GEOG/ MOES /RK/201516/43 Date: 17th February
Applications are invited on plain paper for the post of Project Fellow in the Project entitled “Effect of
Human Interventions in the Fragile Ecosystem along Gulf of Cambay, Mainland Gujarat”. sponsored by
Ministry of Earth Science, Government of India, New Delhi.
1. Project
Number of
Minimum Qualifications
One 1. M.Sc./M.A. in Geography with at least `16,000/ Per
(01) 55% marks or equivalent in Grade Point Month (Fixed)
for 1st & 2nd Year
& `18,000/ Per
2. Knowledge of Remote Sensing, Month (Fixed)
Geographical Information System and for 3rd Year
Computer with ORIGIN & SPSS
software package would be preferred.
3 Years or
till the
of the
is earlier
1. The candidates are required to collect water and soil samples and carry out socioeconomic survey
through structured schedule from the field of Bharuch and Surat coastal area (Gujarat).
2. The selected candidates can also register for Ph.D. in the Department, provided they clear either of
the tests NET/SLET/PET. The students with M.Phil. degree are exempted from appearing
for the entrance test for Ph.D. registration and also from course work.
3. The post is purely temporary and is for the duration of the project only. The selection will be made
as per the MoES guidelines and University rules and regulations.
4. Applications on Plain Paper stating (a) Name (b) Address Permanent and Present with email id
& Mobile No. (c) Date of Birth (d) Educational Qualifications and Research Experience
(if any) along with true copies of mark sheets and certificates should reach the undersigned
on or before 29th February 2016.
5. Interview will be held on Tuesday, 1st March, 2016 at 3.30 pm in the Office of the Dean,
Faculty of Science, The M.S. University of Baroda. Candidates can plan their travel
6. No TA/DA will be paid for either attending the interview or while joining the project.
7. No separate Call Letter would be issued.