Morning Calm Korea Weekly, May 7, 2010

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The Morning Calm is a weekly Command information newspaper published by the Installation Management Command Korea for service members, military family members and civilian employees serving, working and living on U.S. Army Installations throughout the Republic of Korea. To learn more about living and working in Korea visit our website or visit our Flickr site to see images of life in the ROK at



Secretary of the Army visits Korea

May 7, 2010 • Volume 8, Issue 29

Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea

Col. Joseph P. Moore, USAG-Humphreys garrison commander, briefs Secretary of the Army John McHugh on Humphreys’ role in U.S. Forces in Korea’s transformation, the Yongsan Relocation Program and Land Partnership Plan and tour normalization as Lt. Gen. Joseph F. Fil Jr., commander, Eighth U.S. Army, looks on. In addition to Moore’s brief, McHugh, the 21st Secretary of the Army, had lunch with Army spouses, toured the Community Fitness Center or Super Gym and met with members the installation’s Better Opportunity for Single and Unaccompanied Soldiers on Tuesday. – U.S. Army photo by Lori Yerdon See page 21 for more on McHugh’s visit to USAG-Humphreys.

Region News USAG Red Cloud USAG Casey USAG Yongsan USAG Humphreys USAG Daegu P02 P05 P05 P09 P21 P25

Sights and Sounds Command Perspective Region Features Chaplain Information Photo Feature Region Features P03 P04 P14 P15 P16 P18


Page 16 Goes to the dogs

The Morning Calm

Published by Installation Management Command - Korea Commanding General/Publisher: Brig. Gen. John Uberti Public Affairs Officer/Editor: R. Slade Walters Senior Editor: Dave Palmer USAG-RED CLOUD Commander: Col. Larry A. Jackson Public Affairs Officer: Margaret Banish-Donaldson CI Officer: James F. Cunningham USAG-YONGSAN Commander: Col. David W. Hall Public Affairs Officer: Dan Thompson CI Officer: Jane Lee Staff Writers: Sgt. Hwang Joon-hyun, Cpl. Kim Hyungjoon, Pfc. Choe Yong-joon USAG-HUMPHREYS Commander: Col. Joseph P. Moore Public Affairs Officer: Lori Yerdon Writer–Editor: Steven Hoover Designer: Pfc. Baek Joon-woo USAG-DAEGU Commander: Col. Terry Hodges Public Affairs Officer: Philip Molter CI Officer: Mary Grimes Staff Writers: Cpl. Park Kyung-rock, Cpl. Lee Do-dam Interns: Kim Seeun, Kim Min-yeong This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of this weekly publication is the responsibility of the IMCOMKorea, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205. Circulation: 9,500 Printed by Oriental Press, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Government, under exclusive written contract with the Contracting Command-Korea. The civilian printer is responsible for commercial advertising. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army or Oriental Press of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Oriental Press President: Charles Chong Commercial Advertising Telephone: 738-5005 or 723-4253 Fax: (02) 790-5795 E-mail: [email protected] Mail address: PSC 450, Box 758, APO AP 96206-0758 Location: Bldg. 1440, Yongsan, Main Post SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: Phone: DSN 738-4068 E-mail: [email protected]

Prepare early for summer moves
Special to the Morning Calm Personal Property Shipping and Processing Offices experience their peak Permanent Change of Station movement season each year from May through August. During these summer months, there are as many personal property shipments as the rest of the year combined. As such, customers are reminded to plan their moves well in advance. Customers who are within the 90 days of their Date Expected to Return from Overseas and still do not have reassignment instructions, should contact their order-issuing authority in order to expedite processing and issuance of their orders as soon as possible. Service members, retirees, and DoD employees are advised to make counseling appointments with Transportation Offices in their area immediately upon receipt of PCS/ Travel Orders. In order to obtain desired packing and pick up dates, customers should make counseling appointments at least three weeks in advance to alleviate conflicts that may occur with desired packing and pick up dates. • Please understand that not everyone will be able to move on the last day of the month due to the many moves occurring during this peak movement season. As a reminder, certain items cannot be shipped. These items include: • Combustible liquids (certain alcoholic beverages, antifreeze compounds) • Explosives (fireworks, propellants, ammunition) • Compressed gases (fire extinguishers, scuba diving tanks, aerosol cans) • Corrosive liquids (acids, acidic batteries, disinfectants, rust preventing/ removing compounds) • Flammables (acetone, ammonia, cleaning fluids, enamel, kerosene/gasoline, propane tanks, enamel, paint, varnish, turpentine) Pets are another important part of many people’s PCS moves, shipment of pets are the owner’s responsibility and must be done at the owner’s expense. Commercial airlines often restrict shipment of pets to certain destinations during summer months due to high temperatures coupled with extended When scheduling dates, customers aircraft ground times. Pet owners should should: coordinate their shipments well in advance of • Avoid scheduling pickup dates on their projected departures with the airlines. the day their housing lease expires, since Members are referred to the Transportation this prevents adjustments for unforeseen and Travel “It’s Your Move” Army Pamphlet challenges such as carrier equipment 55-2 on the SDDC Home Page: shortages which sometimes occur during for further helpful this extremely busy time of year. shipping information. • Avoid changing their scheduled IMCOM Korea Installation Transportation packing and pickup days once made—there Offices remain committed to assist you in is no guarantee that they will be able to everything possible to help ensure you have obtain immediate or near-term alternate a smooth move. Early preparation by people dates. moving during the peak movement season will



greatly help. DoD Customers (Service Members, Retirees and Department of Defense Civilians) now enjoy Full Replacement Value protection on most DoD-funded personal property shipments. Under the FRV program, the Transportation Service Provider/Carrier is liable for the greater of $5,000 per shipment or $4.00 times the net weight of the shipment (in pounds), up to $50,000. The Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command have published a detailed set of guidelines that governs FRV coverage on its website. DoD Customers can find the website at: -click Full Replacement Value Protection. Further FRV information can be found on the various Military Claims Offices web sites. A Customer Satisfactory Survey is an essential part of evaluating a TSP’s performance and future participation in the DOD Personal Property Program. Based on Service policies, FRV, for lost or damaged Personal Property shipments, may be contingent upon completion of the CSS. Upon completion of a personal property move, Service Members and DoD civilians will be given an opportunity to complete a short (12-question), web-based Customer Satisfaction Survey. The survey measures performance of their movers - Transportation Service Provider and the Origin and Destination Personal Property shipping Offices. By submitting this survey Service Members and DoD Civilians will influence the quality of future moves, for themselves, and for other Service Members. The point of contact for this article is the Transportation Branch, Logistics Division, IMCOM Korea, at DSN 738-3466.

Medical brigade provides tobacco cessasion resources
By Marianne Campano 65th Medical Brigade In our society there is a constant stream of messages about the harmful effects of cigarettes and chewing tobacco. By now most of us know that smoking is the leading cause of avoidable disease and death in the United States. Like nonsmokers, smokers and dippers receive this same message, but in addition are often bombarded by friends, family and colleagues reiterating the harms of tobacco and urging or even nagging them to quit. The problem is, using tobacco is not just a habit, it is a powerful addiction to the drug nicotine found in cigarettes and chewing tobacco. Most smokers actually wish they could quit. Quitting tobacco is hard, but doable with determination and commitment. Millions of people have beaten the addiction and are now tobacco free. If you want to quit-or you know someone that wants to quit, try focusing on the positive gains achieved in quitting such as: • You will live longer and better • You can improve your physical fitness and sports performance. Your lung capacity, circulation, heartbeat and stamina will improve. You’ll be in better shape for physical training and your PT tests. • You can improve your physical appearance. Your breath will be fresher, your fingers and teeth will look cleaner, your hair and clothes will smell better, and your skin will look younger. • You will have extra money. By quitting, you’ll be able to hang on to more of your hard earned cash to save or to spend on the things you really want or need. • The people you live with, especially your children will be healthier. Even if you smoke outdoors, nicotine-containing particles stick to your clothing and hair and rub off on items around your house. This is called third hand smoke, and eventually the people you live with absorb that nicotine. Research shows that children whose parents smoke outdoors absorb twice as much nicotine into their bodies as children of parents who don’t smoke. • You can smell and taste again. Once you quit smoking, your sense of taste and smell will improve, and you’ll rediscover the joy of fresh air and good food. Quitting tobacco products is not easy, but it can be done. The U.S. Health and Human Services’ “Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update” reports that the best chance of beating tobacco is when you use both support and medication to quit smoking. Force Health Protection- Health Promotion offers ongoing smoking cessation classes that provide a combination of education, counseling, and pharmacotherapy approved by the Food and Drug Administration. For more information, or to enroll in the program, contact: USAG Casey: First three Thursdays of every month 1300-1430; 730-6796 USAG Yongsan: every Tuesday 1300-1400; 736-6693 USAG Humphreys: ACS, room 311, every Wednesday 1000; 753-3253 USAG Daegu: Camp Walker, Wood Medical Clinic Optometry conference room, every Tuesday 1100-1200. Camp Carroll in the ACS building, every Wednesday 1200-1300; 7645215 Onsite classes can also be arranged for units that have 10 or more individuals interested.

The Morning Calm

Visit us online

Signal Corps Ball
The Signal Corps Regimental Association “Voice of the ROK” Chapter 2010 Regimental Signal Corps Ball will be held on 21 May 2010 at 1800 hours in the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Seoul, Korea. For ticket information, please contact 41st Sig. Bn. at 724-8009 or 724-7005.

Submitting to The Morning Calm Weekly Send Letters to the Editor, guest commentaries, story submissions and other items: [email protected]. For all submitted items include a point of contact name and telephone number. All items are subject to editing for content and to insure they conform with DoD guidelines. IMCOM-K Public Affairs and the Morning Calm Weekly staff are located at IMCOM-K, Yongsan Garrison. For information, call 738-4065.

APRIL 30, 2010



MP Blotter
The following entries were excerpted from the military police blotters. These entries may be incomplete and do not imply guilt or innocence.

USAG-Red Cloud:
Larceny of Private Property; Unknown person(s), by unknown means, removed Victim #1’s laptop and a pair of shoes, which were located at the CQ area, unsecured and monitored by the CQ in the barracks. There were no signs of forced entry. Estimated Cost of Lost is $880.00. Investigation continues by Military Police Investigators. Larceny of Government Property; Unknown person(s), by unknown means, entered a room in the barracks and removed Victim #1’s sleeping system and a gortex top which were left secured and unattended. There were no signs of forced entry. Estimated Cost of Lost is unknown. This is a final report.

Drunken Operation of a Government Vehicle; Subject #1 was observed by Witness #1 driving recklessly on post. Subject #1 eventually stopped and MP’s were summoned and made contact with Subject #1. Upon contact MP detected an odor of alcoholic beverages emitting from Subject#1. Subject #1 was administered a Portable Breathalyzer Test, with a result of 0.106% Blood Alcohol Content. Subject #1 was apprehended and transported to the PMO where he was issued an Order to Show Cause Memorandum and suspension of driving privileges. Subject #1’s Army Motor Vehicle Operator ID card was confiscated. Subject #1 was processed and released to KNP with instructions to report to the PMO at a later time. Subject #1 reported to the PMO where he was advised of his legal rights, which he waived rendering a written sworn statement admitting to the offense. This is a final report.

This statue stands outside the War Memorial of Korea. One of the War Memorial of Korea’s stated goals is to make a practical determination that Korea will never experience the tragedy of war again. — photo courtesy Dave Palmer

SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Off-post events and activities
Kids in Fashion and Style Dress up your kids with lovely fashion items. The fair presents junior apparel like jeans, sportswear, costumes and underwear as well as fashion accessories like shoes, socks, stocks, handbag, pendants, sunglasses and shawl. The fair is to create a unique platform for new junior fashion market and enhance the significance of the kids’ wellbeing and culture in fashion and style. May 20, Business Day, 10 a.m. - 6p.m. May 21, Public Day 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. May 22, Public Day 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. Entrance Fee: 3,000 won, Free admission for COEX Card Members LED Tech Korea & Optical Expo 2010 May. 12, 2010 - May. 14, 2010 This exhibition brings together various fields of LED, including all types of equipment, parts, materials necessary for the design and manufacturing LED lighting system, inspection, measurement, test, evaluation equipment , etc, amid the recent rapid technological innovation of LED and Solid-State Lighting. It will provide the best opportunity to expand the business and gain insight into the latest technologies relating to LED manufacturing. This exhibition also specializes in the photo electronic application, manufacturing, inspection, and measurement of parts related to SEMICONDUCTOR, FPD, LED, OPTICAL FILM, LASER, VISION, focusing on the photo electronic industry(MANUFACTURE, INSPECTION, MEASUREMENT) in cooperation with excellent domestic and overseas companies and research institutes. This exhibition will provide a platform for related company people and research developers to maximize the exchange of information and marketing effect, and indentify new customers as the photo electronic industry takes more significance recently amid the recent shift toward super precision and state-of-art miniaturization. Entrance Fee: 5,000 won (Free for prior reservations) Opening Hours: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Seoul International Wine, Spirits Expo The Korea wine and spirits market is one of the fastest-growing markets in the world with per capita consumption of alcoholic drink having recorded the highest level in the world. The Expo organized by Korea Wines & Spirits Importers Association is one of the most popular and effective exhibition related to wine and spirits market in Asia. Over 200 companies from 20 countries will showcase the best of their drinks. Entrance Fee: 20,000 won (30 percent discount for COEX Card members) Opening Hours: 10 a.m - 6 p.m. Venue: Hall C, COEX Seoul Center for Culture & Tourism Special Russian Film Screening is planning to be held in Seoul Center of Culture and Tourism from May 4 to 11 to celebrate Korea-Russia 20 years of diplomatic relations and Russia’s 65th of victory. The movies were sponsored by the Russian Embassy and are quite rare here in Korea. With English subtitles, 8 carefully selected Russian movies will be played are free of charge. It is a great opportunity to improve one’s cultural knowledge of Russia and anyone who is interested in Russia. Confirming the participation and a seminar room (40 seats) is possible at the center. We look forward to your attendance and please advertise for the participation of the students. â—‹ Sponsored by : Russian Embassy â—‹ Period : May 4 -11 â—‹ Place : HAECHI HALL â—‹ Fee : Free 5th fl. M Plaza bldg., 31-1 Myeong-dong 2-ga Jung-gu, Seoul

Driving under the Influence of Alcohol; Failure to Maintain Lane of Travel; Subject #1 was observed by MP failing to maintain control of his vehicle by crossing the center line of the road three times and barely avoiding hitting the traffic sign on post. MP then initiated a traffic stop. Upon approaching Subject#1’s vehicle, MP detected an odor of alcoholic beverages emitting from Subject #1. MP observed several open containers of alcohol. Subject #1 was apprehended and transported to the PMO where he was administered a Field Sobriety Test, which determined he was impaired and a Portable Breathalyzer Test, with a result of 0.113% Blood Alcohol Content. Subject #1 was processed and released to his unit with instructions to report to the PMO at a later time. Subject #1 reported to the PMO where he was advised of his legal rights, which he waived rendering a written sworn statement attesting to the incident. Subject #1’s driving privileges were suspended. Subject #1’s motor vehicle operator permit was confiscated. Subject #1’s vehicle was released to his chain of command in the presence of Subject #1. This is a final report

Curfew Violation; Subject #1 and Subject #2 were observed off post at the MK Club during the hours of curfew. Subject #1 and Subject #2 were identified as military personnel, detained and transported to the PMO. They were processed and released to their unit. This is a final report.

Source:,,, — No endorsement implied.




By Col. Dave Hall U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan Commander Last month, I joined Installation Management Command professionals from around to the world in San Antonio, Texas to hear the new IMCOM commanding general’s vision for making the IMCOM stronger as the Army’s home. How does this relate to you? Lt. Gen. Rick Lynch presented six “lines of effort” that he identified as critical to making IMCOM more efficient and effective. Throughout the year, you will hear more about these lines of effort, but I would like to focus on just one for now: Safety. You have probably noticed that spring is in full bloom, and with it has come rising temperatures. With the improvement in weather, many of us will take advantage of the many outdoor activities our communities have to offer. During this time, I ask all of you to keep safety first and foremost in mind both while planning activities and enjoying them, whether you are leading a group of Servicemembers or just spending time with your family or buddies. Whether you live on Yongsan or Daegu, you’ll see more joggers and bicycles on our streets, which means we all need to be more aware and make sure that we all work together to keep our streets, sidewalks and common areas safe for everyone. You need to know that headphones, earphones and handheld cell phones will not be used when operating motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, or when running or jogging on post. It’s all about keeping you and others safe. Here are some important tips to remember:

Col. Dave Hall — U.S. Army photo

those who are walking when crossing roads. Traffic signals and stop signs will be obeyed and pedestrian crosswalks will be used when crossing roads. Joggers will avoid the use of the main streets and run in single file to the maximum extent possible. Joggers will use jogging paths or sidewalks where available or run on the far-left side of the road, facing traffic, when jogging paths or sidewalks are not available. Challenging or obstructing vehicular traffic is forbidden. Joggers should yield the right of way to vehicular traffic. Skateboards and skating The Family Morale, Welfare and Recreation Skate Park at the Family Fun Park on Yongsan South Post is the only approved and Garrisonsponsored area designated for skateboards and roller blades. Other authorized areas are parking lots within housing areas; unoccupied open areas, such as basketball courts, unused parking lots, and paved playgrounds; and parking lots after facilities have closed for the day. Parents, please talk to your children Protective equipment about playing safe. Many accidents are easily All personnel are required to wear the preventable by taking simple precautions. following protective equipment while operating Folks, I ask all of you, regardless of where or riding as a passenger on a motorcycle/moped you live in Korea, to answer Lt. Gen. Lynch’s on post: A properly fastened approved helmet call to safety. His plan rightly recognizes safety that meets Department of Transportation as the all-encompassing concern we should standards; eye protection (clear goggles or a have in whatever we are doing. face shield attached to the helmet); full-fingered I challenge you to be a leader both at home gloves, long trousers, long-sleeved shirt or and on the job. Sharing your appreciation of jacket, and leather boots or over the ankle shoes. safety and teaching others to have a heightened sense of awareness could save a life or spare Reflective vests someone from a debilitating injury. When jogging, bicycling, skateboarding, Whether you are a Servicemember, Family roller skating, rollerblading or operating a member or civilian, I encourage you to learn motorcycle or moped, a high-visibility retro- more about managing risk by logging on to reflective vest (bright colors for day and the Army Safety Center website, https://safety. reflective for night) will be worn. Reflective There you can find multimedia safety belts, arm bands or sleevelets may not be used information on everything from swimming to in lieu of reflective vests. If wearing a backpack, rock climbing. They even have a risk assessment the vest must be worn over the backpack. system you can use to evaluate your vacation or TDY. Individual jogging I highly encourage you to get out and enjoy The safety of joggers or runners is an the outdoors here in Korea. Be sure to make individual responsibility. Joggers are pedestrians your tour in the Land of the Morning Calm a and must observe the same precautions as safe one that you’ll remember fondly for years.

MAY 7, 2010

were presented but by far the majority of questions centered on the new Department of Defense Education Activity School being built in Casey Garrison. Most parents were looking for answers to questions they had posed to the DoDEA school superintendant in previous community town halls. Capt. Taira Caldwell of the garrison surgeon’s office asked if children who are already enrolled in private schools will have to pull up roots and move to the new Casey school, when there are not enough places for all the children in the garrison. She was concerned that her child would have to pull up roots already established in the private school in Uijeongbu to go to a school that may not have enough space. Dr. Irby Miller, Department of Defense Dependent Schools, Seoul, Korea superintendent, had the answer to her question. “Right now, all I can tell you is we have a work in progress and I am hoping I will have a definitive answer for you before the end of this week. I have indications certain things are happening right now, so hopefully, by the end of the week I will have an answer for you,” Miller said. A high school student asked if she could continue going to the Indianhead School and graduate there instead of having to transfer to the high school in Yongsan Garrison. Miller had the same answer for her: “We are working on it as I speak,” he said. Another parent was concerned about having his children being bused for an hour and forty-five minutes to and from the school in Yongsan. “The only thing I can share with you is we are currently working that situation with the military as well as with DoDEA,” Miller said. “At the present moment, all I can tell you is we are working around the clock trying to resolve this issue.” Questions were asked of the school officials about what the teacher-student ratio would be when the school went into session this fall. Shelly Kennedy, Casey Elementary School’s inaugural principal, had the answer. “The ratio is set by DoDDS as 18 students for every teacher,” she said. She went on to say it was very important for the parents to fill out and register their children for school because it was important to know how many students would be attending. When one member of the audience asked if there would be a busing system from offpost housing to the new schools on Casey, Donald Brown, transportation officer for DoDDS schools, had the answer. “There will be some busing from off-post living quarters to the school. However, we will not be able to service every housing development,” he said. “We have a list of all the apartment complexes where we have people living, and if you live within one mile of where the bus stop will be, your child will have transportation to and from school. There will be a bus set up to run out of Camp Stanley, make a stop at Red Cloud


Town Hall sharpens focus on garrison services
By Jim Cunningham USAG-RC Public Affairs CASEY GARRISON — Soldiers, Civilians, and Family members gathered with garrison directors in Casey Garrison’s Community Activity Center April 26 to learn about garrison services and changes being made within the garrison due to tour normalization. Many new changes and opportunities Garrison, and continue on to the school on Casey Garrison. There will also be a bus going from Red Cloud Garrison to Yongsan schools for children in grades 9 through 12. “We have yet to formalize every stop, but we will have it done in the near future.” He went on to say they were looking at starting the bus service at 6:30 a.m. and for some it may be 5:30 a.m. The bus routes will be based on the availability of housing in the area, he said. The question of allowing pets on the Patriot Express, a free shuttle flight from the west coast of the U.S. to Incheon Airport, was asked by a Family member preparing for a permanent change of station. Dennis Williams, chief of transportation for Red Cloud Garrison’s Directorate of Logistics, had the answer. “Right now pets are not allowed on the Patriot Express,” he said. “We are working to have pets allowed on the express, but for now they are not allowed. You can go into the transportation office, as usual, and they can book you on a commercial flight.” Some had concerns about streamlining the command sponsorship procedure because they were already here in Korea and waiting for a decision. Lt. Col. Dave Hater, 8th U.S. Army, had the answer. “The best thing you can do to streamline the process is to have all the paperwork completed at the front end. If you have all the documents correctly filled out, we can actually meet that deadline,” he said.

Casey Elementary School’s inaugural Principal Shelly Kennedy gives answers to Soldiers and Family members April 26 during the Community Town Hall meeting held in Casey Garrison’s Community Activity Center regarding student to teacher ratios for the coming school year. — U.S. Army photo by Kevin Jackson

Parents register children in new Casey school

Ashley Miller (right), teacher’s assistant for Dongducheon International Community School, is paying attention to a detailed description from Kim Yun-pae (left, seated), DODDS registrar, in Maude Hall on Casey Garrison, to learn how to fill out an application for her children to attend the new DoDEA school opening in August. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Choi Jin


By Kevin Jackson USAG-RC Public Affairs CAMP STANLEY – They are thousands of miles from their loved ones back home and expecting the birth of children but the 10 mothers to be who gathered at the Pear Blossom Cottage April 29 still reaped the enjoyment of a traditional baby shower. The expecting mothers – both Soldiers and Family members – who attended the second annual baby shower sponsored by the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Pi Eta Zeta Chapter from Seoul, enjoyed a traditional event of food, games and camaraderie. Other sponsors were the Camp Stanley Chapel and the New Parent Support Group. The sorority made certain that none of the expecting mothers left empty handed. They gave away numerous bibs, caps, t-shirts, teethers, booties, diapers, books about motherhood, a sleeper, a care center play yard, and more through a variety of games and door prizes. The expecting mothers also received a bag containing many essentials needed for newborns. “Having this baby shower with my second family is awesome,” said Arlene Beck, who along with her husband Pfc. Leonard Anthony Beck from the 46th Transportation Co., is expecting their first child – a girl – in July. “I definitely think this was a big hit and I was impressed with the turnout,” said Katie Groseclose, manager of the PBC. While the expecting mothers were still celebrating, another one who checked into the hospital the previous evening was delivering her baby. Ezra Robert, 7 pounds, 5 ounces, was born to Mitchell and Caitlin Harris at 1:58 p.m. Groseclose and several others visited the proud parents in the hospital to deliver baby shower gifts. Jaynene Smith, Pi Eta Zeta Chapter president, retired Army first sergeant and a Civilian employee for 8th Army G6, said supporting Families through its Stork’s Nest program is important to the sorority. “To give back to Families who


News & Notes
Did You Know? The DODEA School at Casey will be completed July 31. It will hold a maximum of 324 Kindergarten through grade eight students. Construction has already begun. USAG-RC Now on Facebook You can now find USAG-RC on Facebook. http://www.Facebook. com/pages/APO/USAG-RedCloud/246854871491. Morning of Movies and Fun Red Cloud Garrison American Red Cross and Korean Red Cross together with AAFES will bring a morning of movies and fun to the students of a local special needs school. The movie is free, but treats will only be provided to the students, bring a few dollars if you want to buy treats and enjoy a great day out for the children May 13 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For information call: 730-3184. Mother’s Day Brunch at Mitchell’s Club Mother’s day brunch May 9 in Red Cloud Garrison’s Mitchell’s Club will feature a buffet for $11.95 for adults, $10.95 for moms and children ages 6-12 for $5.95. For information call: 732-8189. Mother’s Day Brunch Warrior’s Club Casey Garrison’s Warrior’s Club will have a Mother’s Day brunch May 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For information call: 730-2195. Mother’s Day Special at Reggie’s Club The Mother’s Day Special at Reggie’s Club will be a two for one T-bone steak dinner for $26.95. For information call: 732-5485. USFK Family Culture Tour The USFK Family Culture Tour will be held May 8 and 9. RSVP 7326204 by close of business today. Casey Lanes Family Bowling Family bowling every Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. in Casey Garrison’s Casey Lanes. Adults bowl for $1 per game and children 10 and under bowl free with paying adult. For information call: 7304577. Casey’s Closet Grand Opening The Grand Opening for Casey’s Closet will be held June 3 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. For information call: 730-4548. Texas Hold’em Bowling Open The Texas Hold’em Bowling Open will be held June 5 at noon in the Casey Garrison Gateway Club. It is limited to the first 50 people to sign up. For information call: 730-4577. Army Traffic Safety Training The Army Traffic Safety Training program will be held in the Casey Garrison Training Theater bldg. 2408 May 11 at 9 to 11:30 a.m. For information call: 738-6040.

Community showers expecting mothers with gifts

Spc. Natasha McGruder attempts to deposit cotton balls she scooped from a bowl on the table into another container atop her head during a game at Camp Stanley’s Pear Blossom Cottage April 30. — U.S. Army photo by Kevin Jackson sacrifice and give so much to us is our new to Korea. “Without tour normalization and goal,” she said. command sponsorship, I definitely don’t Smith acknowledged the gifts were the result of the sorority’s fundraisers and think Families would be happy to come to donations from the community. She said facilities like the PBC to use their resources,” they intend to step up their fundraising she said. “We’re seeing a large number of and donations efforts in the future and Families reaching out to get necessities that “young, single Soldiers are some of our they need so their Families can have a good experience in Korea.” biggest contributors.” That means more outreach opportunities Groseclose appreciates the support for the Pi Eta Zeta Chapter, which has worked and partnership. She said more people are coming to the PBC each week because tour in partnership with Army Community normalization is bringing more Families to Services since it sponsored its first baby shower on Yongsan Garrison four years ago. Red Cloud Garrison. Beck, who arrived in Korea in October, Smith said the program expanded to Camp is a regular visitor. She comes to the cottage Humphreys last fall, and they are working about four times a month to attend new to expand to Daegu next year. “Wherever there are Families, our goal parent classes and to socialize with other is to do a baby shower in their area,” she expecting mothers. “They are like our extended Family and said. The PBC delivers a myriad of social support system,” she said. “They taught me support services to spouses and children that a lot and I feel special to be part of their include cultural adaptation, homemaking, Family.” While Groseclose has only been on financial planning and entitlements, stress the job for six weeks, she recognizes the management, employment skills and important role the PBC plays for Families healthy Families.

Garrison cuts ribbon for Red Cloud Lodge

Command Sgt. Maj. Peter Burrowes, 2nd Infantry Division command sergeant major, Col. Michael Coss, 2ID chief of staff, Col. Larry ‘Pepper’ Jackson, USAG-RC commander, and Gordon Niederhauser, Red Cloud Lodge manager, cut a ribbon for the grand opening of the lodge April 26. — U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Jamal Walker

MAY 7, 2010

their meal. During lunch students began asking questions about the Army and 2ID. The tour continued with a visit to the Close Combat Tactical Trainer. There was a briefing about the origin and development of the 2ID by Capt. Joseph Hong, 210th Fires Brigade, which helped students understand how the 2ID came to be. “I was impressed with the history of the division and all of its achievements.” said Park A-reum, sophomore. After the briefing, they used the simulator for rifles and tanks in virtual action. “I was discharged by military service as a sergeant and tank driver for the Republic of Korea army a few months ago,” said Jang Young-min, sophomore. “I used to drive a tank and use combat equipment when I was in the army, but I am amazed at the new technology, and I’m experiencing it for the first time.” “I have changed my mind after this tour, because the U.S. Army has been deployed in Korea with high-tech weapons for a long time, and it does deter war,” said Noh Yeontaek, sophomore. Female students who had not shown interest in rifles and tanks seemed interested in using the simulator. “Honestly, as a female student, I didn’t have any interest in the Army and didn’t expect to find much interest during this


Hanbuk University students tour Casey
By Pfc. Choi Jin USAG-RC Public Affairs CASEY GARRISON — Department of Social Welfare students of Hanbuk University, the only university in Dongducheon, arrived at the main gate of Casey Garrison April 27 at the invitation of the Community Relations Office of the Second Infantry Division to take a tour. The division gave the invitation to promote friendship between the U.S. Army and the Dongducheon community. Despite inclement weather, the students showed a lot of interest in their neighbor. “This tour is a result of the exchange of friendship between the U.S. Army and the community.” said Lee Bok-hee, director of the city volunteer center and instructor at the university. The 50 or so students became excited while being checked in for their post pass and were eager to look around on post. After checking in, they had lunch in the Gateway Club with Lt. Col. Richard Fromm, Casey Garrison commander. At first they looked confused with the difference in the style of food, and table manners, but they settled in and enjoyed their lunch. “I am really happy you are here, and also, it is a good experience for me,” Fromm said as he welcomed the students while they had

(From left to right) Lee Seung-hee, Park Ji-young, Na Se-yeon, and Choi Jinjoo, four sophomore female students from Hanbuk University, are learning how to shoot rifles and use radios in the Close Combat Tactical Trainer on Casey Garrison April 27. — U.S. Army photo Pvt. Choi Jin tour before it started, but it was interesting to drive tanks and shoot rifles,” said Choi Jin-joo, sophomore. “It’s difficult to get a pass to come on post, but I have had a wonderful time and would like to come back someday,” said Lee Seung-hee, another female student. The tour of Casey Garrison was worth the time for both the Army and the students, because it gave us both a positive impression of each other and those kinds of experiences are very important, Fromm said.

Toby Keith performs for Warriors

Country and Western singer Toby Keith (center) sings an encore during his performance for Soldiers and Family members April 29 in the Yongsan Garrison Collier Field House. In an interview, Keith said “the military stands between everything evil and everything we have and it’s really easy to set in the rocking chair and let bygones be bygones… there’s a lot bigger issues in the world but y’all are taking care of that.” Keith has toured in Iraq, Afghanistan and other garrisons for service members but this was the first time Keith has performed in Korea. The 90 minute performance featured many of his hit songs from his 2003 Academy of Country Music album of the year “Shock’n Y’all.” — U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Jamal Walker



MAY 7, 2010

Yongsan celebrates KATUSA-U.S. Friendship Week



(Top) Headquarters and Headquarters Company, U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan, KATUSA and United States Soldiers unite as one and play Tug-of-war at the Lombardo Field April 22; (Bottom) U.S. Soldiers are competiting for Ssi-rum, Korean traditional wrestling, at the Collier Field House April 22. — U.S. Army photos by Pfc. Choe Yong-joon By Sgt. Opal Vaughn USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISON — The definition of a friend can be seen in the loving relationship that has developed over the past 60 years between the KATUSA and United States Soldiers. This year marks the 60th anniversary of that bond shared between now brothers and sisters in arms which was forged long ago as Korean and U.S. forces fought side by side in the Korean War, June 1950. U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan honored those who served during the war, at an opening ceremony April 20. Receiving awards on behalf of their ancestors who fought in the Korean War was 2nd Lt. Tammi Coley, Sgt. 1st Class Benjamin Phinney, Sgt. Junghee Sung and Pvt. Pedro Melendez. Several Korean national war veterans, still living, were honored as well. “This is a celebration,” Gen. Walter Sharp, commander, USFK said. “We are living as one. Learning as one and training as one. This bond has lasted through time because of the efforts of people like all of you working together. Each of you represents the best of both Korean and American society.” Every year on the anniversary of the establishment of the Korean Augmentation To the United States Army, or KATUSA program, an entire week is dedicated to just that; friendship. For one week, sports are played with KATUSA and U.S. Soldiers united as one, pitted against rival units. “On behalf of the ROK and KATUSA I would like to thank all of you,” Col. Yun Won-hee, commander, ROK army stated. “We will never forget the selfless service of both Korean and American forces and the bond that has been formed. We celebrate this week together with friendly sports competition which once again reaffirms our unity.” Tug-of-war, soccer, volleyball, softball, 5k run and many more sports were held during the celebration. But no matter

how rowdy or enthusiastic each sporting event may have gotten, all who attended worked together as one. United

we stand, together we fall. That saying is just as true today as it was when it was first said.


News & Notes
2010 USFK Good Neighbor English Camp Yongsan American families, with or without children and residing on- or off-Yongsan Post, are needed to host Korean students participating in the in the sixth Annual USFK Good Neighbor English Camp, May 16-22, 2010. For more information and/or to sign up, contact USFK Public Affairs Office, [email protected], 723-4685/7669. Schedule and Sign-Up Form also available at Be a host - it will be an experience of a lifetime for you and your family. Healthcare Advisory Council Meeting Please join us the 3rd Wednesday of every month to discuss how we can improve health care. The meeting is held at Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital Command Conference Room. For information, call 737-3045. Live Band Music Night The Infinity band performs publicly every Wednesday and Friday at 7 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. at Harvey’s Lounge. For information, call 723-5678. Spectacular Cosmic Bowling The Live DJ is on Friday at 9:30 p.m noon and on Saturday at 9 p.m - noon. at Yongsan Lanes. For information, call 723 - 7830. Free Aerobics Classes The classes are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 6 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 4:45 p.m., 6 p.m. at Collier Field House, and on Tuesday, Thursday - 6 p.m. at K-16. For information, call 736-4588. Free Spinning Bike Classes The classes are on Monday - 5:15 p.m., Tuesday - 6 a.m., 5:15 p.m., Wednesday - 6 a.m., 6:30 p.m., and Thursday - 6 a.m., 6:30 p.m. at Collier Field House. For information, call 736-4588. Protect Your Teen from Rx Drug Abuse According to an annual survey by the Partnership for a Drug Free America, one in five teens has abused prescription medication, and one in ten has abused over-the-counter cough medication. Surprised? Need advice about a teen who may already be abusing meds? Call the Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling Services for confidential advice at 7384579.

New parents learn skills at baby shower
By Pfc. Choe Yong-joon USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISON — With a cluster of many-hued balloons and layettes, more than 150 expectant parents and parents of babies 3 months or younger filled the Army Community Service Building room 118 to attend the annual U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan Baby Shower April 24. The event, sponsored by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, American Women’s Thrift Shop Association and ACS, offered traditional baby shower games and two classes, providing information about the costs of raising a baby and how to strengthen a relationship with a spouse after the birth of a new baby. “We are really glad to see everyone here today, thank you for making us a part of your family,” said USAG Yongsan Family Advocacy Program Manager Luticia Trimble-Smith during her opening remarks. “Becoming parents is really a joyous but challenging moment, so enjoy the moment now with the party.” Following the remarks, the moms and dads moved from station to station to participate in several games – including unscrambling words while a baby cries, attempting to be the first to successfully



Yongsan moms are attempting to change diapers and learning techniques on how to take care of babies April 24. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Choe Yong-joon

change a diaper, and guessing the diameter of their belly with a piece of yarn – to learn techniques on how to take care of babies in different situations. All the parents were also eligible for door prizes such as strollers and infant car seats, in addition to baby lotion prizes for taking part in the games, said New Parent Support Program contractor Cara Lindstrom.

“We are excited to join the baby shower to do many activities. It’s great, especially for newcomers,” said Molly Mitchen, 9-weeks-pregnant. “It also helps me meet other moms to share information and do more activities before and after our baby is born.” For additional information, call 738-7505/5150.

Yongsan throws party for youngest heroes
By Cpl. Kim Hyung-joon USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISON — More than 300 Yongsan residents packed the Child Development Center Parking Lot to attend the 2010 Yongsan Community Fun Fair sponsored by Child, Youth and School Services April 10. “We prepared the event since April is the Month of the Military Child,” CYSS Outreach Services Director Melody Francis said. “It is Yongsan tradition to celebrate our military children, our youngest heroes.” Ma n y o r g a n i z a t i o n s l i k e Be t t e r Opportunities for Single Soldiers, the American Red Cross, Army Community Service, United Service Organizations, Women Infants and Children Overseas Program, and Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling Service set up tents and tables to share information. Kids were lined up at inflatable castles, rappelling walls, face painting and the CYSS tent to get free t-shirts. “I am having fun today. I got a free t-shirt and I am happy!” 4-year-old Dominique McIver said. “I think an event like this is very significant for all of us,” said Francis. “Military children have to deal with a lot; moving from place to place, always having to change schools, change communities, and I think they are very resilient and are able to adapt to any situation and face difficulties and overcome.” CYSS is expanding their instructional program to include zumba, and also implementing child care at Collier Field

Tobacco Cessation Classes Do you want to quit smoking? We are here to help with ongoing smoking cessation classes every Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the TMC. The classes will start on March 18, 2010 and end on Feb. 8, 2011. For more information, call 736-6693. Scholarships Available Visit and click on the 2010 Scholarships button on in the right column for the latest news about area scholarships. Application packet for 2010-2011 academic year are also available for download at Yongsan Health Clinic Relocated Since Jan. 22 Yongsan Health Clinic (Troop Medical Clinic) has relocated from the Brian D. Allgood Army Community Hospital/121 CSH to the newly renovated Bldg. 1663, (near Navy Club). Call DSN 737-CARE 6-7 a.m. call.
For a complete list of community information news and notes, visit the USAG-Yongsan official web site at

Many young heroes are lined up at the main desk to get a free t-shirts at the Child Development Center parking lot April 10. — U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Kim Hyung-joon

House so that children have a place to go while parents work out their stress, Francis added. U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan Commander Col. Dave Hall also attended to applaud the great success of the 2010 Yongsan Community Fun Fair. “We are trying to do what is right for you and your children,” Hall said. “Thank the CYSS, Yongsan Fire Department and all the volunteers. How about a little prayer; let’s keep the rain away! You are heroes and please enjoy!” Amber McIver, mother of 4-year-old

Dominique, was having a great time sharing information with other parents. “I think the community fun fair offers a great chance for my daughter to get to play because she has been around her cousin in the states and she needs to interact more with kids her age and she also gets to see everybody else while she is in preschool,” Amber said. “I am getting more information about Korea and it is great to meet more parents and share some knowledge needed.” For more information about CYSS, contact Melody Francis at 738-8122.

MAY 7, 2010

“Love Letters” entertains community Website Suggestions
By Cpl. Kim Hyung-joon USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs



How would you improve the official Garrison website? Find out what more than 2,800 Yongsan community members are talking about by becoming a USAG-Yongsan Facebook Fan at! (Comments are kept in their original form)

Ron Nagy
Facebook Fan

I think that you all are doing a great job! You all have provided this community with information in a timely manner, and addressed issues to assist personnel here in the community.

Beth Anne Hall played Melissa Gardner in “Love Letters,” by A. R. Gurney at the John Wood Memorial Theatre April 15.— U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Kim Hyung-joon

By Cpl. Kim Hyung-joon USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISON — U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan Music and Theatre Branch held ‘Love Letters,’ a Pulitzer Prize nominated play by A. R. Gurney, at the John Wood Memorial Theatre April 15 to enrich quality of life for Yongsan community members. Love Letters started out as a writing exercise for Gurney who then became so engrossed in the characters of Andrew and Melissa; he decided to bring them to life. The play is performed in the style of a ‘Readers Theatre.’ Randy Koonse who has had a life-long passion for acting and performing played Andrew Makepeace Ladd III. Beth Anne Hall was delighted to have an excuse to be witty, sarcastic, and

Joshua N Aime Jensen
Facebook Fan

A “search” option could alleviate the guess work. Other than that, the big thing is to make sure it is accurate. Bus schedule wasn’t correct during Key Resolve, not sure if it’s been remedied since. Yongsan fitness schedule wasn’t up to date or even listed the actual list of classes at all of the varying facilities. I know it is a group effort to keep things current, but that is my two cents for whatever it may be worth.

a little bit rude in the role of Melissa Gardner. “We will join Andrew and Melissa’s 50 years of letters as they discuss their hopes and ambitions, dreams and disappointments, victories and defeats,” said Director of Music and Theatre Joanne Love. “The letters that have passed between them throughout their separated lives. We invite you to enjoy this special theatrical form.” Love encourages families to visit a traditional theatre because exposure to all types of entertainment is valuable and a lot of kids, especially at Yongsan, are very interested in theatre. They enjoy doing theatre and as people get older, it becomes a social outlet and also is just fun, she added. Randy Koonse who portrayed Andrew Makepeace Ladd III — See LOVE LETTERS, Page 12 —

Yongsan taps feet to Toby Keith

Corrie Blackshear
Facebook Fan

I think you guys do a great job too... and this week’s trial by fire proves it. Improvements, though- maybe two. I’d like to see the day’s events and weather right there on the home page when I hit the site. Secondly, a user-friendly search function (also right from the start page). I do use the USAG Yongsan webpage a lot and appreciate all the hard work that’s gone into it.

Laura Staggs Everett
Facebook Fan

Can you provide more information and links to the Second Hand Rose Thrift Shop? Many people don’t know it is there, by the movie theater, and it has all kinds of things that you can’t find in Korea (gently used name brand clothes, small appliances, books and games, etc.). It is also a great place to drop off donations; all the proceeds go to charity for USFK and Koreans.

Garrison Commander Col. Dave Hall posed with Toby Keith at the Collier Field House April 29. — Courtesy photo by Liz Avila Lopez See yourself in the Morning Calm when you become a USAG-Yongsan Facebook Fan. Just post your travel photos to our page with a quick description covering who, what, when, where and why and we’ll see you in the paper. - Your Yongsan PAO team


Yongsan marks Earth Day with 10K Fun Run



Many Yongsan community members run the Earth Day 10 Kilometter Fun Run April 17, starting at the Collier Field House. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Choe Yong-joon

By Pfc. Choe Yong-joon USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISON — More than 80 U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan community members ran the Earth Day 10 Kilometer Fun Run April 17, starting at Collier Field House. “This is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day which is the 22nd of April and today’s run celebrates the start of Earth Week with people supporting Earth Day and clean environment,” said Environmental Division Chief Richard Mauser during opening remarks. Despite a bite in the air, USAG Yongsan C o m m a n d e r C o l . Da ve Ha l l a n d Command Sgt. Maj. Ralph Rusch ran alongside various community members – including a runner with a baby stroller, a group of people wearing cross country team uniforms, and kids riding bicycles. “I think it’s a great experience, being physically fit, developing body and mind,

challenging myself in spiritual fitness,” said Raven Bradford, 135th Forward Surgical Team Detachment Sgt. “Also, on Saturday, organizations come down for other reasons such as cancer and women’s month, so people are coming together to support as one society.” He added that a healthy Earth means a healthy body and vice versa, and that keeping areas clean, taking care of the land, and recycling are all important in keeping the ground and air healthy as well. Seoul American High School Senior Thomas Kim crossed the finish line in first place with a personal record of 33:51, winning an AAFES gift certificate. In addition, all participants were given an Earth Day Fun Run T-Shirt, funded by Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Sports. For more information on the next fun run, call 738-8608.
from Page 11

says that acting is a wonderful experience that also provides a great deal of achievement. “You have a chance to be another person during rehearsals and the shows. It’s kind of fun to be somebody else. There is a lot of satisfaction a person gets after completing a show. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment.” U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan Commander Col. Dave Hall emphasized the importance of the Music and Theatre Program in Yongsan. “The Music and Theatre Program is essential

cultural arts life experience. Arts-ineducation opportunities for local students encourage social awareness and cultural diversity.” Please contact Director of Music and Theatre Joanne Love at 723-5721 for more information.

to our Yongsan community,” Hall said. “This program improves and enriches quality of life for all community members and supports military readiness by providing low-cost

MAY 7, 2010

Protect yourself against rogue security software
By 1st Signal Brigade Special to the Morning Calm Weekly Rogue security software, also known as “scareware” produces fake security warnings, which might appear in pop-up windows as you surf the Internet. It can also appear to be beneficial from a security perspective, but provides limited or no security, generates erroneous or misleading alerts, or attempts to lure users into participating in fraudulent transactions. These warnings are designed to trick you into downloading malicious software or paying for unnecessary software. Take the following steps before going online to prevent criminals and identity thieves from getting personal information and accessing your computer. Rogue security software designers create legitimate-looking pop-up windows that advertise security update software. The “updates” or “alerts” in the pop-up windows call for you to take some sort of action, such as clicking to install the software, accept recommended updates, or remove unwanted viruses or spyware. When you click, the rogue security software downloads to your computer. The software might also appear in the list of search results when searching for trustworthy anti-spyware software, so it is important to protect your computer. The software might report a virus, even though your computer is actually clean. The software might also fail to report viruses



when your computer is infected. Inversely, sometimes, when you download rogue security software, it will install a virus or other malicious software on your computer so that the software has something to detect. Some software might also lure you into fraudulent transactions (for example, upgrading to a non-existent paid version of a program), use social engineering to steal your personal information, Install malware that can go undetected as it steals your data. It might also launch pop-up windows with false or misleading alerts, slow your computer, corrupt files, disable Windows updates or disable updates to legitimate antivirus software.

2010 Korea LandWarNet Training Conference May 18 - 20 Hotel Capital, Itaewon


Korean Cultural Night honors ROK-U.S. Alliance
Story and Photo by Pfc. Oh Chi-hyung 8th U.S. Army Public Affairs SEOUL — The first Korean Cultural Night was held here at W Seoul Hotel May 1 to recognize and honor the ROK-U.S. Alliance. Senior U.S. officials, Korean business leaders, U.S. Soldiers, Korean Augmentees to the U.S. Army, spouses and guests participated in the event. A buffet dinner was served while PalII-Moo, a traditional Korean dance group, captivated the audience. Distinguished guests expressed their gratitude for Eighth Army’s contribution to peace and security in Korea. “I want to extend my gratitude toward all of the U.S. service members for their great support,” said Dr. Ha Yeon-soon. Eighth Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Joseph F. Fil, Jr., said that America and Korea share many common values. “We all believe our people are good, our work is important, and our service is noble,” said Fil. “We all strive to build a better world for future generations. We all strive to leave a legacy worthy of our highest aspirations.” “The ROK-U.S. Alliance today continues to demonstrate our shared commitment to defend these shared values,” said Fil. “Together with our Korean friends, we proudly face the future with great gratitude, fortitude and optimism.”



Induction ceremony held

Eighth U.S. Army hosts AFAP conference
YONGSAN GARRISON — The 2010 Eighth U.S. Army Army Family Action Plan Conference was held in the Dragon Hill Lodge on Yongsan Garrison from April 19 - 23 to improve the lives of U.S. Army families in Korea. The conference, an annual event, consisted training and group work. Every delegate has gone through three days of essential training. To prioritize the issues discussed for each garrison, the spouses and delegates took a vote to choose the most urgent and important issues. Delegates were then divided into sections that focused on family support, force support, entitlements, medical and dental. Numerous topics were discussed by each subject matter expert. “This is an opportunity for all of us to work together and know the important things we need to enhance to make the lives of Soldiers better and to remain Army strong,” said Lt. Gen. Joseph F. Fil, Jr., commanding general of Eighth U.S. Army. “The ones that we can work on here in Korea will be resolvable quickly. The ones that can’t be done will be raised to the Army level and be reconsidered,” said Fil. “There’s something special I can see here. I appreciate all of you and your passion and enthusiasm.” Through AFAP, all members of the U.S. Army, including Active, Reserve, and National Guard Soldiers, family members, DA Civilians, retirees, surviving spouses and military technicians have a forum to voice concerns to Army leadership and make recommendations for change.

American Soldiers wear the different NCO uniforms from the U.S. Army’s history during an induction ceremony on Yongsan Ceremony April 28.. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Kim Kyu-ho

By Pfc. Kim Kyu-ho 8th U.S. Army Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISON — An induction ceremony was held for the Sgt. Audie L. Murphy Club, Gen. Paik Sun-yup Leadership Award and Dr. Mary E. Walker Award at Yongsan Garrison April 28. The presentation “I am the Sergeant” showcased the important leadership role Noncommissioned Officers have filled since the foundation of United States Army. Retired Republic of Korea Army Gen. Paik Sun-yup presented medals to Korean Augmentation to U.S. Army Soldiers who received the award. After the 30 inductees received their awards, Command Sgt. Maj. Keith B. Fointno, command sergeant major for the 168th Multifunctional Medical Battalion, called on them to continue setting the example for others. “I encourage our honored inductees

to continue to uphold the same morals and character, the same resiliency and the dedication to serving others, which our forefathers have echoed,” said Fointno. Sgt. Audie L. Murphy is a war hero who earned a battlefield commission for his courage and leadership ability as well as his numerous citations and decorations. Sergeant Audie Murphy Club inductees are NCOs who lead their Soldiers by example. Gen. Paik Sun-yup is the first Republic of Korea Army four-star general. He is one of the founders of the ROK Army. He participated in all ten of the major campaigns of the Korean War. Dr. Mary E. Walker is the only woman in United States history to receive the Medal of Honor. She served as an unpaid volunteer in various camps and a hospital for Native American troops. She set the standard for helping to improve Soldier’s quality of life for generations to come.

Lt. Gen. Joseph F. Fil, Jr., Eighth U.S. Army Commanding General, addresses the Army Family Action Plan Conference on Yongsan Garrison. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Oh Chi-hyung

MAY 7, 2010

Area II Worship Schedule
Protestant Services
Sunday Sunday Liturgical Sunday Contemporary Sunday Sunday Non-denominational Sunday Gospel Sunday Mision Pentecostal Hispana Sunday Korean Sunday Collective 1000 1000 1100 1100 1100 Stone Chapel West Casey Chapel Warrior Chapel Crusader Chapel Hovey Chapel United Pentecostal Sunday 1230 CRC Warrior Chapel KATUSA Tuesday 0930 1030 0800 0930 1100 1100 1230 1430 0910 1330 1830 0930 0510 1000 Brian Allgood Hospital K-16 Chapel Memorial Chapel South Post Chapel Hanam Village Chapel South Post Chapel South Post Chapel South Post Chapel Hannam Village Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Brian Allgood Hospital South Post Chapel Memorial Chapel


Area I Worship Schedule
Protestant Services
Collective Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Gospel Sunday 1100 Casey Memorial Chapel

Area III Worship Schedule
Protestant Services
Collective Sunday 1100 1100 1300 1700 1700 1900 1930 Freedom Chapel Suwon Air Base Chapel Freedom Chapel Bldg. 558, Room 206 Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel

Area IV Worship Schedule
Protestant Services
Collective Protestant Sunday Church of Christ Gospel Contemporary Wednesday Friday KATUSA Tuesday Tuesday 1000 1030 1700 1215 1900 1900 1900 1830 Camp Carroll Camp Walker Camp Walker Camp Walker Camp Carroll Camp Walker Camp Carroll Camp Walker

Gospel Church of Christ Contemporary KATUSA Tuesday Korean Wednesday

COGIC Sunday KATUSA Sunday Tuesday Tuesday 1900 1830 1830 CRC Warrior Chapel Casey Memorial Chapel Camp Hovey Chapel

Catholic Services
Mass Sunday 0900 1145 Camp Walker Camp Carroll

Catholic Services
Seventh-Day Adventist Saturday Early Morning Service (Korean) Mon-Sat Episcopal Sunday Mass Daily Sunday 1145 0900 1500 1830 Annex 2 Chapel Freedom Chapel Suwon Air Base Chapel Annex 2 Chapel


Every 2nd Friday

Catholic Services/Mass
Sunday Sunday Sunday 0900 1200 0930 CRC Warrior Chapel West Casey Chapel Camp Hovey Chapel

Catholic Services
Catholic Mass Saturday 1700 Sunday 0800 Sunday 1130 Mon/Wed/Thur/Fri 1145 1st Sat. 0900 Memorial Chapel South Post Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel

The Command Chaplain’s Office is here to perform, provide, or coordinate total religious support to the United Nations Command, U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth U.S. Army Servicemembers, their families and authorized civilians across the full spectrum of operations from armistice to war. Visit the U.S. Forces Korea Religious Support site at: for helpful links and information.

Friday 1830 West Casey Chapel




South Post Chapel

Korea-wide Army chaplain points of contact
USAG-Yongsan Chaplains Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Jeffrey D. Hawkins: [email protected], 738-3009 Chaplain (Maj.) Terry E. Jarvis: [email protected], 738-3917 Chaplain (Maj.) Daniel E. Husak: [email protected], 736-3018 USAG-Humphreys Chaplains Chaplain (Maj.) John Chun: [email protected], 754-7274 Chaplain (Capt.) Anthony Flores: [email protected], 754-7042 USAG-Red Cloud/Casey 2ID Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Jonathan Gibbs: [email protected], 732-7998 Red Cloud Chaplain (Lt. Col) David Acuff: [email protected], 732-6169 USAG-Daegu Chaplains Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Kwon Pyo: [email protected], 764-5455 Chaplain (Capt.) Mike Jones: [email protected], 765-8991


Camp Walker commissary goes to the dogs on May Day



The Camp Walker Commissary held a Dog Show in the Commissary parking lot Saturday. Dog owners from throughout the USAG Daegu and Area IV community brought over their favorite canine to participate in the afternoon event that included representatives from the Camp Walker Veterinary Clinic. The Daegu community showed their support, turning out in packs to watch the pet show, which also included a K-9 demonstration. — U.S. Army Photos by PV2 Jang, Bong-seok

“Say it isn’t so!”

“She didnt’t really mean it. Let’s talk this thing out.”

“We won!”

“Nice Doggie.”

MAY 7, 2010


Club participates in Adidas tournament
Special to the Morning Calm USAG-Yongsan’s own Yongsan Futbal Club spent the weekend of 23-24 April 2010 competing in a friendly local community soccer tournament sponsored by Adidas. Six youth from the Yongsan Garrison were selected from the U16 Team to represent the Futbal club: Devin Cruz, Andrew Clark, David Neaverth, Hokyong Shin, Kaytlin Soriano, and Abby Roth. The soccer tournament was held at Seoul’s Children Grand Park with the theme “Road To Madrid - Young Champions” with the winning team receiving a trip to Spain to compete in follow on competition. The tournament organizers invited 64 teams from the greater Seoul metropolitan area to include Yongsan, Suwon and Osan. YFC was one of two non-Korean team invited to participated, the other being the team from a local Japanese school and the only team to field not one, but two female players: Kaytlin Soriano, and Abby Roth. Most of the invited teams were from local middle schools with several soccer specialty teams like the Premier Sports School and a Youth club team from Seoul’s professional club, FC Seoul.



David Neaverth (dark jersey, right) setting up for header while Kaytlin Soriano positions for scoring opportunity. — courtesy photo

The YFC team was later eliminated after making it into the top 16 team of the original 64 teams after an extremely close 3-2 loss to Yongsan Middle School later in the day despite the efforts and great game with keys goals by YFC’s Hokyong Shin.

YFC continues to embrace one of its basic tenants, to support USFK and Eighth Army’s Good Neighbor Program and help to support the ROK-US Alliance through healthy soccer competitions and cultural exchanges. Yongsan Futbal Club is excited about the

potential opportunities ahead with several games with local Korean, German, Japanese and French teams already scheduled for May while coordinating for an invitation to a Nike sponsored tournament coming up for the U19 high school age team.

Far East District co-hosts local construction materials session
be in accordance with U.S. Department of Defense standards. The DoD criteria for facilities are applied from U.S. regulations, national standards and institutional standards such as Underwriters Laboratory (UL), National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), ASTM International, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) as well as other governmental and non-governmental agencies. “I am truly excited to co-host the initial MURO FED joint session to share information on localization of construction materials,” said Col. Blair A. Schantz, Commander Far East District.Since 1957 the Far East District has been the United States Department of Defense construction agent in Korea and has worked closely with hundreds of Korean construction companies throughout the peninsula in support of the Republic of Korea and United States Alliance. “We are very familiar with the excellence found in the Korean construction industry and are in full support of maximizing the use of local construction materials, as this is mutually beneficial for cost-savings, availability of materials and ease and repair and maintenance,” said Schantz. According to Schantz, great strides have been made allowing the use of local materials, noting their use has increased by more than ten percent since the start of the Yongsan Relocation Program. “The large number of U.S. construction projects in Korea provides many opportunities for Korean manufacturers and suppliers to provide local equipment and materials that meet US military construction standards,” said Schantz. A great example of the partnership between local manufacturers, the U.S. Army installations, and our U.S. Army Corps of Engineers headquarters is the development of elevator specifications that will facilitate the use of Korean manufactured elevators that meet all life safety requirements. “We have a great tradition of cooperation between MURO, manufacturers, construction companies, designers, and the Far East District,” said Schantz. Both Kim and Schantz expressed their thanks to the more than fifty companies who displayed their products.

Col. Blair A. Schantz, Commander, Far East District (right) shares a friendly greeting with Lt. Gen. Kim, Young-hoo (left) Director, Ministry of National Defense, United States Forces Korea Base Relocation Office and Brig. Gen. Park, Kye-su, Director, General Program Management Bureau (MURO). . — Photo by Patrick Bray By Joe Campbell U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Far East Districs Public Affairs

SEOUL – Republic of Korea, Ministry of National Defense and United States Army Corps of Engineers, Far East District recently hosted a joint local construction materials session at the MND compound in Seoul. The session was designed to provide local materials evaluation updates and share information among MND, FED, construction contractors, Architect Engineering consultants and local materials manufacturers and suppliers related to the use of Korean materials for the United States Forces Korea Base Relocation Program. In his opening remarks, Ministry of

National Defense, United States Forces Korea Base Relocation Office (MURO) Director, Lt. Gen. Kim, Young-hoo thanked the Far East District for its support of the session and went on to speak about the utilization of Korean materials for construction projects at U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys and other locations throughout Korea. “In the future MURO will closely continue to coordinate with the Far East District so that many local materials can be used to the maximum extent possible,” said Kim. “However this effort cannot be made by just MURO, MND and FED; the local materials manufacturers will have to produce competitive materials after conducting tests and evaluations.” Construction on USFK installations must

Dental Examination and Cleaning for Retirees and Spouses
In appreciation for their dedicated service, the 618th Dental Company will provide free Dental examination/cleaning for the retirees and their spouses. Who: Retirees and their spouses What: Dental Cleaning and screening When: May 22, 9 a.m.-3p.m. (appointments can be made starting May 12) Where: All area Dental Clinics USAG Casey Dental Clinic USAG Yongsan Dental Clinic #3 USAG Humphreys Dental Clinic USAG Daegu Bodine Dental Clinic 730-6753 736-5799 753-6559 764-4307/4052

MAY 7, 2010





MAY 7, 2010



Army Secretary McHugh visits Humphreys
By Lori Yerdon USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs H U M P H R EY S G A R R I S O N — Secretary of the Army John McHugh visited USAG-Humphreys Tuesday to see the installation’s progress of transforming into the future home of U.S. Forces in Korea and to meet with Soldiers and Family Members. McHugh, the 21st Secretary of the Army, had lunch with Army spouses, received an overview of the garrison’s transformation from Col. Joseph P. Moore, Humphreys garrison commander, toured the Super Gym and met with members the installation’s Better Opportunity for Single and Unaccompanied Soldiers. Approximately 15 Humphreys’ spouses ate lunch with McHugh in the 501st Military Intelligence Brigade Dining Facility, and after the meal the top leader of the Army opened the floor for questions. Veteran benefits, housing issues, spousal employment and the pros of using HostNation medical facilities were some of the topics discussed. McHugh thanked the spouses for not only their Soldier’s service, but theirs as well. Following lunch, McHugh, along with Lt. Gen. Joseph F. Fil Jr., commander,

Secretary of the Army John McHugh, accompanied by Col. Joseph P. Moore, Humphreys garrison commander, is served his lunch in the 501st Military Intelligence Dining Facility by Sgt. Mark Garcia, Tuesday. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Heather Guerrero Eighth U.S. Army, Brig. Gen. John Uberti, overview of Humphreys role in USFK’s Humphreys command sergeant major. Kim commander, Installation Management transformation from Moore. explained the activities and initiatives of the Command Korea, and Command Sgt. Maj. On the last leg of his trip, McHugh garrison’s BOSS program and then BOSS Robert A. Winzenried, command sergeant checked out the Super Gym and its President, Staff Sgt. Lora Kelly, presented major, U.S. Forces Korea, traveled out onto amenities before receiving a BOSS brief McHugh with a polo shirt. the garrison’s newest land and received an from Command Sgt. Maj. Jason K. Kim,

By Pfc. Joon Woo Baek USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs

Area III community members reveal their plans for Mother’s Day

Sgt. Justin B. Platt Headquarters Support Company 602nd Aviation Support Battalion “I’m going to surprise my wife on Mother’s Day by going home.”

Pfc. Park, Ji-yong Headquarters and Headquarters Company 3-2 General Support Aviation Battalion “I’m going to buy cake on my way home this weekend.”

Staff Sgt. Robert McClymond Headquarters and Headquarters Battery 6-52 Air and Missile Defense Battalion “My wife’s at Fort Lewis, Washington. My mother’s in Oklahoma. I’m going to stay up late to go on Skype and talk to my mother, my wife, and my son as well.”

Capt. Shane A. Whitten Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment 6th Ordinance Battalion “I was planning on taking my wife to an Andrea Bocelli concert but the tickets were sold out. So I’m taking her to Spa Valley in Daegu.”

Pvt. Hezeriah Handy Alpha Co. 602nd Aviation Support Battalion 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade “I’m going to send home flowers, cards and call her on the phone. Anything I can do.”

The Deans (Archie and Melanie Dean) Spc. Archie Dean 52nd Maintenance Co. 194 Combat Sustainment Support Battalion “Just cards. Sending home kisses on the phone.”




News & Notes
Osan Well-Animal Vet Clinic The Osan Veterinary Clinic wants to keep your furry friends healthy and strong, so they will be at the Community Activity Center, May 10 and 24, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. They offer micro-chipping, inoculations, parasite checks and physicals. Walk-ins are welcome in between appointments, but appointments are recommended. If your animal is sick, it cannot receive treatment at this clinic. Call 784-6614 for more information or to make an appointment. AAFES Organization Day Closures The following Army and Air Force Exchange Service facilities will be closed for Organizational Day activities May 10: Zoeckler Shoppette, Pizza Hut and Subway (Bldg. T-1209), Burger King (Bldg. S-112). On May 17, the following will be closed: Suwon Base Exchange (Bldg. 2134), Sorak (Family Housing) Shoppette (Bldg. S-575), Gas Station (Bldg. T-205) and the Burger King Trailer. For more information, call 753-6870. Spavis Spa Day Trip While the children are still in school, join Outdoor Recreation and enjoy a day at the Spavis Day Spa, May 20. The spa houses a hot spring treatment pool, an outdoor hot spring pool, hot spring pools in huts and a kid’s park. Transportation costs $10 for adults and $5 for children. The facility fee is 33,000 won for adults and 24,000 won for children. Everyone must bring a swimsuit; swim caps are available for rent at the spa. For more information or to sign up by the May 13 deadline, call 753-3255 or 753-3013. Volunteer Awards, Dinner Set The Humphreys Garrison Volunteer of the Year Awards and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will be in the Community Activity Center, May 21, starting at 6 p.m. All registered volunteers are encouraged to attend. To RSVP, or for more information, call 753-3266. Community College Fair Child, Youth and School Services is hosting a Community College Fair, May 22, at the Youth Center (Bldg. 570) starting at 10 a.m. Various colleges will be represented at the fair and the CYSS Technology Lab will be available for students to use for research. Parents and students in sixth grade and above are welcome to attend. Anyone who would like to share information on the college or university they attended, or need more information, should contact Joseph Jacks at 753-8274 or e-mail [email protected]. Summer Hoops League Forming The Humphreys Garrison Summer Basketball League will begin play in early June and now is the time to get the team together. Anyone interested in playing, or having experience as an official, should contact Kim, Chi-hyon at 753-8811. FCC Providers Needed Humphreys Garrison is looking for child care providers that want to work from home. Becoming a Family Child Care provider can be very beneficial. The training and experience is transferable to other installations, and it allows opportunity for professional growth by attaining credentials that are recognized world-wide. For more information on requirements and regulations, call Joon Auci at 753-8284. Force Protection Reminder During random anti-terrorism checks at USAGHumphreys facilities, be prepared to show your identification card. AR 600-18-14 and USFK Regulation 27-5 require ID card holders to have their cards in possession at all times. For more information, call 754-6192.

Sarah Moore prepares to break a board, while Carissa Richardson hopes she hits her mark, during the Taekwondo demonstration, May 1, at the Humphreys Commissary Family Fun and Fitness Festival. — U.S. Army photo by Lori Yerdon

Festival draws runners, shoppers
By Steven Hoover USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs HUMPHREYS GARRISON — More than 100 participants turned out for the first Humphreys Commissary Family Fun and Fitness 5K run, May 1. The run was part of the Commissary Family Fun and Fitness Festival, which began April 30. According to Keith Pollanen, the Humphreys Commissary store manager, the festival is a Defense Commissary Agency initiative that is designed to combine commissary case lot sales, Army and Air Force Exchange Service sidewalk sales, Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation fitness events, demos, music, free nutritious food samples, prize giveaways, discount coupon offers, health and wellness, outreach and children’s programs. “I was really excited with the number of runners who participated,” Pollanen said. “I’m a runner myself and since my assignment here, I slacked off. But, because of this festival I have been re-energized and have registered for a marathon and started training again.” The fastest time came from 2nd Lt. Robert Anderson, 532nd Military Intelligence Battalion, covering the course in 16 minutes, 57 seconds. He was running in the Men’s Senior (30-39) category. Other category winners were: Men’s Open (29 and under) — Pfc. Hong, Jae-bum, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, USAG-Humphreys, 19:26; Men’s Master (40-49) — Sgt. Maj. Darryl Dinkins, HHC, USAG-Humphreys, 25:33; Men’s (50 and older) — Dave Elger, Area III Health Promotion coordinator, 18:42; Women’s Open (29 and under) — Sarah Stahl, 20:59; Women’s Senior (30-39) — Capt. Crystal Brigantti, 215th Medical Detachment, 26:14; Women’s Master (40-49) — Carolyn McPherson-Dewey, Army Substance Abuse Program, 27:22; and Women’s (50 and over) — Tawanda Turner, 29:33. Besides the run, later in the day there was also a Taekwondo demonstration, bouncy house and a rock climbing wall. “It was great to see so many people turn out,” Pollanen said. “DeCA, along with AAFES, FMWR and our industry partners, really came through with supporting the event with prizes and give aways that encouraged many to run and have a lot of fun.”

Soldiers from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, USAG-Humphreys, were among the more than 100 participants who ran in the Commissary Family Fun and Fitness 5K run, May 1. — U.S. Army photo by Steven Hoover

MAY 7, 2010



Local Soldier surprised with sweepstakes ‘double’
By Steven Hoover USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs HUMPHREYS GARRISON — When Spc. Rainier Genova showed up at the Post Exchange here, Monday, he was expecting to receive a $1,000 gift card for winning a sweepstakes sponsored by Kimberly-Clark called “Spruce Up Your Space.” What he received was not only the gift card he was expecting, but a second $1,000 card for winning a similar sweepstakes sponsored by Hanes. After he got over the initial shock of winning a second time, Genova, assigned to 348th Quartermaster Company, 194th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, said that he wouldn’t have any problem with finding good uses for the Army and Air Force Exchange Service gift cards. “These will go a long way in helping provide things for our new baby,” Genova said of his four-month-old daughter, Amelia Rae. Genova’s recent good fortune hasn’t just been with winning PX sweepstakes. In 2007, he survived an improvised explosive device attack in Iraq. The explosion took the lives of two of his friends and sent him to a Warrior Transition Unit at Fort Riley, Kan., to recover. “I truly am lucky to be here to accept these gift cards and you can bet that they will be put to good use,” he said.

Rick Fair, Army and Air Force Exchange Service Area III general manager, holds up two signs representing the sweepstakes wins by Spc. Rainier Genova, which were presented to him, Monday, at the Humphreys Post Exchange. — U.S. Army photo by Steven Hoover

Iron Horse troops get help with sending Mother’s Day greetings
By 2nd Lt. Daniel Kim 6-52nd Air Missile Defense Battalion SUWON AIR BASE — Soldiers of the 6-52nd Air Missile Defense Battalion prepared for Mother’s Day 2010 by writing post cards during their lunch hour, April 30, at the Suwon Dining Facility and Community Activity Center, here. These post cards should arrive back in America just in time for the celebrated day. The cards, which were donated by Suwon City Hall, consisted of various photos of Suwon’s Hwaseong Fortress, built under the tenure of Chosun Dynasty King Jeongjo during the late 18th century. Not only is Hwaseong Fortress a famous tourist attraction in Korea, but it was named a World Heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization in 1997. Iron Horse Soldiers were recently afforded the opportunity to participate in the reenactment of King Jeongjo’s parade and ceremony at the Hwaseong Fortress in March. The photos on the postcards depicted the exact location in which the Soldiers paraded. “This is great,” said Pfc. Jeffery Larson, assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 6-52nd AMD. “I don’t think any other post offers the opportunity to send a piece of what I considered my Korean hometown, back to my home in America. My family is going to love the postcard.” Won, Young-duk, of Suwon City Hall, said, “Suwon City is always glad to assist in the efforts of incorporating American Soldiers in the Suwon Community. We appreciate the service that they provide for the Korean people, Suwon City, and Republic of Korea. I’m glad that the postcards will bring joy to the family members back in America.” The unit has participated in various community activities with Suwon City, allowing American Soldiers to better understand the local Korean culture and appreciate the historical landmarks of the city that they serve in.

First Lieutenant Tarik Jones, of Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 6-52nd Air Missile Defense Battalion, fills out a Mother’s Day post card, which was provided by Suwon City in recognition of their partnership with the Soldiers. — U.S. Army photo by 2nd Lt. Daniel Kim

6-52nd AMD participates in Cheonan remembrance ceremony
By 2nd Lt. Daniel Kim 6-52nd Air Missile Defense Battalion SUWON AIR BASE — Soldiers of 6-52nd Air Missile Defense Battalion participated in a memorial observance, here, April 28, for the Republic of Korea’s naval personnel who died during the March 26 sinking of the Cheonan battle ship. Republic of Korea’s 10th Fighter Wing hosted a public memorial, located at the front gate of Suwon Air Base, allowing all military units and civilians to participate. This observance consisted of a moment of silence at an altar with the photos of the fallen 46 ROK sailors who perished, incense burning, and a white chrysanthemum dedication expressing grief. American Soldiers were allowed to wear the black ribbon with the term “geun jo” written in Chinese during the ritual. The ribbon signified “condolence” and was worn by all ROK military personnel during the week. April 29 marked the final day of the memorial ceremony, here, as the funeral took place in Cheonan. This day, 6-52nd and the 10th Fighter Wing both raised their respective country flags to half staff, to jointly express South Korea’s national tragedy. Additionally, all American and Korean Soldiers participated in a postwide moment of silence at 10 a.m. “As two countries working together, 6-52 AMD Bn.’s participation serves as an example to the continued tradition that American and Korean units share not only joy but sorrow during national tribulations such as the Cheonan incident,” said Capt. Jung, Yi-jun, a 10th Fighter Wing pilot.



MAY 7, 2010

Army Secretary visits Daegu, presents AT awards
By Phil Molter USAG Daegu Public Affairs DAEGU GARRISON — Secretary of the Army John McHugh took time during a May 4 visit to U.S. Army Garrison Daegu, to present two Department of the Army anti-terrorism awards. USAG Daegu Commander Col. Terry Hodges accepted the runner-up award for Best Installation AT Program. McHugh also honored Tim Friedrich, USAG Daegu AT specialist, as one of the Army’s best AT program managers. The presentation was made in the Camp Walker Community Activities Center during McHugh’s 90-minute visit to Daegu. Installation Management Command Korea Commanding General, Brig. Gen. John Uberti, hosted the short ceremony, which was also attended by 8th U.S. Army CGl, Lt. Gen Joseph F. Fil Jr. While in Daegu, McHugh visited Camps George and Walker. Hodges illustrated some of the challenges in schools, child care, housing and other services facing the Garrison as it grows to become, along with Camp Humphreys, one of two enduring hubs for the U.S. Army in Korea. The initiatives already underway, such as the new CDC and building renovation for a new high school, both on Camp Walker, were also shown to the 21st Secretary of the Army. “It was a distinct pleasure for us to be able to let Secretary McHugh see what great places Daegu Garrison and Area



Secretary of the Army John McHugh presents a Department of the Army Award for Anti-Terrorism to Tim Friedrich, Anti-Terrorism Specialist, USAG Daegu. McHugh recognized Friedrich for his achievements as one the best AT program managers Army-wide, in a ceremony held May 4 during his visit to Daegu, South Korea. — U.S. Army Photo by PV2 Jang, Bong-seok IV are to make home,” said Hodges. “What a tremendous honor to be able to receive these Anti Terrorism Program awards personally from the Secretary. I would like to add my thanks to those of Secretary McHugh to Tim Friedrich for his outstanding work in making this community among the safest and most secure in the entire U.S. Army.” The garrison’s excellence in AT programs comes from an aggressive and proactive approach to ensuring that USAG Daegu installations are safe and secure for the Soldiers, Families and Civilians that live and work here. McHugh also visited the Yongsan, Humphreys and Red Cloud Garrisons while here in South Korea.

Korean Service Corps conducts Army Warrior Training on Camp Henry
conduct the training. “The individuals who provide the training are people who have years of experience both in their field of specialization, as well as their experience in working with U.S. Forces Korea. “The training requires that each tested individual is given three opportunities to do their best to pass in each of the required subjects. All trainees practice at the hip pocket training site to master each step before going before the tester to be tested. Available on site to monitor or observe the training, are NCOs from the U.S. Army, as well as USAG Daegu senior representatives. We invite them every year, and the fact that they attend shows that this training is taken seriously and that it is not just for KSC, but it’s a collective effort on the part of all so as to ensure we are ready to execute any task or support any mission should

Members of the Korean Service Corps participate in protective mask training. The training was part of the KSC’s annual Army Warrior Training. — U.S. Army Photo by PV2 Jang, Bong-seok Warrior Training (AWT) April 28-29 on By PV2 Jang, Bong-seok Camp Henry. USAG Daegu Public Affairs According to Chun Yong Choe, Assistant Company Commander, 32nd KSC, “The DAEGU GARRISON — Most of us only hear of the support received from U.S. purpose of the training is to evaluate the Soldiers and KATUSAs. However, there are abilities of all company employees. They other elements around the Korean peninsula are tested on 17 combat critical AWT tasks. that also support the mission. They are the The test is meant to identify any possible men who are part of the Korean Service Corps. weaknesses or shortcomings the individual These men are not just ordinary employees might have experienced over the past year. who work only to fulfill their financial needs. We will then use the test results to determine They support and comfort U.S. Soldiers and how we can improve our performance in the KATUSAs in many different ways not just in coming year.” Choe said that the KSC members are peacetime but in wartime as well. trained and tested in such areas as weapon To be able to provide that support requires preparedness and keeping skill sets sharp. familiarization, map reading, field first-aid, KSC realizes the importance of this, and land navigation and NBC. Choe said that the 32nd KSC Company conducted Army the primary instructor determines who will

we be called to serve.” With a primary mission of providing support, Choe said that KSC does not take for granted its responsibilities. “Because of the supporting role that KSC plays, preparedness is vital. Our mission is important, and our responsibilities are huge. KSC members realize and understand this and that’s why we can never be distracted. The need to fully understand something like first aid is not something we would never take lightly. AWT training and testing is meant to ensure we are able to respond when we are called upon. Learning first aid in the middle of an emergency is not what anyone wants to do. “Every KSC member is really proud of the service he provides to the overall mission. They know that they are contributing to the safety and readiness of the peninsula,” Choe said.

First Aid training is just one of the required tasks Korean Service Corps employees must undergo during their annual Army Warrior Training. This year’s training was April 28-29 on Camp Henry. — U.S. Army Photo by Jang, Bong-seok

USAG-D • PAGE 26 t

By PV2. Jang, Bong-seok USAG Daegu Public Affairs DAEGU GARRISON — Fans of all ages took advantage of the near perfect weather and the kindness of MWR which hosted Jamaican-born music artist Sean Paul. The entertainer performed at Camp Carroll’s Community Activities Center May 3, before a crowd of Soldiers, Family members and DoD civilians from around Daegu and Area IV. Here are just a few scenes from the concert.


News & Notes

Camp Walker Indoor Swimming Pool re-opened The Camp Walker indoor swimming pool has been repaired and reopened. The Camp Walker outdoor pool opens May 29 and Camp Carrol outdoor pool opens May 21. Case Lot Sale The Camp Walker Commissary Case Lot sale is May 14-16. The Commissary invites you to enjoy the sale, along with other scheduled activities, including the BOSS Commissary Commando Competition. Memorial Day Weekend Tour to Beijing, China Camp Walker Tour and Travel Service host a trip to Beijing, China May 29 through June 1. Pick up the phone and call the Camp Walker Tour and Travel Service at 764-4124 to reserve your seat. The affordable travel package includes round trip airfare, hotel, meals, airport tax, tour bus fee, individual visa fee, and all site admission fees. Call today. Don’t delay.

Reggae artist and rapper Sean Paul wows Area IV during Camp Carroll performance

Music artist Sean Paul raises the roof off the house at Camp Carroll’s Community Activities Center, during a performance for the Daegu and Area IV community, May 3. — U.S. Army Photo by Jang, Bong-seok

USAG Daegu Golf Champmpionship 8th Army Event Qualifying Tournament. 12-14 May at Evergreen Golf Course. This event is only for USAG Daegu Active Duty Military Individuals Only. For more information call Mr Washburn at 764-4907.

Music artist and entertainer Sean Paul. — U.S. Army Photo by Jang, Bong-seok

Sean Paul connects with his audience while performing onstage at the Community Activities Center on Camp Carroll. — U.S. Army Photo by Jang, Bong-seok

Free Golf Lessons Free Golf Lessons on 8 and 15 May. 11 a.m. to noon at the Evergreen Golf Course.

Hapkido Self-Defense Training adds another twist to personal safety
not always be prepared for or expect. So, Hapkido is just one way to learn how protect yourself. Learning self defense is the same as making a safety net around you,” he said. The class began with a briefing on the training, and the expectations of each student. Song told the students that the techniques taught at the fitness center were basic and effective. “I like to begin each class helping the participants to relax and teach them a little about the basic principles of movement,” Song explained. “I like to take them through this step-by-step.” As the women attending the training gathered around the instructor, serious facial expressions showed that they came to train. With the class now underway, grunts and gasps could be heard as the eager students went through various twists and turns. “The techniques that you use to control your opponent, is a strategy that you can use to gain control over this negative situation,” commented Song. A master of his trade, Song has been teaching taekwondo for 18 years, but began training American personnel in 2001. His training is for the young and the old, and the not so old. “Everyone can learn Hapkido,” he said. “For me, my greatest challenge was learning to communicate with Americans. Of course, I am able to teach Koreans, but I especially like know that I am helping American Soldiers and Family members in Area IV.”

Tobacco user support group Are you ready to kick the habit? If so, come out to the new Tobacco User Support Group every Tuesday at the Camp Walker, Optometry Clinic conference room or Wednesday at the Camp Carroll Army Community Services from 11 a.m. to noon. Please call at 764-5594 for details.

Red Cross First Aid training Daegu American Red Cross is offering Lay Responder First Aid/CPR/AED (With optional bridge to Professional Rescuer CPR/AED and/or Babysitting), May 17 through May 20 with the possible bridge May 21. Classes will run each day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the American Red Cross classroom, building 1425, Camp Henry. A number of certifications will be received, including adult, child and infant CPR. Limited space is available so sign up now. Call the Daegu ARC office, 7687993.

Song, In Sun, Hapkido instructor at Camp Walker’s Kelly Gym, demonstrates a defensive technique to students from the Daegu/Area IV community who were interested in the martial arts form. — U.S. Army Photo by Kim, Min-yeong By Kim, Min-yeong USAG Daegu Public Affairs DAEGU GARRISON — “The best defense is a good offense” is an old proverb that is used in military circles quite often. For some USAG Daegu and Area IV family members, it became a part of their mindset when they took part in Hapkido self-defense training on at the Camp Walker Fitness Center, April 28. One of Korea’s traditional martial art forms, Hapkido is said to heavily influence both the body and spirit. For Song, In-Sun, Camp Walker’s Hapkido trainer, the art form is also ideal for defending oneself from physical threat. It was that very concern that prompted several Area IV women to sign up and participate in the self-defense class conducted by Song. “Individuals who sign up for the course are those who want to be prepared if and when something happens. “No one can predict an attack. It is a frightening thought and one you may

MAY 7, 2010



Congratulations go out to Mrs. Daisy Soto for her winning submission on what it means to be a military spouse. The contest was held by ACS in recognition of the Month of the Military Spouse. For your reading pleasure her award-winning submission is provided below.

Daisy Soto wins ACS military spouse essay contest
What it means to me being A United States Military spouse
By Daisy Soto DAEGU GARRISON — I am proud to call myself an “ARMY WIFE”. Being a military spouse makes me so proud to be an American. The colors of our flag have never looked so beautiful until I knew what dedication and hard work our spouses and so many other men and women have put into this country. The blood, sweat, tears, and those long cold nights being away from family are no easy sacrifice but they do it anyways. Being a military spouse has puts into perspective so many things; none greater than the importance of family. Before getting married, my husband would always tell me how hard it was to be a military wife; I had an idea of what to expect but it still does not make things any easier. One of the hardest things was to leave my home town and my family. Being so far away and in a completely different culture you begin to realize all of the little things we have taken for granted. But being out of my comfort zone has made me see that being a military spouse is not meant for anyone. It takes a special kind of person, a strong and patient one that can be ready to deal with their other half having to leave either for a training exercise, a TDY or a deployment and learning how to be the rock of our family until they return home. I have experienced so many cultural and spiritual differences being overseas; I’ve learned to love the adventure of learning and tasting something new every day. Despite the challenges that come along

with being a military spouse, there are many benefits and privileges. Besides the obvious financial and medical benefits, how many people have the opportunity to travel the world and actually live in foreign countries to truly experience their culture. I can honestly say I would’ve never experienced the best things in my life if it wasn’t for me being married to a soldier in The United States Army. God bless our soldiers and their families. HOOAH!!!

Scholarships for Military Children Program announces 2009 winners
By Carrie Williams Defense Commissary Agency DAEGU GARRISON — Da e g u Commissary – Drum roll please . . . “and the winner of a $1,500 scholarship is David Martinez from Daegu American High School” announced Lito J. Miraflor, store director at the Daegu Commissary. The scholarships are part of the Scholarships for Military Children Program, funded by manufacturers and suppliers that provide products and services for commissaries around the globe. “We’re excited to report that the scholarship program continues to be a success in helping military families defray the cost of education,” said Defense Commissary Agency Director and Chief Executive Officer Philip E. Sakowitz Jr. “We’re proud to be associated with a program that has awarded 4,132 scholarships totaling more than $6.4 million since its inception in 2001.” Scholarship Managers, a professional scholarship firm, selects the winners based on academic merit, participation in extracurricular and volunteer activities, and the quality of their essays. Recipients are notified by letter. The full list of scholarship recipients and sponsoring business partners can be found online at Nearly every one of the Defense Commissary Agency’s stores will announce a local winner; many commissaries will announce multiple winners. The Scholarships for Military Children program is administered by Fisher House Foundation, a nonprofit organization responsible for building comfort homes near military medical centers. The foundation bears all costs of the program so that every dollar donated goes for scholarships. The general public has the opportunity to donate to the program through the military scholar Web site. Editor’s Note: Recipients announced at are preliminary and are contingent upon determination of military dependency status by the scholarship evaluation firm. Students to whom this may apply have already been contacted. If it is determined that a student is ineligible to receive a scholarship, or there is a change in a recipient’s educational status (for example: the student decides not to attend college), a new recipient will be named.




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