Oak Cliff Metals agreement

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Agreement between the City of Dallas and owners of the company doing business as Oak Cliff Metals.



Inc. t, and Transig (.Falcon our. !$ rywrt"a for themut'alconsideration *ocR) andthecity of Dallas c.civr,t*ri&tivety, ttreirmies'j
herein' exPressed purposes WITNESSETH: WhereasrFalconownsthefollowingrealproperty: a.I.otsB,C,andD,Block3tsgllofForestAvenueandEigbthStretIntlustial A d d i ti o n ,a cco rd i n gtou' oup' ""o' a"o.inVolum e10,Page335oft heM ap w 523' 527, an,d529 Pontiac Recordsof Dallas coontvli'enas, also known "TtactNo' 1"); Au;"", Dallas,TexasOereinafter AvenuearrdEiglth StreetIndustrial of Lots E, F, G, andH, Bloc,k 315907 Forest b. in volume 10, Page335 of the Map Addition, accordingt" " ..p-i"*rc.o and as 535, 539,543, 549Pontiac of Records Dallascormty,-i&as, alsot"gy" pJt^, Texas (trereinafter "TractNo'2'); An;;

Falcon is (the..Agreemeirt,) entered l{ andbetwee'n and 9t" Dudley agreement release -tr..lr*x This settlement (collectively' dmrtluandKe'nt

c . P a r t o f l o t s B , J , K , a n d L , a n d t h e e , n t i r e t y o f l o t s C , D , E , F ,additiontod R ' B l o c k e,dditign,an G , H , a n the Zlsg,i,of Foresteu"* uJEUft ft Streit Indusfiial the William John Elliott S.rvey' City-oi the Dallas, 1"*t *A Tang out-of known as 528, 532,536,540' 544' AbshactNo. 44g, oaras connty, Teias,-also 3324Cedarcrest Boulevard'and and 550 PontiacAvetrue, and3226,3308,arrd nrract


(hereinafter ;iilbdlur, renas


to asthe uProperty'" Collectively,TractNos. l, 2 and3 shallbereferred the ou certainbusinesses the Properly relatedto whereas, ocR conductsand/or operate.s and and storage saleof metalmaterials; pgrohase/coU".,i"rir"f""gg prororiog, reciamation, flood plain, propertyis locatedwithin the 100-year that whereas, trrecity contends the entire prohibitedocR (s"rtioo 51A-5.1bret seq.andits predecessors) or and the city,s flood prain ordinance anoutsidesalvage a-metasahage.use, iiinterest to* oltririrlioiePrnaing plain its predecessors and un"r trt" date ttrat the city's flood usie,or most other *o oo-*y oi th" rrop"rty" reoramation and otJi"** appliedto the Property; of certificates .Wherels,the City contends TractNos' |,2 md3 do not havethe properzoning Nos' 1,2 and b"id doneoo Tract tlre and/orspecificusepermitsio conauci type"rtrrir*r occupancy, 3; and Whereas,oCRdisputestheCity,sconterrtionregardingtheimproperzoningofTractNos.l,2 of and th; ail necessary propercertificates being.oooo"t,d tno*rr, andco:riend on Tracts 3 for the business and beingdone the to conduct business and/orspecificusepermits-harv;;a obtained occupancy 2and3;and

No' license, 1144106' metals a issue.l secondary f"y-"I-q Avenue,Dallas,Texas' on \Yhereas, April 13,2010,thecity pontiac at t"r,g coooucted 523 to FalconTransit,ro"."rrut o to tlle u*irr&, *fti.tt is Partof TractNo' l; and void, whicjhFalcon in was No. 1144106 issued errorandis Liceirse the City conteirds }Yherels, and disputes; changes lade.aoolicationfor specific !o., Whereas,Falconhasmadecertainrequests "o..*9 dffi' ryrlrelatedio ftu"t Nos' 2 and3; by the diry ;;;=J*i"il useperrrits to the City, which requests and Whereas,thePartiesdesiretosettleandresolveanyandalldisputesbetwe€,nandamongtthe'n of litigation' and without the expense uncertainties as agree follows: Therefme, the Parties l.IftheCityperformsasfollowsinParagraphsl(a).(d),thenoCRwillperfornas 2(a)-(c)'3' 4 and5: follows in Paragraphs a.ForaperiotloflT|daysfromtheeffectivedateofthisAgreemerrttheCity attempttg nrotriul ocR fiom will not file any lawsuit ot *nt" any other oo tttt Propertyinvolving the tusiness continuingto conductandlor"G"tt " and storage saleof any pi"rorirg, reclamationn purcnase/tflectiorLsalvage, metalmaterials; the dateof this Agreement' city b. For a perioil of 270daysfroq the efffeotive willnotfileanylawsuit,makeanyclaim'orpursueany-criminalchargas of uregulated -CitV *'6*l,"1;t"d io thep'rchase oCRfor fi;ili.rt;t asainst Coa" at ttrefroperty if T.V :o"h" 40B of theDallg underChapter metals,, lack of or in part,uponthe alleged rawsuit,craim, J#g;; i*J,t not "'rtore ", ToJ, tr"v"riog license. Ttris provision does a valid ,*"a"ri that would b*t{ on conduct conteinplateany iawsuit, tloi* o' "h*g" metalrecyclinglicense; otherwiseb"roh;fuiby itrehonerof avalid or until the aom ttrlefflgtive tlateof this Agree,rne,lrt' . For a periodof 270days lawsuitor undertake otfr" ri.-t", *r" city-*i[ not file anY naturalexpiration metalsrecyclinglicense or to zuspend t"uot" secondary any actiono, is or suspension revooation "ordo"t if suchattemptea i*rJ;F;;" No. 1144106 ,h: or contention allegatioo.,n9.") lT:: $ base4 in whole ;il;;, 91 ft. or c) nol havewer beenissued, Falconwas was issuedi" .*;;,;f.h;Jd d) the Propertyis not and/or reason, not eligible fo, tr,-"ii-.;;se for whatever not obtainedthe prcper or n€c€ssary propoly zoned ; th8|t Fdcon has doesnot use permits:.Thir Agreement certificatesor o*piili"i-rprrin.. on conduct or r;vocation oi tn" tcense based *rp"*io" conte,lnplate thebasisfor be thatwould otherwise zubsquent, ,rrr*i$rioo?il"ii.r*" and o, the suspensioo *uo"ation of sucha license; d.Foraperiodofl2(ldaysfrgmtlreeffectivedateofthisagregrr'ent"theCity if codes such will not iszueoCR anvcitationt f"t J;;;;;d*:t-fi"* contention allegation that o'r part ipon the in citationsarebased, whole or in

thebusinessbeingconducteduponthePropertyrauiresdifferent2gningor a has requires specificusepermit' of certificate o*olut"V tn* it olt11entfy or daysfrom the effectivedateof this ocR will, on or beforethe expirationof 270 Agreemen!Performasfollows: usinganyportionof the Propertyfor and L ocR will forevercease desistfrom from the City for any pupose thaf would r€quirea certificate"qd"*p13V usesunderChapter or salvage reclamltion-' the ..metal.ur""gt;*1'o.tiA" metals*Jdi"g license*dT 51A of the Dallas city code or a seJondary witt removefrom the Propertydl City CodeanO Chapter40B of th";fu; uses; with associated those *"titiuft andequipment b.oCRwillforeverdiscontinueoperatingandabandon.il'igno('.t*v)T. or salvage reclamation3' j'outsid,,e u operate oorr*oroili"g.-.*"*"rirt*gr"aor on all portionsof theProperty; useqnderCft"ptolie Jf tftt DallasCity CoOe c.oCRshallcorrect'abateandremediateanyad.allviolationsoftheDallas if Propert% any, and any city code *ooiiirrg tiie puvsioa conditionof the if laws andregulations' and all viofationsof"statemi federalenvironmental any,ontheProPertY; aud ocR shall exeoute withh thirty ilays of the effectivedateof this Agreement by the city as approved county * i*qt*Tl of file with the deedrecords Dalla"s fot S: Cityts benefitthat disallow to its forrr *"tui"i"g J."d reshictions*f"f' from the of occupancy any r^e of the nopE ty-tftut w:uf1 requirea^certificate are descibed as the effectivedate of this Agree'rneo! Cify for usesthaf L "f usesundercaapter 51A of ..metalsalvagd'or "outsidesalvage reclamation" ot theDallascitycodeorrequireasecondary*"turyrecyclinglicenserrnder by aity code, *tor *a *tit suchuseis permitted chapter 40B of d;;i; use Permit by or pemolttod specific rigtrt undo trre applicabir-^olitg ordinance has obtainedan SUP(and a ('SUP') andthe party seekingto opoutt'oth'utt iicot*, ifrequired) for thatrse; ocR dateof this Agreemeirt' During the thirty dayperiodrlu"yt"g the effective Propertyor any portion of the shall not conveyany ownershipinterestio the and PropertY; @nveysany rigfuts licelrses,or otherw^ise rents, leases, If ocR sells, assigns, a"yt afterthe effectivedateof the concerning Propertywithin orr" y"*-[JiZO rent' to from Lxcharle the contract sell' assign' Oin tiiU expressly this Agreement, any)to ail conveyanyportionof.th: Prop€rty dghts (if licmse or otherwise lease, or rcclmation" continuea nonconforming'lnetal saliage' or--"outside-t3*g assignee, p'rchaser,



the -d oin *iu providg useon anyparr of this Agreerreirt'Fu:ther' *itn or licensee lessee, "ia,l;,p.rtv, a tue andconectcop-y rente,f,

a cause tnre effectivedateof this Agee,ment' ocR wil, *ithr";;;;"* of Dallas "i* i" the dled records ; and correct copy of this Agreement b" iif"A in thosedeedrecordsif counry Texas,andthe crtymay to"ii ttir-egr""**t OCRfailsto do so.


and are not are coxtractual The Partiesagreethat the terrrs of this Agreement terms' @ve'nants' warranties, re,p-resetttutions, fi. All agreenrents, ;Jy;t andshallbe binding sgrviveits execution and cooditions tlrit;;;;ishall bv "f q"l"l"nt be enforceable the ttgd 19Tt'*:' of and upon and inure to ag$gns' beneficiaries'$lpc€sgors' t'"^ ex€cutofs,officers, dircctors,assigns, and me,mbers, related ownenL receivers,affiliates,parhefs' ve,l$uters, tnrstees, of companies the Parties' the entire agee'mentand The Parties agree that this Agreementcontains *J *ing the Parties with respectto all matters betweenunderstanding null andvoid any andall and and in described this Agree,lneot supersedes re'nders if dfcussionsand.nderstandings, any' between aiangcnrcnts, prior agreements, of this Agreemelrl N"^:t1 and amongall Partiesrfi"tiog io the subjectmatter contary to the tems of thil promisegor.inducements stat€firents, understandinp, express$setforilr in this Agree'me'nt' Agreerrent*irt, *d;;Eiiab.otlrerwise or uponany facts,promises representations disctaimreliance all partiesexpressly priollg tlre etrecfv.e or attornela, seryicers madeby anyotherpartn or its age,lrts, modified"ame'lrded' cannotbeohanged, Agfeement dateof this egreement.This by in agreemeot writing executed all Parties' exctpt by a subseque,lrt or terminated to or rElresentations The Parties4greethat no parly has made any warranties if my' as exle'ptto the extent, induceanyotherp*ty; Jto ittto this Agleement No Party is relying upon any *V i" J*prorfy ttutte in this Agreement. s€t of any frnd that is not expressly forth in this or represe,ntation roi.**t that the City has fq:rtrer,-ircn specifilally ]Sees andaclnrowledges Agreernent. denial of my peirdingor made ,ro ,"prr*tutioor co"c.rni"g thi approval9r or anyothermatter' uv fut * applications ocn to thecity relatedto zoning 9. wataanties' f-eltresmtations, The Parties acknowledgethat the agree,ments, provide ggod' t€,rns, and conditionscontJrnedin tiis Agreeme'nt cove,nants, promise,duty,releasgobligation, for sufficient,uoa''aruauGconsideratiou every in andthelike contained this Agreemelrt' l(a)-(d)' 9C& on its own behalf in If the City performsasdescribed Paragraphs represe'ntatiles' atiorneys,employees, serrrants, and on behalf of its age,lrts, andas{gns,doescompromise' officers,directors,'pah6, pti"ttprfl.ror""ttort, acquit,indemniry,andforeverdischarge settle,,*iJi[i*r,rrti"q"irb" assign, tlreCityanditsagents,attoryev-s,employees,.principals,directors,tnrst@s' parmt and beneficiaries, receivers, aau,'-inistrators, officers, pafilers, successors' "ir"otorr, s€trvants'predecessors' subsidiary corporations,representatives, entities, and all related* contactors,insurers, assigns,indeperrdent "qtiut"a or actingin their it qri"iq'witit theuror anyof therr natural;;;"*o persons' hereinor not' namod *-'l atl of thgm-r' behalf,jointly *d;;;;tut;*in of caus€s action' actions, d*,ug",, losses, claims,demands, from all obligations, jldgments' e€ments' dues' agr. debts, accounts' bonds, covenants,oharfes' kind' nature,c1'at6,", liens,andh;suits ojevw €xpe*ses, liabilities, penalties, at law or in equity, by statute' or description,wheth& in contact or tort, real or or known or unknown' suspeoted unsuspected' or ordinance, otherwise, or'unliquitlated,directly or indirectly imagined,t*eC oi;;ritg*tliquidated of uo*rd as a consequence the arising from, groruingout of, retateoio, o,


mattersdescribedin the recitals of this Agreeinentconcei:ringthe Property' of claims,liens, and @uses action for personalrrfury, inoluding all demands, expenses' loss intemrption, of profits,monettrylosses, business propertylamagg p€r negligSnce se' gfoss negligence, utto*uyt' fwi, conhibution,indemnity, o.glig**, stict poducts liability, breachof warranty,malice,intentionaltort, inversecondemnation/taking' concealmeirt, fraud, fraudule,nt to.ipu*r, nuisance, breachof the duty of good faith -and beneficiary, treacn of contracUthird-party law, fair dealing,conspiracy*d uiotationof anylocal or stategrjedaal statute' release that provision. OCR acknowledges the rule, regulitioq or constitutional the waivesand assuaes aud reGase, it expressly a geireral in this Lgreementis carNes lo$es, actions, damages, claims,delnandq risk of any and all obligations, of actiott" debts, accounts,bonds, covenanb, charges, dues, agfeemeirts, liens,andlawsuitsthat existas of this exp€nses, judgnents,liabilities, penalties, iuti U"t which OiR aoes not know or suspectto exist, whether tbrough and error,negligffi@,or otherwise, which' if known,would ignomncgoversigtrt, the to decision enterinto this Agreement.OCRalsoassumes riaterially affectthe than maybe othe,lrrise it believes. risk thatin" fu"t" or law involvedin this case 11. 2(a)-(c),3, 4 and5, the City, on its in If OCRperformsas descnlbed Paragraphs own beiralf and on behalf of its ag€nts, se,rrants,attorneys,errployees, assigUs, prinoipals,T{eessoT, andoffice,rs,dilectors,partners, representatives, relinquish,acquit' and forever doescompromisgassign,settle,remise,release, enrployees,principals, directots, OCR and its agents, attomeys, dischargereceivers,beneficiaries, partrerS, executors,adminiSEatorq of;Eoer3, truStees, servants,predecessors, corporations,representatives, parent anil subsidiary relatedor affiliatedentities, insurers, contractors, independent asslgn$, succ€ssors, or in or andall personso-nafirralcorporate, privitywith the'm anyof themol acting herein jointly andseverally, eachandall of them,whethernamed in theiriehalf, of causes actions, losses, damages, demands, or not, from aiiobligatio*, claims, judgme'lrts' dues,agfeernents, chages, bondg covenants, actioq debts,accorrrtb, and lie,lrs, lawsuitsof everykin4 nature,oharaCter, expenses, liabilities,penalties, or description,whether in contaot or tort, at law or in equity' by staftte' or known or unknown'suspected unsuqected'leal 9r ordinanci or otherrn'ise, liquidatedor unliquidated,directly or indirectly imagined,fixed or contingent, of arising frorn" growing oui o{, related.to, or accnredas a conscqu€nce the the Property, mafiers describedin-tlre recitals of this Agreementconcerning of claims,liens, and causes action for personalinjury' including all demands, expenses' lossof profits,mongtry losses, intemrption" business property-damage, negligencepef sq _gross negligence, inde,mnity, attorneys' fees, contributiorU stict productsliability, breachof warranty malicg intelrtionaltort' negtigence, inverseconde,mnation/taking fraud, fraudulentconcealmen! tJrpit., nuisance, of the duty of good faith-and breach be,neficiary, breachof contract/third-party and conspiracy, violationof anylocal or stateor federalstatutglaw, fail dealing, that rule, regulation,br constitutionalprovision. The City acknowledges the -io it expresslywaives and release tftir Agreementis a generalrelease,md losses, damages, claims,demands, the assumes risk of any and all obligations, dues, bonds, covenants,Charges, debts, accounts, *tiqor, gau5esof acd.On, liens, and lawsuitsthat exltenses' judgm€nts,liabilities, penalties, agreements, to not of this date,butwhich the City does know or suspect exist, "ii*t "r ignoraocg oversigfo!elror, negligence,or otherwise,md whiclr' if tbroug!

eot€finto this Agreemenl The known, would materiallyaffect the dr'ision to involved in this casemay be tf," City also assumes titt that the facts or law dges this N;fi"ithstandingthis Paragraph, Agreement thail it b"il;. otherwise if any,concerning OCRfrom anyta(es,^rorro*L, fines'oitlr" like, not release are thePropertythat orbecomedueandowing'


that all claims' demands' and The Partieseactrretrnesent warrantto one another otlrer arising each 9ut o-fthe -egrr.*.nt or and causes *ti* *rtrcn a"v may have against are owned by them' matters dccribed i" A; ,oitar or mr of or demand, cause actionhas respectivelyandtfrJno part 9f any sughclaim; or encu-nnbered, othenn'ise sold, conveyed, ilf"rta been pledged,*.iiJ] eachPartyalso otho eotity. Accordingfy, of disposed to anyotherpersonor_any has person an interestin any of the claims and represents wanantsthat no other or eement otherwise' Eachof Cis"larg"dby this Agrthat hasnot beenr"f*.Jot powerandauthorityto qrte'f ttrat and thePartiesalsowarrants represenB it trasthe as tle ple ri$t t9 eiecutethis Agreement the tUuiit ft* into this eeru*r*t,;; rrr" pmtiesfurrherafee that this warrantyof ownership own€rof said "ru#" breachedand a causeof Ltioo accnredthereonimmediat€ly shall be deenred of or dgrnand the institutionor continuation any qp." rlr";.ldd firm "i;;"l"i*_or by- the opposite party' .or any p€rso& -o1 suit, actionoot pi#aint tn" oppositeparty' conhary to this #o"bt 91 clainintby: cor-poration ""io may Agreeme'nt anC*raiin"atry *"i *it, action"or proceeding,-this ng".**t, or a defens"otLy way of counterclaim cross-claim;r?;;as in Dallas county' amd is This Agree,me,nt enteredinto, accepted, qg-formable constr'ed"and alrd Texas,for venueand all otherpurposes, roio og go":*u4 Texasandthe *C *ug*t io A" lawsof the Stateof i1 enforced u*rOurr"";th UnitedStatestotheexteirttheypreeurplor^1upersed1ft:.lawsoftheStateof the unitd statesthat may Texas,orcepttrt"t *v *ogi.t 6riu* rule of Texasor otherjrnisdictiol.gtherthanfederallaw shall tode law of some requirereference any modifu, revokg or e'nforce be disregarded.Atty .i[i 6,.ognt to construe, resultingfrom the breachof or ttrise.greenl€nt to recoverdamages ;ofr]i;ni in a cor't of competeirt aoy prousron or fii. eg*emeert shall be brought personal jgrisdiction in Dallas Cognty,Texas,*li"tt court-shallhave exclusive



*alot ptoonal jurisdictionin tlratforum'

tovenue any and *a *,*o", urdtilLruqo consent waive objections

each of count€rparts' in This Agreementmay be exeouted multiple identical which togefhershall but an which sball be considered original for alipurposes, shall be deerned counterpart orrtyon" andthe same-Agreemerrt.'Each constihrte to the co.nterpartsand effectivewhen ,li prrd; have adxed their signattrrel shall execute many as aem.ted to atl oth€rParties' The Prties tft"V ft"rr Ueen theAgree'me'nt' to asmaybenecessary effectuate ofthis egf;t*t a"ifiJ* nine month period following the A8 to lawsuitsfiled during the two yeu md behalf and on behalf of its effective date of this Agreerrent,OiR;t it o*o ofrc€f,s, directors, employees,re,preseirtatives, agents, servang,*ltt;;ryr, the uirigi, ugr*r to hotdharmless city aad prio.ipurr, ,"."".1roo, u"^a parbrers, rqnesentatives' independent its officers, einployees, agentst- attorneys' or it umfiui"A *titio, ane aU persors' na'firral contractofll,i""";;;"itA


joinfly and in coryrorate, privity with themor aoyof themor actingin their behalf, swerally, eachand all of them,whethernamedh€reinor nof andto defendand by indemni$,fhemor aoy of them as to my claimsasserted one or mors future licensees,or sucoessors the Property of assignees, renters,lessees, ownErc, 'tnetal salvage"or rights to opaate of alleging the existenc,e nonconforming *outsidesalvage reclamation" Chapter 51A of theDallasCity Code or usesundef, lice,nse r.ecycling underChapter orthe ri$t to obtainandhavea secondarymetals ordinance, whetherbased atotl, conhact, on statute, 40B ofthe DallasCity Code, to or anyothertheoryof recovery the extentthat anyarerelatedto or ariseout of OCR's intentional or negligent faift.ue to perform or properly perform any provisionof this Agreement.This indemnification, hold hamrlesganddefense is or" to and evenif it is allege4charged, specificallyintended operate be applicable provqr that all or someof the claimsor damages being soughtwere solely and completelycaused,or causedio parq by the City, or its officer, employees, agents,attorneys, insurers,relatodor affiliated entities,and all representatives, persons, natrml or corporate, pnvity with themor anyof themor actingin their in hereinor nof behalf,jointly and severally, eachandall of thern,whethernamed including but not limited to, all drring any events dealings or bAweenthe Parties injury, propertydamagg claims,lieirs,md causes actionfor personal of de,mandso profits, monetary losses, internrption,loss of exlrerrs€s, attomeys'fees, business p€tr negligence, negligence s€, grossnegligeirce, stict conhibution,inde,nrnity, productsliability, breachof warranty,malice,intentionaltort tespass,nuisance, frau4 fiaudulent concealment, inverse condemnation/takingbreach of contract/third-partybeneficiary, breachof the duty of goodfaith andfair dealing conspiracy,and violation of any local or state or fedenalstatute,law, rule, provision. regulation, constihrtional or 16. Should Falcon, OCR, Benjie Smith and/or Kenrt Dudley, their einployees, sussessoni assignees, anypersons aotiveconcertor and servants, contractors, or in activeparticipationwith Falcon,OC& BemjieSmith md/or Kent Dudley fail to fully performwery provisionof this AgreemenftheCity mayentertheProperty, from theProperty, removeall persons personalty fenceandlock the Properlyn and placea lien on the Propedyfot and waterservice anddiscontinue to'theProperty, its costs. shall be effectiveas of the dateupon which it hasbeen fully This Agreernent by and executed acknowledged all of theParties.


On behalf of the City of


Beniie Smith

Beniie Smith

PrintedName OwnerPresident Title 14.2010 Septe,nrber Date

PrintedName Oumer/President Title Sentember 2010 14^

BenjieSmith --..,.. PiintedName Seot€mber 14-2010

Ke,ntDudlev PrintedName Seoterrber 14.2010

ACKNOYLEDGEMENT srATE oF'TEXAS $ $ coLiNTY OX'DALLAS $ Notary Public' on this day pe'monallyape€ard BEFORE ME, the undersigned
A,LL*rtrcryZ'.knowntomeandbeingbymedulysworg,onhisoathandsaid to verifieshe is authorized makethis thathehasreadthesettleine'lrtAgreeme'lrtandReleaseand
acknowledgmentonbehalf of the City of Dallas'

swoRI{ANDSI]BSCRIBEDToBEFoREMEonthis,the /< C'"-a4 6c7obol Qa/o andofficialseal' myhand to certiffwhichwitness

2010, 4o davof Seote,mber

5" A-', Up..e
NotaryfuUicin andfor


BENIESIurr'H, Notary Publio,on this day persoaallyappeared BEFOREME, the rmdemigned known to me and being by me duly sworn"on his oath and said that he has read the Settlernre'nt on his own to and Agreementand Release herebyverifieshe is authorized makethis aclcnowledgrnent
beh'alf and on behalf of Oak Cliff Recycling, Inc' and

2010,to ME on this, the 14s day of septeenber swoRN AND SUBSCRIBEDTO BEF10RE myhand andofficial seal. certifuwhich witness

tlotw Pubtlc,$rrcolTua ErP. MyconimgEun o5€4{oll ln



KENIDUDEY, appeared NotaryPublic,on this dayparsonally ME, the gndersigned BEFORE
known to me and being by me duly sworrg on his oalh and said that he hss read the Settle,ment

to and and Agreerne,lrt Release her*yverifies heis authorized makethis

2010,to SWORN At{D SUBSCRIBEDTO BEFORE ME on this, the 14e day of Se,ptembu
c€rti$'which witness myhand and offficial seal.

Publicin andfor


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