Morning Calm Korea Weekly, February 25, 2011

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The Morning Calm is a weekly Command information newspaper published by the Installation Management Command Korea for service members, military family members and civilian employees serving, working and living on U.S. Army Installations throughout the Republic of Korea. To learn more about living and working in Korea visit our website or visit our Flickr site to see images of life in the ROK at



FEBRUARY 25, 2011

FEBRUARY 25, 2011 • Volume 9, Issue 18

Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea

From U.S. Forces Korea Public Affairs

Alliance to engage in pen-wide exercises

Find out how ‘BOSS’ takes care of YOU
Check out the Top Ten things you need to know about the repeal of:

Seasoned skier Pvt. Dru Davis, Company E, 4-2 Aviation from Garrison Humphreys, maneuvers down an expert ski slope at Oak Valley Ski Resort while taking part in the Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers, or BOSS, Winter Fest, Monday. The BOSS Winter Fest took place from Saturday to Monday and is only one example of a program that provides events and activities for Soldiers who want to get involved. See full story on Page 9 — U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Opal Vaughn

YONGSAN GARRISON — The Republic of Korea-United States Combined Forces Command announced that the annual Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises will take place from Monday to March 10. The Foal Eagle period will continue through April 30. Key Resolve is an annual command post exercise that ensures the ROKU.S. Alliance is prepared to defend the Republic of Korea, while training alliance forces to respond to any potential contingency that could arise on the peninsula. Foal Eagle, which runs concurrently, is a joint and combined field training exercise focused on ground maneuver, air, naval, expeditionary and special operations forces. “We are exercising alliance actions to a number of realistic scenarios beyond defeating a conventional attack,” said Gen. Walter L. Sharp, commander of Combined Forces Command. “Through these scenarios, we will exercise alliance crisis management, deterring and rapidly defeating provocations and defensive operations.” As in past exercises, KF/FE 2011 will include a full range of equipment, capabilities and personnel. United Nations Command has informed the Korean People’s Army through their Panmunjom Mission of the exercise dates and that this training is entirely defensive in nature. x

Scenes from Black History Month: Page 27

A Commitment
Find out how a pet will cost you, Page 13

‘On the Minute’

Defense News USAG Red Cloud USAG Casey USAG Yongsan USAG Humphreys USAG Daegu P02 P05 P05 P09 P21 P25


Page 2

See how Soldiers’ skills stack up: Page 5

Sights & Sounds P03 Command Perspective P04 Photo Feature Page P16

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The Morning Calm
Published by Installation Management Command Korea

NEWS Ban on gays to be lifted
Top 10 things you need to know about repeal of don’t ask, don’t tell
From the Department of the Army
Note: the current policies remain in effect until 60 days after the President, Secretary of Defense and the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff certify that the repeal can be implemented consistent with the standards of military readiness and effectiveness, unit cohesion, and military recruiting and retention. The exact effective date of repeal will be widely distributed. Until then, current policies remain in effect. 1. Accessions & Separations Policies: Upon repeal, we will no longer separate Soldiers solely on the basis of legal homosexual acts, a statement that a Soldier is homosexual or bisexual, or marriage to a person of the same sex. Statements about sexual orientation or lawful acts of homosexual conduct will not be a bar to military service or admission to any accession program. Sexual orientation will continue to be a personal and private matter. 2. Standards of Conduct Apply Equally to Everyone: All Soldiers will be held to the same standard of conduct. All members are responsible for upholding and maintaining high standards of the U.S. Military at all times and in all places. 3. Personal Privacy: Commanders may not establish practices that physically segregate Soldiers according to sexual orientation. Commanders do have the discretion to alter billeting assignments to accommodate privacy concerns of individuals on a case-by-case basis where it is in the interest of maintaining morale, good order and discipline, and is consistent with performance of the mission. 4. Moral and Religious Concerns: There will be no changes regarding any Soldier’s free exercise of religious beliefs, nor are there any changes to policies concerning the Chaplain Corps and its duties. The Chaplain Corps’ First Amendment freedoms and its duty to care for all will not change. Soldiers will continue to respect and serve with others who may hold different views and beliefs.


Commanding General/Publisher: Brig. Gen. David G. Fox Editor: Russell Wicke Layout Assistant: Sgt. Park Kab-rock USAG-RED CLOUD Commander: Col. Hank Dodge Public Affairs Officer: Kevin Jackson Staff Writers: Pfc. Mardicio Barrot, Pfc. Jin Choe USAG-YONGSAN Commander: Col. William P. Huber Public Affairs Officer: Dan Thompson CI Officer: Jane Lee Staff Writers: Cpl. Kim Hyung-joon, Pfc. Choe Yong-joon, Pfc. Hong Moo-sun USAG-HUMPHREYS Commander: Col. Joseph P. Moore Public Affairs Officer: Lori Yerdon CI Officer: Steven Hoover Writer/Layout Editor: Wayne Marlow Staff Writer: Sgt. Baek Joon-woo USAG-DAEGU Commander: Col. Kathleen A. Gavle Public Affairs Officer: Philip Molter CI Officer: Mary Grimes Staff Writers: PV2 Jang Bong-seok, PV2 Kim Min-jae Interns: Jo Yu-ra, Yoon Bo-weon, Hana Noguchi
This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of this weekly publication is the responsibility of the IMCOMKorea, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205. Circulation: 9,500 Printed by Oriental Press, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Government, under exclusive written contract with the Contracting Command-Korea. The civilian printer is responsible for commercial advertising. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army or Oriental Press of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation of the equal opportunity policy is corrected. Oriental Press President: Charles Chong Commercial Advertising Telephone: 738-5005 Fax: (02) 790-5795 E-mail: [email protected] Mail address: PSC 450, Box 758, APO AP 96206-0758 Location: Bldg. 1440, Yongsan, Main Post SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: Phone: DSN 738-4068 E-mail: [email protected]

March 4 is final day to claim stop loss pay
By Terri Moon Cronk American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON — People whose military service was involuntarily extended or whose retirement was suspended between Sept. 11, 2001, and Sept. 30, 2009, have until March 4 to file for retroactive payments of $500 for each month of their extended service under the “Stop Loss” policy. The deadline ends the second extension for eligible people to apply to receive the retroactive pay. “This is a timely payment for services already rendered,” said Lernes “Bear” Hebert, the Defense Department’s director of officer and enlisted personnel management. “It’s a nostrings-attached program -- one where they fill out a simple form and attach a few documents [to show] their service.” Each service branch will work with potential applicants to determine eligibility, he added. The program also applies to beneficiaries who lost loved ones in the ultimate sacrifice during their service, Hebert said. Applying through the Web or by mail is easy, and usually takes less than 30 minutes, Hebert said, adding that once eligibility is established, the money “just shows up in your bank account.” “There’s nothing more to it,” he said. “You probably won’t hear from the military again unless you initiate contact.” Applications sent via computer or

5. Benefits: There will be no changes to eligibility standards for military benefits and services. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) prohibits the Federal Government from recognizing any same-sex marriage, so same sex partners do not qualify as dependents for many military benefits and services. A same-sex partner should be treated the same as an unrelated third party (e.g. girlfriend, boyfriend). All Soldiers will continue to have various benefits for which they may designate any beneficiary regardless of relationship. 6. Equal Opportunity: Sexual orientation will not be placed alongside race, color, religion, sex and national origin as a class under the Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Program and therefore will not be dealt with through the MEO complaint process. All Soldiers, regardless of sexual orientation are entitled to an environment free from personal, social, or institutional barriers that prevent Soldiers from rising to the highest level of responsibility possible. Harassment or abuse of any kind, including that based on sexual orientation, is unacceptable and will be dealt with through command or inspector general channels. 7. Duty Assignments: There are no changes to assignment policy. All Soldiers will continue to be eligible for world-wide assignment without consideration of sexual orientation. Soldiers assigned to duty, or otherwise serving, in countries in which homosexual conduct is prohibited will abide by the guidance provided to them by their local commanders. 8. Medical Policy: There are no changes to existing medical policies. 9. Release and Service Commitments: There will be no new policy to allow for release from service commitments for Soldiers opposed to repeal of DADT or to serving with gay or lesbian Soldiers. 10. Collection and Retention of Sexual Orientation Data: Sexual orientation is a personal and private matter. Commanders will not request, collect, or maintain information about the sexual orientation of Soldiers. x


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his unique program for Stop Loss special pay is to recognize servicemen and women and the sacrifices they made to their country without hesitation.”

— Lernes “Bear” Hebert Defense Department Director of Personnel Management
due has come from the government and the community -- from President Barack Obama, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and other senior military leaders, to veterans organizations and others trying to reach those who likely are eligible, Hebert said. “The services have done a tremendous job at getting the word out,” he said. “In all my years of service, I’ve never seen a program in both the government and [veterans service organization] communities that’s been such a tremendous effort,” Hebert said, adding that he has received many notes of gratitude from those who’ve received their Stop Loss pay. Hebert asks service members to spread the word to others who have served, and beneficiaries, to make sure no one is left out before the March 4 deadline. “We don’t want people to wake up March 5 and decide that’s the day they plan to apply,” he said. x

Submitting to The Morning Calm Weekly Send Letters to the Editor, guest commentaries, story submissions and other items: [email protected]. For all submitted items include a point of contact name and telephone number. All items are subject to editing for content and to insure they conform with DoD guidelines. IMCOM-K Public Affairs and the Morning Calm Weekly staff are located at IMCOM-K, Yongsan Garrison. For information, call 738-4068.

postmarked by March 4 for delivery by mail will have met the deadline, Hebert said. “This unique program for Stop Loss special pay is to recognize servicemen and women and the sacrifices they made to their country without hesitation,” Hebert said. An estimated 145,000 people are eligible for the special pay, Defense Department officials said, noting that 77,000 claims have been paid. Other applications are being processed, and officials recommend that all potential applicants apply before the March 4 deadline, even those who received a bonus for voluntarily re-enlisting and those who think they’re not eligible because they extended their service. “The program is to make sure service members receive the recognition that the nation appreciates their service, and for serving beyond their initial contract,” Hebert said. An outpouring of support for service members to receive money they’re

FEBRUARY 25, 2011



Police Blotter
The following entries were excerpted from the police blotters the previous week. These entries may be incomplete and do not imply guilt or innocence. USAG Red Cloud Assault and Battery: Subjects 1 and 2 were involved in a verbal altercation which turned physical when Subject 1 pushed Subject 2 at USAG-Casey. Subject 2 sustained injuries consisting of a dislocated thumb and was transported to the hospital where he was treated and released. Subject 1 reported to the USAGCasey PMO and was processed and released to his unit. Subject 2 also reported to the USAGCasey PMO and was processed and released to his unit. USAG Yongsan Assault and Battery, Spouse Abuse: A husband and wife were involved in a verbal altercation which turned physical when the wife her husband several times with a closed fist in Hannam Village. The husband then pushed his wife causing her to fall onto a bed. They were both apprehended and transported to the USAGYongsan PMO where they were both processed and released. This is a final report. USAG Humphreys Underage drinking: During a command directed underage drinking check at the Pedestrian Gate, Subject 1 was identified as being under the legal age to consume alcohol and administered a portable breath test in which she tested positive for alcohol. Subject was transported to the USAG-Humphreys PMO where she was administered another PBT with a result of 0.147 percent blood-alcohol content. Due to her level of intoxication, she was processed and released to her unit with the instructions to report at a later time. After reporting she was processed. Investigation continues by Military Police. USAG Daegu Abusive Sexual Contact with a Child Under the Age of 16: Investigation revealed that Subject 1 observed her daughter behaving in a manner, which led her to believe that her daughter had possibly been sexually assaulted. When Subject 1 asked her daughter questions regarding her behavior, she responded that Subject 2 showed her how to perform the questionable behaviors and also performed them upon her. The daughter then demonstrated the manners and areas in which Subject 2 had touched her inappropriately. Subject 1 reported this to the military police. A medical examination of Subject 1’s daughter revealed no signs of trauma or injury. Subject 2 returned to the United States in January and a search for him is ongoing. Investigation continues.

This structure houses a special bell that was once used to notify the Korean people of the opening and closing times of Seoul’s City gates, and emergencies such as fire, during the Joseon period. It was originally built in 1396 A.D. It was frequently burned down and rebuilt due to mass fires and wars. When the city gates were opened in the morning the bell was struck 33 times, which symbolized the 33 cheon, or heaven of Buddhism. When the city gates were closed in the evening the bell was struck 28 times, which symbolized the 28 su, or location of the stars. The current bell, hung in the structure here was newly made and mounted in 1985. Bosingak has a great historical significance as the center of the Declaration of Independence in March 1919. — U.S. Army high dynamic range photo by Russell Wicke

Mass Communication of the Past

Bosingak Bell:

SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Off–post events and activities
Bongeunsa Temple Bongeunsa is a Buddhist temple founded in 794 during the Silla (one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea) period. The temple has more than 1,000 years of history and has many interesting historic and cultural features, including woodblock carvings of the Avatamsaka Sutra (Flower Garland Sutra). The temple is also a very popular tourist destination, offering various programs relating to traditional Korean Buddhist culture, in a variety of languages. Treasures of Bongeunsa Over its thousand-year history Bongeunsa has gathered many treasures. The Goryeo Cheongdongrueunhyangno (Bronze incense burner) is designated as Treasure of Korea No. 321. It was once a treasure of Bongeunsa and is now displayed in the museum of Dongguk University. The calligraphy on the Panjeon Hall’s hanging board is the work of Kim Jeong-hui, a scholar and famous calligrapher of the Joseon Dynasty. The calligraphy was the last piece of work by Kim Jeonghui, written three days before his death and it is highly praised for its purity and simplicity. Panjeon of Bongeunsa is the only building that escaped from a great fire in 1939 and holds more historical significance than any other building in Bongeunsa. It also stores valuable woodblock carvings of Buddhist sutras such as the Avatamsaka Sutra (Flower Garland Sutra). Tallest Buddha Statue in Korea The great statue of Maitreya Buddha, at 23 meters, is the tallest statue of Maitreya Buddha in Korea and has become the pride of Bongeunsa. The construction started in 1986 and took ten years to complete. The courtyard where the statue is located is used for various ceremonies and cultural events. Temple Stay Bongeunsa is more than a just temple. It provides a place to relax for busy city people and also gives people a chance to reflect upon themselves. The templestay program gives an opportunity to experience everyday life in the temple, which includes traditional Korean Buddhist culture and practices. Visitors can experience some simple Buddhist practices such as the daily dawn service, Korean Zen meditation, Dado (a tea drinking ceremony), and Balwoogongyang (a Buddhist meal with traditional bowls). There are two programs, an overnight program and a short program (2-5 hours). Every Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m., the temple life program is available for foreign visitors. The program includes a temple tour, lotus lantern making, Dado, and a chance to talk with a monk. All activities are conducted in English. Visitors can take part in this program without reservations and the fee is 10,000 Won. All participants receive a souvenir. For further information, call (+82) (0)2-3218-4895. Address: 73 Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Website: (English) Hours of Operation - The opening hours vary depending on what Buddhist ceremonies are going on, as well as the temple schedule. Subway - Line 7 Cheongdam Stn. 150 meters towards Kyunggi High School from Exit 2 - Line 2 Samseong Stn. 100 m towards ASEM Tower from Exit 6

Source:;,, — No endorsement implied.




Humphreys’ brass aims to meet important needs
By Col. Joseph P. Moore Humphreys Garrison Commander
In the past, the Health Promotion, Risk Reduction and Suicide Prevention councils met each quarter, at separate meetings, to provide our military leadership, community members and other USAG Humphreys stakeholders with valuable information. In an effort to streamline these councils, we tried something different this month; we consolidated them. We did that to emphasize the importance of these critical topics while giving commanders and senior non-commissioned officers the opportunity to see the interdependencies of these forums. The newly formed Health Promotion, Risk Reduction and Suicide Prevention (HPRRSP) council convened this month and its purpose is to support the overall mission readiness and organizational performance of installation personnel at the individual, organizational and community levels. Our objectives include the dissemination of important statistical data, discussions of trends in the Army, and a continuing in-depth presentation of the resources available to all unit leaders for taking the discussion of health promotion to a higher level. Providing resources is only part of the equation. Connecting people who need those resources with those who provide them is vital to education and open discussion. Too often we discover people with un-met needs who simply do not know where to turn for help. We want to empower our leaders with information they can use it to guide those in need to the right resource. The council oversees the installation Health Promotion, Suicide Prevention and Risk Reduction programs, and is comprised of the following functional areas: -Health education and Health promotion processes and interventions to raise individual and community awareness to achieve optimal physical wellness.

— Col. Joseph P. Moore —
-Identifies high risk behavior, provides command consultations, recommends prevention and intervention strategies, and evaluates and refines program effectiveness. -Tracks the installation Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) and Ask, Care, Escort (ACE) training and integrates suicide prevention into community, Family and Soldier support programs. Tobacco Cessation and other Health Promotion classes, nutritional and STD prevention tips, Risk Reduction information, intervention coordination, as well as suicide prevention tools and initiatives, are just a few of the topics covered by the HPRRSP. The HPRRSP also provides a venue for the exchange of information and council members are afforded an opportunity to share lessons learned, ask program directors specific questions and receive awareness tools. This council is just one of the ways the garrison strives to support and strengthen the resilience and balance of Soldiers, Families, and Civilians to sustain physical, emotional, social and family needs. x

FEBRUARY 25, 2011



Blackfoot recognized, 180 days incident free
Soldiers with 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment unload ammunition from a Multiple Launch Rocket System during “Rocket Stakes” held on Camp Casey, Feb. 8.

‘On the Minute’ Soldiers take on Rocket Stakes
Story and photos by Pvt. Choi Jung-hwan 2nd Infantry Division Public Affairs
CAMP CASEY – Soldiers with 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment engaged in the annual “Rocket Stakes” to stay “On the Minute,” on Camp Casey Jan. 31-Feb. 10. “Rocket Stakes is training in which each section is evaluated on their fundamental war-fighting skills,” said Staff Sgt. Jonathan King, B Battery, 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Fires Brigade. Key tasks included conducting fire mission processing of the full Multiple Launch Rocket System family of munitions; establishing and maintaining communications; conducting Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear operations; handling ammunition; and reacting to contact. The first two days of Rocket Stakes included Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services, tactical moves, a ruck march, and a written test. During the following three days, each unit engaged in different events. In the first event, platoon operation centers were evaluated on their fire mission processing, ammunition management between two reload points, and battle tracking. On the second event, ammo section Soldiers were evaluated on administrative, practical upload and download. Finally, the third event evaluated launcher crews on masking data, reloading operations, processing a fire mission, followed by CBRN operations during fire-mission processing. “The training is to certify crews for wartime operations,” said King, a Lawton, Okla. native. “This is the kind of training that will ensure our skills and ready our crews. Since the Soldiers

Soldiers with 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment put on their training equipment during the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear operations portion of “Rocket Stakes” held on Camp Casey, Feb 8.
were very well prepared, there was not much difficulty in preparing or conducting exercises.” Athens, Ga. native, Pvt. Steve D. Ransom, with B Btry., 6-37th FA, said he felt confident in the training. “I felt very comfortable with the exercises since we spent the last two weeks mainly focusing on preparation and training for this event,” he said. “Our crew is really well tied together and prepared that even when there was a sudden change in schedule, we were good to go.” Ransom added, “Not only did this event evaluate the skills and readiness of crews, but it also was a great opportunity to learn a lot of new techniques and skills that would well prepare us for real combat situations.” But Soldiers left the competition with more than confidence and knowledge about their jobs. “(Members of) the winning section were awarded with the Army Achievement Medal, a three-day weekend pass, and the battalion coin,” said Maj. Raymond Johnson, Jr., the 6-37th FA battalion operations officer. “This kind of competition gives Soldiers a morale boost and helps bring new members and crews together as a team.” Richmond, Va. native, Johnson concluded, “All and all, the whole purpose of this evaluation was to train, to build spirit-de-corps, and to be ready to ‘Fight Tonight.’” x




News & Notes
Matinee The Camp Red Cloud Movie Theater will show a matinee movie, “Yogi Bear,” at 3 p.m., Feb. 26. Texas Hold ‘Em Camp Stanley’s Reggie’s has discontinued Texas Hold ‘Em every Saturday. Hip-Hop Marathon Child, Youth and School Service in partnership with Youth Sports and Fitness will host a hip-hop marathon in Camp Casey’s Community Activity Center Feb. 25. It will be for grades 1-5 from 4-5 p.m. and grades 6-12 from 5:30-7 p.m. The EDGE! Framework provides the Army’s CYSS extracurricular enrichment options in Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation program setting for kids of military and Defense Department civilians. For more information, call 730-3628 or 732-9141. Needs Assessment The triennial U.S. Army Garrison Red Cloud needs assessment for fiscal year 2011 can be taken by visiting www. Camp_Casey. The deadline is March 31. For more information, call 732-7779. Off Post Housing Briefing All Defense Department military and civilian employees who will live off post are required to attend a briefing in the Camp Red Cloud Community One Stop, bldg. 267, or Camp Casey’s Maude Hall, bldg. 2440. The briefings will be given Monday through Thursday from 8:309:30 a.m. and 1:30-2:30 p.m. The required documentation to procure off post housing will be provided at that time. For more information, call 7730-3913 or 732-7824/9142. Exchange Facilities Hours Expand The Camp Red Cloud Filling Station, bldg. 719, has changed its hours to 10 a.m.-6 p.m. daily. It is closed from 1:30-2:30 p.m. for lunch (732-6420). The Camp Hovey Military Clothing Sales Store, bldg. 3814, will be open from noon-6 p.m., Monday through Saturday and closed on Sunday (730-5179). The Camp Casey Self-Service Supply Center, bldg. 478A, will be open from 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (730-1356). The Dragon Valley Post Exchange, bldg. 1029, will be open from 3-9 p.m., Monday through Friday (730-4872). The Camp Stanley Military Clothing Sales Store, bldg. 2301, will be open from 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m., daily (732-5856).

Kyong Turner, Spouse Master Resiliency Training instructor and outreach coordinator for U.S. Army Garrison Red Cloud Army Community Service, talks to the class about thinking positive during the first course offered for spouses in Warrior Country at Camp Stanley’s Pear Blossom Family Outreach Center, Feb. 11. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Mardicio Barrot

Spouses learn to tackle adversity
By Pfc. Mardicio Barrot USAG Red Cloud Public Affairs
CAMP STANLEY — Seven military spouses here became the first in Warrior Country to learn about bouncing back from adversity in their lives when they entered the Spouse Master Resiliency Training Course at the Pear Blossom Family Outreach Center here, Feb. 11. “It’s great that we have this course to show us how to deal with different trials and tribulations that we may face on a day to day basis,” said Sarah Nehus, wife of 2nd Lt. Ryan Nehus, Company B, 304th Signal Battalion. Sarah said being a military spouse can “be very stressful at times” and she learned that their first year of marriage when Ryan deployed to Afghanistan. “That was not only stressful on him being deployed away from his family, but on me as well having to miss him, worry about him, and take care of home by myself,” she said. “It takes a lot of resiliency to get past that.” Sarah said they made a conscious decision to volunteer for duty in South Korea so they would have some time together. SMRT is a two-month program with four modules that cover understanding resilience, building mental toughness, building character strength, and building a strong relationship with communication and competencies. “This class provides the spouses with the tools to know what to do to bounce back from adversity,” said Annette Mandley, course instructor and family advocacy specialist for U.S. Army Garrison Red Cloud Army Community Service. The first portion of module one allowed the spouses to openly express positive things that are happening in their lives. “People tend to view negative things in their lives more often and will end up stressing over those situations,” said Kyong Turner, course instructor and outreach coordinator USAG Red Cloud ACS. “When you think about positive situations you are more likely to have a positive outlook on life.”

Spouses said even little things that are positive have made a difference in their attitude. “My dog pooped and peed on the puppy pad for the first time today,” Nehus said. “It made me feel good because that is one less thing I have to worry about and thinking about it can knock away some of the other little negative thoughts.” “Resiliency is about bouncing back and combating negativity,” Mandley said. “The spouses do that already just by being a part of an Army family. So this is just another tool to add to their tool box so that they can combat the negative thoughts and ideas that we as humans tend to latch on to.” Mandley said the intent is to help spouse move forward, see things in a positive light and help them identify their strengths so they can help others. The first SMRT course is held at the Camp Stanley PBFOC from Feb. 11-Mar. 21. Additional courses will be offered at Camp Casey April 5-May 26 and June 7-July 24. For more information, call 730-3107. x

New welcome center opens for Joint Security Area
By 1st Lt. Greg Gifford United Nations Command Security Battalion-Joint Security Area Public Affairs
CAMP BONIFAS — A new stateof-the-art Joint Security Area Visitor Center opened here Feb. 9 just south of the Korean Demilitarized Zone. Many distinguished civilian and military leaders attended the opening ceremony, along with delegates from the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission. The United Nations Command Security Battalion-Joint Security Area was represented by Battalion Executive Officer Maj. Kevin Zammert. The new facility replaced the aging Ballinger Hall on Camp Bonifas as the location where every tour going into the DMZ begins. The center features an expanded auditorium, a separate VIP briefing room and a gift shop. It also has a museum quality exhibition hall that displays the dynamic history of the UNC Security Battalion and the Korean DMZ. x

A new state-of-the-art Joint Security Area Visitor Center opened just south of the Korean Demilitarized Zone Feb. 9. — U.S. Army photo by 1st Lt. Greg Gifford, United Nations Command Security Battalion-Joint Security Area Public Affairs

FEBRUARY 25, 2011

By Master Sgt. Robert Timmons 2nd Infantry Division Public Affairs

USAG RED CLOUD Allies remember Jipyeong-ri victory
Battalion was hemmed in by roughly 25,000 Chinese Communist Forces around Jipyeong-ri. United Nations Forces had previously retreated in the face of the CCF instead of getting cut off, but this time they stood and fought. “A relatively small force of 5,600 allied Soldiers of the 23rd Regimental Combat Team and a partnering French Army Battalion under the command of Col. Paul L. Freeman formed a defensive perimeter on this ground in February of 1951,” said Maj. Gen. Michael S. Tucker, the 2nd ID commander. “Jipyeong-ri was an important transportation and communication hub, and therefore very prominent on the list of enemy targets.” U.N. Forces were outnumbered but fought hard, Tucker added. “All told, the allies fought at odds of roughly 15 to one,” he said. “For two horrific, bloody, frigid nights, the American and French Soldiers held against impossible odds.” On the third day, units of the 5th Cavalry Regiment punched a hole in the Chinese lines relieving the 23rd RCT. “French, U.S., and ROK Soldiers achieved glorious victory here in Jipyeong-ri,” said Col. Eric Jouin, the French Embassy’s Defense Attaché. “Jipyeong-ri has a lot of meaning to the French Force. At this place, the French Battalion joined 2nd Infantry Division, which was born in France in 1917 and fought there during World War I and II.”


JIPYEONG-RI – With the battlefield silent for 60 years, and the fighting positions nearly overgrown by the country’s economic growth, Korean, American and French military leaders paid homage to the Servicemembers who fought in a key victory during the Korean War – the Battle of Jipyeong-ri (Chipyong-ni). The Republic of Korea government, 2nd Infantry Division, the ROK Army 20th Mechanized Division and the French Military Attaché, commemorated the 60th Anniversary of the Battle of Jipyeong-ri during a ceremony in Jipyeong-ri, South Korea, Feb. 15. “I would like to thank every one of you for being here,” said Korean Maj. Gen. Na Sang-woong, 20th Mech. Div. commander during the ceremony. “I would like to offer sincere respect for those who sacrificed and dedicated their lives here in Jipyeong-ri. We are able to stand here because of your sacrifice. I would like to show my deepest gratitude for those who fought for people they never saw and never knew.” The battle, sometimes known as the Gettysburg of the Korean War, saw vastly outnumbered Korean, American and French forces defeat a numerically superior Chinese force in hard fighting. Surrounded on all sides, the Warrior Division’s 23rd Regimental Combat Team with an attached French

French Col. Eric Jouin, the French Embassy’s Defense Attaché, speaks during a ceremony to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Battle of the Chipyong-ni, Feb. 15. — U.S. Army photo by Yu Hu-son, 2nd ID Public Affairs
Jouin added that the battle also held special significance because the French Battalion’s commander, Lt. Gen. Monclar, “composed a company with Korean soldiers here in Jipyeongri to support French and U.S. Army and took two ROKA officers who fought in the Jipyeong-ri Battle to the French Military Academy, which first started the military cooperation between Korea and France.” The victory is considered so decisive that the Chinese began peace overtures soon after. Tucker, Na and Jouin also laid wreathes at the memorial, which is split into three portions—Korean, American and French. x

Air Force rules Warrior Country wrestling
CAMP STANLEY – Brad Boston, Echo Battery, 6th Battalion, 52nd Air and Missile Defense Regiment, pins Williams Stull, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, to win the 185-pound championship match during the 2011 Warrior Country Wrestling Invitational at the fitness center here, Feb. 12. Right, Darek Gorring, 604th Air Support Operations Squadron, Camp Red Cloud, prepares to take down XZavier Gray, 51st Security Forces Squadron, Osan Air Base, during the 163-pound championship match that he won with a fall. Other champions were Robert Deibert, Bravo Battery, 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 145; Ryan Kane, 604th ASOS, 211.5; and Jacob Lillich, 604th ASOS, 264.5. — Courtesy photos by Jeffrey Rivers




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FEBRUARY 25, 2011

Nurse Corps celebrates 110th anniversary
By Sgt Opal Vaughn USAG Yongsan Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON - Two hundred and thirty-five years ago, the United States Army was established to defend our Nation. From the American Civil War to the current operations taking place around the world, the Army Nurse Corps has aided in the medical needs of the Army time and time again. This year marked the 110th anniversary of the establishment of the Army Nurse Corps, celebrated in style by the U.S. and Republic of Korea nurses alike at the Ministry National Defense Club, Republic of Korea, Feb. 11. “Both men and women have served as Army nurses since 1775, but the Army Nurse Corps did not become a part of the Army Medical Department until 1901,” said Lt. Col. Jeanne Larson, reciting the history of the Corps. “The distinguished contributions of female contract nurses during and following the 1898 Spanish American War became the justification and demonstrated the need for a permanent nurse corps.” “During the Korean War, Army nurses served in the combat theater very close to the extremely fluid front lines of war,” Larson continued. “On June 25, 1950, Capt. Viola McConnell was the only Army nurse on duty in Korea. She escorted nearly 700 American evacuees, from besieged Seoul to Japan aboard the Norwegian freighter Rheinhold. On July 5, 1950, 57 Army nurses arrived in Pusan, Korea. During the first year of the Korean conflict, the strength of the Army Nurse Corps increased from 3,460 to 5,397. Throughout the Korean peninsula, Army Nurse Corps officers work side by side with ROK officers demonstrating the courage to connect, courage to care and courage to change. Guest speakers included ROK Brig. Gen. Haegyung Shin, Superintendent Armed Forces Nursing Academy as well as Retired Brig. Gen. William Bester, 21st Chief of the Army Nurse Corps and Assistant Surgeon General for Force Protection and



Retired Brig. Gen. William Bester (center right) and Republic of Korea Brig. Gen. Haegyung Shin (center left) assisted by two Nurse Corps officers cut a cake to celebrate the Army Nurse Corps’ 110th Anniversary Feb. 11 at the Ministry National Defense Club, Republic of Korea. - U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Opal Vaughn
Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Health Policy and Services (2000-2002) and Commander of the Center for Health Promotion and Preventative Medicine (2002-2004). “Garrison Yongsan is dedicated to developing a healthy, well-balanced, multi-skilled workforce,” said Garrison Commander Col. Bill Huber. “Our workforce is behind the scenes every day making sure our community runs properly. They do a tremendous job.” x [email protected]

u Scenes from the Nurse Corps!

BOSS bestows winter bliss to soldiers
By Sgt. Opal Vaughn USAG Yongsan Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON - Among the many great adventures available in Korea - and there are many if you seek them out - there are some, that simply leave you breathless. “Events like the BOSS Winter Fest give a lot of the Soldiers something different to experience,” said Korea Region BOSS Program Manager Shaun Ally. “A lot of them have skied or snowboarded before but this is a unique experience because they’re able to come out and really enjoy the mountain. It gives them a different perspective and also being in Korea it’s tough for a lot of single Soldiers to get out and get around, it’s difficult for them to speak the language and really get information.” “More importantly, the price that we’re offering is 60 percent less than most tour companies so that makes it so much more affordable for them to do. We had a great turn out for this,” said Ally. “I just want to thank the Soldiers for taking advantage of this and supporting the BOSS program because this is one of our biggest trips and it went well.” Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers provided that opportunity for Soldiers to seek their own adventure with their BOSS Winter Fest, an all inclusive (minus food and miscellaneous expenses) three day and two night stay at Oak Valley Ski Resort Feb. 19-21. “Well, I had a lot of fun this weekend,” said novice skier Spc. Jonathan Zaritz, Company D, 2-2 Assault from K-16. “I fell down a whole bunch of times and busted my… I’m pretty black and blue all over.” Not only were Soldiers able to traverse the moun— See BOSS, Page 12 —

Soldiers pose with their snowboards during the night under the blaze of spotlights as part of the Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers sponsored trip to Oak Valley Ski Resort Feb. 19-21. - U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Opal Vaughn


By Melody Francis Director, Parent and Outreach Services, and Child, Youth and School Services
YONGSAN GARRISON -The Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT), the nation’s largest touring children’s theatre, has been touring extensively for 37 years now from Montana to Japan, and will visit nearly 1,300 communities this year with up to 45 teams of Tour Actor or Directors. A tour team arrives in a given town with a set, lights, costumes, props and make-up, everything it takes to put on a play, except the cast. The team holds an open audition and casts 5060 local students to perform in the production. The show is rehearsed throughout the week and two public performances are presented on Saturday. All MCT shows are original adaptations of classic children’s stories and fairytales, a twist on the classic stories that you know and love. Also included in the residency are three enrichment workshops presented by the Tour Actor or Directors. Creativity, social skills, goal achievement, communication skills and selfesteem are all characteristics that are attained through the participation in this unique, educational project. MCT’s mission is the development of lifeskills in children through participation in the performing arts. The Missoula Children’s Theatre is based in Missoula, Montana, and also runs many local programs. These in-


News & Notes
K16 Shuttle Schedule Chnage Starting February 22, the 5:30 a.m. bus departing K16 will no longer run. Instead, a bus will depart K16 at 7:30 a.m. on weekdays only (excluding U.S. and training holidays). Yongsan Retiree Council The USAG Yongsan Retiree Council would like to invite all Military Retirees, their spouse and Retired Widow by attending a monthly meeting on the second Thursday of the month at the USAG Yongsan Headquarter Conference Room in Bldg. 4305. Let your voice be heard, your ideas come to life by showing up and providing input to the Garrison Commander and his staff, on how to improve the quality of life for Military Retirees in Area 2, and maybe elsewhere in Korea. CYSS is looking for you Want to earn a little extra income while helping children? Then CYSS is looking for you! We are currently recruiting for a Lead Teacher (CYPA CC-1702-02 Level 5). This position pays $1317 an hour and requires a Child Development Associate credential or 12 hours of education in early or elementary education. We are also recruiting for a Functional Technology Specialist (NF-30304), which pays $40-50,000 a year. Want to work from home? We are looking for Family Child Care (FCC) Providers. Earn $2640,000 a year while staying at home and building a long-lasting and portable career. For more information, call 738-3406. CYSS benefits include tuition assistance and employee discounts of up to 50%. Applicants must go to to apply. Local or worldwide applicants are welcome. AFSC Scholarships The AFSC is proud to support hardworking students in our community! This year we have expanded eligibility requirements so that the student or parent does NOT have to be a member of the AFSC to receive a scholarship! If you are in Area I or an USAG Yongsan resident and a ration card holder, or are a dependent of an Area I or USAG Yongsan ration card holder, you are eligible to apply! Applications are available online at and must be returned to the Chosun Gift Shop by March 5, 2011 Healthcare Advisory Council Please join us the 3rd Wednesday of every month to discuss how we can improve health care. The meeting is held at Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital Command Conference Room. For information, call 737-3045.
For a complete list of community information news and notes, visit the USAG Yongsan Facebook page at

Missoula Children’s Theatre seeks talent for “Jungle Book” production

The Missoula Children’s Theatre will be auditioning for “The Jungle Book” in Yongsan Mar. 28 at the Seoul American High School Auditorium. - Courtesy Photo
clude musical theatre day camps and performing arts classes for local children, a summer residency Performing Arts Camp for students from around the world and the MCT Community Theatre which creates an arena for local talent of all ages to participate in large-scale productions and attracts — See MISSOULA, Page 12 —

SAMS honors students’ academic achievements
By Sgt. Opal Vaughn USAG Yongsan Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON - Students at Seoul American Middle School are putting their best foot forward by achieving high honors. Over 60 eighth grade students maintained grade point averages of 3.0 or higher to achieve academic excellence. “It seems like just yesterday we were all here anticipating the minute we would get to walk across the stage and show all our parents and family the hard work we’ve put into this quarter,” said SAMS Student Council Vice-President Jordan Burstion. “We need to start questioning our actions and our decisions,” she looked out among the crowd. “Students, ask yourself this, ‘last Friday night did I make a mature decision to stay home to prepare for my math test or did I take the easy road?’ I said it last year and I will say it again this year - fifteen minutes a day keeps the F’s away. It’s not just spending the 15 minutes to get that A or B but keeping the designated time to plan ahead of schedule can do no harm. Also to uproot ourselves from our Xbox’s, logging ourselves out of Facebook will decrease the amount of stress in our busy lives. Lastly, take pride in your education.” Their efforts were recognized Feb. 14 at Seoul American High School auditorium during the SAMS 8th Grade 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Awards ceremony. Each student received a certificate of appreciation. “Already time has flown leaving memories both good and bad,” said SAMS Student Council President Avery Evans in a speech to her peers.” Each of our paths will contain obstacles that we can overcome together. Let us not lose our footing but strive into our lives with confidence and triumph so that we as a school can be successful. By reflecting on your past, planning for the future and working for today, we can all be victorious.” — See SAMS, Page 12 —

Seoul American Middle School Student Council Vice-President Jordan Burstion gives a speech during the Seoul American Middle School 8th Grade 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Awards ceremony, Garrison Yongsan, Feb. 14. - U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Opal Vaughn

FEBRUARY 25, 2011



The use of mobile devices
By Cpl. Choe Yong-joon USAG Yongsan Public Affairs
If you have a smartphone, iTouch, or similar mobile device what do you use it for mainly? Entertainment, information, communication? If you could get command information at the touch of a screen, would you? Find out what more than 6,900 Yongsan community members are talking about by becoming a USAG Yongsan Facebook Fan at facebook. com/youryongsan! (Comments are kept in their original form)

Geri Fortner
Facebook Fan

Garrison Commander Col. Bill Huber and Republic of Korea 218th Regiment Commander Col. Ryu Yong-Geol stand together to emphasize safety and strength during a meeting, Feb. 15. - U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Opal Vaughn
Checking personal email, Facebook, exchange rates, temperature, Korean translator, assistance with Korean restaurant food, send and receive text messages, calendar appointments and sometimes for phone calls. Yes I would love to receive Command announcements on my iPhone.

Yongsan Command, ROKA strengthen safety
By Sgt. Opal Vaughn USAG Yongsan Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON - Garrison Commander Col. Bill Huber and Command Staff collaborated with Republic of Korea 218th Regiment Commander Col. Ryu Yong-Geol and his staff to emphasize safety and strength during a meeting, Feb. 15. “Garrison Yongsan proactively and aggressively ensures a safe and secure workplace and home for Soldiers, Families, and Civilians by making safety everyone’s responsibility,” said Garrison Commander Col. Bill Huber. “At Garrison Yongsan, we put safety first. That means looking out for family and friends, planning

Laura Mcbride
Facebook Fan

I took a picture of the bus schedule and saved it on my phone. Sometimes it’s hard to access the USAG Yongsan page from the facebook apps, so perhaps just a general Yongsan app that all different areas can be reached within? It could include phone numbers, road conditions, weather, etc

ahead, and developing situational awareness.” The Garrison has been doing diligent, deliberate planning and preparation for the possibilities of an attack on South Korea. Working hand in hand, ROK and U.S. Forces stand together as one to employ these safe measures to protect the community as well as the country. “Garrison leaders, take advantage of the Army safety programs and tools incorporating composite risk management into your Soldiers’ and employees’ thought processes,” said Huber. “Let us maintain vigilance, continue to maintain and exceed the standards of safety. That is something we can all accomplish.” x [email protected]

Taylor Swift’s fans enjoy the preconcert party, Feb. 11

Jennifer Kotz McWhirt
Facebook Fan

I would love a weather app for all the different bases here in Korea. One that would give up to date weather forecasts throughout the day!

Grant Farrell
Facebook Fan

I realize that alot of people in the Army are trying to incorporate smart phones into the soldier package to provide real time information, but unfortunatley, a large percentage of the Army is not trained on proper COMSEC or OPSEC regulations and possess little knowledge of what a malicious bit of code downloaded to a smart phone can do or what information sent over a phone can be sniffed out. A smart phone could be a great tool, but there is much improvement that would need to be done before I would put it in the hands of troops.

A group of Taylor Swift’s fans pose with a welcome poster during the pre-concert party at the Main Post Club, Feb. 11. — Courtesy photo by Myrna Loge See yourself in the Morning Calm when you become a USAG Yongsan Facebook Fan. Just post your travel photos to our page with a quick description covering who, what, when, where and why and we’ll see you in the paper. Your Yongsasn PAO team


from Page 9


tain with their choice in skiing or snowboarding, but the resort also offered an indoor pool, spa, golf course, bowling and various restaurants to please the palate. “This is the Oak Valley Resort,” smiled Area II and K-16 BOSS Coordinator Spc. Julius Amory. “You’re skiing, you’re snowboarding, you’re swimming, going to spas, lifting weights, eating food and hanging out with good people. Events like this gives Soldiers an opportunity do things they’ve never done. It takes them away from the stressful environment we work in and it just gives us opportunities. What

I want to know is can we do it again? That’s what I would do. I would do it again. How about next week?” BOSS is yet another way the Garrison is taking care of its Servicemembers and the community. “Garrison Yongsan and the Installation Management Community supports all Soldiers, Families and Army Civilians with quality programs and safe communities that meet their needs,” said Garrison Commander Col. Bill Huber. “We are keeping our promise to make Yongsan a place where community members can thrive.” x [email protected]
from Page 10

The ceremony also recognized SAMS Students of the Quarter. The program was established with the purpose of recognizing and honoring individual students who have excelled in the area of academics, leadership and community service for all grades. “Garrison Yongsan and the Installation Management Command will ensure families are prepared and sup-

ported throughout their tours here in Korea,” said Garrison Commander Col. Bill Huber. “That is my promise to the community.” Students of the Quarter include: * Jacob Garcia * Addison Heckerl * Yujin Myers * Louis Pak x [email protected]
from Page 10

audiences from western Montana. For students interested in a career in the performing arts, MCT has developed Next Step Prep—The Academy for Musical Theatre—providing high school students an affordable opportunity to train and study with well-known professionals in the field of music, dance and acting to prepare for college. For information, email [email protected]. The Missoula Children’s Theatre will be auditioning for ‘The Jungle Book’ in Yongsan on March 28, from 3 - 5 p.m. at the Seoul American High School auditorium. Sign-ups for audition times will begin March 1 at CYSS Parent Central at the ACS Building (bldg 4106, room 121) between the

hours of 8 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday. Rehearsals will be daily March 28 - April 1, with performances on April 2 at 3 and 5:30 p.m. Children in kindergarten through 12th grade who are registered with Child, Youth and School Services are able to audition. To register with Child, Youth and School Services, please visit the Parent Central Office. For more information call Melody Francis at 738-8122. For more information regarding the Missoula Children’s Theatre, please contact Missoula Children’s Theatre: 200 North Adams, Missoula, MT 59802 and 406-728-1911 with the website of and [email protected] x

FEBRUARY 25, 2011

NEWS Pets equal financial, physical commitment
Experts recommend cost inventory before acquiring animal companionship
By Lt. Col. Douglas S. Owens 129th Medical Detachment
YONGSAN GARRISON – Many Soldiers and families who arrive in Korea decide to lower stress and improve their sense of well-being through animal companionship. While the benefits of pet ownership are numerous, you must never underestimate the responsibilities that come with becoming a pet owner. So what should you know before becoming financially and, more importantly, emotionally invested in a pet? Pet ownership responsibilities include both financial and physical commitments in order to properly care for your pet. Most owners are surprised by the enormous cost of taking care of animals. Food, toys, accessories, veterinary care, and travel can amount to several hundred dollars every year. Veterinary care alone for either a dog or a cat cost on average $250 annually, with a $150-$300 one time neutering cost if you use a Veterinary Treatment Facility. Additional veterinary fees may occur as a result of selecting some breeds that are pre-disposed to certain medical conditions. In some cases, pet insurance is suggested for high risk breeds. Pets belonging to


Pet ownership requires not only a commitment in friendship, but also in finances. Be sure you are capable of supporting a pet before buying one. Food, toys, veterinary care, and travel are part of the expense. — U.S. Army photo by Spc. Rick Canfield
SOFA personnel are also required, under U.S. Forces Korea Regulation 40-5 and Command Policy Letter No. 49, to be micro chipped, at a cost of around $25. Micro chipping helps to ensure responsible pet ownership and is required to assist with identification during a non-combatant evacuation operation. When you PCS or there is a NEO event, you will be required to look after your pet’s travel needs. In the event of a NEO, you would be required to evacuate your pet in an approved airline carrier and have ready any medication and food needed for ten days. Single personnel need to have a pet care plan to ensure that their pets will be evacu-

ated off the peninsula and that a designated caregiver is at the pet’s final destination. When you PCS, a commercial airline fee can range from $700 for a small animal to $2,500 for a larger breed. In addition, you need to remember to coordinate your departure time to coincide with an airline’s restrictions on high and low temperature flying for animals. Not doing so during booking could delay your travel. The physical needs of a pet vary depending on the type of pet. Pets in general need exercise, walks for potty breaks or litter box, and grooming to reduce shedding and smell. You must be willing to modify your lifestyle to allow time to care for your pet each day. Keep in mind that litter boxes require space and that large dogs need room to roam in the house. Before you get a pet in Korea, keep these tips in mind and do some research. The truth is that pets can truly be a blessing in life, and they are not disposable. If you are not able to ensure a full and lasting commitment to your pet for the duration of its life, then I recommend you consider volunteering or pet sitting for someone going out of town rather than pet ownership. After you chose your new pet, remember to register at your local VTF and schedule a physical to make sure your pet is off to a healthy start. For more information on pet ownership or requirements, contact your local Veterinary Treatment Facility. x


Korea-based medical team deploys for Cobra Gold
Maj. Donald Little 8th Army Public Affairs
BANGKOK, Thailand — Seven U.S. service members from 8th Army’s 65th Medical Brigade participated in the 30th Operation Cobra Gold this month in various locations throughout Thailand. Cobra Gold, the largest land-based joint multinational operation of its kind in the world, is designed to train and test the interoperability of military forces in a crisis response. The Cobra Gold exercise is conducted in three parts: a combined, multinational staff planning exercise, a force-on-force field training exercise and a humanitarian exercise. The medical and dental personnel are performing alongside their Republic of Korea counterparts in the Medical Civil Action Program, or MEDCAP, providing basic medical, pediatric, dental, optometric, veterinary and pharmaceutical care to residents of a number of remote towns. The MEDCAP team involves around 80 personnel. Medical practitioners from Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Japan are also participating. Eighth Army Command Surgeon, Col. Ronald Smith, recently returned from a visit to the team. He said some parts of Thailand benefit greatly



Army Reserve website links unemployed vets, spouses to jobs
By Terri Moon Cronk American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON — Unemployed veterans, wounded warriors, reservecomponent service members and their spouses searching for jobs can find one-stop shopping at a Web portal designed just for them. Operated by the Army Reserve, the military-friendly Employee Partnership of the Armed Forces at www. lends assistance not only to those looking for a job, but also to public and private employers who are ready to hire former service members and help to support the troops, said Maj. Gen. Keith L. Thurgood, deputy chief of the Army Reserve. “It’s all about connecting supply and demand,” Thurgood said. Employers are attracted to veterans because they are highly skilled leaders from the finely tuned military atmosphere, the general explained. “That’s the crux of the program,” Thurgood said. “It’s a mutually beneficial program where the employer gets someone who’s drug-free, understands collaboration, [and] can think strategically and act at a tactical level to get the job done.” Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is a longtime advocate of hiring veterans. “Veterans bring a maturity. They bring leadership. They bring a life experience,” he said last year. “They bring a dedication they may not have had when they were 17, 18 or 19 years old, when they were coming out of high school or in the first couple years of college.” Thurgood said the portal, launched on Veterans Day, still is in its infancy, but already has 7,500 registered users. “We’ve got over 1,300 [employers with job openings], including 95 Fortune 500 companies,” he said. While many job websites exist on the Internet, Thurgood said, veterans should know EmployerPartnership. org offers a personal touch, such as a resume-building feature that translates military language into civilian terms. Deciphering “military speak” is a common concern for human resources people in the corporate world, the general added. “We take [a military specialty] and translate it into something an HR professional can understand,” he said. “That’s a very important piece of what we do.” And it’s not just about the military, Thurgood said. “It’s about a national program we need to put in place to share this great resource that we call people, because if you look at the unemployment rate, and the demographic of 18-to-24-year-

Lt. Col. Matthew Rice, 65th Medical Brigade, examines a Thai patient as part of 8th Army’s participation in Operation Cobra Gold. — U.S. Army photo by Col. Ronald Smith

from this program. “Thai healthcare has seen a tremendous upswing, through improvements in the National Health Insurance program, advances within the large medical centers to bring them in line with world class standards, and establishment of a robust medical tourism initiative,” said Smith. “However, care in the more remote areas still lags, providing ample opportunity to provide needed services through MEDCAP activities.” Smith said that more than 1,000 people of all ages were served on the second day of activity, held at a local school. He added that all the participants related great personal satisfaction in being able to make a difference in the lives of so many, particularly the children. He also noted how quickly this multinational team of professionals has bonded. “This team has formed relationships that will endure across borders and time,” said Smith. “It is mutually beneficial for friends and allies to train together to improve interoperability and build friendly cooperative relations,” Smith added. “Multinational responses to regional contingencies are likely to be the norm in the future.” This year, the Humanitarian Civic Assistance Projects included eight engineering projects and nine medical assistance activities. x

olds, and then break that down into veterans, it’s higher than the national average.” And sometimes, he added, the rate of unemployment among veterans is twice of the rate among civilians. “We have ability to reach out to you personally to help you get your resume right, help you through the interview process, and make the right connections with employers,” the general said. “The personal touch is something we provide that nobody else does.”

The portal also has advice for veterans who want to start a business, Thurgood noted, offering training that explains how to become a smarter business person and entrepreneur. “It’s free, it’s easy, and it’s a great way for us to connect the great skill sets that we bring to corporate America,” he said. “In my opinion, our great military does two things well: it delivers results and grows leaders. That’s exactly what America needs.” x

Children learn about inventor of stoplight in honor of African-American History Month
By Sgt. Megan Garcia 8th Army Band Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON — Children from the Yongsan community gathered at the Yongsan Library Feb. 15 for story time, coloring and games in recognition of African-American History Month. The event, which was hosted by the Eighth Army Special Troops Battalion-Korea Equal Opportunity Advisor Sgt. 1st Class Willie Royal, focused on the history of African-American inventors placing special emphasis on Garrett A. Morgan, the inventor of the stoplight. Master Sgt. Rosalba Chambers , U.S. Forces Korea surgeon’s cell office plans and operations noncommissioned officer, enthusiastically read the story of Morgan to the children showing the children pictures of Morgan and the earliest version of the stoplight dating back to the early 1900s. “It’s important they learn about prominent African-Americans,” said Rosalba. “I feel it’s my duty to show them how important the culture is.” Cymberly Porter said she brought her children to the event because it was important for her children to learn the different aspects of African-American history. “I wanted my kids to know a different aspect of African-American culture aside from what they usually hear,” said Porter. “I wanted them to know about the other contributions of African-Americans outside of just the prominent political figures they hear about such as Martin Luther King. I’m glad this information was presented to them.” Following the reading, the children colored stoplights and played red light-green light. Morgan is also credited with inventing the earliest version of the gas mask which was later refined for first use by the U.S. Army in World War I. x

FEBRUARY 25, 2011

Area II Worship Schedule
Worship Services


Area I Worship Schedule
Worship Services
Collective Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Gospel Sunday Casey Stanley Chapel COGIC Sunday KATUSA Sunday Tuesday Catholic Services/Mass Sunday Sunday Sunday 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. Stone Chapel Stanley Chapel West Casey Chapel Warrior Chapel Crusader Chapel Hovey Chapel Memorial Chapel, 12:30 p.m. Camp

Area III Worship Schedule
Worship Services

Area IV Worship Schedule
Worship Services

Liturgical Sunday Traditional Sunday Contemporary Sunday Sunday Sunday Nondenominational Sunday Gospel Sunday Mision Pentecostal Hispana Sunday United Pentecostal Sunday

8 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m.

Memorial Chapel Brian Allgood Hospital South Post Chapel K-16 Chapel Hannam Village Chapel South Post Chapel South Post Chapel South Post Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Brian Allgood Hospital Memorial Chapel

Collective Protestant Sunday Gospel Spanish Church of Christ ChapelNext

11 a.m. 1 p.m. 3 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m.

Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel

Collective Protestant Sunday Church of Christ Gospel Contemporary Wednesday Friday KATUSA Tuesday Tuesday Catholic Services Mass Sunday

10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Camp Carroll Camp Walker Camp Walker Camp Walker Camp Carroll Camp Walker Camp Carroll Camp Walker

Catholic Mass Sunday 9 a.m. M, W, T, F 11:45 a.m. Saturday 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. (youth) KATUSA Tuesday 6 p.m.

12:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m.

CRC Warrior Chapel CRC Warrior Chapel Camp Hovey Chapel



Seventh-Day Adventist Saturday Episcopal Sunday

9 a.m. 11:45 a.m.

Camp Walker Camp Carroll

9 a.m. 12 p.m. 9:30 a.m.

CRC Warrior Chapel West Casey Chapel Camp Hovey Chapel West Casey Chapel

Catholic Services Catholic Mass Saturday Sunday Sunday M, W, T, F 1st Sat. Jewish Friday 5 p.m. 8 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 9 a.m. 7 p.m. Memorial Chapel South Post Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel South Post Chapel

The Command Chaplain’s Office is here to perform, provide, or coordinate total religious support to the United Nations Command, U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth U.S. Army Servicemembers, their families and authorized civilians across the full spectrum of operations from armistice to war. Visit the U.S. Forces Korea Religious Support site at: for helpful links and information

Latter-day Saints Worship Sunday 4 p.m.

Korea-wide Army chaplain points of contact
USAG Yongsan Chaplains Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Jeffrey D. Hawkins: [email protected], 738-3009 Chaplain (Maj.) Terry E. Jarvis: [email protected], 738-4043 USAG-Humphreys Chaplains Chaplain (Maj.) John Chun: [email protected], 754-7274 Chaplain (Maj.) Anthony Flores: [email protected], 754-7042 USAG-Red Cloud Chaplains Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Suk Jong Lee: [email protected], 732-6169 Chaplain (Maj.) Alfred Grondski: [email protected], 732-6016 USAG Daegu Chaplains Chaplain (Maj.) Milton Johnson: [email protected], 764-5455 Chaplain (Capt.) Mike Jones: [email protected], 765-8991


Yongsan enjoys the cultural life of Seoul



Kids get ready to have a blast at Seoul Land with a military special price of 14,000 won for an all day free pass. - Courtesy photo by Kimberly Nagy

Members of 14th Military Police Detachment hit the slopes for President’s Day fun. Courtesy photo by Corrie Blackshear

Kids have indoor fun inside a jail at Lotte World - Courtesy photo by Duchesne Tolaram-Crawford

Travis family goes on a field trip to the Korean Independence Hall - Courtesy photo by Kiu Travis

Ivy Hoyle and her daughter are excited about the Taylor Swift concert Feb. 11 at Olympic Sport Stadium in Seoul. - Courtesy photo by Ivy Hoyle

FEBRUARY 25, 2011



Keeping the Promise

It’s about honoring our commitment to Soldiers and Families.
Visit to see what the Army Family Covenant can mean for you or someone you know.




IMCOM, 8th Army award outstanding public affairs work
The Keith L. Ware Journalism Awards is an annual competition that recognizes military and civilian-employee public affairs practitioners for journalistic excellence in furthering the objectives of the Army internal-information program. Only Korea-Region winners are listed for the Installation Management Command competition. However, all 8th Army competitors reside in Korea, and therefore all their winners are listed.

IMCOM winners:
Eighth Army Deputy Commanding General Maj. Gen. Robert J. Williamson speaks at his retirement ceremony Feb. 14 after serving honorably for 38 years. — U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Hong Yoon-ki
Tabloid format Newspapers: 3rd Place, Morning Calm Website: Third Place, USAG Daegu Outstanding Initiative in New Media: 1st Place, USAG Yongsan Feature Article: 1st Place, Sgt. Kim Jong-min, USAG Yongsan Sports Article: Honorable Mention, Sgt. Opal Vaughn, USAG Yongsan Story Series: 1st Place, Sgt. Opal Vaughn, USAG Yongsan Photojournalism: 2nd place, Cpl. Jang Bong-seok, USAG Daegu Honorable Mention, Sgt. Kim Hyungjoon, USAG Yongsan Photography: 1st Place, Spc. Rick Canfield, USAG Yongsan Tabloid format Newspapers: 1st Place, Indian Head, 2nd Infantry Division Website: 1st place, 8th Army 2nd place, 2nd Infantry Division Outstanding initiative in new media: 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command News Article: 1st place, Walter Ham 2nd place, Walter Ham 3rd place, Walter Ham Feature Article: 1st place, Walter Ham 2nd place, Sgt. Karla Elliot 3rd place, Walter Ham Sports article: 1st place, Walter Ham 2nd place, Cpl. Chae Ki-soo Story Series: 1st place, Master Sgt. Robert Timmons 2nd place, Walter Ham Photojournalism: 1st place, Timothy Oberle 2nd place, Sgt. 1st Class Michelle Johnson 3rd place, Sgt. 1st Class Michelle Johnson Photograph: 1st place, Sgt. Andrea Merritt 2nd place, Sgt. Karla Elliot 3rd place, Pfc. Robert Young Contribution by Stringer: 1st place, Sgt. Jung Ho-young 2nd place, Cpl. Lee Hyun-bae 3rd place, Pfc. Hong 8th Army Journalist of the Year: Walter Ham Television Information Program: 1st place, Sgt. 1st Class Michelle Johnson 2nd place, Sgt. 1st Class Michelle Johnson

8th Army general retires after 38 years
By Cpl. Hong Yoon-ki 8th Army Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON — Eighth Army Deputy Commanding General Maj. Gen. Robert J. Williamson was honored for 38 years of service during his retirement ceremony here at Collier Field House Feb. 14. Those who attended the ceremony were ROKU.S. Alliance leaders, including Gen. Jung Seung-jo, deputy commander of ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command and commander of the Ground Component Command; 8th Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. John D. Johnson; and Command Sgt. Maj. Robert A. Winzenried, United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth Army. The Eighth Army Band and United Nations Command Honor Guard participated in the ceremony. “During the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, together we have honored and upheld the proud legacy of the many people who have defended freedom here before us,” said Williamsons. “I am confident that the tradition of excellence here will continue after I depart, and I hope that I have contributed in some small way to our continued success.” Williamson also expressed his gratitude to U.S.

Soldiers and their Korean allies. “My greatest memories of my time in uniform will not be of the places I’ve traveled or the challenges I’ve faced but of the great people I’ve had the privilege of serving with,” said Williamson. “I’m honored and humbled to serve with you all in the great cause of defending freedom. I would like to thank each one of you personally for your service and for your contributions to our respective nations and to the cause of democracy.” Many awards were presented to the general, including the Distinguished Service Medal, a certificate from President Barack Obama, a certificate from U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey, a shell casing and a flag flown over the Korean Demilitarized Zone in honor of his retirement. The general’s wife, Darlene Williamson, received Dr. Mary E. Walker Award and the 8th Army Helping Hand Award in recognition of her many years of devoted support. The ceremony concluded with the retirement medley and the Army song. A reception followed the ceremony at the Dragon Hill Lodge. Williamson, a native of Tennessee, became the 8th Army Deputy Commander for Transformation on Feb. 3, 2008. He plans to return home to Tennessee. x

8th Army winners:

Leaders outline health care, Family services improvements
By Lisa Daniel American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON — The Defense Department has taken a number of recent steps to improve health care and family support services for military members, the department’s two top leaders told a Senate panel Feb. 17. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate Armed Services Committee about several areas of improvement during a hearing about the department’s fiscal 2012 budget. Gates said he has made quick implementation of the shift to electronic medical records for service members and veterans one of his top priorities. The issue is important enough, he said, that he and Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric K. Shinseki met one-on-one two weeks ago to discuss how to push the change faster. They will meet again in March and follow up with a staff meeting in April on the issue, he said. “I have found with these huge bureaucracies, whether it’s DOD or VA, that things don’t move very fast unless they get high-level attention,” he said. “We’re committed to getting fast progress on this. We’ve made a lot of progress, but it’s not fast enough.” Officials also have stabilized programs, particularly in mental health and family support services, by removing them from the supplemental war funding budget to the base budget, Gates said. In the past three years, he added, “we’ve moved virtually all of it to the base budget, so long after the war funding ends, we’ll still be able to sustain these programs.” The Defense Department has improved mental health services by hiring 6,000 mental health care workers since 2001, when the department had only about a thousand, Mullen said. Because of that and education and outreach campaigns, officials have a better understanding of problems like post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injuries, the chairman told the senators. “Early on, there was a great deal of focus on spouses in terms of their stress, but there’s been an increasing awareness and understanding to address the whole family, including kids,” he said, noting that today’s military children have had parents at war most of their lives. Public awareness campaigns such as the one President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama announced last month about the health of military families also go a long way in helping service members and their families, Gates said. The White House campaign “is a huge step forward in giving this visibility in a way we just haven’t had before,” he added. x

FEBRUARY 25, 2011






FEBRUARY 25, 2011

USAG HUMPHREYS Strike Zone bowlers roll 300 games
By Mike Mooney Area III FMWR Marketing Chief
HUMPHREYS GARRISON — The Strike Zone Bowling Center was the site of two 300 games just three weeks apart. Ben Minus became the first lefthander in Strike Zone history to attain perfection when he threw 12 straight strikes on Jan. 21. Then on Feb. 11, Karl Coffield matched Minus and recorded the seventh 300 game in Strike Zone history. Minus and Coffield rolled their perfect games in the Friday Night League and rolled them on the same pair of lanes, 11 and 12. “I’m not sure what’s going on,” said Rob Victorine, Strike Zone manager. “Minus is a lefty and Karl is a righty, so there’s no question that conditions are the same on both sides of the lane. It’s an interesting and exciting accomplishment. Throwing a 300 takes a combination of skill and luck. Every bowler knows about the solid seven or 10 pin, the ball that’s light in the pocket and all the other things that can go wrong. The perfect game is a great achievement in itself and I congratulate both of them.” Minus and Coffield will each receive a new bowling ball and the Area III Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation value book for their accomplishment. Both will also be added to the Strike Zone Wall of Fame. The Strike Zone will celebrate its seventh anniversary next month and for most of that time it has had a reputation as a tough house where it takes a perfect shot and more than a little luck


to score big. Others to throw a Strike Zone perfect game are Hans Schell, Kim Tong-sok, Bill Anderson, Brad Reeves, and Kim Chin-sun. x

Ben Minus shows the technique that yielded a 300 game during the Friday Night League at the Strike Zone on Humphreys Garrison. — U.S. Army photo by Jeff Hubbard

Karl Coffield knocks down pin after pin during the Friday Night league at the Strike Zone. Coffield bowled the seventh perfect game in Strike Zone history. — U.S. Army photo by Jeff Hubbard

OCS boards help determine future Army leadership
Preparation, focus key to taking the next step
By Staff Sgt. Robert People 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade Public Affairs
HUMPHREYS GARRISON — Specialist Richard A. Gifford, a clerk in the 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade personnel office, enjoys being a Soldier, but felt he needed more of a challenge. He wasn’t sure where he saw himself in the long term, but he felt that the Army was where he wanted to be. “I wanted to decide where the military fit for me first, because the military is like an investment,” Gifford said. “The job market is not that great now, so that’s something I had to consider. The military is guaranteed as long as you’re doing the right thing.” Gifford said that staying in the Army will help him to continue pursuing a master’s degree because of the Army’s 100 percent tuition assistance. However, he was still looking to push himself a little more. About six months ago, Chief Warrant Officer 2 Keisha L. Frazier, the 2nd CAB human resources technician, began speaking to Gifford about Officer Candidate School when she discovered that he had already earned his bachelor’s and is working toward his master’s. She was also looking to help prepare Gifford for the future. “I looked at his work ethic, how he takes care of Soldiers and I looked at him as an individual,” Frazier said. “I think he would make a great officer candidate.” Frazier has been appointed as the 2nd CAB local OCS board secretary for the next board scheduled for May 11 at 6 a.m. in the 2nd CAB conference room in Building 580. Each local board is scheduled to convene quarterly at the brigade or division level, based on the scheduled dates of the Human Resources Command OCS board, Frazier said. For potential applicants who are aware of the OCS requirements, Frazier said there are some key changes these Soldiers must be made aware of. These changes can be found in MILPER message 10-164 on “During the local OCS board, each candidate has to prepare a handwritten statement within the first hour of arrival, explaining why they want to become an Army officer,” Frazier said. She added that requests for waivers will not be accepted at this time, and the age limit for eligibility has been changed from 38 to 35. Many of these changes are due to HRC’s relocation in 2010. “The last OCS board that was held prior to this month’s scheduled board was in November 2009,” she said. “So in 2010, there were no OCS boards held because of the move from Virginia to Fort Knox, Ky. Now that a year has passed, that’s why there have been a lot of suspensions and the age requirements have changed, because they are looking for a younger force to lead Soldiers.” Potential applicants must also have a bachelor’s from an accredited college or university, she said. “Prior to this, we had Soldiers who could apply for OCS who had 90 credit hours or less, but that is no longer acceptable,” Frazier said. Each brigade or division must hold a local OCS board before applicants can submit their packet through their chain of command to HQDA/HRC, she said. The local boards must consist of three panel members. The board president must hold the rank of major or above and the remaining two members must hold the rank of captain or above. Frazier recommends that potential applicants review the Structured Local Board Interview form, or DA Form 6285, because the board members will conduct the interviews based strictly on the information on that form. The board members will also use this form to rate each applicant. Each potential applicant will be interviewed for between 30 and 45 minutes and the uniform is ACUs. Frazier said that potential applicants must keep in mind to not only attempt to receive a high rating, but also be well-rounded. “You could receive an ‘excellent’ or ‘outstanding’ rating, but there could be other factors during the interview that could cause the board members to feel that they do not choose to recommend an applicant at that time,” she said. Once a Soldier decides to become a potential applicant, Frazier also recommends that he or she begin preparing at least four months in advance because documents will need to be sent back to the U.S. and possibly returned due to errors or missing documents. Soldiers will also need to request their college transcripts, she added. After the May 11 local board, the next HRC OCS board is scheduled for July 25 to 29. The results are usually posted about one month later, Frazier said. Soldiers looking to find more information about OCS are advised to go to mil. Frazier also recommends that leaders keep their eyes open for potential future leaders. “Look out in your formations,” Frazier said. “If you see someone who has potential, please guide them in the right direction.” Soldiers interested in OCS or who would like more information can contact Frazier at 753-8302 or at [email protected]. x


By Sgt. Joo Woon Baek USAG Humphreys Public Affairs HUMPHREYS GARRISON — Independence Movement Day, commonly known as the the March First or “Samil” Movement, commemorates one of the first major protests against the Japanese colonial rule of the Korean peninsula. The name “Sam-il,” which literally means “three-one,” refers to March 1, 1919, the day the event began. The independence movement spread throughout the peninsula, and was the catalyst leading to the establishment of other activities resulting in Korean independence. The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea was founded in Shanghai soon after this, the first form of government established after the Japanese rule and where the current Republic of Korea derives its legitimacy from. On 2 p.m. on March 1, 1919, 33 nationalists who organized the Sam-il Movement gathered at the Taehwangwan Restaurant in Seoul, and read the Korean Declaration of Independence, jointly written by the historian Choe Nam-seon and the Buddhist monk Manhae. They sent a copy of the document to the Japanese Government General with their signature. Other delegates were sent to different locations and recited the proclamation at 2 p.m. on the same day. The ensuing protests continued to spread nationwide. The protests were non-violent and people assembled in squares and marketplaces, marched peacefully, and shouted “Daehan Dongnip Manse” (Long Live the Independence of Korea). These non-violent marches influenced other countries in their resistance, notably India. Despite the non-violence, the Japanese police and military brutally oppressed the protesters. Of the 2 million protesters who filled the streets, more than 7,000 were killed and 15,000 wounded, with many massacred during the marches. Many were not given a fair trial or any trial and were tortured to death or executed without probable cause. Many of these tortures and executions took place at the infamous Seodaemun Prison in Seoul. Of the many people who participated in the movement, no one is as renowned as Yu Gwan-sun, a student from Seoul. Deeply influenced by her faith Yu was determined to free her country. While attending school, she witnessed the beginning of the Sam-il Movement, and when the Japanese government gave the order to close all Korean schools, she returned home determined to organize and spread the independence movement to her hometown. With the help of family, she organized 2,000 people to gather in Awunae Marketplace on March 1


News & Notes
CAC Pool Open Feb. 26 The Community Activities Center pool will be open Feb. 26, from 1 to 5 p.m., while the youth swim meet is being held at the Super Gym. Aerobi-Thon Scheduled An aerobi-thon is set for Feb. 26 at 9 a.m. in the Super Gym. The halfway point weigh-in for the Biggest Loser contest will be at 8:30 a.m. BOSS Sledding Trip Better Opportunites for Single Soldiers is sponsoring a sledding trip to Everland Theme Park on Feb. 26. The cost is $32. For more information, call 753-8970 or 753-8825. Vet Clinic Closed The Veterinary clinic for Humphreys Garrison will be closed Feb. 28. Starting March 7, the clinic will again be open each Monday. AER Kickoff Scheduled The Army Emergency Relief campaign will kick off in the Post Exhcange food court on March 1 at 11:30 a.m. The campaign runs through May 15. Housing Office Closed The Housing Office, to include the Furnishings Management Branch, will be closed March 1 for Korean Independence Movement Day. Marathon Approaching The Seoul Marathon is scheduled for March 20. Entry fee is $40. Those interested can contact Lonnie Herring at 753-8807. Pregnancy PT Pregnancy and post partum physical training is every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. in the Super Gym television room. On Tuesdays, there is a pregnancy post partum education class. All active duty Soldiers with a pregnancy profile who are medically cleared to exercise should attend. For more information, call 753-3253. Kids: Free Trip to Hawaii The middle school/teen program is seeking three teenagers to possibly participate in a youth Leadership Forum in Hawaii. Each participant must be registered with CYSS, be between 14 and 17, and have at least a year remaining here after the trip. If interested, call 753-5614. Parenting Group Hiatus The parenting group that meets Fridays from 10:30 a.m. to noon in Building 752 is on hiatus. Meetings will resume on March 25. Suicide Crisis Phone Numbers Help is available if you are having thoughts of harming yourself. The Suicide Prevention Hotline number is 737-4673. Other numbers are: the on call duty chaplain at 010-94967445; the USAG Humphreys After Hours Clinic at 753-8111; the USAG Humphreys Behavioral Health Clinic at 753-7657; and the USAG Yongsan Behavioral Health Clinic at 737-0508.

Korean independence celebrated
of the Lunar calendar at 9 a.m. and started the march, shouting “Daehan Dongnip Manse.” The Japanese police arrived by 1 p.m. and arrested the protesters. Her parents were killed during the arrest and Yu was sentenced to seven years in Seodaemun Prison. She continued to protest during her imprisonment and was repeatedly beaten and tortured, which eventually led to her death. Her last words were “Japan shall fall.” She was 17 years old. Yu Gwan-sun received the Order of Independence Merit in 1962. It is awarded by the Korean government to those who contributed to the founding of the Republic of Korea. The Independence Movement Day is observed as a National holiday in Korea and Koreans hang their flags outside their houses to pay tribute. x

Yu Gwan-sun, just 17, organized her town’s Independence Movement. As a result, she was arrested, tortured, and killed by the Japanese. She was awarded the Order of Independence Merit posthumously in 1962. — Courtesy graphic art

Diet tips can lead to better health
By Dave Elger Area III Health Promotion Coordinator

HUMPHREYS GARRISON — March is National Nutrition Month and with that focus, here are 10 tips to improve one’s diet and enjoy better health: 1. Eat breakfast at home. Breakfast eaters generally weigh less than those who skip this important meal, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be healthier with a daily ritual of coffee and doughnuts. Whole grain cereal or toast, oatmeal, egg, fruit, or plain low-fat yogurt are just a few options you could choose to start your day with. 2. Eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruit daily. You can’t go wrong with healthy portions of vegetables or fruit. At least one, if not two, meals per day, vegetables should dominate your plate. 3. Eliminate liquid calories. It’s estimated that Americans drink up to 20 percent of their total calories. If you are not careful, the calories in soft drinks, juices, energy drinks, and

coffee can add inches to your waistline and hips. Instead, make drinking water a habit. 4. Eat protein at every meal. Protein foods are more filling and take more energy to digest than carbohydrates. It’s also important for preserving muscle tissue. Good sources include lean meats, poultry, eggs, beans, tofu, and fish. 5. Eat eight to 12 ounces of fish per week. Wild salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel supply healthy omega-3s and are low in mercury. 6. Snack on nuts. If you are not allergic, nuts are a good source of fiber, protein, and healthy fat. They are high in calories, so don’t go overboard. One or two handfuls daily is about right. 7. Go whole grain. Breads, pasta, cereals, and crackers should be whole grain. Look for grams of fiber on all grain product labels. 8. Eat beans daily. Kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans and navy beans are all rich sources of fiber and protein that go great in soups, salads, or as a healthy side dish.

9. Watch out for foods with sugar. Candy, cookies, gelatin, pudding, cake, pie, desserts, and many breakfast cereals, and snack foods are packed with sugar. Eat sparingly. 10. Never go hungry. Hunger is a signal that your body needs food, but learn to recognize the difference between a real need for food and hunger that may be triggered by emotion or the sight and smell of something delicious. Keep healthy snack foods such as fruit and whole grain crackers handy to munch on between meals. This will help avoid over-indulgence at mealtime and reduce the temptation for unhealthy options. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released an updated version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Check out dietaryguidelines.htm for more information. Health Promotion offers individual assistance and group and unit programs for weight loss. For an appointment or to discuss other health issues, call 753-3253. x

FEBRUARY 25, 2011

USAG Humphreys aims for $75,000 in contributions
By W. Wayne Marlow USAG Humphreys Public Affairs

AER campaign set to kick off
Garrison Commander, Col. Joseph P. Moore, and a cake-cutting. The goal is for the garrison to raise $75,000. Christiana Lewis, Humphreys Garrison AER campaign coordinator, described AER as, “A way to take care of your fellow Soldiers in their time of need.” Each unit has an AER representative and donations should be given to them in cash or by check, or money order. Payroll deduction is another payment option. But whatever the method, the money will go to good use. “You donate your money one week and the next, Pvt. Smith will need it for groceries,” Lewis said. “It all goes into one pot, for use by Soldiers and Families in an emergency situation.” Examples of assistance offered include rent, utilities, food, vehicle repair, and emergency travel. In 2010, a total of almost $70 million was given to 62,000 Soldiers and their Families. There were also 861 grants for health and comfort items for wounded Soldiers and 326 persons were enrolled in the Survivors of Fallen Soldiers in lifetime



HUMPHREYS GARRISON — In its almost seven decades, Army Emergency Relief has given out $1.3 billion. That figure might be too high for most people to comprehend; easier to grasp may be $120 for a private first class husband and father who has no other way to pay his electric bill. Or $450 for a plane ticket home when a parent has died. AER has helped out 3.3 million persons in similar circumstances since its 1942 founding. The private non-profit organization provides financial assistance to active and retired Soldiers and their Families. This year’s campaign kicks off at the Post Exchange on March 1 at 11:30 a.m. with remarks by Humphreys

benefits counseling. In addition, there were education benefits, with almost 5,000 scholarships awarded to spouses and children of Soldiers. In all, AER gave $7.9 million in undergraduate assistance. According to the AER web site, it is the Army’s emergency financial assistance organization and is dedicated to living out its motto, “Helping the Army Take Care of Its Own”. AER provides commanders a valuable asset in accomplishing one of their basic command responsibility of looking out for the morale and welfare of Soldiers. Funds are made available to commanders who need to provide emergency financial assistance to active and retired Soldiers and their Family members when there is a valid need. The AER assistance program is conducted within the Army structure by major commanders and their installation or organization through AER sections and other related organizations. More information on AER is available at x

On the mat
HUMPHREYS GARRISON — For the second straight year, Humphreys Garrison and Osan High School served as co-hosts for the Far East Wrestling Tournament. Nearly 200 wrestlers from 15 high schools competed in 13 weight classes Feb. 14 to 17 at the Super Gym.

(Far right) Alex Ishida (top) of the American School in Japan and Eric Otero of Zama High School both work to gain the advantage during their 101-pound match at the Far East Wrestling Championship Feb. 14 at the Super Gym. — U.S. Army photo by W. Wayne Marlow (Right) Grapplers from Kinnick High School and Kubaski High School drive each other into the mat. — U.S. Army photo by Mike Mooney (Below) More action as wrestlers from Kadena High School and E.J. King High School ponder their next move. — U.S. Army photo by Mike Mooney.




FEBRUARY 25, 2011

HHC, USAG Daegu performs weapons cleaning



HHC, USAG Daegu soldiers use Sergeant’s Time to ensure their weapons are clean, functional, and ready. Sergeant’s Time Training allows soldiers opportunity to participate in a variety of military subjects. — U.S. Army photos by Cpl. Jang Bong-seok

19th ESC sponsors Area IV Women’s Health Forum
Story and photo by Sgt. Adrianna N. Lucas 19th ESC Public Affairs
DAEGU GARRISON — “I am an identical twin born prematurely,” said Col. Kathleen Gavle, U.S. Army Garrison Daegu commander. “I was the unexpected one without a name and not expected to live.” Gavle, a guest speaker at the Women’s Health and Fitness Forum Feb. 22, expressed that with resiliency, a great many things can be accomplished. And with that sense of empowerment, women broadened their knowledge relating to women’s health concerns. Soldiers, family members and civilians from throughout Area IV gathered at Camp Walker’s Evergreen Community Club to discuss such closeted issues and attain knowledge from medical professionals. The forum brought in medical specialists from the Brian Allgood Community Hospital, Camp Walker’s Wood Medical Clinic and local Korean hospitals covered under Tricare. Obstetrician-gynecologists from Dongsan University Medical Center and Hyosung Women’s and Children’s Hospital informed women of their offpost women’s health options. Guests broke off into two groups of their choosing, a pre-menopausal group and a post-menopausal group, to discuss topics such as pregnancy, osteoarthritis, breast health and other medical challenges women face. “This was a great opportunity for women to unite,” said Maj. Alison Black, Brian Allgood community health OB-GYN. “I hope women become empowered through today’s conversations and work toward a healthy, happy and resilient life.” Senior leaders recalled a time when a pregnant Soldier in Korea was unheard of. If a Soldier became pregnant in Korea, she was automatically curtailed back to the U.S. But with time, new initiatives and an increase in tour normalization, Soldiers can now opt to remain in Korea. “I will take the resources I learned here today to help Soldiers with postmenopausal activities,” said Sgt. 1st Class Melrose Woodlock, 501st Sustainment Brigade traffic management coordinator. “In Area IV there are several medical events, to include the enforced Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Training program for Soldiers that we as leaders need to be informed about.” x

Obsetetrician-gynocologist, Maj. Alison Black, from Brian Allgood Community Hospital answers questions and receives a round of applause from attendees at the Women’s Health and Fitness Forum.


News & Notes
Financial Counseling Services Financial counseling for soldiers and family members with emphasis on managing personal finances and tracking spending habits. Development of a personal financial plan, retirement plan, and college saving plan. Call the ACS financial readiness program office, 768-8127 or 768-7112. FMWR Marketing Can’t find your favorite menu at the club? Got a party theme your friends would love? Have a program idea for teens? Tell us what you would do if you could reach out and touch FMWR programs, events and activities and you could win $100 in FMWR gift certificates. Suggestions can be e-mailed to [email protected] Say it on ICE Ever wonder if your voice is heard. Say it on ICE, we’re listening. Fill out an online comment card today our response is guaranteed. http://ice.disa mil Texas Hold’em Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at Camp Carroll Hideaway Club. Weekly prizes for the top 3 players. $20 per person. Free meal for players. Points awarded for every 8 weeks of play toward the final game and a $1,000 prize. Calll 765-8574 for more information Reduced Speed Limits on Camp Walker During the upcoming Key Resolve/Foal Eagle exercises there will be a marked increase in foot traffic on Camp Walker, so speed limits have been reduced. Pay attention to speed limit signs. MPs will be actively enforcing and just because you are driving slower doesn’t mean you can use a cell phone while doing it. Wait until you can safely park or pull over to text or talk. AAFES extends hours during the Exercise AAFES facilities have extended their hours for your convenience during the exercise Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2011. Visit the USAG Daegu Facebook page for the complete listing of their extended hours. You can also check the Facebook page for modified gym hours and other news during the next two weeks of the exercise. Youth Sports Registration There is still time left for you to register your kids for Youth Sports: Baseball and Volleyball. Registration closes on Feb. 28. Register at the Central Registration building 257 on Camp Walker. For baseball Ages 3 to 4 are $20 and 5 and above are $45. For Volleyball ages 9 and above are $40. Discount for coaches and additional family members. For more information contact Youth Sports at 764-4859 or 764-5298.

Military Saves Campaign 2011 comes to USAG DAEGU
By Jeannie Y. Relaford USAG Daegu Financial Readiness Program Coordinator
DAEGU GARRISON — ACS, Camp Henry, kicked off the Military Saves Campaign 2011 yesterday at the Camp Walker PX. The Military Saves Campaign 2011 seeks to assist Soldiers and family members Army wide on how to save and invest their money wisely. The campaign runs through Febuary 26. Information booths will be on display at Community Bank, Navy Federal Credit Union, and the Commissary. Additional information can be found at www.military.financialentertainment. org. x



Representatives from the Community Bank and the Navy Federal Credit Union assist members from around the community with useful banking tips — U.S. Army photos by Cpl. Jang Bong-seok

Short Cut: Life with a well-constructed foundation
By Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Milton Johnson USAG Daegu Garrison Chaplain
DAEGU GARRISON — John L. Smith was a loyal and hard working carpenter who had worked for the same very successful contractor for many years. John was the kind of man whom any employer would be pleased to have. One day the contractor called John into his office and said, “John, I’m putting you completely in charge of the next house we build. You’ve been a great asset to me and I want to give you some extra responsibility. I want you to order all the materials and oversee the entire job!” John accepted the assignment with great enthusiasm and excitement. This was his big break! For 10 days before the ground was broken at the building site, he carefully studied blueprints. He checked every measurement, every cut, every specification. Suddenly a seemingly brilliant thought f lashed into his mind. “If I’m really in charge, why couldn’t I cut a few corners, use less expensive materials, and put the extra money in my pocket? Who would know the difference? Once the house is finished and painted, it will look just great.” So John carefully laid out his scheme. He ordered second-grade lumber, but his reports indicated it was top-grade. He ordered inexpensive concrete for

Representatives from the Community Bank and the Navy Federal Credit Union assist members from around the community with useful banking tips — U.S. Army photos by Cpl. Jang Bong-seok

the foundation and used the cheapest sub-contractors for the job. All the while, he reported higher figures than were quoted. He had the least expensive wiring put in that would pass the inspector’s scrutiny. Cutting corners in materials as well as in construction. John continued to report the purchase of the best materials. Soon, the home was f inished, landscaped and painted. He asked the contractor to come by and see the finished project. The contractor walked through the house, stopped in the kitchen, turned to John L. Smith, loyal employee, and said, “John what

a magnificent job you have done! You have been such a good and faithful employee all these years in my firm that I have decided it is time to show my gratitude to you and your family. I am giving you this house you have built, as my gift!” Can you imagine how John felt? The problem is – if John knew that this was going to be his resident he would construct it better and put the best materials in it, but his real character would never be discovered. The challenge for John is to do to others as he would to himself. Yes, that is the golden rule, but the other side of the coin is – we reap what we sow. There are no easy short-cuts in life! Just barely getting by is not acceptable, especially when it comes to laying foundational principles for living your life. If the foundation is strong and built with the best materials, it allows the structure to stand the test of time. Cutting corners, using sub-standard materials, always taking the easy way out, eventually leads to disaster. Always give your best. God did the same for us when he gave us the best of heaven, his son Jesus Christ, to the world. Followers of this Jesus, the Carpenter of Nazareth, are called upon to study read, apply, pray, and live in obedience. This is a life with a well-constructed foundation. Think about it! x

FEBRUARY 25, 2011

USAG Daegu and Area IV celebrates Black History Month



Guest Speaker Brig. Gen. Aundre F. Piggee, Assistant Chief of Staff, J-4, Deputy Chief of Staff, C-4 accepts an award from Lt. Col. Ricardo Lebron, HHC 498th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, Camp Carroll at the Black History Month Celebration held at the Evergreen Club, Camp Walker in Feb. 17. — U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Jang Bong-seok

Community members turned out in big numbers for Area IV Black History activities. — Two Soldiers perform Praise Dance during the event. — U.S. Army photo Cpl. Jang BongU.S. Army photo seok

DOD cilivilian wins big in AAFES holiday contest drawing
Edward Braunston, GS-12, HHD 63 Sig. Bn. won the holiday drawing contest. He is the only winner in the region including Alaska, Hawaii, Okinawa, and Guam. He won the 50 in. Panasonic TV. — U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Jang Bong-seok




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Family Covenant’s commitment to provide a strong, supportive environment where Soldiers and Families can thrive.

• Through the ‘Bringing the Benefit to You’ campaign, Guard and Reserve Soldiers and their Families have shopped on-site at more than 100 remote locations and purchased $14 million worth of commissary products. • An average of 30% SAVINGS OR MORE on purchases compared to commercial prices. • Within the next three years, more than $200 million will be spent on building new commissaries and enhancing existing commissaries to better serve customers.


to learn more about the Army Family Covenant.


H 이 그 그 전 개 실 우 토 끌 리 통 육 토 자 상 하 제 일 교 자 자 사 매 P R R S P ) 위 원 회 는 번 달 에 개 최 했 으 며 목 적 은 개 인 , 조 직 , 리고 커뮤니티 단위에서 반적인 임무 준비태세와 별 인 원 의 조 직 적 업 무 행 을 돕 는 것 입 니 다 . 리 목 표 는 건 강 장 려 의 론 을 더 높 은 차 원 으 로 어 올 리 기 위 해 부 대 더 들 에 게 중 요 한 계 적 자 료 를 배 포 하 고 , 군 내 경 향 에 대 해 론 하 며 , 가 용 가 능 한 원들에 대한 지속적이고 세 한 프 레 젠 테 이 션 을 는 것 입 니 다 . 자 원 을 공 하 는 것 은 공 식 의 부 분 일 뿐 입 니 다 . 육 과 열 린 토 론 으 로 원 이 필 요 한 사 람 들 과 원 을 제 공 할 수 있 는 람 들 을 연 결 하 는 것 은 우 중 요 한 일 입 니 다 . 너무 자주 우리는 어디서 도 움 을 얻 어 야 할 지 몰 라 자 신 들 의 필 요 를 채 우 지 못 한 사 람 들 을 봅 니 다 . 우리는 우리의 리더들에게 그 들 이 사 용 할 수 있 는 정 보 를 제 공 하 여 자 원 이 필 요 한 사 람 들 을 이 끌 힘 을 주 고 싶 습 니 다 . 위 원 회 는 기 지 의 건 강 려 , 위 험 성 감 소 와 살 방 지 프 로 그 램 들 을 독하며 다음의 기능적인 분 들 로 이 루 어 져 습 니 다 : -최선의 육체적 건강을 이루기 위해 필요한 개인과 커뮤니티의 의식을 올리기 위 해 건 강 교 육 과 건 강 장 려 에 관 한 과 정 들 과 중 재 - 고 위 험 태 도 를 식 별 하 고 , 지 휘 상 담 을 제 공 하 며 , 예 방 및 중 재 전 략 을 추 천 하 고 , 프로그램의 효과성을 평가 및 수 정 - A p p l i e d S u i c i d e I n t e r ve n t i o n S k i l l s Tr a i n i n g ( A S I S T ) 와 A s k , C a r e , E s c o r t ( AC E ) 훈 련 을 관 찰 하 고 커 뮤 니 티 와 가 족 및 장 병 지 원 프 로 그 램 에 자 살 방 지 를 통 합 금 연 과 다 른 건 강 장 려 수 업 , 영 양 및 성 병 예 방 팁 , 위 험 성 감 소 정 보 , 중 재 조 정 , 그 리 고 자 살 예 방 도 구 들 과 발 의 는 H P R R S P 에 서 논 의 되 는 주 제 중 일 부 일 뿐 입 니 다 . 장 자 감 부 있


험프리스 기지 사령관
건강 장려/위험성 감소/자살 방지 Joseph P. Moore 대령 험프리스 기지 사령관

과 거 에 는 건 강 장 려 , 험성 감소, 그리고 자살 지 위 원 회 가 커 뮤 니 티 원 들 과 험 프 리 스 에 해 관 계 가 있 는 다 른 람들에게 귀중한 정보를 공하기 위하여 분기마다 로 다 른 회 의 에 서 났 습 니 다 . 이 러 한 위 원 회 들 을 능률적으로 바꾸기 위해서 이 번 달 우 리 는 새 로 운 것 을 도 입 했 습 니 다 . 바 로 이들을 통합하는 것입니다. 우 리 는 이 러 한 중 요 주 제 들 의 중 요 성 을 더 욱 잘 강조하면서 지휘관들과 선임 부사관들에게 이러한 포 럼 의 상 호 의 존 성 을 볼 기 회 를 주 기 위 해 이 러 한 일 을 했 습 니 다 . 새 롭 게 만 들 어 진 건 강 장 려 , 위 험 성 감 소 , 자 살 방 지 ( H e a l t h P ro m o t i o n , Risk Re duction and Suicide Prevention: 위 방 일 이 사 제 서 만

H P R R S P 는 정 보 의 환 을 할 장 소 를 공 하 며 위 원 들 이 얻 은 훈들을 서로 나눌 기회를 고 , 프 로 그 램 장 들 에 게 체적인 질문들을 던지고 식 의 도 구 들 을 받 을 수 습 니 다 . 이 위 원 회 는 이 기 지 가 육 체 적 , 정 신 적 , 그 리 고 사 회 적 가 족 적 필 요 를 지 원 하 기 위 ㅐ 장 병 , 가 족 , 그 리 고 민 간 인 들 의 복원성과 균형을 지원하고 강 화 가 기 위 한 여 러 가 지 방 법 중 하 나 입 니 다 . 교 제 교 주 구 의 있

아이언 호스 부대와 국군 장병들이 힘을 합치다
By Austin Liu 중위 6-52 방공포대대

수원 공군 기지 - 김성 소위는 자신의 장병들이 패트리어트 미사일 재장전 훈 련 을 수 행 하 는 것 을 자랑스럽게 바라보았다.잘 연습된 수신호와 단순한 음성 명령을 통해 숙련된 미군 팀은 유도 미사일 수송 장치를 이용하여 능숙하게 하나의 패트리어트 미사일 뚜껑을 발사 시스템으로부터 빼내고 다른 것으로 재빨리 교체했다. 김 소위는 한국군 김유진 소 위 를 보 며 이 렇 게 말했다. “이게 저희가 하는 방법입니다.” 미 군 과 한 국 군 의 두 소대장들은 35 방공포 여단 6-52 방공포 대대에서 자매부대인 대한민국 공군 553 패트리어트 발사 부대를 돕기 위해 시작한 교환 프로그램의 일부다. 이 프로그램은 보통 중대 단위에서 시행되며 방공 작전, 기술, 그리고 절차를 교환하는데 집중한다. 이 날, 한국군 소대원들은 미국 패트리어트 미사일 재장전 훈련을 주의 깊에 관찰하며 필기했다.

“ 이 훈 련 은 제 한 된 시간안에 작전을 수행하며 완 전 한 정 확 도 와 좋 은 의사소통을 요구합니다.” 라고 한국어에 유창한 1 세대 미국 이민자 김성 소위는 말했다. “훈련을 안전하고 신속하게 시행하기 위 해 서 는 팀 이 수 많 은 시간을 훈련과 실수에서 배우는데 할애해야합니다. 여기서 우리가 성취하고 싶은 것은 우리 한국군에게 우리가 야전에서 배웠던 교훈들을 가르쳐 줌으로써 그들이 귀중한 훈련 시간을 가지는 것입니다.” 미 군 발 사 소 대 장 James Kent 중사는 이에 동의한다. “저는 서로의 강점과 장점을 나누고 배우는 것이 아주 중요하다고 생각합니다. 이는 장기적으로 분명히 우리에게 이득이 될 것이며, 두 위대한 국가의 동맹을 더욱 강화할 것입니다.” 라고 Kent 중사는 말했다. 한국군은 2008년부터 한반도 전역에 패트리어트 발 사 기 를 배 치 하 기 시작했는데 이는 북한의 스커드 미사일 위협에 맞서 한국형 방공 및 미사일 방어망으로 불리는 미사일 방패를 만들기 위해서다.

수원 공군 기지에서 한국군 553 패트리어트 발사 부대와 6-52 방공포 대대의 장병들이 두 부대간 합동 훈련의 일환으로 미사일 재장전 작전을 어떻게 수행해야하는지의 세부 사항에 대해 의논하고 있다. - Austin Liu 중위

“우리는 적절한 비밀 취급 인가만 있다면 언제나 한국에 있는 우리의 방공 자매 부대를 도와줄 용의가 있 습 니 다 . ” 라 고 김 성 소위는 말했다. 미 육군은 이라크 자유 작전에서 사용한 것을 포함 레이시온 사의 무기 체제에 대 해 수 십 년 의 경 험 이 있다. 장병들이 악수를 하고 감사와 격려의 말을 했을 때, 한미 동맹의 비공식적인 모토인 “같이 갑시다”의 정신이 살아있음을 느낄 수 있었다.

“저는 제 소대를 대표하여 미국인들에게 이러한 교류에 대해 진정한 감사를 표현하고 싶습니다.”라고 한국군 패트리어트 발사 소대장 김유진 소위가 말했다. “우리는 오늘 오후 정말 많은 것을 배웠습니다. 우리는 오늘 배운 것을 토대로 하여 현재의 작전 절차를 개선할 것입니다.” 김성 소위 역시 합동 훈련이 큰 이익을 가져올 것이라고 말했다. “적군이 온다면 한국군은 참호 안 바로 옆에서 같이 싸우고 있을 것입니다. 우리는 같이 싸우는 법을 배워야 합니다.”라고 그는 말했다.

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