NCP Samin Baby

Published on February 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 44 | Comments: 0 | Views: 578
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Nursing Diagnosis The baby Effective exhibits regular Breastfeeding sucking and related to swallowing, and Mother and appears content child after feeding. satisfaction and basic Mother is able breast-feeding to position baby knowledge. properly. Cues and Clues Mother has expressed satisfaction with the baby’s feeding

Rationale Breastfeeding is the best and most effective way of feeding the baby. However, through the years and with the advancement of milk-substitutes (formula milks), the value of breastfeeding has often been lost. A mother who has been taught the proper technique and who can demonstrate it is a sign of effective breastfeeding.

Objectives At the end of their stay at the Ospital ng Tondo, the baby and the mother will receive continued satisfaction with the breastfeeding as the mother verbalizes

Nursing Interventions Assess the mother’s knowledge with breastfeeding.

Rationale Assessment provides information about knowledge. Additional information may increase mother’s eagerness to continue breastfeeding. Praise may reinforce effective breastfeeding

Evaluation At the end of their stay at the Ospital ng Tondo, the baby and the mother received continued satisfaction with the breastfeeding as the mother verbalized. Likewise, the baby continued to receive breastmilk from the mother on demand basis and through proper technique.

If possible, provide the mother with more The baby continues to information, receive breastmilk besides the from the mother on basics demand basis and through proper technique. Praise the mother for effective breastfeeding activity.

Cues and Clues
Umbilical cord noted to be still fresh, though beginning to dry

Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for infection related to site for microorganism infestation secondary to freshly cut umbilical cord

The umbilical cord that has been freshly cut is an open wound. In fact, it has 3 blood vessels that lead directly to the baby’s body. Likewise, when still fresh, it is often moist. Moist surfaces are often the sites where microorganisms thrive. A significant number of infant mortalities are a result of infections through the umbilical cord.

Objectives At the end of the stay at the Ospital ng Tondo, the baby will receive proper cord care as a preventive measure against any infection.

Nursing Interventions
Assess cord for the number of vessels, if cord is still fresh or already dry, without touching the surface of the cord. Advise mother / relatives to expose the cord, if possible. Advise mother / relatives not to pull / peel or forcibly remove the cord even if it seems dry. Conduct cord care as often as possible, preferably in the presence of mother / relative

The cut surface of the cord is a good site for microorganism proliferation. Exposing the cord helps it to dry, thus inhibiting bacterial growth. Cord may already appear to be dry outside but may still be moist inside. Cord will eventually slough off naturally. Proper cord care will greatly decrease risk of any infection. Presence of relative will help relative learn proper technique Teaching helps mother / relatives to properly care for cord of baby.

Evaluation At the end of the stay at the Ospital ng Tondo, the baby has received proper cord care as a preventive measure against any infection.

Instruct mother on the proper technique of performing cord care.

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