Module 3 Lead and Manage Work Teams

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S I I { G A F O f t E
O tfl5Tr?urE FnEritL STUDICS

Unit Competency - Core

WorkTeams Leadand Manage

No: Module


Competency Category: StoreOperations Level: Competency TotalHours: Version: Effective Date: Diploma 36 hours 2.0 30 March10

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for Singapore's1"' CET Institute Retail



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Title Session workteams CE1:Direct organize and CE 2: Lead workteams CE 2: Lead workteams/ CE 3: Manaoe workteams workteams CE 3: Manage Presentation

Full Time

AssessmenU Assiqnment

2 3


5(4 Hrs)

SessionTitle workteams CE1:Direct organize and
PC 1.1, 1.2 - ( Allocation team roles) of (End with SMART Goals) PC 1.3 PC 1.4- 1.5( tillend of session1)

Part time

AssessmenU Assiqnment


4 5 6 7 8

Presentation workteams CE 2: Lead
PC 2.1 - 2.2 (How to promoteConducive Environment) PC 2.3 -2.4 ( CompleteMotivation) 2) PC 2.5 -2.6 ( Till end of session


Presentation workteams CE 3: Manage
PC 3.1 - 3.3 (End of feedback) PC 3.4 - 3 6 ( Establish traininggoal) PC 3.7- 3.9 ( end of session)


I 10 11 12 LGA 3


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Marpagem-lent Em ffi,etafrE ffiip$mrmm
Wmnk Temms Leadm*d ffiammg* {8-ffiWr}


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tst CE


for Pegil

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of Objective the course

r' Direct organize teams work and r'Leadwork teams r'Manage teams work

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tsi CFT rastitute for Retail

/ RolePlay


/Oral Presentation 3 /Executive summary3 Group size 2 - 3 pergroup(Max3).

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work and CE1:Direct organize teams

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Performancecriteria goalsand objectives workteams in with 1.1Discuss teampurpose, and establish visionand strategicplans accordance with organizations withteammembersto and 1.2Establish tasks,resources, accountabilities targets achieve team purpose,goals and objectives on to 1.3Allocate roles,dutiesand responsibilities team members workplan and achievement goals and objectives of plan on 1.4Establish communication to updateteam members workplanand achievement goals and objectives of an.9*,t,1.*, 1.5 Establish Systemsand processto monitorand reviewteam performance goalsand objectives achievement team purpose, of
copyrtgtf o 2008s,bg aporetnstitute RetaitStudies af vssion2lJpdatedJan260S

Wiffi siagaporettsrcFrrdstitrreforR{Jlllil $tliill

relating information to %tqff% CE 1: Communicate programs W,t*ffi and thetraining assessment
Bv the end of the Module you will have learnt r'Organizational structureand function /Organizational goals,objectives and strategicplans r'Organizational and practices team building culture /Characteristics an effective team of 'uPrinciples goal setting of /Allocationof team roles,duties& responsibilities /Establishment communication to updateteam members plan of /System and processto monitorand reviewtam performance



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of Establishment teampurposeand objectivesmay

t*",,$"*l'tJ'.4,,9,t include

* *

team purpose,goals and objective Communicating and are committedto the goalsand Ensuringthat team members understand objectives

* * *

Clarifying team membersconcernsand doubts with goals and objectives in Buildingteam activities alignment to Overcoming barriers communication * Commitments

* *

pressures External Personal weakness

* LackofConfidence
Copytighto 200a Singapore Institute of Retail Studi$ Vssior 2 Updated Jan 2M


t"t CET lisfr,ukfor



stratesic organizational plan

5 t * . * * P € * S stlltrlF \\r s3*ra !!rg!rl

1. GoalsandObjectives 2. Business Strategies plans 3. Marketing (USP) 4, Unique Points Selling 5. Organizational structure 6. Function various of departments 7. Resources

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Avaitable Resources

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tr. CETranihJle for Retait



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and Accountabitity Targets


1. Timelines 2. DepartmentGoals 3. Store goals 4. Salesgoals goals 5. Marketing 6. Customerfeedback 7. Reporting line 8. Complianceto Processand SOP

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for Retail

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ful qh

members be team whoallcould vour

1. StoreManagers 2. Management Trainees 3. StoreSupervisors 4. Store Assistants 5. Superiors 6. Subordinates 7. Colleagues 8. Trainers 9. Consultants

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roles Allocation team of %l#% E*sr a%,**# a t x 6 r 6 R A
1. Whatarethe rolesin the team 2. Characteristicof reachrole 3. Howare the roles related required eachrole for 4. Competencies in of 5. ldentification team rolecompetencies individuals


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of Retait Sludies
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ffiHffi A
Activity1 Activity2 Activity 3 Actlvity4 Activity5 Ra

RASCI ccountabiliM odel
R : RC R1 R RC S S S S




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Singapore's turCEf tnstitute far Retai!

"TheRACIMatrix a system and to is structurO clarity assigning roles the thatbrings people playwithin team. is a simple people's gridsystem lt thatyoucanuseto clarify a responsibilities ensure everything teamneeds do is takencareof." the to and that "Using fromthe MindTools article, Sounds complicated, do I use it?Again How the you thenclarify who is responsible, RACI system, listevery and task,milestone decision, to whois accountable, whereappropriate, needs be consulted informed. who or and - thesepeople the "doers"of the " Theacronym are RACIstands for: Responsible people makethe decision. work. Theymustcomplete taskor objective or Several the - this is of canbejointlyresponsible. Accountable person the "owner" the work.Heor or is shemustsignoffor approve objective decision complete. This whenthe task, person in for mustmakesure responsibilities assigned the matrix all related are that that"the buckstops whichmeans activities. Thereis onlyoneperson accountable, - these the people giveinput whoneedto before workcan the there." Consulted are participants. people "in the loop"andactive bedoneand signed-off These are on. Theyneed Informedthesepeople needto be kept"in the picture." updates on progress decision, theydo not needto be formally consulted, do they nor or but contribute directly thetaskor decision. to use TheRASCI that chartis a planning Thismeans you should it at the very tool. project you havedetermined sizeandscope its andwhothe project beginning a of once
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project planning work, improvement "players" be.In ourlearning performance and will and to that we usually begin witha timeline laysoutall of the tasks be accomplished the is for Oncethetimeline dayseachwillrequire completion. number person of estimated list tasks in the timeline, as chart listthe same to we established, thenturnto our RASCI will participants, eachperson playfor eachtaskand the determine roles the project - the estimate timerequired the person execute or his to for of our innovation believe we an an herassigned for thattask.Everysteprequires R. Manystepsrequire A, S or role tasksbut playsno on information the project requires C. I is only notedif someone of the eachstep,estimate number hours Within unions). active role(e.g., manager; a in perform the her/hispart.Enter estimate the (ordays)it willtakeeachparticipant to of chartfilledin. Here lowerrightboxfor eachtask/participant. is an example a RASCI


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Matrix Competency

s l * r & * p $ & t

of Eg: Roles\ SalesAssistant


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matrix.. Indicative competency

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1 "t'P*' 1,'L"€ "'r" t.'f,'

(1 Process of 2) Delegation

thestepsof successful delegation to 1 Define task,Confirm yourown mindthatthetaskis suitable be delegated. in the Doesit meetthe criteria delegating? for for 2 Select individual team. to or the Whatareyourreasons delegating thisperson or team? Whatare theygoing get out of it?Whatareyou goingto getout of it? to person teamof people or capable of 3 Assess ability training needs. the other ls and doing task?Do theyunderstand whatneeds be done.lf not,youcan'tdelegate. to the 4 Explain reasons, mustexplain whythejob or responsibilitybeingdelegated. is the You Andwhyto thatperson people? Whatis itsimportance relevance? and Wheredoesit or fit in theoverall scheme things? of Clarify understanding getting 5 State required results. Whatmustbe achieved? by person. Make feedback fromtheother suretheyknow Howwillthetaskbe measured? done. howyou intend decide thejob is being successfully to that

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r Process2 of 2 Delegation

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whatis required get thejob done. to 6 Consider resources required. Discuss agree and people, premises, materials, otherrelated activities equipment, money, and Consider location, services. Or duty,whenarethe review 7 Agreedeadlines. Whenmustthejob be finished? if anongoing and whatare dates? Whenarethe reports due?Andif the taskis complex has partsor stages, with of understanding the otherperson the the priorities? thispointyou mayneedto confirm At you previous points, getting As ideasandinterpretation. wellas showing thatthejob can be Methods checking controlling of and mustbe agreed done,thishelps reinforce to commitment. will this to this withthe otherperson. Failing agree in advance cause monitoring seemlike to interference lackof trust. or to whoelseneeds knowwhat'sgoingon,andinform 8 Support communicate. and Think about the at this them.Involve otherperson considering so theycansee beyond issue hand.Do the in person inform yourownpeersof theirnewresponsibility. theperson Warn not leave the to yourownbossif the taskis important, Inform aboutanyawkward matters politics protocol. of or profile. and of sufficient knowhowtheyare doing, whether and to 9 Feedback results. is essential letthe person on lt withthemwhythingsdid notgo to plan, theyhaveachieved theiraims.lf not,you mustreview problems. mustabsorb consequencesfailure, of the and passon the and dealwiththe You credit success. for
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Smart Goals

. . . . . . .

Specific Measurable Agreed Realistic Timebound Ethical Recorded

Copyright @ 2Q08Si4gaporotns&dfa Version 2 Uodatecl Jan Xna

of RefairSfrdies Sargaporeb t" Cg]" rsaiture for Re''il

or still,SMARTER. a quick lt's A simpledelegation is the SMART rule acronym, better for delegation. Delegated tasksmustbe: checklist proper S Specific - Measurable M AAgreed R Realistic TTime-bound E Ethical RRecorded use or'Enjoyable', acronym 'Exciting' Traditional interpretationsthe SMARTER of personachieves whena oftenresults and however, a although highlevelof motivation can be exciting is givenrecognition a particular for delegated task,whichin itself and possible ensure to that all delegated it enjoyable, truth,let'sbe honest, is notalways in importantly, 'Ethical' More the workis truly'exciting' the or'enjoyable'for recipient. yousubscribe such that to to aspectis fundamental everything we do, assuming philosophy.

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. . . .

Meetings ( / Gatheringsformal informal) Emails Memo

. Telephone calls

Carydght@ 2008 Singapore lrstitsE Vilsion 2 Updabd Jan 2008

ofReaai, Slsdres Sirgrpore's t"f CElrnstitute for Retail

rutffi% ffi-f"*ffi

of Stages

Team Development

mode four-stage Dr. BruceTuckman's is: The progression Forming Storming Norming Performing

CopyrighaA 2008 Singapore lrsaiture of Refnil Slirdr:es Vqsion 2 uodated Jan 2008


td CEf lnslituae for Retail

Little for and Forming stage1 Highdependence leader guidance direction. on lndividual and roles fromleader. agreement teamaimsother on thanreceived to lots about responsibilities unclear. Leadermustbe prepared answer of questions are Processes oftenignored. purpose, are relationships. theteam's objectives external and
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Leader directs(similar Situational to Members tolerance system test and leader. of Leadership@'Telling' mode). group.Teammembers for within vie Storming- stage2 Decisions don'tcomeeasily position theyattempt establish in to and as to themselves relation otherteammembers who mightreceive fromteammembers. Clarity purpose of the leader, challenges persist. and formandtheremay increases plentyof uncertainties but Cliques factions on be power struggles. teamneedsto be focused its goalsto avoidbecoming The Compromises be required may issues. to distracted relationships emotional by and progress. (similar Situational Leadership@'Selling' mode). to enable Leader coaches formsamong Norming- stage3 Agreement consensus largely is team,who and are respond to facilitation leader. well Rolesand responsibilities clearandaccepted. by may decisions be delegated Bigdecisions madeby group agreement. Smaller to are group. and The individuals smallteams Commitment unityis strong. teammay or within The and its and engage fun and socialactivities. teamdiscusses develops processes in and someof leadership more is working for style. Thereis general respect the leader (similar the Situational to facilitates enables and shared the team.Leader by Leadership@'Participating' mode). aware; teamknows the clearly why Performing stage4Theteamis morestrategically vision and is ableto standon its own it is doing whatit is doing.Theteamhas a shared Thereis a focuson overfeetwithno interference participation the leader. from or goals,and the teammakesmostof the decisions against criteria agreed with achieving Disagreements occurbut now the leader. team hasa highdegreeof autonomy. The changes processes to and theyareresolved withinthe teampositively necessary and achieving goal, the structure madeby the team. The teamis ableto worktowards are issues andalsoto attendto relationship, and process style delegated tasksand projects from members aftereachother. look The team requires or Teammembers The might the leader. teamdoesnotneedto be instructed assisted. and development. Leader with personal interpersonal askfor assistance fromthe leader delegates oversees and

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Nsffili Efu-T '%b.D dtr{


of eview performance

. . . . . . . . .

based assessments Competency Targets Checklist holders Feedback fromstake of Observation workprocess discussion Groupindividual Peerappraisal Thirdpartyreports with lnterview teamleaders

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. . . . . . . . .

Workin progress Departmental Goals Storegoals Workeffectiveness Relationships Costof workdone ( & feedbackcomplaints compliments) Customer levels Sales Market share

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with will ffiIffi.*ho I interact
. . . . Teammembers teams from Colleagues other External Consultants Customers

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1 Presentation

. Presentation 1

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of Retsr'i Strdies Siagapore's 1.t CEf lnslitute far Retail

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ormene+I qiteri*r Pe, goals teampurpose, 2.1Provide support teamsmembers achieve to to and objectives to 2.2 Build maintain conducive working and team environment promote sharing, a creativity, and relationships trust plan 2.3 Maintain team members constantly are communication to ensure updated on workprogress, issues expectations and goalsandobjectives. 2.4 Motivate teammembers achieve to teampurpose, goalsand 2.5 Prevent manage with and conflicts accordance teampurpose, in objectives
2.6 Manageteam meetingseffectively accordancewith organizational g:1 i-.;y in ;.::: ,:,,,

Coryright @ 2AA8Singapore dstilub V#ion 2 Ubda.ed Jzn 20OB ot Relail Stqdies

's1',cEr*",.-Wilii sinsapoft

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t?!@rlf Cgcr#fna fe frafnfngreeld es"$as$r,

Ey the qnd of the' moCule vou would have learnt; r' / r' r' r' / / Types of supportfor teams Characteristics a conduciveteam workingenvironment of Benefitsof a conduciveteam workingenvironment Motivation theoriesfor motivatinga team a Application motivational theoriesto motivate team of at Prevention and managementof conflicts the work place team meetings Preparation conductof effective and

Copyrighf O 2008 SirgaFore tns*ifofe of R€fai, Sfudies Ve6ion 2 Updated Jan 2008



forteams Supportrequired %*W% %**# r,, l,i.,*,..x- x,,,$,,I t.,
1. Empowering team members takea decision to ideasto team membersto help them work effectively 2. Discussing and contributing to resourcesto team memberswhere necessary achieve 3. Providing additional goals that cannot be acquiredby 4. Help members and resources acquireinformation team members 5. Provide coaching and training 6. Clarifying team membersdoubts

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t"t C€7 itrstilute

Ior Relarl

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1. Sharing 2. Trust 3. Safety 4. Creativity 5. Confidence 6. Learning 7. Relationships

Promotea Conducive team environment

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ofPetai/ Stadies Singaqorc's 1.t CET lnstttute tor Retail


How _%rw% to promote a conducive environment
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1. Ownershipof team and work with 2. Open communication team members 3. Promoteinteraction amongteam membersthroughvariousactivities of 4. Promotecommon understanding each other amongteam members 5. Creating excitement an 6. Constantly meeting needof each individual the 7. Promoting learning new skilland knowledge of 8. Helpingmemberswithchange

improvement 9. Building culture continuous a of work for 10.Encouraging mutual support eachothers
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and andobjectives alsoto the KPI's Ownershiplinkto teamgoals and know each on on Success a teamdepends howwellthe teamleaders members on of The othersstrength weakness. Success a teamdepends howeachother and
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The weakness. teamleaderis expected and leverages strength's covereachothers the workthatwillleadthemto their and aspirations delegate to knoweachpersons will and of The knowledge strength weakness alsohelpthe and aspirations dreams. and coaching training required to teamleader provide to work.The opportunity beyond one and understand another Teamsneedto mingle that avenues canbe The environment. various the outside professional buildrelations to / withfamily familydayI bringchildren / / usedare BBQparties movieoutings dinner to for Thisgivesan opportunity the members let I work/ officelunches afterhourdinner. dimension the theirhairdownandportray other to needs ensurethattheskill and be Peopleneedto constantly upgraded the leader setsare enhanced

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Statusof work

2 . Timelines


/ + . Latestinstructions 5. Revisedtargets

New expectations

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singapsre's 1"t cET lisfilrfe

fo. Relail

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Modesof updates

tu,f', 1n1,,*.01, f;,u$o,t

IE Meetings Gatherings Emails Memos Telephone calls

C.Wright 6 2oO8 Singapo€ lrsfit!re V*sifr 2 UDdaEd Jan 2008

of Reaai, Sludies Sidgrpore's t.r CET rnstitute hl Retail

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theories 1. Somemotivational XY Thg*ry 1. Mcffrp$_o_r's Herzberg 2. Frederick theory 3. Adams'equity
4. Maslow hierarchy of needs

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Singepore'$ 15tCETlnstitutefor


teamsand staff, between andvalues Motivation: Alignment aims,purpose of and The the of aspect motivation. better alignment fundamental is organization the most
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personal association organizational with the for aims,the better platform motivation. people it difficult align Where find withthe organizational then to and associate aims, mostmotivational ideasandactivities havea reduced will levelof success. Motivation a complex is for'sdifferent eachperson. Motivational receptiveness potential everyone fromdayto day,from and in changes situation situation. thealignment values to right, and motivational Get and methods work people better. Motivational methods any sortwill notworkif and organization not of are People motivated aligned. are towards they something can relateto andsomething they canbelieve Timeshavechanged. in. wantmore. Youshould People viewthefollowing motivational methods and ideas structures, as activities building and blocks, be used to you havea solidfoundation place. when in is The foundation a cohesive alignment of people's purpose the organization. needs andvalues the aimsand of with peopleperform Motivated XY better see McGregor's Theorvfor example. People playing gamesor competing teamslearnabouteachother, in theycommunicate better grows. andseeeachotherin a newlight. Mutualrespect ln 1959Herzberg wrotethefollowing whichhelpsexplain usefullittlephrase, this partof histheory, that the factors people workare fundamental whichmotivate i.e., at different and not simply opposite the factors to whichcausedissatisfaction: the of "Wecanexpand... by stating the job satisfiersdealwiththe factorsinvolvedin that job, whereas job dissatisfier'sdealwiththe factorswhich definethe doingthe the job context." Herzberg's research wereothercompletely identified true motivators that different factors, notably: achievement recognition workitself responsibility advancement Equity Theoryexplains people be happy why can andmotivated their by situation one day,andyet with no change theirtermsandworking conditions be madevery to can (or unhappy demotivated, and if theylearnfor example a colleague worse entire that an group) enjoying better is a reward-to-effort ratio. It alsoexplains why giving or oneperson promotion pay-rise havea demotivating a can effect others. on Maslow's Hierarchyof Needs
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Maslow's hierarchy needs of shelter, warmth, sex,sleep, needs- air,food,drink, 1. Biological and Physiological etc. law limits,stability, etc. order, security, fromelements, 2. Safetyneeds- protection relationships, etc. family, affection, and Love needs- workgroup, 3. Belongingness independence, Status, mastery, achievement, 4. Esteemneeds- self-esteem, etc. prestige, responsibility, managerial dominance, potential, personal self-fulfillment, seeking needs - realizing 5. Self-Actualization personal growth and peakexperiences.

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trlh*f *eee'm,ffifef?

perspectives ffi anO values, two is Conflict when or more b.ffi and in nature haven't are opinions contradictory yet, or about including: aligned agreed ffi; to you're living according yourself not when 1.Within your values; or are your values perspectives threatened; and 2. When of or from 3. Discomfort fearof theunknown fromlack fulfillment.
Copyright A 2AOA Siftgaporetrsaatute of nefai, Studies Ve6ion 2 Usdaed Jan 2008
Silgaporet ts'Cgf itstifute fol Retai,

About Conflict Gonfusion Glarifying in perspectives opinions contradictory are and is Conflict whentwo or morevalues, yet,including: about or beenaligned agreed nature and haven't to yourself not according yourvalues; whenyou're living 1. Within or are and perspectives threatened; 2. Whenyourvalues or from 3. Discomfort fearof the unknown fromlackof fulfillment. goodteams a alwaysgo through for is and Conflict inevitable oftengood, example, means period. oftenthe Getting mostoutof diversity "form,storm,normand perform" perspectives opinions. and values, contradictory
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Conflict oftenneeded. is lt: problems. 1. Helps raiseandaddress to issues. 2. Energizes workto be on the mostappropriate themto participate. it 3. Helpspeople"bereal", example, motivates for fromtheirdifferences. and 4. Helpspeoplelearnhowto recognize benefit isn'tthe problem it is whenconflict The Conflict not the sameas discomfort. conflict is is poorly managed is the problem. that Conflict a problem is whenit: productivity. 1. Hampers 2. Lowers morale. 3. Causes moreandcontinued conflicts. 4. Causes inappropriate behaviors. Typesof ManagerialActions that CauseWorkplaceConflicts 1. Poorcommunications informed new they of surprises, aren't a. Employees experience continuing programs, decisions, etc. in for they involved reasons decisions, aren't b. Employees don'tunderstand decision-making. mill"morethanmanagement. c. As a result, employees the "rumor trust There is: is 2. Thealignment theamount resources insufficient. or of "whodoeswhat". a. Disagreement about resources. fromworking with inadequate b. Stress values actions or among managers and 3. "Personal chemistry", including conflicting employees, example: for personal a. Strong natures don'tmatch. whatwe don'tlikein ourselves. b. We oftendon't in others like problems, missing, too-strong uninformed or 4. Leadership including inconsistent, (atanylevel the organization), evidenced by: leadership in on "passing buck" withlittlefollow-through decisions. the a. Avoiding conflict, workplace. in issues the b. Employees thesamecontinued see jobsof theirsubordinates. the c. Supervisors don'tunderstand Gonflicts to Key ManagerialActionsStructures Minimize / job descriptions. youremployee's to them.Writedownand input 1. Regularly review Get Ensure: datejob descriptions.
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a. Job rolesdon'tconflict. b. No tasks"fallin a crack". with 2. Intentionally relationships allsubordinates. build withthemin office. a. Meetat least oncea monthalone and challenges issues. b. Ask about accomplishments, and 3. Get regular, written statusreports include: a. Accomplishments. issues and needsfrommanagement. b. Currents period. for c. Plans theupcoming 4. Conduct basic training about: a. Interpersonal communications. b. Conflict management. c. Delegation. procedures routine the tasks andinclude employees'input. 5. Develop for and whenpossible appropriate. writeprocedures a. Haveemployees review the procedures. of b. Get employees' c. Distribute procedures. the aboutthe procedures. d. Trainemployees month, communicate every to for meetings, example, 6. Regularly management hold programs. new initiatives statusof current and can box 7. Consider anonymous suggestion in whichemployees provide an suggestions. Ways PeopleDealWith Conflict Here lt on situation. Thereis no one bestway to dealwithconflict. depends the current arethe majorwaysthat peopleuseto dealwithconflict. it. 1.Avoidit. Pretend is notthereor ignore it Usually approach this tends the a. Use it whenit simplyis notworth effortto argue. to worsentheconflict overtime. thatyou compromise to sometimes the extent 2. Accommodate Givein to others, it. yourself. for in and very a. Usethisapproach sparingly infrequently, example, situations
CopyrightO 2009 SIRS Version2.0 26 Singapore's1" CET Institute Retail for


moreusefulapproach the very whenyou knowthatyouwill haveanother in nearfuture.Usually approach overtime,and this tends worsenthe conflict to yourself. conflicts causes within thanclarifying addressing issue. and 3. Competing. Workto get yourway,rather the petitors loveaccommodators. Com aboutyourposition. a. Usewhenyou havea verystrong conviction give-and-take. 4. Compromising. Mutual a. Usewhenthe goalis to get pastthe issue and moveon. 5. Collaborating. Focus working together. on goalis to meetas many needs possible usingmutual current as by a. Usewhenthe raises new mutualneeds. resources. approach This sometimes goalis to cultivate ownership commitment. and b. Usewhenthe To Managea ConflictWithinYourself- "CoreProcess" It'softenin the trying not the The thatwe find solace, in getting bestsolution. following youin thisregard. steps help will 1. Name conflict, identify issue, including whatyouwantthatyou aren't the or the getting. Consider: yourthoughts a. Writing downto cometo a conclusion. including them helpyou summarize conflict 5 to the in b. Talkto someone, asking sentences less. or 2. Get perspective discussing issue the withyourfriendor by putting downin it by writing. Consider: a. Howimportant thisissue? is you're tired,angryat something b. Doesthe issueseemworsebecause else,etc.? c. What'syourrolein this issue? 3. Pickat leastonethingyou can do about conflict. the a. ldentify leastthreecourses action. at of b. Foreachcourse, writeat leastthreeprosand cons. - if thereis no clearcourse action, pickthealternative of c. Select action an that willnot hurt,or be leasthurtful, yourself others. and to witha friend. d. Briefly discuss course action that of

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4. Thendo something. you a. Waitat leasta day before do anything the Thisgivesyou about conflict. a cooling period. off b. Then takean action. c. Have yourown mind, datewhenyouwillactagainif you seeno clear in a improvement. To Manage Conflict With Another- "Core Process" a yourself, 1. Know whatyou don'tlikeabout earlyon in yourcareer. oftendon'tlikein We others whatwe don'twantto seein ourselves. a. Write down5 traitsthatreally bug you whenseethemin others. b. Be aware that thesetraits your "hotbuttons". are yourself. you and/or otherperson getting 2. Manage lf are heated thenmanage the up, yourself staycalm by to a. Speaking the person if the otherperson not heatedup - thiscan be very is to as effective! b.Avoid of the word"you" thisavoids use blaming. c. Nodyourheadto assure themyou heardthem. d. Maintain contact eye withthem. 3. Move discussion a private the to area,if possible. 4. Givetheotherpersontimeto vent. a. Don't interrupt themor judge whattheyare saying. 5. Verify you'reaccurately that Whentheyare donespeaking:) hearing eachother. (uninterrupted) youare hearing a. Askthe otherperson letyou rephrase what to fromthemto ensureyouarehearing them. questions. questions b. Tounderstand Avoid"why" themmore, open-ended ask questions those feel defensive. oftenmakepeople 6. Repeat abovestep,thistimefor themto verify you.When the thatthey are hearing youpresent your position a. Use"1", "you". not b. Talk termsof the present muchas possible. in as yourfeelings. c. Mention 7. Acknowledge whereyou disagree whereyouagree. and
Copyright 2009SIRS @ Version2.0 zg Singapore's CET Institute Retail l't for


8. Workthe issue, the person. not Whentheyare convinced you understand that them: Theywilllikely a. Ask'What canwe do fix the problem?" begin complain to again. Thenaskthe samequestion. Focus actions on theycando, too. 9. lf possible, identify leastone action thatcan be doneby one or bothof you. at a. Asktheotherpersonif theywillsupport action. the b. lf theywillnot,thenaskfor a "cooling period". off 10.Thank person working you. the with for 11 lf the situation . remains conflict, then: a person's with a. Conclude the other if and procedures in behavior conflicts policies present issueto yoursupervisor. the workplace if so, and the b. Consider whether agreeto disagree. to c. Consider seeking thirdparty mediate. to a

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So wemcsdeen#fefP

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lt: Conflict oftenneeded. is problems. 1. Helps raiseandaddress to issues. 2. Energizes workto be on the mostappropriate people real", example, motivates "be it for themto 3. Helps participate. people fromtheir 4. Helps learnhowto recognize benefit and differences. The isn't problem is Conflict notthe seffieas disccnrfort. conflict thre it is whenc*nflict poorly managed is the problent thet is
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is whenit: Conflict a problem productivity. 1. Hampers 2. Lowers morale. conflicts. 3. Causes moreand continued 4. Causes inappropriate behaviors.

copyright @ 2008 Sirgapore ,trslitre Ve6ion 2 updated Jan 2008

of Refai, sfsdies Singaporeb 1.t CET lnsfitote for Refai,

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Gonflicts Typesof Actionsthat CauseWorkplace 1. Poorcommunications surprises, aren't they a. Employees experience continuing programs, informed newdecisions, etc. of for they reasons decisions, b. Employees understand don't aren't involved decision-making. in mill"morethan c. As a result, employees the"rumor trust management.
Cdryright @ 2U)A Singapore dsfr-ttte of Retai, Studies Version 2 Updated Jan 2008 Sibgaporc's l,t CET tnstitute far Retuil

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Typesof Actionsthat CauseWorkplace Conflicts is Th 2.The alignment theamount resources insufficient. or of a. Disagreement about"whodoeswhat". resources. withinadequate b. Stress fromworking values actions including or among 3. "Personal chemistry", conflicting for managers employees, example: and personal a. Strong natures don'tmatch. whatwe don'tlikein ourselves. b. We oftendon'tlikein others
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Types ActionsthatCause Workplace Gonflicts of

ffi problems, 4. Leadership missing, including inconsistent, too-rtEffil (at in eviffi) uninformed leadership anylevel theorganization), by:
"passing buck"withlittle a. Avoiding the follow-through conflict, on decisions. in b. Employees thesamecontinued issues theworkplace. see c. Supervisors understand jobsof theirsubordinates. don't the
Copyngtlf O ?008 Stngaporerr$titd{e Vdsion 2 Ubdated Jan 2008 of Feiai/Sfrdies Sirgdpore's trr CE rrstilute for Retail


Se*rfftef rcsefeff.fef,*
Eetablish frcblsm: the

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of RetadStudies Singaporu s tsr CE lastitute for Retail

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of Retail studi* Sirgepo€s ,', CEf lnstitute lor Rehil

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Sirfgapore's tst CFI laslitute for Retail

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s,f fidamagemenf Conf#ef'

lmportance managing conflict of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. understanding Increasing cross cultural Building teamstrengths Overcoming teamweakness goals andobjectives to Commitment teampurpose, Increased for support eachother trust Building mutual

Copyriglo 2O08SingapoElrstitote otFehit Ve6ion 2 Uodated Jan 20O&

Studies Sirgapo6's t". C€Lnstilutu ,or Retait

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provide sfafus weeklywritten Haveall teammembers reports theirsupervisors to

. .

together with meetings all teammembers Holdmonthly with all team meetings Holdweeklyor biweekly under 10 if members together theteamis small(e.9., people); together with othenruise, all managers


in meetwiththeirdirectreports oneHavesupervisors
on-one meetings every month utet.rRstat{versbn2.aMav,tl sr,oaao,ebrsrL-nrnsid

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Meet$ffi rx#tfr T#ffi Rffi^*.*s* ffis tr?ffi try?

*ff*#r vqc$

Whenyou planand conducta teammeetingyou your abilityto leadyour team are demonstrating effectively. for I teammeetingis not an opportunity a social get together- howeverit can be fun, exciting, and rewarding.


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2.0 ilay 0 l)

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T#ffir'T? ffimmduest*ffi# ffieetf;ffiffis

A leaderneedsto follow the steps belowin order to conductan effectiveteam meeting: . . . . preparing a team meeting for runninga teammeeting presenting information throughconsensus developing commitment


1sI CEi


tor Retait (Ve$bn

2 0 tlay 0i)

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YeffirY] ffimnduxctgr?g ffieetfiffiss

LearningActivity Preparing and conductinga team meeting


tsi C!?'lrslilb

!il Retail (Vershn

2.0 lAay 071

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Format I Minutes of


(Minutes Meeting)! Physical VC ! Teleconference of E
Subject: Date: Reference




Signature Date
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L-l VC



Ve6ion 2 Updated Jan ?308


CET lnstilule

lo( Retail

il# rulecting : . - - - - { - * hrtinutes w?frd #"'::' nr-*.6.:*.,

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. Afterthe meeting surethatminutes takenso that are be required clear. are actions . Without it who is responsible minutes is easyto forget for putting actions intoplace. the . Be surethatany tasksdelegated a meeting noted in are in the minutes follow for up.


lS aFfhstAttefor

Reial ive.sbt

2.0 May07)

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Minutes ffiiffi r/eeting
Theminutes cover: will . The mainpoints wereraised that . The issues debate thatcreated . The namesof those one who supported viewor the or of otherand details any recommendationsmotions thatwere putto the meeting . lssuesthatwill be followed, whomandwhen by . Dateand placeof the nextmeeting


tsl Cgf lfisitde

;or Retail (VeEbn

2.0 llaf


t ! i { i l t o t f , sFIE'f taY&€s*E


Whathavewe learntso far ?


1$ CEf /rsifr&

fot Retail {verebn

2-0 May 07)

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%;pEAq!b*-6e: p o n f 5 t ti*


Presentation 2

. Presentation time

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for RetarT

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Manage lrcrk teanrs fl*

Ferformanee Grifeda wit in 3.1 Conductreview of team effectiveness accordance organizational policies and procedures policies gaps in accordancewit organizational 3.2 ldentifyteam performance and procedures 3.3 Providefeedback to team membersin accordancewit organizational policies and procedures 3.4 identifystrategiesto improveteam performanceand effectiveness and team 3.5 ldentifytraining needsfor team membersto improveperformance effectiveness
Capydght@ 2048 Singapore aDstitole of,q€tair Stsdr'es Version 2 Uadated Jan 2008

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Pertormanee C;ritgria with team members 3.6 Establish traininggoalsand objectives goals and 3.7 Manageteam performance accordancewith organizational in objectives goals withorganizational in 3.8 Managetrainingand development accordance and objectives to 3.9 Assess team performance and effectiveness ensureperformancegaps have been addressedand trainingis effective

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t5r CET lrsfi'.rte

for Relait

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fifan*ge urorft fea,sms

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Bv / r' / / / r' / / r' /

the end af this rnodula Wu would hav,e iea,mt; Process reviewingteam effectiveness of gaps Process identifyingperformance of Methods providingfeedback of and effectiveness to Strategies improveteam performance Process identifyingtrainingneedsfor team and team members of Establishment traininggoals & objectives of Management team performance of of Sources informationon Trainingand development for Management trainingand development team members of Measurement trainingeffectiveness of

Copytight \q 2Na Singapore lfrstitute af Retail Studies Version 2 Uadated Jan 2008

Singapores t'i CFf,ns|iture dor Reteil


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Areas of feemeffecf*,ueness

/ Achievement teampurpose of /Timelines r' Sales targets r' Performance targets / Performance standards

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t'l Cgf itrslilute for ,?elaii

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h!ffi *f.." \oin$"u$**,"Lt

fearn tdentifying performancesaps

vs. Actual performance set goals and objectives

Copyright @ 20OASingattor€ ,,rstllule of Rela' S,sdies Vffilon 2 Ugdad Jan 20Ao

Si ngqpffi

's 1 a CEf

lns6 tu te br

Rebi I

requirements to Training assessment to be aligned business has and achieve performance the target Training assessments to helpthe individual have and ( / / include reading articleswikis/ manuals books Pretrainingassessment / can (knowledge practice Skillbased), ( to self talking supervisor, assessment, based)), assessment supervisorcustomer / by

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r' / { / r' / r'

g fean* fdcnfirSrr per&ru,manee saps

Actual performance set goals and objectives vs. Third partyopinions Teamdiscussions Feedbackfrom otherstakeholders Customerfeedback Market research Teamassessment

Capyright@ 2008 Singapoc ldslilole of Refaii Sfudies Vffiion 2 Wdated JaD 2008

Singapore 5 1.1 C€f ia stitute for Retail

5 riI4 ' P 6,n'I dtrrrsn! rY rL:1Rir *trar{l

Performanceof tasks Managementof tasks Handling contingencies of Managing job roles of Transferringof skills Communication Staff management Interpersonal skills

Cowright @ 2U]8 Sitryaporerrst-fole Vilsion 2 Updated Jan 2008

of Relai, Studres

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for Singapore's1"tCET Institute Retail



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,/ lmportance / Recognizing contribution teammembers of the / Affi ng exem plaryperformance rmi / Correcting errors /Acquiringmutual changes agreement required on / Exchanging members teamrolesbetween / Eliciting personal finding Views review on

Copyrigil O 2008 Singaporc t saiaaaeof Reaail St dies V*ion 2 Uodated Jan 2AAB


CET Insa,tuG ,or nefail

. Why give feedback? - Good managementpractice - Allowsthe personto realize& improve

Copyright (D2UtB Singaporc lnstitute of Rehil Studies Veriion 2 Ubdated Jan 2ffi8

Smgapoe's t'r CEI tts,itote

fol Retail

applicants keeping in in Providing feedback will things effectively assistunsuccessful playa significant in avoiding perspective role during highly a emotional andcan time providing you havethe opportunity createa positive to conflict. While feedback,
Copyright 2009 SIRS @ Version2.0 Singapore's1"'CET Institute Retail for


outcome the unsuccessful for any applicant wellas to mitigate potential an as for pursuing internal unsuccessful inquiry review a mechanism employee an or applicant as process action.Consider for receiving information and aboutthe staffing these feedback sessions an "earlydispute as resolution opportunity".

F*.sws*f fum#ffiee&

Written Formal Meeting Appraisal

Informal Chats

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ffrmeesw Fm*dr&ms& prm**ss ?&m'$msx#w$e$*

copyright@ z(tua singapoG Irsfilore of Retai, slsdies Vqsion 2 Uodated Jan 2008

Singapore's 1'' CET lnstatute for Retait

It is recommended the feedback framedas follows: be that process, criteria how and methods were Explain overall the including the assessment job in to designed assess applicants relation the specified requirements. to the strength potential Review assessed the showed and against the areaswhere applicant competencies. the established standards knowledge, e.g. experience, examples whereand howthe of ldentify areas improvement. for Include specific process in couldbe applicant's specific responses results the assessment and improved. example, For an expected. compare answergivento theanswer Discuss that to any techniques strategies couldbe usedby the applicant overcome and provide was if observed deficiencies. example, the applicant notshort-listed, For if including,applicable, andpointers tips comments about theirresume/application, their in focuson describing qualifications general abouthowthe resume couldbetter Or, careerdevelopment and and specifically relation thejob requirements. discuss in to that and desired training opportunities available theapplicant maydevelop enhance to skillsets. did or Focusthefinalstageof thefeedback how the applicant overall whatyou see on Whereappropriate, review for and as theirstrengths potential futureemployment. and goalsto progression dateandtheirpersonal to career discuss applicant's the career
Copyright@2009 SIRS Version2.0 Singapore's1"tCETInstitute Retail for



and for on in assistthe applicant focusing theirpotential futuresuccess career advancement. Tips on GivingFeedback and documentation preparing planwhatyou are goingto sayby reviewing Carefully documentation and accurate complete careful, notesaheadof time. Keeping feedback. you process assist when providing will the throughout staffing performance, juston the not of aspects the applicant's on Provide feedback the positive improvement. areasrequiring whereboth an of intent helping.Establish environment with Offerfeedback the positive realistic constructive, objective, that you and the applicant shareinformation is positive, andfuture-oriented. but Be openandhonest, tactful. the from the to Usethe word"and" connect discussion whereyouare outlining needing the to strengths whereyouwillbe discussing areas applicant's yourinitialpositive "however" negate will Wordssuchas "but"and improvement. emotion. negative downand elicit shutthe applicant and comments could in requirements theadvertisement. Focuson thestated that it For issues and notjustgeneralities. example, is recommended specific Describe than to whichis moresatisfying the individual you review answer withthe applicant, an response. state thattheyfell shortof the required if you simply thoseof the successful including or resumes results, of Specifics otherapplicants' not information, to be discussed. and is applicant personal confidential on personality. Focus comments judgments aboutthe individual's Do not make job-related andabilities. skills observable, but test is to An applicant entitled a copyof his/her answers, notthoseof other of test that however, if theassessment or examor a majority it willbe Note, applicants. yourHRConsultant advice. for it. from providing Contact refrain usedin thefuture, key and bodylanguage paraphrase points. attentive by Listen actively using
Copyright@ 2009 SIRS Version2.0 49 for Singapore's1"'cET Institute Retail


Offerencouragement; on an optimistic notewithclearactionsteps. end Keepa record the issues session(s). of discussed duringthe feedback Addressing lssuesand Goncerns Notallfeedback the will with sessions go smoothly. will Sometimes applicant disagree yourfeedback become goodcommunication or obviously upset.But by using skills, you including listening calmandobjective are lesslikely get to skills, andby remaining caught in theapplicant's up emotions. Acceptthatsometimes unsuccessful will needto express or her applicant simply his an feelings frustrations. and and thesefeelings frustrations havelittleor may Oftentimes nothing do withthe staffing theirlackof success a to action.Somemay perceive as public comment theirpersonal servants. Whenthese on valueas professional perceptions recognized addressed a positive in manner addressing by are and some relatedto thestaffing appointment question, in underlying concerns, evenif notdirectly publicservant be the applicant's confidence valueas a professional self and can restored. issues significantly Yourability listen to then the will and identify, address, underlying affectthe applicant's with session. satisfaction the feedback lf you have sense remains concerned the applicant about some thatan unsuccessful you in aspectof thestaffing received the feedback session, actionor the information maywishto arrange follow-up feedback the further. a sessionto discuss information lf you are unable get the feedback to session backon trackor feel threatened, maybe it advisable terminate interview suggestthatit be rescheduled. to the and Before next the youmaywishto consult yourHR consultant. meeting with FalseHope performance Therearetimes whena applicant's doesnotindicate potential perform a to in the topicposition at the classification of thetopicposition. level Although is vital it or positive optimistic all times,youmustalsobe sensitively thatyou remain at honest and in yourdiscussions lt without discouraging applicants. wouldbe wrongto givea level applicant false hopeof future at being sought.lnstead, success the higher the newchallenges. some emphasis should on re-directing focusto finding their In be casesthiscanbe equally rewarding the applicant. to Documenting Feedback the Sessions
CopyrightO 2009 SIRS Version 2.0 Singapore's1"'CET Institute Retail for



the is Careful action throughout process essential assist to documentation the staffing of you in providing accurate specific feedback the unsuccessful to full, and applicant. Document feedback all discussions accurately you may needto referto themif as askedto follow-up writing.Thesenotes, well as copies correspondence in as of providing feedback, form partof yourcomprehensive will documentation the staffing of applicant decides access action. In the event employee to the thatan unsuccessful staffing reviewprocess

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. Roleplayon providing feedback

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perfnrnna!?'ee effiea. tfire$ess fmprorrrngr and

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Rearrange allocation role used of Assessing effectiveness toolsandequipments of Analyzing effectiveness workprocess the Motivating team Providing feedback management to lmproving teamdynamics Training retraining and

Capydght@ 20A8 Singapore frstituie ofRetait Stadr'es VersiM 2 Uodared Jan 2008

Singapore's lst CET tnstituae rot Retait

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. Principle Training of needsbeforetrying to training It is important identify to solutions implement training any

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Fsffi*s& sf, Frcrmfngr

Copyr€t f 20O8 Sin96 por lnstitule af Ratail Studies Vetsi@ 2 Updated Jan 2008

we ileedtnainins?



TRlgGER ActualOrganizational Pedormance {AOP) < Expected
n -^^-:--+i^vt qd, [zdilut ^l td!

ldentifyPerformance (PD) Discrepancy PB=EP<AF And Causesof FD

Per-formance {E0P)

Siilgapore lnstitute of Relarl Sfrdr?s ; Creafifrg value in our Reteil Wordorce

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for 1"t Singapore's CET Institute Retail



s{ffif ffi ffia f f i ; * f f i s

training? #F%,ffWhydowe need
GroupDiscussion . What the sources inputin identifying the are of performance (PD)? iscrepancy d . What the possible are causes the performance of discrepancy? . ls training solution allthe PD? for the

Singapo.e lastitole ot Rehr', Stodies -' CH*irg

Value in our Relail Wdkforce

training? futdkHOWto conduct



Thernodel training of pr0ce$$es:

L Analysis




Singapore tnstitute of Reteil Studis : Cretifrg Vahle in ow Retail WorkfoEe

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Input Process


Actual Organizational Performance (AOP) < Expected Organizational Performance

ldentify Performance (PD) Discrepancy PD = EPIAP ano Causes of PD

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of Relail St dies i c@ljag

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Determinefactors that facilitate learning& transfer

Develop Training Objectives

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Singapore's 1"'CET Institutefor Retail



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Phase Development

Sirrgapore lastlaub ol Refarll sardies j crealm g value in aua Retall Warklqce


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Phase lmplementation {Focusof this course}
Process Output

Singapore lnstitub of Retarl Sfddies j C@tir g Value in our Retait Wa*fwce

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Singapore's1" CET Institute Retail for



Evaluation Phase
Input Process Output

t""""Jl I Measures I

tffitr r&fAP
. . . . . lmproving Productivity Acquiring competency Inducting employees new requirement Introducing regulatory new in Introducing changes the organization new

Copyrigrrr O 2008 Sirgap ore listitute Version 2 Updat@dJan 2008

ot Rebit studies Singapore's let CET tnstitute far Retail

Copyright@ 2009 SIRS Version2.0

for Singapore's1" CET Institute Retail



. . . . . .



fffie* ffims mfffsess$mmffi#s

Context Analysis UserAnalysis Workanalysis. Analysis. Content Analysis. Training Suitability Cost-BenefitAnalysis

Carydght @ 20Og Singapore lrsfitote Ver.ian 2 Uadated Jan 2008

ot Retail Sa&dr'es

gingapore's lst CET tnstitute for Retait

for employment Manyneeds assessments available use in different contexts. are is whichneedsanalysis appropriate your for Sources can helpyou determine that situation described are below. needs otherreasons training or of the is ContextAnalysis. analysis the business An questions by The being answered thisanalysis whodecided are that desired. important program seenas the recommended is why training should conducted, a training be problem, of has solution a business whatthe history theorganization beenwith to interventions. management regard employee to and training other participants instructors and involved in User Analysis. Analysis withpotential dealing questions by the process. important The being answered thisanalysis whowill are knowledge the subject, on receive training theirlevel existing whatis their the and of learning the style, who willconduct training. and This Work analysis. Analysis thetasksbeingperformed. is an analysis thejob of of the as or and the requirements performing work.Alsoknown a task analysis job for and analysis, analysis this the This seeksto specify mainduties skilllevelrequired. will relevant links the helps which developed include is ensure the training that to content thejob. of laws,procedures usedon thejob.This ContentAnalysis. Analysis documents, of questions or is analysis answers about whatknowledge information usedon thisjob.
Copyright@2009 SIRS Version2.0 Singapore's1"tCET Institute Retail for


Thisinformation comes frommanuals, documents, important the or lt that job requirements. experienced content the training of doesnot conflict contradict or An (as workercan assist a subject in the matter expert) determining appropriate content. TrainingSuitabilityAnalysis. training the desiredsolution. is Analysis whether of problems. Training oneof several is to However, maynot solutions employment it alwaysbe the bestsolution. is important determine training be effective its if will lt to in usage. (ROl)of training. Cost-Benefit Analysrb. Analysis the return investment of on Effective training results a return valueto theorganization is greater in that of thanthe initial investment produce administer training. to the or

Copyright@ 2009 SIRS Version2.0

Singapore's1"'CET Institute Retail for








$ffi& Hec&r*fryff&s

. directobservation . questionnaires . consultation persons keypositions, and/or with with in specific knowledge . review relevant of literature . interviews . focusgroups . tests . records report studies & . worksamples
Copyrigft A 2O0B Singapore lDstitla€ of Reaa' Stadies Vereiq 2 UDdated Jan 2008 Sidg.pore's tsr CETrnstiaute for Retait

Direct observation: -Observe the job andnotedowndiscrepancies areasof improvement and on Questionnaire: -Staff tell you whatyouwantto hear will -Time consuming prepare collate to and -Maynot be accurate as sincerity information suspect is of groups: Focus -Unstructured -Canbe dominated a few by -Sometimes cannotreach consensus a lnterviews -Getfirsthandinformation the staff from -Gives ideaof challenges faced -Questions couldinclude ; o Whatare the main in activities yourday o Whatsortof information you usein a day do . Wheredo youobtain information from this . Whatare someof the challenges wouldface in executing tasks you your . Howdo you thinkyou can makeyourself moreproductive?
Copyright 2OO9 O SIRS Version 2.0 60 Singapore's CET Institute Retail 1'' for



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Trainers, assessors and Supervisor, employer coordinator Technical experts Regulatory bodies Consultant committees and providers Training

Copydgha O 2rO8 Srirgapore lnstitute of Retail Studies V*ion 2 Updaled Jan 2U)8

Singapore's 1't CET listitute aor Rekil

4 ! f t s A 8 * * € :*t:rr{14 9$ 4JiL ti{:tjt;

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for Training needs the role/ roleholder lndividuals be trained to programs of Outcome training required Evidence Evaluationmethodology Costof training of Duration program

Copyryghtr0 2008 Singaporet Ve6ion 2 Updated Jan WOB

sfiluae of Relaiist

dies Srhgapore's t". C€f ,rstitub tor Retail

Copyright 2009 SIRS @ Version2.0

1't Singapore's CET Institute Retail for




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Competency Skill Based JobSkilltraining Mindset- Attitudechanoe Communication skills Management skills

Copyigtu'A 2Ma singapore tnstituae sf ReEil Studies
Ve$iod 2 Uedated Jan 2OOE

%&ir Singaporet

tr, CFI rBstitute (o( Relail


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$curces of fnforrnafion

r' Information trainingcan be obtainedfrom on
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Mangers Supervisors Subordinates ln housetrainers HR dept Websites Magazines Govt. Bodies Local institutions

Copyright&\ 2008 Singapore lisliaute of Retail Studi$ Vqsi@ 2 Updated Ja, 2008

Singapore's t5' CET lfrsfitute for Relai,

CopyrightO 2009 SIRS Version2.0

Singapore's1$ CET Institute Retail for



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KSAacquisition Timelines Sales targets Performance targets Performance standards

Copyrigha @ 20AA Singapore arsaitole of Relai, Sfrdres Versim 2 Uodated Jan 2008

Singapore's 1't CET lnstitute for Retait

turdk#ffenffari,g Fmsttrafm*ngI assessmea,f
4J*X"&},,f-*',,$,,t / '/ / r' of Changesin Knowledgeskill and attitude staff Abilityto use leaningin the workplace Reinforcing learning Monitoring skill with referenceto r' Task skill r' Taskmanagement skill / Contingency management skill / Job rolemanagement skill / Transferskill


Copytigh, t, 2008 Singapore trslit?re of Retet Studies Ve$ion 2 Uodated Jan m08

Singapore's ti C€flnslitute

tor Relail

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Singapore's 1"'CET lnstitutefor Retail




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Effecffve$e.$$ lrafnil,rg assessrnenf and ef

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Easeof transfer learning workplace of to Application KSAintotheworkplace of Staffattitude change Productivity in Reduction mistakes in / Increase comoliance Staffsuggestions

Copyright@ 2008 Singapore Institute af Retail Studi* Ve.sioe 2 Updated Jan 2AO8


ts. C€7 lEstitute fot Retail

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lKanagfnsf & S san fncfude

Pre-coursebriefing Sending teamfor lraining Managing funding postcourse Conducting evaluation Follow uo on relevant courses Conducting coaching Providing training Sharinginformation

Copyright O 2008 Singapore rrsdtul€ of Refat St{dies Version 2 Updated Jax 2008

Srhgapore's t"i CEf ltrstiture for Retail

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Singapore's 1"tCET Institute for Retail


Ng w Kwa't fuzt'



4alSvL->( t"avt {J Fttanwu-nI@, 9ahoo'


what have on Reflect we learnt


Copyright g 2008 Singrpore ,ns*Ate Veftian 2 updated Jao 2008

of Retail Sfrdies

Siagapore s t"f CFf fnstitute fol Rotail


Copyright @ 20t,8 Singeporc tnsfifsle of Retail Sfudies Version 2 UDdaled Jaa 2008

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for Singapore's1"tCET Institute Retail


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