the sun. &tories of men who have caught the sun in a noose are
widely spread. ;hen the sun is going southward in the autumn, and sinking lower and lower in
the 'rctic sky, the 8s*uimaux of 6glulik play the game of cat.s cradle in order to catch him in the
meshes of the string and so prevent his disappearance. On the contrary, when the sun is moving
northward in the spring, they play the game of cup=and=ball to hasten his return. ;hen an
'ustralian blackfellow wishes to stay the sun from going down till he gets home, he puts a sod in
the fork of a tree, exactly facing the setting sun. On the other hand, to make it go down faster, the
'ustralians throw sand into the air and blow with their mouths towards the sun, perhaps to waft
the lingering orb westward and bury it under the sands into which it appears to sink at night.
's some people imagine they can hasten the sun, so others fancy they can Bog the tardy moon.
2he natives of -ew Guinea reckon months by the moon, and some of them have been known to
throw stones and spears at the moon, in order to accelerate its progress and so to hasten the
return of their friends, who were away from home for twelve months working on a tobacco
plantation. 2he 5alays think that a bright glow at sunset may throw a weak person into a fever.
9ence they attempt to extinguish the glow by spitting out water and throwing ashes at it. 2he
&huswap 6ndians believe that they can bring on cold weather by burning the wood of a tree that
has been struck by lightning. 2he belief may be based on the observation that in their country
cold follows a thunder=storm. 9ence in spring, when these 6ndians are travelling over the snow
on high ground, they burn splinters of such wood in the fire in order that the crust of the snow
may not melt.
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D7 The )a&ical ,ontrol of the Win$
O=,E more, the savage thinks he can make the wind to blow or to be still. ;hen the day is hot
and a Aakut has a long way to go, he takes a stone which he has chanced to find in an animal or
fish, winds a horse=hair several times round it, and ties it to a stick. 9e then waves the stick
about, uttering a spell. &oon a cool bree"e begins to blow. 6n order to procure a cool wind for
nine days the stone should first be dipped in the blood of a bird or beast and then presented to the
sun, while the sorcerer makes three turns contrary to the course of the luminary. 6f a 9ottentot
desires the wind to drop, he takes one of his fattest skins and hangs it on the end of a pole, in the
belief that by blowing the skin down the wind will lose all its force and must itself fall. Euegian
wi"ards throw shells against the wind to make it drop. 2he natives of the island of Bibili, off
-ew Guinea, are reputed to make wind by blowing with their mouths. 6n stormy weather the
BogadBim people say, H2he Bibili folk are at it again, blowing away.H 'nother way of making
wind which is practised in -ew Guinea is to strike a Hwind=stoneH lightly with a stick, to strike it
hard would bring on a hurricane. &o in &cotland witches used to raise the wind by dipping a rag
in water and beating it thrice on a stone, sayingI
"( "no" this rag upone this stane
o raise the wind in the di!ellis name,
(t sall not lye till ( please againe#"
6n Greenland a woman in child=bed and for some time after delivery is supposed to possess the
power of laying a storm. &he has only to go out of doors, fill her mouth with air, and coming
back into the house blow it out again. 6n anti*uity there was a family at @orinth which enBoyed
the reputation of being able to still the raging wind, but we do not know in what manner its
members exercised a useful function, which probably earned for them a more solid recompense
than mere repute among the seafaring population of the isthmus. 8ven in @hristian times, under
the reign of @onstantine, a certain &opater suffered death at @onstantinople on a charge of
binding the winds by magic, because it happened that the corn=ships of 8gypt and &yria were
detained afar off by calms or head=winds, to the rage and disappointment of the hungry
By"antine rabble. Einnish wi"ards used to sell wind to storm=stayed mariners. 2he wind was
enclosed in three knots, if they undid the first knot, a moderate wind sprang up, if the second, it
blew half a gale, if the third, a hurricane. 6ndeed the 8sthonians, whose country is divided from
Einland only by an arm of the sea, still believe in the magical powers of their northern
neighbours. 2he bitter winds that blow in spring from the north and north=east, bringing ague and
rheumatic inflammations in their train, are set down by the simple 8sthonian peasantry to the
machinations of the Einnish wi"ards and witches. 6n particular they regard with special dread
three days in spring to which they give the name of Days of the @ross, one of them falls on the
8ve of 'scension Day. 2he people in the neighbourhood of Eellin fear to go out on these days
lest the cruel winds from 4appland should smite them dead. ' popular 8sthonian song runsI
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$ind of the )ross' rushing and mighty'
*ea!y the blow of thy wings sweeping past'
$ild wailing wind of misfortune and sorrow,
$i+ards of Finland ride by on the blast#
6t is said, too, that sailors, beating up against the wind in the Gulf of Einland, sometimes see a
strange sail heave in sight astern and overhaul them hand over hand. On she comes with a cloud
of canvas==all her studding=sails out==right in the teeth of the wind, forging her way through the
foaming billows, dashing back the spray in sheets from her cutwater, every sail swollen to
bursting, every rope strained to cracking. 2hen the sailors know that she hails from Einland.
2he art of tying up the wind in three knots, so that the more knots are loosed the stronger will
blow the wind, has been attributed to wi"ards in 4appland and to witches in &hetland, 4ewis, and
the 6sle of 5an. &hetland seamen still buy winds in the shape of knotted handkerchiefs or threads
from old women who claim to rule the storms. 2here are said to be ancient crones in 4erwick
now who live by selling wind. $lysses received the winds in a leathern bag from 'eolus, >ing of
the ;inds. 2he 5otumotu in -ew Guinea think that storms are sent by an Oiabu sorcerer, for
each wind he has a bamboo which he opens at pleasure. On the top of 5ount 'gu in 2ogo, a
district of ;est 'frica, resides a fetish called Bagba, who is supposed to control the wind and the
rain. 9is priest is said to keep the winds shut up in great pots.
Often the stormy wind is regarded as an evil being who may be intimidated, driven away, or
killed. ;hen storms and bad weather have lasted long and food is scarce with the @entral
8s*uimaux, they endeavour to conBure the tempest by making a long whip of seaweed, armed
with which they go down to the beach and strike out in the direction of the wind, crying Hg2abag
7it is enough1H Once when north=westerly winds had kept the ice long on the coast and food was
becoming scarce, the 8s*uimaux performed a ceremony to make a calm. ' fire was kindled on
the shore, and the men gathered round it and chanted. 'n old man then stepped up to the fire and
in a coaxing voice invited the demon of the wind to come under the fire and warm himself. ;hen
he was supposed to have arrived, a vessel of water, to which each man present had contributed,
was thrown on the flames by an old man, and immediately a flight of arrows sped towards the
spot where the fire had been. 2hey thought that the demon would not stay where he had been so
badly treated. 2o complete the effect, guns were discharged in various directions, and the captain
of a 8uropean vessel was invited to fire on the wind with cannon. On the twenty=first of Eebruary
100! a similar ceremony was performed by the 8s*uimaux of (oint Barrow, 'laska, with the
intention of killing the spirit of the wind. ;omen drove the demon from their houses with clubs
and knives, with which they made passes in the air, and the men, gathering round a fire, shot him
with their rifles and crushed him under a heavy stone the moment that steam rose in a cloud from
the smouldering embers, on which a tub of water had Bust been thrown.
2he 4engua 6ndians of the Gran @haco ascribe the rush of a whirl=wind to the passage of a spirit
and they fling sticks at it to frighten it away. ;hen the wind blows down their huts, the (ayaguas
of &outh 'merica snatch up firebrands and run against the wind, menacing it with the bla"ing
brands, while others beat the air with their fists to frighten the storm. ;hen the Guaycurus are
threatened by a severe storm, the men go out armed, and the women and children scream their
loudest to intimidate the demon. During a tempest the inhabitants of a Batak village in &umatra
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have been seen to rush from their houses armed with sword and lance. 2he raBah placed himself
at their head, and with shouts and yells they hewed and hacked at the invisible foe. 'n old
woman was observed to be specially active in the defence of her house, slashing the air right and
left with a long sabre. 6n a violent thunderstorm, the peals sounding very near, the >ayans of
Borneo have been seen to draw their swords threateningly half out of their scabbards, as if to
frighten away the demons of the storm. 6n 'ustralia the huge columns of red sand that move
rapidly across a desert tract are thought by the natives to be spirits passing along. Once an
athletic young black ran after one of these moving columns to kill it with boomerangs. 9e was
away two or three hours, and came back very weary, saying he had killed >oochee 7the demon,
but that >oochee had growled at him and he must die. Of the Bedouins of 8astern 'frica it is
said that Hno whirl=wind ever sweeps across the path without being pursued by a do"en savages
with drawn creeses, who stab into the centre of the dusty column in order to drive away the evil
spirit that is believed to be riding on the blast.H
6n the light of these examples a story told by 9erodotus, which his modern critics have treated as
a fable, is perfectly credible. 9e says, without however vouching for the truth of the tale, that
once in the land of the (sylli, the modern 2ripoli, the wind blowing from the &ahara had dried up
all the water=tanks. &o the people took counsel and marched in a body to make war on the south
wind. But when they entered the desert the simoon swept down on them and buried them to a
man. 2he story may well have been told by one who watched them disappearing, in battle array,
with drums and cymbals beating, into the red cloud of whirling sand.
← Original
← P#(*e!! )(# wea%"e# *(&%#(+ H2 M2 B#a&-a'+ U2S2 Pa%e&% 5+>46+=;>
← Wea%"e# *(&%#( 3/ a#%$)$*$a .ea&!+ He$&7 W2 Ka!e.$#+ U2S2 Pa%e&% 3+56:+==4
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← Reissue
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R$*"e#*"e+ U2S2 Pa%e&% RE5;+1:5
)(sica (ni%ersalis 7lit. (ni%ersal m(sic, or m(sic of the spheres is an ancient philosophical concept that
regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodiesVthe &un, 5oon, and planetsVas a form of
musica 7the 5edieval 4atin name for music. 2his .music. is not literally audible, but a harmonic andNor
mathematical andNor religious concept.
2he Greek mathematician and astronomer (ythagoras is fre*uently credited with originating the concept, which
stemmed from his semi=mystical, semi=mathematical philosophy and its associated system of numerology of
(ythagoreanism. 'ccording to Gohannes >epler, the connection between geometry 7and sacred geometry,
cosmology, astrology, harmonics, and music is through musica uniersalis
't the time, the &un, 5oon, and planets were thought to revolve around 8arth in their proper spheres. 2he most
thorough and imaginative description of the concept can be found in Dante.s %iine Comedy. 2he spheres were
thought to be related by the whole=number ratios of pure musical intervals, creating musical harmony. Gohannes
>epler used the concept of the music of the spheres in his &armonice Mundi in 1D1K, relating astrology 7especially
the astrological aspects and harmonics.
2he three branches of the 5edieval concept of musica were presented by Boethius in his book %e MusicaI
• musica uniersalis 7sometimes referred to as musica mundana
• musica humana 7the internal music of the human body
• musica instrumentalis 7sounds made by singers and instrumentalists
&ome &urat &habda Aoga &atgurus considered the music of the spheres to be a term synonymous with the &habda
7also known as the 'udible 4ife &tream in that tradition, because they considered (ythagoras to be a &atguru as
Ocitation neededP
Esoteric ,hristianit#
'ccording to 5ax 9eindel.s ?osicrucian writings, the heavenly Hmusic of the spheresH is heard in the 'egion of
Concrete (hought, the lower region of the ;orld of 2hought, which is an ocean of harmony.
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PanthYon, Paris
6t is also referred to in 8soteric @hristianity as the place where the state of consciousness known as the H&econd
9eavenH occurs.
Use in )(sic
6n %::D, an experiment conducted by Greg Eox divided the orbital periods of the planets in half again and again until
they were literally audible. 2he resultant piece was H@armen of the &pheresH. 2he principle of octaves in music
states that, whenever a sound=wave is doubled or halved in fre*uency, it yields a super=octave or sub=octave pitch
that is always perfectly consonant with the original one. 2his can be applied 7through very large octave shifts to any
periodic cycle, such as the orbits of celestial bodies, to render an audible analogue.
;o#sing #ith 5ods and )endulums
Be)(#e -$!*'!!$(&! a3('% ,e&-''. N%"e(#/O+ e%P! "a0e a ((L a% w"a% $! NU&$0e#!a a3!('%eO2
>ean Bernar$ 'Eon +o(ca(lt 7Erench pronunciationI /Z ɑ[
b ʁ ɛ na ʁ le ɔ[ fuko\ 710 &eptember 101K U 11 Eebruary 10D0
was a Erench physicist best known for the invention of the
Eoucault pendulum, a device demonstrating the effect of the
8arth.s rotation. 9e also made an early measurement of the
speed of light, discovered eddy
currents, and although he didn.t invent
it, is credited with naming the
gyroscope. 2he Eoucault crater on the
5oon is named after him.
2he +o(ca(lt pen$(l(m 7pronounced Ofu ]^ko ʊO Hfoo=>O9H, or +o(ca(lt's pen$(l(m,
named after the Erench physicist 4kon Eoucault, was conceived as an experiment to
demonstrate the rotation of the 8arth.
2he experimental apparatus consists of a tall pendulum free to oscillate in any vertical plane. 2he direction along
which the pendulum swings rotates with time because of 8arth.s daily rotation.
2his is because the plane of the pendulum.s swing, like a gyroscope, tends to keep
a fixed direction in space, while the 8arth rotates under it. 2he first public
exhibition of a Eoucault pendulum took place in Eebruary 10C1 in the 5eridian ?oom of the (aris Observatory. '
few weeks later, Eoucault made his most famous pendulum when he suspended a %0 kg bob with a DM metre wire
from the dome of the (anthkon, (aris. 2he plane of the pendulum.s swing rotated clockwise 11Q per hour, making a
full circle in !%.M hours.
' Eoucault pendulum at the north pole. 2he pendulum swings in the same plane as the
8arth rotates beneath it.
6n 10C1 it was well known that 8arth rotatedI in
addition to the passage of the sun and stars overhead,
scientific evidence included 8arth.s measured polar
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0nimation of a 6oucault pendulum at the Pantheon in
Paris (8"_'*2 >orth-, with the .arth2s rotation rate
greatly exaggerated# The green trace shows the path
of the pendulum bob oBer the ground (a rotating
reference frame-, while the blue trace shows the path
in a frame of reference rotating with the plane of the
0 6oucault pendulum at the
north pole# The pendulum
swings in the same plane as the
@hange of direction of the plane of swing of the
pendulum in angle per sidereal day as a function of
latitude. 2he pendulum rotates in the anticlockwise
7positive direction on the southern hemisphere and in
the clockwise 7negative direction on the northern
hemisphere. 2he only points where the pendulum
returns to its original orientation after one day are the
poles and the e*uator.
flattening and e*uatorial bulge. 9owever, Eoucault.s pendulum was the first simple proof of the rotation in an easy=
to=see experiment, and it created a sensation in the academic world and society at large.
'nimation of a Eoucault pendulum at the (antheon in (aris 7L0QC%. -orth, with the 8arth.s rotation rate greatly
exaggerated. 2he green trace shows the path of the pendulum bob over the ground 7a rotating reference frame,
while the blue trace shows the path in a frame of reference rotating with the plane of the pendulum.
't either the -orth (ole or &outh (ole, the plane of oscillation of a pendulum remains fixed with respect to the fixed
stars while 8arth rotates underneath it, taking one sidereal day to complete a rotation. &o relative to 8arth, the plane
of oscillation
of a pendulum at the -orth or
&outh (ole undergoes a
full clockwise or
counterclockwise rotation
during one day, respectively. ;hen a Eoucault
pendulum is suspended on the e*uator, the plane of
oscillation remains fixed relative to 8arth. 't other latitudes, the plane of oscillation precesses relative to 8arth, but
slower than at the pole, the angular speed, ) 7measured in clockwise degrees per sidereal day, is proportional to the
sine of the latitude, *I
9ere, latitudes north and south of the e*uator are defined as positive and negative, respectively. Eor example, a
Eoucault pendulum at !:Q south latitude, viewed from above by an earthbound observer, rotates counterclockwise
10:Q in one day.
6n order to demonstrate the rotation of the 8arth without the philosophical complication of the latitudinal
dependence, Eoucault used a gyroscope in an 10C% experiment. 2he gyroscope.s spinning rotor tracks the stars
directly. 6ts axis of rotation is observed to return to its original orientation with respect to the earth after one day
whatever the latitude, not subBect to the unbalanced @oriolis forces acting on the pendulum as a result of its
geometric asymmetry.
' Eoucault pendulum re*uires care to set up because imprecise construction can cause additional veering which
masks the terrestrial effect. 2he initial launch of the pendulum is critical, the traditional way to do this is to use a
flame to burn through a thread which temporarily holds the bob in its starting position, thus avoiding unwanted
sideways motion. 'ir resistance damps the oscillation, so Eoucault pendulums in museums often incorporate an
electromagnetic or other drive to keep the bob swinging, others are restarted regularly. 6n the latter case, a launching
ceremony may be performed as an added show.
Precession as a form of parallel transport
@hange of direction of the plane of swing of the pendulum in angle per
sidereal day as a function of latitude. 2he pendulum rotates in the
anticlockwise 7positive direction on the southern hemisphere and in the
clockwise 7negative direction on the northern hemisphere. 2he only
points where the pendulum returns to its original orientation after one
day are the poles and the e*uator. (arallel transport of a vector around a
closed loop on the sphere. 2he angle by which it twists, l, is proportional
to the area inside the loop. Erom the perspective of an inertial frame
moving in tandem with 8arth, but not sharing its rotation, the suspension
point of the pendulum traces out a circular path during one sidereal day.
't the latitude of (aris a full precession cycle takes !% hours, so after one
sidereal day, when the 8arth is back in the same orientation as one
sidereal day before, the oscillation plane has turned K: degrees. 6f the
plane of swing was north=south at the outset, it is east=west one sidereal
day later. 2his implies that there has been exchange of momentum, the
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Parallel transport of a Bector around a
closed loop on the sphere# The angle
by which it twists, `, is proportional to
the area inside the loop#
8arth and the pendulum bob have exchanged momentum. 72he 8arth is so much more massive than the pendulum
bob that the 8arth.s change of momentum is unnoticeable. -onetheless, since the pendulum bob.s plane of swing has
shifted the conservation laws imply that there must have been exchange.
?ather than tracking the change of momentum the precession of the oscillation plane can efficiently be described as
a case of parallel transport. Eor that it is assumed that the precession rate is proportional to the proBection of the
angular velocity of 8arth onto the normal direction to 8arth, which implies that the plane of oscillation will undergo
parallel transport. 2he difference between initial and final orientations is ) T ^% sin7*, in which case the Gauss=
Bonnet theorem applies. ) is also called the holonomy or geometric phase of the pendulum. 2hus, when analy"ing
earthbound motions, the 8arth frame is not an inertial frame, but rather rotates about the local vertical at an effective
rate of %m sin7* radians per day. ' simple method employing parallel transport within cones tangent to the 8arth.s
surface can be used to describe the rotation angle of the swing plane of Eoucault.s pendulum.
Erom the perspective of an 8arth=bound coordinate system with its !=axis pointing east and its y=axis pointing north,
the precession of the pendulum is described by the @oriolis force. @onsider a planar pendulum with natural
fre*uency + in the small angle approximation. 2here are two forces acting on
the pendulum bobI the restoring force provided by gravity and the wire, and the
@oriolis force. 2he @oriolis force at latitude * is hori"ontal in the small angle
approximation and is given by
where n is the rotational fre*uency of 8arth, ,c,! is the component of the @oriolis force in the !=direction and ,c,y is
the component of the @oriolis force in the y=direction.
2he restoring force, in the small angle approximation, is given by
$sing -ewton.s laws of motion this leads to the system of e*uations
&witching to complex coordinates - T ! X iy, the e*uations read
2o first order in nN+ this e*uation has the solution
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6f we measure time in days, then n T %m and we see that the pendulum rotates by an angle of ^%m sin7* during one
2here are many physical systems that precess in a similar manner to a
Eoucault pendulum. 6n 10C1, @harles ;heatstone
described an
apparatus that consists of a vibrating spring that is mounted on top of a
disk so that it makes a fixed angle o with the disk. 2he spring is struck
so that it oscillates in a plane. ;hen the disk is turned, the plane of
oscillation changes Bust like the one of a Eoucault pendulum at latitude o.
&imilarly, consider a non=spinning perfectly balanced bicycle wheel
mounted on a disk so that its axis of rotation makes an angle o with the
disk. ;hen the disk undergoes a full clockwise revolution, the bicycle
wheel will not return to its original position, but will have undergone a
net rotation of .
'nother system behaving like a Eoucault pendulum is a &outh (ointing
@hariot that is run along a circle of fixed latitude on a globe. 6f the globe
is not rotating in an inertial frame, the pointer on top of the chariot will
indicate the direction of swing of a Eoucault (endulum that is traversing
this latitude.
&pin of a relativistic particle moving in a circular orbit precesses similar to the swing plane of Eoucault pendulum.
2he relativistic velocity space in 5inkowski spacetime can be treated as a sphere &p in L=dimensional 8uclidean
space with imaginary radius and imaginary timelike coordinate. (arallel transport of polari"ation vectors along such
sphere gives rise to 2homas precession, which is analogous to the rotation of the swing plane of Eoucault pendulum
due to parallel transport along a sphere &q in !=dimensional 8uclidean space.
6n physics, the evolution of such systems is determined by geometric phases.
5athematically they are
understood through parallel transport.
BHo# To U%e A Pe!(3l3mB
B46 A&"t!ea4 T9 Ca!#ell% P&9D9- C9A9S9
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$&)(#.a%$(& (& "ea%"+ wea%"+ #ea%$(&!"$,!+ a&- )(# -$aB&(!$! a&- "ea$&B2 A wa%*"+ (# a& a ,$e*e ()
jewe#/ *a& 3e '!e- a! a ,e&-''.2 W$%" a ,e&-''.+ /(' *a& %aL -$#e*%/ %( /('# (w& G'$-e! a&-
A&Be! %( Ba$& &ew $&)(#.a%$(&2 Y('# ,e&-''. $! a %ee,"(&e %"a% /(' *a& '!e %( %aL %( /('# G'$-e!+
Ma!%e#!+ a&- A&Be!2 T"e/+ $& %'#&+ a#e -$#e*%/ *(&&e*%e- %( S,$#$%+ a&- U&$0e#!a I&%e$Be&*e2 I% $! %"$!
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)(# !(.e(&e e!e2
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Page (*+ of ))(
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S,$#$% a&- ./ G'$-e! a&- A&Be!+ %( 3e ,#e!e&% a&- %( %aL %( .e %"#('B" ./ ,e&-''.21
1Re.(0$&B P!/*"$* I&%e#)e#e&*e1
A!L /('# G'$-e! %( #e.(0e a $&e!+ a&- e&e#B$e! %"a% a#e &(% (0e $&e!+ a&- e&e#B$e! )#(. /('2 Pe(,e
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1Te!%$&B Y('# A**'#a*/1
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Page (*, of ))(
1H(w T( Re*(B&$7e A <N(< S$B&a1
NeE%+ !w$&B %"e ,e&-''. Be&%/ )#(. e)% %( #$B"% !$-e a&- !a/ %"$!F 1T"$! $! ./ N(2 Pe(,e !"aLe %"e$#
"ea-! N(+ a&- %"$! $! ./ N(+ !"aLe /('# "ea- $& a &( Be!%'#e w"e& /(' !a/ %"$!2
74eft to right
1H(w T( Re*(B&$7e A <Cea#$&B< S$B&a1
A Cea#$&B !$B&a+ $! a,,$e- w"e& /(' a!L /('# G'$-e!+ Ma!%e#!+ a&- A&Be! %( #e.(0e a 3(*L $& %"e
!'3*(&!*$('! .$&-+ $& %"e ALa!"$* Re*(#-!+ (# $& /('# e.(%$(&a 3(-/+ a&- a!L )(# %"e #e.(0a () %"$!
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,e&-''. $& a *(*LCw$!e *$#*e+ a&- !a/ %"e )((w$&BF
7?ight @ircles.
1T"$! $! ./ Cea#$&B S$B&a2 M/ ,e&-''. B(e! $& a *$#*e w"e& ./ G'$-e!+ a&- Ma!%e#! a#e *ea#$&B
!(.e%"$&B+ a! a 3(*L+ ,#(B#a.+ (# &eBa%$0e e&e#B/ awa/21 Y('# G'$-e! a&- Ma!%e#!+ a#e /('# a&Be!
a&- B'$-e! w$ %aL %( /(' %"#('B" %"e ,e&-''.2 I& %"$! wa/ %"e/ *a& "e, /(' .(#e+ a&- B$0e /('
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B((- )(# /(' )(# eEa.,e+ "(- %"e 0$%a.$&! $& /('# &(&C-(.$&a&% "a&-+ a&- -(w!e (0e# $%2 A!LF 1I! %"$!
B((- )(# .e?1 T"e/ w$ %e /(' Ye!+ (# N(2 W"e& /(' a!L a D'e!%$(&+ B$0e %"e ,e&-''. a %w$!%+ $& a
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(w& Ma!%e#!+ Sa$&%!+ A&Be!+ a&- %"(!e %"a% wa%*" (0e# a&- "e, /('+ /('# (w& $&&e# G'$-e!2
1G$&-$&B T"e Da/! O) T"e WeeL1
Y(' *a& a!( a!L %"e -a/ () %"e weeL '!$&B a &'.3e# *"a#%222See D$*%$(&a#/ U!aBe2
12 M(&-a/ 52 T'e!-a/ 32 We-&e!-a/ :2 T"'#!-a/ 42 G#$-a/ 62 Sa%'#-a/ >2 S'&-a/
1U!$&B T"e D$*%$(&a#/ T( G$&- W(#-! Q Se&%e&*e!1
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Page (*- of ))(
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,hapter 1 FBasic Do4sin&F
2hese instructions explain how to use your (endulum, and give some exercises for you to
practice. Aou will have a lot of fun finding things, increasing your Dowsing skills at the same
time = and gaining confidence in your Dowsing abilities.
Dowsing tools include r4. shaped rods 7such as cut coat hangers, rA. shaped rods 7ha"el or other
branches, rBobbers. 7like fishing rods held by the tip, and (endulums 7a weight on the end of a
length of string.
Dowsing is r r6ntuition 2echnology .. Aou put your r consciousNthinking mind . in a state of
sincerity and concentration to open a r communications channel ., and then ask a carefully
worded *uestion.
6 imagine a part of my r intuitive mind . called r Dowsing . that takes this *uestion, feeds it into r
2he &ystem . using the correct communications channel, and receives an answer.
r Dowsing . then indicates the answer to you by giving muscular impulses which manipulate a
tool 7which amplifies the muscle movements according to the signaling method agreed between
you and Dowsing. 2his bypasses your r conscious N thinking mind . = which tends to block r
intuition ..
2o become an expert Dowser needs lots of hard work, over months, maybe years. 2he important
part is improving = getting better at co= ordinating and using your skills. 'nd you will never learn
if you do not keep trying 1 8ven as an expert, you may lose your skills if you do not keep on
9ave you heard of r (yramid (ower . / 6t can even sharpen ra"or blades 1
;hen your (endulum circles it is making a cone shape, a r virtual . circular pyramid1 6 find that
when 6 am in sincere concentration 7aka prayer my (endulum makes that cone shape, perhaps
amplifying my *uestion so it is heard clearly.
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6n Erance, Germany, ?ussia, and other countries in 8urope, governments accept Dowsing = and
some government departments have Dowsing sections. -orth 'merica is far behind = mainly due
to vested interests and fear of ridicule. But it is used r on the *uiet . by many large organi"ations.
9ealers use a (endulum to find causes for illness in their patients, engineers locate errors on
drawings, computer experts find errors in computer code, gold and oil deposits are found, buried
treasure and ancient artifacts are located, water, electric, and telephone utilities use Dowsing to
find their lines. Dowsing has been used in many places to increase food crops = by helping plants
grow, keeping bugs away, and even putting a protective field around them to prevent diseases.
2here are many other uses of Dowsing that are not covered here.
Dowsing goes under many names, for centuries the @hinese have used Eeng &hui to decide how
to place and make a harmonious home. 6n 8urope it is used to choose sites which will be free of
cancer causing rays and to find what causes high incidences of road accidents = and then
eliminate these causes1
Aou can access your mind and body parts, and to the creations of man such as cars and
computers, you can contact animals and vegetation 4earning to Dowse is like learning to read.
Once you have started, you can apply it to many fields. 2he list is endless. 'nd you can do a lot
of good by letting others see you use your Dowsing skills in public.
(eople complain that businessmen, politicians, medical practitioners, and the general public do
not accept Dowsing. Aet there are many who r use their (endulum . in private = this is especially
true of ladies. By letting others see that you Dowse you are encouraging them to be Dowsers =
and to Dowse in public themselves. 2hat way Dowsing will become accepted1 6t is up to you1
Gust think how much better the world would be if politicians r did the right thing ., if alternative
medicine and spiritual healing reduced illness, if the Bustice system were fair to all, and if
children were not abused.
2his will happen. 6t will happen sooner if you help = by Dowsing in public, to help get Dowsing
accepted as a true r gift from God ., for us all to admit that we can get help from 9igher 8ntities,
such as our Guardian 'ngels, 9igher &elves, or other names that we choose to use.
Aou may encounter resistance and negativity from some church authorities. By contacting your
Guardian 'ngel directly you are by= passing them = and they may be afraid to lose their authority
and control over you.
6n some religions it has been accepted that priests can Dowse = but not those persons not
ordained. 2he &panish priests used Dowsing to find treasure in the 'mericas, while burning other
people at the stake for using witchcraft.
;hen you have gained some experience as a Dowser, and have gained confidence in your ability
to Dowse, then ask 2he &ystem about any of the statements in this booklet that you find
surprising = check that all this is true1
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' (endulum can be made from a paper=clip on a piece of cotton thread, a brass weight on a
string, or a cannon ball on a chain = if you are strong enough to lift it1 &ome people use key tags
or a crystal on a metal chain. ' glass bead, about !N0 inch 71 cm diameter = spherical or pear=
shaped suspended by about 1C inches 7L: cm of braided thread 7e.g. a shoe lace is a good
Eirst bond together with your (endulum as a team, and specify that the r 4ove of 2ruth .
communications channel always be used in your Dowsing = so hold your (endulum in your hand,
and sayI
r 6, 7your name, the owner of this (endulum, declare that all answers shall always be given in
the 4ove of 2ruth when using this (endulum or any other Dowsing tool, 6 promise to use my
(endulum only for Good. .
-ext re*uest the Eorce for Good, acting with 4ove of 2ruth, to help you by being your r Gate
>eeper ., to ensure that all your Dowsing is done in love and that the answers the best available
and are true, that they apply to the present time, and that they are within your range of
r 6 ask the Eorce for Good to Guard all my Dowsing, to obtain only answers given in 4ove of
2ruth, given from all available sources, and given in terms of the present time and locations that 6
understand as a human being on this earth. .
Aou should be in a state of prayer when using your (endulum. 2his means being really sincere
and honest, concentrating on what you are saying and thinking = and thinking only good
Aou may also find that taking a r (ranic Breath . helps your DowsingI place your conscious
awareness at the top of your nose N between your eyes, breathe deeply, feeling the breath with
your conscious awareness, exhale, moving your conscious awareness straight back into your
head. Aou may feel yourself expand, and your r mind chatter . will usually lessen.
Because using your (endulum is such a serious business it presents a problem, if you use your
(endulum only for serious matters then how do you get the practice that you need to learn 7and
to teach others to become proficient /
2he answer lies in asking 2he &ystem for permission to practice = like guessing the cards in a
pack, telling dates of coins, or finding non= essential things. But if you ask permission to practice
and then use the results for personal gain 7like having an unfair advantage to win at cards you
may be penali"ed.
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2he next key to Dowsing is to make certain that your mind fully understands the signals to be
used. ' computer is Bust a piece of furniture without a program = and in the same way your
Dowsing needs to be programmed. Aou can have different programs for different tools and
various Bobs, and can change the programming at any time, like using different computer
6f you have been using a set of Dowsing signals, then you may decide to stay with them. Aou can
also Bust ask for the signals that your body and mind suggest be used. But these may not be the
best signals to use in all circumstances = you would not use a word processor to handle a
spreadsheet, or do gardening with a table fork.
2he programming 7or signal system suggested in this booklet has been found to be good for
most people, and if you are new to Dowsing, or having difficulties with your Dowsing, then you
may decide to use it. 6f so, then sayI
r 6 now cancel all previous programs that 6 have had for Dowsing, and state that the signals to be
used are a clockwise circle to indicate H A8& H, an anti=clockwise circle to show H -O H, an up=
and=down line to signify H ;'626-G H, and a side=to=side line to mean that an answer is H -O2
'3'64'B48 H ..
'lthough you can use either hand to Dowse, you may find that the best hand to use as your
Dowsing hand is the opposite hand to that which you normally use, this allows your r normal .
hand to be used for writing when you are Dowsing. But if you find this difficult, use your normal
2he term r other hand . means the hand that is not holding your (endulum.
-ow hold your (endulum as shown on the cover page, with the holding point between your
thumb and first finger of your normal hand 7the finger next to the thumb, with about M inches
7%: cm of string to the point of your (endulum, which should be about 1NL inch 7:.C cm above
a piece of blank paper. Eirst of all, Bust hold it still 7this is like teaching your dog to sit 1.
Ste= (
-ow look at the diagram of circles and lines
next to this writing. 9old your (endulum
above the middle of the .up and down. line and
make it swing along the line = towards you
and away from you, this is the H ;'626-G
(O&626O- H = ready for a *uestion. &top, hold
your (endulum still, and without making it
move ask it swing in the H ;'626-G
(O&626O- H.
Page (+1 of ))(
Ste= )
?epeat this procedure explaining that if the *uestion is poorly worded, is not understood, is
beyond your Dowsing ability, or should not be asked, then the H -O2 '3'64'B48 H signal to be
used is to slow down and stop along the H ;'626-G (O&626O- H, and then to restart swinging
on the H -O2 '3'64'B48 H line.
Ste= *
9old your (endulum over the clockwise circle, and tell it to move in a clockwise direction, if it
does not move the first time, you can make it move = but keep at this until it moves without you
forcing it. ?epeat for the anti=clockwise circle.
Ste= +
9old your (endulum over the H A8& H circle and ask your (endulum to make a circle in the H
A8& H direction.
Do not make it move, Bust wait for your (endulum to move on its own1 2his is 38?A important,
since you are trying to confirm that the signal is understood.
Ste= ,
2hen hold it over the H -O H circle and ask it to make a circle in the H-OH direction. (ractice
these H A8& H and H -O H circles to make sure that you have them correct = they are the key to
being able to Dowse.
?epeat steps 1 to C until you have success = then you can ask simple *uestions for practice 7but
remember to ask permission to practice first 1, such as H 6s today ;ednesday / H = but wait until
you have read all the instructions before asking any important *uestions.
-ow repeat these exercises using Bust thought = Bust thinking H A8& H, H -O H.
&ome people have difficulty in getting a (endulum to work well for them when they first start. 6f
you are having difficulty, use a r rBobber ..
Get hold of a wire coathanger, cut it on one limb at the hook, and straighten it. 9old the hooked
end in your hand 7the hook is a handle and point the free end in front of you.
Aou now have a r hori"ontal (endulum . or r rBobber . which many people find very responsive =
so practice the movements as beforeI up=down for H ;'626-G H, side=to=side for H -O2
'3'64'B48 H, clockwise circle for H A8& H, anti=clockwise for H -O H.
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Aour time spent learning to use a Bobber is well spent. 6t is a very useful tool for using outside
for locating lost rings, coins, or other small items = especially when it
is windy.
2he other key to using your (endulum is asking for directions, so
program your (endulum 1 2ell itI
r ;hen indicating directions, make a H A8& H circle and then swing in
the direction to be indicated. 6f any doubt, make a H -O H circle..
-ow hold your (endulum over the centre of the r rcounting chart .
7marked H &tart 9ere H so that it is either still or making a small
circle. -ow tell it to move in the direction of the line marked H D H.
Aour (endulum should make a small H A8& H circle, and then move
along the line leading towards the number re*uested. 6f it makes a H -O H circle, be cautious =
something may be wrong1
?epeat this with the other lines, marked H : H to H K H, until it does them all correctly. Aou can use
this skill to find lost and stolen items, read messages, seek treasure, and find your way home.
' long string is more sensitive to small muscular movements but takes a longer time to complete
a movement than does a short string. ;hen starting to Dowse you may find a long string best,
changing to a shorter length as you become more skilled and your muscle system becomes used
to Dowsing.
&ome people use very long strings on their (endulums, and vary the length according to the item
they are seeking, this long type of (endulum was developed by
[email protected], but is not
generally used today.
' light (endulum needs less energy to respond, but is more easily blown about by the wind. Aou
may need a heavier one if you use it outside in strong winds.
&ince your (endulum is being used by AO$, you should choose a length that responds best to
AO$? mind and body = instead of the length that you used to start. 2his is called . tuning . your
2he most accurate way is to hold the string between your thumb and first finger of your hand,
and slowly let the string out. 6f you find this difficult, wrap the string around a pencil first, but be
sure to hold the string 7on the pencil between your thumb and first finger.
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&tart with about % inches 7C cm of string between your finger and the pendulum weight. (lace
your other elbow against the side of your body, with the hand in front of you, palm upwards,
pointing across your body, let your (endulum swing gently along the line of your hand.
4et the string out a little at a time, and soon your (endulum will start to make a circle, continue
to let out the string slowly, and your (endulum will go back to swinging again, let out more
string until your (endulum starts making a circle again = note that this circle is much larger than
the first circle, you have found the correct place to hold the string of your (endulum 1
6f you are very sensitive, your (endulum may make very large circles all the time when using
this length, if this is so, then use the shorter length = when your (endulum first started to make a
circle. 5ark this the . holding point . by making a simple slip knot in the string.
Aour (endulum is a tool, by itself it has no magic abilities 1 'll it does is enable you to get
information from the intuitive side of your brain without a lot of interference from the rational
side of your brain = and amplifies that input.
's with all tools, it is best to take good care of your (endulum so that it is clean and in good
condition when needed. ?epeat the first lesson with the H A8& H and H -O H circles. 5ost people
get a clockwise rotation for H A8& H, and anti=clockwise for H -O H. 6n a some cases people get
signals the other way round, if this is happening to you, then go over the procedure a few more
times to make certain, and remember that for you the signals are . clockwise T -O, anti=
clockwise T A8& ..
2he H A8& H and H -O H directions may change depending on your body cycles 7and those of any
person that you are asking about. &o it is good practice to check the directions each time you
Dowse, and each time you ask about any other person. &o ask r &how me the signal for H A8& H .
whenever you Dowse.
2he next step is to make sure that 2he &ystem agrees to the use of the signals you have declared
in your programs. &o hold your (endulum and declareI
s 5y Dowsing must always be guarded by 2he Eorce for Good, and obtain answers in
4ove of 2ruth from all available sources. #
s Aou must always tell the truth, got from all available sources. #
s H A8& H or H -O H signals may only be given if the *uestion is a a good, clear *uestion,
permitted to be asked by me, and if the true answer is known. #
s Otherwise you must stay still or give a H -O2 '3'64'B48 H signal. #
2his is 38?A important, so ask 2he &ystem if it understands 1 6f your (endulum signals H -O H
or stays still, then repeat this part of the training until your (endulum signals H A8& H.
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&ome people consider that a r witness . aids their *uesting. 2his is a sample of what you seek =
held in your hand, attached to your (endulum, or inserted into your (endulum 7if it is hollow and
can be unscrewed. 2his may work by concentrating your thoughts on the task at hand.
2here are some very important rules about the *uestions that you ask.
;hile 2he &ystem may be able to understand your intention, it may still insist that you r cover all
your bases . to get you into a good habit.
'nd this habit is important, since at times you may address *uestions to an animal, a tree, your
car or your computer, they will respond to the exact *uestion that you ask = even if it is not what
you intended 1
Eirst, you should be in a state of meditation or prayer = be serious, concentrate.
&econd, the *uestion must be clear, so that 2he &ystem really understands the *uestion. 6f you
are thinking about eating more ice cream the *uestion . 6s it O>/ . is -O2 clear = 2he &ystem
may not understand what you mean by H it H1 &o ask r 6s it O> for me to eat more ice cream
now / .
6magine that you are in a car which has a broken fuel gauge, you ask r Does the car need gas / ..
2he answer will always be H A8& H, even if the tank is full. 2he car needs gasoline 7called . gas .
to make the engine work, and it needs air 7another gas to burn with the gasoline and to fill the
tyres. ' better way to ask this *uestion would be r 6s the gas tank of this car less than half full / .
2hird, the answer must be H A8& H or H -O H 7if not a direction. 6f somebody told you a story,
asking r 6s the story true /. may not work, because some of it may be true, and some of it may not
be true. &o you must ask about the part of the story that you think may be untrue.
Eourth, there are some *uestions which should -O2 be asked = especially if the *uestion is -O2
your business 1 2his is why is is very important to ask 2he &ystem r 5ay 6 ask about <<< /.
before asking the actual *uestion.
Eifth, you must not try to make your (endulum move in any way. 6f you try to force it to move H
A8& H because you want it to, but think that the true answer may be H -O H, then you are
spoiling the training that you have done. &o the next time you ask a *uestion, 2he &ystem may
not give the correct answer.
&ixth, you must check that you are working within the r rules of the game .. 2his means that you
must define your *uestion and the reason for asking it, and check with your pendulum for H A8&
H answers to r 5ay 6, @an 6, &hould 6 /.
H 6 am seeking to find the best way to .... H to define the problem.
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H 2his is to help <<< to feel happier H to explain your reason for asking.
H 5ay 6 ask /H to get permission to proceed, and confirm that the answer is available.
H @an 6 ask /H to in*uire if you have the skill to get a correct answer.
H &hould 6 ask/H in case your *uestion is about a forbidden subBect, an invasion of a
person.s privacy, or other reason why you should not ask at this time.
'nd then ask your *uestion if the replies have all been H A8& H.
H 6s my understanding that AAAA correct /H is a good way to check that the *uestion was what
you intended, that you have understood the answer, and that the answer given was the correct
answer 1
6f any reply is H -O H, you do -O2 proceed, if you are asking about someone else, and did not
explain that you are asking in order to help, you may get a H -O H answer, this is one time when
you can explain why you are asking, and repeat your check. 6t may also be the wrong time to ask
the *uestion 1
&ome people try and combine these, by presuming that getting a H A8& H after asking r 5ay 6 /.
implies that permission would only be granted if the r @an 6 /. and r &hould 6 /. were also H A8&
H. 2his is logical, but your intuition is -O2 logical 1 Aou 5$&2 ask '44 the *uestions
separately 1
6f you often get wrong answers after your . 5ay 6, @an 6, &hould 6 /. check, it is probably due to
badly worded *uestions, or your influence in wanting a particular answer. 5ake sure that your
*uestions are clear and cannot be twisted 7like the gas example, and then having asked the
*uestion say to yourself . 6 wonder what the answer will be .. 6 wonder what the answer will be ..
6 wonder what the answer will be .. . to stop your thoughts interfering.
6t also helps if you do keep your mind on what you are doing. 'sking about something you do
not like 7broccoli / and then thinking of an ice cream will be sure to give you a wrong answer1 6t
is good practice to always check the answers that you get by asking . 6s the answer ... AAAA ...
correct /. = it may be wrong if the *uestion was poorly worded or should not have been asked.
?emember how to ask a *uestion, although it may seem silly to ask permission for very simple
*uestions, do it to build a routine to use when asking more complicated *uestions = r get into the
habit .. r 5ay 6 ask if my eyes are brown /. then r 're my eyes brown /., and afterwards check by
r 6s the answer that my eyes are brown correct /.
O>, it is time to exercise your (endulum, try these *uestionsI
're my eyes brown /
Did 6 eat an egg for breakfast today / Ditto cereal /
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Do 6 like spinach / 6ce @ream / Broccoli /
;ill 6 be rich / (oor /
Did you remember to ask permission for practice *uestions / Did you ask the r 5ay 6/ @an 6/
&hould 6 /. *uestions / = and did you check the answers /
6f yes to both rich and poor, remember you could be poor at one time and rich in another. 're
you poor in spirit and rich in wealth / 2ry asking about wealth, and about spirit 1
6f you try to influence your (endulum it could give you the answer that you want = and one that
may not be true 1 2ry and keep an open and in*uiring mind, and always check the answer = ask
r 9ave 6 correctly understood the 2ruth /..
Aou do not have to speak aloud when you ask 2he &ystem a *uestion = it is *uite O> r to think .
the *uestion to yourself. 'nd that way, nobody else knows the *uestion that you are asking 1
6f your (endulum makes a small circle 7or a small swing or does this slowly it is indicating that
there is some doubt, or the *uestion may be poorly worded. ' very large circle 7with speed says
H without any doubt H, usually you get a middle si"ed circle, meaning that the answer is based on
present data which may change in the future.
?emember that the si"e and speed is relative to the normal si"e and speed of a circle made with
that same length of string.
'nother time when you may get a small circle is when your solution to a problem is workable,
but not the best solution = so keep refining your solution and you will get a bigger circle the
closer that you come to the best solution.
'lthough 2he &ystem is able to answer all your *uestions, you must not rely on it for every
minor matter in your daily life 1 Aou must learn to make your own decisions, but it is O> to ask
for training purposes, and if the matter is important. 'nd even then, it is best to make a decision
and then ask r Did 6 make the correct decision /.. 6f the answer is H -O H then use your (endulum
to find out how you can improve your decision.
2ypical *uestions are r On a scale from 1 to K, how fresh are these tomatoes /., r .. how suitable
is this suit for me /., r .. how allergic am 6 to eating peanuts /.
Eor depths of water, minerals, etc., you can ask first in terms of r 9ow many thousands of feet /.,
with an answer between % and ! .. r 9ow many hundreds of feet over two thousand /., and if you
get a swing between C and D .. r 9ow many tens of feet over %,C:: feet /., and narrow the search
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Aou can get practice asking r 9ow many minutes will 6 have to wait for the next bus to come /. =
remember that it may not be the bus that you need, so you can ask r .. for the next e1: bus..
going in my direction ., r 9ow many miles to the next gas station on this road /., and you can
check these answers 1
'nother way of counting, useful especially if you do not have your @ounting @hart with you, is
to make a guess and then split differencesI r 6s the depth greater than 1,::: feet /. 7 H A8& H r 6s
the depth greater than %,::: feet /. 7 H -O H r.. greater than 1,C:: feet /. and keep narrowing
this down by halves. 2he depth may be exactly %,::: feet down = so remember to check 1
Aou can also ask that your (endulum make a number of circles to give count, but you must
arrange the code beforehand = are the first and last 7small / circles part of the count/ 2ry sample
counts to see what works for you.
,hapter B FPop(lar UsesF
9ave you heard a little voice or felt a feeling deep inside you = that tries to help you/ (erhaps
you wish it would help you more often 1
2hat little voice or feeling comes from the intuitive part of your mind.
(erhaps it is 2he &ystem trying to help you, or your friends 1 Aou have a sudden thought that you
should do something, or go somewhere, or see 7or telephone somebody. 'nd you have been
surprised when doing Bust that solved another problem.
6f you get an urge to go to the river, it may be because somebody needs your help. But you do
not Bust rush off to the river1 Aou ask 2he &ystem if you should go, and if it is safe for you to go.
6f so, then you leave a message saying where you have gone in case you get into difficulties, or
so people can find you if another emergency needs your help.
Do not boast about your skills 1 Gust use them *uietly and carefully.
's an example, if a friend has lost something, you may not be able to find it for them, since it is
not r your . thing. But you can try = and when you find it, you can say how pleased you are that r
2he Dowsing &ystem . helped you to help others,
Aou can check using your (endulum if a particular food is good for you to eat.
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(erhaps you feel ill at odd times, and wonder if you have an allergy.
'sk 2he &ystem r Do 6 have any allergies /., and if the answer is H A8& H then you can write
down all the things which you think may affect you, hold a pointer 7a pencil will do in your
other hand and point to each item in the list in turn, asking r 'm 6 allergic to this /.. 2hen avoid
that item and see if you feel better.
Aou can always ask how you will get on with a person. r @an 6 trust (at /., r 6s (at telling me the
truth /., r ;ill (at be a good friend to me /. and r 9as (at taken my pencil /. are all excellent
*uestions to ask 2he &ystem.
But it is wrong to ask these same *uestions when they concern (at and some other person = you
should only ask if AO$ are involved.
'nd asking about some one else, such as r 9as (at any allergies /. is wrong unless (at has given
permission for the *uestion to be asked. 2his is like poking your nose into another person.s
diary 1
'sking r 6s my girl N boy friend interested in some other person /. will always tell you H A8& H =
but the sort of interest may not be what you meant1 2he r some other person . may be you, the
interest may be for business reasons, or because they are relatives = or they may be a fan of a film
star. ;e are all interested in many other people.
-ow repeat the lesson on using your (endulum to point directions = remember to ask permission
to practice.
9ow is this skill useful/ ;ell, if you cannot remember where you left your pen, glasses, or
bicycle you Bust ask that your (endulum point the direction 1 Aou can even ask the direction to
your dog 7or cat, try and find your dog this way = if he gets lost on another day using your
(endulum may help to find him.
r 9ide and seek . will take on a new meaning with help through your (endulum = for finding
other people, or have someone hide something for you to find.
6f you ask your (endulum to be pointed to north, you could be surprised when it pointed to a
friend or neighbour = this could happen if the name of the person was r(at r-orth 1 &o ask for r
the direction of polar 7or magnetic rnorth ..
6f you are looking for a ring 7lost in the grass you can walk in the direction shown by your
(endulum, and ask that as you approach the ring, your (endulum will change from making a
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straight r to Y fro . motion to a clockwise ellipse, and then to a HA8&H circle when over the ring,
and then signal with an anti=clockwise ellipse when you have gone past the ring.
2his program can be used to find many things = and you may find it works best with a Bobber,
which is less troubled by the wind, and can work close to the ground without you having to bend
down. Or you can tie a (endulum to about 1 metre N ! feet of thin bamboo Ndoweling and use it in
the same way.
Get some pennies and ask your friend to hide then in the garden 7or the beach, or even under a
carpet, then use your (endulum to find them. 'sk that your (endulum r point to the nearest
penny . until you find them all.
'nother way is to hold your tool to the right side and get a direction, and then to the left side for
another direction = the penny will be where the directions cross. (erhaps 1 6f you asked for the
second direction to point the same penny you will find it, but it could be pointing to another
penny = so make certain that you ask it to point to the same penny 1
;hen your (endulum indicates that you have found a penny, ask if there is more than one = in
case your friend put a few together. Aou can get an exact count by asking about increasing
2his method of pointing can be used for map Dowsing, and a r map . can be a sketch showing
approximate dimensions. 6s this important/ Aes, indeed. (ractice and make perfect, and then you
can help find people trapped by earth*uakes = and even use your skill to uncover landmines if
needed 1
6f you have a map, you can search for a lost dog, stolen bicycle, or a friend.s location. Gust hold
your (endulum at one corner of the map, and ask that your (endulum show you the direction of
your search obBect, and mark the direction on the map.
2hen go to two more places on the map, and get % more directions. 6f you draw lines on the map,
they will cross to make a triangle. 2his is the method used in surveying land. 6f the triangle is
large the answer may not be accurate.
2his may be because the target 7such as a car may be moving, or perhaps your feelings for the
search item may be too weak for you to get identification.
6f you are searching for another person, you may not get a good answer if the person does not
want to be found = so you may find it difficult to locate a thief.
5ap pointing can be used to locate your next home. 6f you are using a map of the whole district,
then the area that the triangle covers may be large. Aou can reduce the search area by choosing
points on the map that are close to the triangle and getting new directions from those points.
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'nother way is to move a ruler down the map until you are signaled to stop, and then across on
this line until the position is given. 2his is not as accurate as triangulation. Or you can mark the
map into s*uares, and Dowse r 6s it in this s*uare /., but your target may be in more than one
s*uare 1
'nother very important skill to learn is tracking. 'sk your friend to walk around the
neighbourhood 7or on paths in the woods if you live in the country and remember the route
taken. 2hen ask that your (endulum show the path taken. Or you could track animals in this
same way = it is the same sense that trackers use 1
' little hint = your friend may try to trick you by going through the same place twice 1 &o always
ask 2he &ystem r ;hich direction did my friend take next /. so that you trace the exact route.
2hen check with your friend to see how well you did.
Or you could play at hunting in the same way = get some bits of paper, write numbers on them,
and get your friend to leave them 7in order on his route.
2hen hunt for these using your (endulum.
;hen you are exploring, remember to ask 2he &ystem if you will be in danger before starting
out 1 -ext you can ask that your (endulum point to what you are seeking, it will swing r to and
fro ., so check which direction to take. ;hen seeking a small obBect, ask it to make a H A8& H
circle when found.
Do not be disappointed if your direction finding does not work well the first few times = if you
practice with your (endulum now, to improve your skills and build confidence in using your
(endulum, then you will be ready for when you really do have a need to search.
Aour (endulum could save your life 1 &uppose that are camping in a place that you do not know
well, and that you are exploring some woods. &uddenly you reali"e that you are lost 1
Being a well trained Dowser, you are carrying the most important part of your e*uipment = your
(endulum1 &o ask that it point the way back to the camp site. ?emember that it swings
backwards '-D forwards = one direction will take you to the camp, the other away from the
camp. &o if it swings leftNright 7or forwardsNbackwards ask if left 7or forward is the direction to
-ow it may be that the direction shown is the most direct, but not the safest 7a ravine = or even a
wild animal = could be in the way, so it would be better to ask that your (endulum show you the
r *uickest safe way . to the camp 1
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But what happens if you EO?GO2 to take your (endulum / ;ell, you can make an emergency
(endulum to get you out of trouble. 2ake a piece of string, and tie it around a small stone, and
use that as your (endulum.
6f you do not have a piece of string, use a length of vine or tear a length of bark from a small
branch of a tree. 2ry not to use your shoe lace, because if your shoe is loose then walking will be
more difficult.
Aou use your (endulum to find some water, but then wonder if it safe to drink. &o ask via your
(endulum r 6s it safe for me to drink this water /.
6f you ever get really lost for a long time, you may get very hungry. Aou can pick some leaves or
pieces of grass, and ask via your (endulum if they are safe for you to eat. 2his is for emergencies
only, so do not go eating leaves unless you have a real need.
Eor example nettles may sting you, but are good to eat, dandelions are very good, but you may
not like their taste. Aou may be able to eat most snakes and bugs = so long as they do not eat you
first 1
Aou must be most careful to be honest and truthful using your (endulum. (retend that you are a
child who does not like broccoli, if you ask 2he &ystem r &hould 6 eat my broccoli /. and it
signals H A8& H, and you then tell your mother r 5y (endulum says 6 should -O2 eat my
broccoli . then you are spoiling the training that you have done with your (endulum.
Aou must '4;'A& be honest and truthful = especially about using your (endulum. 8ven if your
(endulum indicated r 8at your broccoli . you may choose not to eat it = that is your choice 1 But
DO -O2 blame the (endulum if you ignore the advice given and run into trouble.
?emember that you do not have to speak when using your (endulum, only to 296-> the
*uestion. 6f someone asks r ;hat did you ask your (endulum /. you can always tell them r sorry,
but that is private ..
&uppose that you want to go out, but are not sure whether you should go to the ?ed ;ood (ark,
the baseball field, the skating rink, or the swimming pool. Aou can draw some lines on a piece of
paper 7like the r counting chart . write the names in the spaces, and ask your (endulum to
indicate the best place. 2o be really accurate, you should add r stay home . and r somewhere else
Aou could put the names of friends instead of the names of places, or use colours to ask which
one is best for a purpose. Or if you want to know which campsite you would like most this
summer, write their names and ask 1
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6nstead of using your (endulum to point to choices drawn in a semi= circle, you can write a list
and ask 2he &ystem to show which is correct = or the best choice.
;rite down all the things from which you want to choose, hold a pointer 7a pencil will do in
your rother. hand and point to each item in the list, asking 2he &ystem r 6s this the best choice /..
2his can be used for many purposes, such as which subBects should you study, what books to
read, or where to go to eat or for a holiday.
'nd you can ask what colour clothes you should wear, each colour has its fre*uency of
vibration, as do emotions, feelings, and the @hakras which many leading thinkers believe
influence our personal life. But ask with a purpose in mind. 2he colour to wear to become
successful may not be the same as the colour chosen if you want to relax 1
'nother maBor decision would be choosing a place to live. 5ap Dowsing can locate the
neighbourhood, but there are a lot of crucial *uestions which should also be addressed. r ;ill this
house be conducive to a happy family /. 6f you Bust ask r ;ill this house suit me /. you may get H
A8& H while the answer for your partner or dependants would be H -O H.
Aou can also ask r 're any maBor repairs needed soon /. r 're there problems with the
foundations /. r .. the roof /. r .. the insulation /. r .. the heating system /., .. r the fire warning or
prevention system /., r 6s a "oning change likely to happen in the next 1: years /., r ;hat is the
lowest price that we can negotiate to buy this house /..
6n 8urope it is now usual to ask if there are any earth energies which would adversely affect the
occupants = "ones where high incidents of cancer occur have been identified by skilled Dowsers.
&killed Dowsers can identify areas dangerous to sleep or sit, and move these energies to make a
place safe.
Other dowsing tools like the r4. and rA. rods will indicate metal pipes, electric cables, and
running water = without having to be told what to seek. Aour (endulum can be used to find these
's an exercise, go into your garden or the street, where you think there may be a water pipe 7or
electric cable and ask that your (endulum r 5ake a H A8& H when 6 am above a water pipe . =
and see if you can trace where it runs.
6f you Bust ask 2he &ystem r 6s water here /. you will probably get H A8& H, since most ground
has some dampness in it 1 Aou have to ask your *uestions very carefully. 6f you are Bust looking
for a drink, then ask r ;here can 6 find surface water which is safe to drink /.
6f you are looking for a place to sink a well, then you could ask that your (endulum r &how me
where 6 can find an all=year round continuous C: gallons per minute supply of good drinking
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water within 1:: feet of the surface ., but if you start walking to the next town you may have to
revise your *uestion.
Aou could say r &how me the best place to drill a well on my land to get good drinking water .,
and then when you find the spot ask r &hould the well be more than !: feet deep /., r C: feet /.
until you find the depth to drill.
'nd you can then ask r ;ill 6 get a continuous all=year=round supply of more than %: gallons per
minute /., r C: gpm /., until you get the correct flow.
But taking that flow may prevent the water going to another well used by someone else, this is
bad practice = so you must always ask r 9ow much water may 6 extract without harming the
supply of any other person /.
Aou may also need help from an experienced Dowser who is able to divert bad water away from
a well, and get more good water to flow in.
(erhaps the most useful Dowsing that you can do with water is to improve the *uality of the
water that you drink. ' lesson from a very experienced Dowsing 6nstructor, rBill r'skin, is to get
a glass of water and sip it to get the taste.
2hen hold your (endulum over the glass, and ask r that everything in the water that is harmful to
me in any way be removed . = and when your (endulum stops circling taste the water again = and
it may have a different taste 1
But wait = the experiment is not finished 1 -ow ask r that all the sustenance and nutrients that
you need for your 9ighest (urpose be added to the water ., wait until your (endulum stops
making a r virtual pyramid . over the glass, and taste again 1
Aou can verify that the r life essence . of the water has improved by checking with your counting
chart. 6t seems that life and light are closely related = and that the life essence 7or radiance can
be measured in 'ngstrom units, a measurement of light.
&ince you interested in the change that occurred, you do not have to concern yourself with
understanding what an r r'ngstrom. unit means, Bust ask r (lease indicate the radiance of this
water in thousands of 'ngstroms . at the times that you taste it. 7&ee the @ounting section. for
detailed methods
6n r r2he r&ecret r4ife of r(lants . the radiance of a normally healthy person is *uoted as being
about D,C:: 'ngstroms, food which has a higher radiance is healthy for you, but if it has a value
below yours then you may lower your own radiance 7your life force by eating it.
2he book suggests that if you eat meat, smoke, or drink alcohol then your radiance will be lower,
and that the lower your radiance the more likely that diseases will hurt you.
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One way to improve the radiance of food is to pray that it be blessed before you eat it. 2est this
by asking for the radiance value before and after the food is blessed = and be ready for some
surprises 1
Aou can also ask for the relative goodness of the water or food for you using the counting scale
from : to K, with : being very bad and K being the tops.
,hapter C FImpro%in& HealthF
2here are four prime causes of health problems = physical reasons, such as having fallen down,
emotions, like anger, fear, and Bealousy, mental upsets, especially worrying about situations, and
spiritual causes, for example doing something that you believe is wrong. 'lways use the term r
health problems . since it includes all sickness, disease, and other problems.
5any people have discovered that some of these are carried on from previous lives. 6f this is so
in your case, the help of a good psychic should be considered. Aou can use Dowsing to check if a
particular person is the best one for you.
6t is important to reali"e that a health problem may have more than one cause = an emotional
problem may reduce your defence capabilities so that physical exposure enables the disease to
take root.
r@arolyn r5yss has written a number of books on this aspect of health, seen as a r medical
intuitive .. 9er first book is perhaps the best one, dealing with a number of cases. &he explains,
for example, that people with anger often have heart problems or arthritis. But heart problems
can also occur due to old age.
9er later books concentrate on another factor = the refusal of people to get well, for reasons such
as enBoying the sympathy of others, or the misused power that being an invalid gives to control
the lives of others 1
2o help yourself 7or others with the approval of 2he &ystem first ask r 9ow many serious health
problems do 6 have /. Eor each one, ask if the cause is physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual =
remembering that there could be more than one cause.
-ow go through each type of cause of each health problem, asking r 6s <<< the cause/ .. 'nd be
guided by your thoughts = it is probably intuitive thought assisting you in your search. 2his
routine takes time = but is worthwhile to do properly.
4ater you can use the 5essage @hart to get details = for example r ;orry about who cares for me
if my wife died . or r 'nger to my father who abused me ..
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Aou may be able to help reduce pain or put a disease into remission with the help of 2he &ystem,
but it may well return unless the cause is eradicated, this is the really hard part = especially
dealing with anger.
-ote that this discussion has nothing to do with medical support, your doctor may well be giving
you the best treatment to cure a disease = here we are trying to eliminate the causes of disease
that doctors not removing.
Do not expect that all cures will lead to perfect health. 6n the view of 2he &ystem forgiveness
may be all that is needed before a human evolves to a higher form = the 9ealing of 9eaven is a
different healing from that of earth1
O-ER,O)I=6 A=6ER
(erhaps the hardest anger to overcome is that which you harbour against a parent who abused
you when you were a helpless infant in their care. 6ndeed, nothing can Bustify that sort of
behavior. 2he resulting anger, however, can do far more damage to you than did the abuse = so
you must learn to deal with it.
Erom your point of view the case is *uite clear = and you can never forgive and forget. &o you
must look at it from the other person.s point of view = by no means an easy task 1
(erhaps the parent was abused, it could be physical or vocal. 2he parent may have been brought
up believing that such behavior was normal. 6n fact, you might be having Bust that same problem,
and be restraining yourself because you do believe it to be wrong.
(erhaps your father did not have the same will=power to restrain himself, or lacked the support
coming from other members of your family that you enBoy.
6t may even be that this was a lesson that both of you had decided to work out together to
overcome the r >arma . = perhaps in a previous life you had abused him 1 2here are many people
who believe in this sort of karma = and they may be right.
;hat you are doing here is trying to find some excuse, however far=fetched and ridiculous, that
explains your father.s actions and allows you to forgive him. 2hat is all. Aou are in this for
yourself, not him 1 6t does not matter what you think to anyone else = only to yourself 1
6f you can do this, and genuinely say r Eather, 6 forgive you ., then the memory of that abuse will
cease to pester you, it will stop making you ill. 6t is past, it is finished, you can concentrate on
what is happening in your life today = not events of long ago 1
'nother maBor problem of forgiveness is forgiving oneself. (erhaps you have been angry with a
person for some series of events that happened years ago, you want to rid yourself of the troubles
caused by anger, and this is one of the cases that comes to mind.
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Aou examine the events from your view, and it seems as if you were right. &o look at them from
the viewpoint of the other person, perhaps some thing that was said was completely
misunderstood, and this error started all the negative behavior. Aou may have been at fault, and
even if you are not sure where to put the blame, it is better to accept it than to have the problem
continue 1
&o apologi"e to the other person. Aou do not even have to do it to their face = although it may
help them if you do, and be more meaningful to you. But they may have moved away or died. &o
say the apology = and really mean it.
-ow you can start the forgiveness. 2o forgive oneself is often completely overlooked 1 But it can
be the key to clearing anger = and other emotions = from your system, so you can again become
;hen you were young you assimilated the life around you, the behavior patterns you observed
helped you to fit into your family and society.
But the family may not have been the best, society has changed, and the patterns may have been
misformed anyway.
(lease excuse a couple of examples from my own life1
2he night after 6 wrote the previous piece on anger, 6 had a dream about my first wife and three
non=existent daughters who were riding bicycles. 5y wife and one daughter yelled r go away . as
6 rode to them.
6n my dream 6 took this as being reBected, and got most upset. 6n a later scene 6 showed anger, to
their surprise = they had wanted me to keep clear of their bicycle race.
2his dream set me thinking. 6t seemed to be tied into the piece on anger. Did it have any real life
6 had lived in a very sheltered environment as a small child, and did not meet any girls of my
own age. ;hen 6 was M years old, 6 liked a girl and wanted to go to her birthday party. 6 was not
invited. 6 took this as reBection. 'll through my youth and my adult life, including two failed
marriages, 6 saw myself stamped with a r ?8G8@2 . label1
&o it was D: years later that 6 was able to tear this label from myself. 6 reali"ed that the little girl
could have been given a limited number of friends to invite, or had a boy friend to whom she was
6 had been suffering from her action = but it was my mistake in putting a wrong reason to that
action. &o 6 apologi"ed to her 7imagining that she was there to listen and forgave myself for
being such an idiot. 4ooking at 58, without carrying the r ?8G8@2 . label, allowed me to see a
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person who actually had a lot of good points, and had always been approached by women = but
had r succeeded . in reBecting them first 1
;hen 6 very young 6 greatly admired my grandfather. 9e was a very kind and generous man,
about K: years old = and 6 wanted to be like him.
;hen 6 used my message chart to ask my subconscious why 6 smoked, 6 was told r 2o be like
grand dad .. 6 asked what this meant, and was told that 6 had wanted to be like my grandfather.
2his was true, but why did 6 smoke /
;ell, he smoked cigars, and my mental picture was of this old gentleman with a cigar. &o my
subconscious self had translated this into a desire to smoke = so 6 would be like my grandpa 1
Once 6 explained the error, and forgave my subconscious, 6 was able to reduce my smoking.
-ow these events happened to me over short periods. 6magine the strength of behavior patterns
developed over a long time, for example in a family where the husband is usually drunk, beats a
nagging wife, and abuses his children. 2hey grow up knowing that a real adult acts in the same
way 1
2hey may also think that it is O> to act, but not to talk about their way of life. 6t becomes
hidden. ;hen helping somebody who has this problem you may not be aware of it = and they
will avoid telling you 1
&o what can you do /
;ell, 2he &ystem knows it all. 'nd it knows how to fix things. &o Bust pass the problem to the
experts 1 &ay r 6 ask in 4ove of 9ealing, if there is any problem in their family life, please fix it,
so that all in their family are helped ..
' lot of fat people would like to be slim. Aou can help them 1 But you must start by making sure
that the reason for getting fat is really understood.
Eemales tend to get fat due to nature, they are r programmed . to store energy as body fat so that
they 7and their babies can survive a famine. 2his is a safeguard to ensure that the human race
survives a natural disaster. 2his a r spiritual . reason.
' different source of r getting fat . is mental = feeling insignificant. 2his is feeling that you do not
have your rightful place in society.
&o you, as a person, want to be more substantial, to r stand out . more. 'nd this is translated by
your own body mechanisms to mean that you want to be fatter 1
&o use Dowsing and your message chart to discover what is causing the fatness, explain this
reason to the person, and work out with them how to remove this cause. 2hen you can start to get
the weight reduced.
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8very day, preferably before each mealtime, the person should say r 6 want no more fat, let
slimness be implemented .. &oon the person will be influenced to not take the extra snack, and to
use the energy stored as fat. 2his is an expensive process, since new clothes will be needed 1
Aour r unconscious self . is in charge of making your system work for you, so that your heart
beats, etc., irrespective of what you consciously want. 6t also makes you do other things like
smoking, perhaps influenced by thought forms.
6f you want to change a habit, you must ask your unconscious self to change its routine. 'nd ask
in 4ove = it does not like to be bullied 1
Aou may find it best to thank your unconscious self for the way it looks after you, explain that
you would appreciate its help in stopping your habit, explain why 7especially if you reason with
it that it likes to live, and the habit is hurting your health and shortening your life, and praise and
thank it for the result even before the result happens.
6f you can discover the events that caused a particular programming of your subconscious 7or the
development of thought forms you can r relive . the situation N events in your imagination, and
give a different ending which is more in line with the change that you desire to make.
6t seems that if you r relive . this a number of times, your subconscious will accept it as being the
truth and become r reprogrammed ..
6f you are going to buy herbal remedies or vitamin supplements, you can ask 2he &ystem for
assistance, r Do 6 need a remedy /., r (lease point to the shelf with the remedy that 6 need ., r 6s
the remedy on this shelf /., and r 6s this the remedy that 6 need /. = or ask similar *uestions using
your message chart.
Aou can ask for the strength to be purchased the dosage to be taken, and how often to take it.
'fter this, ask if there is another remedy that you should also take, and if so, then repeat the
procedure. 'nd you can help your medication to be more effective1
'pply or take your medication, hold your (endulum over the place that needs healing 7or as
close as you can get and imagine a golden light coming to you through your (endulum. &ay r
2his golden light will make my medication work better, it will heal me faster . = and it helps if
you imagine the medication and healing light actually making all well1
Aou will probably see your (endulum make big H A8& H signals, and then stop when you have
enough. 6t may even give you a H Big >iss H at the end 1
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2here are schools of thought which believe that all living bodies have auras which work with a
@hakra system, connected to pathways along the spine, to mould our actions and our bodies = and
the subtle systems used in acupuncture. 8ach @hakra 7or disc is associated with specific colours
and sounds.
2he @hakras may be considered to be a sort of transceiver, transmitting and receiving not radio
signals, but a higher level system of communication which is yet to be discovered scientifically.
2hese @hakras may not be fully open in some people, or tuned into negative aspects instead of
desired positive ones.
(erhaps you could have a happier life, and find that things r go your way ., if your @hakras are
operating correctly 1 Eirst of all, ask via your (endulum r Does my body have a @hakra system /.
and if H A8& H then ask r 6s my @hakra system important to me /., r 're all my @hakras operating
correctly /., and .&hould 6 learn more about my @hakra system /..
2here are many books on @hakras and their associated physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
characteristics = all concerned with your health. 6f your @hakra system is important to you, it may
be worthwhile to get some books from the library that help you to understand @hakras, learning
their location and associated colours and sounds, so that you can improve their efficiency.
6f you decide that you want to check your @hakras, you can ask for each one r On a scale from :
to K, how important to me is this @hakra at the present time /. 7and use the @ounting @hart to
find out, r .. : to K .. what is the efficiency of this @hakra /., r ;hat colour is associated with this
@hakra /., r Do 6 have any problems related to this @hakra /. then take the first thought that
comes that could indicate a problem and then ask r 6s <<< the problem that 6 have to correct /. =
or find out using your message chart.
2hen you must think of ways that could overcome or correct the problems, and check to see if
you have found the right basic intentions, such as forgiving, apologi"ing, leaving a bad
relationship, or changing your Bob.
r5ike rDoney, one of the best Dowsers in the world, has found that there are grids for things like
sadness, Boy, sorrow, happiness, hate, and love. -ote that sadness is spiritual, while unhappiness
is emotional = they are not the same1
6t seems as if our auric systems tune our @hakras into these grids = so we choose 7via our system
whether we want to laugh or cry 1
5y personal investigations have led be to believe that our @hakras are like microwave dishes
tuning into these energy grids, and that they are operated by the endocrine glands of our body
acting like the tuning and amplification devices of a radio set.
6t may be that the attunements performed by r?eiki practitioners and the 8missaries reset these
endocrine glands, so that they tune into the beneficial aspects of these energy grids.
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But if you are not prepared to release anger, greed, hate, fear, Bealousy, etc., then your body will
revert to the previous noxious settings.
2he classic investigation into Dowsing and 9ealing was done in Erance by the r'bbe r5ermet
and r4ouis r2urenne 7of the Erench 5ilitary 'cademy. 'n excellent exposition of their work is
in r r&upersensonics. by r@hristopher r9ills.
By using (endulums having magnets affixed which could be rotated they experimented with the
r fre*uencies of vibration . of many substances = and of diseases. 2heir work culminated in a r
black box . built by Dr r'brams.
2his contained a number of dials that could be rotated to give a numeric readout of the fre*uency
of a disease, calibrated by rubbing your finger on a r sticky pad . which indicated the correct
setting of the dials.
2he medicinal or herbal cure could then be found by it having a corresponding fre*uency. Of
course, this was completely ridiculed by the authorities, since there was no r scientific . basis for
its operation.
6t was so stupid that it worked even with a drawing of the wiring and battery, without even
having to have the real thing 1 Juite utterly ridiculous. But it worked1
6n fact it worked Bust like any other form of Dowsing = by using the (ower of 2hought and the
help of 2he &ystem.
6t is much simpler to use Dowsing charts = you can make your own or buy special books of
charts. 2hey can even have a chart which is an index r Eor this person, which chart should 6 use
to help improve his health /..
'nd going to that page, ask which problem needs attention = checking to see if there is more than
Bust one problem. 2hen you may be led to further pages to determine the cause, and more pages
to learn the cures, including strength and dosages to be used.
?emember that this sort of thing will work for all life = you can build similar charts for use with
animals and with plants.
But always remember that there is privacy involved = always ask permission before starting,
using r 5ay 6 /, @an 6 /, &hould 6 /..
,hapter D F)a5in& #o(r Home SafeF
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6t is ama"ing that so few people know that it needs to be done 1 Dowsers can clear their own
house or office, and help others by clearing theirs. Eirst Dowse to locate any r thought forms . or
other r entities . that are in the space. 'sk that your (endulum r ... point to any entities and
thought forms that are detrimental to the inhabitants and occupants of this house 7or office, and
circle when at the location ..
't each location, ask 2he &ystem r ... in 4ove of 9ealing and 9elping Others, and getting all
specialist help re*uired, now please help all negativity at this location by removing it and taking
it into the 4ight with 4ove . = and expect to see your (endulum make a big H A8& H circle,
possibly making a H Big >iss H when finished.
5ake certain that each room is completely cleared before moving to the next room = ask 2he
&ystem r ... is this room clear of all negativity/. and expect to see your (endulum make a search
7pointing in various directions but staying in one direction if it finds another to be cleared. 6f it
makes a H A8& H circle then the room is clear. 2hen thank 2he &ystem for the help given.
Occasionally the clearing will not be done, and in such a case there will be a very good reason
why not, you can ask 2he &ystem for this reason 7and what must be done to allow clearing of the
house using your message chart.
Erom ancient times in @hina, rEeng r&hui 7meaning wind and water r the art of placement . has
been used to site homes and public buildings, and to protect them from spirits and dragons.
$nderstand that by dragons is meant the power of hills, mountains, rivers, and growth such as
trees to influence homes.
-owadays land space is at a premium, and most of us do not have the choice of building homes
in the most desirable places, such as having a mountain behind with a specifically shaped stream
nearby. ;e may have to buy an existing building. &o the accent is on r 9ow can we make this
place safer /.
6 understand that the special Dowsing charts, in circular format and having numerous rings, are
used in rEeng r&hui to determine the needed actions.
6f you cannot move a mountain, you can build a small mound to be an imaginary mountain, and
place gates, ponds, trees and gravel to represent blocking and welcoming features.
&pirits are welcomed 7if good or else repelled by the placement of doors, windows, mirrors,
furniture, and ornaments within the dwelling.
(erhaps it is the thought associated with the placement that is more important than the actual
article used.
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6 have no experience of rEeng r&hui, and suggest that you contact experienced Eeng &hui
practitioners for their specialist advice.
2he next task is to deal with earth energies. 5any people sleep, or sit for long periods such as at
work, in places that have energy fields or rays that are not good for them. 2he result is often
cancer, tumor, or other disease.
r;alter r;oods, (ast (resident of the r'&D, a renowned and greatly respected Dowser, has
identified the identification and neutrali"ation of geopathic "ones as the most important use of
Dowsing in the current world. rGeo relates to the earth, and rpathic means detrimental to health.
2he earth energies may be detrimental to some, and beneficial to others. 2hose which are
noxious to humans are loved by cats = so if your cat likes to sleep on your bed or favourite chair =
beware 1
2he energies come from a number of sources. ' particularly bad one is r black water . veins,
where very potent emanations occur over water flows deep in the earth.
2he r9artmann 7-=& Y 8=; and r@urry 7-8=&; Y -;=&8 grids occur in all parts of the earth
at about %m = !m spacing. &ome Dowsers consider that they can be bad or good, depending if
rAin or rAang in direction and type, and that their intensity can vary with the time of day, sunspot
activity, eclipses, and the phases of the moon.
'nd there are the human created electro=magnetic effects. 6f you are close to electrical power
lines and even house service transformers you can be affected. (erhaps radios should not be
placed too close to your head in your bedroom.
2here are vortexes of energies in some places, spiraling to the sky = often causing trees to grow
;here these energies cross the effect is often magnified, especially if they are all rAin or all
(eople can still suffer from an overdose of good energies, or find that a small dose of bad
medicine can have beneficial effects. 2he effect of exposure varies between people depends on
the strength of the energies, the length of exposure, and the person.s resilience = babies being
very sensitive.
@ats, ants, bees, and many insects like the energies which are noxious to humans. Dogs, horses,
cattle, pigs, and mice act in the same way as humans when subBect to the energies.
2rees and plants are affected in the same way, some loving one sort, and others hating that sort.
Beekeepers eliminate mites by placing the hives on Aang lines = which bees love but is r death to
mites ..
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2he effect on humans is to increase the chances of suffering from diseases such as multiple
sclerosis, asthma, depression, heart trouble, rheumatism, insomnia, cancer and other tumors,
mental disease and nervous system disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, 'l"heimer.s, anxiety and
hypertension, allergies, and epilepsy. 6t may well increase the chance of a baby dying due to the
sudden death syndrome.
Dr r5elnikov, Director of the 5edical and 8cological Department of the Geo=8cological @entre
in r&t. r(etersburg, ?ussia, reports a C year study looking at a C mile stretch of the city for
geopathic "ones in which 1:: of 1,::: house were labeled as being r cancer houses ..
9ospital and medical records were checked, K:R of oncological cases occurred in the "ones,
including direct correlation with leukemia in children. 2raffic records showed a corresponding
high rate of traffic accidents in the streets.
6t has been determined that these energies rise way above ground = that a person in an apartment
at the top of a high rise building will be Bust as susceptible as a person living on the ground floor.
r>athe rBachler.s book r r8arth r?adiation . documents her research into more than !,:::
apartments, homes, and workplaces in 'ustria, noting case by case the effects of bad water
energies and the r@urry Grid energies on pregnant mothers, babies, children, and adults = on
sleep, health, and school performance.
&uch a lot of bad news1 But there are ways to alleviate the situation. 2hey can be avoided, and
Dowsers can divert, block, or neutrali"e the rays from water.
By Dowsing if a bed or chair is in a noxious "one, that "one can be avoided by moving the
furniture. Aou can Dowse that a noxious "one exists in a bed, and by tracing the "ones find that
they cross in a certain spot. On many occasions they have been told stories such as r 'unt 5ary
slept here, but she died of breast 7or stomach cancer . and found that the "ones crossed exactly at
where her breast 7or stomach would have been 1
2he easiest way to help is is to ask 2he &ystem to locate these dangerous places, and then avoid
them by moving beds and favourite chairs so that they are out of the way of these earth energies.
2o do this, go to each chair and bed and ask r 6s this a safe place for a human to sit / .. to sleep /.
and if the answer is H -O H then go to an alternative position and ask the same *uestion until you
get a H A8& H. Be sure that the whole of the new bed position is safe 1 6f you still have problems,
get the help of a more experienced Dowser.
2hen tell the people that the bed or chair is in a bad position and could cause cancer or other
diseases, and advise them to move it to the safe location that you have found with the help of 2he
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9elping other people to make their home safe is really worth while = especially if you teach them
to do it themselves.
6t is my understanding that the r@urry grid carries all the energies such as 4ove, hate, greed,
Bealousy, and others that effect the way that humans react = as explained in the section on
@hakras, it is this grid that should be avoided most.
2he r9artman grid appears to me to be a boosting grid for the r@urry grid, it may not carry and
energies in the forms they have in the r@urry grid, but supplies life force 7or 4ove to them
irrespective of their task.
2hus it may be that the effect of the 9artman grid on humans is to boost the energies within them
= helping them to improve if they seek advancement, or assisting in their downfall should they be
choosing to be bad.
(erhaps the r@urry and r9artmann grids are fixed and permanent grids that encircle all parts of
the earth.
Dowser rGohn r3an rDrie has good success using the (ower of 2hought to place a psychic block
of gold N golden light 7about !m or 1: feet thick around the building, as a thought=form barrier
for protection.
rGohn says this protection blocks both the rays from r bad water . and the rbad. energies in the
Aou can do this too = Bust ask 2he &ystem to place it there to protect the occupants, and visuali"e
that it is being put there with 4ove, ask that it does not hurt any other life, and that it stay in
position for the time that the house stands. 'nd check that it is successful1
-ote that when diverting any energy it is most important that it is not sent where it will do any
harm to others.
?esearch in 8urope has discovered that bad water "ones approach, but do not enter, many old
building built of stone and brick. ;as this because the builders tapped each stone or brick into
place / 6t seems so, and recent properties have been so protected by placing stones to surround
them and hitting then with a mallet to bond them to the earth and activate their protection.
Dowsers can discover the lines of these "ones, and by banging iron stakes into the ground and
hitting them in the direction sought the "ones are diverted.
2here are many other methods and tools, including copper coils in rooms and around beds, that
have been used to protect people.
One problem that has been discovered is that coils, talismans, and devices are put in position
with the love of money or of ego building.
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2hey may work for a short time, but seem to lose their ability over time.
On checking, 6 found that they were often r not made N placed with 2rue 9oly 4ove . = the 4ove
of helping others with good intent, r-amaste.
6t is wise when placing any protection to ask the help of 2he &ystem to find a suitable method, to
ask that any change not be detrimental to any other life 7not Bust human, but avoid hurting any r
small people ., that the protection be supervised by 2he &ystem, and that it last for the life of the
building. 'nd then Dowse to see if this has been done in a good way, and if any further problems
remain that need help.
Be polite = thank 2he &ystem for its help and love1 'nd 6 always ask that the occupants of the
building be blessed with 9oly 4ove. 6t is an excellent idea to ask the others to Boin you in this
simple prayer of thanks 1
Aou can use your (endulum to see if your pet is sick, and ask *uestions to find out what is wrong
and how to cure your pet. Aou can do this to plants as well, asking r Does it need more water /.,
or ask which fertili"er and how much.
5ost of us are very surprised when we learn that we can tell what animals and plants need. But it
is even more ama"ing when we reali"e that they can tell what we are thinking 1
&ome years ago there was a lie detector specialist called r@leve rBackster who became interested
in plants. 9e decided to test how long it took for water in a plant pot to reach the top leaf in a
plant which was dry, so he attached a lie detector to the top leaf.
rBackster was ama"ed to see that the lie detector indicated happiness as soon as it was attached,
even though no water had been added. 9e then wondered if the plant would give an unhappy
signal if he set the leaf on fire = and was astounded that the plant gave that unhappy signal as
soon as he had the thought1 2his experiment has been well publici"ed both in books and on
2he implication of this is that plants 7and it follows also animals can feel and can think. 6
believe that they can also express love = animals most certainly do.
6n my thinking the main ability that humans have over animals is think about the future. ;e seem
to be the only known live forms on earth that have this ability. But this does not mean that we
should not respect all life forms, Bust because we have one better attribute = birds can fly. Do they
look down on us /
2ry cutting a leaf in two, getting a friend to hide half, and then Dowsing for it = holding the other
half in your hand. Aou will find that the two halves seek each other 1 ?emember to ask
permission of the leaf first, to show respect.
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8xperiment with your message chart to exchange messages with your pets.
Aou can have a wonderful time r talking . to your dog. 'nd you might be able to get your plants
to grow better = and grow pri"e vegetables in your garden.
,hapter K FAppen$icesF
2ake a wire coat hanger and cut it in the middle of the bottom, now cut each piece at the hook
end. Gently bend the wires so that they have right angle bends at the elbows. 2ry to avoid any
rough edges = since you want the pointers to turn without catching.
6f you want to have the r4. rods turn easily, get two thin r drinking straws ., cut a length from
each, and slip one over each handle of your r4. rods. 2ake a pair of pliers, and form a small circle
at the end of the wires 7both handle and pointer so that they will not poke out any person.s eye.
6f you do not use r straws . but hold the handles directly, make sure that you do not grip too hard,
else the pointers will not turn. 9old the handles gently, allowing them to turn.
(lace your elbows close to your body at the bottom of your rib cage, keep your forearms straight
out and in front, forming a right angle to your body. 9old the r4. rods by the handles, with the
pointer at the top, and twist your wrists until the pointers are both pointing away from you and to
your front.
6f you hold the handles so that the pointers are pointing down, they will -O2 respond, you need
to have the pointers about parallel to the ground, but Bust enough twist so that they point ahead of
you, not to either side. 2his is the r start position ..
's you walk forward, look straight ahead, being aware of the direction of the pointers = but DO
-O2 look directly at them. 6magine that you have a full cup of water in each hand, which you
had balanced so that they do not spill, and you are relying on your sense of balance to keep them
from spilling as you walk forward.
;hen you cross a water pipe or electric cable, you will find that the pointers have moved. Aour
sense of balance changed due to the influence of the pipe or cable, and your wrists twisted so that
the pointers are now pointing in a different direction.
Both pointers may now point inwards, or point outwards, or form a cross. Or both pointers may
point to the left, or both to the right.
Eor most people the pointers both point inwards when an influence is felt. Aou can program them
to fix the signals given.
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6f you keep on walking forward, the pointers may start to point towards you 7in a reversal of the
start position signifying that the main strength of the influence is now behind you, and
eventually the rods will revert to the start position, meaning that the influence is no longer being
felt by you.
But we all have a tendency to make corrections, and usually that means that when the rods start
to point in a new position we presume we have twisted our hands = so we make the rods point
forwards again, resuming the start position.
-ow if this is so, how can we tell whether we are directly over the centre of the pipe or cable, or
Bust within its influence / ;hat is the range over which the influence acts /
One way is to mark the spot when the influence is first felt, re=adBust your rods to the start
position, and continue walking forward. 't some position the pointers will give a signal opposite
to the previous signal, meaning that you are now out of the influence area = so place another
marker here.
-ow turn around to face the way that you came, resume the start position, and walk towards your
original start point, repeating the above procedure.
2his gives you L markers = % in the central area indicating where the influence is greatest, and %
at the edges to show where the influence ceased.
2he mid point between the % central markers is probably directly over the pipe or cable, and the
depth if likely to be half the distance between the outer markers = or the average distance
between the centre point and the outer markers.
Aou can use a single r4. rod for directions, sensing energies, and answering *uestions.
2he forked sticks cut from trees to form a rA. are recounted in many ancient texts as r 298 water
witching . tool. 5odern day rA. rods are made from metals and plastics, as well as wood. 2here
is no real difference between rA. rod and a r3. rod, which includes all similar Dowsing tools.
Aour rA. rod relies on the same wrist movements as the r4. rods, but while accepting fewer
signals it amplifies them so that they are unmistakable. 6n fact, many people have found the
resulting force to be so great that they cannot fight it 1 'nd if this happens to you, the best advice
is to Bust loosen your grip instead of hurting yourself.
' lot of people have trouble using a rA. rod, this is because the correct way to hold it is not
obvious. ' picture can show you the correct positioning of your arms and hands, but the
importance of where to exert pressure with your hands is critical 1
6t is reported that 8uropeans tend to hold the rA. rod with their knuckles uppermost, while -orth
'mericans keep their palms on top. Juite honestly, it does not matter. ;hat is important is that
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the posture that you use is comfortable, and that you apply pressure in the correct way at the
right points.
&o how do you hold your rA. rod/ &ince the 8uropean way is the oldest hold, start with that grip.
(ut your elbows into your sides and keeping the back of your hands uppermost hold your rA. rod
pointing to your front. -ow place your thumbs in between the two free branches of the rod, and
spread the rod apart by moving your hands and elbows outwards, but bringing your thumbs
towards your body.
-ow the really important part = the pressure should be applied by the first fingers of your hand
pulling the rod towards you, with the palms of your hands pushing the ends of the rod away from
you, to force a nice curve in the rods. Aou can use your other fingers to grip the rods to add
stability, but the main pressure is from the first fingers = the index fingers, the fingers next to
your thumb. 2his is your r start . position.
;ith both grips your hands force the branches into a curve, with the Boint ends 7the rA. kept
pointing away from you in front, and the handle ends in line hori"ontally = if someone held a
long ruler for you, the handle extensions would be parallel to the ruler.
2he sensitivity of the rA. rod is at its maximum when the free ends are in line = each free end
having been rotated through a right angle from when they touched. 2o reduce sensitivity, you
rotate them using a smaller angle. But if the angle is too small, they will not react.
'n important test to see if you are holding your rA. rods correctly is to give a very slight twist to
your wrists. 6f your grip is correct, your rods should immediately respond. 6f not, change your
grip until this does happen.
6f you Bust hold it with your fingers without applying the pressure then you may have trouble
getting your rod to work. 'E28? you have got your rod to work, you can have fun trying
different holds, to see which one is best for you. Do not be afraid to experiment = it can be fun,
and you will learn. 'nd remember, we often learn more from making mistakes than we do from
doing things right the first time 1
2he movements that your rod will make are either up or down, this is similar to the way that
your r4. rods move inwards or outwards. But because you have a strong grip on your rA. rod, the
tendency to correct is lessened. 2his means that as you enter and leave an influence "one, your
rA. rod will recover to the start position.
'dditionally, since you are applying pressure, you are providing a force against which your rA.
rods can react. 'nd this enables you to Budge the strength of the reaction by your rA. rod, and so
estimate the power being exerted by the influence field = and, of course, by the obBect of your
search. -ote that all these reactions are relative, so as you get more experienced so your
Budgements will improve in reliability.
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'bstracted from r r2he r'merican rDowser., 3olume %!, -o.1 = Eebruary 1K0!
by rBarbara r(risbe, a past Director of r@&J, and 8ditor of r r2he r'merican rDowser ..
's 5easured on the 5ind 5irror, by r8dith 5. rGurka, r5.D. Diplomate of the 'merican Board
of (sychiatry and -eurology
2he 5ind 5irror is an instrument designed in 4ondon by Dr. @. r5axwell r@ade rE.6.8.8.,
rE.6.(hysics, rE.6.Bio., rE.?.&o.9ealth, rE.?.&o.5edicine, awarded the rOliver r4odge ?esearch
Grant of the @ollege of (sychic &tudies, and rGeoffrey rBlundell, electronics expert and
2he 5ind 5irror consists of two electroencephalographs which record both sides of the brain
instantaneously. 2he brain fre*uency analysis consists of 1L different fre*uency ranges, from .
:MC 9" to !0 9".
Eive original patterns were established. ;hen checking Dowsers it was found that a sixth and
different pattern emerged... see diagrams below, which show the left and right brain wave
patterns for various states in normal people, and those observed in meditative people and in
experienced Dowsers.
@oncerning the very high delta amplitude in all the Dowsers, Dr. r@ade said it correlates with
higher levels of consciousness and a reaching out to the unknown. @ertainly this is the essence of
what a Dowser does = reach out for information not available to the C ordinary senses. '
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confirmation of this interpretation is that the delta fre*uencies are absent in the Cth &tate pattern
of yogis, whose practice does not include a search.
2he increased beta amplitude 7which yogis do not have could come from both sides of the
Dowser.s brain concentrating hard on the obBect of the search. (erhaps the varying amplitudes of
theta in the different Dowsers reflect in some way a degree of H spirituality H = for want of a
better word. 6t may be that this tends to increase in such a person as he or she lives longer.
8xtracted from an article byr 5arcel r2riau, a member of the r'&D.
Of all the systems of insect control in use today, the maBority are artificial. 9owever, nature is
very precariously balanced and the least tampering can bring about disastrous results = as
evidenced by indiscriminate use of insecticides and upsetting the prey predator ratio.
Eor the past 10 years 6 have used and researched a safe and simple system of pest control which
takes advantage of some little known and little understood laws of nature. Because we cannot
scientifically define and analy"e these laws many people disbelieve them. 9owever, nature is full
of mystery and even the working of our own bodies is not fully understood.
2his particular system is called the r Erench @oil . because it originated in Erance in the 1K!:.s
and consists of a coil of wire. 2he e*uipment needed is a long piece of copper wire 7e 1: for
small trees, e 0 for larger trees, sticks for support, rubber for insulation, and of course, an
infested tree.
One end of the wire is buried in the earth at the
base of the tree to provide a ground and prevent
short circuits. 2he wire is then coiled around the
tree trunk several items with the free end left
pointing into the air = to act as an antenna. 2he
coil can be held in position by wooden stakes with
insulation to prevent grounding the wire to the
(erhaps the minute amounts of electricity in the
air flows into the wire and the tree and creates a
magnetic field around the tree, giving the tree
more health and strength and weakening the pests
resulting in their destruction. Aou should install
the Erench @oil before the sap starts to run.
' 2ree has a H front door H = a certain place on the
trunk, about D to 10 inches long, where this
energy enters the tree. 6t usually faces northwest
but varies slightly from tree to tree. On the
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opposite side of the trunk is the H back door H which acts as a safety valve allowing the release of
electricity should the tree become overcharged. 2he H front door H demonstrates its affinity for
electricity following the path of an electrical storm, it returns to its original position when the
storm is over.
9owever, the H front door H and H back door H are undetectable to the eye as is the atmospheric
electricity = except when it manifests itself as lightning or static electricity. 2he H front door H and
H back door H must be detected by a dowser, who must supervise the entire set up.
-oteI 2o find the front door, use your index finger of one hand as a pointer, and ask your
(endulum 7held in your other hand to indicate the location and the top 7or bottom position.
2he wire must be wound around the tree in a right hand spiral starting from the H front door H,
three to five inches away from the surface of the bark. 2he dowser will determine the number of
coils needed and the distance between the loops. 2he free end of the wire must be within the
limits of the H front door H. 2he height of the first coil is unimportant but it must be below the
level of the front door.
-ow the system is ready to work and there is absolutely no danger to anyone who comes near or
touches the tree or wire. 6 have used the @oil on many types of trees and types of pests.
6t has killed caterpillars in apple trees in -ew 8ngland and snails in grapefruit trees in the
Bahamas. ;hile 6 have not been able to methodically test its effectiveness against every common
tree and pest, there are no known reasons to doubt its effectiveness on any tree or pest.
4ibrary ?esourcesI &ome good books are listed on the back page, you may be able to borrow
them through your local library system. Booksellers listed in the rDowsers ] rJuesters N r@anada
web links page may offer you discounts. 2he r'&D bookshop 7access from r'&D web page, or
write the r'&D for catalogue offers many items not *uoted here. Aou can also use a search
engine to find books and more sites = use keywords rDowsing, rDivining, r(endulum and
s' r4etter to r?obin #, by r;alter r;oods, from r'&D Bookshop
' classical introduction, compiled with the help of many Dowsers
rDowsing for rBeginners, by r?ichard r;ebster, from r4lewellyn r(ublications
8xcellent book on all Dowsing tools, including your body. 9istory, government use.
rDowsing for rBeginners, by r-aomi rO"aniec, from r9eadway N r9odder Y r&toughton
'n excellent easy to read book, data on healing, other Dowsing tools.
r(endulum r;orkbook, by r5arkus r&chirner, from r&terling r(ublishing.
3ery basic facts about using a (endulum, but exceptionally good on using charts for
health = a beautifully prepared book, with super illustrations.
r(endulum r(ower, by r-eilsen Y r(olansky, from rDestiny rBooks
General, covers maps, plants, healing
r(endulum r(ower, by r-eilsen Y r(olansky, from rDestiny rBooks
Page (.( of ))(
General, covers maps, plants, healing
2he rDivining r9and, by r@hris rBird, from r'&D Bookshop
8xciting, documented stories, history around the world, theories on how Dowsing works
2he r&ecret r4ife of r(lants, by r2ompkins Y rBird, from r'von
@overs Backster effect and much more 1
2he r(endulum r>it, by r&ig r4onegren, from rEireside N r&imon Y r&chuster
9istorical, uses with astrology, map Dowsing, and healing.
r&piritual rDowsing, by r&ig r4onegren, from rGothic r6mage N rGreat r2radition
4evels of Dowsing, s8arth 8nergies#, and some healing.
r'natomy of the r&pirit, by r@arolyn r5yss, from r-atural r;ellness
r@arolyn is a medical intuitive, working with enlightened medical doctors to identify
personal problems behind the illnesses of their patients. 'n excellent book on the chakra
system and how it relates to emotional, personal, and medical problems
r3isuali"ation for r@hange, by r(atrick rEanning, from r-ew r9arbinger r(ubs
8asily the best book on improving your visuali"ation skills = invaluable even if you do
not Dowse 1
r?ebirth of r-ature, r?upert r&heldrake, rBantam rBooks
2he best book about life and nature = not Dowsing, but it enable you to appreciate better
how Dowsing resonates with reality.
r(sychic r9ealing, by rDiane r&tein, r@rossing r(ress
'nother well considered book on healing, with excellent teaching on meditation,
visuali"ation, opening oneself to 9igher 'uthority, and on using these gifts for good.
&ome personal biases are expressed.
r8arth r?adiation, r>athe rBachler, r'&D Bookshop
2he definitive work on earth energies and geopathic "ones, based on thousands of cases
in 'ustria and Germany.
&o"e a"a3ing things can be uncovered using the pendulu"# 5or years the pendulu" has
been associated with the &vengali i"age of the hypnotist holding you in his power# Actually,
as one looks at the infor"ation on pendulu"s, the pendulu" goes "uch further back in
history# Ancient kings and +ueens such as &olo"on, &heba, *leopatra and other e"ployed
the use of pendulu"ists, who practiced the science of )adiesthesia# $oday, pendulu"s are
"ore widely used by psychologists, hypnotists and individuals to create a link of
co""unication with the subconscious "ind to uncover infor"ation thought to be forgotten
or unknown# %any skilled in the science of ,#&#P# utili3e the pendulu" to connect with
powers and intelligence beyond the physical# In all truth, this tool is as serious as you "ake
it# And dowsing pendulu"s can be as ine6pensive or as e6pensive, or as s"all or as large as
you want the"#
$he "ost ine6pensive pendulu" can be "ade for less than a penny by tying a s"all ob/ect
such as a s"all nut on the end of a piece of string# ,6pensive pendulu"s can be "ade fro"
the finest of crystals# $he crystals are believed to possess certain energies that are
co"patible with the userKs energies to get the best results# &o"ehow the acrylic pendulu"s
we "anufacture, a "olten plastic that crystalli3es upon cooling and is polished so that it is
perfectly clear! is the best approach for the beginner pendulu"ist# -ecause it is perfectly
spherical, there are no distractions fro" rotating shapes that "any others have# *lick here
to see our catalogue of pendulu"s#
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Nnlike oui/a boards, that have so"ewhat of a reputation for connecting with unsavory and
so"eti"es evil forces, the pendulu" is associated with connecting with the good and "ore
powerful forces# 5orces that bring health and prosperity to the user99and never at the
e6pense of anotherKs health or prosperity#! Nsing the pendulu", you can develop skills to
achieve your potential or /ust plain have "ore fun picking nu"bers for the lottery#
(hat "akes it workG $iny "uscles in your finger tips are connected to the "otor centers of
the brain and it is these "otor centers that are affected by unconscious thoughts# Oour
unconscious thoughts cause the tiny "uscles in your fingers to react and thus "ove the
pendulu"# $his is called the ideo"otor response# $he pendulu" then beco"es a direct link
to your unconscious# And the unconscious is where thoughts and "e"ories are stored that
your conscious is unaware of# $he pendulu" is a "eans of connecting with those hidden
truths and "e"ories# Nsing the pendulu" this way is called pendulu" dowsing99using it to
find infor"ation#
Initial *o""unication99%aking your dowsing charts for crystal
pendulu" dowsing#
5irst, draw a circle about IP in dia"eter on a blank sheet of paper#
4raw a straight hori3ontal line through the circle to intersect the
center of the circle# Place an arrow on each of of the line and label
the line, P>'#P >e6t draw a vertical line through the center of the
circle, add an arrow on each end and label this line, POes#P At the
top of the circle draw a curved line inside or outside the circle to
"atch the curvature of the circle, place one arrow on the right side
of the line and label this curved line, PI donKt know#P Eastly at the
botto" of the circle, draw another curved line as you did at the top,
place an arrow on the left end of the line and label it, PI donKt care
to answer#P
Nsing the dowsing chart with the pendulu"Q
If youKre right handed, place your right elbow on the table with your forear" and hand
e6tended above the chart# 4rape the chain of the pendulu" over your right forefinger and
hold in in place with your thu"b such that the ball of the pendulu" is suspended fro" a half
inch to an inch over the center of the chart# 'bviously if you are left handed, you use your
left ar" and hand#
-egin by thinking the word, POes#P 4onKt try to "ake the pendulu" "ove, nor try to hold it
still, /ust let the thought, Pyes,P repeat in your "ind# &o"e people respond i""ediately and
the pendulu" begins "oving up and down on the chart along the vertical line labeled, POes#P
$he response "ight be very "ini"al or very strong99it doesnKt "atter#
If the pendulu" doesnKt "ove, itKs because you are trying too hard, i#e# trying to "ake sure
that you are not consciously "oving it# If so, rela6, take a few deep breaths, close your eyes
and repeatedly think, POes#P Eet your "ind and body feel the direction of, Pyes#P If no
response is attained, skip to hori3ontal direction# )epeat this for the hori3ontal direction
representative of, P>'#P $here are only two other directions, clock wise and counter clock
wise# $hink, PI donKt know,P to have the pendulu" "ove in the clockwise direction# And then
plead the fifth pun!, think, PI donKt care to answer,P to have it "ove in the counter clock
wise direction#
>ow you are ready for basic co""unication# &uggestionH avoid starting with co"plication#
Keep your initial co""unication basic# -egin by asking, PI a" asking "y subconscious if "y
na"e is PRRRRRRRRRGP 'r, I a" asking "y subconscious "ind if I a" "arriedGP %ake sure
each +uestion is directed to your subconscious "ind by saying, PI a" asking "y
subconscious "ind### As you direct the +uestion to the subconscious, avoid consciously
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thinking the answer, i#e# let your "ind be blank# Avoid thinking, Psure "y wifeKs na"e is,P
or, Pof course IK" not99IK" not even dating anyone#P Also "ake sure the +uestion is clearly
stated# If not, the pendulu" "ay swing diagonally#
If you are having trouble getting the pendulu" to respond, you are trying too hard# Eike any
talent, it i"proves with tutoring and practice# $he book, Pendulu" Power by 2reg >ielsen
and Aoseph Polansky as well as our own P<ow to use the Pendulu"P cassette progra" "ay
be very useful# 'ften ti"es the hypnotic suggestions and rela6ation found on the cassette
progra" opens the pathways to your subconscious "ore easily and effectively than if you do
it si"ply for" a book or these instructions# $he progra" also gives suggestions to develop
the subconscious connection with the universal intelligence#
'nce you have linked co""unication with your pendulu" and feel confident, you can begin
using it for finding answers which are not known to your conscious# It can be used as a
%agic Eotto ball, a %agic %ind 5inder
, food finder, for dowsing, and so on# $echnically, as a
%agic %ind 5inder your are e6ploring your subconscious for self truths# As a %agic Eotto
-all, youKre having fun picking nu"bers or using it in a "ore advanced way of connecting
your subconscious with powers beyond yourself99there are no guarantees that this is
*autionH the pendulu" gives you literal interpretation fro" the subconscious, e#g#, you "ay
ask yours subconscious "ind if your na"e is na"e! and even though that is what your
birth certificate says, it "ay swing, >'#P $his is because your subconscious doesnKt regard
you as P RRRRR,P but as your nickna"e# 'r perhaps you ask yourself if youKre a writer, and it
"ight say, >'#P because you regard yourself as a poet# $hus you "ay not always have
rational e6planations for the answers# Oour "ind is influenced easily, so if your husband
disappointed you and didnKt take out the garbage today, donKt ask if you love hi"# A P>',P
answer "ay "ean that your love is contingent on the garbage being taken out, which really
ahs nothing to do with hi" 99 unless your "arriage is only about the garbage being taken
%any have used what they have learned fro" the %agic %ind 5inder
pendulu" to change
careers, relationships, etc# or to "ake e6isting careers and relationships better#
Nncovering <idden $ruths
5or e6a"ple, you feel that you en/oy your /ob or career, but donKt understand why youKre
lacking initiative#
PIK" asking "y subconscious "ind if I en/oy "y /obGP $he pendulu" swings, P>'P#
PIK" asking "y subconscious "ind if I like the type of work that I doGP It swings, PO,&#P
PIK" asking "y subconscious "ind if I like "y supervisorGP It swings, PO,&#P
PIK" asking "y subconscious "ind if I en/oy the co""ute to workGP It swings, P>'#P
PIK" asking "y subconscious "ind if I want to relocate closer to workGP It swings, PO,&#P
and you have your answer#
$he pendulu" can be used toH
deter"ine ro"antic co"patibility#
uncover reasons for phobic reactions#
find lost articles#
deter"ine se6 of unborn child.children#
uncover reasons for resistance to weight loss#
define the best suggestions for use in self hypnosis
induce hypnosis or self hypnosis
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+uestion witness in forensic investigations
do pendulu" dowsing
as a food finder
have fun at parties
have fun picking lottery nu"bers, winners at the track###
"etaphysical, esp, and so on#
>o"enclatureH so"e who use the pendulu" call it dowsing and the chart is called a dowsing
chart# -y holding the pendulu" over a specific food, dowsing pendulu"s can be used to
deter"ine if the specific food is healthy for you#
$hose who use it for hypnosis or self hypnosis generally donKt refer to it as dowsing, they
si"ply call it using the pendulu" to uncover hidden truths or as an aid to induce hypnosis
or self hypnosis# $hen there are those who si"ply call the"selves pendulu"ists and use it
2hanks for your letter. 6 did read your reply about Eocault.s pendulum and
6 do and are prepared to listen to and consider what you have to say. 2he ideas 6 am presenting are far from the
current view and are *uite difficult to come to grips with 7for me also but the fact is ancient 6ndian astronomers
used this model to successfully explain and predict to a great degree of accuracy the workings of the universe. 2hey
were plotting the courses of the planets, predicting solar an lunar eclipses and so many other things before ;estern
astronomy even existed. &o this system must at least provide a model which predicts the workings of the universe..
;hether the universe is actually like this, that.s another *uestion, but from a scientific point of view it should be
interesting to explore the model.
2he Hmissing=linkH which 6 am having difficulty communicating which when understood makes everything clear is
this. 2here is relative movement between the earth and the universe 7the system of fixed stars and planets moving
within it. Aour model states the earth is rotating and the 3edic model states the whole universal structure is rotating,
but the effect, relatively speaking, is the same. Erom within the structure you can.t tell.
5ovement has to be taken relative to some point of reference. 6f you take the earth as your point of reference the
universe is rotating. 6f you take the fixed stars as your point of reference the earth is rotating. 2he point of reference
for the 3edic model is the earth and the point of reference for the ;estern model is the fixed stars.
6 mentioned to you a few days ago the effect of Eocault.s pendulum. 2hat alone is proof positive that the earth is
rotating. 6f the earth was stationary 7mounted on turtles or something while the rest of the universe rotated around
us, then the pendulum would not turn, but it does. (ay attention. 2here is a huge force in the universe pulling the
whole system around the pole=star. 2hat force doesn.t effect only the stars and planets in the sky but also effects
obBects on earth. 6t is described to be driven by solar winds and it is strong enough to cause your pendulum to rotate.
7after all the pendulum is, more or less, a body in space like the sun or any other heavenly body so the same forces
act on it.
8xample %I 2he movement of large air masses is affected also. ' *uick run down of air movement goes like this,
air at the e*uator is uplifted because of heating. 2his causes air near the e*uator to tend to move towards the
e*uator to replace this air.
6eI the air from the south moves north and is heated and goes up to be replaced by more air from the south and
similarity air from the north moves south and then up. &o the direction is north=south and upNdown.
&imilarly, at the poles, cooling causes air to sink and move gawayg from the poles, while air at higher altitudes
moves in to replace it. 6f the earth was fixed, then air movements would be totally in northNsouth directions. tt you
have only described the are as moving in north=south direction and upNdown so 6.m not sure what you mean. Do you
mean it wouldn.t move up and down/
;hy/ ;e still have poles, they are still full of ice which is cold causing air to sink and higher altitude air to come in
and replace it. Because the 3edic model has a mountain range at the circumference of the earth 7the south pole the
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air will be forced back the way it came. 2hings will work at the north pole in exactly the way you have mentioned.
6n the 3edic model the sun is still over the e*uator and it is that fact which creates the updraft, not the shape of the
9owever, what actually occurs is more complex. 2he air at the poles is indeed fairly stationary, while at the
e*uator it has a speed high enough to rotate around the circumference of the planet 7along with the ground once
Do you mean stationary relative to the ground. 6f it moves Halong with the groundH, in your model it is not moving
at all 7relative to the ground. per day.
6 can.t say 6 understand this fully but the 3edic model has the whole universal structure rotating around with the
pole=star in the centre. you could imagine it as a huge cone shaped thing with a very broad base and the point of the
cone pointing to the e*uator. 2he whole structure circumnavigates the earth in 1% months while it turns !D: degrees
in %L hours. 2his means there would be a strong force moving the air focused on one point of the e*uator at any
given time but moving around the whole e*uator in 1% months as well as a general rotating force caused by the
universe rotating every %L hours. 2his would cause turbulence in opposite directions in each hemisphere, however it
seems it would be seasonal. 6s it/
2his is a couple of hundred miles an hour easterly movement. 's this easterly moving air mass moves towards the
poles, it moves eastward relative to the slower moving ground at the higher latitudes. &imilarly, the air from the
poles appears to be moving in a westerly direction once it reaches a more lower latitude that has a higher ground
&ame explanation as for the airplane is valid. 6n the 3edic model everything 7including the air except the earth is
rotating 7from east to west once every %L hours and in the ;estern model the earth is rotating once in %L hours but
relatively its the same.
6 don.t have the data or the knowledge of how the air is moving. 76 suspect it cannot be fully explained or predicted
even with our current model of the universe as there are other influences we don.t know about.
2he main point is the relative movement is there in both models, in the rotating earth the movement is the earth
relative to the universe and in the rotating universe the same relative movement is there and the effects on the
movement of the air will be the same.
2his is why the weather where 6 live happens to always come in from the west. 6n the southern hemisphere, the
rotation of the earth causes air masses to be deflected towards an anti=clockwise direction. Opposite in the northern
hemisphere. One more proof positive that the earth is rotating.
2his could also be caused by the force 6 have previously described at the e*uator.... perhaps it needs an expert
scientist to prove or disprove it. 2his is coming to the edges of my knowledge of the 3edic model. 2here is so much
data on it in the ancient texts but 6 have only scanty knowledge.
2his is also seen in the differing directions of rotation of cyclonesNtornados in the north and south hemisphere.
6t is also the reason that aircraft flying in a northNsouth direction have to take into account the differing easterly
velocity of the ground under them. ieI an aircraft takes off from a site in the southern hemisphere that is moving
east at 1::kmNhr. 9e flies north twards a site that has an easterly movement of 1%: kmNhr. Given a flying time of 1
hour, if the pilot travels in a northerly direction, 7the sites are at the same longitude he will not find himself over
the second site, but %:km west of where he expected to be.
6n the 3edic model as soon as the aircraft enters the sky it becomes another body which rotates with the universe.
2his gives it relative motion to the OstationaryP earth. &o you see it works out the same. 6f he takes off an steers his
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plane directly north as you have described there will be another motion involved, he is also moving towards the west
with the &un, 5oon and all the stars Owhile the earth remains fixedP.
8xample !I launching satellites into orbit. 6t is preferable to launch satellites from
a -ear=e*uatorial locations.
b 2owards the east. Both of these are a direct conse*uence of the added HkickH that the rotation of the earth gives
them. 6n a stationary earth scenario, it wouldnt matter which place or which direction satellites are launched. 6 am
very interested in satellites, particularly what orbits are possible. Do you know/ 6 haven.t thought out the HkickH yet
but 6.m sure if you do it you will find the flat and stationary model gives the same results as the rotating globe
Aour example of the two trains 7linear movement is g-O2g the same as the angular acceleration of the obBects on
the surface of the earth. ' better example 7or hang on, perhaps it the one you mention anyway would be where the
two trains are stationary and one starts to move. Aou g@'-g tell which one has started to move off if you care to try
dropping a tennis ball. 6f you are accelerating away from the station then the ball rolls down the aisle. 6f it is the
other train, then the ball Bust bounces to a stop under your hand. Of course that.s true, but, even in your model, the
earth is not accelerating == it is moving at a constant speed and if 6 put a ball on the ground it doesn.t roll down the
passage because of the earth.s rotation. 6 am not a great physicist but 6 don.t think this disproves the rotating earth
model. 6f you put the tennis ball on the ground of a train moving a constant speed would the ball roll down the isle.
6f it does you are in trouble1
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$his article introduces the *hakra *harting %ethod, a breakthrough in tracking, with charts and
graphs, the progress of energy healing sessions using -rennan <ealing &cience# $he "ethod is
adaptable for any healing "odality where chakra readings are recorded# &everal case studies are
presented and data fro" over D8 clients is presented, analy3ed and co""ented#
-rennan <ealing &cience is taught in a I9year progra" at the -arbara -rennan &chool of <ealing, a
college based in 5lorida , N&A # $he school is the only college in the world to offer a -achelorKs 4egree
in <ealing &cience# -rennan <ealing &cience was developed by 4r# -arbara -rennan and is described
in her books <ands of Eight and Eight ,"erging#
$he *hakra *harting %ethod can be used toH
• ,ducate clients@
• :isually docu"ent and track the progress of healing@
• :isually indicate where i"ages and li"iting beliefs cause unnecessary suffering, which can
then be used to support reco""endations for deeper process work@
• *o"pile the results fro" all healings with a client on a single page for easy reference@
• 4ocu"ent research@
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• <elp to infor" traditional and other "odalities about the healing "odality#
$he "ethod can be adapted to track the progress of other "odalities if chakra readings are used and
Brennan Healing Science
-rennan <ealing &cience is an advanced for" of energy healing created by 4r# -arbara Ann -rennan#
-arbara worked as a physicist with >A&A when she began an e6tensive personal healing /ourney that
eventually led her to write <ands of Eight and open the -arbara -rennan &chool of <ealing in 1DC2#
$he school is a college based in 5lorida recogni3ed by the 5lorida *o""ission for Independent
,ducation# $he school is the only one in the world to offer a I9year progra" cul"inating in either a
4iplo"a or -achelorKs 4egree in healing science#
(ith -rennan <ealing &cience, universal energy is channelled and "ade available to the client by
laying the hands on the bodyKs energy centres and /oints# $hroughout the I9year progra", the healer
undergoes e6tensive personal transfor"ation work and therapy to clear his energy field and allow
deep contact with clients# $he healer learns to develop <igh &ense Perception <&P! and is able to
perceive the energy field@ which helps to PdiagnoseP what is going on for the client fro" an energetic
perspective# 'ver L8 techni+ues are learned to repair, restructure, charge and clear the energy field#
$he healer learns to work on the aura energy field! di"ension but also works on deeper di"ensions
of intention and essence# $he progra" teaches the psycho9dyna"ics of relationships, early wounding
and character defenses syste"s as well as personal develop"ent skills#
The Energy Field - The Dimension o the !ni"ersal and Human Energy Fields
$he Nniversal ,nergy 5ield N,5! is "ade up of universal energy# $his energy has co""only been
referred to as :ital ,nergy, *hi, Ki or Prana# $his energy has consciousness and nurtures all living
things and all "atter# $his energy per"eates the universe and interconnects all things# -rennan gives
a co"prehensive history of references to the N,5#
$he <u"an ,nergy 5ield <,5!, co""only known as the aura is that part of the N,5 that is inti"ately
connected to hu"an life# It is the level where an energetic fra"ework e6ists upon which the physical
world rests# 'n this level, energy and consciousness cannot be separated# $he energy field is a
te"plate for the physical body and is the vehicle for all psychoso"atic reactions# $he aura defines our
personality and how we interact with others in relationships and groups# 4isease and dis9ease appear
first in the energy field before they appear in the physical world# $herefore, they can be treated by
working with the energy field#
$he <,5 is "ade up of chakras and levels co""only referred to as energy or etheric bodies!#
*hakra is the &anskrit word for wheel# *hakras act as funnels, which spin and collect the energy fro"
the N,5 and "etaboli3e it for use by our body# ,ach chakra nourishes endocrine glands and specific
organs and each chakra also governs a psychodyna"ic function# As an e6a"ple, the L th chakra
nourishes the vocal and breathing apparatus, the thyroid gland and the ali"entary canal# In addition,
this chakra influences how we are able to e6press ourselves, our ability to ask for what we need, our
ability to receive and our sense of self in society and our profession#
$here are 7 "ain chakras located close to the hu"an body, and "any other secondary chakras# $he
locations of the 7 "ain chakras correspond closely to that of the endocrine glands# In the vertical
plane, there is one chakra located at the head crown chakra! and another at the perineu" root
chakra!# $here are L others located in the hori3ontal plane, one each at the ? rd eye, the throat, the
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heart, the solar ple6us and the pelvis# ,ach of the chakras on the hori3ontal plane has a front A! and
a rear aspect -!#
Chakra Groups and Modifiers
In general, the front aspects of the chakras relate to our ,"otions, the back aspects to our (ill and
the head chakras to our )eason# $hese groupings are referred to as %odifiers because as a group,
they influence or "odify our relationship to our reality# $he "a/or and "inor "odifiers represents
which of these each individual tends to use "ost or least in interacting with his or her reality#
$he chakras are grouped into %odifier are listed below# A! refers to the front aspect and -! refers to
the rear aspect#
• #eason
o *hakras 7, 6A and 6-
• Emotion
o *hakras LA, IA, ?A and 2A
• $ill
o *hakras L-, I-, ?-, 2- and 1
$hese are illustrated on the Assess"ent *hart further in this paper#
$he <,5 has 7 levels# ,ach level radiates out fro" the core and PsitsP above the physical body and the
other levels in correspondingly higher levels of vibration they are not layered like an onion!# $he
co"plete aura usually radiates out appro6i"ately ?9T feet fro" the body, "ore or less, depending on
the state of the individual#
$he first three levels relate to our physical aspects physical sensations, e"otions with respect to self,
and "ental or rational "ind!# $he fourth level relates to our relationships with others and is the bridge
between our physical and our spiritual aspects# Eevels L, 6 ; 7 relate to our spiritual aspects divine
will, divine love and divine "ind!#
In the sa"e way that a "agnetic field influences its surroundings, the <u"an ,nergy 5ield affects its
Healing Sessions using Brennan Healing Science
4uring a -rennan <ealing &cience healing session the healer interacts with the client who is either
physically present or is at a distance# $he healer obtains a "edical and e"otional history as well as
the clientKs presenting co"plaint# $he energy field is read using the healerKs <&P and healing begins by
working with the clientKs energy field# $his is done through the clientKs chakras, "a/or /oints and area
of presenting co"plaint# (ork is done on the physical or the energy field, but also on the di"ensions
of intention and essence#
$he field is cleared, balanced, charged and repaired as re+uired, usually over a series of healing
sessions# $he energy works to dissolve energy that has beco"e stagnant or dense# $hese blocks,
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which appear first in the energy field, eventually show up as disease in the physical body or dis9ease
in the clientKs e"otional life and relationships#
$hrough successive healing sessions, the field beco"es "ore stable and nourishes the clientKs body
and spirit# $his fosters healing fro" within on the physical, e"otional, "ental, psychological or
spiritual planes# 4uring the sessions the client is "ade aware of the dyna"ics of i"ages, beliefs and
unconscious habitual reactions that influence the state of health# 'nce they are brought to
consciousness, the process of transfor"ation can begin to reduce or eli"inate unnecessary suffering in
his or her life#
The %ha&ra %harting 'ethod
$he *hakra *harting %ethod is a way to record and track the progress of healing by "easuring the
difference in the state of the chakras as the successive healing sessions take place# )eadings are
tabulated and presented on a chart and graphs#
Basis of the Method
$he first step re+uires tabulating all of the chakra readings taken prior to the healing at each session,
using the pendulu" notation developed by -arbara -rennan as illustrated in figure 1892, in <ands of
Eight# -y tabulating the readings, grouping the" by "odifier and then shading the distorted chakras,
the effect of healing on the clientKs energy field beco"es very clear#
A chakra is fully open if it is spinning clockwise in a full circle# If the chakra spin is elliptical, "oving in
a straight line or spinning counter9clockwise, it is distorting the energy it is taking in# In order to plot
this data on a graph, each chakra sy"bol is assigned a nu"erical value to indicate whether a chakra is
open taking energy into the field!, closed sending energy out of the field! or flat holding down,
co"pacting and.or not doing "uch at all!#
$he values assigned to each spin are shown in the following table# $he significance of each of the spin
notations is described in figure 1892 of <ands of Eight# $hey are e6plained in this paper only to the
degree they are significant to the charting "ethod#
SP() )*T+T(*) D(#E%T(*) *F SP() +SS(,)ED V+-!E
* *lockwise round 1
*,), *,E, *,:, *,<, *,A& *lockwise elliptical 8#L
:, <, ), E &traight line 8
**,), **,E, **,:, **,<,
*ounter9clockwise elliptical 98#L
** *ounter9clockwise round 91
& &till 92
$hese values are based on the following reasoningH
• A chakra spinning clockwise, round, is taking in energy and is fully functional value 1!#
• A chakra spinning clockwise, elliptical, is taking in energy but is distorting it value 8#L!#
• A flat chakra hori3ontal, vertical, right or left! is taking in very little energy and is co"pacting
it and holding it down value 8!#
• A chakra spinning counter9clockwise, elliptical, is distorted and is sending energy out of the
syste" value 98#L!#
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• A chakra spinning counter9clockwise, round, is distorted and is sending energy out of the
syste" value 91!#
• A still chakra, if still for a long ti"e, is very unhealthy value 92!# It is also possible that a still
chakra is si"ply in the process of changing its spin, in which case it is not as "uch of a
concern# In any case, with a value of 92, it will attract attention on a graph#
$he above values are arbitrary in ter"s of the actual a"ount of energy taken in by a chakra, but the
values serve to represent the effectiveness of the chakras and the syste" as a whole when plotted on
a graph# $his "akes it possible to see which chakras are above the line taking in!, on the line flat! or
below the line sending out!# $hus, a si"ple visual of the state of each chakra, of the total syste" of
the <u"an ,nergy 5ield <,5! and of the effect of healing work can be presented over successive
healing sessions#
Chakra Assessment Chart
$he *hakra Assess"ent chart co"bines on a single page the physical and psychodyna"ic functions of
the chakras as defined by -rennan# It is used on the first session to educate clients about the <,5 and
to indicate to the" where the field is strong and where it needs support# $he %odifiers *hakra
groups! are shown in the colored bo6es#
$he chakra spin notation is indicated ne6t to each chakra# $he distorted chakras are shaded#
$he chakra readings direction and dia"eter of spin! beore each healing session are co"piled on
the chart# ,ach hori3ontal line on the chart represents one healing session, with the date of the
session recorded on the left hand side# $he e6tre"e left of the chart keeps track of the interval in
weeks between each session along with the total ti"e in weeks fro" the first session#
(ith each successive healing session, so"e of the chakras change their spin# &o"e of the distorted
chakras that were spinning counter9clockwise or flat begin to partially or fully take in energy# &o"e
shift the opposite way# 2enerally, as ti"e goes on, the $otal >u"ber of 4istorted *hakras $>4*!
decreases, the total nu"ber of fully open chakras $>'*! increases, and the syste" beco"es "ore
effective in taking in and retaining the energy# Progress is "easured as a decrease in the $>4* or an
increase in the $>'*#
$he $>4* alone does not tell the full story# -y taking into account the effectiveness assigned value!
of the chakras, the energy being taken in by the syste" can be evaluated by adding the assigned
values for all the chakras for one session# $his is coined the >et ,nergy Intake >,I! of the syste"
and it can be used as an indication of the overall state of health of the <,5# $he "a6i"u" value for
the >,I is 12 if all the chakras are fully open and the "ini"u" value is 912 if all the chakras are
co"pletely closed#
$he e6tre"e right of the chart displays the $>4* and the >,I of the syste" for each session#
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$he co"plete chart provides an overview of the state of the <,5 at the beginning of each session and
how it changes over ti"e# -y shading the distorted chakras and reading the chart vertically, the
habitual defenses and the "odifiers clearly stand out# $he chart is also a useful record of all the
sessions for each client#
$he client depicted on the above chart was suffering fro" a depression for the L years prior to the first
healing session# 'ver the course of the sessions, the >,I increased very rapidly fro" a value of 2 at
the 1 st session to a value of 18 by the 6 th session and re"ained stable after this session# &oon after
the beginning of the sessions, the client decided to +uit s"oking, and of his own volition but also in
consultation with his psychiatrist!, he drastically reduced the "edication that had been prescribed to
deal with the depression# 4uring the C th session he revealed that since the first visit he felt a new
sensation inside hi"self# <e recogni3ed this sensation to be his nor"al and happy self that was
knocking at the door and wanted to co"e back out# $he following graphs visually depict the progress
of healing#
Progress (T)D%) / )E( #eason %ha&ras Emotion %ha&ras
$ill %ha&ras +ll %ha&ras 'odiiers
Progress (TNDC) and Net nerg! "ntake
$his graph tracks the distorted chakras and the corresponding >,I of the <,5 over ti"e# As the $>4*
decreases line going down!, the >,I increases line going up!#
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#eason$ motion and %ill Chakras
$hese graphs group the chakras by "odifier and track the changes over ti"e# $he clientKs process can
be tracked by noting the dips in the lines# $he color used for each line in the graph "atches the color
associated with that chakra, which "akes the graph easier to read#
All Chakras
$his graph tracks all the chakras# Again the clientKs process can be followed# 4ifficult periods can easily
be identified by the clustered dips in the graphs#
$his graph tracks the progress of each %odifier as the healing sessions progress# $here is one line
each for the )eason, (ill and ,"otion "odifiers# $he highest line of the graph is the "a/or "odifier
and the lowest is the "inor# Ideally, they should e+uali3e over ti"e, representing a "ore balanced
approach to life#
%ase Studies
Case &tud! A ' (i)rom!algia
Progress (T)D%) / )E( +ll %ha&ras 'odiiers
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$his client is a young adult suffering fro" fibro"yalgia# &he ca"e for ?8 healing sessions over a
period of I? weeks# $he >,I increased rapidly fro" an initial value of 6 to a value of 18 and varied
between C and 12 as she "oved through her process# &he was living in a dysfunctional fa"ily and had
a very difficult relationship with her "other who was living away fro" the fa"ily# $he situation
beca"e very tense whenever the "other ca"e to visit# $he difficult periods in the clientKs process are
evident fro" the clustered dips in the graph# $he field beca"e "ore stable near the end of the
sessions as indicated by the s"aller variations at the right of the All *hakras graph# ,ven the
"odifiers ca"e into balance in the last few sessions#
Eooking at the shaded portions of the table, it is clear that chakras 6-, LA and ?- are habitually
distorted# Although the client was feeling better as the healings progressed, there was a lot happening
in her life and the dyna"ics that kept these chakras distorted were still strongly engrained# (hen the
chart was shown to and interpreted for the client, she could clearly see why therapy was
reco""ended to bring to consciousness, challenge and begin to transfor" the core beliefs and i"ages
holding this configuration in place# &he followed up on this reco""endation and went to therapy#
Case &tud! B ' (i)er Gro*th on +var!
Progress (T)D%) / )E( +ll %ha&ras 'odiiers
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$his client had a growth on one of her ovaries that she could actually feel through the abdo"inal wall#
-y the D th session, she could no longer feel the "ass under the skin# $he chart was used to show her
that her 2 nd chakra, which nourishes the reproductive syste", had cleared since she had co"e for
the first session# $he chart was a visual confir"ation of the healing that had taken place in her field
and in her body#
$he >,I increased fro" a value of an initial value of C and stabili3ed between D and 12 until the 1? th
session# $he dips in the graphs fro" the 1? th to the 16 th session indicate that there were e"otional
issues co"ing up as she "oved through her process#
*hakras LA, IA, 2A, L- and 1 were habitually distorted# *hakras 1, 2A and L- cleared over about 7
sessions, but LA an IA did not, indicating that further work needed to be done with core beliefs and
&ince the client did not return for further sessions, it was not possible to continue to track her
Case &tud! C ' &elf &tud! and #elationship
Progress (T)D%) / )E( +ll %ha&ras 'odiiers
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$his client ca"e to study herself and to fulfill her longing to create nourishing relationships# &he had
beco"e aware of a pattern in her relationships with "en@ she left the" after only a short ti"e# &he
knew as well that she had very weak boundaries# &he wanted to understand and transfor" these
dyna"ics and break the pattern so that she could create so"ething different with her new partner#
$he >,I increased rapidly fro" an initial value of 8#L to a value of 11, stabili3ing for a while around 18
and then decreasing so"ewhat as her process deepened# &he "ade new discoveries about herself and
about what she really needed and wanted in relationship with a "an# As she increased her awareness
of her dyna"ics, she ad/usted her boundaries and changed her ways of relating# $he relationship
beca"e very intense and she finally reali3ed that it was not providing the nourish"ent she needed#
&he e6perienced tu"ultuous shifts in her e"otions as she struggled with the decision to stay or leave
this relationship# $hese shifts can be seen toward the right hand side of the graphs#
Eect o Healing on the HEF - +n +nalysis o the Data
'ut of the D8 or so clients treated over the last ? years, 66 72J! ca"e for at least I sessions, IC
L2J! for 6 sessions, 2D ?2J! for C sessions and 2? 2LJ! for 18 or "ore sessions# (hile this was
not a controlled study in that the ti"e interval between sessions and the total duration of healing was
not consistent fro" client to client, it was interesting to analy3e the data and "ake observations on
the results#
Distortions in the ,( at the "nitial &ession
*lients often wait until things are really not going well before co"ing for help# It is not surprising
therefore, to see an abnor"al nu"ber of distorted chakras on the first visit due to the snowball effect
of deteriorating well9being#
$able 1 and the bar graph show the total nu"ber of distorted and fully open chakras at the first
session as a percentage of the total nu"ber of clients#
Table 0 - Total )umber o Distorted and Fully *.en %ha&ras at First Session
#eason Emotion $ill
1 2+ 2B 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 3B 4B 5B 6B 0
Page (/0 of ))(
7 Fully
#eason Emotion $ill
Al"ost half of the chakras were distorted in so"e way# C6J of the clients had a weak 1st chakra
ungrounded and low in energy! and 6?J had a weak front aspect of the Lth chakra difficulty
e6pressing oneKs self, not asking for oneKs needs and difficulty in receiving!#
$he average data indicates that there was "ore energy in the will chakras L7J! than reason LLJ!
and e"otion L8J!, suggesting that the average presenting "a/or "odifier was (ill, with )eason a
close second and ,"otion as the "inor# $his see"s like a good correlation with our goal9oriented
society that encourages people to be "ental and to be busy doing things rather than to be in touch
with and e6press the e"otions one is e6periencing# $his sa"ple "ay not be representative of the
general population although it "ay not very far off#
$he average data indicates that there was "ore energy in the will chakras L7J! than reason LLJ!
and e"otion L8J!, suggesting that the average presenting "a/or "odifier was (ill, with )eason a
close second and ,"otion as the "inor# $his see"s like a good correlation with our goal9oriented
society that encourages people to be "ental and to be busy doing things rather than to be in touch
with and e6press the e"otions one is e6periencing# $his sa"ple "ay not be representative of the
general population although it "ay not very far off#
ffe-t of ,ealing on the Total Num)er of Distorted Chakras and the Net nerg! "ntake
$able 2 and the bar graph present data on the $>4* and the >,I at the initial visit and after ?, L, 7
and D healings as "easured beore the healing on the 1st, Ith, 6th, Cth and 18th visits#
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Table 6 - Eect o Healing on the T)D% and the )E(
)umber o
+ter 5
+ter 3
+ter 1
+ter 8
+"erage T)D% L#L 2#? 2#2 2#? ?#?
+"erage )E( I#6? D#6 D#6 D#I C#6
*lients have co"e in with as "any as 18 distorted chakras and a >et ,nergy Intake as low as 9L#L# A
negative >,I indicates that the syste" is sending out "ore energy than it is taking in# <owever, the
<,5 reacted very +uickly to healing and re"ained +uite stable, as shown by the low average nu"ber
of distorted chakras 2 to ?! and the relatively high C#6 to D#6! >,I after ? and D healing sessions
Ith and 18th visits!#
ffe-t of ,ealing on the Num)er of (ull! +pen Chakras and the Net nerg! "ntake
$able ? and the bar graph indicate the percent increase in the nu"ber of fully open chakras and the
>,I co"pared to the initial visit over ti"e after ?, L, 7 and D sessions as "easured before the healing
on the Ith, 6th, Cth and 18th visits#
Table 5 -Eect o Healing onthe )umber o Fully *.en %ha&ras and )E(
)umber o healing sessions 5 3 1 8
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+"erage increase in the number o ully o.en
68J L6J L?J ??J
+"erage increase in )E( 211J 281J 1LIJ 12?J
'n average, the nu"ber of fully open chakras increased by 68J over the initial visit after ? healing
sessions# $he average increase in the nu"ber of fully open chakras re"ained above L8J until the Dth
session# 5or C?J of the clients there was an increase of at least 2LJ in the nu"ber of fully open
chakras after ? healing sessions# 5or 1CJ of the clients there was an increase of at least 188J in the
nu"ber of fully open chakras after ? healing sessions#
'n average, the >,I increased 288J over the >,I at the initial visit after ? and L sessions, dropping
to 1LIJ after 7 sessions and to 12?J after D sessions# &o"e clients with "any distorted chakras
e6perienced a dra"atic increase in energy as high as 28 ti"es their original >,I see *ase &tudy *!#
'ne "ight conclude fro" the above that it is better to stop after L sessionsU <owever, in the process
of healing and running "ore energy into the <,5, the client starts to sink into and begins to work with
the deeper issues# $he client is "aking new discoveries and is risking "aking changes to the way that
he or she relates to others# $he process of healing causes shifts in the <,5 and is seen in a variation
of the $>4* and the >,I# $his is what we see happening after 7 and D healings# $his eventually levels
out and the <,5 beco"es "ore stable as the person learns to integrate the new choices and the new
awareness of the dyna"ics in their life#
-oo&ing to the Future
*harting chakra readings using the *hakra *harting %ethod is truly a breakthrough in tracking,
charting and de"onstrating the progress of healing work and its effect on the <,5# It is very useful for
the healer and the client and can be used as a bridge to infor" traditional, and other co"ple"entary
and alternative healing "odalities about -rennan <ealing &cience, or any other "odality where chakra
readings are recorded#
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$he nu"ber of distorted chakras and the >et ,nergy Intake are not the co"plete story of healing, but
they are an i"portant factor in the process# $he healing work helps to bring the field back into
balance# <owever, even when the field is "ostly open and stable, healing is a "o"ent9to9"o"ent
choice of aligning with our longings, our life task and our divine essence# In order to do this, we need
to bring to consciousness, challenge and transfor" the li"iting beliefs and i"ages that unconsciously
organi3e our present "o"ent e6perience and cause unnecessary suffering# As the <,5 begins to take
in "ore energy, the chakras can nourish the body and govern the psycho9dyna"ics in a "ore positive
way, allowing the client "ore favourable conditions for healing the self and fulfilling his or her
(hile so"e will argue that the pendulu" is not a scientific instru"ent and is sub/ective to influence by
the user, healers and dowsers have been using it for "any, "any years# $he results are consistent
once a healer learns to use it correctly and gains e6perience# $he data collected over "any sessions is
reliable and indicative#
$he "ethod can be adapted to any other healing or therapeutic "odality where chakra pendulu"
readings are used and recorded#
I hope that the availability of this "ethod and of the results presented herein will encourage further
research on the effect of -rennan <ealing &cience and other healing "odalities, using this "ethod
along with recogni3ed research protocol double blind, consistent healing "ethods, consistent interval
between sessions, si"ilar presenting co"plaints or diseases, etc#!#
)esearch findings fro" hands9on work with clients presented in this way would support the theory of
<ealing &cience and be an effective way to de"onstrate the power of healing work to a world that
thrives on statistics and studies#
As independent studies confir" positive results, the co""unity at large will recogni3e the potential
that <ealing &ciences have to bring clients back to health, wholeness and well9being#
)oland -erard, -&c%,, -<&P
$he *hakra *harting %ethod is copyright protected 9 all rights reserved#
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The 4rt of Ga"ing, Scrying
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rystal structure of `;
rystal structure of b;
'o to use 7ro=erties of 5rystals and roc#s
There are many uses for the properties of stones# =efore we experiment with theory
lets examine the known facts#
9uarts and its other amily crystals are amous or its ser"ice to man&ind: (t is
relied on used or its .ie;o electric .yroelectric< =ualities< it is used or radio tuners<
stabelised reerence counters< -a;ers< many
other scientiic de"ices<
and its decorati"e natural beauty:
G(art; is the second most abundant mineral in the 8arth.s continental crust, after feldspar. 6t is made up of a
continuous framework of &iOL siliconUoxygen tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra,
giving an overall formula &iO%. 2here are many different varieties of *uart", several of which are semi=precious
gemstones. 8specially in 8urope and the 5iddle 8ast, varieties of *uart" have been since anti*uity the most
commonly used minerals in the making of Bewelry and hardstone carvings. 2he word H*uart"H is derived from the
German word H*uar"H, which was imported from 5iddle 9igh German, HtwarcH, which originated in &lavic 7cf.
@"ech tvrdy 7HhardH, (olish twardy 7HhardH, ?ussian vwxyz{| 7HhardH, from Old @hurch &lavonic vwy}z~
7HfirmH, from (roto &lavic ]tv}rd~.
,r#stals habit
Juart" belongs to the trigonal crystal system. 2he ideal crystal shape is a six=sided
prism terminating with six=sided pyramids at each end. 6n nature *uart" crystals are
often twinned, distorted, or so intergrown with adBacent crystals of *uart" or other
minerals as to only show part of this shape, or to lack obvious crystal faces altogether
and appear massive. ;ell=formed crystals typically form in a .bed. that has
unconstrained growth into a void, but because the crystals must be attached at the other
end to a matrix, only one termination pyramid is present. ' *uart" geode is such a
situation where the void is approximately spherical in shape, lined with a bed of
crystals pointing inward.
't surface temperatures and pressures, *uart" is the most stable form of silicon dioxide. Juart"
will remain stable up to CM! Q@ at 1 kilobar of pressure. 's the pressure increases the
temperature at which *uart" will lose stability also increases.
'bove 1!:: Q@ and at a pressure of approximately !C kilobars, only •=*uart" is stable. 2he
latter is not the same as normal *uart" 7or l=*uart", low *uart" or Bust *uart". •=*uart" has
higher symmetry, is less dense and has a slightly lower specific gravity. 2he
conversion, from one solid substance to another solid substance, of *uart" to •=*uart" is
*uick, reversible and accompanied with a slight energy absorption. 2he conversion is
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so easily accomplished that when a crystal of *uart" is heated to •=*uart", cooled back down, heated again to •=
*uart", etc., then when all is done the *uart" will be the same as when it started.
2he reason that the conversion is so easily accomplished is that the difference between *uart" and •=*uart" is
relatively slight. 2he bonds between the oxygen and silicon atoms are HkinkedH or bent in *uart" and are not so
HkinkedH in •=*uart". 't the higher temperatures the atoms move away from each other Bust enough to allow the
bonds to unkink or straighten and produce the higher symmetry. 's the temperature is lowered, the atoms close in on
each other and the bonds must kink in order to be stable and this lowers the symmetry back down again.
'lthough all *uart" at temperatures lower than CM! Q@ is low *uart", there are a few examples of crystals that
obviously started out as •=*uart". &ometimes these are labeled as •=*uart" but are actually examples of
pseudomorphic or Hfalsely shapedH crystals more correctly labeled .*uart" after •=*uart".. 2hese crystals are of
higher symmetry than low *uart" although low *uart" can form similar crystals to them. 2hey are composed of
hexagonal dipyramids which are a pair of opposing six sided pyramids and the crystals lack prism faces. Juart".s
typical termination is composed of two sets of three rhombic faces that can look like a six sided pyramid.
75icroscopic crystal structure
*uart" crystalli"es in the trigonal cyrstal system, space group .!1%1 and .!%%1 respectively. •=*uart" belongs to the
hexagonal system, space group .D%%1 and .DL%1, respectively.
2hese spacegroups are truly chiral 7they each
belong to the 11 enantiomorphous pairs. Both l=*uart" and •=*uart" are examples of chiral crystal structures
composed of achiral building blocks 7&iOL tetrahedra in the present case. 2he transformation between l= and •=
*uart" only involves a comparatively minor rotation of the tetrahedra with respect to one another, without change in
the way they are linked.
3arieties 7according to color
(ure *uart", traditionally called roc5 cr#stal 7sometimes called clear *(art;, is colorless and transparent 7clear or
translucent. @ommon colored varieties include citrine, rose *uart", amethyst, smoky *uart", milky *uart", and
others. Juart" goes by an array of different names. 2he most important distinction between types of *uart" is that of
macrocrystalline 7individual crystals visible to the unaided eye and the microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline
varieties 7aggregates of crystals visible only under high magnification. 2he cryptocrystalline varieties are either
translucent or mostly opa*ue, while the transparent varieties tend to be macrocrystalline. @halcedony is a
cryptocrystalline form of silica consisting of fine intergrowths of both *uart", and its monoclinic polymorph
Other opa*ue gemstone varieties of *uart", or mixed rocks including *uart", often including contrasting
bands or patterns of color, are agate, sard, onyx, carnelian, heliotrope, and Basper.
,itrine is a variety of *uart" whose color ranges from a pale yellow to brown. 6t is
nearly impossible to tell cut citrine from yellow topa" visibly. @itrine has ferric
impurities, and is rarely found naturally. 5ost commercial citrine is in fact artificially
heated amethyst or smoky *uart". Bra"il is the leading producer of citrine, with much
of its production coming from the state of ?io Grande do &ul. 2he name is derived
from 4atin citrina which means HyellowH and is also the origin of the word Hcitron.H
@itrine is one of three traditional birthstones for the month of -ovember.
Rose *(art; is a type of *uart" which exhibits a pale pink to rose red hue. 2he color
is usually considered as due to trace amounts of titanium, iron, or manganese, in the
massive material. &ome rose *uart" contains microscopic rutile needles which
produces an asterism in transmitted light. ?ecent <=ray diffraction studies suggest
that the color is due to thin microscopic fibers of possibly dumortierite within the
massive *uart".
6n crystal form 7rarely found it is called pin5 *(art; and its
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@halcedony @ryptocrystalline *uart" and moganite mixture. 2he term is generally only
used for white or lightly colored material. Otherwise more specific names are
'gate 5ulti=colored, banded chalcedony, semi=translucent to translucent
Onyx 'gate where the bands are straight, parallel and consistent in si"e.
Gasper Opa*ue cryptocrystalline *uart", typically red to brown
'venturine 2ranslucent chalcedony with small inclusions 7usually mica that shimmer.
2iger.s 8ye Eibrous gold to red=brown colored *uart", exhibiting chatoyancy.
?ock crystal @lear, colorless
'methyst (urple, transparent
@itrine Aellow to reddish orange to brown, greenish yellow
(rasiolite 5int green, transparent
?ose *uart" (ink, translucent, may display diasterism
@ontains acicular 7needles inclusions of rutile
5ilk *uart" ;hite, translucent to opa*ue, may display diasterism
&moky *uart" Brown to gray, opa*ue
@arnelian ?eddish orange chalcedony, translucent
color is thought to be caused by trace amounts of phosphate or aluminium. 2he color in crystals is apparently
photosensitive and subBect to fading. 2he first crystals were found in a pegmatite found near ?umford, 5aine, $&',
but most crystals on the market come from 5inas Gerais, Bra"il.
?ose *uart" is not popular as a gem U it is
generally too clouded by impurities to be suitable for that purpose. ?ose *uart" is more often carved into figures
such as people or hearts. 9earts are commonly found because rose *uart" is pink and an affordable mineral.
Ameth#st is a popular form of *uart" that ranges from a bright to dark or
dull purple color.
Smo5# *(art; is a gray, translucent version of *uart". 6t ranges in clarity from almost
complete transparency to a brownish=gray crystal that is almost opa*ue. &ome can also
be black. &moky *uart" owes its color to natural radiation from the surrounding rock
that affects the structure of the crystal.
)il5 *(art; or mil5# *(art; may be the most common variety of crystalline *uart"
and can be found almost anywhere. 2he white color may be caused by minute fluid
inclusions of gas, li*uid, or both, trapped during the crystal formation. 2he cloudiness
caused by the inclusions effectively bars its use in most optical and *uality gemstone
of *uart"
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0 synthetic 3uartC crystal
grown by the hydrothermal
method, about ,9 cm long
and weighing about ,*+
&ynthetic and artificial treatments
-ot all varieties of *uart" are naturally occurring. (rasiolite, an olive colored
material, is produced by heat treatment, natural prasiolite has also been observed
in 4ower &ilesia in (oland. 'lthough citrine occurs naturally, the maBority is the
result of heat=treated amethyst. @arnelian is widely heat=treated to deepen its
color. Due to natural *uart" being so often twinned, much of the *uart" used in
industry is synthesi"ed. 4arge, flawless and untwinned crystals are produced in
an autoclave via the hydrothermal process, emeralds are also synthesi"ed in this
fashion. ;hile these are still commonly referred to as *uart", the correct term for
this material is silicon dioxide.
Juart" is an essential constituent of granite and other felsic igneous rocks. 6t is
very common in sedimentary rocks such as sandstone and shale and is also present in variable amounts as an
accessory mineral in most carbonate rocks. 6t is also a common constituent of schist, gneiss, *uart"ite and other
metamorphic rocks. Because of its resistance to weathering it is very common in stream sediments and in residual
Juart" occurs in hydrothermal veins as gangue along with ore minerals. 4arge crystals of *uart" are found in
pegmatites. ;ell=formed crystals may reach several meters in length and weigh hundreds of kilograms.
-aturally occurring *uart" crystals of extremely high purity, necessary for the crucibles and other e*uipment used
for growing silicon wafers in the semiconductor industry, are expensive and rare. ' maBor mining location for high
purity *uart" is the &pruce (ine Gem 5ine in &pruce (ine, -orth @arolina.
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2ridymite and cristobalite are high=temperature polymorphs of &iO% that occur in high=silica volcanic rocks. @oesite
is a denser polymorph of *uart" found in some meteorite impact sites and in metamorphic rocks formed at pressures
greater than those typical of the 8arth.s crust. &tishovite is a yet denser and higher=pressure polymorph of *uart"
found in some meteorite impact sites. 4echatelierite is an amorphous silica glass &iO% which is formed by lightning
strikes in *uart" sand.
2he word H*uart"H comes from the German 5uar6 (helpcinfo-,
which is of &lavic origin 7@"ech miners
called it /0emen. Other sources attribute the word.s origin to the &axon word 1uer/luftert-, meaning cross2ein ore.
Juart" is the most common material identified as the mystical substance maban in 'ustralian 'boriginal mythology.
6t is found regularly in passage tomb cemeteries in 8urope in a burial context, such as -ewgrange or @arrowmore in
the ?epublic of 6reland. 2he 6rish word for *uart" is grian cloch, which means .stone of the sun..
;hile Bade has been since earliest times the most pri"ed semi=precious stone for carving in 8ast 'sia and (re=
@olumbian 'merica, in 8urope and the 5iddle 8ast the different varieties of *uart" were the most commonly used
for the various types of Bewelry and hardstone carving, including engraved gems and cameo gems, rock crystal
vases, and extravagant vessels. 2he tradition continued to produce obBects that were very highly valued until the
mid=1Kth century, when it largely fell from fashion except in Bewelry. @ameo techni*ue exploits the bands of color in
onyx and other varieties.
?oman naturalist (liny the 8lder believed *uart" to be water ice, permanently fro"en after great lengths of time.
72he word HcrystalH comes from the Greek word for purity. 9e supported this idea by saying that *uart" is found
near glaciers in the 'lps, but not on volcanic mountains, and that large *uart" crystals were fashioned into spheres to
cool the hands. 9e also knew of the ability of *uart" to split light into a spectrum. 2his idea persisted until at least
the 1D::s.
6n the 1Mth century, -icolas &teno.s study of *uart" paved the way for modern crystallography. 9e discovered that
no matter how distorted a *uart" crystal, the long prism faces always made a perfect D:Q angle.
@harles B. &awyer invented the commercial *uart" crystal manufacturing process in @leveland, Ohio, $nited &tates.
2his initiated the transition from mined and cut *uart" for electrical appliances to manufactured *uart".
Juart".s pie"oelectric properties were discovered by Gac*ues and (ierre @urie in 100:. 2he *uart" oscillator or
resonator was first developed by ;alter Guyton @ady in 1K%1.
George ;ashington (ierce designed and patented
*uart" crystal oscillators in 1K%!.
;arren 5arrison created the first *uart" oscillator clock based on the work of
@ady and (ierce in 1K%M.
Juart" crystals have pie"oelectric properties, they develop an electric potential upon the
application of mechanical stress. 'n early use of this property of *uart" crystals was in
phonograph pickups. One of the most common pie"oelectric uses of *uart" today is as a crystal
oscillator. 2he *uart" clock is a familiar device using the mineral. 2he resonant fre*uency of a
*uart" crystal oscillator is changed by mechanically loading it, and this principle is used for very
accurate measurements of very small mass changes in the *uart" crystal microbalance and in
thin=film thickness monitors.
1. u
Deer, ;. '., ?. '. 9owie and G. Zussman, An 3ntroduction to the 'oc/ ,orming Minerals, 4ogman,
1KDD, pp. !L:U!CC 6&B- :=C0%=LL%1:=K
%. 0 9andbook of 5ineralogy. Juart"
!. 0 5indat. Juart"
Page (00 of ))(
L. 0 ;ebmineral. Juart"
C. 0 9urlbut, @ornelius &., >lein, @ornelis 71K0C. Manual of Mineralogy 7%: ed.. 6&B- :=LM1=0:C0:=M.
D. 0 httpINNwww.etymonline.comNindex.php/termT*uart"
M. 0 @rystal Data, Determinative 2ables, '@' 5onograph -o. C, 'merican @rystallographic 'ssociation,
0. 0 9eaney, (eter G. 71KKL. H&tructure and @hemistry of the low=pressure silica polymorphsH. 'eiews in
Mineralogy and 4eochemistry BL 71I 1UL:. httpINNrimg.geoscienceworld.orgNcgiNcontentNabstractN%KN1N1.
K. 0 httpINNwww.mindat.orgNmin=1:CL.html
1:. 0 5indat. ?ose Juart"
11. 0 @olored 3arieties of Juart", @altech
1%. 0 5ilky *uart" at 5ineral Galleries
1!. 0 &ue -elson 7% 'ugust %::K. H&ilicon 3alley.s secret recipeH. BB@ -ews.
1L. 0 German 4oan ;ords in 8nglish
1C. 0 Mineral Atlas , Jueensland $niversity of 2echnology
1D. 0 H2he Juart" ;atch U ;alter Guyton @adyH. (he Lemelson Center, 5ational Museum of American
&istory. &mithsonian 6nstitution. httpINNinvention.smithsonian.orgNcenterpiecesN*uart"NinventorsNcady.html.
1M. 0 H2he Juart" ;atch U George ;ashington (ierceH. (he Lemelson Center, 5ational Museum of American
&istory. &mithsonian 6nstitution.
10. 0 H2he Juart" ;atch U ;arren 5arrisonH. (he Lemelson Center, 5ational Museum of American &istory.
&mithsonian 6nstitution. httpINNinvention.smithsonian.orgNcenterpiecesN*uart"NinventorsNclock.html.
+ 9uic& ,uide to %olor
+ ge"stoneKs color is its "ost defining characteristic, and arguably a stoneKs "ost i"portant characteristic#
(hen deciding upon ge"stone color you want to consider hue, tone, and saturation#
Page )11 of ))(
H ue refers to the position of a color on the color wheel#
$here are si6 pri"ary huesH violet, blue, green, yellow,
orange, and red# In between these pri"ary hues are
secondary hues, such as blue9green# &o"e stones will
have "i6ed hues# 5or e6a"ple, sapphires can have a hue
ranging fro" Pslightly purplish9blueP to Pslightly greenish9
blue,P and rubies range fro" Pslightly orangish9redP to
Pslightly purplish9redP# 2e"stones that have "ostly pure
pri"ary colors are the "ost valuable# $hese stones will
have only a slight touch of other colors in the wheel#
T one also known as value or lightness! refers to the
relative lightness or darkness of color# Another way of
thinking of tone is as the percentage of light absorbed by
a color# A stone that absorbs no color is white, while a
stone that absorbs all light is black#
S aturation also known as chro"a or intensity! refers to the a"ount of color present# &aturation is the "ost
i"portant color9grading factor#
$o help visuali3e saturation, i"agine a glass of water# &lowly blue ink is added to the water in the glass# $he
color will gradually beco"e a deeper blue# In other words, the saturation increases proportionally with the
a"ount of ink in the water# An e6a"ple would be a ruby that was as red as it possibly could be# $his ruby has
obtained "a6i"u" saturation# A ruby with the lightest shade of pink possible would have the "ini"u"
saturation possible#
To help visuali3e tone, i"agine two glasses each filled with water# Add two drops of colored ink into each glass#
$he two glasses will now have identical hue and tone#
)ow add two "ore drops of ink to only one
glass# $he hue is the sa"e, but now this glass
has a higher tone and saturation# If you
continue to add ink to this glass, the tone and
saturation will increase, but only to a point#
Adding too "uch ink will eventually darken the
color so "uch that black overrides the hue,
resulting in a decrease in saturation#
*verall, stones that have light or dark tones
are less desirable than those of "ediu" tones#
<owever, re"e"ber that the ideal tone
depends on the hue# $he highest saturation of
yellow will always be lighter than the highest
saturation of orange, which itself is lighter than
the highest green or red, which is lighter than
the highest blue or purple#
First Published: September-04-2006
© 2005-2010 all rights resered.
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'o a crystal ma#es a radio K ho a gem stone
ma#es a laser
Building a crystal radio out o household items:
+ .ie;oelectric ear.hone
$he "ost difficult part of building a crystal radio is building an efficient earphone that can
convert the tiny electrical signals into tiny sounds that our ears can hear# 'ur first radio
used a telephone handset for an earphone, and that works +uite well# -ut another type of
earphone is available that fits in the ear so you donKt have to hold it# It is also "ore
sensitive than the telephone handset#
In order to convert very faint electrical signals into sound, we need a very sensitive
earphone# $he kind of earphones used in transistor radios or *4 players will not do# $hose
are "eant to be driven by a signal loud enough to drive a speaker, and are not sensitive at
(e will talk later in the scientific part of this chapter! about impeda"ce and what it "eans#
5or now, we will /ust say that a sensitive earphone has a very high i"pedance, which is
"easured in oh"s# A speaker has a low i"pedance, usually about C oh"s# A sensitive
earphone built around an electro"agnet we will build one of these later! "ight have 2,888
oh"s# $he telephone handset earphone is of this type, although it has only a few hundred
oh"s of i"pedance, and will not be as loud as a "ore sensitive device#
$he crystal earphone we will play with in this section has over a "illion oh"s of i"pedance,
and is very sensitive#
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A crystal earphone "ore properly called a pie3oelectric earphone, pronounced pee93o! is
"ade of a "aterial that changes its shape when connected to a source of electricity# &o"e
crystals such as +uart3, and )ochelleKs &alt are pie3oelectric# &o"e cera"ics such as those
"ade with bariu" titanate! are also pie3oelectric# 'ur pie3oelectric earphone is "ade of a
disk of brass that is coated with bariu" titanate cera"ic# (hen electricity is connected to it,
the cera"ic bends the brass disk, and we can hear the vibrations this causes in the air#
$o "ake pie3oelectric earphones easier for our readers to find, we now offer the" in our
$o de"onstrate /ust how sensitive a crystal earphone is, try this e6peri"entH with the
earphone in your ear, touch the two wires together# Oou will hear a sharp click as electrons
"ove fro" one wire to the other# If the earphone ca"e with a /ack on the end instead of
two bare wires, you will need a piece of "etal such as a spoon to connect the two "etal
parts of the /ack#
'ne detail about such a very sensitive earphone is i"portant in building a crystal radio# A
sensitive earphone does not use very "uch current to create the sound# Another way of
saying this, is that not "uch current is going through the earphone# 'ur radio needs a
certain a"ount of current to flow through the diode in order to work#
(hen substituting a pie3oelectric earphone for an earphone "ade with a coil of wire, we
"ust provide a way for so"e current to bypass the earphone# (e do this by putting a
resistor or a coil in parallel with the earphone parallel "eans that the resistor or coil is
attached to the sa"e two places that the earphone wires are attached!#
$he resistor can be anything in the range of 1,888 oh"s to 188,888 oh"s, and can be a
piece of graphite out of a pencil, or a couple hundred coils of fine wire around a nail#
+ ,ermanium diode detector
$he second part of our radio, after the earphone, is the detector# A detector is so"ething
that picks the audio fre+uencies out of a radio wave, so they can be heard in the earphone#
(e will learn "ore about how they work in the scientific part of the chapter later on#
'ur first detector will be store9bought# Eater we will replace it with detectors we build
ourselves out of things we find around the house, like lead pencils, baking soda, ra3or
blades, rocks, all kinds of things#
$he detector we will use first is a 2er"aniu" diode# $he diode we want is called a 1>?IA by
the people who na"e diodes# $his diode has so"e properties that "ake it particularly suited
to our purpose, na"ely that it works at lower voltage levels than "ost other co""on
diodes# &ince the voltage in our radio co"es fro" weak little radio waves, we need all the
help we can get#
(e now carry this diode in our catalog, to "ake it easier to obtain# )adio &hack used to
carry the", but they no longer have the" in their stores#
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(e are now ready to build our si"plest radio#
+ "ery sim.le radio >ith t>o .arts
5irst let "e warn you that this first little radio "ay not work in your location# It relies on
having a very strong local radio station to overco"e the li"itations of such a si"ple radio# If
it does not work where you are, you can either build its cousins that we will discuss later, or
you can drive out closer to a local radio station, and try it there# -ut because it is so si"ple,
you "ight try building it /ust to see what you "ight be able to pick up#
If your earphone has a /ack on the end, cut it off, so you have two long wires co"ing fro"
the earphone# If the wires are twisted around each other, that is 'K, since we only need
the" to be separate at the very ends#
)e"ove the covering called insulation! fro" the ends of the wires to e6pose an inch of bare
wire# 'ften you can do this with your fingernail, but a tool called a wire stripper is "ade for
this purpose, and can usually be purchased at the sa"e place you got the earphone or the
(rap one bare wire around one of the diodeKs wires# Nse so"e tape to keep it in place# If
you know how to solder, you can solder the wires together, but it really isnKt necessary for
$ape the other diode wire to a cold water faucet# $his "akes a good connection to the
ground, and is thus called a KgroundK connection#
<old the re"aining free bare wire of the earphone in your hand# $his "akes your body into
the antenna for the radio# Put the earphone in your ear# If you are close to a strong A%
Page )1, of ))(
radio station, you will be able to hear that station faintly in the earphone# Oou "ay hear
"ore than one station at once#
If you canKt hear anything, you "ight try a better antenna# Oou can tape the wire you were
holding to a "etal window screen, or a long wire# If one end of the long wire is thrown up
on a roof or in a tree, you "ight get better results# Another good antenna is an outdoor $:
antenna# Aust touch the free earphone wire to one of the antenna ter"inals where it co"es
into the $:# If you have a good antenna, you "ay be able to eli"inate the ground
connection, using your body as a ground instead, by holding the free diode wire in your
+nother sim.le radio >ith t>o .arts
'ur si"ple radio has two "ain drawbacks# 'ne is that the signals are very faint, and can
only be heard if you are close to a radio stationKs trans"itting antenna# $he other is that you
hear all of the strong stations at once, and it is hard to pick out /ust one song or voice fro"
the "i6ed up /u"ble# $he first proble" is called the KsensitivityK of the radio# 'ur radio is not
very sensitive# $he second proble" is called the KselectivityK of the radio# 'ur radio is not
very selective#
(e can solve both proble"s by using a trick called resonance#
)esonance is a way of taking a little bit of energy, and using it over and over again, at /ust
the right ti"e, to acco"plish a big task# (e use resonance when we push so"eone on a
swing# It would take a lot of work to lift so"eone several feet in the air, but we can do this
easily on a swing by giving a little push over and over again at /ust the right ti"e# $i"ing is
i"portantH if we push at the wrong ti"e, the swing can actually lose energy instead of
getting higher#
(hen an opera singer uses her voice to shatter a wine glass, she is using resonance# <er
voice gives the glass a little push at /ust the right ti"e, over and over again, until the glass
is "oving so far that it shatters# In a si"ilar way, we can slosh all the water out of a
bathtub by "oving a hand in the water at /ust the right back and forth speed# ,ach ti"e the
hand "oves, the water cli"bs a little higher, until it is over the top of the tub#
)adio waves can act like the sound waves of the singerKs voice, or like the waves in the
bathtub# )adio waves can cause electrons to "ove back and forth in a wire, /ust like the
water in the tub# If the radio waves are "oving back and forth at the right fre+uency, then
the electrons in the wire will /ust be crowding towards one end of the wire when the radio
waves start "oving the" back to the other side# Aust like the water in the tub, the electrons
will crowd higher and higher at the ends of the wire# $hese electrons can do work, like
"oving the brass disk in the earphone to create sound#
(e can use resonance to build a radio that can pick up only one station at a ti"e, and "ake
a louder sound in the earphone# $his radio will also have so"e drawbacks for one thing it
will be over 1,888 feet longU! but we will solve these proble"s in the ne6t radio we build#
&uppose we pick a local radio station we want to hear# 5or this e6a"ple we will choose 7I8
kilohert3 on the A% dial# (e now need to figure out how long the wire "ust be to resonate
at this fre+uency# )adio waves travel at the speed of light# $his radio wave is going back and
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forth 7I8,888 ti"es per second# $his "eans the wave needs to go about a +uarter of a "ile
in one direction, then turn around and go back again, over and over# $he actual for"ula for
figuring out how long the wire should be is
D?6 feet
5re+uency in %egahert3
or, for our e6a"pleH
D?6 feet
or about 126I feet#
$o "ake our radio, we take half of the wire 6?2 feet! and attach it to one end of the diode#
(e attach the other half of the wire to the other end of the diode# (e attach one earphone
wire to one side of the diode also, and the other earphone wire to the other end# (e put the
long wire up in the air by attaching each end to a tree the trees "ust be about 126I feet
apart!# $hen we put the earphone into our ear, and listen to the radio#
>ow I can think of a couple proble"s with this radio# It is not the "ost portable radio# Also,
in order to change the station, we need to "ake the wire longer or shorter#
'ne solution to the portability proble" is to coil the wire up by winding it on a bo6 or a
cylinder# $hen we can solve the tuning proble" by attaching the diode and earphone to the
coil at different places easy to do now that the whole wire is in one s"all place!#
+ sim.le +' radio >ith three .arts
$here are several ways to connect a coil of wire to a diode and earphone to "ake a radio# In
the photos below, we show two possibilities that work#
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$he photos do not show the antenna and ground connections, but instead indicate where
they would be attached#
$he coil in the photos is also dra"atically si"plified# A real coil for the A% radio fre+uencies
would be so"ewhat larger, as we saw when we built our first radio using the plastic bottle#
'ften photographs show so "uch detail that the i"portant parts are easily "issed# -y using
a si"plified drawing, we can accentuate the i"portant parts of the circuit and leave out
uni"portant or distracting details that can interfere with getting the point across#
A si"plified drawing of a circuit is called a schematic# A sche"atic for a si"ple crystal radio
"ight look like this if drawn on a napkin at a partyH
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$he sy"bol for a coil looks like a spring# $he sy"bol for an antenna looks like so"eone
used a coat hanger# $he sy"bol for headphones looks like the old fashioned ear9"uff style
which are great for crystal radios, since they block out a"bient noise in the roo"!# $he
sy"bol for the ground looks like what a cartoonist would draw under a cartoon character to
represent the earth#
>ote that the antenna is attached to the coil in the "iddle by a s"all arrow# $his indicates
that it is attached to a tap in the coil# An arrow is used to indicate a connection that can
"ove, like our clip lead#
$he sy"bol for the diode looks nothing like the little glass tube with wires co"ing out#
Instead of represeting what the diode loo-s like, it represents what the diode does#
A diode is a one9way valve for electricity# $he electric current flows through the diode in one
direction, but is blocked if it tries to flow in the other direction# (e will find out why this is
i"portant later, when we learn why the radio works# -ut for now, we will concentrate on
building a radio that will let us hear one station at a ti"e, with reasonable loudness#
Po>er rom radio >a"es -- hoo&ing u. a
meter to measure the "oltage and current
It is useful at this point to be able to "easure the effects of changes we "ake to the radio#
(e can /ust use our ears and try to re"e"ber how loud it used to be, but it is easier to read
a "eter, and re"e"ber a nu"ber# (ith a "eter connected to the radio we can ad/ust the
tuning for the highest "eter reading, or "ake other ad/ust"ents as we add new
co"ponents or replace purchased co"ponents with ones we "ake ourselves#
$he "eters "ust be sensitive to very s"all changes in the a"ount of electricity flowing in
our radio# (e will be "easuring curre"t "ostly, but we will add a volt"eter as well, so we
can calculate the total a"ount of energy we are receiving#
*urrent is the flow of electricity through the circuit, and it is "easured in a"peres, or a"ps
for short# :oltage is the pressure that pushes the current through the wires# If electicity
were water, current would be the a"ount of water flowing gallons per "inute!, and voltage
would be the water pressure in pounds per s+uare inch#
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&ince the a"ount of current is very s"all, we will use a "eter that "easures current in
"icro9a"peres, or at "ost s"all fractions of a "illia"pere# &o"e e6a"ples of
"icroa""eters and "illia""eters can be seen in the photo belowH
$o "easure the current in our radio, we will need to have the current flowing through the
"eter# $o do this, we connect the "icroa""eter between the earphone and the ground
connection, so that any electricity that is going to flow throught the earphones to "ake
noise is going to have to flow through the "eter also# $he "eter can be connected in two
ways, one is forward and one is backward# If the "eter is connected backward, the needle
will start reading below 3ero# If this happens, /ust reverse the connections, so the needle
reads above 3ero#
$o "easure the voltage, we connect the "eter to both of the earphone wires# $he sche"atic
diagra" now looks like thisH
If you have a good antenna, or a strong radio station nearby, the a""eter "ight read "ore
than L8 "icroa"ps# If you have a short antenna, you "ight get only L "icroa"ps and still
be able to hear the station clearly in the headphones# I put up a 288 foot antenna between
two trees over "y house, and tuned to a L8,888 watt station about ?8 "iles away, and now
I get 17L "icroa"ps of current through "y "eter# I put the earphone to the "outh of a
cone like a "egaphone! and I can clearly hear the radio fro" across the roo" when the
house is +uiet# It doesnKt sound as nice and clear as it does with the earphone right up to
"y ear, but I can follow a conversation easily itKs an all9news station!#
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$he volt"eter in the sa"e radio reads 12L "illivolts# &ince watts the "easure of how "uch
power we have! is the voltage "ultiplied by the a"peres, we have 8#88817L ti"es 8#12L,
or 8#888821C watts, or about 22 "icrowatts# $he station is putting out L8 killowatts, and we
are receiving one ten billionth of that power, yet we can hear it across the roo"#
$ry different lengths of antenna, and watch the current go up as the longer antennas catch
"ore of the power fro" the radio station# $ry "ore that one antenna# $ry connecting the
ground wire to different things that are connected to the ground, such as pipes, "etal
fences, etc# As you try each test, "ake sure you tune the radio again, because your
changes "ay affect the tuning#
+dding a ca.acitor (or three)
As you tried different antenna lengths, you "ay have noticed that you had to "ove the tap
on the coil in order to get the station at its loudest# $o understand why this happens, and
how we can use an understanding of it to i"prove our radio, we "ust first understand
capacita"ce and how it affects the tuning coil#
A capacitor is si"ply two pieces of "etal with an insulator between the"# If a capacitor is
connected to a battery, the battery will push electrons onto one piece of "etal called a
plate! and draw electrons fro" the other piece of "etal# If we re"ove the battery, the
electrons canKt go anywhere, so one plate of the capacitor will have "ore electrons than the
other plate#
If we connect the two plates together with a wire, the electrons will rush fro" the plate that
had too "any because electrons have the sa"e charge, and thus repel each other like the
north poles of two "agnets! to the plate that had fewer electrons# As the electrons rush
fro" one plate to the other, we can "ake the" do work, such as light a light bulb# In this
way, the capacitor see"s to store the electricity fro" the battery, for use at another ti"e
when the battery isnKt there#
>ow suppose we connect a coil and a capacitor together like thisH
&uppose also that the capacitor has been charged by a battery so the top plate has "ore
electrons than the botto" plate# (hen we connect the coil, the e6cess electrons in the top
plate i""ediately start traveling through the coil to get to the plate that has a shortage of
As the electrons travel through the coil, they create a "agnetic field, re"e"ber KcoilK is /ust
another word for Kelectro"agnetK!# $he "agnetic field grows until the plates on the capacitor
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have e+uali3ed# At this point you would think the current would stop flowing in the coil# -ut
the "agnetic field that built up when the current flowed through the coil now starts to
Aust as "oving a "agnet past a coil will generate a current, a collapsing "agnetic field
around a coil creates a current too# $he current is in the sa"e direction as it was when the
"agnetic field was created, so the coil ends up pushing electrons onto the botto" plate of
the capacitor, and stealing the" fro" the top plate#
-y the ti"e the "agnetic field around the coil has co"pletely collapsed, the botto" plate of
the capacitor has a surplus of electrons, and the top plate has a deficit# Oou can guess what
happens ne6t#
$he electrons start flowing back into the coil, this ti"e fro" the botto" plate to the top# $he
coil starts building up a "agnetic field again, but since the current is now going the other
way, what used to be the north pole of the "agnetic field is now the south pole, and vice9
$he field grows until the capacitor has e+uali3ed, then it collapses, and pu"ps electrons into
the top plate of the capacitor# (e are now back where we started, and the whole process
starts over againU
$he coil and the capacitor are resonating, /ust like the child on a swing, or the water in a
bathtub# In fact, this circuit is called a Ktank circuitK, like a tank full of water that sloshes
back and forth#
(e can control the fre+uency of the oscillations in two ways# (e can "ake the coil larger or
s"aller, or we can "ake the capacitor larger or s"aller# $he coil we built for our radio has
taps, which have the effect of "aking the coil shorter or longer, depending on which tap we
connect to the antenna#
'ur radio has a coil# -ut it doesnKt have a capacitor# 'r does itG Actually, the antenna itself
is acting like a capacitor# $he capacitance of the antenna is reacting with the i"ducta"ce of
the coil to resonate at the fre+uency of the radio station#
(hen we change the length of the antenna, it is like changing the si3e of the capacitor# $his
is why changing the length of the antenna changed the tuning of the radio, forcing us to
"ove to a different tap on the coil in order to listen to the sa"e station#
$here is another way to change the capacitance of a capacitor# (e can change the distance
between the two plates# If the plates are closer together, the e6cess electrons on one plate
are attracted to the other plate, because when the negatively charged electrons were
re"oved fro" that plate, it was left with a positive charge#
-ecause the electrons are attracted to the positive charge, we can pile "ore of the"
together, storing "ore energy# In a si"ilar fashion, when we "ake a capacitor with the
plates farther apart, the positive charge is farther away, and canKt help to pull as "any
electrons onto the negative plate# $hus the a"ount of energy we can store is less, and we
say the capacitor has less capacit+
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(e can co"bine capacitors to raise or lower the capacitance, now that we know how
capacitors work# If we put two capacitors together in parallel, we can increase the
capacitance, because the top plates are connected together, and the botto" plates are
connected together, it is /ust as if we had one capacitor with large plates#
If we connect the capacitors in series, it has the effect of "aking the plates of the capacitor
be farther apart# $his can be seen in the illustration below# $he botto" plate of one
capacitor is connected to the top plate of the other# ,lectrically, this is the sa"e as "aking
the two plates into one plate in the "iddle of a capacitor that has twice the distance
between the outer plates# $he phanto" inner plate has no effect, and is drawn as a dotted
line in the botto" illustration#
(e now know enough about capacitors to use the" in our radio# (e can use a s"all
capacitor between the antenna and the coil to lower the capacitance of the antenna# $his
will allow the coil to tune to stations that are higher in fre+uency# $he capacitor is in series
with the capacitance of the antenna, so the total capacitance is lower#
$he circuit now looks like thisH
Building your o>n ca.acitors
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*apacitors are easy to build in the kitchen out of alu"inu" foil# In fact, our first capacitor
will si"ply be two sheets of foil tucked into a paperback book, with one page separating
the", as if they were two book"arks#
$his +uick capacitor has advantages and disadvantages# It is +uick and easy to build, it can
be easily ad/usted to vary the capacitance by si"ply sliding one of the foil strips out of the
book a little at a ti"e, thus reducing the capacitance# 'n the other hand, it is bulky, and
co"es apart easily, and will change its capacitance when you press down on the book,
s+uee3ing the pages closer together# Eastly, it can change capacitance slightly on hu"id
days as the pages of the book absorb "oisture#
(ith only a little "ore effort, we can "ake a durable, stable, capacitor using foil and a little
wa6ed paper or plastic wrap#
(e start by laying down a sheet of wa6ed paper# 'n top of that we lay a sheet of foil# (e
leave the foil hanging over the top of the wa6ed paper, so we will have so"ething to which
we can attach a wire# (e lay another piece of wa6ed paper over the first piece and the foil#
(e then lay another piece of foil on the top, overlapping it at the botto" for our other wire#
(e "ake sure that the foil sheets are always separated by the wa6ed paper, so they do not
"ake an electrical connection#
>ow we roll the whole thing up like a /elly roll#
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>ow we tri" up the paper with so"e scissors, and we can even roll it up the other way to
"ake it s"aller#
$his capacitor is not ad/ustable like our first one, but we can "ake several of the", each a
different si3e, and connect the one we want# (e can even co"bine the" in parallel or in
series to change their capacitance#
(e can use the s"all 'i$ed capacitor to tune the antenna, and another ariable capacitor
like our book capacitor! to tune the coil# (e put the variable capacitor in parallel with the
coil, to "ake a tank circuit# $he s"all fi6ed capacitor lowers the antennaKs capacitance,
"aking the circuit tune to a higher fre+uency# -ut the variable capacitor adds "ore
capacitance to the circuit, "aking it tune to a lower fre+uency# >ow we can tune the radio
with the taps on the coil, a"d by sliding the foil in and out of the book#
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$he circuit now looks like thisH
>otice how the variable capacitor has an arrow through it to indicate that it can change its
Building your o>n diodes
4uring (orld (ar I, soldiers in the field "ade their own radios to listen to progra"s for
entertain"ent and news# $hey had access to wire fro" broken down vehicles, and
telephone receivers, but they did not have "odern solid state diodes in little glass tubes#
<owever, it is surprising to find out /ust how "any ordinary ob/ects can act as a diode,
letting current flow one way better than another#
$he soldiers found that an old rusty ra3or blade and a pencil lead worked /ust fine# -y lightly
touching the pencil lead to spots of blue on the blade, or to spots of rust, they for"ed what
is called a poi"t co"tact diode#
(e can replace our store9bought diode with a ho"e"ade point contact diode and co"pare
the results# $he parts can be attached to the circuit with clip leads, or they can be soldered,
as in the photo below# $he pencil lead is attached to a safety pin by wrapping it with bare
copper wire and soldering it#
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$he safety pin acts as a spring to lightly press the pencil lead onto the ra3or# If the pressure
is too hard or not hard enough, the diode will not work, so e6peri"ent# $he e6act spot on
the ra3or is also critical, since so"e spots will have too "uch or too little o6ide on the" to
"ake the diode# %ove the pencil lead around on the ra3or until the sound is loudest, or the
"eter if you have attached one! reads highest#
In the photo above, you can see how handy the brass drawer pulls are when we want to attach new
types of diodes#
If you donKt have a rusty ra3or blade lying around, you can try other bits of rusty "etal# $he blade
shown above was clean and new, so I put a little salt and water on it, and held it in the fla"e of a gas
stove until parts of it were blue and purple#
Oou "ight have other things around the house that can act as diodes# In "y rock collection, I found
so"e iron pyrite foolKs gold! and so"e carborundu" silicon carbide, the blue stone in the photo
below!# $he carborundu" works well with a strong pressure, so I si"ply wrapped so"e bare copper
wire around it, soldered the wire, and then let the /aws of a clip lead supply the pressure# It works
+uite well# $he pyrite needs a gentle touch, so I used the point of a safety pin to gently probe until I
found a spot on the pyrite that gave good volu"e in the radio#
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,oing urther - some =uic& thoughts
Trading loudness or more stations
In our radio, the diode and earphones are connected directly to the antenna and ground#
$his connection gets the loudest signal# <owever, it also loads the tuning coil, "aking it less
selective# $his "eans that "any lower power or distant stations are drowned out by local
strong stations#
(e can "ake the radio "ore selective by decoupling the tuning coil fro" the antenna and
ground# (e do this by adding a s"all coil# $he new coil is attached to the antenna and the
ground, and then it is placed inside the "ain tuning coil#
(ind about five or ten turns of wire around a s"all coil for" such as the plastic container
use to package ?L "" fil" about 1 inch in dia"eter!# *ut a large hole in the botto" of the
plastic bottle on which we wound the large tuning coil# Attach the antenna and ground to
the s"all coil, and place it into the large tuning coil using the new hole you /ust "ade# -y
"oving the s"all coil in or out of the large coil, you can vary the coupling between the coils,
and thus vary the selectivity and sensitivity of the radio# If you want loud strong local
stations, place it all the way in# If you want to hear the fainter distant stations, pull it out a
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Hel. >ith construction math
<ere is a si"ple little progra" that can show you how "any turns of wire you need on your
tuning coil to resonate with any capacitor you chooseH
A coil construction calculator
Building your o>n ear.hones
Oou can build your own earphones using a tin can, a nail, a s"all "agnet, and so"e fine
wire# (ind a few hundred turns of wire around the nail# Eet the "agnet stick to the head of
the nail a neody"iu"9iron9boron super "agnet in our catalog works well here, since it is
strong and very s"all!# Attach the coil to the radio in place of the earphones# <old the open
end of the tin can to your ear, and hold the nail very close to the botto" of the tin can# $he
botto" of the can will be attracted to the "agnet, but the coil will "ake it vibrate with the
sound fro" the radio#
A coil fro" an old relay or solenoid will often also work, and save you the effort of winding
the wire on the nail#
+ seashell louds.ea&er
I got a large conch shell fro" an a+uariu" store for a few dollars# Nsing a concrete drill, I
"ade a 1.I inch hole in the shell at the s"all end where the shell was for"ed when the
conch was very s"all!# I then glued a pie3o9electric earphone to the hole# $his "akes a nice
tru"pet9like "egaphone and "akes the sound of the radio clearly audible across a +uiet
roo"# It also looks very nice#
!sing an -ED or a diode:
-ecause I have a long 1L8 foot! antenna, a good ground, and a strong station L8,888
watts! less than 28 "iles away, "y radio receives enough power to light a low current E,4#
$he E,4 is a Khigh brighnessK type which also "eans that it will light di"ly with a very s"all
a"ount of current!# I connect it instead of diode in the radio, and it glows as the radio
operates, getting brighter as the sound gets louder#
If you donKt have a strong station nearby, you can add a battery in series with the E,4 a
s"all 1#L volt battery works fine!# $he E,4 will light up, and the radio will play "uch louder
than without the battery if the E,4 doesnKt light up, try connecting the battery the other
way around!# $his arrange"ent is the best detector I have used so far, and is louder than
the 1>?IA ger"aniu" diode#
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Eigure C. 2he &piritual ;hirlwind
@lick to see video on the &piritual ;hirlwind
2he &piritual ;hirlwind or 8theric 3ortex
2he spiritual whirlwind is a tool of the &oul that can be invoked by you, the
personality. 6ts basic use is to sweep loose debris from your aura. 6t can also be used
to transmit energies of higher vibration from the &oul to the lower vehicles. 2he
process of building the @entral @hannel by using the &oul &tar creates debris as it
burns through emotional and mental thought forms clogging your channel. 2his debris
needs to be removed from your aura at the close of any session that involves moving
the &oul &tar through the @entral @hannel. 2his is true whether you are building the
@entral 3ertical @hannel or widening it after you have completed building the @entral
2he spiritual whirlwind may also be used to clear debris from your aura that you
pickup during the day as a result of being in close proximity to groups of people.
&uggested times to use the &piritual ;hirlwind areI
1. 't the end of a session of &oul &tar work on the @entral @hannel
%. 'fter being in a crowd of people such as shopping malls, airplanes, subways,
theaters, and night clubs, etc.
!. 'fter doing healing or body work on an individual
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L. 2o invoke specific *ualities of energy from the &oul
C. 't the beginning of a group or public meditation 7'n individual can vortex a room
full of people if they are not familiar with the techni*ue.
D. 't the end of the work day to regain your center after returning home from work.
9ow to $se the &piritual ;hirlwind
Aou can invoke the vortex by identifying as the &oul 7 H6 am the &oulH and focusing
your mind about !: feet above your head and saying H6n the wisdom of the &oul, 6
invoke the spiritual whirlwind.H 3isuali"e a spinning whirlwind of energy similar in
shape to the funnel of a tornado. &ee the whirlwind rotating cloc54ise .from left to
ri&ht if #o( li%e in the =orthern hemisphere/ as it moves downward through the
aura. 6f you live in the So(thern hemisphere visuali"e the spinning whirlwind
rotatin& co(ntercloc54ise .from ri&ht to left/. 2he tip or lowest point of the
spiritual whirlwind follows the @entral @hannel. 2he color of the vortex is usually
white. 's the vortex sweeps through the aura it picks up loose debris floating in your
aura from the clearing work and contacts from the environment and carries them deep
into the earth, about !: feet below the 8arth &tar, where they can be utili"ed by lower
evolving life forms. ;hen it drops its load into the earth, it simply ceases to move
and exist and disappears. ' new whirlwind must be invoked by you. 2his process is
continued for about five minutes or until you feel that your aura is clear. 2he si"e and
speed of the vortex is controlled by the &oul. 's the whirlwind sweeps debris out of
your aura, it also fills it with the light of higher more rarified energies from the highest
subplane of the lower mental, emotional and physical etheric planes.
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