Notification Savings Bond

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4(-ob.oe9.oo.oo.oo{.to)Va.\aq-{s'l-{ he Wage Earner 4(-ob.oe9.oo.oo.oo{.to)Va.\aq-{s'l-{ EarnerDevelopment DevelopmentBond Rules, 1981 (Arnendedupto 301061201); The US Dollar premium Bond Rules, 2002 Amencled pto 1511212010)<i <i The US Dollar InvestmentBond B ond Rules, 2002 (Amended Lrpto 5ll2l201 0) F1mlstc{ qfis-s-< qfis-s-<q(r q(r ttq{ sfr-q. qrTs-


Thc WageEarner )evelopment ond Rules,1981 Amended upto3010612011) upto 3010612011)

- - \ rule (rr)a@1p. eRK  'C)fficeof Issue'means he office or branch branchof of a bank hat ssues he bonds which It'tt-tst old Ar-rthorizedDealership in Foreign Exchange from Barrgladesh Bank. A Foreign branch, RepresentativeOffice, Foreign Cot'r'cspondent/Exchange o mpanyof an AuthorizedDealer Bank may also ompany act as an office of issue and any other specialbooth that the Government ma)' lccide o open br promoting he sale saleof of the Bond,


G{R-gs Rules €R Rule 4 {R Sub-rule l) .{RqFT rxqq Subrulc (l) A@lppeRcr-

  4 . M:rturityo denomination, etc.- (l) The Bond(s) shall mature f o r pavrnerlton or after five years rom the date of its purchasebut the Bondholclu'nlay surrender surrenderhe he Bond(s) Bond(s)and and encash he ru*. at the paying office -amount aftel sir months of purchasewhen he will be paid the principaf togetlrcrwith interest n premature ncashment t the rate ratespecified specified elow:Premature Encashment nate of int i*ii payaue (a) []cfbre six months iom the dateof issue. No interest. (b) OIr completionof six monthsbut before 8.7}%interest or si x one year. months. (c) on completionof one year but befo,re 1 9.45d/oroi n. il u,r:. -\,eas. (d) ( )ti cornpletion f lt/zyears u t before w o 10.20% o r I yrvears. Ye a rs. (e) ( )rr contpletion f two yearsand hereafter. ll.20to/ooi + l, i uri. ( (0 completionof of five yearsand yearsand 12%(including-0. 12% (including-0. ,o * th) 'e completion e a fte r. SSp * ) * SS )-Social ecurity remium.



Note:- Half:yearly interest f drawn for any half-year shall be adjusted ro rom m the tttlount allowed on the above basis. basis.Social Social Security SecurityPremium Premium will be availableonly available only for redemption n maturity.

't) G fR-SsRules €R Rule 4 e< Sub-rule (2) qK q6E rF t Subrule (2) q@t|'|s ERT{.fhe Bond-holderwill be entitled o draw interest n half-yearlybasis   (2) at 12'\t per annum. annum.Any Any interest, f not drawn, will be paid with principal anroLtnt n maturity with the benefit benefitof of compound nterest nterestat at 12% on halfye a rl r b a si s.

B fR-EwRules 4K Rule 4 eR Sub-rule R) (3) qR q6Efufi1 SubSub-rule(3) qftqrulc (:) @f5 .l'he bond(s) shall be issued n the denominations f Tk. 25,000;   (j ) 5 0 .0 (x): .0 0 ,0 0 0 ; ,0 0 ,0 0 0 ; ,0 0 ,0 0 0 ; 0 ,0 0 ,0 0 0n 0 n d 5 0 ,0 0 ,0 0 0 nd n su ch otherclenominations other clenominations s he Governmentmay m ay decide rom time to time.

E fR-gs Rules s) Rules€R €R Rule 14 qR sub-rule(2) q( ErEFmn tSubtSubrulc(z) e@rc eRK  1 4 .tl t slabs:


death-riskbenef-rt ill be determined ccording o the following


| (a)

Investment I or nvestmentb-etween b -etween


For Investment of 10,00 000n dabove

DeathRiskBenefit DeathRisk Benefit

40% of the Investment.

Tli.25,000 25,000 n dTk. Tk.4,15.000 4,15.000 t Tli. Iror Investmentb.t*.et, 45% of the Investment: i rur Tk. 5,00,000n 5,00,000 n dTk. Tk.9,75,000 9,75,000


Investment. Tk.. 50% of the Investment. Tk

Provided that the maximum amount of death-risk benefit shall not exceecJk.5,00,000 exceecJ k.5,00,000 nd that he age ageof of the wage-earner hall hallnot not be over 55 yearsat years at the ime of his/herdeath. his/herdeath.

D) B tR-gs Rules Rules€R €R Rule 14 qR Sub-rule (3) qR Fr fufi1 Subrulc(4) )T(6qf&s RGqI1'apurchaser purchaseruys uysbonds bondsotalling   (4) I1'a otallingBDT 80,000,000EightyMillion) Million)or or abovc.he/she abovc. he/shewill be treated s C.I.P. C.I.P.Provided Provided hat he C.I.P C.I.Pstatus status f a Bond holderwill be ceased ceasedff his/her nvestment nvestmentn n this bond goesbelow bondgoes BDI' 80.000,000Eighty EightyMillion) Million) because becauseff subsequentncashment n cashmentndon ndon his/hcr ailure t o attain he limit of BDT 80,000,000 Eighty Million) 80,000,000Eighty throLtshr-rrther throLtsh r-rrthernvestment n vestmentn the theB B ond ithin hree hreemonths months f encashment. /-





E{R-E$ Rules 4R Rule 19 eR Sub-rule(2) c< gcn fdTfit Sub-rule(2)


beingsatisfied   (2) After being satisfied bout h e dentity n d genuinenessf the statement f the applicant, he Paying Office will immediately ecord he'stoppage'in Stop Register Registeras as well as in tlre Stop Cards appended n the Issue Register Registera and E,ncashttrent e gister egister nd ssue n interim Stop Advice' to the PublicDebt Public DebtOffice Office for sirnilar ction y the atter. 'fhe

PayingOffice shall PayingOffice shallsimultaneously simultaneouslycknowledge cknowledgehe he receipt f the stop noticc o the holderor holderor the nominee oncerned ith advice o report he loss, heft or tlestruction o the local police station and submit a copy of the repoft acknou,ledgedy the policestation o the PayingOffice. PayingOffice.

q) B{R-S$ Rules Rules€R €RRule Rule 19 e< Sub-rule(3) Sub-rule(3)e< e< grt fiTst Sub-rule(3) Efrqrfts Etr<  (3) As soon as the copy of report rom the police station egarding oss, heft o r destrLrction1'the destrLrction 1'thebond bond s received, h e correctnesshereof hereofwill will be verifiedby verified by the Ofllcc of Issue Issueby by a reference o the prescribed ssue ssueRegister. Register. he PayingOffice Paying Office will also lnd out if the requirementss requirements s ndicated bovehave bove havebeen beencomplied compliedwith. with. Thc date dateof of acknowledgement f the report rom the police stationwill station will be entered in thc prescribed egister f Lost,Stolen Lost, Stolenor or Destroyed onds. onds.After After expiry expiryof of two morrths }om the date of acknowledgement acknowledgement f said report from the police station ancl n firrrrishing bond bondof of indemnity xecuted xecutedn n the prescribed orm, h e holder will [rc [rcentitled entitled o havea have a duplicateBond(s) Bond(s)and and he Paying PayingOffice Office will,,after will,,after ully satislring tself, ssue h e duplicateBond(s) Bond(s)under underadvice advice o its Head Office a n d thc l'trblic Debt Office. Office.The The Bond(s) Bond(s)will will b e issued nder h e same sameserial serialnumber number ancj late nd with the sarne articulars s embodied embodiedn n the original originalBond(s) Bond(s) n d h e worcl DIJPLICATE shall be recorded n red ink a t the right hand o p of the B o n c l ( s )s )s s u e d n p l a c eo f t h e o r i g i n a l n e .A .A s u i t a b l e o t e e g a r d i n gh gh e s s u e f t h e d t r p l i c a t e h a l l b e r e c o r d e d g a i n s t h e B o n d n u m b e ra ra p p e a r i n gn gn t h e I s s u e R e g i s t c r s a l s o n t h e p r e s c r i b e d t o pR pR e g i s t e r .

B rR-UsRules <l) Rules4R 4RRule Rule 19 e< Sub-rule(4) < gcn Etr'rqtflqg kqm i


eB o n d :   ( 4 ) l i e e s o r d u p l i c a t eB

(a) lices in the scale specifiedbelow shall be realizedwhile realized while entertaining rc1-rortf loss, heft or destruction f Bond(s) equiring ssue ssueof of duplicate arrcin arrci n no case his f-ee hall hallbe be refunded:-

lrrrreachBond lrrrreach Bond o f Tk. 25,0001-. 0 000/- n d r.0 0 .0 0 0 /-




50.00 000/-

of Tk.

10,00,000/-a n d

I'rovided hat he rate rateof of fee may be changedby changedby the Government ro rom m ti n rc o ti me .



a, I

The uS Dollar Premium Bond Rules, 2002 (Amended upto 15t12t20r0) U fR-EsRules €RRule T) €R Rule 2 €R Sub-rule(5) Sub-rule (5) qK qrn Frln t Subrulc (s) afuElflg qAKbranchof a bank hat ssues ssueshe he bonds   ' O llice of Issue' means he office or branchof which must hold Authorized Dealership in Foreign Exchange from Bangladesh Bank. A Foreign branch, Representative RepresentativeOffice, Office, Foreign Correspondent/Exchangeompany ompanyof AuthorizedDealerBank of an AuthorizedDealer Bank may also act as an office of issue and any other special booth that the Government ma) clecideo clecideo open br promoting he saleof saleof the Bond;


B tR-gFRules Rules€d €d Rule l1 eKqcqFtTs tRule tRule 11 eRtfb


  I l. ['ayment o the heir (s) of the deceased older: heir(s)of The heir(s) of the deceased olderof older of the Bond shall produce he probate probateof of the riill of-the holder r-rnderhe or the lettersof letters of administration f (XXXIX his/her estateor his/herestate or a st-tcccssionertificate st-tcccssion ertificater-rnder he Succession ct, 1925 of 1925) within 6(six) months of the death deathof of the holder. In the event of failure to prodLrcehe prodLrce he above abovedocument document s) in support of the claimsunder claimsunder he bond, supportof bond, he issLring uthority shall puy the sum due on the Bond to the person(s) person(s)wh wh o appear(s)o appear(s) o be entitled o receive he same under he aw. The heir(s)will heir(s)will be sameunder entitled o draw principal amount, nterest nterestand and death isk-benefit, f any, in Bans.ladesh urrency n case hey are residents nd principal amount and isk-benefitn death isk-benefit n US Dollar n case hey arenon-residents. are non-residents.

't) U fR-UsRules €R Rule 14 q Sub-rule (2)(d) f{imc{ {(rrt&s ERr<deathof   (d) In the event of the death of the holder of the Bond, the nominee f resiclcnt hall be entitled o draw the death-risk enefit n Bangladesh aka. Provicled hat death-risk death-riskbenefit benefitwill will be payable n foreign exchange f t he n o n ri rrces a n o n -re si d e n t.

S tR-EsRules \) Rules€K €K Rule 19 ,4<Sub-rule (2) qRqrE F6fi t Subrulc (Z) a@1PP eRKsatisf-redabout about the identity and genuineness genuinenessof of the   (2 ) ,\fter being satisf-red statenient f the applicant, he Paying Office will immediately ecord the 'stopp:rge'in Stop Register s well as in the Stop Cardsappended Cards appendedn n the Issue {egisterand {egisterand Encashment egister egisterand and ssuean ssuean interim'Stop Advice' to the 'ublic Debt Ofhce fbr similar similaraction actionby by the latter. The Paying Ot1ice shall simultaneously simultaneouslyacknowledge acknowledge he receipt of the the holder or the nominee nomineeconcerned concernedwith advice o report the stop krss.notice heft ortodestructiono destruction o the local police station stationand and submit a copy of the lcpurt acknowledgecly the police station o the PayingOffice. PayingOffice.



E{R-Bw Rules ( n Rule lg €R Sub-rule(3)qR qcq rXfr fSubs) fSubrule(3)EW|-sqRcr  (3) As soon as the copy of report from the police station egarding oss, thefi or destruction destructionof of the bond is received, he correctness correctnesshereof hereof will be verilled by the Office of Issue by a reference o the prescribed ssue Register' The Paying Office will also frnd out if the requirements as indicatedabovehave been beencomplied compliedwith. The date of acknowledgement f the |cport tiom the police stationwill be entered n the prescribeJ Register of l.ost. Stolen or DestroyedBonds. After expiry of tw; months rom t he datc of' acknowledgement f said repoft from ihe police station and on furtrishir-rg bond of indemnityexecuted n the p..r.iibed Form, the holder will be entitled o have a duplicateBond(s)and ne laying Office will, after firllr satisfying tself, issue he duplicateBond(s) undlr advice o its Head Oflrcc and the Public Debt Office. The Bond(s) will be issued under t he sall'lcserial sall'lc serial number and date and with the same sameparticulars particularsas embodied n the original Bond(s)and the word DUPLICATE shall be recorded n re d ink at the ote right hand op of the Bond(s) ssued n place placeof of the original originalone. one.A A sr'ritlrble regarding he issueof the duplicateshall be recoidedagainst thc llorld number appearing n the IssueRegisteras also in the p..rJrib.d Stop {egister.

D) S{R-gs Rules€R €RRule Rule 22 ,q<Sub-rute(a)(i) RqrE Frm t Subrulc (a)(i) qfi'qfPFoeRfE  2 2 . (a Xi ) C o mmi ssi o n w i l l be paid to the office of issue at t he fo l kru 'i n g a te s 'o(--trttitttission will be paid to the AuthorizedDealer Banks/Agents t 0.5o/o on thc f-ace alue of the bond for selling and re-selling/re-issuing he Bonds abroaci espectivelyand equivalent Bingladesh Taka for selling and re sellirrg/re-issuinghe Bonds within the country.Bangladesh ank pa) the commission o the Authorized Dealer (AD) banks n Bangtadesh iggl ma y Taltit (BDT) within two working days by debiting the appr opriate Gore Gor e nmentAccount; Provided hat the rate of above commissionmay be changed by th e Govcrr-rrlentiom time to time.



e I

Thc tis Dollar Investment Bond Rules, 2002 (Amended upto


E rR-BsRules €K Rule 2 e< Sub-rule (4), (5) ,4<( 6) q< gcn riffit T) 4),(5) (5) ,{<( 0) q@Pp EtKSub-rule 4),   (4)'Norlinee'meanshe person(s) amed y the purchaser f the Bond o receive the atnrourrt(s)u e against he Bond including he interest ccrued ccruedand and death isk benellt. l'any, n the eventof eventof the death f the holderof holderof the Bond; (5) 'Olfice of Issue' means h e office or branchof branchof a bank that issues h e bonds which nrusthold nrusthold AuthorizedDealership Dealershipn n ForeignExchange ForeignExchangerom rom Bangladesh ank. A Foreign branch, RepresentativeOffice, Foreign Correspondent/Exchange Contpitttl, f an Authorized Dealer DealerBank Bank may also act as an office of is sueand sueand a n y otherspccial other spccialbooth booth hat he Governmentmay m ay decide o open o r promoting he sale ofthe lond: ( 6 ) ' P a r i n g O f f i c e ' m e a n s h e o f f i c e r o m w h i c h h e n t e r e s t ,h e p r i n c i p a l a l u ea ea n d death isli benefit, f any, any,and and he surrender alue alueo o f the Bond Bondwill will b e paid.

) 4. (l)

E{R-BwRules Rules€K €KRule Rule4 4 e<Wq ufrot Rule Rule+ + q@15 ERc{N'laturitv.denomination. t c . N'laturitv.denomination. l-he U.S. Dollar InvestmentBond(s)shall B ond(s) shall be matured or paymentafter completion f threeyears threeyears rom the dateof dateof its issue. he Bond holderwill holderwill b e entitled o draw interest n half-yearly half-yearlybasis basisat at 6.5% ixed ateper ateper annum i n Lj.S. Dollar. However, h e Bond holder may surrender he Bond(s) befbre maturity and encash he same at the paying office in which case irrterest ill b e paid paida a s under: Encashment (a)

(b) (c) (d)

Interest ayable

Aftercornpletionff one ear u t within Aftercornpletion two years.

Within one oneyear year rom he dateo dateo f issue.

No interest. 5.5%

After completion of two years bu t within hree ears. After completion f 3 years.

6 .0 % 6 . 5% 5%

I n case caseo o f premature ncashmenth e Bond holder holderwill will be entitled o draw interestonly for the completedone completedone year, o r example, f the Bond holder desires o encash encasha a Bond a t the expiry of one year and seven months he/shewill he/she will receive he interest or one year only. I n that case casedifference difference betweenhe between he interest rawn rawnearlier earlierand and nterest dmissible nder hese ules rvill be adiustedrom adiusted rom the principal,,f necessary.


'The Bondn ds$50,000 ) shall e nd ssued ssuedn n the thedenominations denominations f US$500, US$500,1000, 1000,5000, 5000, 10,000n $ 10,000 n such $50,000nd suchother denominations otherdenominations s he Government rra yd yd e ci d e .



multipleso f US$500 The purchaser a n purchase ond o f any amount n multipleso without a maximum irnit.


For nvestment f U S $10,000 n d above, ubject o an initial nvestment f with providedwith ill be provided instance,he he concerned urchaser ill LJS$10,000n one instance, death-risk enefit s provided n Rule 1 4 .



as a sec urity or any loan from xceptas Bond shall not be transferable xcept any scheduled ank in Bangladesh ubject o such conditions s may be determined y Bangladesh ank.


or holdero w ill b e payable n U S Dollar to the holder principaland and interestwill I'he principal due o the mountdue his/hernominee his/her nominee s per rule 9. The principal nd nterest mount urrency f opted Bangladeshurrency b e paid n Bangladesh alsob holdero holder o r his/her ornineemay also nominee. lbr b y the holder/ holder/nominee. O n maturity, f a holder ails t o encash h e Bond(s) n his possession,h e a s reinvested or any treateda principal amount of the Bond(s) shall b e treated foreign exchange r numberof number termso o f threeyearsor repatriated broad n foreignexchange of terms F.Caccount account n accordance ith rule l8(4). rnaybe rnay be creditedo credited o the F.C


ilre money invested n the purchase f Bond(s) shall be exempt rom ta x payableunder he lncome-Tax ct, 1922 Xl o f 1922). payableunder


l'he interestaccrued/earnedn a ccrued/earnedn the investment n the Bond(s) shall be free otal world income. not b e added o the otalworld shallnot fiom income-tax n d t shall


interesto o f the Bond will be After the death of the Bond holder the interest i ll the rnaturity f the Bond(s). ill accrued/counted


B rR-BsRules €K Rule 7 q< Sub-rule l) qKEcE rifr{ Sub-rule l) Rules€K


earner currencyearner he/shehirnselflherselfs a Foreign currency   ( I ) I h e purchaser, here he/shehirnselflherself and namea h e name his/herapplication, application,h purchaseh shall mention n his/her h e Bond shallmention o purchase intenciingo intenciing nominee o receive he value o f t h e personwho person who shall be his/her his/hernominee address f the payable hereon and the death risk benefit, f any,, n the event of nterestpayable hereonand Boncl. nterest eh o l d e r . d e a t h f ' t h eh q)

E{R-EG Rules €K Rule 11 q< WE Fwfi{ Rule l l qfuEt|'|-oEeT{Rules€K

(s)o o f the deceased older:   l l . l'avment to the heir (s) produceh h e probate f the will olderof of the Bond shall produce deceasedolder TIrc heir'(s) f the deceased or a succession his/herestate estateor letterso o f administration f his/her o f tlrc lrolder or the letters months within 6(six) 6(six)months 1925)within certilicate nder he Succession ct, 1925 XXXIX o f 1925) produceh abovedocument document s ) h e above evento f failure o produce o f the clcath f the holder. n the evento sum d u e bond, h e ssuing uthority hall pay he sumd i n support f the claimsunderthe claimsunderthebond, sameunder appear(s)o be entitled o receive he sameunder o n thc tlorrd o the person(s) ho appear(s)o nterest nd death the law. The heir(s) heir(s)will will be entitled entitl ed o draw principalamount, principal amount, risk-berreflt,ff any, i n U S Dollar provided hat they are non-residents n d i n risk-berreflt, hey are esidents. Barrgladeshurrency Barrgladesh urrency n case heyare

7 \)l_,/



G{R-EwRules €( Rule 14 q< gcn F6fr{ Rule 14 e< Sub-rule l ) , s) Sub-rule(a)afrgtf}|v afrgtf}|v Sub-rule 2), Sub-rule 3Xa),(3)(b) s (3)(c) q{( Sub-rule(a) EAr<  14.

Additional Benefit or Substantial nvestment:

(l) Where Wherea a purchaser urchases ond(s) or at least leastUS$10000 US$10000 t the irst nstance his/herdeath, death, increasesh h e investmentby b y subsequent ddition here o upto his/her and increases he/she vill qualify for a free death-risk enefitcovering enefitcovering h e risk o f hisiher ife. deathof of the non-resident ccount Provided hat the Bond(s) natured efore h e death amounto f death-risk enefit. holclcr vill not count owards eterminationf eterminationf the amounto (2) | he death-risk enefitwill ollowingslabs:o the ollowing slabs:ccordingo enefitwill be determined ccording Investment a) For investment between US$ 1 0 . 0 0 0 n d U S $2 $2 0 . 0 0 0 (b) For investment between US$ 2 0 . 5 0 0 n d U S $5 $5 0 , 0 0 0 c ) F o r i n v e s t m e n t S $ 5 0 , 5 0 0a 0a n c

Death-risk benefit l5o/o f the Investment (Takaequivalent); 20% of the Investment (Takaequivalent); (Taka equivalent); 25% of the Investment

rbove (Takaequivalent); (Taka equivalent); Provided hat the maxir.nurl mount mountof of death-riskbenefit shall not exceed Tk. 10 00,000 nd that the age ageof of the purchaser hall n o t be over 5 5 yearsat the t i n r eo eo 1 ' h i s e a t h . (3) Irr he case caseof of the deathof deathof a holder he death-risk enefitshall shallb b e paid n the f o l l o u .n .n g r n a n n e r : (a) 1'he 1'heBond(s) Bond(s)are are o be submittedo submitted o the Pay Office within a period f 3 (three) montlr l'orn he date of deathof death of the holderafter holder after which no clairn or death-risk beneflt hallbe hall be entertained. ( b ) l ' l r c o t a lv eh e l v a l u eo eo f t h e B o n d ss ss u b m i t t e d n d e r u b - r u l e l 4 ( l )w )w i l l d e t e r m i n eh arnount n which the death-risk enefitwill amounto f the deathenefitwill b e paid and he amounto risk berreflt ill b e calculated n he basis f slabsmentioned slabsmentionedn n sub-rulel Q ) ; (c) lrr caseof caseof deathof nominee,h egalheir heir (s) of the deathof both he holderand holderand he nominee, h e egal purclraser ill step nto he shows casemay be, holderor or the nominee, s he casemay showsof of the holder and he provisions f clause 4(3)(a)will 4(3)(a)will operatemutatis mutatismutandis mutandis n determining paidand the arnount f death-risk enefit o b e paid andsharing sharing f suchbenefit. suchbenefit. (dl lrr h e event eventof of the deathof deathof the holder holderof of the Bond, he nominee f resident errtitled o draw the death-risk enefit n Bangladesh aka. Provided hat shall be errtitledo will b e payable n foreignexchange the cleatlr-riskenefit cleatlr-riskenefitwill foreignexchangeff the nominee s a nonresiclent. (4) I f a purchaserbuys buysbonds bonds totaling US$ ,000,000(onemillion) (Eighty M i l l i o r r ) o ra r a b o v e , e / s h e i l l b e r e a t e d s C . l . P .P dh a t h e C . l . Ps Ps t a t u s f a .P r o v i d e dh sb e l o w o t a l i n g rw i l l b e c e a s e df B o n c lh lh o l d e rw df h i s / h e r n v e s t m e n tn tn t h i s b o n d g o e sb US$ (X)0,000(one illion) because f subsequent ncashment nd on his/her failurc t o attain he limit o f totaling totalingUS$1,000,000(one US$1,000,000(onenillion) through urther investnrerrtn the Bondwithin Bond within three threemonths months f encashment.



S{R-EvRules 19e< e<Sub-rule(2) D) €KRule Rule19 Sub-rule(2) <gcnm{ Rules€K ffitgqqc<-


genuinenessff the statement f t h e beingsatisfied bout he dentity n d genuineness   (2) Atier beingsatisfied a p p l i c a n t . h e P a y i r r gO gO f f i c e w i l l i m m e d i a t e l y e c o r d h e ' s t o p p aRegistera g e ' i n Satnodp a s well as in the Stop Cards appended n the Issue Register Registera Register Stop Advice' to the Public DebtOffice Office PublicDebt egister nd ssue n interim Encaslrrnentegister Encaslrrnent ctionb b y the atter. for sinr letr ction receiptof of the stop flre PayingOffice PayingOffice shall simultaneous ly cknowledge he receipt holdero r the nominee oncerned ith advice o report he loss, heft notice o the holdero o r destruction o the local police station and submit a copy of the report policestation PayingOffice. Office. station o the Paying y the police acknou'ledgedy acknou'ledged

q) B{R-Bw Rules 4KRule Rule 19 e< Sub-rule(3)e< gcn rF{ Rules4K MqEqer<-


  (3) i\\ soolt as the copy o f report rom the police station egarding oss, heft or by the verifiedb will be verified hereofwill received,h e correctnesshereof destruction f the bond s received,h Office PayingOffice ssueRegister Register The Paying prescribedssue Issueb y a reference o the prescribed Ofllcc of Issueb will also lrrd lrrdout out if the requirements requirementss s ndicated bove bovehave havebeen beencomplied compliedwith. with. policestation will be entered stationwill clrteo acknowledgementff the report rom the police The clrte o f acknowledgement After expiry of two Bonds.After DestroyedBonds. Stoleno r Destroyed in thc prescribedRegister f Lost, Stoleno acknowledgernentff said report from the police station rnonths iom the date of acknowledgernent bond o f indemnity xecutedn the prescribed orm, he holder and o n tirrnishing bondo PayingOffice Office will, after ully and h e Paying havea Bond(s)and treentitled entitled o have a duplicateBond(s) will tre Office a n d advice o its Head Office underadvice duplicateBond(s) Bond(s)under tself,,ssue ssue he duplicate satisfrirrg tself,, number sameserialnumber Bond(s)will b e issued nder he sameserial I'rrblicDebt the I'rrblic Debt Office. The Bond(s)will Bond(s) n d h e n the original originalBond(s) embodiedn dateand and with the sameparticulars s embodied anddate and worcl DIIPLICATE shall be recorded n red ink at the right hand top of the issueo f regarding he issueo placeo A suitable ote regardinghe originalone.A ssued n place o f the originalone. Boncl(s)ssued Boncl(s) numberappearing appearing n the Issue clLrplicatehall hall b e recorded gainst h e Bond number the clLrplicate Register. topRegister. Registcr s also n the prescribed top


B rR-g-sRules Rules4K 4KRule Rule 20


K m{

Rule 21

qqrrf&s qATE-

XI. PAYMENT OF DEATH RISK BENEFIT dh e r e a f t e rn t f U S $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 n d h e a m o u n t n v e s t e dh 2 1 . t t I h e i n i t i a l n v e s t m e n tf considerationor calculation f Bond(s)shall shall be taken nto considerationor the prrrchase f the Bond(s) sums, mallersums, cunrulative rnount f investrnent ntitled o the death risk-benefit maller if anr,. rrvested rior t o the investment f the first US $ 10,000 n one instance s h a l l r ce x c l u d e d . (2)'l h c sunr workedout out accordingo accordingo the provisions f these ules. hallb b e worked sunrassured assured hall lhe evento f death (3) h allaccrue nly in the evento lrerrefits nder he death-risk-benefithallaccrue maturityo on the Bond(s)awaiting awaitingmaturity o f tlrc rolder oncerned n d i t shall elate o the Bond(s) earlier, 10,000mature matureearlier, Bond(s)o f initial nvestment f US $ 10,000 date ol'cleath. f the Bond(s)o the subsequentnvestment n vestment hallonly hall only be considered consideredo o r calculation f the assured amount o f his/her investment applicable o n the cumulative cumulativeamount sunt at the rate applicable tf US $ 10,000; lq u a l i f y i n g n v e s t m e n tf b e g i r r r r i n gf gf t e r h e n i t i a lq 9



(4) I n the event eventof the nomineeand, and, n the eventof evento deathof the holder, he nominee o f the deathof holdershall shall odge laim o1'both he holderand he nominee,h nominee, h e heir(s)of he holder deatho1'both death e nd he deathcertificate deatlr-risk-benefitn an application application upported y the deathcertificat of the deatlr-risk-benefit B ond(s) o the IssuingAuthority Authorityconcerned. relevantBond(s) concerned. (5) Afier fulfilling the requirements f rule l4 and after proper scrutiny scrutinyo of the paperssubmitted and also on submittedand clairls and on due satisfaction n the basis h e papers Issuing Authority will obtaining he due identification f the claimant(s), he IssuingAuthority IssueAuthority Authority shall recor.nrnendhe case o the P.D.O. In the meantime, he Issue arr ndemnity ond rom the claimant s ) and pay he amount o the claimant obtainarr obtain and (s) irr the proportion n which they have nterest n the investmentnvolved investment nvolveda he P.D.O. or re-irnbursement. approaclrhe approaclr (6) l lrc P.D.O.on eimbursehe he amount o t h e P.D.O.on beingsatisfied shall eimburse beingsatisfied bout he claim claimshall Issuirrg uthority oncerned.

Rf) S{R-gs Rules 4K Rule 21, 22,23 ,4<(24 e< qrE {efto.n Fffi{ Rule22, 23,24 q<( 25 qt'cqflFoEq?RXII. COMMISSION COMMISSIONAYABLE AYABLE O THE THEOFFICE OFFICEO F SSUE. will b e paid t o the office of issue at the following Commissionwill   22. (a)(i) Commission rates ('ornrnission ill b e paid o the Authorized DealerBanks/Agents Banks/Agents t 0.5oh AuthorizedDealer ondsabroad abroad lucevalue valueof of the bond b r selling sellingand and re-selling/re-issuingtheonds o n thc luce and re-selling/re-issuing equivalentBangladesh aka for selling sellingand respectively nd equivalentBangladesh commission o Bangladesh ank (BB) may pay the commissiono the [']oncls ithin the country. country.Bangladesh the ALrthorized ealer AD) banks n Bangladesh aka (BDT) within two working r-r lebiting lebitinghe he appropriate overnment ccount; da1,sr-r da1,s l)rovided hat the rate of above commissionmay changedb by the commissionmay b e changed i om time o tirne. Govcrrrrnentiom ( i i ) S c l l i r r g f t h e B o n d :U : U p o n s e l l i n g f t h e B o n d , h e b a n kw kw i l l d e p o s i t h e s a l e BB will deposit procccds n fbreign exchange o BB within two working days. days.BB government account; to equii,alerrt Taka the appropriate (iii) lrncashment f the Bond: Upon encashment f the Bond, the Authorised holderunder Dealer' AD) bank will pay the value o the bond holder under ule 4 in foreign r om the B B Taka, a t holder's ption exchange r in Taka,a ptionand and will seek eimbursementrom within two working days, by debiting h e appropriate and flll will reimburse reimbursewithin govenrnrent ccount foreign exchange here h e claim is in foreign ccountand and settle n foreignexchange exchunge. (iv) I{einrbursementff interest ayments: fter payrnent f interest, I{einrbursement interest,h h e paying u,ill seek e-imbursementrom two workins offrceu,ill offrce r om BB. BB will reimburse ithin two daysb1 days b1 debiting he appropriate overnment ccount.



e XIil. TI{E I{EADS OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT TO BE CREDITED/DEBITED BY P.D.O. w ill be involved o r proper 23. The ollowing eads f Governmentccountwill Bond theBond o the elatingo elating f the ransactions accoLrnting ReceiptsHead I) [ t r b y the MinistrY o f allottedb Srr l e p r o c e e d s f U . S . D o l l a r n v e s t m e n t A s allotted Finance ll ond I {ecoveries of Penal interest for late As allotted b y the MinistrY o f Finance ( l leposit of sale proceeds f U.S. Dollar l rrvestment ond. t) by the MinistrYof allottedby t \ eceipts o f fees for issue of duplicate As allotted eceiptso Finance de t c . t I . S .D o l l a r n v e s t m e n t o n de Expenditure Head o f face value o f U.S. Dollar As allotted y the MinistrY f al,rnento l )al,rnent Fi n a n ce l l rvestment ond o n maturity basis A s allotted y the MinistrY f half-yearlybasis [)avrnent avrnento o f interest n half-yearly ( )r w i t h t h e r e d e m p t i o n a l u e o f U . S . Fi n a n ce t )ollar nvestment ond ondo o n maturity )ay'ment I' o f commission n d management As allotted b y the MinistrY o f Finance e: o s t . b y the MinistrY o f allottedb A s allotted l l avrnent f Death-Risk enefit. Finance t l



lr'onns n d Registersmentioned n these ules o r the administration n d 24. will b e prescribed y t h e Bond(s)will tc. o f the Bond(s) ncashment,tc. lnanilgcrnent f issue, ncashment, p.D.(i. cxcept h e ApplicationForm. The P.D.O. s hereby mpoweredo introduce Form.The order/orders s and when executiveorder/orders and issue any executive Registersand furtlrcr.Forrns and Registers and h e Bondand of the Bond affairsof smoothmanagementf the affairs corrsirlcredxpedientor the smoothmanagement I s s g i r r s u t h o r i t y h a l l o m p l yw yw i t h h ed e d i r e c t i v e s f t h e P . D . O . n t h i sb sb e h a l f . XV. FUNCTIONS O F P.D.O. of copieso (l) The Public Debt Office shall receive he supply of the copies ZS. notifications, ules, application orms and the Bond scrips from govcrnnrentnotifications, govcrnnrent o f issue hrough h e Officeso o ; Finance n d ensure upply hereof o the Offices Minisrr.r against roper cknowledgementn d records. Authorityagainst IssuinsAuthority Issuins 'The tc.o f and supervisionn the management f sale, ncashment,tc.o (2) controland control be of saleshall sale shallb ositionof Monthly progressive osition P.D.O.Monthly with the P.D.O. restwith the Flerrd hall rest o f the ollowing month lOtho b y the lOth P.D.O.b o the P.D.O. Authoritieso adviscd 1,,h e IssuingAuthorities will advise h e position o the Government P.D.O.will whieh h the sale elates n d h e P.D.O. t o whie samemonth. b y thc Oth o f the samemonth.




and other ncidental postage,elegram arlageand (3) I lre lreexpenditure elegram arriage, arlage expenditure n postage, management f the Bond(s) ncurred y the P.D.O. matters n connection ith the managementf shall re eimbursed y the Government. 'l-he

(4) P.D.O.shall P.D.O. shall b e paid a commission f Tk.5000 per one crore p e r Juneand and 31st ayablehalf-yearly saleas as on the 30th June amount o f sale half-yearly n the amounto annLnn ayable Decerne .


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