
Published on November 2016 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 115 | Comments: 0 | Views: 1481
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Tell us what you need. We'll tell you how to live without it. -DON'T PANIC! It's too late for that anyway... -Quick! Put this URL on milk cartons everywhere! -We don't understand...it was here just a minute ago. -Would the person who took this URL please leave it here?<br>No questions will be asked. -Send us a bag of small unmarked bills or this URL *stays* missing. -This URL was last seen in a Florida Ballot Box. -Note the date and time. You will be called as a witness. -The requested page has been confiscated by the FBI. -This page is no longer available. Modify rolled it up and smoked it. -This page is no longer available. Cancer Omega ground it up and brewed it. -This page is no longer available. It burned up upon re-entry. -This page is no longer available. Punkis couldn't find the toilet paper... -This page is intentionally missing in the interests of National Security. -This page was granted a pardon by the last President and was free to go. -We know nothing! Noooothing! -There's no page here. Move along. -00110100 00110000 00110100 -If you are seeing this page, one of us screwed the pooch. -four oh four .. oh oh four oh oh OH OH OOOH OOOOOH! (Sorry, it excites me) -If true happiness can only be achieved through a state of nothingness, you're go ing down the right path. -Your lucky numbers for today: 4, 0, 4. -'I remember when the Internet only had a few pages, and they all worked' - 'Sure , Grampa...' -Sometimes we like to get a little crazy and type in totally random URLs to see w hat happens. This is what happens. -This page has been voted off the Internet. -Apparently, this page is not compatible with any browsers. -This page is only viewable by Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earhart, Jim Morrison, Elvis a nd Howard Hughes. -Great, now you've gone and done it. You've broken the Internet. Way to go!

-If at first you don't succeed, type, type again. -If you had a nickel for each time you hit an incorrect URL, you'd be 5 cents ric her right now. -If we had a nickel for each time someone typed an incorrect URL, we'd have a shi tload of nickels. -Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You lost my URL. Prepare to die. -If Bill Gates had a nickel for each time Internet Explorer screwed up...wait a s econd, he <i>does</i>. -Being a webmaster is like having a hundred dollars shoved up your ass...a nickel at a time. -In my day, we had to <i>wade</i> the Internet! -THIS SPACE FOR RENT. -This page committed seppuku. -Core dumped. (Your fault) -Houston, we have an error. -This error message is umop episdn. -Another 404 junkie here for a fix! --

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