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MSU-IDS ENROLMENT SYSTEM Introduction Background of the Study The discovery of the computer was the great function of modernity for different application to make work easier, more capable, and more adaptable for the humanity. Nowadays computer serves as an important role in our society, most especially in school premise. Most school uses computer to help their students deal in our modern technology. Mindanao State University-Integrated Developmental School (MSU-IDS) for having students that has grown up to about a thousand students now, delivered a quality and excellent education to the people residing in the municipality of Naawan and also to the neighboring town. But as the population of the students continue to grow, this school face difficulties in handling their enrolment in a manual process. And one of the solutions in this problem is to make their manual enrolment into a computerized system. Computerized Enrolment system is the must have system in a school. It is a convenient way of storing and retrieving information of a student that provides more easy way in enrolling. Rationale This project was founded and created to replace the existing manual enrollment system and using the same system in MSUN(University) that had produced inconvenience not only to the students but also to the school administration. Our goal was to develop a secure, fast, accurate, and user-friendly system.

Objectives of the Study This study seeks to develop a system that will address the following:

1.) To implement a fast, easy and systematic way of conducting student profiling, enrollment, and assessment. 2.) To properly manage the enrollment process in a well organized manner. 3.) To generate quickly a correct, accurate and reliable enrollment and assessment report of a student. 4.) To generate instantly needed summarized and accomplishment reports.

Scope and Limitations of the Study The researchers have anticipated covering in there study and program design the following: 1.) The system is designed with five (5) Module/module namely:  Registrar Module  Enrollment Module  Cashier Module  Administrative Module  Student Information Module 2.) The system is designed and limited for the staff and other authorized user in the high school administration to enable them to easily produce information required by the different people in the high school. 3.) The system could append instantly student enrollment, admission and assessment, faculty and staff management(optional) and also graduate management(optional). 4.) The system would be responsible for storing and retrieving information of a student, enrollment accounts and faculty and staff information(optional).

5.) The system has the capability to release required reports regarding the list of students, new enrollees, faculty and staff members and other important reports. 6.) The system would records student information, student enrollment, fees- collected and uncollected and billing of accounts. 7.) The system is designed with a user security access level in every Module.

The researchers have made the following limitations to there study: 1.) The system is responsible for managing the whole enrollment process, especially on the setting up of enrollment procedures and other important enrollment function. 2.) The system is also responsible for the student monitoring of accounts and subject scheduling. 3.) Year level is already predefined in the system. 4.) Student that officially enrolled on the current school year could only access on there virtual student information account which includes there Grades, Enrolled Subjects and basic student information. 5.) The system is created with a security level on every Module; passwords on every Module/module are implemented strongly. Statement of the Problem Enrollment plays a very serious role in every school premise. It is very important in every school and it acts as their foundation. Each school has their own system in handling their enrolment. And for them to accommodate many students, they need to computerize their enrollment system, for them to make their work easier and easy to manage. The need to design and create a computerized enrollment system may be able to conduct the enrollment and admission process in a fast, convenient way and to achieve good enrollment process results. This

study aims with the construction of a Computerized Enrollment System in Mindanao State University at Naawan-Integrated Developmental School (MSUN-IDS) Hypothesis of the study Computerized enrollment systems are mostly used in institutions with having large student population. This paper describes using a computerized enrollment system as the basis for a project in an Information Technology course. Through the formulation of this system the students are indeed confident that the whole enrollment and admission process will not only be fast and quick but most of all accurate and precise. Significance of the study It is the concern of the researchers to build a computerized enrollment system that will be used by the School Administration of Mindanao State University at Naawan-Integrated Developmental School (MSUN-IDS). It will help to eliminate slow and tiresome in conducting enrollment and profiling considering that the computer will be the one to manage. And it will also give convenience to the students and especially to the school administrator who facilitate the enrollment process in terms of time consumption and hassles.

Chapter IV Presentation, Analysis and Implementation of Data The existing system The existing enrollment system of Mindanao State University at Naawan-Integrated Developmental School (MSUN-IDS) – make use of the manual process in setting up enrollment and using same system in MSUN (University) for saving student files. Every end of the school year the school administration will initiate the enrollment procedures as well as the admission process, usually it will start with a manual set up of enrollment and admission procedures then after setting up the enrollment will follow. During the enrollment students were manually register followed by class admission and year level promotion, enroll subjects and then billing/ payment accounts on the cashier. After all this things are properly done the student is now officially enroll, but this process consume a lot of time especially if there will be a lot of students. The problem on the use of the existing system The existing system has brought a lot of inconvenience on the part of the school administration, and on the student. For the school administration it’s really a complex and tight job especially when setting up and plan for the enrollment and admission process in every end of the school year for the upcoming enrollment, it become more pressure when enrollment and admission of students come; retrieval and evaluation of student records is really a problem. It really consumes a lot of time and effort. While on the part of the student is very critical when storing of student profile and retrieving, there are many instances that may occur unpredictable like misplace, burn or wet accidentally of student transcript or student profile. The need to develop the proposed system

Enrollment serves as a vital part in the life of every student upon entering schools either public or in private. It gives students the impression on how the whole institute manages and manipulates the entire body. Moreover, enrollment serves as the first experience of all students by which he/she takes part either individually or with company of a parent or some relatives. Enrolment is considered as the first step or procedure that must be done by old students within a particular institute before the school year totally starts, but for those freshmen, or first year students (new students), they are obliged to usually take an admission test, and undergo the Summer Enrichment Program prior to enrollment. Good enrollment is always an asset in an institution, pertaining to fast payment, assessment procedures, and easy transactions with a high rate of accuracy. By using the existing system during enrolment, it is undeniably noticeable on some problems and difficulties arising from each respective procedure, hence leading to minor errors and inaccuracy. The High School Administration is one of the responsible with this matter, and the one who could allegedly change the process whenever enrolment perplexity occurs. Enrolment is more than just a word itself, because for others, it means sacrifice, hunger, and dilemma, waste of time, effort and money. So by this scenario, changing the manual system to computerized one will certainly minimize the amount of time to initiate an enrollment. By having this computerized system much time is being saved by this proposed system to the High School Administration. The objective of the proposed system Basically the main concern of this proposed system is to speed up the enrollment process , starting from the student registration, student enrollment and assessment and down to payment of fees. Fast and easy transactions with a high rate of accuracy are also one of the major concerns of this system. Prospective users of the system

The users of this system are base on the Module/module use by the school administration.  Registrar Module • School Registrar • User  Enrollment Module • Class Adviser • User  Cashier Module • School Cashier • User  Administrative Module • Administrator • Programmer • School Principal  Student Information Module • Student

The components of the system developed General features 1.) The system provides a user friendly and menu driven screen environment. 2.) Accept student records and personal data, graduate management, enrollment setup, student scheduling and monitoring, student grade management, student payables and all reports needed. 3.) 4.) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. 5.) The system easily appends, view, modify and delete records. This system produces or prints various reports based on the system inputs like: Student Account List Student List by Year Level Student List by School Year Student List by School Year- Year Level Dropped Student List Enrolment Copy Graduates Student List School Year List Section List Section with Subject List Section Offering List Section with Student Enrollees List Student Account Information Subject List Annual Statistic Report Teacher Account Information Every Module/module of the system is protected by password.

Program Specification The proposed system will definitely shorten and minimize the hassles of the existing system. Still the procedures are the same like the registration of the students but instead of doing this manually it will be computerized. Before enrollment procedure will start, the system has a capability to setup enrollment process from setting current school year, subject offering and management, section offering and management, add/modify/delete records and etc. After a student register and submit some requirements, the students will need to fill up the enrollment form for admission then validate enrollment form by the encoder and encode subjects including class schedules and printed as pre-enrolment form. Student Assessment and billing of accounts will be done on the Cashier or Assessor where the cashier will browse the system and choose student to be billed. After billing, payment of accounts will be follow were the system will automatically calculate the total amount paid and amount to be paid then generate instantly reports and receipts. Once the student paid its accounts or paid some of its accounts then the cashier will release the official receipt. When the students already done in its transaction

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