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The differences between the Muslim Filipino culture and the government school system are observable. It is seen that there are other general reasons why government school continue to receive some degree of negative attitude from the Muslims, to wit: 1. Lack of typical Islamic cultural elements in the curriculum. As a substitute, the curriculum shows the presence of Christian elements. 2. Prescribed books offend Moro deep feelings. Some history books refer them as “bandits”, and “pirates” and show pictures of swine. These unacceptable elements in Muslim education that offend Muslim awareness can be removed by revising the curriculum of schools, incorporating Islamic elements. Other factors affecting the development of Islamic education in the country are the: 1) Limited financial support from the community and charitable institutions, 2) Insufficient textbooks and other reading materials, 3) Lack of school facilities, 4) Improvised buildings, 5) Poor administration, and 6) Unqualified teachers. 3) The problem of Islamic education is obviously seen by the interaction between the development of Islamic education and western secular oriented education. The former has been taught in madrasah which is more confined on purely religious knowledge. The latter has been introduced in the government recognized public and private educational institutions. The different teaching modes and venues of Islamic knowledge provide disparity of learning as well as the nature of understanding of the educational strategies for Muslim society. 4) The factors influencing the development of Islamic education in the country are the: a) Islamization and the institution of madrasah, and b) government educational responses to the Moro struggle for self-determination. Endowment SUCs lamented the Philippine government's inadequate financial aid. For the 2003-0204, SUCs only had PHP 16.8 billion, and about 40 percent of it went to the University of the Philippines and theMindanao State University.[1] However, in 2008, the Philippine Congress alloted PHP 20.8 billion in subsidy for the operations of state universities and colleges. Challenges SUCs are confronted by similar problems such as poor education spending and annual budget cutbacks. As a result, these schools impose enrolment quotas and increase fees. In recent years, tuition rate and miscellaneous fees in the SUCs have seen the biggest increases[2] SUCs are also forced to accept only a limited number of students due to budget cuts. In 2007, some 66,000 high school graduates took the UPCAT but only around 12,000 were admitted. The same is true in PUP where only 10,000 to 13,000 are admitted from more than 50,000. [2] Enrollment rate Only 10 percent of college students were in state-run schools in 1980, but this rose to 21 percent in 1994 and to almost 40 percent at present . The university expanded from that base to include seven individual campuses in Buug, General Santos, Iligan, LNAC, LNCAT, Maguindanao and Naawan, housing a total of more than 53,000 students in 2011. That same year, there were over 3,000 faculty members. It has one of the lowest tuition fee in the Philippines, majority of the students only pays 2000 pesos during an enrollment to cover all the fees. Not only that, the cost of living of the students living here, is indeed, very cheap too. 2500 pesos per month of monthly allowance is enough to cover board, lodging, and other usual student needs. Speaking of the quality of education, many professors finished their master's and doctoral degrees on prestigious universities abroad. A big plus is that this university is also a social laboratory for Filipino Christians, Lumads, and Muslims wherein the three group of people are given an environment to understand each other's ways and culture. Majority of the students here are coming from the poorest family in Mindanao who couldn't have afford a college education if MSU is not existing. Because of the nature of the student populace, they become very competitive and always aiming that apple on the top of the bough, thinking that being in MSU is their only chance to improve their quality of life. Though, cost of living is really low, many students are self-supporting and can afford to finish a college degree without asking a cent from their parents by becoming 'student assistants' either on the university or local residents. In MSU, students are trained to survive life! The best ever I have ever known! Gives the better education and enhance you to become a competent student inside or outside the institution. They help you to recognize in different field of studies and providing you a valuable and responsible professor. +5The only cheap university but high quality of education. The most challenging institution. You will notices & enhance well your personality etc. Try to enroll there. +4The #1 affordable university in the world, tuition= P80.00 per semester. Produce topnotchers, and lot of courses offered like engineering, law, business, medicine, nursing, many to mention they say MSU is the UP in the south... we have the best professors in mathematics, engineering, biology, physics, chemistry, and other disciplines... our professors in languages and literature are palanca winners, and many others who have distinguished themselves in their respective fields... +2Not only academics that can be learned here but also the assurance of a better living in the future, SKILLS, CONFIDENCE and most specially our RELATIONSHIP with GOD! :D The quality of education is better than those expensive universities in the country, MSU system produces a competent graduates with knowledge and values.. +1Excellence in DESPITE is what made them one of the bests... MSU creates competent students... Turning ordinary high school grads in to top-notchers..

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