
Published on January 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 69 | Comments: 0 | Views: 550
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Quartz Calcite Dolomite Halite Feldspar Pyrite Kaolinite Chlorite Illite Smectite Mica

1) The dominant mineral in sandstone and important mineral in igneous rocks (especially granite) A 2) Chert is a form of this mineral which lacks crystalline structure and hence amorphous A 3) Major component in granite and minor component in sandstone E 4) Clay mineral produced by breakdown of feldspar E 5) Cementing material in sandstone and also major mineral in limestone B 6) A major mineral produced by break down of igneous rocks H 7) An important component in mudstones and pore-blocking mineral in sandstones, not easily dissolved in weak acid. G

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