MGMT 340 DeVry Week 3 Quiz Latest

Published on May 2017 | Categories: School Work | Downloads: 61 | Comments: 0 | Views: 931
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MGMT 340 DeVry Week 3 Quiz Latest MGMT340 MGMT 340 DeVry Week 3 Quiz Latest MGMT 340 DeVry Week 3 Quiz Latest Question 1. Question : (TCO 3) The impertinence characteristic of a good systems analyst is represented by which of the following statements? o You must challenge yourself to look at the organization in new ways. o You should question everything. o Assume anything is possible, and eliminate the infeasible. o Your role is to find the best solution to a business problem. o Every fact must fit with every other fact. Question 2. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following is a traditional method of collecting systems requirements? o Business process reengineering o Observations o Joint application design o Rapid application development o Prototyping



MGMT 340 DeVry Week 3 Quiz Latest MGMT340 MGMT 340 DeVry Week 3 Quiz Latest MGMT 340 DeVry Week 3 Quiz Latest Question 1. Question : (TCO 3) The impertinence characteristic of a good systems analyst is represented by which of the following statements? o You must challenge yourself to look at the organization in new ways. o You should question everything. o Assume anything is possible, and eliminate the infeasible. o Your role is to find the best solution to a business problem. o Every fact must fit with every other fact. Question 2. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following is a traditional method of collecting systems requirements? o Business process reengineering o Observations o Joint application design o Rapid application development o Prototyping

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