JUNE 2013
Life is a Highway
The last five years of our lives have been jammed pack with major life events and transitions: Kelsey and I met during college five years ago and got married a year and a half later. We had our first daughter the next year, then started preparing to transition into full-time ministry. Moved to North Carolina as a family to attend a ministry school for six months; and then moved to Maine to raise our support team. While in Maine we welcomed our second daughter into the world, and finally moved to Florida to continue raising support. Whew……and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Likewise, the past month of June has been no exception as we have been living out of our suitcases. We took a four week road trip from Fort Myers, FL. all the way to Chicago, IL. On our trip we stopped in Orlando and Niceville, FL., Atlanta and Albany GA., Cincinnati, and finally arriving in Chicago for a wedding. During our trip we had many opportunities to share about our campus ministry and our heart for the next generation. Everyone we spoke to was encouraged and blessed to hear our vision and plan to see a generation of leaders proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior.
A snapshot of God’s Kingdom
The world is ever-changing and though the United States continues to become a melting pot of different nations our churches tend to not follow suit. They remain mostly segregated, separated into ethnic groups. The city of Cincinnati is at the top of the list when it comes to this growing problematic issue. This topic is of interest to our church, Bethel Cincinnati. As we read God's word, we find that the picture given for churches seems to be one made up of multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and economically varying individuals. We see Jesus quoting Isaiah as he teaches in the temple in Mark 11:17 asking "Is it not written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations?” Christians are charged to go and make disciples of ALL nations. At the end of time, as we look on the face of Jesus, there will be a multitude of nations, tongues, tribes, and peoples just as Rev. 7:9 states. It’s a beautiful picture of what God intended for the church. At Bethel Cincinnati, we believe that a pursuit to diversify is a worthwhile endeavor. We will have to be intentional with our actions but over time our actions will become natural as we build a church culture that represent God’s heart for all people. Unity sends a message to the city, and to the world, that we are willing to love others as we love ourselves. Pursuing those not like ourselves allows us the chance to go to war with the sin of partiality and reconcile people to each other. We believe that Bethel Cincinnati will be a snapshot of what heaven will look like and we are striving to bring this picture of heaven to the city of Cincinnati!
For us to be financial ready to move to Cincinnati, OH in August. For diligence, perseverance, and humbleness as we continue to raise support. For the student heart’s at UC to be open to the Gospel.
FINANCIAL PARTNERSHIP: Tax deductible gifts payable to Every Nation Ministries, P.O. Box 1787, Brentwood, TN 37024 Memo line, please note: “#010681” OR Give online by holding CTRL and clicking: https://admin.everynation.org/givin g/?P=010681 CONTACT US: Luis 207-286-5377 Kelsey 207-590-3703
[email protected]
Luis & Kelsey Castro