NMDC Maintainence Asst Posts

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(A Govt. of India Enterprise) BAILADILA IRON ORE MINE, KIRAND L COM!LE" !ost # Kirand$%, Dist # &o$t' Bastar Dante(ada (C.G.) INDIA ) *+* ,,E.p%o/.ent Notifi0ation No. 1232145 05/10/2013 Dated :

NMDC a Navaratna Public Sector Enterprise is a Premier Mining rgani!ation and consistentl" pro#it ma$ing organi!ation %it& a large turn o'er( )pplications are in'ited #rom interested candidates #or t&e #ollo%ing posts in *ailadila +ron re Mine, -irandul Comple., Post/-irandul, Distt/Sout& *astar Dante%ada, State 0 C&&attisgar&(
&No Na.e of t'e !ost No. of 7$a%ifi0ation 8 E9perien0e 6a0an0ie s



&T# 2+ &C# 41 OBC# 1, R# *-

+1+ in 2elder/3itter/Mac&inist/1urner/S&eet Ma$ing/Motor Mec&anic/ Diesel Mec&anic #or Mec&anical 1rade

GENERAL CONDITION& 1( 4pper age limit as on 30(11(2013 #or 45 candidates 30( 5ela.able b" 5 "ears in case o# SC/S1 and 3 "ears in case o# *C candidates( 2( 5eser'ation o# posts #or SC/S1/ *C /E. Ser'icemen %ill be as per t&e 6o'ernment o# +ndia directi'es( 3( 1&e cut o## date #or rec$oning educational 7uali#ication, e.perience, age, domicile etc s&all be 30(11(2013 8( 1&e abo'e 'acancies are pro'isional(

5( 1&e prescribed 7uali#ications are minimum and an en&anced 7uali#ication does not entitle candidates to be called #or %ritten test/1rade 1est/inter'ie%( 2&ere t&e number o# applications recei'ed in response to ad'ertisement is large, it %ill not be con'enient or possible to call #or %ritten test/1rade 1est/inter'ie% all t&ose candidates( 1&e Compan" reser'es t&e rig&t to #i. t&e criteria #or calling t&e candidates on t&e basis o# 7uali#ications, e.perience, i# an", etc( )#ter screening t&e applications, t&e candidates %ill be called #or %ritten test( 9( +n t&e selection process, a candidate &as to secure minimum mar$s in t&e %ritten test and ran$ su##icientl" &ig&er to be called #or 1rade 1est : inter'ie%( 1&e minimum mar$s %ill be decided b" t&e Compan" based on t&e per#ormance o# t&e candidate in t&e %ritten e.amination( ;o%e'er, since t&e #inal selection %ould depend on t&e number o# 'acancies as also relati'e per#ormance, merel" 7uali#"ing in t&e %ritten test, 1rade 1est and personal inter'ie%, %ill not entitle a candidate #or appointment in t&e Compan"(

<( Candidates appearing #or %ritten test and 1rade 1est %ill come at t&eir o%n e.pense( ;o%e'er, out/station SC/S1/E./ser'iceman candidates %ill be paid 1) o# second class 5ail%a"/*us #are on production o# 5ail%a"/*us tic$ets b" s&ortest route as per rules( )ll t&e outstation candidates called #or inter'ie% %ill be reimbursed to/and/#ro single ++nd class 1rain or *us #are b" t&e s&ortest route sub=ect to production o# proo# o# in%ard =ourne"( >( Depending upon t&e suitabilit" o# t&e candidates, t&e" ma" o##er t&e post o# Maintenance )ssistant ?1rainee@( Selected Candidates %ill be placed as A1raineeB #or t&e period o# 1> mont&s duration, during %&ic& t&e" %ill be paid a consolidated stipend as indicated in Column ?2@ belo%( n success#ul completion o# training period, t&e" %ill be o##ered scale o# pa" as indicated in Column ?3@ belo%: Post (4) Stipend pa"able during training period Pa" scale on completion o# 1raining( (2) (5)

First 12 months
Maintenance )ssistant ?1rainee@ C( C000// p(m(

Next 06 months
C500// p(m( scale@ C1<0/3D/12<>0// ?5S/2

n success#ul completion o# training period and placement in regular scale o# pa", in addition to basic pa" and dearness allo%ance, t&e candidates %ill be eligible #or ot&er #ringe bene#its li$e con'e"ance allo%ance, #ree medical #acilities, lea'e tra'el concession, lea'e encas&ment, incenti'e bonus, gratuit", pro'ident #und etc as per corporation rule in #orce #rom time to time( )pplications s&ould be accompanied b" a crossed Demand Dra#t #or ,13: ?5upees 3i#t" onl"@ dra%n in #a'our of Jt.G.M.(Finance), BIOM, Kirandul Complex, Kirandul pa"able at State *an$ o# +ndia, -irandul( Demand Dra#t is not necessar" #or SC/S1( Candidates %or$ing in 6o'ernment/Euasi 6o'ernment ser'ices/Public Sector underta$ings/or )utonomous bodies s&ould appl" t&roug& proper c&annel or produce ANo b=ection Certi#icateB at t&e time o# inter'ie%( +nterested candidates ma" send t&eir neatl" t"ped applications on plain paper setting out ?1@ Post applied #or ?2@ )pplicantFs Name ?3@ 3at&erFs/;usbandFs name ?8@ Se. ?5@ Date o# birt& : )ge ?in #igures and %ords@ ?9@ Present )ddress ?<@ Permanent )ddress ?>@ Email id/Mobile No( ?C@ Caste ?i# SC/S1/ *C, attac& certi#icate #rom Competent )ut&orit"@ ?10@ Euali#ications ?)cademic : 1ec&nical@ %it& "ear o# passing, name o# Sc&ool/College/4ni'ersit", di'ision : percentage o# mar$s obtained, etc( ?11@ E.perience ?12@ State and district to %&ic& originall" belong ?13@ t&er in#ormation ?18@ Declaration %it& signature etc(, along %it& attested copies o# all certi#icates and testimonials and recent passport si!e p&otograp& so as to reac& t&e DY.MANAGER (PERSONNEL)R&P,



1 .

BAILADILA IRON ORE MINE, KIRANDUL COMPLEX, POST. KIRANDUL, DIST. SOUTH BASTAR DANTEWADA, (CHATTISGARH), PIN-49455 %it&in 21 da"s #rom t&e date o# publication in Emplo"ment Ne%s( The post applied for should be clearly super scribed on the envelope.

Incomplete rejected.









No correspondence %ill be entertained #rom t&e candidates #or selection/test/ inter'ie%/appointment( Can'assing in an" #orm %ill be treated as dis7uali#ication

Gt(6(M( ?Personnel@ ;;;;;;;;;;

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