Morning Calm Korea Weekly, May 21, 2010

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IMCOM-K bids farewell to one, welcomes another senior leader

Change of Responsibility
May 21, 2010 • Volume 8, Issue 31 Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea

Command Sgt. Major Kevin N. Witt and his wife, Aundrea, recieve a salute from the troops. – U.S. Army photo by by Cpl. Park Kab-rock. By R. Slade Walters IMCOM-K Public Affairs

Brig. Gen. John Uberti passes the unit colors to incoming Installation Management Command Korea Command Sgt. Major David R. Abbott. – U.S. Army photo by by Cpl. Park Kab-rock.

SEOUL, Republic of Korea – The Installation Management Command Korea bid farewell to its outgoing senior enlisted Soldier, Command Sgt. Major Kevin N. Witt and welcomed its new senior NCO, Command Sgt. Major David R. Abbot, during the retirement and change of responsibility ceremony held at U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan’s Collier Field house Tuesday GARRISONS

afternoon. Witt was honored for 36 years of distinguished service and passed the responsibilities of his post to Abbott in a ceremony befitting the grand traditions of the U.S. Army. Brig. Gen. John Uberti hosted the event which included distinguished visitors from U.S. and Republic of Korea military and civilian organizations from across the Korean Peninsula and around the globe. “As a reflection of his commitment to OVERVIEW
P02 P05 P05 P09 P21 P25 Sights & Sounds Command Perspective Tenant Unit News Chaplain Page Photo Feature Page Korean Page P03 P04 P13 P15 P16 P30

soldiers, Sergeant Major Witt worked tirelessly to enhance the quality of life for our Soldiers by consistently serving as an advocate for more resources to modernize barracks and unaccompanied personnel housing across korea. His persistence was instrumental in securing and executing $82m in renovations across the Eigth Army footprint over the past two years,” said Uberti. Abbot assumed responsibility for the duties

of the IMCOM Command Sgt. Major as the unit colors were symbolically presented to him. “Command Sgt. Major Abbott is no stranger to Korea. As many of you know, he comes to us from Daegu where he served as the garrison Command Sgt. Major. He brings commitment, caring leadership and many years of experience; but it’s more than just that, he understands that caring for soldiers and families is what’s really important,” said Uberti. FEATURE

Region News USAG Red Cloud USAG Casey USAG Yongsan USAG Humphreys USAG Daegu

Page 16 PLAY BALL!

The Morning Calm

Published by Installation Management Command - Korea Commanding General/Publisher: Brig. Gen. John Uberti Public Affairs Officer/Editor: R. Slade Walters Senior Editor: Dave Palmer USAG-RED CLOUD Commander: Col. Larry A. Jackson Public Affairs Officer: Margaret Banish-Donaldson CI Officer: James F. Cunningham USAG-YONGSAN Commander: Col. David W. Hall Public Affairs Officer: Dan Thompson CI Officer: Jane Lee Staff Writers: Sgt. Hwang Joon-hyun, Cpl. Kim Hyungjoon, Pfc. Choe Yong-joon USAG-HUMPHREYS Commander: Col. Joseph P. Moore Public Affairs Officer: Lori Yerdon Writer–Editor: Steven Hoover Designer: Pfc. Baek Joon-woo USAG-DAEGU Commander: Col. Terry Hodges Public Affairs Officer: Philip Molter CI Officer: Mary Grimes Staff Writers: Cpl. Park Kyung-rock, Cpl. Lee Do-dam Interns: Kim Seeun, Kim Min-yeong This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of this weekly publication is the responsibility of the IMCOMKorea, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205. Circulation: 9,500 Printed by Oriental Press, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Government, under exclusive written contract with the Contracting Command-Korea. The civilian printer is responsible for commercial advertising. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army or Oriental Press of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Oriental Press President: Charles Chong Commercial Advertising Telephone: 738-5005 or 723-4253 Fax: (02) 790-5795 E-mail: [email protected] Mail address: PSC 450, Box 758, APO AP 96206-0758 Location: Bldg. 1440, Yongsan, Main Post SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: Phone: DSN 738-4068 E-mail: [email protected]

U.S. Forces Korea cancels Courageous Channel 2010



The U.S. Forces Korea commander directed the cancellation of the Courageous Channel 2010 Non-Combatant Evacuation exercise planned for May 20 - 24. – U.S. Army file photo by by Pfc. Kim, Kuan Min.

By 8th U.S. Army Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISON, South Korea — The U.S. Forces Korea commander directed the cancellation of the Courageous Channel 2010 Non-Combatant Evacuation exercise originally planned for May 20 - 24.This is to prevent the perception that the exercise was a response to

events surrounding the sinking of the ROKS Cheonan and the subsequent investigation. The investigation results will be released on May 20 by the Republic of Korea Ministry of National Defense. Courageous Channel is a routine exercise conducted annually since 1996 and scheduled more than a year in advance. It is never connected

to any specific events or current situations. “With the sensitivities surrounding the release of the investigation results, we thought this was a wise course of action at this time,” said Lt. Gen. Joseph F. Fil, Jr., USFK Chief of Staff and Commander of Eighth U.S. Army. “The decision was made in coordination with the ROK government and the U.S. State Department.”

The Morning Calm

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Army Spouse Employment Partnership
The Army Spouse Employment Partnership is a self-sustaining and expanding partnership that is mutually beneficial to the Army and Global Partners. The partnership provides Army spouses the opportunity to attain financial security and achieve employment goals through career mobility and enhanced employment options. Corporate Partners are provided the capability to tap into a readily available, diverse and talented pool of candidates. In October 2003, the Army formally signed a Statement of Support with 11 Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies and two military agencies who pledged their best efforts to increase employment and career opportunities for spouses. Currently, there are partners from the private sector, the military, and the Federal Government. In Fiscal Year 2009, ASEP Partners hired more than 15,000 military spouses, bringing the grand total of spouses hired through ASEP to 72,000. The Army Spouse Employment Partnership currently has 39 corporate partners. These include: Adecco USA, Affiliated Computer Services, Inc., American Hospital Services Group, Army & Air Force Exchange Service, Army Career and Alumni Program, Association of Military Banks of America, AT&T, Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Computer Sciences Corporation, Concentra, Inc., CVS Caremark, Defense Commissary Agency, Dell, Inc., Over the last several years ASEP partners have worked together to craft a single strategic focus hiring Army spousesmade up of four facets or perspectives: Imagine, Build, Solve and Lead. Their combined efforts have resulted in overarching, interrelated strategies which represent each partner’s unique corporate structure while demonstrating their commitment to the common goal of better opportunities for the spouses of our men and women in uniform. Army spouses are probably the most diverse in the world, with a variety of educational and professional backgrounds. Widely recognized for their strong work ethic, professionalism and corporate loyalty, and as spouses relocate with their military sponsors it is advantageous in an increasingly mobile corporate environment. The employment of military spouses is a vital part of the Army Covenant. By expanding the ASEP program and strengthening local relationships the Army continues of its support of Soldiers and their families.

Submitting to The Morning Calm Weekly Send Letters to the Editor, guest commentaries, story submissions and other items: [email protected]. For all submitted items include a point of contact name and telephone number. All items are subject to editing for content and to insure they conform with DoD guidelines. IMCOM-K Public Affairs and the Morning Calm Weekly staff are located at IMCOM-K, Yongsan Garrison. For information, call 738-4065.

Department of the Army Civilian Personnel Office, EURPAC Service, Inc., Home Depot, H&R Block, Humana Military Healthcare Services, Inova Health Systems, Jackson Hewitt Tax Services, Kelly Services, kgb, Lockheed Martin, Manpower Inc., National Military Family Association, RGIS, Sears Holdings Corporation, Social Security Administration, Starbucks Coffee Company, Strategic Resources, Inc., The TJX Companies, Toys “R” Us, and United Services Automobile Association, WalMart Stores, Inc., and West Corporation

MAY 21, 2010



MP Blotter
The following entries were excerpted from the military police blotters. These entries may be incomplete and do not imply guilt or innocence. USAG-Red Cloud: Simple Assault; SUBJECT #1 and SUBJECT #2 were involved in a verbal altercation at the Main PX, which turned physical when SUBJECT #1 approached SUBJECT #2 in a taxi and struck SUBJECT #2 in the eye with an open hand. SUBJECT #2 exited the vehicle and struck SUBJECT #1 in the right arm with an open hand. SUBJECT #1 departed the area in a taxi. Upon arrival of Military Police, SUBJECT #2 was apprehended and transported to the PMO where SUBJECT #2 was advised of SUBJECT #2’s legal rights, which SUBJECT #2 waived rendering a written sworn statement denying the offense. SUBJECT #2 was processed and released to their unit. SUBJECT #1 later reported to the PMO where SUBJECT #1 was advised of SUBJECT #1’s legal rights, which SUBJECT #1 waived rendering a written sworn statement admitting to the offense. SUBJECT #1 was processed and released to their unit. This is a final report. USAG-Yongsan: Larceny of Private Property; SUBJECT #1 stole VICTIM #1’s cell phone from a table located in a bar and fled the scene. SUBJECT #1 was apprehended by Korean National Police and transported to the Korean National Police Station where SUBJECT #1was charged under RCC ART #329 (Larceny). SUBJECT #1 was processed and released into MP custody and transported to the PMO. SUBJECT #1 was advised of SUBJECT #1’s legal rights, which SUBJECT #1 invoked. SUBJECT #1 was placed on International Hold. SUBJECT #1 was processed and released to their unit. This is a final report. USAG-Humphreys: Larceny of Private Funds; SUBJECT #1 left USAG-Humphreys on orders to Germany without paying for two months of rent including utilities for SUBJECT #1’s off post residence. VICTIM #1 rendered a written sworn statement attesting to the incident. Estimated Cost of Loss is 2,346,200 Won. Investigation continues by MP and MPI. USAG-Daegu: Underage Drinking; Curfew Violation; SUBJECT #1, SUBJECT #2 and SUBJECT #3 were observed by MP off post during the hours of curfew. Military Police detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from SUBJECT #1, SUBJECT #2, and SUBJECT #3’s person. SUBJECT #1, SUBJECT #2 and SUBJECT #3 were detained and transported to the PMO, where they were administered a Portable Breathalyzer Test with the result of 0.142% Blood Alcohol Content for SUBJECT #1, 0.096% Blood Alcohol Content for SUBJECT #2, 0.08% and a Blood Alcohol Content for SUBJECT #3. A check of SUBJECT #1 and SUBJECT #2’s ID cards revealed they were under the legal age to consume alcoholic beverages. SUBJECT #1, SUBJECT #2 and SUBJECT #3 were processed and released to their unit. This is a final report.

This photo is from the Seoul Buddhist Lotus Lantern Festival in downtown Seoul near Jongno Street and the Jogyesa Buddhist Temple. Held annually Seoul’s Lotus Lantern Festival brings a welcome splash of color to Seoul. The festival brings Buddhists and non-Buddhists, Koreans and foreigners together to celebrate Korea’s rich traditional culture. — Courtesy photo by R. Slade Walters.

SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Off-post events and activities
Color Korean War Photo Exhibition Korean War photos taken by NBC war correspondent, John Rich, will be exhibited for public viewing for the first time in Korea. 70 or so color photos will be on display at the Presidential Museum of Cheong Wa Dae Sarangchae. The exhibition is open from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and is closed on Mondays, May 5 - June 30. There is no entrance fee. By seoul subway get off at Gyeongbok Palace station, go to exit number 4 and walk towards Cheong Wa Dae. Royal Azalea Festival Royal azalea’s are one of Korea’s most well-loved flowers and in springtime they bloom throughout the country. They are thought to be at their most beautiful on the slopes of the 1567m high Mt Taebaeksan, and a festival is held here in June when the flowers are at their most beautiful. During this time some of the mountain’s most picturesque locations, such as the Cheonjedan altar and Janggunbong and Busoebong peaks are strewn with the bright pink flowers, making for a beautiful view. In addition to the beautiful scenery, Mt. Taebaeksan is famous for the many fossils from the early Paleozoic era, which have found on its slopes, and many tourists visit the mountain to see these rare fossils. Hands-on Activity Programs: Magic bubble, Making masks from leopard plant leaves, “Presenting Young Herbs”, Travelling Zoo, Tteok (rice cake)-making, “Fossil-Making”, Caricature Exhibitions:Royal Azalea Photozone, Exhibitions of Wild Flowers and Rocks, Exhibition of Paper Crafts, Taebaek Tourism Photo Exhibition Transportation: From Dong Seoul terminal take a bus to Taebaek terminal (Buses run from 06:00 to 23:00, departing every 20-30 mins. Journey takes 3hrs 30mins) From Taebaek terminal, take a bus heading to Danggol and get off at the 1st car park of the Provincial Park. (08:00~22:35, buses run 27 times a day, journey takes 25 mins). Or if you would like to go to Baekdansa or Yuilsa temples, you should can take a bus heading to Eopyeong or Sangdong and get off at the respective temple bus stops. (Buses run 5 times a day from 08:00 to 22.35, journey takes 30-35 mins) Homepage: (Korean, English) Everland “Flower Carnival” Festival Every year, Korea’s most well known amusement park, Everland, holds a spring festival called the Flower Carnival. During this time over 1000 types of flowers from all over the world will be on display, including beautiful tulips, roses, and cherry blossoms, to name but a few. As well as flowers, various street parades performances and musical performances will be held during the “Flower Carnival” and add to the festive atmosphere. Come visit Everland, and marvel at the white tigers on a Safari, and play with the cute monkeys at “Friendly Monkey Valley”, or try out the steepest rollercoster in Asia. At Everland the wide variety of attractions make for a fun-packed day. Gangneung Danoje Festival The Gangneung festival was designated a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2005. It still preserves the folk culture of the Joseon Dynasty. Likewise, the festival was designated as Important Intangible Cultural Property No. 13 in Korea in 1967 and has been quite popular since festival 1975. The festival is held from April to early May according to the lunar calendar in Gangneung and its nearby Yeongdong area. Beginning with offering traditional alcohol for deities (called Sinju Bitgi) on April 5, Danoje Festival includes rituals: such as Daegwallyeong Guksa Seonghwangje, in which people pay tribute to Monk Beomil, believed to protect Gangneung, and Yeongsinje, a deity greeting ritual. Folk performances, ssireum wrestling, swing riding, and tug-of-war competitions follow these rituals. In Danoje Festival, visitors are also exposed to a slew of colorful programs: traditional wedding ceremony, making surichui rice cake, washing hair in sweet flags, drinking alcohol offered for deities, regional dialect contest, and more. Homepage: (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)

Source:,,, — No endorsement implied.




By Col. Larry ‘Pepper’ Jackson U.S. Army Garrison Red Cloud Commander CASEY GARRISON — If you come through the front gate at Casey Garrison expecting it to look like it did only three or four years ago, you will be surprised. If someone told me there would be a school here three years ago, I would have told them it was impossible. But now, as you can see, we are developing not only a school, but an entire city of services to support Soldiers, Civilians, and their Families. These services include a Child Development Center, Child Youth Services, and a lot of other things going on. It seems everywhere you look on this garrison there is some kind of construction going on. If you go down the main street on Casey you will notice the sidewalk construction being done by the Korean Service Corps. It is part of the physical year 2010 sidewalk concrete plan. The condition of the sidewalks before this was a safety code two tripping hazard. Indeed, regular maintenance always happens when weather lightens up and spring comes, but on Casey it looks like a gold rush town from the 1840s in California. The first things they built were schools and churches. The DoDEA school is the top most priority project going on now. The Child Development Center is a close second. There are several construction projects ongoing here. There have been so many changes in Red Cloud Garrison, for the folks who have just arrived, you will have to realize that the folks who have been here for the past three to four years ago are the ones who truly paved the way for all the new things you see here right now. Indeed so, because when the Army decided to make all garrisons give the same amount of support to service members, no matter the location of the garrison, and called it tour normalization, it was these hardy individuals – civilians and Soldiers alike – that truly set the ball rolling. It is doubly so in South Korea’s once gritty “Area I.” Four years prior to tour normalization, Area I, now dubbed Red Cloud Garrison, which comprises not only Red Cloud, but Casey Garrison, Camp Stanley, Camps Mobile, Castle, Castle North, Hovey, Jackson and Kwangsari, was a noncommand sponsored duty area where Soldiers spent a one year “hardship tour.” At the direction of the Pentagon, these individuals turned the situation around under my leadership and invited Soldiers, civilians, and retirees to bring their families and live in full support as they would in any Army garrison the world over. When I took command June 26, 2007, I started the ball rolling on a continuous schedule of renovation and construction. Although Red Cloud Garrison is not given any resources for new construction, all the renovation construction is fully funded. Three or four years ago this was a dependent restricted area. If one of you had mentioned to me as a garrison commander, ‘hey Col. Pepper Jackson I want a kindergarten through 8th grade school,’ I would say, ‘I don’t think that will happen.’ Or ‘Col. Jackson we are going to have a day care center,’ I would probably have said, ‘unlikely.’ But now we have child youth services programs and more coming in the near future. Recently, I have enjoyed seeing the fruits of our labor, speaking of the folks who have been here for the past three years. Just a few days ago at Red Cloud we had a grand opening for our in and out process or One Stop Shop. All the things that have come about really have come from your voices, so all of you within the sound

Col. Larry ‘Pepper’ Jackson — U.S. Army photo

of my voice, don’t think you don’t make a difference, you make a huge difference. Seven years ago in what was Area I, there were seven services and they were spread out all over the area. What was amazing was watching so many young ladies with baby carriages having to push those carriages from one building on one side of the post to get something done, to another across the way on the other side of post to get something else done. So we got smart about it and consolidated seven services right next to our new lodge and bus station on Red Cloud Garrison. Everywhere you look, in all directions, there is new construction. It is a good thing because there are more and more families with young children and school age children coming every day. We have 120 new babies being born on Casey Garrison alone according to the Army Community Service Division chief. For this reason the ACS staff are working a new program with volunteers from garrison Family Readiness Groups called “Baby Bundles.” This is a program to help expecting mothers who are on active duty or spouses of Soldiers on active duty with things they will need when their newborn arrives. Indeed, services for families living within the footprint of Red Cloud Garrison are growing as fast as the new renovations and construction is to support them. After passing through the drive in gates on Casey or walking through the walk-in gate, the first thing you will see is many square acres of new renovation and construction. Taking the first left from the gate will bring you upon the new Department of Defense Education Activity School, which will educate more than 300 kindergartens through 8th grade children of military family members. I am a DODDs product, I was raised in elementary school in Germany, and I got to see a lot when I was at a young age. It really broadened my mind when I graduated from high school and went back to the states. I found out quickly that I was different because I was experienced and I had seen so much of the world. Standing just north of the “Best Club in the Army,” the Gateway Club on Casey, as it was heralded by the Army for 2009, is the middle of “downtown Casey.” I am really proud of all the things we have been able to accomplish. We take care of our own in Warrior Country, I’m going to make sure we live in the same quality of life you would find on any other garrison anywhere in the world.

MAY 21, 2010



Casey Garrison bus station reopens

(From left) Col. Thomas Graves, Lt. Col. Richard Fromm, Casey Garrison commander, Lt. Col. Dale Smith, and Command Sergeant Maj. John Fortune cut the ribbon to reopen the Casey bus station May 17. — U.S.Army photo by Pfc. Mardicio Barrot

FMWR commanding general visits Casey Garrison

Maj. Gen. Reuben D. Jones (center), commanding general Family Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Command, tests a new golf club on the Indianhead Golf Course fairway during a visit to Casey Garrison’s FMWR facilities May 13 while Chris Bradford (second from left), FMWR director and Col. Larry ‘Pepper’ Jackson (third from left), Red Cloud Garrison commander, look on. — U.S. Army photo by Jim Cunningham




News & Notes
Did You Know? The new Child Development Center on Casey Garrison will be completed Nov. 10. It will serve approximately 126 children. USAG-RC Now on Facebook You can now find USAG-RC on Facebook. USAG-Red-Cloud/246854871491. Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Events The 2nd Infantry Division will hold an Asian/ Pacific Islander Heritage Month Observance May 21 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the CG’s Mess on Red Cloud Garrison. The guest speaker is Rosita Aguigui, Area I EEO Manager. A Rock Festival/Luau will be held May 22 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. next to Casey Garrison’s Gateway Club. Survey Team Measuring Rooms The Army Barracks Emergency Expansion Capability Analysis survey team will be measuring the net living areas and outside dimensions of the enlisted quarters of staff sergeants and below throughout Area I until June 8. For information call 7329242/6554. Central Issue Facility to Close The USAG Red Cloud, Camp Stanley Central Issue Facility and the Camp Casey CIF Satellite Facility will be closed for all operations May 21-31. There will be no CIF services available during this period. For information call: 732-5579. CRC Theater Closing The Red Cloud Garrison Theater will be closed May 24 through Sept. 25 for renovation of the building and the installation of a new projection and sound system. All reservations for the theater between those dates have been cancelled. Defense Travel System Training Today is the deadline to register for Defense Travel System hands-on refresher training. U.S. Soldiers and Civilians may attend May 25 from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Area I Network Enterprise Center, Bldg. S-433, at Red Cloud Garrison and May 27 from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Education Center, Bldg. 1757, at Casey Garrison. For more information call 732-8516 or 732-7849. Community Banks Closure All Community Banks will be closed June 2. ESL Classes ESL classes will be held in USAG Casey ACS Classroom, Bldg. 2317, every Tuesday and Thursday, 6-7:30 p.m., starting May 27. Register by calling 730-3107. Memorial Day Softball Tournaments Casey Garrison and Red Cloud Garrison will hold Memorial Day Invitational Softball tournaments May 29-31. For more information, call 730-2322 or 732-7757. Red Cloud Open Golf Championship Golf championships will be held at the Red Cloud Garrison and Casey Garrison golf courses May 31 to June 1. For more information, call 730-2322 or 732-6276.

Special needs children visit Casey

The American Red Cross and Korean Red Cross, together with Red Cloud Garrison Army and Air Force Exchange, opened the Casey Garrison Theatre May 13 to 30 local special needs students from Hyeoulem Children’s School and their teachers for a morning of movies and treats. Nearly a dozen American Red Cross volunteers and three of their Korean Red Cross counterparts were on hand to greet the children and their teachers and provide drinks, snacks, and thank-you bags for the teachers before a showing of Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, courtesy of Red Cloud Garrison AAFES. — U.S. Army photo by Rob Haynes

Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics promotes Warrant on Red Cloud

Chief Warrant Officer Carlos Hill (center) gets promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 02 by Brig. Gen. Aundre F. Piggee (left) and Mrs. Hill (right) as they place shoulder boards of rank on his shoulders during a promotion ceremony held in Mitchell’s Club on Red Cloud Garrison May 14. — U.S. Army photo by Jim Cunningham

MAY 21, 2010

“There was a great turnout for the challenge. There were more than 70 people who came, and I think all of us had a good time.” Carter credited his team’s success to its teamwork and esprit de corps. “My team was great,” he said. “Everyone bowled to the best of their ability and did a good job. I couldn’t have done it by myself.” The Soldiers who participated found bowling with a rucksack on their backs a challenge because it affects a bowler’s balance. Nevertheless, Carter said he enjoyed the challenge and the new experience. Dominic Guerin, John Roberson, Rene Ramos and Xavier Munoz, members of 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, who knocked down a total of 2,018 pins finished second in the group competition. Dejurnett Conyer, Warlace Coleman, Timothy Neyman and J.D. Olson, members of C Battery, 6-37th Field Artillery, finished in third place with a total pinfall of 1,765. Joseph Frost, B Battery, 6-37th Field Artillery, finished third with a score of 593. Consult the Warriors Compass or In the Zone magazine for the next bowling tournament.


Soldiers roll strikes with rucksacks
By Pfc. Mardicio Barrot USAG-RC Public Affairs RED CLOUD GARRISON — It wouldn’t be mistaken as a forced march but Soldiers who jammed into the Casey Bowling Center May 12 participated in an extreme sport billed as the Warrior Country Extreme Rucksack Bowling Challenge. The challenge consisted of individual and team events. The idea of the event was for participants to strap on a 40-pound rucksack and hit the lanes. Trophies were award for first through third places in both categories. Dominic Guerin, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, topped all competitors with a score of 632. The best group score was held by Shawn Carter, Trent Ellis, Joseph Frost and Victor Bude, members of B Battery, 6-37th Field Artillery, with a total of 2,103 pins. Carter, who led his group with a score of 603, also took home a second place trophy in the individual category. “I love to bowl,” Carter said. “I generally go bowling often, and it’s good to have an event like this where you can bowl in competition and meet new people.

Joshua Johnson, A Company, 302nd Brigade Support Battalion, tries to maintain perfect form as he bowls with a rucksack on his back. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Mardicio Barrot

Camp Stanley runners conquer FMWR 5K,10K
By Pvt. Jamal Walker USAG-RC Public Affair CAMP STANLEY— Soldiers and community members within Warrior Country came out to support the Family Morale, Welfare and Recreation’s 5K and 10K run competition May 15 at the Camp Stanley Physical Fitness Center. A 5K equals 3.11 miles and a 10K is 6.2 miles. After a safety briefing conducted by Randy Behr, Red Cloud Garrison FMWR sports specialist, the runners took off. Most participants said they entered to get their unit points toward the commander’s cup, while others just expressed their passion for running. “I did the full marathon at Casey Garrison April 24 and today I tried to bring out my Soldiers with me because running is something that I have been doing for a while now and I enjoy it a lot,” said Michael Bond, who finished first in the 10K race with a time of 39 minutes,10 seconds. Both the start point and the finish line was in front of the Physical Fitness Center on Stanley. The route designed by the FMWR sports team took the runners around the perimeter of Camp Stanley. After running past the dining facility and some supply holding areas, the participants made a right at the main gate and then followed it up a steep hill located around Reggie’s restaurant. Many runners said the hill gave them difficulties. Melissa Lounsbury, the first women to cross the finish line in the 5K at 24:29 sarcastically said the hill was fun and she’s glad that she quit smoking cigarettes a few weeks before the competition. Once the runners climbed the hill and made their way down past the back gate, they made a left at the 304th Signal Battalion headquarters and sprinted toward the gymnasium and the end of the race. The 10K runners had to complete the course twice. “It was nice to see all of the Soldiers that came out to the race,” Lounsbury said. “I was surprised and motivated by how many people enjoy running 5Ks and 10Ks.” Lounsbury added that she will continue training and will enter in the Red Cloud Garrison 5K fun run the FMWR sports team is holding May 31 for Memorial Day. Casey Garrison will host a 5K run the same day.

Christopher Korpela crosses the finish line first for the Men’s Senior Division during the Camp Stanley 5K run May 15 with a time of 21:42. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jamal Walker

Joshua Johnson crosses the finish line in first place with a time of 18:56 during the Camp Stanley 5K run May 15. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jamal Walker



MAY 21, 2010

Seoul American High School honors fallen hero



Thomas “Reb” Sims, Col. U.S. Army retired (middle) and son Thomas Sims (left), accept a jersey from Garrison Commander Col. Dave Hall as they unveil a memorial for fallen U.S. Army Capt. Sean Sims, May 17. Seoul American High School re-named the soccer field in Capt. Sims honor for his dedication, selfless service and sacrifice. — U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Opal Vaughn

By Sgt. Opal Vaughn USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs

YONGSAN GARRISON — “He is called ‘remains’ but I know better, he’s my son,” Thomas “Reb” Sims, Col. U.S. Army retired, wrote in a letter about his son to the TexasBug. “It is sad when a father must write his own son’s obituary. At last report he had left Iraq and was awaiting a flight in Kuwait. With luck he will be in Germany and then on to Texas. My son, the Soldier comes home, for good. We grieve for his loss, which is our loss, but not for his soul.” It has almost been six years since the death of Capt. Sean Patrick Sims but the memory is still fresh in the hearts and minds of his family and for those who knew him well. Capt. Sims, commanding officer A Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division graduated from Seoul American High School, class of 1990. It is only fitting that his legacy of selfless service and sacrifice be honored as SAHS paid tribute to its fallen hero by dedicating its soccer field in his name, May 17. “The true measure of a person is not how they died, but how they lived. Sean lived for his family, for his men and for his country,” Col. David Hall, U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan commander said of the late Capt. Sims. “Downrange or on the soccer field, Sean exemplified duty, honor and service. Whether leading his Soldiers through the dangers of combat - or rallying his teammates toward the goal - or being a loving husband to Heidi and doting father

to Colin Patrick, Sean did it with excellence and dedication. And it is for that, we honor him.” It was a Saturday when the Sims family received the fateful call. Capt. Sims, beloved father and son, had been killed by small arms fire in the line of duty. A devout Catholic he had called his family the week before and told them to pray for his Soldiers who at the time were relocating deeper into insurgent territory, according to the TexasBug. He died while clearing insurgent occupied hideaways in Fallujah, Iraq. “It’s a tough assignment clearing an urban area. Dirty, dangerous work,” Reb wrote. “He was faced with a difficult and seemingly impossible task but his response was not how do I get out of it but how do I get it done.” Before Sims’ death, the Stars and Stripes reported, he and his company were suffering through the loss of their executive officer who had been shot and killed the week prior. “My son took lead without a second thought when the executive officer needed to be replaced,” Reb said after the ceremony. “It is a tribute to the values my son held being a warrior through leadership, training, courage and sacrifices; and it is very fitting that this field be dedicated in his honor. My son, like others falling in that conflict, was a hero who believed in his mission, his unit and his men. He also believed leaders should be in the front, leading, not following. And that is how he died.” Before the SAHS men’s soccer team took Thomas “Reb” Sims, Col. U.S. Army retired (right) and Garrison Commander Col. Dave Hall pose in to the newly dedicated field for their first front of the newly dedicated soccer field of Seoul American High School, renamed in honor of U.S. Army — See SIMS, Page 12 —

Capt. Sean Sims for his dedication, selfless service and sacrifice, May 17. — U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Opal Vaughn


News & Notes
ACS Community Outreach ACS Outreach Program will set an information table at the USAG Yongsan Commissary to provide information about the programs and events available in the community. The next event is on May 21, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at USAG-Y Commissary. For information, call 738-7123. Become a Facebook Fan The American Red Cross at USAG Yongsan now has its own Facebook page. Become a fan today and learn about upcoming events, find volunteer opportunities, view photos, and post your own comments. Just search for “American Red Cross USAG Yongsan”. The event is on March 29, 5 a.m. - 5 p.m. at USAG Yongsan. For information, call 02-7918-3670. Walker Center Reservations Reservations are required to stay at the Walker Center. Please email walkcercenter@ for the required reservation form. Tricare Online TRICARE Prime beneficiaries can schedule routine appointments using TRICARE Online. Beneficiaries living in Korea should verify their enrollment in TRICARE Overseas Program Prime. Log onto For more information call 736-7236 Healthcare Advisory Council Meeting Please join us the 3rd Wednesday of every month to discuss how we can improve health care. The meeting is held at Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital Command Conference Room. For information, call 737-3045. Live Band Music Night The Infinity band performs publicly every Wednesday and Friday at 7 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. at Harvey’s Lounge. For information, call 723-5678. Free Aerobics Classes The classes are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 6 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 4:45 p.m., 6 p.m. at Collier Field House, and on Tuesday, Thursday - 6 p.m. at K-16. For information, call 736-4588. Free Spinning Bike Classes The classes are on Monday - 5:15 p.m., Tuesday - 6 a.m., 5:15 p.m., Wednesday - 6 a.m., 6:30 p.m., and Thursday - 6 a.m., 6:30 p.m. at Collier Field House. For information, call 736-4588. Protect Your Teen from Rx Drug Abuse According to an annual survey by the Partnership for a Drug Free America, one in five teens has abused prescription medication, and one in ten has abused over-the-counter cough medication. Surprised? Need advice about a teen who may already be abusing meds? Call the Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling Services for confidential advice at 7384579.

SAMS students learn hands-on history lesson at the DMZ
By Sgt. Opal Vaughn USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISON — It is a narrow courtyard with plainly built buildings of blue. Korean soldiers stand two by two; half exposed facing the north on constant guard. Sighs of amazement, giggles and wonder gawked through the bullet proof tinted windows of the Joint Security Area at the Demilitarized Zone, April 30. To think it all started out as a simple grade school assignment. “We wanted the kids to be able to look, see and hear,” said Seoul American Middle School seventh grade teacher Heather Brown. “The kids get all this stuff beforehand which is kind of key. Then they get to actually see what they’ve learned on the tour and experience it for themselves.” Teachers from SAMS put their heads together and constructed a lesson plan to teach American and Korean national students a little bit of history. “Of course the blue building at the JSA and conference row is the most popular site at the DMZ,” Brown laughed. “Especially when you can see tours on the north because the kids ultimately assume if you see somebody who is Caucasian they are American, not realizing it could be someone who is Russian, Polish or someone from the north.” From the smiles on the kids’ faces, they’re in agreement; the blue buildings were the best. “My favorite part was when we went into the room and we were on the South Korean



Korean soldiers stand, half exposed facing the north on constant guard. Seoul American Middle School students observe Korean and U.S. Soldiers defending the peninsula during their trip to the Demilitarized Zone April 30. — U.S. Army photo by Spc. Rick Canfield

side of the line and we got to the see the soldiers,” 13-year-old Morgan Plaster said. “The tunnels were pretty cool that the North Koreans dug too.” The Demilitarized Zone winds 241 kilometers or 155 miles across the Korean Peninsula from East to West. It stands as a buffer zone ceasing all military and hostile actions. The fence line runs approximately 2 kilometers south of the Military Demarcation Line. This fence is a symbol of the only divided country in

the world. “This is a way for kids to understand why U.S. presence is needed in the Republic of Korea and the things that we do every day,” Brown said. “It’s definitely helpful to get help from the Soldiers. We could do this ourselves as teachers but ultimately we really need the help from Soldiers and the community.” For more information about tours to the DMZ, contact the Moyer Community Activities Center at 723-3291.

SAES students dance, climb, jump and play during Field Day
By Pfc. Choe Yong-joon USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISON — More than a thousand Seoul American Elementary School students were treated to bounce houses and other fun physical activities during 2010 Operation Field Day May 4-6. The Field Day events, mainly sponsored by Child, Youth and School Services, Better Opportunities for Single and Unaccompanied Soldiers, Yongsan Fire Department, and Army and Air Force Exchange Service, were designed to maximize fun for the students, reinforcing two key ideas – “Greater Movement = Greater Health” and “Participation =Success”. “As with many U.S. schools, field day at SAES is an annual event,” said Public Relations Liaison/ Educational Technologist Jeremy Walker. “But, this year Physical Education teachers Paige Walker and Darren Arthur wanted to improve upon the past to run the event like a military operation with its own operation order, realizing the enormity of this task and paying homage to the community in which SAES operates.” For each Field Day, two grades had their own sessions spread out over the Yongsan Garrison baseball/ softball field and the SAES gym, moving from station to station one class at a time, under the guidance of teachers and volunteers including Garrison Soldiers. In the gym, kids not only tried rope, wall

Tobacco Cessation Classes Do you want to quit smoking? We are here to help with ongoing smoking cessation classes every Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the TMC. The classes will start on March 18, 2010 and end on Feb. 8, 2011. For more information, call 736-6693.

More than a thousand Seoul American Elementary School students enjoy fun physical activities, such as tug-of-war, rope climbing, Zumba dance and bucket relays during 2010 Operation Field Day at the Seoul American Elementary School gym and baseball field May 4. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Choe Yong-joon

For a complete list of community information news and notes, visit the USAG-Yongsan official web site at

and A-Frame climbing but also learned Zumba dance with rhythmic background music. On the field, others played field hockey, kickball, ran bucket and sack relays, and tested their strength with tug-of-war races. Four different bounce houses set up on the field proved to be a popular pit-stop. “From what I can see, it looks like kids are having a really good time with a lot of volunteers helping run the event

smoothly,” said Wendy Stallings, the mother of two kindergarteners Belia and Lemelin. “There are a lot of playgrounds on the base, but today, with the special activities, it’s going to be a real Children’s Day party.” Kindergarteners through fifth graders, a total of 1,185 students, took part in the Field Day event; for more information, call 736-1000.

MAY 21, 2010

Ways to Spend ACOE Prize


UMUC graduates receive diplomas

By Cpl. Kim Hyung-joon USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs

Congratulations! USAG Yongsan won the Bronze Award for Army Communities of Excellence. How do you think we should spend the $250,000 prize? Find out what more than 3,000 Yongsan community members are talking about by becoming a USAG-Yongsan Facebook Fan at! (Comments are kept in their original form)

Pattie Holden
Facebook Fan

The roads and sidewalks are in a horrible state of repair here, and fixing those i think it should be a top priority. They are so bumpy, many potholes, and bad patch jobs, the concrete just crumbles everywhere. And more parking space near the school.

UMUC President and Vice President congratulate Emerson Kanegusuke, American Embassy Public Affairs Officer, by presenting him a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration diploma at the Seoul American High School Auditorium May 1. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Choe Yong-joon

By Pfc. Choe Yong-joon USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISON — The 2010 University of Maryland University College, Asia, Seoul Commencement was held May 1 in the Seoul American High School Auditorium with over 90 graduates receiving their degrees. UMUC started its Asia program in 1949. This year, UMUC celebrates its 54th anniversary of providing educational opportunities to American Servicemembers overseas. UMUC President Dr. Susan Aldridge, traveling from Maryland to congratulate the graduates, delivered opening remarks.

Sarah Beth Rivera
Facebook Fan

I vote for the indoor playground. The only place we can go when it is super hot, super cold or a high yellow dust day is Burger King. That is not a good option, because it is small and then the kids are always whining about needing food. It would be so nice to have other options for our children then a fast food restaurant.

“It’s been our pleasure to serve you, providing you with a quality education. It’s a day of fun and the new beginning of great memories and even greater expectations, which marks the successful conclusion of an often strenuous journey to academic excellence. You are heroes, courageous men and women! Now, you become richer by the power of accomplishment, distinguishing yourselves by persevering against all odds.” Following her remarks, 59 bachelor’s degree and 36 associate’s degree recipients walked across the platform to be hooded by Dr. Greg Lehmen, Provost and Chief Academic Officer, and Col. Michael Coss, Chief of Staff of 2nd Infantry Division. Dr. Aldridge handed out the — See UMUC, Page 12 —

Lotus Lantern Festival in Insadong

Phillip Poplawski
Facebook Fan

I would like the driving range fixed, but something for the children is much more important. Seems like the only activity for middle school age school kids is hanging out at the shoppette food court. The youth and teen centers aren’t seen as an attractive place to hang out, that and you have to pay to play.

Sean Thomas
Facebook Fan

I will have to agree with the idea of the indoor play area or an outdoor one that is more catered to children under 5. We have a 2 year old who loves the playgrounds here, but gets overran constantly by the 10-18 year olds who hang out, mistreat the equipment, play tag and other games by climbing where they should not be and then jumping down on little kids, etc. There are so many pre-schoolers and younger kids on post and the facilities do not cater to this age group.

The Lotus Lantern Parade culminates Buddha’s Birthday celebrations in Seoul May 16. — Courtesy photo by Beth Hartley Borelli
See yourself in the Morning Calm when you become a USAG-Yongsan Facebook Fan. Just post your travel photos to our page with a quick description covering who, what, when, where and why and we’ll see you in the paper. - Your Yongsan PAO team




Memorial Day Safety
s Memorial Day approaches, be can do around Yongsan. The Memorial Day sure to reflect on the true meaning Block Party is Saturday May 29 at the Arts of this occasion. Remember the and Crafts Parking Lot. Come out for fun, brave men and women who games, prizes and live entertainment. Also, served before us to protect the freedoms on Sunday May 31, a 5K Fun Run takes off and liberties we enjoy today. Memorial from Collier Field House at 9:30 a.m. Day unfortunately also marks the start of Our outdoor swimming pools will open the deadly 101 critical days of summer. May 22, and they are a great place to take the On this Memorial Day, I want all of you to family for fun and relaxation. But remember remember safety, safety, safety! to observe water safety basics. Swim with As the weather a buddy and know warms up, I your limitations. encourage all of As always, just you to be aware of outside our gates our children playing is one of the best outside. Slow down, subway systems in be alert and keep the world that can our kids safe! When take you anywhere driving, always wear in Seoul in less than your seat belts. The an hour! For those increased traffic and departing Yongsan greater number of or Seoul, heed any drivers during the travel warnings, and holiday make the remember, do NOT use of these proven travel alone! Enjoy Col. Dave Hall life savers even more what Asia has to USAG Yongsan important. offer, but always be Commander If you drink, don’t vigilant that you are drive. If you plan an American living on driving, don’t overseas. drink. It’s as simple as that folks. About a Your firm commitment to ensuring safety third of all highway deaths involve the use will help us achieve an accident-free holiday of alcohol. Don’t become a statistic, use a weekend. So, while you’re having a super designated driver. weekend, remember, there are consequences For those of you staying local for the holiday for being unsafe. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend, there are countless activities you holiday!


“Your firm commitment to ensuring safety will help us achieve an accident-free holiday weekend.”

game, a memorial plaque was unveiled along with the re-named scoreboard to honor Sims. “For all of us who knew him, when we see this field and say its name we will remember

from Page 9

all that is good and possible in a man’s soul,” Maj. Jerome Pionk said, friend and former classmate, 8th U.S. Army public affairs officer. “Sean you are gone but you are not forgotten.”
from Page 11

diplomas. “I got a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration,” said American Embassy Public Affairs Officer Emerson Kanegusuke. “I have taken two and a half years through UMUC and online courses are actually a lot harder because all of the work is solely on you instead of having a professor there giving a lecture directly.” We have to do reading on our own, have the discipline to keep up with classes, and use resources such as the library, online information specialist and computer labs

on base. Now, I’m getting a certification in teaching so I will teach government and finance to students of high school level, Kanegusuke added. The commencement is the third for UMUC this year after celebrations in Tokyo and Okinawa. There will also be graduation ceremonies in Guam and in Adelphi, Maryland. UMUC Europe will hold commencements in London, England and Heidelberg, Germany. For information on upcoming classes, contact 723-4294/4295/4300.

MAY 21, 2010

MAY 21, 2010

NEWS Signal year board selects best of the best


Special to the Morning Calm 1st Signal Brigade Public Affairs

Non commissioned officers, Soldiers and Korean Augmentation to the U.S. Army waited anxiously in a corner office for the final leg of their four day journey to be complete – the board for the 1st Signal Brigade NCO, Soldier and KATUSA of the Year competition May 13. Some chose to spend the time rehearsing their chain of command and study board questions, while others made idle conversation with each other. Later that day, their anticipation mounted as they were gathered together directly after the last person completed the board for the announcement of the winners. Command Sgt. Maj. Rudolph Johns, 1st Signal Bde. command sergeant major, made sure to inform the competitors that they were all winners before announcing his verdict. Staff Sgt. James Becker, with 293rd Signal Company, 36th Signal Battalion, was named the NCO of the Year, Pfc. Michael Clark, with 169th Signal Co., 36th Signal Bn., was named the Soldier of the Year and Cpl. Sei Hoon Kim, with 501st Signal Co., 36th Signal Bn. was named the KATUSA of the Year. “The purpose of the brigade year board is to find the best of the best within the brigade,” said Sgt. 1st Class Carl Biski, noncommissioned officer-in-charge of the NCO, Soldier and KATUSA year competition. “The competition is not just a board. It is an overall competition; we get the total concept Soldier. It weeds out Soldiers that are only great in one area. You

Staff Sgt. James Becker, 293rd Signal Company, 36th Signal Battalion, Pfc. Michael Clark, 169th Signal Co., 36th Signal Bn., Command Sgt. Maj. Rudolph Johns, 1st Signal Brigade command sergeant major and Cpl. Sei Hoon Kim, 501st Signal Co., 36th Signal Bn., pose after winning the non commissioned officer, Soldier and Korean Augmentation to the U.S. Army of the Year board. — U.S. Army Photo

don’t have to be great in every area. You just have to be good.” Each battalion holds its own unit board and the winners for the boards are sent to the brigade quarter boards. “Once we have winners for all four quarter boards, we have a brigade year board,” said Biski. The competition was broken down into different tasks. Soldiers had to do a physical fitness test, written test, day and night urban orienteering, an 8.5 mile forced road march,

weapons qualification, a mystery task, react to a nuclear, biological and chemical attack and a board. “I mirror this [competition] to NETCOM’s so that the Soldier will be better prepared to go to the NETCOM [board] and be competitive,” said Biski. To make the competition impartial, each task is graded on a 50 point scale. “The reason why, for example, is if one Soldier scores a 312 and another, a 120 on the pt test, there is not a big difference in scores. It

is easier to catch up with a 50 point scale,” said Biski. Biski said he would like to see more Soldiers take the opportunity to attend these boards. “I think more Soldiers should go to their battalion boards and come do the quarter boards. It will make them a better Soldier and give them more face time with their senior leaders,” he said. “The NCO and Soldier winners will go to NETCOM Soldier of the Year Board to represent 1st Signal Brigade.


Product recall
Alert for Children’s and Infants’ Liquid Medicines
By Dave Elger Health Promotion Coordinator 65th Medical Brigade As a precautionary measure, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a division of Johnson & Johnson, has issued a voluntary recall of several children’s and infants’ liquid products i n c l u d i n g C h i l d r e n’s and Infant’s Tylenol, Children’s and Infants’ Motrin, Children’s Zyrtec Products, and Children’s Benadryl Products. According to a company press release, the recall was issued because some of these products may not meet quality s t a n d a rd s ( p o s s i b l e higher concentration of active ingredients than specified or contaminated with bacteria or other particles). While it’s unlikely that a serious medical event could occur, McNeil advices that parents and caregivers discontinue administration of these products to children


and consult with a health care provider or pharmacist for alternative pediatric health treatment options. While none of the above mentioned products have been dispensed by pharmacies located in Korea, they have been available for purchase through AAFES outlets and commissaries. What action should you take? Check your medicine cabinet to see if you have any of the affected supplies. If the NDC number matches any of those listed at this link (http://www. mcneilproductrecall. com/page.jhtml?id=/ include/ take i t t o yo u r n e a re s t USAMEDDAC-K pharmacy for appropriate destruction. Do not flush down the toilet or pour down a sink or drain! Check out the following website for additional information: page.jhtml?id=/include/



From the staff of the Knowledge Official Safety Magazine of the U.S.

Editor’s note: The names of the individuals mentioned in this story have been changed to protect their privacy and that of their Families. It was almost 97 degrees, and the sun was lowering onto the western horizon as Sgt. Larry Robinson crouched over the tank of his Suzuki GSX-R600 and rolled on the throttle. He was third in a group of four riders straightening out the turns on a series of country roads skirting a large lake. The roughly 29-mile route was a favorite with riders, including those whose sport bikes could propel them to 150 mph in the straights. Leading the ride was Staff Sgt. Victor Hernandez, a friend who served in the same unit with Robinson. Hernandez rode with an off-post, non-sanctioned riding group that Robinson wanted to join. He’d been riding as a prospect, but a pending permanent change of station move nixed his plans. Although Hernandez and one of the other riders belonged to the group, it was not a group-sponsored ride, and neither rider wore the group’s distinctive vest. The group was known for its riding culture which was displayed on its Web site. There, videos showed stunting on streets and interstates and a member exceeding 150 mph. And there was history here as far as the Army was concerned. During the previous 13 months, three Soldiers affiliated with the group had suffered motorcycle accidents. Two of those Soldiers died while the third suffered a permanent disability. That afternoon, the culture that had killed and crippled those Soldiers was on display as Hernandez led his friends on their ride. The riders turned north on a road bordering the east side of a lake. Hernandez had lengthened his lead and was playing “catch me if you can” as he pulled out of sight of the other riders. As they approached a dam, they saw a slower moving cruiser motorcycle in their lane and decided to pass it. The rider in front of Robinson ignored the double yellow line indicating a “no-passing” zone and whipped around the cruiser. Now it was Robinson’s turn. As he approached the slower bike, the road curved to the left as it crossed the dam. Robinson passed the cruiser quickly and pulled back into his lane. However, during the process, he ended up too far to the right — dangerously close to the gravel-surfaced

Change in Funding for Active Duty Soldier’s Testing Program
Effective 20 November 2010, Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support will only fund a Service member’s initial examination fee for each subject College Level Examination Program, DSST (previously known as the DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) and Excelsior College Examinations exams. Due to the change, all Service members taking CLEP, DSST or ECE examination on or after 20 May 2010 will be informed they will not be allowed to retest with DANTES funding, on that specific exam, if they do not obtain their desired passing score. However, retesting will continue to be available on a personally funded basis. Individuals that took a test prior to May 20, 2010 must retest prior to Dec. 11, 2010. To prevent test familiarity and safeguard test security, the testing agencies will continue to require that all examinees must wait 180 calendar days from the last test date to retest on these exams. Having alternate forms available for some tests does not change this policy. If an examinee tests before the 180 calendar day waiting period has elapsed, the test score will be invalidated and the waiting period starts over. To retest by computer at a National Test Center, examinees will first have to pay the examination and administration fee by credit card. To retest at a paper-based DANTES Test Site, examinees for CLEP and DSST will follow the personally funded civilian procedure which requires payment either by certified check or money order in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. Bank, made payable to Prometric. For ECE, personally funded examinees must submit exam registration fees prior to taking their ECE exam, using a certified check or money order, or a personal check drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. funds, and made payable to Excelsior College. For more information please contact your local Garrisons’ Army Education Center.

shoulder. The Suzuki was Robinson’s first street bike and he’d only been riding for about a month. He’d taken the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s (MSF) Basic Rider Course; however, he was no longer on the course’s slow-speed, controlled environment. Now, he was in a sticky situation for which he wasn’t prepared. Unable to handle the curve, gravel crunched beneath the Suzuki’s tires as he drifted onto the narrow right shoulder which was bordered by a guardrail. Now, everything was up for grabs. The Suzuki lost traction and struck a guardrail support. The impact launched Robinson 84 feet through the air and down the shoulder until he slammed head-first into a guardrail support. Chris and Mary Burkhart were driving in the southbound lane when they saw the accident unfold in front of them. Mary Burkhart stopped the car, grabbed her cell phone and called 911. She and her husband rendered aid to Robinson following the instructions of the 911 operator. The rider behind Robinson also called 911. Hernandez was stopped two miles ahead waiting for his friends to catch up. When they didn’t, he rode back to see what had happened. The county volunteer fire department was near the dam, and emergency medical services personnel arrived within three minutes. They checked Robinson and called for a helicopter as they attempted to resuscitate him. By the time the helicopter arrived, 12 minutes later, Robinson had not been revived, so the EMS technicians contacted the county justice of the peace. An hour earlier, Robinson had been racing down the road. Now, he was lying dead beside it, the victim of blunt-force trauma to his head. Why did he die? Robinson ignored the posted speed limits not realizing they were there for his safety. With scarcely a month’s street-riding experience, he didn’t know how to handle the situation he was in. As a result, when things went bad, he made a poor decision that ended his life. Then there was Hernandez. As Robinson’s leader and friend, he was responsible for the younger soldier during their off-duty time together. He set an example by the way he rode that afternoon. It was an example other riders could die trying to follow. That afternoon’s bad decisions cost a family their son, Hernandez his friend and the Army an experienced Iraq-war veteran. Those decisions, however, didn’t happen in a vacuum. Coloring them was a dangerous culture lurking outside the gates of many Army installations.

MAY 21, 2010

Area II Worship Schedule
Protestant Services
Collective 1000 1000 1100 1100 1100 Stone Chapel West Casey Chapel Warrior Chapel Crusader Chapel Hovey Chapel Sunday Sunday Sunday 0930 1030 0800 0930 1100 1100 1230 Brian Allgood Hospital K-16 Chapel Memorial Chapel Gospel Contemporary Sunday Sunday Non-denominational Sunday Gospel Sunday South Post Chapel Hanam Village Chapel South Post Chapel South Post Chapel South Post Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Brian Allgood Hospital Memorial Chapel KATUSA Tuesday Korean Wednesday Church of Christ Contemporary


Area I Worship Schedule
Protestant Services
Collective Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Gospel Sunday 1100 Casey Memorial Chapel

Area III Worship Schedule
Protestant Services
Collective Sunday 1100 1100 1300 1700 1700 1900 1930 Freedom Chapel Suwon Air Base Chapel Freedom Chapel Bldg. 558, Room 206 Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel

Area IV Worship Schedule
Protestant Services
Collective Protestant Sunday Church of Christ Gospel Contemporary Wednesday Friday KATUSA Tuesday Tuesday 1000 1030 1700 1215 1900 1900 1900 1830 Camp Carroll Camp Walker Camp Walker Camp Walker Camp Carroll Camp Walker Camp Carroll Camp Walker


COGIC Sunday KATUSA Sunday Tuesday Tuesday 1900 1830 1830 CRC Warrior Chapel Casey Memorial Chapel Camp Hovey Chapel 1230 CRC Warrior Chapel

Mision Pentecostal Hispana Sunday 1430 United Pentecostal Sunday KATUSA Tuesday 1330 1830 0930 1000

Catholic Services
Mass Sunday 0900 1145 Camp Walker Camp Carroll

Catholic Services
Sunday Mon/Wed/Thur/Fri

Seventh-Day Adventist Saturday Episcopal Sunday

0900 1500 1145

Freedom Chapel Suwon Air Base Chapel Freedom Chapel

Catholic Services/Mass
Sunday Sunday Sunday 0900 1200 0930 CRC Warrior Chapel West Casey Chapel Camp Hovey Chapel

Catholic Services
Catholic Mass Saturday 1700 Sunday 0800 Sunday 1130 Mon/Wed/Thur/Fri 1145 1st Sat. 0900 Memorial Chapel South Post Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel South Post Chapel

The Command Chaplain’s Office is here to perform, provide, or coordinate total religious support to the United Nations Command, U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth U.S. Army Servicemembers, their families and authorized civilians across the full spectrum of operations from armistice to war. Visit the U.S. Forces Korea Religious Support site at: for helpful links and information.

Friday 1830 West Casey Chapel




Korea-wide Army chaplain points of contact
USAG-Yongsan Chaplains Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Jeffrey D. Hawkins: [email protected], 738-3009 Chaplain (Maj.) Terry E. Jarvis: [email protected], 738-3917 Chaplain (Maj.) Daniel E. Husak: [email protected], 736-3018 USAG-Humphreys Chaplains Chaplain (Maj.) John Chun: [email protected], 754-7274 Chaplain (Capt.) Anthony Flores: [email protected], 754-7042 USAG-Red Cloud/Casey 2ID Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Jonathan Gibbs: [email protected], 732-7998 Red Cloud Chaplain (Lt. Col) David Acuff: [email protected], 732-6169 USAG-Daegu Chaplains Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Kwon Pyo: [email protected], 764-5455 Chaplain (Capt.) Mike Jones: [email protected], 765-8991




“You win a few, you lose a few. Some get rained out. But, you got to dress for all of them.” — Satchel Paige

“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” — Babe Ruth

“You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball (or softball) and in the end, it turns out that it was the other way around all the time.” — Jim Bouton

“Since baseball (and softball) time is measured only in out, all you have to do is succeed utterly; keep hitting, keep the rally alive and you have defeated time. You remain forever young.” — Roger Angell

Youth baseball, softball seasons in full swing
HUMPHREYS GARRISON — Although the Major League Baseball and Korean Baseball League seasons haven’t completed their first couple of months, garrisons throughout Korea are about mid-way through their Child and Youth Services baseball and softball seasons. At Humphreys, about 160 children are participating, at various levels, on 13 baseball and one softball teams. Almost half of the participants are on six T-ball teams. Besides providing a fun opportunity for youth to enjoy what many still consider America’s pastime, Youth Sports provides opportunities for youth to learn and develop skills and competencies, which contribute to their positive growth and development. Games are scheduled through June 5. — U.S. Army photos by Lori Yerdon, Sarah Dobson and Mike Mooney

“Baseball is the only thing besides the paper clip that hasn’t changed.” — Bill Veeck

MAY 21, 2010




Soldiers reenlist at the DMZ



Lt. Col. John Rhodes, commander of United Nations Command Security Battalion-Joint Security Area, reenlisted Staff Sgt. Jae-sung Byeon near the Military Demarcation Line in the Korean DMZ May 13. — U.S. Army Photo

Capt. Paul H. Books, Jr., commander of 142d Military Police Company, reenlisted Staff Sgt. Ricky Caravona at Observation Post Ouellette in the Korean DMZ May 14. — U.S. Army Photo

MAY 21, 2010


- Keep your back straight. - Bend at your knees. - Keep the object close to your body and keep a good grip.

- Keep your feet comfortably apart. - Make small loads. - Get help if the load is too large. - Always turn your feet, never twist your back.




MAY 21, 2010



KATUSA Soldiers discuss benefits of WLC attendance
By Pfc. Joon Woo Baek USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs HUMPHREYS GARRISON — The Warrior Leader Course is a rigorous 17day course, given at Camp Jackson, which trains Soldiers in basic leadership skills, knowledge, and behaviors. WLC, formerly known as the Primary Leadership Development Course, is the first step in the Non-commissioned Officer Education System. Recently, two Korean Augmentation to the U.S. Army Soldiers, from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys, Cpl. Lee, Seong-hyeon and Cpl. Shin, Jungwoo, graduated from WLC and decided to share what it’s like to be in the course. Shin came in third in his class and won the Gold Tiger Award. It was their second visit to Camp Jackson, as they are graduates from the KATUSA Training Academy, also located there. How was WLC? Lee: As the course name is “Warrior Leader Course,” it was a great time to reflect upon what it really means to be an NCO and its leadership. I learned what a leader is and should be and what its roles are in the Army. Shin: WLC was different from KTA, which I have fond memories of. But I learned new skills and had new experiences. Why did you apply for WLC? Lee: I wanted to spend my time in the Army meaningfully and my seniors who have been to WLC told me that their time there was a great experience for them. Shin: I wanted to make another visit to KTA and Camp Jackson, but the experiences

Personality Profile

Recent Warrior Leader Course graduates, Cpl. Shin, Jung-woo, left, and Cpl. Lee, Seong-hyeon, both of HHC, USAG-Humphreys, said there were many benefits to attending the course. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Joon Woo Baek told by other WLC graduates influenced me as well. What did you learn? What do you remember the most? Lee: I prepared hard for the Iron Man Award, which I unfortunately didn’t get. But I’m proud to say that I did get a good grade and was the first person to cross the finish line in the two-mile run. When we were crawling and running during the last four days of training at Warrior Base, we lacked skills at first but through continuous AAR, we improved ourselves and I saw what true leadership meant. Shin: We were taught so many things in such a short period of time, that it feels like I don’t remember much. However, I learned that people watch what you do and will learn from what you do, both positively and negatively. If I remember one thing from WLC, it is that you need to set an example for others. The class was conducted in English. Did you feel any language barriers? Lee: Even before I went to WLC, I had my worries about it, but if I didn’t understand something, I asked other U.S. Soldiers and studied together with Cpl. Shin and I was able to keep up. Shin: It was not easy, especially in a

tactical situation. The key to giving orders is swiftness and accuracy, neither of which is easy for a non-native. What was the hardest part? Lee: English and reduced sleep. Shin: Competition. Unlike the KATUSAs, the U.S. Soldiers were very sensitive about grades as the grades from WLC influence their careers. Also, a small mistake could potentially tip the scale, so paying careful attention to detail at everything was difficult. What did you like most about WLC? Lee: About 80 percent of the Soldiers in my unit are KATUSAs, so I didn’t have enough opportunities to get along with U.S. Soldiers. During WLC, I was able to meet many U.S. Soldiers and I learned what other units around the peninsula do. The Dining In, where everyone including the Commandant and the Chief join in to have dinner, a toast, talent show and so forth near the end of the course, was also a unique experience. Shin: It was a new experience. Experiences I could not have had in my current unit, such as squad leader experience in the field or the chance to meet and compete with U.S. Soldiers. WLC, in general, was a great experience. What do you want to say to the U.S. Soldiers or fellow KATUSAs? Lee: If you can, go to WLC. Shin: I believe self-development comes from constantly challenging yourself to try new things. I hope all of us, including myself, hold the courage to challenge ourselves, whatever it may be.

HAS program shows technology improvements
By Steven Hoover USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs HUMPHREYS GARRISON — In an effort to share and showcase how technology in the classroom helps the teachers at Humphreys American School provide an ideal learning environment, the school staged its first “technology night,” May 6. Entitled “Eagle Tech: What you didn’t have when you were kidz!,” the program was an opportunity for parents to see some of the latest tools that teachers are using to educate the students through static displays, workshops and presentations by both students and teachers. “Those who attended saw students, as young as kindergartners, logging onto the computers by themselves,” said Christina Leon, a planning committee member. “The kindergartners showed the adults about the software programs, like ‘Type-to-Learn 4’ and ‘Math Traveler.’” Some of the demonstrations included: “Trains: Past, Present and Future,” a National History Day website project by seventh grader Benjamin Snow; the use of SMART Boards in both the elementary and middle schools; and “Yearbook Explores Photoshop Elements.” In addition, teachers provided workshops on a variety of topics, including “Internet

SMART Board usage in the Humphreys American School classroom is demonstrated by second grader Keora Stevens, during technology night activities May 6. — U.S. Army photos by Steven Hoover Safety/Child Friendly Websites,” “The Ins and Outs of Grade Speed,” and “Improve Reading with Reading Counts.” “This technology night was about sharing information and celebrating

Humphreys American School Yearbook editor, Alex Lee, demonstrates the usage of the Adobe Photoshop program the school uses, during the technology night held at Humphreys American School, May 6. The night was designed to show parents how technology, which wasn’t around when they were in school, impacts learning today. accomplishments,” Leon said. While developing the program, the committee debated about what to call the evening, she said. So, a contest was held and students were asked to submit suggestions. “Eagle Tech” was the suggestion of Shacourtney Jamerson, while the “What you didn’t have when you were kidz!” portion was submitted by Sarah Moore.




News & Notes
Osan Well-Animal Veterinary Clinic The Osan Veterinary Clinic wants to keep your furry friends healthy and strong so they will be at the Community Activity Center, May 24, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. They offer micro-chipping, inoculations, parasite checks and physicals. Walk-ins are welcome in between appointments, but appointments are recommended. If your animal is sick, it cannot receive treatment at this clinic. Call 784-6614 for more information or to make an appointment. AAFES Organizational Day Closures The following Army and Air Force Exchange Service facilities will be closed for Organizational Day activities May 31: 3rd MI Shoppette and Charley’s Steakery (Bldg. S-2064). On June 14, the Post Exchange Main Store, Food Court and theater and the following will be closed: all concession facilities (Bldg. S-400 and S-575), Military Clothing Sales (Bldg. S-449) and all mobile food trucks. The Suwon Snack Bar will also be closed. For more information, call 7536870. Community College Fair Child, Youth and School Services is hosting a Community College Fair, June 5, at the Youth Center (Bldg. 570) starting at 10 a.m. Various colleges will be represented at the fair and the CYSS Technology Lab will be available for students to use for research. Parents and students in sixth grade and above are welcome to attend. Anyone who would like to share information on the college or university they attended, or need more information, should contact Joseph Jacks at 753-8274 or e-mail [email protected]. Area III Golfers Needed Golfers to represent Area III and USAGHumphreys in the Eighth U.S. Army Golf Championships, at Sungnam Golf Course June 7 to 11, are needed. The team will be selected based on official handicaps. For more information, call 753-8811 before the May 31 deadline. FCC Providers Sought Humphreys Garrison is looking for child care providers that want to work from home. Becoming a Family Child Care provider can be very beneficial. The training and experience is transferable to other installations, and it allows opportunity for professional growth by attaining credentials that are recognized world-wide. For more information on requirements and regulations, call Joon Auci at 753-8284. Suicide Crisis Numbers The following are Suicide Crisis telephone numbers available to the USAG-Humphreys community: USAG-Humphreys Behavioral Health, 753-7657; Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital Behavioral Health, 7375508; and USAG-Humphreys Duty Chaplain, 011-9496-7445. OB Orientation Civilians and Active Duty are invited to attend the Obstetrics (OB) Orientation held on the last Friday of each month, in the Super Gym, starting at 9 a.m. For information, contact Capt. Beth Brauchli at 753-8003 or Stacee Roberts, of New Family Support, at 753-6287. Force Protection Reminder During random anti-terrorism checks at USAGHumphreys facilities, be prepared to show your identification card. AR 600-18-14 and USFK Regulation 27-5 require ID card holders to have their cards in possession at all times. For more information, call 754-6192.

Pools for young tykes and slides for the older ones (below), are just two of the primary attractions at the Humphreys Garrison Splish and Splash Water Park, which opens for the summer season May 29. — U.S. Army photos by Mike Mooney

Free day of admission highlights Splish and Splash May 29 opening
By Mike Mooney USAG-Humphreys FMWR Marketing HUMPHREYS GARRISON — The Splish and Splash Water Park, here, opens for the season May 29, and offers a free day of swimming to kickoff the new summer season. Located across from the USAGHumphreys Walk-Thru Gate, Splish and Splash features a 50-meter Olympic-style swimming pool, a kid’s pool, two water slides, diving boards, an amphitheatre, a large deck, volleyball court and snack bar. But the most unique feature of the facility is the Children’s Water Park – complete with a dragon waterslide, spouting mushrooms, spitting amphibians, water circles and a water fort. Shots of water spit up unannounced throughout the zero-entry children’s area, providing opportunities for a lot of fun, surprises and refreshing sprays. It also includes a large snack bar, as well as locker rooms and a hot tub. No outside food or beverages may be brought into the park. This year’s snack bar menu has been expanded based on patron input. Individual and family season passes are currently on sale at the water park, Outdoor Recreation and the Community Activity Center. An individual season pass is priced at $78, while the family pass costs $150. For the purposes of the family pass, a family is defined as mother, father and their children – no matter what the number. Only U.S. ID Card holders can purchase a family pass. Korean employees may only purchase the individual season pass. The daily fee will be $3 for an individual or $8 for a family. The fee for all guests is $10 per person. Splish and Splash will be open from noon to 8 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday through Sunday and holidays, from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Although located at Humphreys Garrison, Splish and Splash is open to all personnel authorized to use FMWR facilities. “We don’t care if you’re from Yongsan, Osan, Daegu, Area I or Kunsan,” said Steve Ryan, USAG-Humphreys Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation director. “Splish and Splash is a large facility and it has room for everyone.” For more information about Splish and Splash, call 754-6412 or 031-619-6412. For anyone coming from outside the area, it’s a good idea to call ahead.

MAY 21, 2010



Freedom Fest 2010 preparations underway
By Mike Mooney USAG-Humphreys FMWR Marketing HUMPHREYS GARRISON — Units, Family Readiness Groups and private organizations are encouraged to operate a food or game booth during the upcoming Freedom Fest celebration, at Independence Park, July 3 and 4. The deadline for applying for booths is June 15. Requests should be sent to [email protected], with the names of at least two people who will be manning the booth. Every location will be provided with 110V electrical outlets (two plugs), an eight-foot booth, an awning and a light. For those who need more than two plugins, that should be requested early. Units are responsible for their own tables, chairs, cooking equipment, power convertors, power cords and other needed items. Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation will provide booth decorations as long as they last. Booth rules include: Only two booths will be approved for selling hamburgers and hotdogs. These two will go to the largest units that apply. The booths will be placed at opposite ends of the festival grounds and the prices will be identical for similar products. Hotdogs do not include other types of sausages, such as brats and red hots, but can include chilidogs and chili-cheese dogs, cheeseburgers and chili-cheeseburgers. Menus for other food booths can be combined. However, any duplicate menu items in different booths must be priced the same. No competing prices will be allowed. All booths are authorized to sell soda, water and sports drinks. However, no unit booth can sell beer or any other alcoholic beverage. Prices are $1 for soda and water exchange rate will be set before booths open Saturday. Vendors are responsible for providing their own change and should come prepared since it will be next to impossible to obtain change either day. Recommend that all prices be set to avoid using nickels and dimes (i.e., $.75 or $1.50). Traffic and parking will be closely monitored and restricted. Booth operators should plan to be ready to operate no later than 1:30 p.m. Saturday and should have everything they need to operate their booth. There will be no parking on the festival grounds or anywhere near the festival grounds and vehicular traffic will be restricted throughout the two days of the festival. The Dunk Tank is traditionally one of the best money makers for units. Five onehour slots are available both Saturday and Sunday. Interested units should provide a first and second preference choice for each day. FMWR Marketing will publish the final schedule. The deadline for requesting a slot in the dunk tank is June 15. The following activities and booths have been offered in past Freedom Fest celebrations: Speed Ball, Special Photos, Face Painting and Tattoos, and Cake Walk. There will be no outside Korean vendors this year, although both KATUSA Snack Bars will have booths. Outdoor Rec has the following games available free of charge: Tic Tac Toe, Shuffleboard, Block Island, Ring Toss and Colors. Whoever uses these games will have to provide the prizes, but the games will be free. You can also design your own game (the old kid’s fishing pond with clothes pins and poles) or the dart throw (balloons on a piece of plywood). For more information, call 754-8257.

Units, Family Readiness Groups and private organizations are encouraged to operate face painting, food and game booths during the upcoming Freedom Fest celebration, at Independence Park, July 3 and 4. — U.S. Army photo by Mike Mooney and $2 for sports drinks. FMWR Services Division will have bagged ice, priced at $1, for sale on location. All booths must operate from 2:30 to 9 p.m., both Saturday and Sunday, unless there is inclement weather. Booths can stay open until 10 p.m. if they desire. All booths can discount their product starting at 7 p.m. each day, for the purpose of a “clearance sale.” This is a decision of the booth operator and does not require prior approval. All booths serving food must have a person with a current Food Handler’s certificate. When you sign up for a booth, please provide us the name(s) of individuals with a current certificate. A training session will be offered for those who need to get people certified. All booths should be prepared to accept both U.S. dollars and Korean won. An

IMCOM’s top NCO visits Humphreys
HUMPHREYS GARRISON — Command Sgt. Maj. Neil Ciotola, Installation Management Command’s command sergeant major, speaks with Soldiers in the 501st Military Intelligence Brigade Dining Facility, during his visit, here, Tuesday . Ciotola, who assumed his current position on Nov. 2, 2009, received a windshield tour of the installation, with stops to view the New Land, Super Gym, Army Family Housing, several Soldier’s barracks and the Splish and Splash Aquatics Park.— U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Joon Woo Baek



USAG DAEGU Bullying has no place in USAG Daegu and Area IV
MAY 21, 2010
By Kim, Min-yeong USAG Daegu Public Affairs DAEGU GARRISON — Someone once said, “Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.” For some U.S. Army Garrison Daegu middle school children, an opportunity to better understand just what that means came in the form of some up close and personal conversations between them and Mirian Houston, USAG Daegu’s exceptional family member program manager. The small group of children gathered at the Camp Walker Child and Youth Services Center May 11 where they not only received a detailed briefing on the meaning of bullying, but were given an opportunity to talk openly and honestly about their feelings regarding the subject. Houston began the briefing by explaining to children what bullying means. She said, “Bullying is an act such as someone saying something or doing something to show that they have power over another person. “Some young people are bullied for no particular reason. Then there are times when they are bullied perhaps because of the color of their skin, the way they talk, their size, or even their name. Sometimes young people are bullied because they look like they won’t stand up for themselves.” Contrary to popular belief, bullying is not just something that occurs between little kids on the school yard. “From second graders all the way up to high school seniors, bullying can occur. It’s actually a growing problem for high school age children. This silly behavior can lead to harmful results,” said Houston. The EFMP program manager said that some people think bullying is just part of growing up. Houston also stated that some tend to think that bullying is a way for young people to learn to stick up for themselves. “Unfortunately, bullying can make young people feel lonely, unhappy and frightened. It makes them feel unsafe and


Mirian Houston, responds to a question posed to her by students attending her lecture on bullying. — U.S. Army Photo by Kim, Min-yeong think there must be something wrong with them. They lose confidence and may not want to go to school any more. It may even make them sick,” Houston explained. Houston said that when kids are bullied, far too often, they are hesitant to tell anyone about their situation. She added, “If someone is bullying you, you should always tell an adult that you trust. Even if you think you can solve the problem on your own, tell an adult anyway. You do this to ensure that the bullying does not happen again. “An adult you might trust can be a teacher, school principal, parent, someone from your family or even a friend’s parent. This isn’t considered telling tales. You have a right to be safe, and there are things an adult can do to get the bullying to stop. Even if you think you can solve the problem on your own, tell an adult anyway. You do this to ensure that the bullying does not happen again.” In cases where it might be difficult to talk about being bullied, Houston told the children that it might be easier to write down what’s been happening to them, and give it to an adult that they trust. She said that another helpful method might be for each school to prepare solution boxes where students can drop off their written document about their bullying situation. Using this method, no one other than an official recipient will be able to see the child’s message. “Hopefully this will make the individual feel a little more safe and secure,” explained Houston. The children appeared more than receptive to the briefing, raising their hands and asking Houston questions that ranged from “Will I get into trouble if I tell?” to “What if another person won’t leave me alone?” As the session came to an end, Houston reminded the children that bullying in USAG Daegu and Area IV is not acceptable. She said, “Bullying is among one of the worst behaviors in human nature. Here in our community, we have zero tolerance. Tell your teacher. Tell your parents. Tell an adult if anyone bullies you or if you know of someone who is being bullied. Only with your help can we put an end to this shameful behavior.”

Students from Camp Walker’s Middle School Teen Center listen attentively to a bullying lecture from Mirian Houston, USAG Daegu’s Exceptional Family Member Program Manager. The lecture was an effort intended to educate the youth on the unhealthy and unacceptable habits associated with bullying. — U.S. Army Photo by Kim, Min-yeong

Teachers and Caregivers receive kudos for their hard work and dedication
By PV2 Jang, Bong-seok USAG Daegu Public Affairs DAEGU GARRISON — Teachers and caregivers have one of the toughest jobs in existence. Day in and day out they commit themselves to providing precious care to our children. Their professionalism, dedication and expertise combine to become a cornerstone of strength for the Daegu Army community. In recognition of this year’s “Teachers and Caregivers Appreciation Week” officials at the Camp George Child Development Center celebrated the hard work of teachers and caregivers in a brief ceremony. “Teachers and Caregivers Appreciation Week is dedicated to recognizing exceptional teachers and celebrating the great things that are being accomplished in schools or child development centers,” said Kathleen Brennan, child and youth services director. Brennan added that throughout this special week, management, parents and caregivers around the Daegu and Area IV community plan events that are intended to highlight the efforts that these often “behind-thescene” givers provide the children and the community. A teacher as well as a mother, Sonia Benavides said, “My husband and I are both certified teachers at Daegu American School. These teachers are mothers and fathers that are taking care of our children when we are not there.” Milton Antonio Hunter, who is the father of 1-year-old said that he was thrilled about his child’s improvement. “Every day he is learning something new here at CDC. Every day he comes home and shows me the sign for milk. These teachers do a lot for us even though we may not always recognize them as we should. Teachers and Caregivers Appreciation Week is a great opportunity for us to make the time to show them that they are huge assets, and they are really and truly appreciated,” he said.

In recognition of Teacher Appreciation Week, Camp George Child Development teachers and caregivers were presented flowers and an attractive certificate, May 14 for the work and contributions they make to the USAG Daegu and Area IV community. — U.S. Army Photo by PV2 Jang, Bong-seok

USAG-D • PAGE 26 t

News & Notes

Area IV military spouses head north to Osan to shop until they drop
By Kim, See-un USAG Daegu Public Affairs DAEGU GARRISON — Spouses and Army Community Services representatives from around Area IV took advantage of the joy spring brings as they traveled to Osan for a shopping tour, in support of military spouse month. The road trip gave the spouses an opportunity to spend time chatting with old friends, while making new ones. According to LaVita Vincent, U.S. Army Garrison Daegu deployment and mobilization manager, the trip was something that everyone had been looking forward to for quite some time. “The purpose of the trip was to recognize our military spouses for the tremendous support they provide to military personnel— especially sponsors. Daegu has lots of things to see and do. However, this trip to Osan was an opportunity to take our spouses somewhere away from home. “The trip gave them a chance to see and enjoy a place they might not otherwise have the opportunity to. Last year, we took a group to the Busan International Market and because we had such success with that type of excursion, we decided to do it again, but this time head North to Osan,” she said. Fun and games seemed to be the theme for the trip throughout the day. A scavenger hunt activity helped bring the group even closer. “We conducted a scavenger hunt that was designed to help the spouses get to know each other. The information that was provided was about the spouses, and so the group had to network to determine who was who. This was an activity that encouraged the participants to get to know the person beside them,” said Vincent. A much sought after prize for one of the games was a coupon from the Marriott Hotel. The winner of that prize, Martin Juan Eric Pepper said, “I am really happy because I got the coupon. Actually, my wife has wanted to go to Seoul, so this coupon is really a good thing for us. I’m really glad to be a part of this event. It is a wonderful experience, and for a good purpose.” Bright-eyed and filled with excitement, the participants could hardly contain themselves as they approached the shopping district just outside Osan Air Base. Stepping off the bus, the spouses wasted no time heading to their favorite vendor. With only three hours to make their purchases, they



Camp Walker Indoor Swimming Pool re-opened The Camp Walker indoor swimming pool has been repaired and re-opened. The Camp Walker outdoor pool opens May 29 and the Camp Carrol outdoor pool opens today.

EFMP Respite Care Information Seminar June 8, 9 to 11 a.m. Army Community Service Building Camp Henry Call 768-7112 or 768-8329 and reserve your space to find out if your family member(s) are eligible to receive free child care.

A military spouse finds a snazzy bag during her Osan shopping spree. — U.S. Army Photo by Kim, See-un

Memorial Day Weekend Tour to Beijing, China Camp Walker Tour and Travel Service host a trip to Beijing, China May 29 through June 1. Pick up the phone and call the Camp Walker Tour and Travel Service at 764-4124 to reserve your seat. The affordable travel package includes round trip airfare, hotel, meals, airport tax, tour bus fee, individual visa fee, and all site admission fees. Call today. Don’t delay.

USAG Daegu Town Hall Meeting USAG Daegu will hold a Town Hall Tuesday, May 25, 6 p.m., Camp Henry Theater. Our friends from AAFES and the Commissary will provide pizza, water, plates and napkins - you just have to bring your questions! All Garrison service providers will be there, plus Medical, Dental, Red Cross and more reps. Want to submit questions in advance? Drop them in the USAG Daegu Facebook page Town Hall Discussion!

Colorful clothing and fine fabrics grabbed the attention of this Osan shopping trip participant. — U.S. Army Photo by Kim, See-un could be spotted in souvenir shops, and clothing and cosmetics stores. A number of the participants appeared to be very interested in Korean traditional items, including the colorful traditional clothing. For USAG Daegu Headquartes & Headquarters Co. Commander, Cpt. Sylvia Johnson, lending support and encouragment was among the reasons she joined the tour. “I really appreciate the work Mrs. Vincent does. I’ve made the trip to Osan several times, but I thought it was important to come along this time to mingle with the new spouses, and encourage them to get out and see Korea, and see for themselves that Korea probably has more to offer than we can receive.” With packages and purchases neatly piled into the storage area beneath the bus, the spouses began their trip back to Daegu. The smiles and laughter and conversation were evidence that everyone had had a wonderful time. Vincent said, “Already some of the spouses are looking forward to next year’s military spouse trip. I listened to them, and they’re hoping that next year we can travel to the Busan International Market, and the beach. Whatever we plan at ACS, we hope to be able to provide them what they want because it really is about them.”

Tobacco user support group Are you ready to kick the habit? If so, come out to the new Tobacco User Support Group every Tuesday at the Camp Walker, Optometry Clinic conference room or Wednesday at the Camp Carroll Army Community Services from 11 a.m. to noon. Please call at 764-5594 for details.

Paintball Competition Pre-memorial paintball competition will be help at Camp Carroll CAC, May 30 at 1 p.m. $20 per person. Incldues gun, canister, mask & 100 paintballs. Wear some of your least favorite clothes. Minimum of two teams of five members. Sign up and pay before the registration deadline which is May 27. Please call at 765-8325 for details. With shopping all done, wearing happy faces and smiles, participants in the Camp Henry ACS Osan shopping trip gather for a final snapshot. — U.S. Army Photo by Kim, See-un

MAY 21, 2010

Camp Walker Commissary Commando Competition and Case Lot events a big hit
By Mary Grimes USAG Daegu Public Affairs DAEGU GARRISON — The Camp Walker Commissary was the place to be on May 14 as U.S. Army Garrison Daegu Soldiers, Family members and DoD civilians came out to participate in the Commissary Commando Competition or take advantage of the much awaited Case Lot sale. Units from around Area IV teamed up to compete for prizes and the thrill of outrunning, out jumping and winning bragging rights for being the best rope-jumpers or tricycle riders in the command. On hand to welcome the community to the event were Robert M. Lattanzi, community activities coordinator, DFMWR, USAG Daegu, and Charles Phillips, store administrator for the Camp Walker Commissary. Calling the event an opportunity to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather, Phillips said, “The commissary staff welcomes you. We’re happy to have you here today, and we want this to be a day where you just get out and enjoy the weather and have some fun.” Laying out the events of the day, Lattanzi told the crowd, “It’s a great day to be in Daegu. MWR and the commissary want you to know that we appreciate all that you do. Enjoy yourselves out here today. Be safe. Cheer on your team and have a good time.”



USAG Daegu Soldiers and civilians alike, took advantage of the Camp Walker Commissary Case Lot Sale, May 14. — U.S. Army Photo by Mary Grimes

Soldiers from HHC, USAG Daegu are all smiles after receiving gift vouchers for winning big in the Commissary Commando Competition, May 14 at the Daegu Commissary on Camp Walker. — U.S. Army Photo by Mary Grimes

The AFN Eagle waits in the check- out line at the Camp Walker Commissary with Soldiers and KATUSAs. As part of the Commissary Commando Competition, the Soldiers had to do speedshopping. In the end, the winner was determined by which team came closest to the determined dollar amount. All items were returned to the shelves. — U.S. Army Photo by Mary Grimes


USAG Daegu and Area IV celebrate Asian Pacific Heritage Month
Photos by PV2 Jang, Bong-seok



Scenes from around Camp Walker

MAY 22, 2009 MAY 21, 2010


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