Nexus - 0209 - New Times Magazine

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A r.ound up of the news you probably did
not see.
Extracted from the book "Bankers And
Bastards" by Pau,1 McLean and James
By Bruce Cathie. Outlines the history of
his research into the global energy grid.
By Hans Ruesch. Extracted from his book
"Naked Empress - or the Great Medical
Fraud". Looks at drugs now banned
which were first tested on animals to show
that they were safe for humans.
By Tony Drew. Continues exploring the
relationship between world grids
and' other unexplained phenomena
The final part of the extract from a video
titled "A Nation Betrayed" featuring Lt.
Col. James "Bo" Gritz.
The world is full of stories of scientific
geniuses that simply disappear after their
discoveries are made. The research of Or.
Gianni ootto will amaze you!
By Ed McCabe. The author of "Oxygen
Therapies" has details of over 340 cases
of cured AIDS patients - but the 'experts'
still refuse to investigate.
By Peter Nielsen. The first in a series of
Oo-It- Yourself projects for the I/Mad
Scientist" in all (or some) of us.
Includes a look at Bruce de Palma and the
intriguing plus a look at the
resurgence of interest in !)s
witnessed by the recent conference at the
prestigious M.I. T.
A collection of strange and bizarre stories
from around (and off) the world.
REVIEWS - Books 58
"Healing Foods" by Walter Last
"Heal Yourself" by Walter Last
"Oil & World Politics" by Ted Wheelwright
"Brain-Wash" by Alan Gourley
"Atlas Shrugged'/ by Ayn Rand
"Vivisection or Science" by Pietro Croce
'/AIDS & The Doctors of Death" by Alan Cantwell
"Bankers And Bastards" by McLean &- Renton
"Portraits ofAlien Encounters" by Nigel Watson
"The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator Hbk"
"Supernatural Spielberg" by Watson & Slade
REVIEWS - Videos 62
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle
Occult Chemistry by Chris JIIert
Yes, it's that time again - another two months - another magazin_e. If th is edi- starts to drift, itls because I stayed up all night <to finish the magazine on
Every lissue becomes more and frustrating in the sense that I have to delete,
c.ut out, or hold over articles until the next issue. There are now several arti-
cles I have wanted to publish since the end of last year, they include liThe
Hallow Earth Theoryll, AIDS - A Man Made Disease (or should I say a 'person'
made disease - I recently got pulled up for being sexist), 'The Ruling Elite - The
Bilderberger, The Trilateral
Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations"
and more.
II have been recently asked if I ever get IIthreats
or "warnings
to stop what I
am do-ing. The answer is yes and no. No, I do not get threats any more
because II hold back from publishing the really juicy stuff, and Yes - I do get
In fact Ilreceived several"warnings
about our expose on the drug trade al1d
its links to Government and security agencies, which have caused me to termi-
nate the series as from this issue. I decidedll wanted to stay publishing a while
longe-r, if you know what r mean.
The other area I have received a warning about, is the forthcoming lecture
tour by the oxygen therapies man - Ed McCabe in November, which Nexus is
organising (see back cover thLs issue for details). It would appear that vested
financial interests are at risk if Oxygen liherapies becomes too popular. You
will (hopefully) note from the article in this issue, of the success of ozone used
to eliminate HIV.
There are several interesting articles contained in this issue (again). II recom-
mend the Dr. Dotto article, and of course the Banks article is a must read.
I should make a comment about the Photon Belt, or lack of it somewhere
here. For those who don't know what I am talking about - don't worry you are
in good company, I think half the people trafficking information on the Photon
Belt didn't know what they were talking about either. A simple article in an
obscure South Australian UFO magazine, first appearing over ten years ago has
travelled around the world's new age and channelling groups several times
now - before surfacing again in Australia - unrecognisable from its original
form. Bloody new age Americans!
For those who have a spare few days at the end of Oetober/beginning of
November, I recommend you read the advert on page 66. K1ryall Castle is
where it will be happening. Hopefully I will see some of you there.
Well, that is about all the editorial I can muster after being chained to this
desk for the last two days - I would like to thank our advertisers (again) for their
growing support, and wish you a happy issue number 9.

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e Nexus New Times 1992
Dear Duncan" Hello. Hope
everyone at Nexus is well
and happy. In regard to your
review of Hidden Crimes,
Vol.2, No.5. I agree with the
assessment of this incredible
film, but I must question
something you wrpte, and I
quote "For years I have Doted
the passionate Animal
Libbers, and thought to
myself, well it's either experi-
ment on animals or experi-
ment on humans."
Considering that you may not
have known about the many
'alternatives' ,to vivisection
when the above-mentioned
thought system was preva-
lent, and also considering that
you are the editor of a maga-
zine that seeks to expose
injustice; I ask you, what
greater injustice is there, than
torturing illilocent beings in
the hope of curing the (most-
ly self-inflicted, 60% diet-
related, 20% tobacco related)
ills of the human being? Did
you forget to include a
change of heart, or do you
still believe that if vivisection
assisted humanity it could be
Duncan, I really hope I've
read you wrong" because
from the son of the man who
wrote Journey Into Nature,
one would reasonably expect
compassion and understand-
ing for all life-forms. I mean
1iI0 offense and ask these
questions with respect. I
wo uld appreciate a reply.
Thank you. Blessed Be.
S,incerely, Kathryn M'
Randwick NSW.
(Dear Kathryn, To be hon-
est - the whole issue was one
that I was really not informed
on. I had no idea of the
extent of the suffering of the
animals, nor had I any idea
of the sheer quantity or scale
of the business surrounding
it. The fact that it is a fraJUI.
anyway really flipped my lid,
if you will pardon the expres-
I did have a considerable
change of heart on the whole
subject, but only after becom-
ing fully aware of the issues
involved. - Ed)
Dear Editor, I enjoy read-
ing Nexus because it deals
both with the mysteries of
this planet and the corruption
of human life upon it.
Though I believe some of
what you print is fanciful, it
is certainly closer to the truth
than what we usually read in
magazines and newspapers.
However, it astounds me
continually that you com-
pletely overlook thc major
conspiracy and corruption
existing on this planet. That
is the cruel subjugation of
women to patriarchal domi-
You blithely carryon in
your pages without ever men-
tioning or addressing the
issue. Your magazine is as
male dominated and patriar-
chal in form as any other.
Why should women worry
about the "Committee of
300" (see pages 9 and 58 last
issue) when we have a com-
mittee of 2.5 billion [men]
controlling our lives.
II Chris S. Bondi Beach
(Dear Chris, I think blam-
ing all your problems on men
I is as silly as blaming them on
Jews, or Freemasons, or
Grey Aliens. I am sorry )Iou
feel that Nexus is 'patriar-
chal, especially because I
consider Nexus to be one of
the few magazines not specif-
ically aimed at any sex. We
just aim to dig up hard to get
information and publish it for
those people interested
enough to appreciate this.
I think YOllr comments are
silly, and do not do your
'cause' much good. Ed)
Dear Catherine, My name
is Frank N. I am a reader of
your magazine for about one
year now and I would just
like to say, that your maga-
zine is straight to the point
with all the facts. I really
like reading your magazine
and I think a lot of other peo-
ple do too. I think that you
and your team really do stand
behind the name of your
magazine, Nexus Magazine.
I had just recently bought
from your magazine, Parts 1
& 2 of the UFO Infopax, and
they were full of information
and I thank you for them. I
know for now I will always
buy your magazine because it
is worth reading. WeH I hope
you all keep up the good
work because your magazine
is the best.
Yours faithfully, Frank N.
McGraths Hill, NSW.
(Thank you for lhose com-
ments, it is nice to know that
the magazine i ~ appreciated -
Dear Duncan, I wish to
thank you for putting both
my wife and myself onto
oxygen therapy, we were
both impressed with the ini-
tial cleansing process, and are
continuing. II
The material in all issues
has been fascinating and "
NB: Please keep let·
'I ters to approx 100-150
words in length. Ed.
mind-boggling as well.
I have just finished reading
"Alien Liaison" and together
with the beaut article by "Bo"
Gritz, we wonder as to the·
future - but it's reassuring to
at least know some of what is
going on.
Recently I was made aware
of a smalL scale cover-up,
which has no logical explana-
tion. The wife's sister-in-law
near Newcastle (NSW) wrote
that a friend of hers had bor-
rowed a book from
Newcastle Library and
enjoyed it so much he decid-
ed to borrow it again and
read it more in-depth.
To his surprise and conster-
nation the library people
insisted that he was mistaken
- that they had never heard of
the book, nor had they ever
had it in stock! This info,
really floored the person; and
knowing his friend was also a
UFO buff relayed the details
to her. He, the wife's brother,
then suggested that I may be
able to get some answers.
So, here it is: The book is
"The Expanding Case for
UFOs" by M.K. Jessup.
I discovered that M.K.
Jessup died mysteriously, in a
case in which many suspect
he was murdered or even
silenced on the UFO issue.
The book was unavailable
at any bookstore or library
we tried anywhere.
I realise that you have a 'lot
on your plate, but I would be
interested ,in your reaction
and comment whenever.
Keep up the good work, and
congratulations on an excel-
lent information outlet
Best wishes from George & '
Clare at Pomona.
(Thanks George, I'll speak
to you soon again. Duncan)
"'L ~
Australia's Defence
Department has been most
embarrassed by the leak: of a
classified document which con-
tains details of an updated ver-
sion of the "Brisbane l.ine".
For those who do not know,
the "Brisbane Line" was a pro-
posed line for fall-back defence
d'uring World War II. This
meant that allied forces were
prepared to sacrifice the top
part of Australia, so as to be
adequately able to defend the
rest of the country.
In this updated, and top
secret guide, the modern faU-
back line is proposed to be just above
Newcastle, and extends across to just
above Port Augusta in South Australia.
The Defence Department appears to
be trying to disown the guide, known as
"The Army Development Guide".
Although the Department insists the
Guide is out of date, it is still classified
as "Top Secret".
Over the last two years, Nexus
Magazine has received many pieces of
information suggesting that there is a
"hidden agenda" amongst the
"Internationalists", whereby Indonesia
will be 'allowed' to invade Australia.
Interestingly enough, these morsels of
information all hinted that Indonesia
would be allowed to finally occupy the
area of Australia above Newcastle.
All this would have to turn up just
when I moved! up north wouldn't it?
STOP PRESS: Recent develop-
ments in this area include the Chinese
of the Spratly Islands, an oil
rich cluster, parts of which ase under
claim by Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam
and others. All in all it is being consid-
ered the next "flashpoint" for the south
pacific region. To add fuel to the fire,
Indonesia is to buy a chunk of the for-
mer East German navy, including 39
warships, minesweepers, and landing
(Source: The Sunday Mail, June 28th '92,
& The Australian. July 24th, 1992),
A recent National Health Strategy
Report has revealed that between
30,000 and 40,000 people are hospi-
talised every year due to prescription
drugs. This figure is higher than the
figure for hospital admissions due to
car accidents!
According to the report, Australian
doctors prescribe twice as many antibi-
otics per head of population as Sweden,
and more than doctors in the UK, USA
and Canada.
Hospital bills for drug misuse cost
taxpayers nearly $90 million a year,
and the situation is considered so criti-
cal that the Federal Government is con-
sidering imposing a levy on medicine
sales to fund an education campaign on
prescription drugs.
Perhaps they should read the article
on pages 21-24 of this issue of Nexus
(Source: The Australian. July 15th '92. p)
Hundred of Australians and several
prominent law firms have combined
forces to begin a historic legal action
a"gainst the major drug companles
which sellltranquiUisers.
They plan to take representative
action against drygcoJIlpanies includ-
iog Roche Products, Wyeth
and Upjohn, for failing to warn
people that their tranquilisers
can be addictive. Brand names
of these companies include
Serepax, Valium, Ativarn and
According to the National .
Health Survey, one in fifty
Australians used tranquilisers
every day for six months or
more; another 750,000
Australians said they had taken
tranquilisers in the two weeks
before the survey.
Representatives from one of
the law firms involved said the
patients would sue for dam-
ages, claiming the drug compa-
nies did not research or inform
about problemS' of dependency and
This dramatic legal action follows
what has been described as "the biggest
law suit in British history", in which
17,000 people are suing three drug
companies in the UK for alleged side
effect from pills.
(Source: The Sun-Herald. June 21 '92)
The distinction between fact and fic-
tion in television news was in danger of
becoming meaningless, a communica-
tions expert warned.
Associate Professor Peter Putnis, the
head of communication and media
studies at Bond University, said TV sta-
tions could flOW use computers to alter
moving pictures undeteetably, and were
misusing "file tape" to illustrate news
Professor Putnis has called fOl" stricter
guidelines on the use of file tape, and
says that part of the problem was that
people were being filmed for one pur-
pose but the mm was being used for
Chlorine, the chemical used to purify
water supplies, has been linked to cases
of rectal and bladder cancer. American
... GL$BAL, NEWS ...
medical researchers say chlorine pro-
duces chemical bi-products which are
responsible for at least 18% of rectal
cancers and 9% of bladder cancers.
The study published in the American
Journal of Public Health says the can-
cers can be Ilifiked to drinking, bathing
and swimming in chlorinated water.
According to the Washington Post
earlier this month (July), the FBI have a
rather unusual gripe - that is they can't
tap people's phones any more. It seems
that the equipment used by the FBI
does not work on fibre optic cables. So
frustrated is the FBI that they want the
Bush administration to force US tele-
phone companies to install equipment
that allows them to ltap into every tele-
phone in the country. What's more, is
that the FBI wants the public purse to
pay for these changes.
Now normally this information would
not be made public, but someone
leaked it to the media immediately.
One wonders whether the CIA or the
NSA are having the same problem, and
if so how did they overcome it in
Australia, where we are using a fair bit
of fibre-optics?
The NSA (National Security Agency)
was founded by President Harry
Truman dUring the "Cold War", to tap
into the world's electronic transmissions
to detect enemies of the USA.
The NSA uses the satellite listening
bases such as Pine Gap to spy on an
incredible number of telephone and fac-
simile transmissions. It owns the most
powerful array of computers in the
world, and can pick out specific con-
versations from the babble of interna-
tional telecommunication traffic.
According to James Bamford's book
on the NSA, The Puzzle Palace, the
NSA employs at least 60,000 people
and spends a modest $13 billion per
The Washington Post reported that
the NSA w..a,s also trying to ensure that
government computers used a 'second
rate computer security technology' so it
computer data transmissions.
Remember - just because you are not
paranoid, it doesn't mean they aren't lis-
tening to you!
The British secret service outfit Ml6
has recently announced that it will close
its top secret "radio relay station" which
operates on a site adjacent to the
Australian Defence Department's iso-
lated Kowandi Radio Station, about
30km south of Darwin.
It was only a few weeks ago that
British Prime Minister, John Major
officially acknowledged the existence
of MI6, which until then had been the
worst kept secret in the world, (along
with Boris Yeltsin's drinking).
A High Comission spokesman in
Canberra has confirmed that the British
were pulling out because it was being
superseded by, wait for it, new technol-
Maybe this new technology is what
the more intelligent "intelligence"
organisations are, or will be using to tap
phone networks which use fibre optic
cables. (See previous item.)
(Source: The Sun-Herald, June 28, '92)
Evidence has surfaced that money
can be easily stolen from Automated
Teller Machine using published infor-
mation and an easily accessible
machine costing several
hundred dollars.
Every year thousands
of customers complain to
banks and building soci-
eties that money has
been removed from their
accounts at cash
machines without their
knowledge. Most banks
~ I
deny that these "phan-
tom" withdrawals are
even possible, and avoid
compensatory action as a
I am sure many readers
someone has found a way of forging
some of these cards. If you have had
money ripped off from your account,
grab a copy of New Scientist, 4th July
1992, page 5, take it to your ban.-k man-
ager, tell it is now recognised as possi-
ble and demand the bank replace the
money you gave them to look after.
(Ref: New Scientist, 4th July 1992)
Brian Evans of Tantara Tek in
Watford (UK) has filed a European
paten application (#463787) suggesting
how to use the TV to subliminally con-
vey 'changes in mood' on a TV pro-
gramme, or advert.
Mr Evans suggests that if TV screens
were made to flicker at a rate of 75
hertz, either by scanning the cathode
ray tube at this frequency, or by inter-
rupting the back illumination for a liq-
uid crystal display, then the eye will
register this flicker peripherally, but not
with direct viewing.
During the programme, the frequency
would change, to emphasise changes in
mood. According to Evans, this can
heighten dramatic effect and stimulate
peripheral curiosity. Another trick is to
alter the flicker frequency in some parts
of the picture, but not others.
(Source: New Scientist, 27 June '92)
The 'Cold War' may have ended, but
last year the Pentagon placed a record
774 US patent applications under
could continue to monitor overseas
are not surprised that
--:..{..(..... - - - --.
" II
1 'riA", TO riG'" or! rof{ THE 00[£ .
... GL$BA,L NEWS .' ..
"Secrecy Orders". A secrecy order is
imposed when the Pentagon
the patent could harm national security
by revealing rechnical' secrets.
According to recently available data
obtained under Ithe Freedom of
Information Act by the Federation of
American Scientist, the US Federal
Government has "gag" orders on nearly
6,000 inventions. Nearly three quarters
of the 1991 invention, ie 506 out of774
- were imposed on private companies.
In one case during the 1980s, a grad-
uate student applied for a patent for an
invention described in his doctoral dis-
sertation. The government slapped a
secrecy order on it before the student
even had a chance to defend the disser-
tation before a committee of the univer-
sity's faculty. The effectively meant
that he could have been prosecuted for
going ahead with his oral
Fortunately, the government relented
and the student got his Ph.D.
(Source: New York Times, 23 May '92;
New Scientist 20 June '92)
According to New Scientist, southern
California is undergoing its most
intense period of earthquake activity
since settlers first began keeping
One geophysicist claims that the
region is witnessing the birth of a new
fault syst.em that could soon equal the
infamous San Andreas fault
The recent wave of earthquake activi-
ty started on June 28, with an earth-
quake of magnitude 7.4, centred in the
Jojave Desert about 150km west of Los
In the ten days since that event, the
US Geological Survey's seismic moni-
toring system has recorded 5,000 earth-
quakes in the area!
(Source: New Scientist 18 July '92)
the British Ministry of Defence
(MOD) has patented a system for
covertly reading the number plates of
cars at night.
Normally the MOD does not publi-
cise this kind of research and vets all
patent applications filed at the British
Patem Office, but patent application # 2
248 994 seems to have slipped through
the net. This means that anyone with
access tQ a patent library anywhere in
the world can examine the details of
this system, which basically uses LEOs
which generate long-wavelength
infrared, ie up to 1000 nanometres,
which is invisible to the hWTIan eye.
(Source: New Scientist, 4 July '92)
Move over
Chernobyl, make
way for the nuclear
disasters that the
Soviets did manage
to "keep the media
According to a
report from the
lnstitute of
Biophysics at the
former Soviet
Health Ministry in
Chelyabinsk more
than 8,000 people
have died and
28,000 have been
'severely irradiated' as a result of dump-
ling and disasters since 1948.
Since 1949, "no less <than 150 million
curies of radioactive substances have
been discharged into the environment
as a result of Mayak's activities" says
the report. This is about the equivalent
of three times the radiation leaked out
by the Chernobyl disaster.
For example, between 1949 and
'1956, some 76 million cubic metres of
liquid waste were poured in the river
.affecting an immediate 124,000 people.
And in 1957 and 1967, two "mini-
Chernobyls" caused widespread deaths
and increased leukemia cases.
(Source: New Scientist, 20 June '92)
The discovery of prehistoric pollen
and charcoal off the Great Barrier Reef,
may indicate that Australia was inhabit-
ed by humans 140,000 years ago.
Dr Peter Kershaw, a palynologist, or
pollen expert at Monash University's
Department of Geography and
Environmental Science believes he has
found signs of human disturbance in
rainforest patters in a drill core from the
edge of the continental shelf 80km east
of Cairns.
The core covers the past 1.5 million
years, and shows that around 140,000
years ago, a drier type of tropical rain-
forest in north east Queensland was
subjected to an increase in fire frequen-
If Dr Kershaw's theory is correct,
Australia's ancient past will have to be
rewritten. The oldest Aboriginal site is
at Kakadu, and is only 60,000 years
Families of the 11 Israeli athletes
who died at the Munich Olympics have
obtained German documents showing
that Getman police, and not PLO gun-
men killed eight of them.
The Yediot Aharanot newspaper in
Jerusalem said the new evidence,
including pathologists' reports, proved
s __
... GL-$-BAL INEWS ...
only three of the Israelis were killed by
the Palestinians in 1972.
(Source: The Australian, July 24 '92)
In 1988, the USS Vincennes shot
down an Iranian plane contain.iog 290
people. It was described as a "Jtragic
accident" by the Pentagon, who then
proceeded to confer a medal on the
ship's captain for this very same acci-
Are we surprised to learn recently
'that the Americans were well inside
Iranian t c r r i t o r i a ~ waters, and knew full
well that it was not a military plane?
The Australian Medicat Association
(AMA) is setting new standards for
general practice which will prevent
doctors of unorthodox medicine from
being able to claim Medicare rebates.
The policy changes are due to take
effect from January I, 1994.
It will affect general practitioners
who prescribe herbal remedies and
unconventional allergy treatments, or
practice iridology, naturopathy and chi-
ropractics. It does not include acupunc-
ture however.
(Source: The Australian. July 21 '92)
A method for altering a selected
region of air above the Earth's surface
was patented for a subsidiary of the
Atlantic Richfield Co. Patent No.
4,686,605 was granted to Bernard
Eastiund, a physicist and expert on oil
field development who is a consultant
for the oU: company.
To the appl.ause of the world's lead-
ing mega-bankers, 15 newly indepen-
dent republics emerging from the old
USSR joined the International
Monetary Fund in Washington in tate
Out of the frying pan ...?
Taken from the recently published book -
Bankers and B.lstards
by Paul Mclean and James Renton
Published by Hudson Publishing
(see book reviews this issue)
Recommended Retail Price $16.95
Available from all good bookshops, ABC Shops, or
from the publishers, PO Box 537, Hawthorn Vic 3122.
here was a time when the ChuTch was the most powerful institu-
tion ,in Western Society and few questioned its right to be so. lP
some countries governments are still all powerful. 'In our soci-
ety today, however, by far the most powerful institutions are banks,
Supported by a web of financial structures which reinforce this power.
It is time we questioned their right to be so mighty and to ask whose
interests they serve.
The media beguile us with the impression that politicians hold and
wield the power, and we believe them. It is virtually irI1JXlssible to
escape hourly political an:d cunent affairs reports which reinforce this
So vast and cleverly contrived is this mass of informa-
tion that it is difficult to keep in touch with realjly. Young peopie
describe things that truly impress them as "unreal". How right they
frequently are.
While we are thus preoccupied, bankers and fmanciers go about
their business.
Most of us make extensive use of banks - they inevitably play an
important part in our individual and collective lives. Like so magy
other things, we take our banking for ,granted, giving it little thought
and scant examination. We seldom stop to consider its real nature or
its cost to us individually or to the community at large. Many of us do
not even examine our bank statements to make sure there are no errors
on them. Few of us would have any knowledge of the nature and jus-
tification of charges we regularly meet, but we assume that it is all in
order. We trust that interest is being charged at the right rates. A.bove
all, we do not check our statement for deliberl)te fraud.
It would be foolish to argue that banking has no place in society.
Quite obviously it is the powerhouse of modern commerce and must
remain so. The real point is, however, that lwlJcing has two faces -
one socially creative, the other devastatingly destructive. That of
course gives rise 10 a number of challenges.
The fIrst and most demanding is to put in place that model of bank-
ing which serves the best interest of Australia One which is socially
creative and not destructive. 1Jhis is responsibility
and only courageous governments will do it. We do not have coura-
geous government In Australia and there isJlone in sight.
The second is that, having built the best banking system possible,
we should emure that no-one destroys it, either deliberately or by
neglect. Both have happened in Australia in OUr lifetimes.
The third challenge is to expose and remove people, be they
bankers, treasurers, business people, politicians or whoever, who
abuse the system for their own ends or neglect their responsibilities to
it. 'I have given evidence that such abuse and neglect lis rampant in
Australia today, indeed throughout banking around the world, and that
there is little will to reduce this.
His abundantly clear that banking can help us create a truly free and
prosperous society, but it is not doing so. Jt is equally clear that abu,se
of banking practice is a major factor in the degeneration of our nation.
How great a hold do banks have over us? To answer this ques.tion
and to appreciate the potency of the answer, let's start from absolute
basics. .
Let's consider this. When banks lend us money, (give us credit), we the equation is a figure close to 14. All banks in Australia create
[go into their debt. Of course, you say. The bank argues that since it is money in this way with creation based on the level of demand.
taking the ,risk oj lending us money, (extending us credit), they require The Reserve Bank has some authority over this process, but not
some security. So we put an asset on [the line such as our home, our
complete authority. (Extract from a letter from LN. Hingley,
business or our farm. The bank then says it deserves a regular fee for
joint National secretary Finance Sector Union of Australia, to
its risk [taking and for providing credit That fee is interest, although
LF. Hoins, 22 July 1991; my italics)
other fees, such as establishment and m.a.Dagement fees are also
If the 'equation' doesn't make much sense, don;t wQrry. We11 come to
charged. Finally, the hank requires that if we cannot meet the agree- that next. The crucial words are the ones in italics. Banks create
ment then they are entitled to any home, business, farm or other real money with creation based on the level of demand. If they want more,
asset that we may have put up as collateral. they just create more.
1I1his is a simplified Ibut reasonable accurate description of a bank's 1fhe only limitations are those of prudence and statutory rules. In
money-lending function and of how it goes about it. Let's look at it in
March 1988, a General Manager of the National Australia Bank wrote
detail undeI three headings: credit, colJateral and interest this clear summary of the limitation in AuStrldia tOday:
The process ... is called 'create creation' and is the basic process
by which deposits and lending are connected in all lending sys-
When banks give us a loan, ,does it actually cost them anything? terns.
Curiously, it costs virtualfy is the special privilege There are 2 factors that innuence the a'biUty of a lending body to
of the banker - the pnvilege of cre'aung credit create credit:-
Many years ago, a report coIl1l11i.ssioned by the British Government 1. A gearing limitation - that is the statutory (in most countries)
summarised it like this: or the prudential limit to which the financial intermediary can
It is not unusuil to think of the deposits of a [bank as being creat- gear its capital. Expressed another way this is the amount of cap-
ed by the public, th'rougn the deposit of cash representing sav- ital that must back up each loan.
ings or amounts which are not for the the time being required to At present Australian banks have a gearing [imposed of 6.0%
meet expenditure. But the bulk of the deposits arise out of the which in simple terms means that for every $100 of loans the
actions of the banks themselves, for by Bank must have $6 of capita!.

loans, allowing money to ,be ',"" ..0. , "d,,, ... .... , " ,,_"', With finance ,"." , .... , , ... ' .. , ..
.. ..,· ·. ,-."" ..... 'lb···... ·",.·;· .',' " $' •..' ,'.'. "., _ ...... )\.... ...:..
rawn on an overdraft, or purchaSing 1:·'''''.'''·k·.'';''·h.·'.·: :-' ... '.'.'.:..:"'..... L'.".• '. "."".':""'. ':'··.·'.t'.·..•.. '.'::':' els are usually set In their trust s. ..
securities, creates credit in ,its . In the past gea,ring ratios of 8 to 1
whIch IS eqUivalent of a Jf.:i/."'."·:·l '. f.':'. ,..... t.. ··.·t-I!f§:,:tl were common (Ie $8 ofloan for each
deposit. (T1reMacml/lan Report, 1929- $1 of capital but over time that has
31, Inqui!y into Banking and Finance .. moved out be c.loser to 15 fo 1) ...
_ the one we .. 'rC. e. 'O.·.'·,'.J .. ba .. Mthr .. ...t ..· h.a. H·el·qngulaetylown:as Mtal3kol'nVgerabobauSte
.,-r, " ;:;' .:'.. " (,'", "i(, •
must grasp if we are to truly the arid'\\ifi()'i\ The summary goes on:

out m a back room, someone. IS patnng off ;.... ta.·.·.·r.' ... ... Wh ...,es.;'.·i... n.· '·.·.10.'. X,.U .. of dePOSitS In S,tatutory Reserve .. i.v .. ·
our ,need an overdraft with 't ,; DepOSit account, the, Reserve
s depOSIt. We are so naive as to ; .. wHo an Bank and also maintain a Prime Asset
think that they are countmg real, touchable "'lI :"y.> ." ••.. . . :,: ... Ratio of 12%. The latter means that : "CA')'".
money, and moving it from one persons pile each Bank must have cash, Bonds,
to another. But at least we think that the Treasury Notes, etc which represent
bank must borrow before it Ilends. 12% of their assets, On top of these constraints the Bank must
But no, The money does not need to exist either in a real, touchable also have enough liquid assets to meet any in the
sense or in any other sense. After our interview with the credit manag- ebb and flow of money - those ,sums can, t be lent, to
er we walk away and begin to write cheques or use our credit card. All customers. There are varYing such requlrement.s In countnes
that happens in the back room is that entries are made in books, around the world. from letter from O.M. Cowper,
th'nk Ev' I these days _ nothl'ng General Manager NatIonal AustralIa Bank, to O.K. Fauser, 21
N th
o mg more ,an 1 on paJ'l;r. en sunp er March 1988).
more than the chck of computer keys. " . ,
· h G Ib 't'h - 'f th t' t d t d That is the most lUCId statement of the Australian sltuauon that
J h K a ral ,one 0 e mos emmen. an respec e ' . . .. o n ennet
N< ' '0 te book 'th th . I t·tl U I 't he I have ever seen. And all tthlS IS enshnned m law. The Treasurer of
modern e""nOmlSu, wro a WI e Simp e I e, IYloney. n I A al' te t . 1991 -'
't . ustr 131 wro 0 me ill _ ,saymg:
b . hi h ba k t ., I th l th Various rights and dutres Ihave been conferred on banl<s by legis-
,e y,,:, c n s crea, e IS so e I a delation, the most important of which is Ithe exclusive operation of
mmd IS repelled. Where something so Important IS mvo ve ,a the payments system and the unique ability to create credit.
deeper mystery seem's only de-cent. (0 nt 4A) .
Graham Towers, the Governor of the Central Bank ,o.f Canada put it It then, that there 'should be no about the fact that
bluntly when asked banks mone.y and CredIt. credit creation exists and how is limited. Yet there are people who
The n. consists o,f making a wntten typed ent.ry on a deny it
card. That IS all. (Testimony to the CanadIan Committee ,on '. ., ,
Banking and Commerce, Inquiry of 1939) Mr.. A,Lan Cullen, ExecutIve the Australian
· k' toda" . mak 't . till Assoclauon and spokesman (or Australia s largest banks, made thiS 11.,
at was
,IC mg ys computer lI.eys es I easter s. statement as recently as November 1991:
there,any hmln on the amount :they can create? July 1991, Credit creation is a sort of old fashioned religious id'ea.
JOtnt Secretary of the Fmance Sector Umon of Australia (Statement made during an ABC (SA Regional) debate with Paul
wrote thIS: McLean conceming the Report of the Martin Committee, 27 Nov
On the lbasis of advice received from the ciepartment of 1991).
the Reserve Bank ofi Australia Bulletin ... we are able to inf9rm it as he might, there can be no doubt that credit is not restricted
you in Aus,tralia the of money is achieved by the by the amounJ the banks have jn their vaults.
follOWing equation: M3 diVided by Base Money, The result of .
But back to the day you get your loan. The bank attends to these tice reported to me as a bank-watcher.
entries in its double entry ibooks of accounts. IIts accounts are in bal- Often, the foreclosure is not part of a general credit squeeze, but is
ance. Yo.uare in debt to the bank and the bank has given you the green imposed by a bank on a single business. This, too, is not necessarily
light to go out and do some spending. You can draw it out in cash, but unreasonable. If they have good reason to believe that a business is
the vast majority of transactions will probably occur Ojl paper (for going bad, banks have to tty to get their money out like anyone else.
example, cneques) or via electronic transfer (credit cards, EFfPOS and However, thanks to having demanded guarantees, mortgages, floating
so on). charges and other forms of collateral, banks ·are the least likely to
But, says the bank, you are forgetting the question of liquidity. It in any normal business. failure. More often, they walk off with all the
will De our money you draw out, as you have not yet paid any in. assets, leaving hundreds of small trade creditors with nothing, so all
True. But what to it next? You write some cheques, use the sorts of innocent third parties are caught in the net.
credit card, and spend the cash. All of this goes int,o the tills of the Despite all these privileges, however, banks have managed to run up
people you pay it to. And where do they put it at the end of the day? mountains of bad debts. How? it is very easy if you are stupid
Back in the bank, of course. Not necessarily your bank, but back into enQugh, and lending large sums to irresponsible entrepre.neurs i$ a very
the banking system. good start
H the banks have issued a total of a million dollars in new credits All the honest depositors and borrowers of Australia are suffering
one day, they will have a million in extra deposits the next. today because our banks have been in the hands of people who were
And unless something very odd is happening, your own bank will have incapable of recognising a ,shonky deal when they saw one. These
roughly equivalent shares of both the new credits and the extra bankers, greedy for a bigger share of the financial market, gave credit
deposits. Thus they have only had to use their own money for a few to people who were ,simply corporate raiders, people who were not
hours, and back it comes. In other words, under normal circumstances, building genuine businesses or doing any-
bank liquidity corrects itself just as surely as thing for the well-being of the community.
their sheets do. . 'w. {'. ..... ,,!itW'=: Bank fmanced ltakeover bids did immeasur-
ThiS is why the total amount of credit '. ,..:;; ...... ::..:.,:,..::.... ..,;:;>,. • :' ..''i:\,,:;: able harm to many of our greatest compa-
.,..,!X."',:.:,4S 'J ,'10 ,', ;0,.<:0 ", ;':',/.(/.-'t/ :N
advanced by all the banks to all their cus- I":>'>::·, .. t'>:'.h 'ti.·!··'·h,<X);i: .• nies, while the subsequent corporate collaps-
raise. a·, e·vas 1 f th b ks 'th bad d b h' h,th
tamers can go up and d own from day to day, . •.• .. '0< ';-' :>i1:.' ..... ,.{ es e t e an Wi e ts w IC ey 0
why can have. credit squeezes then as tax dJ:ductions, making the
all banks losmg hq- <. "'1 '''''Ifilt ,".;.•. ;"'h" ,0" ·I:.··f.. ··'· b .k' pIck up the bill for 39% of the cost
Uidlly or unbalanCIng therr balance sheets. ,:1,. • • ::?E",I\?- of i?.err (oJlr They then charged the rest to
But there !s a very big difference between :,;[ti:irri thm sun'lving inc,reased
and contmumg exorbitant mterest
it created with the .stroke of a pen, a":almbSl All these debts were to have
chck of computer keys, mk on paper; what: '., ..21, : .;·,,1 .. ,"·I:: ;'l."::, >::,,@:i:::: collateral backmg, but when the ChIpS were
you give back to the bank you earn by your'l:' .'. down the collateral was insufficient How
talent, labour, sweat of your brow and risk :1.'·"":'."";·'t·'''':· ":;;t"''''''':'f t··L''''"..·· ..1.'·.,'''.'.,::; this happened is an object lesson for anyone
e 0.0 0 nln alr.'OJdt:;::-;: . , .
of your ...' ,.. ""." >:-,,·;igi;':'''>i\''''''';W%.':::-:':;I';;'': who beheves e,ither m market values or the
. . ,'/':",,: f h ba k L th:
Even though the purchasmg power you .• .. I, ..•". :'::.:.":•. ..".''-. :.:m".·I;j acumen 0 ten s. et us suppose 'at
...•'.":'.... ... • • •
now have was created by the bank out of .... . ..... . . .. ,.. .. Fred wanted to buy a teleViSion statton for
thin air, you as. sure as hell are in their debt, $1.2billion. He went to a bank for a loan.
and the bank may well have control of a real asset of yours which you Ther asked for collateral, whereupon he offered the TV station he was
were required to offer as collateral. buym,g., They checked the market .and that he had ?ffered
So banks have this great privilege - that of creating money and cred- $1.2bilhon. To the thJ,S was the latest pnce and
it By the exercise of that power banks determine who sinks and who hence what the. TV station was worth as collateral. So Fred got the
swims who eats and who starves who lives in luxury and who in loan. What pnce the Clever Country when people of such paralysed
' intellect are holding the reins?
These were the people who were determining the economic future of
the country. It was the bankers, not the government who decided that
When it lends us money, does Ithe bank put itself at risk? Ifi it has
the corporate raiders should be bank-rolled and productive industry
lent prudently, (that is to someone who will be able to repay and honest starved. It was the bankers who created a climate where Australian
enough not to abscond), there is every chance they will pay the loan
inventions and innovations of real value have had to be
back. Does the bank then actually need to have our home, business or
sold to overseas manufacturers for exploitation. "Too risky", Ithey
farm as collateral? Only if it does not trust its own judgement. ch.!!1lted, I!J)d rushed off to their appointments with Christopher Skase.
Demanding collateral is a wonderful way of avoiding the need to be
What is worse, these people have not had the decency to crawl away
prudent and wise, so they demand it all the time.
under a stone and die. Look at the names of the people who were run-
This represents a real risk to the borrower. Just as banks can create ning the banks in the late eighties, when the mountains of debt were
credit by the click of computer keys, so also they can contract or
piled up. They are still in their boardroolT)S, !blaming everyone but
destroy credit by ealling in loans. Experience indicates that there are 'themselves for the results of their incompetel1.ce.
cycles of credit expansion and credit contraction. Ordinary people and
Perhaps they aren't just bastards after all, but stupid bastaIds.
their debts are caught in these cycles irrespective of anything they may
The enormity of this power of credit creation and c_ollateralisation of
have done or not done, and for them the consequences can be great
assets is itself stunning, but When one realises how and Why it can be
There are very few people or businesses which could immediately
used then the situation becomes even more frightening.
find the money to pay loff all their debts and mortgages. They could
Just think about this. Almost all rea!l property in our society is col-
not find the money immediately even in the best of times, and if times
lateralised to banks. In other words it is in 'h'ock'. When you next look
are tough it is still more difficult So the bank may move in, sell their
out of your window across our great cities and towns and rolling hills,
collateral assets for fire-sale prices, and leave them destitute.
realise that the vast majority of everything you look at is in hock to
Of coutse, this does not mean that every bank foreclosure is unrea-
banks - homes, farms, factories, businesses, cars, boats, TVs -almost
sonable. Bilt llllIeasonable foreclosure is the most common malprac-
everything. And all in exchange for what banks create out of thin air.
When next you walk the streets of a major city note how many bank
buildings there are. Comer after comer is occupjed by huge highrises
bearing 'the names of our ma:sters. Note also the buildings of their sub-
sidiary finance and linsurance companies. Then remember that almost
all buildings 'that do not bear their names are als:o collateIalised to
them by their owners.
Several important question arise at this point
l'irst, is credit so bad? Of course not It gives rise to actual purchas-
ing power and much of it is exchanged for real and services.
Without it, it would be very difflc,ult for anyone without capital to
establisb 8' business, so the rich would remain in charge and the poor
would remain poor. Credit is one of the agents of social mobility. But
delivering Ithe power to create and dis.tri!;lute iJ into the 'hands of private
banks is fraught with danger.
It was the awesomness and potential abuse of Ithis power that caused
Thomas Jefferson to say, two centuries ago:
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our lib-
erties than standing armies.
Not only is it dangerous. It also means abandoning ,one of the most
powerful tools of anation's control over its own destiny. Little wonder
that Mayer Rothschild, the founding father of one of the
greatest and! Wealthiest banking families in history said this:
Permit me to issue and control the mooey of a nation and I care
not who makes its laws.
Abraham Lincoln thought he had the answer:
The government should create, issue and drculate alllfhe curren-
cy and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the gov-
ernment and the buying power of consumers, The privilege of
creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative
of government, but it is the government's greatest
creative opportunity.
And it was this realisation that caused the founding fathers
of the Commonwealth of Australia to cre.ate a banking
and free market economics. Such policies are of unquestioned advan-
tage to the bankers themselves but less obviously so the workers of
Venezuela, Br!lZil or, God. us, Australia.
If this is so with business, commercial and sovereign debt, it is' much
the same for the private individual. Just as all credit is not destructive
nor therefore is all debt. Where we can comfortably service debt it
works for us in expanding purchasing power and access to resources
for a wide variety of uses. Both the degree and! nature of indebtedness
are therefore important considerations. How we cope with our debt is
what is most important Moderate debt under control is socially cre-
ative; debt out of control is socially destructive.
Although individuals may escape unmanageable debt by opting for
bankruptcy, this means that the collateralised assets change hands.
Governments therefore, have an obligation 'to create constructive cop-
ing mechanisms in the form of compassionate and just bankruptcy
Australian governments have been weak in this law-making role,
just as they have been weak in monitoring the system at and so
Australians, both individually and collectively, are frequently at the
mercy of creditors. In efforts to avoid bankruptcy.and to retain their
assets they frequently -commit themselves and their families to virtual
permanent indebtedness. For the more fortunate debt may be transient
and short lived, but for many it has become permanent. It is thcir slav-
in the name
of and deliberately wea,k:ened enterprises is promoted by lower inter-
publIc control and SupervISion? '."'\",:»",:.,,., '."",., " .. est rates.
The implications of what has been described are .In its terms, interest is the
most real property and resources of the world are now In ; . """;;S>' ...<eli> '" ,> ':1i; f h g money ,T st as you pay
. .. 'W""" ',;. ,'.;..,'., "'A" 'h-.; I" Ri ." h";' h'ld' '" pnce 0 mn . • u
the of ban.ks..As. the ..,!'lsce a charge for the use of a rented car, so
availability of credIt to IndiViduals, busmesses, InstItutIOns . d",'Ii'>,. ,.. you pay a charge for the use of rented
and governments, so in turn they have increased their con-
trol and power.
Becau'se they are inextricably linked, the explosion of credit in
recent decades has also been an explosion of debt. Much of the
world's productive effort and resources are consumed in servicing the
interest and other costs of tbis deliberately created debt and much of
our productive effort is to avoid foreclosure and the loss of collater-
aljsed assets.
Moreover, as banking has become global the web of debt now spans
oceans and continents. With growing internationalism have come the
challenges inherent in the uneven distribution of the world's resources
and wealth and the vastly complicated question of international lend-
ing, exploitation and indebtedness. Bankruptcy allows an 'out' ifor indi-
viduals and cOlporations so they may escape permanent debt if they are
prepared to part with their assets, ,but sovereign debt, (the debts of
states and natio,ns), is much more difficult to throw off.
In the complex world of internAtional cWIe_ncy dealings, countries
which have entered into debt in their own currencies have been able to
redu.ce the damage of their debt by deliberate devaluation of their
domestic currencies. However, where debt is in other denominations,.
as is Ithe case with the greater part of our own national debt, this cannot
be readily done.
Furthermore, the international banking community is more willing
to accommodate those countries whose monetary policies are judged to
be prudent or responsible. This sounds fine. But what is prudence and
responsibility? International 'bankers know the answer: deregulation
. money. And it has been mighty
expensive in Australia in recent times. Australians, from the mid '80s
through until mid '91, were paying between 13-18% for home mort-
gages, 18-24% for overdraft funds, 20-25% for rural short term
finance, 20-45% on credit card finance and 18-25% on lease and hire
purchase finance. Additionally, a range of management charges
applied in many cases. Often rates were subject to variation without
notice or agreement and borrowers were frequently not clear as to what
rates they were paying or what charges applied until they were Ilevied.
By world standards these levels were exorbitant Wn,at, then, is fair?
It is generally reckoned that, in a 'free' money market, the base rate
of interest will be between 2 and 3% above infiation. It !.lever works
quite like this, however, because the market tl!Jce a longer view.
There was a period, in fact, when AustrlMian interest r3tes weJe actual-
Iy less than inflation, but this was because the market (rigbt-
Iy) that inflation wQuld soon come down. As it did so, the rates
.dropped, but not as fast as inflation. This, too is .to be
At the time I write, however, infiation has been at a rate of 3-4% per
annum for two years. This should be Iiong enough for interest rates 'to
come down to match, and would make a 'reasonable' base rate of 5-7%.
But they are at 8-9% and show no indication of coming down.
When, Congressman Henry Gonzales, Chairman of It he US
Congressional Committee on Banking, learned of the Ilevcl of charging
by Australian banks he commented, "Any country which tolerates
usury cannot prosper". (Comment made to Paul McLean at a breakfast
meeting in Washington DC, on July 19th 1991).
Continued on page 64
• ancient mystery sites - ie pyramids etc
• successful atomic bomb explosions
• nuclear breeder reactor stations
• modern hi-tech military sites - ie Pine Gap
• magnetic & gravitational anomalies
• UFO sightings
• key telecommunications sites
• unexplained phenomena
• ancient & modern religious buildings
• political sites - i,e the Pentagon (USA), or
Parliament House in Canberra
From the Pyramilds to Pine Gap,
the harmon ic geometry of the
Earth clearly holds powerful
secrets for those who know how
to use it!
Bruce Cathie is the author several books which
chart his research into this intriguing subject.
Harmonic 33
Harmonic 69./j - Tile UFO and Anti-Gravity
Harmonic 288 - The Pulse of the Universe
Harmonic 371244 • The Bridge to Infinity
My life changed dramatically in 1952. This was t1)e year
that I saw my [lIst UFO. The object was hovering over the
Manukau Harbour, Auckland City, New Zealand, in the
early evening twilight, and carried out manoeuvres that no
known man-made vehicle could accomplish at that time.
The thing, whatever it was, had an intensely brilliant white
light, with a smaller glowing red light some distance from it,
and for about twenty minutes held myself and other witness-
es spellbound as it went through a series of right angle turns,
then disappeared straight up into a clear evening sky.
Ever since that time I have collected eveIY bit infunnation
available on the UFO phenomena. During my thousands of
hours of flying I searched the skies constantly and been
rewarded with many other sightings. As time went on I w ~
informed by many other airline pilots in New Zealand that
they too were sighting objects for which they could fInd no
III explanation. It became obvious that either we were being
observed by some sort 0/ advanced vehicles coming in
from outer space, or that some scientific group on earth
had discovered a principle 0/ physics unknown to the rest
0/ us, and that secret research 0/ some nature was being
carried out.
Over the years I have studied a great deal of material pub-
lished by other investigating groups and came to the conclu-
sion that no real progress could be made in discovering the
purpose of UFO activity through this means. The main
body of investigators have confIned their activity to collat-
ing masses of sighting reports, filing the!!1 away, .and then
doing nothing else with the information. Several of these
larger well known international groups I suspect of being
nothing more than covers for intelligence organisations
which gather information on public awareness of UFO
activity. I would also put some of the better known individ-
ual investigators in this category.
I decided long ago that the only way to tackle the problem
would be to plot all the areas of activity and try to find some
logical mathematical order in the hovering positions, or
flight paths of the unknowns. To this purpose I studied the
methods of a Frenchman by the name of Aime Michel who
had also endeavoured to find a mathematical order of this
nature. He had lhad partial success and managed to fmd sev-
eral track lines with equally spaced activity in 'the European
area. Just when he appeared to be on something, for some
unknown reason, he abandoned this line of research and
publicly proclaimed that nothing could be accomplished by
this method. Mter studying Ihis early attempts, I considered
that there was definite logic in his finding and decided that I
wQuld carry on my OWQ rese.arch using his basic methods. I
struck gold, and ever since I plotted the first two track lines,
at right angles, in the New Zealand area, I have continued to
progress and advance my scientific knowledge in areas
which otherwise would! normally ,be completely foreign to
Along the way I have taken much flack from the academic
world, and f,rom those who profess to know all the answers -
that is in public. But behind the scenes it has been a differ-
ent story. Over the years J have had many direct communi-
cations from members of intelligence organisations, top
scientific circles and government agencies, wishing to
know what my mtestfmdings are, and requesting copies of
cerlLlin parts of my work.
Once I had established the two track lines I was able to
form a complete grid network over the whole of the New
Zealand area by gradually plotting onto the map the most
reliable UFO sightings. The pattern consisted of lines
spaced at thirty minute intervals orientated just on six
degrees dispmcementfrom true north. Eventually two sim-
ilar grids were found to be interlocked with each other creat-
ing rather a complex pattern, which could be further reduced
to lines with a spacing of seven and one half minutes.
The next logical conclusion was that I had discovered a
small section of what could possibly be a world system. The
question then was how to transfer this small section onto the
world sphere and accurately align it. It was then brought to
my notice that a strange aerial-like object had been pho-
tographed by chance on the seabed off the west coast of
South America, by the American survey ship Eltanin. The
object was two to three feet high and had six main cross bars
spaced evenly up its stem with a smaller at the top.
Each set of cross bars had a small ball at the end of each
arm. A friend and I visited the Eltanin when it called into
Auckland, and we were told !by onc of the scientists on board
that the object was thought to be an artifact of some kind,
and appeared to be metallic.
I had a hunch that this could be the point that I was look-
ing for upon which to orientate a world' grid, if in fact one
existed. I spent some time COQst,nlcting grid pattcrns on a
plastic ball until I found a system which could be transferred
onto the world surface, and aligned with the aerial-type
object and the section of the grid discovered over New
Zealand. I found that the patterns matched, and felt sure
then that a global system was almost a certa.inty.
The next step was to find the mathematical basis for the
system, and this proved to be a ilong and arduous job; espe-
cially as I do not class my self as anything of a mathemati-
cian or a physicist. Mter a study of all the available infor-
mation on UFO activity, I came to the conclusion that the
speed of light, mass and gravity acceleration values must
have some connection with the grid structure, in order to
explain the extraordinary manoeuvres carried out by the
strange craft.
The basic grid structure was formed by a series of great '
circles interlocking at various points around the earth's sur-
face. The nodal points of the two grids, when joined by a
series of small and great circles, formed what I have loosely
termed polar squares around the north and south geographi-
cal poles. It was when II carried out a geomelfic an.d mathe-
matical analysis of these sections that I found a direct con-
nection with light, gravity and mass equivalents, in a har-
monic sense. To do this I had to convert all our normal sys-
tems of measurement into a single set of units, and also con-
vert our time measure into one that would correlate with the
grid. Mter much thought, and a Ilong peripd of trial and
error, I finally discovered that angular measure, in minute of
arc values, and a time unit based on twenty-seven units for
one revolution of the earth, was the key Ito the unlocking of
the grid secrets.
Mter that it was a long slow process to learn how to relate
the values being calculated, one to the other, in order to find
a logical mathematical basis for the system.
Finally, after years of work, I discovered that I could for-
mulate a series of harmonic unified equations, which indi-
cated that the whole of physical reality was in fact manifest-
ed by a complex pattern of interlocking wave forms. I grad-
ually found that the harmonic values could be applied to all
branches of scientific research, and atomic theory. At first I
was not very sure of the results I was getting, but as time
went by , more and more interest was being shown by lintel-
ligence agents, government personnel and scientists, in the
work I was doing, and many requests started coming in from
information. Help in my work was eventually offered from
these quarters, but the catch was that I had to remain silent
about my discoveries. This I refused to do, and I still contin-
ue to battle on, on my own. Once J realised the importance
of the material in my possession J considered it extremely
dLJngerous for an,y small group of people to have complete
control ofit.
It was only a matter of time before I realised that the ener-
gy network formed by the grid was already known to a pow-
erful group of international interests and scientists. It
became obvious that the system had many military applica-
tions, and that political advantage could be gained by those
with secre,t knowledge of this nature. It would be possible
for a comparatively small group, with this knowledge, to
take over control of the world. I have continually asked
these people for a valid moral reason why the information
should not be given to the world community, and so far no
answer has been given. So I carry on publishing the material
as [find it.
One of the most s-tartliJlg facts that I discovered by appli-
cation of grid mathematics, was thjit an atomic bomb is a
device based on the geometru:s of space and time. To be
successfully detonated the bomb MUST be geometrically
constructed, placed on, under, or over a geometric position
in relation to the earth's surface, and activated at a SPE-
CIFIC TIME in relation to the geometries of the solar sys-
tem. I found that it was possible to pre.calculate the time
of various bomb tests, and the locations where it was possi.
ble to explode a bomb. When it became known that I had
discovered this well-kept secret, I was offered a position by
the American Central Intelligence Agency.
The offer was very tempting but I decided that I could not
sign my freedom away, and after two days I turned it down.
According to the mathematical complexities of unlocking
the geometrical structure of the unstable material constitut-
ing a bomb, in order to create a sudden release of energy, I
realised that an all-out atomic war was an impossibility.
Both sides could pre-calculate well in advance the time and
positions of atomic attack. Plus the fact that only certain
geometric locations could be devastated anyhow. A logical
war cannot be considered under these circumstances. This
could be the explanation for the proliferation of conventional
weapons in modem warfare.
:::ihowi'ng relationship of grid to thc gcographic
Each of the twu grids has a sil11ila r pattern. the interactiun of
which sets up a 111ird rcsultant grid. The poles ofthc three gr,iJs
are posilioned al three different lalitudes and longitudes.
C. D. E. f = Corner aerial positions of grid polar sq uare. Simila r
to aerial discovered by the survey ship Eltonill.
J K = Polar axis. J
Distance C - G - D = 3'6'00 minutes of arc.
Distancc C-· H - D = 3418.6069 minutes of arc.
Distance C - I - D = 36432 minutes of arc
(3600 - =18139308
(181J9J08 x 4): 725.57233
1725.57233 = 26.93645 = 2693M5 harmonie.
Another application of the grid is in the production of
energy. With the right know-how, and with a comp.aratively
simple apparatus connected to a ground aerial system, an
unlimited amount of free electrical energy can be tapped
from the earth grid network. The internationall interests con-
nected with the control and production of energy would cer-
tainly not want the public to become aware of this.
Ano.ther competitive field where the harmonic mathemat-
ics of the grid can be applied is in laser re'search. Apart from
peaceful uses of laser beams, which are many and varied, the '
military application iSI considered more important by those in
control. Most of the advances in this type of research have
never been made public. A whole list of scientific areas
could be shown where this new knowledge could be put to
use, without stating the obvious application that would trans-
form our communications and transport systems, and give us
the means of reaching the stars.
It is not right for the public to have this knowledge, I was
told. It would not be good for them. I'm sure that most
would disagree with this outlook, as I do. I am only one
small voice. It is up t.o the scientific commuaity themselves
to open up research in all these fields, in order that aU
mankind can reap the benefits. If
r'\ ". I . ,


MAP2 ..JCltlA. l1:e l\" ,
Original grid map produced In
I\. '......._
1965, The map shows a section ).
of the grid ovcr lhc New
I lJ
Zealand "Fea. The small circles
aTe positions of UFO activity.
....·"r-..t.. ./
The grid lincs arc spaced at
Ihirty minutes of arc. Notc the
frequem:y of sightings occuring .....
,. , ........,O!'I
al grid inlersecl ions. ......
0' .......
h. "'...
-/ I

CI111.I\TCJ1U," l'4
( 'I
If /


•• .......
&other medical fraud
Extracted from "Naked Empress or the Great Medical
Frraud", written by Hans Ruesch.
For a list of available books and videos on this
subject, contact:
Campaign Aganist Fraudulent Medical Research
PO Box 729, Newtown, NSW 2042
t is not only scandalous but also tragic that the Drug Trust is per-
mitted to flood Ithe market with its products on the grounds t h a ~
they have been thoroughly tested for effectiveness and safety on!
animals, and that the Health Authorities, meaning the Government,
abet this deception, which is nothing but confirmed fraud. For bath
sides are well aware that animal tests are fallacious and merely serve
as an alibi - an insurance a g a i n s ~ the day when it is no longer possible
to conceal the diSllStroUS side effects of a drug. Then they can say that
"all the required tests have been made" - that they have imposed those
laws, because the Lawmaker has no choice in all medical questions but
to submit to the dictates of the "medical experts." And who are they?
Agents of the Chemo-Medical Syndicate, whose riMs to \JIe Hell1\JI
Authorities are so close that they usually overlap. So they, and no one
else, impart biding orders to that mysterious and omnipotent individ-
ual, identified anonyroously as "The Lawmaker."
It is this outrageous state of affairs that once caused Dr. James D.
Gallagher, Director of Medical Research of Lederle laboratories, to
Another basic problem which we share as a result of the regula-
tions and the things that prompted them is an unscientific preoc-
cupation with animal studies. Animal studies are done for legal
reasons and not for scientific reasons. The predictive value of
such studies for man is meaningless - which means our 'research
may be meaningless. (Journal of the American Medical
Association, March 14, 1964.)
In fact, the so-called "medical experts" that have imposed animal
tests as the touchstone of medical resell1ch are among the principal
participants in the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated, mainly
for profit motives, to the detriment of mankind in all history. To bring
exhaustive proof of this assertion, with which a growing number of
medical people are in full agreement, is the purpose of this expose.
Anybody who has ever taken care of a pet or any other animal has
ilearned, either through personal experience or from a veterinarian, that
one should never administer a human medicine to animals, for they
may die from it. What does this mean? Obviously, Ithat an animal's
organism reacts differently from a human organism, and that a medi-
cine that benefits the one could harm the otheI.
But even people who are fully aware of this basic fact have been
conned, through press agentry and the venality of the mass media, into
accepting animal tests as a sure-fire safeguard, and will declare
unthinkingly, regardless of alL available evidence: "Since new medi-
cines have to be tested, I prefer that they be tested on animals rather
than on me."
This seemingly humanitarian ointment contains two gigantic flies:
First, that we constantly need new medicines; secondly, that animal
tests give satisfactory information.
These are fallacies, which have been imposed, like religious dogmas
that may not be disputed, upon the great majority of people through
systematic brainwashing. It begins for most of us long before the age
of reason: First, in the likewise thoroughly conditioned family, in pri-
mary schooll next; through higher educa_tion, and the media afterwards.
"Everything that is obtained with animals is perfectly conclusive for
man. Experiments made on animals with noxious substances or in
detrimental conditions are perfectly conclusive for the toxicology and
hygiene of man. The research on medical or toxic substances is also
entirely applicable to man from the therapeutic point of view."
It was Claude Bernard, the apostle of today's veterinary-based med-
America's foremost drug experts," wrote in Clinical Pharmacology and
When will they realise that there are too many drugs? No fewer
than 150,000 preparations are now in use. About 15,000 new
mixtures and dosages hit the market each year, while about
12,000 die off ... We simply don't have enough disease; to go
around. At the moment the most helpful contdbution is the new
drug to CQunteract It he untoward effects o{ new drugs.
ical research, who made these and similarly silly statements in his most
(rime, May 26, 1967)
famou.s work, Introduction to Ezperimi!ntal Medicine, which in 1865
Since 1961, the total number of medical preparations marketed
laid tbe groundstone for today's medical researchers - all the growing,
world-wide has risen to some 205,000 and the new maladies have
grievous proof of its erroneousness notwithstanding.
increased in the same proportion.
In fact, there is no such thing today as "Science" in medicine - if we
give to the word its original meaning
of "Knowledge", instead of
"Research", which is the meaning it
has acquired in the United States
today. Current Medical Science is
nothing but a false dogma, imposed
almost universally, by no matter
what means, or not, by a
smoothly organised coterie that in
all indus trialised nations from the
Medical Power, in close alliance
with the Chemical Syndicate. Their
porpose is not the people's health,
which is just being used as a pretext
for extorting large sums of money,
but the aggrandisement of their own
wealth and might.
True s-cience presupposes free
information and exchange of differ-
ent point of views. In the medical
field, this does. not exist today. The
many honest and courageous doc-
torS who have tried to voice opin-
ions in contract with the "accepted"
doctrines imparted by the Faculties
- for instance, by warning people of
the cancer racket or the effects of
certain mass vaccinations imposed
from above in the interest of the
lucrative, job=providing industries -
have all been quickly discouraged
from continuing or silenced, have
been regularly excluded from the
(the most commonly used laboratory animals)
1. Plaque (fatty deposits) are deposited in the liver
2. 3-year life span requires massive doses for drug/product leSting - more than
>humans will ever use
3. Imiitan (Immunosuppressive) causes birth defecls in mice
4. Manufacture Vitamin C in their bodies
5. Lysodren (cancer chemotherapy), does nol cause lcidney damage in rodents
6. Continual pregnancy healthier for rodcnls
7. HypelSensitive to chlorine in minute doses
8. Manufacture Vitamin B in the appendix
9. Myambutol (TB antibiotic) causes bir1h defects in mice
10. Eliminate drugs from the body in 3 >hours (faster elimination reduces drug
danger) .
II. Thymidine shrinl,s tumors in mice
12. Catapress (anti-hypertensive) causes retinal degeneration in rats
13. Can't tolerate more than 15 minutes of direct sunlight
14. C>hloroform toxic to mice in minute doses
15. Obtain Vitamin D by licking their own fur
" 16. Mohan (tranquilizer) causes breast tumors in mice ;$;:
17. Specially bred for laboratory studies. Live in a controlled, Slerile n
enviromndu. Majority of diseses induced through genetic bre;,ding (W!:!lors ig
and genetic defects), or from parasitic infections. f
18. R,a1s >have no gall bladder - Digest fals differently gull ible lower citizens, billions
19: Require 3.5 times more protein \han humans ..:. in tax money that flow directly
2O.'Thalidomide (tranquilizer) does not cause birth defccls in rals into the coffers of the Chemo-
21, Mcctazine (for !Rve! sickness) causes birth defects in rats Medical Syndicate.
22. Coumarin (blood thinner) causes liver damage in rodcnls
news-making medical conventions
(that's why all candidates must submit months beforehand the texts of
the lectures they intend to deliver), and! have been relegated to the bot-
tom rung of the proCessional ladder, from where they can't express suc-
cessfully any opinion-making view; or they have been expelled out-
right from the medical community. We shall examine other forms of
censorship later.
And it is because of such systematic censorship, running parallel
with a constanl flow of bombastic medical propaganda, tbat occasional
ootbursts' of candour, lilce the preceding statement by Dr. Gallagher,
and the following one by Dr. Modell, have quickly fallen ,into the
trough of oblivion, never again ,to be resurrected by their chaste.ned
Already over 20 years ago, Dr. Waher Modell of Cornell
University's Medical College, whom Time had described as "one of
According to the Food aild Drug
Administration, 1.5 million
Americans had to be hospi-
talised in 1978 as a consequence
of taking drugs (whiCh were
supposed to "cure" them of
something or other). And some
30% ofal[ hospitalised people
get further damaged by the ther-
apy that is imposed them.
The number of people killed in
the USA by the intake of drugs
has been estimated at some
140,000 each year.
In f.u:t, today the medical care
industry is the second biggest
business in North America,
exceeded only by food produc-
tion and distribution.
The situation is very similar
in all indus trialised countries
whose citizens are amply "pro-
tected" by a Health Insurance
system that encourages the use
of drugs and expensive thera-
pies, and' extracts, from the
SO it is hardly a 'Coincidence that
during a 29-day physicians' sttike in Israel in 1973, the national death-
rate was the lowest ever. According to statistics released by the
Jerusalem Burial Society, the number of funerals dropped by nearly
50% on that occasion.
The same thing happened in 1976 in Columbia, when November
marked the end of a 52 day strike by doctors in Bogota, thc nation's
capital. The National Catholic Reporter pointed out that during ,those
eight weeks the death rare in Bogota went down 35%. The Natiooal
Mortic.ia.ns Association of Columbia confirmed the fact
The identical phenomenon came to pass a few years ago in
California, and 1978 in Great Britain.
Two grams of scopolamine kill a human being, but dogs and cats
can stand hundred times higher dosages. A single Amanita phaUoidi!s
mushroom can wipe out a whole human family, but is health food for
the rabbit, one of the favourite laboratory animal. A porcupine can eal has gotten stuck several years earlier, but by high-pressure sales-
in one lump without discomfort as much opium as a human addict men of industrial complexes, whose purpose is not the people's
smokes in two weeks, and wash it down with enough prussic acid to health (a healthy population means a dead 'pharmaceutical indus-
poison a regiment of soldiers. The sheep can swallow enormous quan- try) but ever growing profits.
tities of arsenic, once the murderer's favourite poison. Morphine,
which calms and anesthetises man, rcauses maniacal excitement in cats
Oue to a ffsafe" painkiller, Paracetamol, 1,500 people had to be
and mice. On the other hand our sweet almond can kill foxes, our
pitalised in Great Britain in 1971; as usual, a good number of them
common parsley is poison to parrots, and our revered penicillin strikes
another favourite laboratory animal dead - the guinea pig.
were further damaged by the therapy imposed upon them while in hos-
The Hst can be lengthened at will, but these few instances should
suffice to show that there couldn't be a a more unreliable test for new
At about the same time, in the United States, Orabilex caused kidney
drugs (that aren't needed in the firsJ place) than animal experimenta-
damage with fatal outcomes, MELf29 caused cataracts, Methaqualone
caused severe psychic disturbJUlces
The sp-called health authorities and!
researchers are fully aware of this
fact, but they contin_ue serving the
warmed-over dish to the media and
Germany's Thalidomide,
the public: Do you want us to test 1. Plaque (CallY deposilS) are deposited in the blood vessels (leading lO slloke ,"
which caused at least 10,000
new drugs on your children? and heart . . .
2.72+ year lICe span and'consume drugs and chemicals m mmute doses over a;:" malformed children, was merely
In fact, all synthetic products are
liCetime the ftrst of a quickly growing list
harmful, and all new drugs are
3. Imuran (Immunosuppressive) does nol cause binh defects in humans of "teratogenic" (malformation-
being tested on you and your chil-
4. Can only oblain Vitamin C through lite diet causing) drugs, that have dra-
dren, all the time, because the ani-
5, Lysodren (cancer chemorherapy), causes kidney damage in humans matically increased the number
mal tests which - it bears repetition
6. Continual pregnancy in humans leads lO nutritional depletion and disease of birth defects ever since the
- have just an alibi function, could
7. Can sland chlorine in much larger doses compulsory animal tests as an
give no answer, or, worse, have
8. ManuCacture Vitamin B in the liver alleged safeguard against that
given misleading answers as to
9. MyambulOl (TB antibiotic) does not cause birth deCects in humans kind of mishap have been
their effect on human beings, This
to. Eliminate drugs from rhe body in 72 hOUIS. Increases danger oC drugs in imposed.
rule knows no exception.
the aged
In 1972 the aerosol spray,
In fact, the therapeutic disas-
II. Thymidine does not shrink tumors in humans
Isoproterenol, packaged in Great
ters, steadily on the increase
12. Calapress (anti-hypertensive) does not cause retinal degeneration in
Britain, was found by Dr. Paul
today, did not exist before the
D. Stolley of Johns Hopkins
lmposltlon of tbe safety-tests done
13. Can lOlerate direct sunlight Cor mIlCh longer periods
Hospital as being responsible for
OJ) animal. They are a direct
,,' 14. Humans can stand chloroCorm in much larger doses
the mysterious epidemic that
result of widespread animal ',:! 15. Obtain Vitamin D through rhe diet
had killed world-wide as many
experimentation. 16. Mohan (tranquilizer) does not cause breast tumors in humans
as 3,500 asthma sufferers in the
17. Humans come from a wide variety o£ genetic, and liCestyle
backgrounds, all unpredictable. Environment, diet and liCestyles responsible
Without a large number of II Stilboestrol caused cancer in
for most human diseases
always new synthetic medicines
I8. have a gall bladder - digest Cats differently
young women. In the fall of
with mysterious or magic sounding
19. Excess protein responsible Cor kidney damage in humans
1975, Italy's health authorities
names to fall back on, most of
: 20. Thalidomide (Ilanquilize:r) callSr.5 birth defects in humans
seized the anti-allergic
today's physicians wouldn't know
", 21. Mectazine (Cor Ilavel sickness) does not cause b.irth humans
Trilergan, which had caused the
how to ply their Itrade. And yet at
22. Coumarin (blood thinner) does not cause liver damage in humans
very viral hepatitis that the
medical school they only get limit- researchers had been promising
- '", ) J
ed instruction in pharmacology, to eliminate once and for all
because the teachers themselves can't many years ago, but which has been
keep up with the steady flow of new products that invade the market to spreading steadily since then.
replace those that must be withdrawn when it is no longer possible to In early 1976 the Salvoxyl-Wander laboratories.of Switzerland's
conceal their uselessness or barmfulness. Sandoz complex withdrew their Flamanil, advertised to ftght rheuma-
The young doctors start learning their profession only when they tism, but had turned out to cause loss of consciousness.
leave medical SCh091, and direct contact with patients starts. At the A few months later, Great Britain's gigantic rCI (Imperial Chemical
same time begins their real' pharmacological education, which will Industries) announced that it had started paying compensations to the
accompany them through their career. This education is conductedl by victims (or their survivors) of its cardiotonic Eraldin, and resorted to
the ,flood of brochures from the drug manufacturers, and their travel- the usual alibi that the drug had been introduced on the market only
ling salesmen, who pay them personal calls at regular ,intervals, bearing after 7 years of "very intensive laboratory tests" - meaning on animals,
gifts li!ce gold fountain pens or invitations to duck-shoots - besides which had given the poisonous medication a clean bill Qf health. By
satchels full of samples of "new" drugs which they advise to try out on then, countless consumers had suffered severe damages to the eyes and
the patients and then 'to report (against renumeration) tbeir findings. digestive and many hltd died.
This shows clearly that the laboratory experiments have taught them
In the summer of 1977, the Swiss multinational, Ciba-Qeigy to
withdraw from the American market its Phenformin, which had been
In other words, the budding doctor does not receive his' medical palmed off on diabetics for 18 years: it was no Ilonger possible to con-
education from his teachers at medical school, whose knowledge ceal that its c.ollateral effects had caused about 1,000 deaths annually.
Nevertheless, after this had been announced in the press, the Health
authorities in the German Federal Republic gave its own drug manu-
facturers a helping hand and a whole year's time - until July 1st 1978 -
to sell off their stQGks of fethal anti-diabetic drugs, including Dipar,
Silubin-retard and Sindatil. Clearly, what matJered was not the pub-
lic's health by the Syndicate's profits.
On September 11, 1979, a panel of doctors and former Valium
addicts told a U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Health that Valium, a tran-
quiliser taken routinely by more than 15% of the adult population, was
poten!ially addictive even in moderate doses. The former iIlSers said
they experienced agonising wit/Jdrawal symptoms they tried to
drop the drug, and they complained that their doctors never informed
them of the drug's potential addictive qualities when first prescribing it
Preludin and Maxiton, "pep
also used to reduce
appetite, are withdrawn from the
market after causing serious I
damages to the heart and the
nervous system.
Barbiturates (Nembutal etc),
prescribed against insomnia,
turn out in Ilong run to
increase insomnia instead of
curing it
Pronap and Plaxin, two tran-
quilizers, have killed many
babies in South Africa and were
withdrawn in 1970.
Phenacetin, only recently
taken off the market in the
United States, is a painkiller I
had found three drug manufactur-
animals trying to fmd new products capable of neutralising the disas-
trous side-effects of Clofibrate and other miracle drugs.
The Oxychinol Case
The systematic fraud perpetrated by the all-powerful Chemical
Syndicate in collusion with the various Health Institutes to the detri-
ment of the world population's health is growing day by day. And yet
proof comes to light day after day that the "new drugs" (in actual fact
they are mostly the same old drugs identical' ingredients old in varying
combinations and under different labels) are not only incapable of cur-
ing diseases .that nature couldn't cure by herself if given half a chance,
but are constantly producing brand new diseases, unknown B1 few years
In August 1978 came the news
from Japan that a Tokyo court
-I 1-
. i
Corneal damage
including blindness
(for heart disease)
Aplastic anemia,
anllbiOtic often fatal
Ibufenac Deaths from liver
(for arthritis) damage
Several deaths
(for arthritis)
Severt neurological
ers and the Japanese government
ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS I' guilty o.f selling drugs containing
Oxychmol (also called
. IClioquillol), responsible for a
Not Predicted I new, severe disease of the ner-
vous system - subacute myelo-
optic neuropathy, or SMON for
Not Predicted
short. The manufacturers -
Takeda, Ciba-Geigy Japan and
Tanabe Seijaku - were sentenced
Not Predicted
along with the Japanese Health
authorities to pay indemnities of
3,25 billion Yen (appr. $17 mil-
Not Predicted
lion or £5 million) to 133 plain-
tiffs. This was the conclusion of
Zipeprof symptoms at highdoses but the first of over 20 court cases
under 200 different brand labels. 1'-- --'
It can block the kidney functions, destroy the kidneys, cause kidney
tumours and destroy the red blood corpuscles.
Amydopyrine, another pain-killer, has caused lethall damage to the
blood, including agranulocytosis, and has been withdrawn in many
countries, but not in all. It occurs in Salgydal, in association with
Phenacetin, in Optalidon and on over 160 other products.
Marzine, used against nausea and travel sickness, has been with-
drawn in 1971 in many countries (eg Switzerland and Italy) because of
the grave damage it inflicts, especially on children.
Reserpine, prescribed to reduce blood pressure, has been shown to
increase threefold the risk of beast cancer in women. It is also consid-
ered to increase the risk of cancer of the brain, the pancreas, the uterus,
the ovaries and the skjn. It is furthermore faroous for causing night-
mares and depression.
Cyclophosphamide, another drug advertised to fight cancer, pro-
vokes widespread necroses which start in the liver and the lun,gs and
usually kills the patient much sooner than the cancer would, as do most
drugs employed to "check" cancer by chemotherapy." A Miracle Drug
That Backfired" was the title of an Inlernalional Herald Tribune article
on January 14th, 1981. It began by recalling that American physicians
had started prescribing Ooflbrate massively 13 years before, because:
The drug seemed to offer modem man the luxury of having his
cake and eating it too - that is, of continuing to devour steak and
butter without fear of heart attack just by taking a little capsule
four times a day... Far from saving lives, it now appears
Clofibrate actually increases the death rare among its users. A
decade long study rUrll by the World Health Organisation (WHO)
recently reported that men regularly taking the drug were 25%
more likely ,to die of a proad range of disorders, including can-
cer, stroke, respiratory disease and ironicaJly, heart attack, ,than
those who got a placebo capsule.
But don't get depressed folks. Thousands of other confused or just
grant-hungry scientists are currently busy using up millions of fresh
Not Predicted
sold in various. compositions (cough suppressant) - seizures & coma currently under way.
The plaintiffs had demonstrat-
ed the SMON was caused by drugs that had been sold under the protest
that they would miraculously cure what the manufacturers had defined
as "summer diarrhoea", a highly unscientific definition fOF a mild!
intestinal disorder that affects a great number of travellers in tropical
lands; Americans variously call it "the Gl's" or "Montezuma's
revenge", and the British "Spanish tummy", and it usually clears up
without treatment within 48 hours.
That is, unless one takes the "miracle" drug Oxychinol that Ciba-
Geigy had developed several years earlier, and marketed world-wide
under different labels (Mexaform, Entero-vioform, Intestopan,
Sterosan etc.), recommending them to travellers at the first sign of
indigestion, and even prophylactically, ie before developing any
intestinal troubles (which this drug causes!).
At least a thousand deaths had to be counted in Japan and 30,000
cases of blindness and/or paralysis of the 10wer limbs before it was
realised that heretofore unexplained similar cases of death, blindness
and paralysis in Holland, Denmark, Germany, France, Great Britain,
Belgium, Italy, Sweden, etc had also been caused by Oxychinol-con-
!aining drugs.
These fmdings exploded Ciba-Geigy's lame alibi that only J'apanese
had been adversely affected by this drug and that therefore the
Japanese were themselves to blame for their national catastrophe, hav-
ing fallen for the manufacturers' claims with exaggerated confidence!
In 1979, a Swedish rredical doctor Olle Flansson, Profe£llOr pediatric
neurology at Gotebotg University, ,published in a book the findings of
the Tokyo court, which 'had summoned him to testify at the first
Oxychinol trial. In this book he leaves no doubts about the fact that
some big drug manufacturers do not hesitate to walk over corpses -
human corpses - for the sake of profits, and resort to any and every
kind of lie to conceal the fact that pecunil!ry gail! is their ruling motiva-
lin Japan alone, Oxychinol was sold under 168 different brand
Continued on page 49
Continued from page 24
The many shocking findings of Dr. Olle Hansson's study include the
disclosure of Ciba-Geigy's own research protocols, dated as ,far back as
June 19, 1939, showing that the Swiss researchers managed to poison a
goodly number of animals, who were seized by violent convulsions and
respiratory difficulties as soon as they were made to swallow
Oxychinol, and most of them finally met painful death.
In spite of these results, which were kept secret, Ciba-Geigy proceed-
ed to market its dangerous drug world-side, limiting itself to
a warning in its accompanying leaflets to ,the effect that Ihe drug sJwuld
nOl be adminislered 10 Jwuse pels.
W!)at does this prove? Clearly, that the researchers themselves do not
believe in the validity of animal tests in respect to human beings.
The DES Case
Slaughler of the Innocenl related in some detail the Stilboestrol case.
The full scientific nam.e for the drug is Oiethylstilboestrol, but it is com-
monly known as DES in the Dnited States. The prototype of ill syn-
thetic oestrogens (female sex hormopes), it was developed in 1939, test-
ed without adverse effects on animals for years, but then it was sudden-
ly discovered tb have caused cancer in girts whose mothers had been
this "miracle drug" by their doctors during pregnancy, as
DES passes through the placental barrier ana can
trigger a cancer in the
But why Ihad this drug been administered to pregnant women in the
first place? DoesJ)'t every drug taken during pregnancy hold a danger?
Clearly, not to the knowledge of "researcheIS" raised in the false belief
that what they see in animals applies to man as well. And in_ fact they
had prescribed DES to their patients for the very reason that they were
pregnant: the drug was touted to insure a safe pregnancy.
After DES had turned out to be the first drug that the medical confra-
ternity itself had recognised as being responsible for creating a new type
of cancer in human beings, animal test with DES were started
again, and again with no results: the test animals did not develop can-
Dr, Robert W. Miller of the National Cancer Institute of Bethseda,
Md., who in 1973 wrote Itheofficial warning hastily published by
Geneva's WHO, revealed in that paper:
'''Experimental animal studies: There was no correlation between
the types of tum'ours obtained in experimental models (Ie labora-
tory animal - H.R,) and types of childhood cancer."
Dr. Miller either lacked the wisdom to draw the conclusion that ani-
mal experimentation bad to be discarded M tragically misleading after
that, or he lacked the courage to acknowledge it, which is more likely,
for he and thousands of Bethesda co-workers live from animal experi·
ments, since they don't know any other way of doing research or, per-
'haps, of earning a living. In fact, all Dr. Miller had to offer in his paper
was to recommend an intensification of such ,experiments, even though
the cases he had reported had developed after a latency period of 14 to
22 years.
The N.Y. Times of July 17, 1979 had an anicle titled "Woman Wins
Suit in DES Case" which began:
In a groundbreaking verdict rendered yesterday In the State
Supreme Court in the Bronx, a jury decided that a pharmaceutical
company m u s ~ Ipay $500,000 in d a m a ~ s to a woman for cancer
caused by DES, a drug given to h e ~ mother to prevent miscar-
The plaintiff was lidentified M Joyce Bichler, a 25 year old social
worker, and the manufacturer sentenced to pay up wasBy Lilly & Co.
On August 26, 1979, anoJher article in the N.Y. Times was titled "A
Woman Who Sa:id DES Caused a Cancer Is Awarded $800,000." The
woman: 26 year old. Anne Needham. The manufacturer liable for the
damage, White Laboratories of Kenilworth, J.1., was meanwhile taken
over by Schering-Plough Corporation, The article concluded:
During the trial, Mr Charfoos (tile plaintiffis attorney· H.R.) said
Continued on page 65
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n the last edition of Nexus, we explored the concept of
the Unified Vector Geometry Grid. A mathematic and
geologLcal grid which links sensitive nodal points around
the globe. Sensitive places where unexplained phenomena
have been occurring since time immemorial. Phenomena,
often associated with UFO activity, magic and tribal rituals.
In this edition, we will explore exactly what happens at the
nodal points on the UVG grid, how the grid interacts with
the geographical map of Australia, and draw conclusions as
to JUSt what the nodal points may be.
The map in diagram I illustrates how the UVG grid inter-
acts with Australia.
While the avid! UFO and sacred site investigators will be
able to locate many familiar sites on this map, [ have listed
several places of specific interest for those less familiar with
the subject.
Alice Springs: Numerous UFO sightings, especially
near Pine Gap. Unusual
earthlight phenomena
reported at aboriginal sacred site - Corroborrie Rock.
Port Headland: Port Headland Military Tracking
Woomera: Important aboriginal sacred site, and
area of British atomic bomb testing in the 1950's.
Huskisson: Multi-coloured fireball burst through
wafll of local hotell 19th March 1978. Traditional
territory for aboriginals.
Kempsey: Much UFa activity reported in area.
Winton & Boulia: Sightings of "min-min" lights mov-
ing in erratic paths on numerous occasions.
Frazer Island: Area of many UFO sightings. A
iOOft. long black usa (Unidentified Submerged
Object) sighted off-shore in 1965. Other USOs
sighted in area ever since.
Tully: Area of many UFO sightings, including the
famous "Saucer Nests", classified by some as part of
the crop circle phenomenon.
Nullabor Plain: Area of many UFO sightings,
including the much publicised Knowles family case,

• '-
1 •
.. , I· a ..
I ...
- -
,-- .....,
- ,
near Mundrabilla.
Ba-ss Straight: Area of major UFO activity, and area
of many missing civilian and military vessels and
planes. The official RAAF missing aircraft list
includes - 8 Beauforts, 3 Hudsons, 2 Mitchell's, 3
Ansons, 2 Oxfords, 2 Wirraways, 1 US B57 and 1
Spit,fire. It also includes the area where p i ~ o t
Frederick Valentich disappeared.

n Great Britain a good deal of work has been done by the
likes of Paul Devereaux and The Dragon Project, on sci-
""entifically investigating ancient sites. Particularly those
sites which have long been associated with unusual phenom-
ena and UFO associated activity.
On the following map (diagram 2) you can see some of the
local grid lines that cover England and the sites that have
been investigated to date.
Let us now explore one of ihe ~ i t ~ s in detail. (See
Diagram 3).
The Rollright Stones. 2 major structures.
I) the King stone, a single 2.5 metre monolith near a
31.6m diameter circle of 76 limestone monoliths called the
King's Circle.
2) the Whispering Knights, a cluster of monoliths leaning
in on each other, some 4()()m ESE of the circle.
At certain times and especially at full moons, humming
and ticking sounds have been heard coming from the whis-
pering knights and to a lesser extent, the K,ing's Circle.
Strange ultra-sound readings have also been recorded, espe-
cially at dawn, and one set actually produced a perfect
square wave when put through an oscilloscope.
Earthlights, pillars of light, and light mists have been seen
emanating from the ground around the stones since time
immemorial. Electric shocks have been received from the
stones and infra-red photography has shown unusujil light
emanating from certain stones.
The Magnetic fieldl inside the circle is significantly lower
inside the circle than it is outside and actually fonns a 3-
dimensional field of spiralling intensity. Very high natural
radiation levels are found on the road just outside the circle
and "Mind Mirror" EEG machine readings taken of subjects
inside the circle indicate that their bi-cameral brainwave pat-
terns display theta and delta wave patterns, the patterns nor- with deep hypnosis and sleep.
(Note: While this is just one example, the same rypes of
phenomena take place at sacred sites around the world. For
more information, read Places of Power - Secret Energies at
Ancient Sites. by Paul Devereux. Published by Blandford
What does this situation prove? It may not prove any-
thing, but as the unusual phenomena found at nodes on the
grid system were occurring at the time of our forefathers, it
certainly .alludes to the point that they were quite aware of
the phenomena and subsequently built structures around
them which marked, focussed or enhanced their "power".
In summing up, the locations that are on grid lines and
nodal hotspots, let us re-cap on the phenomena that take
place in all of these areas to varying extents.
Radio and Radar interference, magnetic fluctuations,
unusual ultrasonic activity, interruption to electrical power.
Power surges, electric shock, draining of batteries. High
radiation levels, strange smells, nausea, feelings of illness,
time distortion, fairy-lights or earthlights, ball ilightning,
other strange visible aerial phenomena and unusual green,
yellow or white mists in appare_ntl,y good weather.
Geophysically, the most likely causes of these phenomena
are abnormal interference in local geomagnetic fields, high
natural radiation _and electromagnetic disturbances caused by
tectonic activity and ley lines.
Such interference will affect all types of electrical equip-
Rollright is on top of the lasl ridge of the Cotswolds,
Project, there were at least 3
twenty mites north-west of Oxford, on .1 Side rqad
between the A34 and A.44 SO{T1e- mile,s north of
cases of severe time distortion.
to King Stone
Chipping Nonan. The' road forms part of tht> Odord-
Case 1: A researcher went to
shire/WarwJckshJr4? border there. The circle (known
• ••
as the King's Men) is a true circle Of about 100 'feet in . .
WEST • •
their car to get something from diameter, containing al;!o'Ut 73 stones - In pla"es Irs a (300 I..,t)
bit difficult to de.clde which bits of rock aTe only
the boot. (Note: at Rollright, the
mems of local stone. Most are about three feet high,
with the largest just under eight an afe badly
area of radiation intensity was
wealher·worn. Three hundred feet awav, on the
under the road, not in the circle).
north side of the road and in the nell;t county. is the
King Stone. a singie stone about, eight fee-I hi·gh. and
As he opened the boot he a ruined dolmen (the Whispmng Knaghts}, a quaner • •
o( a mile to the east, completes the group. They are 1 .
noticed a car approaching at
presumed to be Neolithic - around 2CQO Be - but the
site hasn't be-en excavated to check.
.0 about 900meters. The next Ithing •
he kne w, the car had disap-
II owe many thanks to the owner, Pauline Flick, and EAST
Ito various o( tier friEinds and (elallOns, for the help
peared. h had either they gave me in my surveys there.
approached, passed him and
J :'f) --
faded into the distance in what to
him the blinking of an eye,
1 Ro/lriglrt: geographical layout
(mental blank); was an halluci-
nation; was observed in a time

ment, will influence compasses, interfere with radio equip-
ment, set up an electric current or field and may if strong
enough, create unusual light effects, rpjsts and odoyrs.
They may also create time distortion because:
1) they interfere with the brains electrochemical nature
2) as time is an integral factor in an electromagnetic field,
anyone in the altered field of experience will experience the
rime factpr set up by the field itself.
When Rollright was being
investigated by the Dragon
shift (ie from the past or future) or the car
actually vanished.
C&Se 2: Two researchers were sitting in a
van having lunch and both of them noticed
lthe back of a black, short haired dog move
passed the window. Thinking it odd, both got
out of the van to investigate immediately but
found no trace of the dog. What is interesting
in this case is that for them to have seen the
back of the dog, it must !have been at least
13m at the shoulder. It is unlilcely that 2 peo-
ple will have the same hallucination at the
same time, 1.3m high dogs are few and far
between, their activity at the time makes a
joint mental blank unlikely, so did they
observe at time shift?
Case 3: A female researcher was strolling
along the road, glanced at the surface and
watched it form into concentric circles about
15cm in diameter. At the same time she felt a
vibrating, especially in her head and felt a
highly charged atmosphere around her.
Suddenly she became aware that the event
was not normal, so she looked up'. She then
saw an old fashioned green horse-drawn
Gypsy caravan being driven away from her
up the road. She then glanced away, looked
back and it was gone. Possible hallucination,
definitely not mental blank, caravans don't
vanish and no one else on the site saw it come
or go, so again, it may have Qeen a time shift
It is also worth noting that all the incident
happened on the same stretch of road and that
infra-red photography of the area has shown a strange
"cloud" hovering over it.
From these three cases, the issue of time distortion can be
seen, but there is also a new dilemma to deal with, if these
people did experience an actual time shift, was it purely
mental or was it physical as well?
Apart from these three specific cases at Rollright, what do
people generally experience in areas of this nature:
Depending on where you sit in history and the state of the
collective unconscious, Ithey experience angels, fairy-folk,
spirits, animal totems, UFOs or aliens. They may have feast
with fairy queens or be medically examined by clinical
humanoids. But whatever the case, they do enter a different
dimension or reality and either visually, mentally or physi-
cally interact with others who are not of our nonnal reality.
They enter what we migllt call a transdimensional gateway
and return with experiences that can be unusual and unset-
tling to say the least.
Moving back to more clinical grounds, it is interesting to
note that psychological tests have shown that the temporal
lobe area of the brain is sensitive to electromagneti_sm and
that parts of it, such as the hippocampus, are related to
dreaming and memory. Magnetic fields can stimulate these
p-arts of the brain and in doing so, seem able to produce in
the subject, sensations of floating, vivid hallucinations in
W*iIlg consciousness, mystical and visionary stateS and
even statistical evidence that links geomagnetism with some
types of psychic lactivity.
Does this mean that what people experience in these areas,
apart from the measurable and observable physical phenom-
ena that we Ihave already discussed is all in the mind or per-
haps even some type of mystical experience?
Possibly, but at our most fundamental level, the sub-atom-
ic, we are actually com,posed of packets of quantas of ener-
gy, opemting within a certain time fra,me and resonating as
material particles within a specific field of action.
Theoretically, any change to the nature of that field (such
as that caused by abnonnal electromagnetic interference),
. could in turn, create a change in the physical reality of any
participant in that field.
If the change in field was strong enough, what may hap-
pen, is that from the sub-atomic level up, the individual
would be forced to totally confonn to the new field, in which
case they would cease to exist in this one (and if this theory
is correct, it may explain the unsolved of planes, ships
and people who vanish in places like the Bennuda Triangle).
Or they may become aware of and experience the reality of,
the other field for a time.
Such as the documented case of an English woman who
lives on top of a granite hill ip South America. Not only is
there sporadic earthlight activity outside her house, but the
woman reports curious time shifts and the momentary
appeara,nce and disappearance of objects and entities inside
her home.
It is just possible that such a set of circumstances would
oreate physical rather than mental gateways to other dimen-
sions, or perhaps wonn holes through the space-time contin-
uum. If such things existed, they would allow the con-
straints of time. Conversely, this would also allow inhabi-
tants of other dimensions of reality to enter ours.
How much of the UFO phenomena is physical, psycholog-
ical, natural and mystical, we really don't know, but hopeful-
ly an open minded approach to research in the future will
help us to find out. m
Part II
In November 1986, America
most decorated Vietnam war hero
was sent into the notorious
"Golden Triangle
to report on
missing u.s. prisoners of war.
He returned with evidence of u.s.
State Department and C.I.A.
involvement in heroin trafficking -
on a scale unheard of in criminal
This the second and final article
on U.S. government involvement
in the world's biggest industry -
Drugs Incorporated!
ell, not so. Guess who shows up in Time Magazine? H.
Ross Perot ... and he's on page 18, May 4th and it says,
"Perot's Private Probes." H. Ross Perot was not in Burma
with me, but I know now where he got his info. Four billion dollars
opens a lot of doors for yO\). It <!.idn't open a couple of doors, howev-
er, as I'll let you in on this story. H. Ross PerQt had gained' U_S agent
investigation reports of Richard Armitage. Perot didn't know I was
over in Burma. He was d o i n ~ this' on his own. This article said he
pinned Richard Armitage. Armitage is a fat broad, literally. This is a
giant of a man. And it demanded that Armitage resign because it says
that H. Ross Perot accused him of being an a drug smuggler and an
arms dealer.
That takes pretty big cajones. (laughter) It says that Perot then
went to his friend, George Bush. It says that he gave evidence of
wrong doing by Armitage. I'm quoting. Bush told Perot to go to the
proper authorities. (sounds of shock and dismay by audience) I'm still
reading now.
So the billionaire called on William Webster. He's now head of the
CIA. It says that Perot made at least one vi.sit to the White House car-
rying a pile of documents, yet he has received no support from the
Reagan administration. In fact Frank Carlucci... who's he? He's the
Secretary of Defence. And who was he before? Deputy directory of
Central Intelligence. Frank Carlucci called him in to ask him to stop
pursuing Armitage. Talk about insulation! And! when four billion dol-
lars can't even get your foot in the door even though the man is a good
Texan from Houston. Tell me there's no cover-up here.
Now H. Ross Perot was working on his own, he didn't know what
Khun Sa had told us. Khun Sa doesn't have a television or a tele-
phone, he doesn't know who Richard Armitage is. He doesn't give a
damn. All he knows is the people who are on his records that he's
dealt with. This affidavit though by a man by the name of Daniel
Sheehan ... and you'll recognise Sheehan',s name if you don't know
him already by the Silkwood case. They won the Silkwood case there
in Oklahoma and have done a few other things.
[Switch to a talk-show interview with 'Daniel Sheehan]
Sheehan: "There's little doubt at all that President Reagan was
involved in a conspiracy to violate the 'Neutrality Act. He's been
directly ordered by the United Slates Congress not to mount this
military operation against Nicaragua. They've out off all funds
for him to do so, but he went to Saudi Arabia and' various private
citizens to raise the money in total violation of the Federal
Neutrality Act. They're engaged in viol'ations of the arms-export
control act. They're engaged in violations of the Federal
Racketeering Act. There is a whole federal racketeering syndi-
cate that they like to refer to as 'The Enterprise', which is what
Richard Secord referred to it as. But what it is in fact, Jim, ,i's the
off-the-shelf, stand-alone, self-financing, covert operations
capacity that Oliver North talked about Bill Casey wanting to set
Y,p. Fact is, thal it has been set up. Its been operating for many
years now. Out from under the control of any president. Out
from under the control of the directQr of Central Intelligence.
Out fmm under the supervision of any intelligence committee.
Its run by Theodore Shakley, the fonner director of cOl/ert opera-
tions worldwide Iby the CIA under George Bush when George
Bush was the director of the Central Intelligence Agency in1976.
And this crowd has set up the off-the-shelf operation and is car-
rying out not only a partnership with the drug dealers from
Central America and from Southeast Asia, but also carrying out a
majOli political assasination program which was participated in
by William Buckley who was the Beirut section chief for the CIA
Who was kidnapped in March of 1984 and who was the subject
of all the real negotiations for the sale of the TOW missiles to
Iran. It was nota sale to open any openings to the moderates in
Iran, nor was it in fact a negotiation to negotiate ,for the general
release of hostages. It was initiated solely and exclusively to
obtain the release of William Buckley because he knew about
the wh.ereabouts of the off-the-shelf operation. It was a criminal
enterprise' and they [eared Ithat if the American reople found out
about that there would be a huge constitutiona scandall and the
President of the United States would be impeached." •
[Back to Bo at luncheon]
Bo: (referring to The Christie Institute) If they're telling the truth in
this, case, then we should look at the evidence they have. I've been
told by my fricmds i,n the Central Intelligence that they are, "funded by
the KGB." Well, when they tell me that and it's Ibecause Christie is
talking bad about the government, it makes me think that maybe some-
body higher up has told them, "hey go tell 'em.that they're being fund-
ed by the KGB." I don't know too much more than that, but I do know
ironicl\Jly enough, can H. Ross Perot, General Khun Sa and the
Christic, thr.ce different toWly separate entities come up with the same
information if it's nO.Ltrue?
This @ffi{lavit though by Daniel Sheehan ... there's his signatures
swearing that it is the tnIth. He has uncovered information ... I just
want to read you a cpuple of sentences. Its says here that, "One of the
officers in the US embassy in Thailand, one Mort A'bromowitz (he was
the Ambassador as a matter of fact), came t.o know of Armitage's
involvement in the ,secret handling of opium funds and called there to
be initiated a internal state department heroin smuggling investigation
directed' against Richard Armitage."
It says, "Armitage was a target of embassy personnel complaints to
the effect that he was u!Jerly failing to lperfolfil duties on lbehlllf of
American MIA's." And Armitage reluctantly resigned as DOD special
consultant on MIA's at the end of 1977.
It says, ".From 1'97/ to 1979 Armitage remained in Bangkok opening
and operating a business named the Far Trading Company." It
says tha,t, "'Phis company was in-fact merely a front for secret opera-
tions conducting opium money Qut of Southeast Asia to Tehran, Iran
and the Nugan-Hand Bank."
It goes on ...There's 'three fingers now.
One, twelve thousand miles from here, from an infamous Warlord
who doesn't even know Armitage, other than for the fact that Ihe is the
H. Ross Perot gaining it from government testimony of agents inves-
tigating. But have you ever seen Amlitage indicted? But if you look
at these reports the agents have been farmed out Anyone who comes
up with a report of investigation against Armitage gets reassigned or
retired. You'll recognise SOme of tllis.
This is back to Khun Sa's letter: "After 1979, RiG-hard Armitage
resigned from the US embassy's p.osting and set up the Far Eas:t
Trading Company as a front for his continuation in the drug trade.
Soon after, Daniel Arnold was made Ito handle the drug business as
well as the transportation of arms sales. (Daniel Arnold was a CIA
Station Chief). Jerry Daniels then took over the drug trade from
Richard Armitage." Jerry Daniels was a CIA member. Jerry Daniels
died mysteriously in Bangkok, Thailand. 1wonder why.
I swore to defend this constitution. As a soldier I was brainwashed.
And II wasn't a dumb soldier either. I've got advanced degrees in col-
lege, honors graduating from the Command andl General Staff College
of the United States Army, given the high command, served in the
highest level staff positions in the Pentagon. And yet I thought that as
a soldier I was to be apolitical. I was to never question what our exec-
utive branch civilians told us to do. Just do or die. What an education
I got
Back in '1975-76 I commanded special forces in Latin America.
Same time George Bush was head of the CIA. We knew that Noriega
was not only a drug smuggler .then but we knew that he was a commu-
nist besides. He was the intelligence officer under Omar Terrijos
We, the United States, payed Noriega three times what we pay our
President to be our friend. I recommended more than ten years ago
that we dump him. We didn't and now were seeing 'the result of in.
My point is George Bush knew what was going on then. He was head
of Central Intelligence. It was his OK that said pay Noriega hundreds
of thousands of dollars every year. He knew what the intelligence
reports were. That Noriega is a brother to Fidel Castro. Don't ever let
him tell you he didn't know. I think a lot of the truth would come out if
we tried General Noriega because he knows what happened and would
be willing to tell what ihappened, but there is nobody in the administra-
tion that wants to hear what happened.
We know were not going to try him. l1hat's just a ruse. Read the
newspapers about three months before we indicted him. I saw where
went down to Panama 10 warn NoJiega, that if he didn't get
under control that we were going 10 eliminate him. Well, Noriega has
bigger cajones than any bureaucrat that you'll ever meet. He's a little
guy like H. Ross Perot, but he is tougher than Texas cowhide and he
will pull the plug on, the Panama Canal if we ,try to force him out. I
think Noriega is going to come out the winner.
And by the way, can you imagine what Armitage did? See, Tom
Harvey andl Armitage are best friends. They lift weights every day in
I!he Pentagon athletic club. I know when we got back from BUTJIla that
lla,rvey rubbed his hands together and said, "Hey Dick, come on over
to the White House. 80 Gritz just got back from Triangle with
information on POW's from Khun Sa."
Can you imagine whaL happenedl when Khun Sa said, "... and I will
disclose every government official I've dealt with for 20 years?" I bet
you Dick Armitage involuntarily urinated right there! (mu.Qllaughter)
And all of a sudden US declares 'no mercy'. lts a war of words. No
president that's ever declared at war on drugs has ever fought one.
But there's a way 10 do it and end-running the Constitution is not the
way. But what we've done. ¥Qu saw Ollie Nonll stand up lID-d
be<:Pme an acclaimed hero.
Now Ollie North is a Marine that I believe 'has done everything he
thought was right to stem the rising tide of communism. But I want to
give you some facts and you decide for yourself. I think Ollie North
badl good intentions but he Wj!$ .manipulated and used.
Have we won Ithe war in Nicaragua? Bas the end justified i1he means
because the planes carrying arms to the Contras came' back loaded with
drugs. I submit to you that we have lost. Did we ever intend to win?
[Cut to a scene with female reporter interviewing Mike Tulliver, a for-
mer pilot who flew runs.]
Reporter: "The government decided to gel into tile drug business
in order to pay for the Contras? TI<1e American government?
Mike Tulliver: As incredulous as it may sound', I helieve that
they not only decided to get into it I think tbatlthey orchestrated
the whole th ing.·
Reporter (narrating): "Mike Tulliver is a pilot who's IPrinciple
occupation has been smuggling drugs. He's currently selVing a
three and one half year sentence in a federal prison in Miami for
a conviction unrelated to the secret flights he made for the
Contras. !He says was approached in 1985 by long-time CIA
operatives to run what they called Isupplies'.H
tClIt to clipwith George Morales]
Reporter: ·Why would the CIA allow drug planes to come into
the Unilted States loaded with coke?"
Morales: '''Money.''
Reporter na'rrating: "George Morales is a world champion boat
racer. He is also a world reknowned cocaine trafficker whose
empire extended from Colombia to Miami. Morales was indict-
ed for running cocaine in 1984. He says the CIA used his indic;:t-
ment to pressyre him into providing planes, pilots and three mil-
lion dollal'li in cash to the Contras. He too js in federal prison
awaiting sentenc;:ing Qn the '84 charge."
Reporter: "So you're saying that drug planes were allowed! ,into
the states as long as somebody was kicking money into the
Contra coffer."
Morale:s,: "DefinHely."
Reporter: "Is this like just a one-time occurrence? Somebody
snuck in?"
Morales: "No."
Reporter: "Frequent?"
Morales: I·Yes."
Reporter: "Routine?· ))\
Morales: '·Yes.
[Back to Tulliver]
'Believe it or not, the entire business is compartmen- "-'7
talised. Il'm like a I.'m in transportation. III
You've gOl: people who are In loading. You've got people
who are in offloading. You've got people who are in dis-
tribution. You've got people who are in sales. It's like an
IBM situation."
[Reporter narrating again]
'Gary Setzner was one of George Morale's top pitots. He
too is lin federal prison in Miami on an unrelated drug
convi,gign. His sentence is 15 years. Like Morales and
Tulliver Ihe has to gain from talking about these drug
Betzner: ., took two loads, smal! aircraft loads of
weapons to John Hull's ranch in Costa Rica and retumed
back to Florida with approximately 1000 kilos of
Reporter: ''What exactly was in the plane that you new from Fort
Selzner: "Oh there was some C4 explosives, M60 rna-chine
guns. It was stacked all the way to the ceiling.·
Reporter: "How many pounds of weaponry?"
Betzner: "I would estimated around 2500 pounds. I understood
right away that it wasn't the private guns that went down that
were limportant. It was what was coming back that could
buy larger and better and more sophisticated weapons. It
was unaccounted for cash.·
[Reporter nlUIllting}
.... under heavy security Ramone Rodriguez was brought to
Capitol Hill. Ocean Hunter, it appears, is just the lbeginning.
Under oath, he told Senators that the drug connection is much
larger. That he'd handled a direct 10 million dollars in cash con-
tributions from the Colombian cocaine cartels to the Contras."
Rodriguez: "Outside the United States drug dealers are very
powerful people. They have cash. The CIA deals primarilywith
items outside of the US. If they're going to deal in foreign coun-
try's policies 'and politics they're going to run up against or run
with the drug dealers. It cannot be done any other way."
Reporter: "Do you Ihaveany evidence, any proof, any ideas of
whether the large sums of cash you bad delivered
to the Contras,
whether it actually made it to the Contras?"
Rodriguez: ''There is no way to trace cash. My guess it that hot
all of it got there, but I'm a cynic.'
Reporter: ''Where would it have ended up?"
Rodriguez: '''1 would say that you're gonna find a lot of it in nest
eggs, foreign accounts, waiting for the day when the Contra issue
lis no longer popular, when Congress votes i1 out of existance and
they have to do something else for a living."
[Back to Bo at the luncheon]
Point is there are three sources now al1 saying one little bureaucrat
Look how bureaucrats fall! You break wind wrong, you're out of here
in an election year.
Why hasn't Mr. Armitage been investigated? When we came back
I was told by telephone in Bangkok, "Bo, if you don't erase and forget
everything that you have done, you're going to get hurt" I was told,
''Everybody loves you. Nobody wants to hurt you. No one wants to
put a war hero in jail, but if you don't cooperate you're going to hurt
the government." And I said, "Joe, whose gO'vemment am I gonna
hurtT' (lots of applause)
I am sick and tired of watching the result of poor politics sending

our soldiers overseas to do something that they were not meant to do.
I'm a fighter, but when we fight we ought to fight Ito win. And when
we send people we ought to be willing to bring them back again.
(much applause)
We did go before congress. You know who runs the drug task force
lin the House of Representatives? Lawrence Smith.
He is a democrat from "Miami Vice" Florida and his staff told me
before I carne up, "Bo, you better be well-heeled-for-bear because the
people who keep the chairman in office are more prone to promote
drugs than they are to fight them"
1got up there Lawrence Smith would not allow any members
of the task force to view the video tapes that we brought from Khun Sa
in Burma.
He asked me, "Colonel, how could a man of your intelligence put
any stack at all in what a drug warlord would say?" I said, "Mr.
aren't we dealing with Michael Gorbochev and he's a com-
munist But we talk to him because he Ihas the missiles and we want to
reduce them. Khun Sa has all the Iheroin and' if we want to stop it he's
the guy we to see."
And he says, "What's this business about a heroin highway? How
do we know the Thai's didn't Quild that road to attack Khun Sa?"
And I said, "Well Chainnan, if they did, they did a heck of a good
job it goes right straight to his headquarters and nobody is
and he his own little customs houses all along the road where
the little bar comes d_own."
He ended the Ihearing by saying, "I don't think there is any substan-
tive evidence here that would indicate any further investigation need be
He never called H. Ross Perot. He never ca'!1ed the Christic
Institute. He never allowed the tapes or the lener that Khun Sa wrote
because I found out that video tapes aren't They said, "Well,
he didn't write anything."
Then we had a lener willi his signature on it finder the Shan seal.
Point is Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a parallel government this
day that lives within the United] States government. It is a parasite!
I <lon'lt think it makes a hoot who you vote for for Preside!)t. The
same people are run this country. I stand before you today.
You gotta !know who I am I'm an indicted felon part of mat
phone call in Thailand sjiid, "Bo, if you don't erase lWd forget, if you
don't come to the apartmenJ (that was a safehouse in Was_hington,
OC), you're gonna be charged with .5 years and your going to serve as
a felan and we're going to bring up aggravated charges and hostile wit-
nesses." That's not my kind of language. I said, "Friend, that's an
insult to you, me and two hundred years of constitutional government"
He said, "Bo, don't give me that. Bring everything you've got to the
apartment" I said, "Who's going to be there, Joe?" And he saidl, "You
know me beller than that, Bo. It will just be me and Tom Harvey." II
said, "OK, I'll bring this stuff dear citizen. I'll show it to you then you
tell me to erase and forget." When I got to LA with the tape he said,
"Bo, don't come." fte was that much of a friend. He said, "Don't
come. Hide those tapes. Everybody's laying for- you." He said, "But
please destroy and forget That's all the state department wants you to
do 'because otherwise you're going to jail as a felon." You know what
they charged me with? They did charge me. Misuse of a passport.
Now that is a weeny charge for somebody that's been in clandestine
warfare for JlX)re than 30 years. That throws me in league with Jane
Fonda. She was cavorting with the enemy and misusing her passport.
Ollie North and Robert McValium went to Iran on Irish passports so
they could do an illegal arms deal, but nobody has charged them.
That's because they're cooperating.
'Well, I'm not worried about that. The US attorney doesn't know
how hard to take it1because I said, "I don't deny hnisused a passport. '
I misused it many Itimes. Every time in pursuit of US prisoners of
war." You dear citizen, see if you would erase and go back to sleep
and forget. I don't think that you will. In my defense f got a lawyer,
he's the former US attorney for Nevada. He took my case for free
other than all the expenses it cost to bring in witnesses. We're going to
use this court as a forum for pris.oners of war and for government in
drug dealing because you know you can't sue the government, but
when the government jumps on you now you can turn it around on
them. That's exactly what were doing. 1got a plea the other day say-
ing, "}lo, just go ahead and cop a plea it'll be a misdemeanor." No
way Jose, were going aU tbe way with thi.'; one.
"The seriousness or Gritz's discoveries during his first mission to
the Golden Triangle, however was brought home immediately
after his return. Scott Weekly, his Operation Lazarus team mem-
ber and veteran or several POW recovery missions, was arrested
and charged with a federal violation resulting rrom the Afghan
training program he helped Gritz conduct."
"Weekly was a classmate or Oliver North's at Annapolis and has
a PhD in physics. After numerous forays into hostile enemy terri-
tory neither he nor Gritz were prepared Iror the treachery that
awaited the mat home."
(iBo in Th!!ilaug1
The ambassador level person for the US government in charge of
narcotics controll made a statement immediately following the release
of this tape to the White House that the United States would never
agree to talk with General Khun Sa about drug control because he was
such a black-hearted criminal.
I believe that we can show through facts that have already been
established by the US Justice Department and on-going investigations
that there are people currently who saw that tape in the US governrrent
that all that they could to stop this interview right here for fear they
would be exposed. Even to the point where they arrested Scott Weekly
for a minor technicality of transporting explosives illegally on a com-
mercial airliner. Very briefly we were training a couple of Afghan
freedom fighters through the knowledge and request of the US Stale
Department and other official agencies. The explosives were procured
for us from Fort Sill, Oklahoma and were naturally transported,
because we were using them at a remole desert base, by aircraft There
Was no danger to the civilian aircraft. The explosives were C4, plastic,
frontline safe. You could shoot them with a machine gun and they
wouldn'f go off. There were no detonating devices with us. Feaeral
agents told Scon when he was taken into custody that it wasn't a tech-
nicality and that the real target was me. They were under pressure by
the US attorney's office to fmd out wheth°er or not 1was in kahoots
with North and Poindexter since I had travelled to Latin America and
to the Middle East in pursuit of various Igovernment associated pm
The fact is and the lIUth is that I've had nothing to do with North
and Poindexter or any illegal activities either in South America or the
Middle East Now the truth is that I believe that elements in the US
government are afraid that they will be elS.posed for their illegal activi-
ties and drug trafficking. Thro-Dgh that exposure that this will cease
and they will loose them power.
Continued on page 66
become an instrument to legitimise certain interests".
Many interesting pieces of infomration have emerged over
the months and years since Lockerbie. These include:-
o The plane, PanAro Flight 103 would nOIifiaBy have been
flying over the ocean at the time of the explosion. It is
alIcged that the plane deto.ured to avoid a pressure system,
which took i.t on a new flight path over Scotland. One won-
ders, if the explosion had occurred over the ocean - the ter-
rorist bomb angle would have only surfaced if a group
claimed responsibility for it
o The first doctors on the scene counted one body more
than the later official total. The CIA was implicated in
removing one body.
o Private Eye magazine has allegedly been given evidence
from a local farmer who found a suitcase full of drugs in his
field af,ter the crasb. He has been amazed that he was never
called to give evidence at the inquest, despite telling every
official he could find.
o A Scottish Member of Parliament, Tam Dalyell, has
charged that the CIA may have created "evidence" to make
Libya take the rap for the bombing.
o The PLO launched its own secret investigation into the
Lockerbie affair, and came to the conclusion that Libya was
innocent and not implicated in the bombing. However, the
PLO did declare that it had received information which
implicated other middle east parties, and had compiled a
detailed list of names etc which it would make available.
o Fonner CIA Head of Investigation into the bombing,
Vincent Cannistraro, told the New York Times it was "outra-
geous" to pin the whole thing onto Qadhafi.
Finally, on the 19th April this year, TIME MAGAZiNE ran
a cover story which basically exonerated ,the two accused
Libyan nationals.
For those who missed it- a veteran TIME journalist con-
cluded that a Syrian drug dealer with ties to Westem intelli-
gence agencies was behind the planting of the bomb that
destroyed PanAm Flight 103.
It was basically a United States Drug Enforcement
Administration (DE£\) "sting" operation. TIME fixes the
blame on al-Khassar, who it says was being allowed to
smuggle drugs into the U.S. in return for his promise to help
obtain the releas_e of six U.S. hostages held in 'Beirut.
How quickly people have forgotten the 1988 downing of
an Irani_an plaoe cOIltaining 290 civilians by t!he USS
Vincennes. This is a U.S. warship that blows a civilian
plane out of the sky, killing 290 people, and then in April
1990, George Bush confers a medal on the ship's captain for
doing it! Imagine a Libyan warship blowing a U.S. plane
up, killing all on board, and when the warship gets back,
Qadhafi gives the1:aptain a medal for it? Not likely!
With its small population of 3.5 million people, and negli-
gible military forces, Ithe only threat Muammar al-Qadhafi
can pose to the west, i.s as a rallying point for those opposing
the New World Order. If so, look out Libya!
ne of the most amazing stories, and least known, con-
cerns an incredible genius namedDr. Gianni Dotto. His
academic qualifications included a Ph.D in roth nuclear
physics and nuclear engineering, plus a degree in electrical
engineering obtained from Wayne University in Detroit. He
was a prolific inventor and owned many Italian and U.S.
He was at one a principal of Alfa Romeo working on
ways to improve the design. Also a trained pilot before the
advent of World War II, he eventually joined the U.S. Air
Force, after emigrating to America. Certainly in time to fly
sorties against the Japanese just before their collapse.
It's to note that Dotto's father was an Italian
Marquis, and that the family was descended from Galileo.
Gianni would have inherited the title of course if he had not
gone to the United States.
However, be that as Jt may, he started working on several
projects within his field in America. He started to take an inter-
est in Biophysics and how magnetic fields affected the human
body. In fact when he was working on a project at Milan
University he first noticed that magnetic fields induced by an
electric coil or by a permanent magnet appeared to have notice-
able effects on OOdy cells.
More importantly, later on he observed that superior magnet-
ic fields generated by hot and cold areas had even greater
effects on the human OOdy.
As time went by, he started to experiment with devices which
eventually became known as Dotto Rings and soon built
machines which exhibited the Thermo-Magnetic Effect.
Basically, this machine contained a ring of pure heavy cop-
per approx 27 inches in diameter, having adjacent super-heated
and super-eold areas, by a small gap adjustable by a
threaded screw, made of a material substantially lower in ther-
mal conductivity than copper, and used for 'fine tuning' purpos-
This in a nutshell was the very essence and heart of the
device. To explain the nuclear physics behind the machine in
this short article would not be possible. And for the average
reader such expwations would mean little. Suffice to say all
of the scientific rationale behind the Dotto Ring was enumerat-
ed by Dr. Dotto in his research papers.
Amazingly, what Dotto had achieved was the reproduction,
in a compact: form, of the same Thermo-Magnetic environment
which he believed was responsible for the good health of the
legendary Hunza tribes living high up in the Himalayan
Mountains. Most people woufd have heard of this tribe and
their amazing longevity.
Dotto spent much ltime living in his environment trying to fig-
ure out the answers which have, and still do, puzzle many scien-
Eventually he found the answer! And it is this observation
which placed him ,in II unique class. Seeing what everyone else
had seen, but thinking what no one else had thought! One of
the classic trademarks of !.he true genius.
all the of the ,tribes, their
theu enVironment, then, hfestylc"S, etc, but sull he was not saus-
fied. He saw other triibes lliving in similar environments, but
without the Hunza's ,incredible bealth.
After much comemplation and study, Dotto eventuaUy came
to an astonishing conclusion!
At the head of the great Hunza valley there is II massive
glacial ice mass, but the valtey itself heats up and becomes
quite warm, thus creating the 'speciaEconditions which Dotto
knew so well, to produce the type of miFd Thenno-Magnetic
field which the Hunza tribes unknowingly exposed themselves
Ito as they often travelled through this valley!
This remarkable observation, in a flash, told Dotto that he
was correct in his whole Ring theory, here reproduced high up
in the beautiful Hunza valley, by nature! It was demonstrating
his research,.as he well knew he looked at these beautiful peo-
Iple, many still very active and working on their crops at ages
which defied belief. He found no signs of serious disease, par-
Iticularly cancer. Dotto well knew why! More of that later.
In order for the reader to understand how the Thermo-
Magnetic Effect produced by the Dotto Ring work!l a short
basic explanation of the inter-relationship of DNA and this spe-
cial magnetic field is required. I will make it as painless as pos-
The nucleus of each human cell co_otains DNA (deoxyribonu-
cleic acid) which contains the genetic code. Under the powerful
magnification of the electron microscope, DNA looks like a
,twisted ladder known as a double helix. It vibrates in resonance
with many influences, both internal and external, and is
polarised, one end plus, the opposite end minus. Healthy DNA
ensures healthy cells which helps the body maintain its defences
against disease.
One of the strengths of the DNA is the base pairs per tum of
the DNA spiral, like the steps of a ladder. As the aging process
s.tarts, these base pairs per turn gradually decrease, thereby
'weakening' the structure of the whole DNA helix. The hydro-
gen atom bonding becomes less efficient. Its resonant vibra-
tional frequency rate starts to decay. Eventually the DNA stops
reproducing itself. The aging process now makes its presence
fel't. '
The DNA helix ladder is approx 39" long, cOJIlposed of 6 bil-
lion steps. Each step has the fonn of two capital T's facing each
other. The DNA is constructed by 12 billion nucleotides, or
bases, which face each other to make the double helix.
Everyone of the 6.3 trillion cells of ,the !body bas at least one.
These bases are very important. SJ,!fficient must have to be
present for the DNA to keep reproducing itself. For it so hap-
pens that one of the main aging factors is directly connected to
the amount of base Ipairs per turn of the DNA helix.
When the body is subjected to the influence of the Thermo-
Magnetic Fields' of the Dotto Ring, polarisation of the DNA
helix is once again correctly [ts natural resonance is
increased. Its base pairs per turn (the steps of th,e ladder) are
also again increased.
Think of it like a child's large top. When it is firsJ spun, it is
in perfect harmony, perfect balance. Slowly as the energy
decays it starts to wobble and eventually becomes unbalanced
and falls over.
So with the DNA. When the baby is born the DNA is in. har-
mony, in balance. As the child grows into adulthood it remains
so, but as the aging process begins to bite later in life, the "lad-
der" starts to lose some of its 'strength'.
In particular, it goes something like this.
The DNA of the embryo cell in the womb has 46 base pairs
per tum. At 6 weeks of pregnancy the base pairs are reduced to
34 in num:ber. At two years of age the child has 22 base pairs
,per turn. 14 at age 21. 10 at age 35. It then stabilises until .
about age 50-55. After then the base pairs per tllID are {lOW
down to 6! The top analogy now makes its presence felt! For it
is at this time the lines and wrinkles start to show with ever
increasing tempo!
Returning to Dr. Dotto's remarkable research, could this spe-
cial type of magnetic e1l.ergy generated by his rings have a
noticeable effect upon this aging process? More importantly -
iUpon the disease process?
1.) Establishing ways of re-stretching the DNA to increase
base p_airs per turn.
2.) Re-estab1ishing the kinetic energy of the DNA helix.
(Vibrational Rate)
3.) Increasing the energy of the charged ions in the nervous
system by attention to diet and lifestyle.
After many years of research Dotto ,at last proclaimed that he
now firmly believed that by subjecting the body to regular treat-
ments of Thermo-Magnetic energy via the ring machines, it
would be possible to, re-energise if you like, the DNA helix!
Further, that many serious diseases Ilike cancer for example,
could be radically influenced in a positive manner!
Basically, he suggested that by triggering back the base pairs
per tum of the DNA helix to 10 from 6 vi a- ring' treatment given
every 14 days, the system would remain stable at the figure of
10. Among other benefits, the result would be a slowing oj the
Certainly an astounding conclusion from an equally astound-
ing research program.
Three yearj; of testing in the 1967-1971 period were carried
out at the Dotto Foundation Complex, utilising small animals.

United States Patent (ItI .
1111 3,839,771
1451 Oct. 8, 1974
I'ri",." luurtittlr-W. TUpn'l1ll
AHorttIy. Allru. M Firm-Woodard. Wcikan.
[151 In,,,ntor: C.... A. Dono. 101)'101\. Ohio
Emh.ardl " NauptOft
11J I A£$ilnu: Pre IlIlarurlonal Cwporadoa
(211 Filed: lap(. ZO, 1911
1211 Appl. No.: 290.130
IN_ tl.s. Appllicat'oQ Ditta
16J I COl\un...UotI ot s.r. No. 61.301. JUDe I. 1970.

tl.5. CL ..•. _•. _ 29/15.14. 29(573
(511 In CL " H01J 9tOO
new ot Sarcll 29/$73. 574, 514, 25.14

1.J01.9·" 3"'" 0. _ ltl,13
3/1961 rnacl .. __ _ .__ 191'13
9/1,., ",,1\Qr ..._. _._ :t1S13
A. method for COMtrvc1ini 1 --- thcrmio.uc: couplc com·
prisinl In ¥pparatWl in the form 01 ;II rinl Of loop 01
_tal such .. copper havinl hilh elec:tric:a1 and ther·
mal coMl,letivity. The rinl h.. spaced cnds forminl I
IJlp joined by I bridlc member ronnc1! 01 rrullcrial
havinl lilnirte:antly Jo"'er eleC1.ric'll and thermal con-
ductivity than the rinl- II. wbsLu)tiai thenn;al unbal·
ance II indl,lCed beNr,«n the jurlctions 01 thc nne and
the bridae member. The width 01 the lap and the cr·
fectivc IenJlh 01 the bridlc member is .c:Iiu'ted to pro-
dl,lc:e I cyclic thennoelei:tric llnbalanc:c. re-
!UllinI in repelted c:hanlCS in the ellC'fl7 0( the
_WI ItQms oIlhc rin..
I cw-.l On" fl&-
Professor Gerald L. Willis, Biology Professor at the
University of Dayton in the USA, and a Dr. Zipf who per-
formed pathology on the test mice, conducted rigidly controlled
experiments. Other scientists were not allowed near the com-
plex. Strict secrecy was maintained.
In one of many experiments. mice were infected with 537 &
Krib cancer cells. The controls, untreated mice, all died within
7 days. The, mice treated with the Dotto Ring Machine, with
one or two exceptions, all survived. When these mice where
finally sacrificed, they showed no clinical signs of cancer! No
side-effects were observed
Dr. Dotto eventually built 2 large commercial machines and
set them up in his Bio-Physics Lab in Kettering, Ohio. During
five years, many experiments were undertaken. Conclusions:
Susceptib:If: small animals injected with appropriate cancer cell
strains and then Itreated with the Dotto Ring Machine, did not
develop cancer!
The Dotto Ring device, for the purist academic, empl@y what
,is known in physics, as the Thompson & Peltier Effects, which
combine to produce the Seebeck effect, or Thermionic Couple.
All of the scientific rationale behind the whole concept is, as I
stated earlier, contained in the research p_apers of Dr. Dotto.!
was very lucky to obtaiD! a copy of the full research papers some
three years ago, including detailed plans to be able to construct
such a machine.
It's very interesting to note that in experiments carried out
wben operating the rings, a pale blue white "halo" appears
around them! W:hich corresponds to Ithat of Orgone Energy,
====::::;;--;:;--- ......
F • 6IJ
described by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, in the twenties and thirties
during his research. Dr. James DeMeo has very recently
released a book on Orgone Energy, called The Orgone
Accumulator Handbook, detailing Reich's work. This book is
obtainable from Veritas Press - se_e advert on page 65)
So what happened to Dr. Dotto and his incredible machines?
According to my research from a reliable source, Dotto was
being watched very closely by several American "agencies".
You see, apparently the big problem with Dotto's work was
not so lJluch due to its therapeutic or anti-aging effects, but that
the rings in their free state when energised had a tendency
to rise up off the floor!
This to Dotto's own theory of a thenno-magnetic
field being responsible for the general gravitational system!
Even more amazing, it was said internal security agencies
believed that Dotto had accidentally stumbled upon the propul-
sion system of VFOs!
If Dotto is correct regarding the l'henno-Magnetic Effect
being responsible for the general gravitational system, then
Newton's Laws of Gravitational Attraction will require quite
considerable re-appraisal. Perhaps it was Dotto's belief and
work in his special field which made ihima target for the
American security agencies. Such 'heretical' beliefs in altema-
tive scientific solutions which fly in the face of 'wel'l-founded'
and 'proven' science could cause chaos if aaowed to blossom.
ActuaJly it's quite interesting to speculate that Dotto's 'new'
gravitational laws could explain some of the unanswerabJe
questions which face physicists today, not the least of which
would be the enigmatic Black Holes of space.
The intense energy release of a rapidly collapsing Neutron
Star would generate enoFtllous heat, contrasting with the
extreme cold of deep space to produce the 'thel11lal imbalance'
necessary to create fantastic gravitati_onal fields, blocking all
light escape.
Dotto also believed that this same "thermal imbalance' was
implicated in the Suns gravity waves and our 'cold' planets.
Further, and perhaps more importantly, what Dotto had
REALLY discovered may have been ,the tru.e Gran.d Unified
Field, searched for_by scientist, including Einstein, for many
decades. The G.U.T., or Grand Unified Field Theory, basicafly
converges electromagnetism, gravity and nuclear forces into·
one single 'Super Force'.
When this occurs, according to theory, an astonishing
effect emerges· ANTI·GRAVITY!
Which in a way brings us back to Ithe Dotto Ring and its
rep.orted tendency to rise up off Ithe ground!
If indeed DOUQ had made an incredible breakthrough in
Quantum Mechanics, then he would have been too far ahead of
his time, and like many geniuses down through history who
have 'rocked the boat' of dogmatic science, was simply 'elimi-
It seems in Dotto's case that he and his machines disappeared!

In this context it was rumoured .that a U.S. electronics expert
with a great tnterest in me Dotto Ring, somehow got hold of a
copy of the plans to 'buird the machine. Whether he did is not
known, but apparently he too disappeared!
A retired scientist versed in nuclear physics, who is a friend
of mine thjlt can be trusted, ,recently looked over tbe whole
Dotto research papers. After a couple of weeks he contacted
me. He said, quote: "Apart from some minor disagreement I
can find no logical reasons why, at least theoretically, Dotto's
research isn't sound Frankly, I am in some awe at the outcome
of his research. It would appear, again theoretically, that he
made a most profound discovery in the Held of Quantum
Mechanics. However it would be a brave sdentist indeed who _
would contemplate putting together such 1Ii device" (Dotto Ring
Machine). Anyone with basic skins in electrical and mechani-
cal engineering could construct a Dotto Ring device. Cost,
about $4000.
Why haven't I? Well, if I did and it produced all the effects
Dotto claimed, it would still represent a profound breaktbrOligh
in science, and the ramifications for me, at the scientific and
political levels, simply could not be ascertained. After all how
could one suppress suchl a major ,discovery?
All of the Dotto research and construction plans lie in a safe
deposit box. They wm, unfortunately, possibly stay there for
good. Such is the power ot the money barons who control our
lives, new discoveries have to wait their time. I for one am not
prepared to buck the system and have to endure whatever form
of hell that may go with ,j(!
© I. West 1992
Reference Source: The Dotto Thermionic Couple - A
Research Paper.
Although oxygen therapies have been in use for
lover 100 years, Ed McCabe is the only person,
to date, who has undertaken a worldwide
investigation of their effectiveness. To do this
he has interviewed thousands of patients,
hundreds of doctors, and investigated the
major therapy centres using oxygen therapies
to successfully treat disease.
__• __
s an investigative journalist and author of the book: "Oxygen
Therapies", I can make this statement of opinion in the tide of
this article, after interviewing thousands of people and hun-
dreds of doctors using oxygen therapies over the past 5 years. Medical
oxygel)/ozone therapies are the single most effective medical treatment
available to us today.
Everyone on this planet needs to be made increasingly aware that
for several years' now I have met and keep meeting people who no
longer have AIDS, cancer, and almost any other disease you can think
of, due to the continual and correct application of oxygen therapies. I
have assembled the following information to educate you as to exactly
what existS' right now to help you. You will become increasingly
thankful for this information as moves out of the socilllminority
areas and into ,the heterosexual backyard. AIDS is the second leading
cause of death for men between 25-44. Next year it will be ,the second
leading cause of death for everyone. After that there is no limit to the
destruction unless we immediately institute widespread medical ozone
It is well documented fhat for over one hundred years, a quiet multi-
tude of patients and doctors have used special forms of ozone, hydro-
gen peroxide, magnesium peroxides combined with ozonides, "sta-
bilised oxygen" products, and other singlet oxygen delivering sul>-
stances to successfully detoxify the human body lWd eliminate disease.
However effective each of these substances may be, none of them has
thousands of practitioners using them daily and reporting their effec-
tiveness like ozone has, coupled with the availability of an ongoing
over 50 year medical track record.
So, in this article [ will focus solely on medical ozone, which, in the
case of AIDS, has already caused over 350 people in the U.S to go (nto
"complete spontaneous remission" wherein no trace of ,the virus can be
found, verified by standard ELISA, Western Blot and peR testing.
This healing also included energy and happiness increases, weight
gains, and the disappearance of all the other standard! disease indica-
tors (markers). In short, plenty of people who had AIDS no longer
have any virus or any infections in their bodies, because
ozone has oxidized the harmful causative agents. I have been report-
ing this phenomenon in print since 1988, but the numbers of docu-
mented cures are increasing substantially both within the U.S. "under-
ground", and in Europe to the point that I do not think ozone can be
repressed any longer.
The way the ozone works as a disease treatment is so simple that ,it
befuddles the great minds. Unlike healthy human cells that love oxy-
gen, the primitive - like HIV - which are found in, AIDS and
other diseases are lower lifeform These viruses and related
bacteria are anaerobic. That means these microbes cannot live in oxy-
gen. Therefore, what would happen to these anaerobic viruses if they
were in be completely surrollnded with a very energetic fonn oJ pure
oxygen called medical grade ozone? What if enough of this special
form of oxygen/ozone were to be slowly and harmlessly introduced
into the body every day over the course of a few months, while
bypassing the lungs and saturating every fluid and cell with it? Can't
live in Qxygen ... sUITounded with oxygen. That is the lsu.bjeet of this
If ozone so good why hasn't everyone heard about it? Well, many
have. I have been on oveF 700 radio and TV shows and speJlking plat-
fonns telling people, but if I was to pick one word! why ozone is not
spoken of on the major media, it would be "Politics." Although mil-
lions of people, including little babies, have AIDS, and ozone defInite-
ly solves the IProblem if applied correctly, for long enough, and early
enough, the U.S. medical establishment clings to the outmoded model
of poisoning the body with toxic drugs to get rid of disease instead of
cleaning the body out and boosting immunity by floodiPg the body
with oxygen (ozone treatments). Most of the offlcials in the U.S. med-
ical and regulatory community are fmancial!ly tied to the pharmaceuti-
cal industry which, through interlocking directorates within all major
media outlets, does not allow unprofItable (for them) competiqg thera-
pies to emerge into the public debate, no matter how successful they
Although Ithis fact of life is a tragic and callous disregard of human
suffering, this not allowing col1'1peting therapies to emerge is especially
true - as in the case of ozone - if the patents have all run out on the
therapies, and if the therapies are now without owners and in
the public domain.
In 1900 Nikola Tesla operated Iihe
"Tesla Ozone Company" in the U.S.
Between 1958 and 1973, Dr. Roben
Let's compare medical ozone therapy with prescription drugs. In
1978 the FDA reported 1.5 million were hospitalised in the USA due
to the side effects of medication. On the other hand, medical ozone
bM 'been legally used in clinics worldwide on a daily basis since the
forties, and in Germany 644 ozone therapists were surveyed, and they
repOrted 384,775 patients had received 5,579,238 ozone treatinents.
The side effect rate was only 0.0007% during 5.5 million dosages!
Yet, each year approximately 140,000 people in the U.S die from pre-
scription drug usage.
In 1919, we fmd one of the first U.S. cases of AIDS successfully
being treated by medical ozone therapy. Dr. George Freibott !from Ithe
International Association of Oxygen Therapy treated a flaitian riving
in Avon Park Rorida who came to !lim with Kaposi's Sarcome mouth
lesions. The Haitian was treated with medical ozone in rectal insuffia-
tions, ozone colonics, and direct ozo,ne IV injection on and off for one
andl a half years, yet only once a week. All his external lesion were
eventually healed. No one knew about AIDS back then, but later on
Dr. Freibott realised what he had treated.
Then in 1983, Dr. Sweet, et aI., published in S,ience, a peer
reviewed scientifIC journal - his study showing "Ozone Selectively
Inhibits Human Cancer CelL Growth." This announcement shows
ozone stops can-cers, yet there was
no response from mainstream medi-
Mayer and Dr. Edmund J. Ryan In 1986, iDr. Alexander Preuss in
In 1900 Nikola Tesla operated the
were granted 8 U.S. ozone patents, Stuttgart, FRG, published several
and European physicians have
"Tesla Ozone Company" in the u.s.
case histories of AIDS patients
reported successfully usiDg ozone treatedl with ozone who became
for over 50 years to cure 33 major Between 1958 and 1973, Dr. Robert
completely healthy and went back to
diseases. Quoting from the interna- work. Also in 1986, on page 694 of
tional MD's assembled at the May
Mayer and Dr. Edmund J. Ryan were the September 20tb edition of the
1983 Sixtht World Ozone British Medical Journal, Lancet it
granted 8 U.S. ozone patents, and
Conference in Washington, D.C.: was reported that the HIV virus
Ozone eliminates... viruses
European physicians have reported
transmits in saliva. In that same
and bacteria from blood, year the Medizone ozone company
human and stored,,, Medical successfully using ozone for over 50 of New York applied for Ihuman
ozone is successfully used on testing approval of ozone.
years to cure 33 major diseases.
AIDS, Herpes, Hepatitis,
Despite 50 years of use on
M'ononucJeosis, Cirrhosis of
the liver, Gangrene,
Cardiova's'cular Disease,
Arteriosclerosis, High Cholesterol, Cancerous Tumours,
Lymphomas, Leukemia ... Highly effective on Rheumatoid and
other Arthritis, Allergies of all types ... Improves Multiple
Sclerosis, ameliorates Alzreimers Disease, Senility, and
Parkinson IS ... Hfective on Proctitis, Colitis, Prostrate,
Cystitis; Externally, ozone is effec-
tive in treating Acne, bums, leg ulcers, open sores and wounds,
,Eczema, and fungus.·
These results were from many different clinics and repeated year
after year.
Despite all this, the U.S. media still barrages us with sad plel\S for
rooney constantly so our medical establishment can "find a cure" for
these diseases. Well, if myself, only one man with a computer and a
telephone, can fInd all this documentation I really don't think the med-
ical establisnment with all its money and vast resources is looking very
hard. Do you?
In 1976, the U.S. FDA (Food & Drug Administration) published the
Ozone is a toxic gas with no known medical uses.
Printing this statement in a publication paid for with our taxes is
either a ,blatant attempt at suppression of truth from the highest levels,
or one of the poorest research jobs ever dODe. It obviously favours
competitive apg ignores well over 50 years of safe and effec-
tive meqica:! USe of ozone on hundreds of lhousands of humans -
backed up with thousands of medical references and clinical studies in
Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico
and th'c U.S.
humans and existing flawless and
effective animal studies, the FDA
still won't allow hu01ll1l testing, claiming ozone is "On clinical hold."
What a great example of "newspeak." Sounds real officious, doesn't
it? Like there's a problem, and our kindly government father will take
care of everything, but it's a lie. No testing is being done while you
might be next to die. ainica! hold just means "bl1ackballed." Why
would' such a documented
be@ficial therapy be prevented from being
looked at at all, while millions of innocents suffer - unless foul play is
In 1987, Dr. Hans Neiper, an QZ.Qne using doctor in Hanover, FRG,
in a.o jnterview by NlfFI videographer Jeff Harsh, talked about his
colon cancer work. Although he says he can't divulge the name of Ihis
patients; "President Reagan ,is 'a very nice mlY}." "You wouldn't
believe how many FDA offIcials ,or relatives Qr acquaintances of FDA
offIcials corne to see me as patients in Hanover. You wouldn't believe
this, or directors of the Amerjcan Medical Association (AMA), or
American Cancer Association, or the presidents of orthodox cancer
institutes. 'that's ,the fact." Qdd that it's good enough for, and sought
after Iby thebigshots with enough money, but not allowed for the com-
roon people.
In 1988, NHF historian, Eustice Mullin,S wrote:
The Office of technology Assessment of the U.S. Govemment
states that 95% of the drugs on the market have not been proven
to WOA<.II
In that year, 1began travelling the world, lecturing and interviewing
extensively upon the subject of ozone and oxygen therapies. I called
all the major network news bureaus, including Public Radio, and
reported oZQne AIDS cures coming out of Europe. Not a single
reporter or show called back for details. I wrote and sent documenta;
tion to all of the "household word" TV talk show hosts wh'o make their
living by acting "concerned" and I tried with allithe "AIDS fundraising
spokespeople", show busine'ss celebs, even sending proof of their home
addresses, but as of yet not one lsingle phone call or inquiry came back
asking for more. The shining meJlia lights are non the big names who
plunk down millions or give benefits far "rese.arch," but the many
brave independent talk show hasts, show producers, and health expo
promoters than have let me on to put the infonnatian out tIlere for you.
We owe them a debt of gratitude.
In 1989, tthe JOUTflIJl oftlu! American Medical Association reported a
72 year old woman who got AIDS from a blood transfusion. Her hus-
band come down with the disease although lliey didn't have sex and
only kissed.
That same year, George Perez, M.D., Dir. of Virology at Saint
Michaels Medical Center, Newark, NJ, a major hospital, was commis-
sioned to undertake a small 30 day ozone/AIDS study. Five AIDS
patients underwent only two weeks of ozone ,llea.tments at the hospital.
All had T-cell counts of below 200. Alt the start, one was SO badly cov-
ered with herpes lesion.s b_e couldn't wear clothes. By the end of the
two weeks his lesioru; were healed, and all the patients had be-en
relea,sed from the hospital. No
adverse side effects were reported.
The T/4 (immune.) cell counts
remained .stable or increased. Viral
protein core (p24) counts decreased,
indicating mass virus destruction.
Four MD's reviewed the results and
stated that ozone therapy is com-
pletely non-toxic, and should be
adopted. Due to political pressure,
the hospital tests were aborted.
Do you know anyone who got
AIDS from a blood transfusion? In
1989, the American Red Cross
turned down safe 'and effecti ve
ozone blood purification without
allowing any discussion of it at' a
large meeting in their Washington
DC head'quarters. If Qzone blood
purification had! been adopted, there
would have been no-one from then
on with AIDS or Hepatitis contract-
ed from a transfusion. Odd that they
would even discuss it.
In 1990, special ozone
away from Ozone. odd they are afraid to fairly investigate ozone while
126,000 U.S. citizens have died ,from AIDS, and 11 + million now have
the death sentence of the disease.
II interviewed Mr. Wainwright who stated that, in his experienced
opinion, although secondary in effectiveness to IV work, rectal insuf-
nation would be most effective by applying the humidified ozone gas
mto an empty colon four times a day at a 27 mcg/ml (2% ozone\98%
oxygen by weight) concentration, and in a volume of between 1/4 and
1/2 litre, depending upon lpatient colon size (@ 1\2 Lpm. filow rate) for
1minute during each application.
Inl 1990, Dr. Michael M.D., at the Veteran's
Adminisllation Hospital, San Francisco, and Joel Freeberg M.D., from
U.C. Medical School in San Fracisco, and the Bay Medical Research
Foundation, privately published a medical paper entitled "Ozone
Inactive HIV At Noncytotoxic Concentrations," stating:
tHIV viral core levels (p24) were reduced in all ozone treated cul-
tures compared to controls.·
Finally, three years after the study had been conclqged and had been
lunder submission to them, a U.S. peer revliewed medical journal
reported on ozone. The October 1st issue of tlhe Journal of the
American Society of Hematology published the ozone'd:UV work of
Five AIDS patients underwent only two
weeks of ozone treatments at the
hospital. At the start, one was so badly
covered with herpes lesions he couldn't
wear clothes. By the end of the two
weeks his lesions were healed, and all the
patients had been released from the
Four MD' sreviewed the results and
stated that ozone therapy is completely
non-toxic, and should be adopted. Due
to political pressure, the hospital tests
were aborted.
equipment, HlV ,infected blood was converted from HIV· to HIV- in
less than 16 seconds, in villO, by inventor Basil Wainwright. A Mr.
James Pauls, Snr., (HI V·) was lleated, and in only eight lleatments, a
220% im,proveme.nt in his T/4 cell was achieved. FDA and
Florida officials quickly moved in and the successful study was abort-
ed mid-stream. Wainwright was jailed. Florida charged him with
"Practicing Medicine Without A License," and the Federal
charged him with "Fraud." Sllangely, during the raid on
the Wainw.righJ home, police specifically only looked for and seized
all his innovative technical papers, instead of any evidence of the
crimes he was charged with. His history making mas.s life saving
ozone delivery equipment was in the fmal stages of development a.t the
time of the police raid'.
The ex-wife of the. editor of a large Florida newspaper got in a busi-
ness dispute with Mr. Wainwright, so the newspaper manager ordered
his intentionally biased reporters t.o almost weekly print extremely neg-
ative articles about this inventor and ozone in the hopes of turning the
public against him and it. Former patients show up in the newspaper
offices demanding justice for ozone and are ignored. For the s.ake of a
personal vendetta against one person these newspa:per people are per-
sonally responsible for the continuing suffering of thousands of people
who could possible have gonen help if they weren't scaring people
MD's Wells, Latino, Galvachin, &
Po.iesz. Their work entitled
"Inactivation Of HIV Type 1 by
Ozone In Vitro" describes the
research by oncologist Dr. Bernard
Poiesz from the Syracuse State
University of New York Research
Hospital. They performed 15 repli-
cations of an ozone study that inter-
faced ozone with HIV infected factor
8 blood. The ozone completely
removed the HIV virus from the
blood 97 to 100% of the time, yet
was n'on-toxic to normal 'healthy
blood components. I had announced
this study back in 1988, in my book
Oxygen Tlu!rapies.
has hereby been proven in a peer
reviewed journal to work so safely
and effectively, registering a 97 -
100% kill rate on the most virulent
recombinant virus known to man,
how much more effective is it in the
treatment of ALL the other lesser
viruses, thereby negating the need fOf all the allopathic vaccines and
antibiotics for polio, chicken pox, mqmps, swine flu, colds, andllegion-
naire's disease, etc.? Is this why FDA officials, many of which are
financially c.onnected with the pharmaceutical companies, have
declared ozone to be on "clinical hold" and dare nol allow U.S. human
trials? What about human suffering? What about the majority of mis-
guided people that believe the story line in the old movies and lI'Ust
that the politicians are all humanitarian-s and would never do such a ter-
rible thing as hold an AIDS cure back from little babies for prout?
Mr. James Caplan at CAPMED, a medical supply distributor in
Philadelphia, sent all 150 of the top U.S. AIDS researchers copies of
the above tournal of Hematology report showing that ozone, when
used,lIS a viricide, eliminated HIV. He invited questions or responses.
Not one response was ever received fro.m any of these "top"
researchers using our tax money to "find a cure." Perhaps they are
only looking for more funding instead. One of the original AIDS
experts recently stated that all he coulet see as the result of all the mil-
lions of dollars being spent on AIDS research was that as he look's out
in the parking lot, all his colleagues are now driving more expensive
1991, Dr. Robert Mayer, who has been using ozone since the fomes,
had late s.tage AIDS patients in ibis research centre clinical ozone study
who only had a C:olmt of 5 T-cells. Normal count is 600-1500+.
Below 200 is generally assumed fatal. Although 'they had a count of
only 5 T-cells, because of applied three times a week ozone'thera-
py, his patients are stabilising and returning to complete health. IBy
1992, Dr. Mayer was reporting a patient going HIV negative, con-
firmed by 3 Western Blot retests, and 3 ELISA retests.
In 1991, I interviewed a brave humanitarian, Dr. 1. B. MD, ret.,
(requests privacy) ,in a soutlltml state who came forward with his clini-
cal com.bination peroxide lbath/ozone/hyperbaric oxygen/vitamin/min-
era! therapy results. During 2 years of using the therapy, all his scien-
tifically valid testing was performed at a major hospital and within
independent labs. He brought over 238 my POSITIVE patients to
HN NEGATIVE. each within 60 Days. Everybody think.$ if you
oure AIDS you're instantly rich and famous. Wrong! His reward? An
armed S.W.A.T. team invaded his house and office, seized his ozone
machine, patient records and computer. This MD subsequently gave
up medicine, and now grows tomatoes. Due to ongoing political prob-
lems, his former patients and the hospital and the testing labs are also
hesitant to come forward due to their fear of political reprisals.
I wrote in my column in the Volume 2, Number 2 issue of The
Family News,-
Unfortunately, regulatory agen-
cies, U.S. health profesSionals,
and news media reporters have
been rep_eatedly Iied to with
the "ozone is worthless" gambit
by agents of those who. fund
campaigns and
appoint officials to keep ozone
out of circulation because it
will negatively impact prescrip-
tion drug sales. Well meaning
FDA and state medical agents
andl police consequently erro-
neously think they are doing a
good thing for sick people
when they attack medical
ozone and its practitionen.
Unfortunately, ,the end result of
wbat they are actually doing is
different from what they intended."
In 1991, another physician (in New York) came forward to me with
his clinical ozone results. He wants no press. One of his staff mem-
bers who was in the clinic every day and therefore couldl get the treat-
ments every day was brought from HIV positive to HN negative. His
li'-cells went from 700 down to 150 as ozone killed off .the diseased
cells, and then back up to 1,100 as the body replaced then with fresh
new healthy cells. Another M.D., in a southern state who I interviewed
stated he and a colleague collectively brought 9 people to mv NEGA-
TIVE using a combination therapy that included ozone and DMSO.
Neither will talk publicly. One had his Iho_use burned down and left the
In April of 1992, I interviewed Dr. Eric Satori M.D., and one of his
oured AIDS patients. Dr. Satori told me the results he was getting with
his own brand of direct IV ozone therapy w'hich also includes mental
conditioning, "To remove the reason the patient gets diseased." So far
he has reported over 50 AIDS patients becoming virus free by combin-
ing subclavian heavy ozone treatments with vitamin, mineral, thymus,
and homeopathic supplements. He reports he commonly gets results in
only 12 days because he has been refining his therapy during IO years
of clinical research!
Everyone, including you, should check with a competent health care
practitioner 'be(oJe using any medical therapy. But this time, first ask
him "Have you Ihad W actual hands-on training or clinical experience
in any of the many ozone medical therapies?"
If your doctor .is frQm the United States, the honest answer is always
"No". So, how would your expert ever stick his liability laden neck
out and approve of it? He should simply say, "I have no knowledge of
it" But unfortunately his ego might reveal itself if he says "Well, I
never heard of it, so it must be quackery," or, "Ozone is a poisonous
gas, and anyone injecting it will be killed."
All the detractors of ozone claim to be "experts", yet they have had
no training in any oxidative modality, and there are no studies using
correct accepted protocols to prove oZQne doesn't work, so ,it's a mys-
tery how they get away with substituting uneducated! opinion for scien-
tific fact in the newspapers.
The establishment "experts" all claim to be "searching for a cure", so
why are they so afraid to try, let alone even ozone? Especially
with its over 50 years of safe, effective usage on hundreds of thousands
of patients. The "old" fights the "new" at every historical pivot point.
REMEMBER. Chiropractic, Psychiatry, and a surgeon washing his .
hands before he operates on someone, were ALL. once labelled as
Millions and billions of dollars are being made on treating a-"d
researching (not curing) the AIDS plague. As oflate 1991, the IT\!lIlU-
facmer of AZT had made $315 million on s.ales of ,it. If humanity
continues to choose short term greed OF unquestioning reliance upon
authority figures as a lifestyle, well never be allowed to use medical
Unless humanity as a whole - and
it just might emerge from the direc-
tion of the littlest of the "little guys"
- finally wakes up and forces the
societal controllers to let ozone out
of the bag, then there will be only
widespread Isic.kness and death in
family. Humanity's sins of
letting others take responsibility for
their own lives will come to visit
and live with them. Then where
will they drive tlleir shiny new car
every day? Why, to the AIDS ward
and the cemetery.
For now, the oxygen wars contin-
lue unabated. The shameful politics
and non-responses of our medical
system are so bad that even the most
unaware are hard' pressed to believe we are simply facing a whole
bunch of coincidental ignorance and errors. Government, media and
medical bigwigs as a whole continue to strangely ign-ore openly dispar-
age the over fifty year history of million of applications of safe, non-
toxic Qzone therapy, and, in fact continue to actively use S.W.A.T.
teams and jail terms to suppress any further medical ozone research by
MDs. People continue to suffer tragically and die needlessly, while
many who love their families have their hearts slowly broken watching
their significant other waste away. Rumours circulate, and the TV talk
shows feature stories abouj AIDS bei!1g some form of planned racial or
impersonal genocide to requce the population.
Due to outright hostility, suppression, or at least non-response by
our authorities, desperate people who are facing no alternative to their
eventual death from AIDS, cancer or other killers are being forced into
the unregulated "ozone underground". In any medical underground,
where a therapy is not officially sanctioned or publicly known, mixed
in along with the few shining humanitarians will always be con artist,
scams, repression, and yellow journalism. You and your family
deserve better than this.
According to the U.S. Government, by the year 2000, one out of one
will have cancer at some time in their lives. Dr. Robert Strecker esti-
mates 20 million now have AIDS, and that the number doubles every
two years, maximum. This means by the year 2000, 320 milli,pn peo-
ple are projected to have AIDS.
It's obvious as the bodies fall around us that the old ways don't work.
How long can. you afford to continue siding with the old ways before
Its your turn at the undertakers cart? Ozone is the only proven poten-
tial saviour of Ihumanity with 50 yem, of safe usage backing it up. It's
your choice, do something about this, or continue to
ignore the prol!lem
until you or someone you love slowly sufferers and dies tragicaHy from
one of these diseases.
Unless you act, before long I won't see much hope le.ft for anybody
because EVERYBODY might be in the hospital. There will be no
police left to seize ozone machines or "expert" doctors or newsmen left
to tell us ozone is 'worthless'. The authority figures will already be dead
or dying from the disease. Wild speculation? This has already hap-
~ in countless African towns. We llave to stop tbuying into t/Je illu-
sion that 'authority' will save us.. This a major p ~ of bumanity's great
test foretold down through the ages.. It is up to you, right now. You are
not alone. Help surrounds you. Authority or community? Choose
Why haven't you heard all of this before? I can't answer for you. It's
not from want of trying to reach you for years. Others have tried, and
I've personally been on over 700 TV or radio stations, or speaking plat-
forms. To be heard in this society, no matter how much truth you can
deliver, you need a huge political machine that has conditioned every-
one to automatically listen to it as authority. We who know the truth
about ozone have no such political or media ma-chine. The special inter-
est machines that do exist have too mUch invested in their own momenc
tum. That is why we need! your help. We aren't getting rich. We only
want to allow you the opportunity to save yourself from suffering at the
hands of ignorance and greed.
If we join together we will live. We can still tum this thing around'.
(This is a condens.ed part of a larger chronology found in Ed
McCabe's soon to be released second book. His flIst work, the self-pUb-
lished bestseller Oxygen Therapies, has sold over 40,000 copies by
word of mouth alone. To obtain a copy of Oxygen Therapies, contact
tihe Sydney Esoteric Bookshop, 415 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills NSW
2020. Phone: 02 319 4224 - see advert inside front cover this issue).
verything runs on tension, those zones of interface
I between opposing forces that de.fine Ithe contours of
our world. When disparity occurs between this outer
reality and personal expectations, a corresponding stress is
imposed upon the mind. Compensatory action follows.
With each concession to prevailing forces, our options are
further internaHsed, leading to compulsive behaviour pat-
terns, and eventually disease. This descending spiral of neg-
ative response has not gone unnoticed by manipulative
bureaucrats and advertisers. (See the article on Subliminal
Imagery in Nexus Vo1.2 #7 April/May '92 edition).
Maintaining your "a-tension" is big business. Fear and sup-
pressed violence are becoming suspiciously familiar.
Basically, we are in a pressure cooker, and paying taxes to
keep the lid on. Walk into any cinema. During the inter-
mi'ssion, they sell crutches and balLdaids, computers and
cars, knowing full well the social danger of baiting a reac-
tive mentality. This movie set, however, is real.
We can't all retire to a forest hermitage to avoid negative
impressions. Aside from cultivating fewer needs, the only
other path is self-liberation from haunting thoughts and
imposed dogma. In the predatory corporate sector, this for-
merly occult training has reverted to "sales seminars", where
morality is twisted to deflect attacks of conscience. Yes,
only the victims sleep uneasily at night, unless they happen
to read Nexus ... Australia's, number one tension-relieving
magazine. Who needs barbiturates, bongs, or backyard bar-
becues? Get harmless relief with space age electronics from
your local Mr. Smith store. Sorry, IthiS is mainstream sci-
ence. We were driven there by imposed de.speration. Now,
we'll leave by the same door.
Our first circuit is a "galvanic skin resistance meler", or
GSR. It emits a tone, which rises or falls in proportion to
one's skin !humidity, an accurate indicator of stress. By
le...aming to isolate those inner sensations which lower the
tone, yOUi simultaneously enter deep peaceful spaces. FaIi
from being '''dreamy'' or oblivious, this relaxed perception is
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Research indicates blood pressure, heart-rate and overall
metabolism are reduced, thus freeing the life-force for
"high" adventure. Genuine relaxation is accompanied by
Ilow frequency "alpha" brainwaves, a prerequisite for intu-
itive abilities, mystical j o u m ~ y s , and drug-free contempla-
10 uF
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tive lifestyles. More worldly persons may find relief from
migraines, addictions, and chronic worry. If all else fails,
sleep is just around the corner.
IMPORTANT: In both circuit diagrams, connect four-
way intersections ONLY when a "dot" is shown. Once you
have fitted all components, solder two small pieces of cop-
per or tin to the junctions marked "electrodes". Now, make
a peace sign with your left hand. Tape firmly; Qne each to
the extended fingertip pads. Attach a nine-volt battery (to
the circuit), and adjust the audible pitch relatively low. To
avoid spurious readings, do not flex, move, or ,attend a live-
stuck auction. Sit comfortably, accentuating the out-breath,
and consciously releasing all muscles in the body. With
ever more calm awareness, "follow" the tone downward. iIf
you become nervous or excited, it will rise s_harply. Your
'I ;=]
8 ohm 1:1
spirit guide has abandoned you ... re-adjust, SU!rt again.
You can prove how thoughts really influence physiology.
For instance, a common first response is "Obi boy!, I'm
relaxing!" This totally blows it When the tone finally drops
to nil, reset the "sensitivity" control as above, and bottom it
out again. Keep repeating this sequence to enter progres-
sively deeper, and more trance-like, leveIs of p'leasure.
When you get to the basement, clear out the drains with a
few positive affIrmations. Once the inner process is mas-
tered, you can throw the gadget away, or post it to Canberra.
Oh well, it only cost five bucks.
By now you know, part of the barrier to relaxation is our
agitating stream of thoughts '" mostly trivial, like pictures
of Iheaven on the ceiling. They seem to acquire a momentum
of their own, driven by our emotional involvement with the
subject at hand. Fundamental solutions are seldom reached!,
because real aspiration occurs like a "flash" from beyond the
well-worn grooves of day-to-day consciousness. When the
pond is rippled, we cannot see deeply. The second circuit
applies broad-spectrum noise through headphones, to "jam"
this obsessive thinking. Its sound resembles a waterfall, rain
on a tin roof, or sticking your head out of a 141. Since ran-
dom noise has no recwring pattern, it thus demands ourcen-
tred awareness. What happens is a simulated meditative
state. This is particularly noticeable after a fifteen minute
session, when the device is suddenly switched "off'. You'll
feel like you've just made a two-hour confession to the Pope.
This technique has been observed by psychics to restore a
healthy balance of "chi" energy throughout the body.
Within the rich spectrum of audio frequencies provided,
each part of our being finds its own resonance, and is induc-
tively nourished. Some readers may be familiar with the
legendary Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator (MWO), a
wideband transmitter employing a similar principle. Our
circuit will also mask distracting background noises in a
place of study or work, while facilitating the non-verbal
mental acuity, memory retention, and relaxed alertness of an
"alpha" level. The astute inventor may fmd how to apply its
output directly ,to the skin, or acupuncture nodes, using a
small audio step-up transformer and conductive gel
Estimated cost is about $8. Once the soldering fumes dis-
perse, attach any headphones, power up with two nine volt
batteries, and wind down.
For hardcore Nexus readers, there are other uses. The
noise source, when played through a speaker, effectively
jams planted "bugs", or hidden microphones. It's like the old
spy trick of running the shower to garble conversations.
Secondly, by telling untruths, while learning to stabilise the
GSR tone, you can train yourself to elude amateur lie detec-
tors, which work on the same stress syndrome. Start by
playing "noise" through headphones at the same time. This
talent also provides an emotional buffer against the media's
unsettling dichotomy of power obsession and social injus-
tice. Think about it. Why react to the "eveni.1lg news" with
ups and 'downs, when you can better use the energy to actu-
ally do something? Go ahead! Be relaxed, wreck the sys-
The author, and Nexus Magazine make no wild claims,
therapeutic or otherwise, for the above experimental devices.
Never use any other power source than the 9 volt batteries
specified. Operate ,solely at your own risk, and not during
any activities unmodified awareness for safety. They should
not be used by persons with medical requirements, epilep-
tics, people with pacemakers etc, unless approved by God,
UfO astronauts, or a physician. WARNING: Nothing in
this article may be true.
By Matthew Eaton.
magine having a car you never need
to refuel. And a a house in which of
your power costs nothing.
You could travel infmite distances, you
could have all that extra money to spend
elsewhere in your J\ife. It's a big bold step
towards individual self sufficiency.
According to an American scientist, we
can have all th-.e pollution-free power we
need without the need for wind, solar and
hydro-generators and their relative
Californian free energy scientist Bruce
De Palma, currently on holiday in Byron
Bay in northern NSW, says there is an
infinite well of power we can use. He
has invented an electrical generator he
calls the (ie with possibili-
ties to the Nth degree).
This machine combLnes the induction
of electricity through a magnetic field
with the unexplained axial principle of a

gyroscope. The generator puts out more
power than is required to run it, becom-
ing self-perpetuating and thereafter a free
s.our:ce of energy.
Impossible, according to Maxwell's
equations on magnetism and Newton's
laws of physics. De Palma simply says,
"The laws are wrong".
His work is based on the experimental
notes of the scientist Michael Faraday,
which date back to 1831. De Palma says
the most important of Faraday's fmdings
were never expanded! upon because con-
ventional science could not explain them.
Too good to be .true? He says the
biggest problem people have with believ-
ing him is with the idea that it's possible
to get something for nothing. It's against
our protestant work ethic - no such thing
as a free lunch, let alone a free source of
Most people have heard stories of great
inventions which were supposedly
bought off and then buried by large com-
panies because they were too good, too
much of a threat. This is the most thrcat-
erring of all, says De
Palma. He claims his
work has been
declared "Top Secret"
in the United States.
He says the govern-
ment is using it as a
propulsion system in
warships. De Palma
is spreading Ithe word
on the N-Machine so
his ideas can't be hid-
den from the world.
He wants to move to
Australia for good.
It might sound like
paranoid delusion but
he speaks calmly,
confidently and in
precise detail about
his work.
"There is no
answer in a wor,ld running on energy con-
servation. The only end is the consump-
tion of all energy and it's the heat death
of the universe .. , everything goes black,
the lights go out and everyt.hiPg.
"I would not submit to such a vision
and, furthermore, I knew the physics that
lead you to such a vision had to be
wrong. l'm in Australia because t feel
here, there is not this superstructure of a
military-industrial complex."
Shouldn't industry pick up such an idea
and run with it?
"If it was ever rumoured that there was
an alternative source of energy people
would pull their money out of all of the
atomic utilities and 'they would never be
able to pay the debts off that they would
have incurred. Then the oil people and
the uranium people would no longer have
a market f.or their product. But this
would take place very slowly.
"Look at what people will do just to
control the oil prices - the Gulf War.
You know, America is not totally depen-
dent on middle east oil, but Europe is,
and so is India, and so is Japan - and by
controlling that region of the world we
have our hands around the throats of all
the rest of these countries. This is the
way the power politics of the world oper-
"A thing like the N Machine, which
empowers the individual and pulls the
plug out from all this power stuff, is a
bitter pill for these guys Ito swallow."
An Indian scientist named
Paramahansa Tewari is an important
lynch-pin in De Palma's work. De Palma
sent him his fmdiDgs on the N- Machine
and Tewari has commenced an Indian
government funded res.earch project in
the laboratories of the Indian Power
Board to develop a 30kW power plant for
remote villages. In letters of ctmespon-
dence with De Palma, Tewari says he is
,getting around six times more power out
of his generator than it to run it.
Tewari's work represents a strong base
of credibility. De Pqlma wants Ito travel
to India to see Tewari's work first-hand.
And as knowledge of the N Machine
spreads, governments won't be able to
keep Ithe secret any longer.
"It's such a self-evident fact that this
principle works and has been in the note·
books of Michael Faraday since 1831 ...
you can go to the library and see the
entries in his diary where he originally
discovered the effect. But it's not been
used commercially because of its low
voltage output.
"That's been corrected' recently becau,se
of the magnet situation. The magnets are
a lot stronger, you can get superconduct-
ing magnets. The (US) Navy is using
superconducting magnets. You can get
voltage up to 10 or 100 volts, which is
something you can do things with, as
opposed to a few mWivolns, which is
what Faraday was playing around with."
De Palma agrees that this subject has
the potential to cause a war that could
make the gulf conflict merely look like a
minor scuffle.
"People say to me: How do you make
something happen? I say - 'just fool
around with that meten on the comer of
your house and you'll make something
,(Matthew Eaton is writing a book on
the work of Bruce De Palma and the field
of ',free energy' research. A group called
Rainbow ASTRO ,can provide cata-
rogues, videos and papers on these works
to anyone interested. Contact Cliff
Pound, PO Box 202, Bangalow NSW
2479. Ph: (066) 8n 387.)
he, new 4th Edition catalogue for
1992 is now available from
Al ternati ve Plans & Products.
Nexus does not give this sort of free
advertising to just anyone, this catalogue
is truly amazing. It contains a compre-
hensive listing of truly affordable OOGks,
booklets, plans and infopacs coverring
alternative power generation, ethyl alco-
hol production, wind power, gas genera-
tion, solar stills, special batteries, water Word is though, many of the 150 or so
pUlnps, biologkal buililillg, earth' energy participants felt sensitive about having
fields, free energy machines, water heater their presence made public. Not surpris-
plans, methane gas generators and heaps ingly, the M.I.T made it known that it
more. officially did not in anyway endorse the
Basically, if you ever want to become conference by agreeing to act as a venue.
anywhere near independent of the "sys-
tem" - you need some of the infoIII1atjon
Ilisted in this catalogue. The information
ilisted will not cost you a fortune either. - OR VISITORS?
To obJain a copy of this highly recom-
Written by Eva Willmann
mended catalogue, send $4- to
any believe that the abduction
Alternative Plans, PO Box 487,
of by is
Ashgrove, Qld 4060.
takmg place, as depleted m the
film Intruders, recently shown on the
Nine TV network.
CONFERENCE AT M.I.T. These so-called 'abduction' cases are
not isolated. There are now literally
aybe the "abduction" phenome-
thousands of reports and their numbers
non is moving up in the scien-
are rapidly increasin,g. It may be said at
tific community as something to
this point, that their proponents do not
come from the fringe element of society.
A highly restrictive gathering of "inter-
ested people" gathered during mid-June
A significant amount of those who
at none other than the prestigious report of having been abducted, con-
Massachuesetts Institute of Technology sciously remember the experience.
(MIT). However, only a small proportion of
Simply titled "Abduction Study those individuals who have experienced
Conference", each participant had to sign abductions, have so far been investigated.
two sets of Confidentiality Agreements As a consequence of such 'alienating'
just to be able to get in the door. encounters, which have few, if any, refer-
Mr David E. Pritchard, an M.I.T. ence points in our everyday lives, a mem-
physicist was conference chairman, and ory block is applied by the mind. And
John E. Mack (ex-Harvard psychiatrist) often it is not until help is sought to trace
the co-chairman.
They collected these
signed agreements
which granted them
all rights and copy-
.. - -."
right permissions to
use the material, con- .."y
tained in the papers
$; . \ ..'
.-S. .
presented at the con-
. "1)

Some UFO com- e:::::!3t • • _ • _ . _
puter networkers felt
left out in the cold
over this, and are
accusing the organ-
isers of staging the
event just to obtain
material for book
and film usage at a
later date.
the Zeta Reticuli (the Greys) are all done
through absolute agreement, even though
on your part many of these agreements
may be done unconsciously. And they
are only brought to the surface reluctant-
ly through the idea of the release of your
But you are serving 'each other ... you
are begjnning now to realise that your
species operates on a very higbly individ-
ualistic level, lthat tfieir species operates
on a very highly developed mass con-
sciousness level. And that to each other
you are extremely alien.
Just as much difficulty as you have
understanding, ... tbey have difficulty
understanding what it is to operate as a
single individual cut off from the whole.
And although they do not express it in
exactly the same way, in many ways they
have just as much fear and uncertainty
about you as you do about them."
Bashar, is channelled by Darryl Anka
and will be coming to Australia and New
Zealand in September this year. See
details on the inside back cover of this
issue of Nexus.
lectro-PbYSicaJi measu.rements have
I been used in the field of medicine
for more than a ,hundred years, as a
method of measuring the condition of the
heart (E.C.G.). Forty one years ago, with
the advent of new technology, it became
possible to apply the same principles to
the diagnosis of other body organs and
This method, known as Electro-
Acupuncture, was scientifically devel-
oped and clinically tested by a group of
three hundred' German medical Doctors
and specialists. With this method, it ,is
possible to electrollically look inside the
body and determine the actual state of
organ fiJnction, in a very similar manner
to that which is used by radar to map the
contours of the sea bed or to determine
changing weather patterns.
Further advances includedl the develop-
ment of the method known as compatibil-
ity medicine testing. With thrs method, it
episodes of 'missing time' by hypnotic
regression that conscious memory of an
abduction floods back.
One remarkahle factor that has
emerged via hypnosis, is that individual
descriptions on the appearance of the
extraterrestrials, as wen as !!be interior of
their shjps correspond, - in fact, more
ofllen than not, personal accounts are
identical, from general descriptions down
to fme detail.
The extraterrestrial beings are general-
ly described as thlee to five feet in
height, large heads in proportion to a thin
body. Their eyes are large and upturned,
without visible pupills, their noses ar,e
small, Ithey are completely hairless and
have a greyish-white skin - the reason
why they are often labelled "GREYS".
The 'abductees', male and female, are
brougbt on to the ships, where they usu-
ally undergo a series of tests and exarni-
--___ _ __
.. ==
nations. Following that experience,
human females frequently find them-
selves pregnant. After approximately
three months, the hybrid foetus is
removed, following lUlother examination.
When memories of the events return,
psychic trauma frequently develops as a
result of the vivid recollection of having
had to face intense FEAR, - and having
been subjected to procedures over which
they seemingl y had no control.
Memory loss and the "missing time"
phenomena are mechanisms of our
unconscious to protect the conscious
mind from remembering traumatic
However, repressed! and submerged
fears continue to control our conscious
behaviour. We now understand that we
interpret our reality from within our own
house of trick mirrors, p a ~ e d upon all of
our experiences, - conscious and uncon-
scious, good and
__ bad.
And as such,
JNEWTON DIscevERS GRAV ITY ) abductions are an
~ ~
NOMENON creat-
.--e-"')..... ed by our 'mirrors',
~ as much asaphysi-
cal experience.
o Let us examine a
theoretical exercise,
let us shift para-
digms and choose
to see the 'intruders'
as visitors, visitors
who come by our
Bashar, an
extraterrestrial from
iEssassani, express-
es this point of
"... We choose to
call abductions
'temporary detain-
ments'. Let us also
remind you that
these interactions
between your
species and the
alien species we
have referred to as
oS: e_ - Ll....
is possible to detennine the
effect of a medicine by testing the medi-
cine in circuit witll the patient. Using
this specialised medicine test, it is possi-
ble to determine which medicines are
compatible with the patient and to deter-
mine which medicine will not produce
harmful side effects.
The use of compatible medicine test-
ing, takes the guess work out of prescrib-
ing and leads to the use of o n ~ y those
medicines which are beneficial for the
patient and the patient's condition.
The MORA Therapy Instrument was
developed by a German Doctor of
Medicine - Dr. Franz Morell over twenty
years ago. Today this instrument is used
in twenty ,two countries around the world!
and is registered in Germany as a medical
instrument for use in medical clinics,
hospitals and health clinics.
For those interested, a weekend semi-
nar on this subject wiH be held on
October 31st, November 1st, November
2nd. For more infonnation contact Philip
Higson after 6pm on 07 352 6530.
nfortunately, the same weekend
as the MORA Seminar (see
above) will see a unique gather-
ing of people and gadgets, at a equally
unique location.
Kryal Castle near Ballarat in Victoria
will play to a ·three day event includ-
ing lectures, demonstrations, stalls videos
and more.
Nexus will be there too. For more
details see the advert on page 66.
he theoretical basis of Joe
Newrnan's Revolutionary Energy
Machine challenges many accept-
ed laws of physics.
The ,starting p-Oint for understanding
Newman's ideas is his assertion that the
fundamental building block of all matter
is the gyroscopic particle, an infinitesi-
mal unit of matrer that spins like a gyro-
Newman claims that the mechanics of
magnetism and electricity, which have
never been fully explained, can be
described in terms of how gyroscopic
particles react and interact.
Newman's theories also depend heavily
on the idea that all matter is concentrated
energy, which can 'be released if one has
the mechanism for unlocking it.'
Theoretically, Newman's machine
could run indefinitely, but - according to
him - not because it is CREATING ener-
gy to run itself, but because it is convert-
ing matter to energy.
Ih radically oversimplified terms, this
is what happens when Joe Newman
throws the switch on the Revolutionary
Energy Machine:
1) An electrical current is sent through
a long (miles long) coil of copper wire,
magnetising it and creating a strong mag-
netic field.
2) Newman describes the mechanics of
this field as "shells of force" composed of
gyroscopic p.articles that move in a spiral
pattern aroundl the wire. Originally IN
the wire, the particles expand outward
and thus create the magnetic field.
3) When the particles fonn a magnetic
field, Newman says, they are travelling at
the speed of light in two directions - in
the spiral pattern around the wire, 'and in
their own n.OIIDal gyroscopic spin. This
gives him the right side of the E=MC2
equation; the particles (mass) multiplied
by the speed of light squared.
4) The machine operates in pulses; ie
the electrical current is continually turned
on and off. This causes the magnetic
field - ie the gyroscopic particles - to
expand and collapse.
5) When the trillions of gyroscopic
particles that have been released collapse
back into the wire, some of them collide
with other gyroscopic particles. Because
of the nature of the gyroscopic spin, the
collisions cause the loose particles to
bounce off at right angles; ,those particles'
emerge at one end of the wire as ,electri-
cal energy.
For further information, contact:
Joseph Newman Pub1l. Company
Route I, Box 52, Lucedale, MS' 39452
(This information was downloaded from
KeelyNet BBS, which can be contacted
through your local computer modem link
at (214) 324 3501 in the US ofA)



2 l}

0') Dl


s =-tl.
(This is a strange one - any
input from readers confirming
or denying this story is most
welcome. We don"t know
where it came from)
Could it Be True
We have received two newsletters,
Reflections and TW. They were both
printed last year (?) The first in
Mexico and the second in the United
States, following the leakage of an
extraordinary happening confinned by
"Religious ideas !lbout a future state
of reward or punishment were far from
the thoughts of a group of geologists,
who were drilling a 14km hole in
Sib-cria in order to do research about
phenomena located deep under the
earth. But the information they
obtained was so frightening that they
decided to abandon the project.
"A geological group who drilled a
hole about 14.4 kilometres deep (about
9 miles) in the crust of the earth, are
saying that they heard human screams.
'The information we are gathering is so
surprising, that we are sincerely afraid
of what we might find down there',
Sr,:ued Mr. Azzacov, the manager of the
project to drill a 14.4 kilometre hole in
remote Siberia.
"The geoiogist were dumbfounded.
After they had drilled several kilome-
tres through the earth's crust, the drill
bit suddenly began to rotate wildly.
"There is only one explanation - that
the deep centre of the Earth is hollow",
the surprised Azzacov explained. The
second surprise was the higtt tempera-
ture they discovered ill the Earth's cen-
tre. "The calculations indicate
given temperature was about 1,100
degrees Celsius, or over 2,000 degrees
Fahrenheit," Dr. Azzacov POlQts out.
"This is far more than we expected. It
seems almost 'like an inferno of fire ,is
brutally going on in the centre of the
"The 'last discovery was nevertheless
the most shocking to our ears, so much
so that the scientists are afraid to con-
tinue the project. We tried to listen to
the earth's movements at certain inter-
vals with supersensitive microphones,
which were let down through the hole.
What we heard iturned those logically
thinking scientists into trembling ruins.
It was sometimes a weak, but high
pitched sound which we thought to be
coming from our own equipment,'
explained Dr. Azzacov. 'But after some
adjustments we comprehended that
indeed the sound came from the earth's
interior. We could hardly believe our
own ears. We heard a human voice,
screaming in pain. Even though one
voice was discernible, we could hear
thousands, perhaps minions, in the
background, of suffering ,souls scream"
iog. After this ghastly discovery, about
half of the scientists quit because of
fear. Hopefully, that which is down
there will stay there,' Dr. Azzacov
"In our il4 February 1990 newsletter
we printed the story about Russians
drilling a nine mile hole in the ground
which ended up in hell. The respo_nse
to that story was unbelievable! We also
received additional information which
is even more startling. A special thanks
to all the people who sent in informa-
tion, especially Henry K. of New York.
"It's astounding to think that the suf-
fering souls in hell are only 9 miles
away from where we stand. Maybe
someone could get a copy of the sound
recording of the screams from the souls
in hell. If we get a copy I'll put it on
tme radio.
"Here is a most ipteresting letter
dated 7th January 1990, from a special
counsellor to the Minister of ff ustice, in
Oslo, Norway:
"While visiting with a friend in
California over the Christmas holidays,
I happened to tune in and heard your
account of the Finnish seismologists
who had located a giant cavity in the
earth, 9 miles down, and that their
microphones had picked up sounds
resembling human voices crying in
"I must confess that I laughed when I
heard your account. I did not believe
one word of it, and commented to my
friend that Americans sure were
gullible to believe that hell could be
physicaUy located to a hole in the
"I cannot even begin to tell you what
a shock it was to me when I returned to
Norway and found the newspaper full
of reports about this incident. i[ knew
immediately that if there was a hell, I
for sure would end up in it. A tremen-
dous fear took hold of me, and for two
nights I dreamed about fire and screams
until I swrcndered to God and commit-
ted my life to His hands for safe keep-
"And now I plead with you, don't let
the skeptics squash this story, or in the
least intimidate you from highlighting
it. For your benefit, I have translated
an interview with a Norwegian, Bjarne
Nummedal, who was the chief seismol-
ogist on this expedition. The interview
was printed in the Norwegian newspa-
per, Asker og Baerums Budstikke,
Norway's largest and most reputable
paper. The translated article is
enclosed separately.
"Yours sincerely, A.R., Jr."
here is the newspaper article men-
tioned above:
:Chief geologist Bjarne Nummedal
was give a gag order by a "Russian
Ministry" spokesman.
"The man who leaked the information
about the recent seismological expedi-
tion to Siberia, and its shocking discov-
eries, Mr. Bjarne Nummedal, still fears
for his'life. Were he go back, he would
at least receive 15 years in prison.
"The discovery of human voices
down in that cavity so shocked the
Soviets, that at first they did not know
what to do with the foreign crew mem-
bers. "If this had taken place in the
Breshnev era, I have no doubt but that
we would have been executed," says
Mr. Nummedal. It bas been reported in
some papers that half of the geologists
on the expedition, ie. the Finnish and
Norwegian members, quit in fear, but
accordiDg Ito Mr. Nummedal, that is a
gross distortion of the facts. "We were.
all dis-missed and sent out of the coun-
try two days after we struck that pocket
in the interior of the earth. 'Lhe Soviets
greatly feared that we wouldl spread the
news of the discovery, and threatened
us with our lives if we did."
"Although the Soviet Union has
undergone dramatic changes under
Michael Gorbachev, the nation still
remains fmol): atheistic in orientation,
and according to Mr Nummedal, the
expedition's discovery was extremely
unwelcome. "The next day a
spokesman for the Soviet Ministry of
Religiou.s Affairs called in the foreign
crew members and outrightly offered us
bribes. We all felt compelled to go
along with it, as we feared for our lives.
When I came home, I donated the entire
amount to charity." For the sake of the
other crew members, who so far have
been unwilling to go public, Mr.
Nummedal will not reveal the amount
of money handed out by the Soviets,
but it is believed to have been a six
digit number (100,000+).
"What really unnerved the Soviets,
... .. ..
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apart from the voice recordings (which the trauma is said to have begun two
the Soviet Ministry spokesman dis- weeks prior, when his grandmother saw
missed as geological 'noise distortions'), smoke pouring from his trousers.
was the appearance that same night of a
A hole three centimetres square was
fountainhead of luminous gas shooting
burnt th,rough two layers of clothing,
up from rhe drill site, and out oJ the
the paper reported.
midst of this i.l}capdescent cloud pillar,
Just 50 minutes after he was rushed
a brilliant being with bat wings
to a hospital in the southern province of
revealed itself with the words (in
Hunan, Tong Tangjiang started smok-
Russian): "I have conquered", embla-
ing again.
zoned against the dark Siberian sky.
"In the two hours from 8am till lOam,
"The ,incident was absolutely unreal:
Tang spontaneously ignited four times,"
the Soviets cried out in terror', says Mr
the report said.
Nummedal. Later that night, he saw
ambulance crews circulating in the
His right hand, armpits and private
community. A driver he knew told him
parts were burnt, the newspaper said,
that they had been told to sedate every-
quoting doctors who said the boy's
body with a medication known to erase body had a strong electric current run-
short term memory. The Soviets use ning through it.
this drug in the treatment of shock vic- "Spontaneously combusting bodies
tims. have been reported before abroad, but
Sincerely, this is the frrst discovery in China," the
Gary Wohlscheid" daily said.
(Source: The Sydney Morning Herald, 2nd
May 1990)
Chinese doctors have reported a new
medical mystery - a young boy whose
body can ignite spontaneously in the
most sensitive of places burning With a thoughtfulness that is rare
through clothing. nowadays, Paul Lassis alerted the staff
Jihe China Youth News rep<rrts that of a Bristol jewellery shop to his forth-
- , I••• .,..

.. ;.
coming raid by sounding his car Ihorn
loudly, while driving up on the pave-
ment outside.
With the entire staff watching, he
reached out to smash the shop window.
As this hammer bounced! bmmles,sly off
the toughened glass, he tried to reverse
his car through it, but missed, crashed .
over a waste-paper bin and was stuck
fast when a passing evangelical mis-
sionary, Mr Herbert Eaton, prevented a
get-away by hurtling his bicycle
through the car's windscreen.
In one of the most exciting archaeo-
logical finds of ,the century, a team of
researchers in Tehran uncovered the
skeleton of a dinosaur which had hith-
erto only been found in North America
The ribs and vertebrae were carefully
preserved and in 1930 a scientific mis-
sion from Madrid flew out to conduct a
thorough examination.
Things got even more exciting when
their final report announced that the
reptile was, in fact, an abandoned hay-
making machine which had been
caught in a landslide.
(Source: The Return ofHeroic Failures, by
Stephen Pile. Publ: Penguin Books UK

NUfV\BEr'<... ONE' t NUM&E.,R. TWO I

....... .. -

By Ayn Rand
Publ: Signet Group (USA)
Dist: Penguin Books (Australia)
RRP: $10.95
(35th Anniversary Edition)
Wow! What an amazing book! I
wish I had read this book years ago. I
found it to be a book of many level$, for
example there is a love story, a philo-
sophical theme, a prophetic possibility
and a nail biting adventure.
It is the story of what happens when
the 'prime movers' of society go 'on
strike'. It is an unashamed story about
the virtues of profit, and earning ones
rewards, be they financial or spiritual,
from the utilisation of ones efforts. It is
a look at those who feed off the efforts
of others, and then seck to hamess
Personally, I had great difficulty
putting the book down - it had conspira-
cies, free energy machine cover-ups and
a plot that I could not woLk out till
much later in the book.
By Alan Gourley
: C.H.P.S.
Dist: (see ad on page 60)
RRP: $6.00
This is the new and enlarged edition
of his previous book by the same name.
Topics covered include, psychological
manipulation, subversion of the educa-
ltion system, the Australian
Constitution, and a look at the elite who
govern Australia
A must for conspiracy theorists.
Rockefeller to the Gulf Wa.r.
By Ted Wheelwright
Publ: Left Book Club
Dist: Astam .Books Pty Ltd
RRP: $15.00 (Available at Sydney
Esoteric Bookshop, see ad inside
cover this issue)
This is a book I had intended to
review several issues ago. It is quite
current, in the sense that it covers the
Gulf War, and a story behind the Slory.
I found that this has to be the best
book I have found which covers the his-
tory and intrigues of the oil industry
and the powers that be behind the
Most fascinating to me was the infor-
mation on Libya - it will give you a
whole new perspective on tthat country.
This is a book I strongly recommend!
By Paul Mclean and James Renton
Publ: N.S. Hudson Publishing, PO
Box 537, Hawthorn Vic 3122
Dist: Dwyers
__ I .. ,. I . .
¥ .',
. . . ' ,.
RRP: $16.95
Available at all good bookshops,
ABC Shop-s, or from the publishers.
You may have noticed that the article
on page II was extracted from this
book. The book is excellent - it will
make many readers shake their heads in
disgust at what ,is being done to people
by the banks. The back cover blurb
says it all ...
" and Bastards is all about the
way banks and bankers have moved
from being the respected pillars of the
community, providing a trusted service
and reliable advice, iots> being profit-
oriented purveyors of dubious 'prod-
ucts'. It's also about .how we suffer the
consequences and how the government
mainly looks on and watches.
The authors became involved because
people came to them for help: Renton
as a lawyer, McLean as a
A must read book for everyone!
By Thomas J. Brown
Publ: Bord'erland Sciences
Research Foundation, PO Box 429,
Garbervil'le, CA USA 95440-0429
IRRP: $32.85
Avaj1l: Alternative Access (see
advert on page 63 this issue)
Earlier this century scientist, Georges
Lakhovsky conducted research indicat-
ing that living cells can be regenerated
by applying special fields of electrical
It has been theorised that every cell in

your body has a spedfic vibratory rate.
When the cell ages or becomes diseased
its rate changes. The Multiple Wave
Oscillator (MWO) produces a full spec-
trum of vibratory rates dun resonate
with cells to restore them to oscillatory
This book is a compilation of
research and writings by Lakhovsky
himself and includes many articles by
other leading 'free energy' researchers.
choice to make.
By Prof. Pietro Croce, M.D.
Publ: (IVIIS Publications (Swiss)
Dist: Campaign Against Fraudulent
Medical! Research, PO Box 729,
Newtown. NSW 2042.
RRP: $26- (includes postage)
If you read the article this issue on
pages 21-24 aOd want to know more -
this is a good book to obtain.
The issue that animal experimenta-
tion has little if any scientific relevance
to human health, is an issue that is not
going to disappear. As the truth gets
out, and more and people become
horrified (like me) - one day the s**t
will hat the fan.
Books like this one go a long way ,in
convincing the academics. and medicos
of the scientific reasons for Ithis case.
By Nigel Watson
Publ: Valis Books (UK)
Dist: AstroNet Publlications, PO
Box 8285, Northland Centre, Vic
RRP: $38.50 (includes postage)
This book is a serious and sober
examination of of British high-
strangeness UFO encounters and expe-
riences. Most of the book is based on
interviews with wimesses conducted by
the author in the late 1970's and early
Wi-messes to UFO events in real-life
often have a complex series of experi-
ences that can be extremely frightening
and mentally unbalancing. Portraits of
A'lien Encounters looks in detail at how
such experiences have a profound effect
on the thoughts, feelings and lives of
UFO witnesses in the UK.
DEATH· An Inquiry Into The
Origin Of The AIDS Epidemic
By Alan Cantwell Jr" M.D.
Publ: Aries Risi,ng Press (USA)
Dist: Practical Books, Kewdale
A fantastic, informative, well
researched and referenced book by an
MD., on the idea that AIDS was a man-
made, virus that was given, whether
deliberately or accidentally, to the hay
population of three American, cities, and
introduced to volunteers in an experi-
mental Hepatitis-B vaccination program

I []J illTfOO
Similarly, it seem to have been also
introduced to the African and Haitian
The author has gone through aU the
respected medical journals to put all the
pieces together and explains all these
pieces to iUS.
The fact is, like any other institution,
the AIDS research establishment is run
Iby a small group of people. Its ,repre-
sentative.s dispense information to the
media, and science writers take their
'cues' from these people. This means
that most other rese_arch (ie oxygen
therapies) does not ge much of a hear-
Anyone at all interested in the history
and politics of AIDS should read this
book. It is one of those books that -
every few pages - makes you think
"Wow! That's incredible'''.
A must read book.
By Walter Last
Publ: Viking OINeil
Dist: Penguin Books AustraHa
RRP: $16.95
Walter Last has had training and
work experience as a research chemist,
biochemiSt, and toxicologist, together
with that of practising nutritionist and
,-"- ::..:::::;a "'_ .............-.. ..... __ __.
==== ~ ~ RBaEW£
natural therapist! This combination
allows him to have a unique all-rounded
view of healing, and to write excellent
books on the subject.
liealing Foods explains how food is
both a cause and cure for disease. Even
so-called healthy f00ds can help bring
about illness and a host of distressing
This book shows ,how natural nutri-
tion and the wise selection of foods can
be powerful tools in healing. It
explains how people's metabolisms dif-
fer and which type of foods are suited
to each type. It shows how to combine
and balan_ce foods, how to plan meals
and how (0 help heal chronic and incur-
able diseases.
This is one of the best books I've seen
around on this topic. His obvious
knowledge of the chemistry of the bOOy
allows many valuable insights.
HEAL YOURSElF· A Practical
self"Help Manual of Naturall
Publ: Viking O'Neil
Dist: Pengu'in Books Australia
RRP: $24.95
Heal Yourself is basically about how
to take responsibility for your own
This very informative and easy-to-
follow manual describes a wide range
of diagnostic methods and natural ther-
apies, and shows how flo discover which
healing system works best for you.
[t looks at healing from all angles -
physical, spiritual, mental and emotion-
Some examples of what you would
learn from reading this book include -
how to formulate an individual health
how to overcome the effects of 'prob-
lem' foods, such as cow's milk, wheat,
sugar and saturated fats
how to select the right diet for your
body type - vegetarian
or hypoglycaemic
how to channel your energies effec-
how to improve your physical envi-
ronment and your sexua} relationships
and how to improve your mental and
emotional condition.
By Darren Slade & Nigel Watson
Publ: Valis Books (UK)
Dist: AstroNet Publications, PO
Box 8285, North'land entre, Vic. 3073
RRP: $21! .95 (includes postage)
No one has been better at satisfying
the demands of the modem audience
than Steven Spielberg. His exciting and
dynamic film worlds weave powerful
stories that draw deeply on our collec-
tive fears and fantasies.
In this book, the authors take a
detailed look at Close Encounters, E.T.,
Poltergeist, Gremlins and Raiders of
the Lost Ark.
........--...... 0;;,,;;;;,,"

Geometries in Nuclear Physics.
By Chris i11lert
Prod: ASTRO Network
Productions, PO Box 405,
Villawood NSW 2163
RRP: $35.00
Avail: See ASTRO Network above,
or contact the Sydney Esoteric
Bookshop, (see ad inside front
An incredible video! Chris Illert sim-
ply and understandably demonstrates
dlat the approach and explanations of
quantum mechanics has failed when it
comes to describing the structure of the
atomic nucleus.
Drawing on research from
Buckminster Fuller, and two clairvoy-
ant scientists from the 1890's
(Leadbeater and Besant), Chris graphi-
cally demonstrates that the shape and
therefore properties of the atomic
nucleus is determined by simple geom-
It was so well explained that even I
understood what he was talking about!
If you are interested in harmonic
geometry, quantum mechanics, or the
structural secrets of our atoms, you will
be pleasantly surprised by Ithis illumi-
nating lecture.
Prod: Health Care Reform Group
& producers.
RRP: $25.00 (includes postage)
Avail: Health Care Reform Group,
PO Box 421, Glebe. NSW 2037
Have you ever bought a Red Nose for
(1895·1995 )
cot death research and wondered where
your money went to?
Are you aware that recognised
researchers around the world have stud-
ied SIDS (Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome) for a quarter of a century?
Still they admit they have no idea what
causes it
This video gives you an otherwise
off-limits look at that research and its
increasing likeness to a money pit.
Some doctors and academics have
known about infant death for years
without recognition or acceptance of
their [mdings. Their results are relevant
to any parent of young children, and
also to the health of every person in this
country today.
This video is the second edition of the
1991 documentary about cot death
research in Australia and overseas.
This video raises serious questions
about the validity of official SIDS
research, multi-million dollar funding
organisations and examines the link
between immunisation and SIDS.
It is a platform for independent
researchers, such as Dr. Archie
Kalokerinos, to express their Tarley
heard observations and successes in
preventing cot death.
- Continued from page 14
Usury originally meant 'lending money at
exorbjtan:t interest', and thi$ is what
Congressman Gonzales meant How right he
was. Australia has tolerated usury and has not
prospered because of it
The next reason for variation in interest
rates is the variation in th-e mk to the lender.
Thus the base rate applies to [loans where drere
is assumed to ibe no risk at all. The extra per-
centage is then rIike an insurance premium
which you pay for to insure that bank against
the mk of not getting their money back. This
sounds fair enough, but it results in a Catch 22
situation: if your capacity to repay is in doubt,
you are charged extra interest to cover the risk.
But if you are a bad m'k, the higher interest
rate will make you a worse one.
This is the source of one of the most blatant
banle malpractices. Say you go to them for a
housing loan - normally one of the safest and
hence IpilnS a billl!c offers. They
know thaJ their money is safe with YO\,l, but
they want to get a higher interest rate. So they
refuse the housing loan, b_u.t instead offer yuu
an overdraft or a personal loan, with a lien on
your assets as collateral. You are then paying
o\'erdraft or personal loan interest rates on a
loan which is as safe for them as. the housing
loan they refused to give you.
Moral: make sure you get a loan whose
,interest rate matches your trustworthiness and
capacity to repay. If you are a [longstanding
customer with a secure income, do not allow
them to persuade you that the only type of
loan they can give you is a high-interest per-
'Remember: they are not giving you inde-
pendent advice, like a solicitor might They
are just loan salesmen. Like any other sales-
men, they won't show you straight to tIle best-
value car in !!he yard; they will first try to sell
you the one giving them the biggest profit
margin. Caveat emptor.
The rate of inflation and risk are two rea-
sonably justifiable reasons for interesJ rates to
vary. However, in contemporary Australia
interest rates have served two more purposes
which do not sit comfortably together. Banks
have used' high interest rates as one way of
covering the bad debts from their debauches of
the late 1980's, while governments have used
them as an instrument of monetary policy - a
means of consQ"aining consumer expenditure
and therefore intla!io.n alld encouraging a flow
of funds from .overseas to finance our foreign
debt mch has conveniently blamed the other
for exorbitant interest rates. Meanwhile the
rates have inhibited business investment and
caused financial hardship and misery on a
massive scale.
We have seen that the banks' power comes
from their unique ability Ito create credit and
destroy credit, to collateralise assets and dic-
tate interest rates. The impact of this was
neatly summarised by an eminent Chancellor
of the Exchequer in England, Mr. Richard
McKenna, who said this:
i am afraid that ordinary citizens will not
llike to be told that the banks can and do
create and destroy money. And they
who c_ontrol the credit of the nation
direct the policy of the governments and
holdl in the hollow of hands the des-
tiny of the people.
Paul Metean was a foundation membt'r of the
Australian Democrats, and was elected as a
Senator for :'IISW in 1937. He came to
prominence especially through his historic bailie
to get the now Infamous "Westpac tellers" before
the parliament and puhlic scrutiny.
This resulted from his pursuit of hank malpraclice
and corruption in the Senate. He
called for a Senate and moved a bill
proposing a full Royal Commission into the
han king system.)
At the time of his resignation from the Senate in
August 1991, he had (,00 cases of
rnalpraclife on his desk
• ••
o pag'
some 400 women had developed vaginal
cancer because their mother took the
drug and that at least 1,000 other female
offspring were in precancerous condi-
While cancer marches on in all the countries
whose obtuse, herd populations allow them-
selves to be dominated by the Medical Power
and the Chemical industry, one question still
begs for an answer: Why are the drug manu-
facturers being tried by civil courts and not, as
should certainly be the c.ase , by criminal
courts? Under the ,indictment of mass murder.
The explanation is in the following parts.
TimJ! Magazine had another DES daughters
article in its March 24, 1980 issue, which read
in part
Now there is more unsettling news !for
DES daughters. When they reach chi I'd-
bearing age, they appear to be more vul-
nerable than to misca'rriage - as
well at to stillbirth, premature birth and
ectopic pregnancy (in which the foetus
grows outside the uterus).
The New England Journal of Medicine and
other medical pUblications gave more news
and all of it was bad. Damage from DES can
ex tend to the third generation, and also affect
the genital organs of the male offspring.
P.S: DES is still on the market - as a
"morning after" contraception pill. Ironically,
the exact opposite of its original intents.
In the chapter "Ten Thousand 'little
Monsters", Slau.ghter of the Innocent brought
full, undisputable and undisputed evidence
that animal experimeJltation not only caused
the worldwide Thalidomide tragedy, but was
directly responsible for the magnitude of that
In its February 23, 1962 issue, when the
first warning signs were appearing on the
world hor,izon, Time Magazine' had reported
that Thalidomide had been marketed "after
three years of animal tests."
On August 1, 1958, the German manufac-
turers, Chcmie Griinenthal, ha4 a to
40,000 German doctors describing his
Contergan (Thalidomide) as the best tran-
quiliser for pregnant women and breastfeeding
mothers, as ,it damaged neither mother nor
In October J961 the British licensee,
Distillers Company, after extensive animal
tests of its own, had Jaunched Thalidomide on
,the United Kingdom market, under the name
Distaval, with the following assurance:
"Distaval can be given with complete
safety to pregnant women and nursing
mothers without adverse effect on moth-
er or child."
In December 1970, the longest criminal! trial
in Germany's judicial history ended with the
acquittal of Chemie Griinenthal: a long line of •
international medical authorities had testified
that animal tests could never be conclusive for
human beings, thus relieving Griinenthal of
any responsibility for the tragedy: the
required tests had 'been conscientiously under-
When the vivisectionists fail once more, do
they blush, pack up ltheir easy-learner kits and
slink off into the night? Of course not They
just clamour for more money to repair the
damage they have done.
The Thalidomide case sho1J,ld have ruled out
further animal tests once and for all. Against
all witll nothing but the profit motive in
mind and in complete disregard of the con-
sumers' safety, the animal tests were multi-
plied - with easily predictable, catastrophic
results. II
Continued from page 34
If they had tried to put pressure by causing
Scott Weekly even Ito be judged guilty ...
because he was told if he would plead guilty
that there would be no problem... that he
would be given probation... that there would
be no more pursuit.. that it would be
vised probation which would allow him ,to
continue to travel overseas. In tnuth, he was
sentenced. The facD is that Scott was told that
if he would plead guilty that there would be no
further investigation and that aU would go well
for him and that if he did not plead guilty there
would be a tether put on all of us so that we
would not be able to travel and at that time we
were very very close to negotiating the release
of American prisoners of war. The only rea-
son that Scon pleaded guilty was so IDhaD other
members of the Operation Lazarus team,
myself included, would be free to continue the
mission of liberating US prisoners of war,
which is ongoing now.
[Narrator discussing Weekly's case]
"Scott Weekly was made to serve four-
teen months of a five year sentence
before it was demonstrated -that the
agents had removed sensitive documents
ftom his pre-sentencing file which would
have exonl?ratcd him."
"The sentence was simply dismissed.
Lance nimmer, a former Green Beret
oommunications speCialist with the
Lazarus team, accompanied Gritz to
Burma in Weekly's place in May, 1987
where he witnessed Khun Sa naming the
US officials involved in drug trafficking.
As a professional, private investigator,
since returning he has spearheaded the
effort to document and publicise the
team's findings and was instrumentall in
obtaining Scott Weekly's release from
Long Poke Federal Prison. In .the process
he has 'been unjustifiably arrested andl
detained three times by the police and
federal authorities."
[Bo talks about Khun Sa's offer]
General Khun Sa has extended an offer in
writing to turn over to the United States
Government OJ) March 15, 1988 one ton of
refined Asian heroin, that sells for $250,000
per pound to. distributors, as a show of good
faith that he would stop 1200 tons of heroin
from entering ,the free world in 1988. The
respoJlse of the State Department was, "no
interest ..
[Bo talking in Southeast Asian IField]
There are personalities within the United
States Government who have, as early as the
early trafficked in opium and heroin to
finance assasination programs initiaUy
approved by tlhe Central 'Intelligence Agency,
which didn't work then and aren't working
now. If these aJisa.sinatiolls programs spread
from Vietnam, CambQdia, Laos and Thailand
to Iran, to Nicaragua, to Libya and have the
potential of continuing to spread unless some
exposure is finally done to eliminate these
high officials. H. Ross Perot has said as a
result of his investigation he has found a,
"snake ,pit without a bottom." He says that the
people involved will do anything to keep their <
wrong doings covered up. He even says that a
man that was responsible for the Phoenix
llSsasination program is now on the personal
staff of George Bush.
[Narrator introducing Barry Flinn]
"Barry Flinn lis the Bangkok station chief
for Operation Lazarus. In May of 1987
he served as the ca-meraman with
C010nel Gritz on his second trip to visit
Khun Sa. Also during this time he has
made other trips into Shan Land. On one
occasion, he accompanied a journalist
from Australia who filmed the proceed-
ings and made this. the subject of a news
program in Australia.'
[Cut to Barry Flinn in Bangkok discussing his
trip with Bo]
liMy name is Barry Flinn and I live In
Bangkok, Thailand. I have been in

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