You are viewing a used set of factory OEM 2010 Mercedes-Benz W164 ML40 !"ac#
$owder coated a"u%inu%&a""oy w'ee"s in e(ce""ent condition w center ca$s) You wi""
receive a set of four w'ee"s wit'out c'i$s* !ends or cur! ras') W'ee"s are so"d as
$ictured wit'out tires or "ug nuts)
+art nu%!ers, -164401402
W'ee" s$ecs,
E0 offset
.-s$o#e design
0'ese wi"" fit %u"ti$"e a$$"ications inc"uding !ut not "i%ited to 200.-2012 ML120* ML10*
ML40* ML00* ML0* ML61 and 200.-2002 310* 300* and 361-M4 %ode"s) 5or
ot'er fit%ents contact your "oca" dea"er) 0'ey ca%e off %y 2010 ML 40 !ut 6 recent"y
switc'ed to 22/ w'ee"s and won7t !e needing t'ese)