NRS 441 Grand Canyon All Week Discussions

Published on February 2017 | Categories: School Work | Downloads: 73 | Comments: 0 | Views: 462
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NRS441 NRS 441 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1 Enter key words for your topic (from this module's assignment) into the CINAHL database. Explore the results yielded by your search. Examine the various options and tools available on the results page to further refine your search. Discuss how you used this information to locate the most relevant information for your assignment.



NRS441 NRS 441 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1 Enter key words for your topic (from this module's assignment) into the CINAHL database. Explore the results yielded by your search. Examine the various options and tools available on the results page to further refine your search. Discuss how you used this information to locate the most relevant information for your assignment.

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