New York NY Evening Post 1912 Grayscale - 1594

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[ Titanic Wreck Cause* World-Wide Demand

prevent tha entrance or clearing from any American port o( a liner not equipped to safeguard the Uvea of every o n * of Ha passengers and craw. "The Houae Committee on Merchant Marina and Flaherlee will await confirmation of these reports, and If It la officially determined that th* Titanic waa not supplied with the necessary llfe-aavlng apparatus, we undoubtedly shall a c t "The trouble evidently la that lifeboat* take up too much room aboard ahlp; t h e ateamahlp lines are chaatng the almighty dollar."

Toll of Rescued Has Not Increased

rjrwt Goveraaaewt l a d l e * to*

Cabla M t a r n A r e All l a . WAHHINUTON, April IT.—The following telegram has boon received by the Navy Department from Commodore Decker of tha Scout cruiser Chaster, by way of Portland Me.:

Carpathia's Late Word; Women All Saved

Several operators. . - v . . . . » » , quoted, and that the number. T0>, was aa caught wireless man ot the Chaster. Immediately error In both cases. attempted to pick up th* Carpathla. Positively no official news was ID tha handa of t h * Cunard Line this afternoon, ex- Sable Island wireless station then cept what was embodied In the dispatches others to hold off until It could yesterday, to the effect that about 300 had oate with th* Cunarder. been saved from the Titanic, and the measage of this morning ending "all well " It waa expected that tha Mauretanla, westbound, would be la wlreleaa range of the Carpathla late In the day. and thereafter would overtake her and relay massages giving details of the Titanic disaster. The survivors, therefore, should be In constant touch with land all day to-morrow, probably beginning early to-night. SCANT HOPE o r MORE RESCtTCS. Th* conviction had gained ground yesterday, until It amounted to a p certainty, that the atory ot th* Tl last hour* afloat and of tha happenings after s h e had taken her t w o mile plunge to th* bottom of the A laat Monday morning, would bo heard from the survivors aboard th* and from no one else Thar* waa oft else to tell the story. A faint prospect held out that the fishing echoon-v Dorothy. Balrd. sighted In t h * vicinity of tha dta* aster by th* Phoenix Lin* freighter E t o n * lan, might have picked up on* or two nor* sons; but concerning th* probability of th* officer* of t h * Etonian, who told passing th* schooner, war They thought It most likely that aha put back lata S t John's without any r s o . edge o t tha wreck.


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It haa been determined that survivor* of the Titanic will be called to Washington Carpathia Sends a Few Additional! p . ^ , . to ^ „.,,„„ , t Cape p^., N -,, in Investigation at Washington to teatlfy In hearings before the Committee, The cable ship Mackaj-Bennutt, chartered Names To-day S c o u t C r u i s e r s j through the Olympic, contains the names Mrs. Caroline Bonnell's Cheering by the White Star Line to go to the scene and It la tha purpose of Congreaa to focus I of all the first and second-class passengers Preliminary to Action by Congrett ot the Titanic disaster, was being loaded public attention on the need tor Immediate Salem and Cheater Bush to Meet : r e „ . u e d Wireless to Uncle at the Waldorf. a- Halifax. N. 8 , early In the day, pre—Only Norway and Sweden Insist legislation safeguarding the Uvea of those Boat Bearing Those Saved from of the 710 men who were third-class Not Yet Confirmed Officially—First paratory t o departure. In the hope that that Eaeh Vesiel Shall Hare Small- who travel by/ saa. Supplementing t h e passengers, probably 610 lost their Uvea, the Sea — Known Survivors Now according to the Government calculators. bodies might b* picked up, coffins ware InHardwick bill waa a resolution introduced Telegrams to Steamship Offices Told Boat Capacity Adequate for Allb / Representative Molt of New York and cluded In the cargo. The cable ship Minis, Number CSS First Cabin and 120 The namea of 328 first and second cabin of 800 Saved from Titanic—Rumor which had bean In the vicinity of th* disreferred to the Committee on Rules, giving JPertom on Board — Comment of passengers hsve been sent ashore, leaving Second Cabin Passengers—Washauthorization to Representative Alexanof Futrelleg Safety Not Borne Out aster, arrived at Halifax, with no survivors MO names to come. Of these probably 406 Hen Who Deaigned Titanic. on board. It had bean hoped that aha might der's committee "to conduct an Investigaington Dodge Among the Saved. are third-class passengers and 140 are by l i s t s Posted — Scout Cruisers have picked up stragglers floating o n rafts tion, into the sinking of tha Titanic, and members of the crew who manned the lifethe subsequent loss of Ufa; t o ascertain Tst Balrd might have mac a few aurvlvora] Speeding to Meet Rescue Ship, and or among th* wreckage. boats whether or not proper lifeboat facilities A wireless message from Roy Howard, wka managed to gat llf*-preeery*rs arousal Tha dispatch from t h * Chaster stating The following table akowa the provJaloa Mauritania Will Soon Be Within manager of th* Col tad Press, aboard th* them a a d to keep afloat oa tha floe-lea, While a few meagre addlttoaa to tho list were provided, and to report on the same only the third -class passssgsr Hat had not made on to* TlUnlc (or carrying persons to the Houae. Representatives a r * to rec- of asm** of aurvlvora were coming In by Range—8tory of Bodies Found at Olympic, sent via Cap* Race, said the though It was dbabttul whether a a * aRajS bean sent ashor* indicate* that l i t first ta UfeOosU and an rafu, together with Uie ommend any legislation which, in its opin- wireless thla morning, th* speedy scout Olympic had been advised that the Leylaad could bars lived lav th* chilly water OX jjjfj and 1<7 second-class passengers lost their comparstlv* requirements of tha American Saa Is Not Credited by White Star cruisers of th* navy, the Salem and Cheaion, la desirable." liner Csltfornlaa had picked up bodies near aa Ice cake. lives. With 720 of tha craw probably lost, and English retulailona (or tha safety o( '•jgjj&fi ter, were rushing to meet th* Inward bound Officers — Crowds Are Still Waiting the point where tha Titanic sank. The OLYMPICS ri!»AL WORD. Representative Mott said that it was h i s th* total number of those who perished la pAseengers in eaae of d l a u t a r : Cunarder Carpathla, with her load of men, Callfornlan wa* proceeding on her way to Any hope that estimated at 1.112. TlUnlc. English rule*. Amer rulea. ballet that If the laws relative to lifeboats women, and children who had been snatched Bcstoa. lng t o the Tltantca Mat feeble wireless ealhf bad been disobeyed, Congreaa should make Tha measage from Capt. Decker of the No. of boats: from the aa* which engulfed In many oases In addition to 100 coffins, th* Mackay-Ben- for asstatance, might have picked « p SWSaf tha faet plain to the public, and that tf X H+ Cheater la the drat confirmation the Navy That all the women on the wrecked Titheir nearest and dearest as tha monster Titha laws ware obeyed, they are evidently Capacity of boata: Department haa received of its calculation tanls had been rescued was the purport nett waa taking more than 100 tens of l e a of bar passengers o r avow waa eliminates! tanic took her final plunge. Th* Cheater, 11.WI cu ft. T,m cu ft- M.s7,0 ou. f t Insufficient and should be reinforced. that the Cheater had got alongside of the of a private wireless measage from the Long lines of teams wereflllng down th* pier. with th* receipt o t a short rnssaags frog* thla afternoon, aent word that communicaThe mission of the ship recalla th* disas- Cant. Haddock of Che Olympic, vta f h # 0 * & ~ ^ r'eruons carried: It la probable that the Merchant Marina Catpathla Just befor* noon Th* Interpre- Carpathla to-day Another dispatch, contion had been established snd the mes1,07« 7t« 1.M7 Committee will go ahead and Investigate tation to be placed upon the message 1* tradicting previous telegrams, but appa- ter to La Bourgogns tn INS. A similar Tea- tic. He said: • Aa tha above table show^, the require- without the passage of the Mott resolution sages received Indicated that the present that the captain of t h * Carpathla stand* sel was fitted out to search the saa for "Pleas* allay rumors that Vlrglnlaa ateb > rently transcribed carefully, gave the numlists contained all thoee saved from tha first ment* ttf tho English rule are . one-third through tha Rulea Committee. Chairman upon the accuracy of th* Hat of first and ber of the disaster's aurvlvora on the Car- dead. Mora than thirty bodlaa were found any Titanic passengers, neither hag tha) the** of the American rule. Tha American Henry said thla morning that no specific and second cabins. second-class passengers which was trans- pathla a s only 706, whereas the Cunsrd floating In tha vlotalty of t h * wrack, a l - Tunisian. Bel lev* only auMlvso* o n Oar* Of th* SO0 known aurvlvora. but 346 have regulation, without specifying tha actual authorisation • was necessary, aa auch matmitted from that ship by wireless to th* Line officers previously had relied upon though the aearchtna ahlp did not gat away aetata. Second, third, fourth, and fifth o f . named thus far. but It Is number of boata. provides aggregate life- ters fall regularly within the province of been until s week after t h e tragedy fleers, aad sscoad Marconi *geratop r a * ' shore stations yesterday and last n i g h t th* dispatches figuring the number at about be expected that t h . Chaster will boat space, baaed on the cubic feat per par- Representative Alexander's committee. The Mac kay-Bennett Bailed a t two o'clock ported saved." The Navy Department haa given Instruc- soft. In communication with th* son, (or two-thirds of the ahip'a company, thla afternoon. T h * Rev. K. C. Hind, a HAS T H E MRCEBSABT AUTHORITY. In reply to a dispatch sent by th* H a l U tion* to tho commandants of the navy yards From tha Francoola of tha Cunard U n a •Ut that of England, under which tha Ti- The Secretary of the Treasury baa thea*l within a few hours, whesj Church of England clergyman, was a pas- tax manager of t h a Allan Line, C a and stations along the north shore, where cam* th* following: tanic waa equipped, provldea apace (or only authority to make the necessary rules and may be expected. Among th* senger. of tho Parisian aent the following wireless plants are Installed, to give oat "Francos!* established communication one-quarter ot tha ahip'a company. regulations. Including ahlp Inspection. Chief to th* Hat of saved this morning by wire- at once any Information received there FRANELIN IHCREDCLOTJS "I have no survivors o t th* Titanl* o n by Wi alias with Carpathla at «:10 thla Tha Titanic had half aa much IKeboat Inspector Uhler of the United States Steam- lesa were thoee of Washington Dodge of board a a d a s official lntormatloa lagtotag; from the Cheater or th* Salem. P. A. 8. Franklin, vice-president of th* moraine. New York time. The Carpathla capacity again aa the English law requires boat Inspection Board has -nothing further San Francisco, whose wife was reported fats o t too ship.. Expect to was then 4M ml lea east of Ambrose Chan- Whit* 8 U r , L i n e . said ha waa not Inclined safe yesterday and M r s Mahaa. I t Is out eves then aha did not bare half aa much to add to hla statement of yesterday, early thla morning. nel and 1* n o need of assistance. She Is to place any credence In th* report that tea thought that "Miss R, O'Connell," not on MILLET WAS 8 8 1 1 8 1 1 0 DESIGNS. .ssnv American taw require*. She had except to l a y stress upon the (met that Tha first unofficial s i m a t of tha steaming thirteen knots, a s s expects to Californian had found the bodies. He addth* passenger Hat. may be the wlf* of Magfor taring 1.07* persons, hut ahe no ocean liner la equipped With s sufficient rumors *f t o D e e o r a t c W a l l * roaohMgw Tar* a t | f , laV.saWaraday. So* fl^r* wnjP*WW "R^w •e^ps» tWj*^*RP»w» £ had on board 2,120, and might bars had quantity of boats and rafu, and to urgs istrate R. C. Cornell of this city. Mrs. Oorhaa g latgi *4 f a s ajgrrlvors aboard. trees aaamijtoy nell's two sisters war* reported sat* pas1,447. , „ .•„ taat Ct>ngr*s»fags t Mil SUaiUr *o t u « t that th* cooap* \,,,.;, , = ,.

Survivors to Be Called as Witnesses

"Carpathla states that* Hat of first and second-cabin passengers and craw sent to shore. Chsater will relay Hat third-class i,passengers whan convenient to Carpathla." Tha maaaaga is taken to mean that tha DUE 1 Hat transmitted by wlreleaa from the Car-




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lOi ooinmunlcstsd a member -at the Boston on the Fraa- tiod en t h e coast l a flaw » a patet tile moral deeoratloas tag th* Raw l t at teem t o forward- a t oaoo IR tata « g * . *«/*$> *,**»> Tlhsat! a • If t h e r e ^ j p s o s j y T05 survivors. 1.475 par- might ha aoat by tee deflnlt steerage, although this Ha bad lad th* Library tnn that wtreleee, a a wall a s "take" wlreleaa mos' ;«**Tg 1 1 1 i a a l w a v a to wait until w , h « r , " V1'. ' Axed as yet. The new names received dur- hi* sketches war* complete s a g that he iaho«*ftoV<tap Tftaale. *wt whlch ar* alleged to bare b o s s th* he added, "Ws e s n t do any mors than we ing the day Include: would bring them back from Europe > on * RBSCCg OF WOMER. of the grot news of hope, will hare already deadv tt > g VASSflgg sptsas First c l a s s : the Titanic. Tho artist formerly Mead In be looked Into. now." i . ; V*^ *' . CARDBEA.Mrs J. W. Msttasotsott, a tow mils* from N*w Bad- "All women savsd. On tRO Carpathla" WBAR, LARD gTATRygg. ' . Senator Bhlveely o t Indiana l a a t Thl* wireless Olspstsfl wag received from CARE, Howard B. ford. upon a bill prohibiting passes Mr* Caroline Booaell. o a * o f t h * TlUnlc's • Wireless corrnsamtcation with the Carp*DODGE. Mr. Washington. ships from travelling by northern route* rescued passenger* blow bound for Now Tork . tela w a s oapofJof # v i a various asar-by WICK. Mrs. Q. D. UTANICS OrSITBANCE PI0TTBE8. op th* Carpathla. during th* season whan floating Icebergs land s u t l o n s a t any m l a u t e The fast scoutSecond Claas: make navigation dangerous. Another mora gjht f t i i l i r tsaWsirlanVRr Tao maaaaga same t o H. W. Bonnet! of oruftaflsl Ratem wavf^aaa^ -va^w**w^^pw/w.P v^*»«SBBVw*nwv*»a***npf- -vaaay TOUCH, Mis* Alice. i i s i ii Lie?*** L l e M l l t t e . o * Loot S h i p P a t TeuRgRtown. her brother, stepping at tea ^ ^ ^^p!& on foot is t o authorise the President to It may be taken for granted that the »•• O o jnppjw'Miw w*f WARIAN.- Mr*. been loot. call an International conference oa the suba t gT.BOO.OOO. •hut off t h . resWaldorf-Aetorja. from Mrs. Bonnell's unlinking of the Titanic will have Survivors resorted but not uo passenger ject of ahlp Inspection. A London special dispatch from th* Cen- ci*, o a t h * Olympic Before sailing. It aa 0 'sequel prompt reform* In list Charles Nagel, Secretary 0 Labor, probM tral Nawa says it i s estimated that the lia- was agreed that Mrs. Reaasll, oa the T l U n regard to the number of lifeboats CHARLTON. Mr. W M. ably will call s aaestteg Of tee board of bilities of Lloyd* o a the Titanic disaster lc was t o get In touch wtth her uncle, o a carried by ocean steamships. With a CAMARION, Ksaardo. * saTfFyltelTawflefl b j t*a# wilt sggrogat* sbout a. 1,600,000 sterliag. t l * Olympic, aa aooa a s possible oa the sDoagrldSionsl Inquiry already proposed. supervising Inspectors ef the steamboat InFOMORT, Mis* Ellen. (Oaaoased aa Pag* TWO.1 spection service to dtscusR th* Titanic OleTha Insurance, however, I* well distributed voyage Tao maaaaga from th* Carpathla %ad tha officers of transatlantic. Haas admitIEALT. Miss Noraa. • '•'' ^ ^ ^ Tho Ralom trag t o This agree* with form*r raporte o t th*wad caught by tha Olympic and relayed ting candidly tha lack ot sufficient boata on aster MiNDERSON. Miss Lett*. SHIP MAN S t a i n s * PUBLIC. Lightship snd relay m i s s s g e amaunt of Insurance oa the Ship. to New* York, »„ their vessels, there was no outlook for opSKELLBR. Mrs. William. Steamship men openly resented the orttinr ,. 4 t wfat a r resalled teat a a estimate of position, against a world-wide crusade for ausahar of oa*. » LOCAL FoaaCAOT^RaiB bs Right, "All well" waa th* conclusion o t a wlreTROUT, Miss Jessie. clsm* which had b e e n l u r l e d a t them ink ward-wound t t a o n ware to tea vi.rsfe**! SPoOaWy oa TRavtalay; yesterday eovariag not only the risk* oa better rescue equipment. ssaaga received at tee Cunasd Lino consequence of th* Tttaale's saerr&ce of DANIEL, afis* Sarah th* vessel snd cargo, but aa allowance from the Carpathla. It waa tee* flrst the Carpethlg l a tho foreaooa. Tha OorTrva*|l^1r vdaslsV t h a t the. steamship men h s d o w n r e r y - K ^ n % t ^ ^ % e r , ^ , n a t e l < n t 1M. CARSIDB. t i l s * Kth»l |l , for Ufa Insurance which most ha paid direct word from the vessel bringing t o ment heard from tea scouts brtedy thts a t - p f t V ! 9 l f ' lng on the "unalnkabtlltr" of liners, and Heat* add rafts on tha Titanic to carry HOLD, Miss J. A. a s a result ofteatragedy, s a t tha probable thl* part th* survivor* Of th* Titanic dlg- teraoon. pat using available deck space* for ilfe- even ooe-hsBR her passengers w s adsnlttad HpPE, Miss Nina. From Loadoa c a m e a cablegram, early total of isaurano* Habintle* aa account of boat*, waa not denied. Aa one officer 0 f a out of bandr w*t there was no Inclination ANTOINETTE. Him siakiag $t tea Tttaale at Tho full text ot th* mosaaga was as fol- la the day. saying teat a Hot s f * u m v o r s , atesatahip company said unofficially: MIDDLER, MOM. M. Olive. to assume guilty responsibility of th* TRanU dlssstsr. iMued b y tha White J| gtetllag. "Riralry between line* and attempts to MAHAN. Mr*. "Don't blame .as for thla, disaster," s a venue eutter ofaclals la Washington he"Carpathla Oast of Ambrose Channel, I N Star Lias' in that city, ssgdstesil tho namea • wOP.M.PAaf provide new vessels wrth feature* attract- claimed the officer of bus of the biggest AfPIERANRLT, Miss of both Mr. and Mrs. Jscanaa Futrelle of ller* th* i s s s i l i r will result la Insuraace mil**, at i i F . M. Tuaaday.' All well." ing public attention bar* chosed deck room transatlantic eOmpantea. "Don't blame us— Th* following la a a approximate *tete r M assssa cosBpaate* Insisting upoa ateamsbls* t a H a g Thla mean* teat tea Carpathla will be Beaten. Previous HsU euWtShOg hare eoathat should"ha»s bean Sited with life rafts blame yourselves, and all ot thoee who deof tea glssatar to date: a more sostbarly ceura* across th* oeeaa. o t the Channel's lightship a t eight o'clock telaed t h e name of Mrs. Futrelle only. Tad .ePtffig,F.hL. to be uses' for extra spooking-rooms, squash mand fast voyage*, tennis aad squash First cabin pasaengera novelist waa recorded beta aa ahopag tho Second eabla psssangars MS Th* lnv**ttgattoa* by laouraac* eompanfae, to-morrow Right, sad, tea s a s s s a g i r i will aad tennis courts, sua parlors, and the courts, Roman paths and solar 1 urns. W s Third cabin 710 rraritim* exchaagos a a d forelga Rigrtafpjk ho landed Ot ROT pl*r a t th* latest by Fri- tost. Another BOW name appearing oa th* should not hesitate to place lifeboats o a the Ilka* A-hfT boards •rearxpocted t o be thorough; while day saomlng early Taoy may ho brought London list of aeeond-eles* That It did not take a *7*at disaster to docks of our vessel*, but they would en• 1 rtass t m Total number of passengers.. teat of Mlaa Finney. 1,M0 the Congressional Investigation, hscaas* of up the bar at bight, weather permitting mlae ftsilfsooat.queeUon In the minds of croach oa the 'iuxurtee,' and tho** are ap- Members of the crew Additional names of survivor* th* power of Coagrao* t o corapet wltassass Shortly after this a second dispatch waa SxpSfts, was indicated last November, when parently more desired than safety. the Broadway office* of the Una. Total passengers and crew .. S.1M to testify. Is axpectad t o reveal many 1**, received from tho Marconi operator at tea a s a/Hele by Capt K, K Rowdea, entitled "As a matter of fact no person on earth Number who probably perished 1.10* pertant facta, which might s o t eth*?wte* ap- Camaerddwa station, OR th* coast of Nora about a seeps, Including that of Washington "Loxury ph. Nsty." snd referring particu- had ever concerted *o terrible an acciDodga af San Francisco, Futrelle'* waa gcoti*. It read: / \ larly t o the Olympic and Titanic, w a s dent a* that of Monday morning.' Wo were Total nusajpafr of known survivor*.. 100 pear 4»vgRparaatT not asaoag them. "Wa a r * how In direst communication WABUlMt pttatad In the An**. Extracts from Capt. satisflsd that r»*ry prorlslOo for **fety M. aa wtth tha Carpathla via the stsagahalp Fraa0 ATN01 0PEN8 BELIEF PDND. '' PAIRT WIRELRgg FLABntBSl Tutel number of named *urvJvora.. 145 R*w««ta'S article will be found em peg* tour of ocean going teasels Had been contained eonla. and abl* to announce officially teat Apprexisnatoty twenty lifeboats, maaTh* wlrsles* station at flohls Island : « | t t h ) paper In th* Titanic. In a word, wa war* cog-aod by seven metnbar* of th* crew to aagtarooaiew trass Lewd th* Titanic struck a a enormous Iceberg and la f a l n u e t touch with the Carpatht* late vincod that she was uaalakabl*. Ptegsawrg >*ach 140 sank. Over 1,000 lent haven hundred s a r . S t e r e o o t Louefe*. OoNaaras Kxpcrrrrn T O AOTI • last night and early IR the morning, t o t aad ateamahlp ogltrers, sine* «h* staking hwdteaiod Roaghar ot steerage rivers, mostly women, oa tee Carpathla" received to-day tee fOftoWMs^er nothing distinct could ho of Georgia In of the Republic, add disregarded! t h - lm pars* awvavj . . . . . . . . , . * . . . . . . 115 fttpreseutatlr* Hardwick from the Lord Mayor ot lag the vague whimpering L j f f l t i s , a b i d Itf Congress yesterday man portanc* of b e a u sad rafta, except a* g DISCRRPARCT Iff gtOOBRg, Unopa: • the receiver of th* shors s U t t o s It whs Itgj K wnlswful tar' any ship or ether vs*. mean* of ferriage from slowly afnblag ahlp* relief snffarera T i u n l e gts' Opaning SMumofl. however, teat tho Carpathla had pM SRgaged la ecean cenrmarce t o enter Ar to those standing by: placing s l i thstr Tho apparent dlsrrepency l a the figures setor." Will warmll weleeme year eyas. eouutnsd In thl* dispatch map ha explalaed been delayed by the donee tag btssket Phhth etear At- •R* Vf*t ef the On Rag States a a . faith to the tenalle Itr4|gth mt Steal fSeV K i pOtef." |**s> SgelSOsd With* sufficient lifeboat*. In t p s ability of w»t>r-ii*R>t eneapart by the repeated relaying to which the origi- settled down over th* North Atlantis Coast v Mayor Oaynor at once aald that fund* tot nal dispatch from t h * Carpathla was •ob- yesurday aad compelled tho scoot cruiser* -^***rv*r*. **ad otter apparatus to aato k e e p a e*t|l afloat' toy maaf thi relief o t sufferer* would be received at jected seshaosaate as many powasapars aad roenv aeurU, If not 'for days." ^ <?.,, Attar It wap passed oa by tts U slacken t o half speed lsst Right 1 *f t h e Stow, as 4 shtp caw carry. TBO IU th* Mayora ease*, aad cabled the Lord Franooate to Campordowa. the atattea op- It lifted early, th* Chester •ashed bash azcKirrirJa AXD ^ r t ; RULE. Mayor of Loadoa as follows: erator flashed l» t o HallUx. whence It word t o the Newport nary yard, relaying hill as BsMrad to tea CoauxHttee oa Mer That In ninety-nine acelgspita *ta¥- *t a »4 "Relief fend TlUnlc sufferers ha* ourwaa seat *war the load wires t o How Tork, through her sl*Ur-shlp. t h s Salem, MstrnaRgd ^lahsri**. whose cbkirbucafreg. a taedera ahlp will remain afloat • ' / • • hearty sympathy WOl open on* h*r*.', , RaprsoaaUUvr AMtandar ot Mlasowrl. for raany. hoar*, s o matter how badly If t h * flgare* given war* correct, then the mil** behind her, teat she hod tanranaiS bar 10 • » *# • • • * • Flags e a th** City stall aad other sMalcl- TIURlo mast bar* carried a oempaay ot gstt t o twenty four knots. The i a l e m folB* > l i U w V of sweh <egl«latiog. ' woaadod. Was asserted by a number e f - I t report* *r* (ra* that vh* Tltante had steaaaaRtp company officers. The THantCs ltd eat building* bar* bean half sneeted. by I.7SS M U M , o r a t least MS l a sices* *f lowed suit as aooa aa ahe mat with clear order of Mayor Oaynor, In wsRisn o t teeao the number with which she wag officially weather. . a ^ r t lifsboata ainVlaat t o o a r a for s l i p a ^ t d e a t , they said, was tho on* accident T*tal aamnwr of 14* At ae-ven o'clock It who waat dowa> wtth t a o Trtaaie, ^.thlrt « f P-aasnAar..- gsTflag tea proviaR the raUHty sf a l l tea arsramions credited with bavlag sailed. Rlrat-rablB sgvidad a s tea that *n operator at a til i • II II • NeTOlteai^rMl aao^taladV act Oa* theory was that tee wsssggi ssV There' wars oalg t a p way* l a wMofe th* gs-te-S***. lavlaRR*. . p a s s a w * V r l s i s ^ l a w a ' roteUag fo Titanic coqld have rer-etved her death blow trlowtad t * the Boston newspaper man had station heard the signature t o I U Mtdr ttted s« Srase sn's. s*o t Lsss. been based on the Pranconla dispatch lust (rem t h * CaVsathld. Thg •' st>*w*«ig h Page Twe.1 " gWtfaaV 7?f'ia»«id n t * ^ ^ t ^ w i a i d -lASit. foreign passenger steamers which "wajaw* to eoRRtrle* hartag inspect!** l a w . Itltejjsgsflllil those of th* Unit** Stat**" shall Be passed on the baste o t the regulatloss of the country la question. England Is considered s s having Inspection laws about th* name aa those on this aide of th* Atlantic. Alexander Carlisle, designer of the Titanic, calls those laws antiquated, and from the above table i t will be seen Skat their requirements are lee* than a third those of the American laws.




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