Morning Calm Korea Weekly, February 18, 2011

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The Morning Calm is a weekly Command information newspaper published by the Installation Management Command Korea for service members, military family members and civilian employees serving, working and living on U.S. Army Installations throughout the Republic of Korea. To learn more about living and working in Korea visit our website or visit our Flickr site to see images of life in the ROK at



FEBRUARY 18, 2011

FEBRUARY 18, 2011 • Volume 9, Issue 17

Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea

Region’s top chefs advance to Army-level competition
By Russell Wicke IMCOM Korea Public Affairs
YONGSON GARRISON — Twelve of the Army’s best chefs in Korea were recognized at a ceremony Feb. 11 and sent to Fort Lee, Va., Monday to compete for bragging rights in the Department of the Army’s Culinary Arts Competition. Each year installations from across the globe gather to compete for top honors in culinary arts, and chefs here have an extraordinary track record for winning top Army awards in their profession, according to 1st Lt. Timothy Peters, Installation Management Command Korea logistics and supply officer. The 12 culinary artists that will represent the U.S. Army in Korea spent the last six weeks practicing and perfecting their craft at the K-16 Dining Facility with Master Sgt. Gregory Welch, IMCOM Korea senior food manager, as their lead. At the ceremony a luxurious display of their work was set up as a representation of their training and hard work. The U.S. Army Food Program is designed to cultivate the best culinary artists – and this training is considered a privilege, said Peters. But through peer interaction, the training is also designed to indirectly improve the quality in all the Army’s chefs. Brig. Gen. David Fox, IMCOM Korea commanding general, acknowledged this at the ceremony when he said, “Ultimately the training they receive will be passed on through them to their peers.” The Army level annual Culinary Arts Competition at Fort Lee, Va., was developed 34 years ago to help motivate Soldiers in the career of food service. Not only does this competition give Soldiers a chance to broaden their knowledge and sharpen their skills in culinary arts, said Peters, but it also benefits all service

Celebrate the Culture
Jungle Book Pint-Size Zumba
See the dance scene at Humphreys, Page, 22

African American History is center stage in February

Kouame Solange , performer for Korea’s Africa Cultural Center in Pocheon, demonstrates a traditional African dance called Temate, performed in the We Language. The dance chronicles the story the planting, growing, harvesting, cooking, eating and celebrating rice. The 18-member group also performs around Korea and on TV. See a full feature story on Page 16, and related African American History story on Page 13. — Photo by Kevin Jackson

Defense News USAG Red Cloud USAG Casey USAG Yongsan USAG Humphreys USAG Daegu P02 P05 P05 P09 P21 P25

Basketball News
Find out who gets bragging rights at Casey, Page 7


Missoula Children’s Theater to perform at Walker, Page 25

President’s Day Fox: Make it safe, Page 2

Sights & Sounds P03 Command Perspective P04 Photo Feature Page P16

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The Morning Calm
Published by Installation Management Command Korea

IMCOM leaders call for safety mind-set during long upcoming weekend
By Brig. Gen. David Fox and Command Sgt. Maj. David Abbott IMCOM Korea Leadership
YONGSAN GARRISON — President’s Day began with the passage of Public Law 90-363 in 1968 and is a celebration of both George Washington’s and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays. The legislation moved the legal observance of George Washington’s birthday from Feb. 22 to the third Monday in February since Washington’s birthday fell soon after Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (Feb. 12). As we celebrate President’s Day let’s make safety a top priority. February temperatures will sometimes fall well below zero. Cold weather injuries are a high risk this time of year. Private vehicle, or POV, accidents continue to be the leading category of fatalities across the Army. During fiscal year 2010 the Army experienced 114 off-duty Class A POV accidents resulting in 115 fatalities. Driving conditions during the winter months may change rapidly and without warning; snow, black ice, rain and fog are threats during this time of year. Increased holiday traffic and extended hours of darkness also increase driving risks. Ensure that your POV is “winter-ready” to operate in extreme cold weather conditions. Commanders, Division Chiefs, Noncommissioned Officers, and first-line Supervisors will emphasize Composite Risk Management to reduce risks and prevent accidents. Ensure all assigned Soldiers and Civilians have completed the training required by the IMCOM-Korea Winter Safety Campaign (OPORD 10256). Pre-holiday safety briefings will stress the importance of trip planning, changing weather conditions, the risks of speeding and driving too fast on hazardous road conditions, alcohol and driving fatigue. Drivers are responsible to ensure all passengers are wearing seat belts and small children are properly secured in an


President’s Day comes with cold-weather

Commanding General/Publisher: Brig. Gen. David G. Fox Editor: Russell Wicke Layout Assistant: Sgt. Park Kab-rock USAG-RED CLOUD Commander: Col. Hank Dodge Public Affairs Officer: Kevin Jackson Staff Writers: Pfc. Mardicio Barrot, Pfc. Jin Choe USAG-YONGSAN Commander: Col. William P. Huber Public Affairs Officer: Dan Thompson CI Officer: Jane Lee Staff Writers: Cpl. Kim Hyung-joon, Pfc. Choe Yong-joon, Pfc. Hong Moo-sun USAG-HUMPHREYS Commander: Col. Joseph P. Moore Public Affairs Officer: Lori Yerdon CI Officer: Steven Hoover Writer/Layout Editor: Wayne Marlow Staff Writer: Sgt. Baek Joon-woo USAG-DAEGU Commander: Col. Kathleen A. Gavle Public Affairs Officer: Philip Molter CI Officer: Mary Grimes Staff Writers: PV2 Jang Bong-seok, PV2 Kim Min-jae Interns: Jo Yu-ra, Yoon Bo-weon, Hana Noguchi
This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of this weekly publication is the responsibility of the IMCOMKorea, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205. Circulation: 9,500 Printed by Oriental Press, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Government, under exclusive written contract with the Contracting Command-Korea. The civilian printer is responsible for commercial advertising. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army or Oriental Press of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation of the equal opportunity policy is corrected. Oriental Press President: Charles Chong Commercial Advertising Telephone: 738-5005 Fax: (02) 790-5795 E-mail: [email protected] Mail address: PSC 450, Box 758, APO AP 96206-0758 Location: Bldg. 1440, Yongsan, Main Post SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: Phone: DSN 738-4068 E-mail: [email protected]

— Brig. Gen. David Fox —
approved child safety seat. Commanders will ensure Soldiers use the risk assessment tool, called TRiPS, found on the Combat Readiness Center website, https:/ You are truly our most valuable asset. Safeguard yourself, your Family and friends as we celebrate President’s Day. x

The Morning Calm

Visit us online

Nurse Practitioner Brian Allgood Community Hospital is seeking a qualified Nurse Practitioner/Certified Nurse Midwife for immediate opening. This is a full time position requiring the applicant be a graduate of an approved Nurse Practitioner program accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) or be a graduate of an approved Certified Nurse Midwife program accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education (ARC). Additionally the applicant must be nationally certified, have and maintain current certification in Basic Cardiac Life Support, and have a minimum of six months of Nurse Practitioner or Certified Nurse Midwife experience. Submit resume with certified qualifications and three references to Ms. Yi, Sang Un at (DSN) 737-6615 or email [email protected]. Closing date is Tuesday. Thrift Shop Scholarships The American Women’s Club Thrift Shop Association is accepting scholarship applications for military, embassy, and DOD civilians including their family members. Applicants may be from any U.S. Military Base in South Korea. Those eligible are current high school students, full-time college students, and adult continuing education students. For questions please contact us at 02-795-7675 or e-mail us at [email protected]. Applications may be


downloaded on at or available for pick-up at the Thrift Shop on Garrison Yongsan.

USFK invites you to host Korean Cadet
By Gen. Walter L. Sharp U.S. Forces Korea Commander

Submitting to The Morning Calm Weekly Send Letters to the Editor, guest commentaries, story submissions and other items: [email protected]. For all submitted items include a point of contact name and telephone number. All items are subject to editing for content and to insure they conform with DoD guidelines. IMCOM-K Public Affairs and the Morning Calm Weekly staff are located at IMCOM-K, Yongsan Garrison. For information, call 738-4068.

Engineering Camp The Society of American Military Engineers (S.A.M.E.) Korea Post is accepting nominations for qualified high school students interested in attending a one week Engineering and Construction Camp June 24-30 in Colorado Springs, Colo. This camp is designed for high school students who excel in math, science and technical courses and are interested in pursuing engineering in college. This oneweek camp is high energy and hands-on for students from around the world. Throughout the week, students might build a sprinkler system, wood shed or waste water system and will participate in team-building and problem-solving activities. The camps are led by a professional staff of engineers from both private industry and the military services. For an application and more information, visit our website at http://posts. Tourist Sign Improvement The Korea Tourism Organization is conducting a campaign to eliminate foreignlanguage errors from public tourist information signs. The organization requests people to report errors on any type of tourist information signs all around Korea. Report by e-mail to [email protected], or by phone: 02-7299-617/618.

YONGSAN GARRISON — I want to invite you to take part in a unique visit by hosting a dinner at your home for a few outstanding military cadets from the Korean Military Academy, known as KMA. Every year, we participate in a proud military tradition of hosting KMA cadets that symbolizes the strong relationship between USFK and our Republic of Korea counterparts. We are honored to have the opportunity to share our own national and military culture with the best and the brightest of the future ROK military leadership. On Feb. 22, Combined Forces Command (or CFC) will host the 67th graduating class of the KMA for a visit to Yongsan Army Garrison. During this time, 209 cadets and four cadre will receive briefings and interact with our senior leadership – culminating in a family-style dinner voluntarily hosted by USFK service members. We need your help by volunteering to host a dinner. The goal is that our KMA personnel leave Yongsan with a better understanding of the CFC mission and the future of the ROK-U.S. Alliance. A dinner, hosted by you, is a superb volunteer opportunity for you to reciprocate the hospitality of our Korean hosts. The dinner activity of the KMA visit represents an extension of the warmth and generosity exemplified in the Korean culture, and a command effort to demonstrate our deep respect for the ROK’s next generation of military leaders. I encourage you to once again become ambassadors of this Alliance and the United States by volunteering to host one or more of these fine KMA cadets. To volunteer contact Lt. Col. Denis Rehfeld, J33/ GFB, at DSN: 723-6164 or denis.rehfeld@ and/or OS1 Douglas Moseley, J33/GFB NCO, at DSN: 723-8122 or [email protected]. x

FEBRUARY 18, 2011



Police Blotter
The following entries were excerpted from the police blotters the previous week. These entries may be incomplete and do not imply guilt or innocence. For all subjects masculine pronouns (he, his, etc.) are used despite gender. USAG Red Cloud Assault Consummated by a Battery, Conduct Unbecoming Officer: Subject and Victim were involved in a verbal altercation which turned physical when the Subject pushed the Victim. Upon arrival, military police observed the drunken behavior and belligerence of the subject. After resisting, Subject was apprehended and transported to the PMO. Subject was administered a portable breath test, but did not provide a sufficient breath sample. Due to Subject’s level of intoxication, Subject was released to his unit with instructions to report back to the PMO at a later time. This is a final report. USAG Yongsan Larceny of AAFES Property: Subject was observed concealing a box of Coricidin on his person and exiting the Post Exchange without rendering proper payment. Subject was detained and escorted to the Security Office. Upon arrival of military police, Subject was searched, apprehended and transported by MP to the PMO. Subject was processed and released to his unit. All merchandise was returned to AAFES. This is a final report. USAG Humphreys Failure to Obey General Order (Spice): During a health and welfare inspection, an unknown green leafy substance was found in Subject’s room. Upon arrival of military police, it was determined the green leafy substance was the same color and consistency of the synthetic drug known as Spice. The room was searched by a Military Working Dog with negative results. MP searched the room and approximately 10 hand rolled cigars were found on a desk. Subject was transported to the PMO, was processed and released to his unit. Investigation continues by MPs. USAG Daegu Destruction of Private Property: Subject destroyed several items in an off-post store while attempting to remove two bottles of liqueur. Subject was apprehended and transported to the Korean National Police Station where he was released into military police custody. Subject #1 was transported to the PMO where he was administered a Portable Breath Test, with a result of 0.221 percent blood alcohol concentration. Subject was released to his unit. Estimated cost of damage is unknown. Investigation continues by MP and KNP.

INCHEON: Rated World’s Best Airport

This is a high dynamic range image taken at Incheon Internaitonal Airport in Seoul, Korea. It is one of the largest and busiest airports in the world. Since 2005, it has been consecutively rated as the best airport in the world by the Airports Council International and received the full 5-star ranking by Skytrax. Soldiers who fly in here get the experience of one of world’s best airport regarding technology, service and aesthetics. — Photo by Sean Conolly

SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Off–post events and activities
National Museum of Art Established in 1969, the National Museum of Art was originally housed in a small exhibition hall at Gyeongbokgung Palace, moving in 1973 to Seokjojeon Hall at Deoksugung Palace. Seokjojeon is divided into east and west wings and is an important early example of modern Korean stone architecture. On Feb. 6, 2004 the east wing was designated as Registered Cultural Heritage No. 80 and the west wing as No. 81. The present museum is a three-story building, consisting of four exhibition halls, an art shop and relaxation areas. The museum building, Seokjojeon, blends wooden and stone structures from the Korean and Western traditions, respectively, with an outdoor garden and fountain designed in the Western style. The museum’s location inside the palace means that many visitors choose to combine their visit with a tour of Deoksugung Palace as well. Both attractions are easily reached from City Hall Subway Station. The address is: 5-1 Jeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul Price: 3,000 Won Hours of Operation: Tuesdays Thursdays, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Fridays Sunday, 9 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. Last admission is 30 minutes before closing time. Seoul Museum of Art Housed in the former Supreme Court, the Seoul Museum of Art was restored and renovated to meet contemporary needs. The original building was constructed in 1927 but was redesigned to meet the standards of a 21st century art museum. Original artwork and special exhibitions are just some of the highlights of this excellent museum. The six main exhibit areas include the main exhibit hall, sculpture exhibit area and special exhibit area displaying collections of Korea’s modern art. Highlights of the museum include the Cheon Kyung-Ja Hall located on the second floor. Here visitors can view 93 donated paintings such as portraits and pictures of still life from 1940 to 1990 by the artist herself. She is considered the quintessential female Korean painter. The address is: 37, Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul Hours of Operation: Weekdays 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Weekends/Holidays 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Weekends, Holidays during winter season 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Open for free Tuesdays - Fridays, noon to 1 p.m. Closed on Mondays Price: 700 Won To get there take the subway Line 2 to City Hall Station. Exit 11 or 12 Gwanghwamun Square Gwanghwamun Square is divided into six sections. At its center stands a statue of King Sejong the Great, the fourth and most respected king of the Joseon Dynasty, creator of Korea’s hangeul alphabet, and a statue of Admiral Yi Sunshin, a naval commander noted for his victories against the Japanese navy during the Japanese invasions of Korea (1592-1598) and a hero among Koreans. Other attractions include the popular 12·23 Fountain, a sculpture of Haechi (the symbol of Seoul), a flower carpet, and Yeoksamulgil on either side of the square. Gwanghwamun Square stretches out from Gwanghwamun Gate to Sejongno Sageori Crossroads. Today it is home to the Government’s major administrative departments. Originally the area was a 16-lane roadway but in 2009, Seoul Metropolitan Government decided to create a landmark national square by transforming 10 lanes of the roadway into a public space where people could rest and socialize. The address is Sejongno, Jongnogu, Seoul To get there take the subway - Line 5 to Gwanghwamun Station and use Exit 1, 2 or 8 English website: global/square/eng/index.jsp

Source:;,, — No endorsement implied.




Conserve energy
By Col. William P. Huber Yongsan Garrison Commander
YONGSAN GARRISON — If you have been following the news or keeping in touch with family back home, you will probably hear a reoccurring theme: money is tight. Financial stress has hit Main Street and the Pentagon alike, but as with many problems, we have all been forced to reevaluate our budgets and spend smarter. Garrison Yongsan is no different. One of the areas we can spend less and help the environment is in the energy sector. We need your help to make this happen, though. Garrison Yongsan has begun posting conservation reminders on doors, washrooms and other official locations promoting water, electricity and gas savings. While this is an Army initiative, we also need your help in the office and in your homes as the person with the hand on the thermostat. All of us should think of our thermostats, stove dials, and water spigots as directly controlling the flow of taxpayer money – yours and mine. That money is a precious resource, and we have been entrusted to use that resource wisely. Indeed, wise stewardship of our financial and natural resources allows us to conserve for future generations of Americans. Join me and the Garrison in promoting a culture of frugality, whether you are a spouse leading the family or a Servicemember or Civilian leading a

Be a taxpayer’s friend:

— Col. William P. Huber —
unit or office. Set the example by turning off unnecessary electronics, setting the room temperature smartly, being mindful of wasted resources, and remembering that everything we use involves a financial cost paid by our great Nation. Show them you honor their trust by being a leader in operating lean and clean at home and on the job. Call out (if possible). All of us should think of our thermostats, stove dials, and water spigots as directly controlling the flow of taxpayer money – yours and mine. x

FEBRUARY 18, 2011

Blackfoot recognized, 180 days incident free
By 2nd Lt. Charlie Emmons 4th Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regment
CAMP CASEY – It has been nearly 200 days since B “Blackfoot” Troop has had an alcohol incident. Those troopers were individually recognized by the Division Commander for their outstanding conduct during a ceremony on Camp Hovey, Jan. 12. The troop of 4th Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team was the first unit from 2nd Infantry Division to ever be awarded the honor. “It’s all just been on the individual Soldier’s ability to gel as a unit and keep each other out of trouble,” said Capt. Micah Smith, B Troop commander. Maj. Gen. Michael Tucker, 2nd ID commanding general, shook each trooper’s hand after the ceremony. He said sometimes awarding desired behavior can have better results than punishing undesired behavior. The idea, to award good behavior, stemmed from the R.E.A.L. Warrior task force, which was formed last year to tackle the Division’s alarmingly high alcoholrelated incident statistics. Pvt. Jeffrey Bucurel said he was one of the proud Soldiers to receive the gesture. “I feel great knowing that I’m here making history,” he said. Blackfoot was awarded a plaque and a new streamer for their troop guidon, which reads “Zero Alcohol Incidents” and bears a single star. The addition



Maj. Gen. Michael Tucker, 2nd Infantry Division commanding general, prepares to place a “Zero Alcohol Incidents” streamer onto with B Troop, 4-7th Cav.’s guidon during a ceremony recognizing the troopers for going more than 180 days without an alcoholrelated incident, Jan. 12. U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Corey Waters, 4-7th Cav.
of the star to their previous streamer acknowledged that another 90 days passed since their last award. Smith gave the credit to his Soldiers for acting like responsible adults. Pfc. George Welch said Blackfoot achieved success as a result of “Soldiers taking care of each other, being responsible for one another, and drinking responsibly.” His fellow Soldiers cited individual responsibility and leadership support as the main reasons the troop has gone without an alcohol-related incident. “It just has to do with a good support system and people being smart,” said Pfc. Corey Mindlin of the medic platoon. “If you know you’re drinking too much, go home.” Blackfoot troopers continue to enjoy their streak of positive behavior and have their sights set on a 270 day incident-free timeline, said Lt. Col. Mike Adams, 4-7th Cav. commander. “If the troopers continue to look out for one another, there is no reason they won’t reach that goal.” x

Garrison honors equal opportunity program contributors
By Cpl. Jin Choi USAG Red Cloud Public Affairs
CAMP RED CLOUD – When U.S. Army Garrison Red Cloud Equal Employment Opportunity calls a group of people together it’s usually for training or to resolve issues, but on Jan. 31 it asked the key contributors to the program in 2010 to attend an appreciation luncheon in their honor. The annual luncheon is an opportunity for the garrison staff to thank collateral duty counselors, mediators, Special Emphasis Program managers and committee members, and legal and technical advisors for their contributions to the equal employment opportunity program. Those acknowledged during the luncheon were Dennis Williams, Mike King and Mike Alexander as counselors; Mike Turrieta, Hispanic Employment Program; Robert Cabbagestalk, Black Employment Program; Patrick Hannigan, Individuals with Disabilities Program; Capt. Michael Korte, 2nd Infantry Division Staff Judge Advocate; Jacqui Hicks, Civilian Personnel Activities Center; and Sgt. 1st Class Bobby Woodruff, 2ID equal opportunity advisor for the Special Emphasis Programs committee. “We appreciate everybody here, and the leadership of everybody here being acknowledged,” said Col. Hank Dodge, U.S. Army Garrison Red Cloud commander. “We really appreciate it, especially when you mitigate legal issues. If we can keep the work force happy it makes for a much more pleasant and work environment.”

Col. Hank Dodge, U.S. Army Garrison Red Cloud commander, presents a certificate of appreciation to Sgt. 1st Class Bobby Woodruff, 2nd Infantry Division equal opportunity advisor, as Command Sgt. Maj. Nidal Saeed looks on. — U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Jin Choi
Among its six major functions, EEO is well known for its advisory role to commanders and management and for complaint management. “Commanders spend a lot of time trying to fix problems,” Aguigui said. “He fixes what isn’t right. Without him and everyone here EEO wouldn’t have the best results.” Garrison EEO also works to ensure equal opportunity is extended in hiring, advancement, training and treatment of targeted groups and individuals. When there appears to be a disparity, EEO advocates changes to eliminate identified barriers to equal employment opportunity. EEO also holds special emphasis programs that educate the workforce about Asian/Pacific Islanders, AfricanAmericans, women, Hispanics, American Indians/Alaska natives and individuals with disabilities. Many of the honorees helped to bring those programs to Soldiers, civilian employees and family members in Warrior Country. “It’s nice that everybody who is involved with this EO/EEO process was recognized for their support,” Woodruff said. Aguigui, who prepared a potluck style meal for the honorees just wanted to show them how much they mean to her program. “They are all valuable assets of the EEO staff,” she said. “I greatly appreciate their commitment and selfless dedication to duty.” x


By Capt. Robyn Schaperjahn 2nd Infantry Division SJA
CAMP RED CLOUD – The consequences stemming from combining alcohol or a controlled substance with operating a motor vehicle makes the decision to refrain from driving impaired an easy and obvious choice. However, everyday someone makes the fatal decision to drive while under the influence. It is important to be aware of these consequences not only for your own knowledge, but also to help educate our community and deter this lifethreatening behavior. Aside from the risks to one’s life and the lives of others, a Soldier who drives under the influence may face criminal and administrative actions. U.S. Forces Korea regulations require an immediate license suspension of a person suspected of drunk driving until the matter is resolved. If convicted for DUI or the Soldier refuses a test to determine his blood alcohol content level, his license must be revoked for one year. If found driving while under suspension of revocation, the Soldier will lose his license for five years. Further, traffic points will be added to a Soldier’s record if convicted or made to pay a fine under either Korean traffic laws or USFK regulations. Once six or more points have accumulated in six months, he will be required to attend remedial training. The consequences of a DUI do not stop with measures taken at your installation here in Korea. According to USFK Reg. 190-1, if the Soldier’s installation driving privileges are revoked for one year or more, following a conviction for DUI or refusal to test for BAC, area commanders will notify the state motor vehicle agency which issued the offender’s license. Different from U.S. laws, the USFK Reg. 190-1 matches Korean Traffic Law Article 41 by lowering the BAC level to .05 percent. Under the ROK laws, if an agreement is met between two parties involved in an accident, the driver at fault may be relieved from criminal punishment. Further, an open-ended comprehensive insurance policy may allow for such an agreement. However, if injuries occur in result of a DUI, criminal punishment may ensue regardless of an actual agreement or an insurance policy. Under USFK and ROK law and regulation, a driver with a BAC level of .05 percent or greater will automatically be charged with a DUI. Under Korean traffic law, the maximum sentencing is up to three years of confinement and 10 million won. The collateral consequences are high in the Korean legal system as trial sessions can last up to one year, and will result in suspension and possible revocation of the USFK driver’s license. During the trial period, the Soldier will be on international hold and will not be allowed to leave the Republic of Korea. The ROK has primary jurisdiction to prosecute a Soldier for DUIs off post, but may waive this right. If the ROK chooses to prosecute him, then regardless of the outcome of the case, it is against U.S. Army policy to administer a Uniform Code of Military Justice action for the same offense. However, this does not prevent punitive actions for additional misconduct that is not being prosecuted by the ROK, such as assault or damage to property. There are also administrative


News & Notes
Base Access Restricted U.S. Army Garrison Red Cloud in conjunction with the 2nd Infantry Division will conduct a force protection base defense exercise Feb. 22-24. Only Soldiers, Defense Department civilian employees, family members with Department of Defense identification cards and Korean national employees with Force Protection Condition Delta access will be permitted to enter Camps Casey, Hovey, Red Cloud and Stanley Feb. 23. All vehicles and people will be searched, and movement around the installations will be very restricted. Most Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation and Army and Air Force Exchange Service facilities will be closed Feb. 23. Casey Elementary School will remain open. Family members are encouraged to avoid visiting the installations Feb. 23 unless they attend the school or have a medical appointment or requirement. Fitness Center Renovation The Camp Stanley Fitness Center will close for renovation beginning Feb. 15 and will remain closed for about 6 months. For more information, call 732-5785. Game Night Child, Youth and School Services will host a free game night for 6th to 12th grade students from 5-8 p.m., Feb. 18 in the Camp Casey Community Activity Center. Pre-registration and a minimum of 20 participants are required. To sign up, call 730-3628 or 732-8902. School Closed Casey Elementary School will be closed Feb. 21 to observe Presidents’ Day. For more information, call 730-6444. Black History Month Program A program about African Americans and the Civil War will be held from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Feb. 23 in the World Class Café Dining Facility at Camp Hovey. The guest speaker is Command Sgt. Maj. Yolanda Lomax, 70th Brigade Support Battalion. The event is sponsored by the 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team equal opportunity team. For more information, call 730-2727 or 010-5059-0053. Hooah Fitness Challenge Warrior Country Sports will host its 2nd Annual Hooah Fitness Challenge March 1-May 31. The competition is based solely on total body fat lost and total muscle gain vice weight loss. Cash will be given to the top individual, team duo, civilian employee and family member/ spouse winners. For more information, call 730-2322.

DUI: Know the consequences
actions that are available regardless of whether the ROK claims jurisdiction or if UCMJ action is initiated. For example, in the case of a DUI or refusal to test BAC, a general officer memorandum of reprimand is mandatory. After reviewing service records of the offender, commanders may deem it appropriate to institute an administrative reduction, a bar to reenlistment, and even an administrative discharge. If a Soldier is stopped on-post for DUI, he may face nonjudicial punishment in the form of an Article 15 or judicial punishment through a trial by court-martial. Soldiers may face violations of Article 92, Failure to Obey Order or Regulation; or Article 111, Drunken or Reckless Operation of a Vehicle, Aircraft, or Vessel. Per the USFK regulations, commanders are required to establish programs to minimize the contribution of alcohol and drugs as causal factors in traffic accidents. Some of the ways that our commanders emphasize these countermeasures are by using special patrols, roadblock programs, and requiring the referral of DUI offenders, Soldier or civilian, to the Army Substance Abuse Program. ASAP provide services which are proactive and responsive to the needs of the Army’s workforce and emphasize alcohol and drug abuse deterrence, prevention, education, and rehabilitation. Driving while under the influence is a serious offense that may result in the loss of your license, your military career, and the loss of lives. Remember that while living in Korea, respect the people and the country’s laws by driving responsibly and safely. x

‘Second to None’ Soldiers train for urban assault
RODRIGUEZ LIVE-FIRE RANGE — A “Manchu” Soldier with 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, conducts Urban Combat Training in his Mission Oriented Protective Posture gear as part of Operation Warrior Forge at Rodriguez Live-Fire Complex, Feb. 13. The exercise which began Feb. 9 will continue on until mid-March. — U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Ryan Elliott, 1st HBCT Public Affairs

FEBRUARY 18, 2011

FMWR crowns 61st ‘best of Warrior Country’
By Pfc. Mardicio Barrot USAG Red Cloud Public Affairs
CAMP STANLEY — The 61st Maintenance Company added another trophy to its overstocked trophy case, but the 2010 Commander’s Cup presented by the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Feb. 11 isn’t just any trophy – it’s coveted because it’s given to “the best in Warrior Country.” Since 1962, the company has amassed more than 60 trophies from Warrior Country events. This year the unit amassed 1,457 points – 390 points more than the runner-up, 2nd Infantry Division Band, and 442 points more than the third place finisher, Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 4th Squadron, 7th Calvary Regiment. The Commander’s Cup is awarded to the company that tallies the most points for first through third place finishes and participation in DFMWR events for the calendar year. Not only is the cup a visible reminder of the unit’s athletic accomplishments for the year, it also entitles its Soldiers to Warrior Country bragging rights for the year. The 61st Maintenance Co. displayed a lot of confidence, determination and sportsmanship by beating out 69 companies to earn its first ever Commander’s Cup. “We don’t have a big company, but everybody was determined to do great things and great things happened,” said Capt. John Norton, commander,



Larry Butler, U.S. Army Red Cloud sports director, presents Capt. John Norton, 61st Maintenance Company commander, the 2010 Commander’s Cup during a ceremony at Camp Stanley, Feb. 11. – U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Mardicio Barrot
61st Maintenance Co. Amazingly, the 61st Maintenance Co. accomplished this fete with just only 26 Soldiers, of which only 15 who helped the unit earn the cup are still in country. The 61st Maintenance Co. also proved their mettle as a team having taken first place in the Camp Red Cloud enclave unit-level softball, basketball and flag football. “In doing these events, these guys showed a lot,” Norton said. “They proved to be not only physical, but mentally tough as well, as they worked above and beyond to not only participate in events but to be the best in them, as well.” “The team events bring out more people and more competition due to the numbers,” said Randy Behr, USAG Red Cloud sports, fitness and aquatics director. “To excel in these events takes a lot of hard work and determination.” For information about participating in upcoming events, contact Warrior Country Sports at 732-6927. x

1-72nd Armor claims basketball title

CAMP CASEY — Kim Seong-hwan from Company B, Division Special Troops Battalion, drives past Yoo Seungjoon, 1st Battalion, 72nd Armor Battalion, for a lay up during the 2011 Warrior Country KATUSA Basketball Championship at Camp Casey’s Hanson Fitness Center Jan. 10. 1-72nd Armor behind a game-high 15 points from Ha Tae-min coasted to a 49-32 win. 1-72nd Armor also won the Warrior Country and 8th Army titles in 2007. Kim Se-hyun paced the losing team with 12 points. Left, Kim Hyun-tae, 1-72nd Armor, hauls down a rebound during the championship game. Courtesy photos by Jeffrey Rivers




It’s about honoring our commitment to Soldiers and Families.
Visit to see what the Army Family Covenant can mean for you or someone you know.

FEBRUARY 18, 2011

Yongsan gathers together to enjoy ‘Super’ moment
By Cpl. Choe Yong-joon USAG Yongsan Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON - Sporting jerseys of their favorite teams, Yongsan community members filled the Main Post Club to capacity, filling up both floors of the Club Feb. 7 to watch the Super Bowl live on big screens during a party that kicked off at 6 a.m. The face-off between the Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XLV was gripping for more than 350 viewers including U.S. Army Garrison Commander Col. William Huber and Command Sgt. Maj. Ralph Rusch. Prior to the actual game, the Houston Texans cheerleaders signed autographs on their posters while taking pictures with football fans. As the game began, raucous fans cheered their favorites on with all eyes glued to the screen. At first it seemed as though the Packers, who had benefited from the Steelers’ consecutive turnovers and stellar touchdown passes by Quarterback Aaron Rodgers, would take the trophy with ease by leading the game 21-3 during the second quarter. The crowd rocked out to the Black Eyed Peas’ halftime performance and prizes for quarterly score prediction winners were given out that ranged from video cameras to DVD players. When the third quarter started all eyes were back on the game. During the third quarter, although the Steelers, winning two titles out of the last five years, trailed the game by 4 thanks to its two consecutive touchdown plays, the Packers punched back with another touchdown off a turnover in the final quarter. The Steelers resurrected themselves by completing an 8-point play to make a field goal game, but even that herculean effort fell short. The defense team of the Packers prevented another scoring run of the Steelers to bring the Vince Lombardi Trophy back to Wisconsin by a 31-25 victory. “I came here for cheerleaders and it’s such a big area to watch the Super Bowl. I’m a Green Bay fan, of course,” said Special United States Liaison Activity Korea Staff Sgt. James Osborn. “All the Packers have this cheese head but I’m the only one with this here. I think it is a great opportunity for everyone to get together through this event.” The People to People New Seoul Chapter, Korean Foreigners Friendship Culture Society, and U.S. Airline Alliance sponsored party wasn’t officially over



Hundreds of Yongsan community members fill the Main Post Club to watch the Super Bowl live on the big screen Feb. 7. - U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Choe Yong-joon
until a grand prize winner as well as three other final score winners were announced. “This is where all my friends are coming to watch,” said Sgt. 1st Class Carrie Stewart from 65th Medical Brigade who won the airline ticket. “Soldiers gathering to watch the Super Bowl together is a good thing. It helps us take our minds off being over here with families and friends.” “Garrison Yongsan and the Installation Management Community supports all Soldiers, Families and Army Civilians with quality programs and safe communities that meet their needs,” said Garrison Commander Col. Bill Huber. “We are keeping our promise to make Yongsan a place where community members can thrive.” Super Bowl XLVI will be held at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana. x [email protected]

u Scenes from the Super Bowl live!

International Spouses Support Group shares networking ingenuity
By Sgt. Luz Marin USAG Yongsan Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON - Adults and children alike showed off their artistic skills by making cards and writing poems for their valentines at the International Spouses Support Group meeting held at the ACS building on Feb. 14. Rosa Peralta, Army Community Services Outreach Program Coordinator spearheaded the effort to form the International Spouses Support Group. “Spouses whose roots originate from a myriad countries and cultural backgrounds expressed a need to interact with people who shared similar interests,” said Peralta. “As an international Military spouse, I can relate to the various challenges often faced when living abroad. I believe this volunteer-led support group can link individuals and promote fundamental networking.” Charlene Perea, a volunteer with ACS expressed her personal thoughts about the program. “It brings spouses from the community together to share ideas, a family meal and support for each other,” said Perea. “Thanks to the group, I have met wonderful people from all over the world, learned about other cultures and most importantly I have made friends for a lifetime.” Diana Adcox has been an International Spouse Support Group member for over a year. She realized — See NETWORKING INGENUITY, Page 12 —

Spouses and their children get creative making Valentine’s Day cards during the International Spouses Support Group meeting held at the ACS building Feb. 14. - U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Luz Marin


By Sgt. Luz Marin USAG Yongsan Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON - Diverse participants from the Yongsan community and Soldiers from Area I joined CrossFit instructor Maj. Lillian Perkins at Collier Field House for a challenging workout on Feb. 8. An optimal blue print for strength and conditioning, CrossFit is suitable for committed individuals regardless of experience or fitness level. “Participants essentially compete against themselves, they motivate each other as a group and keep on coming back, there is an average of 20 to 30 consistent attendees per class” said Perkins. The workouts are designed to be scaled according to individual fitness ability. “It is as intense as you want it to be, a scaled workout to your fitness level modified to your own pace,” said Marlene Afzal, a four year CrossFit challenger. “It is a great fitness program for any-


News & Notes
K16 Shuttle Schedule Chnage Starting February 22, the 5:30 a.m. bus departing K16 will no longer run. Instead, a bus will depart K16 at 7:30 a.m. on weekdays only (excluding U.S. and training holidays). Yongsan Retiree Council The USAG Yongsan Retiree Council would like to invite all Military Retirees, their spouse and Retired Widow by attending a monthly meeting on the second Thursday of the month at the USAG Yongsan Headquarter Conference Room in Bldg. 4305. Let your voice be heard, your ideas come to life by showing up and providing input to the Garrison Commander and his staff, on how to improve the quality of life for Military Retirees in Area 2, and maybe elsewhere in Korea. CYSS is looking for you Want to earn a little extra income while helping children? Then CYSS is looking for you! We are currently recruiting for a Lead Teacher (CYPA CC-1702-02 Level 5). This position pays $1317 an hour and requires a Child Development Associate credential or 12 hours of education in early or elementary education. We are also recruiting for a Functional Technology Specialist (NF-30304), which pays $40-50,000 a year. Want to work from home? We are looking for Family Child Care (FCC) Providers. Earn $2640,000 a year while staying at home and building a long-lasting and portable career. For more information, call 738-3406. CYSS benefits include tuition assistance and employee discounts of up to 50%. Applicants must go to to apply. Local or worldwide applicants are welcome. AFSC Scholarships The AFSC is proud to support hardworking students in our community! This year we have expanded eligibility requirements so that the student or parent does NOT have to be a member of the AFSC to receive a scholarship! If you are in Area I or an USAG Yongsan resident and a ration card holder, or are a dependent of an Area I or USAG Yongsan ration card holder, you are eligible to apply! Applications are available online at and must be returned to the Chosun Gift Shop by March 5, 2011 Healthcare Advisory Council Please join us the 3rd Wednesday of every month to discuss how we can improve health care. The meeting is held at Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital Command Conference Room. For information, call 737-3045.
For a complete list of community information news and notes, visit the USAG Yongsan Facebook page at

Yongsan holds ultimate fitness challenge, CrossFit
one and it’s a lot of fun,” said Perkins. It doubles as a family affair, Lynne Imamura at only 12 years of age regularly participates in CrossFit classes with her mother “You get to work as hard as you want, you don’t have to be advanced, and I recommend it to kids because it’s cool,” exclaimed Imamura. Nickole Diehl, a K-16 Army spouse and mother of three has lost over 50 lbs in a period of 7 months. “I love CrossFit, it’s a really intense workout, we are always learning new things and I keep on improving. I workout side by side with athletes, press on to exceed and do extremely well,” said Diehl. “Garrison Yongsan and the Installation Management Community support all Soldiers, Families and Army Civilians with quality personal fitness programs that meet their needs,” said Garrison Commander Col. Bill Huber. CrossFit is offered at Collier Field House on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. for beginners and at 6 p.m. for advanced members. CrossFit classes are also held on Saturdays at 9 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. respectively. Childcare is offered free of charge. Visit http:// to learn more about CrossFit, discover new workouts posted daily and take a peek at their CrossFit Journal for details on the theory and techniques of the program. x [email protected]

A group of over 40 Servicemembers and civilians from various Garrisons attend CrossFit at Collier Field House, Feb. 8. - U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Luz Marin

Yongsan Tax Center now open for business
By Cpl. Choe Yong-joon USAG Yongsan Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON - In preparation for the 2010 tax return season, Yongsan Garrison officials celebrated the grand opening of the Yongsan Tax Center Feb. 1 in room 113 of the Moyer Community Activities Center. “I would like to thank everyone who made this year’s Tax Center possible with their dedication and hard work,” said Paul Stuart, U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan Deputy Commander. “The Tax Center is a stellar example of 8th Army teaming up with the Garrison to provide a valuable service to our community.” The provision of free, annual tax services creates an environment in which Soldiers and their families can thrive and benefit. It’s a win-win situation. Servicemembers benefit through receiving accurate information and advice that helps them file their taxes; while the volunteers and staff providing the service benefit by learning important and transferrable skills, he added. Last year, the Yongsan Tax Center processed a total of 2,613 returns including 1811 federal income tax returns and 802 state income tax returns. Thanks to the outstanding efforts of the Yongsan Tax Center, $5.5 million in income tax refunds were generated and clients saved nearly half a million dollars in tax preparation fees. Following a ribbon cutting ceremony ushering in the free service to the community, the officer in charge Capt. Jacqueline Lee explained how they’d prepared for the tax services, encouraging people to visit and benefit from the center. “Our staff is composed of a great

Lt. Col. Newton Hill, Capt. Jacqueline lee, Deputy Garrison Commander Paul Stuart and Sgt. Michael Braddock cut cake during the grand opening ceremony of the Yongsan Tax Center Feb. 1 at the Moyer Community Activities Center. - U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Choe Yong-joon
group of Soldiers and volunteers, many of whom have had extensive prior experience working in Military tax centers,” said Lee. “All of our Soldiers and volunteers have been rigorously trained by both Internal Revenue Service instructors and tax law professors from the Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School.” Since tax laws change from year to year – no exception for 2010, if you file on your own, you may not be aware of some of the changes that you could benefit from, so we strongly encourage the Yongsan community to take advantage of our free services, Lee added. The Yongsan Tax Center is open Monday through Friday until the 29th of April, except for weekends, public holidays, and training holidays. The operating hours are as follows: every weekday, except for Thursday, the — See TAX CENTER, Page 12 —

FEBRUARY 18, 2011



Memorable Experience in Korea
By Sgt. Kim Hyung-joon USAG Yongsan Public Affairs
We just got back from the DMZ as a teambuilding exercise. It was a memorable experience taking our KATUSAs to witness firsthand why they serve. What has been your most memorable moment since being in Korea? Find out what more than 6,900 Yongsan community members are talking about by becoming a USAG Yongsan Facebook Fan at! (Comments are kept in their original form)

Kimi Kibarian Fowler
Facebook Fan

Spouses and Servicemembers participate during a Zumba class held at the Hannam Village Gym Feb. 1. - U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Luz Marin

Zumba class is finally at Hannam Village
Driving to the middle of nowhere, somewhere in the Taebak mountains, making camp by a river, running out of firewood, knocking on the door of an elderly man, who turns out to by a North Korean escapee from 1969. He gave us wood, made us tea. In as best communication as possible, promised to visit him again.

By Sgt. Luz Marin USAG Yongsan Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON - Over 60 members of the Community packed Hannam Village’s first ever evening Zumba class on Feb. 1. The gym was filled with kicks, jumps, and smiles as participants moved simultaneously to the rhythm of Latin beats. The spectacular involvement from Hannam’s community members surpassed anyone’s expectations. Donna Winzenried, who spearheaded the effort to bring Zumba to Hannam, expressed optimism about gaining the Garrison’s support to make classes like Zumba and Cross-Fit available at various times and multiple locations to keep up with the demand. “It was a success to bring Zumba class to the residents in Hannam Village, I am aiming to do the

June Clark Lawniczak
Facebook Fan

same for Air Base K-16 next,” stated Winzenried. Zumba instructor Patricia Nubine thought the turnout was amazing and was thrilled to see everyone so excited to be a part of her class. “This is something that the community really needed,” said Nubine. “We are keeping our promise to make Yongsan a place where community members can thrive,” said Garrison Commander Col. Bill Huber. Everyone seemed to be having an awesome workout while having fun at the same time. Here is what some of the Zumba challengers had to say: Shamika Hester said she liked the class much more since going to the gym alone can get boring. “I am a spouse trying to lose some baby weight, I am glad this class is being offered at Hannam now,” — See ZUMBA CLASS, Page 12 —

I remember walking around during the cherry blossom festival here in Seoul. When the wind would blow, it looked like it was snowing pink petals. My son had the biggest smile on his face.

CrossFit fans pack Yongsan Collier Field House, Feb. 8

Sheila Gober
Facebook Fan

We got lost on our way to Osan and stopped at a police station in Suwon for directions and instead of writing it out, they offered to give us a police escort all the way to the Osan front gate.

Duchesne Crawford
Facebook Fan

Panoramic view at the loo (bathroom) in Seoul Tower; truly unique and what about that baseball game at the Stadium in Jamsil; the wild cheering with color coded Team sticks that is beaten rhythmically; inexpensive tickets; seating is by team (or you will be lost); and things that will remind me of Korea... blue nail polish, men wearing shoulder bags, squat toilets, tons of cafes, vendors selling their wares inside the subway, etc.

A group of CrossFit fans mingle after they strongly overcame the ultimate fitness challenge, Feb. 8. — Courtesy photo by Michael D Perkins See yourself in the Morning Calm when you become a USAG Yongsan Facebook Fan. Just post your travel photos to our page with a quick description covering who, what, when, where and why and we’ll see you in the paper. Your Yongsasn PAO team


from Page 9


other spouses from various parts of the globe had much in common with her. “My background is German/Spanish; therefore Korean culture is new to me. I love this group. Although from different countries, everyone here has made a big difference for me.” “Garrison Yongsan and the Installation Management Command will ensure families are supported throughout their tours here in Korea,” said Garrison Commander Col. Bill Huber said. “We are keeping our promise to make Yongsan a place where community members can thrive.” Donna Winzenried considers this group a great tool to encourage local interaction and communication among spouses. ”It is a wonderful way for these young ladies who are from foreign countries to meet each other and gather essential community information,” said Winzenried. Mary Soergel was cleverly introduced to the group. “I was approached

by an ACS volunteer in Zumba class and was asked to participate as a judge in the card-making contest,” said Soergel. “I recently arrived in Korea and find myself very glad there is a program like this in the community.” Contributions by local businesses and organizations helped make the Valentine’s Day fun possible. “Prizes for the contests’ winners where provided by Reagan Komperud-Merritt, The Dragon Hill Lodge Guest Coordinator,” said Peralta. “Mr. An Chang Sin, USAG Yongsan Community Relations Officer, donated the supplies needed to carry out the fun arts and crafts activities.” The International Spouses Support Group meets every 2nd Monday of the month unless otherwise announced by ACS. More information can be obtained by calling 738-7123 or emailing asp. x [email protected]
from Page 10

Center is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Thursdays it is open from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. “Garrison Yongsan and the Installation Management Community supports all Soldiers, Families and Army Civilians with quality programs that meet their needs,” said Garrison Com-

mander Col. Bill Huber. “That is my promise to the community.” For information related to tax services, call 723-7887 or stop by the Yongsan Tax Center in room 113 of the Moyer Community Activities Center.x [email protected]
from Page 11

added Hester. “I Love Zumba class, but Collier and Trent don’t offer it at the right time,” explained Latoya Washington. “This is the perfect time in the evening when husbands are off and the kids are being watched.” Zumba Instructor, Joy Dyer stated “we have fought for a long time to get this class available in Hannam because it was assumed that not many people would show up, but this class is packed!” “My mom has been teaching Zumba

for over two years, she does it every day for like three hours and doesn’t get tired of it, she loves it,” said Eddy Nubine. There is no question about the high energy and positive vibe encountered at this event. Zumba is making a strong presence in the Yongsan community. The classes are held at the Hannam Village Gym on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7:15. Hurry and get your Salsa on! x [email protected]

FEBRUARY 18, 2011

Ceremony Honors African Americans in Korean War
By Terri Moon Cronk American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON — African Americans fought against Communism during the Korean War of 1950-53 to protect the rights of individuals, even as their own civil rights were denied at home, the Defense Department’s top equal opportunity official said here Saturday. Speaking during a Pentagon ceremony to honor African American veterans of the Korean War, Ronald M. Joe, acting director of the Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity, said America now remembers the contributions of African American veterans during the war sometimes called “The Forgotten War” or the “The Forgotten Victory.” “Yours is a distinguished generation in the history of African American military service,” Joe said to a group of seven Korean War veterans in attendance. “You belong to a legacy older than the Declaration of Independence, one that includes the legendary service of the Massachusetts 54th in our Civil War, the Buffalo Soldiers in the West, the 92nd Division and the Tuskegee Airman of World War II.” For too long, he said, the service of African Americans during the Korean War was forgotten, “but it should be clear to all of you that you are forgotten no more.” Joe said the armed forces has played a pivotal role in the nation’s pursuit of equity for all Americans, following President Harry S. Truman’s 1948 Executive Order 9981, which called for the end of segregation in the military. The Korean War “interrupted” work to desegregate all-black units, so many of those units went into the conflict. It was when fighting intensified in Korea that the armed forces realized they had “a manpower problem,” Joe said. Increasingly, large numbers of black American draftees and volunteers were in the training pipeline, but no more room existed in the segregated units. Joe said Army studies showed “integration was a more efficient policy than segregation.” The result, he said, was that “Black Americans were individually assigned to units on an asneeded basis, and the Army began working toward true integration.” The last two years of the Korean War, after all-black units were disbanded and ended segregation in the U.S. military, African Americans had served in command positions, in elite units such as combat aviation, and served in a variety of technical specialties, Joe said. The military began a social movement, he said, that served as a model or the nation and as a pattern for other



military organizations. The armed force has made impressive progress toward equality, but work is yet to be completed, because women and minorities are still under-represented, Joe added. A number of other speakers made brief remarks at the ceremony, including members of a panel of Korean War veterans; South Korean Defense Attaché Brig. Gen. General Lee, Seo Young; and Frank Martin, producer of “For the Love of Liberty: The story of America’s Black Patriots.” The audience watched a 15-minute segment of Martin’s fourhour documentary. Today’s Black History Month observance stems from the Department of Defense 60th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemorative Committee, created by Congress to honor the service and sacrifice of Korean War veterans, their families and those who lost loved ones in the conflict. x

‘Don’t Ask’ repeal moves forward, training set to begin soon
By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON — Training will begin shortly for experts in certain specialties and leaders as part of the plan for finalizing repeal of the law that bars gay men, lesbians and bisexuals from serving openly in the military, the chief of staff for the Defense Department’s repeal implementation team said Monday. Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Steven A. Hummer outlined the process in an interview. President Barack Obama signed the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law Dec. 22, beginning a process that will culminate in full repeal. The current policy remains in effect until 60 days after the secretary of defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the president certify the military’s readiness to implement the repeal. Gates has said he wants repeal done expeditiously and effectively, and that it can happen this year. Clifford L. Stanley, undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, issued a memo Feb. 10 to the military secretaries on the implementation plan. “The memo continues the pre-implementation process,” Hummer said. Now, he added, the team is ensuring all the policies are prepared so that when re-

peal day actually occurs they will go into effect. The implementation team also is ensuring that training is in place for all 2.2 million members of the military.“The services will each put their colors and their appropriate culture into those [plans],” he said. Training is broken into three tiers. “Tier 1 and Tier 2 training will start in earnest soon,” the general said. Tier 1 training is for people who have unique skill sets, such as chaplains, lawyers, military investigators and recruiters, he explained. Tier 2 training is for leaders, and Tier 3 training is for the force at large. The services will deliver the first of many progress reports to Stanley on March 1. x


Suwon regiment conducts missile sling load operation
By 1st Lt. Austin Liu Battalion S-5 Public Affairs
SUWON AIRBASE – 1st Lt. Steve Bonner conducted one final inspection on the sling load as he prepared for the arrival of the CH-47 helicopter. His troops waited impatiently for his answer. Bonner has conducted countless numbers of sling load operations in his 19 years of service. But this afternoon, the cargo is different. This will be his first time preparing the sling load to airlift PATRIOT missile canisters. “Looks good, I cannot find a single gig this time,” Bonner finally said with a smile, as his Soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. They have been training diligently for this event, said Bonner, and now they are one step closer to executing one of the most unique operations they will ever take part in their military career. The missile sling load operation is part of 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment’s field training exercise conducted at Suwon and Osan Air Base this week. One of the scenarios simulated the close down of main supply routes due to enemy special operation forces activities. “The PATRIOT units are running low on missiles and they must be resupplied immediately,” explained Bonner, who serves as the Battalion whirlwind of dust and debris as they attempted to ground and hook up the missile canister for air lift. “We did not expect the wind to be that strong … it was like walking into a hurricane,” said Yazzie, referring to the strong gust of wind underneath the hovering helicopter, commonly known as rotor wash. The crew was able to successfully attach the sling to the helicopter and sprinted away just as the cargo began to lift off. “I joined the Army to do something different and what we did today right here proved that I made the right decision,” said Alipio, who enlisted in the Army as soon as he graduated high school. His team member also shared the same enthusiasm. “I was the type of individual always seeking adventure and that is why I volunteered for today’s training,” Hall said. “One of my new goals now is to attend the U.S. Army Air Assault School.” Bonner congratulated his young team on the successful accomplishment of the mission. “Today, we have successfully validated 6-52nd Air Defense Artillery Battalion’s ability to conduct missile resupply to a forward-deployed PATRIOT firing battery through helicopter sling load when the normal avenues of approach are blocked due to enemy activities,” Bonner said. x



A CH-47 Chinook helicopter lifts PATRIOT Missile canisters with a slingload Tuesday as part of a training even with the 6th Battalion. — U.S. Army photo by 1st Lt. Austin Liu
Maintenance Officer. “If the roads are black, then the only way to resupply is through air by cargo planes or heavy lift choppers.” As the unmistakable roar of the powerful twin engines approached the flight line, a noticeable excitement took over Bonner and his Soldiers. As a former NCO on the elite U.S. Army combat diver team, Bonner was an expert at training and motivating Soldiers for special missions such as this afternoon’s sling load operation. He has trained his sling load ground team to specialize in three areas: grounding, hookup, and signaling. And this afternoon, Pfc. Alberto Alipio, Pfc. Matthew Hall, and Spc. Myron Yazzie were fortunate enough to serve as members of the ground team. At the signal of the helicopter crew chief, the team rushed into the strong

U.S. Army chefs in Korea enjoy unusual success in top culinary competition
members who eat at dining facilities. In the past several years, U.S. Army chefs from Korea have been enjoying an unusual amount of success at the competition. In 2005 Team Korea won at the U.S. Army level and set a world record by winning the Installation of the Year Award by a 20-point margin. Additionally, that year Team Korea won medals in every category required for the installation of the year competition. In 2006, Team Korea won at the Army level again. In 2007 they won recognition for having the best buffet table in the flagship event and took top honors in the Student Skills competition. Again in 2008, Team Korea took first place in the Junior Chef of the Year competition, the Nutrition Hot Food Category and the Cold Buffet category, finishing second place overall in the Installation of the Year Competition. Team Korea has enjoyed so much success in the U.S. Army competitions, that several chefs from the group were
from Page 1

selected as members of the elite U.S. Army culinary Arts Team, a team that competes in both national and international competitions including the World Cup in Luxembourg, Germany, and Hotel Olympia in London. But at the ceremony Fox said all the competition represented something beyond the awards given. “These 12 Soldiers are proud culinary artists, but they also set the example by serving others,” said Fox. “In their service they are doing their part to make the world’s best Army the powerhouse that it is today.” In order to recognize that service, and for their exceptional skill, the 12 chefs received certificates of achievement and neck medallions according to points awarded by judges at the local competition in Korea. While they have proven to be the Army’s best in Korea, Fox said that “we believe they will prove to be best in the Army for 2011.” x

Sgt. Jeffrey Matthews (left), 6-52nd Air Missile Defense Regiment 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, receives feedback from a judge during the six-week training event at the K-16 Dining Facility on U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan. — Courtesy photo

Congratulations to the U.S. Army Culinary Art’s Team in Korea
Listed in this sidebar are the 12 Army chefs who received honors in Korea and will be competing at the 36th Annual Department of the Army Culinary Arts Competition at Fort Lee, Va. Team Manager: Master Sgt. Gregory Welch, Team Captain: Sgt. Jeffrey Matthews, Team Members: Sgt. Brian Baker Spc. Delisa Mumpfield Spc. Jarvis Elliott Pfc. Christopher Albrecht Sang Yun-yi Apprentices: Spc. Micah Wilson Spc. Branden Harshaw Pfc. Luis Bernardo Pfc. Antonio Christian

FEBRUARY 18, 2011

Area II Worship Schedule
Worship Services


Area I Worship Schedule
Worship Services
Collective Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Gospel Sunday Casey Stanley Chapel COGIC Sunday KATUSA Sunday Tuesday Catholic Services/Mass Sunday Sunday Sunday 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. Stone Chapel Stanley Chapel West Casey Chapel Warrior Chapel Crusader Chapel Hovey Chapel Memorial Chapel, 12:30 p.m. Camp

Area III Worship Schedule
Worship Services

Area IV Worship Schedule
Worship Services

Liturgical Sunday Traditional Sunday Contemporary Sunday Sunday Sunday Nondenominational Sunday Gospel Sunday Mision Pentecostal Hispana Sunday United Pentecostal Sunday

8 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m.

Memorial Chapel Brian Allgood Hospital South Post Chapel K-16 Chapel Hannam Village Chapel South Post Chapel South Post Chapel South Post Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Brian Allgood Hospital Memorial Chapel

Collective Protestant Sunday Gospel Spanish Church of Christ ChapelNext

11 a.m. 1 p.m. 3 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m.

Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel

Collective Protestant Sunday Church of Christ Gospel Contemporary Wednesday Friday KATUSA Tuesday Tuesday Catholic Services Mass Sunday

10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Camp Carroll Camp Walker Camp Walker Camp Walker Camp Carroll Camp Walker Camp Carroll Camp Walker

Catholic Mass Sunday 9 a.m. M, W, T, F 11:45 a.m. Saturday 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. (youth) KATUSA Tuesday 6 p.m.

12:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m.

CRC Warrior Chapel CRC Warrior Chapel Camp Hovey Chapel



Seventh-Day Adventist Saturday Episcopal Sunday

9 a.m. 11:45 a.m.

Camp Walker Camp Carroll

9 a.m. 12 p.m. 9:30 a.m.

CRC Warrior Chapel West Casey Chapel Camp Hovey Chapel West Casey Chapel

Catholic Services Catholic Mass Saturday Sunday Sunday M, W, T, F 1st Sat. Jewish Friday 5 p.m. 8 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 9 a.m. 7 p.m. Memorial Chapel South Post Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel South Post Chapel

The Command Chaplain’s Office is here to perform, provide, or coordinate total religious support to the United Nations Command, U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth U.S. Army Servicemembers, their families and authorized civilians across the full spectrum of operations from armistice to war. Visit the U.S. Forces Korea Religious Support site at: for helpful links and information

Latter-day Saints Worship Sunday 4 p.m.

Korea-wide Army chaplain points of contact
USAG Yongsan Chaplains Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Jeffrey D. Hawkins: [email protected], 738-3009 Chaplain (Maj.) Terry E. Jarvis: [email protected], 738-4043 USAG-Humphreys Chaplains Chaplain (Maj.) John Chun: [email protected], 754-7274 Chaplain (Maj.) Anthony Flores: [email protected], 754-7042 USAG-Red Cloud Chaplains Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Suk Jong Lee: [email protected], 732-6169 Chaplain (Maj.) Alfred Grondski: [email protected], 732-6016 USAG Daegu Chaplains Chaplain (Maj.) Milton Johnson: [email protected], 764-5455 Chaplain (Capt.) Mike Jones: [email protected], 765-8991




Aaninka from Cote d’Ivoire perform the Mandingo dance, which is to encourage hard work on the farm. It is danced by both farmers and the women who bring water to them.

Africa in Pocheon
Story and photos by Kevin Jackson USAG Red Cloud Public Affairs
POCHEON – While a trip to the Africa may be a stretch for many budgets, a short drive to the African Cultural Center here is easily within reach and an exhilarating experience. Nestled between the far northeast side of Uijeongbu and the Korean National Arboretum in Pocheon, lies a two-story exhibition hall, an outdoor sculpture park and live performance hall – all dedicated to African culture. The short 100 yard walk from the entrance to the museum takes visitors past some unique wood and iron art. But once inside the museum, visitors are surrounded by Asia’s largest collection of African art. More than 8,500 sculptures, artifacts and household items are packed into the facility, some of which are for sale. It also has taxidermied giraffe and lions, among more than a dozen animals that typically roam the African safari. While it may be offensive to some visitors, it’s all part of the experience and only a 30- to 60-minute drive from any Warrior Country installation. And that’s just the museum. The experience gets even better! Aaninka – an 18-member music and

Music, dance troupe introduces ‘new vision’
dance group from Cote d’Ivoire on the Ivory Coast – has resided at the center since 2006 and performs three shows daily. It also performed for United Nations Secretary-General Ban Kimoon, appeared on KBS television’s “Star King” and entertained world leaders during the G20 Summit in Seoul. “We are here to change the ideas people have about Africa,” said Sea Made Yul, founder-director of Aaninka, which means ‘our view.’ “We want to show people the best of Africa.” Yul said people often form their opinions of Africa from the strife, poverty, starvation and AIDS reports they see on the television. Through the myriad of traditional dances that celebrate coming-of-age ceremonies and weddings, birthdays and funerals, to hunting and warding off evil spirits, Yul said his troupe intends to leave audiences with a “new vision” of Africa. “I hope people learn from (the cultural center and dance performance) about Africa and come to know Africa better because we have many good things,” he said. x

Zozo Martial plays the djembe – one of West Africa’s most popular instruments that is played with bare hands. Below, taxidermied lions are among the more than one dozen animals on display.

Hours: Museum is open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (until 7 p.m. in July and August) and closed on Mondays. Performances are held at 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Admission: Entrance/Performance fee is 3,000/5,000 Won for elementary students, 4,000/6,000 Won for middle/high school students and 5,000/7,000 Won for adults. A 1,000 Won discount is offered for military. Directions: Take Route 43 from Uijeongbu toward Pocheon and make a right turn before the Chookseok Rest Area and then a left. Drive one mile and you’ll see the large brown sign. Turn right into the parking lot.

Amy from the Aaninka dances the Temate from the Ivory Coast chronicling planting, growing, harvesting, cooking, eating and celebrating rice.

The opal sculpture titled “Head Man of Shona” that sits in the outdoors sculpture park was created by the artist Tandi.

Address: 41 Murim-ri, Soheul-eup, Pocheon (enter this into your GPS)

FEBRUARY 18, 2011



NEWS DOD takes steps to combat childhood obesity
IMCOM-K • PAGE 18 By Elaine Wilson American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON — The Defense Department has joined forces with the nation to combat a childhood obesity epidemic that not only is a matter of health or nutrition, but also is a national security issue, a Pentagon official said. “When the nation as a whole lacks in this issue, it’s pervasive,” Barbara Thompson, co-chair of DOD’s working group to combat obesity, told American Forces Press Service, noting obesity’s impact on everything from recruiting to the nation’s health system. First Lady Michelle Obama marked the one-year anniversary of her “Let’s Move” campaign Feb. 9, a nationwide initiative to promote making healthy food choices and increasing physical activity within homes, schools and communities. The aim, Obama has said, is to solve America’s childhood obesity epidemic within a generation. “The physical and emotional health of an entire generation and the economic health and security of our nation is at stake,” Obama said at the Let’s Move launch last year. America’s childhood obesity rates have tripled in the past 30 years, according to the Let’s Move website. Today, nearly one in three American children and about one in four military children are overweight or obese. This issue has a tremendous impact on the health system, and from a military standpoint, it can affect everything from recruiting and retention to the force’s ability to fight, said Thompson, who also serves as the director of the Pentagon’s office of family policy, children and youth. Thompson cited a report called “Too Fat to Fight,” which states that 75 percent of Americans ages 17 to 24 are unable to join the military for various reasons, with being overweight or obese the leading medical cause. “When you take into account that 50 percent of military youth enter the military or consider entering the military, that’s a huge pool we need to be focused on,” Thompson said. Spurred on by the first lady’s efforts, the Defense Department formed a childhood obesity working group in August, with a committee of nearly 30 helping professionals from a variety of military backgrounds and expertise, Thompson said. To tackle a daunting task, the group divided into four subcommittees: nutrition and health for children from birth to age 18, the Military Health System, food and fitness environments and education and strategic communications. The committee then set out on a mission to improve the health and nutrition of military families, Thompson said. “We’re developing a strategic action plan that cuts across the DOD’s food environment,” she explained. “We have to look at our food courts, our school menus, how physically friendly is the installation so children can walk to school and bike to school to increase their physical activity, for example. They’ve already made considerable progress, Thompson noted. With the Army taking the lead, officials are creating standardized menus for child development centers to ensure the centers are meeting children’s nutritional needs. They’re also working with vendors who supply the centers’ food to ensure they’re getting the freshest vegetables, lower-fat cuts of meat and less processed food laden with fats, salt and sugar. Since children receive about two-thirds of their daily nutrition requirement while in military child care centers, these efforts are poised to have a significant impact, Thompson said, also noting that military youth and child development centers serve about 700,000 military youth on any given day. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to impact the way they think about healthy lifestyles,” she said. Additionally, the committee is working to develop community gardens, healthy cooking classes and classes on the relationship between finances and food. Eating at home, for example, generally is less expensive than eating out, Thompson said. Thompson also cited progress within the civilian sector that the military can adopt. The first lady is


working with a major “super store” chain to reduce the number of products high in fat, salt and sugar and to boost the number of fruits and vegetables it offers, she explained, and commissary officials are looking into this. Commissaries already have increased the sales of fresh fruits and vegetables. Additionally, the department is working to offer more healthy choices in vending machines, schools, dining facilities, clubs, bowling centers, food courts, and any other on-base locale that offers food. These changes not only will affect children in the short term with better stamina and well-being, but also will have a significant impact on their longterm health, Public Health Service Cmdr. (Dr.) Aileen Buckler, working group co-chair and TRICARE population health physician, told American Forces Press Service. When a child is overweight or obese, particularly obese, she explained, they’re at a much higher risk of cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol, as well as increased blood sugars, which can lead to higher rates of Type 2 diabetes at younger ages than what was seen in the past. Weight issues often follow children through the years, Buckler noted. Studies show that about 85 percent of children ages 10 to 15 who were overweight became obese by age 25, she said. And children who are obese before age 8 are likely to have more severe obesity as an adult, which can lead to greater risks of cardiovascular disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis and even infertility, she added. Thompson summed up a healthy family goal with the aid of a few numbers: five-two-one-zero. People, she explained, should aim for five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, two hours or less of screen time, one hour of physical activity and zero sugary drinks. For more information on a healthy lifestyle, visit a service health and wellness facility, check in with a base fitness center or visit the Let’s Move campaign website at or Military OneSource at x

Software Patches are important tools that protect your computer
Updates repair particular vulnerabilities in programs
By Mindi McDowell Department of Homeland Security
When vendors become aware of vulnerabilities in their products, they often issue patches to fix the problem. Make sure to apply relevant patches to your computer as soon as possible so that your system is protected. What are patches? Similar to the way fabric patches are used to repair holes in clothing, software patches repair holes in software programs. Patches are updates that fix a particular problem or vulnerability within a program. Sometimes, instead of just releasing a patch, vendors will release an upgraded version of their software, although they may refer to the upgrade as a patch. How do you find out what patches you need to install? When patches are available, vendors usually put them on their websites for users to download. It is important to install a patch as soon as possible to protect your computer from attackers who would take advantage of the vulnerability. Attackers may target vulnerabilities for months or even years after patches are available. Some software will automatically check for updates, and many vendors offer users the option to receive automatic notification of updates through a mailing list. If these automatic options are available, we recommend that you take advantage of them. If they are not available, check your vendors’ websites periodically for updates. Make sure that you only download software or patches from websites that you trust. Do not trust a link in an e-mail message—attackers have used e-mail messages to direct users to malicious websites where users install viruses disguised as patches. Also, beware of email messages that claim that they have attached the patch to the message—these attachments are often viruses Note: Both the National Cyber Security Alliance and US-CERT have identified this topic as one of the top tips for home users. x

FEBRUARY 18, 2011






FEBRUARY 18, 2011

Iron Horse, ROK Soldiers team up
PATRIOT missle reload drill is focus of latest joint training between 6-52 ADA and 553rd
By 1st Lt. Austin Liu 6-52 Air Defense Artillery
a missile shield, dubbed Korean Air and Missile Defense, against the North Korean SCUD missile threat. “We are always more than willing to assist our sister air defense unit standing up here in Korea, under the appropriate security clearance level, of course,” Seong Kim said. The U.S. Army has decades of experience with the Raytheon-built weapon system, including its use in Operation Iraq Freedom. As the Soldiers shook hands and expressed appreciation and encouragement, it became apparent that the spirit of “Katchi Kapsida,” Hangul for “We Go Together” and the unofficial motto of ROK-U.S. military alliance, was alive and well. “I want to express genuine appreciation on behalf of my platoon to the Americans for the exchange,” said Eugene Kim, a ROK PATRIOT launcher platoon leader. “We have definitely learned a lot this afternoon. We will take back what we have learned today and improve our existing standing operating procedure.” Seong Kim noted that the joint training could yield big dividends. “They will be fighting right next to us in the foxhole if hostilities commence,” he said. “We must learn to fight together.” x



SUWON AIRBASE — Second Lt. Seong Kim proudly watched his Soldiers executing the PATRIOT missile reload drill. Through well-rehearsed hand signals and simple voice commands, the experienced U.S. crew proficiently removed one PATRIOT missile can off the launcher system and quickly replaced it with another, using their guided missile transporter. Kim turned to his Republic of Korea counterpart, 2nd Lt. Eugene Kim and said, “This is how we do it.” The two platoon leaders, from the United States and Republic of Korea, were part of an exchange program initiated by the 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, to assist its sister unit, the ROK Air Force 553rd PATRIOT Fire Unit. The program is usually conducted at the company level and focuses on sharing air defense tactics, techniques, and procedures. On this day, ROK platoon members attentively observed and took notes on the U.S. PATRIOT missile reload drill. “The drill requires absolute precision and good communication while operating under time constraints,” said Seong Kim, a first-generation immigrant to the United States who speaks fluent Hangul. “In order to safely and speedily execute the drill, a crew must spend hours and hours of training and learning from mistakes. What we want to accomplish here is to teach our ROK counterparts some of the lessons we have learned in the field so they can save some valuable training time.” Sergeant 1st Class James Kent, the U.S. launcher platoon sergeant, agreed. “I think it is very important to share and learn each other’s strengths and weaknesses. It will definitely benefit us in the long run and strengthen the alliance Soldiers from the Republic of Korea’s 553rd PATRIOT Fire Unit and their U.S. counterparts from the 6th Battalion, between the two great nations,” Kent said. ROK military began fielding PATRIOT launchers 52nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment go over the specifics of how to conduct a missile reload operation at Suwon Air across the peninsula in 2008 with the intent to build Base as part of ongoing joint training between the two units. — U.S. Army photo by 1st Lt. Austin Liu

Working in Korea requires the right visa
Knowing law now could prevent big headache later
By Capt. Ben Tramposh USAG Humphreys Legal Center HUMPHREYS GARRISON — If working off post, or considering it, there are legal requirements to keep in mind. Anyone working on the Korean economy without the proper visa could face prosecution, stiff fines, and deportation. Anyone here as a civilian or Family member has an A-3 Visa governed by the Status Of Forces Agreement. This agreement, between the U.S. and Republic of Korea, allows a person to reside here and details what privileges and rights the visa holder has. Employment on the Korean economy is not one of those rights. The only type of employment an A-3 visa holder is automatically eligible for is volunteer work. Some people teach English in private to individuals or small groups for cash payments, but this is illegal without a work visa. There are eight employment categories. The categories and their requirements are: E-1, Professor of higher education: Requirements include education and experience as a professor at a university level. E-2, Foreign language instructor: Requirements include a bachelor’s and/or relevant college level educational and/or work experience. Individuals applying for this permit must be natives of a country where the language they wish to teach is the official language. Proof must be provided of relevant qualifications. E-3, Research: This category includes those performing research in the natural sciences or in the development of industry and technology. Requirements include an invitation from a Korean public or private institution. E-4, Technology instruction: A person possessing professional level knowledge in the natural sciences or special technical skills. Requirements include an invitation of employment from a Korean public or private institution. E-5, Professional occupation: This category includes foreign attorneys, accountants, and doctors who are certified in a foreign country and are authorized under Korean law to practice in their field in Korea. E-6, Arts and performance: This category includes those engaged in music, the arts, literature, modeling, or other performance activities for profit. E-7, Special occupations: Employment specially designated by the Minister of Justice, including work in translation, interpretation, cultural research, etc. E-8, Employed trainee: Temporary employment for industrial training purposes. A-3 visa holders may negotiate terms for employment with a Korean company. The employer can then initiate the paperwork with the Immigration Bureau to obtain an employment visa. The next step is a visit to an immigration bureau office for an employment visa stamp. The closest immigration bureau offices to Humphreys Garrison are in Suwon and Seoul. Those working on such a visa are subject to the withholding of Korean income taxes. For questions about SOFA compliance and other legal matters, contact the USAG Humphreys Legal Office at 753-8047 or 753-6245. x


By Lori Yerdon USAG Humphreys Public Affairs HUMPHREYS GARRISON — The Latin-inspired dance-fitness program Zumba came to School Age Services for the first time Feb. 11, and 13 where children gave the after school program a shot. For some of the kids this was their first attempt at the fitness class with instructor Karen Morton but for others, Zumba is an activity they look forward to each week at Humphreys American School. Morton, a second grade teacher at HAS, offers Zumba classes to students, their parents and fellow teachers twice a week at school and she thought it would be beneficial to offer the class at CYSS too. “As a teacher, I’m seeing more and more obese children,” Morton said. “I’ve seen a pattern in all my years of teaching and children are just not active anymore. I remember when kids would go outside and play and climb trees but kids don’t do that anymore. That’s why kids have a problem with obesity today.” A student of Morton’s, Cailyn Meswain, age 7, said “The class is fun and I like to dance.” Meswain has the opportunity to take Zumba classes three times a week now that it’s being offered at SAS. After the inaugural workout, Morton talked with the kids and explained the importance of good nutrition, being active and why they should get up from behind their computers and video games to exercise. “A lot of children nowadays are doing nothing,” Morton told the kids. “They are just playing video games and if kids don’t work out when they’re young, they may have problems when they get older, like heart disease or diabetes.” “Your bodies aren’t meant for you to sit; you need to move your bodies,” she added. Nine years ago, doctors told Morton she was morbidly obese and with that diagnosis, she made a decision to change her lifestyle and to lose weight for the sake of her health. “The reason I started working out is because my heart was failing me. I had knee problems,” Morton said. “After doctors said I was morbidly obese, I promised myself that I would work out and that I would help others.” Once Morton made changes in her diet and began to exercise regularly, she began to inspire and motivate others to live healthier lives as well. She has started fitness clubs at each of the schools she has taught, and now her drive and dedication to help others has brought her to School Age Services. Zumba is “fun because I get to dance and exercise,” said David Polaski, 8. Morton told the kids “Even if you don’t come back to this Zumba class, get out and be active. Go for a walk or run. Everyone should be active for at


News & Notes
Pregnancy PT begins Pregnancy and post partum physical training is every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. in the Super Gym television room. On Tuesdays, there is a pregnancy post partum education class, also at 6:30 a.m. in the Super Gym television room. All active duty Soldiers with a pregnancy profiile who are medically cleared to exercise should attend. For more information, call 753-3253. Scholarship Deadline Nears The deadline to apply for a scholarship through the Defense Commissary Agency Scholarships for Military Children Program is Feb. 22. Applications are available at www. Click the “News and info.” tab, then “Scholarship info.” To be eligible, applicants must be dependent, unmarried children of active duty, Reserve, or Guard members, retirees, or survivors of service members who died on actide duty or while receiving military retired pay. Vet Clinic Open Feb. 22 The Veterinary clinic for Humprheys Garrison will be open Feb. 22, a Tuesday, instead of its usual Monday date, Feb. 21. The clinic will be closed Feb. 28 and will resume its normal schedule on March 7. Black History Observance “African Americans and the Civil War” is the theme for this year’s Black History Month celebration on Humphreys Garrison. The observance is slated for Feb. 23 at 2 p.m. in the Super Gym. Parenting Group Hiatus The parenting group that meets Fridays from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the Red Cross (Building 752) will take a one-month hiatus following the Feb. 25 meeting. The meetings will resume on March 25. Aerobi-Thon Scheduled An aerobi-thon is set for Feb. 26 at 9 a.m. in the Super Gym. The halfway point weigh-in for the Biggest Loser contest will be at 8:30 a.m. BOSS Sledding Trip Better Opportunites for Single Soldiers is sponsoring a sledding trip to Everland Theme Park on Feb. 26. The cost is $32. For more information, call 753-8970 or 753-8825. AER Kickoff Scheduled The Army Emergency Relief campaign will kick off in the Post Exhcange food court on March 1 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The campaign runs through May 15. Suicide Crisis Phone Numbers Help is available if you are having thoughts of harming yourself. The Suicide Prevention Hotline number is 737-4673. Other numbers are: the oncall duty chaplain at 010-94967445; the USAG Humphreys After Hours Clinic at 753-8111; the USAG Humphreys Behavioral Health Clinic at 753-7657; and the USAG Yongsan Behavioral Health Clinic at 737-0508.

Pint-size Zumba offered

least 30 minutes a day.” “I’ve gone to Zumba classes before myself and it was so much fun and I think that Zumba is a way to show kids that fitness is fun,” said Karla Burke, the program director for SAS. “It’s important to show children at this age that they need to be physically fit.” The official Zumba web site said that since its inception in 2001, Zumba Fitness has grown to become the world’s largest and most successful dancefitness program with more than 10 million people of all shapes, sizes and ages taking Zumba classes in more than 90,000 locations in more than 110 countries. The Zumba class is offered on Fridays at the SAS building and children in grades first through fifth that are registered with SAS in Building 570 are eligible to participate. For more information on this and other CYSS programs, call Burke at 753-8507. x

Khalia Burke dances during the inaugural Zumba class at School Age Services on Feb 11 . — U.S. Army photo by Lori Yerdon

From left, Alex Chang, Mason Hook, and Kayla Spangler follow Karen Morton’s instruction during the first Zumba class offered at School Age Services. — U.S. Army photo by Lori Yerdon

USFK cooks prep for competition
By Cpl. Tim Oberle 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade Public Affairs HUMPHREYS GARRISON — Many servicemembers may believe that military food service specialists only possess the skills to make a limited number of dishes. What most people don’t realize is that they possess a wealth of knowledge to make a wide variety of culinary creations. With the ability to sauté, grill and flambé some of the world’s finest cuisines, food service specialists can prepare many of the same dishes featured on TV. In response to the limited opportunities that military cooks have to display their talents, the Department of Defense provides an annual outlet for these remarkably talented servicemembers to showcase some of their creative delicacies during the annual culinary contest at Fort Lee, Va. This year’s meeting will be the 36th Annual Culinary Arts Competition and United States Force Korea will be represented by the finest chefs from the Korean Peninsula. This year’s team captain, Sgt. Jeffrey Mathews, a food service specialist from the 6-52 Air Defense Artillery from Suwon Air Base, thinks that many of the chefs competing have an excellent chance of bringing back some medals. “Even though we got a late start, this team is really coming together, and I think a lot of these chefs stand a really good chance of winning,” Mathews said. “They have been preparing extremely hard to perfect their craft.” During the competition from March 3 to 10, the USFK team will compete against servicemembers from every branch of the military and all over the world. “Some of the categories during the competition are the junior and senior chef competition, hot food competition, student skills competition and the mystery basket competition,” Mathews said. “The mystery competition is pretty cool because you don’t know what ingredients you’ll have and you have to prepare a four-course meal with what you are given. It forces you to think creatively right there on the spot.” For some of the younger chefs on the team, this will be the first time for them in a competition of this magnitude. “I am really excited to get the opportunity to compete,” said Pfc. Antonio Duran Christian from the 1st Replacement Company at Yongsan. “I haven’t decided what I am going to prepare yet, but I know that in order to win a medal I am going to have to

FEBRUARY 18, 2011



Pfc. Antonio Duran Christian, 1st Replacement Company Yongsan, practices a culinary technique called plate presentation, at the Rotorwash Café on Seoul Air Base, to get ready for the 36th Annual Culinary Arts Competition at Fort Lee, Va., in March. The competition features some of the military’s best chefs. — U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Tim Oberle
come fully prepared. There are going to be a lot of good cooks there and I can’t afford to be afraid. You just need to be confident in the product that you make.” For Spc. Jarvis James Elliot, a silver medalist in last year’s competition from United States Army Garrison Daegu, his experience has not only been beneficial to him, but has also helped his team members. “I have been describing to some of the new chefs about the conditions that they will face during the competition,” Elliot said. “My first time at the competition, the noise levels and nervousness of not knowing what to expect really kept me from taking home the gold. This time around, I am competing for the junior chef of the year and I think my experience will really make a difference.” No matter what happens, getting the chance to compete gives them the opportunity to be recognized. And while none of this year’s competitors will probably ever end up cooking next to Emeril Lagasse, perhaps coming home with a medal will at least provide them with their just desserts. x

Spit Out takes aim at smokeless tobacco
By W. Wayne Marlow USAG Humphreys Public Affairs HUMPHREYS GARRISON — About 19 percent of 18- to 24-year-old men in the armed forces use smokeless tobacco, more than double the national rate. In response, the Department of Defense is highlighting the Great American Spit Out on Feb. 24. The DOD web site is currently hosting a special Great American Spit Out page at www., where servicemembers can pledge to quit. Dave Elger, Area III health promotions coordinator, acknowledges it takes more than a trip to a web site to get off of smokeless tobacco, but that any start is welcome. “It’s not easy and the relapse rate is high,” he said. “But it can be done.” Part of Elger’s duties are to work with those who want to quit. “We develop a plan and strategy, and identify situations where they are more apt to dip. Then we practice working on those situtions,” he said. Next comes an attempt to gradually get the dipper off smokeless tobacco. “We work on a schedule to reduce the time it is in their mouth every day. For instance, they can delay the time of

their first dip of the day by an hour or two,” Elger said. Then, a target date is set to give up the dip. There are also medical options for more pronounced cases. Elger said smoking Soldiers may find themselves in situations where they are unable to light up as often as they had before, “so they go to dip.” x (Editor’s note: The Tricare News Service contributed to this article).




FEBRUARY 18, 2011

Soldier Board requires proper planning, lots of confidence
Story and photo by Cpl. Jang Bong-seok USAG Daegu Public Affairs
DAEGU GARRISON — A lot goes into preparing for a board, as any Soldier who’s had that experience will tell you. Studying, practicing, and getting the uniform ribbons and insignias lined up correctly and the uniform properly fitted are just a few of the things that go into that unforgettable experience. However, before any of this can really happen, there are a few conditions that first must be met. According to Sgt. 1st Class Monyette L. Alexander, HHC USAG Daegu, there are some standards that individuals must first meet. “All Soldiers and KATUSAs who have exemplified outstanding performance, and set an example for all to emulate, have a chance of being selected to go before a board. There are some basic requirements they must meet, such as passing the Army Physical Fitness Test, and qualifying with their assigned weapon,” she said. “The board gives the leadership a chance to see who’s out there doing well—exceeding the standard, and representing the Army in a very positive way,” said Alexander. “Once before the board, the Soldiers are queried on a number of military subjects. Those topics may include, but are not limited to the NCO Support Channel, Chain of Command, and current events categories. Many of the things the soldiers do on a frequent basis. To help them prepare, they have at their disposal, the Army Study Guide.” As should be expected, board members are selected with care. “Here at HHC, as the Company 1st Sgt., I make the board selection,” said 1st Sgt. Marvin Jones. “Those selected members come from HHC USAG Daegu, and once they have been identified, they are assigned a category of material that comes from the Best Warrior of the Year Competition. We do this so that the Soldier who will eventually appear before the board, will be more comfortable appearing in front of a Cmd. Sgt. Maj., and a Sgt. Maj.,” Pfc. Park Tae-jun , HHC, NBC Operations Specialist, just experienced his first board earlier this month.. It was a great opportunity to understand more about



Pfc. Park Tae-jun, who participated in the February Soldier Board at HHC USAG Daegu, renders a hand salute to the board members before undergoing a series of military questions on a variety of military-related topics.
the Army. “I studied for two months, and sometimes it was very difficult,” said Park. “However, I knew this was necessary if I was to become a better Soldier. I think the biggest challenge for me was the language. As you know, most KATUSAs are not perfect with their English speaking skills, and being nervous made it hard for me to concentrate on what the panel was asking. I used to think that the biggest prize from winning the board was the 3-day pass. However, I now realize that the experience I gained from going before the board really is the biggest prize.” Having participated in a number of boards, Alexander knows the ins and outs of a successful board experience. “As a board member I can share with you that we expect our soldiers to appear before the board well prepared, and with an attitude of confidence. We realize they will come in and be a bit nervous, but they should come in expecting to win because they know they have done their best, and we can’t ask for any more than that.” x

Pfc. Park Tae-jun is an NBC Operations Specialist assigned to HHC USAG Daegu.

Missoula Children’s Theater to perform Jungle Book on Camp Walker
By Mary Grimes USAG Daegu Public Affairs
DAEGU GARRISON — If you’re not familiar with the Missoula Children’s Theatre, here’s your chance to correct that because an upcoming production of “Jungle Book” is heading to Camp Walker March 19, and your help is needed to make it a success. Angie Hart with US Army Garrison Daegu Child and Youth Services, offers a little bit of background details on the theatre activity, to hopefully stir up your interest. “Missoula Children’s Theatre began in Missoula, Montana in 1970 when two men, Jim Caron and Don Collins, starred together in the play Man of La Mancha,” she said. “Soon after that production, the two gentlemen began a company that focused on performing live theatre for children, and shortly thereafter began casting children in roles. In February 1972, a performance of Snow White was booked in a Montana community over 500 miles away from Missoula. “Caron and Collins were not comfortable traveling with the seven children that had been cast as the seven dwarfs, through the bad weather. So, they made the radical decision to cast the children’s roles from children residing in the town in which the play was to take place. The directors traveled to the town a week before the performance to cast the children’s roles and to rehearse. Four hundred and fifty children showed up at the audition for the seven roles. The success of that week opened the eyes of the company to the major interest among children, parents, teachers, and set the stage for today’s International Tour, Performing Arts Camps, and the local children’s theater season held at the MCT, which is now the home-base facility. It officially opened its doors in 1998.” Hart further explained that the Missoula Children’s Theatre International Tour project sends two

actors and directors to a site. The team of two then cast the roles and crew, rehearses, and performs two shows --all beginning on Monday and ending on Saturday. “This year’s production will be Jungle Book, and will require 50 to 60 cast members in order to be successful. It’s amazing at what these children accomplish in only a week’s time. The productions are excellent, and the children gain life skills through participation in the performing arts –which is the mission of MCT. This year the production will

be held at the Youth Center on Camp Walker on Saturday March 19, with two shows at 5 and 5:30 p.m. The children will audition then begin rehearsals on March 14, beginning at 2:30 p.m. through 7 p.m. The same rehearsal schedule will be kept Monday thru Friday. Saturday will be a rehearsal day too, before the performances. “The set and costumes will all be provided,” Hart said. “This year’s production is sponsored by Child Youth and School Services here in USAG Daegu. However, the one thing we are missing, and in great need of, if the show is to go on, is a pianist. A pianist is needed to provide the music for the production, and that individual will need to begin practice Wednesday, March 16. It is important that that individual is available for all rehearsals and the two performances to follow.” Anyone interested in this volunteer opportunity can contact Angiemarie Hart at 764-5467/5298. The music is available now, if the interested party would like to begin practicing. x

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News & Notes

Military Saves Campaign 2011 comes to USAG DAEGU
By Jeannie Y. Relaford USAG Daegu Financial Readiness Program Coordinator
DA EG U G A R R I S O N — Yo u might be asking yourself “What is Military Saves? Well, it’s a social marketing campaign developed to persuade, motivate, and encourage military families to save money every month, and to convince leaders and organizations to be aggressive in promoting automatic savings. The campaign itself is a growing network of organizations and individuals committed to both helping and supporting military members and their loved ones build personal savings arsenals to provide for their immediate, long term financial needs and debt reduction. In USAG Daegu, the annual Military Saves week runs February 20-27, 2011. During that time there will be a variety of events and workshops up and running at the Camp Walker PX and Commissary. We are offering a “Piggy Bank Beauty “contest that will consist of different age groups that compete to design the best piggy bank and a prize will be given to the winners. There will also be investment workshops held Feb. 24, beginning at 7 p.m., in the ACS building on Camp Henry. The overall goal of the “Military Saves” program is to promote debt reduction, savings and investing in the military community, with the help of financial awareness. For more information please contact the ACS Financial Readiness program representative at DSN: 768-8127. x



Chess Tournament Saturday, Feb. 26 at the Camp Walker CAC. Open to all adult DOD personnel, 18 years and older, stationed on Army installations in Korea who are authorized to use FMWR facilities. Waivers for younger players will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Top 3 players will be eligible for advancement to the USAG Daegu level of competition on March 19. Call 764-4123 for more information. Indoor Soccer League Camp Carroll Daegu Area Indoor Soccer League begins on February 28. Register Now. Call Camp Carroll Daegu Area Sports & Fitness Center at 765-8287 for more information. Women’s Health, Nutrition and Fitness Forum All are invited to attend the 19TH ESC Area IV Women’s Health, Nutrition and Fitness Forum Feb. 22, starting at 8 : 30 a.m at the Evergreen Community Club. The point of contact and coordinator for this event is SFC Thornhill, [email protected]. Financial Counseling Services Financial counseling for soldiers and family members with emphasis on managing personal finances and tracking spending habits. Development of a personal financial plan, retirement plan, and college saving plan. Call the ACS financial readiness program office, 768-8127 or 768-7112. Attention Readers The inaugural meeting of the Daegu Book Club will be Feb. 22, 7 p.m. at Starbucks on Camp Walker. Our first book will be The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Questions or suggestions, contact Meri Healey, 764-5910 meri.d. healey@us. army. mil. FMWR Marketing Can’t find your favorite menu at the club? Got a party theme your friends would love? Have a program idea for teens? Tell us what you would do if you could reach out and touch FMWR programs, events and activities and you could win $100 in FMWR gift certificates. Suggestions can be e-mailed to [email protected] Say it on ICE Ever wonder if your voice is heard. Say it on ICE, we’re listening. Fill out an online comment card today our response is guaranteed. http://ice.disa mil Texas Hold’em Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at Camp Carroll Hideaway Club. Weekly prizes for the top 3 players. $20 per person. Free meal for players. Points awarded for every 8 weeks of play toward the final game and a $1,000 prize. Calll 765-8574 for more information

Respite Care: Getting the break you need
By Mirian Houston USAG Daegu ACS
DAEGU GARRISON — Do you have a family member with special needs or a disability? Could you use an occasional break to get away, even if it is to shop in peace or take a nap? If so, you may be interested in this. The US Army Garrison Daegu Exceptional Family Member Program offers respite care to anyone who is enrolled in the EFMP and meets the criteria. They will provide the funds for you to be able to leave that family member with a caregiver, utilizing the Child Development Center for hourly care. For more information, call 053470-8329/768-8329 or e-mail mirian. [email protected] Interested in becoming a provider? Call the above number to begin your training. x

Teach by Example: Be parents who measure up to their roles
By Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Milton Johnson USAG Daegu Garrison Chaplain
DAEGU GARRISON — Many a young person has left home because more than enough religion had been forced on them by parents who did not measure up to their professions of faith. No father ever gets away with dropping his children off at church school while he goes home to mow the lawn or wash the car. The children will allow themselves to be dropped, and they will go in and sit throughout the classes, but they will wait patiently for the day when they can make their own decisions. Then they too, will choose to skip church school and worship and do really something profitable like mow grass or washing cars, or they may just go to the dogs. Then there is the other sort of Christian parent who would never miss any of the services of the church, but the children know that living with the parents is like rooming with the devil. Anybody can keep up a pious front in public, but no one has enough patience to maintain the fraud 24 hours a day at home. If it isn’t real, it will show up under the tensions of family life. say goodbye to its church and its God. It is better for us to live much and teach little, than to teach much and live little. It is better still to live much and teach much. There may still be problems, but at least we have eliminated one of them. We know that the light of our lives should be kept shining before the world. Perhaps it is more important that we keep it shining before our children. The Apostle Paul wanted the Phillipians to live Godly lives - he said to them: “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world. (Phil 2:15) Could that verse be paraphrased and modernized? “That we may be blameless and live clean and innocent lives as children of God in front of our families.” In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works: In doctrine showing incorruptness, gravity, sincerity. (Titus 2:7) Sometimes our children turn out well in spite of the fact that we do not live for God at home, but surely they have a much better chance if they see demonstrated at home what their parents preach at church. x

Children who are reared in an atmosphere of hypocrisy soon catch on, and as surely as they come of age, they will want to leave that kind of home. When they do, they will also

FEBRUARY 18, 2011

Leadership in fighting fires: Preventing fires before they ignite
By Andrew Allen USAG Daegu Deputy Fire Chief
DAEGU GARRISON — Fire rips through home in base housing; two seriously injured jumping from the third floor, two children perish and two are saved by firefighters. Gets your attention doesn’t it? Fighting Fires through Fire Prevention does not have the same news punch as death, destruction and heroism. Here is an e-mail head line our commander loves seeing every morning: Fire Department Morning Brief: No emergency responses yesterday. Leadership is fighting fire before ignition occurs. Learn about fire safety and prevention and then pass on this information to your Soldiers and family members. This will save lives before they are even in peril, and this is what leadership is all about. Be a leader in fire prevention at home and at work. Smokey the Bear says, “Only You Can Prevent Forrest Fires.” This also true for fires in the home, office and the field. Fires are nearly 100 percent preventable in all areas of our community. Simple, consistent measures taken by you can achieve this. • Pay attention to cooking, it will taste so much better! Distraction from the cooking operation is like falling asleep while driving you probably won’t wake up in time. Never leave food cooking without your undivided attention. • Candles are a f lame begging to become a monster the second it has a chance. Leave it unattended and it will dance with joy as it consumes your home. This is why DoD bans them



Make sure your cigarrette is completely out before you walk away, or you could end up running from the result. Use the proper cigarrette disposal receptical. — U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Jang Bong-seok
from barracks and offices on military installations. • That cigarette butt you just threw out does not magically disappear when it leaves your finger tips. It is trash with a red hot tip just looking for a place to cause more destruction. Tired, been drinking, that cigarette you just lit up may light up your life more than you think as you drift off to sleep. Don’t light up if tired or been drinking. When you do smoke, use the ash tray; ensure all the ends are cold before disposing of them properly. • Give space heaters space and check electric cords regularly can help fight fire without a firefighter having to get all hot, dirty, and smoky. Across America, Korea and the Army, fire fatalities occur mostly at home. In America, 66 percent occur in homes without a working smoke alarm. In Korea, this percentage is much higher as most homes do not have smoke alarms. Fire spreads quickly and there are only minutes or seconds for you to escape. That is why working smoke alarms can play such a huge role in saving lives. Fighting fire early, before ignition occurs, can make all the difference in our community and across the world. Teaching fire safety and prevention and saving lives before they are even in peril, this is what leadership is all about. Be a leader in Fire Prevention at home and at work. x

Daegu and Area IV get Valentine’s Day gift not soon forgotten

USAG Daegu DHR Director Marleen Rosalie gets her car cleared - sort of!

Pfc. Chung Ji-man (right) does his best to keep the sidewalk clear after 4 to 6 inches of snow fell Feb. 14, a 30-year high for Daegu. — U.S. Army photos by Cpl. Jang Bong-seok




Shop, Save and thrive

COMMISSARY BENEFITS are part of the Army
Family Covenant’s commitment to provide a strong, supportive environment where Soldiers and Families can thrive.

• Through the ‘Bringing the Benefit to You’ campaign, Guard and Reserve Soldiers and their Families have shopped on-site at more than 100 remote locations and purchased $14 million worth of commissary products. • An average of 30% SAVINGS OR MORE on purchases compared to commercial prices. • Within the next three years, more than $200 million will be spent on building new commissaries and enhancing existing commissaries to better serve customers.


to learn more about the Army Family Covenant.




용산 기지 사령관

납세자의 친구가 되십시오: 에너지를 절약합시다
마찬가지입니다. 우리가 적게 용산기지사령관 윌리엄 P.휴버 (William P. Huber) 대령 소비하고 환경을 도울 수 있는 부분 중 하나는 바로 에너지 부분입니다. 이를 위해서 여러분의 도움이 여러분이 뉴스를 보거나 집에 있는 가족들과 연락을 유지하고 있다면 반복되는 주제에 대해서 들을 수 있을 것입니다. 예산이 빠듯하다고 말입니다. 금융 필요하지만 말입니다. 용산기지는 물, 전기, 그리고 가스 절약을 촉진시키기 위해 에너지 절약 관련 메모를 문, 화장실 그리고 다른 공공장소에 부착하기 시작했습니다. 이 것은 하나의 계획일 뿐이고 우리는 사무실에서 그리고 집에서 여러분의 도움이 필요합니다. 우리 모두는 온도 조절 장치, 스토브 다이얼, 그리고 수도꼭지가 우리 세금의 흐름을 직접적으로 조절한다고 생각해야 합니다. 그 예산은 소중한 자원이며 우리는 그 자원을 현명하게 사용해야 합니다. 우리의 재원과 천연 자원의 현명한 관리는 우리가 다음 세대를 위해 이를 보존할 수 있게 합니다. 여러분이 가족을 이끄는 사용하는 모든 것에는 우리 위대한 국민이 지불한 비용을 포함한다는 것을 기억하는 등 모범을 보이십쇼. 집에서나 직장에서나 군살 없이 깨끗하게 운용하는 리더가 되어 다른 사람들의 믿음을 존중한다는 것을 보여주십쇼.

스트레스는 미국 중산층과 미국 국방부 모두에게 타격을 주었고 많은 문제들과 마찬가지로 우리들 또한 우리의 예산을 재평가하여 현명하게 소비하는 것이

배우자이든 부대나 사무실을 이끄는 군인이나 민간인이든 절약 문화를 홍보하는데 저와 기지에 동참하십쇼. 필요없는 전기를

끄고 방 온도를 현명하게 결정하고 낭비되는 자원에 주의하며 우리가

불가피하게 되었습니다. 용산기지도

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