Newletter, October 2013

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St. Paul Lutheran Church
10792 N Co Rd 210 E, Seymour, IN 47274 Office Phone: (812) 522-7364 or 522-7484 Email:[email protected] Web site:


From the Pastor’s Desk Churchwide Assembly
I thought that I would take this space to inform people about some of the events at the churchwide assembly in Pittsburgh during the week of August 12-17. The churchwide assembly is the highest legislative authority of the ELCA. The assembly is composed of voting members from all 65 synods and includes the officers of the national church and all the synods of the church. It was a privilege to serve in this capacity and a good experience. Even though the assembly is legislative in nature, it is much more than simply a week-long business meeting. The week is filled with worship, singing, reading Scripture, and Bible Study. The day was split into three main sections. The morning and late afternoon were the business sessions along with hearing reports from areas of the church (i.e. outreach, new congregational starts, global missions, military chaplaincy) and greeting from other national churches and faith traditions including the Episcopal, Roman Catholic, Jewish, Islam, and Sikh. In-between these two business sessions, we were grounded in the Word. We worshipped every day at 11AM with a Eucharistic service and had a variety of experiences during the worship including anointing with oil and opportunity to get up and write prayer request at various stations around the worship space. Then after worship we had lunch which was followed by Bible Study—where we gathered in small groups and centered ourselves around a passage from Scripture and shared with the people how this passage spoke to us and what the passage might be saying to the church today. In terms of the major outcomes from this week in Pittsburgh is that we had the election for the Presiding Bishop. Many people throughout the church thought that Bishop Hanson (who has been the Presiding Bishop for 12 years and said he would be willing to serve another term) would be fairly easily reelected. This turned out to not be the case. It was apparent to me after the 2 nd ballot that a reelection was unlikely as Bishop Hanson’s vote total went down from the first ballot. It was during the Q&A time with the top candidates that Bishop Elizabeth Eaton surged from the bottom of the list to eventually being elected on the fifth ballot. Bishop Eaton’s message was that the challenge of the ELCA is to reclaim our distinctive Lutheran voice, our confessional heritage. That the ELCA has something to say with the theology of the cross in a culture infused with glory. An observation that I made (but was not unique to me) was that the theme of the assembly played a part in the election. The theme was ‘Always being made new.’ It seemed like a portion of the assembly felt that a new voice and leadership was needed for the next six years. The assembly was very appreciative of Bishop Hanson’s leadership over the last 12 years, but from the election it seemed clear that people were ready for something new. The other major election was that of the ELCA secretary. A former bishop from the state of Washington, Chris Boerger was elected to this position on the fifth ballot. Other issues before the assembly were:

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the Social Statement on Criminal Justice, which passed overwhelmingly (882-25) a fundraising campaign to help support and enhance various ministries of the ELCA (new congregations, renewing congregations, World Hunger, global ministries, youth & young adult ministry) the campaign passed fairly easily (671-242) but there were several voices in opposition. Other items that we discussed were communion practices, immigration, community violence, 500th anniversary of the Reformation, and a variety of constitutional and by-law changes.

Overall, it was a good experience (even though it included a ton of sitting) in which the many ways that the ELCA reaches out and is doing ministry were lifted up. If you would like more information, please talk with me.

THANK YOU for the prayers, cards, and visits during my illness. —Lucille Thompson

Happy Birthday!
1 1 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 11 12 14 14 14 14 15 16 Moriah Hendrix Jenny Engelau Amanda Jackson Alyssa McCollum Phyllis Cupp Carvin Otte Brayden Rorick Lacy Wente Samuel Engelau Henry Engelau Wendy Rotert Matthew Waskom Jackie Martin Bob Schafstall Ernie Kleffman Christopher McGrew Logan Hupp Troy Engelau Casey Paswater Gus Kleffman Nolan Herkamp Lou Ann Hoevener Sylvia Rust Richard Anderson Elizabeth Morris 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 25 25 26 26 28 28 29 30 31 David Rust, Jr. Lucille Thompson Madison Jones Karen Brigdon Renee Arnie Bryan Hendrix Bertha Otte Orville Schnitker Doug Fish Brian Kendall Jeanette Kruse Tricia Snyder Tony Reichenba Marj. Rust Elijah Jackson Emily Taulman Isaac Rust Shane Kleffman Campbell Mansfield Jonathan Eglen Amy Kleffman Ashley McCoy Aaron Otte Karen Dringenburg Dan Holle

THE FAMILY of Michael J. Tangman would like to thank everyone for their prayers, memorials, cards and concerns during his passing. May the Lord be with all of you. God Bless —Tangman Family A BIG THANK YOU to our church family, Care Team and Stephen Ministers for all the good work you do in our congregation. Really appreciate everything you are doing for us. Thanks again! —Geneva Hoene and Dorothy Simmons KAYLA JEAN MARIE FRANKE, daughter of Clayton and Nina (Guinn) Franke was baptized on September 15, 2013. Kayla was born on July 27, 2013. Her sponsors are Gretchen Lawles and Lisa Bergman. CHURCH COUNCIL
Chairman—Dan Davis Secretary—Linda Newkirk Financial Secretary—Nathan Otte Treasurer—Jenny Engelau Elders—Leon Seitz and Dean Dringenburg Deacons—Mark Hoffmeier and Troy Claycamp Trustees—Howard Wente and Kevin Wheatley November Volunteers Greeters Bob & Dena Schafstall (8:00) John & Amy Pierceall (10:15) Communion Assistants Bob Schafstall (8:00) Gene Kruse (10:15) Altar Care Nov. 3-Mandy Otte (8:00) Nov. 3-Linda Seitz (10:15) Nov. 10– Susan Holle Nov. 17-Gretchen Lawles Nov. 24-Phyllis Cupp Lectors Nov. 3-Mandy Otte (8:00) Ed DeVoe (10:15) Nov. 10-Leah Otte (8:00) Leon Seitz (10:15) Nov. 17-Doris Rorick (8:00) Hannah Wood (10:15) Nov. 24-Lois Bryden (8:00) Kendall Alstatt (10:15) Acolytes Nov. 3-Kaelen Eglen (8:00) Dylan Hatfield (10:15) Nov. 10-Eliana Baker (8:00) Cheyenne Douglass (10:15) Nov. 17-Erin Otte (8:00) Rachel Hildebrand (10:15) Nov. 24-Madison Engelau (8:00) Eli Wood (10:15) Projectors Nov. 3-Jamie Baker (8:00) Jack Tormoehlen (10:15) Nov. 10-Doris Rorick (8:00) Chloe Bryden (10:15) Nov. 17-Kaelen Eglen (8:00) Tyler Claycamp (10:15) Nov. 24-Madison Jones (8:00) Marc Fountain (10:15) Flowers Nov. 3 & 10-Mildred Carter Nov. 17 & Nov. 24-Need Volunteers Children’s Sermon–Leah Otte Welcome Center—Delores Douglass (8:00) Michelle Wood (10:15)

October Volunteers Greeters Paul and Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00) The Alstatt Family (10:15) Communion Assistants Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00) The Alstatt Family (10:15) Altar Care Oct. 6, 20 & 27-The Alstatt Family (10:15) Oct. 13-Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Oct. 27-Florence Otte (8:00) Lectors Oct. 6-Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00) Amy Pierceall (10:15) Oct. 13-Jamie Baker (8:00) Karen Davis (10:15) Oct. 20-Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Laberta Otte (10:15) Oct. 27-Mark Rorick (8:00) Marc Fountain (10:15) Acolytes Oct. 6-Anna Holle (8:00) Kyle Claycamp (10:15) Oct. 13-Morgan Jones (8:00) Lydia Shuler (10:15) Oct. 20-Courtney Mansfield (8:00) Lyra Claycamp (10:15) Oct. 27-Kori Otte (8:00) Jacob Rotert (10:15) Projectors Oct. 6-Jamie Baker (8:00) Kailee Hildebrand (10:15) Oct. 13-Doris Rorick (8:00) Marc Fountain (10:15) Oct. 20-Kaelen Eglen (8:00) John Pierceall (10:15) Oct. 27-Madison Jones (8:00) Hannah Wood (10:15) Flowers Oct. 6 & 13-Need Volunteers Oct. 20 & 27-Mark Hoffmeier Children’s Sermon–Carolyn Jones Welcome Center—Carol Mansfield (8:00) Linda Setiz (10:15)

Upcoming Worship
October 6 th:
Text—Exodus 16:1-18
Below are the lessons and some thoughts about the upcoming Sundays. Please take some time to look over the lesson and reflect upon the questions in preparation of the upcoming weeks in worship.
After the Hebrew people escape out of Egypt, they wander in the wilderness for years. During this time, the people complain and grumble about God and being in the wilderness. They think that maybe they were better off enslaved in Egypt for they at least had food to eat. God continues to provide for His people by sending down manna (bread from heaven) to feed and test them.

October 13th:
Text—I Samuel 3:1-21
After the Hebrew people got settled in the Promised Land, God raised up judges to help rule the people and call them back to faithfulness to God. As this period of the judges comes to a close, God raises up a new leader (Samuel). We hear that as the Word of the Lord and visions were not very common, God speaks to Samuel to call him to speak for God. Samuel is confused about who is calling him until the elder priest, Eli helps Samuel to understand.

October 20th:
Text—I Samuel 16:1-13
As God raised up Samuel to speak for Him, Samuel first anointed Saul as king of Israel. However, Saul was not faithful to God and hence God decided to raise up another king and have Samuel anoint this new king. To find this new king, Samuel goes to the house of Jesse the Bethlehemite. It is within Jesse’s household, that God surprises Samuel by choosing the youngest son of Jesse (David) rather than one of David’s seven older brothers.

October 27th:
Text—I Kings 5:1-5; 8:1-13 (Reformation)
After King David, his son (Solomon) was anointed king. Solomon sets out to complete his father’s desire to build a temple for God. David did not complete the work of building a temple because God told David not to do this, but rather that his son would be the one to build the temple. The temple was to be the permanent place for the presence of God.

Bible Study—The Story
The Bible study based upon The Story resources has begun again. The Story is an abridged chronological Bible that has woven together sections of the Bible to connect the storyline of the Bible so that it reads like a seamless story. Pastor Steve again be offering two separate times that you can participate within this study. Those times will be Sunday evening at 7 PM and Tuesday morning at 10:30 AM. Based upon the input from the groups, the groups will each have their own schedule. The Sunday night group will be looking at two chapters each week and the Tuesday group will focus upon one or maybe two chapters based upon the content of the chapters. Below is the schedule for October: Sunday, Oct. 6th: Chapters 23 & 24 Sunday, Oct. 13th: Chapters 25 & 26 Sunday, Oct. 20th: Chapters 27 & 28 Sunday, Oct. 27th: Chapters 29 & 30 Tuesday, Oct. 1st: Chapter 20 & 21 Tuesday, Oct. 8th: Chapter 22 Tuesday, Oct. 15th: Chapter 23 Tuesday, Oct. 22nd: Chapter 24 Tuesday, Oct. 29th: Chapter 25

Because of looking at more material on Sunday night, the class will run about 90 minutes. If you did not participate in the group, but would like to start this study—you are welcome to come and join us. The book is available on-line or in many Christian Book Stories. Any questions, talk with Pastor Steve.

St. Paul Borchers Care Team
The food pantry item being collected in October is boxed or canned potatoes. Please place your donations in the wooden box in the hallway near the kitchen, or in the basket near the main entry doors. Donations are given to food pantries in Seymour at Provisions, Anchor House, and Human Services. Please remember anyone donating items to Goodwill may ask to have vouchers given to the Anchor House. Your vouchers will allow needy Anchor House residents to shop for necessities at Goodwill free of charge! Ask Trish for more details. Seymour’s Community Diner provides free meals at least once a month to anyone in need of a good meal. There is an opportunity for volunteers from St. PaulBorchers to help prepare and/or serve a meal at the Community Diner on Monday, October 21 in downtown Seymour. If you are interested in helping please contact Terri DeVoe, Pastor Steve, or Trish. More details will be available in Sunday Welcome folders. YES! Cinema FREE movie for Seniors 55 & older on Tuesday, October 1st. A carpool will leave the church parking lot at 12:15 and return between 4:00 and 5:00. Please sign up at the Welcome Center so transportation can be arranged. The movie title will be available a few days prior to the event at Questions? Please contact Trish Tangman. Borchers Breakfast Club (BBC) meets every Thursday from 9:00 to 12:00 for breakfast and social time. YOU are welcome to join the group just for breakfast, or for the entire morning! Joe Hoene, along with his merry band of volunteers, cooks up a hearty breakfast and cleans up each Thursday! Joe has asked that if there’s anyone interested in sharing responsibilities with him---please let him or Trish know. Involvement in BBC is a rewarding way to give as well as receive!

STEPHEN MINISTRY: Stephen Minister group meetings continue to be held monthly. The October Stephen Minister group meeting will be a departure from the norm. Stephen Ministers will meet from 6:30 – 9:00 PM at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Seymour on Thursday, October 24 for a joint continuing education session with Immanuel’s Stephen Ministers. Last month St. Paul’s third Stephen Minister training series began with a small and mighty group. Stephen Leaders will provide 50 hours of training material to prepare these caring individuals to minister to people in various crisis situations. We commend these individuals for their willingness to serve others through Stephen Ministry. FRIENDLY CARE: WANTED : Gently used or new containers are needed for use in assembling care packages for individuals experiencing illness, surgery, injury, or grieving a loss, etc. Ideal containers include baskets, bowls, boxes, and bags. (examples: lunch bag size decorative paper bags, quart size decorative baskets, unused flowerpots, medium size gift bags, decorative pails) Please drop off items in the main office or the Care Team office.

Encourage one another and build up each other...
1 Thessalonians 5:11, NRSV

St. Paul’s Youth and Family Ministries
TREATS TREATS will be on October 9 at 4:00 pm. We will be having a Pumpkin obstacle course at the church. Please bring a can of green beans. The meal will be served at 6:00 pm. The menu that night is spaghetti, meat sauce, garlic bread, veggie sticks, apple sauce and pumpkin bars. TRUNK OR TREAT Trunk or Treat will be on Friday, October 25 at 6:30 pm in the Picnic Grove, if weather permits. Activities include a haunted trail, hayride, trunk decorating contest, food and other activities. A sign-up sheet is at the Welcome Center for food donations. KID’S PRAISE GROUP Kid’s Praise Group will be practicing on Wednesday, October 2 at 6:30. We will be singing after the announcements at both services on Sunday, October 6. KID’S BELLS Kid’s Bells have been practicing full swing since August. In October we will be practicing on October 2, 23, and 30 at 5:30 and 6:00. There will be NO Practice on October 9 or 16. Team 1 will play at worship during the Prelude on October 27 at both services. Team 2 will be playing at both services on October 6 after the announcements. LUTHER LEAGUE Luther League met in September for supper at El Nopal. We planned an outing to Tiemeyer’s Haunted Barn on Friday, October 11. The time will be announced through a text message. Nate Otte will be chaperoning this outing. We also have a meeting planned for Sunday, October 20 at 6:00. Pizza will be served and we ask that youth bring a 2 Liter of soda that evening. JR. HIGH YOUTH Jr. High Youth will be going to a Corn Maze on Friday, October 11. We will meet at the church at 6:30 and should return around 9:00ish. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board by the YFM office. We will need parents to help drive to this event! The cost of the event will be announced. TWEENERS
Carolyn’s Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday-Mornings Email: [email protected] Home Phone: 497-3338 Cell Phone: 521-0281 Tyler Claycamp (Intern): Cell Phone 216-7027 Email: [email protected]

Tweeners will be going to the Cornucopia Farm in Scottsburg on October 6. Please meet at the church by 11:30 am. Cost is $5 per person or $8 for a friend. You can eat before you come or bring your lunch and eat with others before we leave. If you are interested in going, sign up on the sheet on the office bulletin board. Please sign-up and pay (in the office) by October 1. Tweeners there will be two fundraisers in October. Watch the Welcome insert in Sunday’s bulletin for more details.

REFORMATION SUNDAY: October 27th is the Sunday set aside to celebrate the Reformation. This day celebrates Martin Luther and the other reformers who went against the church of the day to call the church and all Christians back to the core of the gospel message—that we are saved by grace through faith and not of our works. As part of this celebration, we are asking people to wear something RED (which is the color of the day). We use red on reformation as a sign of the Spirit—because the reformation is a time when the Holy Spirit blew across the church to bring about renewal within the church. MEMORY BOOK: As part of the morning worship service for All Saints Day, on November 3 rd, we will be remembering those who died in the past year. There will be a memory book on the Welcome Center for individuals to write a name of a person who died in the past year that you would like to see remembered during the All Saints Day service. Any questions, please talk with Pastor Steve. FALL QUARTERLY MEETING: The Fall Congregational Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for October 27th at 12:00 pm. A free-will offering meal will take place after the second service with proceeds going to the Family Care Fund.

PIPE ORGAN CONCERT An Organ Concert will be held in the Borchers Chapel on October 5 th at 11:00 am. The organist is Matt Gerhard. FALL ZUMBA SESSION Sign-up for the Fall Zumba Session at the Welcome Center. The 8 week session will meet on Tuesday evenings from 6pm -7pm in the Fellowship Room beginning on October 1 st and the last class will be November 19th. The cost is $35 for the 8 a week session if PREREGISTERED and paid upfront or $5 per session after October 1 st. Please join us and invite your friends!! Text Amy Rosenberger for pre-registration or questions. HARVEST HOME SUPPER & BAZAAR Sign-up has begun for this year’s supper and bazaar. Please stop by the table (across from the Welcome Center) and check out what all is needed to make this event successful this year. We serve over 700 people so there are jobs for everyone! If you have questions call Jan Otte 522-5491 or Joe & Kay Hoene 5224693. Thanks for your support!!

A service of devotions will be held on Thursday, October 3 rd at 8:30 am in the Chapel.

Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations worldwide through simple, gift-filled shoe boxes and evangelistic materials that tell the Good News of God's love. Use an empty shoe box or a small plastic container. They may be wrapped (lid separately), but it is not required. Some suggestions for items to fill the shoe boxes with are school supplies, toys, hygiene items (any bars of soap must be in a plastic bag), or t-shirts and socks. Do not include used or damaged items, war related toys, chocolate or food, any liquids, or medications and vitamins. A $7 donation will help cover shipping and other project costs. The collection deadline for shoe boxes is November 3 rd. A free-will offering breakfast will be served on November 3 rd and the donation will go towards any remaining cost of shipping for the shoe boxes. A signup sheet will be at the Welcome Center for breakfast food donations. Contact Tyler Claycamp with questions. ST. JOHN’S (SAUERS) Men’s Club Annual Soup, Sandwich and Bazaar will be on Sunday October 6th. The serving will be from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. It is a free will donation. FISH FRY at St. Peter Lutheran Church (Waymansville) on October 20th from 4—7 pm. Sponsored by the Adult Fellowship Supplemental funds from Thrivent.

RUTH CIRCLE will meet 7:30 pm on Thursday, October 3 rd at Shirley Lewis’ home. Bible Study Leader is Lou Ann Hoevener. WINGS will meet 7:00 pm on Thursday, October 3rd in the Fellowship Hall. Debbie Herbert is hostess. HANNAH CIRCLE will meet on Tuesday, October 15th at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Carol Mansfield is hostess and Patty Herkamp is Bible Study Leader.

Sun Mon

I love the house where you live, O Lord, the place where your glory dwells. Psalm 26:8 NIV

10:30 am The Story Study 12:15 am Free Senior Movie 6:00 pm Zumba Fitness Class in Fellowship Hall

5:30 pm Kid’s Bells Team 1 6:00 pm Kid’s Bells Team 2 6:30 pm Adult Bells Practice 6:30 pm Kid’s Praise Group 7:30 pm Adult Choir Practice

8:30 am Borchers Chapel Devotions Service 9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club 7:00 pm WINGS Meeting in the Fellowship Hall 7:30 pm Ruth Circle Meeting at Shirley Lewis’ Home

4 No Pre-school 5

11:00 am Pipe Organ Concert in Borchers Chapel

8:00 am LBW Worship 9:15 am Sunday School 10:15 am WOV Communion 11:30 am Tweeners going to Cornucopia Farm 7:00 pm The Story Study




10:30 am The Story Study 6:00 pm Zumba Fitness Class in Fellowship Hall


4:00 pm TREATS 6:00 pm Meal


9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club

6:30 pm Jr. High Youth going to Corn Maze TBA-Luther League going to Tiemeyer’s Haunted Barn




8:00 am WOV Communion 9:15 am Sunday School 10:15 am LBW Worship 7:00 pm The Story Study


7:00 pm Church Council Meeting


9:00 am Hannah Circle in the Fellowship Hall 10:30 am The Story Study 6:00 pm Zumba Fitness Class in Fellowship Hall

6:30 pm Adult Bells Practice 7:00 pm Pre-school Mother’s Tea



9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club

18 No Pre-school


8:00 am LBW Worship 9:15 am Sunday School 10:15 am LBW Communion 11:45 am Confirmation Class 6:00 pm Luther League Meeting at the Church 7:00 pm The Story Study



4:00 pm Community Diner Meal


10:30 am The Story Study 6:00 pm Zumba Fitness Class in Fellowship Hall


1:30 pm Clothing Center 5:30 pm Kid’s Bells Team 1 6:00 pm Kid’s Bells Team 2 6:30 pm Adult Bells Practice


9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club 6:30 pm Stephen Minister Group Meeting at Immanuel Lutheran Church


6:30 pm Trunk or Treat


8:00 am LBW Communion 9:15 am Sunday School 10:15 am LBW Communion 11:15 am Free –will offering meal 12:00 pm Congregational Meeting 7:00 pm The Story Study



1:00 pm Book Buzz Meeting


10:30 am The Story Study 6:00 pm Zumba Fitness Class in Fellowship Hall


9:00 am Pre-school Fall Fun Party 5:30 pm Kid’s Bells Team 1 6:00 pm Kid’s Bells Team 2 6:30 pm Adult Bells Practice


9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club

St. Paul Lutheran Church 10792 N 210 E Seymour, IN 47274

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A Short Course on Lutheranism

Book Buzz Meetings
Book for October is Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom. Meeting Oct. 28 at 1:00 p.m.

Date: Saturday, November 9th Time: 9:00 AM until Noon What : A look at what it means to be a Lutheran— examining the history, theology, and teachings of the Lutheran Church This class is open to everyone including those interested in joining the congregation, people wanting to learn a little bit more about the Lutheran Church and those wanting a refresher on Lutheranism.
Come join us for a time of fun, fellowship & learning!!

Book for November is Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott. Meeting Nov. 25 at 1:00 p.m. No meeting in December. Book for January is Christ the Lord – Out of Egypt by Anne Rice. Meeting January 27 at 1:00 p.m. Book for February is Christ the Lord – The Road to Cana by Anne Rice. Meeting February 24 at 1:00 p.m.
Contact Michelle Wood or Trish Tangman with questions.

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