MGMT 340 DeVry Week 7 Quiz Latest
MGMT 340 DeVry Week 7 Quiz Latest
MGMT 340 DeVry Week 7 Quiz Latest
Question 1. Question : (TCO 8) Benefits of the object-oriented modeling approach include
o the ability to tackle more challenging problem domains.
o improved communication among users, analysts, designers, and programmers.
o reusability of analysis, design, and programming results.
o increased consistency among the models developed during object-oriented analysis, design, and programming.
o All of the above
Question 2. Question : (TCO 8) Generally speaking, a use-case model is developed during the
o analysis phase.
o logical design phase.
o implementation phase.
o selection phase.
o production phase.
MGMT 340 DeVry Week 7 Quiz Latest
MGMT 340 DeVry Week 7 Quiz Latest
MGMT 340 DeVry Week 7 Quiz Latest
Question 1. Question : (TCO 8) Benefits of the object-oriented modeling approach include
o the ability to tackle more challenging problem domains.
o improved communication among users, analysts, designers, and programmers.
o reusability of analysis, design, and programming results.
o increased consistency among the models developed during object-oriented analysis, design, and programming.
o All of the above
Question 2. Question : (TCO 8) Generally speaking, a use-case model is developed during the
o analysis phase.
o logical design phase.
o implementation phase.
o selection phase.
o production phase.