Newletter 2015

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Africas’ future belongs to its young people, we need young Africans who are standing up
and making things happen not only in their own countries but around the world
- President Barack Obama



The Induction Ceremony was held on 30th August 2014 and was graced by the distinguished personal presence of Hon
Justin Muturi, Speaker, National Assembly of Kenya, Hon Dr Joyce Laboso – Deputy Speaker, National Assembly of Kenya
(represented), Ms Josephta Mukobe – PS, Interior and Coordination of National Government, Prof PLO Lumumba –
Director, Kenya School of Law, Mr. Henry Ndede – UNEP, Kenya Country Program Coordinator, Mr Heshan De Silva among
many other distinguished mentors.

United Nations Tour
On the 23rd of September 2014 the United Nations office in Nairobi hosted
our Distinguished Members at the UN offices in Gigiri. During the tour, our
members were mentored on Environmental Leadership and were also
educated on the UN mandate on keeping peace around the world.

School Mentorship program/visits.
Due to the short third term and students sitting for National Exams, most of the school
visits were postponed to allow the students to concentrate on the exams. However, some
of the schools that were visited for school mentorship included Rose of Sharon Academy
which was conducted by Dr Beatrice Murunga, a trained professional counselor, trainer of
trainers, author and character development tutor. The theme of the school mentorship
program was, “Be Humble in your Confidence and Courageous in your Character”.

International Educational Tour - Johannesburg & Cape Town, South Africa.
December 8th to 14th2014 marked our International Educational Tour to South Africa with 176 Distinguished Members
participating. The tour was named, “Walking in the footsteps of Nelson Mandela”. The tour included a visit to our
partners at The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy, Vilakazi Street in Soweto where Nelson Mandela lived, and a
Mentorship session at the Kenyan Embassy in Pretoria hosted by Amb. Patrick Wamoto with his staff. The tour also
included a visit to Cape Town where the team had a successful and inspiring mentorship program at the Stellenbosch
University and the FVZS institute of Leadership Development for students.

Message from the Program Director


As we begin a new chapter we thank God
for taking us through the years despite
the several challenges that we all faced
as a nation and even individually. We are
confident that the lessons that we learnt
in the previous years have enriched us to
improve and become better in all the
things that we shall set out to accomplish
in the future.
Our special thanks to the Ministry of
Education, School Directors, Teachers, and Students who
registered with The Barack Obama Leadership Program. We
are privileged and honored to be a part of the Mentorship,
Leadership and Character Development of the students that
have been selected by the teachers at various levels. We also
thank most sincerely, The National Fund for the Disabled In
Kenya and The National Council for Persons with Disabilities
for becoming our partners by supporting Stacey Jebet Sang
from Kianda School who lost both her arms in the fatal Loreto
Msongari bus accident. All our partners and those who
supported us in any way are also highly appreciated.
Our goal is to influence the positive thinking of our Young
Leaders, improve their confidence to believe in themselves
and their abilities through interactions with our carefully
selected National and International Mentors.
We look forward to a beneficial program that shall provide
Mentorship, Leadership and Character Development, Coach
and Expose our Young and Emerging Leaders.

I am truly pleased and humbled for the privilege
and honour to join you to witness the launch of this
leadership and mentorship program which I have
every reason to believe is for the celebration of
achievement and a great opportunity to shape your
world view on leadership. Whichever way you look
at this mentorship program, it is indeed a once in a
life time opportunity to showcase to the world that
'yes I can do it'.
May I therefore take this opportunity to give my
warm and sincere congratulations and
encouragement to each one selected to join this
program as you set out to own your leadership
skills through this mentorship program.
Developing future generation of leaders under the
current global scenario has become more urgent.
Mentoring encourages the development of
leadership competencies that are open easily
through coaching, counseling, modeling, listening , guided practice and
Responsible and committed leadership today spans across both private
and public sectors. However, good leadership is indeed nurtured and I
believe it is the reason for the launch of this leadership and mentorship
Hon Justin Muturi

May God Bless you all.

Speaker- National Assembly Of Kenya.
While supporting this Leadership Program, she co-signed
(together with Prof PLO Lumumba) the Certificates of
Achievement presented to the young Leaders during the
Induction Ceremony.
Hon dr joyce laboso

Winnie A. Goga

Programme Director -Barack Obama Leadership Programme

Deputy Speaker, National Assembly of Kenya

“Environmental leadership is very cri cal to all of
us. This program shall help to nurture the young
minds of the leaders so that they inherit a future
which is be er than the one we have today.”

Mr. Henry Ndede
UNEP, Kenya Country Program
“Have confidence in yourself , in your own
ability and be courageous. As we develop the
skills of the young leaders in the program, we
should also know that there are other young
leaders with disabili es who need to move
along with us. Let us bring everybody on board
including persons with disabili es.”

Ms. Josephta Mukobe – Principal Secretary,
Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government.
“This life owes you nothing. What you get out
of life corresponds directly to what you put
into it. If you are not willing to put in the
effort to grow yourselves, you are going to be
mediocre. Never limit yourself. I believe that
this program will help you to get there”

Mr. Heshan De Silva
Chairman, DeSilva Group

“I hope that this program is going to be a
program that will wake you up to recognize that
leadership is about personal conquest and to
create the next genera on of leaders and also
liberate your minds and hearts so that you can be
useful to the African civiliza on.”

Prof. P.L.O Lumumba
Director, Kenya School of Law

“I must say that the program has very bright
students and it was a pleasure working with
them. The program will surely help the young
leaders to flourish and become be er leaders as
we con nue working together in our

Mr. Folkers Williams
FVZS Institute of Leadership Development, South Africa
“I am sa sfied by the level of understanding of
Leadership exhibited by the students. I look
forward to a long las ng partnership that will
change the concept of African Leadership.”

Prof. Leslie Van Rooi
Stellenbosh University, South Africa




Many students who were unable to take the International Educational Tour due to financial constrains were hoping to get
sponsorship through the program. Regrettably, most sponsors were reluctant to support International Tours. However, we were
able to secure support for Stacey Jebet Sang and her mother (who also doubles as her assistant) from The National Fund for the
Disabled of Kenya and The National Council for Persons with Disabilities for Ksh 137,000 and Ksh 50,000 respectively. Stacey lost
both her arms in the road accident that claimed the lives of some students from Loreto Msongari in 2011.

Annie Mugambi, the Chief Executive National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya presenting a cheque for Ksh 137,000 to The Lion's Heart
Help Group being sponsorship for Stacey Jebet Sang of Kianda High School for the International Educational Tour to South Africa.

Sponsored Teachers
Lion's Heart Help Group sponsored teachers from Alliance Girls High School, Alliance High School, and Rose of Sharon Academy
who benefited from a 50% sponsorship for the South African Tour while Kenya High School teacher benefited from a fully paid 100%
Teachers from schools that register 50 students or more for the International Educational Tours are entitled to a fully sponsored
international trip. Those who register 25 for the International Educational Tours qualify for a 50% international tour sponsorship.


. Ongata Academy, Rongai

· Sunshine Secondary School

· Empopongi School, Narok

· Kituro High School

· Kenyatta University

· St. Peters Cape View Homabay

· State House Girls High School

· Makini School

· Thomas Burke Academy

· Mkilimani Primary School

MELVIN jones school, nakuru

kenya high school

Upper hill secondary school

St georges girls sec school

Blessed narok academy

st marys school, nairobi

Alliance high school

Kianda & loreto msongari
Sec schools

Alliance girls high school

Shah lalji academy, nakuru

Aga khan high school

Milimaniprimary school

rose of sharon academy

Kastmil primary school, kasarani

The Program
“Change will not come if we wait for
some other person or some other me.
We are the ones we've been wai ng
for. We are the change that we seek.”

Selection of Students.

The Barack Obama Leadership Program aims to develop a
21st century generation of responsible and respected
leaders. This mission starts with the selection of young
students, particularly those who demonstrate the
potential to comprehend and apply the fundamental
principles needed by leaders as well as whom, by virtue of
their age (from 10 to 25 years old), education, and are
often looked upon as role models.
Thus, the program seeks to equip selected students with
vital leadership skills. To this end, working along with other
professionals/experts, the program endeavors to instruct
and equip the participants in parliamentary procedures,
conflict resolution, disaster management, models of
leadership, public speaking, community and civic
engagement, character development, educational
enhancement skills and international exposure through
organized international educational tours.

The Objectives of program
❶. To develop a cadre of positive young leadership throughout
the nation.
❷. To stimulate an appreciation for servant leadership in the
nation and the world.
❸. To expose students to various leadership skills,
opportunities, and challenges.
❹. To inform students of the current and emerging economic,
social, political, Communal and cultural issues affecting the
nation and the world.
❺. To nurture a network of positive young leaders by providing
fertile opportunities for them to interact on various social and
cultural settings.
❻. To improve and develop confidence, character, humility and
courage in the young leaders.
❼. To encourage civic education, participation and involvement,
such as the voting process.
❽. To link the members of the program with other international
❾. To positively impact on the critical thinking of the students
through International Educational Tours, which develop their
capacities and give them exposure to international standards.
❿. To create opportunities for the young leaders through
exchange programs.

Students that have shown leadership qualities in education,
sports, character or other identifiable skills are selected by
the schools and recommended for registration in the
program. All selections are done through the schools by the
schools administration. However, parents who feel that they
have students that have the desired leadership skills that
require development are encouraged to engage the schools
where the students learn so that they can be recommended
for registration.

Learning Outcomes
Students will:
❶. Understand the basic values of good leadership and
❷. Understand the institutional processes of the nation and
around the world
❸. Understand and articulate the critical issues facing the
❹. Develop a deeper appreciation for community
participation and service.
❺. Understand the importance of excelling in school while
parents will appreciate rewarding good performance.
❻. Be exposed to sessions that will foster personal
confidence, character development and success.
❼. Develop an understanding of social engagements.
❽. Appreciate actual academic and social activities that
occur in the nation and around the world.
❾. Develop a critical thinking capacity that will help them
analyze situations and make right decisions.
❿. Be more focused in becoming champions and being role
models themselves.

International Educational Tours.
Our members are encouraged to take at least one of the
international educational tours in order to align themselves
to international thinking and exposure.

Cost of the program.
Selected students are required to pay Ksh 10,000 by Bankers
Cheque payable to LION'S HEART HELP GROUP for registration
purposes. Once registered, the student becomes a member of
the program and is entitled to the benefits of the program
which include school mentorship whereby our mentors visit the
schools for coaching, character development and mentorship.

This programme has been approved and authorised by the Ministry of Education.

“ I appreciate the Barack Obama Leadership Program for mentoring young leaders including my
daughter Shanelle. The trip to South Africa was not only a success and educative but also
tailored as an eye opener to all including the parents who took part in the trip. We really learnt a
lot. Let's continue working together as we prepare the young leaders to take on the world”.
MR. MARTIN KITHOME - Parent, The Kenya High School
“This program will have far reaching ramifications to the society when these young leaders take
an active role in leadership tomorrow. I am proud to be a part of this great foundation”.
Agnes Githahi - Teacher, Alliance Girls High School

“I would like to express my gratitude to those that worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the
educational tour of South Africa. It was an unparalleled experience, packed full of fun and new
experiences that let us map our way to becoming the leaders of tomorrow. Leadership is an art
for which some fortunate people have inbuilt genius which this program seeks to develop”.
Ivy Andia Wakhu - Student, Alliance Girls High School

“This leadership program has helped me learn about public speaking and confidence. The
International tour to South Africa was a really good experience which I hope to get the privilege
of taking again”.
Jeremy Kenn Nyagudi - Student, Kilimani Junior Academy

“Thank you very much for everything. I am proud to say that apart from having fun, I got to learn
so much. The trip was definitely worth it ”.
Trevor Oisebe - Student, St Mary's High School

“Through this program, I have gained valuable experiences for personal and leadership
development. Interacting with other team members enabled me to learn from them while
supporting each other. The South African tour was an eye opener for me as I got to view and
make references to my country Kenya and see all that need reforms”.
Moses Obegi Meraba - Student, Upper Hill School
“I really appreciate the great work. I had a magical time, learnt a lot and met new people who I
know will help me in one way or the other in the future” .
CHRISPIN HERBERT KARANJA - Student, Alliance High School

“This program is amazing. It has opened my eyes to a new way of critical thinking. The
educational tour to South Africa was both educational and fun-filled. I had fun and also learnt
quite a lot. Thank you for having me on board”.
Stacey Jebet Sang - Student, Kianda High School
“We pray and look forward to a very successful mentorship program that will not only shape our
future and the future of this great nation, but also show us how to get to the future in greatness
because we are not afraid of the future – We are the future".
ACHIENG MUTHEU - Student, Peponi School.

P. O. Box 1847-00502 . St Francis ACK Church Road, Karen, Nairobi. Tel: 0711 888 999 / 0733-888-990
Email: [email protected]


3rd -10th april 2015 (GROUP I)
20th – 27th April 2015 (GROUP II)

Built between 1929 and 1937 to host the League of Na ons, the Palais
des Na ons now houses the United Na ons Office at Geneva, which was
inaugurated in 1966 a er the dissolu on of the League of Na ons. The
biggest United Na ons sta on outside of the headquarters in New York,
the office at Geneva provides cri cal support to the organiza on.

The tallest fountain in the world, the Jet d'Eau is a Geneva attraction that
cannot be missed. Projecting 460 feet (140m) into the air at a speed of 124
miles per hour (200km/h) and pumping 132 gallons (500 litres) of water per


The Swiss Alps comprise all the mountains of Switzerland over 2,000
metres above sea level and almost all the highest mountains of the

One of the most crea ve and thought provoking museums in Europe, the
Interna onal Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum brings together
sculpture, installa on, photography and film to highlight the importance
of human rights.

It's the sound of visitors shrieking with pleasure, when in
Switzerlands’ many fun parks. Explore adventure in a new way.

COST: Ksh 198,000
AUGUST 10TH - 14TH2015

DECEMBER 7TH - 14 TH 2015

International Young Leaders Conference

Visit to united nations headquarters in new york

The Kenya School of Government-NAIROBI

The Young Leaders get a chance to interact with others from
various parts of the country and get mentored by International
Speakers and Mentors from around the world.
Mentorship on:
.Leadership and Integrity
.Strategic thinking and personal branding
.Strategic leadership development
.Women in leadership
.Team building and networking
COST: Ksh 55,000


A visit to the Empire State Building , The New York Aquarium and
Statue of Liberty from left to right as above.
COST: Ksh 55,000

Month (2015)




New Registra ons
(This does not apply to our
current members).

May, July,

School Mentorship
Programs / Visits


Educa onal Tour and
Mentorship - Red Cross
Headquarters in Nairobi

Receiving and processing new
applica ons from schools for
registra on upon payments by
Bankers Cheque payable to LION’S
In consulta on with the schools,
selected Professional Mentors shall
visit schools for the school
mentorship programs
This program shall introduce the
students to disaster management
and preparedness. It shall include
ongoing correspondence learning on
the mandate for Red Cross around
the world.
A visit to the United Na ons
Headquarters in Geneva, Tour of the
Interna onal Red Cross and Red
Crescent World Headquarters in

April 3 rd – 10 th

Interna onal Educa onal
Tour (7 days) - Geneva,

April 20 th – 27 th


Educa onal Tour / Visit to
the Na onal Assembly of

August 10 th -14 th

Interna onal Young
Leaders Conference (5
days)–Kenya School of
Government, Nairobi


Educa onal Tour and

December 7 th – 14 th

Interna onal Educa onal
Tour - New York, United
States of America (6

A visit to Parliament shall expose the
leaders to live parliamentary debates
and a deeper understanding of how
laws are made. These laws affect all
people irrespec ve of social,
poli cal, religious status or
The Young Leaders get a chance to
interact with others from various
parts of the country and get
mentored by Interna onal Speakers
and Mentors from around the world.

Bidco Oil Refineries / Coca Cola
Industries – This visit shall expose
the young leaders to the produc on
of products and understanding of
Business and its management.
The tour shall include a visit to the
United Na ons Headquarters in New
York, a visit to the Statue of Liberty,
Mentorship by The Barack Obama
Leadership Academy mentors from
Los Angeles, California and tour of
New York.

Cost (Ksh)
Ksh 10,000


Ksh 3,000
(Payable by Mpesa
to 0711 888 999)
Ksh 198,000
(Payable in full or by installments;
30 th Jan; Ksh Ksh 66,000
28 th Feb; Ksh 66,000
30 th March; Ksh 66,000

Ksh 3,000
(Payable by Mpesa to
0711 888 999)

Ksh 55,000
Payable in full or by 5 installments
Feb 28 th – June 30 th;
Ksh 11,000 each month.

Ksh 3,000
(Payable by Mpesa
to 0711 888 999)

Ksh 252,000
Payable in full or by 9 installments
Feb 28 th – October 31 st;
Ksh 28,000 each month.

This is a prestigious programme for selected students who have shown outstanding character and leadership qualities.
Due to limited chances, it is on a “first come, first served basis” and only those that have registered will be considered for
sponsorship if and when the sponsors have committed to support the program. Otherwise, until then all costs are covered
by parents

Sponsor Documents

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