Mobile Application Development
o We need all images for both iPhone and iPad. Sizes must be
perfect or else Selfpub will not accept it.
o Once the checklist is created, a selfpub application should
be made.
o Bundles should be created within the selfpub wizard (this is
being added soon).
o ou should identif! which i"unes #onnect store we will be
using. $t is easier for us to use ours, but it is up to the
$f we use the publisher%s de&eloper pro'le we need
the ()gent )ccount* for i"unes#onnect and )pple
+e&eloper #enter. We also need the pri&ate,public
ke!s from the computer of the agent account holder
("his can be done b! a ke!chain e-port within the
.ac that belongs to the user). "he de&eloper should
ha&e these accounts,ke!s in order to build the app
for the publisher. Our test de&ices should be added
to the publisher%s de&eloper pro'le as well (with their
permission). $n/)pp products should be created in
the publisher%s i"unes #onnect account.
$f we use our account we must add the publisher%s
de&ices (b! default 0) to our +igitalPanda )pple
+e&eloper Portal for testing and demo purposes.
Since we are onl! allowed 112 de&ices on our 3+
account, we must use other accounts to substitute.
"he i"unes products should be created in both the 3+
and +P accounts.
"here is also a (Shared Secret* ke! that is used for
each store. $f we use the publisher%s i"unes #onnect
account, the de&eloper must enter this parameter
into the #on'guration of the host.
o i"unes applications should be created in the proper store
and the re4uired Subscription $nformation te-t must be
o i"unes in/app products ha&e 0 t!pes5 #onsumeable and
Mobile Application Development
#onsumeable products do not ha&e to be registered
one b! one and must be bought b! the user e&er!
time he would like to download an issue.
3on/#onsumeable products can onl! be bought once
and will allow the user to re/download the same issue
onto his,her other de&ices. ()uto/renewable
subscriptions are considered 3on/#onsumeable.)
3ew )pplications must ha&e auto/renewable
subscriptions, if such a feature is o6ered on the
o i"unes applications
Bundles and Subscriptions
o Single issue purchase for titles that are issued less than,or
once a week must be 3on/#onsumeable, according to
apple. 7or this we must create a Bundle within Selfpub and
set its orientation to i"unes and Speci'c $ssue Purchase. $ts
product i+ will be the base for a template s!stem5
com.3ewspaper+irect.8)pp3ame9.#$+...++. ou
must create all of the in/app products based on this
template. 7or :-ample5 the .a! 1
0211 edition of
;ancou&er Sun app would be
>>>Once this is done in i"unes#onnect it should ne&er be
deleted or else the product i+ will be lost>>>
o ?sing selfpub the application%s subscriptions should be
setup. "here are two backissue dates on the 'rst page5
3umber of $ssues and @ength of "ime. "hese must be set to
more than the last a&ailable publication date, otherwise
the title will not be a&ailable for download.
o Please create a Ae4uirement within "7S, with a link to the
SelfPub package. Please name it 8)pp 3ame95 )ssembl!
>>$n cases where the application is an update, please
create a task with the title 8)pp 3ame95 ?pdate to 8&ersion
B9 and include the re4uired changes, as well>>
Mobile Application Development
o "he application is assembled based on the information
within the SelfPub application Package. $f the settings,
images, or subscriptions are incorrect then the application
has to be rebuilt.
o )fter the application is assembled, it must be sent to C)
for testing.
o Once C) recei&es the application the! will test based on
the parameters in the Selfpub application and,or the
re4uired updates in the "7S task.
o C) should recei&e as much information as possible on the
re4uired subscription plans, re4uired graphics, in/app
settings, etc.
o Once testing has been complete and the application is
read! to be submitted it should be sent to the publisher.
o Please in&ite the publisher using "est7light. Once his de&ice
has been recei&ed we can add this to our "est )pple Portal
o "he de&eloper will submit the application and set its
release date to a speci'c date as directed b! the publisher.
"he release date can be set to directl! after re&iew, or a
future date past this.
o +e&eloper is responsible to make sure that the release
candidate is the same as the &ersion that was appro&ed b!
the publisher and C).
o )ll errors,reDections that occurr during the re&iew proccess
are the resposibilit! of the de&elopment team and will be
handled as top priorit!.
Mobile Application Development
o Ae4uired images are icons sized E0,FG, and HI pi-els.
"hese can ha&e transarencies.
o "he checklist should be complete, with all points 'lled in
e-cept for there where it sa!s (de&eloper use onl!).
Bundles and Subscriptions
o "he bundles or subscriptions used in an adroid will be the
same as the web site. Jowe&er, a de&ice register
subscription must be created so that the application will be
able to connect to our ser&ers. "his de&ice register
subscription can be completel! null (no allowed issues), or
it can be created as a trial (with a few issues, or unlimited
issues for a certain time period).
o $n the future, the application will be able to allow Ke-ible
bundles. Please indicate whether or not these are to be
included within the checklist.
o Please create a Ae4uirement within "7S (under the PA for
)ndroid proDect), with the checklist attached. Please name
it 8)pp 3ame95 )ssembl! >>$n cases where the application
is an update, please create a task with the title 8)pp
3ame95 ?pdate to 8&ersion B9 and include the re4uired
changes, as well>>
o "he application is assembled based on the information
within the #hecklist. $f the settings, images, or
subscriptions are incorrect then the application has to be
o )fter the application is assembled, it must be sent to C)
for testing.
Mobile Application Development
o Once C) recei&es the application the! will test based on
the parameters in the Selfpub application and,or the
re4uired updates in the "7S task.
o C) should recei&e as much information as possible on the
re4uired subscription plans, re4uired graphics, etc.
o Once testing has been complete and the application is
read! to be submitted it should be sent to the publisher.
o "he de&eloper will submit the application once the
application on )ndroid .arket has been created. +e&eloper
is responsible to make sure that the release candidate is
the same as the &ersion that was appro&ed b! the
publisher and C).
Mobile Application Development
Appendix to iOS
+escription te-t re4uired for )uto/Aenewable subscriptions5
•[A !AM"# allo$s %ou to subscribe to three subscriptions& ' $eek( ' month
and ' %ear
•Cost o) the subscription is [price'#( [price*#( and [price+# respectivel%
•a%ment $ill be charged to iTunes Account at con,rmation o) purchase
•Subscription automaticall% rene$s unless auto-rene$ is turned o. at least */-
hours be)ore the end o) the current period
•0our account $ill be charged )or rene$al $ithin */-hours prior to the end o) the
current period( and the cost o) rene$al is
•0ou ma% manage %our subscriptions nd auto-rene$al ma% be turned o. b%
going to the %our Account Settings a)ter purchase
•!o cancellation o) the current subscription is allo$ed during active subscription
•An% unused portion o) a )ree trial period( $ill be )or)eited $hen %ou purchase
an in-app subscription or i) %ou decide to migrate to an authori5ed subscription
)rom in-app2