Chapter Fifteen
Overview of Other Multivariate Techniques and Data Mining
Dependence and Interdependence Techniques
• Dependence technique
– One variable is designated as the dependent variable and the rest are treated as independent variables
• Interdependence technique
– There are no dependent and independent variable designations, all variables are treated equally in a search for underlying patterns of relationships
• Primary Purpose of the Technique
– Ascertain the relative importance of independent variable(s) in explaining variation in the dependent variable – Predict dependentvariable values for given values of the independent variable(s)
Analysis of Variance
• ANOVA is appropriate in situations where the independent variable is set at certain specific levels (called treatments in an ANOVA context) and metric measurements of the dependent variable are obtained at each of those levels
After Only Design
EG1(R) EG2(R) EG3(R) X1 X2 X3 O1 O2 O3
EG1 -- Experiment Group 1, X1-- Regular Price EG2 -- Experiment Group 2, X2-- 50c off EG3 -- Experiment Group 3, X3-- 75c off O1 -- Observation (monitoring unit sales data in each store)
O2 -- Observation (monitoring unit sales data in each store)
O3 -- Observation (monitoring unit sales data in each store)
After Only Design
EG1(R) EG2(R) EG3(R) X1 X2 X3 O1 O2 O3
X1-- Regular Price X2-- 50c off
EG1 -- Experiment Group 1,
EG2 -- Experiment Group 2,
EG3 -- Experiment Group 3,
X3-- 75c off
O1 -- Observation (monitoring unit sales data in each store) O2 -- Observation (monitoring unit sales data in each store) O3 -- Observation (monitoring unit sales data in each store)
Discriminant Analysis
• Identifies the distinguishing features of prespecified subgroups of units that are formed on the basis of some dependent variable • Examples of subgroups
– Heavy, moderate, and light users of a product – Homeowners and renters – Viewers and nonviewers of a television program
Evaluating a Discriminant Function
• Confusion Matrix
– Indicates the degree of correspondence, or lack thereof, between the actual groupings of the sample units and the predicted groupings obtained by classifying the same units through the discriminant function
Usefulness of Discriminant Analysis
• Discriminant analysis is very useful for
– Defining customer segments – Identifying critical characteristics capable of distinguishing among them – Classifying prospective customers into appropriate segments
Factor Analysis
• A data and variable reduction technique that attempts to partition a given set of variables into groups of maximally correlated variables
Intuitive Explanation
• Consider two statements from the Star Brand Inc.(SBI) survey
– S1. “I have been satisfied with the Star products I have purchased” – S2. “When I have to purchase a home appliance in the future, it will likely be a Star product”
Factor Analysis Output and Its Interpretation
• Primary output of factor analysis is a factorloading matrix • Achieved Communality
– represents the proportion of variance in an original variable accounted for by all the extracted factors. – Each original variable will have an achieved communality value in the factor analysis output
Factor Analysis Output (cont)
• The eigenvalue for a given factor measures the variance in all the variables which is accounted for by that factor.
– Note that the eigenvalue is not the percent of variance explained but the amount of variance in relation to total variance – (since variables are standardized to have means of 0 and variances of 1, total variance is equal to the number of variables). – SPSS will output a corresponding column titled '% of variance'. A factor's eigenvalue may be computed as the sum of its squared factor loadings for all the variables.
Potential Applications of Factor Analysis
• Used to
– Develop concise but comprehensive, multipleitem scales for measuring various marketing constructs – Illuminate the nature of distinct dimensions underlying an existing data set – Convert a large volume of data into a set of factor scores on a limited number of uncorrelated factors
Cluster Analysis
• Segment objects into groups so that members within each group are similar to one another in a variety of ways • Useful for segmenting customers, market areas, and products
Use of Cluster Analysis
• Firm offering recreational services wanted to enter a new region of the country • They gathered data on more than 100 characteristics including
– – – – Demographics Expenditures on recreation Leisure time activities Interests of household members
• The firm identified one or several household segments that are likely to be most responsive to its advertising and to its services
Multidemensional Scaling
• Uncovers key dimensions underlying customers' evaluations from a series of similarity and/or preference judgments provided by customers about products or brands within a given set
Conjoint Analysis
• Technique for deriving the utility values that customers presumably attach to different levels of an object's attributes • Requires respondents to compare hypothetical product profiles or, brands
– The hypothetical stimuli are descriptive profiles formed by systematically combining varying levels of certain key attributes
Personal Computer Study
• To assess the role played by attributes in customer evaluations of personal compters
– Price: 3 levels - $299, $649, $999 – Processor: 2 levels – 2.6 GHz , 2.8 GHz – Hard Drive: 4 levels - 80 GB, 120 GB, 160 GB, 200 GB
Personal Computer Study (Cont’d)
• 3 Levels of Price X, 2 Levels of Processor Speed X, 4 Levels of Hard Drive Capacity = 24 different descriptive profiles of personal computers are possible • Data Collection in Conjoint Analysis
– Two-Factors-at-a-Time Approach – Full-Profile Approach
Potential Attractiveness of Different Personal Computer Configurations
• PC Configuration A
– 2.6 GHz, 120 GB, $649 – Total utility for the personal computer = 0.6 + 0.7 + 0.4 = 1.7
• PC Configuration B
– 2.8 GHz, 160 GB, $999 – Total utility for the personal computer = 0.9 + 0.8 + 0.3 = 2.0