Naturally formed, inorganic solid that has a definite crystalline structure.
1. “naturally occuring”- made by natural process; no help from
2. “inorganic”-they are not living and never were living, not from
plants or animals
3. “solid” – not a liquid or gas
4. “definite crystalline structure”- the molecules are arranged in
repeating patterns
What is an element?
A pure substance that cannot be
broken down into simpler substances
by ordinary chemical means.
This is the Periodic Table of Elements.
The elements are organized by their
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• The repeating pattern of atoms or molecules
that is present throughout a mineral is called
a crystal.
Two groups of Minerals
Silicates- minerals that contain a combination
of silicon and oxygen
Two groups of Minerals
Non-silicates: minerals that do not contain a
combination of silicon and oxygen
How can we tell
them apart??
Luster-how it reflects
metallic or
nonmetallic; can also
be described as pearly,
silky, opaque, glassy.
leaving smooth,
flat surfaces
Special Propertiesfluorescent, magnetic, taste
Where can you find
-in a dried up body of saltwater
-at the bottom of lakes & seas
-deep in the ground when minerals react
to the heat in magma
-in magma as it cools and hardens
Minerals are found in nature!
If a mineral is big enough,
geologists can get the elements out
of it. This is called an ore.
An ore is a mineral deposit large enough
and pure enough to be mined for profit.
Minerals can be mined 2 ways:
-surface mining
-subsurface mining
Uses of Minerals
Metallic minerals – good
conductors, don’t rust, strong
Nonmetallic minerals-good
insulators, used in industry
Gemstones-valued for their beauty
and rarity
Ex: diamonds, rubies, sapphires